#(←guy who wants hinata to interact more with all of the characters. for my personal enjoyment)
yume-fanfare · 1 year
putting hina and wataru in the same shuffle unit was an act of genius but it is not enough. i need more
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
Who *Should* Have Died From The Konoha ~12 Instead Of The One Who Did
we’re assuming they die under the same circumstances as the other guy
each one listed would have a complete storyline and their death would further the immediate plot as well as the overall narrative
i’m not “just picking characters i don’t like”
i do not condone killing characters for the sake of shock value but am considering shock as a legitimate tool in generating impact of a character’s death
miss me with “[redacted]’s death was a tragic result of the shinobi system” because no it was not. if that were true you could sub out [redacted] for any other child soldier and get the exact same impact. we know exactly why they were chosen and it’s got an (insufficient) explanation irl and in-universe.
#3. Sai
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Motivation: Friendship
First of all, imagine the shock value from killing one of THE Team Kakashi members.
Cool. Now imagine Naruto’s shock at Sai sacrificing himself for him.
Sai overanalyzes normal human interaction to the point of not understanding it. He reads books about how to befriend people. He still doesn’t understand it all the time but friendship is coming more naturally to him these days. What he does understand is that Naruto is the only chance of winning this war, and he’s down, and the enemy is aiming for him, and Hinata is trying to stop them but she’s on the ground, the spears are in the air and so is Sai, and Naruto is his friend.
He doesn’t need to think about it much deeper than that.
Now imagine Sasuke “What Does ‘Friend’ Mean To You” Uchiha witnessing this, witnessing Naruto’s reaction, and the further effects this may have on his character. After all, Sai was his replacement. If Naruto feels this strongly about losing someone who was decidedly not him but his friend and teammate nevertheless then… maybe.
#2. Rock Lee
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Motivation: Youth
Regardless of *how* this one plays out, no one wants to watch the determined, precious, comedic relief die; no one who’s watched this far into the show wants Rock Lee specifically to die. Huge impact already. But we can make it super duper sad because he deserves a memorable death. I see it going one of two ways.
One: Hinata doesn’t even have the time to try to shield Naruto because Rock Lee is faster. Ten-Tails barely launches the attack and Lee’s already taken/attempted to counter the hit. Perhaps this is his eight gates moment. Similar to Sai, Rock Lee would cite the power of friendship in his dramatic death speech, but he also was just… doing his duty. Truly, if you’re in the “Neji was just another tragic child soldier” camp, Rock Lee is the prime example of what I mean when I say you could sub in any child soldier, which I know sounds paradoxical but stay with me. Rock Lee’s entire personality is training harder than anyone else to benefit a system that will ultimately result in his death. If you want to make a point about child soldiers and needless lives lost, Rock Lee is the one to kill.
Two: Rock Lee doesn’t shield Hinata. He shields Neji. But not necessarily on purpose. The scene plays out exactly as written up to the moment Neji activates his byakugan, and the next frame isn’t him falling to the ground, it’s Rock Lee. The usually-somewhat-reserved Neji is devastated, probably in tears, demanding to know why he would do something like this. Rock Lee coughs up a bit of blood. “I was faster than you.” Smile. “I finally beat you…” Serene eyes fall shut. “…rival.”
And now imagine Naruto’s reaction to losing Bushy Brow. Imagine him watching Gai be brought to his knees by a blow that didn’t physically touch him. Imagine Madara incorrectly perceiving that. The implications. The foreshadowing.
#1. Shino
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Motivation: Legacy
I’m gonna be real, the writers were never gonna kill off Rock Lee like that, which is the biggest reason Shino has taken the crown as Most Worthy Of A Tragic Death in my book.
This dude has a connection to both Naruto and Hinata (making him equally as good a sacrifice as Neji if that’s the canon criteria). However, unlike most other (male) characters, Shino isn’t shown to have a particularly close friendship with Naruto. The one recurring joke around Shino is that he’s so irrelevant even Naruto can’t remember his name.
But he is good friends with Hinata. And he knows she’ll spend the rest of her life miserable if Naruto dies, and that if she dies right now she will never have gotten her life’s greatest wish.
So Shino goes out in a blaze of glory, and we’ll probably insert something about how Naruto has somehow secretly inspired him all along— or maybe something cynical about how he always wanted to be included by Naruto but never was unless Kiba or Hinata were around, so he’s sacrificed himself to maintain the livelihood of everyone else while not “losing” that friendship himself— and we of course get the touching moment with Hinata (oh just imagine the drama if Shino lay dying and told Hinata “Why did I protect you? It’s simple. The reason is… for the same reason you protected him.” and we find out that the huge secret crush of the show was not Hinata toward anyone, but Shino toward Hinata, never confessing because he knew it would be futile).
Good luck forgetting his name now, Naruto. Now no one will ever forget about Shino Aburame.
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puzzleemerald · 8 months
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Because Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru don't have much further art at the moment, I decided to share another couple who are most dear to my heart. YCH by the lovely Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt.
Please don't reblog!
Keep in mind I will be talking about the FanFiction version of Ayumu in this post! The version of Ayumu I roleplay is her own separate deal! When her bio is done and put up on my Master Post, I won't only RP Ayumu interacting with exclusively Neji writers, lol.
Neji Hyūga is already a very recognizable character, being one of my very first crushes when I started really getting into anime as a thirteen to fourteen-year-old. In fact, he's the reason I later bought and read the manga... all hundred-heccin'-something volumes of it. Much like Sesshōmaru, it was his long hair, elegance, intellect, and stoic demeanor that won me over at first. It also amused me to watch him just be cool; he always felt like the definitive head of his team. Even if Lee wasn't to be sneezed at as a fighter, I saw more leadership qualities in Neji that Lee lacked. I also felt that he had the most interesting plight among the Konoha thirteen as someone from a branch in his clan where he was basically expected to serve and protect the head family deemed "above" him on the social-political totem pole the Hyūga were built on. Despite his innate talent rivaling the daughters of the clan's head at the time, he'd always be considered lesser because of his birth. In ways, he felt like more of an underdog to me than Naruto did—though that also has a lot to do with Naruto's characterization as the "optimistic headstrong protagonist" Kishimoto had going. (I kinda wish Kishi had leaned more into Naruto having some resentment towards the Leaf, but that's a post for another day)
So what'd teenage me do? Tailor an OC to be another half for him because GDI this man deserves happiness, not getting skewered like a redshirt on an overgrown splinter. If they had to have someone, ANYONE, sacrifice themself for Hinata... tbh, I wish it'd been someone on her team like Kiba or Shino, so we didn't have to basically do the thing he was "born to do" according to Clan tradition asfdhjrhyud—
Deep breaths. I'm calm. Suppress the fangirl rage.
So, as a result, I created Ayumu! Who was, by every definition, a Mary Sue at first!! (It was bad... oh god, was it bad...) But after I ditched her for a few years when I lost interest in Naruto, I returned to her when I turned seventeen and completely rehauled her. Leading to the designs she has now.
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This is Ayumu's Part 1/Naruto Design. The Settei was done by a friend of mine on IG called Sento.OC, whom I commissioned.
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Then, we have Ayumu's Part 2/Shippuden Design, also by Sento.
