#his story is unavailable and i’m worried he’s going to block me even though he hasn’t even seen my message
yearningsaphic · 1 year
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Realizing Pedro Pascal won’t ever see your heartfelt paragraph long message to him on Instagram, much less reply to it ​and you won’t ever meet him
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Ø  Meaning: Secret, Mysterious, Understood only by few. MAGIC
Ø  Pairing: Panther Hybrid Min Yoongi x Reader
Ø  Summary: Some secrets are kept for the good of people. Some secrets are kept for abuse or power. Yoongi had been a victim of abuse and power, and he wasn’t going to let anyone else use secrets for that purpose. So, when Y/N comes into his life with secrets, he doesn’t want to fall into that rabbit hole again. He doesn’t want to give all his trust to someone who will abuse their power over him. But maybe Y/N’s secrets are a good thing.
Ø  Genre: Hybrid!au, fluff, angst, eventual smut
Ø  Warnings: None
Ø  Word Count: 1897
Ø  A/N: Hey guys… this is my first Min Yoongi fic!! After finally finishing my first ever BTS fic, GOLDEN TIME, I started working on this one!! If you haven’t noticed, I really love Hybrid stories and I seem to love writing them just as much!!! So, I really hope you guys love and support this fic like you did with GOLDEN TIME!! If you want to be added to a tag list, message me or leave a comment or ask!! Thank you so much!!
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Training a house dog was one thing. Walking around parks and seeing them full of dogs playing and learning to sit, come, stay, roll over was something rather cute.
What wasn’t cute was walking past those same parks to see full grown adult hybrids learning the same tricks as dogs. They may have animal genetics, they may have eats and a tail, and some attributes of their animal counterpart. Yet, it gives no proper reasoning as to why hybrids needed to be trained to sit, stay, come, roll over for a treat like they were lesser.
Hybrids might have been part animal, but they were also part human. A small detail lots of humans seemed to miss themselves.
Y/N walked through the park, having slipped away from her overbearing parents 30 minutes ago, loving being by herself. Even though it was loud, children running and playing, their parents running and shouting after them, hybrids playing with children, dogs running around. There was so much noise, so much around her, and yet it was the most at peace Y/N had been in months.
She was never allowed this type of freedom, not since she was a kid, and so she basked in the walk alone. The rays of the sun warming her up as she stood in the middle of the grassy area, head raised to the sun, eyes closed. The light cardigan over the dress she wore in the summer breeze moved as she looked around, happy to be alone, even for a while.
A rather loud, high pitched shout caused Y/N to open her eyes. Y/N blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the bright light of the sun, only to catch the ending of a tall woman hitting a hybrid.
From where Y/N stood she could make out small golden ears on top of the hybrids head, the same colour of the mop of golden hair on the hybrids head. A long golden tail wrapped around the hybrids own thigh as the hybrid curled in on themselves, their hands moving up to cover their face.
The hybrid was obviously scared, and it was even more obvious that no one was going to help the hybrid. Human and hybrids alike just looked as the woman punished her hybrid for not listening to her before looking away. Y/N noticed some hybrids, the closer ones and younger ones looked at the hybrid sympathetically, but the whole world knew that no one could help the poor hybrid. Like Y/N, all they could do was watch, before turning away herself.
Moving off the grass, Y/N followed the path to the edge of the park, joining the crowded streets of people. Y/N only had so much time to herself before her parents found her again, and that was an argument she could wait for. After all, this was the reason she had convinced her parents of this trip to the city, having planned the whole trip out.
Checking her watch as she moved across the street, Y/N only had 3 more hours before she had to meet her parents back at the hotel. She was already setting something up that would undoubtedly give her parents some type of heart attack, the least she could do was be on time.
Well as on time as a daughter can be in adopting a hybrid without her parents knowing she would.
Following the GPS on her phone, Y/N finally made it to the shelter, quickly opening the door. She was welcomed by a lively room, what was obviously once white walls were now covered in pictures of hundreds of hybrids. Some playing by themselves, some obviously posing for the camera and some with the biggest smile and humans, just having been adopted. The people in the room seemed to be just as lively, smiles and laughter coming from everywhere.
Y/N could tell who worked at the shelter, the purple shirts with the words “HOPE Sanctuary” on the back told her just that. It seemed there was a small family who had just happily adopted a dog hybrid, from the looks of it the young hybrid must have been the same age as the son he currently played with. There was also an elderly couple who had just adopted a cat hybrid, the younger feline standing next to the elder woman who gave the hybrid such a warm grandmotherly smile.
“Excuse me?” A voice spoke from behind Y/N. “Can I help you?”
A young woman stood next to Y/N; the purple shirt she wore matched the purple hair she sported. She was beautiful, the smile on her face was infectious, the soft dimples making her look that much younger. Y/N could tell she enjoyed working here, it was always good to see that there were humans like her that only wanted the best for hybrids.
“Hi yes. I called a few days ago about adopting a hybrid?” Y/N recalled the conversation she had with a very cheerful man.
“Ah yes, the older hybrid, right?” The woman’s eyes seemed to spark something. “If you would just take a seat, I will go get the owner.”
“Oh okay, thank you.” Y/N bowed her head  before moving to sit in one of the chairs.
Sitting on one of the free chairs, Y/N’s phone buzzed, reaching into her handbag to check the screen. She breathed a sigh of relief, thanking every god she could think of it wasn’t her parents. It was just a reminder, a needed reminder, but just a reminder to take her medication.
It was a simple enough task, one she did willingly, taking the small tablets then the water in the bottle she always carried around. She may not like it, she may not like the effects of them, and she may not like how her parents treated her like some child. But at 24 years old, she knew when to argue about something, and when to accept her fate and do as she’s told.
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N?” A familiar voice made Y/N look up as she screwed the lid tightly on her water bottle. “I’m Jung Hoseok, but please, J-Hope is what everyone calls me. I believe we talked on the phone.”
“Yes, Mr. Jung…” Y/N caught his eyebrow raise before laughing a little as she stood, taking the man’s hand in a handshake. “J-Hope.”
“Would you follow me to my office?” J-Hope gestured towards an office door, and with a nod they both moved towards it. “Can I just say, when we got your call that you were interested in one of our older hybrids, I just had to take your case personally.”
“It’s nothing to be worried about, trust me.” J-Hope smiled widely, letting Y/N know he was excited. “It’s just when it comes to hybrids, people normally go for the younger children or even teens. I worry about the older hybrids, and unfortunately any hybrid over the age of 21 is considered old.”
“Really?” That was news to Y/N, her eyes wide as she took a seat opposite J-Hope.
With a sad nod from J-Hope, he moved some paperwork around, obviously finding the right stack; “So when you said you had interest in older hybrids, I just knew it was a case I had to take.” He finally found the right stack of paper with a small sound of approval. “We currently have 6 older hybrids here and I would love you to meet them all. Though with 2 of them unavailable you will only be meeting 4 of them.”
“What species of hybrids are they?” Y/N sat up straight in her chair, intrigued and happy. “The ones I’ll be meeting at least.”
“Two dog hybrids, a fox hybrid and a cat hybrid.” J-Hope looked up and smiled as he handed over 4 files to Y/N. “These are everything about them, you can read them first or you can meet them first, which ever you choose first.”
Looking down at the 4 files, she quickly flipped through them, a picture on the front of each yellow file. All 4 hybrids were males, first was a golden retriever hybrid, sandy blonde hair, the same colour as his floppy ear. He had a boxy smile, large eyes that shone brightly and he seemed to have been playing in mud as the picture was taken. Mud covered his clothes, parts of his face and hair had muddy stains, he seemed to be having a great time, even in the picture.
The second was a German Sheppard hybrid, large ears stood tall, tan and black, his head was tilted to the side. He looked to have been caught off guard, a book sat on his lap, his mouth opened slightly. He looked tall, even sitting on what looked to be his bed, his large hands looked like they wanted to move up to block the camera from taking his picture. There was a small note on the front of his file “Would be best suited for someone who lives close to the outdoors.”
Third was a very handsome hybrid. Anyone could tell that hybrid or not, he was truly very handsome, his black hair matched his shorter black ears. His eyes bore into the camera it seemed, welcoming anyone who looked at the picture. His smile was almost childlike compared to his eyes, his lips looked so soft and pink and honestly Y/N could stare at them all day. Y/N saw that he was the oldest of the 4 hybrids, and yet he could easily be mistaken for so much younger than his age.
The final file was of the only feline hybrid in the pile. A hand covered most of the view of the hybrid, but from what she could see was a pair of intense eyes. They looked almost black, his hand covered one of them, but still they drew her in, if not making her shiver. His hair was jet black, as were his small ears, in the light of the photo there was almost purple streaks. There was a small note left for him too; “If he is not adopted in the next 6 months, he must be signed up for the breeding program.”
“Um… could I meet them maybe?” Y/N lifted her gaze up from the feline hybrid. “I just… I think I would feel a lot better if I was able to meet them before making a decision.”
“Of course, you can. Would you like to meet them all together, or one at a time?”
“I think it would be better one at a time.” Y/N moved the files to sit on her knees.
“Perfect choice.” J-Hope stood. “Follow me and I’ll take you to a meeting room.”
Soon J-Hope had set Y/N up in a room, large windows that completely illuminated the room, two comfortable looking chairs and a table between them. J-Hope had left to go get the first hybrid as Y/N paced a little around the room. She was scared to meet them, but she was more scared of walking out of the shelter without a hybrid.
It was the one thing in her life that she truly needed right now, she needed independence. A hybrid would give her that. 
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@ariana-winchester95​ | @haven-raven012591​ | @gracehiii​ | @larenelizabeth​ | @legazix​ | @jiminot7​ | @narcissism-iskey​
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I’m tired and I’m not really sure how to write Fundy, but here you go. BTW, i already have a solution planned for them getting in, so if anyone can send me an ask on what they think the solution is uhhhhhh idk you get a cookie or something.
Grum was just finishing up the first floor of their new base when someone approached him from behind. “Hey there, haven’t seen you around before.”
Grum didn’t turn to face them, just continuing to build, though he did catch what looked like a fox tail in the corner of his vision. “That would make sense. I am new to this world along with my brother.”
“Is that so? Met many people yet?”
“Three people. No wait, four. The admin of this world of course visited us due to us being new arrivals. There was a ghost that first greeted us upon our arrival. A Sheep hybrid named Puffy has been giving us temporary housing until this place is complete. Finally we met with a man in a creeper mask known as Mister Sam who assisted us with a redstone issue.”
“I’m sorry, ‘Mister Sam’?”
“Correct. I wish to not upset my brother as the stories he has heards from bzzt about bzzt leave the association with the name do sometimes cause problems.”
“I’m sorry what the fuck was that?”
Now Grum turned to look at the person, wondering what the problem was. Immediately the person jumped back and Grum could see they were a fox hybrid which was clearly on display from their fur being extremely puffed up. Obviously, they were scared of something, so Grum looked around and found nothing. “You seem frightened. May I ask what is causing your concern?”
“What’s up with your face?!”
“You mean my monitor? That is because I am a robot. Unlike what I assume would be everyone else on this server excluding my brother, I was not born but built. Or perhaps you are referring to my small stature and voice seeming to belong to someone young while I have the bzzt of my bzzt.”
Slowly the fox hybrid was calming down, though Grum could tell he was still on edge. “Uh so, you just met with Dream, right? You’re not like… he wasn’t the one to create you?”
“No. My creators are bzzt and bzzt. They made me for bzzt bzzt but after that was over, they bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt until bzzt bzzt and thus took my brother and I to bzzt and made our bodies.”
“Are you doing okay? Is your wiring fine or…?”
“I believe it should be fine. I could allow you to take a look if you wish.” The hybrid seemed to be much calmer now and his tail swished in minor excitement. “I will go to a place to turn off so you can safely look at my wiring. Please do not cause any damage…. I am sorry, I did not catch your name.
“The name’s Fundy. What’s yours?”
“My name is Grumbot.”
“Cool. That stand for anything?”
“Correct, the name of course comes from me being a robot, but it is also a combination of bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt.”
“...Good to know.”
Grum walked inside the barely finished building and sat on his bed next to the charger before turning himself off. He was slightly worried about something bad happening while vulnerable to this Fundy person, but they just seemed a bit curious which was perfectly fine.
When in sleep mode, Grum had dreams, but never really while completely powered off, which was odd when he had one. He was playing a game with someone who was getting more and more frustrated that they didn’t know the password he had thought of. They tried his name, his server name, Jrum’s name, his dads’ names, a lot of names. But then also things he liked, like building and making music and hearing his brother talk about redstone.
“Did you see anything in there?!”
“No! No I swear I didn’t see anything that would give us any answers!”
Grum laughed, they were getting so frustrated. And it seemed like now there was a bet going on for who could figure it out first. He wasn’t sure what the first person would get out of it, but it sounded like the second would get a phone call with a famous redstone person. Maybe Jrum knew who it was.
“Please! I’ll keep trying to figure it out. Maybe he’ll be able to tell us once he’s awake or something just please let me have the communicator!”
Once who was awake? Who were they talking about? A third person who wanted to join the game? Well, perhaps they would continue the game until they arrived. It didn’t seem like these two were getting close to the answer at all. He asked if they were going to keep guessing.
But then he woke up. He was no longer in bed, Grum assumed he was moved when Fundy was looking at him. The admin was also here. “Oh, hello there Dream. I am sorry if I was unavailable. Fundy was worried I had an issue and wanted to make sure I was doing well.
“Yeah, I saw. Asked Fundy to check something for me too. We ran into a small issue, but nothing major.”
Grum tilted his head. “What was the issue?”
“Well, we tried to access something and it completely locked us out.” Fundy answered, Grumbot wondering why the hybrid sounded nervous.
“The only things that should lock you out are my files, and only the most important files. Ones that could cause me great harm if they were messed with. I ended up locking them away after meeting bzzt again, but I made sure that they can be accessed during emergencies through a password.”
“What’s the password?” Fundy asked, before quickly adding on a clarification. “Uh, y’know in case uh, it’s like one of those ‘too weak’ passwords.”
“Oh, I do not believe it is. While there is potential for it to be too weak, it is something that those I am close to would know, thus making it a perfect password since if you were someone who knows the password, I would know it would be safe for access.”
“Riiight. Hey anyway, Dream. Does this mean I-”
Dream threw something at Fundy. “Knock yourself out. One call for every time you help me with this.”
Grum tilted his head, curious about why Fundy seemed so on edge. “If it is an important call, you can take it here. I would not mind. I also do not have to pay attention if it is a private call as many of my functions will be focused on building this starter base.”
“I’m sorry, starter base? This is already pretty huge.”
Grum looked back at the single floor he had built. “Correct. I would like for it to have ample room for the resources my brother and I collect.”
“Ah, right. Forgot about the… two of you thing.”
“That does remind me that I should contact him to see how he is doing. He likes to get himself into trouble and I would not like for him to find a way to lose another life.”
“I’m sorry, another?! You guys have been here how long and he’s already lost one?!”
“There was an issue in our creation. Both of us have lost a single life in attempting to be recognized in this world. So theoretically, we both started with two lives.”
The hybrid looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t until starting to walk inside. “Uh, I think I’ll take your offer on going inside to take this call.”
“Very well.” Grum nodded and then he pulled out his blocks, ready to continue building.
“Grian stop! You’re just hurting yourself even more!” Mumbo held Grian’s arm, trying to pull him back to the ground while also dodging the flapping wings.
“No! I… There’s… know that… I’m…I know there has to be a way in there! I’m a Watcher! I can get in there!”
“Mate, just let us go in there.” Phil spoke up. “The four of us are supposed to be in the SMP. If you can’t get in for some reason, I’m sure we can.”
Grian shook his head. “Those two are Mumbo and I’s kids! If anyone is going in there to bring them home, it’s going to be us!”
“And so what? We can just go in and at least fix whatever Dream did so you can get in.” Tubbo suggested.
“Absolutely not!” Grian finally landed to directly focus on Tubbo. “I am not letting any of you back there after the horror stories so many of us here have heard! Especially not Tommy!”
“Aww come on big man! We all know what the fuck we’re getting into. Besides, we haven’t been gone that long. Well I have, but I’ll just stay in the shadows or something.”
“That’s even more of a reason for you not to go!” Grian shouted before looking at Phil. “You have to agree with me on this, right?!”
“Are you sERIOUS?! We have gone over this already. I’m sick of hearing you being a sucky parent. I don’t need to see it too! Especially after Mumbo said you were going to try and fix it!”
“Tommy was able to get through all of that and he’s willing to go back to help you. He may not be officially an adult, but he’s not an absolute child.”
“Hey Grian?”
“Not now Mumbo. He didn’t get the chance to be a child because of everything the people there put him throu- I said not now!” Grian whipped his head around to look at Mumbo who was looking quite serious.
“Grian. Stress sent a message. Iskall got a call from someone who they’ve had complete radio silence from for a few months now. Someone that has come up in a few discussions.”
“If it’s not the boys, I don’t care.”
“It’s Fundy. And he’s trying to get help from Iskall on some redstone wiring that is my design. Specifically what I used for the boys.”
“Oh that’s not fucking good.” Phil said first, while Grian was in too much shock.
“G, please, we need to fucking go there. We don’t have any fucking time to wait for you to find a new solution!”
“N-No… If you go there… then…”
“We’re going there whether you want us to or not. Only reason we’re not gone yet is because you’re holding us up.” Techno spoke up, crossing his arms. “Leave Tommy here if you want, but send the rest of us.”
Grian looked conflicted, but Mumbo put a hand on his shoulder. “Look, I don’t like it either, but I don’t like any of this. We said we’d be there for the boys, and right now, us being there is not being there and using up more time to try and find a way in, okay?”
Grian hesitated, but eventually sighed and relented. “Okay. I’ll send you guys over.” And he uses his Watcher powers to send the group of three into the- “Wait.”
“What’s wrong now?” Techno asked, rolling his eyes. “We don’t need you changing your mind now.”
“You can’t get in either.”
“We what?!” Tubbo asked, half shouting from confusion.
“I mean you’ve also been blacklisted. It doesn’t make sense. I… why would you three get blacklisted?”
“Are you saying that none of us really can’t get in?”
Grian hesitated. “Well, obviously yes. I-”
“You haven’t tried it with me yet.” Tommy spoke up.
“No! You are the last person who should be going there alone!”
“But I can get in, can’t I? Dream’s always been obsessed with me. I won’t be blacklisted. I can guarantee it.”
“Absolutely not! What happened to you always saying you never wanted to go back?”
“It’s gonna be one time and it’ll be quick. And I can get back out, I’ll just do what I did last time!”
“Tommy you don’t know what you did last time!” Grian ruffled his feathers angrily. “You are not going and that’s final!”
“Then what the hell are we supposed to do?” Tubbo asked. But Grian didn’t answer.
Iskall and Stress were flying towards the coordinated Mumbo had given to Stress. As they flew, she did her best to help make sure Iskall didn’t crash into anything as he continued the conversation they were having with Fundy. “Are you absolutely sure he doesn’t have a mustache or anything?”
“Yeah! It’s just a fucking smiley face like Dream has!”
“Okay and you still haven’t seen Jrum?”
“No. I’ve tried asking this guy but he won’t stop building and I sort of don’t want to press his buttons too much.”
“Can you contact anyone else about him?”
“Uh… lemmie check with Puffy. Fuck I hope this doesn’t mess things up with you.”
“Look, if he takes your comm away again, Grian can find a way into your server. My only surprise is he isn’t there already.” Iskall looked up, glad they did so at the right time to straighten their flying. “Any idea if Mumbo isn’t with Grian?” 
“I messaged both o’ them love. And I doubt they’d be apart right now. Somefink must be up.”
“Hey Iskall, don’t want to worry you much more, but I’ve also been told to try and find this kid’s password to his important files. I know It’s probably not wise to mess with those, but at the same time, that could be the only way to fix him.”
Iskall sighed. “I wouldn’t know that. That’s gotta be something only Grian and Mumbo know. They haven’t told us much about that, Stress and I especially.”
“That’s- oh shit!”
“What?! Fundy what’s going on?!”
“The kid. Fuck. what the fuck’s going on with him? I… Is that the password?”
“Fundy!” Iskall shouted, getting the hybrid’s attention this time.
“He suddenly fell off the area he was building. His face is going crazy. Like it's how I’m seeing it, then how you describe it, then it’s just a big heart, and he’s just repeating the word gorgeous.”
“He’s what?!” Iskall was so startled they nearly had their elytra close from how they jerked in surprise. “Fundy you need to turn him off and open him up. We’re almost to Mumbo so he should be able to help walk you through it.”
“Okay I-” Fundy’s voice cut out.
“Fundy? Fundy?! Dammit!”
“Try calling him back?”
“I’m trying!” Iskall shouted in frustration. “It’s not going through!”
“Well I see everyone up ahead. I’m sure they can fink of somefink.”
“I hope so.”
Jrum was humming as he walked towards where the charger had been placed. He took a slight detour on the way there to play in a pond, but now he was almost back. He could even see what Grum had been building from this distance. It would be a nice place to stay while they tried to get home. Or waited to be brought back home. It wasn’t like no one was trying to rescue them. They had lots of people who loved them. Even if they had been left alone for a while… Him stuck in the shopping district… not completely sentient during that time… and his brother left in a box…
Well, he shouldn’t dwell on that. He was almost to the house and he would use the furnace and cook some clay he had gathered. Jrum may not have been the best builder, but he liked to help with accents here and there. And there was clay in the pond so they could have some flower pots. Jrum had even found a nice little sprout in his inventory that he hadn’t remembered picking up, but it was very pretty!
“Gruuuum! I’m back with lots of stuff!” There wasn’t an immediate answer so he yelled again. “Gruuuuuum! Stop building and look at what I-” He finally got past the doors and found Grum in bed with a fox person who had opened his repair hatch and was looking through it. “Hi there! Who are you?”
The fox looked up and at Jrum. “Oh thank god you have a mustache.”
“Uh, yeah? Did something happen to Grum’s?”
“Yeah, you could say that. He’s got a password on some important files and I think I need to access those to help him. Please tell me you know what it is.”
Jrum rubbed his chin before nodding. “Yeah! I can put it in for you! But you need to turn him on enough for me to use it.”
“Right. Fuck… what did we do before. Uh…” Fundy did something and Grum turned on. “Okay yes! There we go!”
Jrum looked at his brother whose face was fuzzy. “Hi Grum! We need to get to your important files because you’re a little sick or something. Can we see them?”
“Those files are protected and require a password to access.”
“Well I have the password!” Jrum said before leaning in to where Grum’s ears were, getting right near the pinhole opening of a microphone. He made sure to be very quiet so that the fox person couldn’t hear him since hybrids like that usually had better hearing. “The password is Mumbo4Mayor.”
Jrum leaned back as Grum processed what had been said. “Password has been accepted. Files can now be accessed.”
Jrum watched as in front of the fuzzy image of his brother’s face, files and programs appeared like his monitor was the desktop of a regular computer. It made Jrum wince a little, just another reminder of what they were. Maybe that was why no one had shown up. They could just be replaced. They-
“You okay there?” Jrum looked up to see the fox person looking at him.
