#his problems stem from being a blonde guy.
gyrovagi · 30 days
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dr-futbol-blog · 5 months
Childhood's End
There sure are a lot of strapping young lads in this episode.
In Childhood's End (S01E06), we start sowing the seeds of jealousy that we find upon multiple instances both Sheppard and McKay express when it comes to the other's interest in a woman or a woman's interest in them (possibly this already started at the end of the previous episode with the handsy nurse; there Rodney was miffed, here Sheppard is miffed). Jealousy due to romantic rivalry between two men would make sense in a heteronormative context (women are paying more attention to my friend when they should be paying attention to me) but, uh. That is not and never will be the case with these two.
McKay mentions Samantha Carter at the outset and while he doesn't see the faces Sheppard pulls, we sure do. The thing is, McKay doesn't even say anything particularly incriminating. It's the mere tone of his voice when he mentions her name that Sheppard seems to pick up on.
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Devil's advocate: Sheppard finds it distasteful that a fellow officer is being objectified. He finds 'locker room talk' crass, even though there's barely a hint of it here. Okay. But then he does this:
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This lip thing is something that we see Sheppard do when ever he does not know how to deal with difficult emotions (a notable example is following the hug Elizabeth gives him after he survives a suicide mission in The Siege, Pt III). This is self-soothing behaviour.
The episode also starts with an example of something that I really don't like but which clearly stems from McKay's insecurity: indicating that he is of a superior intellect and that Sheppard is dumb ("I'm sorry: Yes, energy field good"). Yes, he also did that to Sam in the very beginning ("I have a weakness for dumb blondes"; let's preemptively insult the attractive person to take the sting off the inevitable rejection). He did actually already start this with Sheppard at the outset ("I knew that, of course. I'm just surprised that you did").
This is also one of the reasons I think 38 Minutes (S01E04) would have worked much better later on in the season: in it, we have another instance of McKay asserting his intellectual superiority over the others ("I apologise for being the only person who truly comprehends how screwed we are!") because he "reacts to certain doom a certain way" and Sheppard, being in the bind that he is, cuts him short real quick: "You've got to stop using your mouth and start using your brain!"
This is something that we return to time and again. McKay panics and starts going off on everyone around him focusing on all the wrong things, and Sheppard cuts through the fog to get his attention back to solving the problem.
In-universe, McKay is one of the smartest people alive. Some have argued even the smartest. According to Daniel Jackson, he could have won the Nobel Prize several times over. Yes. We later learn that Sheppard is of above-average intellect but obviously he is no match for Marty-Stu McKay because no one is.
Only, when it comes to strategy and strategic thinking, Sheppard is light years ahead of McKay.
This is a very good example of that: Sheppard is teaching McKay how to communicate on a mission. Be succinct, to the point, give only the information that is relevant. Clear communication and simplification of data is vital operation protocol, especially in scenarios of certain doom. Everyone knows that you're smarter than them my guy, he's just trying to keep you and everyone else unharmed.
This episode also marks the hilarious beginning of Sheppard's poor sense of direction. In fact, neither of them can keep a straight line with regards to orientation.
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Sheppard can orient himself in the sky but not on land. McKay, as we later learn, cannot keep to a straight line on the ground or in the air.
In the episode, Keras and Sheppard bond real quick. The young village elder seems smitten. Good god, he looks Sheppard intensely in the eyes and says: "I’ll be honest with you, Sheppard. There’s nothing I’d like more than to spend more time talking with you… But it’s not possible." You know, like straight dudes do.
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Sheppard also seems to like the boy just fine, although how much of his behaviour is designed simply to stop Keras from doing something he thinks is morally bankrupt is up in the air. They are sitting together, walking together, exchanging personal information.
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There's also this:
Keras: Would you stand witness? Sheppard: Me? Well, what do I have to do? Keras: Just be there, as I prepare. We gather the strength from those close to us for the Sacrifice to come.
In the few brief moments they have spent together, they've apparently become close enough for him to ask Sheppard to witness his suicide ceremony. He even takes an arrow to the chest for this man he has just met.
What's real interesting, though, and which I'll return to in connection with Teyla's baby later is when Keras asks Sheppard whether he has any children. He responds: "Me? No. Not yet, anyway." Not yet. Not yet but he might want some one day.
The thing is, McKay's entire arc in this episode deals with him and how he is with children. He starts by being extremely annoyed by them like he's a big child himself. Ford tells the kids: "He's just upset because you're smarter than him." But by the end of the episode he has come to care for these children. He keeps them safe and protected, and makes sure that they haven't been hurt or traumatized by the ordeal. The persistence of these children changed him, and now he seems like he might make a great parent some day. And while they are antagonized by him, the kids also seem to really like him.
Now, what possible, possible reason could you have to bring up one character's desire for children in the future and showing what an excellent parent another character would make in the same episode? Hmm?
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
Tell me about flash
Ah yes, the baby! My precious baby!
So, kind of as a recap, he's the youngest Shadow, but is really skilled.
He's like the picture perfect blonde college aged guy. His hair doesn't curl and he keeps it pretty short. Blue eyes, but he's definitely got quite a few acne scars. Tall and lanky, boy has no meat on his bones. Everyone likes to say "yet" since he's military technically but it'll never happen. He's just not got the body type for it.
He's a sweetheart and part of it definitely stems from a lack of trauma. He always believes the best in people first, which definitely leads him into some iffy situations. Thankfully he's got a decent number of Shadows ready to kick ass to defend him.
He has a denim jacket that's covered in bottle caps, especially the old style ones. He loves that jacket, it's like his most prized possession. He rarely wears it cause he doesn't want something to happen to it.
He loves kids, and would want kids of his own one day.
He's either 100 or 0 which means sometimes the Shadows will see him crashed on a couch or on the floor, fast asleep.
Addicted to sour candy. It's a problem. He no longer finds anything to be sour anymore cause he's so numb to it.
Despite being so young, he's the last person you'd want to go to with a technical issue. He spent his entire life outside doing things so he doesn't know shit about computers or game consoles or anything like that. He would love to learn but that requires sitting in an office so he gets bored easily.
Actually has a beautiful singing voice. He's got range out the wazoo and it impresses so many people. He'll randomly sing, especially in the shower, and it's just gorgeous.
Until his moment of trauma where he realizes some of the horrors of his line of work, he stuck to singing more upbeat things. But after the trauma, he occasionally belts out a really sorrowful melody and just breaks people's hearts when they hear it.
One of the luckiest mfers to ever exist. He'll narrowly avoid so many catastrophes and not even be aware of it. It stresses Graves out really badly, and the anxiety nearly kills Moose every time it happens.
Thats all I currently have on the baby boy, but hopefully I'll have more later on. I'd love to talk about all of them in more detail!
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Loathing Desires - Chapter 2
"He did what!?" Joseph Walker shouted across the table and echoed through the small luxurious restaurant. 
Venus sighed tiredly, staring at her wine glass and tracing the stem of the glass. She ignored the judgemental glances being shot their way by other customers from her brother's outlash. In her opinion, his response was justified. 
"He is getting cocky and it is becoming a problem" Venus gritted her teeth in disgust. Her eyes dashed up to her younger brother who was sitting across from her with an identical annoyed expression. He was wearing his school uniform, a white button up and black slacks. Coming straight from school for a weekly lunch with his sister. His blonde hair was a mess as per usual. But the colour was identical to hers. Being a common trait in the Walker family. 
"What are you going to do about it?" Joseph asked taking a sip of his imported sparkling water that filled a champagne glass. Something he always ordered when he was out with his sister to seem older for his age but Venus thought it was cute. But she would never admit that aloud to save him from public embarrassment.
Venus smirked and cocked her head. "You know me too well, Joey." Joseph chuckled and placed his arms on the table. "Have you heard of a Mr. Robert Downey?" 
Jospeh nodded. "Yeah, the multi-millionaire who owns that technology company."
Venus hummed. "Rumours have it he is looking to find a new investor. Something about his old investors ripping him off and caused a ton of lawsuits. His people contacted me a week ago about a possible partnership." Jospeh's jaw went slack and Venus' cocky smirk grew.
"Ven, this is huge! This guy has his technology everywhere and a long list of partners. He is known to be very persuasive and practically half of his partners are with Holland Corp! If we partner with him, we would practically be getting all of Stark's partners! This would blow Holland Corp. out of business!" Joseph exclaimed excitedly.
Venus chuckled and nodded. "Exactly, Joey. This is exactly what Walker Enterprise needs to get on top and wipe that smirk of Holland's face."
Joseph leaned back in his seat arrogantly. "If you do this, I'm sure Dad would hand you the company on the spot. This could be it, Ven." He admitted with pride. Ever since Joseph was a kid, he looked up to his older sister. Regardless of the backlash or hated she got for being a women in business, Venus Walker pushed through and came out on top. She was Joseph's role model and he wanted to see his sister achieve this. This was her dream.
"It could be. Or it could be the end of Walker Enterprise." Joseph's expression fell at Venus' statement. "Rumour has it Mr. Downey also reached out to Holland Corp. for a possible partnership too. I'm not going to lose, Joseph. But there are risks in this." Venus admitted to her younger brother, her expression cold thinking of losing to the Hollands.
But that wasn't in her blood.
"There will always be losses in battles, Venus. But the Walker's will always win the war." Joseph reminded stubbornly.
Venus smirked at her younger brother. He was determined and hot-headed just like she was. Sometimes it scared her how close they were alike. "Agreed. But perhaps keep this on the down low from Mom and Dad. Last thing I need is Dad breathing down my neck about me fucking this up."
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Joseph promised. "But stop worrying, Ven. You are a way better CEO than anyone over at Holland Corp. You got this partnership in the bag." 
Venus exhaled deeply and her gaze flickered back to her empty wine glass, tracing the tip of her manicured finger over the bottom of the glass. "I hope so, Joseph."
The rest of the day went by rather quickly. A few last-minute business calls occurred, the meeting with Armani went by smoothly, and Venus fired two employees for not reaching their quotas. So by the time Venus arrived home, the moon was high in the sky and Noir was fast asleep in his dog bed. 
Venus doesn't even remembering changing, ordering take out, or turning on the television. But when she awoke the next morning on her living room couch fitted in a sports bra and sweatpants surrounded by empty take-out boxes, it finally occurred to her how exhausted she was yesterday. Which meant she would need an extra cup of coffee to get through today.
Because today was a very important day.
Today she would be having lunch with Robert Downey. She had booked a meeting with him to personally introduce herself and explain more about Walker Enterprise. Her tactic was simple. She would take the professional and organized approach; the "kill 'em with kindness" kind of shit. Venus was anything but kind when it came to business. But when an opportunity like this comes alone that could destroy her competition, she can bite her tongue and be somewhat civil.
Her morning routine went just like usual. Showering, doing her hair and makeup flawlessly, and changing into a jaw-dropping outfit. Today's outfit consisted of a white pantsuit, suited by a tan leather belt around her waist and tan slick heels. Unlike like yesterday, her hair was down to give a more natural approach.
She fed Noir before leaving to meet her car awaiting her in front of the complex. Within the next hour, she arrived to her office just on time. Throughout the drive she kept yawning repeatedly. So seeing Amelia was waiting in front of the building with a cup of coffee in her hand made Venus' heart skip a beat.
"You look extra cheerful today." Amelia teased her boss when seeing the bags under her eyes when she exited the car.
"Shut up and give me that coffee." Venus begged reaching out for the cup. Her assistant laughed and handed her the cup, walking away from her boss to grab her bags in the passenger seat.
"Another long night?" Amelia asked shutting the door behind her, glancing over to see Venus' chug down the coffee. Finishing every last drop in that styrofoam cup. "Okay, woah, looks like I'll make you another cup." Amelia teased
Venus exhaled heavily when she finished the cup leaving it empty in her hands. "Make it another pot." She grumbled.
Amelia's eyes fell worried watching her boss walk past her and into the building without waiting for her. She was used to Venus' snippy attitude and independent character but she has never seen Venus so drained. Other than Joseph and herself, Venus Walker doesn't have anyone to rely on. Even her lousy "boyfriend" doesn't bother texting her unless it is for a booty call.
There is no one checking up on her and that worried Amelia.
Amelia caught up to Venus in the elevator and the assistant kept glancing concerned glances Venus' way. But not a word was spoken during the small ride up. Venus kept her gaze forward and head raised staring at her reflection on the metal doors, not wanting to hear Amelia's useless comments about her not getting enough sleep or taking time for "self-care." Venus Walker can't afford wasting a second in her day. Perhaps that is why she has never been in a serious relationship.
But the magazines prefer to say it's because of her incredibly high standards. Which was also part of the truth.
The doors chimed open and Venus marched towards her office room, through the small waiting room and past Amelia's desk. "I'm going to be answering emails until my lunch today. Unless it is a family emergency or to fill my coffee up, I do not want any interruptions until lunch. I have a lot to do before lunch today and can't afford distractions." Venus spoke back to her assistant, walking straight to her desk and falling into her white leather chair.
Amelia couldn't walk any further into the room than the doorframe. She watched in concern as her best friend and boss quickly got to work without wasting a second. It was an unhealthy habit but knew she couldn't say anything against it. Instead she let out a sad sigh and nodded.
"Yes, Miss. I will have that coffee for you in a minute." 
Amelia left the room and closed the door behind her leaving Venus in her pile of endless emails. The blonde didn't realize the concern from her friend when she began typing away at her keyboard. Overworking herself like usual to distract her from any emotions she may feel.
In the span of five hours, Amelia had lost track of how many cups she refilled and Venus lost track to how much coffee she consumed. Each time Venus buzzed Amelia, the assistant would watch Venus warily while filling the cup with the pot in her hand. Venus would mutter a thank you under her breath but would never meet Amelia's eyes, her eyes too busy flickering over her computer screen. 
Amelia has been Venus friend for the past few years so she picked up on things others tend to overlook. Like Venus addiction to coffee when she was stressed out. And it was obvious, Venus was beyond stressed about this lunch meeting. But her ego was too big to admit that aloud. Yet Amelia noticed.
When the time came, Venus knee was bouncing under her desk and her heart was racing in her chest. Perhaps all that coffee wasn't a good idea but she was more alert and ready than ever. Her replies to emails became sloppy and filled with grammatical mistakes noticing the meeting was approaching. And soon, it was time to meet the man who could potentially destroy or complete Walker Enterprise. 
A soft knock at the door was followed by it opening gently. Amelia poked in her head and smiled faintly but her eyes were still filled with concern. "It's time to go. The car is awaiting out front." She stated calmly.
Venus exhaled deeply and nodded, finalizing the email and sending it. She stood up and brushed her hair behind her ear, walking over the white leather couch beside the wall to grab her bag from it. Amelia opened the door wider and stepped in the room, allowing Venus to walk out ahead of her but her eyes followed her nervously.
Venus got to the elevator and bit down on her bottom pink lip when pressing the button. Amelia was close behind her, knowing this is where they were to separate. Amelia wasn't needed in buisness meetings unless they were group meetings. From this point on, Venus would have to take care of this on her own. The door chimed open and Venus exhaled deeply stepping into the metal shaft. She pressed the button to the main level, turning around to face Amelia who was smiling nervously on the other side of the door.
"Deep breaths, Ven. You got this."
The doors shut before Venus could respond her gratitude. Instead she was left alone with her anxious thoughts. Does she got this? Can she really do this or will she destroy everything her family created? 
Venus exhaled deeply and shut her eyes. What was she doing?
Venus' black SUV rolled to a stop in front of the luxurious Beau's restaurant that even Gordon Ramsey couldn't find anything to complain about. It has been debuted in multiple food articles and television shows of one of the best places to eat in the world. It is exclusive to only A-listed celebrity to divert the public eye. Making this a perfect and isolated spot for a business meeting or other scandalous meetings. 
The driver got out and walked around the car, opening Venus's door and offered his hand assisting her out of the vehicle. Her eyes remained glued to the restaurant door but hummed her gratitude when she stepped out of the car. Her feet moved forward before she could comprehend what was happening or tip her driver. Walking to the door with confidence and wealth, ready in case a photo was taken of her. The doorman opened the door and flashed her a kind smile which Venus didn't notice. She was trying to calm her caffeinated heart that was beating out of control. Behind the wooden slick doors stood the hostess who welcomed her with a kind smile, knowing exactly who she was. 
"This way, Ms. Walker." She gestured her hand implying for the billionaire to follow her. Venus followed behind her through the restaurant that was decorated with wood and gold in the dimmed lighting. The sculptures and paintings all matched the tone to the restaurant. But the high roofs creased by gold and dozens of famous customers sitting around explained how expensive the menu was.
The hostess stopped in front of a table near the corner, as per Venus request. Away from people looking and eavesdropping in their business conversation. The small table covered by a white tablecloth was already set with cutlery and a centrepiece. It was big enough to fit two seats on either side. And one of them was already occupied.
Robert Downey rose from his chair when seeing Venus approach and smiled kindly in her direction. Venus swallowed her fear and plastered on a smile in return. He raised his hand and Venus shook it upon approach.
"Ms. Walker, I am so pleased we could finally meet in person rather than silly emails." Robert gleamed and took a seat back in his seat.
"As am I, Mr. Downey. But please, call me Venus. That is my mothers name." Venus sat down in the opposite seat across from Robert and felt her heart throbbing in her chest. She had never been so anxious for a business meeting before but she couldn't help it. So much was at stake.
"I insist you call me Robert. I feel far too old when I get called that." Robert chuckled. 
Venus hummed with a soft smile in response. "As you wish, Robert. I hope I didn't keep you waiting." She admitted, her nervousness appearing slightly through her tone.
Robert simply waved his hand dismissing the question. "Nonsense, I was the early one. Honestly, I have been quite eager about hearing more about Walker Enterprise." He placed his arms on the table interestedly and gleamed at the girl across from him.
Venus sat up straighter and her mouth curved up in a smile. "I am eager to tell you all about it. But before we get into business, may I recommend a bottle of Jasci Chardonnay? It is one of my favourites." The corner of her mouth quirked up.
"Venus, drinking Chardonnay at a business meeting? Is that professional?" Tony's forehead creased with disappointment and his eyes narrowing on the woman across him.
Venus chuckled under her breath and shook her head. "I would have offered whiskey but I cannot stand the taste of it. I may be a CEO but I am still a lady, Robert. I am fond over wine, not hard liquor." 
Robert's disappointment quickly turned into a wide smile, laughing at her response and rubbed a hand over his beard. "You certainly have character, Venus. You remind me of a younger version of myself."  He chuckled.
If Venus nerves were showing, Robert didn't mention them. She was relieved of that and gave a tight-lipped smile in gratitude. A waiter came over and took their order before leaving the two to talk alone about business. After sharing about her background and family, Venus felt herself relax a bit. Robert seemed intrigued on what she was talking about, whether it was her family or business. Constantly asking questions, such as how is Walker Enterprises stocks doing and how Joseph is enjoying high school. Robert Downey was definitely a likeable man. He was such a people-person who was able to make any conversation a friendly one. Just like how the public views him.
But Venus could say with absolute confidence that this meeting was going better than she expected.
"Well Venus," Robert spoke. "I am impressed. You are 22-"
"21." Venus corrected.
"Wow, 21 and running a company beside your father. I have met other businessmen who have been in this business for longer than you've been alive yet aren't half the leader you are, Ms. Walker. Honestly, I am very impressed on your entire presentation." Robert admits with a wide grin, taking a sip from his wine glass. "Plus your taste in wine is exceptional."
Venus quirked a grin and gave a small nod. "Thank you, Robert."
Robert stared at Venus across the table studying her for a moment. His eyes sized her up, narrowing on her expression and his grin grew on his lips making Venus slightly uncomfortable. She was used to men staring at her, whether it was out of hatred, admiration, or lust. But none of them was like this.
"Is there something wrong?" Venus snipped, her eyes peered into a slightly angered one. Not enjoying to be stared at like that during business meetings.
Robert sat up straighter realizing his mistake and cleared his throat. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You just remind me a lot like another businessman I met a few days ago. You two share the same admiration for your work and are both quite independent for being so young." Venus nodded along, relaxing slightly from the clarification. "His name is Tom Holland, perhaps you met him before?" Robert asked raising an eyebrow curiously.
Venus stiffened at the name and felt her jaw involuntarily clench. Of course she heard that name. It was the name that mocked hers in the papers and she despised since birth. She forced a smile and nodded slowly, glaring down at her half empty glass of wine. "I have heard of that name." She admitted monotoned.  "He and I just don't get along well."
Robert nodded understanding and observed her reaction from across the table. "Ah, I've read the papers about the competition between your two companies feud. I hope my partnership with either business won't influence this feud?" He asked surveying her movements.
Venus drew her gaze up to Roberts and shook her head. "Don't worry, Robert. The feud we have is personal. And I do not mix my personal life and business together."
Robert smiled a lopsided grin. "Glad to hear that, Venus. You are an excellent representation of your family's company and I would love to invite you to a social I am hosting Friday afternoon. For those partner's I am considering, I want to get to know them in a social setting. So, I am hoping to see you there to discuss more about this possible partnership." 
"I would be honoured, Robert." Venus quirked her head and gave a cocky smile.
Robert clasped his hands together and grinned. "Wonderful. Now I hate to rush off but I promised my wife that I would pick up my kids from school. I look forward of discussing more on Friday.
"As am I, Robert."
0 notes
people-wxtching · 2 years
let's settle this today.
"the book emphasized annabeth being blonde and white and blah blah blah"
the books were written like a decade ago with no specific race allotted to the main trio. annabeth's descriptions about being blonde, percy having black hair and sea green eyes etc. were merely to make the characters feel like characters rather than a black floating blob wrapped around a big question mark in the reader's imagination.
the official arts and fanarts are what led most of the fandom to envision the main trio as white.
however, annabeth not being blonde or percy not having black hair does not take away any of the main plot of the books. yes maybe those curly black hair is what made you fall in love with percy's character but you need to realise that it has absolutely nothing to do with the plot.
don't try to argue with the gods as a reason because gods clearly don't have DNA which means their children can look like whatever but uh rick himself seemed to have forgotten that many times in the books (but that's not relevant at the moment).
"nOt tO bE rAcIsT-"
stop. you know you're gonna spout some racist bs anyway.
"-but rick said he'd be sticking to the books! he's NOT sticking to the books :((("
sticking to the books generally consists of the adaption being faithful to the plot. the bonds between the characters, the grief, the trauma, the kids being at such a tender age having to go through such harrowing experiences are what the books were about. capturing these major themes as well as the snark, smarts, attitude and so on is what is the main thing one should be focusing on in the show. THAT is what makes a good and faithful adaptation that is true to the books. having a darker skin tone affects nothing.
"but the dumb blonde stereotype-"
i'm aware that a lot of you wanted to see annabeth blonde and prove that blondes can be smart too or whatever it is you guys wanted. however, having annabeth as black fleshes out her character even more, and there could be even deeper characterization than in the books.
plus, if you really wanna see them defeat a dumb blonde stereotype, walker is literally right there??? percy's character is literally about his struggles as a neurodivergent teenager and he's been called stupid and good for nothing his whole life. isn't that exactly what you guys wanted annabeth to do and your main reason to be racist?
to this some might argue that the dumb blonde stereotype is more prevalent in female characters. and EXACTLY. it is. you wanna know why? MISOGYNY. that is essentially where this stems from. and you know who else goes through the same thing every single day with an addition of racism? black women and girls. do you see how that same problem could be discussed in another way? when the root of the problem IS misogyny, is Annabeth being black really changing the actual frustration over the problem at all??? no! it's giving it an even deeper and more prevalent look. what do you not understand here.
if the book annabeth defeating the dumb blonde stereotype has helped you with what you went through, that's great but there are SO many other shows, and also the books themselves (the tv show does not change the books. rick is not jkr. he never said that this is what he meant in the books too. he said they can both coexist because it literally does not matter given how inconsistent he is about descriptions in his own material) that defeat this stereotype. however it is very hard to find media where black women (and also desi characters) are depicted in a positive light as a main character with their own personality and character arcs, without any stereotypes. modernization of series has been going on for ages, I dont know why you guys are crying over the dumb blonde stereotype and thinking it is much more prevalent and a major issue than women of color who have to go through misogyny AND racism at all times throughout their entire life.
it's okay if you always envisioned annabeth as white with blonde hair or percy with black hair and sea green eyes and still want to continue doing the same. no one's stopping you. however, it is important to differentiate between the book percy and annabeth and the show percy and annabeth. the original white cast from the books, the various headcanons about the trio's ethnicities as well as the casting for the show CAN and SHOULD co-exist. the fact that this little detail bothers you as a teen/adult and not my 10 year old brother and other kids I interacted with says a lot.
the pjo book series was mostly white with like two memorable canon characters of colour, both of whom died before the series could end. therefore this casting is very important for the black as well as desi community so kindly, shut your racist ass up and sit down.
and don't you dare hate on these kids.
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Growing Pains
Pregnant Mc and all the guys are being dumbasses. I hope it makes sense. I really tried to write something cohesive lmao.
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2,263 words
There's a lot of difficulties one has to go through in life. Of course, most are simple enough that one day you'll just look back upon them and realize that the problem wasn't really that big of an issue. The tantrums thrown in your childhood over school supplies rank right up beside your high-school fears of choir class solos and first date worries. In comparison, it's rather funny seeing where you are now. After years of petty troubles, getting married and pregnant makes those worries seem like minor stamps on your life. Insignificant pieces to a puzzle you forgot about long ago.
You hope that's what this is for Luke. That all these fears he has over this baby are just a little bump in his long existence. Of course, you're not trying to downplay his concerns. They're understandable and something you all actually expected when you first found out you were pregnant. Afterall, it's only natural for there to be a bit of anxiety with such a big change. However, due to his age, as well as his very vocal need to protect humans, you all thought the shock would settle in rather quickly and he'd start preparing for a new role in the household. 
That unfortunately didn't turn out to be the case. 
Despite how it sounds, Luke is happy about the baby. He's eager to please too, almost to a worrying extent, and that's pretty much where the problem comes in. The angel seems hell bent on trying to prove himself every step of the way, but you really don't know why. He's always been an incredibly helpful member of the family. Truthfully, when it comes to needing any sort of support, whether that be emotional or otherwise, Luke has acted like a guiding light. He actually provides comfort when you're struggling, almost always living up to that guardian angel title he holds so tightly to his chest. Of course, sometimes he's more or less just a normal child, but perhaps that's why you feel so comfortable around him. You don't have to worry about impressing him or potentially ruining his appearance like you do with your spouses. All you have to really do is just be with him, and that seems to be enough. 
Well, it did. That doesn't actually appear to be true anymore. Nowadays Luke acts like he actually has to earn the right to be in your vicinity, and when he's not doing anything, he's terrified to even be near you. You don't really know why this new trait has developed, but thankfully your spouse -more specifically Simeon- has given you some helpful -but rather limited- insight. He admitted that Luke is genuinely worried about you; his fear mostly stemming from your fragile state. This makes sense to an extent, but you don't think it's the full story. 
Sure, your pregnancy is rather high risk. Carrying a demon -or angel- in your human body isn't exactly recommended by any doctor of any realm, but things are going fine so far. You like to attribute this to being Lilith's descendent, yet you've been reminded too often by Soloman that this really wouldn't impact your risk. Of course, he also likes to add that if this were his child you wouldn't have to fret over possible complications, so it's hard to exactly trust what he says, but it's impacted Luke enough apparently. With that being said, you still don't believe it's enough to warrant this response from the child. 
