#hiya limb blogs
no-tengo-ojos · 1 month
Seen a couple posts recently about why the Malevolent fandom is full of freaks and weirdos and for any body that is wondering I’m just going to point you in the vague direction of Pisscourse ™
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muffinsin · 25 days
Hiya, I'm new to the blog but I've loved everything I've read so far! I was wondering if I could request the Dimitrescu daughters (separately) getting saved by a maiden that they thought hated them? Like, maybe a hunter breaks in + smashes a window and the maiden literally carries (or drags) the daughter to safety and refuses to leave their side until they've warmed up.
Maybe the maiden never actually hated the daughters (like a miscommunication/the maiden having a difficult to read expression), or maybe they stopped hating the Dimitrescus a while ago but nobody noticed? Idk, it's up to you, I just think you'd have a fun take on it :3
I went through the anon lists and hopefully I didn't miss any, so if possible can I be sleepy anon? Please and thank you, and have a great day/week!
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Hi :)! I’m happy to hear ya like my works :)🙌 Honestly what a cute prompt!
Let’s get into it :) anon name is all yours🙌
Bela is, a mystery to you
To her, you seem like an enemy. A staff member, yet with a deep hatred towards her
Perhaps, if you weren’t so pretty and cute, perhaps if she didn’t like you in some strange way she is too proud to voice, you would’ve ended up in the basement already
Alas, Bela keeps you safe and only puts you in your place when your work isn’t done properly. She thinks you should consider yourself, lucky
To you, she seems like an uptight boss bent on punishing you for every little mistake
You wonder, what have you done for her to be this obsessed?
She notices every little mistake you make
A true perfectionist, you realize soon enough, and it bothers you to no end
But, unlike her interpretation of you, you don’t hate her. You don’t even really dislike her
She’s just..uptight, a little bitchy, yes. But she’s smart, you’ve come to notice, and quite obviously she is breathtakingly beautiful
Perhaps, if both of your false views and interpretations of one another were out the way, you’d have talked sooner
You would have liked to start a conversation with the supposedly dangerously intelligent and cold eldest daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela, on the other hand, would have liked getting to know you sooner
Still, she only ever sees false hatred in your eyes that is truly mere curiosity
She has never been all that good at reading people’s emotions
Their intentions? Yes, their facial features? Yes. But still, her books cannot teach her to fully understand humans, people, it seems
It’s a fatal misunderstanding on both your parts, one that this day will clear up, it seems
The day, while not being an ordinary one at all, is not all that unusual to Bela. An uprising, again, though somewhat cute in numbers
Four maidens. Bold, or perhaps only desperate enough, to dare fight back
It’s a pointless fight, a squabble she doesn’t even bother notifying her sisters about
Even with the many knives and utensils scattered around them in the kitchen, the fight seems pointless
That is, until Bela easily dodges a pot that smashes into the fragile window behind her
Immediately, she screams in pain at the cold air rushing in
The three remaining troublemakers spot their opportunity instantly, so it takes less than seconds for the other kitchen windows to be shattered
Bela grits her teeth, one arm wrapped around her protectively, her other hand clutching her sickle
She refuses to tell her sisters. Refuses to allow Mother to hear of this. She can do this! She can’t cause her family trouble. Cassandra would have never let this go on. Daniela would have killed them in seconds. Bela should have never let it come this far, should have prevented the window from breaking..
Throwing herself back into her battle, she strikes one down, but pays the bitter price when two steak knives are sliced and thrust into her thighs
Immediately, she falls, her blood gushing, her limbs aching and as if on fire. The cold immediately finds the large gashes and digs through. The blades of the knives seem icy cold like the terrain outside
She manages to knock one down with her, but as the back of her hooded head hits the windowsill, her vision begins to blur
One more
She tries to call out for Cassandra, hoping, pleading, Mother will hear nothing of this
To her surprise and horror, she finds she can’t reach her sister, too far away for her weakened swarm to detect
She grasps for her weapon, but can’t detect it. Was it lost when she fell? She can’t remember, but tastes her own, foul blood in her mouth
With difficulty, she sees the maiden’s lips moving. She can’t make out what she’s saying, but her expression enough is sufficient to allow her to assume it must be some kind of insult
Pride, cockiness, a human’s downfall
She watches as, seemingly out of nowhere, you stand behind her, bringing Bela’s abandoned sickle down at her neck
It’s messy, and rough, but enough for the woman to drop her weapon and scream. Enough to fall to her knees and enough for Bela to finish her off
Golden, unfocused eyes meet yours. She looks unsure. Worried. Confused. Cold. Hurt. Scared
Never did you think Bela Dimitrescu would feel such things. Never did you think you would truly see a glimpse of humanity in her
But, you have…
You have seen her eyes squint when she laughs with her sisters, seen the faintest hint of a blush and happiness hidden beneath pride when being praised by her mother. You have seen her playful annoyance aimed at her youngest sister
When you close in on her, her first instinct is to lean in. Then, nearly within that same moment, she snarls and pushes herself harder against the cold wall
You hate her. She has no reason to believe you are not part of this attack, or at the very least are now that her weakness is so pathetically displayed
But you don’t approach predatorily
With your hands raised, you gently move closer to her
She watches you closely, her golden eyes watchful even as her body trembles
Slowly, you unwrap the sleeping robe from around you. Is it this late already? Bela hadn’t noticed
The material is thin, but the action shows your intentions nonetheless, and so she allows you to lean into her personal space
A small, quiet gasp passes her lips when you pick her up. Automatically, she sets her hands on your shoulders and wraps the robe tighter around herself
With her vision blurry and the foul taste in her mouth, her bloodied, non functioning legs and aching arms, she doesn’t protest when you keep holding her up and close to you
Your warmth is…comforting
Bela winces a little. She doesn’t want to look up at you, doesn’t want to ruin this perfect moment
After all, when she does look up, what will she see? Hatred? Annoyance? Cockiness?
You pass the fireplace, walk up the stairs
She clings tighter to you, but there are no others in the hallway
All staff members know better than to leave their rooms at nighttime, and even more so in winter, when it is known the residents of castle Dimitrescu are more on edge and easier to irritate
After a little while she notices where you’re taking her- her own room, her safe harbour
She extends an aching arm and closes her fingers around the door knob, helping you open the way inside
She wonders; have you ever been in here? What do you think?
Despite her annoyance, Bela manages to bite down a curse when her cheeks heat up a little
Secretly, perhaps, she wants you to like her room
And like it you do
Bela is every bit the perfectionist you knew she is
But, there is beauty in this
Her shelves are organized neatly. The books placed in them tell you the woman in your arms is fond of just about everything
Information and documentaries of a vast range of topics can be found, from hobbies to animals, to biomes, to sciences
Her bed is made and her nightstand is nearly empty, save for the storybook placed on it
It isn’t opened and sports no mark or so
You assume she hasn’t touched it in a while, but somehow, you correctly guess that it’s meant for the few times her sisters sneak into her room and the story calms their anxious minds
When Bela looks up at you eventually, she gasps quietly at the softness found in your eyes
She stays quiet as you set her down on the bed, doesn’t even wince when you brush aside her hair to have a look at the nasty cut on her head
With the heat of the room, the wounds begin healing slowly
And still, you fuss over her
She hopes you don’t take notice of her dusty pink cheeks and wide eyes when you press your sleeve to her forehead
Your subtle smile tells her differently
She hates you, you’re sure of it
And you hate her, she’s sure
After all, why else would she dump dead, stinking deer in front of your room every single morning?!
Why else would she do this to you and no one else!
Why is she tormenting you? What have you done to her!
After all, why else would you dispose of her beautiful gifts every single morning?
You must hate her!
She feels stupid for gifting you her finest meat every day, but can’t stop, either
Perhaps she can yet woo you, after all
But you dump it off to the kitchens every time! Not even back to her! The kitchens! For common staff!
You must hate her…!
