#hiiiii thank you 💗
ammaterasu · 2 years
8 and 30 for the sasunaru asks !!!
8. Land of Waves or Chunin Exams?
waves arc my beloved... it sets the tone for the rest of the series both in terms of the themes/central questions driving the story and also in establishing Naruto and Sasukes bond as one where their competitive and snarky banter is really just a façade for the friendship they both yearn for with each other (sasuke rushes to check in on naruto after seeing he's late for dinner... they train together and sasuke catches naruto... sasuke DIES for Naruto... and Naruto reciprocates in turn) you learn that sasuke is not indifferent to Naruto!!! and Naruto is bugging sasuke always making jabs at getting his acknowledgement bc he really really just wants to be his friend!! they are emotionally stunted kids starved of love but finding nothing but hatred!!! And all of that is established in waves arc as the backdrop to one of the most tragic arcs in the entire series which is zabuza and hakus story. No other arc hit me like theirs did, succinctly setting the stage of how corrupt and immoral the shinobi system is, in the sense that they are merely tools, pitted against one another bc of political/economic alliances and not morality.
30. Do you like Sasuke’s spiky duck-butt hair or his slick-down hair better? Do you like Naruto’s hair shorter or longer better? 
duck butt!!! longer!!! both alternatives to these are OK if I am comparing it to kishis design sketches for "the last" but I still prefer their Shippuden looks and just bc I want to .. here are some of my fav sasuke and naruto looks
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link to sasunaru asks ^^
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wargod · 2 years
❝ there is more about you than appears on the surface. ❞ from kaname / @njnth being perceptive
MEME ) …        no longer accepting !!   @xyuuken / @njnth
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“  You think so?  ”  They inquire kindly. Their voice airy and cheerful as ever. Something about the tone implied flippantness, one ear and out the other. But it’s not that they did not hear or is not listening, because they are, always. Dawa’s demeanor tends to send an opposite message though. Often to their chagrin but in the company of this man they feel more confident in being understood. Didn’t even pause from crawling around in the dirt and brambles when Kaname spoke. Hand after hand after hand sifting through grass and twigs and fallen leaves. “  That’s flattering!  ”  Dawa exclaimed while simultaneously uprooting a rather large wild tuber. Between various carrots and roots that could be rutabaga or turnips or oca, they all taste fairly similar to them. Therefore all of them were good enough to eat! The one they ripped from the ground was larger than expected and ended in their bottom hitting the ground behind with a light ‘ OOF! ’ And what the monk was wearing certainly wasn’t proper attire for manual labor and foraging. 
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“  Back home most everyone thinks of me as a simpleton!~  ”  Again spoken with an unnecessary brevity. Once again finding purchase on their feet Dawa collected the vegetables in their billowing sleeves. Intricately woven robes would now need to be deep cleaned of grass stains and mud. Looking as the mess they’ve made of themself Dawa’s expression did curdle like milk. Sour and nearly huffy but it simmered just as quickly as it came. More so upset at their lack of forethought. But a smile returned once they looked back at the man.
“  But it’s nice though, to be recognized like that~ I mean I know I am made of much more! Everyone is. But it’s still stinks to be treated like a one - trick - yak.  ” They use a clean part of their outer robe to wipe away accumulating sweat from their brow.  “  Because when they think of you in such narrow terms then suddenly you don’t matter at all! Like a paper doll stand - in for a person laid flat against the wall. Hmph~  ”  A harrumph that’s mimicked by a nearby bovine, a royally adorned yak grazing some ways away but still in earshot. 
Dawa shuffled out of the brush. “  Although it makes me curious what you felt was more about me.  ”  they continued with a hum, two hands now shifting their garb and removing baubles and dangling bits that should have been removed before. “  Oh, and would you mind if I undressed a little? Just by half! It’s occurred to me too late I probably should not have gotten these so filthy~  ”
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callitwh4ty0uwant · 1 month
hiiiii !!!! I absolutely adore every single thing that you write; you’re incredible !!
i kinda sorta had a request if you don’t mind…
so conrad fisher x reader where they fake date to make belly and Jere jealous (reader has a crush on jere and con on belly obvi ahah) but they end up falling for each other ?
however the plan kinda works as well and now there’s like a lot of angst :0
have a great rest of your day and im soooooo looking forward to reading it if you decide to do so :))<3
Thank you for the request!!!
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Stole my tortured heart!
Pairing - Conrad fisher x fem! Reader
Summary; having a crush on Jeremiah isn’t easy when he likes Belly… so when agreeing to fake date with Conrad fisher to make Jeremiah jealous doesn’t go to plan and they end up falling for each other in the process.
A/n; my very first request! Thank you so much I hope you have a wonderful day aswell 💗💗
Pink and purple sky’s is what summer in cousins beach brought. Hot days and cold nights were always perfect, especially getting to see her- all time childhood crush shirtless when swimming at the beach houses pool.
Jeremiah and y/n, were close, but not as close as belly and Jere. So when figuring out he likes her, it came as a shock when he walked into her room, laid down on her bed and confessed that he liked belly, she cried when he left that night. 
Conrad fisher, also likes belly apparently. Which is why she resorted to walking into his room after finding out belly and jere had kissed on the beach the night before.
“They kissed” she stumbled in “what?” He looked up from his phone eyebrows furrowed “Jere and belly” she paused “they kissed” she finished pacing around.
“I know you like belly. Conrad, it’s kinda obvious” she shrugged making the boy climb out his bed and place two hands on each shoulder.
“Calm down” he hushed “I have a plan” she informed sitting down on his bed “plan for what?” Connie raised his brows “to make them jealous duh! But only if you’re up for it” she fell back her head hitting the soft mattress.
“What’s your plan y/n” she sat up at that. “We date” she blurted out making a surprised look “huh?” She stood “we fake date, you know like we have to all the sappy stuff like, hold hands, Kiss-.” He shook his head “maybe kiss” he added “extra” she shrugged “to make them jealous and maybe we’ll just get them”
“Okay, y/l/n, I’m in” he held a hand out for her to shake “perfect” she nodded taking his hand, as noise could be heard from the kitchen “starts now I suppose” she smiled up at him as they clasped their hands together and walked out the room hand-in-hand.
“Hey, guys.” Belly said eyebrows furrowing at the sight of the two of them holding hands “what’s going on here” he motioned between, Conrad and her.
