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24hoursworldnews · 7 months ago
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Tim Walz’s political evolution took him from moderate Democrat to progressive champion See more
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mahamid110 · 2 months ago
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rightnewshindi · 1 year ago
श्रीलंका में अवैध रूप से चला रहे थे ऑनलाइन मार्केटिंग केंद्र, 21 भारतीय युवक गिरफ्तार
श्रीलंका में अवैध रूप से चला रहे थे ऑनलाइन मार्केटिंग केंद्र, 21 भारतीय युवक गिरफ्तार
Srilanka News: श्रीलंका के अधिकारियों ने 21 भारतीयों को द्वीप राष्ट्र में अवैध रूप से एक ऑनलाइन मार्केटिंग केंद्र संचालित करने के आरोप में गिरफ्तार किया है। उन्होंने इसे पर्यटक वीजा में दी गई ढील का उल्लंघन बताया है। श्रीलंका में पर्यटक वीजा पर रहने वाले इन सभी भारतीयों की उम्र 24 और 25 के बीच है। सभी को प्रवासन और आप्रवासन विभाग ने हिरासत में ले लिया गया है। प्राथमिक जांच के बाद विभाग ने…
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somethingclevermahogony · 8 months ago
OC Intro: Akard
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Note: (Left) Akard as the Pabaket, (Right) King Akard
As promised, the last poll was a tie between Dati and Akard, I already did the intro for Dati, so now it's Akard's turn! As with other characters I'm going to try to avoid most spoilers, I don't think its too big of a surpirse to say that Hutbari is killed since that's what the entire story revolves around, so the events described in this intro will end there.
The new poll will be up soon!
Name: Akard (Written below in Kishite and its Apunian equivalent)
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As a noble Akard is named in the traditional style of a Kishite noble (Click here to see more). He is named for his ancestor, King Akard "The Sailor". Akard was born into the line of Asher (Asherdul), however upon taking the throne of Labisa, he declares the start of a new line, The Line of Akard, Akarddul. He marks the 53rd monarch of Labisa and the beginning of the 8th royal line.
See the timeline of the rulers of Labisa below the cut!
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Father: The Deposed King Kurush (Dead)
Mother: Unnamed Apunian Servant Girl (Sanapi) (Alive)
Brother: Prince Hiru (Dead)
Uncle: King Hutbari (Dead)
Aunt/Ex-Stepmother: Unma (Dead)
Aunt: Tamyras (Dead)
Aunt: Saaket (Dead)
Aunt: Ladara (Dead)
Aunt: Duccarin (Dead)
Aunt: Zibatha (Dead)
Cousin: Bazus (Dead)
Cousin: Kota (Alive, Married in Apuna)
Cousin: Hiru (Dead)
Cousin: Unma (Alive, Married in Ikopesh)
Cousin: Ladaru (Dead)
Cousin: Asher (Dead)
Cousin: Sema (Alive, Married in Shabala)
Cousin: Fifina (Alive, Married in Apuna)
Cousin: Uridush (Dead)
Cousin: Ninma (Alive)
Homeland/Place of Origin
Born in the City of Nashawey, Apuna
Eastern Kishite (Labisian) and Apunian
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Akard was born 27 years before the events of the story. His father, Kurush, was unseated from his throne through the machinations of his brother, Hutbari. Though Kurush was the elder brother, Hutbari's strength and charisma allowed him to forge strong alliances within the Labisan court, including with Kurush's own wife, Unma. These alliances enabled Hutbari to successfully seize the city, with his followers killing or capturing any nobles loyal to the old king.
When Hutbari, accompanied by the lords Farut and Haman and their soldiers, entered the royal chambers, they found Kurush’s son, Hiru, instead of Kurush. Despite being only eight years old and barely able to lift the ancient sword he held, Hiru fought with the bravery of a lion, reportedly even cutting down one soldier before his sword was taken from him. Though Unma begged for her son's life, Hutbari killed him. Hiru’s sacrifice was a distraction, allowing Kurush to be secretly carried away from the city. The shame of this decision haunted Kurush for the rest of his life.
Kurush was hidden in the cargo of a slave ship headed from Labisa to the coast and then transported to the Apunian city of Nashawey. Kurush hoped to gain the support of the Fapacha in reclaiming his throne, but the ruler of Apuna was not interested. However, out of a sense of hospitality, he allowed Kurush to stay in his palace and sent notice to Hutbari claiming that Kurush’s body had been presented to him, thus ending the search for the fugitive king.
Living as a permanent guest of the Apunian court, Kurush was showered with luxury and opulence but suffered greatly. His illness, Asherdul's Bane, worsened, disfiguring him. He refused to learn the Apunian language and was hostile to the servants. In an attempt to lift his spirits, the Fapacha sent him many beautiful men and women, hoping he would take one to wed. However, Kurush showed interest in none except Sanapi, a peasant girl fluent in the Kishite tongue. Akard was the result of a single drunken night between Kurush and Sanapi. Afterward, Kurush disregarded her and ordered her removal from his chambers.
Kurush never saw Sanapi again and didn't think of her until a servant brought a young child before him. The child, named Rebru by Sanapi, was two years old when he was found half-drowned in a decorative fish pond. Wearing rags, the boy began to babble his father’s name, Kurush, which Sanapi had taught him. At the Fapacha's urging, the child was brought before Kurush. Initially, Kurush shunned the child and attacked the slave who brought him. For his safety, the child was taken away from his maddened father.
That night, after many bowls of Apunian beer, Kurush had a dream. He saw a great king, dressed in lion’s skin, standing tall as a cedar tree before the walls of Labisa, driving darkness away with bow and spear. Beside this great king stood another, burning with a wrathful fire. Kurush believed this vision, sent by the sun god Re, showed him retaking Labisa with his son by his side.
Upon waking, Kurush called for his son and declared that the savior of the Kishites would not bear an Apunian name. He renamed the boy Akard, after Akard "The Sailor," the Drowned King. Kurush ensured Akard was well-educated. By four, Akard was bilingual in Apunian and Kishite. By five, he was learning to use a bow; by six, to ride a chariot. Kurush also taught his son about the great kings of old, Tamel the Mighty and Nasib the Lion, instilling a deep hatred for Hutbari.
At 14, with Kurush’s eager approval, Akard traveled with the Fapacha's soldiers to the deserts of Pyria, driving the chariot of Apunian general Batkhet. Over the next decade, Akard, known as Akarat to the Apunians, earned renown fighting the tribes of Pyria and the kingdoms of Namut. His charisma and bravery won him much love from the troops, though it also earned him the ire of old-blood Apunian commanders who saw their men fawn over the young upstart.
Kurush maintained contact with informants in Kishetal, hearing of Hutbari's failings. He formulated a plot to retake his kingdom, supported by Barunaki, ruler of the city of Bur, a vassal of Labisa. However, Kurush's failing health made this plan seem increasingly unlikely. At 23, Akard led his first battalion against the Namutian prince Qirush, capturing him despite being outnumbered. For this victory, Akard was given the noble title Pabaket, a Mouth of the Fapacha.
Around this time, Akard began showing symptoms of Asherdul's Bane. His father, now almost entirely bedridden, was mentally and physically deteriorating. Kurush had neglected to tell Akard the nature of their family curse, until then. Knowledge of his terrible affliction, and the thought of sharing his father’s fate, lit the fires of ambition and intensified the feeling of righteous fury within him. Shortly after Akard’s 25th birthday, Akard, in an act of mercy, killed his father by strangling him, disguising the evidence among the sores on Kurush’s throat.
Akard reached out to his father's contacts in Kishetal, winning their favor with his fire and fervor. He swore to avenge his father and wipe Hutbari's line from Labisa, promising to bring a new, greater line to Labisa. He even sent messengers to the roving tribes of Makur and the Sea Lords of Ikopesh.
