#him having a favorite horse is so cute help
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aleksiej · 3 days ago
my favorite les amis (and co) headcanons (in no particular order, both canon and modern eras)
- enjolras has anxiety and/or is autistic, has the weirdest life routines imaginable and is only functional, when it comes to his causes. in canon era specifically, he stops actually studying and works full time on the june rebellion.
- grantaire is fat and trans. it's not about the being ugly thing, except is it a bit because of the STIGMA and also DOWN WITH MLM SHIPS THAT ARE JUST TWINKS lol (also, ekhm, he gets shot in the throat, i've made a post about that before but yea)
- musichetta, joly and bossuet are a throuple and live in the largest house of the whole group. they usually have people over, in modern times or times when people had people over casually
- everyone is les amis is codependent
- eponine CARES about the causes, let's not make her a second R, she cares. she doesn't want to talk or get help for herself, but she cares about other people. she also knows about gavroche (in canon era) and is low-key looking out for him, even if he doesn't need that.
- marius is high int low wis, low enough to be in hell. he's sweet though, so we can forgive him. probably on the higher end of the emotional intelligence spectrum in the amis, just bad with context clues. he forgets which language he speaks sometimes.
- every ami is extremely weird by regular people standards, but in the group it's not as noticable
- feuilly likes women. idc what gender feuilly is, but feuilly likes women. it's important to me. also, feuilly and R are pals. feuilly sleeps over at R's. R helps feuilly with art supplies
- bahorel has a job (or a volunteer thing) where he works with kids, leaving everyone terrified for the future generation, but he's really good at it
- gavroche is also good with kids. and languages. and possibly everything humanities related, if he does get to grow up he ends up doing ballet or theater
- cosette is a ruthless activist and uses her sweet, cute personality to drive across her point. she's also great at math and is the one in charge of the pontmercy money in canon era.
- jehan has smoked or taken every drug in existence, somehow hasn't gotten addicted to any. he also has semi-regular opium-filled graveyard orgies and is a Romantic, not a romantic, as he dislikes the romance plots in most media, if they're not tragic enough (that is, if they end happily)
- combeferre is the crazy type of scientist/doctor and would not only kill victor frankenstein on sight, but also has made research into making human life from scratch himself (he wouldn't DO it though, because ethics)
- courfeyrac is the most emotionally well person in the group and the only one capable of giving good advice on that front. he will, however, refuse to do so, just to see the drama unfold
- joly having a chronic illness. very important. joly also steals supplies from hospitals and is obsessed with space (canon era and any modern variation)
- bossuet is fat. and also the best driver. horse, carriage or car, this man can get himself and his mode of transportation wherever they need to be.
- musichetta is, during canon era specifically but not exclusively, in a feminist revolutionary circle. she joins bahorel's laughing mistress in that.
- every ami is generally a good person. their morals may be skewed, they might be spies or pirates or art thieves or coffee shop employees, they might kill people for money, but they will always be good. at the center.
- marius and cosette end up having like five kids. none of the kids are named after the amis, because that's too many dead people, marius. in a reincarnation scenario, at least one ami (preferably eponine tbh) is a descendant of the pontmercys. and maybe another, of the thenadiers, since monsieur t took azelma and fled to usa.
- in a universe in which felix tholomyes (cosette's sperm donor) is enjolras's father (and i guess enjolras is his mother's maiden name?), he is black. enjolras is black (from melanesia), cosette is black. biggest thing, enjolras and cosette both take after their mothers and end up looking very different.
- grantaire has the most female friends out of all other les amis, excluding the girls. he's also the one best suited to mending clothes and such jobs. he usually does it for everyone, canon era or modern, fighting consumerism or just cold weather.
bonus non-amis!
- in every lifetime, in every possibility, javert and valjean have beef. sometimes while being married with one/two/thirteen children.
- javert is autistic, valjean has anger issues
- valjean and fantine having a sister-brother type of relationship. fantine being the force behind valjean not giving away everything he has to charity. valjean, well, being the wallet and the morality.
- in a modern era way, fantine, much like enjolras, is melanesian, although a few generations removed. she has the light hair, cosette does not.
- thenadiers being incapable of doing a good job at something. doesn't mean their evil plans don't work out, but there's always at least one thing that could make everything fall apart and onto their heads.
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nekrosmos · 3 months ago
Actually I'm gonna add my own two cents about Graves for you to consider
Man runs cold
Man lives in fucking Texas and he's like "damn it's kinda chilly" and his lieutenants look at the thermometer like "BRO IT IS... 75 DEGREES FARENHEIT??????" and he's like "yeah and my hands are freezing"
Which also means in like 90-degree weather he's like "ah finally! Summer :)"
ALSO I have a headcanon he's got a mare he boards somewhere while he's deployed. Her name is Snake, she is a BITCH of a mare on the ground to almost everyone, but Dad is an exception.
She still bites him in the ass when he's picking her hooves tho. And steals his hat off his head.
Oh he 100% is one of those people who thrives in hot temperatures and complains whenever he's just a little bit chilly, DEFINITELY. He had to wear the warmest possible tactical gear just to go on an op in the snow once and he just was complaining the entire time. This is canon to me alright.
ALSO THE HORSE. He definitely has horses come on !!! "Dad is the exception" is so cute though, oh my god. Bite his ass Snake come on !!
Dude definitely has a ranch or something somewhere he goes to when he needs a break, the fancy kind, too.
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pinkinsect · 6 months ago
aryu and tokimitsu are so special to me actually
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emmyrosee · 1 year ago
“Do I have a cute butt?”
“Excuse me?” Osamu asks at your question, popping an eye open as he chuckles. You giggle at your matched silliness, gently patting his chest.
“You know.... like, is my butt cute?” You ask again, traveling your eyes to look. Your leg is hooked over his waist, his large hand running along your thigh sweetly.
Osamu sighs sleepily, “is this one of those scenarios where if I answer, you’ll hit me?”
You giggle at him, “depends on your answer.”
“Then I think you have, single handedly, the cutest butt in the world, sweet love.” His large hand travels down and gives your ass a gentle pat, almost like you were a baby.
Well, you are his baby, as he always assures.
Your heart flutters wildly at his words, they always have an effect on you, and you can’t help but nuzzle into his chest further to hide your face.
“Awww,” he teases. “Did I make my angel girl all shy?”
“Shut up,” you mutter, shoving him lightly. He chuckles lowly before shoving his hand under your hip and pushing you up, guiding you to straddle his waist. He gently caresses your sides and thighs, dopey, loving smile on his pink lips.
“I think every part of you is the cutest, my love,” Osamu whispers, making you roll your eyes.
“Oh yeah?” You challenge. “Like what?” He raises his own brows, “everything.” He gently takes your hand in his, “I love these small, sexy hands of yours.” He plants a kiss to each of your fingers before closing them, placing a final kiss to your knuckles. You bite your lip, brushing the fallen locks of hair out of his eyes.
“They’re not small,” you protest. “Yours are just massive.”
“Either way,” he continues. “I love these hips, and these legs that everyone stares at when you wear shorts,” he gently digs his fingers in your thighs slightly, leaving lightened prints before transforming back to your original skin tone.
You avert his gaze, “they stare because my hips come up to your thighs. Tall freak.”
“They stare because you’re hot,” he says, putting extra emphasis on the ‘T’ and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “They stare because somehow, your stunning ass got stuck with me."
“I love being stuck with you!"
“I love it too,” he assures, smiling as you laugh. “That’s another thing,” he says. “That sweet laugh of yours.”
“Oh, you mean the dolphin mating call?” You scoff, crossing your arms.
Osamu shakes his head, “no, you brat. I’m talking about your laugh. Your sweet giggles. Your scoffs. The way it goes silent when you laugh really hard. It the fucking best.”
“No it’s not,” you groan. “You’re the only person on planet earth who could find a walrus being assaulted with a crowbar cute.”
“There’s nothing wrong with finding your little giggles endearing.”
“Yeah, right.”
“But you know what I love most about you?” He asks, cupping your ass and hips in his massive hands.
You quirk your brow, “what’s that, oh Prince Charming of mine.”
“My absolute biggest weakness about you, dollface, is...” he squeezed harder. “Messing with you.”
You can barely process what he said before he bucks his hips up against you, bouncing you up and down. You scream out in laughter, planting your hands to his chest. His own laughter mixes with yours, his thighs continuing to bounce you like you’re a rider on a horse.
“Okay, okay!” You manage between giggles. “I get it!”
“Don’t,” bounce “think,” bounce “you,” bounce “do.” He grins as he stops bouncing, sitting up to wrap his arms around you, pulling you flush to his chest as you both flop back down.
“You’re so bad,” you giggle, running your hands over his chest. Osamu chuckles, planting a kiss to your head.
“What can I say,” he sighs dreamily. “I'm a man of poetic genius.”
"If that's what you want to call it."
Immediately, hands dart under your arms to tickle you viciously, smirking as you shriek and clamp your hands to your sides and laughter pours out of your lips.
It truly was his favorite sound.
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bookdragonideas · 11 months ago
Here's the thing. I'm a girl, and as a girl, I really like it when girls are portrayed in fiction. Especially fantasy.
But so much fiction/fantasy mixes up 'girls' with 'unstoppable forces of female badass' and there's not necessarily anything wrong with having a character who is an 'unstoppable forces of female badass'. But it gets old real quick. And it is not the same as portraying normal girls, or having good female characters.
And that's one of the many reasons I love Avatar the Last Airbender.
Because all the girl characters have flaws and weaknesses and sometimes act like idiots or jerks. They get emotional and make mistakes. They lose fights or arguments or are just wrong sometimes. Some of them are amazing warriors, and some aren't. Some are powerful or special and some are normal, with nothing special about them.
And I Love that.
I was around the same age as Katara when I first watched Atla. And I instantly connected with her as a character. I loved her optimistic attitude and her fighting spirit. And I could relate with her anger, and with her maternal instinct. I admired her fighting skills of course, but I loved how the show portrayed her compassion and kindness, the way she could both beat up a bunch of bullies AND enjoy a relaxing day at the spa. She was a baddass warrior that should never be crossed. But she was also a normal teenage girl who had a lot of the same internal struggles and problems that I did.
(I never connected to Toph on the same level, but I did relate to her on a few things. She's an adorable trash gremlin who would commit any crime for fun and I love that. But she struggles with being both independent and letting people help her, and I still struggle with that sometimes. I've learned that sometimes, you can help others by letting them help you.)
Yue is, in my opinion, a perfect example of a type of hero that seems to be disappearing. She is not a warrior. She is not a fighter. She's not even a bender.
Yue is a perfect princess, a perfect daughter. She is extremely feminine in a rather older sense.
And she was the only one who could save the world. She gave up everything for her people. She saved everything, everyone, the entire world. Without ever becoming a fighter.
Yue is a perfect example of a girl who was never more than a girl, and how that's okay. Not every girl has to be rough and tumble and fight for her rights in order to change everything. Sometimes it's okay to just be a quiet obedient girly girl. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero.
And I love that. Yue is strong in her own way. She is unique and interesting. She appears in only a few episodes and yet manages to be one of my favorite characters.
Song is another great example of this. Song is a healer in a small town. We don't see much of her but we see her compassion and empathy. She is gentle and generous. A healer not a fighter.
She watches Zuko steal her ostrich horse and does nothing.
Is that because she's kind and generous and knows he needs it more? Or is it because she's a healer girl who knows she can't actually stop those two from taking the horse? Maybe neither, maybe both. I have always thought that the scene where Zuko steals the horse and only the audience knows she saw it is one of the most thought-provoking in the series.
Suki is a badass warrior woman who is an awesome fighter and good leader. She is one of the best non bender fighter we see in the entire show. She was one of the smartest, most efficient, and powerful characters we ever saw.
She kissed a boy she had just met because she thought he was cute.
Now don't get me wrong I love SokkaxSuki. Its one of the best couples in the show.
But Suki totally did the old 'love at first sight' thing. And that is awesome. Because when she kisses him she delivers one of the best lines, not only from her, but, I think, in the entire show.
"I AM a warrior, but I'm a girl too."
Being a warrior doesn't mean that she isn't also a teenage girl. She might be a fighter, but she still gets crushes and likes to flirt with cute boys. And hey, she picked a good one. Not every boy is going to come break you out of prison.
Anyways, let's have more realistic girls in fiction. And please enjoy the next 24 hours.
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anzulvr · 5 months ago
What are somethings he does as a boyfriend 😋
Karma x Reader — Things he does as a boyfriend ୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 SORRY! As always very late :'(
— Gets you out of your comfort zone,
In the play E-Class did for the elementary school kids, he’s the one to suggest to everyone you play the lead. He convinces you by saying you can spend your day together.
Another example of this is going through with your assassination attempts. He is the first to volunteer himself to go along with your plan! Need a guy to swing from the rooftops? Get him a rope. Need someone to shoot? Give him the signal and he’s ready. Need horse tranquilizer? He knows a guy.
— Defends you when you’re wrong.
This one is very specific, I don’t think he’s the type to back out of an argument for anyone, it’s more like he’s defensive around people who criticize you. He just shoots out insults before you even have the time to react. Somehow he doesn't sound aggressive when doing it, comes out of his mouth way too naturally.
Terasaka for example: “How’d you miss that shot? Your aim is the worst I’ve seen.”
“Maybe [Name] can use you as a shooting target. Your heads big enough.”
— Can’t cook? He’s got you covered! His favorite dish is anything as long as he cooks it, with his parents often traveling he developed that skill really well over the years.
— He“buys” you the best gifts (he gets them in the weirdest ways.)
The same as the time he pulled out math equations when he was getting scammed by the stand owner at the festival until he got a console for free.
Half of his belongings come from his “Delinquent fishing” money, so most of the things he buys for you are probably from the same guys he terrorizes.
— An arcade gaming pro, anything you want he can win on the first try! If he can’t he will find a way to prove it’s rigged or faulty and get the manager to clear out the prize stock. He’s shameless.
It's October so Halloween Headcannons;
His favorite part of Halloween is going out of his way to scare people.
He’s going to go around scaring his classmates and making you participate. (Rio happily joins in.)
He'll put you up to trick someone else that way he can come behind you and scare you.
He makes you match costumes but they’re never cute. He has disturbing, taste. But who can say no to his offer???
— Competitive.
“Whoever gets a lower score on this exam has to buy the winner food!”
“Karma you’re only saying that cause you know I didn’t study.”
He buys you food if you lose anyway to cheer you up.
— Makes you his accomplice,
“[Name] Im a block away from your house, I need you to pour some hydrogen peroxide in a bucket”
“I am not helping you clean blood off your clothes again!"
“He hit me first! It’s my own mouth blood.”
“Ouch, you lost?”
“No, just get the bucket.”
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amirasainz · 3 months ago
Can you write a Yn Alonso story where George and her have a proper British tea party. Geroge tells Yn that she is now a true princess. .ame it fluff and cute 🙏😭❤️
Enjoy reading and send some requests!!!
-xoxo babygirl 💕
Unky Georgie
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Three-year-old Yn Alonso, the tiniest bundle of joy in the paddock, bounced on her toes as she held onto her uncle George’s hand. Her rose-colored dress swayed with every step, layers of tulle billowing around her like the gown of a true princess. She gazed up at George, her eyes wide and filled with excitement. Uncle George, or “Unky Georgie,” as she liked to call him, had promised her something very special that day while her dad, was away at a meeting. Today, Yn was going to have her very first Princess Tea Party.
George knelt down to her level, smoothing out her dress a bit. "Alright, Princess Yn," he said in a very serious tone, his British accent making her giggle, "are you ready for your royal tea party?"
Yn gasped, nodding her head enthusiastically. "Yes, Unky Georgie! I'm ready!" She clutched a tiny pink purse to her side, her other hand wrapped around his fingers.
"Right this way, Your Royal Highness," George said, guiding her to a little setup he’d created just for her near the back of the paddock. He had found a small table with two chairs and had decorated it with a pink cloth, a little flower in a vase, and a selection of pastries piled high on a plate. In the middle, he’d set a small teapot with a delicate floral design and two matching cups.