“Yeah! Thank you for helping my brother!” The bot held out his hand for a handshake. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, I’m Fundy.” He shook Jrum’s hand, having some trouble as the sort of lego esque hands and his paws made the whole thing a little difficult.
“Fundy? And you’re a fox hybrid?”
Fundy nodded. “Uh, yeah. Sort of obvious.”
“And your dad is named Wilbur and your grandpa is named Philza?” Jrum continued to question.
“Yeah, who told you about that?” The hybrid narrowed his eyes skeptically.
“Grum! He knew ‘cause of grandpa having been a king or something.”
“Okay? How does that fit into knowing that?”
“Because Philza’s my grandpa too!”
Fundy’s mouth opened in shock and he stood there for a few moments before finally speaking. “... He’s what?”
“So. W-What do you do for fun here?”
“Think of things I’ll do once I get out, get myself killed sometimes to see if I can glitch myself out, yell at my dad over and over again and hopefully annoy him into giving me company. Usually he doesn’t because I think he’s still scared I’ll try to kill him again.”
“Isn’t he like, literally death itself or something?”
“Yeah! And the fact that I can actually probably kill him scares him!”
“Alright… uh, what else do you do?”
“Hmmm… sometimes I like to scream until my throat is raw, other times I try swinging around, uh, then there’s messing with food delivery when it comes.”
“Wait shit, you’re supposed to be here! What if I starve because I don’t get food delivered to me?”
“Eh, technically I could let myself die to send you something, but I probably won’t.”
“What? Why not!”
“Because hopefully you die and respawn at spawn so you can come and free me!”
“What?! I don’t know if I’ll even respawn, much less out of this place. I don’t really understand all this hels dimension bullshit so I might not even respawn if I die here.”
“Oh you will. I have tried multiple times to kill your kind and it never works. Though I suppose EX was admin and NPG’s a robot or some shit.”
“So I still might die and not come back? I don’t want to end up stuck like the bots are!
“Oh stop complaining, it could be worse.”
“How? How could it possibly be worse?”
“I’ve been in here alone for a couple years now. You at least have company. I have to keep yelling for Death to show up.”
“Wait. Wait maybe he can let me out! He comes If I call him!”
“You’re not his son.”
“I mean, technically I am. Here. I call the angel of death. … Oh come on Phil! I call the angel of death! … Phiiiiiiil! I call the angel of death! I call the angel of death! I call the angel of death!”
“Oi, can you stop that?”
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Say You Won’t Let Go
a Sidney Crosby wedding series
Part 1
a/n: here’s part 1 of ??? ! It won’t be a long series, maybe 2 or 3 parts, but I just want to keep the door open for more!
summary: a Pittsburgh royal wedding. Juliette Lemieux (100% made up) is the niece of Pittsburgh legend Mario Lemieux, who is practically a father to her. She falls in love with Sidney Crosby after meeting him as a college student while living in Pittsburgh. this series tells the story of their fairytale wedding weekend.
warnings: brief mention of deceased family member. otherwise, so damn fluffy it’s practically cotton candy.
I burst through the door of my uncle’s palatial home to find him standing in the grand entryway waiting for me, my aunt and four cousins not far behind him.
“Bonjour!” I greeted them, scurrying toward my uncle’s open arms. He pulled me into his six-foot-four frame, a whole foot taller than my own, for a warm hug with a wide smile on his face, one that looked so much like my late father’s. A sharp pang went through my heart at the thought, causing me to hold onto him tighter.
“Juliette! Bonjour, princesse,” Mario said warmly, kissing the top of my head. “Tu es si belle!” (You look so beautiful!) he exclaimed, pulling back and holding my smaller hands in his large ones. I beamed.
“Merci, oncle,” (Thank you, uncle) I thanked him, dropping my head a bit bashfully as he took in the sight of me, dressed in a classic white sheath dress and strappy nude heeled sandals. I could see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he stared at me. I knew just what he was thinking.
“Don’t start crying already, or I’ll be crying for the next 48 hours!” I warned, a laugh escaping me despite my and my uncle’s evident shared sadness over my father’s absence from this special moment.
“I’ll try my best,” Mario promised. All I could do was nod and squeeze his hands.
My aunt Nathalie enveloped me next, kissing my cheeks before audibly admiring my new diamond choker. I reached up to touch it and felt a blush creep onto my face at almost the same moment I felt a warm hand come from behind me and rest on my hip. I glanced in the familiar figure’s direction.
Sidney leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to my temple. I placed my palm flat against his stomach and gave him a bright grin.
“Thank you,” I said to Nathalie. “Sidney gave it to me before we left the house, as a wedding present,” I added softly, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. As a rule, I never bragged to anyone about the extravagant gifts that my fiancé often lavished upon me, but I certainly didn’t mind giving Sidney full credit in front of only my aunt, who knew us both so well.
Nathalie’s eyes widened slightly and she gave Sidney’s upper arm a squeeze. “Well done, my boy! It’s so beautiful,” she praised. He kissed her cheek and said, “I have you to thank — every time I shop for jewelry, I hear your voice in my head.” Nathalie laughed. “You’ve always heeded my advice! Not that you needed much of it. You have wonderful taste — in jewelry and women,” she teased, giving us a wink.
Sidney and I both chuckled and then greeted my cousins excitedly — Lauren, Stephanie, Austin, and Alexa, with whom we were both incredibly close, with Sidney having lived with them for several years at the beginning of his career. We had that arrangement and Mario’s longtime mentorship of Sidney to thank for the two of us ever meeting in the first place.
Growing up, I had typically visited with Mario’s family three or four times each year, whether in Pittsburgh or in his and my shared hometown, just outside Montreal. My father, Mario’s oldest brother, had passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack at 45, when I was only 12, shattering my world during a crucial time in my adolescence. While my mother did her best to financially provide for me, an only child, she had always been emotionally unavailable to me — even when I was very young. I was always a daddy’s girl, making the loss of him that much more jarring. My mother shut down completely after my father’s death, and my aunt and uncle took notice immediately, worried for my well-being. They became my unofficial guardians and quasi-parents.
In the years that followed, I started to spend even more time in Pittsburgh with Mario, Nathalie, and my cousins, with my uncle quickly stepping in to fill the role of a father figure for me in place of his older brother. I was sandwiched between their two oldest, Lauren and Stephanie, age-wise, almost exactly. For many years, but particularly after my father’s death, I had lived with them for several months out of the year, around my school schedule.
Mario and Nathalie included me in every family vacation, holiday celebration, and birthday party possible, even purchasing my first car and paying for my private school and then college education. At 18, I decided to move to Pittsburgh officially to attend Duquesne University, just a block from the Penguins arena, as a marketing major, allowing me to spend much of my free time with my family at Mario’s house, where, at the tender age of 18, I met Sidney.
I owed nearly every good thing in my life to Mario and Nathalie, including intimately encouraging me to pursue a relationship with Sidney, after some initial reservations about our age difference, which quickly faded as they saw Sidney and I grow closer together. They had truly done it all for me, and now, they were throwing me a rehearsal dinner in their sprawling backyard in just a couple of hours, along with a wedding reception to follow tomorrow’s church ceremony.
As Mario walked out the back door to speak to some of the rental company employees finalizing the set-up of our beautiful tent and chairs for tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s reception, and Nathalie and my cousins scattered to grab their belongings, Sidney pulled me to his body, his hand on my lower back. He simply stared at me with a satisfied look on his face, causing my pulse to quicken as I looped my arms around his neck.
“What are you thinking about, mon amour?” (my love) I inquired. Sidney shook his head slightly.
“Everything. How beautiful you look right now. How beautiful you’ll look tomorrow. How beautiful you’ll look when you’re carrying my baby,” he told me, placing soft kisses to my face between each thought. “How beautiful you’ll look with our little ones in your arms. How beautiful you’ll look when you’re 90.” I smoothed my fingers over the neat hair at the nape of his neck, a wide smile across my features.
“When I’m 90, you’ll be 97,” I offered, feeling as though I might burst into tears unless I broke up the moment with some levity. Sidney laughed loudly and then groaned. “Don’t remind me, please,” he begged. I leaned up to kiss his plump lips. “Okay, I won’t,” I whispered against his mouth, causing a soft moan to escape him.
Just as I pulled away from him, my maid of honor, ever the Type A event coordinator, called to us from across the spacious room.
“Come on, lovebirds,” Lauren teased, smiling. We both looked to her, still wrapped up in each others’ arms, and saw her tap the face of her gold watch. “We’ve gotta be at the chapel in 30 minutes and it’ll take every bit of that to make it,” she added.
“Leave them alone!” Alexa piped up, giggling as she adjusted her heels. “They were having a moment.” Her older brother rolled his eyes, grabbing his sunglasses from the coffee table in front of him.
“Have you met them?” Austin joked. “They’re always having a moment.” Nathalie appeared from the hallway, fastening the back of her earring, and mused, “And that’s why they’ll be married for the next hundred years.” She winked in our direction.
Sidney looked down at me and waggled his eyebrows, making me giggle. I smoothed my fingers over the collar of his crisp new white golf polo, which he had matched with a pair of navy blue slacks and loafers, a signature look of his.
“I suppose they’re right, my blushing bride,” he said. “Let me put my overnight bag in the guest room and we’ll be on our way.” I nodded as he pressed a kiss to my cheekbone and turned to pick up his leather travel bag near the door and took it to the basement, his former living quarters.
With both of us being fairly traditional people, we had agreed to sleep apart the night before the wedding to honor the age-old custom, despite having lived together for almost two years. To combat that complication, Sidney had insisted that I be the one to stay in our house for the night and that he stay at Mario’s, since he, my uncle, Austin, and Sidney’s father and groomsmen were meeting there the following morning anyway for a game of golf at the fabled Oakmont Country Club prior to the ceremony. He wanted me to feel as comfortable as possible as I got ready for our big day.
After a minute or so, Sidney’s hands came to rest on my waist from behind me, and I smirked to myself at how clingy and affectionate he had been these last several weeks as we prepared to begin our lives as husband and wife.
“You ready for this, Jules? There’s still time to run,” Sidney purred softly into my ear, kissing the skin there.
I turned to face him, holding his jaw in one hand. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” I murmured before kissing him long and hard.
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hieludoboi · 4 years
Or so You Believed
A/n- sorry I’ve been gone! I’m trying to get requests done but I’ve been going through quite the writers block! I’ll get those requests out as soon as I can, I promise! For now please enjoy some Kuroo Angst
A/n- Ahahahahahahaha I feel like garbage and I can’t write. I put this through grammarly and it said I had bland writing and that made me sad? Anyway, I’ll try and get to finishing requests but I’m going through a bit of an episode rn :( I really do hope you guys enjoy this though, and I’m sorry if this is bad :(
A/n- I went through and fixed a few spelling and grammar mistakes! This story should now be entirely gender neutral! If you fin any mistakes pleaseeeeee let me know! 
Pairing Kuroo/Gender Neutral! Reader
Summary- A summer fling had led to more than either one of them had bargained for. 
Warnings- Mentions and slight portrayal of nsfw things, yelling, breakdowns, Angst, breaking up, crying, just very sad in general :(
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At that moment it had all felt right. His lips were gentle against their skin, fitting perfectly on theirs. His scent had stained their sheets, and the taste of his lips constantly lingered on their lips. It had felt right, being tangled in a disarray of sheets and pillows, hands and lips roaming yet never straying too far. At that moment they were gone, wrapped away in a blissful dance of warm comfort and empty words. Kuroo could feel their hands leaving a trail as they drew maps on his skin, he could taste the desperation on their lips, and for moments he wondered if they could taste his desperation as well. 
A little fling was all it was. Constant text messages and calls, flirtatious joking, it was perfect. So where had they gone wrong? One way or another they began to spiral, separate pieces of the same thread unraveling to reveal frayed edges and tips; they were never a whole thread, always separate strings. Some days it was his fault, other days it was their fault. Official, it was all they had wanted. They wanted him to hold them close, play with their hair, and stroke their arms. Intimacy is what they craved, sought out in any form he was able to offer. 
Long nights were spent in bed together, frayed threads tangled in desperate attempts to pass through the eye of the needle as one. They had hoped that his warm touch would fix it all, hoped that the words he mumbled in their ear as their bodies messily embroidered, were truth and not false nets of lies to catch onto as they fell. 
Tonight was different. Hands and lips wandered but never strayed, and not for Kuroo’s sake, but their sake. Kuroo knew, even though they never talked about it, even though their lips were sealed, Kuroo could still see the haze that fogged their eyes. Their last relationship had pulled a plug on their certain spark, left them empty, and Kuroo could see it. As they looked for ways to fill an empty shell, they had stumbled upon Kuroo. Kuroo and his cocky charm, Kuroo and his purring voice, Kuroo and his stable arms. Kuroo provided safety, security, touch, emotion, something that was previously unavailable in their last relationship. So maybe that’s why they thought they loved him. 
Tonight, it was different. There was an unusual intensity behind every kiss and nibble, an unexpected spark in every touch. Their eyes were fogged, clouded, and misty, Kuroo knew that something was different. So he stopped their hands, gently pushed them away, and stared at them with pitiful eyes. It was obvious what they wanted. They wanted Kuroo to have every inch of them, take them, and fill the void that was left behind.
“Why’d you stop?” Y/n stared up at Kuroo, a certain pain in their eyes. Were they not good enough for him?
“Y/n, you’re not in a good state of mind for this.” His voice was calm, gentle, and stable, but they didn’t like the look in his eyes, the look of pity and worry.
“Kuroo, I’m fine. I’m ready, okay? I want my first time to be with you. Kuroo I... I love you.” their voice was soft, shaking, and unstable. They were breaking, and Kuroo knew they were. Yet still, he flinched, stopping to hold one of their hands. 
“No. You don’t love me, okay? You-you think you do, but you don’t. You know what you feel, and you know it’s not for me, I know that you know this isn’t right.” Kuroo explained gently, squeezing their hand just a bit. Y/n aggressively pulled away from Kuroo, holding their hand to their chest and staring at him with frayed e/c eyes. 
“Who are you to tell me what I feel? I love you Kuroo, okay? I l-” Y/n flinched, practically jumping back as Kuroo abruptly stood up, towering over them.
“Stop saying that! You only think you love me because you don’t know what love is! All you’ve ever felt is toxicity, guys who use you and toss you to the side. Guys who want you to be emotionally available at all times but won’t even talk to you! Y/n, you don’t know what it is!” Kuroo’s voice was faltering. It was unstable and his eyes were beginning to fill with tears. 
“You know what I feel when I’m with you? I feel warm, okay? And-and I feel safe! I feel like I’m gonna be okay and that anytime I fall you’ll be there to catch me!” Y/n screamed at Kuroo, tears endlessly flowing down their face. Kuroo stared at them in disbelief. Maybe Kuroo did love them, but he knew that they still hadn't got over their past relationship. Kuroo could see the fog in their eyes anytime they spoke about it, he noticed the way they tensed up anytime they would see him in the halls, he could hear them mumble their name as they slept. 
He stayed quiet for some time, staring down at the sobbing figure before him. They didn’t know love yet. Kuroo looked the other way, his lip caught between his teeth. He did love them, but he wasn’t ready. Kuroo wasn’t ready to commit yet. He would only bring them more heartache, and he cared for them too much to hurt them. 
“I-” Kuroo could feel the air catch in his chest. His eyes were wide and his hands were shaking. He hated it, but for them to know what love really is, they would have to experience true pain. 
“I don’t love you, okay?” Kuroo looked the other as he spoke, glaring at the bunny plushie thrown into the corner of their room. He could hear the air catch in their throat, could hear the pain as it rattled their rib-cage with each shaky breath they took. It made Kuroo ache, made him shake with a burn he had never felt before.
“You don’t mean that...” Their voice was shaking, body trembling with despair as they clumsily stood up, hands desperately reaching for Kuroo’s. As soon as he felt their hand brush against his he snatched it away.
“Kuroo, please, please stop...” Every word they spoke was interlaced with breath hitches and stumbles. Their heart was racing and their world felt light. What were they feeling? Why were they feeling this?
“Kuroo, answer me! Please...” They screamed at first, the hysteria obvious in there voice, but as they spoke, their voice collapsed becoming nothing more than a soft whisper. He had to be lying, they thought to themselves, hands trembling as they clasped them atop their chest. 
“I mean it okay. I don’t love you. I never did.” Y/n stared at him with horror, mouth agape as they watched him walk out of their bedroom. As soon as he closed the door, they crumbled. The last pieces of thread that had kept them together were finally frayed, violently detaching themselves from one another for good.
Tears trailed down his face as he walked home, hands shoved in his pockets while his eyes focused on his shoes. Maybe he did love them. Maybe for a split-second, the threads had all twisted perfectly, maybe for a second, they had passed through the eye. Maybe, but it was better this way. Y/n deserved better, deserved someone who wouldn’t be afraid to truly love them, someone who would be willing to improve for them. That someone was not him. Or so he believed.
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melon-wing · 5 years
Impulse looked at Grian. No, he didn‘t simply look, he stared at him, eyes glued to the person in front of him
Maybe this hadn‘t been a good idea after all. When Grian had suggested it, he thought it would be hilarious, but now? He wasn‘t so sure any more. No, scratch that.  A part of him knew for a fact that this was an awful idea, while another, far more annoying part of him was practically cheering.
He blinked and then blinked again, trying to process what was happening. There stood Grian in the fake kitchen, his sandy blonde hair brushed back, wearing of all things a pink, frilly apron. His rosy cheeks made Impulse wonder, if he had put on Makeup as well.
The moment Grian turned to him and looked directly at him, with a wide excited smile, eyes practically glowing, Impulse’s heart started racing madly.
He thought he had been over that little crush he had developed during their time as Hippies. He had buried those feelings along with the withering flower crown. He had even stopped dreaming about those sparkling magenta eyes, and that charming smile, and that beautiful face and… Oh fuck.
“So what do you think? Am I looking good enough to be Iskall’s wife?”, Grian asked with a tiny giggle.
That giggle… That damn giggle. Oh how he had loved to hear it back when they were sitting around the campfire. How he had always tried to be the one to cause this sound.
Impulse had to swallow before answering, trying to compose himself, not trusting his voice before that.
“You… Well if you go out on stage this pretty, Iskall might actually want to marry you”, he replied in a teasing tone, grinning a little, hoping to get a warm laugh in return.
The grin faltered, though, when he saw the blush spreading over Grian’s face. Wait, what the…? Was Grian really getting all blushy at the thought of marrying Iskall?
Impulse wanted to frown or glare, but he forced himself to keep the smile on his face. So what if he felt like someone had his heart in an iron fist right now? So what if he wanted to flee the scene at this very moment? So what if he wanted to run to Tango and vent about everything that happened right at this moment? So what if he just wanted to kill Iskall right away now to skip all this sharade?
He couldn’t blame anyone but himself about the situation he got himself into. He should have told Grian back at the Hippie Camp how he felt. Back then Grian had talked about Iskall without becoming a blushing mess. Back then he might have been open for dating. Now? Well maybe at least he’d get to see Grian become happy.
He had to be supportive now and shove his own feelings into the background. Grian seemed so nervous the closer they got to their planned event.
“You’ll be amazing, don’t worry. You prepared everything so well. It’s going to be epic”, Impulse reassured Grian, who nodded hesitantly. “Now go, put on some finishing touches. I saw you eyeing the cabinets over there. Do your thing and make it look even more amazing”
Grian grinned at him again and hurried off to said cabinet. Impulse shook his head, casting one last fond look in the direction of his partner in crime, before he went to the corner of the stage.
He pulled his shirt and trousers off, throwing it somewhere backstage for later.. Now where was his suit and costume? He was sure he had put it somewhere around here…
“Yo, Grian? Seen my clothes around here?”, he called over, not even turning around.
“Bottom cabinet. I didn’t want them to get dirty while I was building.”
After a little searching, and a lot of cursing he found the suit and got dressed, trying to style his hair a little more like Iskall. Luckily their hair colour and length didn’t differ too much, so he didn’t need to wear a wig. To finish the look, he put on a fake beard and diamond eye, looking at himself in the reflection in one of the metal surfaces. Well this looked convincing enough.
Finally finished, he turned around to look back at Grian. Grian, who was staring at him out of hazy eyes, blushing, lips slightly parted and looking kind of breathless.
Impulse couldn’t decide whether to be turned on by Grian looking at him like that or to be annoyed, because he knew he just got that reaction because he had dressed up as Iskall and would never get that look otherwise.
Well, he decided not to feel anything at all. Nope. He was totally cool with this. He would not start  some tragic unrequited love story now. He’d get this damn thing over with, kill Iskall, convince Grian to go for it and then move on to Season 7 without ever looking back. He’d keep himself very busy then. Starting a new world was always a lot of work and he loved it. It would clear his mind of everything and nobody would notice if he built his base as far away as possible from Grian’s. Well… Tango certainly would, but he wouldn’t judge too much and maybe come over with ice cream to let him rant.
A loud beeping from their communicators broke the silence and apparently Grian’s trance, who hurriedly took out the device to look at the message.
“It’s Iskall. He’s here. He’s waiting for our signal to start this ride.” Grian grinned, back to his cheerful self. “Let’s do this!”
Impulse nodded and got into position behind the door, waiting for his cue to enter again.
Everything went on without a hitch.
So what if he glared more than absolutely necessary. The script said he was supposed to look pissed. Nobody would second guess why he looked like that. It took all his willpower though, to direct the glare at Grian and not at Iskall who was riding by all cheerful and excited.
The minecart just passed through the last door, off to Impulse’s part of the ride. Iskall’s laughter was fading into the distance, when Grian suddenly took his hand, a worried frown on his face.
“Are you alright? You seemed off back there. Is something the matter? Did I do anything wrong? I know I overacted a little in the last part...” Grian kept rambling on and Impulse felt like he had been punched in the gut. Grian had noticed how he was really feeling, but he had started blaming himself somehow. Damn, he really needed to get a grip on those stupid emotions. He couldn’t bare to hurt Grian.
“Nah, everything good. I just… I’m worried about my redstone failing.”
A lie.
He had tested this so many times himself. There was no way it would fail. But Grian seemed to be reassured by that so it was okay to lie. He’d do anything it took to make Grian happy, even if that entailed being his wingman.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve seen what you can do. I trust you and your skills and you should as well!” Grian smiled at him again and all Impulse could think about was how much he wanted to kiss him now.
Damn, he really wasn’t a good friend.
“Let’s go. We don’t have much time left to get to the shop”, he said as an excuse to be able to turn away from Grian.
The exit point wasn’t far away from their stage and they soon stood in front of the finishing point of the ride, Diorite in hand. They both had a block, even though Impulse had already told Grian he could have the honour to deal the killing blow. But now? He cast a side glance to Grian’s excited face, the way he was bouncing a little on his feet, eyes searching for any sign of movement in front of them.
