#hoarder: purr
1dalmatianeveryday · 1 year
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
Rewatching @obsidian-lantern vampire series
Eva and Sky my bloodsucking beloveds +a secret third thing at the end.
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Click if you dare.
Jk it's just headcanons I made with a few friends on discord
@jaetists I'm doing this for both you and me bestie
For those who don't know I'm using "hon" to refer to the listener, because it's like, the only nickname we got from him and I refuse to use (y/n)
I. You cannot tell me this man is not touch-starved. Used to flinch at the slightest touch of affection, but give him time and he'll start warming up to it
Absolute cuddle bug he is
II. Ngl, he probably isn't the best at social cues since he can't rlly be around people a lot
III. Traumatized and probably a lot of abandonment issues
IV. It was suggested that he kisses minor cuts and bruises on hon, with hand kisses as greetings and goodbyes. Of course I had to include this it's adorable.
V. Frequently uses hon as a personal heater since never actually felt warm because he's always in the dark and because, well, he's a vampire. So he's very drawn to it.
Also switches between little and big spoons—but he's normally the bigger spoon. Mainly because he wants Hon to feel protected, but when he's especially valuable he wouldn't mind being little spoon.
VI. Ticklish behind his ears and ribs, good luck trying to catch him off guard though, your best chance is to attack when he just woke up.
VII. Stargazing dates~
VIII. Weirdly good at long division, but struggles with most other math IX. He has really bad blood circulation, specifically his feet and fingers, but what did we expect honestly he's a vampire. X. Nails grow with a natural point (like a claw), so he cuts them down. XI. Would listen to all and I mean all kinds of music, he’s lived through many decades. Also spends a lot of his free time watching crime documentaries. XII. Cuts his own hair lol no barbershops are open at night. Has probably fucked it up once or twice and cried. Don't worry Eva fixed it for him XIII. Has a strange fascination with old things. He loves going thrifting. He spends like 20 minutes in the clothes section, and a good hour and a half in the antiques. His house is covered in funny looking antiques, and gifts them to people whenever he sees fit XIV. The definition of “I saw this and thought of you so I bought it.” Expect many gifts XV. He really loves scary movies. And speaking of movies! He watches Twilight, thinks it sucks but sometimes watches it unironically when he’s bored.
XVI. He knows how to waltz~ and some other classic ballroom dances. Eva taught him most of them. He's also more than willing to teach honey how to dance as well!
XVII. Makes sure you've eaten and drank water daily—this includes medications ofc
Also just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he won't make sure you're getting enough sleep.
XVIII. Sky can indeed purr, with the reason in one of the doodles
XIX. he's definitely a hobby hoarder, his favourite is painting. I just like imagining him painting sunsets while brooding over not getting to see it (and probably honey)
Thanks @iistxrmyskyii @willowve01 @tiefling-chaos and @lightdragon789 for helping with the headcanons!
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
drabbles open?? 🥺 because imagine how cute they look baking together for Christmas like newlyweds couple in their new home at jungkook’s house because jungkook also doesn’t know where things are 🥺🥹😔🫶🏻🫶🏻
Of course its open for drabbles!
He can't help but laugh to himself how you try and contain your excitement, all the different colored Christmas lights reflecting in your eyes as you look around, constantly checking in with him to see if he's interested in something.
Your hand is around his biceps, as he pushes the cart around the store, nothing in it yet. "You don't have to hold yourself back." He tells you, as you look after a particularly interesting set of decoration.
"I just.. I don't know what you like?" You worry. "Like.. what if I overwhelm you? Or I want something you don't?"
"Then I'll tell you, and we find a compromise." He says, one of his hands gently running over yours on his arm. "I won't hate you just because your thoughts differ from mine. How about we choose a little tree first." He decides, realizing that giving you full choice might be too much right from the start. You're not used to that, after all.
So with the small fake tree in the cart, you're now putting different lights and decorations in as well, Jungkook's cheeks hurting from the way you so caringly place everything in the cart, telling him with everything where you'd like to place it, and how you invision his home to look like. How warm the fake candle lights will make it feel like, bringing some color into his otherwise rather monochrome interior design.
It's then that he spots her.
"Oh, Jungkook?" Evelyn questions, a few things in her arm as she walks up to him, her attempt at a hug however denied by both his warning gaze, and his hand on yours that's resting on his arm holding it there.
As if to tell you to stay- because he'll keep you safe from her.
"Are you helping your friend with her Christmas party?" She smiles, and you feel oddly intimidated- but Jungkook stands his ground.
"No, we're simply preparing for Christmas at home." He politely tells her. "If you'll excuse us-"
"Jungkookie, we have to talk about our apartment though." She says. "But I'll text you sometime later when you're not.. occupied. By the way!" She excitedly says, heels clicking on the floor as she walks over to you, making you press a but closer into Jungkook's side. "I'd love to make use of your.. services as well, in the near future. I have someone who really needs someone like you." She purrs, before she leaves.
Leaving you stunned, and Jungkook questioning.
It's quiet as you pay for your things, and drive to his house- before you speak up.
"Its not.. it sounded like she was-"
"I'm so sorry." He grits out, angry. "She keeps..!" He sighs, parking in front of his house in the designated spot, turning the engine off to run his hands over his face. "She keeps digging, and digging, and scratching at me like some rabid animal-!" He huffs out, when your hands pull his from his face, gentle.
"Then I'll.. I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do something to make it better." You say. "Maybe it's best to try and cut her out?" You wonder, and he sighs, throwing his head back.
"I'm trying!" He whines. "I'm trying." He sighs defeated, while you hold his hand.
"The.. service she was talking about." You say, catching his attention. "I help clean out.. homes. Like, hoarder situations and such." You tell him. "I do it for free. Mostly for friends, or their friends. I do it because I like helping people do what I personally wished I could've."
"..and that's.?" He asks quietly.
"Getting away from who they've been." You confess. "Getting a chance at a new start."