Yn’s eyes sparkled as she took in the scene. "It’s so pretty!" she gasped, looking up at George with a mixture of admiration and disbelief. "Is this… is this really for me, Unky Georgie?"
George nodded, his face lit with a proud smile. "All for you, Princess. Only the best for royalty, of course."
He held out her chair, and she carefully climbed onto it, smoothing out her dress like she’d seen princesses do in her favorite storybooks. Once she was settled, George took the seat opposite her. He poured “berry tea”—actually a bit of berry-flavored water he’d prepared—into each cup, trying his best to look as dignified as possible.
Yn picked up her cup carefully with both hands, peeking over the rim to look at George. "Do I look like a real princess, Unky Georgie?"
George smiled warmly, nodding. "You look like the most real princess I’ve ever seen." He raised his cup as if to toast. "To Princess Yn, ruler of the paddock kingdom!"
She giggled, clinking her tiny cup against his. "To the paddock kingdom!" she repeated, trying to sound very grand. Then she took a sip, her face lighting up at the taste of the berry water.
George took a pretend sip as well, lifting his pinky finger dramatically. "Now, tell me, Princess Yn, what does a real princess do at a tea party?"
Yn thought for a moment, scrunching up her nose. "Princesses talk about their… about their kingdom!" she decided. "And about the animals and… and the fairies and… and the horses!"
"Ah, yes," George said, nodding along. "Do you have many fairies in your kingdom, Princess?"
Yn nodded, her face very serious. "Lots! And they’re all pink and blue and sparkly, and they love tea parties. And they sing songs to the horses so they can go super fast!"
George chuckled, absolutely charmed by her imagination. "Just like your papa and his car! Maybe the fairies help him go super fast too?"
Yn’s eyes lit up. "Yes! Papa has fairies too. And… and maybe you have fairies, Unky Georgie!"
George gasped in mock surprise. "You think so? Maybe that's why I’m so fast!"
Yn giggled and reached for a tiny pastry from the plate. It was almost too big for her little hands, but she managed, taking a small bite and grinning at the taste. "Mmm, this is my favorite," she declared with her mouth full, looking at George as if they were in on a big secret.
"I'm glad, Princess. We have to keep the royal princess well-fed, after all." George pretended to munch on one of the pastries, savoring it dramatically. "These are delicious! Fit for a queen."
Yn looked delighted, holding her little pastry like it was made of gold. She glanced around as if worried someone might interrupt their special party. "Do you think Papa will come soon?"
George took her little hand in his, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Don’t worry, Princess Yn. He'll be here soon. And when he sees you looking so beautiful in your princess dress, I bet he’ll be so happy he might even want to join the tea party."
Yn’s eyes widened at the thought. "You think so? Papa will be a prince with us?"
"Absolutely," George replied confidently. "And you know what? He might even want to be your knight, protecting the kingdom."
Yn looked at him with all the wonder of a little girl who thought her papa was already the greatest knight in the world. "Papa would be the best knight!"
Just then, a familiar voice called from nearby. "What's going on here?" Fernando had returned from his meeting, and the sight before him nearly stopped him in his tracks. There was his daughter, perched like a little princess in her rose-colored dress, holding court over a tea party with her “Unky Georgie.”
Fernando’s heart melted instantly. He walked over, a soft smile spreading across his face as he took in the joy radiating from Yn’s face.
"Papá!" Yn squealed, jumping up and running to him, her arms open wide. Fernando scooped her up into a big hug, her tiny fingers clutching his neck. "Look, Papá! I’m a real princess now!" she declared, pulling back to show him her dress.
Fernando looked at George with a soft chuckle, his eyes full of gratitude. "A real princess, huh?" he asked, looking back at Yn with admiration. "Did Uncle Georgie make you a princess today?"
Yn nodded with pride. "Yes! And we had tea and pastries, and he said I have a kingdom with fairies!"
"That sounds wonderful, mi amor," Fernando murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I’m so happy you had fun."
George stood up, giving Fernando a mock bow. "Well, I was merely following orders from Her Royal Highness."
Fernando laughed, shaking his head. "Thank you, George. This was… perfect." He looked back at Yn, his face full of love. "You know, Princess, if you need a knight, your papa is always ready for the job."
Yn’s face lit up, and she reached for Fernando’s hand. "Can we all have tea together? All of us, Papá?"
"Of course," Fernando said with a smile, taking a seat beside her and picking up one of the tiny tea cups. "For my princess, I’ll do anything."
George grinned, raising his cup again. "To Princess Yn, ruler of all the fairies and horses in the paddock kingdom."
Yn raised her cup with a giggle. "And to Papá, my best knight ever!"
As they sipped their “tea” together, Yn looked up at her father and uncle, feeling like the happiest princess in the world. And for Fernando, seeing his little girl so full of joy made him feel like the luckiest dad in the world.
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tubbytarchia · 23 days ago
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Why Shortgrass is AWESOME and why you guys should care RIGHT NOW please
They admire each other's building skills A LOT a lot. To the point that it's basically their own language where they just communicate through compliments and block choice discussion. The horse rivalry is the one thing everyone knows about, but I don't see anyone commenting on the way they get at each other, especially the things Bdubs proposes, all "I hate him now. I didn't think I was capable of hate. I'm gonna get good at PVP. I'm gonna get him. I'm gonna blow him up. Joel is evil and fucked up", literally playing out his murder plans, only to then become a little fangirl as soon as he's in Joel's presence. Joel doesn't show it as much but he's the same way. They're literally 👉👈 at each other. Bdubs is also so susceptible to praise. Although he often plays up his reactions, you know he loves a good compliment and he knows any he gets from his senpai idol guy Joel are genuine
This is especially well showcased when Bdubs was showing off his stalls that have been trapped, and Joel thinking that something is up. Bdubs dedicated an entire episode to this, hyping himself up, and then them actually interacting is tense but extremely polite. And then that whole interaction is capped off with Joel: "Wow I though I was gonna die but this has been really pleasant. Thanks". Then they like playfully taunt each other before Joel flies off and Bdubs goes "That's exactly how that was supposed to go... simple and friendly... I got him played like a fiddle.... yes I do..." after accomplishing nothing but giving Joel a nice little showcase of his new build
That is to say, it's very cute that Bdubs despite his expressions of Joel being despicable gets exposed to his genuine side and how they tend to be very sweet towards each other (examples below). It serves as an interesting but nice contrast to the Life series, where a lot of players (some more than others) go off of the same belief, that Joel is a rabid dog in need of being put down. Joel very much plays into being a rascal, but he means no real harm (eg reassuring Bdubs he wouldn't kill his important horses and you know he won't) and it so easily becomes playful and mutual banter between them
Anyway bunch of moments of them being cute or something that I can't and don't want to sum up organically
At the start of a SL session, Joel is yellow and on 8 hearts, is asking the Mounders for their hearts, Bdubs is hesitant but goes "you deserve it". Then he lies to Etho that Joel was so intimidating and scary and forced him. Then he lies to Impulse that Joel was pathetic and begging for it.??
In one episode of SL, Bdubs tries to help Joel guess someone's task by guiding him to Grian, but Grian's task was to get called out so Joel helps him succeed instead and Bdubs feels really bad about it. Then like 2 episodes later he's, again, sharing intel to help him guess multiple tasks. Something about the way he's above ground talking to Joel for an extended period of time at multiple points while Joel is down under working on an exp farm calling him his favorite snitch (the only person Bdubs doesn't snitch on is Etho. Naturally)
And also Bdubs praising Joel a bunch when he sees him actually digging out the farm. He's praising Joel as if it were his task to do so (like Scar with Pearl in that other SL episode) but he's just. doing this just because
When Bdubs' task is to get someone to leave whilst he's telling a story, Joel eventually does, and Bdubs seeks him out later just to tell him "I knew you would. I knew you got my back"
Joel accidentally shoots Bdubs during the SL finale, he feels awful about it and Bdubs tells himself to eat his golden apple, which poetically reminds Joel to eat his. And then Scott uses Bdubs' death to taunt Joel before killing him too 😐
"Good morning sunshine!" (Joel in response: "morning mr dub")
"Are you trying to swim in lava, angel?"
Bdubs completely unprompted: "Be calm and cool and collected, like Joel is in moments like these, not scared of anything"
Joel mimicking Bdubs in WL going "you see, Minecraft is like a canvas..." and Bdubs reacting to it
Bdubs saying "Hey, don't- calm down, kay? We're gonna get you out of this, okay?" to Joel while Joel's trying to sell him purpur against his will
Bdubs fixing Joel's trapdoors even whilst in the process of horse cursing him
Bdubs talking about how he wants to beat Joel in PVP "for stealing Etho" and then also calling him a good builder unprompted. He's so fanfiction
And the statue Joel built of Bdubs ofc
If anyone knows more you've gotta tell me
(More from you guys that I forgot!!) Joel all "different season, you've no reason to hate me now right" at the start of WL and Bdubs goes "no of course not. Except I wanna kill you"
Their banter in general in their episode of "Is that Sheep looking at Me?" (And Gem)
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<33 I love u Bdubs you're so good to my boys
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tojisteddy · 24 days ago
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Toji core.
“Forwards, beckon, rebound. Forwards, beckon, rebound.”
Or: My idea of Toji’s is like in his simple life + a little bit of you.
cw: alternate universe, shall be referring to this toji as, ‘casual!Toji’ the Toji that I will almost always refer to when I write because I love this idea of him, childless!Toji, he’s still assassin but it’s just a side gig, bit of angst, suggestive talk,
Casual!Toji, is actually not as bad as you think with his money… Okay, is it mainly because he has a lot of it? Yes. Does he spend a fair amount gambling? Yes. There’s method to the madness.
Casual!Toji, who does job hop here and there whenever he gets the itch to. He switches from being a mechanic to carpentry to construction. His favorite jobs are in carpentry (which he’s actually really good at), he likes building things that will last.
Casual!Toji, that has a devious smirk on his face as he eggs drunkards on in the middle of the day so he can watch free WWE fights. Even going as far betting money on who’s gonna win and winning $100. He can be an ass.
Casual!Toji loved going to new bars and trying out new alcohol and food, you even created an account where you tweet, word for word, his criticism of the bar, the good and bad. The account has about 2000 dedicated followers. It’s cute.
The older man has to work out, whether it be in the house, the backyard or the gym. He knew his way around a gym, could be a trainer if he could tolerate training someone. He needed to keep his body fit, for any type of job he had, for himself and to keep up the libido. You’d suggested working out too, and got a strict ‘No.’ why? “I love seein my girl pass out after being fucked out ‘f her mind.”
Casual!Toji, who is a loving dog dad of two large English Dobermans. His big boy, Hobi named after Hobie Brown (yes named after Spider-Man, I think Toji would be a big fan actually, especially of Andrew Garfield’s, he definitely has a few figurines around the house. Along with the Spider-Man plush that Hobi keeps in his mouth). And then his baby girl, Rina who has a green collar with a little white bow and always ready to play. Both of them are incredibly well trained (and can attack) thanks to Toji training them.
When he’s out of a job, Casual!Toji wakes up in the middle of the day, then spends the last hours of day right at the horse track. Betting on whatever horse is in the seventh lane because ‘lucky 7 always wins’. Sometimes he wins some extra cash, on a great day he’s at the bar with Shiu and celebrating with strangers. Drunk dialing you, “ ‘M gonna buy you whaaatever you want mama. Want a new bag, I’ll buy it for ya!’ ‘Toj, it’s 2 am.’ a pause. Silence. ‘ ‘Nd yer sleepin without me? Where the hell are you woman?’
He can act like such an old man sometimes, grumbling up a storm if he’s pissed off. Forgetting all the time. Or taking a nap anywhere he felt suit in the middle of the day. And of course, if Casual!Toji was napping he’d have you right there in his arms telling you to ‘go the hell to sleep.’ You two were on a joint schedule.
Casual!Toji isn’t a chain smoker, but he needs at least one throughout the day. Whether it be on the back porch, while he’s making a quick trip to the confer store, in the bathtub or right before he joins you for a nap on the couch.
Loved bickering with you, loved seeing you get flustered or annoyed, your eyebrows knitting together and saying some bullshit from your pretty fucking lips. Casual!Toji couldn’t help that stupid smirk that would form on his face and you’d get more pissed. You were so fuckin adorable to him.
He didn’t expect to want you so badly, you were adamant on just staying fuck buddies, but the green eyed monster slithered into your life. If you didn’t want him, Casual!Toji would fuck your brains out until you had to stay over. And suddenly, you’re feeding the dogs while he’s making breakfast. Your doing the laundry together, going on lunch dates, coming back to his place after work—
When the hell did that happen?
Of course he has tattoos, a large black, grey and red back piece to be exact of a dragon. He had some other tattoos around his body too, angel wings right behind his ear for his deceased wife. He’d get one for you as soon as he put a rock on your finger.
Casual!Toji knows you hate when he takes “jobs”, you never know if he’s going to end up completely beat up, or without a scratch. Or worse, not coming back at all. But he needed the money. It was for reassurance, stabilizing your joint future. He didn’t want you to worry about money with him, he’d provide for you, even if he died. You hated when he talked like that, you’d leaving for a couple days. Maybe a week. And he’d be right there in front of your apartment once his gut told him to got see you, food in hand, going back to your usual routine. He understood your anger, the worry. But he couldn’t comfort you properly because he wouldn’t quit. Only thing he could do is stay by your side.
You’d been forced to learn how to sew up a bullet hole or stab wound (with the help of delirious Toji barking at you to get it right the first time), knew how to clean up blood that would stain the floors, calm the dogs as they barked for their owner to get proper help, and knew above all else the silence that would fill the house once you finished playing surgeon. Toji’s soft shallow breaths filling the air, chest rising and falling slowly. And you’d sit and keep watch. As if you were stronger than him, like you could protect him from all the bullshit that he’d just endured.
You thought of leaving once or twice.
But it led you to dead ends. You loved Toji. Toji loved you. And no matter how many times Toji told you. Baring himself naked before you, giving you everything, and I mean everything, he had, no matter how you looked at it; you were each other’s life lines. There was no one without the other. Soulmates. So you’d sit, for hours upon hours, making sure he was alright. Padding away the sweat that would build up on his forehead as he slept. Until you felt his large calloused hand stoking the curly baby hairs at the back of your neck. “Come on baby, go to sleep.”
And you did.
The man wasn’t a fan of music. Hed listen to whatever you put on and enjoy it. He’d listen as you rambled your pretty little head off about your favorite artists, even memorizing the songs you had on constant replay. But Casual!Toji loved listening to The Smiths, Mac DeMarco, Tame Impala, Nirvana, Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyez, and Najabes. He’d tickle underneath your chin as he’s sing along, ‘Now your lost, lost in the heat of it all.’
Casual!Toji who isn’t a dirty bastard. He loves taking a shower and a bath with you after a long day of work, even going to the public bathhouse so ease his mind. He made it his mission to book a private onsen with you during the holidays because he knew that was really the only time you had off during the year.
Prefers to do things together. Laundry, cooking, errand runs, watching whatever you watched— had to be in your vicinity like Clifford the big red dog.
Casual!Toji who has to fuck you atleast twice a week, whether he has your pretty wet cunt in his mouth, your hand softly squeezing his cock as you rubbed him off, your face pressed against the bathroom tile as he drills into you from behind or he’s fucking you right against the kitchen table right before you two had dinner.
Casual!Toji who doesn’t mind cursing you out no matter where you are. Unless he’s already told you once, he won’t hold his tongue when he needs to correct you. “watch your fuckin mouth.” “ ‘nd who the fuck are you talkin to?” “keep it up.” “You never shut the fuck up, do you Doll?”
Despite your playful bickering and your real arguments, he’s learned to properly communicate. Even if he has to write it down, he wants to get through to you. Casual!Toji wants to be better for you. He wants to be the best man for you and your future kids.
Casual!Toji, who doesn’t understand why it takes so long to do your hair but keeps his mouth shut about it because he’d rather not piss you off when your already annoyed to no end. He’ll go back and forth between the bedroom to the living room. Watching as you angled your head a certain way to detangle and style your hair. Then going back to the living room to watch whatever reality show that was on. When you were finished and cleaned up, you’d come and throw yourself on Toji. Who’d only acknowledge you with the grunt.