Afterall, it's easy to see Luke isn't just worried about your health. If that were the case you could lump him up there with eleven other men who basically swarm you wherever you go. No, you know there's more to it. It's just hard to place exactly what without invoking some sort of defense mechanism from the young blond. You'd know, because you'd tried before. 
"What do you mean something is wrong?" The little angel had exclaimed in worry, completely skipping over the context that you had actually asked him what was wrong, "Do you need Simeon? I don't know where he's at! Mammon and Levi are the only ones here and I don't think that those demons know how to handle childbirth!"
Whilst he wasn't wrong in his assumptions about the boys not knowing how to handle childbirth, he was completely incorrect in his guesses as to what you were referring to. When you actually cleared that up, he failed to provide any actual reasoning to his new, flighty attitude. In fact he simply denied anything was wrong before running off to attend to something else. What that was, you don't know, however you can recall he seemed very intent on seeking it out, and even more intent on making sure you didn't follow him. 
Given this reaction, figuring out a new approach wasn't exactly an easy task. Thankfully your boys are always great brainstormers. 
"How would I know what the chihuahua is thinking?"
Well, sometimes they are. 
"Mammon, please," You sigh, making sure not to blow your lid at the demon's attitude. He doesn't seem to catch onto this, but Lucifer does, placing a reassuring hand on your knee, "I'm just asking if you have any idea whatsoever as to what's possibly going through his mind. Maybe you've noticed if he's said something or has been doing something weird! I don't know. I'm trying to come up with ideas to solve this problem and would really appreciate some help."
Diavolo lets out a low hum as he thinks, but before he comes to a conclusion, Barbatos is making a statement, "I have noticed a change in his attitude as of late, but I have no information as to why."
Asmo is quick to jump in here, his more nonchalant approach taking center stage in a room of more bleak tones, "It's only natural for him to act up a little bit, isn't it? New baby, he thinks he might be being replaced."
"You'd know about that," Belphegor adds in a similar tone that actually has the avatar of lust agreeing with him. At least, until he recognizes what was actually said.
Before an argument can erupt between the fifth and seventh brothers, you're quick to step in between, "Well, if that's the issue, how are we even supposed to approach that?"
Silence overtakes the room for a few brief seconds before Levi's phone breaks it with a loud chime, drawing everyone's attention away from your question. He blushes a bit under all the stares but is still quick to check whatever the notification was, apparently either missing the tone of the room or simply not caring enough to put it aside. Thankfully Beelzebub plucks the device away from the envy demon before he can be sucked into some fictional plot line. You try to keep a scowl from climbing your features at the purple haired male's disappointment. 
"He'll get over it eventually," Satan replies from his spot tucked in the corner, eyes trained on a book and appearing only half invested in the conversation. His approach is barely any better than Levi's, however you're able to keep yourself from getting too angry at the blonde. This is mostly because you're spending that energy gripping tightly onto Lucifer's hand. 
"Well either you're correct and I don't have to worry, or you're incorrect and something is wrong and your advice is to just ignore it."
"I'm not saying ignore it, I'm just saying let him figure it out."
"And last time he tried to solve his own problem he ran away from purgatory hall and begged for Beel and I had to hide him."
There's a chorus of noises that erupt from the room, most varying replies to your statement with the occasional out-of-place noise. Truthfully the majority of them sound tired. Like they don't even want to be there, and you're well aware they probably don't. A little less than half of the room thinks Luke is just experiencing growing pains, and a bit more than half thinks you're overexaggerating a problem that really isn't there. Of course they haven't directly said this, but they don't have to. You've pretty much already heard both things from past discussions on the topic. 
Diavolo pulls you from Lucifer's hold as soon as a frown begins to weigh on your lips. You know from this move alone that words of comfort are soon to follow, however, that doesn't really make you feel all that reassured. You don't want to be soothed. You just want some help from your partners determining what you're supposed to do. 
It's not like you aren't self aware. You do realize that your worry may seem a bit overkill to those who aren't as concerned. Which, you thought everyone would be considering the circumstances, but you can't say you're surprised. Lately you've been the only one really getting invested in these family issues. Whether that's because of hormones or not is unknown to you, and whilst you don't really care either way, you do know the boys have been handling you a bit differently ever since you got pregnant. 
It's annoying and demeaning and a million other words you can think of but rather wouldn't. So, you just don't, choosing to let Diavolo soothe you and allow someone else to shift the conversation away from your concerns. 
Your room is quiet tonight, empty after you'd proclaimed you had a headache and wanted to sleep alone. There had been some resistance, mostly from Mammon of course, but as soon as you started throwing pillows at him, he gave in. You don't know whether you wanted him to or not, yet you can say you wished you had someone to bounce your thoughts off of. 
That's when you hear a soft, hesitant knock at the door. 
A part of you feels the need to tell the person to go away. Another part wants to cry and beg whoever it is to come inside. You settle somewhere in the middle, pulling yourself out of bed and walking to the door whilst mentally preparing yourself for whatever lay behind its solid face. You hope you look scary enough in your maternity sleepwear in case things go south, but you doubt the sleeping teddy bears are all that intimidating. Surprisingly though, when you open the door you aren't met with one of your spouses, worried, angry, or otherwise. Instead you find Luke. 
He looks rather nervous, standing there in his pajamas and fiddling with his thumbs. There's a little frown on his face too, one so deep his eyebrows crease together in a similar manner that mimics how Satan's do whenever he's sucked into a book. If it wasn't the middle of the night and the angel wasn't so obviously distressed you might have actually laughed at the sight. Of course, you know that would be rather mean. Especially since you're certain Luke's on the verge of tears. 
You don't get the chance to really double check that though, as the blonde child bolts into your arms, careful of your bump but still desperate in his search for a hug. Despite your worries and fears threatening to bubble up only moments ago, you can't help relaxing at the action. It's weird how all your own worries seem to become rather small when you're faced with a tiny crying angel. 
"I'm sorry!" Luke cries into your shirt, tears seeping through the fabric rather easily, "I didn't mean to make you feel bad!"
It's hard to form a quick reaction to this sudden display. You can't seem to decide exactly what to ask, so you settle on soothing him with soft whispers and gentle pats on his back. This takes a while to calm him down, but eventually Luke's able to pull away from you and force out a forced explanation. 
"I didn't want to worry you, I just thought that you would do better without me and then I overheard you guys in the living room and I realized I was just hurting you more and-" Tears continue to well up in his blue eyes despite your insistence that everything's alright. After a few minutes of your reassurance and his repeated questioning, you're able to get him down to a calmer, sniffling whimper. 
The two of you go to settle on the bed, you pulling him close to your side and turning on your bedside lamp for some light. Words are exchanged for a while and you're certain if you were back in your own realm the sun would have already started to rise by the time you finished. You don't really mind though. Seeing him lose all that anxiety helps your own too, especially since he does a good job at soothing over some worries of your own.
He makes sure to tell you, through yawns and his many apologies, that your boys did check on him plenty of times. Luke says he was just too embarrassed to admit to his problems, and he thinks they didn't want to worry you because you're already so stressed. Of course, anything coming from a pajama clad angel is going to make you swoon from sweetness, but knowing they actually care and have gone out of their way to handle it could really affect you all on its own. Even if the intended results didn't actually work out. 
But, in the end, you guess it doesn't really matter. As long as your family is happy at the end of the day, things will be fine. 
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natalie-the-writer · 2 years
Hiya! Here's another post for Ugly Dolls - I thank my friend, Blue, for pulling me completely down into this fandom. Lots of writing practice and joy to come here.
This is a bit of a different story that stemmed from that audio of the gifted little girl who did giant multiplication in her head, then spiraled into something else. I present you a small, Ugly Dolls high school AU. Enjoy!
Multiplication and an Idea
"Ugh, I don't understand this."
Mandy resisted the urge to slam her head into her math textbook, instead pushing it away to place her forehead against the ground she was lying on. Currently, she was on the floor in the middle of Nolan's bedroom, trying to do her math homework. Keyword: trying. Math didn't come as easy to her as cosmetology did. She was an honors student, yes, but that didn't mean she was good in every subject. History and English were far easier than figuring out these math problems.
"What don't you understand?" Lou asked. Mandy glanced up to see him in the same spot he'd been in for the last thirty minutes - sprawled out on a bing bag chair with the book Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse open in his hands, his eyes zeroed in on the pages. It brought a smile to Mandy's face seeing him so relaxed. Three months ago, he would've been back straight, completely rigid on the chair, nervous to move out of that spot. It came from a strict upbringing by a rich mother who only expected the absolute best out of her sixteen year old son, putting him in the highest level classes. The only thing she let him decide on were electives and at least one extracurricular, and only with her approval. He chose acting and dance after many years of etiquette and music/singing classes, convincing her through a whole presentation that it was a presentable career path for him.
The terrible upbringing by his mother had left deep scars in Lou. Scars that she, Nolan, Ox (his childhood friend), and the others were only now beginning to heal. He'd went through years of trying to be perfect in everything his mother put him through to gain her support. So much so that he forgot who he was. His picks in classes allowed him that control back, but he was still getting used to it, along with actually having friends who weren't there just for his money.
The blonde put the book down, brushing some bangs away from his eyes. None of them were wearing their school uniforms, having changed into street clothes when they came over to Nolan's. Lou borrowed some of their friend's, not owning anything besides suits at his house, and it left him in a slightly oversized green shirt and black jeans. "Are you going to stare at me or tell me what's bugging you?" He asked bluntly, a small smile playing on his lips. Six months ago, the tone would've been more biting. A form of protection. Now it was only playful snark.
"It's this math homework. I thought I understood it in class, but now this problem is stumping me." She groaned.
He got up and came to sit down cross legged beside her. "Let me see." She pushed the textbook and paper toward him. If anyone could figure it out, it was Lou. They were in the same class, across the room from each other due to their last names being on the opposite ends of the alphabet. She listened to him hum, flicking through pages and scribbling something down. He slid the book back. "You forgot about the negative sign. That's it."
She blinked. Then blinked again. "Ohhh. Yeah, that makes more sense now." She grabbed her calculator to finish the problem. "Thanks, Lou."
The bedroom door opened, revealing Nolan with a huge cardboard box that he was clearly struggling under the weight of. Lou jumped to help as the brunette peered around the corner of it. "Hey guys," he smiled. "We finally got the cookie shipment in for the girl scout troop." His thirteen year old little sister, Moxie, was a girl scout, and their mom ran the troop on top of her career as a nurse.
"Nice!" Mandy said, pencil moving down to work on the next problem while her eyes stayed on her friends, moving the box to sit on a desk. "When's the next meeting?"
They chatted for a little bit about that, Nolan writing down some numbers on a scratch piece of paper as he tried to figure out the projected profit for selling half the cookie boxes. "57 times 4..." he talked to himself, Mandy already reaching for a calculator. She was beaten to the punch by Lou's instant answer. "228." He decidedly did not have a calculator. This time, her blink was out of sheer surprise, and she locked eyes with Nolan, the same message passing between them.
"Uh..." he ran his hand through his stripe of green hair. "... 108 times 27." The numbers were random, but Lou didn't seem to notice, already moving back to his spot on the bing bag chair.
"2,916." It took a longer second, but it was no less impressive. He plopped down unceremoniously in the chair, picking up his book again. Mandy and Nolan met eyes again. She shrugged. Another thing to know about Lou: instant calculator. In silent agreement, they decided they wouldn't draw attention to it and make Lou uncomfortable. Mandy went back to her homework, and Nolan went back to sorting things out for the girl scouts.
Roughly thirty minutes later, Lou got a call. When he looked at his phone, his face scrunched up in distaste and disappointment. Mandy felt her heart drop. It could only be his mother. As expected, he held up two fingers, and both friends went perfectly still. This was 'study group' time and they couldn't be laughing and joking during that. Not when his mother, Abigail Blaker, could hear. He pressed the phone to his ear. "Yes, Mother?" His voice was painfully formal, lacking anything besides absolute obedience and a framed respect. The expression on his face was similar, blank of emotion, and his back automatically straightening up as if his mother just walked into the room itself. Mandy could remember so many times where Lou broke and cried from the pressure of his mother, not quieted for hours as held in emotions were released in a tidal wave of tears.
It made her furious. Mothers were supposed to love their children. She only had a father, her mother having died when she was two, but she knew what a mother was supposed to be. Like Nolan's mother - kind and caring, with only love for her children and not a constant demand for more and more out of them. Treating them like their children and not a robot to be constantly improved. She swore to herself that one day, she'd get Lou out of her hold. They all would. He'd be free.
That day wouldn't be today though.
She listened to the one side of the conversation she could hear, which most consisted of "yes mother, no mother, no ma'am, yes ma'am." It was so formal. An employee to a boss. The call ended a couple of minutes later, thankfully without her voice rising on the other end in an accusation of him being "disrespectful," but Lou looked glum. He heaved a sigh.
"What'd she say?" Nolan asked tentatively.
"She's not going to be home until tomorrow night. Some party thing going on in New York that she needs to stay for." Mandy really doubted she needed to 'stay,' but kept her mouth shut. "I still need to be home in thirty minutes." She glanced at her watch. He had to be home by six, as always. He was never allowed to stay over, insisting he knew what answer he'd get: absolutely not and a grounding.
"Oh, okay," Nolan said, face as sad as she felt. "Will Darian be there, at least?" Darian was the family butler, and the only person who'd offered some form of healthy parental figure until Nolan's mother and Mandy's father came along.
"Yeah, until eight. He's going to come and get me."
They fell into more dreary silence. Mandy crawled the short way to Lou, leaning up against his side when she settled again. He leant into it, his left temple settling on top of her head. Nolan watched them sadly. As much as it was normal for Lou to leave in just a few minutes, it was still sad. They never had enough time with him. He'd never even had a sleepover before.
A sleepover.
She met Nolan's eyes once more and watched the same idea bloom in his. It was further grown when the sound of the front door opening came, Nolan's mother calling upstairs for him. "I'll be right back," the brunette said, then rushed down stairs. It was a Friday. Lou's mother wasn't home. Darian was trusted and loved Lou as much as they did. They could make this work.
They had to. Just once.
"Mom!" Nolan skidded to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, sliding around the corner to the kitchen where his mother, Rachel Castillion, was putting up groceries. She was brunette, just like him, with a red streak through her long hair. She had the same different colored eyes as he did. His little sister was gone to a friend's house this weekend, an echo of what he wanted to do with Lou and Mandy. "Mom!"
She turned, shutting the fridge with a smile. "Well, what's got you so hyped up?" Her voice was amused and curious. Nolan knew he wasn't the loudest kid, often the shy one in the corner. "Are Lou and Mandy still here?"
"Yes, they are, and that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Something for Lou." She leaned up against the counter, watching him. She knew Lou's situation. There'd been a few times where he'd pulled Lou into the house while he was struggling, mentally or physically exhausted. His mother would be the one to call Lou's mother, assure her the boys were doing an extra study session or something equally as educational while they were really curled up on the couch, a movie on and Nolan trying to calm down the blonde. She'd taken him in as one of her own, just like Mandy's dad had. "His mom isn't going to be home until tomorrow night. Darian is coming over to get him in just a few minutes. If there's a way, could he and Mandy possibly... stay for the night?"
She pressed a finger to her chin, a sudden determination alight in her eyes. "Let me call Darian, then Mandy's dad if it's good to go." She grabbed her phone and stepped into the living room. Nolan anxiously listened to the part of the conversation he could hear, heart thumping with hope as his mother's tone stayed light. When she came back, she was grinning. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest. "Darian said he'll back Lou an overnight bag and cover for him with his mother as long as he's back at the manor-" the distinct lack of the word 'home' was obvious "-by two o'clock tomorrow, in case his mother gets back early." Her nose scrunched up on the word 'mother.' Nolan could empathize.
He jumped to give his mom a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
She laughed, hugging him back. "Don't tell Lou, alright? Let it be a surprise."
"Okay, I won't tell." The grin wouldn't fall from his face. She giggled as he went for the stairs, calling, "Try not to vibrate out the window, while you're at it."
He managed to school himself right outside his door, pulling out his phone and texting Mandy the good news. He waited two minutes before entering, seeing them still in the same spot except Lou was reading again, decidedly less happy than before but still content to sit for a bit longer. Nolan couldn't wait to see his face when he found out.
He found Mandy's eyes. She grinned.
Nolan could barely hold back a joyful laugh.
When Darian entered the Castillion house with a backpack slung on his shoulder and a grin on his aged face, Lou didn't know what to think. He usually talked with Ms. Castillon outside, if they did talk. She typically worked a late shift as a nurse, but she was here now, standing to greet the pale, kind man who deserved more than he got in life. Lou grew more confused with the smiles being directed his way. Of course they were always kind, but they seemed brighter now, not the same farewell smiles he got when leaving the house.
"What's going on?" He asked, dumbfounded as Darian pushed bag into his hands. Nolan and Mandy were grinning from ear to ear.
"You're staying here tonight, Louis," he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He was the only one who could regularly call him 'Louis' without his hair standing on end from annoyance. "It's all been organized. I will cover for you, and your mother will never know the difference."
For a moment, Lou was lost for words, a rare thing for him. Then, all at once, realization came crashing down on his mind and he was having to fight back happy tears, a smile spreading across his face. His butler and basically father-figure, in a rare motion of affection that could only be done outside of his mother's watchful eyes, pulled him into a quick, tight hug. "Have fun. You deserve it." He let go, briefly fixing Lou's bangs back before allowing the teen to practically be tackled by two of his best friends in their own hugs.
He blinked away the tears easily, his heart lurching with absolute joy as they were already rambling about everything they could cram into one night and part of the next day. "This is going to be so much fun!" Nolan declared as Mandy swung Lou around, her laughter infectious.
Lou caught the eye of his butler as the man walked out, giving him a wave. He waved back, then disappeared out the door to the waiting limo - a vehicle Lou wouldn't have to crawl into until early afternoon tomorrow. Ms. Castillion announced she was ordering pizza, one of the foods Lou was not allowed to have, and told them to go have fun, just as Darian had. In what felt like less than a second, he was being dragged back up the stairs to Nolan's bedroom, where they would talk, laugh, play every game on the shelf, and feast on pizza and candy like there was no tomorrow to come. They built a pillow fort on the floor and started an animated movie marathon, leaned on each other as the sugar rushes died to be replaced by quiet banter in a dimly lit room.
When Rachel came to check on them at two in the morning (she wanted them to have fun, but not to have a complete all nighter), she found them curled up together in a mass of blankets and pillows, Lou in the middle of the small cuddle pile. They were lying down, his forehead pressed against Mandy's shoulder with her hand in his hair, her own son's arm thrown over his side in a half hug. Lou's arm laid over Nolan a bit awkwardly, returning the partial embrace. She smiled, feeling a pull in her heart. Lou may come from money and power, but he didn't have love before. Now he had it. She treated him like her own second son. If she could, she'd take him under her wing and never let go. Never let his mother touch him. Let him live a life with the love of friends and his passions. She knows Mandy's father, Jake, and Darian would agree with her.
For now though, she was content to see them, sleeping peacefully while the credits of a movie played on the small flatscreen TV. She took the remote and flipped the screen off, then turned to the three teenagers. The floor might not be the most comfortable place, but she was certainly not moving them away from each other. Instead, she fixed the blankets more firmly over each of them, took a second more to watch them breathe, entirely content, and then left the room quietly.
For one night, everything could be peaceful.
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mitamicah · 4 years
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Spoilers from both Trollhunters the book and Trollhunters the series!
While reading the book I was really impressed with how many differences there were between the character so I have worked on giving my take on six characters from both media, book vs series, and how they differ from each other :3 
I should mention that while there was illustrations in the book I tried for the challenge not to copy those but follow along the describtions in the book - when possible - to give my own interpretation of the characters ^v^ 
First up we have Steve. Starting out as the stereotypical bully in both version their paths seperates quickly resulting in two different ending for the musuclar blond Jorgensen-Warner is the book version of Steve. Here's how he is described from our first encounter with him: "He was handsome but in the oddest way- He eyes were too small and his nose piggish: he had a ridiculous amount of hair and a couple of teeth that looked like fangs. Yet somehow in combination these features were sort of mesmerising. His unnatural muscular bulk and odd way of speaking -crisply, politely, as if he were a foreign student who had learned English in class - completed the strange package." page 21-22 For his outfit I went with the description of him on page 224 "[my clothes] ... didn't cast me in the best light when compared to Steve Jorgensen-Warner, who looked rather rakish in blue jeans and a shirt - definitely not a blouse - opened to the third button. He dribbled the ball casually with his left hand." The bold passages is added by me   This Steve is later revealed to be a changeling aka a troll   Before we go on: can any of you explain to me what a "ridiculous amount of hair" even means :'D? I had a lot of trouble with this prompt because isn't this so darn subjective :'D? and the official art look way less ridiculous than I'd figure it'll be :'D x'D Palchuk is the series version of Steve. His facial appearance being way less specific (I'd say he has normal sized eyes, a big roman nose and some more or less normal teeth) and his way of speaking is definitely not polite. Like book Steve, this Steve starts out with pushing smaller guys into lockerrooms yet after that he becomes way less of a terrifying bully and much more of a silly goose who brings a lot of the comic relief in my opinion Douxie says it best in Wizards when he calls Steve the "village idiot" x'D I do not recall seeing Steve being that sporty in the show, he is much more interested in becoming homecoming king  no basketballs around x'D While book Steve is revealed to be the enemy (a troll) series Steve joins the "good guys" creating the creepslayerz with the character Eli Pepperjack
Blinky is just called Blinky in the book  Here's a bit of description of him "The third [troll] had scarlet eyes, eight of them on long stems. (...) The thing from my house glided toward me with a surprising grace for something with an indetermined number of legs, all of which were hidden behind a patched kilt scaled with layers of medals, prizes and trophies and award ribbons. An incalculable tangle of tentacles twined around one another as if dying to squeese something to death. As it passed the oven, the firelight revealed olive-green skin, reptilian texture, and lacquer of slime lubricating its undulating appendages Its moth a horizontal gash.. " The bold passages is added by me   So yeah this Blinky is quite something :'D I stopped caring to draw tentacles after a while but overall this was silly but fun to draw  since his teeth later is described as big as traffic cones I believe he must be very tall :'D Also he's close to blind   Has a bit of a dirty mouth but in a very "read" way if it makes sense :'D cannot seem to stop calling Jim dimwitted and tiny and Tobias big :'D Blinky's full name in the series is Blinkus Galadrigal  he has six eyes instead of eight and they are all working just fine, thank you very much x'D His tons of tentacles and legs has been replaced by four arms and two legs and while he is still olive-green he is now made of tone like texture just like the other trolls  the kilt turned into shorts and he is quite a bit smaller now not even as tall as Jim  He still has this very academic way of speaking yet he is way nicer to Jim calling him "Master Jim" instead of "the short one" x'D
Book ARRGHHH!!!s full name is Johannah Mmmm ARRRGH!!! and she is a pretty big deal warrior among the trolls in the book - she's so badass in fact Blinky has decided to call her by her last name to honor her for her deeds for trollkind   Here's a qoute from the book describing her appearance   "The goliath emerged from the tunnel as comfortably as a dog from a doghouse, coarse black fur pouring into the chamber before I could make out any actual arms or legs (...) Even beneath the fur I could see loops of muscles flexing. (...) ARRRGH!!! was built like a gorilla but three times larger: Two arms, two legs, and, thankfully, just two eyes. Horns, curled like those of a ram (...) The thing's orange eyes cast about with animal perceptiveness, and it used its snout and sniffed. Its jaws fell open to reveal a purple, slavering mouth armed with haphazard daggers of teeth." Page 75-76 The bold passages is added by me   (Also worth mentioning: the qoute is from before the protagonist knows of ARRRGH!!!'s gender which is why he calls her an 'it') At other times in the story we learn that ARRRGH! has quite scarred arms and really wishes for better tooth hygeine; so much so that Tobias actually end up making her a brace out of chicken wire :'D Idk I find it quite adorable :'D Now unto the serie's ARRRGH!!! - first up he is male, his name is Arghaumont and he is famous for another reason than Johannah: he was a general of Gunmar but retreated from the war making him a traitor to his people yet a hero for the good trolls in the series. Series ARRRGH!!! is likewise built like a gorilla but made of stone and having a mane long and green like it is moss  his horns is way smaller and less curvy and his teeth hygeine is never brought up  also his face is way less dog like x'D 
Book Tobias' full name is Tobias M. Dershowitz yet he is going by 'Tubby' or 'Tub'. Here is a describtion of him from the book: "You could call Tobias Dershowitz chubby, if you were being cute, or husky if you were being diplomatic. The fact is he was fat, and that was only the beginning of his problems. His hair was a thick, orange, out-of-control hedge. His face spilled over with the kind of freckles that make kids like Tub look like overgrown toddlers. Worst of all were his braces, marvels of modern torment: whips of stainless steel crisscrossing each tooth seperately and lashed to a dozen silver fasteners. The braces clicked so much when he spoke, you expected sparks. At least he was tall..." page 27 The bold passages is added by me   The outfit I went with is described on page 259 like this: "He stood in the driveway decked out in his best approximation of a ninja: black tennis shoes, black sweatpants, a black hoodie, a belt made from a red curtain sash, and an oversize fanny pack holding his gear (...) It was unfortunate that the fanny pack was lime green..." To describe Tub is a bit difficult because sadly he is not much in the story as I'd liked - mostly he is being quite serious and let us know he is not happy by being sidelined not speaking troll nor being invited on hunts which I completely understand tbh :'D What I do find interesting is how Tub and series Jim has seem to have switched roles a little bit: In the series Jim is the one giving a speech about how he is insecure about his place in life and how he wants more - in the book this is Tub in more than one occassion: "We have to accept who we are. And before you ask, I'll tell you. We're nobody. We have no life. We have nothing to look forward to. We're not special. I just want it to go away. All of it. The stupid being scared. Doesn't it seem we've been scared forever?" page 37 "Jim, you're wrong. We were meant to do this. This is exactly what we've been waiting for. They've chosen us. Of all people! Us! (...) Jesus, Jim, take a look at my life! You know what I'm worth! To anyone? Zero! Nothing! I'm a fat loser and will always be a fat loser. Until this. This is like a present. Full of, man, I don't know. Hope?..." page 196 (talking about trollhunting here btw) Oh yeah and book Tobias gets this badass scene where he uses his dentist's tool to kill trolls I loved that   Now series Tobias is way different :'D first up his name is Tobias Domzalski and his nicknames are Toby and Tobes. He is way shorter and has more neat hair (what is it with the series neating up the hair :'D? x'D). He also seems way cheerier and pretty happy with his place in life more or less  Unlike Tub, Toby is in it from the start being an important player in the story   He doesn't have the same drive to be something more than he is as Tub has instead Toby is going with the flow starting out quite afraid of everything troll and ended up being as brave as the rest of the team *tbh Jim's scared out of his wits too so they mimic each other x'D* Where Tub has dentist tools Toby gets a badass hammer so I'll say its an upgrade  
First off we have Claire Fontaine, a foreign student from no other than Scotland with a taste for military clothing and liqourice   Here's how she's described in the book   "She tucked her long dark hair behind her ear and left ir with an adorable smudge of white dust. I thought she was beautiful, though she wasn't in the classic sense. The popular girl would say she wasn't skinny enough. They would also point to the fact that she didn't wear makeup or do anything to tame that hair. And her clothes -well, what could be said about her clothes? Her boots were not sexy and knee-high: in fact, they were ankle-high and rubber-soled and looked picked from military surplus racks, an array of pea-green coats and multi-coloured slacks, all of which looked as if they'd been through actual World War II combat. And that beret she wore before and after school wasn't of the look-at-me-I'm Frensh variety: it was more in the style of I'm-going-to-invade-your-country-and-be-your-new-dictator. Only one thing didn't make sense: that bright pink, exceedingly girlish backpack that inexplicably hadn't one anti-establidh patch sewn onto it (...) Oh, I forgot to mention that Claire Fontain came from the UK. That's right- the girl had an accent. I think you are starting to get the picture." page 30-1 The bold passages is added by me It is hinted at that Claire is quite tall and a great deal taller than Jim (more when I get to him) and she is actually a whole year older than Jim since they both have birthday May 2 but Claire is 16 while Jim is 15  Since Trollhunters in this story is not a "protected title" (aka the chosen hero type) Claire ends up being one herself even though nobody even herself didn't know: AND. SHE. KICKS. BUTT! She's even better than the guy that had 40+ years experience so yeah safe to say she's badass :'D Even before that she has a hilarious scene calling out Steve in the wildest shitstorm of Scottish slang I lived for it x'D She's described quite a few times with lots of bracelets, sometimes made of wire so I gave her a bit of both   She's not really a part of the popular group but has her own thing going on   Now onto Claire Nuñez the series' version of this badass   Here Claire is hispanic and pretty much one of the most popular girls seen around  her style is way more ... I've called it punk rock in purple but Idk exactly what to call it x'D she's shorter than Jim and slimmer looking than her book counterpart   She enters the story not as a trollhunter but as a victim of having her brother stolen by changelings and as time progresses she becomes a fastlearning and quite competent sorcerer dealing in shadow magic   Unlike Fontaine, Nuñes is seen wearing make up, shorter hair with dye in it and hair clips instead of bracelets  
First up we have book Jim. His full name is James Sturges Jr. and lives with his single parent, his dad, after his mother went away the day before his birthday in start May and never returned. Sturges Sr. had been traumatized loosing his brother to trolls although none of the characters didn't know this yet - only Senior had seen the creatures making him paranoid and in turn making Jim very embarrased about his father. At the same time Jim seems to honestly worry for his father and his behavior too makes Jim very cautious and fearful a character. Book Jim is pretty much a typical teenager for the most part  He is seen to be a tad clumsy and not exactly brave really. And the author's choice of basically not describing him anywhere made my job way harder trying to be book accurate :'D So I've mostly inspired him of the official illustrations in the book   Here's what I could find about our little trollhunter   First off: he's a short fellow  that is first mentioned on page 14; "Sunshine is important for growing boys." (...) "I am not growing" I took after my dad when it came to size and was still waiting for that growth spurt everyone kept raving about. "In fact I think I'm shrinking." This is brought up most of everything Jim through the movie from him not being able to reach a point of a chalkboard (page 32) to people's dissapointing sighs taking meassurements when he is chosen as Romeo (107) and him wearing super high heels for the same reason (224) but also Blinky directly calling him a "little fellow" (page 127) On page 27 we learn that he is getting a bruise on his chin after being slammed into his locker by Steve  Lockers he has been thrown into enough to have learned to open them on the inside :'D He is a skinny fella which Tobias so politely call "lack of muscletone" due to "glandular" at page 120 He is not very good at anything describing his room full of stuff from hobbies he tried and failed at (page 63) The longest describtion about his appearance is probably page 105: "I lowered my eyes and regarded the chewed, dirty fingernails holding my script, thes scuffed shoes on my feet, and realized that these were the symbols of my pityful life: worn-out, insignificant, ready to be thrown beneath Dad's industrial mower" It pretty much says it all when this is the longest quite I could find :'D For the outfit I mostly went by the small describtion on page 89-90: "I tucked the medallion beneath my shirt. After a full day of wearing it, maybe the rest of the suffocating fear would go away too. My plan was to dart into the kitchen, grab my sweatshirt and be out of the house. " I added jeans since he is said to wear jeans on page 283 - the medallion sneak out beneath the sweatshirt/shirt on page 97 which is why I added it on top here as well   Now since there's a bit more to both versions of Jim due to their role as the protagonist I've added in a little extra features here being the medallion in the book vs the amulet in the series and the weaponry given to the characters   For Sturges we have the medallion who's described like this: "It was a bronze medallion conntected to a rusty chain. It was engraved with a foreboding crest: a hideous, snarling face; indecipherable markings of a sevage language, and a magnificent long-sword across the bottom." page 9 The medallion is treated like it is a common artefact if a bit rare in the book - its purpose is to translate trollspeak for the wearer. Jim is giving two swords in the book; a rusty longsword he calls Clairesword (do I need to explain this one?) and a cutlass he calls Cat #6 after the one cat at Tobias' house that liked Jim  x'D For Sturges' personality my feeling about him is that he is a bit more ... passive than his series counterpart. He is not really standing up for himself that much and would rather blend into the background. This qoute from Claire sums him up pretty nicely I believe   "You're a good person, Mr. Sturges. A bit gloomy, but good" page 246 I do like that Jim in this version is a Taurus  (I am a taurus too x'D) born on May 2nd so that's a plus   It is probably also worth mentioning that in this world trollhunters aren't a chosen hero type like in the series: trollhunters or paladin was once a title held by many warriors yet now there's very few left. Sturges was a proud paladin family making Jim a chosen candidate for the honor of becoming a trollhunter but he is not the only one - or even the best - in the book. In fact out of the three trollhunters we learn about I'll say Jim is the weakest (and he is not even the least trained; ouch :'D) Jim doesn't get a nice armour like his series counterpart either but is seen in the illustrations wearing a blue hoodie (like the one in the little doodle)   The full name of Jim in the series is James Lake Jr. He is the child of a single parent and lives with his mother whom Jim "mothers a lot" (Tobias' words in the first episode) This Jim is pretty "tall for his age" (Jim's own words uttered quite a few times across all three series) yet with quite skinny legs (he is called out for this by multiple characters). He is much more competent in life than his book counterpart being an exceptional cook, good at Spanish, seemingly alright in PE and at school he seems to stand pretty good if only holding himself back. Unlike book Jim, series Jim seems much more active and longing to be something more than he is - he is seen to be quite brave and protective of his friends, very kind and selfless. Also even from the start he seems much more nimble than his book counterpart being able to climb the robe (a feat book Jim didn't do before later) and with his training as trollhunter he becomes even more badass   Trollhunter status in the series is way more important since the title is given to only one chosen warrior of Merlin chosen by the amulet of daylight (the medallion in the book). This also makes the amulet way more special and important in the series which probably explains its shine up from rusty bronze thing to silver and blue. While Lake Jr doesn't have named sword he does have a magical armour and sword made of daylight   We do not know the exact birthday of Lake Jr but the creators have replied to a fanquestion saying it would be around fall especially October so by that estimate Jim is probably a scorpio  pretty far from the before mentioned taurus in the book   While Jim Lake Jr isn't seen with long lasting bruises in the original series he does get two more permanent scars in Wizards  
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Saving Grace (Alpha!Thor x Omega!Reader)
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summary: when an Avenger literally falls out of the sky and into your life, you take it upon yourself to nurse him back to health. It is easier said than done when you must hide your true nature from the blond god
It was a quiet night. Most nights were, but sometimes you could hear the faint howling of wolves or the scurrying of some smaller animal outside the cottage. The kettle on the stove was starting to let out a soft whistle, and you knew that it would be ready soon. You could hear a faint rumble from outside, but you paid the thunder no mind.