"The apartment she mentioned.. it's sold. Technically- the new family hasn't signed yet, but there's a lot of people interested." He explains. "Evelyn hated the house. She wanted a skyline apartment, high up, in the middle of the city." He shrugs. "So I bought it for her."
"Jungkook.." you say kindly. "You loved her. It's normal you did what you could to make it work." You say, moving his hand to your cheek, where his palm instantly moves to hold it. "But I think it's.. maybe time to disconnect yourself from her." You tell him, averting your eyes. "To.. make room for something new. Someone new."
"Have to bring out the trash, huh." He chuckles, leaning over the middle to kiss your lips, before you both get out the car to unpack everything- but instead, he pulls you close, snow falling down onto the both of you, breaths visible in the cold of the late evening, as he holds your cheeks in his palms, and leans in.
"I love you." He says.
And you whisper it back, over and over again, between every kiss you give him in return for his confession-
Well aware that no Christmas gift he'd get you could ever compare to this.
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kydrogendragon · 10 months
Dec 15 - Nice
(Ao3 Link) (Masterlist Link)
Desire did not, on the whole, consider themselves to be “nice”. Fun, yes. Exciting? Oh, without a doubt. But nice? Mm. Not necessarily. Nice to feel, to experience, possibly. But not nice in the way that many people meant it. They were nice to be with, to feel the wants and desires fill their mortal hearts with song and fire. They were nice to luxuriate in, but they were cruel. Desires were pretty things, but often left many still wanting for more. A perpetual cycle, endless in its nature. People fought and killed and did many terrible things in Desire’s name.
So no. They would not consider themselves nice.
They were, however, accused of being such by none other than 1 (one) Robert Gadling. Desire sat perched on the edge of the kitchen counter in their not-brother’s (ex-brother? What Morpheus was, exactly, to their family now was confusing at best and Destiny, of course, gave exactly zero answers to their questions.) new living situation. The flat that rested above The New Inn was rather nice, all things considered. The layout was well thought out and there were numerous features (like the deep sink, the well spaced heating, the aircon in the corner) that many desired in their own dwellings. And, as far as aesthetics went, it wasn’t terrible. Sure, you’d walk in and have no doubts that the place belonged to an eccentric “collector” (hoarder. Let’s be frank and call it what it is) with a taste for earth tones, but it still felt cozy. Even if Desire had to scoot the stack of papers and books further down the countertop.
Robert Gadling was currently occupying himself with making french toast for everyone (everyone being the two of them and Morpheus). They understood why their brother was fond of the immortal. They’d tasted his lust for life many times. In fact, they could probably argue that he’d spent more time in Desire’s realm than the Dreaming. Or at least, close to it. Plus, he was cute. If you enjoyed that sort of look. The longer hair with the nice, strong frame was quite a fetching combination. Desire wouldn’t mind getting manhandled by him a bit. They wouldn’t pursue it. Not now, at least. Back when he was still Dream, probably. But not now.
“D’you have a sweet tooth, too?” Robert asks, turning those soft brown eyes of his to Desire.
Desire grins wide. “Oh?” They purr. “Does my elder brother have a fondness for the sweet,” they turn to look at Morpheus who is currently glaring over at them from his spot on the couch. He’s bundled up in a thick fuzzy blanket and just the top of his head and eyes are visible. Desire shoots him a teasing look, their lips drawn into a smirk. “and indulgent?”
Morpheus narrows his eyes even further at Desire and it makes them chuckle. They can feel so much more from him now that their brother is human. Back when he was Dream, he’d kept a lid tightly locked over his desires, not wanting to give them anything. The only times Desire would ever feel anything rolling off of their brother was in the height of his relationships. And even that was brief. Not because they didn’t last long (although that was certainly part of it) but rather as soon as he’d realized what he’d done, Morpheus would trap those thoughts and wants back tight again.
Desire hears Robert laugh. Turning, they see the man staring over at their brother, the fondness in his eyes, unmistakable. Desires pop up like bubbles, spilling from his heart. Images of him holding Morpheus close, tucking the blanket tighter around his thin frame. Robert places a kiss on his forehead, muttering sweet nothings into his skin. Flashes of matching rings, of weddings, his heart unable to decide where, so the scene flickers between unlimited spots. The feelings of warmth, of love, of holding something so dear to him in his arms. The pang of longing long since dulled, but still present when his heart thinks back on their times together when Morpheus was still Dream. Desire has to look away lest they feel overwhelmed at the sheer intensity of one man’s wants.
“He certainly enjoys his syrups. And desserts. And chocolates.”
“Hob…” Morpheus grumbles under the blankets. Hob, yes. The once common nickname turned pet name with sole use by one ex-Endless. Desire does their best not to gag at the sheer amount of pleasant domesticity engulfing them right now.
“One or two?” Robert asks, turning back to Desire. They don’t need food. None of the Endless do, not really. But they are Want and what they want is to see how well this man’s cooking holds up. If this was the man Morpheus was choosing, he’d better be a decent cook, at least.
“Two of your best,” they say, leaning back, their hands propped behind themself. They fold their legs over one another and watch as the immortal dishes up two freshly made slices of french toast on a plate. “You can choose the toppings. I’m curious what you’ll pick.” Robert nods and gives them a thumbs up as he goes about lathering each slice with butter. He places some slices of strawberries on top of one before placing the other slice of toast on top. Robert finishes it with a hefty pour of maple syrup (the good stuff too, it seems. No corn syrup or other thickeners. Desire appreciates the dedication) and finishes it off with a dusting of powdered sugar and a few dollops of whipped cream. It looked positively decadent. More dessert than breakfast.
He hands the plate to Desire before working on another identical plate. “This is Morpheus’s favorite way to have it. Not that I blame him. It’s really fucking good.” Robert laughs. “Definitely not an everyday breakfast though if you want to be able to move for the rest of the day.”