Then he’d place his hand at the back of your neck, gently rubbing it with a thumb. Giving you a much needed praise after all your hard work. “Good job baby.”
Casual!Toji, who loves Westerns. John Wayne, Django, Magnificent Seven— you name it. He’s watched it. There are even some cowboy posters and cowboy dog toys laying around. Also liked watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. He caught you watching it alone and got hooked.
The man stays in sweatshirts, gym shorts, sweatpants, wife beaters, plain t-shirts, leather jackets, black jeans sweatpants or a yukata. No in between. You had to beg him to add a few graphic tee’s to his attire. There’s a singular black suit that’s too small in the very back of his closet with a matching pair of wedding rings that were once used by Casual!Toji.
On the shelf above it is a pink tattered shoe box. A few pictures of Toji, ones of him smiling like an idiot, a few of a beautiful woman with short black hair with some silly faces, one or two marriage photos, a handkerchief, an old shirt, and a death certificate. It dropped on your head one day, right as you two were about to bathe for the night. Toji found you on the floor, hurriedly trying to put everything back in the box. But he’d simply bent down, neatly folding the shirt and the handkerchief, putting it in its place. And then reached for one of their marriage photos and turned it towards you.
“She was real nice. Kinda stupid, like you. But real nice.”
It was odd, seeing Toji so- so melancholy. He’d put the box back, grabbed the pack of cigarettes that was on the night stand and headed towards the connecting bathroom. You could hear some shuffling, the bath water running, and then he called out,
“Come on Doll.”
A silent Toji was never a good one.
Least, that’s what you had made up in your mind.
Toji’s head was in the clouds, the shower was quiet, the bath was quiet, something by Radiohead played softly from the speaker. The pitter patter. squishing of moving water, the crackling of Toji’s cigarette dancing between his lips and his fingers.
You shoved yourself at the end of the tub, pulling your knees to your chin— almost trying to hide yourself.
“Sorry.” You squeaked out. You felt as if something was on your shoulders, weighing you down. Maybe you were trying to compensate for the silence.
Toji cracked his neck, head falling back as he took another drag of the cigarette, “What are you apologizing for?”
He scuffed, how tense things had gotten annoyed him. Memories of his deceased wife annoyed him too, but he learned to live with the loss. Learned that everyone else moved on while he was left stranded, forced to find his own way to continue living. Years had passed, and you coincidentally fell into his lap, right in the middle of purgatory. And you created a little heaven despite your pasts.
“And why are you over there, come ‘ere. Practically burned holes in tuh me all night” His voice was gruff, his green eyes finally meeting your brown ones, but he was motioning you over.
You hesitated, before you could try to find another out, Toji pulled you by his arm. Settling you in between his legs, your back to his chest. Just like you were supposed to be.
Toji wasn’t one for serious words, not in situations like this. But he held you close, trailing his fingers from from your shoulder blades, down your arm to your hand. Taking his large hand in your smaller one and bringing it to his lips.
“I love you, you know?”
On days when it pours and pour rain, or when the snow meets your calfs— Toji is right on the porch, in his dark blue yukata that’s half open showing his chest, despite the cold, cigarette in between his pink lips, journal in hand and writing away. Who knows what he writes in there. It could be essays or simple notes and you wouldn’t know. You just knew it’s best to leave him alone to his thoughts when he’s like that. And when he’s done, which could be in 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours— there’d be hot tea waiting for him, two dogs who wanted head pats and a woman ready to give him as much love as he wanted.
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persevereforahappyending · 4 months ago
No Man's Land |9|
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Sam can’t help but be drawn to the cute stranger from her gym, even if everything about them makes them the perfect suspect, just when Ghostface has returned.
Warnings: Fighting, Guns, Violence, Attempted Murder, Shooting
Word Count: 3.5k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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You and Sam walked back to Blackmore in a comfortable silence. You preferred the quiet and appreciated that she didn’t ask you questions or push you on anything. Sam had no reason to trust you, but she was taking a chance, and you were going to make sure to prove you were worthy of her trust. When you got to Blackmore you and Sam sat on one of the benches outside the building that held Tara’s class until she came out half an hour later. As soon as you had her, the three of you went back to the apartment.
When you got back to the apartment Tara flung her backpack into the corner and plopped herself down on the couch, kicking her feet up as she reached for the remote on the coffee table. She flicked on the TV and instantly began scrolling through one of the streaming apps.
You mindlessly watched at Tara continued to scroll until you felt her eyes on you. You glanced at her and waited to see what she would say. Mindy was the most suspicious of you, which was fair, though she seemed to be more of a conspiracy theorist than anything, Chad seemed almost too trusting of you, it was slightly concerning, and Tara seemed to be hesitant of you, like Sam was with everyone, though she wasn’t as paranoid Sam. The one thing different about Tara though was half her suspicion seemed to come from just being protective of her sister.
“Do you like movies?” Tara asked, squinting her eyes as she waited for your response.
You shrugged. “I’ve seen a few,” you said.
That seemed to make Tara only narrow her eyes even more. “What’s your favorite movie?” You opened your mouth to give her what would probably be an unsatisfactory answer once again. “Wait! Let me guess,” she turned so half her body was facing you. “Saving Private Ryan!” You opened your mouth, but she didn’t stop there. “No! Hacksaw Ridge!” You closed your mouth and waited; you knew she wasn’t done yet. “You have a dog you love,” she mumbled more to herself than you. “War Horse!” She clapped her hands, quite proud of herself for that one. “Wait!” She shot her hand out, grabbing you on your arm as if you were about to get up and leave. “The Patriot.”
You waited a second to see if she had any more, but she just looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You chuckled to yourself with a shake of your head. “All military related because I’m in the military?” You asked.
She shrugged. You playfully rolled your eyes. “Those are all great movies,” you started. You caught Sam out of the side of your eye, she was in the kitchen making a sandwich, but she tilted her head just slightly, indicating she was listening. “The superhero stuff is also good. I-”
“I bet you’re a Captain America person,” Tara cut you off. You rolled your eyes. “You give off the same vibes.”
You gave her a thankful nod. You had never been compared to Captain America before and you were truly honored, though you were inclined to disagree with her. “Cap is great,” you said. “And Steve Rogers is definitely much cooler than me.” Tara shrugged, seeming to agree with you on that. “But I’ve always been more of a Batman person.”
Tara looked at you and nodded her head. “That tracks.” You tilted your head in question, but she didn’t elaborate any further.
“But my default movie, the one I’m always cool to watch, The Mummy.”
“Where Brendan Frazier plays a soldier,” Tara nodded, clearly not surprised by the answer.
“Only in the beginning do the movie,” you defended. Seriously the movie started with him figuring in the desert but that was it when it came to military related things. Unless Tara was also counting the pilot they found to fly them back out there.
“So, you just really love mummies?” Tara raised an eyebrow.
“The Mummy is fantastic, it’s got everything, action, comedy, a supernatural element, and romance. There should be no explanation required.” You had never had to defend liking The Mummy before, you thought Sam’s sister was going to school for film, you figured she’d know this better than anyone. “Oh, and Rachel Weisz,” you added.
“All good points,” Sam said, coming back into the room. She handed you a bottle of water before taking her seat in the chair next to the couch. You gave her a thankful smile; you hadn’t even asked for a drink for her to just bring one to you.
“You too?” Tara shouted, whipping her head around so fast you were surprised she didn’t get whiplash.
Sam shrugged as she curled her feet up on the chair, tucking them under her before reaching for her sandwich on the coffee table. “Who doesn’t love Brendan Frazier and Rachel Weisz,” she said as if they explained everything.
Sam went on to eat her sandwich while Tara was looking at her sister in a whole new light, as if she was seeing her sister for the first time. You were still new and getting to know the sisters, but you were curious why Sam liking The Mummy would be so surprising. Tara just stared at her sister for several minutes before finally going back to scrolling for a movie, finally deciding to settle on The Mummy.
Not long after the movie ended did Chad walk in with a stack of three pizza’s, quickly followed by the others. “Dinner is served!” Chad said, holding up the pizza’s as he took them to the dining table.
“Thanks for picking them up,” Sam said as she got up to grab some paper plates.
Chad waved her off and flipped open all three boxes. Each pizza was different, there was a plain cheese, a pepperoni, and then a meat lovers. You and Tara got up to join the others around the table, everyone grabbed their slices and then went off to separate corners of the room. Quinn took the seat across the room, closest to the door, Mindy and Anika cuddled up next to each other on the floor, Ethan plopped himself down in the seat furthest from the door, and Tara dropped herself down in what was Sam’s seat because Chad stole her spot on the couch next to you.
Once Chad finished up his pizza, he wiped his hands off on a napkin and tossed it onto his dirty plate. He was still chewing the last bit of his food as he switched the channel on the TV and grabbed a PS4 controller. You wiped your own hands and put your trash on top of his, creating an organized little pile. You leaned back and watched the screen as Chad flipped through games.
“What are you playing?” you asked.
“Crash,” he said mindlessly.
“Racing or the original?”
Chad’s mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish. He looked at you then back at the TV, only to do a double take and look back at you. It was like he couldn’t believe you were asking him about video games.
“R-Racing,” he said. “Want to join?” he reached over and grabbed the other controller and held it out to you.
You shrugged and took the controller from him. “Sure,” you said.
The two of you selected our characters and started the first race. You let Chad pick the track, you knew he’d need the edge anyway. The two of you raced around, doing your laps, you felt everyone’s eyes on you and the TV but you paid them no mind as you drove your way into first place. You were on the last lap when you dropped a TNT crate, only to hear Chad hit it a few seconds later. You quickly crossed the finish line, coming in first, then you leaned back and watched as Chad tried to fight his way back up the line, striving to just not come in last.
You repeated that with the same outcome another three races. Chad was hunched over, pressing the buttons hard as if that would make the cart go faster. You kept your eyes on the screen, never wavering as you completed lap after lap, coming in first every single time.
“You’re good at this,” Chad said. “How are you so good?”
“I play all the time when I’m home,” you said with a shrug.
“That’s why the only thing in your house is a game system,” Sam said.
You looked over at her and smiled. “Got my PS5 and my dog, what more could one possibly want?” Sam tilted her head, seeming to actually think about the question then nodded with a small shrug.
“One more,” Chad said, already flipping through the tracks again.
You rolled your eyes and got ready again as Chad finally selected the track. You were fully prepared to beat Chad on every track, using any character.
You got distracted when you noticed Sam staring down at her phone. You paused the game, ignoring Chad’s protests as you waited to see what was going on with Sam. “Everything okay?” you asked.
Sam looked up, meeting your eyes. “I don’t know,” she said. “Your dad is calling me,” she looked at Quinn.
Quinn furrowed her brow and leaned forward in the chair. “He’s probably just following up,” Quinn said with a shrug. “Or wanting to update you.”
Sam nodded but she didn’t seem too certain in Quinn’s guess. Whatever doubt she was having didn’t stop her from raising the phone to her ear. “Detective Bailey?” Sam spoke into the phone.
You couldn’t hear the other end of the line, but Sam’s furrowed brow deepened. “Yes, I know him,” she said. You look around the room, seeing Chad, Mindy, and Tara all looked just as confused. “Of course, I’m on my way.”
As soon as Sam hung up the phone she was moving and so were you and Tara. Sam didn’t even so much as look at any of you as she grabbed her keys. “Sam,” Tara said. “Sam, what’s going on?”
“Stay here,” is all Sam said.
“What happened?” you asked as you made your way over to the sisters.
Sam finally paused her movements and looked up at you, then at her sister. “That was detective Bailey.” You and Tara both nodded. “He said Doctor Stone is dead.”
“Who?” you asked. You glanced at Tara to see her furrow, her brow before her eyes widened.
“He’s my old therapist,” Sam dropped her eyes to the floor.
You furrowed her brow; you weren’t sure why Sam seemed ashamed of that. You went to a therapist; she didn’t know it was because you were ordered to, but she knew you saw one. She went with you to your appointment earlier, you couldn’t see why she would think you would judge her for seeing a therapist herself. You didn’t want to pressure her though; she didn’t owe you any answers.
“I need to go down to the station,” Sam said.
“Great, let’s go,” Tara said, gesturing for Sam to walk towards the door.
“No, no,” Sam spun around, holding her hand up to Tara. “You’re staying here.”
“No, we’re not splitting up,” Tara shook her head. “School was one thing, but this?” she pointed around her. “No. I’m going with you.”
Sam let out a tired sigh and ran a hand through her hair. “Fine.”
“Obviously I’m coming as well,” you said. Sam opened her mouth, probably to argue with you as well. “This is why you asked me here,” you whispered, looking her in the eye. You weren’t sure what it was but the idea of Sam and her sister going out there alone, at night, after Ghostface killed someone connected to Sam, it didn’t sit right with you.
“Okay,” Sam conceded, nodding. “The rest of you stay here,” she said loudly, looking at each and every one of them. Once they all nodded in agreement Sam finally made her way to the door.
You followed behind Sam and Tara, keeping close as they quickly ran down the steps and out the door without a second thought. You checked your surroundings as soon as you got outside, making sure to keep your head on the swivel.
“Why would Ghostface go after your old therapist?” Tara questioned. “I though you hadn’t seen that dude in months.”
“I haven’t,” Sam said. “It was only a couple sessions before I left him.”
“So, is he important?” you asked, inserting yourself into the conversation.
“No,” Sam shook her head. “As soon as he learned who I was…” she crossed her arms over her chest. “He wasn’t the right fit, we never even got into the details.”
You nodded, you could understand why she might not want to share that information. You didn’t care about why she was seeing a therapist or why she left this Doctor Stone, it was none of your business.  “Then whoever this is might not know you switched therapists.” You looked around, carefully watching the other people on the street as you passed them. “They might have gone after him, thinking he was your current one still.”
Sam furrowed her brow and then nodded. “The only one I mentioned my new therapist to was Tara,” she looked at her sister.
“And I haven’t told anyone,” Tara said.
You nodded. “Good, don’t tell anyone. Your therapist is safer if no one knows who they are.”
Sam and Tara both agreed and continued their walk down the street. It was only a few minutes later when Sam pulled out her phone, you saw over her shoulder that she was getting a call from some guy named Richie Kirsch.
“Why do you still have his number?” Tara asked, clearly recognizing whoever this was.
Sam looked at her sister guiltily. “I couldn’t bring myself to delete his number,” she admitted quietly. You furrowed your brow; you could only begin to guess who this guy was.
“What do you want asshole?” Sam asked as she answered the phone, her attitude quickly becoming aggressive.
You couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, and you were just watching Sam’s reaction until you caught a shadow moving out of the corner of your eye. You just reacted, your arm shooting out to catch the arm of Ghostface as he tried to bring a knife down on Tara. You knocked Tara back toward Sam with our free arm, and twisted Ghostface’s hand, then punched him in the face.
“Run!” you called out to the girls, hoping they listened to you. As Ghostface stumbled back, trying to shake off the hit you brought your knee up, nailing him in the gut, and sending him falling back into the bushes.
You didn’t hesitate to turn around and take off after the girls, quickly catching up to them. You felt something when you kneed Ghostface, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it as Sam flung open the door to a bodega. You were only a couple steps behind them, swinging the door open to see them begging the cashier to help them.
You looked back and caught a flash of a cloak through the window. You pushed Sam and Tara back, spreading out your arms so that they wouldn’t be easy to hit as Ghostface charged into the bodega. One of the customers stepped forward and was yelling at Ghostface when Ghostface just started stabbing him in the chest and then a few of the other customers.
“The backdoor!” the cashier called out, nodding his head to the side as he reached under the counter and pulled out a shotgun. You glanced back to see a door on the other side of the room. You pushed Tara and Sam towards it so they could get out first as you kept your eyes on Ghostface.
The cashier tried to shoot Ghostface but couldn’t raise the gun before Ghostface reached out and ripped it out of his hands. Ghostface flipped the gun around and blasted the cashier in the chest. Your eyes widened and you turned and grabbed Sam and Tara. Ghostface had just raised the gun and fired at the back door when you pushed Sam and Tara down to the ground behind some of the shelves.