When you pass her in the halls, you do your best to avoid eye contact. Were you looking at her, you would notice her doing the exact same thing
Despite her hatred for you, you are curious about her
She’s beautiful, there’s no question there
With chocolate-coal-brown hair that easily falls down at her shoulders, sometimes curled, at other times straightened, her golden eyes you only sometimes dare gaze upon
She has one lazy eye, and you find it’s the cutest thing in the world. Her features are stunning and you regularly fight yourself to avoid staring at her
At night, at times, you can’t help but wonder what this beauty of a woman would be like curled against you
Her pale, snow-white skin pressed against yours, her face tucked away by your neck, your arms tight around her
Sometimes, you bitterly remind yourself; she would strike. Bite down at your jugular with all her might and drain the life from you
But, perhaps even happily so, you would allow her to
Despite her hatred of you, she has you wrapped around her finger
Despite your hatred of her, you have her wrapped around your finger
A raid at the castle marks the time both your lives are about to change
Raids are, by all means, hardly unusual
While they aren’t everyday happenings, all residents and staff of the castle, even the villagers, know of the foolish men and sometimes women attempting to break into the castle every few weeks or months or so
None are successful, but it seems this never dampens their spirit
But, there is protocol
And so you find yourself hiding in the only room closest to you at the beginning of the raid: the armory
The very armory occupied by Cassandra Dimitrescu
You know protocol, you know to hide in the nearest room, lock it even, and wait it out. Protocol never mentions the case being in which a Dimitrescu sister is near
You hold your breath, but it’s no use. She notices you immediately, and given the current raid at the castle you ought to be happy she doesn’t automatically strike you down
Instead, she holds your gaze for a moment. Your eyes meet a dark gold, more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before
You don’t notice you’re holding your breath until she stretches her arm out, her gloved fingertips pointing towards the back of the room
You understand instantly. A hiding spot, as instructed. Of course
Even as you slide between and behind the large barrels, hide behind the suits of armor standing at the back, you can’t help but keep your eyes lingering on her
Her back is smooth, her hips surprisingly slim
She looks regal, yet lethal in the way her fingers twitch and she grasps the weapon tighter every few seconds
Soon after you’ve slipped into your hiding place and Cassandra started sharpening her weapon- you briefly wonder why it is she stays with you, rather than throw herself into the sure fight happening somewhere in the castle- when you begin hearing shouts ahead
Then, you see them, two men, as they burst into the armory
They’re broad shouldered and sport brown hair and a brown, stubby beard. Thick noses and burst lips adorn their faces. They’re twins, and judged by their clothing, hunters stemming from the village
You hold your breath and shrink against the suits of armor and barrels surrounding you
They sneer at Cassandra, their weapons- two machetes, one each, drawn. They’re wholly focused on her
If they’ve seen you, they pay you no mind at all
Cassandra doesn’t wait for one of them to attack. Instead, you watch as she throws herself into battle
Swarming halfway and masterfully avoiding all incoming attacks from the two intruders, she catches one’s neck with the end of her sickle and reaps chunks of the other man’s clothing and skin from his ribs
You watch as blood forms and drops fast. The man splutters uselessly, stumbling back while the other, though injured, tries to fight back
It becomes clear to you now, why Cassandra is known as the best huntress at castle Dimitrescu
Despite her impressive display, your eyes press shut when the injured man stumbles in your direction
Again, he doesn’t seem to take notice of you, and yet you don’t dare move
Then, a loud bang forces your eyes open and a scream from your lungs
But you are not the only one screaming, and so you are lucky enough to be unnoticed again, for…
Cassandra’s scream was the one outweighing yours, you realise
The woman screams and shakes, her hood torn off to reveal teary eyes and her beautiful, pale skin breaking off slightly
Behind her, you notice the crack in the wall now a large gap. It must have been caused by the explosion you’ve heard
She’s still fighting strong, having finished the already weakened man bleeding out near you
Still, you grit your teeth and watch with wide eyes as the machete of the other connects with her arm. At first, she howls in pain, the noise so desperate and pure you almost cry
Then, the limb falls. You watch as it falls from her and breaks off into what must be hundreds of little flies that curl in on themself as the cold wind touches them
You grit your teeth when the woman stumbles backwards, her back dangerously close to the large gap in the wall. If she was to fall…
The man seems to have the same idea, pushing and swinging his machete around like a madman trying to make her back up into the gap
You decide you can’t bear to stand idle while her fate may be sealed
Slithering from behind the armor and barrels, you yank the other machete from the dead man’s tight grip
In a smooth, albeit difficult swing, the sharp blade meant for monsters connects with the man’s exposed neck, just where Cassandra struck him before
His head tips to the side as he collapses, and you drop the weapon immediately
Cassandra groans and growls madly as you near yourself and push her weak arm wielding the sickle aside
She reminds you a little of an animal with rabies, the way she shakes and growls, and you hope you don’t pay the bitter price for your care
Still, you wrap your arm around her slim hips and pull her towards you, wary of the large piece of broken off wall behind her
She doesn’t fight you, merely keeps on growling and- crying? You can’t be too sure. You didn’t take her for one to cry, but then again, you wince when you nearly step on what used to be her arm
Carefully, you scoop the unmoving flies from the floor and into your pocket
The woman is clearly out of it, her lips parted and sharp, fang-like teeth on display as she snarls and growls over and over again, her screams quiet, but almost banshee like in their shrill tone
You wonder; is she trying to reach her sisters with it? If she is, it���s entirely too quiet and weak of a scream, you decide
You take another gamble and hook your free hand under her legs, promptly lifting the woman into your arms
Again, she snarls and shakes, but makes no move to attack you
That is, if you don’t count her sharp, bloodied nails of her remaining hand digging into your shoulder
And still, you can’t bring yourself to believe this is meant to be an attack
You carry her out the library and the only place you know to be warm; the kitchens near the grand dining room
Cassandra relaxes significantly as you move her to the room, the warm fires and steam warming her sore body
Still, you don’t dare let go of her
When you hold your breath, you realise; she’s almost..purring? That can’t be right
The next thing you realise are the flies, previously unmoving, buzzing in your pocket
You set the woman down on a clear part of the table and retrieve one of them, smiling as it buzzes in your hand
You place a gentle kiss to it, not unaware of the small gasp coming from Cassandra, and release it. Immediately, it returns to the stump where her arm used to be
You repeat the process, kissing flies as they return to her
Cassandra’s thankful for the cold still in her body, for it’s at the very least suppressing her growing blush
You feel her lean against you and cant help but wonder;
Perhaps, she doesn’t hate you
Maybe, you don’t hate her
Daniela is almost 100% sure you hate her
You never react to her sly smirks, her cute giggles, the sweet hand resting on your shoulder!
She has tried flirting with you for ages, and nothing!
You’re never rude to her, actually- you’re very kind to her!
You always bring her a flower when your work in the gardens is done
You always braid her hair for her and brush it out after
You make sure her room is clean and her bath is full of bubbles and delicious scents
You always smile when you see her
So why haven’t you kissed her yet!
She doesn’t understand
She’s thrown you so many signs! All she could. But you haven’t acted on a single one
She thinks, you must hate her
And you?
You’re a little…clueless
You like her, so very much
You lie awake at night, your mind occupied by the beautiful, auburn haired woman that regularly visits your dreams and thoughts alike
Sometimes, you dare dream
Could she be yours?
Could you make her happy?
Could she want you?
But is she not with others? So many stare when she passes, you hear the hushed voices either insulting, or praising her
She’s a goddess residing in this castle; what chance have you got?
You try to be close to her, yet never too close
You don’t want to disrespect her, never
You care far too much about her for such a thing
Then, one day, there is an attack
Lycans, they say, a stray pack headed from the village and led by their prey directly to the castle
Of course, the staff is immediately brought and locked away for safety
You are less lucky, having insisted the day prior you’d like to clean out the library
After all, this is where Daniela is known to spend her days…
Now, separated from the other staff members, you have little choice but to stay put
You try your best not to glance at Daniela, who stands with her sickle held tightly. She too heard the alarms, it seems
You grip the fire poker, your eyes still trained on the floor
You wonder; if you looked at her, could you ever advert your eyes again?