Desire hums as they slip off the countertop and make their way over to the couch. They fall into the cushions and swing their legs up on top of vaguely where Morpheus’s lap should be. Their brother groans, shifting to let the blanket fall further down his body. It stays firmly wrapped around his bottom half, but his torso is now mostly freed. He’s wearing- Oh for the love of - of course he’s wearing one of Robert’s jumpers. Desire knows it’s not Morpheus’s because there’s no way their brother would ever wear something as ugly as that shade of green. Humanity may have changed him, but they know for certain fashion was still important to their brother.
Robert brings over his and Morpheus’s plate. He hands it to their brother with a kiss to the top of his head before taking a seat in the chair to their right. “It’s nice to see you, Desire. Glad you dropped by.” Robert says, cutting into his own, significantly less sugary slice of toast.
“I doubt my brother feels that way,” they say, scooping up a dollop of cream onto their finger before plopping it into their mouth. It was light and sugary and delicious. Desire supposed they had a bit of a thing for sweets as well. Maybe it was an Endless thing.
“Why are you here, Desire?” Morpheus asks, eyes narrowed. Always with the narrowed eyes. Desire’s not sure they’d ever seen their brother not narrowing his eyes at them.
“Because I wanted to.”
“Yes, but why did you want,” Morpheus says, mimicking Desire’s tone. “To come?”
“Oh, well. I always want to cum~” Really, it was the perfect setup. Could anyone blame them?
Morpheus rolled his eyes and Robert just chuckled as he ate. “Do not play games with me, sibling. I may not have the powers of my old office, but I am human now. And there are laws that prohibit actions you may wish to take. Tread carefully.”
Desire sighs and cuts off a piece of their breakfast, stabbing through the thick layers of bread and sugar and cream and waves the bite around on their fork. “So melodramatic. Glad to see you haven’t changed.” They swing their fork into their mouth, licking the dripping syrup off of the end of the prongs.
Oh. Well. This was rather tasty. Robert isn’t a terrible cook, after all. That’s alright then.
“Oh relax, Morpheus. I’m not here to fuck with you, as determined as you are to think so.” They huff, setting their plate onto the coffee table in front of them. “I simply wanted to make sure you weren’t withering away with your new found humanity. Couldn’t have you dying in a corner because you forgot to eat or insulted the wrong man with your social ineptness.” They shrug. “I wanted to make sure you’d be around long enough to still mess with, after all.”
“Desire, I-”
They point their finger at their brother who is now staring at them with wide eyes. Ah. So he does know how to do something other than squint. “I will still be messing with you. Don’t think I won’t.”
Robert huffs with laughter and shakes his head. “That’s nice of you, Desire. But I can promise you, I’m not letting Morpheus keel over, no matter how hard he tries sometimes.”
Morpheus turns and glares at Robert. “It was one time, Hob.”
“Yeah, still scared the shite out of me. And now you’ve never fainted because you hadn’t eaten for a whole day since, have you?”
Desire watches in amusement as their brother shrinks into the couch, holding his untouched plate of sugar and carbs closer to his chest. “No,” he mumbles, beginning to divide a bite-size piece from the whole.
“Good. I’ll hold you to it, Gadling.” They say, standing. They brush off their skirt, the small spots of powdered sugar falling away at their desire to do so. “I’ll know who to punish if my brother does wind up dead in a ditch somewhere.”
Robert meets their gaze, the easy smile he seemed to always wear falling away to a more serious expression. “And I’ll have earned it.”
Desire nods. “Then we understand each other.” They sigh, rolling their head. “Well! This has been lovely, but duty calls. Robert, thank you for the most delectable breakfast.” They turn to their brother, who was still staring at them with open eyes. “Morpheus, don’t die.”
He huffs, but nods. A bubble bursts from his brother’s heart and Desire feels his own stop. A vision, a want, appears. Morpheus and Desire are sitting there, on the couch, laughing easily with one another, as they watch something non-descript on the television. They smile at each other. Desire rests their head on their brother’s shoulder and Morpheus leans his cheek to rest on top. Just like they used to when they were much, much younger.
A tear falls down their cheek. Morpheus looks up with concern in his eyes. “Desire?”
Desire turns their head, wiping away the offending tear before shimmying their shoulders with flair. They would not cry here for such silly things, especially not in front of their brother. They turn to Robert and wide smile, ignoring the twirling feeling inside themself. “My brother wishes you would bend him in half and choke him while calling him babygirl.”
“DESIRE!” Their brother yells.
“What…” Robert all but whispers.
In a blink, Desire vanishes, retreating back to the Threshold, cradling the desire of their brother against his heart.
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tokkishouse · 2 years
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(SFW) Security
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Characters: Tighnari x GN!Reader
Warnings: A little suggestive in the beginning but nothing explicit, descriptions of anxiety (separation anxiety??)
WC: ~0.9k words
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Sunlight peeked through the curtains of Tighnari's room, bringing light into the room. Vines unfurled their leaves, inviting warmth and light. As the light spreads throughout the room, it shines over your face. You groan, turning your body so you can bury your face into your lover's chest. Tighnari purrs in response, pulling you closer to his body.
The bliss is short-lived of course. The light continues to spread and soon the forest ranger is unable to ignore the reminder to wake up. He growls under his breath, slowly arching his back in a stretch. His tail unfurls from around your waist, and the lack of warmth makes you whine in dissatisfaction. You open one eye, watching the canine let out a big yawn, revealing his sharp teeth. He smacks his lips and his eyes flutter open, pupils dilating as he takes in the sudden bright light.
"Ack! Ah...'s bright," he mutters to himself, looking down. He smiles and leans down, nuzzling your nose with his. "Good morning."
You smile tiredly and tap his face in acknowledgment.
"Good morning. Are you going on patrol today?" You're hopeful for a day spent being tangled in the sheets and lazing under the sun. The sound of joints popping and sheets being rustled disappoints you as you watch Tighnari slowly sit up.