When designing an OC for Neji, I wanted to go more complimentary than contrary. It just didn't feel like it'd make sense for Neji to ever be romantically interested in someone with bombastic energy like Naruto or Lee—mans doesn't have the patience to live with that on a daily basis, LOL! So I thought, "Hey, Neji's a pretty traditional guy; why not give him a traditional woman?" and Ayumu ended up as a very grounded, calm, and analytical person. A bit more on the conservative side, similar to Neji. All the while having occasional bursts of warm, thoughtful moments where she lights up but doesn't explode. She's very, for lack of a better term off the top of my head, "normal" compared to Naruto's big personality, Sasuke's broodiness, Shikamaru's laziness, or Temari's ferocity. It's why I imagine her getting along very well with people like Tenten or Kakashi, too, who tend to be the metaphorical straight man to the more comedic characters around them. Characters like Gai and Lee and Naruto can only be funny, after all, if they're offset by some typically.
Ayumu is also a close-range fire-style specialist with a Kekkei Genkai related to it, so her style compliments Neji's pretty well imo. They can be in a shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back situation and cover one another while knowing the other is nearby and safely under their wing. Both characters have some insecurity and neglect issues but for very different reasons. However, this means they relate to one another over their feelings and traumas, and neither really feels a need to "fix" the other. It's what makes them last, in my opinion. They just quietly comfort each other (also slap whoever tries to put the other down, lol), and that's it. ...They did kinda try to scratch each other's eyes out at first, but that'll be its own post! Once they get over their big hurdle and understand each other, they end up just being a pair of supportive friends to lovers 90% of the time. The other 10% is them getting fucked with by the plot around them because Neji barely gets any screen time in Shippudennnnnnn! ;-;
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Haikyu!! Season 2 Thoughts
I’ve been working on this for a while, trying to do what I did last time for the Season 1 finale, but I honestly don’t have the mental energy to give an in depth review of each character’s growth because there are so many who deserve to be talked about and I’d feel bad to leave any of them out :(
SO! Instead, I’m gonna do bullet points and cover things that way!
As always, my thoughts will be under the cut.
• I like the addition of Yachi! She fits in nicely and her friendship with Hinata is adorable!
• Tanaka is such a good big brother figure. He came running to break up the fight when Yachi asked, he got his sister to drive Hinata and Kageyama to Tokyo, he’s generally just got people’s backs, and he’s encouraging. I love him <3
• Just because it was my two favorites interacting, appreciation for Suga tutoring Noya! It was a small scene but it made me very happy.
• Training camp Arc was AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! • Nekoma is pretty cool. I didn’t have any strong opinions on any of them initially but I like them more now. Kenma seems like a sweetheart, and I love Kuroo. I also like Yaku, even though he doesn’t get much screen time. • BOKUTO. THAT’S IT. JUST. BOKUTO. AAAHHH I LOVE HIM!!!!! He’s got so much golden retriever energy and he seems like such a genuinely great guy! I loved his dynamic with Kuroo and Tsukki, and also his dynamic with Hinata!
• Appreciation for Yamaguchi yelling at Tsukki! I stand by my theory of Tsukki being Yamaguchi’s safe person, and speaking from experience, it is not easy to confront your safe person about anything. • Appreciation for Tsukki actually listening to Yamaguchi!!! This is where I went from not liking him to wanting to see him grow more. Is he a jerk? Yeah. But he’s a sympathetic jerk and he’s doing some growing as a person. I want to see where he ends up!
• Appreciation for Noya teaching Hinata diving receives. Like yeah he laughed at him first but then he said “here, let me show you” and did and Hinata can do them now!! Big brother vibes honestly, in a different way from Tanaka’s, but still there.
• Appreciation for Tanaka and Noya ganging up on Hinata. And honestly just for their trio in general? Their trio is so fun and gives me warm feelings :)
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• Getting into tournament stuff now, let’s start with Hinata being ganged up on outside the bathroom. That was hilarious! XD
• WHY DO I ACTUALLY LIKE THESE OTHER TEAMS?? Like I’m over here getting emotional over the other teams trying their best and still losing! • I just want to highlight Johzenji specifically because I personally really enjoyed watching them. They were so entertaining!!! Like yeah I know all the teams love the game or they wouldn’t be playing, but Johzenji looked like they were having fun, and it was contagious. Yeah, they had to learn to take it more seriously if they wanted to go further, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying the game. They’re the only team that seems to legitimately be having fun playing, and it really set them apart. Like after Karasuno they’re probably my favorite team. Anyways, Johzenji ramble over, moving on.
• Love Hinata protecting Kiyoko! He was so scared but it was so sweet :)
• I don’t remember where exactly this happened but I’m gonna talk about it now because I can: Suga being a little gremlin. He karate-chopped Asahi in the stomach for being negative, and then when Daichi came back from the medic Suga punched him in the gut for no reason. • You might be thinking, “Crow, you always talk about how sweet Suga is and how that’s why you like him so much. Does this change anything?” The answer is no. No it does not. He’s still a sweetheart, he’s just also a gremlin and I think it’s funny.
• LET’S TALK ABOUT DAICHI!! • The other reason the Johzenji match is my favorite is because of how much Daichi got to shine. THAT SCENE OF HIM WITH THE JOHZENJI BANNER IN THE BACKGROUND!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! • Listen, I liked Daichi from season 1, but he was always kinda just there for me. This match changed that SO MUCH! Like the reasons he didn’t stand out (No personal struggles of his own, no obnoxious defining trait, kinda works in the background) are the same reasons that he stood out so much during the Johzenji match! To quote the banner, Daichi is “Simplicity and Fortitude”. He’s simple, in that his defining traits are being stable and hardworking (traits that don’t grab a lot of attention), and he’s fortitude, in that not only does he keep going, but he keeps the team going. AH I LOVE THAT MATCH!!!! • Also I’m gonna talk about the incident here really quick just from the perspective of why Daichi is so important. And that’s because he keeps the team together. He’s their stability. He works in the background, but he’s SO ESSENTIAL. I’m glad he’s okay and he’s back now.
• Just wanted to make sure I mentioned that I’m so proud of Ennoshita! He did a good job filling in and he’ll be an excellent captain after the third years graduate.
• Also poor Tanaka felt so bad about running into Daichi. I think my favorite thing about him is just how much he cares about his teammates. He’s a big old softie <3
• I don’t remember when exactly this happened because all the episodes run together when you binge them like I did, BUT, Noya’s libero set!!!!!! It made me so happy!!!! He did it!!! • Additional remark on this: I loved seeing him work with Suga and Asahi on it! Also him scolding Asahi for trying to make him feel better instead of telling him how to be better.
• Yamaguchi!! I would like to say that when he didn’t do his jump float serve and Ukai got mad at him my reaction was basically this:
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Like the boy has only gotten to serve in one other official match and he missed. You thought he was anxious the first time you swapped him in? GUESS WHAT! NOW HE’S GOT THE ONLY OTHER GAME HE PLAYED IN HANGING OVER HIM TOO! Oooh, I was so mad. There is no reason for Ukai to have been yelling at this boy, especially when Yamaguchi is clearly anxious already and THEN Ukai keeps swapping him in only at crucial points. That’s a lot of pressure, especially for A FIRST YEAR who spends the majority of his time ON THE BENCH. Sorry. I have a lot of feelings about this. I’m moving on now because it’s making me mad again. • Alternatively, when he did do his serve and he kept scoring!? AAAAHHHHH!!! HE DID IT!!!!!!!! I was so so so excited and so proud of him!!!!! He’s grown a lot and it’s been so delightful to watch :)
• Suga and Kageyama’s two setter move was SO COOL!!!!
