#hinata senpai
maqui-chan · 3 days
i've been listening to radio haikyuu clips for old time's sake
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kqtnap · 26 days
Hi, 🌹
I hope you are well.
I am writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help.
My family is in a very dangerous situation due to the war that has destroyed everything we own, and I have launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them.
I would like you to help us and share the link on social media,
from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you in advance for all your support and kindness.🙏
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anything will help even if it is just a small donation to them, and if you cannot donate please reblog, share and spread this message.
to donate to them their gofundme is !!!
please share this if you can to help these innocent people, its the least we can do considering their lives are in jeopardy every single day without a break and most of us do nothing on our phones all day and actually have a chance to enjoy life, BUT THEY DONT because they are in danger almost all day, every single day.
and again if you cant donate REBLOG, SHARE, AND SPREAD THIS MESSAGE to literally anyone you can and on literally any social media platform you can literally save someones life and by doing this.
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agentanya · 29 days
Good morning haikyuu nation today I would like to present you with the fun fact that:
Sakusa Kiyoomi is, CANONICALLY, only 3 months and 1 day older than Hinata Shoyo
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theamityelf · 2 months
What would happen if you picked up any of the minis by their ahoge? (if they had one) How would they react?
(Mini Classmates AU Masterlist)
Makoto would flail around for a while, attempting (unsuccessfully) to fight and break free, and then pass out. (Not like passing out from high effort, but like an "I fall asleep whenever someone brushes my hair," kind of thing.)
Hajime's whole body would just go very stiff and still. He wouldn't do anything immediately, but he'd get free as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Kaede would take off her backpack and hit you with it until you dropped her.
Shuichi would detach from his ahoge as if it were a clip-on.
Komaru would scream and fight and then also pass out because she also falls asleep when she gets her hair brushed.
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youwerethedefeated · 4 months
At McDonald's
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akaashism · 2 years
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collectorcookie · 1 year
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SHOES in the BATHTUB???? Young man that is a crime, what do you want to say to your fans before getting arrested
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shouyuos · 5 months
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
putting hina and wataru in the same shuffle unit was an act of genius but it is not enough. i need more
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iori-tono-official · 3 months
>i went to middle school with a billionaire?? huh.
and i thought honami being friends with emu otori was crazy. now there's two of them
Leo/need knows an Otori too? damn, small world
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vanillsposts · 1 year
I wanted to make a poll and see which headcanon I should do next! plz cast ur votes! Tysm for ur input whoever decides to participate!!!
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yunwangja · 3 months
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touch - tobio kageyama oneshot
kageyama feels jealous as he notices that the other karasuno members can be physically affectionate with you while he struggles to do the same, thanks to your hesitation whenever he tries to get close.
genre: slight drama? romantic angst? its kageyama being frustrated so ig yeah, also eventual fluff
tags: kageyama x fem!reader, high school friends to lovers
warnings/notes: swearing, honestly that's it lol. also THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SORRY IF ITS LACKING /,,,,: i tried my best for them to be in character too so if not mb >< also approx. 1.2k words
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kageyama’s thoughts had been swirling lately, a tumult of confusion and frustration. and it was all because of you.
he found himself watching you more often than he cared to admit, noticing every smile exchanged, every casual touch with other members of the volleyball team that seemed effortless. midterms and practices passed in a blur, overshadowed by his own internal questioning.
why did he feel like you were avoiding him so subtly? why did simple interactions feel like navigating a minefield? happenings from days ago has been haunting him, your subtle movements away from him echoing in his mind.
he wanted to be closer to you, and understand why you seemed so distant whenever he tries to. only thing was: he’s bad at this. he’s bad at expressing his feelings and making a mess of himself, especially in front of you. how could he do this so naturally when you keep on backing away?
"y/n-chan! you’re here!" hinata exclaimed joyfully, bounding over to greet you. oh right, i’m in practice. kageyama thought and snapped back to reality, mainly because of hinata’s loud announcement of your arrival, and well, because, it’s you.
his head snapped towards the gym entrance, catching your smile as you exchanged greetings with hinata.
"how was midterms?" sugawara approached you and asked kindly, prompting a hesitant response from you, "uh, they were fine, i think. hehe." the third year patted your head comfortingly, "i'm sure you did great."
kageyama's chest tightened slightly at the gesture, his irritation simmering beneath his composed exterior as he focused on his serves.
"wow, tobio, you're as consistent as ever," daichi commented seeing his performance, with asahi nodding in agreement. you managed to wave to kageyama from beside yachi, and he nodded in acknowledgment before returning to his practice.
practice officially began with a three-on-three match: tanaka, sugawara, and asahi against hinata, kageyama, and tsukishima. you stood near tanaka's team and cheered enthusiastically as he spiked, "nice kill, tanaka-senpai!"
tanaka grinned proudly and threw an arm around your shoulders, basking in your praise. “it’s nothing, y/n!”
kageyama's frustration flared again. why can't i do that too? kageyama wondered silently.
he decides to lash it out on tsukishima, pushing him to block their spikes better - to which the tall teammate responded with an exasperated roll of his eyes.
it all started a few days ago - you were having lunch on the rooftop with hinata and kageyama. hinata was engrossed in his own thoughts, while kageyama had this plan to subtly get closer to you, unsure and hesitant about being too forward. he wasn't particularly skilled at these things.
as kageyama inched closer, you immediately noticed and instinctively pulled back a bit, nervously remarking, "oh, is the sun shining on your side?" even though the weather was perfect and there was no sunlight. kageyama glanced down and replied, "uh, no... yeah, thanks. you didn't have to move unless it's cramped for you."
