#his brother is alec
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garvalhaminho · 7 months ago
idc if jace is canonically refered to as jace herondale most of the times, he will always be jace lightwood to ME.
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witchlingcirce · 2 months ago
Uhm thinking massive thoughts about how one of the few times Janus ever thought to himself while controlled by Sebastian is when he kicked Alec’s dead body where his parabatai rune would’ve been
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nina-s0 · 13 days ago
Regulus was a nightcore child and I rest my case.
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kasirose · 1 year ago
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Wishing the one and only HBIC salt king Alec Lightwood-Bane himself a happy birthday!
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s--strawberry · 10 months ago
im sorry but alec breaks up with you and then suddenly your evil dad comes back and gives you your magic back and you dont conect the dots ????? you are DUMB
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lurafita · 21 days ago
Beware of longer post
Malec AU, no powers, Asmodeus and Magnus as brothers, small town kinda feels towards the environment, heavy focus on family, uncle Magnus taking care of his brother's kids, the Malec would be more fleshed out in the story but the outline is more focused on the Banes.
So, the fact that the actors of Asmodeus and Magnus are only 8 years apart, made me think that I could easily think of them as brothers as well in an AU.
I could have Asmodeus be his lusty self, sleeping with women left and right, and saddling his brother with the consequences. As in, any children Asmodeus fathers, but does not have the time to raise (in the cases where the women don't want the kids) So uncle Magnus taking care of his brother's children.
And also, the kids are all different ages. So he may have a 17 year old Raphael, and 16 year old Rosa, and a 13 year old Maia, and 6 year old Madzie. And he is their legal guardian, but not the adopted parent. Which puts Raphael and Rosa, who are older and know a bit more about the legalese there, occasionally at odds with Magnus. Because they want their uncle to fully adopt them all already, and file for full custody, so that their father doesn't have any legal right to them anymore. Asmodeus comes around every once in a while, to spend quality time with his kids, and Raphael and Rosa have grown wise to his various red flags and tired of his bullshit over the years. While Maia and Madzie don't have the same reservations about their biological father yet, and don't really understand the difference between uncle Magnus being their uncle that takes care of them, and uncle Magnus being their adopted parent, they tend to take their older siblings' side when the argument comes up. Magnus meanwhile is completely torn up inside, because while he loves those kids and cosiders them basically his own, as usual, things are more complicated than that. Asmodeus isn't a stellar father now, but Magnus knows that his brother can be. When their mother killed herself after battling depression for years, and their stepfather became more and more abusive towards Magnus, Asmodeus gave up his college scholarship, took over guardianship of his brother, and got into a dead end job to support the two of them away from the stepdad. And Magnus desperately wants to give his brother the chance to be this kind of dad to his own kids, and wants for the kids to know that their father isn't just some absent deadbeat. This is fueled by Magnus' deep guilt about being the reason why his brother had to give up his future to raise Magnus. And the downward spiral that Asmodeus fell in to is surely Magnus fault as well, for being the start of it all. Massive guilt complex tied with brotherly love.
Like, I had this... this scene in my head, where Asmodeus is in town, and taking the kids on an outing. And Magnus is anxious and worried and trying not to be anxious and worried, because this is what he wants, for Asmodeus to be a dad and for his kids to experience that. And Alec is with Magnus, trying to reassure him and calm him down and all that, but secretly just wishing that Asmo fucks off soon again, so they can all get back to the growing domesticity they have been building together. And then comes a call, from someone who knows Magnus and his kids, and who works at like, a bar or something, some place that is definitely not for kids. And they are telling him that Asmodeus showed up there with the kids and "Thought I should tell you before I call the cops and all that." And then Magnus and Alec race towards that bar, and find Asmodeus pretty drunk already, and trying to talk his older kids into having their first drink with their dad. And Magnus just snaps. Gets the kids, gets them out there, and lets his brother (who has been following them back out to the car while shouting about Magnus being too dramatic and this isn't a big deal and all that) have it. Yells about how Asmodeus doesn't know the first thing about his kids.
How Raphael worked so hard to get good grades because he wants to become a lawyer.
How Rosa is already so engaged in charity events and help organizations and how they have been looking at humanitarian projects for her to join over the summer.
How Maia has wanted to become a veterinarian ever since she was 5 and that is still her dream.
How Madzie was the first in her class to read fluently and how she spent 2 hours one afternoon to find the perfect gift for her friend's birthday celebration she was invited to.
And some other small things that Magnus knows because he was there and Asmodeus has no clue about. How proud of the kids Magnus is and how they deserve so much better than a father who shows up whenever he feels like it and then drags them into a bar.
And then he tells his brother that he is done with giving him second and third and fourth chances, and that he will file for adoption and full custody the very next day.
And then they just leave him standing there while he and Alec pile everyone into the car and drive home. and when they are home there is a lot of cuddling and like feelings and stuff.
And the next day, Asmodeus is gone, and Magnus wishes he was surprised by that, but he is definitely disappointed. But then like two weeks later, when Magnus is before a judge who rules about the adoption issue, Asmodeus walks in, in a suit and looking decidedly more sober than the last time they talked, and gives up his parental rights, and gives his blessing for Magnus to adopt his kids.
Outside the room after the adoption is granted, Asmodeus tells Magnus that he was right, and that he is sorry, and that he is going to get some professional help; and when he is someone who he can look at in the mirror again, would Magnus mind if he visited them?