With the Fapacha's blessing, Akard boarded a ship to Kishetal, carrying his father's ashes in a satchel of lion skin. Hutbari welcomed the venerable Pabaket into the throne room, unaware that the handsome young Apunian diplomat before him was not only his nephew but also his doom.
Akard is a man of average height with a broad chest, narrow waist, and a fit physique. His arms and chest are marked with the scars of battle. When he first arrived in Labisa, he concealed the sores on his skin with makeup to prevent Hutbari and his family from discovering his true nature. His features and hair resemble those of his Kishite father, but he has the terra cotta-colored skin of his Apunian mother. His hazel eyes are framed by long eyelashes. While living among the Apunians, he adorned himself with their decorations, painting his eyes and face gold and blue, and combing sweet-smelling oils through his beard and hair.
His handsome features will one day be marred by the ravenous spread of Asherdul's Bane.
Akard is charismatic and passionate. His actions and thoughts are driven by his ambitions. He has a strong sense of justice and of honor and will pursue these alongside his ambitions, his dreams of creating a better Kishetal, to terrifying lengths. When he wishes to, he carries an aura and power which draws people to him.
He can be kind and empathetic, a gentle and good ruler, however ultimately history will remember him as a conqueror.
Though usually reasonable, he is driven the fear that his escaped cousin, Ninma, may one day act against him, taking revenge against him as he did against Hutbari. For this reason, he obsesses over the fugitive princess.
Cis-man He/Him
Sexual Orientation
Akard is close with his men. He acts as a sort of father figure to the warrior, Zatar (though whether Zatar also views their relationship like this is uncertain). He falls in love and in time is married to the seer, Zenit, once a slave of his uncle Hutbari.
His relationship with his family is absolutely terrible, after all he is responsable for the deaths of all but the runaway Ninma and those whose marriage had taken them out of the circle of Kishite influence
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
Menam-hewud, a traditional Apunian stew made primarily of beef and onion
Biggest Fear
That the progress and prosperity he has brought to the people of Labisa will be destroyed, either by inner turmoil or Ninma's revenge.
Context: Akard confronts the oligarchic rulers (The Bidani) of the city of Chibal
" I did not come to this city to hear a greasy merchant babble about why they thought it appropriate to waste my time." Akard barked.
Wadikir dropped to his knees to grovel.
" I didn't mean to offend, Great King. Please forgive me." He leaned forward to kiss Akard's feet.
" Don't touch me, rat."Akard snarled, kicking at the merchant's face. "It seems obvious that incompetents rule this city. As recompense for your wasting my time, I will be taking this city and your heads." He announced coldly. 
This caused the other Bidani to protest loudly.
" You can't do that! There is an agreement that the heads of the cities may not kill each other. You know as well we do. You would be breaking a trust between the city states."
Akard shook his head." That applies to kings, my friend. You are not kings. And besides, who would enforce that agreement? What Kishite king cares so much for your lives that they would rush to condemn me, and who would have the might to do so?"
" We'll have you killed before you even reach the docks! Guard!”
One of Bidani’s guards stepped forward, brandishing his spear threateningly. There was a flash, a spray of red, and yelp of terror from the watching Bidani. The guard collapsed as Zatar pulled the spear from the man’s gullet with a soft squelch. Most hadn’t even seen the spearmaster strike The other guards who had started to move to stand next to their companion tripped over one another in their effort to distance themselves from the spearman. 
Akard chuckled dryly. " A valiant effort, but fruitless. If you did by some twist of fate manage to kill me and my friends here, my men waiting outside the walls would still take this city and slaughter each of you. Whereas if I lead the attack perhaps, just perhaps I'll have a change of heart and decide to spare you, perhaps."
" And if we surrender now?"
" I'll have you all executed, as is deserving of those who would abandon their posts so readily. Good day, see you all again soon."
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms
@roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe
@axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen, @surroundedbypearls, @elsie-writes
@mk-writes-stuff, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @the-golden-comet
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cheltranslations · 1 year ago
Neverending Shine Music Video!@Nonaka Miki (23.10.19)
Chel here 😈���👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Do you eat
Was the majority!
I eat slower than average!
I'm terrible at speed eating challenges…!
I like taking my time while eating 💕
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
Releasing on 10/25
73rd Single
「Suggoi FEVER!
Wake-up Call〜Mezameru Toki〜
Neverending Shine」
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Neverending Shine
Music Video
Was unveiled for the first time on Hello!Station!
Please be sure to watch it!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
Do you often change your lockscreen
Not really?
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much ❤️
Please come by again tomorrow!
Tomorrow I'll be appearing live
On TBC Tohoku Broadcasting
Hiru Made Watching!
From 10:55~ with Ishida Ayumi-san!
We have events in Tohoku on Saturday
But we're heading to Sendai a day early!
I'm super excited!
Everyone in Tohoku、
Please be sure to watch it ❤️
See ya 🐾
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kokiafans · 2 years ago
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As previously posted here, KOKIA updated her official webshop KOKIA Jirushi with pre-order pages for her upcoming releases: the 25th anniversary concert Blu-ray release (including a limited edition including a special booklet and signature), and her 25th Anniversary Best The Lighthouse. All are currently scheduled to ship around September 21.
In preparation for today's stream of the concert, I have posted the track lists below under a Read more link, so you can either choose to read up on which songs to expect, or to fully ignore this and go into the stream unspoiled. I will be listing the albums on which the songs first appeared, so you can use this list as a way to track down the album if you discover a new song you love!
I will update the discography page later today.
KOKIA 25th anniversary concert 'you and me' tracklist
Masquerade (prologue)
Maigo no watashi wa gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o (’I would have golden tea with a silver fox during being lost’) (from Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o)
Fukurou ~Fukurou ga shiraseru kyaku ga kita to~ ('The Owl ~The owl tells that we have uninvited guests~') (from Animal CD vol.1)
Hontou no oto ('real sound') (from moment)
Kotou ('isolated island') (from Hoshi no uta kaze no naka)
Tora ~ hiru to yoru ga ai shita kemono~ ('The Tiger ~The beast who was loved by day and night~') (from Animal CD vol.4)
Cells (new song; will appear on her new album The Lighthouse)
Life ~seimei no hibiki~ ('Echo of life') (from EVOLVE to LOVE)
Hoshi no keiji ('Star revelation') (from PIECES 2)
Dragon (from Animal CD vol.4)
The Lighthouse (new song; will appear on her new album The Lighthouse)
Utau hito ('singing people') (from Uta ga chikara)
Anshin no naka ('in peace') (from Remember me)
Hoshi no uta (’Song of stars’) (from Hoshi no uta kaze no naka)
Moment ~ima o ikiru~ ('Live in the now') (from moment)
Wataridori ('Migratory bird') (from Animal CD vol.4)
Kaze wa yuu (’Wind whispers’) (from Hoshi no uta kaze no naka)
Yume no tochuu ('on my way to my dream') (from Where to go my love?)
Kisetsu hazure no sakura ('Late blooming cherry blossoms') (from Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o)
Jinsei wa uta no you ne (’life is like a song, isn’t it’) (from ALIVE the live history)
From the day 1 performance (not in the stream, Blu-ray only):
Chiisa na uta ('little song') (from the VOICE)
Chouwa ('Harmony') (from trip trip)
Backstage, interview
KOKIA 25th anniversary best album 'The Lighthouse' tracklist
NOTE: The web shop mentions that the track list is possibly subject to change before release.