"no, as long as you have enough space," you awkwardly chuckled, trying to ease the panic you felt and continued eating.
kageyama sighed inwardly, contemplating another approach. he just wanted to be more gentle and affectionate towards you, just like the others do. hell, maybe, more than they do.
while you were sipping your beverage, you happened to try blueberry-flavored milk for the first time. "this is an interesting flavor," you remarked.
"really? what brand is it?" kageyama asked, attempting to hold your hand with the milk carton while leaning closer to you, making his face close to yours.
once again, you panic and quickly hand him the carton instead, "i-i don't know. you can check it yourself." you stood up to gather your things, suggesting, "let's go now," with hinata obediently following. he urged kageyama to hurry up as he remained on the floor with the now-empty blueberry milk carton.
from that moment, thoughts began to swirl in kageyama's mind—why did you keep avoiding him? was he making you uncomfortable? did you not like being close to him? was he being too much?
walking back to your classrooms, kageyama was stopped in his thoughts when he noticed hinata subtly linking his arm with yours. "y/n-chan! look!" hinata excitedly pointed out a stall being set up outside the window for the upcoming school festival.
you squealed with excitement and both of you jumped up and down, holding hands. kageyama couldn't help but notice the contrast—why was it okay for hinata to touch you like this, but not him? was he doing something wrong? did you dislike him?
"aren't you excited, kageyama?" hinata's question pulled him back from his thoughts. he quickly masked his inner turmoil and casually walked past both of you, muttering, "i don't care", making hinata complain about his lack of school spirit, while you just giggled in response.
back in the present, you continued cheering for tanaka's team after your interaction with him, prompting hinata to playfully pout, "y/n-chan, cheer for us too!"
you laughed and nodded, encouraging everyone with a big smile. “do your best too, hinata! tsukishima, kageyama!” kageyama would normally be melting inside, but today his mind was all over the place, frustrated. this drove him to be set on winning.
i don’t need to be close to you. i don’t even need your cheers. he resolved silently (and pettily), i'll prove it. and he did.
as practice ended with his team's victory, everyone dispersed, leaving you and kageyama, since you were walking in the same direction. "thanks for your hard work," you greeted him cheerfully, but he merely nodded, avoiding eye contact.
trying to engage him in conversation, you remarked on his performance, but kageyama's responses remained curt. "you were really cool as always, but you seemed even more fired up today after seeing tanaka-senpai’s spike," you commented lightly, trying to lighten the mood.
"you're so petty," you teased with a giggle, but kageyama stayed silent, lost in his thoughts.
as you walked and chatted animatedly about a recent volleyball match, a bicycle approached unnoticed.
just in time, kageyama noticed and instinctively pulled you closer, holding your hand to prevent you from getting hurt. flustered by his sudden action—and the fact that he was holding your hand—you looked at him in surprise.
"watch where you're going," kageyama said gruffly, his hands holding yours intensely. you awkwardly laughed off the situation, "i'm sorry. thanks though!"
glancing at your hands still together, you attempted to pull away. “you can let go now,” you try to smile.
there you go again, he thinks. he’s been experiencing this from you for days and it’s been pissing him off. he’s had enough.
kageyama held on to his grip on yours. "no," he said firmly and looked ahead. confused, "what? it’s fine, really, you don’t have to hold my hand,” you try to assure him and continued to let go of his hand.
his expression softened slightly as he slowly looked at you, revealing a hint of vulnerability beneath his usual tough exterior. "why, can't i hold your hand?" he questioned, his voice quieter but determined.
you were taken aback by his question. where is this coming from? you never really noticed anything unusual about his behavior—at least, not that you were aware of.
you try to stay calm for now. "what do you mean? of course you can, but there's no need to anymo—"
"that's a lie. you don't even let me touch you." he maintains eye contact with you. you can't quite grasp what he means yet, but despite the firmness in his voice, his eyes seem to be pleading, as if he's waiting for something.
"do i make you uncomfortable, y/n?" he asks while you're still processing the situation. you shake your head. "no, not at all."
"then why can't i hold your hand?" he continues. "you let the other members do it all the time, especially hinata. why do you treat me so differently?"
technically, you know why you were acting this way. you just never thought that this was something kageyama would even think or care about, so you just behaved this way naturally.
"i…" nothing else comes out. at this point, you and kageyama are having a staring contest. you want to go home—you’re nervous as hell—but he’s looking at you like he won’t leave until you answer him. "where is this coming from, kageyama?"