“We’re uh..” she trailed looking up at Conrad “Dating.. we’re dating” he finished for her removing his hand from hers placing it around her shoulder pulling her in closer.
Jealous. Is what was written all over Belly’s face over the next few weeks, nothing over Jeremiah’s he didn’t care, at all.
The next few weeks were also hard to say the least, Conrad’s ‘touches’ had lingered a little too long, throughout the weeks.
For example, she, Conrad, Jeremiah and belly were watching a movie and obviously she sat beside Conrad his arm thrown over her shoulder drawing circles into her shoulder, the two had acting obsessed with each other throughout the weeks, Jeremiah and belly never suspected a thing.
A quick kiss to cheek could be felt as he got up from the couch mumbling something about getting a snack “you want anything.. babe” Babe. a simple pet name, that Conrad had called her.
“M’good” she mumbled “you not gonna offer us anything?” Jeremiah asked “youre not my girlfriend” he shrugged sitting back down beside her, butterflies errupted in her stomach as he caught her lips in a kiss.
She was caught off guard by the action, he had never kissed her before it was unexpected.
“We need to talk” she mumbled in his ear as she took his hand taking him into the separate room “I don’t know if I’m picking up some wrong signals here” she started “but do you like me? Cause you just kissed me and you’ve never done that before” she sighed “yeah- y/n ever since we made that deal after they kissed I couldn’t help it, these past few weeks have been amazing” he confessed.
“You like me?” She asked as he nodded lightly “good cause I was starting to worry” she chuckled walking towards the boy cupping his face in her hands and kissing him.
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bagdaddyb · 9 months
Hi!! Oh my gosh seeing you posting again was such a huge joy and surprise for me I’m so glad to read your new work!!!
I was wondering if you could write a wanda maximoff x fem!reader ABO fic where either Wanda or reader are new to the team with a whole bunch of pining where they eventually figure out that they are each others mate? You can make either Wanda or reader alpha/omega!
It’s super okay if you aren’t feeling this request, either way I’m so excited to read more of the amazing work you share with us!!!
Hiiiii! So I got super carried away with this and I originally intended for this to be mean emo Wanda but sweet soft Wanda took over, I hope you enjoy! 💗
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Pairing: alphag!p Wanda x omega fem! spyReader
Warning: Sickeningly Sweet, 18+ MINOR DNI NSFW NSFW
AN: Wanda 🥰
You'd only been on the team for a year when the mess with Ultron happened. It all happened so fast, you could barely process everything happening around you before something new would arise. Sitting across from Natasha sipping coffee as you spied on the twin alphas you felt the most relaxed you had in weeks. Natasha kept glancing their way while your focus stayed on her, two people staring was more suspicious than one. You and the red head proved to be a good team over the past year. Two omega spies flying under everyones radar. The world still assumed the Black Widow a one woman show and no one would ever believe her to be an omega. The breeze felt nice on your back, bringing a hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear before looking down at your coffee.
"This has been a real shit show eh?"
Your voice held a familiar accent one you'd grown used to using under your many aliases. Natasha's eyes returned to you as she sipped her own drink.
"Not anymore than usual."
You hummed in response eyes wondering to the innocent civilians around you. Sipping your own cup you wonder if life would be better among them. Oblivious to the realities of the world to caught up in your own day to day menial task. The weight of this job seemed to weigh a bit heavier on your shoulders everyday, the question of wether the people you save amounts to the people you don't plaguing.
"S toboy vse v poryadke?" (Are you alright?)
The red head ask and you nod eyes returning to hers.
"Tired, it seems everytime we try to relax something detrimental in the world happens. I wonder what it would do without us."
A small chuckle escapes Natasha despite the truth in your words, her eyes shooting to the pair on her right once more. Though not a 'graduate' of the red room you hold your own tramatic story. Experimented on in the basement of Oscorp for years you'd been turned into a lab rat by the corpo bastards that owned the building. You'd escaped only three years ago, changed. Transformed into a human machiene, non-aging, ridiculously strong with a sirens song. You did the only thing you could and played the cards you were delt. Seducing mediocre alphas out of millions before any one even got a whiff of your existence but you could truly only thank Natasha for that. It wasn't until Natasha was taken down but the Black Widow kept striking that shield realized there was more than met the eye. It was Tony himself that went undercover to catch you and honestly had he not been an Avenger with intel he would of ended up caught himself. Another rich egotistical alpha who thought himself on top of the world. You didn't go down easy and spent a week in a cell before even uttering a word. In retrospect it all seems silly now you often think about how much time you wasted fighting the people who wanted nothing more than to help you. Eyes lifting to Natasha's face you can't help but feel greatful for the opportunity she's given you to help others like you.
"They're on the move."
You hum in acknowledgment before finishing off your drink mind finally wondering to the matter at hand. Your mission was recruitment nothing more. Ultron having been made unreasonably strong by the twins he somehow came to be in alliance with. You'd gained enough information merely listening in on their conversation, so you and Natasha retreated returning to the group in order to solidify your advances. Standing in time with Natasha you link your arm in hers smiling before chatting away about absolutely nothing in russian. Missing the way a certain alpha glanced your way when your scent drifted down wind. It only took twenty four hours for everything to go to shit almost a record breaker in your books. Ultron whineded up to be nothing after the male alpha was nere fatally injured the red headed woman taking care of him like clockwork. Luckily your team stood nearby able to quickly extract the alpha towards safety and medical attention. You worked efficiently getting him secured before moving to help the rest of your team fight off Ultron's bots and it isn't until the end when you stand with the support of Thor that you realize the red headed alpha had come with you. Returning to the compound there is tension on the quinjet. The group unsure what to do with the twin alphas who quite literally just tried to murder them and it causes you to roll your eyes.
"You could at least not talk about them as if they aren't right there."
You scold before moving towards the pair. The red head having been unmoving crouched over her unconscious brother.
"Privet." (Hello.)
You say making yourself known as you approach the alpha causing her to glance up at you.
"On dolzhen polnost'yu vyzdorovet'." (He should make a full recovery.)
You speak in a whisper trying to be soft.
"YA uveren, chto on ne khotel by, chtoby vy bespokoilis'." (I'm sure he wouldn't want you to worry.)
The woman merely returns her eyes to the unconscious man below her.
"Will you lock us up? Treat us once again like dogs?"
Your eyebrows raise and your posture straightens.