You raised a finger to your lips and then gestured forward, indicating for them the to slowly move. You kept your back pressed against the shelf as Tara and Sam slowly crawled around to the next aisle. When they got over there Sam looked back at you and you gestured for her to continue forward. If they kept going and kept quiet, then they could make it back to the front door and while you distracted Ghostface they could slip right out. Sam seemed hesitant to continue on, but she did anyway.
You stayed low and kept your eyes looking up, waiting for the perfect opportunity. You listened as Ghostface’s boots slowly crunched across the broken glass and bags of chips that were now scattered across the ground. You caught a glimpse of the barrel of the gun when the sound of someone hitting a bottle echoed throughout the room.
You held your breath and froze in place. The barrel of the gun disappeared and then a shot echoed through, hitting the shelf across the room and sending snacks flying. You only had to hear the crunch of Ghostface’s boot to make your move, shooting up from your spot and launching yourself at Ghostface.
You grabbed onto the gun and kept it pointed up as Ghostface tried to turn it on you. The two of you went back and forth, each of you fighting for control of the gun. In your struggle the gun got pointed up and went off, blowing a hole through the ceiling and sending chunks raining down on you.
“Go!” you called over your shoulder. If the sisters didn’t move now, you weren’t sure you could get them another chance.
You heard the sound of footsteps running across the floor and caught a flash of Sam’s jacket out of the corner of your eye. You jerked the gun up, finally ripping it out of Ghostface’s hands. You flipped the gun around and fired, only for nothing to happen, it was out of ammo. You flipped it back around and used the butt of the gun to smack the Ghostface’s chest with all your strength.
Ghostface went stumbling back until he hit the back door. As soon as Ghostface pushed off the door you thew the shot gun at him, making him react and catch it, the impact making him hit the door again. You reached behind you and pulled out your gun, not hesitating to raise it and fired three bullets into Ghostface’s chest.
Ghostface slid to the ground, his back against the wall and his body slumped over as the shotgun rested at his side. You stepped forward, raising the gun to Ghostface’s head when you finally heard the sirens. You dropped the gun back to your side and quickly tucked it back in its holster at your back before making your way out of the bodega.
Almost as soon as you stepped foot outside you were hit with a small impact. You let out a groan and looked down to see Tara with her arms wrapped around her waist. “Thank you,” she mumbled into your shirt. Police officers rushed past the two of you, none of them paying you any attention as they made their way into the bodega, their guns drawn.
“Are you okay?” you asked, looking down at Tara. You weren’t big on hugs but if it made Tara feel better then you were willing to accept it.
“What happened?” Sam asked, rushing up beside you. “Did you get him? Are you hurt?” she looked you up and down, searching for new injuries.
“I’m fine,” you assured her. “I shot him, but I didn’t get him,” you looked back at the front door, just waiting for him to come out.
“What do you mean?” Sam furrowed her brow. Tara finally released you and looked up as she waited to hear your answer as well.
“He was wearing bullet proof vest.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Flet it as soon as I kneed him on the street.” It took a while with all the adrenaline for you to finally connect the dots as to what you felt. You had more to say btu you didn’t think this was the time or place with all the prying eyes. You knew it was a good idea to keep the information to yourself when the cops came back out and said Ghostface was gone.
You, Tara, and Sam rushed back into the bodega to see the back door open, the lock that was on the door now lay scattered on the ground. Ghostface recovered fast, he could certainly take a hit, but you weren’t surprised he escaped. Just one fight with this Ghostface and you had enough information to narrow down your suspects. You weren’t sure when you’d have the time or privacy to go over everything with Sam though.
Taglist: @thatshyboy1998 @artrizzler19 @btay3115 @acutenobody @godamnityess @luvwanda @rqizzu @riyaexee
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portraitofalinkonfyre · 21 days ago
Pairing: Twilight x Reader
Warning(s): Smut and very brief mentions of drowning
Notes: Commissioned by the wonderful and amazing @bellamyers2043. Hope you enjoy! <33
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It started with Wild, because, really, when didn't things start with the Champion?
You yawned, stretching your arms over your head, twisting your spine just enough to ease the steady ache that had been building since the group headed out this morning.
A warm hand laid itself on your shoulder, and Twilight's country baritone rumbled in your ear as he joined you by the grove. Time had called for a rest a few minutes ago, leaving you temporarily unoccupied. "Tired, darl'?"
You turned to face him, hands resting on the curve of your hips, grin threatening to split your face. It was always a pleasure to talk to him, not that you were going to admit it. "Not on your life, Rancher."
He laughed, a rumbling sound that rolled through the air like thunder, and patted you with a gentleness you'd sworn you'd only seen the Ordon goats receive. "Jus' don't wear ya'self out, you hear? Not that 'm opposed ta carryin'--"
"First of all, rude," you stuck your tongue at him, moving your arms to cross over your chest. "And second of all, I've got legs, you know."
Twilight's eyes sparkled and you immediately cursed every choice that had led you up to giving him ammunition for those Hylia-awful dad jokes. "Ah might've noticed; here 'n Ordon we've got these helpful things called eyes."
"Har har," you rolled your aforementioned eyes, reaching over to flick his chest. "Now that you've got that out of your system, what's happened?"
"Wha'? Ya think ah need a reason ta spend a little time wit' my favorite person?" the Rancher joked good-naturedly, throwing in a wink. You snorted and tried not to think about how smooth the action was. After a moment, he acquiesced with a huff: "Ah'right, ah'right, 's Wild."
"...Oh no?"
"'S more than that, darl', ah'm just 'ere to warn ya 'bout supper."
"No," you breathed, trying and failing to hide your terror. "Don't tell me...?"
"'Fraid 's true," Twilight said sadly, and you were sure he'd be holding his hat to his chest if not for the fact that he didn't have one. "Ah tried ta warn 'im 'bout that spice, but he's goin' straight fer that Goron--"
"Let me guess, we're having chili tonight?" You asked with budding despair.
The Rancher's gaze was sympathetic, though you weren't sure if it was for you, him, or your combined tastebuds. "...How'd ya know?"
You groaned.
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Epona noticed it first. 
She was a good horse; kind and gentle, with a sassy streak that made her all the more lovable. Unfortunately, she didn't seem so lovable now, but you supposed the fact that her hooves were currently inches from your face was a pretty good cuteness-dampener. Your hands fisted her reigns as you desperately tried to calm her, but she continued to rear, forelegs kicking, stark mane tossing in the breeze like a flag caught in a hurricane. 
Something wrapped around your waist, and you were yanked back into a very familiar chest. Twilight’s arm tightened, keeping you close as Warriors closed in to reclaim the mare’s reins, trying to coax her back to Earth. You hadn’t the faintest clue what could have made her act like this–the only thing ahead was a bridge, for Hylia’s sake! 
Warm, frantic breath fanned over your ears. “Ya alright, darlin’?”
“Y-Yeah,” you stuttered, heart hammering in your chest as you struggled to regain control of yourself. Even through the multiple layers, the Rancher was unnaturally warm, and you shivered as choppy waves of heat soaked into your back. 
Twilight, mistaking your shiver for one of fear, made a soft noise and patted your head. 
“Yer ah’right, ah promise– jus’ keep breathin’,” he coaxed, and it was with no small measure of surprise that your body seemed to obey, if the sudden influx of oxygen in your lungs was anything to go by. “Ah’ve got ya, sweetheart.”
If you weren’t burning before, you sure as hell were now. It was only when Warriors managed to calm Epona were you released from the Rancher’s embrace, red-cheeked and quick to put some much-needed distance between the two of you. The others were quick to crowd in, each voicing their personal thoughts on the insanity that had just occurred. 
“The hell was that, Rancher?” 
“Ah’ve got no idea, she ain’t usually…” he turned his gaze to the bridge, suddenly thoughtful. “...could be somethin’ ta do with that bridge up ahead.”
“...It does look old,” Hyrule added, rocking slightly on his heels before laying a hand on your shoulder, asking in a significantly quieter tone: “Are you alright?”
You nodded quickly, the interaction giving you the courage to clear your throat of any residual scratchiness. “We could try going in pairs? So we don’t overload it?”
“I like that idea,” Sky nodded along, already looking around for someone to drag along with him. He eventually locked arms with Wind, who was all but bouncing over to the bridge. “We’ll go first.”
You waited with bated breath as the two heroes ambled over the creaking wood, half expecting it to simply break from force of premonition again. Fortunately, they made it across without any problems, and the rest of the group was allowed a sigh of relief. Four and Hyrule went next, crossing the bridge in a similarly cautious fashion, with the Smithy looking particularly relieved when his feet touched the rocky ground. 
There was movement on your left side, and you turned your gaze to study Twilight’s offered arm. The Rancher grinned when you took it, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Third time’s tha’ charm, right?”
“Don’t jinx it,” you teased, letting him lead you to the rickety thing. A thick sensation settled in your stomach as soon as the toe of your boot bumped solid wood, but you ignored it. The others had made it across safely, so what about this was different. You just had to breathe, and pretend you weren’t walking arm-in-arm with your months-long crush. Easy peasy, right? Right. 
Your foot settled fully on the planks. The bridge shuddered. You felt Twilight’s grip on you tighten. 
“I’m fine,” you whispered, a bit unsure of whether it was him or yourself. Maybe both; maybe neither. Either way, there was birch beneath your boots and a thick lump in your chest, threatening to rattle through your esophagus at the slightest sign of danger. 
Everything was fine. 
Until it wasn’t. 
You didn't have a name for what happened next, only that it was accompanied by the inexplicable feeling of falling. You remembered the terror, the screaming–because no one liked falling–and the dreaded moment you realized there was water in your mouth, hair, nose, eyes, shaping the world into a black-light abyss that cradled and swallowed you in equal, terrible measures. 
There was a yell. It was far away, and so were you, though it didn’t stop your eyes from forcing open, droplets of salt joining the ever-rushing waters of the river. Your body twisted in the swift current, like a marionette on silver strings or a ragdoll that had been pitched from a cliff. Something bubbled from the depths of your chest, erupting in a series of terrified burbles that did little but bounce to the shifting surface. 
Don’t fight, your mind whispered, eerily calm despite the fact that your life was flashing before your waterlogged eyes. You remembered learning to swim, and the resulting lecture about rip currents when your parents realized you were too curious for your own good. The current. Sideways. Don’t fight. 
Your arms clawed at the water, fingers pressed together in an attempt to form makeshift paddles. Above–or was it below?–you, the surface winked like a smug mother or certain errant rancher. If you could just–
As if sensing your intention, the world inexplicably flipped, sending you spiraling into the depths. You cried out, then bit down, and, suddenly, murky water wasn’t the only liquid in your mouth, the sharp bite of copper now taking precedence over overworked taste buds. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
The surface was gone, replaced by an inky blackness that had every nerve in your body positively screaming. Hell, you could be screaming. Who even knew at this point? Plus, your chest hurt, and you were starting to realize that not all the darkness was due to the water. You tried to lift your arms, but they refused to move, pinned to your heaving sides by the raging current. 
Your mouth opened for a final, desperate cry. The terrifying world tilted once more, sending you deeper into the abyss. It was cold. Frigid. Soul-sucking. 
You crumbled at the same moment a hand seized your wrist.
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Drowning, you discovered first, was a dry experience. 
Alternatively: coughing, you discovered second, was a horrifyingly wet experience. It began with a shuddering of the lungs, accompanied by a swift rattling of cracked ribs, and, suddenly, you were on your side, hacking like a maniac as water spewed from the depths of your body, splattering all over the chilled ground–
Your vision was a mess of colors by the time you decided to force your eyelids open, squinting at the blurry, half-tan, half-green mass before you. A straggly wheeze escaped your lips, a dreaded remnant of the coughing fit, and you let your eyes squeeze shut once more. Something was shaking you, and you had half a mind to cuss them out for doing so. 
The shaking persisted, as did the voice. 
Something pressed to the side of your neck, probing the damp flesh. Two fingers, your exhausted brain guessed. Large. Thick. You would have killed to have those inside you. 
“–n’t ya dare die on me, ya hear!”
Why… why did that sound familiar? The voice sounded male, and you could have recognized that country drawl anywhere–
You were rolled onto your back. The fingers at your neck moved to your nose, pinching your nostrils together–you would have gasped in outrage if you could–and another hand slid between your lips, tugging your jaw ajar. You tasted murky water, leather, and a smattering of coppery blood. 
Your eyes snapped open just as the Rancher’s mouth slotted over your own. 
Time seemed to grind to a halt when a puff of warm air invaded your throat, slicing through your throat until it reached your lungs, making you feel more like an inflated balloon than a waterlogged rat of a human. He did it again, and your hands found his chest, administering a surprisingly powerful shove. 
The hero was off you in less than a second, and it didn’t take a genius to register the flush atop tanned, tattooed cheeks. You found yourself coughing once more, chest heaving as your body worked to force out every last drop of water. Dying, it seemed, was a terribly exhausting endeavor, seeing as you didn’t even have the strength to resist as Twilight moved you to your side once more, a large, warm palm patting your back with just enough strength to push the last dregs of river water onto the now-soaked ground where they belonged. 
“Jus’ keep coughing,” you could hear him a lot better now, likely because of the sheer adrenaline his previous action had sent rushing through your overworked veins. He said your name; once, twice, and it was all you needed to gasp a behemoth of a breath. “Get it all out, darlin’.”
And so you did, until there was nothing left to hack up but your own spit and the congealed blood from your bitten tongue. Everything ached, and it felt like an eternity before you were once again maneuvered to your back. The hand previously on your spine moved to brush strands of hair from your face. 
Your eyes cracked open. 
Above you, Twilight looked positively horrified. His hair was a mess, sticking every which way as it dripped water onto his cheeks. Your heart twisted at the sight of a bruise marring his collarbone, not to mention the nasty-looking scrape on his jawline. Fuck, he looked every bit as rough as you felt. 
A weak smile tugged at your lips. 
“I thought…” your voice was scrap-y at best, and downright pitiful at worst, but you were grateful that you could speak at all. “...we agreed… not to jinx it.”
The Hero of Twilight, defeater of Ganondorf and protector of Hyrule, burst into tears.
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A gust of chilled wind swept through the cave as Twilight carefully set you on the stone floor. After nearly soaking you all over again with his tears, he had gone in search of shelter, not taking ‘no’ for an answer when you protested being carried like a limp maiden. By all accounts, he had suffered the same as you, but this was the Rancher, so you eventually sucked it up when the ache in your throat became unbearable. Despite your weak protests, it wasn’t hard to find a place to hunker down when the area turned out to be a veritable smorgasbord of caves. 
When he turned to face the vine-covered entrance, likely to search for firewood, you found it in you to interject. “Twi…”
He was at your side in an instant, hands on your shoulders in a manner that would have made you blush mere hours ago. “Wha’s wrong? Ya in pain? Tired?”
You tried not to wince, you really did. Unfortunately, your companion took that as a sign of maximum agony, and fingers prodded your pulse once more as his other hand coaxed you to lay against the floor, making sure the hood of his cloak was pillowed beneath your head. It was another action he hadn’t taken ‘no’ for an answer with, though you were less inclined to argue when it was wrapped snugly around your shivering shoulders, still encased in the clothes he pulled you out of the river in. “Ah don’t have any fairies on me, but ah can–”
His rant was cut short when you grabbed his wrist, channeling all your energy into the action because, damnit, he was injured too! “Stop,” you croaked, loud enough that it rang through the cave, reverberating thickly against the damp stone walls, and, in a far quieter tone: “Breathe.”
By some miracle, he actually did. The hands left you in an instant, though you suspected it didn’t do much judging by how his shoulders continued to shake. Fuck. Ignoring any mumbled protests, you sat up, leaning against the wall with a determined expression. You could do this, you could help. 
“You need to rest,” you said, voice not quite as harsh now that you were actually using it. Your gaze swept over his clothes, taking note of just how wet he looked. “...You’re going to freeze.”
Twilight looked down at himself, then back at you. You waited for the gears in his head to finish turning. “So are ya…”
For Hylia’s sake…
“Take your tunic off.”
