#hmm poems
vetometo · 5 months
I figured it was about time I said something here on this app. You can only scroll mindlessly for so long, after all.
Sometimes, when my mind's too full for its own good and I really feel like the speck of dust I am to the universe, I jot things down. They're inconsistent, messy, and occasionally unclear in meaning even to myself, but they've helped me balance things as I'm handed new plates to stack onto my full hands. Like shaking out a box marked 'miscalleneous' to make it easier to sort into neat little compartments, I've been keeping most of these writing sprees tucked away in my notes app. And every so often, I'd debate whether or not to put them out into the void for others to see and possibly connect to.
Today I'm tipsy, sentimental, and staying up way past an hour that can be considered good for me, so here we are. I'll be posting some of the stuff that comes to me in this little corner of the internet, so feel free to have a look around.
In the meantime, I'm going to sprinkle some pieces of myself here, see how things turn out. It's nice to meet you.
(As a sidenote, I'm new to this tagging business and therefore shit at it, so sue me.)
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babbling-starling · 9 months
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ginadope · 2 months
chapter fifteen
You do remember (Fondly but quietly) Hunting demons Each of them final, humanoid To please the thousand-eyed light - the devil in her greatest disguise
Does the script ever end? My King of Diamonds - his hands Are they a stage? Short poems, in the nothingness Carefully placed
I do not know I simply was told Be it so
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midnight-els · 10 months
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For All Mankind - 3x05 and 4x04
Remote in my darkened exile, the days dragged by so slowly, without grace, without inspiration, without life, without tears, without love. Then my spirit woke and you, you appeared again, like a transient vision, like pure beauty’s spirit.
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mediapen · 2 years
sorry oscar. there is something lgbt happening behind u
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Me: I still don't understand how people knew I was a butch lesbian this long before I knew
Also me: *Hears Andrea Gibson's piece "I do" for the first time at 15 years old and ugly cries so hard I start hyper ventilating and I can't figure out why*
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 month
Might be unpopular opinion but I love dark hair on Apollo 🖤 I know people envision him as blond but black or brown hair does it for me even if the myths say otherwise..
I have warmed up a lot to non-blonde Apollo lol so yeah, i agree that he dark hair also looks great on him! Even if it is a rare thing in the hymns/myths (but hymns that describe him as dark haired do exist!) the Roman paintings that have survived show Apollo with brown hair most of the time.
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fruitycasket · 1 month
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Messy concept art to better capture my idea for a four-legged lishty. I'll definitely go about polishing this or refining it into a new character, I just don't know when. I'm a slow creator. :,]
Anyhow, lore time! (Also very messy.)
Largely thought to be a scary story foals, cubs, and pups tell one another, Nobody is said to be a scholar of land and sky (in other words it just goes around biting a bunch of stuff to see what happens). It briefly abandons its studies to collect "abnormal" (evil) minds of the intelligent species of Lidian, thus punishing evil-doers through what non-lishtees consider "death". Be good, be boring, and it might lead the lost traveler home.
So goes the warning given to youngsters everywhere...
Who is that? Upon the cliff, in the cave?
Nothing—nobody is watching and nobody is there.
Yet for the naughty foal, cub, and knave
Something waits, watches—young and old take care!
Upon the cliff, from the cave pounces eyes, flaying gaze grave
Nobody—Nobody is watching and Nobody is there.
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salovie · 5 months
one: a bloom of emerald,
budding and bursting and breathing,
new growth on the love line,
bright lime like fresh spring pine
another: green, begrudgingly,
waiting out a drought,
faded sage and from the shade
stealing glances at a verdant glow
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a-concert-just-for-me · 6 months
Should I get a tattoo of the Minecraft end poem “and the universe said I love you” or nah. Be honest
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eff-plays · 1 year
So now that I've figured out why Hira might go for Astarion ... I am now struggling to figure out why Astarion would go for them in the long run. Like, because he's barely his own person at this point, what are his preferences? Ya know? Beyond how they treat him, beyond the obvious, what about them is it that he likes? Ya know? "You were kind and patient and trusted me" is all well and good but that's still 1) related to him and 2) doesn't quite tap into the sense that he also wants them for himself for other reasons aside from wanting more of what they're doing for him. Ya know? Ya fucking know?
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ge · 11 months
BREH THIS TWEET..theyre not enemies but culd u imagine this as chung myung being treated by tang bo early into their friendship for the first time and chung myung seeing him in a new light somehow, as if something nameless has just shifted, leaving him dry mouthed and nervous with an anticipation for something unknowable..
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im-an-anthusiast · 6 months
Far Too Sweet
A sickening something lives in my throat
It makes my neck bulge, and I start to choke
I pray that it goes, though I know it won’t
It has been there ever since I first woke
A gap in reason, and in my insides
They are what it causes, and where it hides
Hard to breathe, yet even harder to think
Choking on my blood – thick and black, like ink
Always comes back, after I swallow it
Teeth rotten black, for it’s all sickly sweet
Can’t find a way, to stop feeling like it
Tongue burnt away, for it’s all far too sweet
A sickening something squirms in my throat
I claw at my neck, so that I won’t choke
It evades my fingers, will not be caught
My collar turns red, as it starts to soak
A billowing smoke, caused by doubts and fears
Spews up and out my throat, then disappears
Wipes the slate clean, gone is thought and worry
Erases the sight, that was once blurry
Without regard for myself, or for it
My lips are scarred, for it’s all sickly sweet
I hear words hushed, which I fear to repeat
My jaw is crushed, for it’s all far too sweet
A sickening something feasts in my throat
It constantly grows, and it makes me choke
My neck follows suit, as it starts to bloat
Airway blocked up by all the ink and smoke
A pit yawns open, awaiting my fall
If I were to beg, would that help at all?
My wounds yawn open, at touch of my own
My body sags – cold and heavy like stone
I am untouched, and yet, I have been hit
My gums, all cut, for it’s all sickly sweet
Lost on this street, though I grew up on it
Now, I can’t eat, for it’s all far too sweet
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fallowtail · 4 months
knowing i provide nothing of value and have nothing special i can provide people and nothing interesting or fun or smart or clever to say ever, and am not knowledgeable about anything, not smart, not educated, i can't write or draw or create anything or hype people up or help them in a way that matters, and just continuously provide nothing of any merit to give me any worth of my own right...the only thing i'm good for is giving other people a spring board to jump off of or bringing other people together so they can be creative and successful and have fun and be smart while i sit in the background being completely pathetic and useless. god. i am such an npc who just exists to point the player characters in the right direction and i need to stop pretending i was ever meant to be anything else lol. this is the only thing i ever get complimented on and it sucks so fucking bad. like i'm supposed to be proud that my only character trait is being a stepstool, to be the hype man, the guy who has nothing of inherent value about themselves, who only functions to cheer everyone who is better than them on. i know it's a vital function to society but why does it have to be me!! this isn't something that "getting help" (major airquotes bc i do not believe anything can help me tbh) can fix bc its an inherent character flaw, and inherent lack of purpose and worth and no amount of "positive thinking" is going to be able to fix that. some of us are just worthless little bugs under the rock who are important to society because we feed the bigger bugs but otherwise we're nothing lol.
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xaeorian · 1 month
i’m gonna write something really disturbing and no one can stop me
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ginadope · 1 year
Somewhere old friends smile I only ever walk in circles What is an ending if not a beginning As the sky turns dark, breaks in half We stay mesmerised Should I cover one eye Look to the side *******, you knew - black magic now grey The dirt on my hands A part of the holy ground
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