"No of course not, everyone deserves a second chance. You believed you were fighting for the right thing, there are many on this team who have been in a similar circumstance. Do not believe simply because we are labeled supergeroi that none of us have a dark past." (Superheroes)
With that you take your leave allowing the woman to be with her loved one. Upon returning to the compound you go into seclusion, you needed a break both mentally and physically. Just a few days where the world wasn't ending and it was entirely up to you to save it. Six days later you emerge slightly re-energized and fresh ready for the next catastrophe. The first place you visit is the gym already hearing Natasha's scolding on breaking your routine as you pass the common room you see the two twins on the couch alone. In this light you see them both clearly, while they hold the title twin they couldn't look more different. You study them both your eyes lingering on the red head. She was an attractive alpha, very attractive. You hear the tv playing but don't recognize the program they have on. Detouring into the room you catch their attention waving as you approach.
"Hello, I am rather embarrassed to say we never formally met. I am (Y/N) nice to meet you both."
You bow your head in greeting sending them a bright smile and both of them seem to freeze obviously caught off guard by your friendly approach. The male recovers first standing up before bowing his head back and sticking out his hand.
"Pietro, and that is my sestra Wanda."
You recognize his accent reaching to grip his hand in yours.
"A pleasure, I hope you two are adjusting well."
It isn't until then his sister jumps up a slight flush on her cheeks.
"It has been familiar, we are rather alienated but that is how it has always been."
You hum in response fighting back the disappointment in your expression.
"Don't fret, we are a group of antisocial extroverts forced to be in a group setting. Well expect for Tony but it just takes us all time to engage and meet new people, they will come around before long."
You finish with a smile.
"Have you two at least been taken care of? Food, water, lodging?"
They nod simultaneously and its enough for you.
"Good well I'm off to the gym, don't be strangers."
With that you leave not taking note of the full face flush on the woman's face.
"Kto-nibud' nashel svoyu sestru-omegu?" (Has someone found their omega sister?)
Pietro says in a teasing tone and Wanda punches him in the shoulder muttering at him to shut up. The moment you cross the threshold of the gym you flinch.
"Nu posmotrite, kto eto." (Well look who it is.)
"Can we skip past the part where you scold me so I can just apologize?"
You ask turning to meet Natasha's sharp gaze.
"Will your muscles magically regain their mass?"
You sigh accepting your defeat beginning to stretch as Natasha begins her speech on commitment. It is another four days before everyone finally comes around to the twins slotting them in as if theyed been there since the beginning just as they had you. Walking towards the gym you release a content sigh, a full ten days since the world seemed as though it'd collapse. What bliss. Quickly looking up your eyes fantically search for some wood unwilling to risk jinxing yourself.
"Dobroye utro." (Good morning.")
You hear from behind turning to be greeted by Wanda.
"Good morning indeed. Off for your morning cuppa are you?"
You ask and Wanda merely nods in response fighting back a yawn.
"Not a morning person?"
You ask with a smile walking beside Wanda.
"Not at all."
She says somewhat grumpily.
"Then what are you doing up at six a.m?"
You ask with a laugh and Wanda has to fight back a blush. She couldn't admit that she woke up at this time merely to see you every morning but what could she say.
"I like to cook but I'm not very good at it.... so I practice early before the others wake up."
The words spill out of her mouth quickly unable to think of anything better and you beam your white smile at her.
"Well how about tomorrow you sleep in till eight then I can help you learn, I am an amazing cook. I even know how to make some traditional dishes."
Wanda can't help the flush that comes to her face this time and it makes you feel a tingle inside.
The red head responds and you nod giving her arm a little reassuring squeeze as you come upon the kitchen.
"Good luck dorogoy." (Dear)
You say before continuing onto the gym and Wanda is sure her face matches her hair. Sure enough the next morning Wanda doesn't head towards the kitchen instead she spends the morning pacing her room anxiety ridden. You'd said for her to sleep in but how could she when you agreed to spend alone time with her. She couldn't tell Pietro and deal with his repeated teasing so she kept the information in slowly but surely having a meltdown. As she paced she played with her hair, bit her finger, twiddled her thumbs. God she couldn't do this. She'd literally been an experiment for Hydra and never felt this nervous in her life. The time passed quickly. To quickly. Right as she truly began to spiral there was a knock at her door, eyes shooting to the clock she realizes its already eight o'clock. Brushing off her clothes quickly before taking a few deep breaths and recuperating she opens her door. The moment her eyes land on you it all seems for naught, your hair is tied back. You wear tights and a tshirt covered by an apron. Your eyes spakle matched by your bright smile and Wanda feels herself melt a bit.
"I figured you'd meet me in the kukhnya." (Kitchen)
You say with a giggle and Wanda becomes a tomato realizing its not only eight but eight eleven.
"I'm sorry I slept in and lost all track of time."
You hum with a smile clearly not mad at all before turning to be on your way.
"All is fine I just didn't want to start without you."
Wanda follows behind you closing her door quickly. Her eyes wonder your body not being able to help staring at your ass.
"Ty slushayesh'?" (Are you listening?)
Wanda's eyes shoot up attention back on your voice.
"I asked what your favorite dish is."
"Oh um I love traditional pirozhki, my mother used to make them just slightly burnt at the edges. The taste reminds me of home."
You turn and smile softly her way.
"Perfect then that's what we will make, cooking can seem overwhelming but it isn't as scary as many think. I always recommend learning to cook for yourself first because it is much easier than cooking for others."
In the kitchen you gather the suppiles, you cooked often so the ingredients for this dish were easily found.
"I'll have you make the dough, it is all simply measurements so I'll do no more than verbal instructions."
You say as you prepare the area for Wanda.
"Here put this on, gotta protect your clothes and tie your hair back no one wants hair in their food."
Handing the apron to Wanda while standing by waiting. You bite your lip as you watch her. Running her fingers through silky red locks before pulling it up exposing her neck to you. She wore grey sweatpants and a baggy t. The sweatpants doing little to hide the member between her legs and you press your thighs together pleasurably. Wanda on the other hand was trying to think about how to see this lie through. She was an amazing cook, taking the responsibility of her brother from a young age. How was she going to play clueless. She should of at least said a dish she truly wasn't aware of how to make but when you asked her favortie food she couldn't help but answer honestly. You talked Wanda through the steps praising her for being a natural when the dough came out well. Leaving it to make the filling.