It seems, there is little to no time for you to dwell on this thought, for a loud bang and a snarl is all you hear when the door to the library is ripped from its hinges and a furry snout peaks through
Before you have time to react, Daniela grips the lycan already
You watch as she works, no, plays with the wild animal
She spins it and giggles, grips and yanks, breaks and slices
The beast only snarls at her, yet can’t even hope to land even a single claw on her
All goes well, you don’t even think you need to make use of your improvised weapon
Even the snarls and screams from the outside dull. They’re retreating, it seems
Then, however, a gasp is ripped from you when the beast pushes against you. Whether it did it on purpose or was knocked against you, you can’t tell, but you do realise one thing; you’re falling
Hoping to catch yourself, you reach out to grab all within reach
Only, unfortunately, is that a lever
In the next second you feel icy cold wind come down at you and hear the piercing scream of the auburn haired woman next to you
Your hand stretches out, your lips parting as you scream a warning that comes too late
She’s knocked back by the force of the lycan’s gigantic paw swiping at her, thick claws dragging through her dress and soft, pale skin
You feel ill as blood pools at her stomach and the sickle falls from her
She kicks the animal away, yet it looks, and sounds, as though each move only pains her so much more
You realise your own mistake fast and quickly work on shutting the windows again, her scream and your own blood pumping loudly urging you to work faster, faster, faster
When you look to the side, she’s barely sitting up, her bloodied hands and arms desperately shielding herself against the creature
You don’t think, can’t think, won’t take the time to think now
With the fire poker gripped tightly in your hand, you charge
You scream, and it’s met with a pained howl
Thankfully, Daniela must have injured the creature enough for a simple, powerful strike to its heart to finish it off
And still, you feel your uniform slip from you and the nasty, aching pain of the large slashes made at your back
You grit your teeth, ignoring the mark the creature has left on you even as its foulness enters your body
You turn Daniela to find her bloodied and shivering, her flies dropping, her skin seemingly switching between breaking and healing itself
Again, you don’t dare waste time
She watches you through a blurry haze as you wrap your arms around her. She almost tastes your scent
It takes everything not to taste you
She feels her wounds, the pain she has almost forgotten all about. What is pain? This is a nasty reminder
Next she’s lifted to you, her fingertips and face nuzzling your warm skin
You feel her move to you, as close as she could, and all but grant her this
You know now what happened, what you have caused her
And you’re set to fix it. You won’t allow a stupid mistake, an accident, to be it for her
Daniela shivers still as you pick her off the floor and rush through the halls
Yet, all she feels is you. Your warmth. Your heartbeat, loud and close against her ear. She loves every moment of it
She isn’t sure where you bring her at first, until she finds herself set on her bed
When did she get here? She can’t tell. Black dots appear in her vision and her stomach feels slick with blood even as it starts closing up again
You gently cup her cheek, your eyes, so beautiful and worried, checking her over
You notice the little cuts on her face heal and shut nearly instantly, whereas bruises caused by the cold wind stay stubbornly in place
Perhaps, if the cold hurts the woman, the heat could help her, you figure
Daniela whines when you move from her and for a moment you feel your cheeks heat up. Her fingers entangled with yours, her golden eyes wide and hopeful
She doesn’t want you to go. Not now. Even if you hate her
And really?
Neither do you
You only wish to hold her close, to protect the precious creature held so close to you
You wish to cup her face and stroke the soft fingers holding onto yours so sweetly
You want nothing but to nurse her back to health, to know her, really know her
To be here
To make her yours
You watch, the truth laid bare in her eyes. No flirty smiles you don’t understand, no hidden meanings behind words you can’t understand
Her feelings, exposed and shown to you in her bright, golden eyes
You lean down as gentle as you can, and even more so, you press your lips to the flower tattoo adorning her forehead
“I’ll draw you a bath, it will warm you up”, you whisper. Then, you promise:
“I’ll return, iubita mea”
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livingfictional · 2 months
I just stumbled upon your blog, and you're match ups, I really like your content! :D I saw that your requests are open, and I thought I might as well request one! ^^
I would like to request a match up for COD and The Arcana. I am 19, female, and use she/they pronouns. I am also Pansexual (I don't have any gender preferences, we just gotta vibe and all is well✨️).
I really love listening to music and singing, I'm also an avid reader and have recently started down my path with practising witchcraft. I am not sure if this qualifies as a hobby, but I also enjoy taking my motorcycle out for a ride across the country whenever I have time (and money for gas 🥲). I do not do well in crowds or around loud and mentally draining people. Neither do I enjoy cooking because it, for some odd reason, drains me incredibly, baking on the other hand I enjoy thoroughly!
I speak English, German and Italian. My father is from Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and my mother from Austria🇦🇹, I have an equally good connection with both sides of my relatives even though I am more in tune with my Austria side due to the fact that I grew up there.
I'm an INFP, I wouldn't call myself shy or skittish but I do struggle to build up relationships because of trust issues and fear of betrayal. I prefer a small circle of people around me, mostly calm and like minded people that know how to get me out of my shell. I'm also a big fan of animals and especially fond of dogs and cats (even though I'm allergic lol).
I hope that was enough info for a match-up! Have a wonderful day/night, Lily!✨️💜
Sorry you had to wait so long, thank you for your patience 🩵
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I match you up with... Asra!
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I genuinely think Asra would be the best choice for you.
Lazy mornings in the back of the shop. A mess of limbs tangled into the blankets as you slowly flip through the pages of your book.
Asra just lays there, watching your focused expression with a content smile. He could stare at you for hours. The shop won't run itself, though. Unfortunately.
He'll happily support your witchcraft journey, helping whenever possible. He grabs any and every book he thinks you might like.
Asra is one of the least draining people to be around, his company is always pleasurable. The atmosphere never feels heavy, and he can make the converation flow for hours on end. It always feels so natural and nice to be around him.
Might as well mention Faust, who fell in love with you just as Asra did. You can often find her perched up on your shoulders as you go about your day.
I match you up with... Soap!
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Not an avid reader, doesn't always know what books to buy you. Just ask! He would buy the whole bookstore for you.
Johnny wants to spoil you, okay? He can be gone for long periods of time, and your books are the only thing keeping you company on cold winter evenings. So in his mind they are perfect gifts for you, might as well, with some help, get you one of those gift baskets with a fuzzy pair of socks, a blanket, some candy and books.
Before he has to leave, he will also take your bike and fill it up for you. Can't afford gas? Well, he can. Go for your ride sweetie :3
Slow evenings with him after he comes back from being deployed are the best. You guys are full after getting takeout from your favorite place, you've got a fire going in the fireplace and a random movie is playing on TV.
To be fair, you are not paying attention to it at all. You're brushing your fingers through his dark hair as he goes on about anything and everything.
Just as with Asra, conversations with Johnny are so natural to you, nothing ever feels forced. You guys can talk for hours and not get bored.
He can be more on the hyper side, but next to you, he can truly unwind. He will lie on top of you, placing his head over your heart.
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blisteredskin · 2 months
"All my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile."
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Hi. My names Jordyn Leigh. I decided to get this app because honestly I was bored and it seemed pretty cool. Turns out there's like.. other people on here that've been in saw traps like I have. What are the odds of that, huh? I mean actually, considering how many people are on here, I suppose the odds aren't that low. Still, nice to know i'm not alone, I guess.
I'm 24 years old. I'm bisexual and I use they/them pronouns, if you have a problem with that, please leave. I don't really know how else to introduce myself, really. I'm autistic, and I have depression, if anyone cares about that shit. I can play guitar, and I basically spend all my spare time either playing or listening to music.
If you wanna ask me anything, go ahead. :)
((More about Jordyn's trap beneath!!))
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Tags i'll be using!!
#✮jordyn rambles✮ - for random jordyn posts
#✮jordyn rps✮ - for any interactions
#✮jordyn answers✮ - for answering any asks
anything in brackets (like this) is ooc!!
i shall add anymore if needed :3
THE TRAP: “Hello, Jordyn. You don't know me, but I know you. I want to play a game. Though you may not yet know why you're here, I’m sure you remember what happened a few years ago. The night you tried to take your own life. You cared so little for your own existence, ready to throw it all away, and in the process, took the life of someone who cared for theirs. Today, you will learn to cherish the life you have. You'll notice that around your neck is a saw, and beside you is a blowtorch. You have three minutes to burn the skin from your exposed limbs, or else you will be decapitated. Will you finally learn to appreciate the life you have, or will you perish? Good luck.”
Jordyn finally opened their eyes, taking a moment to fully collect themself, before letting out a choked scream. They went to launch themself forward, however they luckily noticed the saw blade in front of their neck, and instead tried to lean backwards. Fear pulsed through their veins as the tape began to play, each word making them want to vomit. What the fuck!? As soon as the timer started, they looked down at their arms and legs, noticing that their clothes had been altered. Their jacket and shirt had been replaced by a tank top, their bare arms and chest now on display. They looked back at the timer, noticing that 30 seconds had already passed. Shit. Sure, they were suicidal, but this isn't how they wanted to go. They had no choice. Grabbing the blowtorch, they held it near their skin, a blood-curdling scream echoing through the room as the fire immediately burned their skin, blisters forming in its wake. They couldn't go back now. Eventually, with barely a few seconds to spare, the chains attached to their hands and feet fell to the floor, and the timer stopped. They'd done it- they'd survived. But barely.
((OOC- Hiya!! My names Robin, and since I've recently gotten into the saw fandom, I decided to make a saw OC, thanks to my best friend!! I'm super happy for people to send asks and stuff, and I can't wait to hopefully interact with people!! My main blog is @magentasapron , this is a second blog.))
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 8 months
Hiya don’t mind me, just sending a random admirer message 💖🤣
I would just like to say you are probably my absolute favourite Daryl writer because not only can you get Daryl’s character right down to a T but you can write badass female characters perfectly.
That’s the thing I always look out for. Because yeah I do love when Daryl takes care of the sweet reader ect, it’s adorable but my absolute favourites is where the reader/fmc is an absolute badass and you write it perfectly.