Your garden could use some rain. You started to undress, staring at the clawfoot tub in the corner with longing. You could practically feel the heated water warming your skin as you watched the steam rise from it while nearing it. You sank into it with a soft sigh, closing your eyes and leaning your head back as you relaxed.
You’d spent most of the day outside, planting some more fruits and vegetables that you’d bought from town. You didn’t get done until late, but that was your fault for waking up much later than you had expected. You were still getting used to the time change and lack of technology, despite how long it’d been since you’d moved here.
You swallowed as you thought of your family and friends and the life you’d left behind. The loneliness of your solitude made your heart clench, but you told yourself that it was for the better. It was safer than the alternative, safer than becoming nothing more than a warm body to some chauvinistic alpha who didn’t value you beyond what was in between your legs.
Both of your parents had been betas. They had often told you they’d thought you’d be no different, but they were wrong. You all were. As soon as you had turned 18, you had experienced the worst pain imaginable that came with your first heat. Your parents had been horrified, distraught even. You had always been their little girl, and the thought of you eventually submitting yourself to an alpha was too much for them.
You had been taken out of school halfway through your senior year, homeschooled through the rest. You hadn’t gone to a campus, instead taking your college courses online. You had never left the house. Instead, you had stayed locked away for years per your parents’ orders…and you didn’t mind.
Growing up, not only had you heard the stories of horrid alphas from your parents, but you’d seen some of the behaviors yourself. You saw how they acted, especially around omegas, how they carried themselves, how they took pride in the emotions they evoked from unmated omegas. You would never forget when a girl in your class had presented during junior year at 16 years old, how the few alpha boys who’d presented early had reacted. How one of the teachers had even reacted…
A shiver ran over you as you recalled that day…how scared that girl had been…how completely unrestrained those alphas had acted… It was a miracle that some other teachers and the school nurse had gotten her off the school grounds unscathed. You knew they weren’t all like that. Even if you’d like to believe so, statistically speaking, they couldn’t all be like that. But enough of them were to scare you.
So when your parents had suggested locking you inside the house for God knows how long, you did not oppose. You were all too happy to stay inside…safe and independent as you possibly could be under the circumstances. However, everything changed when your father died.
It had only been a few months after he died when you experienced one of your heats…the worst you’d ever been through. You couldn’t even recall it, blocking most of it out due to the trauma and pain. You did recall how scared your mother had been though. How worried she had been that you would not make it, that what you normally did to get you through your heats was no longer working. Reluctantly, she began to accept that you would need an alpha after all.
You had begged for otherwise, crying even, and she had cried too, but you could see the genuine fear for your life in her eyes. You had brought up the idea of suppressants, but you had known her answer before she even opened her mouth. They had always been adamantly against them due to the side effects, side effects that you had never given a flying hoot about.
She was determined to find you a nice alpha who would treat you right, who could be trusted with your life and care. You had begged her to reconsider, and she had promised to think about it, but deep down, you knew that her mind was made up. It had taken you less than a day to take her card and buy a plane ticket to Norway. Another two to transfer as much money as you could into an account your parents had opened for you forever ago but had never used. The same day you packed a single bag was the same night you had snuck out to catch the flight.
You were in Norway an entire month before finding a man who sold suppressants. You’d bought as many as possible in bulk, fortune enough to get enough to last for half a year. You’d been in Norway for a year and had only ventured out to buy from him twice. He was a beta and American, and you wondered how much business he got. How many omegas had the same idea as you to hide in the rural land of a foreign country?
The thunder outside rumbled louder now, much louder, and you pulled yourself from the tub just as the kettle began to scream inside the house. You wrapped your towel around you before going to turn it off. It was then that the outside was lit up by lightning, but it flashed in such a way that startled you. You turned to look out of the window, the outside so bright that you could’ve mistaken it for day time.
You heard something hit the ground hard, bringing lightning with it as it struck the earth, shaking the cottage. It was dark again, but you could see a rather large shape prone on the ground outside of your cottage. Your brows furrowed, and you hurried to put on a t-shirt and some pajama bottoms. Hesitantly, you went to open the door, and you gasped as you realized the figure was a man.
Confusion tore through you, but you ran outside anyway. It was lightly raining now, dampening your clothes and hair as you neared him. His golden hair haloed around his head, facial hair consistent and tasteful, and for some reason, he was familiar to you in the darkness. You knelt beside him, looking him over. The only light was the faint light from inside your house that stretched from the window and open door.
You couldn’t see much, but he eventually groaned. He started to sit up, and you recoiled a bit, but he groaned in pain as he did so. He was clearly hurt, and considering you were sure he fell from the sky, that didn’t surprise you.
“Can you stand?”
He mumbled something, and you couldn’t make it out, but he attempted to stand anyway. You helped him up, and it was then, when you were so close, that you recognized him. Your eyes widened, and you rushed to get him inside. It was pouring now.
When you both stumbled inside, you were able to see that he was hurt…badly. Blood soaked the front of his shirt, some more on his arms and neck area, but it seemed that his stomach was the worst of it. Miraculously, you were able to help him to your bed, the queen-sized furniture looking much smaller with his large frame on it. He passed out almost as soon as his back hit the mattress.
You blinked, staring at him in both awe and fear. He was as large and imposing as you always thought he’d be, hair golden and features sharp. You reminded yourself that he was injured, and you struggled to get his shirt off. You recalled seeing him on the news a few times before you’d left, fighting alongside other heroes like Captain America and Iron-Man. You also recalled that he was an alpha.
As you cleaned him up, you also reminded yourself that he was a hero. That he was one of the good guys and his presentation did not negate that. The cut on his stomach wasn’t deep, he’d lost more blood than anything, but you still thought it needed to be stitched. The problem with that was you were in a small cottage practically in the middle of nowhere.
You had a first aid kit lying around and was able to stem the bleeding with some bandages. It would have to do until he woke up. It hadn’t fully hit you yet that a superhero, a god, was lying in your bed, injured. You didn’t know if he was hurt anywhere else, but you decided you weren’t going to check. You’d wait for him to wake. You simply stared at him for a while, unsure of what to do before deciding to sit down in the rocking chair in the corner.
Your emotions were at war with themselves, and you didn’t know how to proceed. This man was a stranger, an alpha at that, and that made you nervous. You couldn’t ignore the small twinge of fear you felt at being in his presence. Sure, you had been on suppressants for a year, but your paranoia couldn’t be helped. On the other hand, he was a hero, loved by all. He was meant to protect, and part of you thought you should feel safer with him in your house.
You didn’t know how long you stared at him, tense and afraid and confused, but you eventually felt your head lolling. The rain outside was soothing, and it calmed your nerves, relaxing you. You succumbed to some much-needed sleep.
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You woke up to the sound of a loud deep groan. You stirred a bit, back aching as you moved, confusion filling you. You heard the sound again, and when you blinked your eyes open, it took a moment for your memory to return.
You had an Avenger in your bed.
You sat up as he finally stirred, eyes blinking open to stare up at the ceiling. You glanced outside to see that you’d both slept the night through. You were a bit surprised with yourself that you had grown relaxed enough around him to even fall asleep, let alone sleep so soundly. You winced when you stood, and the movement drew his attention to you. You froze when his bright eyes landed on you, but he didn’t look alarmed…or even worried for that matter.
Why would he? You weren’t a threat in the slightest and he clearly knew that.
“Where am I?” he wondered, pushing himself up to a sitting position.
You reached out before pulling your hands back, unsure if you should help him.
“You’re in Norway,” you answered. “Flekkefjord to be exact.”
His gaze descended, and you followed it to his stomach. The bandages you put over his stomach were lightly stained with blood, but you were relieved to see that you were right: the wound wasn’t that bad. He ran his hand over his abdomen before lifting his gaze to you.
“You bandaged me.”
His voice was deep, like it was full of thunder, and the low timber warmed your body in the way a blanket would. It was strange.
“You were bleeding. I didn’t check to see if you were hurt anywhere else,” you gestured to his bottom half. “I would let you do that when you woke up…”
He pressed his hand to his head, groaning again as he moved to stand. You jumped into action, reaching out to see if he needed help, but he gently waved you off. You swallowed as you eyed him, his large build making your already small cottage look miniscule. He looked around with a hum.
“You fell out of the sky,” you quietly began in case he couldn’t remember. “You almost hit my house…”
He looked at you again, face genuinely apologetic.
“I am sorry,” he apologized although there was no need. “I was…”
He trailed off, seeming to be thinking hard before he slowly rested his hands on his waist, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Loki,” he whispered, disdain and disappointment coloring his tone.
That name was not unfamiliar to you. It wasn’t unfamiliar to anyone who lived in New York for a time or kept up with the news. Your eyes widened, and Thor noticed.
“He will not come here,” he hurried to assure you. “I swear it, Lady…”
You blinked before answering him.
“Y/N,” you told him.
He eyed you for a moment, quickly running his eyes over your frame, and you swallowed under the scrutiny. His nostrils flared.
“Lady Y/N,” he eventually said, resting a hand on your shoulder.
A twinge of discomfort registered in your gut before you noticed him sway slightly. You reached out, placing a hand on his arm and the other on his back as you helped him turn around.
“I don’t think you should be standing.”
“Nonsense,” he chuckled, but sat down anyway. “I am feeling a bit faint is all. Loki did more damage than I initially thought he would.”
You helped him lean back against the headboard, ignoring his inquiring gaze.
“I cleaned the wounds, but if you want a proper bath I can leave for a while. I should probably go into town and get some things for you anyway. I don’t know how long it’ll take for you to fully heal, but it shouldn’t take any longer than a week or so.”
He hummed in agreement.
“You do not seem at all bothered that I fell out of the sky and into your lawn,” he acknowledged.
The corner of your lip curved upwards ever so slightly.
“I was more concerned with your wellbeing at first, but once I recognized you it suddenly made a lot more sense,” you replied.
“Yes, I seem to have a habit of falling out of the sky,” he murmured, sounding a bit annoyed by that.
You turned away from him.
“Let me run you a bath,” you said, nearing the tub. “…and then I’ll get some things from town.”
It didn’t take long for hot water to fill the bathtub, and you suddenly wondered how this giant of a god was going to fit inside. You almost wanted to stick around, sure it would be comical to witness, but truth be told you wanted to get away from him for a bit.
You threw on a jacket and some shoes, realizing that you wouldn’t be able to change into something more presentable, not with Thor here. You worriedly eyed him as you neared the door, and he waved you off.
“I will make it in and out of the bath just fine, Lady Y/N,” he told you.
You pursed your lips before nodding and leaving, feeling his inquiring gaze on you until you shut the door behind you.  
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“Your hands are divinely touched, Lady Y/N,” Thor praised.
You threw him a small smile, embarrassment heating your face at his compliment. You both were seated at the table, eating some soup you’d just made. You made sure it included plenty of meat. The blond Avenger had been recuperating at your house for a few days, and in that time, you’d learned quite a bit about him. Notably, that he loved to eat. Especially meat.
“It’s nothing special,” you quietly replied.
“You do that a lot,” he suddenly said.
You frowned at him, pausing in your movements.
“Do what?” you wondered.
“Downplay your talents. You did it the other day when I complimented you on your help with my wound,” he explained.
You didn’t know what to say to that, unaware that you were even doing it. Part of you recognized why though. His compliments and praises made you preen, the omega qualities in you that you’d suppressed for so long rearing their ugly heads. Aside from high school and the occasional passerby in town, you did not interact with alphas. Ever.
You liked his compliments, but you didn’t at the same time. They spoke to a part of you that you wished didn’t exist. Ever since he’d literally fallen into your life, you’d had to up your suppressant intake. You knew the dangers that lied with that, but you didn’t care. Besides, it wasn’t going to be a long-term thing. Just until he was fully healed…
“I hadn’t noticed,” you honestly told him.
You could feel his gaze on you, and when you looked up, you found his brows furrowed. There was that curiosity again, like he was trying to figure you out, and that put you on edge. It seemed like he was always trying to figure you out, eying you and sniffing around you when he thought you didn’t notice. You didn’t think he meant any harm by it, but it still bothered you. He was an alpha, and he couldn’t pick up a scent from you that told him your presentation. You knew that it put his nerves on edge. He’s a hero, a good guy. You had to remind yourself of that. You could trust him, and in a few days, he’d be gone anyway.
“You are all alone out here. Why? Where is your family?”
You set your spoon down.
“My father died some years ago. My mother and the rest of my relatives are back in the states. I just like the solitude,” you shrugged.
It was a lie, and you hoped that he could not tell. He continued to eye you with a hum.
“…but you are completely alone. Surely you get…lonely…”
Again, you shrugged.
“I like being alone,” you simply told him with a small smile.
He returned it, but it did not reach his eyes.
“I am almost healed. It just pains me to leave a fine lady such as yourself out here all alone,” he said.
“That’s sweet, Thor, but I’ve been here for a year now. I’m perfectly happy…and safe.”
You avoided his eyes as you continued eating. You didn’t like all of this questioning, it made you nervous, made your heart race and blood pump faster.
“How’s your stomach?” you asked him, changing the subject.
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and you pretended not to notice.
“It is healing well. I shall help you with the bandages tonight,” he answered.
You stood, grabbing your bowl.
“Are you done?”
“I am,” he said with a grin, watching as you cleared his side of the table.
You heard him stand as you set the dishes in the sink.
“I shall step outside for a stroll. Work to get my strength back,” he told you.
“Okay,” you called over your shoulder, relief coursing through you when he exited.
He always stepped outside for a while so you could bathe. You were sure that he did enjoy being outside, exercising a bit to regain his health, but you also figured it was not needed. You were grateful he awarded you the privacy. It was also when you took the time to take your suppressants. You were downing them twice a day since he’d arrived, just to be on the safe side, and where as you would normally just take them in the early hours of the morning, you now had to sneak them in during the evening too.
The steaming water soothed you, took your mind off of your present worries for a while. You reminded yourself that they wouldn’t last for much longer. You also had to keep reminding yourself that Thor was one of the heroes. He wasn’t like the alphas your parents told you about…or those boys in high school… He was one of the good ones.
You didn’t linger in the water, and you quickly dried yourself after stepping out. You hurried to get dressed, rushing to grab your pills before Thor reentered. You had just swallowed it down with a glass of water when the door opened. You were nonchalant as you closed the bottle back, shooting him a small smile as you went to put them back into your cabinet.
“I’m feeling almost as good as new. Healthy as a horse,” he chuckled. “Tony said that once…”
You laughed with him. Despite your paranoia, Thor was very easy to get along with. He had such a kind easygoing nature, and it was why you were so inclined to trust him. You suddenly thought about something, something you hadn’t considered before, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Do you think they’re looking for you?” you kept your tone light.
He talked about the other Avengers quite often, and it definitely seemed like they would be searching for him. You didn’t need anyone else discovering you.
“More than likely,” he answered as you faced him with new bandages. “…but I shall not remain here for much longer. I shall soon be out of your hair, Lady Y/N.”
You threw him a crooked smile before looking away when he removed his shirt, sitting down.
“You can just call me Y/N. I’ve told you that,” you murmured as you approached him.
His chest shook as he laughed, and you swiftly removed the old bandage. You frowned a bit, noticing that he was practically healed. However, you were no doctor. Thor clearly must still be in some sort of pain and discomfort, so you moved to get some cream to rub over his stomach. You could feel his eyes on you.
“Are you ill, Lady Y/N?”
You briefly glanced up at him and found his gaze on you, blue eyes inquiring. There was something else there, hiding within the curiosity that you could not name.
“No, why do you ask?”
“I saw you ingesting some medicine just before I came in. I want to make sure that you are well…”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you kept your face neutral and voice light as you chuckled.
“It’s just for headaches. I get terrible migraines, and a few years ago it became severe enough where I was prescribed medicine for it. Nothing to worry about,” you told him with a soft smile.
He returned it when you caught his gaze, but again, it did not reach his eyes.
“There! All done,” you said.
He stood, and you stumbled back, unsure if you would ever get used to the sheer size of him. You watched as he began grabbing the blankets and some pillows.
“You really should sleep in the bed, you know,” you sighed. “I really don’t mind sleeping on the floor…”
“Nonsense! I am almost well. You are doing much for me already, the least I can do is let you have your bed,” he replied.
It was similar to what he’d said the third night when he insisted you take the bed. You exhaled in defeat, but eventually nodded. It was almost crazy how quickly you’d grown to be comfortable around the blond Avenger. You didn’t think the paranoia would ever go away, a product of your upbringing, but a good portion of you felt safe around him.
You slid into your bed with ease as he made himself comfortable on the floor beside you. The first two nights, you couldn’t even relax enough to go to sleep until he was, but your body sagged with fatigue as soon as you made yourself comfortable. Sleep claimed you almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
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Thor was awake before you when you finally stirred. The smell of bacon and eggs in the air took you by surprise, and you sat up with a confused smile. You didn’t even know he knew how to use the stove, but you were pleasantly surprised, nonetheless.
“Good morning, Lady Y/N,” he boomed.
“Morning,” you mumbled as you got out of bed.
“This is my show of gratitude for being such a hospitable host,” he said as you neared him. “Sit.”
The command shot straight through you, and you frowned at him, only briefly, but eventually you sat. A plate was sat before you not long after, and you eyed the food, stomach growling.
“I didn’t know you could cook,” you told him as he sat down across from you.
He threw you a playful wink, golden locks brushing his shoulders.
“There are a great many things you do not know of me.”
You chuckled before digging in. You glanced out of the window, noticing the clear sky.
“I believe I shall take my leave tomorrow,” he suddenly said.
You returned your gaze to him, somehow simultaneously relieved and disappointed.
“You’re feeling much better then…”
“I am. It is thanks to you,” he sincerely replied. “I would very much like to spend the day helping you. Whether it be going into town or in the garden.”
You smiled at him.
The rest of breakfast passed in a comfortable silence. You were all too happy to admit that Thor cooked better than you did. It was enjoyable, and yet, you kept feeling like you were forgetting something. When Thor stood to clear the table, he lingered by your chair. You looked up when his hand landed on your shoulder. You tensed, but his thumb brushed over a place where your shoulder met your neck, and you instinctively relaxed.
“So which shall it be first?”
You were momentarily dazed, blinded by his grin before blinking.
“Uh…the m-market. I need more seeds,” you quietly told him.
He nodded and moved away. It took a moment for you to clear your head. Another to realize he’d eventually stepped out to allow you to get dressed. You did so quickly, still feeling a nagging in your mind that was trying to remind you of something very important.
Thor’s “disguise” in town merely consisted of a dark hoodie and some shades. He didn’t stray from you the entire time, and his constant presence brought out conflicting emotions in you. His hovering unnerved you, but something in your stomach fluttered every time his arm brushed along yours or he touched your shoulder with his hand.
He didn’t relent when you made it back to your cottage. His constant touches and praises were making your heart race. Thor was attractive, anyone could see that, and it wasn’t like you hadn’t noticed, but you found yourself eyeing him more than usual. You found yourself inhaling his scent at times. You didn’t understand where this had come from…until you were soaking in the hot water that night.
You sat up with a shock, water splashing as you stared at the wall in front of you with wide eyes. Your heart felt like it was going jump out of your throat as your eyes slowly trailed to your cabinet. Hurriedly you jumped out of the tub, almost tripping in the process. Water splashed everywhere as you wrapped the towel around you and ran to the cabinet.
Everything was suddenly making sense. You normally took them first thing in the morning, before Thor even woke up, but he’d woken up first this morning and it had slipped your mind. You surmised that your double dosages were the only thing keeping your body somewhat under control. You couldn’t believe that you had forgotten to take them this morning. You couldn’t believe that…they weren’t here.
Frantic, you pushed other bottles and glasses around, but your eyes weren’t playing tricks. They were gone. You heard the door open behind you, and your stomach dropped to your stomach. You spun around to find Thor leaning against the doorjamb, your pills in his hand. He turned them over, eyeing them as he let out a low hum.
“Do you know how dangerous these are?”
You didn’t know what to say, mouth opening and closing.
“Do you have any idea what these do to you?”
Anger coated his tone, and you couldn’t hold in the whimper that climbed out of your throat at his ire. His eyes met yours, and your lower back hit the sink.
“Thor,” you quietly pleaded, all of your parents’ warnings hitting you at once.