"What did your mom fill hers with? I do a simple meat and rice mixture since it goes along with my bulk."
Wanda nods along as she listens debating a moment before responding.
"Lets make them like yours, I've never had them any other way and I'd be eager to try."
You smile brightly at the alpha before nodding in response. Again you talk her through it always believing hands on with clear instruction was the best way to learn any skill. It gave the student mutiple ways to intake the information and made it harder to forget. Once the process is complete you help Wanda cut and stuff the dough, this part of the process being the longest and most tedious. You leave her to fry them as she likes since she'd mentioned her mom let them cook a bit longer and instead move to clean around her. Never a fan of a messy workspace. You hum as you clean, mindlessly really. It seems a tune that always floats around you. One Wanda is sure she's heard you hum before. By the time Wanda is done cooking you've cleaned the kitchen and are able to sit down and enjoy the meal with her. Of course the moment doesn't last and before either of you can even take a bite the smell of food draws in hungry Avengers.
"Mne vsegda nravitsya, kogda ty gotovish'." (I always love when you cook.)
Natasha says entering first, the smell of traditional food equivalent to a cat with its automatic feeder. Steve, Bruce, Tony, and Sam all slowly trickle in after stomachs growling audibly making you laugh.
"I suppose if I didn't cook every once in a while no one would eat around here hmmm?"
The group shares a laugh as they line up one by one to make plates.
"But in all honesty this meal is thanks to Wanda not me, I merely talked her through the steps."
Wanda can't hide the pink that dust her cheeks and all is going well until a certain twin walks in.
"Pirozhki! You always cook the best food sestra."
The blonde kisses his sisters head as he passes by and you can't help the eyebrow that raises in response.
"Always hmmm?"
You hum and Wanda is saved by the entrance of Thor who could of eaten the entire helping had he got here first.
"Mighty (Y/N) your meals are always most invigorating."
You smile at the God and try not laugh when you see his downcast face once he realizes he is the last one to show. Wiping your face after you finish you excuse yourself it was already nearing noon and you still hadn't even looked at the moutain of paperwork on your desk. Wanda watches you go. Over the next three weeks you and Wanda grow closer she begins training with you and Natasha in the mornings and you read with her sometimes in the afternoons, you don't question her about Pietro's comment after your cooking fiasco and Wanda never says anything about it because that woukd mean admitting to you that she was desperate to spend time with you.
Natasha ask as the two of you jog around the gardens. It was early afternoon in fall, the cool winds combating your rising body heat making the jog enjoyable.
"Yebat' will she ever make a move?" (Fuck)
You merely shrug.
"I don't know, I'll start showing signs of heat by the end of the week if that doesn't trigger her there's no hope."
Natasha laughs at that.
"Tak khochetsya al'fu, da?" (So eager for an alpha eh?)
"Not just any alpha, Wanda."
The week passes slowly and as the weekend gets closer your pheromones get stronger. The team knew your heat was approaching as they kept a calander for the Alphas so they could know when to distance, well everyone except Wanda apparently. Its Thursday night by the time she's had enough of your distance and decides to ask why you aren't at the table for dinner with the rest of the team.
"Where's (Y/N), I swear I haven't seen her all week."
Natasha sends a small smirk Wanda's way before Steve speaks up.
"Her heat is approaching so she is keeping extra distance for everyones saftey, she should come back around a week or so from today."
Pink hue coats Wanda's cheeks as the thought of you in heat takes over her mind and the pink only gets darker as her hard on begins to form in her pants. Her mind plummets into thoughts about your slick, and body. Thoughts about filling you with her seed and you being full with her pups causes her to be embarrassed by how hard she's become. If not for the table her bulge would be hard to miss. Wanda remains in a fog for the rest of dinner try as she might she couldn't get her mind off mating you and as everyone stands to part ways she remains seated making the excuse that she'd clean up the kitchen. Wanda strained painfully against her pants she could almost smell you now.
Rubbing your sides you walk towards the kitchen dinner should be over by now and you're starving. You need to get as many calories in as you can before you succumb to your heat tomorrow. The pain was slowly starting to set in and you'd be lying if you said you were looking foreward to the next seven days. You let out a groan as you turn the corner a sudden sharp pain stabbing your side. As you enter the threshold of the kitchen goosebumps rise on your skin the familiar smell of Wanda infultrating your nose before your eyes lock with the alphas. You're almost sure you see Wanda begin to tremble but you quickly begin to back away.
"I'm sorry I thought everyone would be gone by now."
You go to retreat from the kitchen and Wanda stands so quickly her chair falls behind her. In a second she's in your face grabbing you softly by the jaw making you look at her.
She whispers as she sniffs at you rubbing her nose against your cheek before falling to your scent gland.
She whispers again and you chirp. Your omega finally satisfied being acknowledged by your alpha. For a few minutes nothing happens, the two of you stand there relishing eachothers presence. You chirp at her as she lightly growls at you and you feel satisfied, whole even. Then you are painfully reminded of your situation causing you to sharply intake air and groan. Wanda growls louder at the noise of your distress and you whimper.
"It hurts."
Wanda's grip on your jaw becomes tighter, pushing you into the wall before pressing her own body against yours.
"Tell me where it hurts, I'll take care you shchenok." (Puppy)
You groan again, your heat suddenly over taking your senses as a result of having your mate so close. Your hands raise to grip Wanda's arms tightly, nails digging into her skin through the fabric of her shirt.
"Need you, please. Alpha. Mate."
Your words come out as little whimpers. Your panting, you don't know why but suddenly you can't get enough air for full breaths. So caught up in Wanda you don't even process you're about to be mated in the tower kitchen but honestly you don't care either. Wanda however does she feels territorial, primal even. She needs you to herself, needs privacy with you. She'd attack anyone who might see your bare body if she mated you here. Her room was on the other side of the compound, the alpha side far from the omegas and living area but your room was just down the hall. Wanda releases your jaw hands moving down your body till she reaches the back of your thigh. You bite your lip enjoying the electricity you felt from her touch. As she picks you up you wrap your legs around her torso tightly. Her hands against your thighs causing your sex to tingle. You wrap one hand around her neck before running the other through soft red hair. You return to chirping at her, the feeling of finding your mate an overwhelmingly happy one. You rub your cheek against hers softly and the alpha lightly growls in acknowledgment. You are consumed by Wanda's presence unable to focus on anything but her. When she lays you lightly on your bed you aren't even sure where you are, you just know you're there with her. Wanda bends over you, tucking her nose into your scent gland once more and growling loudly. She needs you, needs you marked, claimed. Needs everyone to know you belong to her.