I’m gonna wrap this up because there are so many things and I can’t possible cover them all. So, two more things I want to touch on:
• Seijoh. Both the match as a whole and with a focus on Oikawa. • This match was SO INTENSE. WOW. I loved it! But it was so intense. It was really amazing seeing how everyone had grown! • I think Mad Dog is the only Haikyu character I dislike. He irritated me because he’s arrogant and entitled and disrespectful. I appreciate how Seijoh managed to work with him though! Props to them. • Small pause from the Seijoh focus to appreciate that Noya’s reaction to Oikawa’s serve was a starry-eyed “I want to receive that!” • Speaking of Oikawa, I… honestly don’t quite know what to say? But I knew I wanted to talk about him some, so I guess I’m just gonna start. • I hated Oikawa through all of season 1 and most of season 2. By all rights I should still hate him for how he treated little Kageyama. So why the heck do I like him now? I can’t even explain it. I just looked at him one day and went “Stupid (/affectionate)” and that was that. • I’d like to appreciate how determined his was during those last few points. He launched himself backward with his final set, CRASHED BACK FIRST INTO A TABLE AND CHAIRS, and still got back in there. • Last thing I want to talk about is how his last set of high school was to Iwaizumi. He didn’t have to set across the whole court, but he chose to because he wanted to set to his best friend, the team’s ace, one last time. I loved that! And I loved that he hauled off and whacked Iwaizumi on the back after they lost and Iwa was breaking, because it’s what Iwa would’ve done if the roles were reversed.
Okay. Last thing I wanted to talk about was this:
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The amount of happiness this scene brings me is just… ah! I replayed it multiple times. The team already huddling up and waiting on Noya and Hinata to complete the group hug. Noya and Hinata with 0 prior communication deciding “Yes, we should jump at our teammates to hug them” and then doing it in sync. THEM TACKLE-HUGGING THE ENTIRE TEAM AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT. The way that I’m sure after the initial shock wore off the rest of the team found it endearing. The joy from winning. The camaraderie. The relief. The way it’s the ENTIRE TEAM, including everyone who was on the bench. Man. I love this scene.
Alright, that’s all I have to say about season 2. If there’s anything I didn’t talk about or something I touched on but didn’t get into and you’d like to know my thoughts, feel free to send an ask!
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readsalot1 · 5 months
…I've got a whole au baked in my brain where a solid 80% of the civilian population thinks Hinata is:
1. not the heir (too shy, can't consistently string a coherent sentence together outside of political meetings and sisterly interactions)
2. a boy (based on younger character designs if I showed pictures of Hinata and Neji to someone with no context and asked which was the boy, they'd probably say her (sorry Neji guys in your family tend to be fairly ambiguous), and she's too shy to correct anyone who makes this mistake)
This leads to several very awkward conversations for the adults in her life and other clan kids that are "in the know."
(Someone says something to Kurenai about an all-boys squad; a number of the early D-ranked missions helping civilians have grannies talking about "such fine young men" and "how polite..." (accompanied with head pats for all the kiddos) and the full-face blush manifests outside of the context of Naruto)
((In this au, Hinata initially had a small fanclub of civilian-born girls. Another quiet, dark-haired "mysterious" kid who does not give off rage vibes all the time seems like a more realistic prospect. There are a number of their peers who are aware of this but aren't assertive enough to bring it up (Shino--too quiet; Shikamaru--thinks it's "troublesome"; Hinata--too shy), others who think it's hilarious (Kiba), and others who didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings (Choji), or are just glad that potential competition is elsewhere (Ino, who is still very invested in wooing Sasuke). They find out that they have been accidentally reverse-catfished when Hanabi gets to come with to pick up her sister after school--several years into the academy curriculum))
(((Neji is internally laughing at his cousin's pain. He most definitely does not talk under his breath about how she is destined to be mistaken as a boy whenever she's the only person within earshot; that would be *ahem* petty and below him, whatever are you talking about)))
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narhinafan · 3 months
One thing I don't get is people stating that Kishi's wife disliked the ending, like was she the one writing those things day and night spending every week drawing the manga? Or did they do that.
And not to mention that Naruto is a fucking shonen, whatever head canon you have for any character is normal but it isn't cannon (speaking to the people who really think Naruto is gay or some shit) it's what the writing wants that goes it isn't that fucking deep.
Kishi wanted Naruto to marry and love Hinata it's not that deep people it's just fucking entertainment. It's like they made it their entire personality that Naruto likes dick or some shit, and no he doesn't love Sakura she's just a friend (sis more like it)
And don't get me on the lowlives of anti Konoha that are Narutoxmulti and Hinataxmulti, they speak as if when Naruto and Hinata are in the presence of one another they ruin each other's characters when Hinata's greatest source of strength is fucking Naruto, and when Naruto is at his lowest she picks him right up. Like fucking shit Sasuke did nothing to fucking deserve Hinata most of that shit is Hinata being salty and just as some guy said "deranged revenge porn paring" he ships naruhina.
And good lord ok those fucks who say they haven't interacted much, like do you know how relationships work irl, because I sure do that's why I am not having a fucking girlfriend at fucking 16 because it's literally set for failure, you should date as an adult and preferably a stranger or someone you trust very much. Hinata is fucking both for Naruto in this spectrum, when they were strangers Naruto was comfortable around enough to let loose about his self doubt something men usually don't do especially with fellow men (that's for SnS fucks who don't get how men fucking work because they are most likely white fucking women, geez if you don't know how this shit works stfu you have no relevance in her you sick fucking bastards. The ship feels more like a porn fetish than a fucking ship) men usually say this kind of shit to a trusted women on thier life usually a mom (he did that with Kushina ) or get this a fucking wife which he didn't do with Sakura (don't get me wrong I fucking love Sakura but NaruSaku is stupid af because I have a sister relationship kinda like NS and I know for damn sure I won't tell my sister about my self doubts because that shit mom would be more experienced with, don't get me wrong sisters can sure give you a good fucking pep talk but they can't do things your mom or wife can do.)
Oh lord don't get me on Narutoxmulti who hate NH, because it's just some poor fucks having Naruto have sex with any women because their sexy? And what they hate NH because it's forced? So your logic is having Naruto fuck Mei who he never talked to once because it somehow makes sense and isn't just because you have a porn addiction and Hinata is the type of women you'll have a relationship with for wife which is fitting for Naruto because foxes literally mate for life, actually foxes are very faithful so when their vixen dies, cannonicaly if Hinata dies Naruto won't have sex with anyone really, shows how much u fucking know about your self insert (who's my favorite character of all time)
Like I stated it isn't that deep and should never be that deep, one Sakura fan I like said this once to someone bashing Hinata for stupid reasons "Politics and Naruto don't go hand in hand", whatever happened with Hyuga ended since the chunin exams or after the war by the time the last rolled because you see Hanabi acting like a normal fucking child, shows how well you really fucking care about the hyuga and Neji.
God these people are so fucking stupid and idiotic I can't get fucking rest from them, I'd rather die than stay in this shit hole of a fandom that doesn't know it's characters properly fucking pieces of shit
Yeah she didn't writing the end and she never outright said she disliked it either.
I totally know what you mean I hate how you can't have any same sex friendship or sibling like relationship with out part of the fandom trying to force feed it being gay down your throat. Like I have nothing against gay ships when it is intentionally done and not forced, but seriously as you said the writing doesn't go that deep and is not meant to be taken that way.
True a lot of antis that ship muilt ship Naruto or Hinata always make them completely OC or outright ruin their characters and relationship with each other.