He stepped inside, and you flinched.
“I won’t expose you,” he murmured, and you didn’t know if you should be relieved or not. “I would never do that.”
His eyes softened, and your shoulders sagged. Your relief was short lived when he marched towards you though. Frightened, you stumbled away from him, only to realize too late what he was actually doing.
“No,” you cried as he poured them down the sink, reaching for his hand.
He caught yours in an iron grip, pulling you against him. Your lip trembled as he looked down his nose at you, inhaling. You felt warm, and you tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let you.
“…but I don’t want you taking those anymore.”
You glared at him, and a low rumble sounded from within his chest, eating away at your annoyance. Your face fell, tears in your eyes before you eventually nodded. He was leaving tomorrow… After that, you could do whatever you want.
“Okay,” you whispered.
His jaw clenched, and one of his hands came up to rest in the crook of your neck, drawing patterns into the skin.
“Promise me…omega,” he softly said.
A shiver ran down your spine at the command…at what he’d called you. No one had ever referred to you as that before, and it made your stomach clench.
“I promise.”
His eyes narrowed, and for some reason he didn’t seem satisfied, but he relented. His hands landed on your bare shoulders, and you found yourself leaning towards him.
“Get dressed, omega, and get some rest.”
You watched as he left the cottage to give you privacy. Shaky, you eventually dressed yourself. No matter how hard you tried, your hands wouldn’t stop trembling. Thor knew…and he’d gotten rid of your suppressants. You were beyond terrified, but Thor said he wouldn’t out you. To be honest, you could get into a lot of trouble for what you had done, so you wanted to believe him.
It was quiet when he returned, the air tense. You nervously eyed him, and Thor noticed. He heaved a sigh, resting his hand on your head, stroking your hair. It was oddly relaxing.
“It is late, and you must rest. You are safe with me…”
His blue eyes met yours as you mulled over his words. In the days you’d known him, he had never once made you feel unsafe. So, against the odd feeling in your gut, you nodded and made your way to your bed. You could hear Thor gathering his own pillows and such as you made yourself comfortable.
It took you forever to fall asleep, heart racing at the knowledge that this alpha had found you out and gotten rid of your suppressants. That you were alone with him. He’s a hero, one of the good guys. You repeated that to yourself over and over again until you finally drifted into sleep.
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It was sometime in the night when you were pulled from sleep. You didn’t know why, but you could faintly feel movement, the bed moving with it. You didn’t understand what was happening at first, not until you felt hands on you. You murmured incoherently, stirring, but your own movements were somewhat restricted. A heat surrounded you that wasn’t your own.
You felt…caged in.
You blinked, eyes fluttering open as your blurry vision finally cleared, colors and shapes separating to make up what was before you. You felt hot, much too hot to be considered normal. You moved again, leg dragging along the bed, but something prevented you from moving them completely. Your own eyes focused in on blue ones, and you gasped.
“Thor,” you mumbled, confusion and sleep still fogging your brain. “What…?”
He shushed you, and his lips brushed against your own. You couldn’t comprehend that your mouth was moving against his, tentatively…unsure. His lips were soft, pillowy even, and you absentmindedly wondered if kissing was always like this. It grew heated, his mouth pressing against yours, almost harshly, and that was when reality hit.
With a horrified yelp, you finally moved to shove against him. It was futile, and you knew this. Thor was a god, literally, and he had the physique of one. Tears kissed your eyes as he didn’t move, instead pressing himself against you more firmly. You protested against his lips.
“Thor-! Stop, stop,” you gasped.
His hands kneaded any part of you they could reach. You were crying now as he tore at your clothes, the sound of tearing fabric reaching your ears. This couldn’t be happening. He was one of the good ones…
“You’ve been poisoning yourself for a year,” he murmured, voice deep and pained.
You shivered beneath him when the cold air hit you, but he was quick to envelope you in his arms. It was then that you realized he was naked, had been since before you awoke it seemed. You felt like you were going to be sick, but that primal part of you, the one that your genetic makeup controlled, did not hold the same sentiments.
“I do not even want to imagine what you have done to your body…my little omega,” he whispered into the darkness.
You frantically shook your head at that, hitting against him now.
“Thor, p-please,” you begged, voice horse. “You said…you said I was safe with you.”
Your tone was accusatory, anger at both him and you filling you. Your parents had been right. They had always been right, and you had even seen it for yourself. Why did you allow yourself to trust him?
The moonlight shed some light into the cottage through the window, and you could see a frown on his handsome features.
“You are safe with me. I shall take care of you from now on…like you should have been cared for all this time,” he responded.
“No, no!”
You punched his chest, nails digging into his skin, and he hissed, eyes flashing dangerously. In one swift movement, he’d flipped you, pressing your chest into the mattress. One hand was pushing into your back while the other pinned one of your wrists down.
You cried harder when his legs made a home in between yours, spreading them apart. You could feel him hard and throbbing against the back of your thigh, and you shook beneath him. He gently shushed you, but it did no good.
You were growing hotter by the minute, and even though you hadn’t experienced one in over a year, you knew what was happening to you. You could feel yourself growing slick, your core hot and aching for only what an alpha could give you.
His lips grazed your cheek as he leaned over you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your wet folds. His chest vibrated against your back, soothing sounds leaving his lips, and you fought against the feeling that threatened to wash over you. You opened your mouth to plead with him, but the only thing that escaped your lips was a pained gasp as he thrust into you.
You whimpered, more tears falling over and nails digging into the pillows. You attempted to crawl away from the pain, away from him, but he followed, twitching inside of you as he did so. His blond hair kissed your cheek as he pressed his forearms into the bed beside your head, caging you in.
You couldn’t feel anything but him, smell anything but him. His presence was everywhere, and it was getting harder to resist your own instincts. You whimpered again as he started to move, fresh tears spilling over.
“It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you, my sweet omega.”
You shuddered, clenching around him, and he hissed. Your eyelashes fluttered, feeling as if you could feel him in your stomach. His thrusts were slow and purposeful, each pull of his cock pulling a whine from you. You pressed your forehead against the pillow, breath shallow and lips trembling as you fought between what you wanted and what your body wanted.
The bed began to shake as he started to speed up, and the intensity made you flinch, attempting to get away again. His other hand grabbed your other wrist, and he completely fell against you, rendering you immobile as he rutted into you. Unintelligible noises escaped you, and you realized that you could do nothing but lay there and take his cock.
The noises your slick core made in the quiet cottage embarrassed you, heat flooding your cheeks. Thor moaned above you, lost in the feel of your velvet walls clenching around him again and again. It was only when his teeth grazed along your throat did you start to struggle again.
“No, no,” you screamed, attempting to push your elbows against him.
He only shushed you in what was meant to be a soothing tone. Against your will, you could feel yourself beginning to shake, body seizing up in a way you had never experienced. It was in that moment did you feel his teeth sink into the skin of your neck, where it connected with your shoulder. You screamed again, the yell dying down into sobs as you felt a thin line of blood crawl down your skin. Even worse, you could feel him swelling inside of you.
You wanted to try and crawl away again, away from him and the pain, but you knew how stupid that would be with Thor knotted inside of you. You were practically hysterical now, chest heaving and vision blurry as he remained inside of you. He finally pulled his face away, and you couldn’t hold in the whimper. He ran his tongue over your neck, humming.
Sleep crawled along the peripheral of your mind, and you didn’t know whether to fight against it or accept it with open arms. You didn’t know whether you wanted to fight to get away or give up and come to terms with your new harsh reality. The latter was starting to win.
“I shall have to get Bruce to look over you and make sure you did not do permanent damage to yourself,” he murmured against your skin.
You groaned in response, both the physical and mental assault taking a toll on you.
“Your little cottage shall remain here. We can come to visit and vacation from time to time. I shall want to bask in these memories in the future…”
“Thor,” you pleaded, still unable to move with him inside of you.
“…I am your alpha now. No more of that vile poison and no more fending for yourself. You belong to me now.”
You felt yourself drifting, blinking at the wall, and his lips brushed against yours.
“I shall take care of you as you took care of me.”
tags: @nerdygirl8203​ @xoxabs88xox​ @mcudarklibrary​ @darkficreposter​ @villanellevi​ @readermia​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nickyl316h​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @ne-gans​ @
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years
So... Can I have Gyro Zeppeli's nsfw alphabet, pretty please? 🤭🤭 thank you so much, love you!
Thank you for your request, my lovely anon, I love you too💚😘
Note: in all NSFW alphabets I describe how this character acts during sex with different partners, NOT with someone they love
Warnings: NSFW
Gyro Zeppeli NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Gyro is good at aftercare. He gives his partner massages, strokes their body and cuddles up with them. If partner ask for something(like glass of water or running a bath for them) Gyro would do it as fast as he can and return to canoodling with them
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On partners Zeppeli loves their thighs, especially if they’re sick and plump, he squeezes and plays with it, licks and marks them. On his body Gyro loves his dick, he likes if a lot and finds it pretty
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The amount of sperm Gyro produces is average, it’s very watery and almost transparent, has very salty taste. Blonde doesn’t care much where to cum, everywhere on partner’s body is great for him, but creampies have special place in his heart
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Once, when he was 18, he was almost caught fucking his “best friend” by his father. Gregorio heard some weird noises coming from Gyro’s room, but when he checked it out, there was nothing strange there. Gyro heard his father’s steps and hid himself and his friend Alberto in a wardrobe and kept fucking him while Gregorio looked around his room looking for something that caused those sounds
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
At the age of 17 Gyro already was pretty experienced, so, his body count is reaching 100, maybe even more, he’s literally expert in sex, he knows what to do, where to lick and stroke, when he should slow down and when to fasten his pace
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His favorite positions are 69 and all related to missionary. Gyro loooves when female partners sit on his face, squeezing his head between their thighs
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Gyro is always goofy, it’s just the way he is. Sex isn’t something serious for Zeppeli, he’s sure that it must be comfortable for both partners - jokes and puns are the best way to chill both him and partner out and set on a right mood
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Gyro always has a short bush down there, it’s color matches his drapes. On his partner Gyro doesn’t care much, some interesting intim haircuts really turn blonde on
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Gyro is goofy, but he’s also very passionate, he kisses and caresses partner’s body, whispers something dirty into their ear and praises them. “Damn, babe, look what you’re doing to me. You’ve already made me cum for four times and I’m reaching my next orgasm. You’re such a little precious whore, aren’t you, huh?”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Gyro is very horny and is up to sex almost all day, so if there’s nobody who attracts him physically nearby, he’ll just do it by himself, using his hands(and maybe steel balls). Everytime Gyro gets bored - he masturbates. Jacks off every night before sleeping, and, sometimes, after waking up, but it depends on his mood.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Oh, there’s a lot of. Dirty talking, daddy kink, creampies, choking, marking, cock warming, facesitting, facefucking, outdoor sex, squirting, edging, degrading and dominance over him
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Everywhere, every location is fine. Of course he has his limits and would never fuck at the place where kids may see him, but all other places are good
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything. A pretty guy winked at him - Gyro has a tent in his pants. A few dirty words whispered in his ear make him 100% ready, it takes almost zero efforts to make Zeppeli going
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There are not a lot of things that Gyro would refuse to do, he’s willing to try out everything! But everything related to shit, wormit or blood is his NO, don’t even ask for it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves both giving and receiving. Gyro may spend hours eating out/sucking off his partner. When it comes to receiving Zeppeli loves to see partner’s red teary face while they’re choking on his dick. The sight of it makes him cum down their throat almost immediately
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Gyro’s pace is usually normal, not too slow but is also not fast. But it depends on his partner and on how close Zeppeli is to orgasm. When he’s nearing his high during sex, Gyro’s thrusts become rougher and faster, but when he teases his partners he moves so slowly, that it almost hurts
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Absolutely loves them. What can be better than being sucked off during a 10 min lunch break? When it’s so much hornieness and so little time, quickie is a perfect solving of a problem
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Outdoor sex is one of his biggest kinks, Gyro gets so thrilled by a thought that someone can catch him fucking some pretty girl(or guy🌝), adrenaline sends shivers running down his spine, all his senses go crazy, stars shine bright in his eyes
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually Gyro goes for 4-6 rounds, each of them lasts for about 10 minutes, but blonde lasts longer during oral sex(but it really depends on his partner’s skills)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t have any toys, but he has his steel balls! They are perfect vibrators that stimulates all right places and nerves
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It really depends on blonde’s mood. There are times when Gyro just wants to blow off the stem and things such a teasing or edging only piss him off more. But when he’s feeling tricksy he may spend hours between partner’s legs, fucking them mercilessly, almost letting them cum, and stopping the last moment
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man never shuts up, he talks and talks and talks... He has a really dirty mouth, praises mingled with swearings slips of his tongue, moans and quiet groans accompany his every thrust
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Gyro doesn’t like to be a bottom with male partners. His ass hurts the next few days and he can’t ride his horse properly, so he always insists on being a top
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His dick is 5,5 inches when fully hard, not curved and isn’t veiny. The tip is slightly smaller that the shaft and is very sensual
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Gyro is very horny. Really really really horny. Most of his thoughts are about sex, masturbation, naked bodies of his partners and, sometimes, about Johnny’s ass. He wants to fuck 24/7, his sex drive is crazy
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Gyro isn’t one who needs to rest after sex, just a few minutes to catch his breath and he’s ready for new adventures
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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piratewithvigor · 3 years
Eldritch Horrors Anonymous: A Wrestler Fic
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Dr. Shelby's led plenty of support groups before and helped plenty of people in them. But these people aren't exactly people...
(I spent the last two days binging matches and assorted other videos to try and get the characterizations right, so let's see how this goes)
Plenty of bad crack below
When Dr. Shelby had been approached with the idea of running this group, he’d been… unsure. Possibly even apprehensive. He’d led groups for violent individuals before; anger management was the most memorable, but the coordinator nearly begged him to start this one. She’d had some of these individuals in other groups, but none of their problems truly seemed to stem from the focus of the groups they tried. They had a unique problem. A unique struggle that needed support from others just like them.
It was the night of the first meeting and he wasn’t quite sure what the outcome might be. The community center had been advertising it for the last few weeks and he’d heard about some interested parties, but the exact number was a little unsure. He’d been told a ‘handful’, which wasn’t frustrating as an imprecise number until it came time to set up the chairs in the room. Six seemed like a good number. A couple, but not too many. Colder drinks were set out on a table along the edge of the room. Nothing too hot. A lot of those coming had problems with heat. As well as with machinery. Some of them had habits with… well, with making it explode.
God, he hoped nothing exploded during this meeting.
The flyer stapled to the bulletin board said the meeting started at 6 and it was 5:55 when Dr. Shelby sat down in his chair opposite the semi-circle. The noticeably empty semi-circle. A part of him was disheartened that the room was empty, but a much more selfish part was deeply relieved. He’d spent a few days reading articles about these individuals and how best to help them. Unfortunately, not much research had been done besides describing the pain they inflicted in such gruesome detail that Dr. Shelby had felt the need to make himself a cup of tea.
But those were laboratory settings. This was a friendly support group. No one was being forced to be there, or even being paid. They were coming because they wanted to.
By 6:03, he was tempted to just start packing up. Maybe no one was coming. Maybe the group was a bad idea in the first place. He’d been told to wait until 6:05 for people to arrive, but even just two more minutes seemed like too many to just sit there.
He was shaken from his thoughts by the large metal door on the other side of the room creaking open slowly. A hand gloved in black leather wrapped around and Dr. Shelby tensed for a moment until the owner of the hand appeared. A pleasantly-dressed gentleman in a neat sweater, a short beard and his hair pulled back looked around the room before spotting Dr. Shelby and seeming to relax.
“Excuse me, is this Eldritch Horrors Anonymous?” He asked, smiling warmly.
“Uh, it’s supposed to be,” Dr. Shelby nodded. If anyone had shown up, he wanted to add, but bit his tongue back.
The man’s smile widened and he turned back from the room to call over his shoulder. “Found it, guys! We’re supposed to be in here!”
Guys? There were more?
Maybe the night wouldn’t be such a bust after all.
The man stepped inside the room and pulled open the door politely. Dr. Shelby couldn’t see the people until they entered, but it didn’t truly matter; no amount of time could have prepared him for the group joining him.
The first one to nearly skip through the door looked like a child at first glance. Definitely not an eldritch horror. She wasn’t much taller than one and with her long blonde hair pulled into pigtails and a doll clutched to her chest, she looked even more like one. She paused long enough to thank the man holding open the door before taking a seat in the middle chair of the semi-circle, directly across from Dr. Shelby. It wasn’t until she was fully seated that he got a proper look at her face. Her strikingly icy eyes were surrounded by thick black rings and every time the hairs in front of her face moved, Dr. Shelby swore he saw black liquid dripping from her scalp. The chill that went down his spine was either negated or enhanced by her wide, jubilant grin. He wasn’t sure which.
The man who sat beside her also seemed confusingly normal at first glance. A plain black t-shirt and leather jacket. Perhaps a little more… edgy than Dr. Shelby would have preferred to dress, but he seemed like an equally charming young man.
Unfortunately, a pattern of three seemingly normal people did not necessarily mean the group would be.
The next one to enter the room had to quite literally duck to pass through the door. Dr. Shelby guessed him to be seven feet tall, give or take a few inches. He was wearing a black suit that covered most of his body, save for his face, which had its own covering of a deep red mask. He didn’t smile like the others had so far. Not even a polite half-smile of acknowledgment. Just sat down in one of the chairs that looked like it might prove to be a little too small.
Dr. Shelby had been so focused on keeping his expression steady while watching the masked member of the group that he hadn’t noticed one final member sneak in through the door and sit on the other side of the circle. He had an oversized alarm clock clutched in one hand, a paper bag in the other and a steady, intense smile in Dr. Shelby’s direction. Though his face was just as covered in red, he seemed to be the exact opposite of the stoic masked member.
“I think that’s everyone,” the man holding the door declared, taking one last glance down the hall before starting to let it go. He was intercepted by a gloved hand pushing back against the door.
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” A final member slid in, face covered in white and black paint and a long leather coat stretching to his ankles. “All the hallways here look the same.”
“We had that problem too,” the man holding open the door nodded. “Kept walking around in circles trying to find the room. And it didn’t get much easier after the flyer got a hole burnt through it right where the room number was listed.”
“I said I was sorry,” the masked member grumbled.
Oh God, he burnt things unintentionally?
“Don’t worry about it, you’re all on time,” Dr. Shelby interjected, hoping to avoid any conflict between the members before the meeting had even technically started.
The final two men took their seats. Six? Not a bad turnout. Might as well get started.
“Welcome everyone, my name is Dr. Shelby.” A collection of polite nods came his way. “Now, you’re all here because you face the same struggle every day and you wanted to meet people like you. Am I right so far?” Everyone nodded again. “Good. I’ve led a lot of support groups just like these and almost everyone in them has felt major improvements knowing that they have a safe place to share their feelings every week. Why don’t we go around the circle and introduce ourselves and share what brings us here?”
It was always a risky move. Especially with brand-new groups. Some of them were bound to be a little more shy or wouldn’t really want to participate until they felt more comfortable with the other members. Dr. Shelby hoped there would at least be one outgoing one amongst them.
Dr. Shelby knew he wasn’t masking his fear very well. He’d perfected the perpetual smile; it was necessary when leading support groups, but he couldn’t always control his eyes.
The group all looked amongst themselves before the man in the sweater held up his hand.
“I can get the ball rolling,” he smiled, standing up. “My name is Bray and for the last few months, my body gets periodically taken over by my dark half named The Fiend, an entity whose sole objective is to cause as much pain and suffering to those around him as physically possible.”
“Thank you, Bray,” he tried to say with as even a voice as possible. “Who’s next?”
“I’ll go,” the girl smiled, standing up with a flounce. “My name’s Alexa and this is Lilly.” She spun the doll around to reveal the most grotesque face Dr. Shelby had ever seen. He wasn’t certain from across the circle, but it looked like the teeth sewn into the mouth were real. “The Fiend showed me the way into the darkness, and Lilly took it from there.”
This is normal for them. It’s not going to help anyone here if you start looking like you’re scared.
But darn, is that doll ever creepy.
The man with the red face paint stood up next.
“I’m the Boogeyman!” He grinned with wide eyes, looking around at each member of the circle erratically. It was only as he began to move around that Dr. Shelby noticed the paper bag he was clutching seemed to be dripping some kind of dark liquid.
“Thank you for introducing yourself… Boogeyman. If it’s not too personal, do you mind if I ask what’s in your bag there?”
Boogeyman unrolled the bag and pulled out a handful of dirt-covered, very much alive earthworms before shoving said handful into his mouth. No one around the circle seemed all that disgusted. Like it was a regular Tuesday evening for them. Except for the man with the white face paint who seemed like he was as pale as a ghost underneath.
“I’ll, uh, that’s fine for this week, Boogeyman, but I’ll please ask you to leave your… worms at home next week. We’re not really supposed to have food in this room to keep it peanut-free,” Dr. Shelby explained, holding back the sick feeling knotting his stomach. “But if anyone is thirsty, I’ve got bottles of water and juice boxes on the back table. Feel free to help yourselves.”
Boogeyman nodded and carefully put his worms back into his bag as he sat down. The man with the white face paint immediately raised his hand.
“Yes, your name is…”
“I think I might be in the wrong place.”
Dr. Shelby looked him over. He didn’t look eerily normal like Bray, and he didn’t seem to have brought a bag of worms as a snack. Looked like he fell somewhere in between.
“You seem like you’re in the right place. This is Eldritch Horrors Anonymous; I don’t know where else you’d be tonight.”
The man’s expression changed from nerves to sheepish understanding. “I thought this was Troubled Goths Anonymous. I couldn’t find the flyer and followed Boogeyman in. My mistake.”
Dr. Shelby nodded understandingly. “Right room, wrong day. Troubled Goths Anonymous is Monday nights.”
The man stood to leave with his hands up apologetically. “It was great to meet you all, but I don’t belong here. Best of luck to you… eldritch horrors.”
“Oh, be careful when you come back on Monday. That’s also when they host Troubled Punks Anonymous. Very similar groups, but people seem to have very strong preferences of one over the other.”
The man nodded and left the room as Dr. Shelby turned back to the remaining members. “Some of you came here from those groups, right?”
“Troubled Punks Anonymous kicked me out a few days ago,” Bray sighed, his perpetual smile dropping for a moment. Everyone murmured their sympathy and Alexa patted him on the knee. “It’s alright, though," he continued. "You all seem like a much better fit so far.”
“That’s the point of this group,” Dr. Shelby smiled. “Now who’s next?”
The man in the leather jacket looked towards the man in the mask before shrugging and standing.
“M’name’s Finn. Sometimes the rage o’ battle brings out the Demon King Bálor from within me ‘n with the openin’ o’ his great eye, enemies are laid to waste a’ his feet,” he explained, about as casually as one would talk about what they did over the weekend.
“Glad to have you here, Finn.” It was getting easier to digest the stories of the people around him as he heard more. Maybe he’d even be able to hear the last one without faking the comfort of his smile. “And last, but certainly not least…” He turned towards the masked man expectedly. There was no smile, polite or otherwise. But he also didn’t seem like he was hesitating because he was shy. Just… grumpy.
“You don’t have to introduce yourself if you don’t feel comfortable, but we’re still a small group and as far as I can tell, all very friendly,” Dr. Shelby pushed a little further. The other members nodded in agreement. Even Boogeyman, who had snuck another worm from his bag into his mouth.
“Fine,” he grumbled, standing up. “I’m Kane. I’m the devil’s favorite demon. I grew up in a basement, suffering severe psychological and emotional scarring when my brother set my parents on fire. From there, I shifted around a series of mental institutions until I was grown, at which point I buried my brother alive... twice. Since then, I’ve set a couple of people on fire and abducted various co-workers. Oh, and I once electrocuted a man’s testicles. Years ago, I had a girlfriend named Katie, but let’s just say that didn’t turn out so well. My real father is a man named Paul Bearer who I recently trapped in a meat locker. I’ve been married, divorced, broke up my ex wife’s wedding and attacked the priest and for reasons never quite explained, I have an unhealthy obsession with torturing Pete Rose.”
Okay, maybe they can get weirder.
“Thank you… Kane.” He paused a moment before remembering back to the list that he’d been given a few days before. “That name sounds familiar; I think I was told to expect you, but they said you might be coming with your brother.”
“Probably won’t happen.”
“Why not? Is he not an eldritch horror?”
“He is. He just won’t come. Has better things to do.”
“Like what?”
“He said ‘watching paint dry’.”
“Maybe when you see him again, you can tell him we’re more fun than watching paint dry,” Alexa suggested, bouncing Lilly on her lap.
“That’s right. And that goes for all of you,” Dr. Shelby mentioned. “If anyone knows someone who might need a support group like this, go ahead and invite them. This isn’t Fight Club; it doesn’t have to be secret.”
The group chuckled a little at his attempt at a joke. Even Kane cracked a small smile.
Dr. Shelby relaxed a little in his seat. These people might dress strangely and have bizarre interests, diets and backstories, but deep down, they were just like anyone else. Maybe he could help them after all.
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World War Z was published in 2006, but takes place in 2009 at the earliest.  Late in the book, astronaut Terry Knox states that the International Space Station took over 10 years to complete; it started construction in November 1998, and Chief of Staff Karl Rove Grover Carlson says that the Republican party barely eked back into power after a disastrous 2-termer who started a “brush fire war” in the Middle East (George W. Bush).  He mentions an election year, but he doesn’t specify if it was the new president’s first or second term, so it’s either set right after 2008 or 2012.  This was written before the Nintendo Wii was announced, but one chapter mentions that people brought their GameCubes with them as they fled their homes in search of safety in the frozen Canadian wilderness.  This same chapter also mentions that they didn’t know how to pick survival gear; a park ranger finds a SpongeBob SquarePants sleeping bag frozen in the mud because its owner didn’t know the difference between a child’s indoor sleeping bag for slumber parties and a real insulated survival bag for camping.
The new president is never named, he’s just told be be pro-big business and anti-regulation, pushing a placebo zombie vaccine through the FDA to jumpstart the economy.  When shit hits the fan, he is “sedated” and his vice president takes power; we’re never told what happened to the president, whether he was bitten or had a stroke, just that he was “sedated.”  His Vice President is directly implied to be Colin Powell; he’s former military with family in Jamaica and black.  He appoints Howard Dean to be his vice president to form a bipartisan coalition; he is never referred to by name, but it is clearly supposed to be Howard Dean.  He was a rising star in the Democratic party from Vermont whose wife is a doctor and whose career imploded after he had a passionate outburst.  In 2004, Howard Dean gave a speech where he started passinately screaming about how he was gonna start sweeping state primaries and ride a wave into the White House, punctuating his point by going “HHEEUEAHHGH!!”  This was political suicide in 2004, and he was laughed out of the race.  In the book, he is referred to only as “the Whacko” because of this.  It is implied that he was Powell’s second choice for VP, his first being Barack Obama; the Whacko says that the Democrats wanted somebody else, somebody of the same skin color as the president, but that the country wasn’t ready for that.  In 2004, Obama was a candidate for senate in Illinois, so popular and so well spoken that he gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention before he even won his seat; then and there, pundits already had him pegged as the first black president, they could see the writing on the walls.  The Whacko becomes president when Powell dies of stress, but he is consistently referred to only as the wartime Vice President, out of respect for his boss.
Also, the Attorney General is implied to be Rudy Giuliani; all that is said about him was that he was the mayor of New York and once tried to give himself emergency powers to stay in office after his term.  Giuliani did exactly that after 9/11.