Disc 1
The cell / *new song
Hoshi no keiji ('Star revelation') / From the album PIECES 2, theme song for the game Shan Hai Jing Hua ('Flowers in the mirror of mountains and seas')
Shoudou ('Impulse') / From the album PIECES 2 theme song for the game 'Echocalypse'
Otentou-sama wa waratteru (’the Sun is laughing’) / From the album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world')
Yagi ~ninja yagi ya~ (’Goat ~I'm the ninja goat~’) / From the album Animal CD vol.3
Maigo no watashi wa gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o (’I would have golden tea with a silver fox during being lost’) / From the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Dragon / from the album Animcal CD vol.4
Hollow / *new song
The Lighthouse / *new song
Ochite yuku... ('Falling down...') / *new song
Hoshi no uta (’Song of stars’) / From the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind')
Hoshi ni natta inu (’the dog that became a star’) / From the album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world')
Kisetsu hazure no sakura ('Late blooming cherry blossoms') / from the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Wataridori ('Migratory bird') / from the album Animal CD vol.4
Kaze wa yuu... (’Wind whispers’) / from the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind') Disc 2
Fukurou ~Fukurou ga shiraseru kyaku ga kita to~ ('The Owl ~The owl tells that we have uninvited guests~') / from the album Animal CD vol.1
Kurage ~uchuuyuuei Floating soul~ (’Jellyfish ~space walk~’) / from the album Animal CD vol.3
Kotou (’isolated island’) / from the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind')
Makenai you ni (’Don’t give up’) / from the album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world')
I'll be there / theme song for the game Marfusha
Tora ~ hiru to yoru ga ai shita kemono~ ('The Tiger ~The beast who was loved by day and night~') / from the album Animal CD vol.4
Rakuda ~kiri e ni natteku~ (’Camel ~would make for a cut-out picture~’) / from the album Animal CD vol. 3
Buta ~mondai nai buu~ (’Pig ~no problem, oink~’) / from the album Animal CD vol.3
Kuma ~kuma ono hatsukoi kuma tta na~ ('Bear ~the bear’s first love, he’s stumped~') / from the album Animal CD vol.1
Tanuki ~matsuri no yoru~ ('Raccoon dog ~festival night~') / from the album Animal CD vol.1
Hebi ~hanihohebi tanchou fujin~ ('Snake ~hanihoheto Madam minor~') / from the album Animal CD vol.2
Tokei jikake no TikTok ('The TikTok of clockworks') / from the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Sagashimono wa uta no naka ('The things I'm looking for are inside songs') / from the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Kakurenbo ('Hide-and-seek') / *new song
I LOVE YOU 2020 / from the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind')
Uma ~kaze no uma~ (’Horse ~horse of the wind~’) / from the album Animal CD vol.3
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hotarutranslations · 6 months ago
Hiru Nan Desu!-san
Nihon TV "Hiru Nan Desu!" I got to go on the live show💛
It was a lottt of fun for a full 2 hours
Nagashima Spa Land Definitely go! I'm definitely going! Everyone was like that on location, from the VTR, It was fun and charming🌻
UFO Slider.. I wonder how many laps I could do..
I think I have a strong core because I dance🕺
If we went together on a location shoot, I feel like I would slide the longest! that is, my mysterious confidence lol
With that, I really, Want to go! Its nice! It seems fun!
…that's how it felt🥺🫶🏻
Did everyone enjoy it too~~
Before, on Hiru Nan Desu Thursday! I got to appear on it but, (a food report with a dance, I did 10 kendama in a row, I really remember that it was fun🤍)
This time, on Hiru Nan Desu Wednesday! as well, It was warm, it was 2 hours where we laugh a lottt Also, it was 2 hours where I felt like I was on summer vacation the most!
It was overflowing during the show but,
This week, Hiru Nan Desu x Detective Conan Collab Week
…I'm really happy about the timing, I'll remember being able to make a guest appearance👓🎀
I love Conan and solving mysteries👓🎀
I'm excited to solve the mystery, with Conan's friends!!! Since I delcared it,
I'm nervous about solving the mystery~~😂⚠️
Thank you very much, for letting me answer one…!
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I brought my plushies with me🤍🤍🤍 (I'm sorry for the chain covering Ran-chan's face..)
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In the morning,
Fuji TV "Nonstop!" I got to introduce Morning Musume '24💚
Thank you very much💚
Tsunku Punchline…
That is already a power word…
Introducing us in this way, I'm really happy about it thank you very much💚
On August 30th, At Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi,
Ceremonial Pitch⚾️
I'll be doing it but,
Further, many other event appearances, have been announced today
Details are here
I can spin a lot of towels again!!
I can dance to the team song again!!
Ha--!! I'm happy!!
By all means, by all means, Please come hang out in support🥹❤️
Its August 30th (Fri)
I'll be waiting!
With today, I had a shoot after the live show,
it was reallyyy fun..🫣🤍
Look forward to it
Debut song 48th Pyoko Pyoko Ultra~
I danced a lot on my own..
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes~! I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
🪩Sawayaka Goro Birthday Event September 8th on the day of Goro-san's birthday🎂 I'll be appearing as a guest at the birthday event🎂
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
→Tickets are on general sale
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
📻I visited as a guest🤍 Harami-chan no Harami Fan Radio♪
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12864493589.html
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maguro13-2 · 6 months ago
Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.22 ~
[Tornado Defense Act 2 by Fumie Kumatani]
Nozomi : This must be it, we finally reached Babylon Garden. Now all we have to do is figure it out when did this island risen from the depths of this planet. Tails, how far is the landing point?
Tails : The landing point should be here right about now. You two ready to rock some skydiving on those boards?
Nozomi : At least I'm not afraid of heights, I just jump off to the extreme and it will be amazing.
Sonic : Nozomi, look over there! It's Eggman! He's heading to the treasure on his way!
*cues Sonic Speed Riders*
Nozomi : And he's on his Extreme Gear Bike. You know what to do. Mr. Sonic. Without wings we can still fly, right?
Sonic : Yeah.
Nozomi : Don't forget, Since I have the Original Blue Star, I wonder how your new will look like? I have it right.
*Gives the Blue Star II to Sonic*
Sonic : Thanks. This is a newer one? What is it?
Nozomi : Remember what Tails said back at the tournament, He invented a modified version of the board and it will give you the super speed. I hope those bird brains can learn their lesson for jeering you.
Sonic : Thanks for that. I won't forget. Ready, Kaminashi?
*the two skydives to Babylon Garden*
Nozomi : Hop aboard!
*the get on their Extreme Gear boards*
Nozomi : We have cleared for landing!
*Jet appears on his Extreme Gear*
Nozomi : So we meet again?
Sonic : Jet.
*the three of them lands perfectly*
Jet : You two again!? I have to get to him, he's mine to catch up! Get out of my way?
Nozomi : Is that so, Angry Bird?
Sonic : Alright Nozomi. Here me this one out. We'll show him what true speed really is
Nozomi : Right! Let the final rivalry begin!
*Three of them heading towards the palace*
*Scene cuts*
Tails : We finally made it alive.
Knuckles : Hey, guys. Glad you can make it.
Sayaka Miyata : Mr. Knuckles, Tails. Looks like we're not in bit of a pickle after all.
Non Toyoguchi : It took us hours to get to this place, but man oh man...*stretches* that really hit the spot.
Kazane Aoba : I hope you didn't forget, we made it here so that we could get to backstabbing for cheating at the race. Where are those fools that like to cheat?
Hiru Vol : Looking for these guys.
Do Vol : We had to tie them up pretty quick.
No Vol : Hope they have a lot to learn to pick on someone their own size.
Wave : Untie us this instant!
Storm : No fair! Who says cheating in Sportsmanship was stupid?
Wave : [To Storm] Quiet, Storm! You're lucky that we didn't get arrested by the local authorities. It's so obvious that Eggman double crossed us like a bunch of morons. So glad that we were able to get here by there ship.
Hiru Vol : Yeah, yeah, we get it all along. So...Mr. Tails, Mr. Knuckles. It's pleasures doing business with you, the finest heroes and comrades of the legendary hedgehog. We are the great Vol Brothers.
Tails : The Great what?
Knuckles : Oh...I get it, you must be the new guys from Yuji Naka's ideals, you're from the new Phantasy Star Universe?