"Today's another day of scouting for me dear." One look at you and he can see the disappointment painted all over your face. He gently cups your face and leans back down to kiss your temple.
"I always return safe and on time, don't I?"
And it was true-- without fail, for as long as you can remember, he never was gone longer than predicted. If it was a daily patrol, he was back before the moon was high. If he had a trip out to the desert and he said he would be gone for a week, he'd be back seven days later, 168 hours on the dot. It didn't make his departures any less disappointing.
He thumbs your cheek and rises from the bed, revealing his half-naked form. You look away shyly, the marks from your intimate previous night still evident on Tighnari's toned back. You turn your gaze back to him, watching as he moved around the room to prepare for his patrol.
Within the hour, both of you were standing in the doorway, bidding your farewells.
"If anything pops up, I will send a hawk out. Otherwise, I'll see you by moonrise," he promises, and he raises his hand to pat you lovingly. "Don't get into any trouble, or I'll give you that nasty medicine again."
You cringe, the memory of the last time you got needlessly hurt flashing in your mind. Tighnari laughs, pleased to know his message got across. Instinctively, his tail wraps around your leg and you stumble forward a bit. He wraps his arms around you, and you reciprocate.
There you two stand, enjoying each other's warmth. It's routine for you-- it should get easier every time. It should never be long-- after all, he always made it back home. But that doesn't stop the fears from creeping into your head. From the Fatui to the Withering Zones to stray Eremites and treasure hoarders-- anything could surprise him and leave him injured. And who's to say you'd find out in time?
"I love you," he whispers, and you're pulled out of your worrisome thoughts. Tighnari's the first to pull away, offering you a reassuring smile as he holds your hands in his. You take a deep breath, squeezing his hands.
"I love you too."
Night has fallen and the moon has risen. Robin chirps are replaced with owl hoots. Instead of hearing the ambient chatter of the villagers in Gandharva Ville, trees rustling and crickets chirping. What you don't hear is the footsteps of Tighnari approaching your shared abode.
You glance outside, noticing the high position of the moon. You hadn't received a letter from Tighnari and none of the rangers who remained had notified you of any delays. He should be home by now. Your thoughts from earlier returned, doubt swirling in your mind.
You feel your breath become shaky, your hands becoming clammy and your chest tightening. The flowers were hypnotizing and you felt yourself getting dizzy as your environment warped and twisted around you. Tighnari is never late without reason.
The loneliness is suffocating and you're brought to your knees. You clasp your hands on your head, curling up within yourself in the center of the front room. You're so swept in your own anxieties and worries that you don't notice the door opening and Tighnari's voice calling for you. Noticing your hunched-over figure, he crouches in front of you, green and brown eyes swirling with worry.
"-/N! Y/N!" You jolt in surprise as your brain recognizes him. Slowly, the tension in your body melts away as you feel a familiar furry mass wrap around you.
"Are you okay? Are you sick?" He questions, ears perked and alert. His gaze wanders around your body, looking for an obvious source of your pain. When he sees you unharmed, he looks back at you, meeting your gaze. Instantly, you latch yourself onto him, nearly sending him toppling back. He sighs in relief and hugs you, holding you flush against him.
"Apologies. I ran into some trouble and met up with Cyno and the traveler. I meant to send a hawk but it slipped my mind. I'm here now, he explains, pressing a kiss on your head. You nod in understanding, but don't move your head from his shoulder. You both sit there in complete silence, enjoying each other's presence.
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Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~!
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Something New~Teaser
Pairing: Minho x reader
Summary: Minho’s trying subbing for the first time but doesn’t want to admit that perhaps he likes it just a little bit more than he lets on
Warnings: dom (switch) reader, sub (switch) minho, bdsm mentions, insinuated but nothing too explicit...yet, not in it yet but it’ll have rimming later on (just so y’all know) 
Word Count: 1.1k (for the teaser)
A/N: not done w this one yet but i’ll upload a teaser, enjoy what there is so far and i’ll be out with the finished product sooner or later
the finished fic is here now
A soothing hand trails over his hipbone. 
It’s coaxing, lulling, making his head turn fuzzy, thoughts becoming a jumbled mess...
But he can’t.
Fingers clench the bedsheets, hard enough to make his knuckles turn white, teeth gritting down so hard he’s almost convinced they’ll shatter.
“Loosen up a bit baby, it’s okay, let me take care of you.” Your voice fucking purrs into his ear, an involuntary shudder ripping through his demeanour, body nearly shaking, goosebumps breaking across his skin.
A mewl crawls up his throat and he swallows thickly, trying to hold it back, trying to keep composure, trying to stay-
“Does it feel nice...” The teasing tone already has him spiralling, but what’s just a little bit further? What’s just a little bit more? You smirk lightly, tongue gliding over to wet your lips in a sinfully teasing way that his his heart pounding in his chest. “C’mon, you’ll be a good little kitty? Won’t you?”
He could feel it. Your tongue warm and wet around the shell of his ear. Your whisper, your words deposited straight into his head, engraving into his innermost desires. “All you gotta do is jus’ tell me what you want, tell me where you want me to touch you.”
He squirmed underneath your weight on top of him.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Heat rose in his cheeks, up his neck and his face, tinting him up to the very tip of his ears such an endearing shade of pink. So cute, so delectable.
God, you could just eat him alive.
You just need conformation. The go-ahead, the nod of approval that gave you the consent to go any further.
And more silence.
And just as quick as the look had appeared, it was gone and despite the bright colouring still smattered across his features, a hardness fills his eyes.
The words hit a little bit harder than you’d like to admit. 
You know he’s new to this…the submitting aspect of things but when you had brought up the idea of it, he’d said he was down to try.
In fact, you were barely the one to bring it up. It was all because he’d been helping you pack up your things. 
Minho had asked you to move in with him a few weeks ago and you were elated, obviously agreeing to this next big step in your relationship.
Problem: your current place was a mess of junk with sentimental value and stuff you didn’t really need but insisted on keeping.