There interactions might not be a lot, but each one is significant and the way they interact and treat each other is different to how they are with their other friends. Naruto has always been able to show his weakness to Hinata he is comfortable enough with her to share his doubts despite the fact he is constantly putting up a front where he acts confident till he makes it. Fact is Hinata is the only female other then his mother Naruto is comfortable showing sides of himself he doesn't show other people.
For sisters it depends on the type and their relationship with their sibling. Sakura though her relationship with Naruto is negative she isn't the kind of person Naruto can unload his doubts or talk about his feelings without being made fun of. Plus she hits and insults him quite often as well she simply doesn't inspire the same sort of comfort Hinata or Kushina would give Naruto when it comes to opening up about himself.
Yeah never been a fan of harems doesn't match Naruto's character, but also doing them tends to ruin a story. Also some of the ships are just disturbing like I've seen people match Naruto with Tsunade for the same reasons you listed. Naruto is 100% the kind of guy that is faithful and the one that wants a genuine and sincere relationship with the kind of life he went through he wants to be genuinely loved and not a lot of characters can provide that to the extent Hinata can.
Seriously its stupid how they try to bring up that he hasn't changed the Hyuga when we saw things have changed and have yet to see a new gen Hyuga with the seal. The branch house is not a thing anymore or if it is no longer mistreated. We haven't even seen a servant or maid Hyuga in Boruto yet. Things have improved even before Naruto became Hokage and likely even more so after if there were any issues left.
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goatyuuji · 3 months
Hello, so it's Haikyuu ask game....
(I'm excited, because since the movie released, I've found many Haikyuu fans again )
a.) Who are your top 5 favorite Haikyuu characters?
b.) What are your top 5 favorite Haikyuu moments?
c.) Who are your top 3 favorite Haikyuu ships? Why love them?
Thanks if you want to answer....
Hi! AHHHHHHH I HAVE SO MANY HAIKYUU ASKS SITTING IN MY INBOX, I just- I get very emo while thinking about Haikyuu, so sorry to everyone who has asked me about Haikyuu till now...
Okay, not gonna lie but I LOVE EVERYONE SINGLE HAIKYUU CHARACTER, CAN I NOT SAY EVERYONE IS MY FAVORITE????😭😭😭 but if I had to choose top 5 with a gun to my head because that's the only scenario where I would think of choosing:
(1) Hinata Shouyo (is anyone even surprised anymore): Baby boy, sunshine incarnate, my most handworking baby, I need to meet him and tell him personally how proud I am of him.
(2) Tsukishima Kei: his character development and his growth is the greatest thing to witness and he genuinely so sarcastic and mean I love it.
(3) Kita-san: You ever encounter a character that changes the way you view the world, because that's what Kita Shinsuke did to mine. The words he says just, it just hits hard and it hits home.
(4) Oikawa Tooru: See I am not immune to incredibly annoying but endearing characters. And he nails that category with flying colors.
(5) Kenma Kozume: Oh he is someone I did not think I would like, let alone be on top 5 but Kenma really just full of surprises, especially post-timeskip Kenma, I fucking love that Kenma he genuinely one of the best, I wish him the best in life!
Sorry to Nishinoya, Tanaka, Tendo, Bokuto, Kuroo, Yachi, Kageyama, HoshiumI, Takeda sensei and many more I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH 😭😭😭🫂🫂🫂
Uhhhhhh my top 5 moments might contain some spoilers so guys please if you haven't read Haikyuu, PLEASE DON'T LOOK I BEG YOU(trust me it's better if you read it on your own or wait for the next movie installment):
(1) When you lost but you are still smiling because you finally FINALLY found your equal ah <3
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(2) The little Giant vs The World's Greatest Decoy...Actually I applaud Furudate-sensei for even thinking of them like this because people were going on about Hinata would be jealous of Hoshiumi and how there would be a type of resentment between the two because they both might want the little giant title but Furudate said no and gave the greatest story about upliftment, finding your own self-identity and paving your own paths (writing this thru my tears btw I realise now why I don't talk about Haikyuu that much I just start crying lmfao)
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(3) “it’s just a club” - this scene making top 5 because one, it’s literally PEAK FICTION and story telling and two, I saw my little sister ugly cried to this scene…shoutout to my little sister
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(4) I am not even gonna say anything except the fact I was paralyzed in utter shock during this scene. Also this scene followed by Takeda sensei...I CAN NOT TELL YOU HOW IT CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFELINE.
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(5) The entirety of Brazil arc...Gun to my head I can't not choose one moment out of it because every panel, every interaction and everything about this arc is phenomenal
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Also quickly my top 3 ships from hq would be: Kagehina (not immune to the soulmates agenda), Iwaoi (not immune to the annoying x annoyed but still loves agenda) and Tsukiyama (only yamaguchi can love this guy ngl)
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waffliesinyoface · 8 months
sticking this under a readmore because its literally just notes & me talking to myself about character relationships. all of it is subject to change
Hasami's initial opinions on other genin, and their opinions on her:
Naruto - avoids because he's The Main Character and she doesnt want to fuck that up, but also. he's actually really annoying. yes she has sympathy for him but also oh my god dude. / naruto is somewhat friendly with kiba but if you pressed him he could not tell you her name. dog girl??
Sakura - okay look she wants to like her, because she is cool. but also. they really dont click that well as kids. its no ones fault. maybe tries to push her to be a little rowdier in the academy, because sakura SHOULD punch out a guy for being annoying. doesnt really interact with much until chuunin exams where she promptly sticks her foot in her mouth because apparently when sakura graduated the academy she started buying scentless shampoo, on kakashi's recommendation. she did not know that it was specifically dog shampoo until hasami pointed that out THANKS. sakura warms up to her a little more during the exams because teammate bond and also because hasami is one of the few people whose reaction to sakura being able to punch down a tree is "that fucking RULES holy shit". eventual friends
Sasuke - listen. she knows he is a dick, and also will defect and also doesnt care about anyone other than naruto. unfortunately he DOES have uchiha pretty privilege. even if she didn't have adult memories crammed into her brain she wouldn't be a fangirl, but like. she understands where they're coming from. / Sasuke does not give a single solitary shit about her, obviously.
Ino - ino is very likeable and charismatic, not in a "Shes my friend" way but in a "everyone in class can talk with her easily". shes the queen bee of the class. also from an adult perspective dear god her crush on sakura is obvious. immediately after the academy she runs down ino and asks for her help in choosing an actually good shampoo because apparently her entire family is insane. Ino laughs at her the entire time but also does point out a good brand. Post chuunin exams theyre friendlier on account of Hasami being on good terms with Sakura, but they're not super close. friendly colleagues, sorta.
Chouji - good natured and easy to get along with. I figure the reason chouji being called fat is a berserk button is because it was probably a routine insult in the academy, and hasami therefore gets friend points for A: being one of the only girls who doesnt care about his weight at all, and B: trades snacks. she will go halfsies on some homemade jerky if you share your bbq chiiiippss~
Shikamaru - as a character he's cool, especially in shippuden. as a person, he is. grating. can you be normal about women, please. / she's a girl, therefore, probably a pain.
Kiba - cousin! not exactly sibling but inuzuka clan is familial enough that sleepovers are a semi routine thing. they noogie each other. (kiba noogies her more when he gets his growth spurt) lots of playfighting as kids, ESPECIALLY when puppies get involved. becomes more involved after [spoilers]
Hinata - they just dont have much in common, frankly! tsume and kurenai have the teams be sparring partners occasionally, buuut thats it
Shino - bug phobia is slightly lessened and ninja training helps her to quash it but also jesus fucking christ dude there is a beetle crawling out of your eyesocket bWUUGHhghhg. she doesnt have anything against him personally its instinctive im sorry. / she hates bugs, therefore he does not like her. he will take it personally, thank you.