Other real life figures mentioned in the book
Fidel Castro; a ton of Cuban Americans flee the continent and return to the island during the zombie war, and he jumpstarts the economy by putting them to work as cheap laborers and slowly integrating them back into Cuban society.  He rehabilitates his image by stepping down as dictator and democratizing the country, voting himself out of office before the “nortecubanos” could hang him for decades of war crimes.
Nelson Mendela, referred to by his birth name Rolihlahla, the father of modern South Africa, he personally invites Paul Redekker, a former apartheid era political analyst, to solve the zombie problem; in the 80s, Redekker created a plan for the white minority government in case the black majority ever rose up against them.  In real life, Mandela lowered the temperature when he was elected president, saying that revenge against the apartheid government would do more harm than good.  In the story, Mandela uses this as justification to reuse the apartheid era plan to handle the zombie outbreak instead.  Redekker is so overcome by his compassion and forgiveness that he has a mental episode and dissociates, believing himself to be a black South African.
Kim Jong-il, the dictator of North Korea, he withdraws all troops from the DMZ and shuts the entire country down.  After months of radio silence, it is revealed that the entire country’s population has vanished; all satellite imagery shows a desolate wasteland, no zombies, but no humans either. He presumably moved everyone into subterranean bunker systems where he not only control their lives as on the surface, but now their access to food, water, and air.  He presumably became the god emperor he always wanted to be; either that, or the entire tunnel complex has been overrun, turning every man woman and child in North Korea into zombies.  The South Korean government refuses to send a expedition into the North to figure out what happened, lest they open up one of the tunnels and unleash millions of zombies onto the surface.
Martin Scorsese, mentioned in passing only as “Marty,” a friend of world famous film director Roy Elliot, who himself is a thinly veiled pastiche of Steven Spielberg.  Interestingly enough, the audio book features Martin Scorsese doing the voice of the conartist who created the placebo vaccine
One chapter has a ton of vapid celebrities hole together in a fortified mansion on Long Island, and takes great care to show each of them getting torn apart not by zombies but by regular people who storm the facility because they were stupid enough to broadcast their location on reality television.  A redneck with a “Get’er Done” hat (Larry the Cable Guy) and some bald guy with diamond earrings (Howie Mandel) blow themselves up with a grenade.  Rival political commentators, an annoying guy who talks about feminization of western society and a leathery blonde (Bill Maher and Ann Coulter) have end-of-the-world viking sex as the facility burns to the ground.  A dumb starlet (Paris Hilton) is killed by one of her handlers and her little rat dog escapes on foot.  A radio shock jock (Howard Stern) actually survives the war and restarts his show.
Michael Stipe of REM joins the army to fight the zombies
Another war veteran mentions how his brother used to have a bunch of Mel Brooks’ old comedy skits on vinyl record, and how he and his squad acted out the “Boy meets Girl” puppet skit with some human skulls.  Mel Brooks is author and narrator Max Brooks’ father.
Queen Elizabeth II, refuses to evacuate England when the island is overrun by zombies.  She intends to remain in Buckingham Palace “for the duration,” mirroring the fact that her parents refused to evacuate to Canada during World War II.
Vladimir Putin declares himself Tsar of the Holy Russian Empire, an ultra-orthodox religious state that has armed priests execute political dissidents under the guise of mercy killing people who have been bitten by zombies.
Yang Liwei, the first “taikonaut” (Chinese astronaut) has a space station named after him
While the main conflict is about government responses to the zombie pandemic, we see glimpses of a greater war torn planet.
A major plot line involves a Chinese Civil War which sees the entire communist politburo nuked out of existence by a rebel sub commander, as well as an attempted “scorched space policy” where the government planned to blow up their space station with scuttling charges to cause a cascade of space debris to encircle the Earth and prevent any other countries from launching missions in the future (this is known as Kessler Syndrome in real life, and was featured as the inciting incident of the 2013 movie Gravity).  The People’s Republic becomes the United Federation.
Iran and Pakistan destroy each other in nuclear war; everyone thought it would be India and Pakistan, but they had very close diplomatic infrastructure in place to prevent such a catastrophe; Pakistan helped Iran build a nuclear arsenal, but as millions of refugees fled from India through Pakistan to the east, Iran had to blow up some Pakistani bridges to stem the flow of zombies, which led to a border war and eventually total nuclear retaliation.
Floridians flee to Cuba, Wisconsinites flee to Canada, the federal government flees to Hawaii.  Everything east of the Rockies is abandoned and ruled by warlords until the government sorts itself out and mounts an expedition to clear the continent of zombies by literally marching an unbroken line of soldiers stretching from Canada to Mexico across the wasteland to the Atlantic.
Israel withdraws from Gaza and the West Bank to become super isolationist, building a wall around the entire country to stop the zombies getting in (they were the first country to respond to the pandemic, and the most successful), but the religious right rebels against the secular left in a civil war that sees Jerusalem ceded to a unified Palestine.
It is an amazing, multifaceted story with so much going on that nobody recognizes.  It was written as a response to the end of the Cold War and the start of the War on Terror.  It’s about a geopolitical shift, a change in the status quo, a disaster from which the world never recovers; America before 9/11 was a very different place than American after 9/11.  Iraq and Afghanistan changed everything, and we’re still feeling their effects to this day; the story uses the zombie apocalypse as the next big international disaster the world must adapt to.  World War Z is World War III with zombies, and I think it would do a lot better if it were published today, now that we’ve had several decades to respond to the fall of the Soviet Union and the endless wars in the Middle East and a global pandemic.
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mossyvil · 4 years
Summary: Bakugou has you to wash away his nightmares, just as the rain washes away yesterday
Notes: this is for @crazymusicalwonderland (it wont tag you for some reason)  im so sorry this took so long but i hope i did it justice!! this is the longest peice ive ever written and i’m kind of proud of it, but i hope you like it!!
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The rain falling against the window wasn’t what woke you up. Rather, it was Katsuki tightening his grip on the arm you wrapped around his chest earlier in the night.
It hasn’t been a good day for him, from what he told you when he got off of patrol. Apparently there had been a wannabe villain causing havoc downtown that he had been called to deal with. Said villain was startled by the presence of a hero, and through what was basically a temper tantrum, complete with almost leveling an entire building.
Thankfully, with the help of another hero that came onto the scene, they were able to subdue him. But unfortunately that brought along injuries. While it was only a cut to the side, it managed to warrant Bakugou to take a trip to the hospital, something he almost never did unless it was something that needed dire medical attention. Then after 20 or so stitches and a bandage wrapped tightly around his midsection, he was sent home into your arms.
After opening the door and changing out his boots for house slippers, he silently draped himself over you while you made a late dinner of some rice and chicken. It was fine for a few minutes- while it was an action he hardly ever initiated, it was never unwelcomed- but eventually you needed to move to grab bowls from the cabinet.
“Katsuki, babe, I need to reach the cabinet over there. Can you let go of me for a second?”
Katsuki only hugged you tighter, and moved his face to the crook of your neck, mumbling “Don’t wanna ‘gie.”
If him being cuddly wasn’t weird enough, now he was starting with the nicknames. In all your time spent together, he had only called you by a nickname once, which was when you got sick and had to stay in bed for a few days, and he handed you a cup of chicken broth to help clear your sinuses.
Knowing that it was a losing battle, you turned in his arms and wrapped your own around his neck, allowing him to snuggle farther into you. “How about you go lay in bed and I'll be there in a second, okay? I don’t think you’re going to be able to stay awake long enough to eat.”
Bakugou says nothing, but lets go of you and sluggishly moves to walk out of the kitchen and into the bedroom as you asked. Putting the food into containers for later was an easy task, and before you knew it you were changing into pajamas to join your needy boyfriend in bed.
Despite not initiating cuddles, he almost never allowed himself to sleep if you weren’t in bed with him. He didn’t touch you, preferring to cocoon himself in a blanket and roll over to where he almost falls off the bed, but you being there next to him calms him more than anything else he’s tried.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Katsuki watching you change into the pajamas he had gotten you a couple months ago. He seemed to be half asleep by now, but chose to admire you instead of giving in to his tiredness.
Smiling fondly, you pulled back the comforter and climbed into bed with him. Almost immediately he was pulling you close to him, intertwining his legs with yours. In almost no time at all, he was softly snoring from his place resting his head next to you.
In contrast to your boyfriend, sleep had not yet found you, and since you didn’t want to grab your phone and risk waking him up, you decided to admire his sleeping face. Something you’ve learned over time was that his eyelids flutter occasionally when he’s dreaming, causing his eyelashes to rub against his soft cheeks.
Eventually, the combination of Bakugou’s snoring and the pitter-patter of the rain dragged you into a peaceful sleep.
That brings you to know, where he was slowly tightening his hold on your arm and pajama top, trying to drag himself closer to you. By now you know what this means- he’s having another nightmare. They’ve plagued him for his entire career as a hero, stemming from the horrible things he’s been exposed to.
Pulling him closer to your chest, you shush him quietly and murmur “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, Katsuki.” As if hearing your words, he stills, his body losing the tension it held just a moment ago. Though he’s settled into the soft sheets of the bed, his left hand moves slowly to rest on your chest, just above your heart.
His voice is quiet, almost inaudible over the rain, but the closeness allows you to hear him call for you. The snoring that comes after you tells you everything- that he called out for you while sleeping, instinctually searching for your comfort after a nightmare. Your heart nearly bursts at the thought. While never being outwardly affectionate, Katsuki shows his love for you in other ways.
You tug him impossibly closer to you and move a hand to run through his slightly tousled blonde hair, messed up from today's work and his unconcern for brushing it out before he went to bed.
“Yeah, it’s me, babe. You’re okay. I’m here.”
Katsuki’s lips turn up into a small smile.
The next morning, he greets you at the kitchen table with a steaming bowl of leftovers from last night. 
“Thanks for helping me get to bed last night. I could barely function after getting off of work, it took more out of me than I thought it would.”
Teasing him would only deter his good mood, so you decided against cracking a joke about how needy he was the night prior, instead responding with “Of course. Did you sleep okay?”
Katsuki looks up, startled by the seemingly random question, but slowly nods his head with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s just, you had a nightmare last night. I was wondering if you remember what it was about.”
He looks back down at the food in front of him and moves it around with his chopsticks. By now you can tell that he’s nervous to tell you, so you don’t push it, and wait for him to start speaking instead.
“I do.” When he looks up to see your awaiting gaze, he continues, ‘“I..dreamt about you.”
Your eyebrows shoot up; chopsticks landing on the bowl you were just eating out of. “Me? What about me?”
Bakugou’s voice is quieter, now. Like he’s afraid to speak the words out into the world.
“I dreamt of you being taken. By a villain, I mean.” He’s still pushing around his food, and while it’s surely getting cold by now, you don’t bother to tell him to continue eating, not when he’s finally opening up about one of his problems.
“This guy-- I don’t remember his name, nor do I care to-- had taken you hostage after he found out we were dating, and I was the hero to respond to the call. He said he would give you back if I promised to let him to afterwards, but..” Katsuki trails off, his eyes wandering from his food to the wooden table between the both of you. 
“But he killed you anyway. I couldn’t save you. I had to watch you die in front of me and I couldn’t do anything about it. And you were so quiet, too.”
He wasn’t crying, but the wavering in his voice told you that he was close to it, if not trying to hold back his tears so as to not appear ‘weak’.
You find yourself sitting next to him a moment later, taking his hand in your smaller, softer, one and giving it a squeeze. The action calmed him more than he would like to admit, so you often used it when he was getting too riled up.
“I’m here, and i’m safe. I don’t plan on going anywhere, you can’t get rid of me that easily, okay? I’ll be here as long as you want me to be.”
Bakugou nudges your head with his nose, and just barely you can hear him say “I want you here for as long as you love me.”
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ririchanva · 3 years
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Summary: Marinette gains a new ally in a student from Japan, although he’s not what he seems. Lila makes her move, proving to Marinette that her threat is real. But what she didn’t count on, was that Marinette would have a few friends that has her back. Although they are the most unexpected people. When Lila pushes too far by getting Marinette and her friends expelled, there is a certain hero that lends a hand. But wait? BECOME STUDENTS OF U.A.?
Chapter Six: Feast, Testing Trust
░❇┊Previous┊❇ ░ ❇┊Next┊❇ ░ ❇┊Masterlist┊❇ ┊AO3 ┊❇░
A/n: This one is going to be EXTRA long. Mostly because I am preparing off for Felix and Ladybug coming up soon. Along with planting seeds of what's to come in the My Hero side. Ohhhhh this one is gonna be JUICY!
     ...Confusing, but juicy!
    Anyways~! On with the chapter~!
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   Adrien gulped as he watched a range of emotions flutter over the pink haired girl’s face, before she then squeaked out with her hands over her mouth.
    “Shh, shh, shh! P-please not so loud!” Adrien rushed over and grabbed for her shoulders, shaking her slightly, “Oh gosh, oh no, t-this can’t be happening! You can’t tell anyone about this!”
    Alix blinked as she stopped her freaking out, thinking she needs to stop Adrien from freaking out himself.
   Especially when he was muttering nonsense a mile a minute.
   “H-hey, Adrien, calm down,” She patted at his chest, as he was tearing up and looking so guilt ridden and upset, forcing Alix to reach out and slap him slightly, “Hey! Calm down. I won’t tell anyone your secret dude!”
    Adrien was gasping out, feeling his stomach drop, looking so panicked, “Ohhhhh! Ladybug will kill me! She’ll kill me dead! Just when I thought to take things seriously now so she could trust me a little more ahhhhh—“
    Another slap from Alix again calmed him down a bit.
    “No problem.” Alix hummed, tapping her chin, “Although it’s starting to make a bit of sense if I think about it,”
   “Alix, there’s no way that anyone should know about me being Chat Noir!”
   “And no one will!” Alix was making a sign over her chest, crossing her finger over her heart as she smiled, “That’s a Kubdel promise!”
    Adrien still looked unsure, but Alix then patted his back gently.
    “How about we go to my place and talk? I’ll even ask Nathaniel and Marc to hang out another day so we could have some privacy. It looks like you need to let it all out, you know?”
    “Yeah…” Adrien was nodding his head as he hummed, “Yeah…let it all out…”
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    “—And now! Considering that she keeps calling for not just Carapace, but for that new guy too! I feel like  I’m not that important anymore! We’re supposed to be partners. Us two against the world?! I mean, I trust My Lady a lot, but we’ve been partners for almost a year now and I still feel like I’m the one that can’t be trusted! And the Guardian—Ohhhhhh that old geezer!—”
   Alix has been sitting on her couch for the past four hours listening to Adrien’s story of how he got the ring and became Chat Noir, but then it stemmed into his growing worry about Ladybug not needing him anymore and the resentment against some Guardian of the Miraculous.
    Plagg, who Alix had the pleasure of meeting as soon as he smelled Alix’s dad’s cheese collection in the fridge, was now stuffing himself next to her.
    Meanwhile, the blond model was pacing in front of them as he let out everything off his chest, ranging from being angry, to sad, then back to being angry.
    Man, he had a lot on his plate?
    It wasn’t just about being Chat Noir either.
    Alix came to find that even as Adrien Agreste, his life was hard.
    Once she sensed that Adrien was taking a break from his complaining, she raised a hand up, “Er, I kinda have to agree with both Ladybug and this Kirin guy.”
    Adrien whipped his head around to face her, but she held her hand up.
    “Dude, I feel like you’re not hearing her. Like, you told me she’s turned you down how many times? Not to mention you do kinda flirt a lot and she has to save your sorry ass when you get your said sorry ass handed to you by an akuma. Also, I’ve noticed how you sacrifice yourself a lot. That scares a person, ya know?”
    Adrien flopped himself onto the other couch as he hummed, “But you’re not hearing me! We’re made for—”
   “—Each other because it’s destiny, we’re soulmates, yada, yada, yada. But man, this is reality! Not some anime romance comedy,” Alix sighed as she removed her hat, “No means no, Adrien. I don’t think anyone has taught ya that you can’t have everything your way. It’s wrong to just keep pushing your feelings on someone that is in love with someone else. Even if she didn’t have feelings for someone else, you should still accept when someone tells you they don’t feel that way back. Especially if they had to tell you multiple times. That’s how “Yanderes” are born you know. And you’re too pretty to be one.”
   Plagg snorted into his cheese for a moment as he grinned, “She’s got a point, kid.”
   “What’s a Yandere?” Adrien asked with a twitch of his nose as Alix sighed, placing a hand over her heart.
   “Nothing you should worry about, my sweet summer child. You’re too much of a stupid (and I say this nicely) sunshine cinnamon roll to know that.”
    “Er, I don’t know what that means, but okay?”
    “Anyways, back to the point,” Alix coughed as she looked serious, “There’s a reason why Ladybug seems to be angry with you whenever you “joke around” and try to woo her with cheap lines. It’s in the middle of a fight. You know, when you’re supposed to be protecting the city and it’s people? Not trying to get her to the movies. I mean, did you get your flirting tips from Asian Soap Operas?”
    “Well that and mangas that I got recommended by Nathaniel too. But before then, I also looked some up whenever I had travelled with my father to Japan or Korea,” Adrien said enthusiastically as he was opening his phone to show the saved sites on his app, “I mean, ain’t these romantic? I figured that reading stuff like American Young Adult books are over the top, yeah?”
    Alix couldn’t help but stare at Adrien as she flopped back onto the couch and Plagg snickering.
   She…she was totally joking about that.
   “Adrien…do you always get your dating advice from comics and TV shows?”
    “Well I had this one model friend in Japan telling me about how I could learn from these if I ever wanted to get a girlfriend, and apparently it does work! It’s also how I learnt about how to act in public school!”
    Alix didn’t know whether to smack him, laugh at him or hug him while patting his head like a mom would to their innocent child.
   Oh boy.
   “So what can I do to not annoy My Lady so much?” Adrien asked as Alix warily chuckled.
   “How about really listening to her? Maybe take value in her own feelings too?”
    Alix gave a look.
    Adrien sighed.
   “I don’t get it. I mean, I’ve done everything she’s asked. I just want to show that I care about her, and that she means the world to me. And yet she doesn’t give me the time of day outside a mission. I just…” Adrien sighed, lamenting more, “I get that she’s starting to get sick of me…maybe would rather have a partner better than me…”
   Alix was starting to piece things together as she slowly asked.
   “Adrien, do you tell Ladybug all these things? Like that you don’t feel appreciated and stuff?”
    “Er, well, no…I didn’t want to bother her with it. Honestly, I’m just trying to figure out how I can get her to at least just let me in on where she goes and what she and the Guardian talk about. Even just a little bit,” Adrien pouted, “I’m finding it unfair that she gets to know the people that’s temporarily a hero and I don’t…”
    “Maybe because the Guardian told her not to tell? I mean if he’s the one in charge, doesn’t that mean that she kinda has to listen? She’s the responsible one after all.”
   Alix paused for a moment.
  “Okay, you wanna know how you can make Ladybug take you seriously?”
   The blond’s eyes sparkled as he leaned in, nodding his head, “Yes, yes!”
   Alix smile turned into a stern face as she pointed her finger at him, ”Take a hint and move on.”
   Adrien gaped at her as Alix huffed.
   “Don’t think I don’t notice? I mean the interview with Nadja Chamack? Or that I watched Alya’s blog one too many time of you telling the whole world you guys are a couple. When I’ve heard from Ladybug a few times you guys aren’t a couple?”
   “Yet.” Adrien lifted a finger up.  
  Alix groaned, “Adrien, you’re just describing to me that you’re literally hounding and harassing her until she says yes out of irritation and defeat so you’d shut up. Do you really want that in a relationship?”
   “She’ll have to say yes to me eventually—“
   “ADRIEN!” Alix was jumping over the coffee table now as she was grabbing the front of his shirt and shaking him, “That’s not how relationships work in real life!”
   “But it worked for my parents?”
    Alix paused for a moment, reeling back as if slapped, “W-what?”
    Adrien shrugged, “I mean, my dad had always chased my mom during their college days. She eventually fell in love with him back then they got married when they had me. So it’s not just in fiction! If you tried hard enough to prove your love is real, they’ll come to love you back!”
    The pink haired girl released him for a moment as she stared at him, “Adrien. That sounds like your dad forced your mom into being with him.”
   “No he didn’t. Mom was playing hard to get, Father says. And then spoke the wonderful stories of their time together. Here, I think I have a picture of them in my Instagram…”
   Alix felt pity at the oblivious look of denial that Adrien had. She knew that his mom vanished a few years back. Was this the reason she’s gone?
    Maybe she should take it seriously that Adrien has been homeschooled and practically locked in his own home by his father all his life. Who is always busy and absent from Adrien’s daily life. There was no one else to turn to for any real advice and life lessons. (Does that bodyguard or that lady that’s always with his dad count?)
     Where has Nino been all this time this was happening?
    No wonder Adrien doesn’t realize the things he says and does are sort of messed up.
    “Okay Adrien,” She looked to Plagg, who was shrugging and shaking his head, before turning back to Adrien, “Maybe we need to have a little talk about real life stuff,”
     And this took maybe the whole day. Until Adrien had to go back home. But he managed to change into Chat Noir and sneak back into Alix’s room after hours to talk some more, with Alix making sure to lock her door so her brother doesn’t suddenly come bursting in with ANOTHER wild theory he had.
    After Alix finished talking, Adrien sat on her floor with wide eyes, as he was starting to let the gears turn in his head.
    “So…I really don’t know anything, huh?”
    Alix sighed in relief. At least he’s getting it in a way.
    “Kirin was right.” Adrien sighed as he was running his fingers through his hair, “I…was honoured to be chosen as Chat Noir. Being him gives me the sense of freedom to be outside of being just perfect me…”
    “And I get that. But you have a responsibility, dude. You’re a hero. Like Majestia and Knightowl,” Alix hummed with a nod of her head, “They keep their city save and work together professionally. They respect each other and do their jobs. Because they both love and care for the people they are protecting,”
    She didn’t think she’d have this kind of serious talk with anyone.
    Adrien nodded, as he sighed, “Wow…I feel kinda stupid now that I’m recounting everything. Man, no wonder Ladybug always seems so—“
    “Pissed off at you and looking like she’s a stuck in the mud?” Alix laughed, “Yeah. I can’t blame her, dude.”
     The blond looked at his crossed legs for a moment, fiddling with his fingers.
     Alix was reaching out to pat his head, “Baby steps, Agreste. At least you can realise things now and not be totally socially stunted. With me around, I think things will be okay,”
    Adrien smiled a little, “Thanks Alix. I think this is the first time I’ve hung out with anyone in our class one on one. Only Nino is the one I mostly hung…out with…”
    And that’s when it hit him.
    Adrien never got to know anyone inside his class. He only knew of Chloe, because of being childhood friends, and Nino, his best friend.
      Alix noticed his face and grinned, “Well that changes now~ And with me knowing your secret, I can help you out,”
   “How?” Adrien asked.
    “Like cover for you when you need to transform into Chat Noir? Stuff like that,” Alix hummed, “I wished I had a Miraculous so I could also help you and Ladybug out. But that’s up to Ladybug, huh?”
     Adrien looked thoughtful on that as he hummed, “Maybe instead of just waiting on the Guardian to show up to me. Maybe there’s a way I could call to him?”
    “That’s a thought. But let’s take this one day at a time, kitty cat,” Alix teased as Adrien laughed.
     Maybe Alix finding out his secret was a good thing. He got to not only let out what he’s been bottling up inside, but he also got insight and good advice about, well, everything.
     “Is this what friendship is like?”
     Alix raised a brow at Adrien as she the grinned, “Of course! And yes, it does include keeping it real and calling you on bullshit behaviour. But it’s not entirely your fault. It’s your dad. Still, at least you can learn from your mistakes right? The only way out is up~!”
      Alix had to note to maybe smack Nino when she sees him. Weren’t he and Adrien best friends?
     Adrien hummed, “I don’t think the feelings I have for Ladybug will go away that quick. But…I can acknowledge and respect that she only seems me as just a friend and that she loves someone else.”
     “Hey,” Alix was reaching out to Adrien’s knee as she slid on the floor in front of him, smiling weakly, “Ladybug loves you. Just…not in the way you want. I think it’s nice to cherish the friendship you guys have? And that’s okay, right?”
    Adrien took a deep breath and nodded, “For now, I suppose I should seriously stop focusing on Ladybug only and be a better hero…”
    “FINALLY!” Plagg was floating upwards and looking relieved, “Now I can rest in peace with no more woes and sighs about why doesn’t Ladybug give me a chance or I wish she would just see that I love her so much~” The kwami mocked while making kissy sounds faces, making both Adrien groan and Alix laugh.
    Now that Plagg was outing about the embarrassing things that Adrien has been saying to him about Ladybug, the blond felt the nail hitting the coffin at how appalling he was as Chat Noir.
    “I should get going,” Adrien said after an hour, looking at his phone for the time, “This…this is nice.”
    “Doesn’t mean it’s the end, buddy. We can also hang out in school, after school, or whenever you’re free. And my window is open for ya if Chat Noir decides to visit~” Alix winked, then yawned as Adrien soon transformed into Chat Noir.
     The cat hero smiled, looking like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
      “I’d like that. Anyways, have a good night.”       “Oh wait! I almost forgot!”
      Alix was soon grabbing from something in her bag and showed it to the cat hero, “Alya has been hounding me to take her to the museum since she has discovered something about Ladybug and the Miraculouses and wants to post the theories in the Ladyblog. Did you maybe want to come?”
    Chat Noir looked thoughtful about it, glancing down at the flyer in his hand, “Er, why?”
    “Hellooooo~?” Alix was waving a copy of the flyer about some grand opening in some part of the museum, “Don’t you wanna know more about Ladybug? And where the Miraculous came from?”
    Chat was curious. He leaned against his bo-staff for a moment with a hum.
    “It would be nice to know. You think Alya has cracked any good info?”
    “Dunno? That’s what we should find out, right? And you can totally tell Ladybug what you’ve found out? Maybe she could ease up on you and can tell you’re being serious this time around,” Alix nodded her head, “It’s a start in the right direction in reflecting on your past actions and being a better partner to her!”
     Chat smiled, nodded, “Sure! That sounds awesome! Count me in!”
    “Oh, and Lila might be tagging along too. She and Alya have been besties to the hip lately. Which is weird since I thought Alya and Marinette are BFFS,” Alix hummed, but then noticed the feline hero making a face, “Rumours about Marinette are going around with her hanging with Chloe of all people…is there something that I should know?”
    “Huh?” Chat blinked as he looked at her, “What do you mean?”
    “I mention Lila and you start making a face as if I forced a lemon in your mouth,” Alix narrowed her eyes, “Are we going to have another talk tonight?”
    Chat Noir smiled weakly, “Er…tomorrow morning? I can pick you up and we can head to school together?”
    Alix had a feeling she wasn’t going to like this talk tomorrow.
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   She didn’t like the talk at all.
    Alix was smacking her book bag onto Adrien as they rode in his car together, Adrien having picked her up from her home and now are driving to their high school. Adrien had explained himself on why he was awkward about Lila and once he spilled everything, Alix was miffed.
   “Lila was lying about everything and you told Marinette to keep MUM about it?! Ugh, Adrien! No wonder she’s hanging out with Chloe of all people!” Alix was giving a last smack to Adrien, and the blond had to wave his overprotective bodyguard from stopping the car and kicking Alix out, assuring the big guy he was fine.
    Well he’s fine physically. But mentally?