Honestly, it was almost like one of the tamer episodes of ‘Hoarders’.
You remember, you’d been packing up your closet and clothes, folding things and putting them in boxes and Minho had been in your room, clearing out whatever junk you kept in your nightstands and under your bed.
You hummed in reply, “What is it baby?”
The sound of shuffling reached your ears and when he spoke again it was much closer. “What is this?”
You twisted your body, straining your neck to see what he could possibly be talking about and…
In his hand, pinched between two fingers was a simple leather collar, black in colour with a silver buckle. A tag attached to the front ring, slightly swinging from his movements.
Minho himself had an unreadable expression. Blank in his await for a response.
Your lips pursed, unsure how to quite formulate one.
You avoided his gaze and he walked closer, taking your undivided attention. “What is this?” He repeated.
Now it was no surprise that you were kinky. Both you and Minho were, your relationship definitely being more on the adventurous side but, well you’d always let him take the lead on things, letting him take up a more dominant role in that area.
And it was quite obvious from the tag, shimmering in the artificial lighting in the room, the tiny letters engraved into it reading ‘pretty boy’.
One could assume that you weren’t the one wearing but administering it from that…
“What does it look like?”
His eyes flickered to the thing as if maybe taking a second look would prove to answer all his questions.
“Well I know it’s a collar,” he replied, almost snootily. “I’m not dumb, I’m just not so sure why ‘pretty boy’ is on it and why you’ve got it…is there something you need to tell me?”
Truth be told, you definitely could’ve told him sooner. 
About your past relationships where you stood in the role that he did. That this was one of your first times not being the dominant one in a relationship.
You could’ve told him but really, you’d kind of given up on it already.
Ever since you were discussing everything; the things you guys were open to, the things you weren’t, limits, safe words, etc, you had tried to hint it to him.
Suggest kinks and offhanded comments that would allude to it but it was the first time you’d seen your very smart-and normally able to read between the lines-boyfriend so inept, unable to put the pieces together.
Plus, he was very intent on domming, and when you told him you were fairly new to subbing he was ecstatic to show you everything. 
“Well? Is there?”
Your mouth opened, a response ready on the tip of your tongue...but nothing. Your mouth shut and so instead you put down everything you were doing and sat on the floor, patting on the space in front of you. “Sit.”
He seemed to contemplate it for a second before following your lead, the thing still grasped in his hand. You sighed. “Just put the collar down.”
Again, he listened.
And, stupidly, but not regrettably, your brain formulated a response without your conscious deciding to.
“Good boy.”
Minho froze and your mouth clamped shut. “Sorry,” flew out in a rush and he nodded like he understood but you knew he didn’t, not really. Not with the way his body turned tense, falling rigid in place, cheeks a brilliant hue of pink.  
The silence filled the room and the tag of the collar in the light caught your eye. You stared at it, counting the seconds in your head, recalling the memories that came flooding back with such a familiar object.
“I should’ve told you earlier, I know...it’s just...” Lamely, almost cringing at your own words, you trailed off, downturned eyes flitting up to read him.
But he gives zero indication of how he feels. Nothing but a single nod, head bobbing down, eyes averted from yours. “Do you wanna say anything?”
“Try it on me.”
“I know, it’s-wait, what?”
“Try it on me.”
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anyway, tell me what you think so far...and if anyone wants to be tagged lmk
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I'm not sure if anyone request it yet but I read 'Fragile' and I wish to see if there's a part two to it
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(Rip this person long gone I suck, but I hope you see this anyway.) Strong.
Strong, that’s what dragons are. They stand above cookies in every category, speed, strength, you name it. Greedy hoarders of treasure and a legendary one ruled this kingdom. The great greenish red dragon, Pitaya Dragon. And said dragon defeated you in the battle they started, a battle you greatly enjoyed, you were known as a glass cannon. Powerful and fast but took hits harder than others.
You woke up sore in the palace infirmary, an IV with a jam transfusion was in your arm, the beating of your heart on the monitor and, oh, the dragon curled up in a large ball at the end of your bed.
You stared bewildered as Pitaya slept at the end of the bed, the gentle breathing giving a nice warm feeling on your body that soothed the soreness a bit. One of their wings was tucked nicely to their side while the other was fanned out hanging off the bed. They were almost dog-like in how they were curled and it was…so cute.
You didn’t know WHY the great dragon was sleeping here but you certainly weren’t complaining. Were they watching over you? Did they want to gloat when you woke up? Or did they want you to be awake for your last moments?
You looked at that mane of white and black speckled hair, there was so much of it you could easily use it like a pillow! You glanced around briefly before placing your hand in their hair, it was so soft. You couldn’t help yourself as you began to gently pet them, glee filled your heart as you heard Pitaya purr in their sleep. It was a nice moment of peace you desperately needed at this time, but it was soon cut short as Pitaya opened their eyes and looked at you.
You quickly pulled your hand away and stuttered out apologies. The dragon stared at you in silence for a few good agonizing moments before suddenly being above you on all fours. This caused you to yelp in surprise and fully expecting for them to rip your throat out. But they didn’t, they just smiled and purred as they nuzzled against you like a cat. This made your cheeks burn a flustered and confused red.
“Yesss, my favorite little cookie isss finally awake.” They hissed.
“I wasss ssso worried, you were out for daysss, don’t ssscare me like that next time.” They commanded.
You gulped and nodded, seeing them visibly relax at your words. Pitaya got off and left the room to leave you with your confused thoughts.
Every day after Pitaya would visit you and converse until you were fully healed, but even after then Pitaya would take several times out of their day to speak with you. They wouldn’t let anyone hurt you and they were most gentle with you. Being completely honest, you were in love with this dragon for a long time. Ever since you learned about Pitaya from the ancient legends you always wanted to meet them, you even scoured the Dragon’s Valley!