"hinata links arms with you, holds hands with you. sugawara-senpai pats your head all the time. tanaka-senpai has a habit of putting his arm around you whenever you compliment him—all of them get to touch you like that, and you don’t even care. but i just come and sit closer to you, and you back away already?"
honestly, you are amazed at how he remembers your interactions with the other members. to you, what they did was nothing to think about, but kageyama noticed every detail.
you knew kageyama—well, at least this trait of his; the fact that he is actually opening up about this means it has bothered him for quite some time. it dumbfounds you that these "small" things to you actually mattered to him—a lot, maybe even more than you realize.
you look down at the ground, breaking eye contact. "y/n—"
"you are right, kageyama, it is different."
"because i don't care if the others do it to me," you say, lifting your gaze back to him, a sense of vulnerability in your eyes this time. "but i care when you do."
you see the surprise on his face. "too much that it could kill me, honestly." he looks bewildered. "w-what? i don't understand."
"unlike the others, i…" your cheeks flush, and your eyes linger somewhere else again as you brace yourself for what you're about to say. "i want you to touch me."
this shocks kageyama, but leaves him wanting more answers.
"i want you to be close to me like that so badly, but it’s too much—it feels selfish. i mean, it’s not like you’re going to benefit much from that. it's all just for myself. i bet you don't want to do that, so i purposely avoided physical contact with you."
there was a few seconds of silence before he could even respond to that. "idiot," he whispers while keeping his head down, but loud enough for you to hear. you look at him, quite embarrassed that you just lowkey confessed to him, and now he's calling you an idiot. he takes a breath and closes his eyes. "why? i just answered you—"
"i want to!" he shouts, his voice rising sharply.
now, you both keep surprising each other.
"i'm not complaining here just because i think you treat me differently from them! hell, i couldn't care any less if it was anyone else. but it's you, y/n."
"i'm frustrated because i want to touch you like that too!"
he looks away, feeling shy. "i want to hold your hand and pat your head when i want to. i want to stand and sit close to you so i can feel you beside me. i want to be able to hug you when i score a point during a match," he pauses, "although i don't think you're allowed on the bench during a match—but that's not the point!"
he looks so cute, but this is also all new to you. you don't know how to feel about his confession. you don't know if this literally means he likes you (which you do too), but one thing is for sure.
you weren't being selfish after all.
"so, please, y/n…"
"let me. and don't avoid me," he says. "it hurts when you do, you know."
your eyes fill with concern. you take a few seconds before speaking again, "kageyama."
he looks at you shyly. "what?"
you respond by grabbing his hand, intertwining it with yours. "okay."
he looks down to see your hands together, and his face turns bright red. "you can hold my hand." he looks up to see your smiling face.
"i'm sorry for avoiding you like that. i thought you really didn't mind. and cared. thank you for telling me what you felt," you apologize.
he shakes his head. "no, you did nothing wrong. and i'm not actually mad, you know…"
"i was just frustrated. i'm sorry i kind of shouted just now."
you shake your head and start to walk again, letting your linked hands guide him as well. "no, no. i know. i'm even glad you let it all out. that's a big step, in my opinion, after knowing you these past months," you say.
he looks at you, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. it's as if he didn't expect you to notice. you didn't show any trace of anger or hurt after how he acted just now—you even cared about what he felt. his expression softens, a mix of amazement and shy delight flickering across his face and looks away again. "well, that's what i'm trying to learn these days."
"that's good," you give him what he thinks is the sweetest smile.
you both continue walking hand-in-hand towards the street corner where you usually part ways—kageyama takes the bus while you head in the other direction to the train station. after your intense and revealing conversation, the rest of the walk is quiet.
"y/n," he breaks the silence, and you look at him, urging him to say what he wants.
"uh, you know," he looks shy again, scratching the back of his head.
"what is it?" you ask.
"i'm just saying this to put it out there, but…" he squirms, "you can call me by my first name if you want to."
you are taken aback first by what he says. after absorbing his words, you laugh, and he continues to blush.
"all right, tobio."
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theamityelf · 4 months
How about a reverse mini au where the SDR2 cast have shrunk and now are taken care of by their giant kouhais. The mini-senpai au if you will. All the pairings are the same.
There could be a lot of interesting things but the main draw is tiny Nagito trying desperately trying to start the murder game or help people hide bodies or even just to be the devil on Makoto’s shoulder but he never makes it very far. Nagito is too weak to carry anything, people have to get up close to hear him so they don’t even notice his hope speeches. And that’s not counting the times when Makoto notices that Nagito is gone from his pocket almost immediately and is like “Oh no Nagito you fell out of my pocket again! You’re not hurt are you?”
And of course Makoto won’t accept any of Nagito’s arguments about helping someone kill to make the ultimates stronger. Honestly the discussions they have is probably good for Nagito, but it doesn’t fix the frustration of not being able to achieve anything.
So yeah, tiny ineffectual Nagito.
Other than those two, Mikan and Taka are together if I remember correctly right? It would be interesting seeing Mikan learning to trust Taka, and Taka learning to speak gently to Mikan since his constant yelling can be very alarming.