The word is once again a whisper but you hear it all the same. The time to romantically strip you would have to be later gripping opposite sides of the loose shirt you wore the alpha literally tears the cloth off of you exposing your bra cladded torso to her. Your breathing speeds up the intimacy of the moment undeniable as you feel Wanda begin to run her lips down your body. It was like electric shock, the currents Wanda's touch sent through your body. She magiced your bra away completely exposing your upper half and growling as her soft lips wrapped around your nipple. You moan loudly in response, it felt good too good. You could get lost in this sensation alone.
Wanda growls against your skin before moving along to your other nipple. Your hands grip at Wanda through her clothes before you whimper.
"Need to feel you alpha."
Wanda growls in response, her eyes glowing red as she magics away her own clothing her skin now pressing against yours. She moves back up your body mouth hovering close before she lays claim to your own. The kiss is magical, the locking of your lips causing what you could only descibe as bliss throughout your whole body. You felt like you were glowing arms and legs wrapping around the alpha tightly you were sure this must be heaven. Wanda began to grind against you through the fabric of your pants, your underwear gliding against your excessive amount of slick. You blush, embarrassed by how wet you truly are from so little foreplay but the feeling doesnt last long when Wanda growls above you. Wanda pulls your pants off your waist guiding them down your thighs just enough to expose your slick and shudders when the smell of you tingles her nostrils. She's overcome with the need to knot you, breed you as she makes her mark on your neck. But she also feels the feral need to take you, to have your slick dripping down her chin as she causes you to come apart on her tongue. Starting with the latter she pulls your pants off quickly. Breaking away from your lips to slowly kiss down your body. You take a long gasp of air eyes dialating as you watch Wanda work her way down. Your hips begin to twitch unable to stay still at the excitement of what was about to come. Wanda's hands move to firmly grip your waist holding you in place as she kisses your stomach moving lower and lower your stomach muscles flex, a wave of arousal flowing through you. When she reaches her destination her hands move to your thighs lifting them up to hold you wide open for her. You're leaking, literally and Wanda can't wait to have a taste. She dives in slurping up the excess before moving to your center. Sucking on your clit then tongue fucking you like a woman starved. Your slick quenches a thirst Wanda didn't even know she had tongue lapping at your clit before quickly moving towards your hole eager to drink up the slick as a result. It doesn't take long and under normal circumstances you're sure you would of been embarrassed but none of that matters when your muscles spasm. Back arching in the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced, your thighs shake, eyes shut, mouth open in a silent scream. Wanda doesn't stop eagerly drinking up your orgasm before wanting, no needing you to do that again. You whimper in overstimulation but don't stop your alpha, just as turned on by her need for you. You squirm against the red heads mouth a little towards her a little away, this time you last longer if only for your slight sensitivity causing time before the feeling was pleasurable again yet you cum all the same. Wanda moans loudly as you release into her mouth again. She could do this all day she's sure of it. But now as her precum begins to soak her boxers she knows its time. Lifting onto her knees between your legs red eyes glow as her pants disappear and through your haze you see her in all her glory. You reach down gripping her in your hand moaning at the size while she moans at the sensation. You pump her, an overwhelming feeling to suck her down your through the way she'd done you comes over you but Wanda quickly grabs your hand removing you from her.
"You're going to make me bust shchenok." (Puppy)
Wanda hesitates a second if only to allow her own incoming orgasm to subside, she needed to bury herself in you and it wouldn't look good for her if it ended just as quickly as it started. In the meantime she leans down over you meeting your lips in a hungry kiss the taste of you on her lips causing another wave of your own slick to pool between your legs. You push at her lower back willing her to enter you but she resist. Kissing you eagerly before breaking to kiss to move towards your scent gland, you pant quickly. Wanda's kiss having stolen all the air from your lungs.
Wanda whispers against you, hips beginning to grind against your slick in order to lubricate herself. You shudder in response.
"Yours alpha, take me. I want to be yours."
Wanda reaches down gripping herself in order to slowly slide into you. She's thick stretching you out in ways only she can, the burn sends waves through you and by the time she's completely sheathed you're a whimpering mess.
"Yebat' you're so tight." (Fuck)
She pulls out only to slam back into you, her pace is brutal, hips slamming against yours hitting a sweet spot you didn't even know you had repeatedly. Your moans are as loud as the sound of your wet slick sucking Wanda back in. You claw at her wanting her impossibly closer as she fucked you into next week.
"Holy fuck I'm cumming. Alpha. Alpha."
Your eyes roll back as you arch. The orgasm makes you see white and Wanda doesnt stop. You squirting fueling her ego.
"That's right shchenok. You love the way your alpha fucks you, love how deep I am in you. Look shchenok can you see me."
Wanda brings your gaze down the visible bulge in your stomach when the alpha bottoms out causing your stomach to tighten.
"I'm right here."
Wanda says as she pushes down on the bulge and you spasm again another light orgasm washing through you.
"Fuck I'm gonna fill you up, get you pregnant with my pup."
Wanda pumps into you harder, her knot slamming against your entrance as she nears her own release.
"Alpha. Alpha."
You whimper to fucked out to form any other words.
"You're gonna look so pretty swollen with my seed all mine."
You moan again as Wanda bends towards your scent gland the feel of her canines against your neck enough to almost send you over the edge. She sinks her teeth into you right as you hear a pop. Her knot having settled inside you easily combined with the blackout orgasm of your mating bite. When you come to Wanda is still knotted deep inside you. Nuzzling at your cheeks with a low growl. You chirp back to weak to do much else and Wanda hums.
"My mate, my omega."
10 months later.