I would love to in the future (obviously you don’t have to 🤣) to possibly see a scary badass reader/fmc where people are low key scared of her but love her, like randomly flips open a knife out of nowhere, casually walks around with walker guts or maybe prosthetic limb but she cut it off herself sort of thing 🤣🤣 I always love them ones 🤣
But ya, just wanted to let you know. Keep doing you, because it’s what makes us come back every day to see what else you bless us with ❤️
oH EM GEE. I don't even know where to start with this message! UGH! MYFEELINGSSSSS <3 <3 <3 You have been following me since basically the very beginning of this blog and I'm so grateful you're still here. I always love seeing you on my activity page (Ik I say that a lot to ppl who message, but it's for real. really really!) and your reactions give me so much life. I also love the fics where Daryl protects a little sunshine reader, but for some reason I have a harder time writing them lol I just see him with someone as badass as he is! And I think at a certain point, after many years in the apocalypse, everyone left alive would have developed fighting skills whether they wanted to or not. The exception, of course, being sheltered in some community or something. I can see Daryl gravitating toward sunshine readers for sure, even sort of helpless ones, but I also think he'd want to do everything he could to get them trained up to fight like him. Just some rambly thoughts lol I just tend to write strong female leads who have seen some shit (and are maybe a little scary sometimes) but who have somehow also held onto some sunshine deep inside them, because I think Daryl needs that and would gravitate toward it... <3 OKAY ALSO I have a WIP that is pretty much like this lol It isn't the series I was thinking of doing next but now you have me reconsidering... hmmmmmm... ANYWAY LOVE YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're a real MVP of this blog. Seriously.
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physics-of-one-piece · 3 months
Hiya! Just popping by to say I am in LOVE with this blog!!!!! It is SO MUCH FUN to read through your explanations and you’re incredible at dumbing it down just enough for us mortals to understand. I was never great nor really interested with anything physics or math related in my entire life haha but I’m honestly and unexpectedly having such a field day reading through your posts!
Thank you for creating this! Keep it up, I can’t wait to read on the next topic you’ll approach ✨
Thank you, anon! I'm happy to know you're enjoying the blog! I'm having fun doing this stuff!
Honestly, from an anime watcher, neither was I interested in doing calculations or physics-thinking. It never crossed my mind until recently. Blame Doflamingo. Or thank him. 🤣 I love him. He's my fluffy pink man.
One day a week ago now I woke up and was like thinking about Doflamingo's height or sth and I really wanted to just... JUST KNOW HOW BIG ARE THOSE LIMBS OF HIS, and I thought it might be fun to do some calculations! And it was! AND NOW I FINALLY KNOW THE LENGTH OF HIS ARMS AND HANDS AND FINGERS, HELL YEAH!
@fanaticsnail was really encouraging, and so were everyone, so I gathered my guts and made this sideblog to keep my geeking limited to it.
After I did some calc, I was like "oooh, so that's how big Doflamingo's limbs are" or "oooh, so that's how much kinetic energy Luffy uses" and during the weekend I went into a bit of quantum physics for Law's ROOM and got a bit bored at one point bcs it's subatomic. I will say, the quantum physics theories & principles are fun. I'll expand on them when we cover Shambles & Takt. But calculating quantum formulas... No thank you. I'll be here with my classic physics, have a great day, sir.
It makes me very very happy to hear that I managed to make it understandable. 😊
I think while watching the anime you and me and everyone, we simply take it all in and enjoy it, and we don't think about things like math (ew, math, yuckie).
You know what we humans do do?
Many people see a mountain and say "whoa, that's big" and it usually ends on that unless we google how tall the mountain is. Scaling things is hard with our eyesight, we either recognise height as "giant, big, medium, small, tiny" bcs it's how we are. We don't need to know because we can recognise it by our eyes. Not the exact numbers, but we feel and understand the size of the mountain. We do have a sense of scale, we just don't put numbers to it at that moment.
Same for One Piece.
We know the characters are FAST, we know they're SUPER STRONG. It's anime, it's supposed to be fun, you're supposed to relax and enjoy it. We don't need to think too hard on it because we recognise deep in our guts these characters would wipe the floor with us within 0.000000001 seconds just as the villains do to the poor One Piece civilians.
Seriously, I feel so bad for the civilians of One Piece. The villains need to pick on someone their own size!
And then they get beaten by someone half their size, ah, irony.
Hmm, I hope I managed to convey what I mean...
I guess I'm the "how big are Doflamingo's hands" search option now. I'm the "how tall is Mt Everest" for the people who want to know a bit more, I guess, haha.
I'm just glad it's fun for everyone! 🎉
I've been working on what I will title Doflamingo's Day Trip To Punk Hazard ie analasys of how fast that flamingo man flew to that island. Only problem is knowing the distance he travelled. Once more, another day passes without the map of One Piece's world and another day I have to wing it.
Oh, well, Luffy set out to sail with one single plan "Enter the Grand Line, become the Pirate King." and he's doing pretty well.
Also, expect Fujitora, cus I fckn love gravity. Oh, and Sanji. I adore Sanji, I can't wait to post some stuff about him, too!
Thank you for the ask, sorry that I went on a bit of a long answer. 😅 Anyway, I'm happy you like the blog and are enjoying it!
Much love to you, anon ❤️
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eartheats · 1 year
Hello Hello ~
I've gotta ask now, cause i havent gotten much time to look at your blog, but how are you and how's it going with the adoption of Bouton?
Also, did you hear of the sootopolis Circuit? You're in Hoenn, so maybe you can come see it? I'm actually competing and i could use every waving hand to support, and Lulu's got six of 'em! (no pressure tho, lol)
- @koffing-time
hiya there tix!! it's going pretty well, i'm waiting on 'em to finish with the background check stuff because they've been super duper busy taking care of stuff, but i already had the interview!! it was super, duper nerve wracking for sure!! i've never actually been to one like that before, but i think it went super well and i've been talkin' to bouton about it some! i just gotta wait patiently for a decision, i'm not entirely sure what the process is but it's deffo not a small undertaking!!
and aww!! i'd really love to, but i really can't manage huge travel right now and idk if miss bryony can either :( we'll definitely be watching on TV though!! and i told lulu about it too and he said this :)
<there is a video here. it shows...a very supportive orthworm roar?? and lulu wiggling all of his limbs cheerily>
<3 we will so so so be supporting in spirit my friend!!
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going-petri · 2 years
A lab empty of human life, something must have happened here, but you don't think to investigate further into that. Empty glass ware of test tubes and beakers fill the place, except for one. A rounded beaker filled shallowly with an orange substance, it seems to have a higher viscosity than water, not thinking twice you pour it out onto the dusty countertop, the slime forming into a 4.3 cm tall being, it seems to mimic a human body. Made you should see what it can do...
(extra info, tag list and more under the cut!)
Hiya! Welcome to this little rp blog this is number... Uhh idfk that @maxthelocalemeraldmayor owns.
Do not ask for any private info from the blog owner, it makes me uncomfortable.
I allow magic anons! What those are is you send an anonymous ask with a prompt like: petri is now [insert whatever] for [number of asks]
Info about muse and refrences
They can expand in water, kinda like an orbeez ball if you leave them in it for long enough.
They can reform limbs if anything happens to it.
Petri uses he/him, they/them, it/it's pronouns!
They are 4.3 cm tall
First photo is a drawing reference. Second is an anatomy one showing how they eat and drink.
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Tag list:
[TESTING IN PROGRESS] - rp threads!
[BEHAVIOR STUDY] - little random in character posts, you can interact with these and turn them into rp threads!
Ooc - out of character posts, or extra lore.
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detroitandroidcity · 3 years
‘Inhale, Exhale’ Connor RK800 x reader
Rating: E (everyone)
Classification: Fluff
Word Count: 725
Reader: Gender Neutral
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hiya chickadees! Well, the time has come for me to post my first bit of writing on this blog! It’s going to be a lil bumpy, because I’ll admit, I didn’t proofread it, and it’s more stream of consciousness than anything. So please, if you find it to be redundant at points, or if you find grammatical errors... give a gal a break! I came up with this idea a few nights ago and it’s been rattlin’ around in my lil brain since then, so I decided to write it. If you enjoy it, please let me know either via askbox or replies, and feel free to request something! Anyway, without further ado, enjoy!
Synopsis: Cuddling with Connor. He doesn’t really understand what it is that he’s doing, but he knows that he likes it.
Inhale. Exhale.
Inhale. Exhale.
Connor’s arms timidly held you close as he carefully measured the intervals at which you drew in your breaths, amazed at the ease of your organic mechanisms. He quietly marvelled at the unique feeling of your chest steadily rising and falling against him in perfect, effortless rhythms.
Cuddling was something Connor was aware of (cud·dle, /ˈkədl/. Verb: hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection), though he wasn’t completely sure why humans would partake in it. It seemed to him to be an inefficient act; an embrace releases endorphins, but why prolong it? He wasn’t entirely sure what benefits there were to this lengthened version of hugging.