Your eye twitched. You would not let him die because he was scared of being naked in front of you. Fuck your crush, because he was your friend first. “Take it off or I’ll do it for you, Link.”
The Hero of Twilight gulped, but the Hero of Twilight was also a smart man, so the tunic was off in less than a minute, revealing a frankly delicious chest you had seen many a time. Not that you were weird about it, but there were only so many shirtless-woodcutter incidents you could handle before gazes began to dip. 
“Thanks,” you told him, hands worrying the hem of your own tunic. If you wanted any chance of surviving the night, it would have to go, so you steeled yourself and began to lift, only to pause when Twilight flushed and very obviously turned away. “...Are you kidding me?”
“Don’t mind me, ‘m just protectin’ tha’… perimeter.”
It was a miracle unto itself that you didn’t roll your eyes. Until you realized that your newly-discovered noodle arms were not all equipped to handle the task that was getting your own tunic past the swell of your chest. Fuck. 
His ears perked, though he didn’t turn around. “...Yes?”
“I need help.”
The defined muscles in his back tensed, and you were pretty sure the flush had expanded to his shoulders, but he turned regardless, wearing an expression that could only be described as bashful. Calloused hands found the hem of your tunic from where it was bunched at the beginnings of your ribs. “Can ah…?”
“Yeah,” you whispered, and he waited no longer, gently tugging the tunic up and over your head, leaving you in nothing but a few paltry lengths of bandages around your chest. Your nipples were stiff from the chill, and the way the Rancher paused informed you that you weren’t the only one to notice. Your mind raced, but not with the urge to cover yourself. 
Coughing, Twilight took both tunics and moved to lay them in the center of the cave to dry. While he worked, your hands found the hem of your pants, which were also soaked, shucking them off in a move that you suspected would have taken any man out. Your underwear went next, hastily in the right leg of the shed pants, and you used the last of your strength to wrap the pelt around you in a manner that preserved both modesty and sanity. 
Wordlessly, the Hero of Twilight grabbed your waterlogged pants, laying them out in a similar fashion. He didn’t comment on the suspicious bulge in the right pant leg. When he was finished, you decided to act once more. 
“Come here, Rancher.”
Stormy blues regarded you from over a toned shoulder. Twilight only hesitated a moment before shuffling to lean against the wall, tossing a chaste arm over your shoulders and pulling you against his size. He had chosen to remain in his trousers, likely to maintain some dignity, and, while you understood, a small part of you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. 
A beat passed. It was awkward, but the whole situation was awkward. Life was awkward. 
You shifted in a half-hearted attempt to gain some friction. “Are you warm?” 
“...Mhm,” he hummed. There was a shiver. Your eyes narrowed. 
You were in his lap before he could defend himself, tastefully ignoring the surprised noise that escaped him. Without a word, you pressed your chest against Twilight’s, making sure the pelt was still obscuring your form, and buried your face in his neck. There was no way in hell you were going to stand by and watch him suffer, no siree. 
For a moment, it was as if the world had simply ceased to exist, and you were the only two people alive, nestled among the simple comforts of Mother Nature. For a moment, neither one of you resembled a waterlogged animal, half-drowned and all-exhausted. For a moment, you could pretend that he loved you as much as you loved him. 
“It’s going to be okay,” you told him in all your squeaky-voice glory. 
There were hands on your mid-back, pressing you against his furnace of a chest. This time, you leaned into the warmth. “Yer trembling.”
You didn’t miss a beat. “So are you.”
“...Ah need ya ta stop bein’ right, darlin’.”
It was a Hylia-damned miracle that you found the energy to chuckle, turning your head to giggle in his ear. “That was dumb.”
A hearty pat to the spine was his response. “Yer laughin’.”
He had you there. 
Another gust of wind thundered into the cave. You huddled close, praying to whatever deity was listening that your clothes would be dry by the time this bullshit was over. “Shit, I’m about to freeze my tits off–”
His breath hitched, but you were far too focused on regaining warmth to notice. Your hips rocked slightly as you pushed a bit closer, only to bump against something ha–
Oh. Oh shit. 
Your eyes snapped open, and you resisted the urge to throw yourself back from sheer force of shock alone. Was that–? Your hips twitched again and, lord, it was exactly what you thought it was. A pulse of heat warmed your belly when Twilight’s hands tightened around your back, fingers stiff and tense. 
Well, fuck. 
What in Hylia were you supposed to do now?! Tell him? Run away? Pull that monster out of his pants and get warm in a real way– No! Bad thoughts!!
Despite your… feelings, Twilight–Link–was your friend, and that would always come first. Even if you had to bite your lip and pretend his clothed dick wasn’t pressed in the crease where your bare thigh met your even barer core. By Hylia, you could get through this. You would get through this. 
There were hands on your mid-back. There were hands– shit, there were hands on the small of your back now! A shuddering breath tore from your lips, and you turned your head to the side in an attempt to regain some sanity. “Twilight…”
The hands immediately shot up, and you wanted to scream in frustration. The Rancher’s voice was tinged with apprehension as he shifted, though it did nothing to help the situation. “‘M sorry, darl’, ah don’t know what came–”
“No, no, no, you’re fine,” you said quickly, feeling a bit frantic yourself. Your core felt warm, and you tried not to perceive the budding wetness between your thighs. “I’m just cold and, uh, you’re warm. Really warm.”
You could practically hear him bluescreen from here. “Ah… happy ta help…”
Twilight’s bulge throbbed against you. 
You chewed your lip. The Rancher sucked in a breath. 
“...Do you need help?”
It was as if time had frozen. Twilight’s entire body jerked, and you could all but feel his gaze burning holes into you, though it was a bit hard to tell when you had your face buried between his neck and shoulder. Should you not have asked? Was he going to hate–
“Ya don’t…” his voice was husky, tinged with an emotion that had your thighs begging to clench together. He said your name, just once, and continued: “Ya don’t know what yer askin’.”
Your breath caught in your throat. His cock twitched through his pants. You were going to hell. 
But you already knew that, didn’t you? In a move that would have given your mother an aneurism, you brought your face to the column of his neck, letting your lips brush against the trembling skin, all the while adjusting your hips so his erection was nestled snugly against the burning heat of your core. 
“Maybe,��� you murmured against his Adam's apple. It bobbed, and you allowed yourself the ghost of a grin; hook, line, sinker. “But I can learn.”
A low sound filtered from Twilight’s chest, gravelly enough that you could have mistaken it for a growl had you not known it was him. Your name rolled off his tongue once more, accompanied by a gentle hand on your hip. He didn’t squeeze, simply feeling the weight of your flesh against his palm, and you took the opportunity to sit up fully, hands flat on his shoulders, thumbs tracing gentle circles on bared flesh. 
“Twi,” you paused, wondering how much more impactful this little pocket of time could be. “Link.” 
There it was, the shudder you had only imagined in your deepest, darkest dreams. Like a miniature earthquake, rattling your nerves with blessed friction. “Ah ain’t gonna make ya do anythin’ ya don’t want to,” he told you; eyes soft, tone softer. Every syllable was a promise, a chance to break free and contemplate your life choices, and it was a sorry shame you would never take it. 
You drew in a breath, filling your burning lungs once more. The pressure ached, but so did your belly, your core, your heart. Everything hurt when you were so close, yet so far. “So don’t.”
Then, you kissed him. 
The first kiss was awkward–as most tended to be–and you were rather inclined to call it more a consensual collision of lips and teeth and tongue than anything else. Twilight kissed like the world would end if even the slightest modicum of space appeared between the two of you, gripping your hip in one large hand while the other slid to your jawline, tracing your skin in the same manner in which his tongue slicked against your lips. The second was less so, after a minute-long break to catch your nearly nonexistent breath, and you were beginning to understand why 
The third was a revelation of wandering hands down a toned, heaving chest and the tender joining of people who may as well have been lovers. The fourth; a returning slide of fingertips against your chest, stopping to press against your pebbled nipple, unblinking cobalt eyes watching the skin dimple beneath a firm touch. 
His name–the true one, the one that began with a rolling syllable, and ended far too quickly–fell from your lips, swallowed in the heady press of flesh and puffed breaths. You had no doubt that he heard you, from the rumbled rendition of your own name flitting into your ears, but all thoughts scattered when that clever thumb meandered across your breast, returning each time to stroke the waiting, silky nipple in a manner that made holding back your moans feel like a herculean task. Your back arched, pushing yourself impossibly closer, but no move was made to take further advantage of the situation, and it was with astonishing clarity that you realized Twilight wasn’t going to push you further. The beast in his head may have wanted, but the hero in his chest would never take. 
“Link,” you panted, squeezing the flesh of his shoulders as the pelt slid down your back, revealing the arched, goosebumped expanse of your back for all to see. You were simultaneously freezing and burning, trapped in a torturous circle of polar opposites, hips rolling just enough to slide a few inches along the side of his contained length. It was so large, hot, and you were distinctly aware that it would likely take more than a few tries to fit that monster within you, but, damnit, did you relish a challenge. 
His thumb moved to trace down the knobby joints of your spine. “Tell me what ya need,” he murmured; unhurried, yet so fucking desperate. You could see it in the sheen of those storm-blue eyes, the glistening beads of sweat gathering at the fridge of his hairline, and the way his fingers twitched against your skin. 
Wetness pooled between your legs, undoubtedly soaking the fabric of his pants. You didn’t care, and you suspected that he didn’t either. “I need you,” the words puffed from your mouth like clouds, hanging in their air until they shattered into a million meaningful fragments. Your hips rocked. He hissed. “Please.”
The world tilted on its axis as your body was maneuvered to lay on the ground, the sharp edges padded by the soft expanse of his pelt. You let yourself fall–allowed tender hands to guide your legs where they belonged: a loose, gentle clasp around his waist–and you let yourself stare when he leaned down, down, down to press a smooch to your damp hairline, then another on the bridge of your nose, all the while your gaze roamed the tousled, wild mane he called hair, the blood-flushed skin, and the darkened patches littering his chest and neck where the river nearly sent you both to meet your maker. 
When your hips made to roll, he stopped them, lips brushing the perked shell of your ear. “Not yet,” said Twilight in a tone that both soothed and stoked your desire. His back bumped up a few inches, creating plenty of room for a hand to slip against your thigh, feeling the way your muscles corded beneath a mere brush. When you whined, he hushed you: “Ah gotcha, darlin’. Jus’ relax.”
Relax?! How were you supposed to relax when–
A finger probed your folds with all the care in the damn world, simply stroking the skin for a few small eternities before even daring to dip into shimmering wetness. Nary a breath was heard as the appendage became one with you, and, when your hips squirmed for more, it became two, administering a gentle stretch that had more than your walls clenching. 
You hardly registered his voice until it boomed above you, a cacophony of hushes and praise that would have made anyone tear up. Maybe you were tearing up. Who knew anymore, when all that mattered was the hand between your thighs and the desperate, lovesick burble of your heart. Please, you wanted to whisper, say you love me. 
When a thumb grazed your clit, your hips nearly lifted off the pelt, a tepid gasp clawing from the depths of your throat. Twilight leaned in to press the start of many open-mouthed kisses to your throat, trying to distract you as his fingers scissored away, coaxing your gummy walls with a purpose. Are his eyes glowing or is that just you?
Twilight was a natural, and a damn quick study. Seconds felt like an eternity when his fingers curled, brushing up against a spot within you that had you practically wailing to the unforgiving ceiling, stars swirling in your vision like flickers of the Goddess herself. A whimper moan tore from your throat, hands flying to claw lines down his shoulders, and he did it again, again, again, again until your belly was reduced to a roaring wildfire, so bright and burning that it threatened to swallow you whole. 
“Tha’s it,” said the hero; your hero, tone rimmed with desire, seasoned with a kind of desperation that had your heart clenching in your chest. “Jus’ let go. Ah’ll catch ya.”
So you did; vision white, throat screaming. Everything blackened, then lightened, pulsing with the pleasure shooting through every nook and cranny of your body. You jerked like you were dying, but he held you steady. The Hero of Twilight caught you, all while keeping a delicious rhythm that coaxed every muscle to clench in brilliant sync. 
For a moment, you couldn’t breathe. For a moment, being with him felt like drowning–the good kind, the kind that made you wrap your arms around his thick neck and bring your lips together in one swift motion. His fingers left your body with a lewd pop, practically dripping with slick. Your mouth all but fell open when he sat on his haunches, made frankly intoxicating eye contact, and licked the digits in a motion that was far too smooth to not have been practiced. 
A chilled gust swept through the vines. A bare-chested Twilight shivered. He didn’t speak, but he didn’t have to. You beckoned him with a hand, shooting a swift glance to the growing wet spot in his trousers, and scooted to make room on the pelt. 
He was at your side in a heartbeat, wrapping your form in a tight embrace; chests pressed together, hips wishing they were. The heat from his body soaked into your skin, creating a makeshift barrier against the elements. Your heart skipped a beat when his erection brushed your belly. 
It wasn’t the best idea you’d had, nor was it the worst, but you had no time for semantics when you brought a hand to the Rancher’s abdomen, purposefully dragging your fingers over his skin as you let it dip further, only stopping when your fingertips bumped his waistband. “Is this okay?” you murmured softly, not wanting to push him. 
He looked baffled that you felt the need to ask. “Darlin’, after everythin’ we just did–”
Twilight cut himself off with a gasp, then a moan as you slid your hand into his pants, taking the length of him in a soft, exploratory grip. His cheeks blushed crimson, contrasting beautifully with the obsidian design marking his cheekbones and forehead, and you felt him throb. Fuck. 
Thighs pressing together, you began to stroke, running your fingers over firm, spongy flesh until his hips bucked. Your other hand loosened the tie keeping his trousers secure, and the Rancher’s groan was nothing short of relieved when you finally freed his aching cock. It jutted proudly from his pelvis, the shiny head flushed a deep, cherry red. You had half a mind to scoot down and take him in your throat, but you knew the hero in him would never let that fly after everything that had happened. 
With that in mind, you settled for pumping his length at a steady pace, thumbing over the head to smear the glossy burbles of fluid leaking from the tip. Twilight breathed your name like a prayer, and his hips rocked softly, pressing more firmly into your touch. He was enjoying this, and the thought alone filled you with more warmth than you knew what to do with. 
After a few dragging moments, he brought his hand to cover yours, temporarily halting your movements. Confused, your gaze met his, eyebrows raised–had you done something? Did he not want to continue?–but the hero merely smiled, moving your hand even lower until it no longer lay between his dick and your core. The tip flopped between your thighs, pulsing against where your clit peeked from between your folds. Twilight’s eyes never left yours as he moved to hold your hip in a gentle grip. 
“...Do ya have any idea what ya do ta me?”
You swallowed. You hoped your grin wasn’t too sheepish. “Hopefully nothing bad.”
The hand on your hip slid to grasp the back of your thigh, positioning it over the curve of his hip, further opening you up to his hungry gaze. You let it happen; hell, you even moaned a bit when the swollen head slipped lower, just barely parting your lower lips as it slid, hot and heavy, against your weeping entrance. 
“Ya could never.” 
Twilight kissed your forehead. A puff of breath fanned over your sweat-slick skin. 
Then, he pushed. 
Your eyes flew open the second the head breached you, a sharp gasp tearing from your throat. It wasn’t painful, per se, but there was definitely a stretch, and you were eternally grateful when he paused, quietly letting you adjust. A warm palm stroked the flesh of your thigh and there were lips on the column of your neck, lapping at sweat-slick skin with purpose. His hips gave the smallest of rocks, sending your nerves skittering as another inch slipped inside your cunt. 
“Link…” you whimpered; like a promise, or a prayer. Maybe both. 
His mouth popped off your neck with a soft noise, head lifting to plant more kisses on the apples of your cheeks. “Yer okay,” he soothed, holding you as close as possible without making things uncomfortable. You appreciated the contact, smiling softly at his attempts to distract you. It was freezing outside, but you didn’t think you had felt this alive in years. “Ah’ve got ya.”
“I know,” was your response, quiet as the night. “I love you.”
Twilight’s hips jerked. You moan-screamed as he pushed in the rest of the way and filled you fully, bodies pressed together in all the right ways.