The moment Iskall appeared in front of them Impulse couldn’t hold back and punched the diorite right into their victim’s face, before Grian could even react. He watched the body dissolve into sparks, feeling kind of empty inside. This really hadn’t felt as fulfilling as he thought it would. It just made him feel all the more guilty about his chaos of emotions.
“Impulse? What the heck?” Grian threw the Diorite block away, giving him a partly annoyed, partly confused look.
Impulse shrugged. He didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t make him sound utterly ridiculous.
“You could have said something, you know? It was you who won the bidding for his death!”
At Impulse’s second shrug and empty look, the annoyance seemed to fade from Grian’s eyes, only to be replaced with more confusion. “Impulse, what is going o-”
“You should head over to his respawn point. It’s always nice to have someone there for you when your body reforms. He’ll be grateful… I mean, just go for it then.”
Grian looked at him like he had grown a second head or declared his eternal hate for redstone. Why couldn’t he just get the message and leave? “He told us to meet up here though. Both of us. What is...”
And again Impulse interrupted him, before Grian could question him any more. “Well I just think after all the adrenaline being alone with him might help you. I bet he’ll accept you with open arms. It’ll be great, just great.” Impulse’s voice broke a little at the last word. He forced a smile. Grian still didn’t smile.
“What the hell are you talking about?!”, he finally asked.
“You. Iskall. I’m just trying to be a good wingman here. I know you like him. Go and confess. I’m rooting for you.” His words sounded hollow and uttering them alone already hurt. How would he deal with those two actually dating?
“I’m not.”
“Not what?”
“Rooting for us. Me and Iskall? Not a thing. He got the hots for Stress.”
Impulse’s eyes widened. He walked right into that. But he couldn’t have known that Grian was also in love with an unavailable man. “Damn, sorry Grian. I didn’t realise. I’m so sorry, but hey, you’ll get over him, don’t worry.”
Grian threw up his hands in the air and an exasperated whine left his mouth. “Why the heck would you think I’m into Iskall of all people?” He sounded confused and desperate at the same time.
“Well the way you looked at me when I put on the costume! The way you blushed when I said Iskall would marry you!”, Impulse almost shouted, his tone slightly accusing.
“That was because of you!” Grian actually shouted back, hands balled into fists. “You were running around half naked, calling me pretty. How the fuck was I supposed to stay calm?!”
“Wait… Come again? Why would you…?” Impulse asked. He thought he knew the answer. But maybe he was only getting his hopes up for nothing. He needed Grian to say it. He needed to hear it.
“It’s not Iskall I like, you damn idiot. It’s you.”
Impulse grinned. He just couldn’t help it. He felt warm and tingly all over. He had dreamt of hearing those words. He had imagined so many confession-scenarios. Hearing them – actually hearing them outside of a dream, outside of a fantasy -  just made him so happy. And it got even better when the annoyed look disappeared from Grian’s face to be replaced with a shy, loving smile.
“I guess I don’t have to wonder any more how you feel about me”, Grian said with a quiet giggle, hesitantly taking a step forward and taking Impulse’s hand into his own. “I just… I never noticed until today that you were interested as well. I thought you were into Tango…”
Impulse laughed softly, shaking his head. “Me and Tango? We are just friends.” He could see though why anyone would think that. They were inseparable sometimes. “I fell in love with you way back. You remember the trials to join the Hippies? You looked really cute with your flower crown and being all excited.” He laughed again at the memory. “There was just no helping it. I’ve been in love for so long.”
Grian blushed a little, his smile still not faltering. “We are both idiots then. We could have been dating for months.”
Impulse nodded. They were so close now, foreheads almost touching, breath intermingling. And Impulse just needed this to go one step further. He needed to feel what no daydream had ever been able to give him. “May I kiss you?”
Being so close to each other, he saw Grian’s pupils dilate and hear his breath hitch. A tiny nod and their lips clashed together, arms wrapping around each other. One of his hands found its way into Grian’s hair and he pulled him even closer.
They didn’t hear the sound of steps or the door opening. Only when there was a pointed cough they separated, even if only by a few centimetres. They were both out of breath and Impulse’s eyes travelled to Grian’s swollen lips. It was kind of crazy to know that he had been the one to cause this. And he himself most likely didn’t look any less dishevelled.
“Wow”, Impulse whispered, not able to really put into words what he felt right now and Grian just nodded to that.
After they heard Iskall clear his throat again, they parted, looking to him with matching smiles.
Iskall stared at them, rolled his eyes and then grinned as well. “Well if I had known killing me would be such a turn on to you guys, I would have let you assassinate me way sooner to get rid of the freaking sexual tension you had going on.”
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royalcalum · 5 years
Anonymous asked: could you please write a part three because I love CEO luke AND  hey I know you’re like way busy but is it possible to have another part to CEo luke? you’re like majorly talented and I had to turn the notifications on for your blog BC I love itttt😇 AND Hi! Can you do a part 3 to CEO! Luke please? You are amazing thank you 😘 AND part 3 to the ceo! luke series please ? :) 🤯💖
Rating: Mature - don’t read it if you shouldn’t or I’ll tell your mom
Featuring: Luke + Reader
Warning: SMUT, slight angst
Author’s Note: STOP THE PRESSES CHANELLE IS POSTING A FUCKING FIC FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS (I think it’s actually been almost four years if we don’t count the rewrite of a Dolan twins fic). Anyway... this is it for CEO!Luke. Here’s my sad attempt at trying to start writing fics again. You’ve literally been waiting years for this shit so I hope it’s worth it lmao
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Part One
Part Two
The rest of the trip stayed fairly PG, just a couple PG-13 make-outs and the occasional R-rated touching. The sex stopped, though. I think Luke was scared of someone he could potentially work with catching on and dropping him. I’d like to say I’m the one who stopped it, but my internal conflicts couldn’t make me give him up. I knew what we were doing was wrong and could get either of us - most likely me - into a lot of trouble, but my mind was stuck between leaving him and risking my career. I couldn’t afford to lose my job over some guy. I needed to stop this train wreck.
This couldn’t end well.
Luke and I kept to ourselves during the plane ride back to New York. He was on his laptop looking at more graphs and data while I went through documents from the trip. It wasn’t until we landed that any interaction actually happened and by then, he knew something was up.
“Do you need a ride back to your place?” Luke asked, grabbing my bag for me. 
“I can just get a cab, it’s not a big deal,” I shrugged as I reached for my bag again. Before I could get a grip on the handle, Luke yanked it back and moved closer to me.
“Okay, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting different ever since the first night of the trip and I don’t want it to affect our work,” he said quietly.
It’s a little late for that. Our work relationship was already shot to hell, considering I couldn’t go a whole day without wondering whether or not I should ask for a… favor.
I sighed and stuck my hand out. “I can carry my own bag, Mr. Hemmings.”
“So now I’m Mr. Hemmings again?” he asked with a small pout. His eyebrows furrowed as his eyes explored my face, but he reluctantly handed my bag back. “At least let me give you a ride.”
“I can get a cab. I don’t want to bother y-”
“It’s not a bother, [Y/N]. Really,” he said sternly. His jaw was set and I knew I’d either have to let him give me a ride and deal with his interrogation now or find a way to avoid him at work later. As his assistant, that would literally be impossible.
The long drive to my apartment seemed to take even longer in the dead silence of the car. Luke would glance over at me every few minutes, but I refused to look back at him. If I let him in, it’d be even harder to push him back out.
The playful banter and late night story times and cuddle sessions over the length of the trip were not helping the crush I had developed on my emotionally unavailable boss, but this wasn’t something I could just let happen. People at work would find out, we’d get reported for breaking regulations, and I’d get fired. That was the only logical ending. It’s not like Luke would fall in love with me, especially not after just seven days of this charade.
We pulled up to my complex just as darkness started to settle over the city. I wasn’t necessarily in a dangerous neighborhood,  but it definitely wasn’t the safest either. Luke took it upon himself to play the hero and make sure I made it inside okay. 
“Luke, really, I’m fine carrying my own bag. It’s just the one,” I argued as he hoisted my bag out of the trunk.
“Just one that I can carry for you,” he countered.
I groaned and led the way up the stairs to my third floor apartment. When we got to my door, I unlocked it and stood in the doorway to block the way in and get my bag before Luke could find a way to get inside.
“Okay. I made it here safe and sound. I’ll take my bag now.” Luke clenched his jaw and set the bag at my feet, using the moment I bent over to grab it as an opportunity to push past me and get into my place. “Luke,” I grumbled. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to figure out what I did wrong!” he nearly shouted as the door fell closed behind me. “Last week and that first day of the trip, you were ready for anything. Then all of a sudden it went from amazing sex to touching to barely even kissing. What did I do?”
“You’re my boss, Luke. My boss! Whatever this is,” I said, gesturing between us, “it needs to stop. It’s unprofessional and it puts my future in this industry at risk.”
“You’re concerned about your job right now?” he asked skeptically. “[Y/N], I’m not going to revoke my reference for you just because we’re sleeping together and I sure as hell don’t plan on firing you.”
I rolled my eyes and let out an unamused laugh. “Right, because it’s not like you couldn’t find another assistant to fuck.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” he said sternly. “Now I want an honest answer.” Luke stepped closer to me until my back was against the door and his face was inches from mine. “Why are you avoiding me?”
I took in a shaky breath, not wanting to back out last minute. Fuck, if he’d just take two steps back, this would be so much easier.
“I like you. And I don’t want to risk a professional relationship by getting personal feelings.”
He clenched his jaw again and let out a harsh breath, his stern expression faltering for a second.
“So you don’t want anything to do with me because you don’t want to accidentally fall in love with me?” he clarified, his eyes searching mine for some sort of fault.
“Yeah,” I nearly whispered.
This wasn’t going as planned. Oh god, this definitely wasn’t going as planned.
“Good luck with that.” Without a second of hesitation, Luke leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, gently grabbing my face in his hands. I knew I shouldn’t but, fuck, I had to. I kissed back and gripped the front of his t-shirt to pull his body closer to mine. “There she is,” Luke smirked, pulling back just enough for our lips to still be touching.
“Shut up,” I mumbled, tugging him to me and wrapping my arms behind his neck.
It was wrong. It was so wrong. But at that point, I didn't care. Fuck all the things I was telling myself; I couldn't give him up. I didn't want to.
Luke ran his hands down my sides, wrapping one around my thigh and hooking my leg over his waist. I bit at his bottom lip and smirked to myself when he quietly moaned in response. Even those simple sounds from him had an affect on me. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss and sending my mind reeling.
I tugged on the hem of his t-shirt until he moved back and pulled it over his head, his biceps flexing when he let it fall to the floor. His lips were back on mine instantly but I pushed him back and grabbed his wrist to pull him across the apartment and to my bedroom. He seemed surprised at first - at least until he realized where we were going.
Since I moved to the city, I had only had two men in my bed before and neither one remembered my name or stayed until morning, so bringing Luke - my own damn boss - into my bedroom was a change for me. Any concern about that was thrown out the window when he walked in after me and slammed the door, pulling my body to his and immediately jerking my pants to the floor.
I stumbled backwards until Luke grabbed me and picked me up, walking blindly around my room until his knees hit the edge of the bed. He dropped me so I bounced off the mattress a bit before he slipped his grey sweats off. A small laugh fell from his lips as he picked me up again, moving both of us to the top of the bed with his tongue on my neck.
I giggled quietly at the tickle of his growing scruff lightly scratching at my skin. Luke seemed to take this as an invitation and nuzzled his face further on my neck, pulling a full-blown laugh from me.
“Luke, stop,” I laughed, tugging on his curly hair so he’d look at me again. A bright smile graced those sinful lips of his and the look in his eyes let me know my whole don’t-fall-in-love-with-him thing was about to go to shit.
“Good god,” he mumbled, almost a whisper, before leaning down to kiss me again.
Any reservations I had about tonight completely dissolved as I let out a whimper at nothing more than his lips on mine. His right hand rested under the hem of my shirt, gently tracing his fingertips across my bare skin until he reached the fabric of my bra.
My palms pressed to his chest and pushed him back so he was kneeling between my legs. His little pout only lasted a couple seconds until I peeled my shirt over my head and reached behind myself to slide my bra off my arms as well. Luke stayed in his kneeling position even after I laid back down on the bed. He rested his hands on my thighs and stroked his fingers over my legs, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he just stared at me, his eyes raking over my entire body silently.
“What?” I smiled, trying to fight back any feelings of self-consciousness creeping up on me at his unwavering scrutiny.
He paused his movements and looked me straight in the eyes, pinning me down with his gaze. I lifted myself up on my elbows and let my smile fall into a confused frown at his sudden change in demeanor. “Are you okay, Luke?��
He let out a deep breath and shook his head as it lolled forward to face the bed. With a small, forced smile, he looked back up at me with those big, baby-blue eyes.
“I don’t think you’re the only one who has to worry,” he finally said.
My breath caught in my throat at his confession. Two years of working for him and all it took was one week of more than paperwork for both of us to tumble down a ravine we didn’t see coming. I pushed myself up and maneuvered to kneel in front of him, enraptured by the deep blue pooling in his eyes. Both of my hands reached up to cup his jaw, my thumbs gently pawing at the rough stubble scattered across his face. He sighed quietly and leaned forward into my touch, his eyes fluttering closed at the contact.
“Tell you what,” I said, barely above a whisper. “Whatever we’ve got going on - we’ll make it work. Forget everything I said earlier. We both got more than we bargained for, but I want this. I want you, Luke.”
He opened his eyes and let a smile curl on his lips again. Just like before, he grabbed my waist and pinned me to the bed, his mouth on my neck instantly.
“There he is,” I joked, mimicking his earlier words. He bit the side of my neck, turning my faint giggles into quiet moans. I quickly pushed him back and groaned, “There he is, too.”
Luke replied with a groan of his own before grabbing his cock and lining up with me, slowly working his way inside me as if our previous nights weren’t enough of an expression of how he felt. I rested my hands on his shoulders as his forehead rested against mine, both of us unable to breath properly until he was fully sheathed inside me. I whimpered once he stilled above me, a faint “please” falling from my lips before he started moving.
His movements were slow and methodical, pulling out almost entirely before hitting deep inside. His lips enveloped mine; he only pulled away to take a quick breath or let out a quiet moan. My legs lifted and wrapped around his waist so I could pull him deeper. When I started bucking my own hips against his, he realized slow and methodical wouldn’t work the whole night.
Luke’s right hand wrapped around the back of my neck, the other hooking behind my shoulder as he jerked his hips forward - hard. I let out a loud moan at the sudden change of pace, the sound being muffled by Luke’s lips covering mine again. With his hands anchoring me in place, he easily had full control over my body.
The sound of skin on skin filled my room, barely covered by the sound of the street outside. My legs fell from his waist and spread open as he angled his hips to hit deeper, my head pushing back against the pillows behind me. Luke nuzzled his head into my neck, his breath on my skin sending a shiver down my spine right as the tip of his cock hit my g-spot. I whimpered at the sensation and pressed my nails against Luke’s shoulder blades, leaving distinct pink marks in their wake.
He abruptly pulled out and stood from the bed, yanking my legs so my body was across the bed.
“Luke!” I giggled, playfully grabbing at the sheets beneath me.
He smiled down at me before kissing me, effortlessly sliding back into me and groaning against my lips. I whined as he pulled away again to hoist my leg over his shoulder. He propped one of his knees up on the mattress and smirked at me, almost as a warning. I bit my lip as he slowly pushed as deep as he could get, quickly switching his pace and snapping his hips to mine. I didn’t even try to hold back any sounds. I knew my neighbors would hate me in the morning but with the way he was making me feel, I didn’t care. It was like he wanted me to be as loud as possible. He wanted to piss off the neighbors and break the bed and make sure I couldn’t walk tomorrow. There was nothing holding him back anymore.
Luke gripped my leg in one hand, letting the other press against my stomach so he could reach my clit. One of my hands gripped the sheets while the other clenched around Luke’s forearm. As much as I loved watching him, it was getting more and more difficult to focus.
“I’m gonna cum,” I whimpered, barely audible to myself, let alone Luke.
But he heard me.
“Cum, baby girl. Cum on daddy’s cock.”
I whimpered again as Luke repeatedly hit my g-spot, his hand still rubbing against my clit until my whole body tensed up at the rush flowing through me. Luke’s continued movements dragged my orgasm on, my pussy clenching his cock until he let out a quiet “fuck.” He fell onto his forearms on the bed, his rhythm faltering to a stop as he came inside of me.
Luke let his head rest against my shoulder, but kept most of his body weight on his arms to avoid crushing me. When he finally lifted his head his lips pressed to mine in a long, slow kiss. Neither one of us knew what to say, at this point. Everything that needed to be said had already been spoken, if not shown. We just laid on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, Luke still inside of me until his calves started cramping from the angle.
“Sorry, babe,” he said. “If you want to be able to do this again, my legs need a break.”
“Again?” I asked, standing from the bed and rushing to the bathroom to clean up the cum running down my legs.
“Oh, I’m staying over tonight,” he shouted from my bedroom. “And I’m calling in sick tomorrow so feel free to do the same.”
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ikenbar · 4 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice CH4 Prologue
Warnings: Talk of explosions, fire, blood, burns, the boys in pure shock and worry, anger, frustration, denial, fear, deep depression in fact! (20 Ike points to anyone who can tell me what that reference is from in my asks :P) unanswered questions that make you furious that I’m leaving you on yet ANOTHER cliffhanger :D
Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D
Chapter four:
Kiro stayed on the line after he had heard the explosion. He could barely process, let alone believe what had just happened. He had just heard his hero explode over the phone. Kiro grabbed the remote to the tv in his dressing room and shakily turned it on. He flipped through the channels, convincing himself that if there was nothing there, it was just a prank. The explosion over the phone was a prank. The ground shaking was just a prank. The line going dead was just a prank. This was all just one big prank. Finally, he landed on a breaking news headline. 
Ike ‘n Bar Production Company Explodes. 
A horrifying picture of a burning, broken building lit up the screen. The remote from Kiro’s hand fell. Savin walked into the room, snapping Kiro out of his head. When he asked what was wrong, Kiro couldn’t respond. Savin got his answer by following Kiro’s eyes to the screen. Savin froze, unable to say anything. It was then that Kiro found feeling in his legs again. He grabbed his coat and ran to the door. He had to make sure she was ok. She had to be. Kiro watched as the ambulances drove past his car and was quick to tell the driver to follow them, praying the hero wasn’t in any of them. Once he made it to the hospital, Kiro ran to the reception desk and told them he was looking for someone. When they asked for a name, he choked. He only knew her by the alias he gave her. She could be gone and he never got her name. Kiro’s stomach plummeted as he struggled to speak, once again, frozen and helpless to help her. Unable to find anything to say, Kiro apologized to the receptionist and left the hospital. All he could do was pray she really was a superhero and she somehow survived the attack.
Lucien was casually watching tv as he was unpacking for his trip when suddenly the program was interrupted by a breaking news report. A television company had fallen victim to a terrorist attack. 
It wasn’t just any company though.
Lucien quickly grabbed his phone and dialed her number. 
“I’m sorry, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable.”
After plenty of time spent waiting for an answer and only receiving the same monotone voice, he hung up the phone. Lucien sat on his hotel’s couch, lost in thought. Of course that girl had been caught in trouble the moment he left Loveland. If she had gotten hurt… Lucien’s phone buzzed. He picked it up almost immediately. It was a call to work. He accepted and hung up the phone. Lucien sighed as the story continued to play on the screen. The video showed a wave of people coming out of the building… and, at the very back of the group 
was Her. 
Lucien stood from the couch and walked closer to the screen, trying hard to read her face and study her body for any injuries. The screen seemed to have glitched and a man appeared in front of her, blocking Lucien’s view of the girl. The man took her in his arms and he started running to the ambulances right as the screen cut back to the reporter. Lucien cursed and leaned his forehead on the screen. He had fallen too deeply into this girl’s life. But there was no backing out now. Lucien sent the girl a quick text, telling her to text him as soon as she could. Lucien then texted the girl’s foster father, asking about what had happened. After a few minutes of waiting, Lucien had concluded that neither of them would be responding any time soon. Lucien leaned his head back on the screen and closed his eyes, making a silent promise to her that he would make sure the person behind the attack would be dealt with. 
And Lucien himself would personally see to it.
Victor had been in a meeting when the building exploded. The impact of the blast shook LFG and the glass just behind him. Victor quickly got out of his chair as worried murmurs swept the conference room. Victor tried to calm everyone down but it wasn’t long until an intern quickly rushed into the room with the news that a building a couple blocks away had exploded. Victor froze in place. The face of a poker faced girl came to mind. The girl who he had just began to bond with, whom he had bickered with, whom he had shared a profound conversation with,... the girl who had stopped his heart with one smile. Victor stood up from his seat and evacuated everyone from the building. He pushed his way through the crowd and out the front doors of LFG, telling himself that she was fine. She was safe. That explosion had nothing to do with her. She had to be fine. She had to be. But he was proven wrong after one last turn of a street corner. Ashe fell like snow from the air, landing delicately in Victor’s raven hair as he stood, dumbstruck at the scene that played in front of him. Debris coated the streets as bright flames rose from the familiar building. They had completely engulfed the building, but the fire had pushed most prominently through the large hole that sat on the side of the building, on the tenth story. One that the girl had complained about working in before to him. Victor hurried to the hoards of ambulances and police cars in front of the building, hoping to be of some help, but hoping even more to find the girl safe and unharmed. People came out of the building one by one. Victor came to each of their aid, helping whoever he could, asking them all the same question. 
Where was their boss? 
None of them gave him a straight answer, only further watering the ever growing plant of fear in his chest. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the doors opened one last time and Ike appeared from them. She was unsteady and coughing intensely as she leaned on the door for support. She was covered in soot and blood splashed various places on her clothes, mostly centered around her left shoulder where a large portion had been burned dangerously. Victor made sure that he was the first one to her side, and was surprised when she fell to the floor before he got to her. He helped her up and asked if she was ok, trying his best to keep his eyes on her face and not her bloodied shirt. She ignored his questions and replaced them with her own, asking if everyone made it out ok and if there was anyone she missed. Victor grew impatient of her selflessness and picked her up from the ground and held her in his arms. He reassured her that he would get her to safety as he ran to his car. The girl sunk into his arms as the shock of the situation finally sunk in, knocking her unconscious.
Gavin was being released from the hospital when the man had arrived with his partner in his arms. Gavin didn’t recognize her at first, as she was covered in soot and wearing a large suit jacket around her. The man rushed to the reception’s desk and begged for assistance. The receptionist spoke in a calm voice as she asked for the man’s name and the patient’s. When Gavin heard her name come from the man’s mouth, he felt his blood drain from his body. He listened intently as the man hurriedly told the receptionist what happened and how important it was for her to get a room. Gavin watched wordlessly as a stretcher was pulled out and to the man with the girl in his arms. The man placed the girl delicately onto the stretcher and the doctors immediately started pulling her away and behind the doors, away from them and into the emergency room. Gavin watched the man who had brought the girl. He shakily walked to the waiting area and sat down in one of the waiting room chairs. He immediately sank his face into his hands. Ones of which was covered in soot and blood. Blood that Gavin could only hope was the man’s. Eli, an old comrade of Gavin’s  who had been signing Gavin out, patted his shoulder reassuringly, wordlessly telling him to go to her. Gavin didn’t hesitate in accepting his request. Gavin had to do a bit of waiting, but when he finally got the all clear, he was the first person in her room. The image of the girl’s body being connected to loads of blinking machines burned a spot in Gavin’s mind. Her body was cleaned from the soot from before, only to be replaced by red splotches from burns that had covered most of her body. Her arm had been wrapped in gauze all the way up to the shoulder, steadily soaking up the blood from the injury she had underneath. Gavin sat by her side and took her hand in his. After a moment of staring at her face, hoping for her to wake up, he realized something. This was the second time in weeks she had been in an explosion. That couldn’t be a coincidence. That masked man couldn’t have been targeting Evolvers. 