Of course, with a deviated state of consciousness, he was beginning to better understand acts of passion and love - and even feel a few urges himself - but with many he still found himself reserved, unsure of what to do, how to feel, and why. However, he was determined to learn, and he recognized that the best learning came with experience.
And so far, he was rather enjoying the learning experiences that you presented him with. Hand holding, hugs, loving touches and bashful kisses. At first he approached these exercises with an analytical mind, searching for perfection and precision. But as time went on, he became aware of something new: feeling. When he would look into your eyes, he noticed a weightlessness that slowly expanded within his chest, when he brushed the backs of his fingers against the skin of your cheek, a heightened sense of touch crackled like electricity through his limbs. When he kissed you, a heat, the sensation of a warm, flooding ocean would descend into his core, crashing like waves, waves of… he wasn’t sure. These waves were almost always accompanied by a strange alertness, a hyper awareness of the way you looked, and a strong urge to kiss you again and again and again. Was that… desire?
When you had asked him to cuddle, he was quick to obey, as most of all, he loved pleasing you. But he struggled to understand the purpose of this action. Was cuddling simply for warmth? Security? He chose not to ask, because he wanted to decode the meaning himself. After all, deviancy was about awareness, consciousness. He wanted these feelings and ideas to come to him naturally. He wanted his feelings to be his own, finally.
At first, he was unsure of himself.
“Lay down on the couch, Connor,” you had instructed him. He swiftly sat, and began to untie his shoes. You giggled. As he maneuvered himself into a comfortable position, you slid next to him, careful not to fall off the edge of the sofa, and nuzzled yourself against him. He had drawn in a quick breath at this, as the sensation of your cheek against his caused him to experience what humans call ‘butterflies in your stomach’. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, and was surprised to realize that he had lost control of his facial expression regulation. A dumb, goofy grin was plastered across his face, and yet he couldn’t seem to override it.
Inhale. Exhale.
Inhale. Exhale.
About an hour had passed, and the room was blissfully quiet. The television droned on, but Connor had lowered the volume as he noticed you softly slipping into sleep. He lovingly brushed his gaze over every inch of your face, taking in the essence of you. He found himself wanting to remember every single aspect of your being; the way that your hair felt as it tickled his chin, the gentle fragrance of your laundry detergent, the feeling of your body pressed against his. The feeling of connection was tangible, and nearly incomprehensible for Connor. It was almost overwhelming, the elated, full feeling in his chest. The feeling of love.
Without warning, Connor felt you squirm unexpectedly. His LED swirled yellow, and instinctively he tightened his hold on you, drawing you closer to him. He wasn’t ready for this feeling to end - he wasn’t ready to let you go. A moment passed, and Connor realized that your sudden movement hadn’t been a bid to get up and put an end to the cuddling, but rather, you had simply been trying to get comfortable in your sleep. Relief washed over him.
Whatever cuddling is - Connor liked it.
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ransprang · 3 years
Hiya! This is my first time requesting a matchup from any blog! I'd love a romantic match up for Fullmetal Alchemist and OHSHC. I'm pan and Female.
I'm a Scorpio, but I'm not really big on star signs, though sometimes when i had to go through papers at my old job I'd look in the Horoscope section just to see if there were any joke ones.
I consider myself an ambivert. I'm a bit shy at first and I get shaky and quiet when ordering food. But once I'm friends with someone I tend to match their energy. I also start to cuss a lot when I feel comfortable around someone!
I love to cook and bake, a lot, there's no recipe I won't try! Literally just before sending this I made Russian tea cookies! Tomorrow imma try my hand at Baklava. I also love to draw, paint and read.
I'm currently in college and taking classes in humanities, I really like to learn about the history behind the arts. It's honestly very interesting to see how art, in all forms, changes throughout time. I'm also a huge science nerd, I love space, paleontology, and biology of all kids really. I also really enjoy rock climbing and hiking, I love nature and being outdoors in general.
(I highly recommend going to South Dakota at some point if you enjoy hiking and rocklimbing, the rocky mountains are gorgeous. The mica in the ground makes the dirt sparkle lol)
I don't really have a specific 'type' but a sense of humor is a must. I'm good with PDA. I don't want to have kids in the future, unless adopted or through a surrogate.
thanks for your request anon. Your match up is....
just kidding!! she thinks you're super cool and wants to be eat Russian tea cookies with you. Anyways, we hope you like your actual matches!!
(fmab & ohshc match ups are under the cut)
Your FMAB match up is.................
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He would fully roast those horoscopes with you. Nothing gives him more joy than roasting astrology sluts when mercury is going into retrograde  
You both have science is common so you could have cute library dates where y’all devour anything that piques your interest.
He’s pretty outdoorsy too since he s got to keep his body fit, especially since he s missing a few limbs here and there. He also yeets out of Resembool any chance he gets so y’all would have tons of fun travelling together
You both could also have fun camping, especially since he’ll be full of camping skills after his lil training arc as a kid! You guys would enjoy living intimately with nature, admiring it’s beauty, and of course eating ants while talking about how all is one and one is all
Ed has a decent sense of humor and you guys would have inside jokes and love roasting each other. He’s funny and knows how to have fun in his own way. Although you might wanna steer clear of the short jokes~
Ed exhibits classic fatherless behavior so in line with that, he wouldn’t want kids either (ignoring the anime)! especially after his rocky childhood
You and Ed would have wonderful cussing matches since neither of you are shy about your linguistic abilities and are happy to flaunt them ;)
PDA might be a bit hard on him, especially at first, and he would blush like a little bitch. But eventually he would get used to it and enjoy occasionally putting his cold metallic arm around you  <3
Your OHSHC match up is................
Haruhi Fujioka
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You guys would meet by chance at the library, since none of the rich kids would use it too often (they prefer the library at home) and start talking over the different books. Haruhi had already seen your name on the books she checks out so it just made sense to approach you.
You guys would start dating soon enough and then you would begin requesting her at the host club too, to make sure no one else gets her for too long. You could bring her cookies and whatever else you make, and she would love them!
She would help you with your social anxiety too, and be your biggest cheerleader whenever you overcome your fears. In turn, you hold her close on stormy nights <3
She would be super impressed with all the variety of cool things you know and you guys would have a great time learning from each other. Her being a law nerd and you with your science interests!
Although Haruhi is not the most physically active she would go with you on treks if you nagged her enough. It’s good to get some physical exercise anyway! But be prepared for the host club boys following you on helicopters to make sure you both manage alright out in the wilderness
In terms of sense of humor she’s managed to develop some version of a twisted, dry wit thanks to her trauma with the ouran boys even though she mostly plays the straight man. Regardless it’s a beautiful lesbian relationship so that means neither of you have to be the straight man :)  
Your adopted kids,
admins san & sar
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Hi Lizzy! Thank you so much for your blog, it's been my guide throughout Destiel hell! My ask is about SPN episode Meta Fiction (09x18), in particular the final 3 minutes...The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine plays (a love song), Dean and Cas have parted yet again, Cas returns to his hotel room with the lyric 'Loneliness is the coat you wear'... Metatron types "it must be you" (although this also has a dual meaning as Cas is about to become a leader). Cut to the boys driving away (part 1)
(Part 2) It's the episode for me that hit me over the head with Destiel but I think I might be out on a limb on this one. It's the worst 3 minutes of my Destiel experience! It's so beautifully played out: the scenes with no dialogue and that heartbreaking song. Do you have any thoughts on the end of this episode? Thank you again!
Hiya, sorry I didn’t reply to this, it made me cry and then I went away and didn’t come back to tumblr for a while but I thought about this on and off constantly until I got pushed to actually come back and start posting again >.>
Yeah, this almost exact moment was what pushed me into seeking out fandom to share what I was seeing in the story and asking if anyone else did and if it wasn’t just that it was blatantly there to see, which I had been doing for years, but that it was being legitimately written into the story and would actually be a storyline that would, eventually, play out. 
I suppose if you go into my tag for the episode I’ve written and reblogged a LOT about it through my time in fandom but honestly I think that scene is more of an Emotion and you already experienced it so you know all there is to know about it already and there’s nothing else you need to be told :P 
Though there was a deleted bit where Cas stops to sew up the gash in his coat before he calls the angels, which absolutely murdered me when I found out, and is a useful thing to remember if you want to be in agony :) 
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hey bby 💕 I saw you can write for polyamory, so can I ask for Law/Reader/Zoro headcanons; Zoro dealing with two insomniac nerds who read comic books hidden in the medical bay of Polar Tang instead of sleeping. Kind of a game of cat and mouse, Zoro trying to drag them to bed and Law and s/o teaming to fool him. 2nd person and female s/o please, with romantic vibe, if you can 😊 Thank you very much and good luck with the blog! Greetings from some-piece 💕😘
Hiya love! Thank you so so much! Quickly wanted to say that I absolutely adore you and all your writings, and am honored to have you in my askbox.  This was such a cute and fun idea, so it became really long, hence the wait, I’m sorry! I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it! 