Hiru Vol : Well...Yes, of course we are. We are Phantasy Star Universe.
Do Vol : And let's not forget, we always support Sonic the Hedgehog on his birthday, Mr. Waber told you about being in the race, we watched it lively.
[Comedy by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Sayaka Miyata : Huh? Wait a minute, you guys knew the whole thing? How did you know about this?
No Vol : We monitored the whole situation going on and to find out that these bird brains had been stealing the emeralds from your island.
Tails & Knuckles : WHAT!?!
Keijo Girls : WHAT!?!
Sayaka Miyata : So does that mean....
All : ....?
Wave : *twitches eye* [To Storm] Storm! Why didn't you tell us that we stole these emeralds from that Red Guy who lives on a Floating Island?
Storm : [To Wave] What? Eggman told us that he wanted to steal emeralds from that red dude and that's exactly what he did.
Knuckles : After all of that Sonic Riders business, you two birds have been stealing jewels from my island for races just to make this island float again? What kind of idiots wanted to steal the jewels from the shrine of the Master Emerald.
Storm : Uhh, I think it was that Egghead's idea to get those emeralds from you.
Wave : [To Storm] We told you that was a stupid idea for robbery.
Knuckles : Why ought to...I'm gonna tear you apart limb from limb for stealing my emeralds, this is all the credit for your stupid ways.
Hiru Vol : Hey, no need to get all a little to hasty right now. First things first, we are waiting on the other guys, the boss and his, uhh, companion. Liina!
Do Vol : Right, right, right! Liina, the sister of that GUARDIAN? Yeah that's right, she was one of the orphans at the orphanage along with her brother but after the two got separated, she met our boss Tylor and became the companion of the Rogues.
Hiru Vol : Ahh, it was love at first sight.
No Vol : Since we got things working out for us, rogues. We've been thinking that the scientist from the Gurhal System have been captured by this mad man, so it wasn't us this time, it was the other guys, I wonder what their name was...The Endrum Collective's guy Renvolt Magashi. He's the mysterious bad guy who deals with Photon reactors and has a connection with the SEED.
Hiru Vol : Wonder what that one-eyed cyclops star thinging wanted something from this Galaxy? He has a purpose of possessing people as his own vessels becoming more poweful and less uglier. Can't get the details out of our head, but it's good that we found out that one has a one weird name to the Dark Matter family.
Sayaka Miyata : Dark Nebula? The Ruler of the Underworld. Yeah he was supposed to be impriosnment and said that his prison is to be at the museum by world famous treasure hunters.
No Vol : Rhetorical question, young lady. But you are quite a foxy person...
Do Vol : And kinda pretty. *chuckles*
Non Toyoguchi : Hey, who are you calling "Foxy" for? But thank you for calling me pretty
Sayaka Miyata : Is that all you can say? What a relief! We're just told what were told to do. It's our duty to save the world, this planet, and the galaxy itself.
Liina : Not just the Galaxy, but the universe itself.
Alfort Tylor : Your words are absolutely right. Saving the world, the planet, and the galaxy itself along with the universe that needed to be saved.
Tails : Oh, you must be Alfort Tylor...Leader of the Rogues?
Alfort Tylor : Correct.
Alfort Tylor : You must be Sonic's friends. Where's the pink one with the hammer?
Tails : We forgot...She's still with Eggman, who stage the EX-World Grand Prix for the Treasure of Babylon and we find out that he told the Babylon Rogues to steal the Emeralds from Angel Island, which Knuckles was suppose to keep an eye out. And now...we're in the middle of situation going on here.
Alfort Tylor : No need to worry about it. Everything's taken care of.
Leo : Same goes to us.
Tails : Leo. Lou!
Leo : Long time no see, guys. I heard that you were in the race. That was some pretty good entertainment with those skills of yours.
Lou : You quite amazed at your performance as sportsmanship. Perfect skills for a perfect setting. Don't believe a CAST who knows about Sportsmanship? I do. We all believe Sportsmanship, the EX-World Grand Prix was such a beautiful display, It hardly to announce that both Sonic, a human girl, and your leader Jet has won the tournament in a Tie. Making them winners of the EX-World Grand Prix.
Tails : Uhh, thanks. You too.
Leo : Hey, you three. Untie those rogues immediately.
Hiru Vol : Yes sir. We're untying them right away!
*Unties Storm and Wave*
Wave : Took ya long enough to do it. Thanks for releasing us by the way and keep your hands to yourself. You should learn some respect on how to treat a lady fairly.
Storm : Best be back on our feet. But we have a strong sense of humor going out of style. So...Back to square one?
Knuckles : Right again.
*Knuckles and Storm about to fight*
Leo : Hmm? What's going on here? Lou? Are you reading something?
Lou : Yes, there is. I believe we have unwanted visitors. There in front of us.
*An army of E-10000 robots led by E-10000R appears
[Theme of Babylon Garden/Sky Road by Fumie Kumatani]
Leo : Damn! It's an enemy raid attack. Looks like the robots in the race are actually real threats, guess the those guys might've done it to him a little too much! Lou, prepare for battle!
Lou : Understood!
*Leo and Lou prepare for battle*
Alfort Tylor : Liina, you go with the others, We'll handle these guys with the help of the GUARDIANS.
Liina : Aye aye, captain! Alright, everyone! Let's make a run for it! Get to a hiding place fast to get these tin-cans off our tails! That means you, friends of Nozomi! We gotta leave the battle scene!
Sayaka, Non, and Kazane : OK!
Hiru Vol : We won't be mincemeat out of us, but we'll make mincemeat out of those machines!
Do Vol : We always have a back up plan, but It's gonna take more than that.
No Vol : I won't lose to a bunch of nuts and bolts to give them few screw loses.
Alfort Tylor : Alright, men. Engage in Attack Formation! Attack the robots with all your might!
Vol Brothers : YES SIR!
Leo : This is going to be one heck of a party.
*SA2 SFX : Intruder Alert/Alarm Blaring*
Nozomi : Huh? That voice...Where did it come from?
Sonic : Hey, isn't that...
Nozomi : Oh no! That sounded like the island's security defenses has been activated! Looks like we've been caught up into the fray!
Sonic : That means Babylon Garden...is no garden at all. Does this means it's really...Whatever that is, we gotta catch up with Eggman, Nozomi! focus on losing Jet to win! Can you try to keep up with me?
Nozomi : Of course, I can finally try to keep up with each other again! But we have to find a way to clear out it's defenses.
Sonic : We'll elude them! I'm gonna go put a stop to this! I'll find eggman and put him out of our way to get to the treasure! You get Babylon Garden's defenses attention.
Nozomi : Hai!
Jet : Stay out of my way, blue hedgehog!
Nozomi : good luck, Mr. Sonic. I'll get the defenses attention! Hey over! I'm wide open! Sonic! I got the defenses attention! I understand that this entire floating island, isn't an island at all. It's some sort of hi-tech spacecraft that buried in the sands for a long time? Why on earth would Babylon Garden hide all of it's defenses to protect itself? Doesn't matter, I have to grab onto those things and get to the castle safety! There! A Turbulence! If I could get onto turbulence, I can finally fly through the sky, but it's going to be a little tricky through that storm! I know...I can get it's attention when I can get off the Turbulence, then I'll catch up to Sonic in the lead! Here goes!
*Rides on the turbulence*
Nozomi : Hold on tight, time to make a break for it!
*flies off the Turbulence*
Nozomi : Eh? Uhhh...Uh-oh! This could be a problem!
*Sees a Babylonian fighter Jet*
Nozomi : I got it! *Grabs onto the fighter jet* Now the real fun begins! WOAH-HO-HO-HOOOOO!!!
Sonic : Time to increase my speed! I won't loose to you, Jet!
Jet : Same to you!
Nozomi : Hey, Sonic!