He had been targeting her. 
Gavin kissed the back of Ike’s hand and whispered a promise to her. One he had no intention of breaking.
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deuynndoodles · 4 years
read on ao3 or click read more!
suspicion increase by deuynndrabbles and @whimsicalweast chapter summary:
Three kids have a sleepover. One word- Mabel.
“Seriously, Mabel?” The boy groans, and looks at his sister with The Look.
“Yes, seriously,” she says, in a tone that is anything but serious.
3k | ch. two
Danny is currently curled up in a rainbow blanket (given to him by the boy, but he mentioned it was knitted by Mabel- he doesn’t necessarily need it because of his ice powers, and therefore likes the cold, but he figures it’d be weird to refuse) in the attic, aka the twins’ bedroom.
He glances over to Mabel, who is currently laying on her bed coloring in a coloring book on her belly with her feet in the air, her tongue sticking out playfully, he starts to reflect on what landed him in this spot in the first place.
(Danny accidentally mentioned he didn’t have anywhere to go that night, and Mabel had none of that and scooped him up, dragging him to another room in the Mystery Shack and asking her great uncle if Danny could stay over for the night.
The older man didn’t seem to care all that much, only giving them a few warnings such as “Don’t stay up too late”, and “Never let Mabel have any Smiley Dip”, and “Don’t raise the dead again”.
Danny found everything he mentioned fairly standard sleepover rules.
The two children thanked the man, one certainly more enthusiastic than the other, and Mabel rushed up the stairs, hopping each stair two at a time, gripping Danny with her right arm.
Mabel’s brother didn’t seem quite as eager to have Danny over as Mabel was, but remained quiet throughout the process for the most part. Well, he did reprimand his sister for inviting over a stranger, which was a reasonable response. But. He was right here, jeez.
All Mabel did was blow a raspberry at him and told him not to worry, but her brother didn’t calm.)
Still feeling the kid’s gaze focused on the back of his head, Danny pulls out his phone and dials two very familiar numbers, one to a specific techno-geek and the other to a goth activist, but is only met with “The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable, please call back later or leave a message at the beep.”
He sighs, dropping his phone back into his jeans pocket and gives the twins a smile, saying, “I’ll try again in the morning. It is kinda late, anyways. And who knows how late it is for them in Illinois.”
Mabel gives him a wide grin and nods her head, but her brother just gives him an uncertain glance before returning to the journal in his hands. It looks fairly odd to Danny, a red cover with a six fingered hand slapped on the front and a bold number 2 in the center. But he’s not one to judge.
(So now here he is, kidnapped by a thirteen-year-old girl, staying in the attic of a tourist trap wrapped in a multitude of blankets in between two twin beds.)
He still feels as if he’s gotten whiplash from this whole scenario. But he just pulls up the blanket draped around his shoulders to cover his cheeks, content with the situation as well as he can be.
Mabel is now laying on her back, placing her bare feet on the slanted ceiling. Her brother is still scouring his journal, with two other identical covers sitting on his bedside table. He’s chewing on the end of the pencil he holds, occasionally pausing to write a thing or two in the margins. Their pig, deemed ‘Waddles’, is snuggled up to Mabel on her bed.
Danny himself is in a make-shift nest (no matter what you call it, Mabel will say it’s a bed, but Danny will call it a nest) surrounded by a various amount of blankets and pillows.
“By the way, what do ya like to do, Danny?” Mabel says, her tongue stuck out quite dorkishly and she grins a wide brace-filled grin at the boy.
Danny blinks, and then the audio forms itself into words in his brain. “Video games, I guess?” He says, tilting his head slightly and the blanket falls back onto his shoulders. “I don’t have a whole lot of free time.”
(Danny doesn’t share the reasons for this.)
“Cool!” Mabel draws out the syllable, and flips over onto her belly again and props her arms up on her pillow. She turns to glance at her brother. “Hey, bro-bro? Do we have any video games in the shack?”
The small teen furrows his brow. “I don’t think so,” he mutters, setting the book in his lap aside on his bedside table to join the two other identical volumes. “Soos probably has some, but for now I think we just have board games downstairs in the gift shop.”
Mabel gasps, and smirks. “How about Candyland?” Mabel grins, and her brother groans.
“Fine,” he says. “You okay with that, Danny?”
Danny shrugs, and says, “I don’t really care, to be honest.”
Mabel takes the neutral answer and grins even wider, sliding off her bed with an “oomph” and trotting downstairs to retrieve said board game.
The brunet on the bed sighs and looks over to Danny, who simply blinks at him in confusion. “What?” Danny says, and the boy tentatively offers a slip of paper attached to a clipboard along with the pencil he was chewing on to him.
“Can you write some things down on Phantom?”
(Danny is suddenly reminded of the fact that he had agreed to hunt essentially himself- his brain hasn’t quite caught up and he’s sure he’ll bolt up in the middle of the night and go “I’m hunting myself with two thirteen-year-olds”.
But he hasn’t quite comprehended this fact yet.)
Instead, Danny grimaces at the chewed and slightly wet pencil, but takes the clipboard and starts to write in slanted print anway.
After a few minutes, he offers the paper back to the boy, and he starts to read the text out loud. Danny rolls his eyes at this. (He knows what the paper says, thank you very much.)
“Phantom’s a pretty friendly ghost. He’d save people from oncoming ghost attacks back in my hometown. Nobody really knows where he’s from or how old he is-”
(It’s not like Danny’s going to go and share his life story to this kid he doesn’t even know the name of. Besides, it’s technically the truth. Excluding a certain trio, a sister, and a whole world of ghosts.)
“-or how he died, but they never can find out because Phantom is fairly elusive. He typically stays in his own haunt, so it’s unlikely you’ll see him anywhere else.” The boy pauses his reading, glancing up from the paper to meet sky blue eyes with hazelnut brown. “This is all you know?” He says, shaking the scrap of notebook paper.
The door is slammed open to reveal an excited Mabel with a decorated cardboard box in her hands. (To be honest, both boys had pretty much forgotten she was downstairs.)
“Who’s ready to play Candyland?” She exclaims, and doesn’t wait for an answer before she plops down on the wooden floor and sets up the game.
“I get red!” Mabel says, and picks up the piece that is now ‘hers’ and sets it by the start. She grabs a blue and sticks it by the start as well. “Danny, which color do you want?” She shakes the green and the yellow gingerbread man figures, a wide grin still adorning her face.
Mabel shoves the yellow one back in the box. “Poor yellow guy, he’ll be all lonely in there. Well, we’ll make it quick!” She grins, and offers the deck of cards over to her brother who shuffles and sets it down next to the board.
The first card is a purple, and Mabel decides that she goes first and moves the red figure. Danny goes next, and takes an arm out of his blanket nest and moves his character five blocks forward.
Approximately fifteen minutes later, the yellow man is reunited with his best friends after Mabel yells “I win!” and flips the board over in victory.
(For a quick second, Danny is reminded of when Sam would brag whenever she’d win the round of Doom they all played together, slamming the controller down on the couch and announcing her victory to two sour boys.
Though of course, this girl is the complete opposite of Sam so he isn’t really sure why he thinks of her.)
“Seriously, Mabel?” The boy groans, and looks at his sister with The Look.
“Yes, seriously,” she says, in a tone that is anything but serious.
Danny snickers, and stops as he sees Mabel’s wide grin as she believes Danny is on her side.
(He’s neutral.)
“Anyway, let’s focus on Phantom,” Dipper says, and pulls out the slip of paper that Danny filled out. He reads it out loud again to his twin, and she smiles as she listens.
She seems to almost deflate like a balloon when he mentions that they might not see Phantom, but when Dipper thinks of that night last week of seeing a bright light above the trees at just before sunrise-
He’s pretty sure they’ll see Phantom.
And besides, Danny’s parents are ghost hunters so he knows a couple things. They’re bound to find something.
“Though you guys could probably find a bunch of animal ghosts and stuff in the woods. Seemed pretty supernatural to me,” Danny throws out, and glances up at the twins.
Suddenly, Mabel’s balloon is filled with helium again and she sits up straight with an excited expression. “That sounds sweet,” she says, drawing out the last syllable annoyingly long and Dipper groans on the inside.
But he can’t say he isn’t excited, because he definitely is. He just doesn’t show it as much as the girl does. His heart is still beating fast, and a grin adorns his face. He just doesn’t flail his limbs around like Mabel is currently doing, hammering questions about ghosts at Danny, while the boy looks at the floor and responds with short, concise answers.
‘Yeah,’ Dipper thinks. ‘Let’s do this.’
And then Mabel hits him over the head with a pillow from Danny’s nest, knocking his snapback off his head and he turns to glare at her.
“C’mon, lil’ bro! It’s sleepover time! We can focus on those ghostie thingies tomorrow!”
Dipper abstains from responding, but he thinks ‘You were just asking Danny a bunch of questions about them’ as Dipper tugs his hat back on.
“Now, let’s paint your nails, boys!”
She lifts a few bottles of nail polish in her hands and a smirk adorns her face.
Danny groans, and says, “Ugh, fine. But I want black.”
(He’s still thinking of Sam and Tucker.)
Dipper soon has rainbow nail polish smothered over his fingers, carefully painted and Danny has all black nails and toes. (Danny found it hard to object to that puppy-dog-eyes face when she begged to paint his toes.)
“Who’s ready for makeup?” Mabel smiles, opening a drawer.
“Uh, no,” Danny deadpans, “I didn’t agree to this.” Dipper falls over onto his bed with a groan.
If Mabel didn’t notice her brother’s clear discomfort from this entire situation, she’d call herself blind.
She believes that she knows Dipper better than he knows himself, and now is just proof of that. Danny’s examining his makeup in the mirror, and Mabel watches Dipper fiddle with the pen in his hand unconsciously, spinning it around. He stares down at the hardwood floor as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world with brown hair falling into his eyes.
Dipper has a tendency to avoid things that makes him uneasy, so it makes sense he’s quiet throughout the sleepover. Not that he was ever really that loud in the first place; Dipper usually waits until attention is diverted away from him so he blends into the background when he’s wary of anything.
Or anyone.
Dipper has never been a social butterfly like Mabel, and she doesn’t blame him for that. He still tries. . . Well, at least he used to. Ever since their last summer at Gravity Falls, he seems so different, so closed off.
With everything that occurred last summer, he’s grown even more distrustful of people in general, and she can’t blame him for this either. (She still feels guilty about what she said to him when they were trapped in that ideal world, paradise, but was really just a trap. She was too blind to see, and she has Dipper to thank for ever getting out of there.)
It makes sense, after all.
(A small part of her blames this mysterious town for what it’s done, who’s really responsible for this shift in Dipper’s personality, and Gravity Falls no longer has him haunting the streets but that voice still echoes in her brother’s head.)
Mabel knows that Dipper doesn’t particularly trust Danny yet. She’s still trying though, okay? Games, makeovers, icebreakers; nothing seems to work for them. The two could get along so well if they just talk to each other! (Danny seems down to get to know her brother, but it doesn’t go the other way and she hates it.)
It really irritates her, how she can’t do anything to get Dipper to trust Danny.
She huffs to herself, pulling out another packet of blush and sticking it in the other makeup she holds in her arms.
Mabel knows that she can’t force him to get closer to the teen, or Dipper’ll just shut them both out, which wouldn’t do either of them any good. He may not be sure of Danny, but Mabel just knows he’s nice.
Mabel likes to think she’s a good judge of character, and she’s gotten better at it in the past year. Danny has yet to make her suspicious, so that’s positive!
Besides, there’s no way he’s one of those annoying gnomes, or a vampire, or anything else. He wouldn’t have been able to get through the weirdness barrier if that was the case.
(Though she knows this, she finds herself checking his eyes as she smothers makeup over his face. Just to make sure.)
She definitely cares about her brother, there’s not doubt about that. But Danny had nowhere else to stay! She couldn’t just leave him to the wolves, or even worse, the crazy town members. After Danny mentioned he had to go, he just seemed so lonely and that wouldn’t do!
Even if Dipper doesn’t like Danny, he has to understand why she’s doing this.
She does want them to get along, but she can’t just throw them into a closet together. (last time she did that with Dipper- well, there were some unforeseen occurrences.) She can’t force them to be friends. So for now, she’ll just try to lighten the mood. Try to have fun, it is a sleepover after all!
There has to be some way to get them to talk to each other and she’s gonna find out how.
“Hey, Dipper, you good?”
Dipper has a full face of makeup, the makeup surprisingly working pretty well on both Danny and himself. “I’m fine,” he says, and it’s true. Mabel can be annoying at some times but he still loves her.
“Dipper?” Danny questions, and Mabel immediately responds.
“Yup! It’s his nickname because of a birthmark he got on his forehead!” She gets a little closer to Danny, and stage whispers, “It's the Big Dipper.”
“Mabel!” Dipper exclaims, feeling his ears reddening.
“What?” Mabel shrugs. “He was wondering.”
“No, I was double-checking to see if that was his name.”
Dipper turns to glare at Mabel, and then calms. “Yeah, uh, my name’s Dipper.”
“Do you really have the Big Dipper on your forehead, though?” Danny asks, and it’s a fair question, but it still slightly irritates Dipper.
Dipper nods, and wipes the makeup off his face and grabs his cap from the ground (Mabel had thrown it off to make it easier to apply makeup), steadying it on his head once again.
“Cool,” Danny says, sounding genuine, and Dipper pauses. He was almost expecting him to laugh at Dipper for it. “Space is awesome, I think it’d be cool to have a space birthmark or something.”
“Um, thanks.” Dipper says, and glances at the floor. 
(He thinks of how familiar Danny feels, not for the first time that night. He still can't place why, though.)
Stan pops in, slamming the door open. “Kids, get ready for bed. Your Grunkle wants to be able to watch babies fight without the ruckus above his head.”
Dipper finds himself yawning, and nods in agreement.
“C’mon, Grunkle Stan! It’s a sleepover,” Mabel argues, and Stan shakes his head, arms crossed.
“Lights off in five,” Stan says, and it sounds odd coming from such a gruff voice.
“Okay, Grunkle Stan,” the twins say in unison, Mabel’s in disappointment and Dipper’s with agreement.
Despite her craziness a few minutes ago, as soon as Mabel’s head hits the pillow she’s out like a light. Dipper watches Danny curl up in a ball on the floor, his head facing away, and his eyes start to droop.
He falls asleep.
Danny is left the last awake, with Mabel snoring and Dipper exhaling softly on his bed. He’s curled into a ball, The blanket essentially a cocoon around him, and he gazes out the open window. The window lets in soft chilly air from the summer night, but Mabel and Dipper are both curled up tight in their blankets so they don’t notice.
Danny slides his blankets off, instead settling them into a mattress shape and curls into a ball again on the fluffy floor.
He still gazes out the open window, watching the waxing moon gently shine through the panes of glass and make pretty shapes on the floor. It’s serene, and there’s no sound except for breathing in the room.
The halfa sighs, tracing a circle in the floor as a stim as he watches the moon. He isn’t sure how he’ll get home if he can’t contact his friends, but he hopes they’ll be awake in the morning.
He finds himself yawning, and eventually drifts to sleep.
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shastlelow · 5 years
Darth Vader (2020) #1
(this post was originally written on March 6, 2020)
Welcome to This Week in Comics – Star Wars Style!
This week there are no new books. Next week, however, there will be three. There will be the conclusion of the limited series The Rise of Kylo Ren #4 (of 4), which I will do a summary/review of the entire 4 issues; Bounty Hunters #1, a new ongoing series telling stories of a band of bounty hunters in the time between Empire and Jedi; and finally Darth Vader (2020) #2. Since I didn’t do a review of the first issue, this week I will dive deep (DEEP!) into Darth Vader (2020) #1 by Greg Pak, illustrated by Raffaele Ienco.
SPOILER WARNING: This review/summary may contain spoilers for this issue, as well as any previously released Star Wars media (Films, TV Shows, Novels, Comics, Video Games) released to date, including #NotCanon. Also, this post may CONTAIN ADULT CONTENT!
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….
Dark Heart of the Sith – Part I
Darth Vader failed to turn Luke Skywalker to the dark side. Luke escaped but now knows the truth.
He is Darth Vader’s son.
For the first time in many years, Darth Vader’s path is uncertain….
“Power. Strength. You are my son.” We open this issue with a POV of the lightsaber battle on Bespin. Right before Vader slices Luke’s hand off. As we progress through the fight, we get insight into what Vader is thinking. “Pain. Fear. This is what you need.” As the battle reaches its end, Vader is left watching, thinking how strong, yet how weak Luke is.
Vader, from aboard his Star Destroyer watched as the Millennium Falcon escapes, with Luke on board. We see Vader approach his shuttle, along with a few Death Troopers, and the comic relief of the issue, a Forensic Droid, Zed Six Seven. Zed is pleased that there are Death Troopers present, apparently on the same mission, as it will provide Zed with “plenty to analyze.”
As this is happening, we see Mas Amedda, via hologram, contact Admiral Piett on the bridge. He informs Piett that the Emperor requests Vader to make contact immediately. A nervous Piett, notices Vader’s shuttle leaving. He informs Mas Amedda that “Lord Vader is currently unavailable.” We cut to the Emperor, on Coruscant. He cackles in amusement.
Aboard Vader’s shuttle, we see Zed inquire about the mission. Before saying anything, Vader opens a panel on Zed, adjusts his motivator, and tell Zed “If you ever reveal what you learn on this mission… you will self-destruct.” Zed’s response? “Wonderful! I do appreciate thoroughness! Tell me everything!” to which Vader simply responds “Skywalker.” Zed states that he has disappeared without a trace. Vader replies that for now, the mission is to “track down everyone who made him (Luke) weak and destroy them.” Zed responds “then I imagine the best place to start is…”
The skies over Tatooine. We see a band of pirates intrigued by the Imperial shuttle with only four life forms aboard.
On the planet surface, Lieutenant Ardo Banch has assembled a small welcoming unit. He offers Vader assistance for whatever… as a Death Trooper comes up and starts “speaking” – I put this in quotes because the dialogue of the Death Troopers is illegible. Lieutenant Banch even remarks “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch –”
They locate the data terminal with local records. Zed plugs in and we are off to the Lars Homestead. As we look around the homestead, seeing familiar sites, Zed makes some commentary (there is little about Luke. He was adopted by Owen and Beru Lars, was known to have an affinity for flying) and we are treated to several POV visions/memories, all in the red & black style. Those visions/memories:
Shmi telling young Anakin to be brave and don’t look back
Meeting Owen and Beru
Telling Padme about the Tusken slaughter
Yoda “Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”
Padme “Come away with me. Help me raise our child. Leave everything else behind while we still can.’
Anakin “We don’t have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the republic. I am more powerful than the chancellor!”
Luke’s face when Vader tells him “Come with me. It is the only way.”
Padme “I don’t believe what I’m hearing”
Luke falling – turning into Shmi – turning into Padme.
Back to Zed. “You came to punish someone. But unfortunately, there’s no one left”
They come to the grave of Shmi. Vader uses the Force and clears the area.Red & Black vision. Anakin kneeling at that grave. “I wasn’t strong enough to save you, mom. I wasn’t strong enough. But I promise. I won’t fail again.”
Zed then notices Lieutenant Banch coming toward them on a transport. It seems they’ve picked up some transmissions--- BOOM!
The pirates from earlier have attacked. Out of the flames, it appears just Vader and Zed have survived. Vader clenches his fist. Zed “Ah! Of course! They may not be the specific traitors you were looking for, but you did come to punish!” as he brings the pirate ship crashing down and destroys it, and the pirates. The three Death Troopers (who were patrolling) come running, but the situation is over. Zed asks if they are done. Vader responds, “No, Droid… we have just begun.”
Coruscant. What appears to be Padme’s apartment. There is a large bust of her blocking the entrance. Vader tears it in two and enters. Everything is covered – sealed since her death. Zed says he is confused why they are there. Vader responds, “She was the mother.” Zed, thinking, “Ah, yes. This makes sense. Searching my data bank… a Jedi named Skywalker frequently served as her personal guard. Anakin Skywalker. They must have become…friendly” and we get a red vision of them kissing. Vader is asking if there are any traces. That only those closest to her would have know she was pregnant and stolen the boy. We learn the security recordings from around that time are missing. Zed then finds an insect size “scout transmitter.” Zed picks it up, tells it not to worry, they just want to find out to whom the insect droid is reporting.
The planet Vendaxa. A bunker under attack from some aliens. A Gungan comes in and tells the commander they must evac. “Not without the crew” a shadowy figure responds. “Crew’s gone!” the Gungan exclaims. Red fills a small frame. Vader enters, cutting down these aliens. Vader then turns. “What…”
The last page reveals who the shadow figure was. Vader, “Padme?”
To Be Continued.
Master Shast LeLow’s Thoughts
I have high hopes for this title. Like the prior two Marvel runs of Darth Vader comics, it really helps you get inside the helmet, find out what is going on in that scarred head of our fallen hero, Anakin Skywalker. Like the Clone Wars animated series, these comics really help fill in the story we know from the films, and how we got from a ruthless villain to a redeemed former hero.
What I loved about this issue is the way they handled the POV shots. The entire panel is black and shades of red. It’s why I used the image I did this week versus using the cover art. I just love the look of it. 
That final page, though! Obviously, this will turn out to be Sabé, but thinking about the initial shock it must cause Vader is pretty cool.
Next week, I plan to do the full review/summary of The Rise of Kylo Ren series. 
May the Force be with you!
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© Disney/Lucasfilm/Marvel
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queen-rogah · 5 years
Chasing Dreams - Part 9
A Queen Series AU
Series summary: In the year of 1971, you dreamed to be the best musician/performer that you'll ever be. And upon achieving your dream, you have met the four musicians that would surprisingly help you to chase your dreams. The story of you and the rising band is deeply life-changing, and even finding love would get in the way, but all you have to do in chasing those dreams is to always face the consequences...
In this chapter: Freddie took you to his parents house as you've met his sister and his mother. You called your family back home and told them the good news that you're finally performing on the pub at Friday nights. Freddie showed you the new name of Smile that he's been working on for months then you all celebrated Victoria's birthday in Brighton. Brian told you about a job which made you think about accepting it.