Oh my gosh, the mind on you! Yes!
Imagining Makoto waking up at his desk and tiny Nagito is just standing there like, "Hello! 😁"
(Still deciding whether the 77th class should have as much memory loss as in SDR2 or if they should actually remember going to Hope's Peak, like maybe their cutoff is right before helping out with the 78th class's orientation, so they still don't remember the Tragedy or anything important, but they do know each other and stuff. That would complicate the whole "It says here that Hope's Peak closed a year ago," thing in a way that might point to the memory loss thing too early, but so would calling them senpais and having them not remember attending Hope's Peak, so I think for now I'll go with 'they remember going to school together'. Though this means they would remember that Hajime wasn't in their class. I'm going to say none of them know that he was reserve course, for story reasons.)
(Hajime is a complication here, due to the THH killing game being in real life, so by this point in the timeline he should be Kamukura. In Mini THH AU, the shrinking isn't an issue because it's all virtual, so the only thing that needs explaining is how the non-survivors of the first killing game are alive to do any of this; are they AI, or did they survive in that AU? Etc. But here, either we say this killing game is also a simulation or the shrinking needs some rules to explain how Hajime can be Hajime. I'm thinking, barebones explanation, they used real living cells of the 77th class to 3D-print living miniatures of them which are controlled by the real people in pods like in SDR2. Basically, flesh-and-blood avatars. So, Izuru Kamukura is in the basement somewhere, with the other senpais, asleep in a pod, controlling a miniature Hajime with only Hajime's memories.)
So yeah, Makoto wakes up, Nagito is there like, "I'm here to help with orientation, but it seems that something strange has happened to my body. Do you think you can take me to someone who can do something about this?"
Makoto is really confused because of the whole "I was walking into Hope's Peak and then I just woke up here" thing. In the course of talking through his confusion, he reveals to Nagito that he's the kouhai he was supposed to mentor, and Nagito introduces himself cheerfully and for the whole walk to the main hall, he's acting like a tour guide despite being four inches tall.
"That room will be your classroom. That room...Huh, that door isn't normally blocked off. Eh, I'm sure it's nothing."
Then they see that the whole 77th class is tiny, and Nagito is just like, "Oh, I see! So it wasn't just me."
The whole dynamic between them would be really fun.
Tiny Nagito trying to radicalize Makoto, talking in his ear, and the only result is that sometimes Makoto makes such a bewildered face that his classmates stop what they're doing to ask him what's going on, and he's just like "Nothing. My senpai just...never mind."
("I thought Byakuya's senpai was Nevermind," Aoi muses.)
Tiny Nagito arguing with Makoto about the best ways to be of use in this situation.
Makoto making sure Nagito eats, finding foods he likes, and giving him a comfortable place to sleep.
(The need to make sleeping arrangements for their senpais complicates the matter of the tool boxes and sewing kits, because I think a lot of them might open those.)
Initially, I think Nagito would stay chill. I think he wouldn't start acting out until after the first murder. He spends most of chapter one just tagging along while Makoto hangs out with Sayaka and teasing him for having a crush.
(The THH cast has enough immediate tension that I think he would be willing to sit tight for a bit and see what they do. In SDR2, it makes sense that they need an instigator, because they're in a more relaxing setting, there aren't as many troublemakers, and they can pretty much avoid anyone they don't like, but fifteen people trapped on the first floor of a school and immediately experiencing a bunch of infighting, I think he's just watching for the first round.)
When Makoto finds Sayaka's body and passes out, the second thing he asks when he wakes up is if Nagito is alright. And he is; Nagito is sitting right next to him when he wakes up in the gym, and he wasn't hurt in the fall. (All the other times Makoto passes out or is knocked out, Nagito is the first thing he checks on.) Nagito asks if he's alright. After all, he finds it a little sad to see his cute (giant) kouhai suffer the loss of someone he really liked. (He's tagging along for Makoto's free time conversations, so he sees him making genuine human connections with the Ultimates firsthand. Sayaka maybe isn't the best example of this, but still. He's invested.)
Then Monokuma pops in and they go over how the killing game works, and Nagito gets really quiet for the entire investigation. For all of people accusing Makoto and Makoto figuring things out, he's pretty much silent. Occasionally giving encouragement or praise, but no clues. He's paying attention and reaching conclusions. Especially now that they know the rules better.
After the first trial, he's impressed by how Makoto pulled it together, it makes him smile how Makoto moved past Sayaka's betrayal, and he considers Makoto's commitment to keep his friends' memories with him admirable but misguided.
And now they have an actual killing game.
He would definitely try to get things done without Makoto knowing. He would try to see if Makoto agrees with him about their role here, first, but when Makoto rejects the first hints at his skewed worldview, he focuses more on convincing Makoto to go places where he (Nagito) can try to influence the outcome.
Probably the item whose impact-to-portability ratio works the most in his favor is a packet of pepper. Anything that can cause Toko to sneeze is a valuable tool. But while he can carry a packet of pepper, and he can open one, he can't conceal one on his person, so he has to suggest to Makoto that he wants some pepper for dinner later and hope that he can get it from Makoto's pocket when it matters. Stuff like that.