Sonic : Kaminashi-san!
Nozomi : Isn't this great!? This is really fun to ride! I'm in the lead! I can finally catch up with you! But just to be sure that I just wanted to say it loudly.
Sonic : Okay...?
Sonic : So in which it means...
Jet : That's a cute thing to say that Babylon Garden's-WHAAAAAT!?!
Sonic : So this entire island is a spaceship! So it turns out that the powers of the Chaos Emeralds triggered something greater than the power of the emeralds. What activated the ship that was cast down into the depths of the planet?
Jet : Oh no! I forgot about something from Babylon. The ARK of the Cosmos! I forgot about those units! The Ark of the Cosmos, could they really be the key to...
Sonic : Ha! Made you distracted!
Jet : WHAT!?!
*Sonic and Nozomi crosses the finish line*
Nozomi : And that's game! *peace sign*
Sonic : But even without wings...
Nozomi : We can still fly! But we do have wings to fly to the sky!
*cues Sonic Speed Riders*
Nozomi : Hurry, Sonic! We don't have much time left! I found Eggman's location! He's at the door!
Sonic : Got it!
*cuts to Eggman at the door*
Dr. Eggman (Eggman Nega) : Hee! Hee! Hee! I'm almost at the door to reach to that treasure!
Nozomi : Not so fast, Robotnik!
Sonic : We won't let you get away!
Dr.Eggman : Ahh, Sonic and friend. Congratulations on making it this far, but you're too late. I've already achieved my plans on reaching the treasure of Babylon. But you wouldn't mind to save your precious girlfiend, would you? *pulls Amy from the bush*
Nozomi : Hey, let her go!
Amy : Oh, Nozomi! Whatever you do! Do something!
Dr.Eggman : Now then...stay were you are.
Nozomi : Ngh! I won't just give up now, do I? I must figure a way out...Okay, doctor I can let you open the door...
Dr.Eggman : Why thank you, kind person. *about to open the door*
Sonic : Now!
Dr.Eggamn : Rats! Where did you go?
Nozomi : Up here!
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
Sonic : Ready?
Nozomi : Onward!
Sonic & Nozomi : [unison] LET'S TRY TO KEEP UP!
*DBZ SFX : Blast off*
Dr.Eggman : ...Mommy?
Dr.Eggman : GAAAAAAHHH!!!
*Eggman and Amy are blown away in a vortex*
Nozomi : Oh yeah! We won!
Sonic : That was sweet! *Sonic and Nozomi fists bumps*
Nozomi : I knew we could do it! Mission Accomplished!
[The Shout of Victory by Michiru Yamane]
Announcer : Sonic and Nozomi...WINS!
"Rank : A"
Nozomi : You're in for a hero's welcome!
~ Level 21 : Battle for Babylon Garden ~
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sunfirekid · 2 years ago
@ferromagnetiic cont’d from [☼]:  
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Hiru would arch a brow in his own contemplation. "Mind defining 'long' cause I've been out here for a least a year and some change." It wasn't meant to be a dig at the red haired man's words, more legitimately asking given to Hiru surviving, and even thriving, for even a year counted as a long time in the New World in his mind. "Plus it's not like I'm not fighting to win or that my, or my crew's lives are on the line. I just don't kill because I made a promise I wouldn't." He'd state honestly with a shrug.
"Oh! And to answer your question, I might have let my curiosity get the better of me. Though, I know I wouldn't be happy if someone just came aboard my ship, so I'm sorry about that." He'd genuinely apologize to the other captain.
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jjscomicstuff · 2 years ago
Not only do I try to make awesome general comic book content, I also host a podcast for Nerd Initiative called The Comic Press Podcast, where we interview comic book industry professionals and indie comic book creators every other Friday LIVE at 6pm est! Check out this clip from our latest episode!
Part 1
In this clip from The Comic Press Podcast, indie comic books writer and friend of the show, Allen Dunford, details the origins of his new indie comic series.
"Horus In Hell" is a brand new horror/comedy series spun out of Top Hat Studios smash indie hit, "Pocus Hocus".
Hirus was Hell's most decorated war hero, until he accidentally pledges himself to a magician for all eternity. That dame magician has screwed up big, and now Horus must fight his way to Hell and back (literally) to set things right. Did I mention Horus is a pink bunny rabbit?
You can back "Horus In Hell" at the link below before time is up on July 7th at 10pm est!
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0 notes
hexpea · 3 years ago
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Ch. 2 - Hiru
Instead of heading back to the residential hallways where your room was located, you strolled back to the interrogation room to check up on the man you had tortured just moments prior.
You carefully opened the door to find the man sitting in the metallic chair, completely locked and chained. He looked up to see who had entered, only to immediately stiffen and begin to shake around in the chair as if that'd help him escape.
"No, no!" You put your hands out in a calming motion. "Don't worry, I'm not here to torture you!"
The man stopped writhing as you walked closer, body still stiff with your presence he deemed threatening. He looked up at you as you stood in front of him. You gave a sympathetic expression as you still held your new plague mask in one hand at your side.
"We need to know where to find Hiru Sakejo" you explained, "I need to get rid of this quirk." The tone of your voice was nearly begging.
"W-what do you mean?" The advisor trembled as he stared up at you with watery eyes. Your own gaze was piercing, trained on his face.
"If we can find him, we can extract some of his quirk to create an antidote, a vaccine." Your tone had shifted to one of hope. "There's a chance that I'll get to live without hurting people." You felt a knot well up in your throat as you immediately remembered your loved ones, your parents. "And that goes for others with dangerous quirks."
"Y-you'll kill him!" The man spat angrily and you took a few steps back to avoid a few drops of his spit.
"I don't think that's what Overhaul has planned for him," you answered hesitantly and honestly. "I believe he just wants his quirk." You then quickly fell to your knees in front of him, hands perched upon his knees as he nervously looked down at you. "I'm begging you. He has the chance to change the world."
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You crept to your room to drop off your mask after your visit with the "guest." From there you headed back toward Chisaki's office where his meeting with Kurono had hopefully ended.
As you stood in front of the door, you could faintly hear their voices. You rolled your eyes to the ceiling and took a deep breath to calm any sort of nerves you had before knocking on the steel door. The voices immediately ceased as soon as they heard your knocking. Kurono was the one to open the door, the steel whining as it was slowly opened. His mask and hood were off, revealing his arrow-pointed hair and steady pout behind purple eyes.
"What do you want?" Kurono asked as you stood in the doorway. "Overhaul hasn't sent for you yet."
"I have the information he wants," you said flatly, not thinking anything of Kurono's hostile tone seeing as he was almost always pissy.
"You have it?" Chisaki piped up from further in the room, quickly walking toward the two of you. You nodded to confirm. "How?"
"I have my ways," you smiled, the picture of you begging like a child in the back of your mind. Little did the "guest" know, you had given him a pleasant hallucination that changed your image to that of a small, innocent child with irresistible doe eyes. He couldn't resist the idea of delivering a child from pain, wondering how a child had gotten so far underground in a building contaminated with Yakuza.
You shared the young man's information that was given to you. Chisaki quickly dismissed Kurono to gather the others and head out to find him.
"Will you hurt him?" You asked once you were alone with him, avoiding eye contact by instead staring at his chest - the knot of his silver tie.
"That depends," he answered, stepping closer to you until you were forced to look past him rather than down at his chest. This increased proximity was completely unlike him, usually choosing to keep a distance with any and everybody. You could feel the heat of his body and it caused your heartrate to easily increase.
"Depends?" You asked, suddenly feeling frustrated at his cool demeanor regarding torture. It was the only thing you detested of his personality. "Can't you just get what you need from him and let him go? That's what you told me. You said..."
"I said," he interrupted you, "but I didn't promise." You felt your nerves beginning to heat up with anger, something you had a hard time controlling. "Besides, there's only one way I can get what I need from him." He was obviously referencing his quirk.