Wanings: fluffy goodies, language
Word Count: 4.8k+ words
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
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You put an X on the calendar where your's and Smile's first performance in Crown & Anchor yesterday. It's already Tuesday today and you fixed your setlist in the most awaited performance of your beginning life here in Kensington. Vicky's birthday will be tomorrow, that's why she's planning on celebrating with us through a small, simple party in Brighton beach. You remember her last night calling up her boss if they want her to give that day off tomorrow for her birthday celebration. Well, after an hour of begging for it. She got the permission and will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Freddie also listed some foods and phoned his mother if there are still extra rugs at their house just blocks away from his place.
Now, he just asked you if you want to tag along to go get the vintage rugs at his family house, since Vicky is still unavailable for her work.
Of course you didn't say no.
You both change up and took the cab to his place, your eyes wandering around this neighborhood. Freddie kept sharing his memories around this place, telling how he met Brian since they just live close before. And also shared how he met Tim Staffel, the original lead singer of Smile, in his university back in the day. He said that they both take the same courses of arts that's why he met him there. And then the rest is history.
"Actually, you're the second woman I brought home to meet my family. And don't worry darling, my parents are good just like yours too." He said to you because he's noticing that you're a tad bit tense while sitting here in the moving vehicle.
"Piss off Fred, I'm not tensed," You blow raspberries and rolled your eyes. "I'm just nervous for my own self that I'm meeting new people again. Maybe I'll mess up in introducing myself."
"No, you won't." He pats your shoulder and just in time he puts his hand down on his lap again. The cab stopped right in front of this small house--just a cute family house with plenty of plants outside. You both thanked the cab driver and gave the fare before stepping out of the vehicle. Standing in front of this house that holds Freddie's memories.
Freddie fixed his clothes and walk towards the front door, slowly knocking on the wooden door. Just a few seconds later, someone opened the door to see a beautiful looking teenager in front of us with this long black hair cascading down her back.
"Hello Freddie." She smiles at him.
"Kash, great to see you again." Freddie laughs and pull her in a sweet hug. You watch them hug like there's no tomorrow as a smile slowly crept in your face. When they pull away, Freddie motions to your direction beside him, "This is Y/N actually. Y/N, Kashmira, Kashmira, Y/N."
"Nice to meet you." You said, holding out your hand as she happily shook it.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm this bastard's sister." Kash giggles as you heard Freddie chuckled beside you. Now grinning on what his little sister have said. They don't look nothing alike but you felt Kash's personality just as her own brother here. "Well, I'm sorry for keeping you guys there. You may come in."
"Where's mum and papa?." Freddie asked as you both stepped inside the house. Your eyes quickly found some pictures of the family where you've seen little Freddie and Kash, and then some pictures of Freddie as a child which made you smile while you're looking at it. Especially the picture of him as a baby with the most beautiful smile while laying on his stomach.
You turn your head towards the hallway leading to the living room to see a middle-aged woman, wearing eyeglasses and a dress. Your heart skipped a beat when you are now standing before Freddie's mother.
"Mum." Freddie approaches his mother and hugged her tightly, leaving a sweet kiss on her cheek. Then her eyes soon found yours. "Mum, this is Y/N. My friend."
"Hello, nice to finally meet you." You shyly said, shaking hands with her.
Jer is a very gentle soul, like Freddie himself. She's so glad that Freddie is surely making more friends like you. She let you sit in their living room for a bit and wait for Freddie to get the rugs from their basement. And then Kashmira sat beside you on the couch.
"How did you meet Fred?." Kash asked, flashing you a small smile when you turn to look at her.
"I--uh, me and Freddie actually met back in my hometown, in West Hampstead--"
"--West Hampstead? That's a long way. Why is he there?." Kash questioned again, cutting you off.
"He and the band went there to perform in my father's pub. Well, I also performed in the same night with them and I--"
"You're also a musician dear?." Jer also asked away. A smile forming on her lips that she finally met a friend of her son who's a musician too, other than the boys in Smile.
"I...guess I am, yeah." You dryly chuckled, tucking in the loose strand of your hair in the back of your ear.
Freddie soon came back with the two rugs in his hands, it's not that big so it's easy to carry. You stood up from the couch to help him there.
"What did you talked about while I'm gone upstairs?." Freddie puts his hand on his hips.
"We just knew that she's a musician, just like you beta. And...your father won't be coming home until sundown. I think you won't be waiting on him anymore..." Jer said, approaching Freddie and cup his face. "I miss you dearly my son, ever since you moved out." She smiled.
Your heart skipped a beat to see this mother-son moment which is the sweetest thing.
Kash is also smiling down on her brother.
"Even though I moved out, I always visit you right? I'm never abandoning you mum. You, Kash and Papa." Freddie mumbled under his breath as he puts the rug down on the floor and hugged his mother.
"And we better get going. Y/N will be having her first performance in Crown & Anchor this Friday and we need to go down the grocery to buy some foods to eat at Victoria's birthday tomorrow." Freddie said, picking up the rag again from the floor.
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"Good for you my dear! I'm hoping for success in your performance." Jer softly holds your hand as you nod your head.
"Thank you so much Jer. That means a lot to me." You beamed.
"And greet Victoria for us Fred!." Kash said and Freddie nod his head. He quickly put a kiss on his mother's cheek and tell your goodbyes. You followed Freddie out of the house to get some cab.
You looked back at Jer and Kash, two of the most nicest people you've met today wave goodbye to the both of you. When Freddie finally got a cab, he opened the car door for you first as you hop inside. Waving goodbye to them again before the car starts to drive away. Their house soon disappearing from the far distance. You and Freddie shared stories on the way to the groceries to buy some foods and some needs to the picnic.
It's Wednesday. It's Victoria's 25th birthday and now she's listening to the records of The Beatles in the living room early in the morning as your groggy self sat up from the pull-out bed. She's already cooking some breakfast while blasting off the music.
"Happy Birthday Vicky, but please...turn down the volume please?." You asked with your hoarse tone, still in the sleepy state.
She didn't hear you through the music as she still flipping those pancakes she made--with her own batter.
"Good morning darling and Happy Birthday my love!." Freddie soon shouted from the door way of their room. Still in his pajamas, you look over to the clock to see it's still 7AM and you regret on sleeping so late last night because you're finishing this song that's inside your head for the whole day.
You plop yourself back down the bed and stare at the ceiling. You can totally feel the dark bags underneath your eyes.
"Hey, you're already up." Freddie soon sat on the sofa, looking down at you from the floor.
"Yeah, not until you both came in with that noise you made." You murmured, now standing up from the bed and fixed it before sitting with him on the sofa.
Victoria soon came in the room, wearing that apron and a spatula in her hand. She lower down the volume of the record player, "Hey you two, breakfast is ready. I know Y/N is the master of making breakfast but I did my best in the pancakes." She chuckles.
You smiled at Victoria, "You're the master of making pancakes Vicky, and...Happy Birthday!." You exclaim, approaching her and give her a huge hug which she happily hugged you back too.
It's been almost two weeks since you're living with these people in this small place, but full of huge memories. Now, you're celebrating one of Vicky's special day, on Brighton, over-viewing the Palace Pier and hearing the waves of the sea.
It's now 4PM, in an hour, Roger will come over with his van together with the others and finally leave for Brighton so that the view of the sunset will be perfect. Victoria is already in the shower, you just finished dressing up and Freddie is in their room, probably dressing up too. You soon phoned your father again, asking what's happening back home and how's their life there without his daughters with him. At the third ring, your father finally picked up.
"Hello?." You finally heard his voice that made you smile.
"Dad, it's Y/N."
"Y/N! I'm so glad you called again dear! How are you?." He exclaims.
You chuckled, "I was about to ask the same thing. But I'm good back here, we're about to take off in an hour to Brighton to celebrate the birthday of Freddie's girlfriend, Victoria." You stated.
"Well then, take care of yourselves to Brighton. That will take...maybe 2 hours on the road from there. And I'm fine back home, your mother actually have a week off on Christmas, hoping you and your sister will come home by that time so that we'll do the dinner tradition again. Just like old times." He said.
"I'll tell Rosalie about that and convince her to come home with me. She's working and I never see her that much since she's too busy..." You sighed. Freddie soon came out of the room, shooting you a smile. "And I have good news Dad."
Freddie sat on the sofa while looking at you, smiling as he knew what you're going to say. You took a deep breath before saying, "I am performing in a local pub this Friday night." You exclaimed.
"You're performing?! In a local pub?! The people will finally know you there darling! I'm so proud of you!." He said in so much joy.
And now, you can't help but to cry in so much happiness.
"I wish you guys will be there at my first performance in a pub where nobody else knew me. All of you back there, you and mom, Jonathan, all my friends..." You said. Clutching the phone closer to your ear since it's slipping out of your slightly shaky hands.
"I wish too dear that we'll be there, but your sister will be there, together with Brian and the others. You have friends back there who will watch you. Motivate you in some way." Your father said, trying to cheer you up.
Then you brought up a smile on your face again, "Okay. Just tell Jonathan I called, tell him everything Dad." You sniffle, wiping the small tears away.
You just realized that Freddie wasn't in the living room already, maybe he went to the kitchen for something. When you look at the clock again, you see it's already 4:15 and you still have to help Freddie to fix the food you'll bring with in the kitchen.
"Dad, I have to go. We still have more stuffs to do. Say hi to Jonathan and the others. I love you and I miss you." You mumbled.
"Take care of yourself back there Y/N okay? I'll tell Jonathan you called. Love you so much and I miss you dearly." He answered. You said your last goodbyes before hanging up.
You went in the kitchen, seeing Freddie already putting the foods on the basket as you quickly help him put the others in it.
"I already left the living room when you opened those water gates. You know, give you some privacy." Freddie spoke in the silence between you and him. A soft laugh came from your lips as you look at him through your lashes.
"I'm sorry I'm too emotional. I just miss them so much." You mumbled. When you both finished your work, you just waited for Victoria to get ready. You're leaning against the counter while Freddie is silently sitting across you, on his usual seat on the dining table.
"How's...Roger by the way?." You asked out of the blue. That made the singer smirk at you and lay his chin on his hand, his elbows supporting it.
"Out of any topic we want to discuss dear, you want to ask about our owm gorgeous blond drummer?." Freddie teased. That smug smirk still displayed on his face.
You blushed as you bite down your lip. "I just want you to answer my question Fred. I never heard of him in days." You chuckled.
"Well, Roger is still actually studying with his biology thingy. He mentions about...uh, horti--something..."
"Horticulture, you say?." You laughed, got amused about him not being able to pronounce the word.
"Yes, that or whatever it is." Freddie laughs at himself as he waves off his hand.
"Where is he studying though?." You asked, arms crossing in front of your chest.
"In Kew Gardens. I can't believe that one hell of a rising rockstar drummer is studying in cultivating plants." Freddie chuckles, reaching in his pockets to pull out a cig, lighting it up and took a drag.
"Gardening is cute though." You grinned. Still had that blush plastered on your face.
"Darling, if you're still silent about your feelings to him, well you're a coward. You need to say that you like our blondie." Freddie responds, raising his brows at you.
You sighed then a laugh escaped your lips, "It's...it's not that easy Fred. I can't find the right words when I will do that." You stifled a laugh while shaking your head. Not agreeing on what he's saying.
"Tough girl like you can do it Y/N." He said, still pushing through.
When you saw his familiar sketch book on the dining table again, you pointed at it, "Mind showing me some new artworks?." You asked, completely subsiding the topic earlier into a new one again.
Freddie sighed, "Well uh, actually darling, I want to ask you something..." He said, reaching over to the sketch book and opened it, scanning a few pages before stopping on a certain page. It's the same drawing you saw from before, but now it's done. You finally see the full phoenix drawing, the detailed lions, a crab and two fairies. Then you look over to the page beside it, where you see the word Queen with the most stylish lettering you've ever seen.
"Queen? Are you a royalty fan...or something?." You asked him. Feeling so clueless.
"No darling, this is it. This is the new name of Smile." Freddie said as he smiled at you. You processed his words in your mind as you blinked your eyes, feeling lost about it.
"You want to change the name of the band? That's really a tough decision." You murmured.
Freddie lift up the book in the level of his face as he still studies it, looking for mistakes in the drawing. "The boys already saw this drawing before, I planned on replacing the name into something...you know, outrageous. Like the Queen, or...actually me." Freddie smirked to himself.
You chuckled in his statement about himself.
"And what did the boys say?." You raised your brows at him.
"They love it." He smirks. Closing his sketch book.
You sat on the passenger seat just beside Roger who's driving the van on the way to Brighton. It's been an hour, already keeping up on the second hour since he's driving, the others are sitting in the back. Freddie is with the birthday girl, Victoria while they are talking about something. His arms were around her, which is the sweetest thing. Brian and your sister, Rosalie are sitting together too, hands intertwined. And John, this cutie John found his own girl days ago as they start dating by now, her name is Genevieve. She had this beautiful ginger curly locks and she's actually the nicest girl you've ever met.
They all have their own dates, while you're here all alone and single and you don't know if Roger is actually seeing someone in his life since he's always alone while the others have their own love ones. Maybe he's hiding a secret someone, maybe he met her in studying Horticulture.
"In deep thought?." You suddenly heard the blond drummer speak up, but his eyes are focused on the road.
"Oh," You chuckled, "Actually yes, because we're going in Brighton. We all have our friends, they brought their own dates while you are a one-man standing tonight Mr. Taylor." You said to him, like an act of a tease.
He let out a soft chuckle, "I guess the women I've been with are scared of commitment. These people have found the right person who are really willing in commiting themselves. I'm still finding the right girl." He said.
You just have to respond to him but Freddie came in your conversation with him, "I think Y/N has something important to say." Freddie said, fake coughing to signal you to tell what you feel about Roger. Ever since his flirty ass came into your life, you shouldn't be scared in telling the truth to him because what if he feels the same way?
But, "Fuck off Freddie. There's nothing important..." You look back at him, glaring at the singer.
Freddie just bites down his lip as he teases you. You also heard Victoria asking what's happening as he whispered it in her ear. Now, the couple is smirking behind your back.
The drive soon went crazy when The Kinks came playing in the radio. Your hands tapping together with the beat, Freddie was banging his head while Victoria is singing the lyrics. You also sang the rest of the lyrics.
"Girl, you really got me goin', You got me so I don't know what I'm doin' now. Yeah, you really got me now. You got me so I can't sleep at night..." You sang, bobbing your head up and down.
You all enjoyed the song through the end of it as more artists came playing. The heavy riff soon came in from the radio where one of your favorite songs from your favorite band, a gasp escaped your lips.
"Turn it up!." You exclaimed, reaching over to the radio as you turn the volume up. Roger grinned at you with your enthusiastic side when you hear your favorite musics. "It's The Beatles, the volume of the radio needs to be turned up." You chuckled.
"He shoot Coca-Cola. He say I know you, you know me. One thing I can tell you is, You got to be free. Come together, right now. Over me." You sang again the lyrics. The smile on your face never stopped fading as you're hearing each iconic songs you've listened to through the years.
Then Roger suddenly said, "I won't get tired looking at you smiling Y/N." He smiles, sighing deeply as he slightly blushed, looking away from you.
You're surprised with this man beside you as you also hide the fact that you're screaming on the inside. Probably dancing in joy inside your mind. You just blushed and look out of the window, letting the song flow through the last remaining minutes in the drive to Brighton.
After four more songs on the radio, you all finally arrived in Brighton. Roger found a parking space just close to the beach, already looking over the pier. You hop off the car, breathing in the salty air of the Brighton atmosphere. You heard the waves crashing on the shore nearby, which is the most relaxing tone in the world.
You helped Freddie in carrying the food baskets, the others carried the rugs and their own things. You've found this spot only meters away from the shore and the view is close to the pier.
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John placed down the rugs together with the help of Genevieve. You put down the food basket, preparing the foods while Freddie already took out the cake from the basket, taking it out from the container as he put on the candle. Victoria is clapping her hands when Freddie was trying to light up the candle, since it's windy, you helped him by covering the candle wick as it lights up.
"Okay, now everybody. Let's sing to my love here in celebrating another year of life again." Freddie announced. Counting on three, and now you all started to sing happy birthday to her as she claps her hands. Trying to stop the happy tears from falling down her eyes.
"Happy Birthday Vicky!." You all greeted her as she made a wish then ready to blow out the candle, but the wind did her work as you all laugh in unison when the candle was put out by the wind. You gave her a hug again after that, then Freddie kissed her passionately as you all clap for them.
"Best couple ever!." You shouted, sending wolf whistles at them. Freddie pull away as he still kisses her cheek before sitting on the rug again.
The sun began to set when you're getting your foods, while stories are being passed. Rosalie also talked to you about your father calling for Christmas and she said she can't promise in coming back home by Christmas. Which is the most possible answer you'll ever receive from her.
You also shared stories with Genevieve, asking how he met John and said she met him in Kensington Market. The cutest thing is that John was this shy man who just wants to talk to a girl and then he finally boosts his confidence and found himself a girl.
By the time the view of the sun is so perfect, you reach over to your bag and protrude the polaroid out to take some pictures. You took a picture of the sunset together with the waves of the sea, you also took a picture of Vicky holding out her cake while smiling widely at the camera.
A picture of her and Freddie cuddling up which is the sweetest things you've ever seen in a picture.
John and Genevieve standing by the shore, only seeing their backs while looking out in the sea. His arms around her.
Rosalie her head on Brian's shoulder, only Brian was looking at the camera. You looked at their picture, blushing in your thoughts that Brian was your first crush in the band, and then Roger came through, that changes your lane.
Then you tilt the camera at Roger, who immediately caught you taking a candid picture as he smiled at the camera by the time the flash came off. You laughed at the developed photograph to see him showing off his teeth in that smile, unruly blond waves cascading down his collarbones.
"I'll take a picture of you too, your dress will be such a waste when there isn't a single photograph of you." Roger said as he took the polaroid from you. You wore the best smile of your face then took the picture.
You look over at the picture to see yourself, happily smiling. Freddie was in the background too, smiling at Vicky. Your hair was being blown by the wind a little bit that's why some strands are on your face. The ruffles on your dress flew too, covering your neck.
"You look lovely." Roger compliments. You looked at him through your lashes as you blushed again.
"Thank you Rog." You mumbled under your breath as you took your picture from him. Putting it inside your bag with the other pictures.
Memories in this place are definitely sealed with those photos.
Yesterday at Brighton, you all ended the birthday celebration with Freddie pushing Vicky into the water. Together with all of you coming in the cold water, soaked in your clothes but still enjoyed throughout the night. You all came back home last night shaking in the cold breeze, even Roger lend you his coat which made your cheeks became red again. Brian also talked about his friend in a record store finding a new cashier back there since the last one just quit. He asked the boys if they want to take it, until now the vacant job is still there and you've been thinking about working here in Kensington, save some money and even help Freddie and Vicky in buying some needs.
Tomorrow will be your big day, and you've been thinking about that if you'll take the job on the record store, you'll ask if you will take the daytime shifts since you'll be taking turns with the other employee.
You suddenly came running towards the phone to call Brian, tapping your foot on the floor in an impatient manner. A few rings later, he finally picked up.
"Brian May speaking--"
"Brian! Thank goodness you finally picked up, I need to ask you if the job on the record store is still available?." You all said that in one breath.
"Y/N? Is that you?." He asked. You rolled your eyes when he just said that.
"Yes, it's me Brian and I need your answer. I want that job." You replied to him. He didn't said another word as you just heard shuffling in the background, even hearing Rosalie speaking too, asking who is he talking to in the phone. He didn't said that you're the one who's calling him.
"Okay. Take a pen and paper and write down these number, it's from my friend in that record shop, his name is Tommy. Tell him that I told you about the job offering." Brian said.
"Hold on a sec," You respond, putting the phone down as you took your journal and your pen, getting it ready. "Okay. Go on."
He told you the numbers, you wrote it down. He also told you about Tommy, he's been Brian's friend since college because they're taking the same course before. Brian said that Tommy is a very respectful man, nice, smart and kind. And the way Brian introduced him to you made you feel a little bit excited if you'll ever be accepted in the record shop.
All that you have to do is make a resume.
reader's dress in Vicky's birthday:
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@lilytalebi @luvborhap @ziggymay @kiwithekiwi @imgonnabeyourslave @deakysmisfire
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sherlockmormorrp · 5 years
Had the most amazing rp
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like johnlock.