Two insomniac nerds and a Marimo HC - Law x Reader X Zoro 
2nd person. Polyamory. female reader. 
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 Zoro doesn’t mind that the two of you don’t sleep much. After all, he usually only sleeps a few hours through the night and catches up with his naps throughout the day. And more hours awake means more time to spend with the two of you consciously. (Because he doesn’t mind sleeping or napping together at all). 
But that is where the problem lies: it seemed like it had been DAYS since the three of you last slept together.  
But when he asked the two of you when the last time was you slept after Law and you had accidentally poured salt into your coffees instead of sugar, and the answer was: “ehm… a few days ago?” 
He just shook his head, but made up his mind: the three of you would sleep together in the bed you shared, if only for a few hours. It would make up for your lost sleep, and it would assure some lazy cuddle times, something he was sure of neither of you would really object to, without him having to explicitly ask for it. 
The whole ordeal was easier said than done, he had started off by very obnoxiously stating that he was going to bed, subtlety not really being this dork’s strong suit. You and law stated that you would ‘follow soon’, even going as far as walking with him to your shared bedroom to all change into more comfortable clothes. But then the two of you be off to the medical bay again, ‘sterilizing equipment’. 
“Isn’t all that stuff sterilized already?” Zoro asked annoyedly, already laying down on the bed and getting drowsy, watching as you and Law exchanged looks he couldn’t quite place. 
You and Law had yet to return to the bed when Zoro woke up a little while later. So he decided to go get you. What kind of equipment needed so much attention anyway? 
Of course he was surprised finding the two of you in the medical bay not sterilizing equipment, but reading… comic books? 
Law was sitting against the wall, one leg propped up, the other flat on the ground, with you in between them, leaning against his back. The both of you were each reading a volume of Sora, Warrior of the Sea, too engrossed in it to notice your green-haired boyfriend had busted the two of you absolutely not sterilizing equipment. 
The two of you were nearly hidden behind a whole stack of the books that Zoro could only assume had come from some secret stash underneath one of the beds in the medical bay. 
Zoro cleared his throat and you looked like a deer in headlights, while Law let out an annoyed grunt. 
“We…. couldn’t sleep?” you smiled sheepishly. Zoro had a hard time being angry at the sight of your cute, but oh-so-tired-looking face. 
Law, who is also not very resistant to the adorableness that you are let you do the talking, but kept one eye on both his lovers, just in case Zoro would resort to dragging you to bed or something. 
Zoro actually had to physically restrain himself from dragging the two of you back to your bedroom. “Just come to bed”
It took him more than that, but after some back and forth, Law and you reluctantly agreed. Stashing the comics away in their safe hiding place, the three of you made your way to the bedroom. 
Favorite sleep position of the three of you? Catpile. There’s limbs everywhere, yet comfortable. Everyone is in everyone’s arms and it makes you all feel safe and loved. 
It took Zoro approximately 3 whole seconds to fall asleep again, while law and you were still wide awake, insomnia plaguing your minds. 
Playing with his hair and tracing his muscles while he sleeps calms Zoro and the two of you down, but it’s not making you any more sleepy. 
The two of you exchanged knowing looks, and quietly and as softly as possible slipped out from under the covers, trying not to wake Zoro as you lift one of his limbs to get out. Each placing a soft kiss on the swordsman’s lips, you made your way back to the medical bay. 
Rinse and repeat a few times, because Zoro will wake up every single time he notices the two of you are gone and he will go retrieve the two of you from the medical bay. 
The two of you tried to throw him off a little by taking a few comics and going to sit in the kitchen. 
It worked for a bit, even in the polar tang, Zoro does not always find his way around. 
It was the light from the kitchen that eventually betrayed you.
This time Zoro just snatched the comics from both your hands and the floor and had the two of you follow him to two different wrong rooms before finally finding your bedroom. 
“If you are going to be this stubborn, you might as well just read here”
Switching on a nightlamp, you all got underneath the covers again, Law and you got into comfortable reading positions, and in no time the only sounds in the room were Zoro’s soft snoring and the turning of pages.
Zoro was glad to wake up a few hours later with the both of you finally asleep, his presence combined with the comic books finally enough to keep the insomnia away for a bit.
Zoro took the books and put them on the nightstand, switching off the night light, pressing a kiss on your forehead and Laws cheek, and laid back down again himself. He’d sacrifice one of tomorrow’s naps for a few extra hours of sleep with the two of you.   
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intruality-overlord · 4 years
Why Are We (Best) Friends?
Warnings: Excessive swearing, alcoholism, mentions of drugs, drug use, suggestive humour, implied sexual content (no smut), some gore descriptions. Generally, Remus stuff.
Taglist: @blogging-time @veraisnotfine @littlestr @jessibbb @ibroken-butterflyi @hi-its-tutty @idkanameatall
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist! Updates every Wednesday/Thursday. Have fun :]
Chapter Three 2/2: Duck
Drowning and Itchy
October 4th, 2017.
Remus’s skin was crawling. It scraped against his muscles like a cheap woollen blanket, disturbing his tired bones beneath.
Itchy. It was a strange, unrecognisable itch that he couldn’t satisfy with his usual means. Hugging himself, he frustratedly tried to stop the grating of his nerves. Yet the itch became worse. Now it felt like worms digging through and munching away at his flesh like rotten brussel sprouts (nobody liked those but starving worms and maggots, or goody-two-shoes nerds).
Puppy, Moonshine, his sweet, sweet Apple. His head screamed, ringing in the hollow his thoughts’ absence left. The ringing echoed in his bored ears that tried to stimulate themselves. Yes, Patton would know how to fix whatever this was. Patton, his rebellious little Teddy Bear, could— will fix him.
He didn’t dawdle— not even to acknowledge how funny the word dawdle sounded— sinking down, and rising up in Patton’s room.
The familiar effects of the room half-heartedly soaked his feet like a lukewarm, lapping tide.
“Hiya, Remus. What are ya doin’ here?”
The ringing dripped out his ears like water that had been trapped since he showered last. Basking in the melody of the words, observing the natural shape of the sentence. High pitched, bouncing and slurred, in a minor key. Remus didn’t realise how much he craved his voice until then. Muscles tightly twisted around his ribs uncoiled and he breathed deeply.
“Thomas is thinking about Guys,” Patton said, not knowing what else to say. Standing rigid, his arms tied to his sides, Remus said, “Oh.” Strangling the glass neck of a bottle half empty, Patton added, “And Dolls.”
“Oh,” Remus repeated dumbly. The simple syllable sat anchored low in his throat. “Oh…”
Shoulders hunched, trying to become small and narrow, Patton hugged the bottle to his chest— Then he shook his head, opening his arms and offered the drink. But Remus impulsively took his open arms as a different form of offering, crumpling onto his lap. He tucked his head under Patton’s chin like he needed him to hold his red blotched body, quivering from overstimulation after the fog of his mind cleared— together.
And Patton bundled him in his arms.
The room’s atmosphere was humid with longing, and thick with rejection like so much perfume it stings. Remus let his heavy lids fall, fisting handfuls of Patton’s polo shirt.
Patton gave Remus a small squeeze, then hesitantly peeled his arms away. Confused, Remus only frowned, and borrowed deeper into the embrace. Circling one arm around Patton’s waist, Remus’s other crossed Patton’s back to cling to his shoulder from behind. Their chests were brought flush together. Then Remus felt Patton’s hiccuping breath shivering through his frame.
“You’re not… lea-eav-i-ing?” Patton sniffled. Sheer denial kept Patton’s glass arms, shivering from his squeaky, muted whimper, hovering above the dip of Remus’s back.
“Do you want me to?”
Shallow shuddering breaths desperately tried to dry his tear-waxed eyes. “No,” he pleaded.
“Then no.” And Patton’s collapsed into cuddling the absolute shit out of Remus. Desperate fingers dug into Remus’s shirt. A pinky innocently wandered underneath the fabric making sure Remus was there, and warm, and real, and staying.
It was bizarre to be so close to someone in such an innocent setting, for Remus. Well, perhaps not bizarre, but he wasn’t familiar with it. He could get used to it.
“You have no idea how much I needed this,” Patton whispered, sighing as his tears evaporated on his cheeks and fogged his glasses. The hot puff of breath bussed the shell of Remus’s ear. “I think… I just really needed a hug, too,” Remus admitted, nuzzling him even further. Remus hid his nose in Patton’s shoulder, and Patton hid his in Remus’s hair.
“If you ever feel like this again, you can always come to me?” Patton offered, but it sounded mostly like a request. Cold water of dread splashed Remus’s face.
Did Patton always feel this way?
“Really?” Remus asked instead.
“I’ll always be here to give you as many hugs as you want,” Patton said, and Remus could hear his watery smile, “anytime.”