Tenten - no interaction in academy due to year difference. she might show up on a random C-rank…? it takes very little time for hasami to go "oh shes got like slight autism and a special interest in all things stabby. good for her." (this is based on her reaction to legendary weapons in the war arc and how she acts in the mirai short.) tenten uses SUPER BASIC fuuinjutsu that begins and ends with storage scrolls. despite this, hasami asks her about it once and the explanation still makes zero fucking sense. what math are you talking about that is all kanji. what the fuck?? / tenten likes hasami's knives and how their shape makes them stronger for close combat but ill suited to throwing, can she borrow them
Lee - bro you gotta rein it in a little bit / lee finds her training regimen (tsume setting dogs on her) inspiring!! when they return to konoha, he will fasten himself a harness made of sausages and do the same!!!!!!!
Neji - literally only meets him AFTER naruto has knocked some sense into him. he's still abrasive but he's not EXCEPTIONALLY rude unless he has a reason to dislike you. they might get partnered up on a mission that involves tracking, because they can cover weaknesses. (ie: he has precision up close, she can track things that are no longer THERE)
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
that one suga/oikawa/tobio post got me thinking about what characters in haikyuu should've had a conversation and didn't
-obviously oisuga since that's what spurred this whole post on. Not (1) post match interaction? After all that set up?? Really????
-asahi and udai. Like udai really looked at all these monsters and says, yeah that samurai guy over there is the one I relate to most and I will NEVER shut up about it. They should've talked 😭😭😭😭😭
- similarly, asahi and kiryuu. Asahi deserves friends that don't bully him 24/7 and I think theyd get along and they'd be so fucking adorable, my two fave sweethearts
-tendou and suga. This is just me blatantly pushing my suga x tendou agenda
-noya and atsumu. I read like (1) ship fic and became obsessed. Mind you, I don't need their interaction to be shippy, I just think they're similar flavours of prodigy and it's ridiculous that Atsumu waxes on and on about Hinata during/after the inarizaki vs karasuno match but never brings up noya again
-shirabu and yahaba. come on, you know they'd be the funniest dynamic of all time
-kiyoko and saeko. Kiyoko deserves to talk to more girls and esp her sister in law and seeing both of them together is probably enough to make yachi faint lmfao
- Yaku and Atsumu. I just like pairing Atsumu with people that could and would kick his ass. This would be like a more hostile version of Yaku and levs canon dynamic. Yaku in general is just one of those characters that are so dynamic that they'd shine no matter who they're interacting with
-we're going back to Udai because Udai and the takeru shouldve metttttt at some point. Takeru shouldve at least gotten to get a glimpse of him in person or something. I want all my little giants to interact
- with repeat exposure, I'm convinced that Tanaka would adopt mad dog and I wanna see it happen in real time
-its a crime we don't see any of the conversations between tsukki kogane and kyotani. A CRIME. They deserve a whole spin off.
-while we're on kyotani, I also wanna see kyotani, tora and tanaka all exist in the same space for funsies.
-kei deserves a chance to just glare at udai just once while the poor guy's kinda confused and apprehensive about why tsukishima's brother hates him
-hinata and the kamomedai middle blocker that wasn't gao. Kourai's boyfriend. I'm too lazy to remember his name but it's my personal hc that Hinata actually has a really hard time in his second year trying to implement the whole training your body thing and gets locked in this miserable intensity and sachirou (pretty sure that's his or his brother's name) kinda knows what that's like so I want sachirou to see Hinata in his second year misery and be like 'oof that's rough' and just hold a conversation.
It's probably obvious I'm getting tired at this point but I'll most likely update at some point as I remember characters
edit: the grammar was bugging me
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 1 year
the boruto ships randomly came to my head. many think there’s a love triangle and insist it’s BoruSumi vs BoruSara… but it’s seems the love triangle isn’t Sumire-Boruto-Sarada like we all thought, but Sumire-Boruto-Mitsuki and honestly, that makes so much more sense when you really think about it
it’s been confirmed multiple times that sumire is in love with boruto. her feelings are canon and she plays the role of the love heroine (shonen tend to have two heroines. one is the main heroine and the other the love heroine. like sakura and hinata were in naruto). there is no debate here. sumire loves boruto
sarada’s been asked three times already if she likes boruto and the girl always denies it. her response never changes. it’s consistent. when sumire asked her about her feelings, sarada said she does not like boruto, this made sumire confident enough to admit she does like boruto. sarada is the closest girl to boruto. it makes sense she’s her main competition and would ask her how she feels about the guy she’s interested in. when mitsuki asked her about her feelings for boruto, she not only dismissed the question, she also turned it back on him and said he’s the one whose eyes light up when he sees boruto. when eida asked her, sarada doesn’t even answer and lies (literally lies during this entire conversation) about eida’s enchantment ability to not answer. not just that, but a bit prior to asking her this, sarada literally thinks the entire romance topic is dumb
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sarada literally has zero interest in romance. there’s no other way to put it. there is no deeper meaning or “reading between the lines”. what we see is what we get and exactly what it means
now let’s talk about mitsuki here. he said he wouldn’t know what he’d do to the person if they hurt boruto
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and was the one who brought up the question to sarada. asking her about her feelings and instead, she says her wanting to help boruto has nothing to do with her feelings. literally shutting any questions about romance down. mitsuki then asked if it’s hard to know your own feelings. this tells us he is internally trying to understand his own feelings, and it’s when sarada tells him his eyes light up when he sees boruto
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a few chapters later mitsuki is affected by eida’s enchantment ability and he wonders what that feeling is as he’s never experienced it. mitsuki doesn’t understand human emotions. not 100% anyway and is learning about it as the series progresses. mitsuki asking sarada about her feelings for boruto and being told he’s the one whose eyes light up and then feeling a certain emotion for the first time ever could be a hint to his own feelings for boruto
really thinking about it, i’m starting to believe many of us have been seeing this manga wrong the entire seven years it’s been going. i always see ship wars between boruto x sumire vs boruto x sarada… when in reality we’re wrong here. this isn’t sumire-boruto-sarada, it’s sumire-boruto-mitsuki. and seeing as we already have a nonbinary character (orochimaru) in the narutoverse, it should be no surprise if mitsuki doesn’t care for gender regarding himself and his potential romantic partner
now i’ll touch a bit of boruto x sarada since it’s the most popular ship and i know many will be quick to point out their interactions. truth is, with the amount of times she’s been asked if she likes boruto and never confirming things, it kind of throws sarada out the window as a potential lover for boruto in the future. they’re really close and good friends that care about each other. if anything, they’re more like family since it’s the way their parents (naruto and sasuke) bonded (like brothers). then why are they always asking sarada if she has feelings for boruto?? the answer is simple. it’s as simple as throwing a bone to the shippers to keep them in. with the manga’s sales not being very good and declining with each release, everyone knows the only people who will see this manga to the end are shippers just to see if their ship is canon, so the writers have to find a way to keep them in. it’s really that simple
sorry for the long post >.< i don’t mean to make things long but there’s really no other way for me to put things in a short version. i find it best to try and explain myself in detail. thank you for reading to the end !!