Stranger: [Cam! Boy Sherlock, y/c is a regular viewer. They've started DMing, and y/c requests special things for extra money. 19.] Hey, love. Haven't heard from you in a while... SH
You: Hey, sorry. Money has been kinda tight. I've missed seeing you. JW (25)
Stranger: Yeah? Everything okay, hun? SH
Stranger: I've missed you, too. SH
You: It's a long story. I didn't want to bother you. I know you've got other customers, your time is important. JW
Stranger: It is, but I've always got time for you x SH
You: I'm sure you say that to all your regulars. JW
Stranger: I do, but I mean it with you. SH You've been a regular for a year now. Can't say I haven't got a bit of a fondness for you. SH
You: Don't get my hopes up like that. I've already fallen for you. JW
Stranger: Aren't you sweet? SH I'm sure you can do far better than some boy in a shoddy flat in London. SH
You: Not really, well I've never been with any boys. JW Not..really out yet. I started looking at gay porn as I got curious and that how I found you. JW
Stranger: Really? SH With the things you've asked me to do, I figured you were a bit of a pro... SH
You: Just curious I suppose. And a bit imaginative. JW I like you. It's more real than porn, porn seems fake. But you're real. JW
Stranger: I'm definitely real. SH [...] I do hope Ive never hurt your feelings, knowing you're not my only client.. SH
You: I'm not a fool. I know this is a business. JW It's your job to make sad blokes like me feel special. JW
Stranger: You're not sad. SH Believe me, some of my clients are far, far worse. SH
You: Glad I'm not the worst. JW I'm sorry I can't send you anything. I won't be upset if you take me off your viewing list. JW
Stranger: I'm not taking you off my viewing list, John. SH Hard times are hard times. SH [Long delay, image attached of Sherlock sucking on a dildo] Here. To lift your spirits. No charge <3 SH
You: Christ, Sherlock, you're giving me a boner at work..JW You sure know how to cheer me up. You're too sweet. JW
Stranger: Figured you could use a pick me up. SH And eh, it's supposed to be Will when I'm working ;) SH
You: Oh, yeah-sorry. Will. JW I've always like your..real name better, can't help myself. JW
Stranger: I like it when you call me Sherlock. SH You're the only one that knows my real name. SH
You: Really? JW
Stranger: Yeah, really. SH
You: What'd I do to get the honor? JW
Stranger: [....] Made me feel special. SH That's supposed to be my job. SH
You: You are special. JW I'd make you feel special anytime, free of charge. JW
Stranger: Sap. SH .... Thank you, John. SH
You: Do you..ever ask for pictures of your clients? JW
You: Or do you prefer them to be names on screens? JW
Stranger: I've never asked for a picture before. SH But, I wouldn't mind seeing the man behind the mask, ha. SH
You: I just thought it'd be fair, I've seen so much of you. JW [Image attached; a selfie of John. A warm smile, dusty blonde hair and a maroon jumper]
Stranger: Oh, look at you! SH You're so cute! SH
You: Ha, thanks..I'm not too good at the whole selfie thing..JW
Stranger: You look great, John. SH Honestly, I was a bit afraid you were some 60 year old old man. SH
You: Oh, I'm sure you have 60-year-old customers, probably got a lot more money to spend than I do. JW I'm only 25, by the way. JW
Stranger: Oh, thank god. SH I'm sure I do, but they get to call me Will, and you get to call me Sherlock. There's a difference. SH
You: Well, you certainly make me feel special..JW
Stranger: You are, genuinely. SH You shouldn't be. It's bad for my work, you kow. SH But you are. SH
You: Oh? I'm bad for business, how so? JW
Stranger: Because I think about you far more often than I should. SH Was genuinely worried about you. SH
You: You're really the only person who'd notice if I went missing...JW
Stranger: Oh, come on, I'm sure that's not true. SH
You: No, it is. JW I haven't got anyone, my work would probably notice for a bit but would find someone to replace me rather quick. JW
Stranger: What about your family? SH
You: Only got my sister left, she'd be too drunk to notice. JW
You: Sorry, I'm only proving that I'm just another sad bloke. JW You're a cam model, not my therapist. I shouldn't be bothering you. JW
Stranger: I really don't mind. SH
Stranger: [....] I'd like to think you can talk to me, even when I'm not Will. SH
You: You're a lot more than Will to me. JW That's what scares me. JW
Stranger: I am? SH
You: Yes. JW
Stranger: [....] You're sweet, John. So sweet. sH
You: Not sweet, just a sappy fool. JW
Stranger: I think it's sweet. SH You're more than just a client to me. SH
You: What am I then? JW
Stranger: [....] Special. SH
Stranger: A friend, maybe. SH
You: I'd be honored to be considered your friend. JW
Stranger: Yeah? SH
You: Yeah. JW
Stranger: Thank you, John. SH
You: Of course. Sherlock. JW Thank you for talking to me, you made my day better, even without the photo. JW
Stranger: I'm glad. SH I really enjoy talking to you. SH
You: Me too. JW Do you do anything beside caming? JW
Stranger: I do. SH I play violin. I try to do uni, though caming doesn't pull in enough money for me to really succeed with that. SH
You: Violin? That's a beautiful instrument. I'd love to hear you play. JW I understand that I've been trying to work enough for Uni but it's never enough. Might go into the army, actually. Seems to be the only way I'll get medical training. JW
Stranger: Think you could handle the stress of the army? I know I couldn't. sH
You: Yeah, had a pretty strict father. I'm used to being yelled at. I'd like to have the training too. JW
Stranger: I suppose... SH I'd definitely miss you. SH
You: Well after Bootcamp I'd get my phone again. Only be unavailable if they deploy me. I'd send you letters, if you really wanted to hear from me. JW
Stranger: Yeah? SH I'd like that. SH
You: I'd like to have someone waiting for me..JW I'm still thinking it over, but with the way finances are looking. It might be my only option, unfortunately. JW I'd miss seeing you. JW
Stranger: I could send you pictures. Give you something to look forward to, hm? SH
You: I'd love that. Couldn't be anything..explicit. They check your mail as a soldier. But honestly, you're so handsome I'd just like to have a photo of your face. JW
Stranger: You're so sweet. SH
You: I mean it. You're gorgeous Sherlock. Your curls are probably my favorite thing about you..JW
Stranger: Yeah? SH [...] I've thought about you, sometimes. SH During my shows. SH
You: Thought about me how..? JW
Stranger: I think you can imagine. SH Even without me knowing what you look like. SH
Stranger: It's quite distracting. SH
You: I want to know. What exactly you were thinking. JW Were you thinking about me when you ride your dildo? JW
Stranger: God, yes. SH The vibrator, too. The purple one. It's bigger, I've always imagined... that it was you. SH
You: I'd love to do /everything/ to you, Sherlock. JW
Stranger: Yeah? SH I'd let you. SH Everything you've asked me to do. SH
You: Your arse is perfect, and the way you moan. I'd stop at nothing to hear you moan my name. JW
Stranger: Yeah? SH You should come by. SH
You: You mean it..?JW
Stranger: I do. SH If you want to, I mean. SH
You: I do, of course I do. JW I just..didn't think it was allowed. JW
Stranger: I shouldn't. sH But... I do a lot of things I shouldn't. SH Maybe... if you like it, we could even do it a second time, on camera. SH
You: On camera? Oh wow. Maybe..JW I can come by after work? JW
Stranger: Perfect. SH {address attached] I'm here. SH
You: Wow, I'm pretty sure I've had a dream about this..JW Is that lame, of me to say? JW
Stranger: Not to me. SH
You: Good, because I'm sure I'm only going to get lamer from here..JW
Stranger: You're sappy. It's cute. SH
You: Glad you think so. JW I should be getting off around 2, I'll stop by my flat and shower. Should be around maybe 4 or so, is that okay? JW
Stranger: That's perfect, yeah. SH I can order takeaway, if you want. SH
You: Sure. JW I can always eat. JW
Stranger: Perfect. SH
You: I'll see you at 4. xx JW John's heart was beating out of his chest. When Sherlock said he was special a part of him never really believed him. It was Sherlock's job to say things like that. To give blocks the illusion that he was into them, he was fairly certain though that Sherlock didn't invite clients over. He was special, he couldn't believe this was really happening. He hurried home, showered, shaved and put on after shave before he stopped by the corner store and got Sherlock flowers. He knew it was probably a bit much but hey Sherlock knew he was a sappy idiot and seemed to like it. On my way. JW John hopped into a cab and tried to keep his breathing even as he finally came to terms that he was about to meet Sherlock. The gorgeous boy he'd be watching and fantasizing about for a year.
You: (heres my email incase omegele acts up and disconnects : [email protected])
Stranger: Sherlock couldn't believe he'd just done that. He invited over a client! And sure, John was more than a client to him, but who was to say the man wasn't lying about the photo he'd sent? What if he was actually that 60 year old Sherlock had been afraid of? Still, it was too late now, he'd given him his address and he was on his way and oh /god/. Sherlock placed the takeaway containers down on the table, not even sure if John would like it, and began to pace, closing the door to his bedroom, which had quickly become his filming space. He had his toys laid out to make camming easier, and he had purple fairy lights that helped to make his scenery interesting, and he really wasn't sure he wanted John to see that. When he heard his door bell ring, he swallowed, moving to let the blonde in.
You: John's heart hadn't stopped thumping since he had read Sherlock's text inviting him over. He took a deep breath to steady himself before he rang the door bell. His heart skipped a beat when Sherlock opened the door. It was him-it was really Sherlock. He swallowed-his mouth suddenly dry. "You're..even more gorgeous in person..' he muttered. He blushed as he realized he must look like a big idiot, blushing and gocking over Sherlock with flowers in his hand.
Stranger: Oh, thank god, it was the same man from the photos. He was attractive, and sweet, and... "Oh, are those flowers? John, you really didn't have to." He insisted, ushering the man inside and taking the bouquet from him. "You're so sweet." No one had ever bought him flowers before, not ever. He really didn't know what it was like to be fully wooed and dated. If this is what it was like, it was nice. "I got us Chinese, I hope you don't mind. I didn't know what you liked, and I figured it'd be a bit awkward to just text you and be like hey, what do you want to eat, you know? So I just got chinese, and I hope you're not like a vegetarian or anything, but if you are that's totally fine, I'll just order something else, and-" And he was absolutely rambling. So badly. He forced himself to shut up as he took the bouquet and disappeared into his tiny kitchen, filling a vase with water and putting them in it. "Thank you."
You: John smiled as he heard Sherlock rambling-it was down right adorable really. And sort of a relief that he wasn't the only one nervous. In Sherlock's videos he was so confident and in control. This was welcoming- to realize Sherlock was just as nervous as he was. He found it a bit funny that Sherlock was worried about texting him and asking what he'd like to eat but was confident to do all sorts of things on camera, he supposed Sherlock and Will were really different. When Sherlock came back in he smiled, "Chinese is perfect. I'll literally eat anything so don't worry." he assured him. "I'm glad you like the flowers, I know it's a bit cheesy..but you had to expect I'd do something sappy." he joked.
Stranger: Sherlock and Will were more than just a little different. Will was confident and sexy and would do anything for a tenner, but Sherlock... well, he was shy, and he'd never had a boyfriend, never even really gone on a date. He was inexperienced with the romantic side of things, and he was awkward, and not nearly as graceful as he was when it was just about the sex. It was why he'd approached John with sex first, instead of just asking him for a date. At least John had gotten the message, though, right? He offered a smile as he took a seat on the sofa, motioning for him to sit down next to him. "I knew you would, but they're still super sweet. I love them."
You: John joined him on the couch looking around the flat briefly before he focused his attention back on the beautiful brunet in front of him. He couldn't help the idiotic smile plastered across his face as he stared at Sherlock. "Sorry-I'm just still in shock that I'm here..that you're here. " he admitted. They had spent so long talking and to finally be sitting in front of Sherlock was amazing. He wasn't entirely sure what to do or how to go about this, he was just glad to be here. He leaned against the sofa, "Smells good, what'd you get?" he asked.
Stranger: Sherlock blushed at the way John was smiling at him, shaking his head as he opened up the takeout containers. "Chicken, some rice. Some beef, too, since I didn't know what you'd prefer." He admitted with a sheepish grin, rubbing nervously at the back of his neck as he handed over some chopsticks to John. "Eat, eat. I've never really... done this before, but I figured dinner was a good start, right?" He offered, looking over at the older blonde. He was more attractive than his photo had made him look, honestly.
You: John nodded, "It's okay, I haven't done this before either." he assured him, not really sure what to classify this as. He gave Sherlock a small smile before he began eating. "I..guess I am special then. I..didn't really think you meant it.." he admitted, "I-I just figured you say that to everyone..." he blushed softly. "I wanted to believe it but..didn't want to get my hopes up."
Stranger: Sherlock offered a small smile, reaching over and placing his hand on John's thigh. He was nice, sweet, just like in his messages. It was really, really nice. "I told you, you're the only one that knows I'm Sherlock, not Will. You're the only one I"ve ever asked for a photo from. You're special, John." He insisted, blushing a dark red. He didn't open up like this, it felt foreign and strange, and he didn't know what the hell to do with it.
You: John smiled when he saw the blush on Sherlock's face, it was adorable. "I'm glad.." he muttered. He ate a few bites of his food and looked around before he spotted Sherlock's violin case. "Oh, you know I'm going to want you to play something for me one day, right?" he asked, smiling. "Did you learn as a kid?" he asked. John wasn't really in a rush for sex, he liked talking with Sherlock, they enjoyed one another's company. At least they had over texts, but even now it wasn't too awkward.
Stranger: Sherlock felt like he was fucking this all up. John was expecting exciting and comfortable, confident Will, and that just wasn't him. Well, it was, but not all the time, and certainly not now. Still, John didn't seem put off by it, and Sherlock was starting to feel at least a little better about it. When John asked about his violin, he perked up, nodding quickly. "I started learning when I was five. It helps me to think, you know? Real relaxing." He smiled, looking over at his violin case. "My neighbors complain sometimes, because I'll play at like, 2 AM, when I can't sleep."
You: John chuckled, "They should appreciate it. It's just a violen..should be soothing. I mean it's not like you're playing the drums at 2 am." he joked. "It's a beautiful instrument really...I've heard it's not an easy one to learn either." he ate a few bites as he listened to Sherlock talk. The other had a rather nice speaking voice, his voice was deep and /very/ sexy. He offered Sherlock his to-go box. "Want some?" he offered
Stranger: Sherlock smiled, taking his own chopsticks and grabbing out a piece of chicken. "Thanks." He mumbled as he popped it into his mouth and chewed. It was definitely good chinese food. "I'm glad you find it relaxing, I guess your sentiment isn't shared by my neighbors. As for it being hard... I guess it can be. I dunno, I started learning so young, it's like second nature." He admitted with a shrug. "But you never did tell me about what you like to do, when you're not viewing my shows."
You: John chuckled a small blush crossing his face. "Uhh I don't know I'm pretty boring. I work at lot..taking a few classes-whatever I can afford really." he answered. "I managed to get a job at a clinch..I'm only a medical assistant so I'm not really doing anything important but I get to work with doctors and they show me things here and there." he answered."Oh-I box. I guess that's interesting.." he shrugged. "I box here and there..just to work out."
Stranger: "You box?" Sherlock turned to face John, taking his own to go container and eating as he listened to the blonde. "You never told me about that. Guess it explains your muscles, hm?" He winked, chuckling. "How long have you been doing that?"
You: John smiled when Sherlock complimented him, amazed the other found him attractive at all. He chuckled, "uh..since I was in high school. I played rugby. Some of the blokes invited me to the gym and I gave a go at the punching bag a few times. Had a knack for it and just kinda found my way into it. It's a good way to know how to protect yourself." he explained, not adding that he'd needed to learn how to properly block his fathers drunken swings.
Stranger: Sherlock nodded. He could tell there was something else there, with how John's gaze went far past him for a moment, but he decided not to comment on it. At least not for now. He didn't want to scare him off, after all. "That's great. Bet you're great at it." He smiled, and for once he felt himself actually relaxing around the blonde. Sure, he wasn't used to all of this, but John was /nice/. He really did make him feel special. "Maybe I'll come watch you box sometime."
You: John smiled and nodded, "Really? I'd like that." he placed his to-go container on the coffee table in front of him. "That was really good. Way better than the Chinese place I have near my flat." he smiled, satisfied and full without stuffing himself. John looked around, "Where's your loo?" he asked
Stranger: "Ah, down the hall. First door on your right." He said, motioning towards the hall that led to his bedroom. It was a tiny flat, it was, but it did him fine. It worked for his camming, and when he was able to do classes, it worked for studying, which was all he really needed.
You: John nodded and stood up, he needed a quick bathroom break. He washed his hands once he was done and stared at himself in the mirror, anxiously fixing his hair and trying to calm himself. He could do this, he'd fantasized about Sherlock for so long and now it was truly happening. He could not fuck this up. He came back out and smiled, "Thanks for dinner, Sherlock." he hummed
Stranger: Sherlock made himself anxious all over again when John disappeared inside of his bathroom. He was doing fine, this was fine, and if John wanted sex, he knew how to do that. He just hoped that the man would like whatever they did. He wanted things to be good between them. He stood when John came back into the living room, nodding quickly. "Yeah, of course. Sorry about the rambling and everything, I just get a bit nervous, sometimes." He admitted with a shrug. "You're not leaving already, are you?"
You: John shook his head, "Course not-not unless you're kicking me out." he joked. He came over and stood in front of Sherlock, taking the other's hand softly. "Don't be sorry. You're cute...and not the only one nervous." he assured him. "Honestly I nearly puked on the way over here." he admitted, cracking a smile as he did so.
Stranger: Sherlock couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of John being that nervous, shaking his head as he stepped just a little closer to John. "Well, I'm glad I'm not alone, but you don't need to be nervous. I'm not nearly as intimidating as I seem to be online." He teased, moving to press a kiss to the older man's cheek. He didn't want to push things too far and scare John off, but he had been telling the truth earlier, he'd been thinking of John for a long time.
You: John smiled at the kiss on his cheek, Sherlock was certiantly very different than the man he'd met online. Will said and did very dirty things with so much confidence that he commanded attention. He was in his element and it was intrancing. -But Sherlock. Sherlock was nervous and more than the act he put on for his show. John had convinced himself that Sherlock had said all those nice things because he had to, but he was quickly realizing that he was something to Sherlock and he never felt so important. He smiled, "Do you want to go grab drinks? I..know I'm a client and all..but I didn't come over just to have sex and leave." he explained. "I know..our meeting was based on your body and..sex but that's not the only thing you are to me. I hope you know that."
Stranger: Drinks. John wanted to get drinks. Maybe that would help Sherlock to not be so nervous, maybe it'd make the Will in him come out more. "I know, John. I do. You wouldn't have brought over flowers if all I was to you was sex." He teased, but there was sincerity there. John was so, so kind, he truly didn't know how to show him how much he appreciated the kindness. "I think drinks is a wonderful idea, though."
You: John smiled softly, he wasn't entirely sure what he was to Sherlock. He'd assured him that he was special but what did that mean? Did Sherlock want more than sex...? What was the brunette wanting out of all of this? John didn't dare ask, afraid of the answer. He nodded, smiling as Sherlock agreed to drinks, "Get your coat." he hummed.
Stranger: Sherlock didn't have an answer himself as to what he wanted from John. He hadn't been thinking when he'd invited him over, he'd just done it, and now... well, he had feelings for the blonde, that much he knew. Anything past that... it was all foreign to him. He hadn't dated since Victor, and that hadn't turned out well, he'd used drugs, and he was still recovering from that, but John was so kind, and nice, and he did want /something/ more than a professional relationship with him. At the direction, he nodded, going into his bedroom for a moment and coming out with his coat on, and shoes as well. "Alright. There's a pub not far from here, we can head there?" He offered, following John to his front door.
You: "Sounds good to me, lead the way." he smiled. As they walked John wanted to take Sherlock's hand. He had a lump in his throat just thinking about it. Usually, he was so forward, especially with women. He'd dated and slept with many women-nothing ever lasting very long but he was known as some kind of ladies man. Yet with Sherlock he felt..so nervous. Like he was a kid again. He finally got the courage to reach for Sherlock's hand. Mentally preparing himself for Sherlock to drop it just as quickly.
Stranger: Sherlock looked down when John took a hold of his hand, his cheeks burning as he smiled. That was... nice. He couldn't remember the last time someone had just held his hand, but it felt nice. John's hands were bigger than his own, and a bit rougher, but warm, and nice. He smiled up at John, keeping a hold of his hand as he led the way to the pub. Once they got there, he opened the door for the both of them, keeping a hold of his hand as they walked straight up to the bar. "What do you like to drink, then?"
You: John felt a wave of relief wash over him when Sherlock kept their hands linked together. This was a big step for him, holding another blokes hand in public. He'd slowly been coming to terms with his bisexuality and was proud to hold Sherlock's hand in public. He looked over everything before he shrugged and ordered a beer to start. "What's your drink of choice?" he asked
Stranger: He should have figured John was a beer guy. He turned towards the bar, looking over everything before he ordered himself a cocktail. Something fruity, with about six different kinds of alcohol. He had never been a beer fan. "Anything with vodka is typically what I go for." He laughed, looking down when he realized their hands were still linked together, between the bar stools.
You: John got out his card to pay for the first round of drinks, he turned to look at Sherlock, "You want to sit at the bar or grab a booth?" he asked, letting go of the others hand only to sign the receipt. He thanked the bar tender as he was handed their drinks and handed Sherlock his. "I usually start with a beer or two..then maybe get a jack n coke." he explained.
Stranger: "Booth would probably be better. Not as loud." Sherlock nodded, taking the cocktail from John's hand and looking around. "Jack and cokes are nice. I typically drink with the plan to get drunk, if I'm honest, so I'm used to things that work fast." He laughed, taking a hold of John's hand again and leading him towards a booth near the wall of the bar. It was quieter over here, and he did in fact want to hear what John had to say. "Not to say I plan on getting drunk or anything, I don't, I just mean like, in general, you know? I wouldn't come out with you just to get wasted, I swear." Oh, god, he was definitely rambling again. He shut himself up with a drink of his cocktail as they each took a seat, hoping that the alcohol would at least make him less nervous.
You: John smiled when Sherlock took his hand again and lead him to a booth with some privacy. He smiled as he heard Sherlock ramble again, he just smiled and slid in the booth beside him. "You're really cute, you know that." he smiled. He thought he was going to be the one fumbling to keep up with Sherlock. "I know what you meant" he assured him, giving him a playful wink. "I think the last time I got..truly drunk was probably 2 years ago." he chuckled, "I don't really drink often." he explained, with his father and sisters history he'd always sort of had a fear of becoming an alcholic.
Stranger: Sherlock nodded, glad that John understood, though his cheeks did burn a little when John called him cute. "That's sweet of you." He smiled, taking another drink of his cocktail before he forced himself to relax, leaning against John's side once they were both sat down. "I don't get drunk as often as I made it sound, but when I do get a chance to do classes, the few friends I have usually want to get cocktails after. It can be nice."
You: John smiled when Sherlock leaned against him. He brushed their knees together, "It's good to destress now and then. I'm taking Microbiology right now and..God that class definitely makes you want to have a few." he joked. He sipped his beer before setting it down. "When you do take classes, what are you going for?" he asked.
Stranger: Sherlock laughed at that, his hand moving to rest on the other man's thigh as he allowed himself to relax. This was nice, wasn't it? Being on a date, at a pub, just having /fun/. It was good. "Forensics, actually. I'd like to be a detective." He shrugged, tracing patterns onto John's jeans to distract himself. "They're interesting classes, even if I do already know most of the material."
You: "A detective? Wow...that does sound interesting. You're really bright." he smiled, he could tell Sherlock was relaxing a bit more and he was glad the other felt comfortable enough to be himself. "What kind of forensics..I know there are different kinds like financial forensics and stuff like that but when I think of forensics I think of homicides."
Stranger: Sherlock was quick to nod, trying to ignore the blush that just would /not/ go away. He wasn't used to compliments that didn't come through a screen, and it was hard, to accept them. "Homicides is exactly it, yeah. Well, that's what I want to do, anyway. They're fascinating. Not like. Not like I think the killers are fascinating, though I kind of do, with wanting to know why they did it and all, and how, but I'm not like. Obsessed." He took another drink to silence himself, shaking his head at himself. He needed to stop with the rambling before he embarassed himself.
You: John smiled, he could tell Sherlock was passionate about this. "I understand. I watch the crime shows too, don't worry. It is interesting..hearing how they solve the cases and I've even watched some documentaries about serial killers. It's fascinating hearing those people explain themselves." he looked Sherlock over. "That will be an interesting job." he hummed.
Stranger: Sherlock nodded, looking up in time to see John look him over. Oh, that felt... nice, honestly. To have someone interested in him, and not just through the computer. "I think so. Think Scotland yard could use someone who actually knows what they're doing. Have you seen some of their detectives? Bloody idiots." He shook his head, rolling his eyes. "I tried to sneak into a case once, it was a double homicide and it was fascinating. They pushed me out before I could even get a good look, though."