And for the first time in a long time, Magnus recognizes his brother again.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 14 days ago
Is it stated anywhere whether Ace was David's younger or older brother? Cuz if older
I wonder how big the age difference and if he saw any more of David in young Nova when he took care of her Post ordering her family to be killed off
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transrevolutions · 9 months ago
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left: alec seward (gay) - right: selene valent (bisexual) - centre: creed seward (a little confused but he got the spirit)
(redraw of this from 2022)
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drowningmoon · 2 months ago
Literally watching Shadowhunters for the first time ever and it's cracking me up how EVERY SINGLE PERSON that knows Alec is like "bro is gay and in love with Jace" and then we have Jace (the same Jace who knows Alec since they were TEN and is his PARABATAI) going "omg I'm the person you love most? I love you too BROTHER"
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im-out-of-it · 3 months ago
shadowhunters show should’ve asked for volunteers to help write the storylines because I ME MYSELF AND I WOULD HAVE VOLUNTEERED AND I WOULD HAVE DISMISSED SOME OF THE WRITERS BECAUSE I HAVE GRAND IDEAS
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I just started season two and it’s been a migraine already 😭 like Alec has such patience because I would have had him going off on jace
I do think Alec tells people off as he should but I don’t think it’s enough. guaranteed, it’s a shit ton more than book Alec but how has he not lost his mind? I know for fucking sure that Alec did not get paid enough to deal with any of that. and there isn’t enough Advil to cure Alec of his migraines he has daily because of jace and clary
at least I can count on Magnus
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and at least alec goes off on clary but-
Alec shouldn’t be on his deathbed TWICE in over just 14 bloody episodes
if I was hired, I would have cut that CLACE shit out and have Alec stand up for himself. actually have the downworlders featured more. and I stated this before, but I would have loved to see Alec or Izzy have the more powerful gifts because I’ve had enough of basic bitches thinking they’re normal and then taking advantage of those supposed gifts when they find out they have power. it’s boring, tiresome, been overdone too much
but imagine how much better the show could’ve been if they rid as much of CLACE as possible?????? (also just get the whole rights because I would love TID and TLH adapted but not if CC is behind it) (she would destroy it)
and all the book fans would be so angry lmao
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no I’m just saying like it makes me mad how much Alec sacrifices himself for jace and for what? why are we sacrificing so much here? Jace continues to make stupid choice after another and he almost pays zero consequences for it?????? everyone is so determined to save his life and clary’s????? FOR WHAT?????? Alec got his ass handed so many times in season one and I haven’t seen anyone as much apologize, show gratitude for Alec, or change their behavior towards him. Jace told Alec that his best wasn’t good enough- so why are we having Alec save jace over and over again?????
I’m glad they made the lightwoods the stars because they obviously didn’t get good treatment in the books. LOVE MY FAV FAMILY (and yes I will hate on the herondales because they deserve it. I don’t care if they have golden eyes or if CC views them as the best. they’re abusive (most) and never change their ways and think it’s okay to treat others as if they’re beneath them)
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I’m ending my rant but they both irritate the fucking soul out of me. Jace is supposed to be so strong and powerful but both he and clary would be dead without Alec Izzy magnus etc trio and I’ve seen on an occasion where Alec kept up with Jace in terms of fighting
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me anytime I see jace:
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but I can appreciate the show for doing what they could’ve without totally changing the whole concept of the series. because jace and clary book versions are absolutely insufferable. if anyone has never read the books or haven’t in a while, you’ll be amazed at how atrocious their book versions are. and Alec hardly ever stands up for himself there. like you’ll watch the show and think wow some of this is cringe and then appreciate it after you read the books because ITS NOT THAT BAD LMAO
no because I always get so vexed with clary and Jace show versions but then I think about their book counterparts and then I’m like ok so it could’ve been worse 😭
I’m for real done but I’m just here for Malec so everyone, carry on
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I’ll need to stock up on Advil for the upcoming CLACE scenes PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR THOUGHTS
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apricusapollo · 7 months ago
I don't think I can make anyone understand how much theo & alec friendship means to me like @?£*@??#@( I love them so much
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witchlingcirce · 9 months ago
The way Simon is literally the only member of the TSC gang that deadass isn’t family. Bro just appeared.
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is diego the fucking inquisitor or not 😐 cassandra im dying over here it’s been YEARS
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aliceonsaturn · 8 months ago
I’m convinced a majority of the time celebrities can be the weirdest kind of people and not even in a good way.
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les-hdfjsjkj · 10 months ago
the mortal instruments is a fun book series when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you it’s badly written
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lurafita · 7 months ago
Kittens galore
A stray cat that Magnus feeds often, keeps on managing to get into his bedroom whenever she is pregnant to have her litter on Magnus' bed. And then leave him with her kittens as soon as they don't need her milk anymore. She does this every year. Magnus will get her to a vet and have her neutered one day. He swears. Even his apartment isn't big enough to keep all the kittens. So he has to keep finding good homes for them. And it's hard to say goodbye to the little fluffballs all the time, okay? (At least he can visit the ones he browbeat Catarina, Ragnor, Raphael and Maya into adopting.) He is a little less irate with the little hussy cat that keeps getting pregnant and leaving him in care of her brood, when he gets to know the Lightwoods due to the kittens.
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