So when you learned they were ruling over the Hollyberry Kingdom you rushed to this place, getting yourself a servant job just so you could meet them. Honestly you enjoyed the special attention they gave you, and made you feel so worthy of them. Maybe perhaps you were starting to follow them around like a lost Cake Hound
Pitaya did notice this and quite liked it to be honest, they were flattered~.
When this was noticed Pitaya started show off in front of you, showing off their strength, speed, and skills. Wings fanned out, claws sharp, they were trying to court you. With your knowledge of dragons you knew this is what they were doing. You already got the fight part out of the way since they were clearly impressed with your skill.
“Would you like to go on a date my lord?” You asked.
“A date~?” They replied.
“Yes, anywhere you want to go, just us.”
They took you up on the offer and your date ended up in the Hollyberry jungle. You walked and talked with them, even allowed to hold their hand! They were so much bigger than you that you needed your head craned up to look at them. You didn’t mind however you were just happy to be with the dragon you idolized so much, Pitaya seemed pleased to be with you as well.
“Little cookie tell me, what brought you work in the Hollyberry palace?” They questioned.
You flushed read for a second.
“Well, it was you. I’ve idolized and always wanted to meet you for a long time. And when I found out you were ruling the Hollyberry kingdom I came for a job just to see you.” You replied.
They looked surprised for a moment, then very pleased with your answer as the date continued.
Pitaya was very active during the date climbing or flying you up to get better views, telling you which plants were safe to eat, fending off animals like butter tigers if they got too close to you. It was cute and an honor to watch them be so protective of you. That you were the only one who got that gentle touch of theirs, that they WANTED to protect you.
In a way you almost couldn’t believe it was happening but you were happy with how the night turned out either way. Pitaya picked you up and flew you back to the palace no problem, honestly it flustered you a lot. The dragon noticed and chuckled.
“Red is a good color for you~.” They cooed.
“Thank you, my lord.” You squeaked.
Pitaya honestly wanted the night to continue but knew you had to go to bed for another day of work, so they put you down at the palace entrance. Then before you could do anything, they placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Goodnight my strong little cookie~.
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FL really is the epitome of “scary dog privileges”
Treasure hoarder tryna spoil your afternoon walk along the harbor? Try anything else with a gargantuan armored moth glaring and growling at you from behind us-
And he will SO want chin scratches for his time after u get home >:3
oh ABSOLUTELY Foul Legacy knows he's intimidating and USES IT
he has much better senses than you do, so he picks up the scent of an unfamiliar presence very quickly, immediately going on guard and scanning the surrounding area with a scrutinizing gaze. his arms go around you the moment he glimpses the treasure hoarder, pushing you behind him with a low growl. he snarls viciously when the hoarder dares take another step closer, showing all his teeth as his fur and hair bristles with rage, and the treasure hoarder pales, hastily apologizing in a quivering tone before sprinting far, far away from you and your Abyssal monster. Legacy slowly calms, wings settling against his back and muscles untensing. the hisses melt into coos of concern as he turns to you, nudging you and picking at the ends of your sleeves with his claws to make sure you're alright, and you smooth down his fluffed-up fur and hair with a gentle, soothing hand
despite your reassurance that you're perfectly alright, Legacy's on high alert, only relaxing once you've returned to your little house in the city. he immediately pushes his head into your hand with a chirp, insistently nudging it until you laugh and start scritching under his chin, and Legacy lets out a blissful purr and flops onto the floor with a small thump. his rumbles only increase in volume when you kneel and thank him for protecting you, running your hands through his thick hair and being met with many playful nips and nibbles, Legacy's crystalline eye sparkling with joy as he scoots forward and nuzzles his head into your lap, gently kneading his claws against your legs- he's rarely been praised for anything other than battle before you came into his life, and being sincerely thanked for keeping you safe makes his Abyssal heart warm to the brim
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sister-lucifer · 6 months
Lucifer’s Neopronoun Masterlist!
i use all pronouns including neos, and prefer when people use a variety and make things up as they wish! here are some of my fave neos to inspire you:] this will probably be extended as time goes on and is open to suggestions!!
my faves are highlighted in green!
abstra/abstras/ abstractself 
dry/dryad/drys/dryas/dryaself or dryadself 
gor/gorgon/gor/gors/gorself or gorgonself
please suggest more pronoun ideas if you have any:] i am a hoarder and i love creativity
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sonicasura · 1 year
C Virus Leon S. Kennedy
Since I done a Feral Plagas Leon, why not move onto C Virus? This is gonna be much different than most portrayals of those infected in the virus or any C Virus!Leons. He's quite eldritch here and eldritchness isn't something I tend to hold back on. Let's get started.
Traces of the various viruses and parasites Leon came in contact over all his adventures lay dormant which leads to the entire C Virus becoming something else, something self aware. He cocoons after RE 6 events once any possible infection is deemed negative to everyone. Leon unconsciously goes to an abandoned mall and the process takes place.
It takes a week for him to come out as this new strain of C Virus is planning an effective evolutionary route. An 'ultimate life form' spiel with temporary mutations for emergency cocoons and planned permanent ones once it deems Leon stable enough to handle it. He comes out bearing insect traits as the base which leads to a titanic chimeric final evolution.
Feral episodes are a mix between feeding frenzy and 10 cats who just been given catnip. Any episode dealing with food stems from Leon's body preparing to cocoon for a permanent mutation. The splurge diet depends on what species is going to join this incomplete chimera and vitamin sources. Avian? Leon is hunting a mix of bird species from pigeons to harpy eagles.
Catnip cat episodes are basically the zoomies on steroids. It's best to have a remote control drone for Leon to chase as you are most likely to drop from exhaustion with any physical exercise before the man is even half way tired. Luckily his shit ton of energy tones down the closer he is to his final mutation.
Despite either kind of feral episode, he's harmless unless threatened. The worst Leon will do is maybe eat an asshole Karen's spoiled dog. If threatened, he'll respond with either lethal or nonlethal force depending on the threat in question. Zombies and other mindless infected aren't off the menu either. This strain will take any virus it can gets its hands on to the point Leon's revulsion to the thought is muted.