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whiskeysmulti · 1 year
1. Mun is 30+ so some mature themes may happen on this blog. 
2. No godmodding/metagaming, be respectful, etc. I am not afraid to instantly block anyone who can’t show some basic respect. 
3. I am highly selective and mutually exclusive, if we are not following each other, I will not interact. So please let me know if you’re following for a sideblog so I know we are mutuals then. 
4. Please notify me of your triggers and blocked tags so I can tag appropriately. My own triggers are incest, rape, pedophilia, and sexual abuse in general. I will amend this list as other triggers come to light. That said, I do have muses who have SA and CSA as triggers in their info, it is only past mentions of it happening though, my own trigger with SA comes in with images and explicitly detailed writing. Interact with Ash Lynx and Shorter Wong with caution if CSA is a trigger, I write them both as survivors of it. I also black list the tag #one piece, please tag your content be it rp or art, I want nothing to do with this fandom and don't want it on my dash. While I have it in my DNI I understand some fandomless OCs and multi blogs rp in it still, I need you guys to tag your verses and content for it please.
5. I am a multi muse, please specify the muse you want to answer said ask when sending one, the only exception to this is OOC/Mun games, I will answer those as myself. Also if you’re a multi or sideblog please let me know the url/muse the ask is from when sending. I am also multiverse, multi ship, as well as duplicate friendly. Each ship is in it’s own verse, I do have mains and exclusives though. I am okay with some pre-established stuff as far as platonic goes, friends and familial bonds. All I ask is you just run it by me first to make sure it works with my headcanons, romantic ships though, I prefer chemistry.
6. You are always welcome to turn answered asks into a thread, all I ask is that if you move it to a new post, please @ me because I use thread tracker, I also track my replies by the number of drafts I have. That way by @'ing me, I can throw it into my drafts as soon as I see it and then work on the reply when I have time. I use the thread tracker to keep track of my RPs and x-kit to trim them. Thread tracker tracks the thread by the post number from my own blog. Do not move the post every reply. If from an ask, I will allow you to move it once to a clean post and then I will reblog and track from there.
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9. While I do not fully diverge, my portrayals are headcanon heavy. Keep this in mind when interacting with my muses. As some things may be applicable to them that are not discussed in the canon verses.
10. I will not interact if I find your blog to be utilizing A.I. or reposting stolen/uncredited art.
11. DNI: One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood blogs. More information here. 12. My timezone is US EST/GMT-5 (New York Time), so if you can't reach me at a certain hour, I am probably asleep or having connection issues with net and data.
This list will be amended as I see fit and is subject to change the longer I write on here.  
Muse List:
Banana Fish:
Griffin Callenrese
Ash Lynx
Shorter Wong
Neliel Tu Odelshwank
Tier Harribel
Lilynette Gingerbuck
Nanao Ise
Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Shikamaru Nara
Minato Namikaze
Hinata Hyuuga
Sakura Haruno
Itachi Uchiha
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Sawada Tsunayoshi
Hayato Gokudera Hibari Kyouya
Shoichi Irie
Mukuro Rokudo
Dino Cavallone
Cozarto Simon
Enma Cozzato Adelheid Shittopi
G. Giotto
Reborn Uri (humanized version of the Storm Box Animal) Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Skellington Child's Play Universe: Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) Saw Universe: John Kramer (Jigsaw) Amnesia: Shin
Trigger warnings associated with each muse can be found here. Character list with info links to wiki pages on each is found here. Back up Google doc with all rules, muses and info pages is found here in case prior links break.
Hidden/request only muse list can be found here. Mains and exclusives list can be found here. Affiliates can be found here. Ship wishlist can be found here.
Please read these links before interacting!
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chatsukimi · 2 years
Songs that remind me of haikyuu characters
| Hinata + Kageyama, Oikawa, Bokuto + Akaashi, Tsukishima |
Hinata and Kageyama- My Way by Girl and the Dreamcatcher "Yeah, I tried to do it like the cool kids do Fake it 'til you make it till your face turns blue But I gave it up"
"Nothin' left of me if I am someone else" They figured out their weirdo quick by turning their unique skills and flaws into a weapon.
And found a way to fight that's reckless: "So why would anybody play safe at all It's not what I want"
But, like the mistakes they made while finding a new way to do their quick: "I keep finding diamonds every time I fall"
They keep doing things their way. "My Way".
Oikawa- I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor "It's hard to be charming and smart and disarming It's hard to pretend you're the best It's hard to fulfill everyone's expectations It's hard to keep up with the rest"
Biggest enneagram 3 song after Marina and the Diamonds. Oikawa trying to keep up his persona, and do well at volleyball while stuffing his inferiority complex down the hole is the exact chaos this song feels like.
"I'll never give up, I'll never give in 'Til I'm bloody and bruised" That moment when he spirals and he nearly assaults little Kageyama...
"'Til I'm laughing alone" His paranoia isolates him (thank God for Iwaizumi pulling him out of it).
It's a lot more serious compared to Marina songs but have a listen, it screams 'drowning under expectation'.
Bokuto and Akaashi- Instant History by Biffy Clyro You have to listen to understand. It gives major 'we're the protagonists of this world' vibes: "We could go To any time or place But the history's a nightmare I'm sure we'll awake" The way Bokuto immediately bonded with Akaashi, the universe compacted into one person, Bokuto's 'world'.
"I've got a fever in my bones... And now I'm losing all control Why do I fear it?" I think this represents Bokuto's character arc so well. He learnt to not give in to his mood swings so he can win every time for his team.
When the song goes "this is the sound that we make" and it calls back "can you hear it?", I'm reminded all too suddenly of how Bokuto and Akaashi worked so well together, balancing each other's mood swings/overthinking.
It's a happy song to counter the depression that is 'In Another Life'.
Tsukishima- La tristesse du diable "The sadness of the devil" by Meimuna
French song that describes him so well
"Je suis la lumière qui fait venir l'ombre" I am the light which gives shadows (Tsukishima as the moon, often thought of as darker and not as useful as Hinata's light)
"Qui peut penser À la tristesse du diable?" Who could think of the sadness of the Devil? (Tsukishima's past, his fear of failure which others don't think of when they interact with him)
"Je suis le Jour et le Noir Protecteur et tentateur" I am the Day and the Night, the protector and the temptor (OK OK- the Day part doesn't suit, but protector? Middle blocker. The tempter? How many times has this guy ticked people off and called Kageyama King to tempt him to reveal his real self?
Tsukki hated Kageyama and Hinata at first because they were always 'trying too hard' so he channels the disappointment they've experienced before to remind them 'nothing matters' and it's 'just a club'.
Be sympathetic to the devil ppl.
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kosi-annec · 8 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 23
HOOO BOY, THE FINAL SET THAT'LL DECIDE THEIR FATE. I am not emotionally ready for whoever wins, in my heart I want my crows to move up, but I also really wanna see seijo go up against shiratorizawa
Shit ok seijo got 1st point, but this is fine, it's fine
Pft- the baldies be fightin, someone get these dogs away from each other lmao
Jeez, karasuno and seijo always neck-n-neck, tho i guess that's a compliment to karasuno, cuz that means they're close to seijo's level
It hit the net! Cmon crows pick it up!!
Ofc Tanaka is picking a fight with mad dog, that is so him. But it's also a pretty good strategy, piss the guy off enough to start aiming at you. It becomes a lot easier to predict him
Good eye tsuki! For a guy who needs glasses he is perceptive
Karasuno's in the lead! Lets fucking gooo!