I like to imagine Makoto's luck also keeps stopping Nagito from instigating in the ways he wants to, just because I think it's funny. He finally comes up with an actual way to be of "service", and it comes to nothing because something spilled on Makoto's pants and he had to hurry back to his room to change, or the key got stuck in the lock and he needed someone's help to open it.
Makoto's company would definitely be good for him, and having someone be worried about him and take care of him would be a feeling he isn't used to. I could see him being deliberately high-maintenance, at first as an attempt to be off-putting in response to his increasing fondness for Makoto, but then to his surprise Makoto just...does what he asks him to. He isn't really annoyed when Nagito needs something. He might be surprised, he might get overwhelmed, but he doesn't get upset with him about it.
Honestly, I think being with Makoto in this way would change some things about Nagito. Makoto gets punched in the face so hard he passes out, day one, and never holds a grudge. Nagito's understanding of the inherent hierarchy would, I think, take a hit when he's faced with this guy he has every reason to feel protective of– his kouhai, who has been doing everything to take care of him –being constantly harmed, manipulated, and falsely accused by his superiors. Life was kinder to Makoto than it was to Nagito, but his classmates are, I would say, noticeably less kind to him than Nagito's are.
I think Nagito could very easily reach the point where he cares deeply about making sure Makoto specifically survives this. He honestly might reach the Ultimate Hope conclusion in, like, Chapter 3 or 4.
As for the others, I'm just imagining Sakura needs Aoi's help taking care of Hiyoko because Hiyoko doesn't know how to do things for herself and I'm thinking Sakura never played with dolls as a kid. I think that would be a cute thing for them.
Taka with Mikan would definitely have to make adjustments. I feel like Taka has difficulty managing his volume (because I can't imagine he's been doing that on purpose, lol), but when he sees that it startles Mikan, he gets so careful about it. He has her stand on his palm, instead of his shoulder or in a pocket or anything, because he's seen her trip under bizarre circumstances, and he's worried about her. He leaves the room when she is getting dressed, instead of just turning his back or covering the terrarium or something. She tells him he doesn't have to do any of that, but he insists.
After the first trial, which goes the same as in THH because Sayaka acts before any of the senpais can make a difference and Ibuki doesn't really realize what she's doing until it happens, Taka gains custody of Ibuki, Nekomaru, and Peko. (Junko's still running the thing, so who knows where Imposter is. Might just not be part of it.) He finds a different way to carry all of them at once (maybe a basket or something), and initially he plans to put Mikan with them, but she's basically like, "I-If you're tired of letting me stand on your hand, I understand. Maybe you could just, tape me to one of your fingers. E-Even if the tape rips out my hair, I don't mind! As long as it's easier for you! Aah, I'm sorry!" And of course, he's quick to protest, ultimately resulting in him continuing to let Mikan stand on his palm.
Mahiru would still whip Hifumi into shape. Probably more so now than in the Mini THH AU, because him getting anywhere near horny about the idea of a four-inch girl in his room is a problem in this power dynamic. This is the most respectful Hifumi you've ever seen.
Byakuya with Sonia is kind of an adorable concept either way you spin it, because both of them would make sure the other has a luxurious living space and is treated with respect. (Kazuichi tries to get Chihiro to talk to Byakuya so he can talk to Sonia.)
Gundham doesn't have his hamsters in miniature, which does stress him out. He ends up taming a bunch of bugs, though, which Toko grudgingly admires. She understands his grandiloquent way of speaking better than most, but she's still not great at taking care of him; she's not great at taking care of herself.
Celeste tries to get Chiaki to dress differently, because aesthetic is everything. Maybe she enlists Hifumi to make different outfits, since all of the clothes the senpais have are just the things they already wore.
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pinkisthenewangst · 2 months
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°`🍨: Kei Tsukishima + First Years x GN! Reader
°`🍨: Being a bet hurt so damn much
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You knew boys were dumb with their stupid puberty that makes them go crazy. You knew from the beginning that first year high school will probably feel and also end like middle school all over again but you still felt disappointed. Disappointed to actually believe that it will not happen again and to fell for a tall, handsome and surprisingly intelligent boy until someone tries to attack his ego. You should have known that suddenly getting friends and being confessed to was too perfect for your boring and lonely life.