    “I-I just don’t want Lila to be akumatized, Alix! If we end up antagonising her, then we’d be in HUGE trouble,” Adrien defended himself, as he placed a hand over his heart, “Besides, her lies aren’t harming anyone!”
    Alix felt her face go red as she smacked the back of his head, “Adrien! I had myself believing her words about her getting me a legit chance to meet Tony Hawks and work with him  because she knows his kids and was so hyped on having to live my dreams as a pro-extreme sportswoman! I’d be the first of all of Europe. She made me believe that my fucking future career could come true to the point that I stopped practicing and competing all the sports I had signed up for and even ALMOST CANCELLED my extreme sports scholarship and waited for her promise to fall through!”
    Adrien gaped at her, “Wait, you actually listened to her lies?”
    “THAT’S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!” Alix huffed as she stared at him, “Adrien, what if she told Max that she knows Bill Gates and that she has connections to get Max a fake job and Max quits going to his dream college because of that lie?! Or Alya will be ruined and not be a real reporter in her future thanks to the all the lies that Lila gives her for her Ladyblog? Wait…”
    Alix gasped as she was gripping her short pigtails and turned to stare at him again.
    “Does…does that mean that Ladybug isn’t Lila’s best friend?”
     Adrien winced, sadly nodding, “I-I was there when Ladybug confirmed it in front of me and Lila—“
    “WAIT WAIT WAIT!” Alix was pinching the bridge of her nose as she took a breath, and then closed her eyes, “Even Ladybug…Adrien this goes beyond “harmless little white lies” now.”
      Adrien felt his stomach curl as Alix was cursing under her breath and was soon opening her eyes, turning to him and punching at his arm. Hard.
    “We have to tell someone!”
    “We can’t!” Adrien said desperately.
    Alix hissed.
    “We have to! We have to tell the class…wait,”
     She narrowed her eyes.
     “Who else knows besides you and Marinette?”
     Adrien blanched at her.
     “Don’t make that face. I feel like you two aren’t the only ones.”
      “Hitoshi told me he knew. And that Nino, Chloe, Sabrina and maybe Rose and Juleka know too,” Adrien recalled, as Alix sighed.
      “So if this many people know…why are we not doing anything!?” Alix suddenly froze, looking to Adrien for a second and sighed, “Right. You told Marinette not to do or say anything. And maybe she told them in return, of course she would if it’s you…”
    Adrien looked confused, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
   “Nevermind,” Alix waved her hand and huffed, “Fine. If no one is gonna do it, then I will. As soon as we’re in school, I’m going to tell everyone!”
    “Alix nooooo!” The blond shook his head as he grabbed her arm gently, “We can’t expose her now! Hawkmoth…” He looked to his bodyguard driving and was relieved that the window between the driver’s seat and the back was closed, and looked back to Alix, whispering, “Hawkmoth will keep using her negative emotions over and over again and it will trouble Ladybug! Especially when we haven’t found out who and where is Hawkmoth. Just…please give me some time.”
    Alix saw the troubled and stressed look in his eyes and sighed.
   “Fine. For now, I’ll keep mum. But,” Alix wagged her finger as she stared at him, “I’m going to tell Nathaniel. He has the right to know since he’s one of my best friends. Plus Lila has been hyping him up for a job in Japan in the Manga industry. I don’t want him to be heartbroken…”
    Adrien gulped, noticing how the slow fury of overprotectiveness was showing on Alix’s face.
     Maybe the lies are going a bit too far now.
    The ride was quiet once more as they arrived at the school, Adrien coming out of the car and Alix soon followed. The students around them were in shock, whispering among themselves. The two were walking side by side together, ignoring the looks they were getting. They reached their classroom and were both surprised that Nathaniel was the first inside. And the only one.  
    Alix was grabbing Adrien’s wrist and rushed up to the red haired artist, tapping at his desk and making the said boy look up.
    “Nath! We gotta tell you something important!”
     The red head looked from her, to Adrien, then back to Alix as he sighed while looking grim, “I think I know what it’s about…”
   Adrien and Alix’s eyes widened as they looked at each other then back at Nath.
   “Y…You know?” Adrien asked, unconsciously touching at his ring.
   “Of course. I mean, I’ve heard about it from—“
    “You told him about me being Chat Noir?!” Adrien turned to Alix, betrayed, the pink haired girl and red haired boy looked at him in surprise.
     “You idiot! I told you I would never—“ Alix was smacking at Adrien’s head once more, surprising the artist before she hissed at the stupefied model, “Why would I tell that when I promised you I wouldn’t!?”
    The artist slowly raised his hand up, gaining their attention again with a cough.
    “Er…I-I was going to say I know about Lila…but, a-are you two serious?” Nath realised that they weren’t joking around as he gaped at Adrien, before his face morphed into a thoughtful look, “Then again, it makes perfect sense…”
   “That’s what I said!” Alix turned to her best friend before she then looked back at Adrien with a deadpanned stare, “How you’ve kept your identity a secret for so long with that cat brain of yours, I’ll never know!”
    “I’m sorry! I panicked!” Adrien whined as he then realised what Nath said and stared at him, “You know about Lila?”
    “I heard you and Hitoshi talk the other day. I was kinda the only other person in the room with you two when everyone else left. Heh, sorry?” The red head looked sheepish, but then turned serious, “Don’t worry, I’ll be keeping your secret Adrien. And maybe we should stop talking about it now since our classmates should be arriving soon.”
  Adrien and Alix looked back as the school bell rang, the two seeing that their classmates were indeed coming in. All three looked at each other and nodded their heads silently, agreeing to meet up with each other after class. Surprisingly, when Adrien went to take his seat, Alix was plopping next to him.
    The rollerskater winked at his surprised expression, “What? I wanna be seat buddies today~”
    Adrien smiled brightly at this, nodding his head. At least he won’t be bothered by Lila today.
     Nathaniel was at the table next to them so at least he could hear what they were saying with a good hearing. He even had to place his bag on top of the desk next to him so no one would sit next to him. That would include Lila.
   Speaking of the liar, she stared up at Alix and Adrien sitting together and glared, looking to where she should sit? Maybe Nath could let her sit—
   But she saw how the other was occupying the lone desk next to Adrien. Fine.
    Sighing, Lila moved to sit next to Mylene instead, hoping to spin some tale to her and gain her attention.
    And she did.
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     Around lunchtime, Adrien had quickly arranged for him, Alix and Nath to have lunch outside of school just so they could have some privacy to talk. Especially with Lila trying to be sneaky and join in on them. Alix experienced the brunt of Lila’s crocodile tears when the skater bluntly told her to leave them alone, and that brought both Kim and Mylene concerned for the Italian girl and looking slightly angry of Alix “being so mean” to Lila. It took Nath and Adrien both to pull Alix out and away from the room before she did anything violent.
    The three had arrived at a restaurant that Adrien sometimes sneaked to, thanks to Nino introducing him to the place (and bribing Gorilla into letting him have peace and quiet at lunchtimes that aren’t his strict diet regiment by buying some Hero Action Figures for Gorilla’s collection. Apparently this round was an All Might figurine) and managed to get good seats in a booth.
   Once they ordered their food, Adrien soon had to repeat his story to Nathaniel just as he did with Alix the other night, including stuff about Lila. Nathaniel just sat their, floored about the information given to him, but looking quite intrigued overall.  
     “Boy. Makes me glad that my crushes on both Marinette and Ladybug never went that far,” Nath saw Adrien frowned at him, making Nathaniel raise his hands up in surrender, “Sorry. But as a fellow admirer of Ladybug, I can get why you’d fall for her.”
   “Right? She’s amazing!” Adrien sighed dreamily but then pouted with narrowed eyes, “You aren’t still aiming for her, are you? Even when you have Marc?”
   “What? Marc?” Nath looked confused but then snorted, “Marc and I are partners in art. We are making a comic together, sure, but we aren’t a couple. And maybe I do still have an infatuation for Ladybug, but it’s not like I’m gonna chase her down and ask her out. She’s a hero, she has a responsibility to keep everyone safe. I respect that she loves her duty more than anyone else, you know?”
   Adrien’s shoulder slumped as he took Nathaniel’s words to heart. Ladybug did love Paris and it’s citizens. She wouldn’t have time for love and stuff, huh?
   Alix hummed a little, “So Nath, apparently we can’t tell anyone about Lila just yet. Do you agree with that?”
   “I do.”
   This surprised both Adrien and Alix.
    Nath went on to explain, “If we out her at this moment, especially with Hawkmoth taking advantage of anyone that lets their guard down, she’ll just be akumatized and then what? Once Ladybug stops her, you think Lila would back down after that? If what you’re saying is true and Lila hates Ladybug…what’s to say once she loses everything, she won’t willing go to Hawkmoth as revenge?”
   “Woah, hey, Lila wouldn’t go that far!” Adrien looked concerned at Nath’s suggestion, as the red head stared at him.
   “From what you just told me about her facing Oni-chan, Lila was willing to dupe you from leaving Ladybug’s side so she would be alone against an akuma. I’d say Lila can be a possible danger,”
    “So what do we do?” Alix asked as Nathaniel hummed.
   “We wait. We can just observe her and just slowly unravel all the lies she tells in secret to people without her knowing, little by little. Just point out the minor flaws of her tales without causing a scene. Maybe then we can at least make people wise up,” Nathaniel suggested but then looked to Adrien, “How close are you and Ladybug finding out who Hawkmoth is?”
   Adrien shook his head, “Nothing so far. She’s been more and more visiting the Guardian so…”
    “Right, the new hero with the Horse motif! And the new Chat that appeared too…” Nathaniel hummed as he tapped his chin, as Adrien was trying not to look sour at the mention of the Cat weeks ago.
   “Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about the thing I told you about last night, Adrien,” Alix spoke up as she smiled, “About Alya having a lead and helping Ladybug into finding out who Hawkmoth is!”
    Adrien frowned, “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t want Alya to be snooping around and posting everything on her blog, whether she’s right or wrong. Especially when Lila is involved.”
    Nath’s eyes widened before he looked to Alix, “Adrien is right. What if Hawkmoth happens to see Alya’s blog?”
   “Oh, good point.” Alix hummed as she tapped her chin, “Fine. I can deny Alya and Lila from coming then, make up some excuse. But doesn’t mean we can’t go around ourselves and check out some clues~”
   The boys looked at each other before Alix grinned mischievously.
   “I managed to listen to everything Alya had told me about her plans. And I have the app that she used for said plans. So we can conduct this little mission by ourselves without her…plus…” She turned to the model, “Adrien? You can use this grand opening of my old man showing off his discovery of his Tibetan statue as an excuse of going out to the museum~! Public image for your father!”
    “Alix, you’re a genius!” Adrien looked excited about this, “And if we find out anything and that what Alya theorised is true, I can report this to Ladybug!”
    Nathaniel tilted his head, shrugging, “Sounds like a plan. I’m free myself on that day so I’ll tag along too.”
   Alix pumped her fist in the air, “Great! Then we prepare maybe an hour or two early before the opening. That way we have time to explore the museum and look for clues~”
   Adrien felt himself vibrate in his seat as their food arrived, already having a good feeling about this.
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   “Don’t be bemused~! It’s just the news~! The Louvre Museum will be unveiling an acquisition today~! A mysterious status carved from harden lava, which was recently discovered on the highest mountaintops of Tibet by the museum’s curator, Monsieur Kubdel~!”
    The day of the grand opening of Alix’s dad’s discovery came. Nathaniel, Alix and Adrien were already heading inside a bit earlier than expected, just so Alix could take their time showing them around and find what they need to find.
   “So according to Alya, the heroes like Ladybug and Chat Noir are using magical items, the Miraculous, which hold a Kwami, like Plagg,” Alix began, as she looked behind said Kwami of Destruction now resting on top of Nathaniel’s head eating a cheese cracker.
    Nathaniel had been introduced to Plagg already, Nathaniel having sketched the being and asking him question after question, and Plagg of course was basking in the attention.
   Adrien was half listening as he had a thought.
   “Alix, what did Alya think when you told her she couldn’t come?”
   Alix looked back at Adrien before she grinned sharply, “Oh well, I actually told her that the opening was going to be tomorrow instead. So her and Lila will just come to the museum then and not today,”
   Nathaniel rolled his eyes, “Aren’t they gonna see that you lied to them when they watch the news?”
   “That’s the beautiful thing about social media, Nathaniel~ No one is supposed to spoil or post anything about the unveiling until the next day. Today is just private first come first serve showing for important guests like the Agrestes and other celebrities,” Alix explained, “So it wasn’t technically lying. Nadja’s report isn’t live and will be shown tomorrow night, so there’s no way the could find out plus I’m pretty sure Aurore’s blog is posting her story about the statue until tomorrow night to.,”
   “Right, I just saw Aurore and Mireille on the way in,” Nathaniel recalled, “Wow, so Aurore’s blog is getting even popular huh? She’s getting invited to a lot of major events these days,”
   “Seems like it,” Alix nodded as she then walked them through the Egyptian exhibit, “Now, Alya told me that Ladybug, Chat Noir and other Miraculous holders were depicted through centuries…until for some unknown reason they disappeared and the world forgot about them.”
   “Makes sense, since Ladybug and Chat Noir debuted their presence just a few months ago,” Nathaniel placed his input with a thoughtful look, “And there aren’t much heroes in Europe anyways because of half the UN were against heroes with meta abilities being the dominant global superpowers like All Might and Mejestia,”
   “Exactly!” Alix clicked her fingers and looked up at a display with hieroglyphics, “Here, Alya said that this one had an Egyptian Ladybug user right here,.
   Adrien stared in awe at the carvings, seeing the picture of a woman spinning a familiar yo-yo as a shield. As they were moving on, Alix paused in her steps, stopping at some other tower of a pillar with Egyptian writing on it. She shuddered, goosebumps forming on her arms, as if there was something haunting about this peculiar monument.
    “Alix? Are you coming?”
    Alix turned to see Nath and Adrien waiting for her, and she nodded slowly.
    “Y-Yeah, I’m coming!”
     She moved away from the thing, glad to be out of there.
    Why did she feel a sense of foreboding when she was close to it?
   The three soon moved away from the Egyptian exhibition and went to the next room, stopping by a picture of a black knight.
   “This could be a previous Chat Noir~!” Alix pointed out, as she excitedly grabbed Adrien’s hand and dragged him forward, Nathaniel trailing behind them with observation at the paintings and listening to Alix.
    They soon stopped at a painting of a lady dancing with butterflies.
   “What about this one?” Nathaniel pointed out, “Maybe she was a good version of Hawkmoth? With the butterflies and all?”
     “That’s a good possibility,” Alix hummed as they continued on walking, “Now, Alya said back in the day, sculptures were painted.”
   “That’s true,” Nathaniel confirmed, as Alix was pulling out her phone, “Sadly, paint fades overtime.”
    “Right, but, tiny microscopic pigments still remain,” She hummed as she was clicking on an app on her phone and smiled, “Thanks to the app, witness how it originally looked~!”
   Adrien and Nathaniel gasped in surprise as they leaned onto the short girl, seeing the picture of Joan of Arc having her clothes a deep red with black spots.
    “Ladybug!” Adrien breathed out as Alix nodded.
    “But here’s the BIG thing,” The girl was soon pulling out more photos, zooming in on them, “All these works of art have something in common.”
   Adrien squinted at the pictures that Alix were showing them, but his eyes widened as he managed to see the familiar symbol that was on the box that Plagg and the ring were originally trapped in on the first day he was Chat Noir. The same boxes that Ladybug gives to temporary heroes and their Miraculous.
   “They look like as if they are signatures in a way,” Nathaniel hummed, “Like a calling card,”
   “Alya said that it might be a secret society emblem. As if some kind of Order of Guardians have been watching over the superheroes since the beginning of time,” Alix explained further with a serious look, but then her eyes widened, “…The same symbol of the Tibetan statue my old man found!”
    Nathaniel and Adrien’s eyes widened, looking at each other than back at Alix.
    “Would that mean…?” Nathaniel started as Adrien gasped, Plagg hiding in his jacket immediately.
    “We have to make sure!”
    The three were rushing to where the statue was going to be shown, and were relieved that the unveiling hasn’t started yet. Sneaking past the crowd that were idly chit chatting with each other, the three soon slipped under the red curtain surrounding the statue and peered inside a hole of the statue that homed some sort of weirdly shaped thing that had the same symbol Alix showed them.
   “Is this a Miraculous?” Nath whispered in wonder, as Alix frowned.
   “I doubt it. Adrien, what do you think?” She looked to the blond, who was frozen in place, “Adrien?”
    “It looks like…” Adrien reached out to touch the thing, finding it cool to the touch as he frowned, “A tiny monster…”
    “An Akuma?” Nathaniel asked as he looked back at the thing, “But it’s just a statue…?”
    “A two hundred year old statue to be exact, at least according to my Dad,” Alix hummed as she tilted her head, “It can’t be a coincidence that there hasn’t been a Miraculous holder for said two hundred years. Maybe this thing does have something to do with the Miraculous.”
   “A last known trace of a Miraculous until two hundred years later when Chat Noir and Ladybug show up in Paris along with Hawkmoth,” Nathaniel pieced it together and then looked to Adrien, “You have to tell Ladybug about this. Maybe she could tell the Guardian as well,”
   “We practically solved the mystery of the Miraculous~!’ Alix squeaked out quietly as Nathaniel smiled at her, also looking excited.
   “One problem guys, Ladybug only calls for me when there’s an akuma attack. But other than that, she’s hard to reach.” Adrien sighed, as the two looked thoughtful again.
   “Well…why not just call the Guardian then? Like you suggested before to Alix?” Nathaniel suggested, “Maybe he could help?”
    Adrien made a tsk sound.
    “He only comes to me. I don’t know any way of contacting him either.”
    Alix clicked her fingers, “There is a way~”
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      “…You sure about this?”
      Alix nodded to the male that was standing out in the open, “Positive. I mean it’s foolproof.”
     The three were located on the rooftop of Le Grand Paris, with Alix and Nathaniel hiding behind the pool chairs as they waited.  Adrien had taken off his ring, handed it to Plagg, telling him to give it to the Guardian and give the message that Adrien wanted to talk to him face to face. Alix thought that the Guardian had to come out and see what’s going on.
    And they didn’t have to wait long.
    “Hello, Adrien.”
    The blond turned to see the Chinese man standing behind him, smiling knowingly with Plagg floating beside him, ring in his tiny paws.
    Adrien stared in surprise that the guardian was actually here once more, right in front of him.
    “It seems we have much to talk about once more. It surprised me that you thought of contacting me this time…” Fu was then glancing at the two teens hiding behind the pool benches, as he chuckled, “Perhaps your friends could come out now? I’m sure they are getting uncomfortable hiding like that, hm?”
    Nathaniel and Alix gasped, as they poked their heads out and Adrien was looking fearful.
    Fu just gave a calm smile as he folded his hands behind him, “I believe you have something to tell me, Adrien?”
    Adrien was about to speak up when Alix was stepping forward.
       "You're...not gonna mind wipe us are you, Master Dude?!” She asked with wide eyes, Nathaniel nudging at her before he bowed his head in respect.
  “You’re the Guardian of the Miraculous, right? The one that gave Adrien his powers as Chat Noir and giving Ladybug hers?”
    “Indeed I am,” Fu responded, “I am Wang Fu. One of the last Guardians, I’m afraid.”
    “Monsieur Fu, I know that Ladybug and Chat Noir should keep their identities a secret from people, especially to each other. It’s basic Hero 101,” Nathaniel spoke calmly as he then softened,  “Please don't be angry at Adrien and make him stop being Chat Noir. We only found out by accident,”
   “Stupid accident, but that’s not entirely Adrien’s fault, he’s stunted from childhood.” Alix added but her friend immediately covered her mouth as Nathaniel continued.
   “We can keep a secret. But if you don’t feel comfortable knowing outsiders know, then we won’t stop you from wiping our memories about Adrien.”
   Alix and Adrien stared at the red head in shock, as Fu smiled a bit.
    “Just know, that you are very cruel into keeping Adrien in the dark of things and Ladybug gets a different treatment. How can they expect to work together if there is no trust on equal sides?” Nathaniel spoke tightly as he stared down at the old man, “I just thought I’d give my two Euros. If you really want the two to work together to stop Hawkmoth soon, I believe there should be fair grounds, don’t you think?”
   “You’re absolutely right.”
    Adrien gaped at the man, “He is?”     “He is,” Fu nodded as he smiled at Nathaniel, “You are quite intelligent, young man. And seem to have a sense of justice in you.”
    Nathaniel looked flustered at that as he had a shy smile, “Y-You think so?”
     “Of course he thinks so, Nath! You’re like, totally smart!” Alix chuckled but then stopped as she then looked back at the man, “Honestly, I was kind of expecting you to be some really big strict, scary dude,”
      “Do not worry. I believe myself to be…hip in the modern times,” Fu joked, as Adrien pursed his lips.
     “Why now?” He asked as he looked down, “Why not sooner?”
     “I apologise that I have kept you in the dark for so long. The timing to talk to you again and tell you of what is going on had not yet arrived…until today, that is,” Fu hummed as he gestured for the teens to sit down as he too sat on a pool bench.
   “So…we’re not gonna be punished for knowing and be brainwashed into forgetting?” Alix asked slowly as Fu grinned a little.
   “No, no. In fact, I believe Chat Noir does need allies in his corner as well,”
    “As well?” Adrien questioned as he looked back at Fu.
    “I have chosen some other Miraculous wielders besides you and Ladybug,” Fu explained, “Hawkmoth is getting stronger and stronger by the day. And it would seem that there are forces that are helping him. We are in need of a team of our own.”
   “Woah! That’s wild,” Alix breathed out as Adrien frowned.
    “Does that include whoever has the Horse Miraculous and tried using my miraculous that one time with Reflekdoll?”
     “The Horse Miraculous, yes. As for whoever it was that Plagg gave the cat ring to, I am not sure. But I do count it as a happy accident.” Fu said as Adrien folded his arms, almost childishly sulking.
    “Oh! Speaking of happy accidents. We gotta tell ya something important. We thought to tell Ladybug but I figured calling you first would be a better option,” Alix explained as she was pulling out her phone, and Fu smiled.
   “Ah, so you are the one that suggested to send Plagg to fetch me. Very cunning~” He noted, stroking his beard as Alix looked sheepish.
    “Heh, yeah, b-but anyways! We thought we’d show you some things. Things about the Miraculous and it’s history!”
    Fu looked intrigued and let Alix show her the pictures she captured, soon going off what she has already told Adrien and Nathaniel. Fu was impressed that they found out so much, although Alix admitted that she might’ve gone off from someone else that discovered and theorised about it first.
   “I figured you wouldn’t want anyone to find about all of this. Especially Hawkmoth. So I kinda just told Alya to not investigate it today and secretly we’d take over. I’ll still find a chance to maybe steer her away from the truth fully.” Alix told Fu seriously, who nodded.
   “That would be wise. But even if she did expose these theories, there is no way that Hawkmoth could trace it back to us…”
   Suddenly, Fu gasped out loud as he almost dropped Alix’s phone, eyes wide in fear.
    “M-Master Fu?” Adrien called out in surprise at the man’s reaction, looking down to see what spooked him.
    “Impossible! That’s impossible. We’re doomed!”
     The three teens looked at each other, nervous, and looked back at the panic-stricken Guardian.      
     “W-what is wrong Master Fu?” Nathaniel asked, Fu shaking his head and muttering in Chinese, confusing the red head.
    “He looks so freaked. What should we do?” Alix asked as Adrien looked at the picture, seeing it was the statue that Alix’s father discovered.
    “Is it this thing? The statue?” Adrien questioned as Fu looked up and was pulling out his phone.
    “It is not a statue, Adrien,” He was then scrolling through his pictures and showed it to the three, “It is a Sentimonster. A magical creature conjured from an emotion shaped by the power of the Peacock Miraculous!”
   The three then gasped, as Nathaniel clicked his fingers.
   “So there is a wielder of that particular Miraculous then!” Nathaniel hummed as he then looked to the shaken old man, “From what I’ve gathered from Adrien as Chat Noir, he and Ladybug have fought Sentimonsters and defeated them.”
   “Yes but…” Fu looked…ashamed, as he bowed his head, “None of them come close to the power of this one,”
    Soon, the three were told of Fu’s backstory of when he was a young boy training with the Guardians of the Miraculous in Tibet, and how the Sentimonster was created. Which resulted into how he was the last Guardian thanks to the Guardian Order vanishing, on the run with the very last box and how he had lost the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous.
    “So that explains it,” Nathaniel spoke softly as he was piecing everything together, “Considering Alix’s father found the Sentimonster and brought it here, there’s a chance Hawkmoth and Mayura would find out and probably try to awaken it by using the Peacock.”
   “Then we should tell Ladybug,” Adrien said with determination, “She and I will stop it!”
   “You both won’t stand a chance,” Fu lamented with guilt in his eyes, “He’s totally immune to the powers of the Miraculous…”
   “Considering the thing is a Miraculous eating machine,” Alix hummed but then was stepping up, “With or without a Miraculous, let us help you, Master dude!”
   “Do not call me Master. I was never a guardian to begin with.” Fu said sadly but then it turned into his own hard resolve as he said seriously, “I will not make the same mistake!”
   Fu was then standing straight, already placing his hand out to Adrien as the blond’s eyes widened.
    “Adrien Agreste. Please surrender the Cat Miraculous.”
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  Shinso stared at the pillar with hieroglyphics on it, tilting his head as he then was looking down at the pocket watch in his hand. Sighing, he turned away from it as he clicked it open, seeing some scratched inscriptions on it.
   The answer is the ninth’s last hope.
   Even to this day, Shinso didn’t know what the words mean.
   Breathing out, he closed the watch and clicked it again, as the old silver watch turned into a blue and white watch. Placing it in his pocket, he then whispered softly.
   “Fluff. Clockwise.”
    Transforming into his Rabbit Hero form, Kazesagi, the young Miraculous wielder was calling out for his burrow. His umbrella shifted into a scythe, cutting the pillar into pieces as it fell into the bright shining hole. Kazesagi closed the portal with a pained look, and de-transformed.
     Fluff land tiredly into his hair.
   “H-Hi-chan? Why did we do that?” Fluff cooed softly as Shinso was offering a sugarcane to her, and the Kwami took it gratefully.
   “I cannot leave any loose ends. You know that, Fluff,” Shinso murmured as he glanced around, “We should get back—“
   Suddenly, he heard a noise and Shinso froze at the sound. He quickly took Fluff in his arms and climbed into a sarcophagus, leaving it slightly open so he could see what’s going on (and not be locked up for good. That would be bad to be trapped into an Egyptian artefact for years, right?). Peering out, he then saw—
   ‘Mayura…’ The brainwasher thought as he watched her walk to some statue and raising her hand up to it, and suddenly the statue broke away as a frog like blue creature emerged from the rubble.
    “Yum. Yum. Miraculous~”
    Shinso’s eyes widened as he was hiding Fluff into his jacket and was quickly getting himself out, escaping out of the museum before the Sentimonster would notice him.
   He was already jumping onto the roofs with his capture weapon when he heard the bellowing not far behind him.
     “Fuck!” Shinso cursed as he was soon swinging himself onto the higher building, barely missing a tongue aimed for him as the blue creature was chasing after him.
    The creature was now huge.
    Meaning Hawkmoth must’ve akumatized it. Making it twice as powerful.