You: John chuckled, "You've got to be careful, they'll think you're the one who did and you're trying to get a second look at your work." he joked. He squeezed the others hand, "Don't worry, you're young. You've got plenty of time to get through school then you'll get to see plenty of double homicides." he chuckled. (do you continue rps? I absolutely LOVE this. But its already 3 in the morning for me )
Stranger: [We can try but i'm absolutely TERRIBLE at remembering to respond to emails, and that's the only place I continue them]
You: (my heart ;(. Well it's up to you! I'd hate to see this die but I am very active on email and respond quickly! )
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arostormblessed · 5 years
Soo this is my first time writing a fic and it’s a little bit iffy but eh I’m posting it anyway. It ended up being a lot longer than originally intended so I’m only putting up the first part right now. WIP so don’t judge too hard. It looks like it’s going to be a cool action story about some looming villain but is actually just about the avenger kids babysitting Morgan. Lots of Peter & Morgan being siblings ‘cause I love them. Oh and contains Endgame spoilers I guess so don’t read if you haven’t seen it yet. Enjoy
Communication was iffy, to say the least, among the remaining Avengers after the second snap. What with many retiring, some being halfway across the world, and a large percentage of them in space, it wasn’t always clear as to how to get in touch with each other. Whenever a threat arose big enough to alert everyone, it usually went through Nick Fury, who seemed to have an obscure way of contacting everyone. At the moment, though, he and Agent Hill were investigating the aftermath of some European incidents, and were indisposed. That meant the process was much slower.
It had started when Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel herself, had heard about trouble brewing on a distant planet; something that might affect the rest of the galaxy as well. Upon visiting the said planet and realizing it was much worse than she could have imagined, she made the decision to call in some backup.
 She managed to track down the Benatar, because of the homing device the Guardians had entrusted to her. From there, Thor gave Rocket Bruce’s email address and sent him a message, hoping for the best. Intergalactic messaging is normally not the quickest, but it was going to have to work. Carol led the Guardians to the planet, insisting there was no time to waste. The Earthens would make it there eventually, but until they did, there wasn’t a minute to spare.
 Dr. Bruce Banner, currently large, green, and Hulky, received the email approximately twenty-two hours after it was sent. He was working in his lab then, and at first was delighted to get correspondence from his adventuring buddies, but quickly became horrified at the news. He made nine phone calls in the next half-hour, to a various number of people.
“So, uh, because of all that there will be a Wakandan airship arriving on your farm in about two minutes…”
“Um, what? Buddy, you gotta be kidding me. I’m retired, I thought you were too.” Clint had his phone pinched between his ear and his shoulder, attempting at multitasking. 
 “I know, I know, but-” Bruce paused and flinched as loud grinding sounds came from the other end. “What exactly are you doing right now?”
 “I was trying to finish building our new shed.” Holding a wooden beam upright, he clicked the button on the drill he was holding and it whined as it forced in a screw. Using his left hand to dust sawdust off of his shirt, he set the drill down on his workbench and laid the phone flat on his shoulder. “Lila, hon, come here a sec. Tell your Uncle Bruce why I’m not skipping out on our father-daughter weekend.”
“Sure, Dad.” She laughed, setting down the bucket of apples she had been picking from a nearby tree. She jogged over to him and was handed the phone. Clint returned to building his shed.
 “Clint- are you there?”
“Hey Uncle Bruce, I’m really sorry but my dad is unavailable this weekend because mom took the boys to her parents and I finally don’t have to deal with them for once, and once he’s done with his latest construction project he promised to teach me some moves on his sword and then we’re staying up late and eating ice cream-hey Dad what’s that noi-”
 She dropped the phone in surprise as huge gusts of wind blew down on them from above. Lila’s hair whipped around her face as a glowing hexagonal shield appeared in the sky, revealing a sleek black airship. She glanced at Clint, who was shielding his eyes with his hand. He sighed. “Guess we’re going to have to pick this back up next weekend.”
The couch at the Lang household was, as far as they were concerned, the most comfortable piece of furniture in the world. Scott, Hope and Cassie had all settled into it, gigantic bowls of popcorn on their laps, and were just about to press play on their favorite movie when their phone rang. Scott dramatically dropped the remote beside him in defeat, and reached over to grab the phone from the coffee table.
“Who is it, Dad?” Cassie asked, looking over to see the number.
“If it’s Luis again, just leave it,” Hope joked, playfully stealing some popcorn from Cassie’s bowl. 
“No, no. I gotta take this. It’s Bruce, my favorite guy!” he exclaimed, stepping into the next room.
“Is that the big green one?” Cassie whispered as Hope laughed.
“Hey, Doc Green, what’s up? Scott asked, leaning against the wall.
“Something bad, I’m afraid. We need both of you to come in.” 
Scott rubbed his forehead. “What’s wrong? Can’t someone else take it for once? We just started movie night, man.”
“That’s pretty much what Clint said. But no, it’s an emergency, and we’re calling in the whole team.” Cassie listened from the living room, waiting anxiously. Secretive phone calls were never good. And neither were giant airships in your backyard.
“Bruce- are you sure? I mean, I’ve got both the kids here, and-” Pepper spoke into the phone with a hushed voice, leaning against the kitchen counter. She glanced over to the dining room table, where Peter was helping Morgan with her homework. Not that she had much homework at six years old, but Peter had taken it upon himself to make sure she lived up to the reputation of her genius father. That meant many late-night reading sessions.
In the year since the second snap, Peter and Morgan had grown close. They were basically siblings. Peter bounced from his apartment to the lake house to HQ, and Pepper had gotten to know him better. She really liked the kid, and decided to keep up her late husband’s legacy of parenting him. It’s what Tony would have wanted, anyway.
“I’m sorry, Pepper, but we really need everyone we can get. Rescue’s needed, too.” Bruce hated calling everyone in from their lives, but it was crucial.
Careful not to disturb the kids, she sighed and said quietly, “All right. But the kid stays here.”
“But Pepper, he’s got some powerful skills-”
 “Out of the question. He’s seventeen, and he’s already had to deal with enough after everything Fury put him through.”
He started to protest more, but just sighed. “Okay, fine. Everyone’s going to meet up at your place in a few minutes. Expect lots of airships.”
 “At this point, nothing would surprise me.” She hung up and set the phone down on the counter. She rested her chin in her hands, deep in thought. She had never been to space before; it was both exciting and terrifying. She didn’t want to leave Morgan, who had already lost one parent to a supernatural battle, but everything Bruce had told her made it clear this mission was more important than their daily lives. If Carol Danvers, one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, called for help, it was definitely serious.
“Close, look at the context clues.”
 “Yeah, you got it! Nice job, Morgs.” Pepper watched from the kitchen as Peter gave Morgan two high fives. Morgan was usually ornery as a donkey when it came to learning new words, but with Peter she didn’t seem to mind. She thought he was the coolest person in the world.
“Can we take a break? We’ve been going for hours,” she whined, yawning a little and slumping over into his lap. “And I want a juice pop.”
 “Perfect timing. It’s probably getting close to your bedtime, too,” he teased, tickling the back of her neck. She squealed and sat up, batting away his hands. Scampering into the kitchen, she made a mad dash for the freezer before Pepper sidestepped in front of her, blocking it.
“Uh uh, little miss. Supper before dessert.” Morgan crossed her arms and stamped her foot, but failed to contain a smile. 
 “You haven't cooked us dinner yet, Mommy! How are we supposed to eat it?” she cried, throwing up her arms. 
 “There’s the leftover risotto in the fridge, I told you I would heat it up when you wanted it.”
She made a face. “That stuff’s gross.”
Pepper shrugged. “Guess you don’t get juice pops, then.”
“Hey- hey, Mrs. Stark, what’s happening out there?” Peter had pulled aside the curtains and was peeking out the window, where in the soft evening light you could just make out several descending airships. And a lot of noise.
“Mommy?” Morgan asked hesitantly, looking at her with wide, anxious eyes.
“Don’t worry, kids,” Pepper replied, walking up to the door and unlocking it. “This is just...well, you’ll see.”
Part two to come soon!
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escapingreality1992 · 5 years
Wedding Date Emergency
Warnings: Smut, Oral Sex, Protected Sex
Bucky Barnes x OC - Emma needs a date to her best friend’s wedding when she is informed that she can no longer go alone. She is close with Bucky and they go together. Feelings come into light during the week of the wedding.
Out with my best friend Alice from high school and her two stepsisters, Stella and Maggie, was the day that my life was going to be forever changed. We were eating sushi and talking about wedding details—Alice was the bride and she had met the woman of her dreams two years ago—when she turned things around on me.
           “So you already RSVP’d right?” she asked me. I nodded mid-bite of my spicy tuna roll, no desire to talk with my mouth full.
           “Yeah, right when you sent out the invitations five months ago. I’ve got to stay ahead of the game,” I answered, swallowing the last bit of the roll.
           “Are you going to bring a date?” Alice asked, raising her eyebrows. What is she playing at? She knows I’m coming alone, I thought to myself.
           “No, I RSVP’d by myself. You should know. I’m sure you saw my response,” I remarked. She sighed, reaching out and touching my hand. This wasn’t a good sign. I looked at Stella and Maggie, who had amused grins on their faces.
           “Emma, you’re going to have to bring someone. Going alone isn’t optional anymore. You’ve been single for five years. It’s time you found someone. I’m sure it won’t be that hard for you,” Alice said in a mocking tone. At her comment the stepsisters burst out laughing. I felt awkward and it dawned on me that they all thought I was a joke. Over the years it seemed like Alice had started to see me as stupid or even a disappointment as a friend. I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten unto her comment about my love life.
           “No, It shouldn’t be that hard. I’m so glad you care so much about the state of my love life. Thank you for pointing out that I’m hopelessly lonely. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go home now. Start the process of finding a date,” I commented, restraining from showing them how upset I was. More giggles came from Stella and Maggie, Alice joining in this time. Finishing up lunch, I said my goodbyes to them and headed back to the Avengers compound, trying to hold my composure until I could get to the privacy of my room.
           “Did you have fun at lunch? Did you sort out more wedding details? Emma?” Steve greeted me as I entered the lounge, looking up from his sketchbook.
           “Hmm? Oh yeah, it was fine…just fantastic. If you’ll excuse me, I’d rather be alone right now,” I answered, quickly walking past him, down the hallway where my room was located. I kept my head down, hiding my expression when I collided into someone.
           “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I mumbled, trying to get past whoever it was.
           “It’s alright. Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit down at the moment,” the voice, male, stated. I lifted my head to see Bucky standing in front of me. Ever since I joined the Avengers as someone who had atmokinesis and could generate any kind of weather, I seemed to get close to both Steve and Bucky. They were my best friends and I was grateful for them but I didn’t want to talk at the present moment.
           “I’m just peachy. Excuse me,” I replied, a little harsher than I meant to say and shoved past him to my room, slamming the door shut. Kicking off my shoes and changing into something a bit more comfortable, I drew the curtains, darkness enveloping the room. I crawled into the bed and pulled the covers over my head, trying and failing to block out the pain I was feeling.
           I let the tears fall, sobs racking my body as I replayed the conversation at lunch in my mind. I felt humiliated at the suggestion of finding someone for a date at this wedding. It meant that my friends thought I wasn’t capable of finding someone to fall in love with. As I thought about this, the lonelier I felt, the tears continuing to flow. Some time later, a knock sounded at my door followed by Steve’s voice.
           “Emma, is everything okay? It’s storming outside despite it being sunny a few minutes ago and no one called for it on the forecast. Thor’s off world so I know it can’t be him causing it. Come on Emma, open up,” he remarked. Great, my emotions were now affecting my abilities. I sat up, wiped the tears from my face and tried to calm down before I opened the door to let him in. I was surprised to find him and Bucky standing outside, concern etching their features when they saw the state I was in.
           “I’m fine, really. Don’t worry about me, “ I responded, still sniffling a little.
           “Clearly, you’re not. The evidence is written all over your face. Can we come in and talk about it?” Bucky stated. I nodded and returned to the bed, Bucky and Steve close behind me. Steve laid down on the edge of the bed, Bucky stretching out against the pillows automatically pulling me against his chest.
           “What happened at lunch? You were more cheerful when you left earlier.” Steve questioned. I clung to Bucky’s shirt, his hand rubbing soothing circles into my back.
           “It’s a stupid thing, really. I don’t even know why I’m crying about it. Basically, my friends think I’m a fucking joke,” I answered. I was upset about the conversation but now it was making me angry.
           “Come one, not all of us do. We’re your friends and I’m pretty sure we don’t think you’re a joke. What makes you think that?” Steve commented.
           “I don’t mean you guys. I was talking about the ones I met before joining the team. I’m supposed to go to Alice’s wedding and when she sent out the invitations we had to RSVP if we were bringing someone or not. I RSVP’d alone since I haven’t been seeing anyone,”
           “I found out today that I was supposed to bring someone and the reason I know that they think I’m a joke is because Alice pointed out that I’ve been single for five years and they don’t believe that I can find anyone to bring to the wedding,” I explained.
           “Then don’t go if it makes you feel that bad,” Bucky suggested. I shook my head at my suggestion knowing what would happen if I didn’t go.
           “If I don’t go then they’ll know I wasn’t able to find one which will make things worse. Besides, I’d like to go. It’s her special day and I’m happy for her, but I didn’t think I was such a disappointment in her eyes,” I commented, tears welling up in my eyes again.
           “Sh. You are not a disappointment. You’re an amazing person with wonderful abilities. Don’t let her get to you,” Steve reassured, rubbing my leg.
           “Okay, so now you need a date. Why don’t you ask Strange? He could be fun to go with,” Bucky suggested.
           “No, I’m not asking him. I adore that man but I think he’d rather mingle around with the others and they might think that I paid him or something. Also, I’m pretty sure he’s unavailable right now,” I commented.
           “Well, how I just go with you? We could have fun and it can be a vacation for the both of us,” Bucky stated.
           “I can’t ask you to do that. Besides, they’ll take one look at you and think I paid you as well,” I replied, causing him to furrow his brow in confusion.
           “Why? Is it because I’m an Avenger?” he asked, curious to know the answer.
           “It’s only part of it. The other part of it is that you’re fucking sexy and you’re such an amazing guy. I don’t think they’d really believe that you would come willingly,” I answered.
           “You think I’m sexy?” Bucky asked, a huge smile on his lips. Immediately, I felt the hear rush to my face. I ran my hands through my hair, fidgeting with a lock of it.
           “Yes. Yeah, I do. I did say that you were an amazing guy as well, but that face of yours with those gorgeous blue eyes and bear would make any girl swoon,” I answered.
           “That settles it then. I’ll go with you as your date. Where is the wedding anyway?” he stated.
           “At the Outer Banks for a week. We leave in two days,” I responded. Though we were going as friends, the week would soon bring new feelings to light.
   Two Days Later
           Bucky and I flew into RDU, renting a car to head down to the Outer Banks arriving at the house Alice had rented for a week in Hatteras. We met Alice, her stepsisters and another one of her friends who was the maid of honor in the driveway. As we walked up to them, I noticed my friends’ mouths dropped open at the sight of Bucky, surprised I had managed to find someone for a date.
           “Hey, guys. I’d like you to meet Bucky Barnes. My date for wedding,” I introduced him. They all greeted him, collecting their cool about the situation.
           “Shall we go inside?” Alice asked, gesturing to the front door of the giant house. It was beautiful on the inside of the four-story house. We had a private pool with access to the beach if we wanted to go there one day.
           “We al have our rooms but unfortunately there’s only five bedrooms despite the many stories to this house meaning Bucky and Emma…you two will be sharing a room as well as a bed,” Alice commented. She received snickers from the girls at the comment and I tried to keep my anger in check.
           “What? Why can’t you share with Bella or Maggie and Stella? On another note, where are your dates and Alice, where is your fiancée and your families located?” I asked, my hand squeezing Bucky’s for comfort. I didn’t mind sharing with Bucky but it was suspicious that she had singled us out.
           “Jamie is with her parents at the house across from us. My family is in the house right beside them on the left. As for their dates, they won’t be arriving until two days before the wedding. Since you’re the only one that brought you date with you, it seems only fitting that you two share a room. Is that going to be a problem?” Alice answered, her hands on her hips. More giggles followed but soon were silenced when Bucky released my hand to drape his arm over my shoulders.
           “No, not a problem. We’ll go put our suitcases away and then I’d like to hit the pool. Care to join me Emma?” Bucky replied, a smile gleaming on his face. I nodded and followed him to the top floor where our room, which had the view of the ocean from the balcony in it, was located. Setting down our suitcases, we sat on the queen-sized bed, relaxing for a few minutes.
           “Are you going to be okay? It seems like they’re gong to try everything to get you riled up. I know this isn’t ideal but it looks like we’re not going to have a choice. I’ll sleep on the floor if-“
           “No, no. It’s fine. It’s not like we haven’t spent the night together anyway. All those undercover missions where we play husband and wife should have prepared us for this. Let’s just go to the pool. A nice swim will be fantastic,” I cut Bucky off. No need for him to suffer while he’s here. He nodded and we unzipped out suitcases to pull out swimsuits. I changed in the bathroom meeting Bucky in the room before we walked down to the pool in the back of the house. None of the girls had joined us and we swam around talking to each other until he splashed me. I splashed him back, starting a splash war, unknowingly getting closer to each other until we were only a few inches apart. He pulled me flush against his chest, his blue eyes darkening a little.
           We were breathing hard after our war and electricity shot through me as our skin touched, eliciting a gasp from me. The sparks traveled up my arms to my shoulders as Bucky trailed his hands up to cup my head, leaning closer, closer until…
           “Wow, the water feels great. Don’t you agree?” Stella’s voice called out, slicing the tension like a knife. I cleared my throat, breaking away from Bucky’s embrace.
           “Yeah, it does, especially with this heat,” I responded, swimming into the deep end. I plunged under the water, clearing my thoughts at what almost happened. I had always had an attraction to Bucky especially since we had become close and he was the sweetest guy around. This feeling was new, however, at the wish that I had wanted to feel his lips against mine, taking me in his arms, my hands finding their way in to his silky hair.
           Stop it Emma. You’re only friends. Why would he want you anyway? I thought to myself as I resurfaced. When I met his eyes again, I couldn’t help to feel that maybe he had wanted to kiss me as well. After about an hour, Maggie, Alice and Bella joined us, noticing Bucky’s metal arm and having a conversation about wedding details and interests outside of that. We took a break from swimming to eat lunch, Bucky and I sitting next to each other, one arm hanging down underneath the table, fingers about to brush up against one another’s
           “Wait, so how did you two meet?” Maggie asked us.
           “We’re work colleagues. Avengers and all that,” Bucky answered, turning to meet my eyes. He looked…different, almost like seeing me for the first time. He smiled sweetly, his fingers lacing through mine.
           Is he acting the part like we’re undercover? Or is this something new he’s feeling? I thought as he turned back to answer another question. We spent a few more hours at the pool, before meeting the other parties for dinner. It was nothing special, just a dinner at a seafood restaurant, which were common at the beach. Everyone wanted to get to know the man I had brought with me and I found myself admiring him as the night went on.
           Returning to the house, we played pool in the downstairs recreational room, retiring to bed a few hours later. I showered, changing into pajamas returning to the room. Climbing into the bed beside Bucky made me a little more nervous than before. I wanted to reach out and touch him, to run my hands down his toned chest, to feel his warmth pressed into me.
           “We survived the first day. I can imagine we can through the rest of the week just fine,” Bucky told me, interrupting my thoughts.
           “I’m sure you’re right. Bucky…” I stated.
           “Hmm? What is it?” he whispered, moving closer to me.
           “Thank you for coming with me. I don’t know if I would have been able to did this without you,” I told him. He was so close now. I could just lift my hand and…
           “You’re welcome. Good night Emma,” he stated, turning over stopping my actions.
           Damn. Get it together Emma. You’re only friends, remember that, I thought to myself, closing my eyes, drifting off to dreamland.
  The Next Day – Monday
           When I awoke, I was surprised to see that I was pressed into Bucky’s warm back, one arm draped over his torso. Slowly, I removed my arm from…well, I tried to…until he linked his hand with mine and held it against his chest. I debated between waking him up or just staying put and returning to sleep. Deciding on the former because I wanted to walk along the shore, I gently used my other hand to tap his shoulder.
           “Bucky, it’s time to get up,” I whispered in his ear. He groaned but made no move to let go of my hand.
           “Bucky. Come on, we can get breakfast and go for a walk on the beach,” I tried again, not whispering but talking in a low voice.
           “Mm, five more minutes,” he said, sleepiness in his voice. Sighing, I tried to pull my hand from his but he held tight and lightly pulled me closer. Of course he pulled to hard and I fell on top of his side. This time I tried to sit up just as he rolled over onto his back. Now, instead of cuddling him, I was straddling him, his hands landing under the shirt I had on. He sat up suddenly, our faces inches apart. My breath hitched as he leaned in closer, his eyes drifting down to my lips before flicking back up.
           “Um, we should probably get going,” I whispered, tilting my head as if I meant to kiss him.
           “Yeah, we really should…”he agreed. Neither of us was moving anticipating someone to make a move to kiss each other.
           “I should get off of you now,” I stated. He nodded and I reluctantly pulled myself off of his lap to make the trip downstairs. He stopped me by grabbing my hand, squeezing it as if to say come back and kiss me. I wanted to but I tugged him forward and released his hand, before exiting the room.
When I reached the kitchen, I saw that Maggie and Alice were already fixing breakfast.
           “Good morning Emma. Have a pleasant night?” Alice greeted me, a mocking glint in her eyes. No I wanted to make out with Bucky and that didn’t happen, I thought.
           “Yeah, it was pretty good. How was yours? I noticed Jamie was here for a few hours after dinner. Did she ever leave?” I answered instead. Alice frowned, but didn’t answer my question.
           “She left at midnight in case you were wondering. Where’s your knight in shining armor? Still asleep?” Maggie answered for her.
           “Nope, I had to put a shirt on. We’re planning on taking a walk on the beach today. Want to join us?” Bucky’s voice said as he walked into the kitchen. He strode over to me, kissed me on the top of my forehead, resting his arm on my shoulders.
           “No I think we’re heading into town but you two have fun,” Alice responded. An hour later, I had changed into a bathing suit, shorts and a tank top, meeting Bucky at the beach entrance near the pool. We walked out and talked non-stop, out feet in the water, laughing at jokes and well…being us.
           The more time I spent with him, the more my feelings began to grow for him. We returned to the house, had dinner by ourselves as the others had stepped out before we got back. After dinner, we tuned into a movie sitting close to each other, my head on his chest, and the feel of him warm and inviting.
           “Emma, hey wake up. Let’s go to bed,” Bucky’s voice alerted me. I guess I had dozed off because he had gently shaken me awake. I stretched my arms up before getting up, yawning, almost falling over in the process.
           “Whoa, easy there girl. Let me help you up the stairs so you don’t hurt yourself,” he stated, catching me. He lifted me up in his arms and carried me to our room. He laid me on the bed and climbed in beside me, pulling me close to his body. I wouldn’t know how much I really liked Bucky until a confrontation that occurred in the middle of the week revealed my true feelings.
Tuesday went by quick with more wedding details coming together. Today we were at the pool partying, having a good time when Bella approached me. She was eyeing Bucky across the pool, talking to a couple of people; it was making me jealous the way she was ogling him.
           “So, you and Bucky? You’re not a thing are you?” She asked.
           “No. Why?” I answered; tensing up knowing the next question she was about to ask me.
           “You’re not into him right? So, you wouldn’t mind if I asked him out?” She questioned.
           “My feelings for him are none of your business and yes I do mind. Don’t you have your own date to this wedding?” I snapped. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head.