“Ah– shit, darlin’! ‘M sorry,” he apologized quickly, looking rather mortified at the turn of events. You had to tighten your leg around his hip to keep him from sitting up and performing yet another wellness check because, goddamnit, you were an adult and you could have sex after almost dying if you damn well pleased! “Ah didn’t– I love ya too�� does it hurt??”
Without waiting for him to continue, you reached up, grabbed his face, and practically smashed your mouths together. Twilight’s reaction was instantaneous, tongue sliding against your own in a manner that had you clenching like a vice around his length, drawing another moan from the depths of his chest. One of his hands trailed down to palm your breast, flicking your nipple with purpose until you separated, to which he bent to capture that very same nipple between plush, kiss-swollen lips. Your head fell back against the pelt, back arching in an attempt to bring yourself impossibly closer, a broken rendition of his name rolling off your tongue. 
Twilight shuddered as you spoke his name, eagerly sucking and nipping at the stiff peak. A particularly harsh suckle had you whimpering, leg tightening around his hip, and he gave a short, gentle thrust that had you seeing stars. He repeated the motion once, eyes training on your face from his position at your breast, then twice, until a steady rhythm began to take shape. It was too much and not enough, you thought as you gripped the back of his head tightly, moans and whimpers spilling from your mouth like the water you coughed up earlier. 
His mouth moved to your other nipple, giving it the same mind-numbing treatment, and it took everything in you not to shriek when a particularly deep thrust sent waves of pleasure skittering up your spine like spiders. “Link!” you called, if only to use your tongue for something other than wailing as he drilled in and out of you. 
The Rancher’s ears perked. He tentatively repeated the action, watching intently as your mouth fell open. “H-Here?”
You nodded quickly, eyes squeezed shut when he angled his hips to do it again, again, again, and again until you hadn’t the faintest clue which way was up. A slew of praises left his mouth, which eventually dipped to suckly at your neck once more. It felt like an eternity before the hand on your breast slid down down down to thumb the sensitive nub of your clit, borderline growling when you whimpered and clenched down on the cock within you. You didn’t care anymore, not when you were like this, pressed so close that you could feel his heartbeat in your very soul, and it showed from the way the scream of his name bounced off the cave walls, ricocheting through the space like a cannon. 
A tightness formed in your belly, growing with each delicious stroke of his hips. The thumb padding soft circles on your clit didn’t help in the slightest, and you could feel yourself drawing closer and closer as the seconds ticked by. Your fingers, still tangled in the mess that was his hair, twitched as the pleasure ramped higher and higher, until–
“C’mon, d-darlin’,” oh god, oh fuck, you were not going to last if he kept talking like that. “Cum fer me, I want ta–fuck–feel ya. I love ya so much–”
Without warning, the coil snapped. You screamed your release to the stone, and the sky, and the vines, twisting and turning like you were being burned, vision whiting and thoughts scattering like a thousand sparking stars. Somewhere nearby, there was a god-to-honest growl, though you lacked the brainpower to fully comprehend anything but the sensations skittering through every single nook and cranny of your exhausted body. 
Twilight fucked you through your orgasm, abandoning all other efforts in favor of thrusting into you like an animal, his balls smacking against the bottom of your ass with each fierce jerk of his hips, leaving you helpless to do anything but cling to him and pray to whatever deity was watching for survival. Just as overstimulation began to set in, he stilled, face buried in the curve of your neck as his length gave an almost violent twitch. You stiffened when the first splash of liquid hit your insides, not expecting the sudden warmth, but he kept you close, and you eventually relaxed, all but collapsing onto the pelt to catch your breath. The sound of harsh panting told you that the hero was doing the same, and the two of you just… laid there. Thinking, breathing, perhaps wondering what the hell this made you two now. 
“...Are you okay?” you whispered once your heart rate had returned to a somewhat calm level. 
“I love ya,” was his response; exhausted, but sweet. A pair of arms wrapped around your back, and the Rancher pressed the softest kiss to your lips. “More than anythin’.”
“I know,” was the last thing you said before the world went comfortingly black.
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My first commission!! I'm really proud of this one (6k words can you believe it??!!) and I hope you all love it as much as I do <3
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fanfics-i-find-here · 2 months ago
Do I Know You? Part 7
Jason Todd X Reader
Synopsis: Jason asks you out, maybe. Red Hood helps you get ready.
Note: This chapter is a little bit longer than the others and we get both Jason and Red Hood in one chapter. Reader is slowly becoming the queen of denial. This is lowkey from life experience with boys who won’t say things straight to the point but vaguely beat around the bush. Anyways enjoy!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 8, Masterlist
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The next month goes by like a whirlwind. How time flies when a vigilante is coming in through your window a few times a week and a cute boy walking you home the other days of the week. After a week and a half of coming in and eating your food, Red Hood admitted he needed to change his patrol. He looked a little ashamed and when you asked why, he said that Oracle (whoever that was) had gotten on to him about showing his face in the same location at the same time every night. You nodded in understanding and asked if you would ever see him again. His lip had quirked, and he said he would see you in three days. Then he explained, teasingly, that he would just be coming by less than every day. You had flushed and left him at the table to put away leftovers. You could hear him laughing under his breath as you walked away.
It was strange. You didn’t know what to call your and Red Hood’s “relationship”, you were somewhat teasing friends. He was a good listener, even though you weren’t a talker. Your awkward moments had lessened, and you didn’t feel so tense around him. Every once in a while, he would do something, move his hand in a certain way, say a word or a sentence in a manner that was so, so familiar. When that would arise in your mind you would slam it into a jar, twist the lid tight, shove it into a dark corner of your mind never to be thought of again. You enjoyed having someone around. It made your life less boring. Even if that someone seemed to enjoy seeing your cheeks grow red.
Your time at work always seemed to drag on. Like time knew you were waiting to see someone. Jason, who used to come in once every two weeks-ish, started to come in various times throughout the week. He always parked his bike in the same spot in front of your building. You worried after the first two weeks, but you had noticed he was right, no one ever parked in that spot. You started to pay attention to it when you walked to work or home without him. Always Empty. You even checked the signage, and it was public parking. It was a good spot.
Darla had taken to giddily nudging you whenever he came in. Sometimes it felt like she was more excited to see him than you were. She hadn’t asked about any of your “romantic walks” which you were both shocked and happy about. You loved your walks with Jason. You asked each other things all the time and you had learned a lot about him. His favorite color was red (a comparison your mind made with Red Hood which was shoved into the jar and hidden again), he was Gotham-born and raised, and he liked chili dogs. When you admitted you had never liked chili dogs, he went on a spiel about how you couldn’t possibly be from the East Coast and that you just hadn’t had a good one yet. He yammered about what would constitute a good hot dog and therefore a good chili dog, explaining that you had to find the right hot dog cart and person to get it right.
You had nodded politely as you tried not to laugh but he caught the barest hint of your grin.
“What’s so funny, huh? Hot dogs are street food cuisine, don’t mock me for my good knowledge.” He said bumping his shoulder into yours as you walked. You finally let out a loud laugh to which he grinned at.
“It’s just a hot dog, Jason. I wouldn’t call it ‘cuisine’.” You say lightly bumping him back.
“It is cuisine. Get off your high horse, miss fancy pants. You need to have some experiences.” He teased. Oh, yeah, he and Darla had gotten into a conversation about you. They both decided you were lame and boring (in the kindest way possible).
“I’ll tell you what,” he continues, “I know the perfect hot dog cart to get a genuine chili dog. Let me take you there.”
Your strides slow till you stop completely, taking in what he just said. You stare at the sidewalk.
Is he asking you out? Or is this just like a friend thing? Are you friends? We’ve been walking not hanging out. Or does that count as hanging out?
Jason, noticing you had stopped, turned around to find you concentrated on the sidewalk, brows furrowed and a pout on your lips. He resisted doing several things.  Mostly the urge to pull you into a strong hug (and maybe press a kiss to the downturned corner of your lips but that is neither here nor there). In the time he’s been walking with you and eating your food in the middle of patrol, he’s learned that you overthink a lot, like a lot. You seem to get stuck in your head worrying about something. He presses a warm hand to the side of your arm, and you look up to meet his gaze with wide eyes.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want.”
You shake your head with a deep breath, “it’s not that. I would love to Jason; I like spending time with you but…” you pause and drop your eyes back down. He dips his head down to meet your eyes.
“But what sweetheart?”
Your heart races from a number of things. Sweetheart, his intent on eye contact, and your previous overthinking. If it was a date, he would’ve called it that, your friends.
“Nothing, it’s nothing,” you say shaking your head, brushing off your previous statement as you actively lock eyes with him, “Where is this famed hot dog cart?” your voice teases.
He stares at you for a moment like he’s assessing you, for what you’re not sure about, but when he does this, you almost feel naked. Your breath catches from the way it feels to be seen, instead of just looked at. He finally shrugs his shoulders and turns to keep walking. He stands beside you, and you feel him press a hand to the small of your back, reminding you to walk as well.
“It’s over by Robinson Park and the Knights stadium.”
“Ah, but of course, sports food.” You say, trying to ignore how much you miss his touch as it leaves your back. “I don’t have a car.”
He gives you an odd look, “That’s okay we’ll figure it out.”
That was last week, and your nerves were all over the place. This was your first real …hangout? Date? Whatever, as an adult away from family, you wanted to make sure you did everything right. It was decided that you would meet at Jackie’s and go to this perfect hot dog cart on his motorcycle. You still had a whole day until you were supposed to meet, and you decided you had nothing to wear. From the moment you got home, you were manic. You had quickly picked up and cleaned your apartment, so it looked nice (not that you were planning on bringing him here). Then you took the longest shower you had in a long time. You scrubbed everything and shaved then stressed about why you shaved (this wasn’t a date, and you were NOT bringing him home). You wrapped yourself in a fluffy robe and promptly went through your entire closet, bedroom now a mess of strewn clothes. You wanted to cry. Why did you have to overthink everything like this? It pissed you off sometimes. You needed help but who to call?
Your list of friends was abysmal, unfortunately. There was Darla (whose daughter just had a baby earlier in the week and you can’t drag her away from family like that), Jason (whose phone number you still didn’t have and whom you were going out with, so no), Steph (who had taken to showing up at Jackie’s fairly frequently when Jason wasn’t there but again no phone number), and Red Hood. What a sad, short list you have. You did not have Red Hood’s number, but you had a sneaky suspicion you would see him tonight. You hadn’t seen Jason today which usually means you would see Red Hood. A recurring note that you keep adding to your jar in the corner. You had opened your window up after your brisk cleaning and before your shower to let in some cool autumn air. You glance at your clock he should be here soon if he wasn’t already. Deciding you would make him help you get ready for your “hangout”, you stand from your slumped state and head for the living room.
Jason had had a very long day, and he just wanted to see you. Dick had been bothering him nonstop about your guy’s planned trip to Robinson Park. How he had known about that Jason didn’t know. (You had told Steph, and the information had spread quickly.) He had dealt with a few muggings in broad daylight and didn’t have time to visit you at work like he wanted to. Once he reached his roof across the street, he saw all the lights on in your apartment. A little odd but you might be cleaning again something you tended to do when you were stressed. Your window was open, which made him tense with worry. You weren’t supposed to leave the window open for him, just unlocked so it didn’t draw attention. He made quick work of grappling over and quietly landing on the fire escape, pausing to listen. It was quiet except for some soft music coming from your bedroom. He slides into the living guard on high alert, hand hovering over his gun. At that moment you enter the living room, clad only in a fluffy robe cinched tight at your waist, the hem of it resting above your knees. Your hair sitting unbrushed stringy and wet, sticking to the fabric.
“Oh, thank god you’re here” Clearly you weren’t very good at reading the room. Jason’s entire body seized for a moment. His natural gut instinct has him wrap his fingers around the gun in his thigh holster and he tamps down the urge to pull it out and search for a threat. The rest of him easily gets distracted by you despite your robe not being anywhere close to scandalous. You had it wrapped so tight the v of the collar pressed to your throat, the sleeves, long and covering your wrists. The only semi-scandalous part of it was the bottom hem. It moved as you walked, drifting below the knee and above the knee. He stays tense trying to get himself to stop staring but you do it for him. You wrap a hand around his wrist, pulling his own off his gun and attempting to drag him to your room.
“I desperately need your help, Red,” when he doesn’t so much as shift you add, “Please.” your worried tone snaps him out of his reverie. He’s lucky he still had his helmet on because he snaps his mouth shut from where he had been gaping at you.
“With what?” he says finally letting you drag him into your room.
“I have clothes, but I can’t figure out what to wear,” you say frustrated. He was shocked by the state of your room, clothes haphazardly thrown everywhere. Your home was usually pristine or on the edge of it.
“No offense, Sweetheart,” the affection pet name slips out before he can stop it, “but I’m not exactly the right person for this.” He says gesturing to himself. You pause in your movement, hand dropping from his wrist, and a moment of concentrated panic crosses your face for a split second and then it’s gone.
“I don’t have a lot of friends, Red, but you’re one of them and you’re here now. You have to help me. I don’t know what else to do.” Your voice has a hint of desperation but not panic and he can’t help but wonder about your earlier expression.
“Okay, fine,” he concedes, “but there’s no guarantee that I’ll be any help.” He brings his hands up and pops the latch on his helmet, sliding it off his head. You abruptly turn away as he does so, picking through a pile of clothes. He sets the helmet on the dresser and turns to watch you. Within the last week, you’ve been acting weird when he would do certain things, like taking off his helmet. You wouldn’t watch anymore, and you wouldn’t laugh at his double mask. More often than not, you’ve taken to busying yourself with something else and he tries not to take it personally.
“Why are we worried about clothes?” he asks, concern over you outweighing his personal feelings. You pause in your picking and turn back to face him as you tug on a wet strand of hair. You stare at the ground instead of looking at him.
“I have a date” you mumble so quietly he almost misses.
“oh” is all he says out of fear he’ll say too much. You think it’s a date? You’re worried about the date you’re going to go on with him. You wanted Red Hood to help pick out an outfit for your date with Jason. The same two people but now was not the time to tell you that.
His response makes you anxious (what else is new). You had already been worried about telling him about your date, not that it was a real date or that you were dating Red, he just seemed flirty. You assumed that meant he was into you, but you didn’t want to entertain the thought of dating a vigilante. That would go straight to hell in a handbasket, you were sure. You just hoped you hadn’t unintentionally led him on.
“Not like a date date.” You add, “Actually I think we’re just going to hang out.”
Jason suddenly realizes that you’re right. You two hadn’t discussed what this thing was and suddenly he thinks he’s not ready for a relationship, at least not with you. He likes you so, so much but you didn’t know each other. He was lying to you right now and that’s no way to come into a relationship. He pushes his own personal dilemma to the back of mind.
“What are you doing?” He decides he’ll help you if only to calm your nerves.
“For the date. What are you doing?”
“Uh, hot dogs” you say a little dumbfounded that he’s even entertaining you.
“Hot dogs? Sounds lame.” Which Jason means full-heartedly, it’s not exactly what he had intended but it was the easiest thing he could’ve slipped into the conversation at the time. He just wanted to spend time with you outside of your normal routine.
“it’s not, I’m going to get a true Gotham experience, you know.” You defend Jason, to himself, and his lip quirks up at your tone, “I’m not from Gotham so it’ll be fun to do something different.”
He did know you weren’t from Gotham but not because you had told him. moved here like three years ago over some family drama. That’s what Tim had said but he never shared where from or what the family drama was. Not that he would want to learn that from Tim. He’s narrowed it down from not the east coast after you didn’t argue with him about it concerning the chili dogs. But that left whole lot of United States left to figure out.
“Alright, tourist,  let’s find something for you to wear.” Your nose crinkles at him calling you a tourist and he stares for a moment before looking back down at your current state of dress.
“Although I’m pretty sure you could just dress like this, and your ‘date’ would be happy.”
You look down at what you’re wearing and suddenly become aware of how indecent you. Your eyes widen as you start to push him out of the room you had just dragged him into.