You clenched your fists as the anger continued boil up. Chisaki waited patiently for your attitude-filled response, just waiting for you to break a rule. And, just as he expected, your furious eyes flickered to meet his - your quick activating with the dim glow of your irises.
Hand upon hand, riddled with leprosy, began grabbing and coiling their way around Chisaki's body, latching everywhere including his exposed forearms from his rolled-up sleeves. Your fabricated humans stood behind his still frame moaning and groaning, and though his breathing increased he stood standing and otherwise unchanged as he faced a nightmare.
"I know this is a hallucination, Y/N," he muttered, brows furrowing with his own anger as you continued the rouse. "Your little tricks no longer work on me." Though he understood the illusion, his body still continued to break out in hives.
The hands continued roaming across his body, the humans' pained cries filling his ears as he removed his gloves one by one and shoved them in his coat pocket. All the while, his eyes were trained on yours as he refused to look away - not that it would end your hallucination, as long as you kept your eyes on your target's face it didn't matter.  You didn't feel the least bit threatened by the removal of his gloves. He betrayed your trust with his answers, this not being the first time in the several years you knew him.  You used your peripherals to notice his bare hands, contemplating if he was actually about to touch you or if he was just threatening you.
In a quick flash, you found yourself pinned against a wall - his warm hand wrapped around your throat and tightening. You kept your eye contact, your hallucination still going strong as you could see behind his eyes the smile he had underneath his black, cloth mask.
"Do it," you wheezed with a grin as you felt his fingertips at your jugular, "Overhaul."
"You're testing my patience," he growled as his grip somehow slightly loosened, the cocky smile leaving his eyes as his free hand came up to his own face and tore the mask down around his chin. Your eyes widened from the shock, being only inches away from you - closer than he ever had before to the point where you could feel his breath over your face.
You could sense he was about to activate his quirk, feeling a slight tingling sensation beginning to form underneath the light grasp - but he did something else entirely.
Just as his lips met yours, your eyes snapped shut and the illusion you created dissipated. Your hands quickly came up and gripped his upper arms, eyes opening slowly as you adjusted to the foreign feeling. His face was covered in splotches, the allergic reaction nearly covering his entire visible body at this point. As your grip on his arms softened, he pinned you further to the wall using his pelvis - his mouth leading the moment and moving until you finally caved in and allowed human nature to take over. You had no idea that this was something you had wanted from him, but your body was accepting him well - your heart fluttering rapidly in your chest.
"Kai..." you gasped breathlessly when he pulled away, expression of complete shock on your face. "You're covered in hives."
He began scratching his cheek and neck as he relaxed his body. He gave a single chuckle to your obvious observation. "Yes," he continued giving a soft smile, still close to you as the hives slowly went down. His demeanor shifted once more, "Y/N..." a small light flickered behind your eyes at the sound of your given name, "I've wanted to do that for some time."
"That doesn't make sense," you blushed as he took a step away to give you some space. You came away from the wall and relaxed your muscles. "You don't touch anybody. Are you feeling alright? Are you sick?" You teased, coming closer to him again with the back of your hand held out in his direction - thinking he'd start to back up as he usually would from your playful taunting, but instead he allowed your hand to meet his forehead.
"I'm perfectly okay," he answered, looking up at your hand.
You pulled it away, revealing another fresh patch of hives from your touch. "Kai, this isn't funny...what's going on with you today? Did someone get you with some kind of quirk?"
"I'm not kidding around," his face fell into a frown. You were still shocked that he had his mask off in front of you, it still scrunched at the bottom of his chin. "And it wasn't someone's quirk."
Just as he was about to continue that sentence, Kurono burst into the room with great urgency. Chisaki quickly pulled up his mask before it could be noticed.
"Sir!" Kurono said through his mask. "We have him."
"That was fast," you muttered angrily to yourself, hating Kurono for interrupting the most interesting thing to happen to you in years.
"Perfect!" You could hear Chisaki's happiness as snatched his plague mask and darted out of the room with them.
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You slowly followed the excited pair to one of the containment chambers. When you got there, the other members were also present. The young man was lying on an angled table with his wrists and ankles in tight shackles attacked to said table.  The thing that interested you the most was the presence of Irinaka Joi. His usually small body was in its "normal" state - his blond hair spiked up and he had been wrapped in a blanket.
"Mimic, what the hell happened?" You asked, scoffing at his nude form with a sideways smile. Chisaki and Kurono were busy tending and examining the young man who was knocked out cold.
"That kid happened," he used his head to motion toward his lying form. "His quirk is cancellation, after all."
"O-kay," you looked at the man in confusion, Irinaka's explanation not giving much context for you to understand.
"You get clllose enough to him, yourrr quirk turns off," Sakaki Deidoro slurred and pointed toward the table with a bottle in his hand.
"And yet you're still drunk," you muttered as you walked toward the table, ignoring the rest of the Hassaikai. "So, how will you get it out of him if your quirk doesn't work?" You asked Chisaki.
"He's only out cold," Kurono answered for you, pulling his hood down and removing his mask to reveal his hair in normal strands instead of the usual chunky arrows. "He can't control it unless he's conscious. So we'll need to make sure he remains awake during the process."
"Process?" You were afraid to ask.
"Tearing him apart and putting him back together again," Kurono looked back toward the table as Chisaki did his own thing, taking blood samples and whatnot.
"Kai, you told me you wouldn't hurt him," you brought it up again. "You said you just wanted his quirk." You noticed a vein appear on top of Kurono's head as you used Chisaki's given name. He had always had a stick up his ass with how close you were to him, "taking his spot as his right-hand man." You always tried to reassure him that wasn't the case, but it never stuck no matter how many times you explained.
"It can't be avoided. We have no other means," Chisaki turned to face you, gripping a few vials of blood. He gave a shocked expression after seeing your face as your usually iridescent eyes had faded to a normal, more human color with the deactivation of your quirk. You had no idea that had happened. "You're all dismissed," he looked at each one of the Eight Bullets including Kurono and Irinaka.
You were also included in that dismissal, but you stayed behind as Chisaki slid the vials into a centrifuge. You glanced down at the sleeping figure on the table. He looked so peaceful, but it was obviously not for long.  You hated that you couldn't escape the selfishness of others no matter where you went. The way Chisaki was able to just put others through pain without second thought for his own agenda bothered you, but you agreed with his agenda - at least for yourself, which was also selfish. That inner turmoil haunted you.
"He will be the last," Chisaki began speaking again, turning around from the counter he had been working at. He ripped off his latex gloves in exchange for new ones, sliding them on his hands as he walked back in your direction. He also pulled off his plague mask, revealing his open face to you once again. "Because of him, we can cure the world."
It sounded so simple, so logical, to you. Sacrifice one for the betterment of all rather than let others suffer with uncontrollable quirks. You couldn't argue with that logic and decided to quell your anxious thoughts and set them aside for now.
"I just hope this all works out," you mumbled, moving your gaze back toward Chisaki's throat. He gently took your chin in-between his thumb and index fingers to tilt your eyeline to his again. "Why?" You asked in a hushed tone.
"Like I said earlier, I don't want any formalities between us anymore," he repeated and slowly leaned in, your body completely frozen in disbelief as his lips met yours once again.
This touch was much softer than how he had approached earlier. His grip on your chin moved to caress your cheek though the latex texture lacked any sort of intimacy compared to the passionate way his lips moved.  You allowed your eyes to flicker shut and your body to relax into his, your hands coming up to his chest against the soft polyester of his black button-up.
Breathlessly, he parted from you - looking down at your lips through low lids as your eyes darted about his face. You found yourself wanting more from the Yakuza leader, your true feelings for him awakening with the spark of physical touch.