You were exhausted, to say the least. A new born was a lot of work and a lot of lost sleep. Wanda wasn't here, literally dragged away for a debrief she was required to attend. If you were honest you didn't mind, she'd been slightly smothering you since you gave birth and while you loved her for it just because you gave birth didn't mean you were no longer a functioning adult. You'd been picking petty arguments since your third trimester which you always felt bad for. It was the hormones combined with being put on bedrest so you didn't get to do your job combined with sexual frustration since the doctor said it was no longer safe for intercourse. You sighed as you stepped out of the shower, now with the added insecurities about the changes in your body since pregnancy and child birth you weren't sure you even wanted Wanda to touch you. Ignoring the mirror you dry yourself before wrapping a towel around you. Exiting the bathroom right as your little baby boy woke up with soft cries. You coo at him lifting him out of his crib you lose your towel throwing it over the side in order to hold your baby against your bare chest. You were barely one month postpartum but glad to be past the part where you were in a sense literally wearing a human diaper. Your son instantly calms at the sound of your heart beat as you bounce him lightly moving to sit in your bed you lean against the headboard letting out slightly pained noises as you try and relax your overworked back. You cover your lower half with the blanket already feeling the chill of the room as you begin to hum at your son. You don't hear the door open to focused to the little boy in your arms, getting comfortable as you move him to breast feed. You hiss as he begins to work at your sore nipple but eventually relax becoming accustomed to the pain. You rub his little head of hair softly smiling at him a fullness in your heart only created by the birth of your child as Wanda makes her pressence known.
"You're so beautiful dorogaya." (Dearheart)
You bite back your own insecurities at her comment humming in response. Looking up you meet Wanda's piercing eyes before meeting her lips in a kiss.
"I mean it dorogaya or have you forgotten I can hear your thoughts."
You can't help but frown not used to not being able to keep secrets.
"Ah ah ah no buts, you're even more beautiful now than the day we met. Pregnancy and childbirth has given you a glow nothing else can."
You sigh a familiar warmth filling your chest in response to Wanda's love.
"YA tebya lyublyu." (I love you)
You whisper your free hand coming to rub against Wanda's cheek.
"I ya lyublyu tebya. Forever and always." (And I love you)
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Hiiiii may I request a very obvious and everyone knows it— a simp, pining, very much in love cale? With a dense reader who doesn’t realize they’re making him flustered- dense and oblivious? :>>
Thats all u can choose how u want to write it :))
Oh, ur works are so gooooodd btw :DD
im gonna make this short as hell because i need sleep and it's three in the morning. im loopy as hell and couldnt think of how cale as a character would simp and this is the best i could do, im sorry 😭
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Alver was a bit elated, to be honest.
After the war, things finally settled down and the lives of the citizens of the Roan Kingdom settled back to normal, or perhaps even better than before.
The talk of heroes was still a warm topic amongst the nobles and commoners, especially about Cale Henituse, the most praised hero of the continent.
Despite the heavy nickname he carries, Cale Henituse continued to be himself — not that Alver was surprised — and still became that bastard guy that Alver trusts.
Cale was chosen to handle the matters a Prime Minister would handle, gaining the position as the proxy of the Prime Minister — a position that was still vacant, of course reserved for Cale himself. But if the man himself knew of it, he'd immediately run away so Alver declared him to just be a proxy to keep the man by his side with the reason that he hasn't found someone fitting for the position yet.
Of course, Cale wasn't given as much as work as an actual Prime Minister are usually given. Alver was kind to his dongsaeng, so he would make sure Cale still has enough rest to slack off for awhile.
During those times, Cale would rarely come by to visit the Royal Palace, which was absolutely understandable. Alver himself would not want to visit his workplace if he's given a day off if he wasn't the Emperor and practically living in his workplace where a political dispute is always happening.
'He's been visiting often, hasn't he?'
Alver glanced up from his paperwork to his dongsaeng who wss reclining on the couch of his study, just sitting there and munching on cookies, this time without Raon.
"Cale..." Alver sets his fountain pen down, looking at Cale with a slight frown on his handsome face. "Is there something wrong?"
"Of course not, Your Highness," Cale answered quickly. "Nothing is wrong."
Alver pursed his lips into a thin line, not believing Cale once a bit because he knows his dongsaeng and while it is probably not something particularly serious from how lax Cale was, Alver was sure it was still something that bothers the redhead.
Alver hummed, taking another sheet of paper from the piles that were on his desk. "Then, is there a reason why you're here?"
"Can I not spend time with my Hyung-nim?" Cale asked with a raised eyebrow as if he was completely serious - Alver knows that he's not because why would Cale be here and spend time with him when he had been whining the other day about how looking at Alver's face was enough to remind him of the stress of work?
Alver shook his head, deciding to just accept Cale Henituse being contradictory as usual. He wonders why he's still so confused when he should know best that Cale Henituse is a walking contradiction and everything he does is confusing.
"Well, if you're staying here, might as well know that Dame [Name] is going to be here again for a private audience."
"From the [Last Name] Household?" Cale questioned and Alver let out a chuckle, "Is there any other one?"
You were a lady from the [Last Name] household, the head family being your single mother, Baroness Charlotte and you were the eldest one out of the three daughters the baroness had. People had originally thought the daughters were going to get married off to older noblemen who were willing to pay off their dowry but due to the Baroness' competence and your clever mind, your sisters have been pried away from the clutches of older noblemen as you were both enough to help your sisters to live.
Your household was compassionate towards orphans and the poor even before the war, providing food and shelter to the ones who needed them. This gives your family very good support from the commoners and loved ones, always being helped by the commoners with the little things. Your family had been very neutral when it comes to siding with the Princes as you all only focused on yourselves and those who are in need.
During the war, Alver had you and not your mother be in charge of sending out help to those who are in need, citizens of the Roan kingdom or not, and to make sure everyone is safe. Due to seeing his thoughtfulness, your family eventually sided with Alver. You had been exceptional in carrying out your duties and earned quite the fame for being the representative of the warm and generous Roan Kingdom, so when you returned, the title Dame was given to you for your services.
Cale would know that, not only because you were an important figure in what would be Roan Kingdom's history regarding politics and international affairs, but you had always coincidentally been wherever he was during the last few years so your title was given pretty quickly and earned much more respect from the nobles.
"Right..." Cale turns away from Alver.
Alver let the conversation to sink into his brain. Why did he have to say that to Cale? The man has been present every time you had to have a private audience with Alver, which had been a frequent event because you were building an establishment to house the homeless.
A knock was heard from the other side of the door of Alver's study.
"Come in."
You stepped into the office, dressed as formally as usual with a white shirt with ruffles and a long, fitted red skirt that flares around your lower calves. There was a folder clutched close to your chest, most likely the cause of your presence here.
"Oh!" You sound elated when you saw Cale in Alver's study but then turned back to look at Alver. "Your Highness, I didn't know you were expecting a guest."