“Out. Get out of my room!” You push the door shut behind him and lean back against it as you slide down the door burying your face in your hands. How embarrassing. You quickly dress in the most modest pajamas you have despite how warm you feel. You shamefully open the door with a warmed face. You don’t meet his eye as you apologize.
“don’t do that,” he stops you halfway through your mumble apology, “I should’ve said something earlier, but you seemed so stressed. I’m the one who should be sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
You finally look up and meet his mask. “it’s okay, I was stressed, and I’m still stressed. Will you still help me?”
His hand comes up to squeeze at your arm, and all you can think about is Jason. You pull out of his hold and back into the room, squeezing your eyes shut. Go into the jar and into the corner. Red Hood follows you and starts scanning your thrown clothes with hands on his hips. He finds, that despite the mess, there is a sense of organization. You turn to find him in a concentrated state, and you almost laugh at the sight of him. He glances up when he hears your giggle but focuses on the task at hand.
“Hot dog cart.” He mumbles, “Casual activity and outside.” He picks up a pair of black jeans from the ground. “Here” he tosses them at you. Even though they hit you square in the chest you almost fail to catch them. Jason laughs at the site, and you glare at him as he starts to go through your pile of shirts. He pulls out a blue t-shirt and gives it a disgruntled look before tossing it aside. He pulls out a graphic T and shows it to you.
You shake your head, “it’s just a t-shirt.”
He glances at it, “Yeah?” You roll your eyes.
“I can’t wear just a t-shirt. That’s too casual.”
“You’re going to be wearing a coat.” He says matter of factly.
“Yeah, but if I leave the coat open, he’ll see the shirt. It needs to look nice. Besides I don’t like how that shirt sits around my hips.”
He raises a brow at the comment. “Then why do you still have it?”
“What if I still want to wear it?”
“You just said you didn’t like it.”
“Yeah, but I might like it later” he stares at you in confusion before he shakes his head.
“Whatever,” he says as he goes back to looking through your shirts. You sit on your bed as he looks and pull your brush from under a pile of dresses, vetoed due to the choice of transportation. You slowly comb through the wet knots of your hair as he pulls out random shirts that you shake your head at. He doesn’t get frustrated, just teases you about colors, and cuts that he didn’t know there were problems with. His focused energy calms your heart, and you wonder why ever got worked up in the first place. Just as you smooth through the last of your hair, he pulls out a long-sleeved maroon top. You set brush down and glance at the top and then to the jeans and nod satisfied.
“You should be a fashion consultant.” You say pleased as you tug the top out of his hands. He snorts at the comment.
“Got any leather jackets?” your brows furrow at the question.
“Why would I need a leather jacket?”
“Because-” he stops himself. You hadn’t told Red Hood that you would be taking Jason’s bike. That’s what you needed the leather jacket for. He panics for moment but covers it up quickly saying, “it’ll pull the outfit together?” He inwardly cringes. You laugh.
“You know, I was totally joking about the fashion consultant thing. I don’t own anything leather.”
We’ll have to fix that.  He thinks as he glances around the room. The no leather thing made sense. It wasn’t your style. She’d look going in it though his mind adds as he watches you. You lay out the shirt and top together before going to your dresser to pick through your jewelry box. You pull out a heart-shaped pendant necklace and show him. You don’t even ask him if it’ll match before he answers.
“That’d look good with it.”
You nod happily at the confirmation and go back to fish out some earrings as you ask, “Would you pick out a pair of shoes? They’re over by my door in the living room.”
He doesn’t respond as he leaves the room. With you no longer in the room with him, he takes a mental step back. He had just admitted to himself that he wasn’t ready for a relationship but another part of him can’t help but admit that he loves this. Being around you and helping you with whatever you need. Talk about conflicting emotions.
As he’s picking up a pair of boots you come into the room.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this.” You glance at the boots he’s holding, “Good choice”
“Isn’t this what friends are for?” Jason asks as he hands the boots to you. He hates to admit to himself that the question is genuine. All his friends were other heroes and that doesn’t quite make for a normal friendship dynamic. You nod absentmindedly to his question as you drop the boots down the hallway to your bedroom.
“You want something to eat? I haven’t made anything but I’m sure I have a good microwave meal.” You ask as you head for the kitchen.
“Don’t’ worry about it. I should get going.” He takes a few steps towards the window and you follow. “You should keep your window shut.”
“I need fresh air sometimes, Red.” You say with a playful lilt.
“Yea, yea. Shut your window.” He says as he places a foot out the window.
You don’t comment but grin at him. His brows furrow as he looks at you.
“You don’t have your helmet.” You press your lips together to keep from laughing. Leather glove meets his hair as he pats at his head. Sure enough, no helmet. He pulls his leg back in with a sigh. You stop him there with a hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll go get it.” Your hand leaves him as you briskly walk to your room. Jason shakes his head at himself. You really were a distraction. How could he forget his helmet? You come back into the room with a disgusted look on your face.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You should get this cleaned.” You say as you hand him the helmet. He stares at it.
“It smells like sweat and boy.” Jason snorts at the comment.
“That would be because I’m a sweaty boy.”
“Gross,” you say face scrunching up a little be more.
“You’re the one that wanted a better whiff of me, babe.” He says with a grin and pulls on the helmet. Unfortunately, you were right about the smell. You shove on his shoulder with warmed cheeks.
“Get out of my apartment you weirdo.” He puts his hands up in defense with a chuckle.
“Okay, okay. I’ll get out. Good luck with you’re not a date date.” He finally slides out the window and is gone as you grumble, “It’s not a date.”
You close and lock your window, turn off the obscene number of lights you left on, and collapse onto your couch. You're still worried about whether or not this thing with Jason was a date but your 30 minutes or so with Red Hood had seriously calmed your nerves. You were happy he was in your life even if he liked to tease you. You decide to watch some TV while you wait for your hair to air dry, pointedly ignore the mess that was your bedroom.
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Additional Notes: I'm so happy because the characters are starting to feel a little more comfortable. And I have plans! I actually have plot planned now. I just need to get there. Thank you for reading!
Tag List: @little-miss-naill, @nikilolo787, @joonunivrs, @uzxotic, @qardasngan, @stormz369,  @g4bbi3xx, @iwatobiswimbros, @the-lonely-flute, @elz-xo, @gone-batty-fics, @princessesgarden, @notfckincreative
172 notes · View notes
honeyshiddendesire · 11 months ago
🤠Cowboys You Say?
Pairing: Zoro, Eustass, Sabo, Marco & Ace x fem!reader (separate or sharing doesn't affect the story)
*Old Note: Had a vacation out on 93 acres in the countryside and all I was thinking about…cowboys.*
Warnings: bondage! Dom/sub! Pet names! Praise & degradation! Vaginal penetration! Bimbofication! Rough sex! Spanking! Hair pulling! Yata yata smut lol y’all know I write nasty!breeding kink!
@votaeto @zorosdimples thought y’all might like this 
*New Author’s Note: Out of all the stories I thought I lost from my old account Honey’s World of Fanfiction THIS one was by far my favorite so to stumble upon it again makes me sooo freaking hype!!!! AHHH So excited!!!! Hope everyone still loves it just as much as me!! Don’t be alarmed I did fix some typos as well! Lol*
*cow banner*
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Acres of land as far as the eye can see was before you. Majestic and overwhelming but it was now yours. Inherited from your late father, Edward, you had no choice but to return home to his prize. The ranch he loved second ONLY to you, too precious for you to just sell.
Patches of woods and forests littered with game even open fields for horses to run wild until tamed. There was a beautiful garden that stretched around the ranch, a pond with a family of ducks. A river with a strong current that only the toughest even dare swim in, flowing just along the ranch’s right side.
The terrain was intense but luckily your father made sure he left you with a great team to help you out.
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Lumberjack Ace 🪓who jumps out his pickup truck shirtless, drenched in a layer of sweat with an ax resting on his shoulder.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who was saddened and shocked at your father’s death but happy seeing his pretty daughter inherit the ranch.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who tips his hat and winks at you with a side smirk as he walks, “Mornin’ darlin’.”  The freckled face and cut abs flustering you immediately.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who pours a bucket of water over his head before taking the sweet tea you offered after hours of chopping firewood.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who cleans the chimney for you in your freakish city that gets snow storms mid summer. The grand line farmland a whirlwind of weather.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 flirts the entire time with winks and smirks. “Don’t worry babydoll I’ll have this house as hot as you in no time.” Tossing the wood he chopped inside with a dramatic sigh.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who ax throws intruders wanting to harm you
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who makes you wear his hat when you ride him cause you’re his pretty cowgirl princess. “Aren’t you just a spitfire?” His moans drawn out all nice and sweet for ya.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who fucks you hard against the trees he plans on chopping. Using you to see if they’re sturdy enough as your back rubs against the rough bark.
“Yeah pretty girl ya like that don’t ya?” He’ll ask as he nips at your bottom lip making you whimper, pussy clenching. His cock will destroy your insides as the harsh tree rubs your skin raw. “Want my seed deep in that cute lil pussy of yours? I bet you do baby girl. Take every drop alright darlin’.”
Fucking your cunt hard in the forest as your screams bounced off the tall trees making him grunt as he paints that pussy white. “That’s my pretty girl.” 🪓
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Doctor Marco 🩺 who rode in on a fucking horse with flowers in his hands to show his condolences.
Doctor Marco 🩺 who even studied animals in order to help your father when he stressed over his prized horse, Whitebeard, growing sick.
Doctor Marco 🩺 who made it a point to stop by everyday on his gorgeous marbled stallion, saying it was important for your mental health on such a secluded land.
Doctor Marco 🩺 who comes to your aid during the harsh heat when you almost had a heat stroke. “Wow there birdie~ can’t have you getting dehydrated on me.”
And !!
The treacherous winter when he finds you passed out in the house shaking still not used to a single fire heating up such a big house. “Sweet bird what would you do without me~” He’ll coo at you.
Doctor Marco 🩺  who sheds his clothes to warm you up the fastest way you can in the countryside. “Come here birdie I’ll keep you warm.” 
Cock plunging deep into your pussy to make you sweat. Your gasps and moans make him shiver, back arching off the bed as you claw at his skin. “D-doctor~ M-Marco ah~ you feels so warm.” You whimper as he leans over pushing his weight on his hands.
“I know dove~ let me keep taking good~ care of you. Make sure you stay nice and warm inside and out.” Marco’s thrust would be deep and really rough to make you sweaty and gasping. “I reckon I’ll have you feeling peachy in no time birdie.”
Doctor Marco 🩺 who even checks your gag reflex with his cock buried snug in your wet throat.
“Take a little more pretty thing.” Hand brushing your hair back with a gentle smile. Your eyes watery as you looked up at him in your pretty sundress soaked in your drool.
“There ya go dove doin just~ fine.” Marco would grunt out as he shallowly thrusts into your throat. Cumming deeply into your tight mouth making you moan softly at the taste. Semen dripping down the sides making you whine and even messier for his greedy eyes.
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Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who picked the prettiest mustangs for your father.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who supplies all the best horses in town. Even trains them too.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who washes your horses and loves watching you braid their hair afterwards in different styles. “I think that's one of my favorites sweet pea.” He’ll say coming up behind you all close.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who holds you tightly when a horse passes because he too knows your pain of losing a stallion.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who gets to train ladies all week but still doesn’t get behind them for a lesson, opting for his own stallion but insists on doing it for you. Saying you need the best.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who teaches you to ride. Thick cock brushing up against you as he wraps his arms around you. Breath heavy from the close proximity, “Doing great doll~” Voice raspy after a long ride of his cock brushing against your pretty self.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who buys you matching gloves for riding saying they’re the best and they’ll last the longest because of the quality but it’s actually because he likes you matching.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who wins all the horse racing championships
“Looking good doll.” Sabo drew out as he leaned against the railing where you were sitting in the front row. All the other women were jealous, wanting his attention too.
“How’s about I take a pretty lady like you out to a fancy dinner and a nice ride?” He winks at the last part hinting at a night of mystery that you so said ‘yes’ to.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who also makes you wear his hat when you ride him cause that’s just what cowboys do.
Eyes rolling back as he tugged on the knots you were bound by, “Just like that sweet pea move’em nice and slow fa me.” Sabo groaned out, voice raspy making you whine.  Fat cockhead pushing past your cervix making you choke out moans.
“Ooooooowweee doll listen to you howl. Go head and cum on me ‘kay sweetheart.” Sabo’s cocky when he fucks his fat cock up into your dripping pussy. His blue hat bouncing with his powerful thrusts, pussy squirting making his ego grow more. “Now that’s a prize winning stallion! Fuck~!! I’m gonna have to breed you full after that ride.”
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Butcher Zoro! 🔪 Who brought you the biggest cow in the shop to show his condolences.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who still delivers fresh meats weekly even though you’re not sick like your father and very capable of doing it yourself.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who always offers to sharpen your kitchenware when he delivers the meats to ensure you the best.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who loves pulling up to you grilling or smoking some meats and seeing your proud smile when you used his ingredients. “Please Zoro! You just have to join me for dinner! I think you’re gonna love how the steaks turned out! It's a great cut.”
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who can hog tie the fastest in the countryside. Seeing him wrangle up that boar with his cocky smirk made your thighs press together. Feeling like a sinner in church needing a sip of sweet tea with the way he wiped the sweat off his brow.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who always winks at you and tips his hat after winning the hog tying contest making everyone jealous.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who puts you in gorgeous knots and suspended ropes to stretch you out in.
“Dammit woman look at you suckin’ in this cock like a champion.” Zoro grunted as he watched his cock disappear down your sloppy throat. Spit and cum from an earlier load dripping all over your front. Pulling away he ripped your top open and latched his hungry mouth onto your breast. Your arms above you in ropes as you hung like a butchered pig ripe for his taking.
“Prettiest little piggy to ever be eaten by me, I tell you what.” Zoro smirked as he left mark after amazing mark all over your sweaty skin.
Tying your legs up and spread out so he can slide that fat ass cock all the way in with no interruptions. “Fuck yeah piggy lemme hear you squeal for this cock just butchering your insides.” He was definitely merciless in all the things he did but you weren’t about to complain.
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Farmer Eustass 🤠 who still tends to your 100+ acres of land cause, “Ain’t no way in hell I’ll be able to sleep at night knowing a pretty lamb like you is doin all the work.”
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who calls you almost every farm/animal he can possibly think of.  Lamb, pig, mouse, bunny, chickie, calf, heifer,etc
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who comes to your aid whenever you need repairs around the house, but only does them shirtless.
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who drives the tracker shirtless in his overalls with a piece of straw in his mouth, hat tipped real low. Winking at you when you give him a cool glass of lemonade for his hard work plowing the fields, though you couldn’t help but desire that he was plowing something else.
“Thanks lil calf but I think I might wanna drink on somethin’ else you can gimme me. Maybe some milk?”
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who buys you the prettiest dresses and shoes cause he’ll be doin all the hard labor anyways.
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who gets handsy the fastest cause he can’t help but want to let out all his stress on you. Looking like a sweet lil belle that he wanted nothing more than to corrupt into his pretty bimbo after a long day.
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who’s a total stereotype. Wanting a beer and his dick sucked the second he steps foot in the door. Don’t worry he always returns the favor 😉
“Been thinkin’ bout these lips wrapped around my cock all damn day out on that field. Fuck~ that’s it chick, slobber all over me.”
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who roughly shoves your face in the hay as he fucks you ass up in the barn. Spanking you and pulling you back by your pigtails.
“Good fuckin’ calf. Letting me breed you full till you’re swollen wit my kids, tits drippin with milk for me.” Hips rocking into your cunt with a mission to fill you full. Stuffing your womb full of his children to run and play on the farm.“Fuck-my little cow being so good. Stay just like that babe.” Spanking you as he grabs both your pigtails in one large hand. “Sweet little heifer letting me breed her like she’s supposed ta wit outta fight. Come on moo for your owner baby.”  Voice raspy as he’ll grip your ass, fucking you hard on his heavy cock. Hay scratching into your face as you cream around his dick with a shaky scream. “Soundin’ so pretty when you get loud like that fa me.”