"I need to finish up some things here," he said softly, brushing his thumb against the soft skin of your cheek. His face and arm were covered in red splotches, but they didn't seem to bother him. "I'll come by your room in a few hours." It was a statement but the look in his eye asked for permission.
"O-kay," you stuttered out, feeling heat rise to your cheeks as he pulled his hand away and into his pants pocket where he pulled out his black, cloth mask.
Drunk off the new sensation in your chest, one you hadn't felt in years, you staggered out into the hallway once more - making your way back to your room for the night. Chisaki turned back to his work, continuing to take preliminary vitals on his new "patient."
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Things didn't change much underground. You were used to the same routine day in and day out, your dreams speckled with nightmares of those you had tortured for the sake of the cause. You figured that once the deed was complete, you'd be forced back into the open world - quirkless - where you could begin a normal life.  But this sudden change changed everything about that idea...and you welcomed it.
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somethingclevermahogony · 8 months ago
OC Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @paeliae-occasionally!
What is your deepest fear?
Narul: "Well...I'm afraid that I'll forget all the people that I care about, that after decades or centuries of not being around them that they might just...fade away."
Ninma: "The dark is scary! The man with the spear is scary too..."
Otilia: "That I'm wrong...and that my husband is searching for me."
What happened to your biological family? (Because no one in fantasy has a bio family)
Narul: "I never really met my mom, Bira says that she was a priestess. I know that she's dead now, I'm not really sure how. As for my father...I have no idea where...or what he is."
Ninma: "Akard..."
Otilia: "My father got sick and died, good riddance. As far as I know the rest of my family is still living in Korithia."
If you could visit any point in your world’s history, (or any point in your story if it is based on earth) when and where would it be?
Narul: "I'd meet my mother...well... maybe."
Ninma: "I'd go and meet Tamel! Or Hiru the Golden! Or Sema! Or the other Sema!"
Otilia: "I'd go back and see the furnaces of Arkodai...I want to know what they looked like before they were ruins. I want to to know if they were really as beautiful as people say."
Tagging @illarian-rambling, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @diabolical-blue, @willtheweaver
Your Questions:
What past mistake do you most regret?
How would you spend your ideal evening?
If you had to change your name, what would new name would you choose?
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maridemira · 3 years ago
New OC introduction:
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Hiru: Hi guys!
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This person right next to me is the new character. Her name is Dominique.
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Dominique: Hi guys!
This is the info about me:
Full name: Dominique de Leon
Age: ???
Birthday: June 12
Nationality: African Filipino
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: Making friends, reading books, LGBTQ community, balanced foods, exploring new places and visiting the city. (She lives in the countryside)
Dislikes: Racism, Asian hate, being stereotyped and being judged.
Hobby: Spending time with friends, even going to farm for food and takes care of the animals she rescued.
And that's it
Hiru and Dominique: Bye guys!
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yellowcorona · 4 years ago
Akuta no Heya Ha Sabiiro Ni Shizumu/The Trash Room Sinks Into a Rust Color - Hello Tanita-san feat. Kagamine Rin
Original Romaji:
Dōshite kon'nani, boku no seikatsu wa  asa ni datte hiru ni datte yoru ni datte rifujin ni sainama re dōnimo dekinai, chirakatta heya no sumi de doromizu o kuchi ni fukunde mo `dare ga boku o sukutte kureru no?' Haigo ni haritsuku shisen wa, `kare no me ga kochira o mite iru' tabakonokemuri de kao o kakushitatte, sono shisen ga boku o tsuranuite akiakishi tenda usu kegareta kono seikatsu kara sukutte kure kono dō shiyō mo nai hibi no kizuguchi kara afure dashita haiiro no yume korega nanimono ni mo narenai bokura ga mite iru mirai konomama ja,-dōshi-yō mo nai boku ga haki suteta kare o norou kotoba mo todokanu mama kare wa batsu sura ataete wa kurenai no sa, kono boku no oroka-sa ni dōshite kon'nani, boku no seikatsu wa kinō ni datte kyō ni datte ashita ni datte fujōri ni tsuranuka re dōnimo dekinai, bon'yōna machi no sumi de ten o aoide tsuba o haite mo `kare ga boku o sukutte kureru no?' Murasaki no kemuri ga oyoide `mō sorosoro owara sete kurenai ka' -me no mae ga shiroku somaru no o matte iru sukoshizutsu ashita ga chikadzuite, kono seikatsu kara nukedasezu ni fuan'notane o mebuka sete iru kono dō shiyō mo nai hibi no kizuguchi kara afure dashita haiiro no yume korega nanimono ni mo narenai bokura ga mite iru mirai konomama kiesatte shimau koto sae mo kanawazu ni, bokuraha iki o shita tada usu kegareta nichijō no naka de, kōkatsu ni esa o ubai atte shayō sasu chīsana mado, 206-gōshitsu de tohō ni kurete iru machi ga sabitsuite iku, kodomo no koe ga tōku ni kikoeta koko ni umarete shimatta koto, minikui sugata ni sodatta koto o, kaki nokoshite oku kono dō shiyō mo nai hibi no kizuguchi kara afure dashita haiiro no yume korega nanimono ni mo narenai bokura ga mite iru mirai ashita sae dō shiyō mo nai hodo osoroshikute, kare o norou kotoba mo todokanunara kono tegami o kaki nokoshite owara setai nda, ashita ga kuru mae ni
English Translation:
It appears that to me, this life of mine, from break of dawn, afternoon, til late at night I'm aggravated. It all amounts to nothing, I'm stuck in this room till the muddy water flows from my mouth.
"Is there anyone who'd save me from these lows?" The gaze that peers out at me from behind, "He will always keep his eyes on you" I hid my face in the tobacco's smoke, but that look he gave, got through anyway, I've come so far, but all I wanna do is toss this dirty life away.
Living every day-to-day with this wound in my back, my dreams are quickly bleeding to gray, evermore, there's no one out there in the future who would care to cry. If that's how it is, I'll scream there's no point, yet my words still won't reach Him no matter what, there's no punishment in sight, even as I cry out, so really the only fool here is me.
It appears that to me, this life of mine, from yesterday, to now today, till even tomorrow, I'm completely fucked. It doesn't mean a thing, if I spit at Him in this mediocre city hidden in a corner behind my door.
"Is there any chance He'll let me go?" Jumping in and diving down this purple haze, "Can't you just make this endless pain stop?" Waiting until I see the whitening of my eyes through, soon enough I'll awaken a new day, but I can't escape this life, endless anxiety is the only thing I know's true.
Living every day-to-day with this wound in my back, my dreams are quickly bleeding to gray, evermore, there's no one out there in the future who would care to cry. Even if I could disappear as I am now,  there'd be no fulfillment to the air that I breathe, stuck inside this broken day-to-day, I'll deceive myself as much as I can.
With only the light of a tiny lantern, behind door #206 I'm lost to the darkness. In this rusted old city, only a child's voice can be heard crying out. Even though this is the only home I know, I despise the ugliness it's grown, I wish I could escape if only I knew.
Living every day-to-day with this wound in my back, my dreams are quickly bleeding to gray, evermore, there's no one out there in the future who would care to cry. Even if tomorrow is more terrible than today, He still won't hear the curses I shout up above, I'll write this sad letter, and end it before the morning.
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hotarutranslations · 3 years ago
Kenmin Show! Sukkiri, Baguette, Hiru Nan Desu!
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
 “Himitsu no Kenmin SHOW!”
 The 3 hour special,
Has started-- ❤
  As a citizen of Miyagi,
 I was able to introduce a MIKASA bag
that I carried around with me when I was a student!!!
 Its really an honor 😳🎉
  It’s a big excitement for, Miyagi citizens (especially those around my age), isn’t it! Lol
 With that, its like I’d be happy if those classmates saw me--! Lol
 Since we really used them, everyone did
 It has a button, So it can be folding and made smaller, As an ecobag, I recommend using it for daily life— 🍀
 MIKASA bag……
 Its nice, as goods that I respect, It would suit all of the fans…… Especially if it is in member colors lol
 “Himitsu no Kenmin SHOW!”