"Dame [Name]," Alver greeted you with a relieved smile. "Please tell me you've brought me good news regarding that housing property case."
Cale stood up from the couch, approaching Alver's desk as well, curious about what good news you were bringing that you were smiling so brightly.
"Of course," you say, closing the door behind you and approaching Alver's desk. "The verdict's out -- the housing property is still within its area and not Viscount Chers'. We sued Viscount Chers for destroying some of the building he claimed to have entered his estate and won, so he has to pay for the cost, damages, and also interest."
Cale has heard of the case before. Viscount Chers had thought the housing property was being built on his land and had ordered his guards to destroy some of the building. With you supervising the project, you immediately sued Viscount Chers for his actions.
"Dame [Name], have I ever told you that I love you?" Alver smiled at you as he received the folder in your hand.
Cale jolted a bit upon hearing Alver's words and glanced at you, seeing your smile as you spoke, "Flattery gets you nowhere, Your Highness."
Alver sighed. "Shame."
Cale wanted to ask since when were you and Alver gotten close enough to be joking around like that. Of course you had been close to the two of them, but it seemed you have gotten more familiar with Alver. Just in time, Alver caught his gaze and raised an eyebrow, confused why Cale looked like he had a lot on his mind.
"How's your family, Dame [Name]?"
"Oh, my, thank you for asking." You cupped your cheek and closed your eyes as you continued, "My mother is well, but my sisters have been going out to parties more than ever. I think they're starting to have people they fancy."
Cale tilted his head, interested. "You seem relaxed about that."
"It's a part of being young," you told him. "Besides, I'm so busy to the point I can't really keep them safe forever. It's like having kids of your own, I guess. What about you, Cale-nim? What would you do with your own kids?"
Cale let his mouth speak before thinking properly, stumbling out his words. "I guess if we have kids -- wait, no, I mean, I already have kids, like Raon, Ohn, and Hong."
Alver watched this with a raised eyebrow, a knowing smirk forming on his lips as he watched his sworn brother trip over his own words and overexplain things. 'Is this why he had been in my office for the last few days?'
"I'm not the type to restrict them too much from experiencing life," Cale told you. "I don't want to be someone they grew to hate because I held them back from living their lives."
You smiled softly at him and Cale grinned, patting himselfon the back for his answer. "That's actually a very good insight for parenting. I might need to remember it once I have kids of my own."
"Aw, look at you both, talking about kids," Alver teased, the shit-eating grin on his face made the alarms in Cale's head come to life.
He caught on.
"Speaking of, Dame [Name], I heard you've been getting many letters regarding marriage," Alver brought up the rumor he had picked up a few weeks ago. He didn't think that such a rumor would end up being something so useful.
"Marriage?" Cale asked, his whole body going tense.
Your cheeks are tinted red as you laughed away Alver's words. "Oh, please, all of them are only sent because they heard you were handing me one of your major projects for developing the kingdom. I'm not dumb enough to see they're simply trying to get to you and Cale-nim."
"You should tell them that you're with my sworn brother so they won't bother you," Alver said, wasting no time to immediately struck that nerve.
You laughed again. "Oh, no, I don't want Cale-nim to get entangled in weird rumors."
"I don't mind."
Cale's cheeks are red when he said that and he wanted to hide from you when you and Alver turned to look at him. He cleared his throat and continued, stuttering a bit when he spoke; "I-I mean, just use my name if they caused you trouble. I don't mind."
"Oh, my, thank you so much, Cale-nim!" You grasped his hand with both hands, the smile on your face so bright that Cale's face immediately darkened with so much blood rushing to his face.
"I might overuse it so much that no one will dare to get close to me," you say, letting go of his hands.
'Oh, please do overuse it,' thought Cale.
"I think that's what my sworn brother would like," Alver added with a grin.
Cale wanted to kick Alver in the shin.
"Do you hate the idea of me with another man that much, Cale-nim?" You asked with a playful grin.
Cale opened his mouth to defend himself but no sound came out when he saw your smile and the red flush of your skin. He closed his mouth and decided to just stand there like an idiot.
"I don't think another man could live up to my standards considering I have been spending so much time with the both of you," you continued shyly. "Perhaps I should linger with the others lest my mother will complain about my being single."
"Or you could just keep spending time with us," Cale prompted, shrugging his shoulders to appear nonchalant. "There's no harm in that. Keep all of the bugging men away."
He doesn't miss the raised blond eyebrow Alver was giving him while you weren't looking.
"Perhaps," you murmured, beginning to walk towards the door. "Talking with the both of you is wonderful but I do have to rush to handle these paperwork."
"What time do you get off work?" Cale questioned quickly.
You stopped, turning to look at the red-head. "Around four. Planning on taking me home and meeting my mother, Cale-nim?"
"She loves the cakes from that dessert shop, right?"
You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. "Yes, Cale-nim. The strawberry shortcakes are her favorite."
Cale nodded. "Noted."
You bowed to the both of them, excusing yourself out and leaving the two brothers inside the study.
Cale let out a sigh. "Well, I'll be leaving—"
Alver grabbed a discarded paper and crumpled it into a ball, throwing it at Cale who frowns. "What?"
"I cannot believe you came here just so you could ask Dame [Name] on a date."
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auras-moonstone · 8 months
hiiiii!!! there aren’t enough jack imagines, so could you do and actress!reader x jack? just a cute fluff bc jack is suck a lover boy 💗 thanks!!!
happy birthday — jack champion
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word count: 1,216
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n surprises her boyfriend, jack, on his 19th birthday party.
warnings: none, just fluff!
author's note: i meant to post this yesterday bc of jack's bd, but i wasn't able to finish it :( by the way, hope we get the mandatory pic with the 19 balloons.
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JACK HAD ALWAYS LOVED CELEBRATING HIS BIRTHDAY, but this year his excitement had been on another level because there was a special someone he was looking forward to celebrate it with--his girlfriend of almost a year, Y/N. So, imagine how disappointed he was when she informed him she wasn't going to make it.
"Are you sure you can't do anything about it?" Jack asked hopeful as he facetimed his girlfriend, who was away in another country filming a movie.
"I'm sorry, love. I wish I could go, but you know how shootings are, I can't just bail." she pursed her lips at the disappointed expression painted on Jack's face.
Jack tried to put on his most convincing smile and nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's not your fault, I just miss you."