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littlelamy · 4 months ago
Could you do Reader meeting Drew at carnival or something? Reader is there with her two friends and Drew is there with his, Odessa and co. Both groups are in odd numbers, meaning someone always has to sit with a stranger during a carousel ride. This time it is Reader’s turn to sit with a stranger while her friends sit togehter. Same for Drew. Reader and Drew get put together in a ride. Some awkward tension, attraction and cuteness. As soon as they get off the ride tho, Odessa runs up to Drew hugging him, so Reader gets the impression that he is taken and is like ‘’Oh…guess I won’t ask for his number…..:/ ‘’ and walks off. But then at some point Drew sees her again at the carnival and well…….
hope you like it !!⭐️ the air was thick with the smell of popcorn and cotton candy, the sounds of laughter and screams from carnival rides filling the night. you, along with your two friends, were making your way through the throngs of people, the vibrant lights casting a kaleidoscope of colors around you. your friend jenna was already eyeing the ferris wheel, while casey was determined to find the most ridiculous hat she could wear for a photo op.
“can we please go on something that won’t make me want to hurl?” you joked, clutching your stomach as you passed a spinny ride that looked like it could launch someone into orbit.
“oh, come on! where’s your sense of adventure?” jenna teased, giving you a playful shove. “we’re here to have fun!”
just then, you caught sight of a group across the way: a guy with tousled hair, a cheeky grin plastered on his face, surrounded by a couple of friends, one of whom was waving her arms like a lunatic. you couldn’t help but smirk; they looked like a band of misfits, and the guy—drew, you overheard someone call him—had an easy charm that was hard to ignore.
as you wandered toward the carousel, the sound of cheerful music inviting you closer, drew’s laugh carried over to you, loud and unapologetic. he had that kind of laugh that made you want to roll your eyes, but you also found yourself grinning. the carousel was in a weird configuration: you and your friends were odd-numbered, meaning one of you would have to sit with a stranger. guess who that unlucky bastard was? you.
“looks like it’s you, champ,” casey said, nudging you forward as jenna giggled. “have fun with your mystery date!”
you shot her a mock glare before stepping up to the ride. meanwhile, drew was being pushed by his friends toward the same ride, and you both ended up on the same horse—his a little to the left of yours. great.
as the carousel began to spin, you shot drew a sideways glance. he looked at you, and for a moment, everything blurred into the background. “so, this is fun,” you said, trying to fill the awkward silence. “i’m thrilled to be your carousel buddy.”
“thrilled? oh, it must be my lucky day,” he replied, his smirk making your heart flutter. “what’s your name? or should I just call you my new favorite stranger?”
“y/n. and you’re drew, right?”
“guilty as charged. so, what brings you here? other than the joy of being awkwardly paired with a stranger on a spinning ride?”
you laughed, the sound a bit louder than you intended. “just here for the chaos, i guess. you know, cotton candy, overpriced games, and the constant threat of nausea.”
“ah, a connoisseur of fine carnivals! i like that,” he grinned, leaning closer. “i, too, have a refined taste in fine cotton candy and the thrill of potential vomiting on a carousel. it’s a true art form, really.”
you shook your head, laughing. “you’re ridiculous. but in the best way.”
the ride continued, the two of you exchanging jokes, the initial awkwardness fading into something more comfortable. you caught yourself sneaking glances at him, taking in the way his lips curled into a smirk and how animated his expressions were. he was cute—like, really cute.
but as the ride slowed to a stop, reality came crashing back. you were both about to disembark when suddenly, a blur of energy rushed up to drew. “drew!” she squealed, throwing her arms around him. it was odessa, the friend from earlier, and the two of them looked way too cozy. your heart sank as you realized that maybe drew wasn’t available after all.
“oh… guess i won’t be asking for his number,” you muttered under your breath, forcing a smile as you stepped away. you could feel the bubble of attraction deflate like a popped balloon. you waved goodbye to your friends and started to walk away, trying to ignore the sting of disappointment.
time passed, and the carnival lights danced around you, but your mind kept drifting back to the moment with drew. you were beginning to think you’d never see him again when, out of nowhere, he came sprinting back into view. his friends were trailing behind him, and he was looking for something—or someone.
“hey!” he called, spotting you. you turned, a little surprised he even remembered your name. “you didn’t get my number!”
“yeah, well, you were kind of busy being hugged by odessa,” you replied, crossing your arms defensively.
“trust me, it’s not what it looks like. we're just friends,” he said, rolling his eyes. "want to grab some cotton candy together? i promise to share, but only if you’re willing to do it like true adults—by faceplanting into it.”
your heart did a little flip at his invitation. “okay, but only if you promise to eat it straight off the stick like civilized humans.”
drew laughed, his eyes lighting up. “deal! and who knows, maybe we can find a ride that doesn’t require sitting next to strangers. unless you’re into that. i’m not here to judge. my friends and i have a running bet on who can make the most ridiculous small talk on rides, and i could use some competition.”
he led you through the carnival, weaving between the crowds, his hand brushing against yours like he was testing the waters. your heart raced as you made your way toward the ferris wheel, its lights twinkling like a galaxy above you. “this is the best ride for some real fun,” he said, leaning closer as you waited in line. “you get a killer view of the carnival and the chance to make out in the moonlight if you play your cards right.”
“oh, really?” you shot back, trying to sound nonchalant, though your cheeks felt hot. “is that a guarantee?”
“i’m just saying,” he said, a wicked grin spreading across his face, “i can be pretty persuasive. or maybe it’s just the cotton candy talking.”
as you climbed into the gondola and it began to rise, the world below you shrank, the lights of the carnival twinkling like stars. you could feel the excitement building, your heart racing not just from the height but from being so close to him. drew leaned closer, his breath warm against your ear. “you know, this would be the perfect time to kiss someone,” he murmured, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“oh, is that right?” you replied, challenging him with a smirk.
“absolutely. i mean, who wouldn’t want to steal a kiss while overlooking a carnival filled with chaos?” he asked, leaning even closer until your lips were mere inches apart.
in that moment, everything else faded away. the noise of the carnival, the lights, the world—it was just you and drew, suspended in that gondola. you could feel the heat radiating between you as you closed the gap, your lips meeting his in a soft, tentative kiss that quickly turned hungry. he tasted like cotton candy and adventure, and you lost yourself in the moment, the kiss deepening as you melted against him.
when you finally pulled away, both of you breathless, he grinned like he’d just won the jackpot. “so, how was that for some carnival fun?” he teased, clearly pleased with himself.
“definitely more exciting than a roller coaster,” you admitted, your heart still racing.
“well, the night is still young,” he said, his grin widening. “let’s see what other trouble we can get into.”
as the ferris wheel creaked to a stop, you couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning of a wild night filled with laughter, chaos, and maybe a few more kisses.
taglist: @namelesslosers @princessslutt @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @starkeysprincess @sixrosberg @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0 @kissrotten @rafecameroninterlude @sstargirln
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wrestlingwithlife · 2 years ago
Task Force 141 Boys with Cowboy (Head canons)
Decided I’d write some head cannons for Cowboy!Reader with our main boys either that haven’t written about yet or have but are so cute I wanted to reiterate <3
Task Force 141 x Cowboy!Reader
Soap :
#1 hype man fr 🗣️🗣️
Absolutely obsessed 😍
Will literally find any excuse to get Y/n to talk just to hear his accent
After watching Ghost get man handled by him he actually begged Y/n to spar with him
Looks up southern stuff to say to Y/n
“Y/n, will you take me to a Honkytonk? 🥺”
He tries his best but at this point he’s just doing it to get a reaction
Stumbled across the song “F***** by a Country Boy” and thought all country music was like that
Couldn’t look Y/n in the eye with hearing it in his head for a solid week
Never sleeps better then when his head is in Y/n’s lap
Literally will sleep like a rock
Soap is usually the one who falls asleep on Y/n
He didn’t realize how cuddly Y/n actually was until after one fateful night
Soap had came to watch old murder files with the southern male one night
Y/n fell asleep on Soap’s shoulder, slumbering silently
When Soap went to lean forward to grab his water he was yanked back into Y/n
Y/n bear hugged him to his chest and refused to let him go
Soap cherished that moment for the rest of forever
Added ‘Save a horse ride a cowboy’ to his Instagram bio
Has def stolen Y/n hat and tried it on
Y/n didn’t have the heart to tell him about the hat rule
But he’ll handle it eventually~
Absolute thigh guy
Has been caught staring so many times
Does not care
Continues to stare 👀
Has asked Y/n to crush him between his thighs
Y/n thought he was joking
He was not
Ghost :
Absolutely whipped
Won’t even deny it if someone calls him out
He’s all about that Honkytonk Badonkadonk🤠
When Y/n says a word or phrase he doesn’t understand he just nods along until the male walks away, in which he will whip out his phone and immediately search it up
When Y/n mentioned there were times he missed his horses he made it his personal mission to find horses for him to pet
Ended up finding a place nearby that did horse therapy
He and Y/n both went and they absolutely loved it
The horses absolutely adored Y/n and smothered him with love
The southern male was happy to reciprocate
Ghost took a picture of it and now it’s his Lock Screen
Ghost was nervous the horses weren’t going to like him
Most animals don’t like his mask
Was elated when he realized the horses didn’t care about it
They really started to love him when Y/n showed Ghost how to feed them
Ghost was in heaven
He grew particularly fond of an old shire mare
She was all white and covered in scars but she was so impossibly gentle for her massive size
The worker said they called her Big Mama and she’d was a retired logging horse that had been rescued from going to slaughter
She adored Ghost and followed him everywhere
The workers explained she had a knack for taking the more nervous horses and animals on the ranch under her wing and making them feel a safe
Ghost almost cried when he hugged her 🥺
Now where Soap liked to sleep on Y/n, Ghost prefers to have Y/n sleep on him
Was laying in bed with Y/n one night while scrolling through his phone
Y/n was already snoozing 😴
Ghost went to put his phone on the nightstand only to get yanked back
Bro was shocked
Y/n snatched him back, burrowing under his arm
Almost cried again 🥹
Price :
Absolutely adores Y/n southern culture
Has a little notebook where he keeps stuff he learned from Y/n written down 🖊️
Occasionally uses southern slang around Y/n but unlike Soap he’s completely serious
Except the word Ain’t
He refuses to say that
When he finds out Y/n feels homesick he does everything he can to help
Gets Y/n all his favorite things
Favorite candies, books, flowers, even got Y/n a cow stuffie when he talked about missing his animals
Y/n put it next to his horse stuffie he got him last week
Price is a good cook but he doesn’t usually have the urge to do it that often
But when Y/n talked about a dish from his home town he missed??
Price spent two day’s learning how to make it and getting the stuff
Whipped that shit up like freaking master chef
The cowboy was elated and gave Price the most bone crushing hug
Snuck a little cheek kiss in there too 💋
Price’s cheeks turned pink so fast
I’m just going to say it…
Has drunk made out with Y/n before 🤯
The two got absolutely turnt on whiskey and just went for it
They never spoke about it after that but when they get close they still think about it
Price misses how the American male tastes
Something definitely awoke in him the day that he watched Y/n ride that mechanical bull
In a game of ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’ Y/n would Marry Price a hundred times over
I mean, me too 😍
Tried southern Cajun food that Y/n made once and his heart almost stopped
It tasted good and then all of a sudden everything was on fire
Did better at holding his spice then Soap tho so 10/10
Y/n’s go to after solo missions
Y/n will stumble into his office all tired and instead of pulling up a chair just plops on the floor and leans his head on Price’s leg
Price just plays with his hair while he finishes paper work
He’d be lying if he said his mind didn’t occasionally wander with how close Y/n was to his nether regions 😜
Gaz :
Trails Y/n like a puppy 🐶
I mean this boy hangs off his every word
If Y/n ever has to run an errand off the base you best believe Gaz will be going with him
Also looks up southern slang to understand Y/n better
Also listened to “F***** by a Country Boy” and couldn’t look Y/n in the eyes for a solid week
Always offers to help Y/n when he works out
Sometimes gets distracted when he’s spotting but no one can blame the poor boy
Acts of service is def his love language ❤️
Demands to know the names of every animal Y/n owns
Made a playlist of songs that Y/n mentioned he liked
Listens to it constantly
Likes to ‘help’ Y/n cook
Really just hands him stuff that Y/n asks for
Handles the spices the best out of any of them
When it’s just the two of them going out for whatever reason he’ll just grab onto Y/n somehow
Holding a hand, the hem of a jacket or shirt, or intertwining their arms
Y/n is happy to reciprocate
People will come up to Gaz while Y/n is distracted and compliment how cute of a couple they are
Just thanks them and doesn’t deny it ever
Sleeps in Y/n’s bed more then his own
Y/n will be working at his desk and Gaz will just wander in in and plop onto his bed to sleep
If Y/n takes to long Gaz will sigh loudly till he gets the hint
Always fights Soap for Y/n’s lap on movie nights
Besides Price he’s probably got the best sense of self control
He ain’t perfect though
Is Y/n isn’t watching him he is LOCKED ON
Always locked onto those cheeks 🥵
His mind does tend to wander
Y/n could ask Gaz to fake his death and run away with him and Gaz would do it in a heartbeat
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rwrbficrecs · 8 months ago
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The Monarch Haven by @redlightsandicedtea (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I found this fic through @lieselsart's wonderful illustration. Alex isn't the First Son, but his parents are high-ranking politicians. Due to serious mental health issues, he lives secluded in Texas, where he runs a mental health refuge for teens— the Monarch Haven. Secluded, until a real prince seeks refuge there. Alex isn't thrilled but still wants to help. What follows is 76k words of slow burn and domesticity! It's beautifully angsty, with a gradual and moving development. A total comfort read !!
Whiteout by HarmonyWhitlock (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Snowboarder Alex and skier Henry almost collide on the slopes, followed by a heated exchange of words. At the end of the day though, they meet at the bar and, well... This story is part of a series which is all about the CMQ-influenced trope 'In every universe'. I got all giddy with every beautiful story I read: So carefully composed and very well crafted, the emotions and attraction swept me away. Hopefully many more to come !!
I Want Candy by @vanillahigh00 (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Alex as a dad and Henry's house being his daughter's first stop on her quest for Halloween candy are the ingredients to this very sweet fic!
Tiempo de Vals by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Authentic Hispanic details (that are always one of my favorite things about this author's writing), a high school AU, and firstprince dancing- what's not to love?
Workin' On My Fitness by bananamilks (book-verse)
@na-dineee: After gushing to Pez about how hot fitness trainer Alex on Instagram is, he is actually indignant when Pez gives him a gift certificate for a training package to reach his (decidedly not) fitness goal: to be able to lift hot men onto countertops. As always, these two have the hots for each other. And the story around it is really sweet, two seconds angsty, also funny, and just delightful.
If U Seek Amy by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@dot524: Such a cute and meaningful 5+1 centering on Amy Chen and how she views the different members of the First Family. Love an outsider PoV and the sweet moments in this one.
Adrift by @milowren29 (book-verse)
@read-and-write-: An addicting pacific rim AU. I don't even go here and I fully enjoyed it, packed with action, life-threatening monsters and alex-and-henry typical obliviousness and refusal to talk about their feelings which is y'know, canon. Everyone needs to give an opportunity to this one.
In Plain Sight You Hid by @nontoxic-writes (movie-verse)
@dot524: Ever reflect deeply on why everyone hates Miguel? This story fleshes out what he did to Alex and expands on what happened during that hookup and what it had to do with Henry. This is also a study of Alex’s relationship with Henry and what made it special. An insightful and angsty (and sexy) addition to the movie canon.
the beagle, the ghost, and the wardrobe by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@suseagull04: I was immediately intrigued by this fic title's Chronicles of Narnia inspiration, and the fic itself didn't disappoint! Ghost Alex, star-crossed lovers- what more could you ask for?
Jump in with your heart first by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This is a blind date that, despite a hiccup or two along the way, will make you believe in soulmates!
Foxden Park by @myheartalivewrites (book-verse)
@dot524: Really enjoyed the slow burn of this one as the story unfolded. So many fun scenes - horse riding, canoeing, sneaky rendezvous in the library. An addicting, enjoyable read!
check out our past Monthly Faves here ❤️
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