They stayed together for what could have been hours or days, for all they cared. Inevitably, Patton settled his thumbs into Remus’s back dimples— Yes, he was precious, and pliant, and staying. Remus experimented with the spring of Patton’s curls. Until—
Patton felt a pulse through him, like his stomach being pulled down in an elevator. Resisting it made the contents of his stomach slosh. He shuddered.
Unwilling to bother with proper articulation, the contented bundle in Patton’s arms gave a tiny hum. Patton hugged Remus closer when his voice didn’t work immediately. Nose grazing Patton’s chin, Remus tipped his head up ever so slightly in silent question.
“They’re trying to summon me,” he finally gulped.
“Hmpf?” Remus simultaneously startled and wilted. He steadied himself on Patton’s shoulders. “You’re going?” Remus murmured, searching his eyes. Without realising, Remus shifted so his legs also hugged him close around the hips. A protective cocoon of limbs.
“I’ll come back as soon as I can. I promise.”
Patton locked their eyes, and Remus wished his glasses weren’t in the way. He swept his fringe aside, and their eye contact broke only for Patton’s gaze to flick to Remus’s gentle hand and back. The space between seemed as far as the sun from the dark side of the moon.
And Patton slipped out beneath him as he sunk down.
Gracelessly, Remus belly flopped onto the bed without support. Patton’s shoulders were so sturdy, he noted… rather circled and underlined that already present mental note.
Not knowing what else to do, he curled up in the duvet. Aimlessly, he groped for one of Patton’s many stuffed toys. He desperately tried to retain the swiftly abandoning warmth with the fluffy substitute.
He understood, just… he was another kind of mess today.
Remus had nearly fallen asleep when he felt the foundation of the room shift. It warped around, and Remus quickly checked his eyes with his phone’s camera in case he had gotten high and didn’t remember. Nope, the room was really changing around him and steadily settling into a reflection of the common room.
“Remus!” Patton popped up so quickly he overbalanced. “Puppy?” He sped across the room to see Patton’s eyes glazed like his favourite donuts— “What’s happening—”
“Shut up! You need to leave—”
“The others are coming— no jokes no time— go go go quick!” He spluttered pressing on his shoulders so hard, the unstable room’s floor gave way, and he was rising up into his own room before he could wipe away the brimming, panicked tears from Patton’s reddening eyes.
They nearly got caught.
They… Thomas nearly… he hadn’t seen Roman since— What would Virgil— oh god— oh, Patton…
Remus could have ruined everything.
His itchy arms felt empty.
Remus didn’t like Patton’s new cat hoodie.
(But it’s okay, Remus can learn to accept second place.)
December 25th, 2017.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
Maybe if Patton tried hard enough, he could burst his assaulted eardrums and end his misery. All he needed was enough kinetic energy. He already had a wall to bang his head against, but maybe he should upgrade to a hammer— or better! A—
Wine bottles littered at Patton’s feet (damn that weak, cheap, shit Thomas bought) obscured the plush carpet beneath that his toes curled and dug into. Their glossy surfaces glared at him. Patton would scream at Roman to shut the fuck up if he was coherent. (Whether he was incoherent from drinking or a concussion, it was a mystery.) As it was, all he could do was rip out the carpet fibers with his toes and—
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Would the thick glass bottles be more effective than the wall? Patton wondered, as he tried scrounging up the motivation to convince his arms to budge.
Thump. Thump.
They were going to have a secret Santa together. Patton thought they were going to have dinner, complete with turkey no one actually liked, build gingerbread houses, open Christmas crackers, play card games and monopoly together. Patton thought they were going to drink eggnog together. Patton thought they were going to spend Christmas together.
They had a secret Santa.
And that was it.
Thump… Thump-p-p.
One last pathetic thump like a bouncing tennis ball losing momentum. Alcohol settling more into his system, Patton gave up. He slid down the wall like a hose with its water supply cut off. Screaming, that translated into a sad gurgle, tripped on his teeth.
“Oh, fu— Pat, buddy.”
Bottles clinked together as Remus waded through them. Blasphemy and profanity squeezed betwixt his tense lips like lemon juice. To Patton’s ears, they tasted like the sweetest lemonade.
“Aw, big guy…” Remus murmured, surveying the damage. Patton made a vague noise of disagreement. Settling a hand on his shoulder, Remus crouched down beside him. “Yes, I know you’re short. Doesn’t mean you’re not big in other respects…” he teased with a weak grin. Patton made a louder slightly less vague noise of disagreement. “I’m not calling you fat, you know that,” Remus squawked like an indignant seagull. What an accusation— for Patton to think— what kind of friend did he take him for? A fraud? “Broad shouldered, sure,” he said. “Though, still, not what I meant. Anyway.”
Remus’s suffering smile slipped. Only the corner of his mouth hung on, leaving a minuscule smirk.
(Blearily, Patton noted how Remus was wearing a very amateur, very familiar scarf. That mental note fluttered from his grasp as soon as he mentally wrote it.)
“I got something for you,” Remus eventually said, presenting a blanket to him. The warmest, fluffiest blanket he could imagine.
In Patton’s floating mind, he forgot what colours were, but there were a lot of them. Lots and lots of colours and Patton called them all yellow, for now, since that’s all he remembered. All the many shades of yellow swirled together in intricate patterns, but his eyes were swimming too much to decipher it.
Suddenly, Patton was being swaddled with the blanket— Oh fuck, he realised, it wasn’t the warmest, fluffiest blanket he could imagine. No, it was incomprehensibly warm and fluffy.
Remus wrapped Patton in an extra layer, his amorous arms, and held him snuggly to his beaten, rickety chest. Excitedly, his heart nudged and poked at Patton’s tenderised head. “I’m here,” Remus’s voice was a wisp of steam from a marshmallow piled hot chocolate, “I’m here. You’re not alone, I’m here.” A sugar coated plume of fluffy steam, “See?”
Remus’s trembling tickled Patton as he gave him a grounding squeeze.
“D-don’t,” Remus stammered. Misty eyed, words drowning, “Don’t… don—” he expelled his shivering with a steadying sigh. “You’re not allowed to give up.”
Oh Remus, of course he was always there for Patton.
“I care. You hear me?”
Tears tottered over Patton’s eyelashes. He didn’t even have a Christmas sweater to give Remus.
Remus wasn’t exactly what Patton had expected to get— or, heck— fucking hell, deserved even, for a friend. But he was fucking grateful for him.
The blanket didn’t have any yellow, Patton later discovered the next day. With his pounding heachache, he convinced himself it wasn’t worth it to facepalm. It was truly a water marble design of blues, greens, and grays. Patton loved it, and still couldn’t comprehend how warm and fluffy it was.
Next Chapter:
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mikaisabottom · 4 years
Hiya, I'm so glad that I found someone who thinks Mika is as much of a bottom as do. Anyway I was thinking that maybe Kureto and Guren maybe even someone else with them, can have there way with our precious Mika in prompt 65. I might have an addiction for Mika getting smothered by everyone (灬º‿º灬)♡. I love you and this blog, and hope you have a blessed day (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) .
I love you, anon. Thank you! This is a high-end prostitue!Mika au because why not?! You may have made me obessed with this au now...
65. “How do you feel about two at once?”
{prompt list} 
Mikaela blinks down at his phone, brows stitching together as he reads the words glaring up at him from his screen. 
How do you feel about two at once?
His face heats, the hot blush spreading down his neck and into his chest. Even though he’s been doing this type of work for a little over 3 months now, the question still catches him by surprise. The initial surprise turns to shock when he sees who sent him the message. 
He only knows the man as Kureto, and is the last person he would think would have an inclination for a threesome. The man exudes power and control, and values his privacy more than anything. 
With a nervous swirl in his stomach, Mikaela replies to the message and waits for the address of where they’ll meet tonight. 
They always meet in extravagant hotels that make Mikaela feel small and inadequate. Mikaela tries not to fidget in his seat, the clothes he has on feeling itchy on his heated skin. 
“Want a drink?” The deep voice has him looking up, gaze meeting hard eyes. Mikaela shakes his head.
“Can’t drink on the job.” He manages a small grin despite himself. Kureto nods as he sips at the brown liquor in his glass. 
“Nervous?” The question has him stiffening, shoulders going rigid.
He is never to show how nervous or reluctant he may be to a client. He hates how transparent he can be. 
“A...a little.” Mikaela says, but keeps his eyes firmly on Kureto. Honesty has served him well in the past. His very first client made sure to go slow his first time, the man had been gentle and...kind. The memory of that night still set his heart aflame.  
Kureto sets his glass down after finishing his drink and motions for Mikaela to stand and strip. Mikaela does so, feeling his nerves ease as he falls into the familiar routine he has with Kureto. Underneath his clothes he is wearing a lacy black pair of panties that hug his hips and come up to his bellybutton, a black garter belt that runs down his thighs, and sheer black thigh-high stockings. 