Ey? A flashback? Aight it was bout time we got mad dog's backstory. Idk who these background characters are in the flashback, but i love the girl's vibes lol
Ok who tf is this hasn't-slept-in-days lookin guy, am I supposed to know him???
"go scold mad dog, bad!" LMAO FUCKIN OIKAWA
OH FUCK MAD DOG'S OUT OF THE FIELD! Honestly it was gonna happen sooner or later
Brown haired dude (idk the background char's names ok) finally speakin up after so many close up shots of him reacting to mad dog's attitude on the field
Oh thank you haikyuu for giving me the guy's name. Now, wtf is yahaba's deal??
Ah so that's his deal, damn thought they had something more personal going on. But tbf this guy's feelings are valid
HOLY SHIT- HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW THIS GUY UNTIL NOW?? The animation for this scene was so fucking smooth, all to make a background char look badass. This guy has been given the temporary spotlight rn and he is making the most of it
... Damn i need to see these two interact more, I'm invested now fuck
EY! Kage using his knowledge of being with them to his advantage!
Uh oh, mad dog's had his pep talk, he's gonna get the next point for sure
Ohhh, so mad dog's used to acting alone becuz from past experience, he's been left alone. No one's really tried to confront him whenever he gets worked up, instead just leaving him to boil. So his surprised face to being served by oikawa is him not expecting to be given another chance after so many screw ups
... God this show just makes me root for all the chars here huh, not in volleyball, but in character development. Like goddamn there isn't a single char here that I dislike. I love this show
Mad dog found a team he can actually rely and trust awww
Aight back to the action. COME ON KARASUNO!
Uh oh hinata's getting frustrated, kage snap some sense into him
15-15 again, always neck-n-neck
HOO BOY NICE SAVE DAICHI! AH shit they still got the point
"with me around, you can beat anyone" very interesting wording hinata
LMAO FUCKIN "i have a ballsy reason" I CAN'T HSKHSKS
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Sakusa Kiyoomi fave gesture of affection? Headcanons pls. Thanks!
Hello there Anon! I see your request are so adorable! Although, I kinda find it hard to write as Sakusa because I cannot really relate with his character but I will try my best! I hope you like it. Also, I'm gonna add Asahi and Ojiro as the bonus. I hope you like it!
Sakusa Kiyoomi, Ojiro Aran and Asahi Azumane Favorite Gesture of Affection.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Among guys inside of Haikyuu, he is the least affectionate guy and the most guy who hate germs. Since he is a Germaphobe and a guy with a stone-face (I mean a resting bitch face), you wouldn't really know if he likes your affection or hates it.
However, if you are his S/O. He would at least don't hate it as much as other people being affectionate with him. It would be a good match for you if you aren't a typical clingy person.
In my opinion, he adores small and cute gifts. If you give him a small keychain or a small hand sanitiser. He would attach your small gift to his bag or in his pencil case.
Especially if your gift is handmade. Sakusa would internally cry in happiness even though he doesn't show it, he appreciates a handmade gift more than a gift that you can just buy through online whopping or another store.
Despite his cold personality. In my opinion, he really loves it when you show your love to him by service of act. He doesn't tell when he's tired, hungry, or thirsty. However, if you help him when he is at his worst moment, he would appreciate it a lot.
I know he probably makes his own food because he wants to make sure that his food is clean. However, I also think he also appreciates it if you cook for him, especially after the Volleyball training.
Sakusa is also could be very awkward when it comes to socialising with other people. He would appreciate it if you are an understanding person and if you reassure him.
He would act like he hates it but secretly, he would be very glad when you were there for him to reassure him while he's not sure what he should say or do in a social event.
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It was a celebration of MSBY winning after their Olympics and running in second place in the Volleyball tournament Winter Cup. Everyone was having fun including Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto expect your fiance Sakusa Kiyoomi. He only sitting there with a judgemental stare and not wanting to interact with anyone at all.
You couldn't help but feel bad for him, he doesn't enjoy interaction with others and he prefers solitude. He would flinch when someone is almost touching him and sending them a cold glare as the person would quickly leave him alone. Sighing, you stood up at him and walked up to him at a slow pace so you wouldn't alert him.
"Sakusa-kun. You okay?" You ask him...
"....No" He was silent for a moment before sighing 'no' out.
"You really don't like parties, huh? Do you want me to ask MSBY's captain if you can leave early?" You offer him.
".....Please," he looks down.
He never tells you directly in front of your face but he was very grateful for how understanding you are. He hates when someone tells him that he was rude when he doesn't want to socialize. However, after meeting you. He was sure you are the only one for him, you understand him more than anyone and he cherishes you a lot.
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Ojiro Aran
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Ojiro Aran not only he is one of the tallest players in Inarizaki. He would be one of the most teddy bears among all of the Aces, especially if you are his S/O.
If you are shorter than him and very affectionate. I think he would love it if you hug him a lot, even if he's bigger and tour arms couldn't hug him fully. He appreciates it a lot.
In my opinion, Ojiro is one of the most affectionate guys. Because of this, you don't need to be shy when you ask him for a hug, a kiss, a cuddle or any other physical affection. It would make him very soft.
If you are a good listener and Understanding, he would also appreciate it a lot. One of the reasons why I believe his preference in receiving love language is Quality Time or Listening to his rant because he knows with Miya twins since kid (You know how chaotic they are) and he needs someone to rant about them.
Ojiro also might love it when he receives a typical 'Service of acts' love language. When Kita isn't around, he is the vice-captain of the volleyball group and you know how tiring it is.
If you help him around to make him able to relax such as bringing lunches for him after training, helping him clean the gym, and helping him calm the chaotic twin. He would love it so much.
In my Opinion, His receiving love language in receiving preference is Service of acts because he is a vice-captain after Kita Shinsuke and then Physical Touch.
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Same day and the same thing, it was always about the Miya Twins. When Kita wasn't around, they would fight and cause a huge ruckus inside of a gym. As Aran's S/O, you understand very well what he feels when the twin is fighting and Kita is away to do his captain jobs and handle other things.
You could see Ara's eyebrows are furrowed. His fingers are pinching the bridge of his nose, massaging the aching headache in his head. It wasn't only the twin who are causing the scene but also Suna who only recorded them from far away like a paparazzi, sitting on his knees and moving his camera around while the fight is going on.
Walking up to the taller male, your hand gently pat his back, trying to reassure him but he didn't react at all. It was clear that he is very exhausted because of those three troublemakers. An idea crept into your mind, your hand grabbing his arm and gently pulling him to the bench, making him sit down, "You should rest. I have something for you," You said.
Reaching up to your bag, you pull out a cold canned soda before offering it to your boyfriend, "You should take a drink first to relax. I'm sure the twins gonna stop by their own," you told him.
"....Thank you, (Y/N)" He gives you a close eye smile.
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Asahi Azumane
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Another Teddy bear, Asahi is one of the cuddliest members inside of Karasuno. He is a gentle giant even though a lot of people are scared of him (because of his looks).
In my opinion, Asahi loves physical touch in love language receiving even though he is shy with it at the first time. However, when time goes by. He would be happy to receive all of your hugs and kisses.
Your hugs and kisses could calm him down when he feels anxious and nervous. That's why one of the reasons he feels comfortable around you.
Some of his teammates would tease him about you being affectionate and he would get all embarrassed about it. Nonetheless, he's still happy when you come to the practice and shower him with affection.
Asahi would also love words of affirmation as a love language is receiving. He's very easy to feel anxious, he's also easy to feel guilty and nervous.