Very very clingy and is addicted to positive affection especially physical. Leon's true emotions are on full display during a feral episode as his C Virus strain deems his normal unhealthy behavior an issue. He needs to be mentally healthy too than just physically for any new evolutions.
Make sure you have something to do as Leon ain't letting ya out of his sight during a feral episode. Just a huge mess who purrs, chirps and chitters like a needy kitten. Leon is fully aware of his behavior so he's always embarrassed especially if he done any dumb shit such as chasing a laser pointer light.
There's a total of six stages for his 'evolution' not including the base. Only when Leon is halfway through does he gain the ability to shift into his human form. Although it lasts for four hours before the man has to change back but the time limit triples with each stage.
Leon's behavior and speech leans more on the primal side. He makes nests to sleep or rest in, fox dens for housing if there isn't a safe place to stay, even using animalistic terms. Pack for friends and family, mate for lover, whelp for children. Absolutely territorial when it comes to those he trusts or cherishes.
Leon chitters, purrs or nuzzles if he notices someone in his pack is distressed. This usually happens when words feel useless. Licking is an uncommon sign of affection from him. Leon courts like a bowerbird as his infected nature makes him a hoarder. Any interesting item often lines any nest he makes and he gifts his absolute favorites to whoever he's courting.
Molting is a rare occurrence but it does happen around late summer. Any husk left behind bears no viral traits nor DNA and serves as a very powerful fertilizer instead. It decomposes in minutes if not preserved. One molted skin can restore an entire forest to a healthy habitable state even if its heavily radiated or scorched earth.
Base C Virus Leon can produce webbing from his mouth, hands and feet. These webs can contain healing(green) or paralytic(yellow) properties based on the color. Leon is able to spit acid mainly for melting any obstacles and material for nesting purposes. He retains any abilities from previous stages but they're more refined than the original.
Once he reaches his final stage, only way to kill him is by melting him down until nothing remains. Death by old age leads to a rebirth cycle akin to the immortal jellyfish and a phoenix. Leon's old body will crumble into fertilizer like substance similar to his molted skin albeit with his new infant human form hidden inside. A reset where memories of his past life return at eight years old while the metamorphosis begins at 18.
Extreme heat that is equal or greater than lava is required to effectively melt Leon down. Acid irritates his hide, crushing just makes it harder to move while long drops are a concussion and broken bones at best. He can regenerate from a small piece around an inch in size within two days. If the fragments belongs to a vital organ then its six hours to one day depending on the part. (Heart and brain are the quickest.) Basically its best to kill him before the final stage.
Leon will have a major existential crisis about the whole thing. Although he resolves to use his new infected status to combat anymore B.O.W and biological terrorist group by himself if needed. Leon will try to keep a down low but possible slips are bound to happen. Especially when his friends discover he's alive.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the wake of Raccoon City. Please enjoy this little song to vibe with: My Demons by Starset.
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1dalmatianeveryday · 1 year
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brothers | 7.25.23
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acemotes · 7 months
Pronouns Wordmojis 9 (he/xe/purr)
Requested by Anon!!<3
Sorry I couldn't fit all 3 by themselves in the same emoji T^T
He & She Wordmojis They & It Wordmojis Any/All Wordmojis They/It Wordmoji (Alt Color) Popular Neos Wordmojis Lu, No, Wrong & Hoarder Wordmojis Xe, Xeir & Heb Wordmojis Fae & Dae Wordmojis Inappropiate Pronouns Wordmojis F*ck/you Wordmoji (Alt Version)
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Requests open!!
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or gwen if you already did/are doing heather
Sexuality Headcanon: definitely bisexual who is heavily leaning into girls. sorry i cannot escape the yuri
Gender Headcanon: transfem genderfluid xenogender hoarder. i should make a pinterest board of all her xenogenders lol
A ship I have with said character: gweathney. take it or leave it. jk i have more; ebony snake (gwen x alejandro), gweshawna, gwuncan (i have good reason okay. im not like *those* gwuncan shippers), would say more but brain fied 💔
A BROTP I have with said character: gwen and leshawna :3 sillies
A NOTP I have with said character: sigh...gwody....sorry i just do not like it, cody was constantly pushy with gwen and making her uncomfortable so. yeah; theyre still good as friends imo, just not romantically
A random headcanon: she purrs. silly
General Opinion over said character: i relate to her so bad it hurts. girl why are you so silly and so traumatized. who hurt you
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cozfics · 1 year
Character notes for a crossover fic i’m working on
Majora’s mask and Ocarina of time
Physical age of 35.
Left handed
Married to Malon
Has the facial markings on his right side and the scar
Wields the biggron sword
Is a bit of a jokester
Strict and scary to Sora so far
Stoic and very quick to make decisions
Has a story for that lesson
Twilight Princess
Age of 25
Pining for Midna hard
Mentored Wild as Wolfie
Comforts everyone as Wolfie
Takes place before the secret was out
Big brother to almost everyone
A very strong person. Strongest in the group
Very mature
2nd in charge
Time’s descendant
Animal whisperer
Hyrule warriors
Right handed
The strategist of the group
3rd in charge
Hes a little confused about where his relationship falls with Time. who looks up to who here
Loves to argue with Legend
Cares about how he looks. Up early every morning to prep
Doesn’t trust easily. Wary of Sora
Mentored Wind
Skyward sword
20 years old
Right handed
Best swordsman out of all of them
Big on physical touch. Very clingy in his sleep will often cuddle those closest to him
So hard to wake up
The master sword is important to him. He is friends with the very soul of the sword
Loves his zelda with all his heart
The one to find Sora
Four swords, Four sword adventures, Minish cap
19 years old
Left handed? Maybe ambidextrous
Skilled blacksmith
Eyes change color on which emotion is most present
Very upset no one knows Vaati
Shad is in his shadow because i say so and i love my feral catlike boy
Very interested in Sora’s weapons
Who Sora tells about Roxas when he remembers him
A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, A Link Between Worlds, 
19 too
Left handed
Closest to Hyrule
Enjoys bickering with Warriors
Tries to pretend he isn’t bothered by his adventures
Has nightmares often
Magic powers
He has an item for that
Had a counterpart named Ravio
Little bit of a hoarder
Most experienced 
Chooses not to lead
Scars all over
Can turn into a pink rabbit
One adventure is upin the air about it being real
Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom
Knows what plants can be made into medicine.