    Cradling Fluff close to him, Shinso was quick to jump down from the building, grabbing for the fire escape ladder and kick himself into a window, thankfully landing him into an empty room. In his hurry, he transformed back to Kazesagi, and used his now transformed umbrella, clicking at the handle.
    “Calling Ladybug, Chat Noir, Carapace, Anyone! There’s a Sentimonster that is now akumatized by Hawkmoth! I need reinforcement! I repeat! I need—“
   Feeling something wrapping around his waist, Shinso looked back and screamed as he was pulled in--
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  “I can’t believe that he’d take your Miraculous!”
   Adrien looked at Alix and Nathaniel as the three of them were in the car, Adrien’s bodyguard having picked them up and taking them home.
   Apparently Nathalie collapsed during the unveiling since Adrien and them had vanished for hours and the blond was now being called back home. Probably in big trouble for disappearing on her and Gorilla like that. Although Adrien had begged his guard to at least help him take his friends home.
   “Does he not trust you? After all he said before?” Alix was angry for Adrien as the blond had made sure Gorilla wasn’t listening and having the window divider shut., “We could’ve helped him take down this Sentimonster thing! Oh gosh, he’s gonna go and get Ladybug too huh? Then wait?! Did he think just running away would solve everything?!”
   Nathaniel looked out the window, softening, “What’s going to happen to Paris? Hawkmoth and Mayura are still at large.”
    Suddenly, the car came to a full stop as the three jerked in their seats in surprise. Hearing screams and crashes outside, they peered out the window and saw Master Fu biking with a lot of baggage on him and being chased by some monster.
   “The Master needs help!” Alix was already jumping out the car, and Nathaniel followed.
   Adrien was going to follow, but his eyes widened as he rolled out in time before the creature stuck it’s tongue onto Adrien’s car and swallowed it whole, including Gorilla.  
    “NO!” Adrien shouted, but was pulled back by his two friends as they rolled out of the way as the monster barrelled his way down the streets.
   “We should go after it!” Adrien said bravely and was about to race off it but Alix pulled at his shirt.
   “Hold on, you can’t go as Adrien Agreste!” She argued as Adrien stared at her impatiently.
   “Then what do you suggest?! In case you forgotten, I don’t have my Miraculous! Unless somehow you magically get me a Chat Noir costume or something,”
   Nathaniel looked down at the ground and saw an abandoned Banana Man costume and picked it up along with a broom, showing it to Adrien.
    Adrien stared at it then looked at Nathaniel, deadpanned.
     “You did say or something,” Nathaniel teased as Alix found a scooter to ride on and rolled it to them.
    Adrien was not amused, for once.
   “There’s no way I’m wearing that!”
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    “Chat Noir?! Is that you?!”
    The feline hero groaned from under the Banana suit, pushing his leg down to gain speed as he drove his scooter, looking back at who seems to be Ladybug dressed in a pink helmet covering her whole head and a cute black and pink tracksuit, riding a bike. There was also a young man with a cardboard box over his head with two holes for eyes dressed in what seems to be a baseball uniform and riding a skateboard.
   “Is that…Carapace, beside you, Ladybug?”
    “Sorry about this dude! Our Miraculous were taken by Master Fu!” The box headed Carapace told Banana Noir.
   The banana wearing hero felt his heart clenched. So Carapace has his Miraculous permanently.
    Master was telling the truth about choosing Miraculous holders.
     The three of them raced after the Sentimonster, but they stopped once the monster stopped as well. It seemed to be distracted as it looked off to the side, and soon was changing course.
    Where was it going?
    Ladybiker caught up to Master Fu and his bike, as she then breathed out.
    “I don’t understand! Why did you send that letter to me and take Tikki away?!” Ladybiker demanded softly, as Fu sighed.
    “As I’ve explained in my letter, I need to fix my mistake…”
    Banana Noir stepped up next to Ladybiker, “You chose us for a reason, Master. You have helped us a few times, now it’s our turn to help you!“
   Master Fu looked up to the two, unsure.
    CaraParcel looked over and then gasped, “There are two Miraculous Heroes fighting…that’s not us?!”
   Everyone looked over to see Kazesagi jumping around with his umbrella-turned-scythe, trying to dodge the tongue trying to stick to him.
    But the Rabbit Hero wasn’t alone.
    Jumping on top of the Sentimonster known as Feast, was a very tall and very adult man in all black with a white cloth wrapped around his waist as a long end of it was sticking like a horse tail, matching the scarf around his neck. His hair was stark white tied in a ponytail with black goggles that were shining red. There were horseshoes hanging around his makeshift belt as the man was soon grabbing two, and hitting them onto the Feast, making it even angrier.
   “Another horse hero?!” Banana Noir gaped at the sight and looked to Master Fu, “I thought—what happened to the other one?!”
    Soon the Rabbit and Horse heroes were flipping backwards away from the akumatized Sentimonster, landing next to the group.
   “Kirin is out of commission. I’m taking over him temporarily,” The new Horse Hero explained with a drawl in his voice, almost sounding tired, “The name’s Mustang. Now, how do we stop this thing?”
   “If it’s an akumatized Sentimonster, we need to find both the Akuma and Amok,” Ladybiker pointed out.
    “The thing is, there’s nothing to break.” Banana Noir replied back with a worried look.
     “Then it has to be inside the monster…”Ladybiker said, tapping at the side of her helmet, “If only I had my Lu—“
   “Here,” Fu was quick to give the Miraculous to Ladybiker, Banana Noir and CaraParcel, nodding his head, “Go and transform.”
   The three of them nodded, and soon were heading some place to hide and transform into their hero forms, as Fu looked to Kazesagi and Mustang.
   “You two distract Feast. I shall find a place to hide the Miracle Box.”
   “Got it, old man.” Kazesagi nodded before looking to Mustang, “Let’s go.”
    Mustang nodded as he was using his scarf as a line, swinging towards Feast, hoping to use his voyage to trap him. Although he activated the trap, the beast just went through it like it was nothing and continued to chase after Mustang.
      “Voyage doesn’t have an affect?!” Kazesagi gaped in surprise, as the portal just disappeared like smoke once Feast bulldozed through it.
     Guess burrow won’t work on a Miraculous eating monster.
      And Mustang’s goggles were beeping, signalling that he was going to transform back soon.
      What to do? What to do?
      Kazesagi turned to see Ladybug had arrived along with Chat Noir and Carapace.
      Ladybug smiled as she suddenly had a red metal detector with spots, humming a bit as she looked at Feast, then at Chat Noir and Carapace as the two were helping Mustang fight Feast. Although, Chat Noir lost his bo-staff when Feast used his sticky tongue to grab and swallow it.
    “I think I have an idea!” She hummed as she was summoning her yo-yo, and soon was tying both herself, Chat Noir and Carapace together
     “Wha—?” Chat Noir blinked as he looked down at the strings of the yo-yo binding him, then looked back at Ladybug, “Is this the time, LB?”
     “What are we doing now?” Carapace asked as Ladybug smiled sweetly at the two.
     “Ready to get the stick back~?” Ladybug batted her eyes innocently as Chat already knew what was coming next.
    “Oh no…not the tongue…” Chat murmured with a whine, as Carapace was already activating Shell-ter around them.
     The three suddenly felt the tongue sticking onto the shield, pulling all of them inside Feast’s hungry mouth and down his stomach.
     “NOO!” Kazesagi shouted as he was about to switch his umbrella into his scythe when he felt a cloth wrapped around his middle and was pulled into the air.
     Mustang caught him and soon landed them far from the monster and were racing to find the Guardian. Who happened to come out of hiding to see what’s going on.
    “W-where’s Ladybug, Chat Noir and Carapace?” Fu asked in worry.
     They didn’t have time to answer as Feast was coming their way, and he looked hungrier than before. Kazesagi and Mustang were standing protectively in front of Master Fu, ready to fight back and give the Guardian time to escape when Feast suddenly stopped. The two heroes and Fu blinked in surprise when the monster looked like it was going to blow. Quickly, Kazesagi opened his umbrella like a shield, Mustang moving behind him along with Fu. Bubbles appeared everywhere as they heard the explosion, the three peaking out to see Carapace grinning as he led down the shield while Chat Noir held the now Cataclysm’d staff that held the amok and akuma, while Ladybug did her thing and purified them.
    Once the little magical bugs were cleaning up and bringing everything to normal, Ladybug and Chat Noir approached their Master, who smiled softly.
   “Thank you Ladybug. Chat Noir. Because of you both, I do not have to run away anymore.” Fu said in relief, as Ladybug looked confused.
    But Chat Noir understood.
    Mustang’s goggles were beeping once more, and he had a few seconds to transform back, “Looks like we’re gonna have to jet—“
    Ladybug’s eyes widened, “Wait, I don’t know—“
     Fu interrupted Ladybug, “I do know who they are. Do not worry, they are our allies.”
     Ladybug looked worried as she looked to Kazesagi, but then her eyes widened at the realisation. Sighing, she nodded her head.
    Kazesagi took a bow before he was bouncing off, and Mustang followed afterwards.
      Three beeping sounds were heard as Chat Noir looked to his ring and looked back to Master Fu, “I know three people who better run before they transform back~”
     Carapace looked to Master Fu, “I should take you home, Master.”
      “Goodbye Master,” Ladybug bid her farewell as both her and Chat Noir went their separate ways, Carapace carrying Master Fu on his back before making his way to his home.
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   Nathaniel and Alix were walking together to head to Alix’s house when a certain Chat dropped down in front of them, making both of them shout in surprise but it soon turned into relief and happiness.
   “Sweet! You got your Miraculous back!” Alix smiled brightly as Chat Noir winked.
    “The Cat is indeed back~” The feline chuckled but then hummed “How about we get you two home, hm?”
    “Wait, what about Master Fu? Is he okay?” Nathaniel asked.
    “Taken home safe and sound,” Although Chat had to wonder if Master Fu will still continue to leave or will he stay now that his past mistake is fixed?  “We should get you guys home before we get even more in trouble for being out so late…”
Alix hummed, “For you at least, Mr. Tomcat. My dad is pretty cool of me being out late as long as I don’t get hurt or worse…”
    “Mm, my family don’t notice me that much, so I’m on the same boat,” Nathaniel shrugged but then grinned a bit at Chat, “But you, on the other hand…should be heading home yourself before you’re jailed by your father,”
    “Grounded. You mean grounded, right?” Chat Noir asked but then sighed, knowing that Nathaniel had a point, “I just wanted to check on you guys. But since you’re okay, I’ll get going. See you tomorrow?”
    “Absolutely!” The two both said with smiles, waving as Chat Noir pole vaulted his way to the rooftops and started running home.
     As Nathaniel and Alix continued on their way home, they never noticed the almost fiery blue eyes watching them from above, a scarred grin appearing on the stranger’s face.
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    Master Fu waved to Carapace as the new Turtle Holder left to head home, and soon turned to see Shinso sitting at his table, looking grim.
    “I hope that Horse Hero you have chosen to take over you tonight is alright.”  Fu hummed as he was stepping towards the young man, as Shinso nodded his head.
    “He gave it back and went to continue his mission in his true alias.” Breathing out, the purple haired male was soon holding out the pocket watch of the Rabbit to him, “Thank you for lending me Fluff to use for tonight, even when I never told you what I used it for…”
      “I am sure you have your reasons. Especially since you have come to me and returned it,” Fu sat in front of the other, seeing how tired the other way. It was almost as if he had so much years on him than any teenager he’s ever met. Or anyone for that matter.
     “…I’m sorry that I seem to be keeping so many secrets,” Shinso murmured as he about to hand the watch to  the man, but was surprised when Fu pushed it back to him, “Wha—?”
    “My dear boy, everyone keeps secrets. You have witnessed just tonight that I too had secrets of my own,” Fu hummed as he then glanced at Shinso, “But I do trust you. Something about you tells me that you have good intentions, whatever it is your are trying to change or prevent.”
    Shinso froze at the tone from the Master, bowing his head. He soon was pulling the Horse Miraculous from his person, and felt Fu moving to gently take it from him. Looking back at his watch on his other hand, Shinso looked…troubled.
   He only intended to use the Rabbit one last time.
   “I believe Fluff truly belongs to you and only you, young Hitoshi. You should keep and cherish this Miraculous and it’s Kwami from this point onwards,” Fu smiled almost fatherly like, as the Horse Miraculous turned back to sunglasses, “The horse shall return to me until it’s true user shall appear.”
   “Is it…?” Shinso questioned before Fu shook his head.
    “No, I do not think so. Someone else would be well suited for Kaalki.”
     The Miraculous shined for a moment, Kaalki appearing and looking upset as they flew over to Shinso and nuzzled into his cheek.
    “It was an honour working with you, Sir Hitoshi!” The horse kwami cooed, as Shinso smiled weakly and scratching at their mane gently with a finger, closing his eyes.
    “You too. I hope whoever is your next user will treat you well.”
     Kaalki smiled before they vanished back into their Miraculous, and Fu was moving to place it back into the Miracle Box. Shinso looked down to the watch in his hand, as he tightened his grip on it.
     ‘I won’t mess up this time.’
     “I suggest you go home and rest my young friend. I would think even if your mentor is out and about now, he would want you to rest,” Fu said as he was moving his Miracle Box to it’s hiding place.
    Shinso nodded as he then tilted his head, “What are your plans now?”
     Fu turned to the young man, smiling, “I believe this apartment is not a good living space anymore…”
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    Adrien was indeed grounded for coming home after curfew, taking the fall of running away from an Akuma attack and not staying by Gorrila’s side so that the bodyguard wouldn’t get in trouble for losing him.
    But it was worth it.
    At least he was allowed to go to school still.
   Adrien looked to the news as he saw Nadja talking about the re-appearance of a Monk Temple in Tibet on his phone, smiling a little. Looks like Ladybug’s cure after defeating Feast has brought it back. Along with the people inside it.
   “Is that the Temple that Master Fu was talking about?” Nathaniel asked as he sat with Adrien in the privacy Alix’s living room , Alix skating around them idly.
     Adrien nodded, “Master Fu said that he’ll visit them in due time to explain everything. But before that, he’s preparing to move to another location to hide from Hawkmoth since he knows who Master Fu is now and what he looks like.”
     “Makes sense to lay low, but he’s not going to take your Miraculous right?” Alix asked as she stopped in front of them, “I mean, what would Paris be like without it’s heroes, ya know?”
   “Don’t worry, Master Fu assured me that there was no way he was going to take away anyone’s Miraculous. Not when Hawkmoth and Mayura are still around…” Adrien hummed but then grinned, “Also, he wanted me to tell you that he wants to see you two as soon as he settled in his new place.”
    Nathaniel and Alix looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Adrien in confusion.
    “Er, why?” Nathaniel asked slowly, as Adrien continued to look teasing.
    “Well, you are going to be future Miraculous heroes. So he’d want to train you guys as soon as possible~”
    Alix gasped out loud as she squealed, grabbing at the shocked Nathaniel’s shoulder and shaking him, “Y-you mean—?!”
    “Yeah. You guys are gonna be my teammates from now on. Although he won’t give you any Miraculous right now, but he wants to prepare you in case Ladybug and I would need the help in future battles. And of course, preparing to take down Hawkmoth and Mayura.”
     Adrien watched with amusement as Alix was pushing Nathaniel away before skating around them in excitement, cheering and woohooing while Nathaniel was lying on the ground, still taking the news in. The cat holder hummed as he remembered the talk the other night when Fu visted him once more.
    “Perhaps it is time that both You and Ladybug are to meet. Unmasked. Not now, but soon…Because I am to chose the both of you as candidates as the next Guardians of the Miraculous.”
    Adrien looked worried as he was touching at his ring.
    He had promised himself he would try and move on from his feelings of Ladybug. Be a better partner and friend this time around, meaning to take his job as a hero seriously.
    But the fact that he could possibly meet the girl behind the mask?
    It made his heart beat fast, and his stomach curl.
     If this was a few days ago before, maybe he’d be over the moon finding out who was the love of his life under the Ladybug persona.
     But now?
     He felt afraid.
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    “Train not just me, but Chat Noir as a potential Guardian?” Marinette asked as she packed the last box onto the van, looking at Master Fu in surprise, “Are…are you sure it’s the right time?”
    “As you have said before, Marinette. It is time to take the noodles out of the boiling pot,” Master Fu chuckled softly, “You looked so worried before that your friends knew of you identity as you do them, and yet Chat Noir did not get the same treatment. I believe that you are right that Chat Noir does need to know everything and be more involved. I am sure you are relieved to not be keeping such a secret from your partner, hm?”
   “I am.”
    And Marinette meant that.
    After all, she had been worrying over how distant Chat Noir had been in each fight against the akumas, and she knew since the Syren incident, Chat had felt like he wasn’t trusted enough. Hiding the fact that she had a few people find out her being Ladybug and she had chosen her team without him…it had been killing her.
    Despite not feeling romantic love for him, she did love him.
    He was her best friend and partner.
    Smiling a little, she felt…excitement. She finally gets to see the boy under the mask of her first and best partner. And keep her promise of showing her true self under the Ladybug mask.
    After helping Master Fu finish packing up and move to his new place, Marinette returned home and headed inside. Once she reached to the door, she was surprised to see her parents weren’t alone. In fact, the guest they had was a man that had long unruly hair and seemed to sport a bit of a stubble, dressed in all black and wearing a scarf even though it wasn’t that cold. The adults were talking and laughing a bit until Marinette decided to interrupt.
   “Maman? Papa?”
    Tom and Sabine looked up and smiled brightly.
   “Oh, welcome home sweetheart!” Tom crowed in joy as he was soon walking over to bring his daughter in and closer to them, “We wanted you to meet your godfather~”
   “G-Godfather?” Marinette questioned before Sabine smiled softly.
   “Oh yes. He’s here for a vacation with his son and has been coming to visit the bakery lately but you’re always out and about everyday so he never gets to see you,”
    Marinette looked at the man for a moment. How…how has she never heard about this guy before?
     The man quirked a smile, chuckling a little, "I guess you wouldn't remember me. It's been a long LONG time. Last time I saw you, you were kinda tiny..." He gestured with his hands of a baby size, looking amused.
    Sabine went on to tell the story of how she knew of Shota Aizawa, Marinette sitting down with Tom on the living room couch.
   It was during her college days that the Cheng family stayed in Japan for a few years due to her parents’ being business people and wanted to create many branches, they also wanted Sabine to learn other cultures for her future in the family business. 
   “Your Aunt Shu Yin went to the same school as Shota here, the two becoming the best of friends along with three other people,” Sabine chuckled as she looked to Shota, “She has indeed changed a lot since the last time I remembered.”
  "How is she?” Aizawa asked
   "She's...a bit all over the place as I recall," Sabine looked nervous for some reason as Tom was making a face behind her, making Aizawa smile, "But have you visited her yet?"
   "Actually, I do plan on visiting," 
    "What was that nickname you liked calling her?" Sabine hummed as she was snapping her fingers as if thinking, but then gasped as she smiled, "Ebony! Wasn't that what you called her in school?"
    A chuckle escaped Aizawa as he had a fond look in his eyes, along with amusement. 
   "It's because our class could never pronounce her Chinese name right, so she ended up being nicknamed that," The shaggy haired man then looked over at Marinette, “She was a spitfire back in the day, she was popular among our peers."
   "Aunt Shu Yin? Popular?" Marinette looked at Aizawa in disbelief for a moment, "The same woman that hates cakes and cultural tours?"
    "Actually, the cake thing is true. Apparently our friend traumatised her of eating cakes," Aizawa explained, and Sabine interrupted before he could say anything else.
  “Your grandparents weren’t approving about your aunt going to the same school Shota was, so when she somehow got sponsored by someone, she packed up and left the family for good…I suppose it's why Shu Yin wasn't always missing out on family reunions and preferred to be a home-body.”
  Marinette was confused then. So how did her mom know this guy if he was much closer to an aunt that she wasn't fond of?
   “She…is going through a few things. Things she won’t tell me. I haven’t heard from her since her graduation of high school. Actually, it’s when Shota started writing to me about her and that’s how we got to know one another,” Sabine sighed, her eyes looking sad at the thought of her sister, “l-I do miss her. B-But I earned a friendship in Shota while talking about her, and would sent letters back and forth to me about everything. Actually, he was the one that encouraged me to break from the family’s traditional ways and move to Paris to pursue my dream~”
   “Your mom was passionate about cooking and making a home full of love and food, as I remember her saying,” Aizawa chuckled when Sabine playfully slapped his arm with a grin, “She even wrote to me how she had met the love her life at first sight.”
     Marinette blinked, looking to the two of them then looked to her father, then back to them in surprise.
   “Dad?” Marinette pointed to Tom, who grinned sheepishly.
   “Shota had just flat wrote to her that she should go for it because that dummy won’t make the first move.” Tom recalled, as Shota raised a brow.
   “I called you a dumba—“
   “AHHHH~ You must be hungry Marientte! Why don’t we get started on dinner and talk some more HMMM?” Tom interrupted as he gave Shota a look, who gave a lazy cheeky grin.
  Marinette just watched them interact with a frown, just overall confused. They say that they know each other and all thanks to the very aunt that she and her father does not really like. But it seems this guy does.
   So many questions.
   And why does Shota keep staring at her like he knows something she doesn’t.
   It was strange.
    Even if this guy did help bringing her parents together, it didn't answer the questions that were burning in her mind.
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  After dinner, Marinette was showing Shota around to her room, considering that Sabine wanted her daughter to give her long-time godfather a tour of her house.
   “So that’s it for the tour. My room isn’t much, but it’s a place where I think of ideas for my fashion designs. It’s my dream to one day have my own clothing line and such, you know?” Marinette concluded finally as she lets the messy haired man up into her room, the man looking around with a hum as Marinette shuts the trap door under them.
   “So…much pink,” Shota hummed, tilting his head.
   “It’s kinda my favourite color,” Marinette nodded as she then glanced over at her table, glad that Tikki was hiding now, “So, how long are you staying in Paris?”
   “Ahh for a while. I kinda have to considering my son is in school for a bit while I do some on the go work,” Shota said with a shrug as Marinette looked puzzled.
  “I thought you were here on vacation?” She questioned, but then blinked, “Wait, your son? Why isn’t your son with you?”
   “I think you might know about where my son is,” Aizawa raised a brow as he looked to the girl, “After all, you were spending time with him today. You guys share a class too,”
   It took the girl a moment before she gasped, “H-Hitoshi’s your son?!”
  Aizawa gave a large grin, chuckling a bit, “More like his mentor. But sure, I’ll go with that for now since it’s kinda the cover I’m going for,”
   Marinette felt her head spin, as she then turned away from him, “So….t-that means…?”
  “That I know that you’re the Parisian Heroine, Ladybug? Yeah I do know,” Aizawa hummed as he looked at the pictures on her wall idly, “I also know about the Guardian of the Miraculous. And the fact there are other Miraculous heroes besides you and Chat Noir—”
  He turned in time to see Marinette almost wanting to tackle him, dodging her hit easily with a raised brow.
  “How can I be sure what you’re saying is true?!” She demanded, not caring if this guy was her godfather and a family friend to her parents. What were the chances that a stranger that reveals to be her godfather actually knew of her being Ladybug? And that this man also knew Master Fu? It didn't add up to her.
    A sigh was heard from the man as Marinette kept her guard up, Shota was rubbing the side of his neck.
"It seems that you don't believe me. Which is good. Having the instinct to not trust easily is a trait that a hero should have.”
   Marinette just stared at him a moment longer before Shota chuckled.
   “Call Shinso then. Then you’ll believe me.”
     Not taking her eyes off of him, she grabbed her cellphone and dialled Shinso’s number, raising it to her ear as it rang. Once it picked up and Marinette was about to ask, Shinso was heard sighing.
   “Is Aizawa already there?”
   Marinette’s eyes widened in surprise, making the older man chuckle for a moment while giving a I told you so look. Growling, she told Shinso she’ll call him back before hanging up, looking at the man.
   “Alright, who are you really? Are you truly a friend of my parents? How do you know Master Fu?”
    “Don’t waste any time, do you?” Shota sighed but then folded his arms, but soon was looking out the window and raised a brow, “Besides, we fought side by side before~”
    “We did?” Marinette asked, unsure.
     Aizawa hummed as he was moving to pull his hair back, placing it in a familiar high ponytail as he smirked, “I named myself after my car after all…well, it’s actually a friend’s favourite but eh, beggar’s can’t be choosers,”
     Marinette tilted her head as she stared at him, but then gasped, “Mustang?!”
    “Bingo~” Aizawa hummed and let his hair fall, as he grinned, “Shinso lent it to me that night against Feast since he didn’t want two Miraculous to be lost. And by the way, using voyage on yourself is hard…”
     Shinso has a lot of explaining to do, Marinette would think, as she then sighed.
    “Looks like we do have a lot to talk about, Godfather,”
    Aizwa gave a sharp smile, nodding, “Indeed we do, Ladybug~”
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        “Well, Eraser was right…” A very large looking man in a yellow jacket with a hood was standing on the border of France, right next to a white cloaked, bare footed young man, “The leftover allies of the Shie Hassaikai have indeed succeeded into smuggling their drugs into Paris…”
    “W-what now, Fatgum?” The hooded young man next to him spoke in a quiet tone, “D-Do we report back?”
    “Not yet, Suneater,” Fatgum shook his head as he was watching the large van was going into the city, sighing, “We don’t have jurisdiction. If we report and the UN find out, it could cause an international incident. We’re gonna have to be real careful how we deal with this from now on.”
   “E-especially with the rumour that the League is on the move,” Suneater murmured darkly before he glanced back up to his mentor, “Are we sure the reports of Hawks being sighted are true?”
    “Not to sure on that one. But if he is…” Fatgum hummed, looking troubled, “Just when the Top Ten Hero Charts are gonna be announced…”
     Suneater tilted his head before he then heard movement down below them and looked down the cliff they were on to see that there were some men in dark clothing moving to the truck, “Fatgum…”
   “I see ‘em!” Fatgum grinned, turning to his sidekick, “Stealth mode, Suneater. We can’t let any government goons catch us~”
    Nodding his head, Suneater was reaching for his belt pouch, pulling out some takoyaki and placed two in his mouth, his eyes darkening. Fatgum was already pressing a button on his suit, the yellow of his jacket not turned black to blend into the night while Suneater did the same with his white cloak now turning dark as the shadows. The two moved into the darkness, following the perpetrators.
    They may not be allowed into the city, but they as sure as hell aren’t going to allow any bad guys in as well.
    As they took down the bad guys, it was a surprise that these guys were quirkless. And they weren’t Japanese either.
   So much for thinking they might’ve been part of the Yakuza. Or at least remains of what was Overhaul’s men that escaped after everyone in his faction were captured and jailed.
    Suneater watched as Fatgum was quickly subduing all of them and placing them tied to a tree for the French Authorities to find, but then noticed that the truck that had stopped thanks to the bad guys trying to rob it looked off. The young hero was walking over to the driver’s side to check on the person taking the cargo, but his eyes widened as he saw nothing. Just a lot of wet mud on the seats.
    “F-fat. We got a problem…”
     “We gotta jet!” Fatgum hissed as he appeared to Suneater’s side and grabbed for him, “The French Specialists are on the way,” And soon was running off with Suneater in his arms, already hearing the loud sirens that were coming their way.
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        Hawks frowned as he looked at the camera that showed Fatgum and Suneater leaving the scene as soon as the French forces arrived, already taking in the tied up bad guys and checking the contents of the truck. It would seem that the contents were exactly as he thought. 