When those feeling kicks in, you know he needs someone to ground him up and make him realize that it's okay to make mistake or everything is alright. That's why if you can reassure him, he would really love it.
He would get flustered when you are being affectionate, especially if you are doing it in front of his teammates. But he's very grateful for your ability to make him feel less insecure and loved at the same time.
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Before the volleyball match began, there are many people who are getting ready to watch the match between Karasuno and Date Tech. From what you remember, Karasuno lost with Date Tech in the past and it scars your boyfriend greatly. It made him feel guilty for not winning the game as the Ace of Karasuno.
The encounter of the group meeting with Date Tech outside of the volleyball match was very nerve-wracking for your beloved boyfriend Asahi. It was clear that he was still scared with Date tech players because he was standing there looking like a statue as his face got a little bit blue from all of the anxiety and nervousness.
As the manager of Karasuno and Asahi's partner. You felt bad for the taller male because you could see the fear in his eyes. With a gentle pat on the back, you gave him a little smile
"It's okay darling. I know that was really scary, but I believe in you."
Hearing your encouragement, Asahi's shocked face turns into a little smile "H-hai," it was clear that he feels a little bit reassured by your words because of his little smile and your encouragement. He feels lucky to have you.
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forumjutsu · 2 years
what you mean there was no different ending for sasusaku? I think naruto was a better pairing for both of them
I just think it was the most logical resolution.
I´m gonna try to explain why I assumed it without getting in the ship/romantic scenes (this blogger made an awesome analysis about the whole sasusaku thig, btw), since I undestand that´s kind of subjective.
At the start of the series we are presented a three-man squad formed by two boys and a girl. It was just obvious that there was going to be some romantic plot around them, specially when their (kind of) love triangle was setted up from the very beggining. Therefore, two of them were gonna end up together. Now, this is an early 2000s japanese manga, so (though it´s a shit) the boyxboy was not an option in my head.
As it was, Sakura was gonna be with either Naruto or Sasuke at the end of the series.
Starting from this premise, the easy thing is to ship the girl with the protagonist, Naruto, but there´s this other character, this other girl, Hinata, who has a big crush on him, even though he is hated by everyone. That crush had to be important for the plot in some way, because, if not, why even bother to put it there? It definetely was not for comedy releave. I mean, just think about the difference between Lee´s crush on Sakura´s beauty and Hinata´s feelings.
Anyway, we go through genin period with, I think we can all agree, more shipping moments between Sakura and Sasuke than between Sakura and Naruto. But, even if we pass throug it, the thing is that at the end of part one, Sakura is love-strucked, Naruto kind of stepping back and no other girl has interacted with Sasuke.
In part two I did thought that the dinamics could change, since Sasuke wasn´t in the picture and Sakura and Naruto did grew closer to one another. Now, the issues with this were that Hinata was still longing for Naruto´s affection and, most importantly, Sakura´s feelings towards his teammates had not changed. To make the narusaku a thing there had to be some click in her mind, but she never gave it a thought. I actually think Sakura loved Naruto more than Sasuke in her teens (that´s a highly personal opinion, of coruse), but she did it in a fraternal way. Well, she claimed she was still in love with Sasuke even when she was on her way to kill him.
As for Sasuke, him ending up alone was not in my bets either. This guy spent his whole freaking life (and the whole show) craving for his family. For him to be alone forever, was far too depressing. Even at his lowest point, I thought he would die (which was also too ilogical to become true) before having that kind of ending. It was just too cruel. However, if you don´t agree, it was also really weird to create this whole Uchiha super ultra hyped awesome power and have the line ended with Sasuke. The sharingan would be extint! Maybe it´s not objective, but, come on, the Uchiha clan had to be perservered.
Sasuke did not have romantic interaction with anyone, of course. And, to be honest, I think some people ship him with Karin because she was the only girl there (that´s really subjective, though, I don´t like Karin at all). He didn´t really make bonds with anyone, and the only time he showed some care for Team Taka was when they reminded him of Team 7. So, even if I overlook my personal likings, he had to be with someone who was close to him in his genin time (for thoose were the only legitimate bonds he had). Naruto was not an option for both homophobic and reproductive reasons, so, only Sakura was left.
So, yeah, that pretty much sums up why I always assumed Sasuke and Sakura would end up toghether! Anyway I get we all have different pov and the fact that I ship the two of them, had obviously helped me to get to this conclussions. Anyway these are 2D drawings, let´s just let people like whatever they want :)
How good they look once they get toghether though...
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
What do you say to the people who think the show should've ended after the Pain arc?
Found this on Reddit. "Because pretty much everyone got what they wanted, Naruto is acknowledged by the village and on his way to become hokage, Hinata confesses her feelings (just have Naruto reciprocate), Sasuke gets his revenge on Itachi, Sakura gets Sasuke back."
Did this person watch the same show I did?! Halp.
[[Disclaimer : Naruto stans and Sasuke stans. Just don't Interact]]
So, Naruto's only goal was to become an Hokage by getting acknowledgement from the people??? Not because he genuinely want to help people who are not even from his Village, Right?? Such a classic moron!!!! Because, Gaara is not from Suna Village. He is from Konoha... Oh!! Woow.
Naruto protected his Village from Pain after learning Senjutsu.... All because he wanted some fucking Acknowledgement, Right?? Not because he lost his Master, his Sensei and his Home, eh??? Oh, Naruto definitely wasn't Applauded by the Villagers after his battle with Neji...
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And Iruka didn't even casually mention the fact that the Villagers are talking about Naruto in high regard???!!! 
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But he still wanted more Acknowledgement... Oh My God!!! Naruto is Such a Validation seeking Whore.
So, No... Naruto’s dream was never about getting Acknowledgement. It was always about making the world, a better place. 
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And that’s why Naruto said his dream was to make everyone to co-operate with each other... with the help of Sasuke. A Boy who started out as someone who wanted to find a place in this world has now evolved into someone who wanted to change that world... 
Claims like ‘Naruto only needed Acknowledgement’ is such a disgrace to Naruto’s character. He is not a fucking Sakura for shit sake!!! To have no mental development since forever. Yes, Naruto’s dream started out as too naive and ambitious... But after every Arc, Naruto learns something, Changes himself and his dreams too evolved as a whole... (His Dreams evolution has everything to do with the Series theme as well... Which I’ll do in my other post)
As for Sasuke, Hmmmm......
Am not going on detail with Sasuke's character Journey after Pain Arc because even his rabid stans themselves don't get his character right. They keep on harping about "Sasuke wanted to Change the rotten System" agenda when in reality Sasuke only came to that conclusion towards the very end of the Manga with just 65 chapters to go (Chapter 635). Whereas Sasuke knew the truth about Itachi at around 401st chapter. What was he doing for 200+ chapters though???
They keep on raging about Sasuke wanted justice for Uchiha Clan... When in Reality Sasuke was lounging around with Obito, a guy who massacred his Clan out of pure whim... A guy who kept 100+ sharingans which he stole from his dead clan members right after the massacre... A guy who brought utter disaster to his clan by releasing Kyuubi (a fact Sasuke knew all too well but ignored it conveniently).
They keep on screaming fucking Capitalism and Communism nonsense when in reality Naruto series has never ever hinted such concepts anywhere... Neither did Sasuke.
If his stans themselves don't get his character right close to a remote 10%, It's very much expected that Reddit Dudebros also won't get it...
So, No... The Series couldn’t possibly end around Pain Arc... That’s the path decider of Naruto and Sasuke.
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