           “No, I don’t. I don’t see why it’d be a problem. He’s available and you’re not doing anything about it so he might be happier with me,” She replied. Bella didn’t give me time to protest when she sauntered over to him. I watched helplessly as she tapped him on the shoulder, watched as she whispered in his ear, as she kissed his cheek; he didn’t push her away. I ran out of the pool onto the beach to get away from what was happening in front of my eyes. I couldn’t believe he let her do that. He was my date, my Bucky.
           No, he’s not your Bucky. He’s just your friend and you let him get away, I thought to myself as angry tears ran down my face. I hugged my arms around myself, stomping along the shore.
           “Stupid Bella and her seducing people. I’m so stupid for not acting on my feeling. Ugh, why can’t she go find someone else to hit on? Why does it have to be the one person I have a crush on?” I said, mumbling to myself. In all my frustration, I hadn’t noticed Bucky running after me until he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.
           “You have a crush on me?” he asked. My blood ran cold knowing he had heard me. No denying it now, it’s time to tell him the truth.
           “I…yes, I have a crush on you okay. It wasn’t something I had planned but from that moment we shared in the pool the first day here and then in the bed…things just developed. I saw Bella kiss you on the cheek. I assume she asked you out. Did you-“ I began but got cut off by Bucky’s lips on mine. His lips were soft and I wrapped my arms around his neck, fingers tangling in his silky locks.
           He pulled back, one hand cupping my chin, a loving look in his eyes.
           “I rejected her because I love you Emma. Always have, ever since the day you joined the team. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way. Now I know you do after seeing you reaction to someone else asking me out,” he stated. He kissed me again before suggesting that we head back to the party. Bella shot me a glare when we entered holding hands but I didn’t care. I had him and I wasn’t about to let him go.
           The party went on until close to midnight, Bucky and I sneaking upstairs to our room, locking the door. He kissed me, holding me tight in his arms. We walked to the bed, the edge making his legs buckle and for me to fall on top of him. We laughed but kissed again, beginning to make out. My hands found the buttons of his shirt and I slowly unbuttoned each one until I reached the last one, showing off his bare chest. He sat up so I could slide it off of him and I ran my hands over him feeling each muscle, resuming out make-out session.
           His hands found the hem of my tank top and pulled it off of me leaving me in my bra and shorts. He unhooked the bra, throwing it to the floor, once off and pushed me back onto the pillows. He trailed kisses from my neck to my collarbone, stopping momentarily to circle a finger around one my breasts, pulling on the nipple, occasionally rolling it around between his thumb and forefinger. He replaced his hand with his mouth, sucking on it massaging the other breast. Moving to the other breast, he repeated the same actions, returning to my lips after a few minutes.
           “Are you okay? We can stop if you think we are going too far,” Bucky told me.
           “I’m okay. Keep going,” I answered him. He smiled and trailed more kisses down to my chest, to my navel, and stopping to unbutton my shorts, pulling them off, my panties included. I was now completely naked in front of him.
           “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he stated, spreading my legs with his hand. He inserted two fingers of his metal hand inside; I flinched at coolness. He worked me slowly at first eliciting moans out of my mouth as he got faster, stopping to unbutton his jeans and pulling off his underwear revealing all of him. Lying down on top of me, he kissed me once before he met my eyes again.
           “I’m going to ask you again. Are you sure you’re okay with this? I don’t want to pressure you if you don’t want to,” he questioned again.
           “Buck, it’s okay. I want to. I want you,” I responded.
           “Okay good. I just wanted to make sure before we do this,” he told me. He kissed me again to get things started; his fingers finding that sweet spot once more. I moaned in his mouth at the touch, my arms wrapping around him, my legs spreading wider allowing him more access. He pulled out his fingers and leaned over the nightstand to pull out a condom. Bucky put it on and centered himself at my entrance.
           “Ready?” he asked and I nodded. At that he slid into me, another moan escaping my mouth, his size filling me. He pumped in and out of me slowly, then faster, fucking me hard and rough, both of us moaning and grunting in pleasure.
           “Faster! Oh, fuck! Bucky! Harder! Yes! I’m close. Oh, god! Bucky!” I cried out coming undone as we climaxed at the same time. He buried his face into my neck, coming down from our release, not pulling out just yet. Lifting up his head, he kissed me a few more times before pulling out of me, disposing of the condom and returning to bed; he lifted me so we could get under the covers. I turned to face him, kissing him, pulling his body against mine.
           “I love you Emma,” he confessed.
           “I love you too,” I told him. We fell asleep holding each other ready for our next adventure.
  Wedding Day
           The day of the wedding arrived, other days going by in a flash with everything coming together. At the rehearsal dinner, everyone had been shocked to see Bucky and I holding hands and kissing but Alice and her stepsisters were happy for us at the end of the day. Bella wasn’t so thrilled because she had wanted my boyfriend for herself. Yes, I said boyfriend. He had asked me officially two days after we had slept together. Of course I had said yes to him, glad to have found the one person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.
           This morning I changed into a long, silver backless dress, coming out of the bathroom once I finished putting makeup on.
           “Hey can you help me with this necklace, sweetie?” I asked Bucky, handing him the silver chain with a heart pendant hanging on it.
           “Wow, you look absolutely beautiful,” he told me, taking it from me.
           “Thank you. You look quite handsome as well,” I stated, turning around for him to slide the necklace on, lifting my hair so he could clasp it. He fingers lingered on the back of my neck, moving to my shoulders so he could place a kiss in between my shoulder blades. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him, tilting my face so he could kiss me on the lips. My hands snaked in his hair, one of his hands sliding a strap of my dress off of my shoulder. He the slid the second one off too, both slipping off my arms, exposing my breasts.
           “What time do we have to be at the wedding?” he whispered, cupping my breasts, massaging them, pulling my nipples.
           “12 o’clock, which is three hours from now,” I answered.
           “Plenty of time then,” he stated, pushing the dress off my hips, the material pooling at my feet. One hand kneaded a breast, the other sliding down my stomach to my core. He slid my legs apart with his foot, so could insert two fingers inside me. I panted as he fingered me, inserting another finger, stretching me wider. He worked me faster, pinching my nipples, the pleasure intensified inside me.
           “Come for me baby,” he told me and I did, coating his fingers in my juices. I turned to face him, pushing off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off him as well. I moved to unbutton his pants but he stopped me, kneeling down in front of me.
           “Stay right there. I want to make you come in my mouth now,” he ordered, holding my hips. His mouth connected to my core and he started licking and sucking me, my hands flying to his hair, holding him there. I erupted again, Bucky standing back up, wiping his mouth before pulling me in for a kiss. I unbuttoned his pants, pulling them off as well as his underwear. He lifted me up and laid me on the bed, kissing me. We made out for a few minutes before he pulled out a condom, sliding on and entering me. Thrusting in and out of, he linked our hands together, holding them against the pillows, kissing me, fucking me. I let go, flipping him so that I was on top, linking our hands back together as I rode him, slow at first, getting faster.
           “Emma, fuck!” he cried out. I continued riding him until we both came undone. I collapsed onto him, panting, out hands still entwined.
           “We should get dressed. We’ve got a wedding to attend,” he told me after a few minutes.
           “Mm-hm, just give me another minute,” I stated. He chuckled, removing one hand and stroking my back. Leaning up, I kissed him and climbed off of him, getting off the bed to pick my dress off the floor. I changed back into my clothes as he did the same, descending the stairs to head to the wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, tears of joy were shed and afterwards we headed to the reception to celebrate even more. At a slow song, Bucky took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He held me close, my head resting on his shoulder.
           “I’m glad we did this. It was fun and now I’m happy to call you mine,” Bucky whispered in my ear. I lifted my head to look up at him, my eyes sparkling with adoration.
           “Me too. You make so happy. I love you Bucky,” I told him. He smiled, leaning down to kiss me.
           “I love you too,” he said when he pulled back. The reception ended a few hours later; we returned to the beach house to pack for home.
           The next day, we arrive back in New York and drove back to the compound. We entered and walked to the elevator to drop our suitcases off in our rooms. We shared a kiss waiting on it to arrive; a cheer came from behind us,
           “I told you that they’d end up together,” Nat’s voice called out. We turned to see Steve, Natasha, and Tony standing in the hallway.
           “Hey guys. Did you two have fun?” Tony greeted us. We nodded, laughing as Natasha held out her hand.
           “Pay up boys. I won the bet,” She stated, annoyed groans coming from Steve and Tony. The elevator arrived and we waved goodbye before making our ascent to our rooms. The wedding date was incredible and brought me to someone I fell in love with. We couldn’t be happier than with each other.
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ryewi · 6 years
When I’m with you I’m in Utopia [Chapter 5]
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Summary:  9 years ago, the world split in two halves, Utopia and Dystopia. One of the laws allows citizens of both worlds to visit the other once in their lifetime, for a whole week, after which, they’re forced to return home. If by any chance, they don’t return, a death punishment is sentenced. Jeon Jungkook, a citizen of Dystopia seemed to be desperate enough to challenge that exact law.
Genre: Utopia!au, Dystopia!au, fluff, angst, drama, to be added~~
Words: 1,5k (indeed a smol chapter)
Warnings: none for now!
< Previous | Part Five | Next >
Early AN: Buildup for the next chapter, aka the first chapter where drama begins! Also an important chapter!
“The number you’re trying to dial is currently unavailable. Please call later or leave a voice message after the sig-”  
For the eighteenth time in the past last hour, Faith’s sighing echoed through a small caramel bedroom. Her touchscreen phone was thrown somewhere on the other side of the room, screen already cracked on one of its corners. Never once has her mood been this bad. The four walls seemed to close in on her, then back away each time Jungkook didn’t pick his phone up.
Where was he? Did he already go back home? Is that why she wasn’t able to contact him? Faith always despised the fact that phones worked between two people situated in the same world, just to stop whenever one of them left.
Was this how Luna felt 9 years ago?  
Retrieving the small device that was positioned under her closet, Faith dialed the first emergency number in her contacts. It took exactly four rings for Luna to pick up, which was labeled as pretty fast, considering the time; 2:42am.
“Faith? Is everything okay?” Luna’s groggy voice came out from the other side, indicating that the woman was sleeping just a few moments ago. She sounded tired, but at the same time worried, it wasn’t every day that her little sister called up at 3am.
“I can’t sleep” Faith replied, throwing herself back on to the soft silk sheets, enjoying how soft they felt against her tender skin. Unconsciously biting her lower lip, Faith’s thoughts wandered off to Jungkook once again. Was he okay?
“Just give me a moment” Luna said, now sounding a bit better but still relatively quiet, knowing that whenever Faith couldn’t sleep, there was something going on and she needed help. Faith heard some shuffling, the sound of doors closing and then her sister once again, “Shoot”.
“Where are you?” The smaller asked, curiosity flooding her mind.
“I kind of slept with Seokjin, but that’s not why you called-”
“You what?! Luna he’s your best friend!”  
“Listen Faith, shit and mistakes happen,” Luna laughed and Faith was once again reminded why she was currently on line at 3am. Mistakes. “Now open that pretty mind and spill the tea”.
“How did you deal with your and Charlie’s situation after, you know, the split?” Faith knew that it was a touchy subject for the other, especially after 4 years of the two being together. Charlie was one in a million, everyone in Keith household was in love with this cheerful, lovely and charming person. Every time Charlie came over, Faith would abandon all homework and schoolwork for the next day just so they could talk. Luna has never been happier, and when they finally sealed the deal with beautiful golden rings, a huge celebration was created.
“Well, uh, I most definitely didn’t think you’d ask that” The older seemed all over the place, numerous memories suddenly replaying in front of her eyes. No tears were forming but the tightening of her chest was enough of an indicator that those moments still easily opened a barely healed wound.
“Is this about that Jungkook guy?” Instantly, Faith sat up, slightly amazed by the guessing skills of her sister. Of course, Luna was introduced to him, as detailed as possible, however, at the beginning, she didn’t really care. Luna knew that Faith found this guy pretty intriguing and that there definitely was something, although her sister didn’t want to admit that.
“I, well, I didn’t- yes, it is” Faith gave in, head hanging low while her free hand traced invisible circles on the soft sheets. Truthfully, she didn’t even know what kind of help she was seeking for. Was it emotional support? Was it how to plan a trip to Dystopia? Or perhaps she just needed to get something off her chest?
“Did he leave already? If my calculations are correct, he still had today and tomorrow?” Luna said, the sound of a lighter appearing somewhere near the telephone. She must be smoking as they were speaking, which the other hated the most, why would you poison yourself like that?
“I don’t know, we just, actually I fucked up” She admitted, quickly running through the story, chewing down the unimportant and spitting out important pieces. Luna only hummed in understanding, letting her little sister get everything off her chest. It was captivating, and the older wasn’t sure if Faith was conscious about how in love she sounded.  
“His eyes shone and not in a good way, I know how Jungkook’s eyes sparkle when he’s happy, he was hurt”, “His tone was cold, I felt horrible, I really was the reason behind his hurting”, “Jungkook’s voice is beautiful, alluring, relaxing, can you believe he sang twelve songs to me? Twelve songs and I still had to fuck up”, “When he was singing, he had this child like smile on his face, while his eyebrows were scrunched”
On the other side of the city, Jungkook was packing his own belongings into the same black backpack he carried the day Faith oh-so-carelessly waltzed into his life. Just when Jungkook remembered the date, the screen of his iPhone lit up for the nth time that night. It was on for just a millisecond before it turned off, signaling that the call has been blocked once again. However, that millisecond was enough for Jungkook to notice “Faith” written on the dark background.  
Jungkook knew that the way he has been acting is similar to a pussy. Running away because your past couldn’t let you think straight? Have you really fell that low, Jungkook? Was this friendship something you just had to ruin?
Standing up and approaching the door of his bedroom, the male switched a big ceiling light off. It surprised him, the way this small place still seemed lit up thanks to moonlight. Jungkook closed his eyes, resting for a moment as he sat down on the bed, fluffy covers scrunching to accommodate his strong figure.  
“You just sound like an angel, that’s all”, “Your smile reminds me of a relaxed bunny”, “Does that mean we can call each other exploring buddies from now on?”, “Is it weird that I got a sudden urge to boop your nose?”
He was an idiot. Jungkook was a fool, left and right, up and down, squared and cubed. Even though a cheeky smile played on his lips, Faith’s soft and welcoming voice didn’t bring up any kind of happiness.  
Jungkook didn’t want to admit, but he silently hoped for the other to call once again. Maybe this time he’d have enough luck to pick up the call regardless of it being blocked. Maybe this time he’d get to hear her for the last time, to tell her he was wrong, to fix his mistakes.
But the next call never arrived. The male waited, anxiety eating him alive, has she really given up? Well of course Jungkook, you blocked more than twenty calls.
Not being able to take it anymore, he picked up the small black device and with shaking hands, called her back.
“The number you’re trying to dial is currently busy. Please call later or leave a voice message after the signal. Ding.”
“Faith, I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have reacted the way I did, I don’t know what was going on in my head to snap at you like that, you’ve only ever been so kind to me” Jungkook said, voice quiet while trying to hide the way his throat thickened from the sudden rush of emotions. It might’ve been because of the clock ticking 2:45am, that he suddenly wanted to fix everything, but it also might’ve been because he genuinely cared.
“I’d ask you to call me back, but I’m sure that after all the calls I’ve blocked out you’ve given up” He chuckled, but the sound came out dry once again, emotion running away as far as possible from it. Jungkook on the other end felt a lot, he felt so many different emotions, yet somewhere in the mix of it all, his voice presented a dark and deep void where all of them disappeared. He was about to continue his monologue, but Jungkook hung up after noticing that the filter between his thoughts and mouth started disappearing. Enough damage has already been done.
Once again, a massive wave of paranoia flooded Jungkook’s mind. Every time his eyes caught on to the bag next to the wooden bed, an urge to throw it as far as possible swallowed him. As if confusion and anxiety would disappear by it, Jungkook kicked his carriage to the other side of the room, watching it slide over the parquet floor.
He didn’t want to go back, he’d rather sell his soul than go back.
His eyes caught on to a shiny metal that rested comfortably on a bedside table. The object reflected the moonlight which effortlessly made its way through an opened window. Walking closer to it, Jungkook inspected it carefully, instantly recognizing it as his brown pocket knife.  
Gulping and examining the sole weight of metal and wood, a horrible and dangerous idea flew through his head.
Maybe he just found a loophole in the system.
AN: Has Faith blocked Jungkook’s number now too? Do work your minds around that for now~~~ But let me tell y’all, the next chapter is where shit starts and all of this buildup will be worth it. Hold on tight and I’ll see you in another 3 days!
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ahopefuldoubt · 6 years
Notes: “Memory and Reunion”
I decided to go through my “PoE Drafts” folder on my laptop, and while doing so I rediscovered these old and previously unposted notes from all the way back in May 2016.  None of the points below are honestly really new (my “Deliver Us” scene analysis from September 2016 borrowed a lot from these old notes, for example).  But I’m posting them partly because I’ve been worried that I’ve hit a creative block, and because it’s nice to see/affirm some of my earliest thoughts and feelings about the biological family (...and how things came full circle well yes “full circle,” but also evolved and expanded — wow it really did take a long time for me to figure things out and “open the box,” as it were).
In the official art book, writer Charles Solomon observes that “by making childhood experiences a significant force in The Prince of Egypt, the filmmakers enrich the characters and their changing relationships.”  This statement has stayed with me; it makes sense from a real reunion standpoint because adoptees and their families are confronted with the past as they work with the shifting realities and demands of the present.
In the film, the day that Yocheved relinquishes Moses drives the way in which the siblings individually process the adoption and reunion as well as interact with one another.  Although Yocheved is physically present in just the beginning scene, by honoring her memory, she remains an integral part of the entire story.  In order to understand the personalities and perspectives held by Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, it is important to first identify each character’s memories of that day.
Moses’ memory is subconscious; after all, he was a small infant when he was relinquished.  Yet the movie shows that he has an imprint of his mother’s lullaby, since he is able to whistle a bit of the melody.  I know that the source material sees Yocheved in a more active role in her son’s life after she surrenders him — she becomes his wet-nurse — but in The Prince of Egypt there’s no indication of this.
Moses’ subconscious impression of the song represents his entire origins: They too are unknown to him.  Secrecy is a common and complex issue in adoption, even for adoptees who know they were adopted.  This is because adoptees’ histories, and the people who can tell them about their histories, are largely unavailable or inaccessible.  As a result, anything and everything can feel like a secret.  The lack of information can create a sense of rootlessness and unreality; frustration at simply not knowing certain kinds of personal information, such as medical history; and a negative self-perception.  While identity struggles are universal, some of the issues and questions that arise for Moses reflect a distinct lived-reality for adoptees.  Moses’ arc involves confronting the secret that was withheld from him, resolving issues of guilt and self-worth, and negotiating his relationships with his families.  His character and journey are directly influenced by his subconscious memory of that day.
By contrast, Aaron’s lasting memory is a painful, incomplete one.  Even if not sharply remembered, his sense of that day includes running urgently through Goshen amid shouts and violence, and then watching his mother cry and his baby brother disappear.  Throughout the opening scene, his expression and actions reflect confusion and insecurity: At various moments, he stays close to his mother, looks to Miriam and reaches for her hand, for answers and reassurance.  The scene focuses more on Miriam’s face, actions, and reactions, which are of course vital to our understanding of the plot, but this also makes it difficult to discern how these events are affecting Aaron.  Yet, it is also necessary to depict Miriam in the “lead” in this scene because it hints at the two characters’ dynamic as adults.  Aaron’s position as a protective, but younger, brother to Miriam is essential to understanding him, his motivations, and his attitude towards the reunion.
Many of the official materials for The Prince of Egypt note that Aaron represents the skeptical and mistrustful side of the Hebrews.  This idea is carried through on multiple levels: the broad, collective scale and the intimate, character-specific sense.  Aaron symbolizes and verbalizes the frustrations and concerns of an entire people, and it is this skeptical and guarded nature that guides how he himself approaches and processes his reunion with Moses.  Assigned this role by the filmmakers, Aaron naturally becomes the character who feels all the bumps along the road and is made to break in some ways.  He bears the traumas of slavery and of that day by the river, which are shown in the way he responds to potential threats and the actions he takes to survive.  However, these very challenges also allow Aaron to display the depths of his devotion to his family and ultimately deliver the message that “though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill.”  Though perhaps more subtly depicted in the film, the effects of the day Moses was relinquished are no less impactful for Aaron: His character and arc are deeply shaped by the chaos of that day.
Finally, Miriam’s memory is a hopeful one because she pursues her baby brother as he is carried on the Nile and then watches the queen pick him up.  Her memories of that day, so different from Moses’ subconscious memory and Aaron’s painful memory, provide a solid foundation for her faith and hope.  While Aaron represents his people’s doubts and he is initially resistant to Moses as a result, Miriam expresses her people’s prayers and she has accepted and trusts Moses even before they reunite by the well.  Their differences work on both a film-wide, thematic scale and a more intimate, character-based level.  [Italics added - but I would delete “as a result.”]  Truly, it is Miriam’s complete picture of the day’s events that allows her not only to retain hope, but to plan and incite action, provide a balance to and safeguard for Aaron, and help Moses become aware of himself and achieve a whole sense of self.  Though she too experiences setbacks, Miriam’s lasting memory and knowledge are indispensable to the story and her family’s reunion because she is able to be the natural leader and guide for her brothers (and people).
The well scene marks the first major moment in the reunion.  As the siblings interact for the first time since the day Moses was relinquished, the impact of their individual memories becomes apparent.  Each character is acting according to what they remember, and do not remember, which creates conflict and confusion, as the past is dragged into the light.  One of the major themes of this part of the movie is “changing realities.”  Realities that were taken for granted change and are challenged amid and as a result of this scene.  Reunion forces people to confront the adoption and acknowledge that it occurred.  [Italics added — This sentence is probably out of place because, like I wrote at the top of this post, this is just a draft.]
At this point in the movie, Aaron still perceives Moses as a threat.  He is Prince Moses.  This is reflected in the way he [Aaron] acts: that intake of breath, his panic, his dialogue.
Miriam is the only one with the knowledge, but even then, she is missing a critical piece of information, which is that Moses wasn’t told he was adopted.  Miriam, however, presses on, ignoring the unexpected new reality in favor of the one she knows is right: the truth; the bit of the past that once bound them together as a family, the piece of information that Moses has the right to know.  And Miriam, armed with her childhood memory, is the only sibling who can provide that information to Moses.  [I’ll clean this annotation up later: I’m thinking about the word ignore and hope that it comes across the way I intended.  Because I don’t think that Miriam is being naive, or anything along those lines that the word may connote, but I do feel that she is distraught and upset enough that she can’t accept what’s happening.  She can’t, perhaps doesn’t want to, believe it.  *worries incessantly and needlessly*]
All three characters have their “normal” disrupted in this scene.  They are presented with a different reality than the one they had known.  It dredges up the past: that untrustworthy memory (Aaron), that hopeful memory (Miriam), that subconscious memory (Moses).
[The end of an incomplete — but still really long — draft!]
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