Realizing that was when you stand beside the clubroom door of the volleyball team. Silently listening to the boys, who talked while changing to their sport outfits. You didn't want to eavesdrop but when you heard your name, you couldn't stop listening. Clutching the straps of your bag in your hand. Biting on your trembling lips while blinking away your tears. Placing the fabric of Tsukishimas Jacket to your mouth so you wouldn't accidentally let out a sob. Doing all of this just to hear that everything was a lie. Being friends with you out of pity. Your relationship only being a bet. It hurt so damn much. "Oi Tsukishima ! How does the lover boy feel to almost reach the third month of your relationship ~?", you heard Tanaka's booming voice through the door. Then it was silent for a short moment until the tall one answered: "Made me realize that relationships robbing me from my precious time and I can't wait to be free, but seeing your faces when you lose is actually worth it". Ouch. Being a bet wasn't something new to you and he knew it. He was the one that told you about it in middle school and now he does the same. You heard more chaotic screaming and laughing, not really able to believe that all the first year knew about it and also the second years you saw as reliable senpais. You then also heard Kageyama talk: "I'm not good with people like her, it feels suffocating to even just stand beside her." Then Hinata continued: "At least she isn't boring!". It hurt so damn much. Not able to listen anymore, you slowly walk down the stairs. Walking past the third years that greeted you happily but you only gave them a nod and a small bow before you started to sprint so they couldn't see the tears in your eyes. You knew boys were stupid but you were also dumb for thinking it would get better. You wished the world would just swallow you whole to stop your suffering.
It felt weird. Eating alone after having finally some people to talk to about hobbies and homework. It also felt rude to just run and ignore them when they tried to talk to you. But you were so hurt and unable to trust them anymore. Not knowing what was a lie, a bet or the truth made your heart crumble in your chest. Seeing them look confused also fed the guilt in your stomach. You should be a better friend. Less boring, less annoying and more how they wanted you to be but this was not possible. Changing took a lot of energy that you didn't have. All the joy you felt until this tragic day, left you completely. Only an empty feeling remained. Looking at Tsukishima from far away didn't make your heart beat faster anymore, it only brought tear to your eyes. Seeing the chaotic duo of Hinata and Kageyama only made it hard to speak without your voice cracking. Feeling the hand of Yamaguchi on your shoulder when he tried to give you something back, made you tense and stiff. Walking through the school made you fear that everyone knew how stupid you were to fall for this bet and how they would start to laugh at your suffering. It took Nishinoya by surprise when you jumped out of your skin when he greeted you at the entrance of the school and how fast you ended your conversation when it sometimes went on until he needed to run to his class. Ah they suddenly started to feel it. The empty place since you weren't there anymore. It even bugged Tsukishima more when he didn't get any answers from you after he messaged you. It also started to hurt. Made his heart sting seeing you not looking at him anymore. His fist shook beside him seeing you smile at Sugawara but something like sadness took over his feelings when your face dropped to a neutral expression when the third year disappeared. Something wasn't right but he didn't know how to fix it. In the first time of his life, he felt heartbroken and unable to decide what to do. How unfortunate that everyone around you and him were just so stupid and dumb.
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°`🍨: Tadaaaa ~ Another one but it's not really Tsukishima focused but it also is 🤔
°`🍨: REQUESTS ARE OPEN until 25th of Aug.
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teamatsumu · 11 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 20
scratching - bokuto koutaro x reader
word count: 750
kinktober masterlist
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In his first week of joining MSBY, Hinata received the shock of his life when he first saw Bokuto shirtless in the locker room.
“Bokuto-san!” He had gasped, eyes widening when they fell on his senpai’s back. Red scratches lined the wide expanse of skin, some long and thin, some short and choppy, scattered between them were small, crescent shaped markings that looked an awful lot like nails digging into skin. Bokuto had turned around at the sound of his name, staring curiously at Hinata until the boy had gestured to Bokuto’s marred back questioningly. He laughed.
Bokuto was a beast on the court. So he didn’t understand why people were surprised that he was a beast in bed too. Nothing about him was subtle, so of course, the remnants of his sex life lived on his skin proudly, and he had no desire to hide them. After Hinata got over his initial shock, he realized how on-brand this actually was. Bokuto was an intense person, loud and proud, and he met the same standards in all areas of his life. All of them.
So when Bokuto fucked you into the mattress, pounded his cock into your little hole, he didn’t protest against your body’s reactions, didn’t mind when you screamed and arched, arms wrapping around him and nails digging deep into his skin. He welcomed it, reveled in the pricking and burning on his back when you dragged your fingers over it, crying into his ear about how good it felt, how you had missed his cock filling you up the way it was right now. He would watch your teary eyes and flushed face, feeling the last vestiges of his control slip away at how pathetic and whiny you looked, reduced into a mess because of him.
Your feet would kick out, twitching and trembling when he found that one glorious spot deep inside you, the tip of his dick hitting it again and again, hips smacking into you with purpose. One of his hands would reach for the headboard, holding himself steady as he lost himself to the feeling of your tight, fluttering walls, squeezing so gloriously around his shaft that it only made him go faster, thrust harder, hearing you squeal and arch until your breasts pressed to his bare torso, and your nails dug deep, likely drawing blood, little swipes of your hands as you came around his dick, crying at how good he made you feel.
There was a sharp, sharp sting that came with your nails. When you would first dig them into Bokuto’s back, he didn’t feel much, but as time passed and Bokuto kept thrusting into you, he would feel a thin burn, tracks of it shooting their way down his back until they made him tense up, and all the blood rushed to his cock. The pain would muddle his brain so gloriously it made him feral. And all he could think of was filling your begging, weeping cunt full of his cum.