Great at cooking, 
Gets hurt often
Does stupid ideas
Insecure because he ‘failed’ his mission
He used to be a knight, but lost his memories. He still gets them back every now and then
Views past him as a seperate person almost
I really want a bonding moment with him and Ven over this
Wolfie mentored him
He had a bag and the shekah slate
Will smack anyone who touches the slate
The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: Adventures of Link
Left handed
Doesn’t speak often. And when he does he is quiet(mumble, whisper, murmur, hiss, croon,croak, purr, breathed out, bleat, coo)
Mans has anxiety and overthinks things a lot
Not used to having friends
Doesn’t see himself as a warrior like the others
Has magic with no need for items
Looks up to legend like a big brother. Plus he’s legends sucessor
Loves exploring, drags Wild and Sora off often
Grew up in a cave
World is desolate and dangerous
Monsters in his world want to use his blood to resurrect Ganon
Never used the Master Sword
Has the entire Triforce
Game: Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks
Left handed
A pirate!
The youngest of the group
Very expressive. Use emotion terms! Dont use said use exclaimed. Keep him animated!
Has lots of fun
Big prankster
Has a little sister
Others are protective to him because he’s so young and he hates it
FORCED the gods to choose him, he wasn’t born a chosen hero he shaped his destiny through assembling the triforce
Can control the wind.
Has amnesia
Right handed
After using the power of waking too much he wakes up in hyrule with no memories
Can’t summon his keyblade for the first while?
Has never seen a horse before
Often talks to Wolfie about these ‘feelings’ he has. He knows he has to be doing something
Keeps mistaking Link for two people
Gets his keyblade back during either a heartless or unversed tide idk which yet
Was about to confess to Sora after the keyblade war
Is now desperately leading the search for his best friend
Hasn’t been taking good care of himself in his desperate search
In the times he isn’t actively in the field searching for Sora he is sparring to keep his skills sharp to be able to actually save Sora
Thanks to being part dream eater he keeps getting flashes from Sora. can sometimes see through his eyes?
Every now and then he feels Sora’s emotions. This is all one way
Currently in training with Aqua
Very frustrated she can’t be a bigger part in finding Sora
Also was about to confess
A very capable keyblade wielder, though most of what she started with was from mirroring Sora
Mainly a cause from spending time in his heart
Currently planning to help Riku save Sora and locate any new princesses of heart
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mrmeowgoo · 6 months
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This is Mr. Magoo. He may look cute, rolled up in a sweet little ball in his favorite spot, but if you look closer you will see the dried snot encrusted in his cat tree. Everywhere this cat goes, snot shall follow. It explodes out of him without warning, whether he be in bed, playing on the floor, or on my shoulders shoving his face into mine, a prime position for sneezing directly into my mouth. When he isn’t shooting mucus onto all of my material possessions, he’s often drooling due to his many missing teeth. When he isn’t drooling, he might be asleep, or he might be pissing on the couch again because he’s scared of the litter box - one can never know.
You can learn more about this wretched creature below the cut, and why I believe he is destined to be tumblr’s next sexyman(c).
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This cat is cursed. The things he desires above all else in this world are love, affection, and sitting on human laps. He would probably starve himself to death just to have more lap time, purring away and drooling like a leaky faucet onto your pants. This is what he desires, and yet by god he is the grossest, wettest cat I have ever met. His little body is determined to make him as unappealing to cuddle with as possible. I have gotten a raincoat for the express purpose of making cuddle time easier with mixed results. Even without the drool and snot, I cannot let him sleep in my room because he will piss on the bed directly next to my face. Magoo is cursed to expel liquids at all the worst times, shortening cuddle time and leading to rejection again and again.
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Magoo has a dark and troubled past. According to the owner of the shelter where I met him, he comes from a hoarder situation. Magoo had been kept in an uncleaned crate for possibly months, surrounded by his own filth and wracked with infections that had his eyes swollen shut (hence the name). When he was surrendered to the shelter, he needed multiple rounds of medications and surgeries to recover from his health complications, but in the end he did recover. His sneezing problem seems permanent, and he has what I can only call a panic attack every time he pisses or shit, running up and down the stairs like a cat possessed, but he survived.
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(and yet he’s fine with passing out right next to the litter box for some reason)
All that said, he is without a doubt one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever met. He’s affectionate, loves to ride around on people’s shoulders, purrs like a motorboat, and lets you pick him up and do pretty much whatever you want with him. He loves all humans equally, making instant friends with every person he meets. He’s playful and gets along with other pets. He’d be the perfect cat if not for the uh, problems.
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As my sister and I discussed his tragic backstory while he desperately tried to get onto her bed, we came to an important realization: Magoo is truly a sad little meow meow. A pathetic, wet blanket of a man who is very sweet, but altogether too gross to obtain the affection he so deeply craves. An almost-literal drowned cat of a creature (and literal when we tried giving him a bath, the only time I’ve ever seen him angry).
And so, I wanted to share him with you, tumblr. Here is Mr. Magoo, your new tumblr sexyman. I hope you love him as much as I do, because he desperately needs it.
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dyke-stuck · 2 years
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fuck it. attempt 2 at getting this to post?
please use they/them or any neopronouns for davepeta, purr is a catgender catcrowic birdgender dersegender timeaspic heartaspic xenogender hoarder.
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