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mlosada · 1 year ago
Hito Steyerl, 1966
Munich, 1966
Ciculación de imágenes, Internet, tecnologías digitales, control, vigilancia, militarización, migración, globalización cultural, feminismo imagen política, violencia política
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November, 2004
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In free fall, 2010
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How not to be seen. A Fucking Didactic Educational.MOV, 2013
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martalosada · 2 years ago
Munich, 1966
Ciculación de imágenes, Internet, tecnologías digitales, control, vigilancia, militarización, migración, globalización cultural, feminismo imagen política, violencia política
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November, 2004
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In free fall, 2010
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How not to be seen. A Fucking Didactic Educational.MOV, 2013
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gunnarsohn · 4 days ago
Die Kettensäge Schumpeter – oder wie man einen Ökonomen zersägt @DasErste @HitoSteyerl
Zur Aktualität von Joseph A. Schumpeter Kaum ein Begriff wurde derart missverstanden, missbraucht und missvermarktet wie die „schöpferische Zerstörung“. Dank technophiler Oligarchen, reißbrettgläubiger Start-up-Gurus und disruptiv erregter Kunstredaktionen hat sich um Joseph Schumpeter ein Mythos gebildet, der mit seinem tatsächlichen Werk ungefähr so viel zu tun hat wie Elon Musk mit…
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ayrchive · 4 years ago
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“How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File” (Hito Steyerl 2013)
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millenniumfilmjnl · 5 years ago
Millennium Film Journal No. 62 “New Books” (Fall 2015). Cover: all books reviewed in the issue. Title page: Soda_Jerk “The Time that Remains” (2012) Frame Enlargement #sodajerk #brucemcclure #fernsilva #hitosteyerl #marklewis #peggyahwesh #malcolmlegrice https://www.instagram.com/p/CEeYo2aBo6j/?igshid=90uvdvd0ds8f
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g-w-lad · 6 years ago
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artpress 467 - June 2019
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rob-art · 6 years ago
Hito Steyerl - In Free Fall: A Thought Experiment - lecture - 06/11/2010
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jamnicek · 3 years ago
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My series of collages made from found footage. Images where created intuitively from an intuitive selection of internet materials and given back in accordance with democracy of bad quality images. Enjoy
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ciciiliu · 4 years ago
After doing research for the presentation on “In Defense of the Poor Image”, I was mesmerized by her other work. I loved this performance/documentary piece where Steyerl does everything to “not be seen” The electric kind of music and voice has a scary, threatening tone to me. 
March 20, 2021
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300artistascontemporaneos · 4 years ago
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STEYERL, HITO (Alemania, 1966)
Se dedica principalmente al cine y el videoarte.  En el año 2015, la obra de Hito Steyerl titulada The Factory of the Sun (2015) fue proyectada en la Bienal de Venecia. Es un video proyectado en lo que llama el "Estudio de captura de movimiento"- una sala de cine trazada con un 3D inmerso donde los espectadores pueden ver el vídeo mientras reposan en unas tumbonas de plástico. 
Trata temas de la actualidad como pueden ser el impacto causado por la proliferación de imágenes y el uso de Internet y las tecnologías digitales en nuestra vida cotidiana, que le sirven de punto de partida para desarrollar –no solo a través de su obra en vídeo sino también en sus escritos y ensayos– un trabajo crítico sobre el control, la vigilancia y la militarización, la migración, la globalización cultural, el feminismo o la imagen política. Lo presenta en modo de instalación digital.
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lisablasstudio · 4 years ago
Monday's image: November 23, 2020
Hito Steyerl, Red Alert, Triptych, Three films of 30 seconds each running in a loop; three flat screen cinema screens of 76.2 centimeters each, three mac minis, mounting system, connection hardware, Edition: 2/3 + 2 AP, 2007, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Subscribe to News - Lisa Blas by Email
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herchive · 5 years ago
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@herchive.project is bringing you more numbers! In the 10 entries on the list of the most powerful people in contemporary arts 8 feature a female identifying person! . . . #herchive #herchiveproject #data #visualization #infographic #infographic #number #femaleempowerment #graph #nangoldin #hauserandwirth #hitosteyerl #felwinesarr #benedictesavoy #ruangrupa #mariabalshaw #tate #yayoikusama #thelmagolden #thestudiomuseuminharlem https://www.instagram.com/p/B9owA8aJqSr/?igshid=e8xbi8nueuhd
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skulpturprojekte-blog · 7 years ago
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Hito Steyerl: HellYeahWeFuckDie / Skulptur Projekte Münster 2017 #sp #sp17 #sp_muenster #kunst #art #licht #schriftzug #worte #muenster #hitosteyerl (hier: Münster)
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worldfoodbooks · 7 years ago
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NEW IN THE BOOKSHOP: SKULPTUR PROJEKTE MÜNSTER 2017 For forty years, the Sculpture Project Münster has been an important event for contemporary art. Held every ten years, its curatorial direction has been in the hands of Kasper King since its inception in 1977. In 2017, it was in close cooperation with Britta Peters and Marianne Wagner. For the exhibition, international artists are invited to develop site-related works for the urban space. The fifth edition of the Sculpture Project features around thirty new artistic positions moving between sculpture, installation, and performative art. This publication produced in conjunction with the exhibition contains seven essays, an extensive series of images, and short texts provide information about the projects. Edited with text by Kasper König, Britta Peters, Marianne Wagner. Text by Inke Arns, Claire Doherty, Mit Sanyal, Mark von Schlegell, Gerhard Vinken, Raluca Voinea. Includes the work of : Ei Arakawa, Aram Bartholl, Nairy Baghramian, Cosima von Bonin, Andreas Bunte, Gerard Byrne, Camp (with Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran), Michael Dean, Jeremy Deller, Nicole Eisenman, Ayşe Erkmen, Lara Favaretto, Hreinn Fridfinnsson, Monika Gintersdorfer and Knut Klaßen, Pierre Huyghe, John Knight, Xavier Le Roy with Scarlet Yu, Justin Matherly, Sany (Samuel Nyholm), Christian Odzuck, Emeka Ogboh, Peles Empire with Barbara Wolff and Katharina Stöver, Alexandra Pirici, Mika Rottenberg, Gregor Schneider, Thomas Schütte, Nora Schultz, Michael Smith, Hito Steyerl, Koki Tanaka, Oscar Tuazon, Joelle Tuerlinckx, Cerith Wyn Evans, Herve Youmbi, Barbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca Available via our website and in the bookshop. #worldfoodbooks #skulpturprojekte2017 #pierrehuyghe #hitosteyerl #sany (at WORLD FOOD BOOKS)
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dart11012019 · 6 years ago
Stupid AI
What is “artificial stupidity”?
Also, “Being Invisible can be Deadly”
“The Language of Broken Glass”
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carloscruzv · 6 years ago
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#HitoSteyerl #Freeplots (at Park Avenue Armory) https://www.instagram.com/p/By8M6monKOF/?igshid=hzn9nhvern8z
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