The snug, wet warmth of your pussy, combined with the tingling fire on his back, was what made him empty his load into you, eyes rolling up as his hips stuttered, smacking his hips into you one last time before he came deep inside, feeling as if his very soul was being sucked out of him and into the welcoming embrace of your greedy cunt. It was enough to make Bokuto black out for a moment, so lightheaded that, for a split second, he would forget his own name.
He wouldn’t even register the aftereffects of your passionate activities until he heard your horrified gasp behind him in the shower.
“Kou, your back!” Your eyes wide with guilt, one hand covering your mouth in shock. Bokuto would blink in confusion as you fussed over him, not understanding what the big deal was. So you had scratched him up while having sex, what was the problem here? It felt good when you did it, and it still felt good afterward. He could feel the sting whenever he moved, a reminder of his bedroom activities, a huge boost to his ever-hungry ego. And when he would try to explain it to you, proudly yet childishly calling them ‘battle scars’, you would huff out a worried laugh, only backing down when he reassured you over and over again that he liked it, loved it, in fact. Would proudly carry the signs of your pleasure on his back. Would be willing to show everyone how good he made his girl feel.
The entire volleyball team already knew, and if some paparazzi were to conveniently catch him shirtless at any time, the whole world would know too. And Bokuto had no problem with that.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles @argwein
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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suw4 · 7 months
Your Voice
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Hinata Shoyo from Haikyuu!!
an/tw: i feel like this isn't my best work but i hope you like it anywaysssssss
Masterlist | Haikyuu!! Masterlist
part1 | part2
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Shoyo came running up the stairs towards the rooftop. His boyfriend was waiting for him upstairs to eat lunch together. He was running late due to a mini receiving practice with Sugawara. Once he'd arrived, he saw the [h/c] head sitting quietly on the bench. Looking down to his unopened bento box. Shoyo smiled widely and ran up to him.
"[N/n]!!" he shouted even though the male couldn't hear him. Jumping onto the male and hugged him ever so excitedly. [Name] laughed at his highly energetic boyfriend and hugged him back. "Sorry, I'm late! Sugawara-senpai asked me to stay back for a while for practice," Shoyo signed as he spoke. "It's okay. Shall we eat?" [Name] signed back and the other nodded.
They both happily ate lunch together until Shoyo jolted up, remembering something. He looked at his lover with such determined eyes--mouth full of food. He laid the bento onto his lap and slid himself closer to the other. "I want to introduce you to my team! Is that okay?" he signed excitedly, a smile lingered on his face steadily. [Name] paused, the tip of his chopsticks in his mouth as he stared at Shoyo. He took a couple of minutes to think about it and eventually gave in to his request. He gave Shoyo a subtle nod, along with a small smile. "Why not?" he signed.
Adrenaline rushed through the shorter male's body. He hopped off the bench with his bento in his hands. "Really?! Then, I'll introduce you later during practice. Okay?!" he proposed. This time, he was jumping on the spot. [Name] chuckled, holding Shoyo's hand with his. "Calm down.." he spoke up, words slurring close together, but Shoyo was able to make it out. He retracted his hand and signed, "I can't read your lips if you speak too fast,"
"Oh, sorry!" the decoy quickly apologized by making a gesture of pinching the bridge of his nose, then opened his hand with fingers closed, and he lowered it with a slight bow. He grinned at his boyfriend before hugging the life out of him. He then continued to ramble on about what he had planned for the meet-up.
Soon enough, it was already practice time. Shoyo waited for [Name] outside his class. Bouncing on the spot as excitement filled him. Watching the taller male packing his bag with a huge smile. Once he was ready, he intertwined his hand with the other, dragging the poor boy out towards the volleyball gym.
"Sorry, I'm late!" Shoyo yelled as he slid the gym doors open. Capturing all the attention from everyone in the place. "Oh! Hinata! It's okay!" the silver head third year assured, walking towards the couple. "Who's this? Are you recruiting new members?"
"Oh, no! He can't play. This is my boyfriend, [L.Name] [Name]!" he proudly announced, squeezing the [h/c] head's hand.
The others began crowding around the couple and asking questions. Curious about their relationship and such. While they converse, Kageyama was fiercely observing the boy that Shoyo brought in. The stare was so intense that Tsukishima, who stood not far from him, thought he was planning murder. "Oi, are you going to stare at him until your eyes pop out? Or are you tragically in love with shrimp's partner?"
The setter snapped out of his gaze and glared at the other. "Shut up," he told him off, looking back at [Name]. "I was wondering why he looked familiar," he paused, recalling his memory. "Yukigaoka Junior High's number 7. A middle blocker. One of Hinata's teammates that I played against," he noted, placing his finger on his chin. Tsukishima hummed in response,not really caring much.
Suddenly, the blue haired setter felt chills down his back. He heard a snicker beside him. "Seems like he heard you over all that noise," the blonde gave him a snarky look. Kageyama looked up to see [Name] staring at him like a killer pin pointing his next target. It was a look that he was familiar with. [Name] was the same person who punched his face after the game ended with his team winning against his.