 Please enjoy it after this!!!
 This morning,
 “Sukkiri” “Baguette” “Hiru Nan Desu!”
 I got to go on these 3 live shows, Really, thank you very much 🙈💥
 My heart was poundinggggg…… This and that was heart pounding….. Fuu……
 It was really! Fun!
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  My time at Sukkiri was over in the blink of an eye but, At that moment I was verryyyy nervous, Talking with Kato-san was bubbly and fun,
 Baguette had a warm atmosphere, Somehow I could relax, The view of Hitachi Seaside Park as I introduced myself was, Really pretty~ I want to go with my mother~
 For Hiru Nan Desu! I’ve always been visiting the studio but,
I really enjoyed it 😭 ❤
 For the introduction, I posted on Instagram, My dancing video and they used it…… Also flowing into that, We even had time to dance to the songs theme “Yokubari Lunchtime”!!!
 Making my own choreography, It was just about my first time doing it but,
 It was fun making it cute to match the lyrics 🌷
 (((I had a bit of help from the members though)))
 The hook is catchy and feels like everyone can dance, 2 step is where you can feel the rhythm with small steps, Even dancing with your face, That’s what its like when its Morning-like 🤔 fufu I was reallyyy nervous while showing it off
 Really, I wanted to say “lets do it together” but……
 I’m really sorry it felt like I was too stiff at first……
 I couldn’t say it during the show……
 But if you don’t say this all of the fans wont notice…..
 OK 🙊⭕ fufufu
 Nanbara-san’s Green Leaves and, Nakama Junta’s Gao pose that he often uses, I got to incorporate that,
 Everyone was excited about it in the studio……
 What a fun time this was!!
 After sampling food, Expressing it dance, It was super fun!
 With everyone,
 While saying Noooo, I honestly ended up having a ton of fun 🤣
 I was also happy I succeeded at Kendama fufufu
 Its kinda, everyone, Was hoping that I would fail but 🙄 Fufufu
 I also got to see Nanbara-san’s Green Leaves and Tomochika-san’s Japanese dancing And Savannah Takahashi-san’s tsukkomi And Savannah Yagi-san’s ‘Ah……”
 And cute Meruru-chan’s jump too
 Nakama-san and Kiriyama-san, Mixed a Johnny’s WEST-san and Morning song
 Finally at the end, Yokoyama-san danced too
 Everyone was really wonderful weren’t they!!!
 …… 🙄
  Wa----!!! I’m really sorry!!! Really, thank you very much!!!
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 I want to visit the studio again,
 I also want to even go on a location shoot 😳 ❤
  All of the fans—
 Thank you very much, For watching over me today!!!
 New Songs Release on December 8
 Nippon Budokan performance on December 12th
 Since these have been decided, I’ll do my best for that again!
 Thank you 🌷
 Morning Musume ’21 YouTube
 ~What Happens When A Chick Becomes 10 Years Old?~
 The event stream is, Available for viewing from the 15th at 9:00PM till the 16th from 9:00PM  🐣
Tokyo Sports note Series ↓ Recent Article is here #36 Just Before I Turn 25, I’ve Realized I’m An Idol
  💃 Hello Pro Dance Academy 📺️
The first episode is airing on October 21st, for streaming
  See you ayumin ❤
 Nanbara-san and Takahashi-san were talking….. Takahashi-san made a sauna in a villa— You can see it on YouTube,
 Savannah Takahashi-san
 I watched it 😳
 Amazingggggg 😳 admirable
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ashbluechronicles · 5 years ago
Lauren Ashblue Profile
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Biographical Information
Full name: Lauren Hikaru Ashblue
Lauren Ashblue
Hiru (by her parents)
Mi chica (by Rafael)
Last Ashblue (by Magnus Bane)
Born: 17 December, 1991
Age: 16 (as of 2007)
Kind: Shadowhunter
New York Institute
Apartment in Brooklyn (formerly)
Manor Ashblue (formerly)
Affiliation, Fate
Know Relatives:
Elliot Ahsblue  † (father)
Kira Ashblue  † (mother)
James Ashblue  † (paternal grandfather)
Mary Ashblue  † (paternal grandmother)
Lester Larkspear  † (maternal grandfather)
Hikaru Larkspear  † (maternal grandmother)
Robert Lightwood
Maryse Lightwood
Alec Lightwood
Jace Wayland
Isabelle Lightwood
Briana Wayland
Max Lightwood
Significant Others:
Rafael Santiago (boyfriend)
Jordan Silverhood (ex-best friend)
Allegiance: The Clave
Status: Alive
Physical Description
Gender: Female
Hair color: Medium Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'5''
Lauren’s parents were both in The Circle, and Valentine also used Kira Ashblue for his experiments. But once Lauren’s parents started to suspect from Valentine intentions, they warned The Clave about it and tried to convince them to end the deaths which would come. The Clave didn’t believe them, so Elliot and Kira decided to go to New York, acting as Shadowhunters under the name of the New York Institute. However, when The Circle were over, Kira was already pregnant over Lauren but couldn’t let anyone besides Elliot know about it, afraid someone of The Circle would come for them and the baby. Elliot asked for The Clave to keep them working but hide the fact of their daughter. With the permission of the Inquisitor Herondale, the Ashblue lived in Brooklyn with Lauren, giving her a mundane childhood.
Even with the Sign, Lauren never suspected about the creatures she saw would be real. She got a strong friendship with Jordan Silverhood, her neighbourhood, who was the son of her parents' friends. They were Shadowhunters who left Idris and The Clave and decided to live as mundanes. Lauren never knew about this in her childhood. She was surrounded by love, until the day she had ten years old when a demon attacked her and she was saved by her dad. From that day, Lauren discovered she wasn’t a simple human, but a Shadowhunter. She didn’t have time to say goodbye to Jordan Silverhood since her parents thought it would be for the best if they went to live in the Institute now, so Lauren could be trained to this life and more well prepared for the danger.
In her first day on the Institute, Lauren got lost in the corridors and was found by Alexander Lightwood, the older brother. He returned her to her parents and she meets everyone there. At first, people thought she and Briana weren’t meant to be, but then discovered how they could understand each other minds, work together and be better at teamwork almost as good as Jace and Alec. Lauren and Briana were meant to be parabatai.
On the next year, Lauren’s parents died in the mission, where the only remains were their clothes, human blood and demon blood. The rumours would say that the Ashblue’s had made a ritual to summon a demon and had become one. That kind of says made everyone from the Ashblue blood to hide their origins and change their names, except Lauren, who remained alone with the weight of being a Shadowhunter with a cursed family.
In the meanwhile, Lauren also found something new about her. She could know the future or some details from the past that no one had ever told her. The rumours about the curse started again, so the Lightwoods decided it would be time to go to the Silent Brothers, to find out what was the truth about Lauren. She was submitted to the Mortal Sword, but no one still knew how she had that ability. By some research, the Silent Brothers discovered it would be something related to the Clairvoyant and Vision Rune.
Lauren and Briana, by that time, were sent to Idris from some months. There, Lauren meets some of her family relative, who shared hate and pitiful over her surname. That showed her how she didn’t have a family besides the Wayland siblings and the Lightwoods. Also, at that time, Lauren meets Rafael Santiago, the leader of the vampire clan in New York and got a crush on him, though never dared to get closer to him or saying something. Briana was the only who understood whats going on with the Ashblue.
The years passed. Lauren remained between the Shadowhunter World and the Mundane World, by attending to St. Xavier School. There, she meets Clary Fray and Simon Lewis, who got somewhat closer to her but not close enough. Lauren never liked some of Simon’s personality, and for so, she was almost away from him, only sharing a good friendship with Clary.
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