Kureto gives him a once over, dark eyes roaming over each inch of his exposed skin. Mikaela preens at the attention, confident that Kureto would like this color on him. The man pats his lap with one hand, and Mikaela sinks down into it, hands coming to rest on a strong, sturdy chest. One of Kureto’s hands falls on the small of his back, fingers drawing small circles on his skin. 
“You should only be allowed to wear this.” Kureto says, fingers trailing down Mikaela’s thigh. 
Desire hums in his veins as Kureto brings their mouths together, the kiss as hard and brutal as the man himself. The man used to terrify him, but the more time they spent together, the more Mikaela became used to Kureto’s hard exterior. He wasn’t a bad man, and he’d never hurt Mikaela in any way. 
Mikaela gets lost in the passionate kiss, in the rough hands gripping his hips, that he doesn’t notice when the door to their room opens. He moans and grinds down on the hardness he feels pressing against his ass, his own erection straining against soft lace.  
It isn’t until Kureto pulls away from his mouth, hands forcing Mikaela’s hips to stop their movement, that he feels the presence of someone else standing behind him. 
“Ah, so you finally decided to join us.”  Kureto rumbles, and Mikaela shifts. He wants to turn around and see who is joining them, but Kureto’s grip is firm. 
Kureto leans into his neck, lips brushing his skin as he whispers, “Close your eyes.”  
Mikaela clenches his jaw but obeys, the world falling into darkness. Kureto turns him around in his lap with an ease that has his stomach fluttering.
“I thought you’d enjoy my little peace offering.” Kureto’s voice is laced with amusement. “He is quite the sight, isn’t he?” 
Mikaela’s eyelids twitch as he forces his eyes to remain close even though all he wants to do is open them and see who is with them. Judging by Kureto’s attitude he can assume it’s someone the other man knows well. 
“Stand up, Mikaela.” Kureto orders suddenly, and Mikaela hurriedly stands up. With his eyes still closed, he sways and nearly loses his balance once at his feet. Strong hands catch his shoulders, steadying him. He wants to thank the other person, but as he opens his mouth, lips crash into him.  
He makes a surprised sound, a cross between a squeak and a moan as the kiss deepens. His eyes open without his consent, and he finds a very familiar man before him. His chest heaves as he pulls back slightly, fingers curling around the front of the man’s shirt. 
Guren, his very first client, stares down at him, eyes filled with a mixture of desire and shame.
“I’m sorry.” Guren murmurs to him before he pulls him into another fierce kiss, large hand holding him firmly by the back of the neck. 
Mikaela shivers as Kureto’s fingers pull his panties off to the side. His face heats as he feels himself being spread open by a pair of thumbs. He breaks away from Guren’s kiss as a wet tongue swipes against his hole. 
Mikaela bends forward at an awkward angle, using Guren as an anchor to keep from falling. Kureto’s tongue goes deeper inside of him, and all he can do is give a strangled cry when a finger penetrates him, reaching deeper. 
Mikaela’s mind hazes over in lust, his vision blurring. He isn’t sure how he ends up on the floor, hands and knees digging into the soft carpet. He hears shuffling of clothing and licks his lips when Guren’s hard cock finds his mouth. The man brushes his fingers across Mikaela’s cheek, the gentle touch soothing as he slips inside of his mouth. Guren’s thrusts are measured and controlled, allowing Mikaela enough time to breathe in between thrusts. As considerate as their first time.  
Just as he’s getting used to the rhythm, Kureto spreads him open once again and plunges into him with is cock. Mikaela moans and whines around Guren, tensing slightly as his body gets used to Kureto’s size. The man only allows him a moment of reprieve before he begins to fuck him in earnest. 
Mikaela feels tears spring to his eyes, the pleasure of having both his ass and mouth fucked overwhelming him.
Kureto says something he can’t quite hear, or comprehend, but it has Guren cursing and speeding up. At the same time that a hand tightens around his hair, nails bite into the flesh of his waist. Between the two, Mikaela is sure he will pass out as soon as he finishes. 
Guren cums first, spilling his seed down Mikaela’s throat with a grunt. Mikaela drinks it all down, a sick sort of satisfaction filling him when he takes in Guren’s surprised expression. Their first time, Mikaela had coughed and gagged and made a mess. 
Their eye contact is broken when Kureto changes their position, sitting up and dragging Mikaela with him. Mikaela is firmly sitting on Kureto’s lap now, still facing Guren. It’s obvious Kureto wants Guren to watch him as he’s being fucked from behind. He wants to feel ashamed, but all he can do is rock his hips and fuck himself on Kureto’s cock with as much ferocity as he has left in him. Each thrust hits his prostate at just the right angle, and once Kureto starts matching his rhythm, Mikaela falls forward on his hands. He keeps his eyes on Guren, looking at him through the strands of his hair.  
He wants to show Guren how much he’s learned, how he is no longer the scared and trembling mess he was when they first met. 
He wants Guren's intense gaze burned into his skin. 
It only takes a few more thrusts for Mikaela to cum all over the carpet a pathetic cry, thighs shaking as Kureto cums inside of him with a groan. 
He collapses against the floor when Kureto pulls out of him, panting into his arms. The rosy bliss of his orgasm has his head spinning, and it takes him a few minutes to catch his breath.   
“From now on, I want you to be exclusively mine, Mikaela.” Kureto’s sharp words have him sitting up on shaky limbs, eyes wide. The man is standing next to him, looking as if he didn’t just fuck him within an inch of his life.  
“Oh...um…” Mikaela’s mind is too dazed to fully react.
“I’ve already spoken to your handler, and your contract has been transferred over to me.” Kureto’s eyes flicker to Guren. “Guren will be an exception, but only if he follows the rules.” A smirk crosses Kureto’s face. Mikaela looks between the two men, confused by the sudden hostile atmosphere.
Guren looks at him, and his eyes soften before he turns away to rearrange his clothes and stand. For a moment, Mikaela is sure Guren is going to punch Kureto, but the man only huffs and leaves the room, the door slamming shut as he disappears. Mikaela stares at the empty door. 
“You can stay here as long as you want.” Kureto says to him, one of his hands threading itself through Mikaela’s hair in an oddly sweet gesture. Mikaela nods and smiles up at the man. 
He watches as the man leaves, hugging his knees to his chest, and wonders how exactly Guren and Kureto know each other.
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mueritos · 5 years
Hey Matt!! I just found your blog through your "things about testosterone no one told me about" post and I wanted to say thank you so much for all of the questions you answer and all of the useful information you've given everyone! I kind of wanted to ask you a couple of questions if that's cool? If you dont want to answer them tho that's totally cool too!✌ I've only just recently come out and now that I have I like really want to start T but like I'm such an anxious over thinker lmaoo
(2) Like for one—I never knew that tiny peen was a part of testosterone until I started like really looking into it recently and like I feel like that has thrown me for such a loop, like on one hand that's like kind of awesome but then on the other hand like, also sounds like mildly horrifying almost like growing another limb? 🐛 my question is just like.. is it easy to get over? Like did you get used to it pretty fast or does it like stay a strange experience for a long time?
(3) Like idk why that's the part that makes me almost apprehensive, like everything else I'm super psyched for like I've always wanted a deeper voice and shit, so I need to just get over limb growth lmao 😭 but also like NEEDLES is the other thing. Like needles have always made me sick and almost pass out, are the needles like extra horrifying needles or like...average needles (still horrifying but slightly less horrifying) Sorry for the small essay and thank you so much for being you!! ✌💕 -
Hiya! Glad you found the post. As for bottom growth, you aren't growing a new limb, your clitoris is just growing haha, so something thats already a part of you is simply just...extending. You do get used to it but of course its essentially like having a tiny penis between your legs. That means if you get stimulated, it does get hard and kind of uncomfortable like a cis guys dick. Its not always painful to grow into and only hurts because your clitoris gets SUPER sensitive while its growing, so it touching anything is just kinda weird feelings. As for needles, Ive had a great fear of them my entire childhood that I didn't stop crying during flu shots until I was in 8th grade lol. My first t shot I almost passed out. Actually, after every t shot I get feelings of faintness and dizziness after or during the shot because even tho I kno it'll be just fine, ive just conditioned myself to think I will DIE if I go near a needle, so my brain is like SHUTTING DOWN. But I still get through it. I will say it gets easier to inject the more you do it, but I still haven't gotten over that fear. I still feel like passing out most shots haha
Hope this helped ya!
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bunnyart-blog · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog 💖
Hiya bby!! 💕
I have four dogs! The two oldest were rescue dogs and the younger two are their puppies.
I have broken all four of my limbs!
I’m from Australia, which means my whole perception of reality is warped.
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