Kageyama grabbed onto the net as he leaned down to Shoyos's height. "What have you been doing for the last three years?" he taunted the shorter male. Unfortunately, [Name] had overheard him, and it prompted him to swing a hard punch towards the blue haired male's face. Yelling and screaming at him while his teammates had to hold him back.
"Who do you think you are to say that, dickhead? Damn asshole! Don't you dare question his abilities!" [Name] continued to scream while glaring at the setter who was holding his nose in great pain while getting off the floor with a couple of his teammates' help.
The middle blocker got kicked out from making such a commotion and inflicting violence on the opponent team. The competition had to be put on hold for a moment.
"Oh! [L.Name], I remember you! You were the middle blocker that played in the Junior High game last year, right?" Daichi asked him. [Name] glanced up and gave him a short nod. "That's right! You were that tall dude who was blocking Kageyama's team like a maniac!"
"Yeah!!! [N/n] was so cool!! I owe him a lot for most of the points we scored!" Shoyo began jogging on the spot, pumped up with energy. "Why isn't he playing volleyball then?" Kageyama's voice dominated over the others. Causing everyone to look at him. Dampening the lively mood that that the decoy created. [Name] nudged his boyfriend's arm, arching a brow. Wanting to know what's happening. "Kageyama wants to know why you aren't continuing playing volleyball," he signed, catching everyone off guard.
"He's deaf," Shoyo turned back to face them while signing it for his lover too. The [h/c] haired sighed softly and crossed him arms. Used to this situation. "Oh, I'm sorry, Hinata. We didn't know. No wonder you kept answering the questions," the captain apologized while bowing at them out of respect. The volleyball club followed along. [Name] read Daichi's lips and showed a smile. "It's okay," he muttered. Easing everyone's guilt. "Yep! [N/n] doesn't mind it! He's very cool!" he let out a light hearted laugh, clinging on to the said male's arm.
"Wahh.. You guys are adorable! [L.Name], why didn't you tell me you are with Hinata?!" Yachi joined in. Trying her best to communicate through whatever she had learnt so far for sign language. [Name]'s eyes widened a little. Touched that she was learning to sign. "Oh? Yachi, you know [N/n]?" Shoyo tilted his head. "Yachi is my classmate, Sho," [Name] replied for the blonde then smiled at her. He was about to sign back but he thought of how difficult it would be for her to understand. So he loosen his bag from his shoulder and took out a notebook and a pen. Writing down what he wanted to say.
"Shoyo is very passionate for volleyball so I let him practice as much as he can. I want to see him be the next Little Giant!" the female first year read out loud. Everyone else was moved by his words. Shoyo looked up at his boyfriend with trembling lips. Falling in love with him all over again. "[N/n]..." he whined.
The day continued on with practice. A singular chair was set for [Name] to sit on and watch. He was mesmerized. He didn't get to see Shoyo play for so long. There was a drastic change with his speed, his skills. Even his jump is higher. He felt chills run down his back. It was thrilling, amazing. So amazing that he was jealous. It wasn't Shoyo that he was jealous of, but his teammates. People around him. He watched the tangerine landed onto the wooden floor after making a good score with his spike. Bouncing around Kageyama. Obviously, he couldn't hear what he's rambling about but he knows that Shoyo was praising the heck out of that boy. He let out a quiet sigh and leaned back against the chair.
Practice has finally ended and [Name] told his partner that he'll wait for him outside. Once he was out, Kiyoko walked up to Shoyo and gave him a light tap. Causing him to stop untying the net. "Oh Shimizu-senpai? Is there something wrong?"
"Hinata, I've noticed that [L.Name] was a little sad when he was watching the match. Is he alright?" the third year question, concerned for the male. "[N/n]..? I'm... not sure. Uh- I'LL LEAVE EARLY TODAY!" he announced loudly, rushing out the gym and straight towards the club room to change. Packing his stuff up and made his way to his boyfriend by the gym doors.
The male stood in front of the other, huffing for air. "[N/n], is something wrong?!" he signed. [Name] was startled a little and tilted his head. "Nothing's wrong? Why the sudden question?"
"Shimizu-senpai was worried about you. She told me you were sad! Did something happened?"
"Nothing happened, really. Should we go home now?" [Name] showed him a reassuring smile. Shoyo frowned a little but hesitantly nodded. The taller male gently grabbed his hand and intertwined with it. Lifting it up to kiss the back of his hand. "Don't worry too much.." he uttered. The other looked down and replied with a simple "Okay," while [Name] guided them forward.
As they walked together, the [h/c] haired couldn't help but reminiscence the moment where Shoyo was ecstatic upon scoring that goal. He could imagine the cheers he shouted. But he could not hear it. Why can't he hear it? Why can't he fucking hear it? He was supposed to remember it!
As the boy was having a breakdown in his head, his steps slowed down. Dragging down the other male too. Shoyo turned around, shocked to see his boyfriend sobbing. Alerted, he moved closer and wiped away [Name]'s tears. "What's wrong, [N/n]. Why are you crying??" he asked whilst cupping the other's face. [Name] replied with slurs of shaky words.
"I-I can't remember y-your voice,"
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