   ‘Looks like me and Eraser not the only hero here after all…’ Hawks hummed with a thoughtful gaze, leaning back onto his hotel bed and observed the “specialists” were peeking inside the boxes that the truck held.
    He had to figure out where Fatgum and his sidekick are pretty soon if not to make sure that no covers are blown and cause a World War III to happen.
    Sighing, Hawks then glanced over to his phone and saw that Eraserhead’s signal was still pointed to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.
    What business does an underground hero have in a shop full of pastries?
     Hawks smirked as he was then sitting up, speaking out loud to himself.
     “Maybe I should go there for tomorrow’s breakfast~ Who knows…I might see the little chickadee again~”
     Suddenly he heard a shuffling sound, then a knock. This made Hawks pause in his musing to look at the door. He was supposed to be alone tonight, not to be expecting visitors. But then again, this was Paris.
     Apparently weird was normal around here.
     Hawks stood up as he was pressing down at the watch that was on his wrist, making his body shimmer in a quick light as he appeared as a normal looking young man. He was walking towards his hotel door, opening it and peeking outside to see if anyone was around.
      No one.
      Hawks breathed out a sigh as he closed the door, but then jumped as he felt a presence now beside him once the door was shut. Stepping out of the way and was reaching for a long feather behind his back, he was shocked when a hand holding a blue flame in his palm appeared near his neck.
      "Nice seeing you too, Chicken Wing,"
     The villain was stepping out of the shadows as he made Hawks stepped back even more, the hero clicking at his watch to turn back to his normal self.
     "…Thought the League stay local than going into European soil. What gives?"
      "Just needed to check if you really are going to join our cause. I mean it's not everyday that a hero is interested into being part of the League's conversion to another group," Dabi hummed as he was casually walking to the couch, flopping himself onto it and looking back at Hawks, "That. And I have business here."
    "I told you that I'm totally interested in the Liberation Army~" Hawks smiled as he stood there calmly, but he knew deep down that he had to be careful on what he says.
    It wouldn't do him good if Dabi starts getting suspicious of him even more than he was now.
      "Hmm I see~" The fiery villain tilted his head, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table, "So….what brings you to Paris, Hawks? I didn't take you for a man that loved sight-seeing."
     "Can't a guy appreciate the beautiful city and it's lovely inhabitants?" Hawks said jovially, placing the air of being a cheerful hero with a chuckle, "I'm on vacation. Just being a normal guy wanting to take a break from the hero scene~"
      Dabi grunted, raising a brow before humming a bit, "A normal guy that helps little girls break and enter some rich guy's home?"
      So he has been watching him the whole time.
     Hawks smile never fell as he stared at Dabi, "Gotta help the baby birds and chicks in need, right? Even if I'm not the Number Two Hero of Japan right now~"
     "Just don't forget that the Paranormal Liberation Front is always watching," Dabi warned as he raised a brow at Hawks, getting up from the couch, "Remember. You came to us. Don't be chicken'ing out now."
      And with that, Dabi was gone, the window open and letting the cold night air inside. Hawks just stood there with a blank face, narrowing his eyes.
      So many questions. But so little time.
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   “Monsieur Agreste. You have a call on the line.”
   “Thank you, Nathalie,” Gabriel murmured as he was pressing the side of his computer screen to accept the call, still looking at his designs to work on, “Hello?”
   “Good evening, my friend~! It has been too long, has it not?”
   Gabriel paused at touching the screen for a moment as he looked to the number that was flashing, narrowing his eyes but calmed his voice, “Yotsubashi-san. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
   “Haha, my dear business partner for years, I just wanted to check up on you after all this time. How is your son?”
    “Very well, Yotsubashi-san. But is there any other reason that you called? I am a very busy man,”
   “Yes, yes, I can tell. Considering I’ve seen the future projects that you are planning with the Tsurugi company and even getting the Bourgeois on board…did you see the news about Tibet?”
   “I did,” Gabriel murmured as he glanced at the number once more, “So…is our agreement still the same?”
    “Of course. After all, our causes are aligned~! And since you have gathered allies for the cause as well, I will keep my end of the bargain. Another shipment of butterfly larvae, yes?”
    Gabriel smiled, “Indeed. And I shall keep my end of the bargain as well.”
   “Excellent! Even when you have obstacles to face, you are still the strong man I remember. Not losing sight of your goals, Gabriel-san!”
     Gabriel was silent as he heard the man chuckle before the man spoke again.
    “By the way. I hope you are not too busy to arrange a meeting with an associate of ours. He is here in your city actually.”
    Gabriel was surprised, “What is this about?”
    There was silence on the other line, until the man on the other end chuckled darkly.
    “There has been a change of management. You’ll be meeting a real leader soon, Gabriel. I can assure you, he’s going to make /your/ plans into reality~”
    Gabriel wasn’t too sure how to feel about that.
    But…if it is for the sake of Emilie….
    “Very well. Name the time and place.”
    “You won’t regret it, my friend. Trust me~”
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  Chloe yawned as she was stepping outside of her room, totally annoyed that Jean von Cleat, wasn’t answering to her calls.
   She’ll show him what for! How dare he not answer her even if it was was three in the morning?
    Chloe was making her way to the lobby of the hotel that her Daddy owned, when she paused in her steps.
    What was her mother doing up?
    Quickly, she hid herself behind a flower vase displayed on a pillar and peeked around, seeing that Audrey Bourgeois was staring at the TV near the lounge area, watching the news about the Temple in Tibet.
   Odd, considering that kinda news shouldn’t interest someone like the Queen of Fashion. Chloe’s mother was more interested in gossip and scandals from other celebrities.
   “Keep up with the trends of other people’s lives to see who’s worthy and who’s a loser~! Ohoho~!” Her mother once told her, and Chloe supposed that’s where some her personality stemmed from.
   The blonde girl kept watching, as Audrey sighed with her arms folded, already looking to the side where Jean Van Dame was.
   “Jean Claude. Prepare my helicopter. I’ll be making a quick trip somewhere.” Audrey announced as she was pulling out her phone from her purse and dialling it.
   “As you wish Madame,” Jean bowed his head and the butler soon made his way out of there.
    Placing the phone next to her ear, Audrey’s haughty voice spoke warily, “Zion. Yes, it’s Audrey. I’m afraid I cannot house Zuri this month nor can I go to New York at the moment…what? Zoe? Was that really what we named our daughter?”
  Chloe raised a brow as she watched her mother talk, keeping quiet as Audrey continued.
    “Yes I know you have an important job to do but…I’m working things out with my husband here, Zion Lee. Yes. I shall keep my promise just as it is written in our divorce papers. Yes. Yes. Goodbye then.”
   Hanging up her phone, she looked over when Jean came back into the room.
   “Your helicopter has arrived, Madame,” The butler announced as Audrey huffed.
    “Very well. I shall be back by morning,”
    As the woman went to leave, Chloe was frowning a little.
    So…she has a sister, huh?
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   “Felix~ It’s time to prepare for our departure to the train station, my lovely~”
    A blond haired young man looked up from his reading as he heard his mother’s voice, calling back to her patiently.
   “I shall be with you momentarily, Mother!”
     The blond grabbed for his luggage and the book he carried with him, smiling a little. He may not be at all happy that he was moving to Paris with his mother just to get away from the gloomy reminder of his now dead father, but this was for his mother’s sake. That, and he had business with his “Uncle” anyways. Especially when Gabriel Agreste has the Graham de Vanily rings.
    And…maybe a good way to run away from his own problems that will be swept under the rug.
    Felix was making his way downstairs to meet with his mother, who was already making her way out the door to go into the taxi. Amelie smiled warmly over to her son, silently gesturing him to come give her a hug. Felix smiled a little, as he moved to her arms and closed his eyes, hugging her in comfort.
    “I know that moving is a big change in our lives, but as long as we’re together, we can get through anything,” Amelie breathed out gently, rubbing the back of her son’s head with her fingers brushing through his locks, “Please forgive your mother for this.”
   “Oh mother,” Felix chuckled and looked up at her with a soft fond smile, “I want to go. I think it would be nice to see Uncle and Adrien, do you not think so? Especially when tomorrow will be the day to remember Aunt Emilie and Father.”
    A sigh escaped the woman as she nodded, “You are right. Family should stick together in these times, hm?”
     Felix nodded, and soon was guiding his mother to the taxi, but stopped to look at the empty grim looking mansion that used to be the Culpa home.
    That was right.
    Felix knew that he would never take his father’s last name.
    Especially when said father wasn’t exactly a father to begin with.
    Thankfully, he liked having his mother’s last name much better.
     The young man looked to his mother as he slipped into the taxi, closing the door and the taxi driving off.
    “I hope Adrien remembers you. I know you two used to be so close.” Amelie smiled as she leaned back against her seat, Felix watching her facial expression, “Just as I was with your Aunt Emilie.”
     Felix frowned, looking out the window before he then sighed, not saying a word.
     He knew that going to Paris was going to be an interesting one, indeed.
     ‘So long London. And be prepared, Paris…’
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cpcoulter-official · 3 years
Tap tap.
“Logan,” Derek growled, opening his eyes from where he was sitting. “Stop.”
With a frustrated huff, the blond boy rose to his feet, obviously restless as he began pacing. And to be honest, Derek was sick of it. The flight’s been delayed for a full two hours and Logan had begun getting impatient in the first fifteen, getting testy after twenty, and downright annoying in under an hour.
And all because Julian had gone and been a total idiot. But what would Derek and Logan know, right? Neither of them knew how Hollywood worked or what its reasons were, they just knew that they weren’t quite ready to give Julian up as another young sacrifice to their cinematic altars.
But Julian had gone off on a mission, he was determined to prove to his father that he could do this, that this was the role for him, and nothing, not even the threat of them being accused of nepotism, could stop him.
(“Hollywood is the last place on earth that oughto be pointing fingers when it comes nepotism,” Julian had said. “The place runs on it.”)
And it would’ve all been okay, had the role not been what it was, and had Julian not dropped contact during prep and filming, leaving them in the dark as to what had become of him. The role of a young chain-smoking junkie, the epitome of wasted youth, struggling to stay alive was no joke--and nothing that someone of Julian’s age should be doing.
Logan stood grimly, arms akimbo, as the flight finally arrived. In spite of himself, Derek also rose to his feet, a little anxious, scanning the disembarking passengers for any sign of their friend.
(Can you guys come get me at the airport when I land? the first text message from Julian in a long while had said, surprising the both of them. I need a ride back to school, I’m really tired out.
Logan snarled and didn’t look at all pleased, asking why Julian couldn’t just get a cab or a car service, but when the time came, he had been at the car before Derek was.)
What they had expected, maybe, was to get Julian, make note of his diminished appearance—as he always was following a long filming stint—say their “I told you so”s, snark and be snarked at back, and then take him back to the school. Life goes on, and at least he was back with them.
But when Julian appeared at the gate, towing a small rolling suitcase with him, Logan’s arms dropped as though even his icy countenance was no match for what he saw.
Diminished fell away from Derek’s vocabulary--that wasn’t enough for this. Julian was emaciated. When he said he was tired, they didn’t expect the bloodless face, pale lips, red-rimmed eyes with deep dark circles. He had lost weight dramatically, so much that his custom-tailored clothes now hung limply off him. He didn’t saunter forward as he usually did, he shuffled as though it was taking all his energy to tow his luggage and keep the pack on his back. And his glazed eyes blew past them without actually focusing on anything. He didn’t even see them.
At some point, Logan had left Derek’s side, heading straight for Julian, who only realized who was approaching when Logan was nearly right in front of him. The young actor gave him a ghastly half-smile. “Hi…”
Logan didn’t answer. On the way to the airport, Derek knew Logan had a million and one things to say--he had been livid, just as Derek was, about this whole thing--but now he didn’t say a word. Instead, he took the pack away from where it was dragging Julian’s shoulder down, and hooked it onto his own shoulders.
“The flight was late…” Julian murmured in a hushed, wrecked voice. Derek resisted grimacing at the smell of cigarette smoke that still clung to him. It appeared Julian noticed that, because he said, “Sorry about the...smell. Took two showers, but it wouldn’t come out yet. I think it’s in my clothes.”
“Stop talking right now,” Derek commanded, taking the suitcase from him, ushering him on. He found Julian’s sunglasses and put it on him. He can’t be seen like this. “Come on...let’s go.”
Logan still wouldn’t say a word. Even when Julian looked to him as though asking for confirmation of the command. All Logan did was keep his mouth in that grim line, green eyes blazing, as he helped take Julian out of the airport.
The car service was waiting, and as Derek set the suitcase into the trunk, Logan made to put the pack in the car. Julian suddenly grasped onto his sleeve. “Don’t,” he murmured. His eyes looked too big for his face with how thin he’d become. “...I don’t...it’s got the smell.”
Logan stared at him for a moment, not even brushing away the spidery fingers from his sleeve as he normally would, and then handed the pack to Derek. He wordlessly brought Julian into the car.
“Thanks,” Julian murmured, still in that subdued state. “...I can’t stand that smell anymore.”
Again, Logan did not respond. He had so much to say and Derek had heard nearly all of them, but he just wouldn’t say them. Maybe he was waiting for the right time, or maybe he just couldn’t.
The car ride back to Dalton was much the same. Logan sitting stiff and cold and so angry--Derek could see it in his eyes how mercilessly angry he was--as Julian slumped into his seat, staring at the scenes in the window passing by.
“Go on.”
Derek looked up when he heard Julian’s ruined voice. Julian kept staring out the window with those horrible too-big bloodshot eyes. “...go on, let it out. I know you guys are dying to.”
“You look like you’re dying.” Logan snarled through his teeth and god, he was so angry. It was finally leaking out. When Julian didn’t answer, Logan went on. “Have you even seen yourself?! What did you even do all of this for?! Proving what?! That you absolutely do not give a shit what happens to you just as long as you get what you want?!”
“What did you do to yourself, Jules?” Derek asked, trying to stem the flow of Logan’s rage before he stopped being so still and decided to implode altogether. “How did this get so bad?”
Julian only shook his head slightly, a limp rag doll of his formerly brilliant self. “It was the role. ...the smoking, ...just did what I had to do.”
“You didn’t have to anything,” Logan snapped.
“Had to prove I could do this. That I can deliver this.”
“Well congratu-fucking-lations, Jules.”
“Logan,” Derek finally glared at him. Logan’s hands were shaking and he was balling and releasing his fists like he was trying to keep himself from bursting. He turned his attention back to the actor. “Jules...how much weight have you lost? Have you been eating? And how many smokes did you have to go through.”
Julian didn’t answer immediately. His eyes glazed over again. After a few moments, he murmured, “...god I hate that smell...I can’t stand it anymore.”
Derek shook his head. Julian was practically delirious, there’s no talking to him right now. “You’re going to the Clinic wing the minute we get back to—”
“I want to go back to Stuart House,” Julian replied in a tone that suggested this wasn’t up for negotiation. “...I want to go back and...just sleep. When I get there you can...” he waved his hand limply. “You can yell all you want. I know you guys are going to. Let it out.”
Logan shook his head, completely furious, and added nothing more to the conversation.
It only took twenty minutes to get from the airport and back to Dalton Academy, but Julian somehow managed to fall asleep in that time after their conversation. Pulling up in front of Stuart House, Logan looked to Derek and said, “Go to the clinic wing. Ask Summers what we’re supposed to...do with him.”
Derek stepped out, a little doubtful, “What about you? What’ll you do? Look, maybe go easy on him a little, I think he knows what he’s done to himself—”
“He has no idea what he does to himself and he doesn’t care, that’s the problem,” Logan retorted. “When he’s set himself to something, he’ll manage it or die trying and one of these days, it will get him killed.”
“At least he’s here now,” Derek sighed as Logan reached in and pulled Julian out of the car with more care than he’d expected given his disposition. “He’ll be alright once he recovers.”
“This can’t happen again, D,” Logan told him as he slung Julian’s arm over his shoulder, the groggy actor waking up and still too slow to realize what was happening. “This can’t happen again, I don’t care how right he thinks he is.”
“Well, tell him that,” Derek nodded.
“I plan to.”
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Joy is Yellow (Kaminari x Reader)
Hey guys! This is for the BNHarem collab. The theme this time was Flowers c:
Here’s the link to the rest of the collab! Please look here to find more of your favorite BNHA characters written by some awesome writers!
It wasn’t often that Kaminari was disappointed with becoming a hero, but watching you wander around the farmer’s market in the mid-morning sun, he regretted not being able to do this everyday. You walked arm-in-arm with his friends, unaware of his pining. He wanted to tell you, so badly he wanted to tell you… but if there was one thing Kaminari had learned about himself since graduating UA, it was that as soon as he caught feelings, the words stopped coming out of his mouth right. He couldn’t risk messing everything up. Not with you.
 Sero hung off of one arm, Mina on the other. Your bag hung precariously off of your shoulder, threatening to tear Mina’s arm from you as it fell. Yet you didn’t mind, you simply forged forward, smile wide on your face. Kaminari let you pull his friends forward, hanging back to hear your laugh filter through the crowds. His eyes watched your back as you ran around, looking through local honeys, fresh vegetables, and the occasional booth of art and hair pins. The crowd grew larger as the morning went on, obscuring you from his vision when you ducked into tents and booths, but he still took in the crisp air with joy in his heart. Kaminari thought he might finally understand what people meant when they mentioned ‘simple pleasures.’
He had to resist the urge to sprint to your side as your squeal pierced the calm air. The sight of you, unharmed, calmed him somewhat but didn’t ease his pounding heart. Face flushed, eyes wide in joy, and utterly angelic as you took in the wide selection of flowers in front of you.
 “Mina, look!” You held a slip of paper out to her, hands trembling in excitement. “I never knew flowers had meanings. Look, this one has almost a whole page!” You were threatening to turn Kaminari’s insides to mush, watching you flitter from flower to flower like a hummingbird, barely stopping to skim over the slip of paper in front of each flower. Kaminari may not be able to get the right words out of his mouth, but maybe….
 Daffodils: Inspiration. You inspire me to push myself every day. I want to be someone worthy of your beauty- inside and out.
 The note sat nestled inside a modest bouquet of buttery yellow daffodils, still dewy from the chill morning. Your fingers ran over the note, trying to recall the handwriting. It was at least someone who knew where you lived- in a gated apartment for recently graduated students of UA- and someone who knew of your new obsession with the language of flowers. With gentle hands, you scooped up the flowers from your stoop, placing them in a vase you had purchased at the market the day before. It was true what they said, flowers really brightened up a room. Or maybe that was the feeling that sat airily in your chest.
 You usually ran into one or two former classmates while wandering around your apartment complex, but Kaminari was becoming a more regular face. It wasn’t unwelcome, you enjoyed every moment spent with the ditsy blonde. You did wonder if he played up his dumb blonde shtick for laughs, but he was always genuine with you. As you wandered through the gates after your shift, it was no surprise that he was the first person you saw.
 “Hey! Have you eaten yet?” He called out, a grin plastered on his face. You couldn’t help but think he’d been waiting for you, as self-absorbed as that made you feel. He was still staring at you, the grin faltering before you realized you hadn’t answered.
 “Oh, not yet. I was hoping to get out of these gross clothes first.” He nodded sagely before breaking out in another grin.
 “Let me pick up some food for us while you change then. And no saying no! I want to have a picnic, and no one else will have one with me!” Kaminari tried his best to give you the most pathetic puppy eyes that he could muster, a smile breaking through as you giggled at his antics.
 “Fine, ‘Minari. I’ll meet you out here in twenty?” You were surprised he hadn’t concussed himself with how hard he nodded before sprinting off with a wave. Surely he must have whiplash at least?
 If it wasn’t Kaminari Denki, the class flirt, you would almost think the picnic laid out before you was… romantic. He had surely put a lot of energy into it, making sure that the blanket had shade, but wasn’t hidden under the tree, a wonderful view of the late afternoon sky, and most of all, quiet. Not many people ventured to this part of the complex, preferring to stick to the well-worn paths and their own spaces. Your favorite guilty-pleasure dinner was laid out like it was homemade, a bottle of sparkling juice on ice nearby. Kaminari must have been serious about wanting a picnic.
 The picnic flew by in a flurry of laughs, leaving you both red-faced and out of breath. He had tried, really, to keep himself serious. There were many questions about how your life was like now that you were outside of school, if you liked your job, and any problems you had been facing. He tried so hard. And then he misjudged the toss of a snack, hitting himself in the eye instead of dropping it into his mouth like he intended. You appreciated his efforts, but you appreciated the unadulterated Kaminari more.
 You weren’t sure how it devolved into a pseudo food fight, the two of you desperately trying to win points by throwing food into each other’s mouths. It was funny, and, sweet, and utterly juvenile. After spending so much time trying to grow up quickly to match the world you were thrust into, it was such a welcome reprieve.
 He insisted on walking you to your door that night.
 “No self-respecting hero would let someone walk home alone. Especially if home is only a few doors down from mine.” The grin on his face as he left you at your door felt a little more genuine that night.
  Marigolds: Affection, making a connection. To let you know you’re on my mind. Seriously, you’re on my mind, always.
 The marigolds on your doorstep weren’t quite as fresh as the daffodils you had received a few days before, but they still held their pungent smell. You were never a big fan of the smell, but you couldn’t help smiling as you remembered the meme fights Sero and Kaminari used to get into in high school.
 “They’re marigolds!” Sero shouted at the top of his lungs.
“My god, I think she’s right, they are marigolds!” Kaminari yelled, overly scandalized.
“I may not know my flowers, but I know a b-” They started together, stopping only when an irate Aizawa turned the corner. 
 The memory alone would have been enough for you to place them among your daffodils, still standing strong with the flower food you had found squirreled away in your cupboards. The sentiment scrawled on the note only made you want to keep them more. Hopefully the daffodils would cut the scent somewhat.
 You hadn’t seen Kaminari since the picnic, besides glimpses here and there as one of you left for work. He had looked so tired lately. You knew that he had Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugou looking out for him, but even then, they were busy too. You were less so, by choice. It was too much to jump into right away, and you were always one to adjust to the waters before you dove. It was time to repay him for the picnic.
 The knock at the door surprised Kaminari, he was already setting his alarm to run down to the flower shop before you woke up. Then he could get another bunch of flowers, leave them on your doorstep before you left for work, and get a nap in before his shift. He had tried to ignore the dark circles spreading underneath his eyes and the yawns that plagued him. You were worth a little inconvenience.
 So when he saw you on the other side of the door, he thought his heart might stop. There you stood in all your glory, looking like you were plucked straight from some painting he ignored during his middle school museum field trips. He knew better now, if he could find your beauty in the paintings, he would stare for hours.
 You cleared your throat, pulling him from his drowsy daydreaming. “Can I come in ‘Minari? You’ve been looking a little beat up lately, so I made you some dinner.” He felt awful as he watched you shuffle the carefully stacked containers of food in your arms. Quickly, he went to grab some of them from you, easing your load and motioning you into his house.
 How could you do that? Just a few minutes and a simple dinner, something even he could have made, and he suddenly felt like he could run a few laps. No more yawns, they had been long replaced by full body laughs as he watched you utterly fail at the most recent fighting game he had bought. He couldn’t be bothered to play with you, the food in front of him was too tempting. Kaminari couldn’t remember the last time he had made himself food. You must have been an angel sent just for him.
 Sunflowers: Joy, optimism, positive energy. Tell me your secrets, please. How do you light up every room you enter? You chase away all the tiredness in my body. It’s like you’re an energy drink for my soul.
 You wondered how you were going to fit such large stems into your vase. It seems like your mysterious suitor had thought of that too, buying only a few smaller flowers. It was starting to look like a proper arrangement, although you wondered why it was all yellow. Surely there were flowers in other colors to convey what he wanted? No matter, the sunflowers in front of you definitely cut through the empty space, filling up your room with enough color to rival the sun.
 There was a big assignment that a few of the people in your apartment had been appointed to. Kaminari was included, and you barely caught sight of him anymore. Sero had also been called, but you saw him sneaking into Mina’s apartment with the morning’s light. At least you were assured that one of your friends were being properly cared for.
 You couldn’t help yourself, you started leaving containers of food at his door, little notes, and a few healthy drinks to combat the sugary energy drinks he preferred. Your dishes were always returned clean by the next day, and it made you feel like you were doing something more than sitting on your ass working part-time while he was out there giving his all. The night that signaled the end of the assignment, you found your dishes outside per usual, with a note.
 Thanks Sunshine.
 The beating of your heart could be heard in your ears. You were so flustered you didn’t notice how the note matched the others you left on the counter.
  Pansy: Loving.
 This note confused you. Just a single word as explanation and a bundle of gentle yellow pansies with bleeding black centers. Still, you placed the gentle stems in the vase. You were sure to place them where they wouldn’t be crushed by the more boisterous flowers. The petals were so delicate beneath your fingers, you were afraid they’d wilt at the slightest touch.
 You’d be sad after these flowers wilted. It was such a fun experience to open your door every morning and search for flowers on your stoop. Even if they weren’t there every day, it only made the days you found them more exciting. You hadn’t really stopped to consider who had been leaving such sweet presents, but you knew who you hoped it was. Maybe you were just reading too much into it, with all the yellows consuming your thoughts.
 You knew that Kaminari had the day off, time to recover from the grueling days of work behind him. Even so, you couldn’t resist making more food than you needed. You missed him, even though it had only been a handful of days. With swift steps and an even swifter knock, you were finally in front of him.
 He looked awful, there was no nice way of putting it. His hair was unruly in an unintentional way, dark circles and even darker bruises littering his body. But he seemed to light up at your presence. It was a sight to see as the fatigue lifted from his face, his body less weighed down by his slouching shoulders.
 Kaminari ate beside you on the couch, a scene that was becoming familiar to you. It was comfortable here, just the endless chatter of the television to end the silence of the growing night. You stayed long after food was finished and the dishes were washed- Kaminari insisted it was the least he could do. Even longer after, when Kaminari’s head fell heavily to your shoulder. Whatever energy you gave him must have reached his limit. It took some time to maneuver him to his bed, all dead weight, but you slid him under his sheets eventually. With a brush to his hair- simply to get it out of his eyes, you tried to convince yourself- you left as quiet as you came.
 There was no flower when you opened your door that morning. It was a little disappointing, they seemed to have come after particularly nice nights with Kaminari before. You let yourself get caught up in your head with every thing you had done since the last bouquet, chewing on your lip as scenarios ran through your thoughts.
 A knock came at the door before you were able to chew your lip raw. A quick glance to a mirror and a quick straightening of your clothes made you presentable. You weren’t sure why you were so nervous to answer the door. It was just a neighbor, probably one that has seen you in states much worse than when you first woke up…
 It was a pleasant surprise to see Kaminari standing before you. He fussed with something in his grasp before he realized you opened the door. He thrust his fist toward you, a single daisy in his clutch. The poor stem had almost been worried through, leaning at an awkward angle. You accepted it with cautious hands, supporting the tired flower.
 “So, Denki, what does this one mean?” You smiled at him coyly, enjoying the way he could barely meet your eyes.
 “T-true…” His voice was barely a squeak escaping his throat. You took mercy on him, grasping his hand with your free one. Kaminari’s eyes finally flew to yours, questioning.
 “Breathe, ‘Minari.” You smiled, coaching him through a breath, and then two. His eyes were clearer when they met yours again. He let a grin sneak onto his face, bringing him a bit more confidence.
 “Daisies mean t-true love… and soulmates.”
 After many shared smiles and messy kisses, you led him into your apartment, his hand still clutched in yours.
 And many years after, you would still get compliments on your bright yellow daisy pendant, encased in resin and lasting as long as his love for you.
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