"Me, too, J. So much." she swallowed the lump that began forming on her throat. Seeing his puppy brown eyes turn glossy was heartbreaking, and the weight of the guilt was crushing her. "Maybe we can facetime when you blow the candles?"
"Of course, babe." he smiled weakly. "I'm sorry for being like this. I know you don't have a choice, and I hate seeing how the guilt is eating you. I promise I'm not mad, and I know that if you could, you would be taking the first flight back home to me. I love you."
"You're allowed to feel sad, J. Don't apologize." Y/N checked the time and let out a curse. It was almost 1AM, and she was going to be late. "Sorry, babe, I've got to go. Have fun, okay? I love you. Happy birthday."
When they hung up, Y/N grabbed her suitcase and left the place she had been staying at while she filmed the movie. Once she arrived to the airport and did the check-in, she texted Jack's mom.
hii, i'm about to board the plane! how's jack?
not going to lie, he's crushed but he'll love the surprise, don't worry❤️
i hate lying to him :( but you're right. i'll see you in a couple of hours!
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JACK’S FRIENDS DRAGGED HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR A WALK AS HIS FAMILY SET EVERYTHING FOR THE BIRTHDAY PARTY. For someone who loved his birthday, he was looking gloomy and not thrilled at all to go on with the party. His friends were tempted to spoil the surprise, just to get the sad frown off Jack’s face, but they knew that his blue mood was going to go away in a couple of minutes.
“Man, you’re going to spend so much birthdays together. And even though Y/N’s not here physically, she’s still going to make sure she’ll be there celebrating with you, even if it's through a phone.” one of his friend bumped him in the shoulder.
“No, I know. It’s not just because it’s my birthday, it’s because I haven’t seen her in a while and I was hoping this could be the excuse we needed to see each other.” his gaze was focused on the broken cobblestones.
“We get it, we do. But you know better than any of us how the industry works.”
He did. He really understood that the situation was beyond Y/N’s hands. She couldn’t abandon set just because her boyfriend was celebrating his birthday. But still, it didn’t make him miss her any less.
When Jack and his friends entered his house again, his mood lifted up a little. Even though his special girl wasn't there, his family and friends came to spend his day with him and that warmed his heart.
“This looks amazing! Thank you.” he said in a cheerful voice as he looked around. The living room was decorated with colourful balloons and confetti thrown on ground. Glued to the wall, there were garlands that read ‘Happy Birthday’ and golden balloons with the number 1 and 9. “I’m going to take a picture for Y/N/N.”
“There’s one more surprise.” his mother exclaimed excited.
Jack frowned but before he could say anything, two hands were covering his eyes from behind him. The tall boy stiffened, he couldn’t see the person but their scent was one he knew all too well. His heart threatened to leap out of his chest as the voice whispered in his ear, “Surprise, birthday boy”
He turned around and quickly lifted her up in his arms, crushing her into a tight hug. “You’re here!” he exclaimed in shock. Y/N gave him a 'I'm right here' smile and then laughed.
“Of course I’m here! I was never going to miss my boyfriend’s birthday.” she said against his neck.
“It never even crossed my mind that you might have been lying.” he laughed in disbelief.
“Well, I hope not. I act for a living, remember?” Y/N said teasingly. Her heart almost exploded at the way Jack was looking at her—sparkling eyes clouded by adoration.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” Jack showed her the smile she adored and had missed so much. He didn't care that his family's eyes were on them, he grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her into a kiss. “Did you always know you were coming or was it recent?”
“Babe, I would’ve never missed your birthday. I told the directors I was coming here weeks ago. We made sure to film the majority of my scenes so that these days they could focus on the ones I wasn’t in.” she explained.
“That’s why you have been so exhausted the past days, you were working your ass off so that you would be able to come and see me?” Jack swore he was about to cry at the revelation.
“And I would do it again.” she said in a confident tone. The way Jack’s face lit up when he saw her? She would do anything to keep him looking at her that way. “Anyways, enough about my very romantic gesture.” she joked. “Let’s celebrate your birthday.”
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IT WAS ALMOST ELEVEN WHEN Y/N AND JACK WERE FINALLY SETTLED INTO THE BED. The girl was trying her best not to fall asleep, while the boy had energy to spare. He was just too happy that tiredness didn’t creep into his body. He was still on cloud nine from his amazing day.
“Thank you for being here. I had the best birthday ever.” Jack smiled widely, resting his head on her shoulder.
“I’m glad, love.” she said with eyes closed as she started playing with his hair, making him sigh contently. “By the way, I’m sorry for making you feel sad when I told you I wouldn’t make it. I hate lying to you and seeing you disappointed was heart wrenching, and I’m truly sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, babe. Your intentions were good. Besides, it was totally worth it.” Jack assured her. “I get to end my day with you, and tomorrow I’ll wake up next to you. I’m living my best life.”
Y/N smiled at his sweet words and bent her head down to press a kiss to his nose. “I love you so much.”
He raised his head and press a kiss to her soft lips. “But I love you more."
"Mmm no, this month I win the battle." she laughed.
Jack grinned like a love-sick puppy, still not believing what she had done for him. "True."
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Hiiiii - just wanted to say I love love love your writing 💗💗 and i have a req but idk if you’re still taking requests if you are yayy!! if not bloop 😪 Anyways you could make this multiple parts if you wanted to build on the storyline more but could you do a Neteyam or Aonung (I cant decide - both extremely beautiful in their own way) x reader. Maybe where Neteyam and y/n have always been close and like eachother but haven’t made it official or clear they want to be mates. All the other girls in the village desperately want Neteyam for themselves (obvi) and a few of them heavily flirt with him in which he is oblivious to making y/n jealous. So she plays hard to get and makes him jealous with Aonung or something. Idk but it can end in some FILTHY smut and then fluff 🤭🤭🤭 ok that’s my req. Thank you and keep up the amazing work!!!😁😁😁❤️
Eyes for You
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Characters: Neteyam Sully (20) x Metkayina reader y/n (19) x Ao’nung (20)
Warnings: nsfw, heavy smut, fluff, first-time, foreplay, oral sex, rut cycle, jealous/protective Neteyam, consent king neteyam, profanity Word count: 6.5k (sorry y’all, I have a problem with overwriting.)
Authors note: I tried to write this while I was experiencing some writers block + burn out, so this honestly isn’t my best work. Regardless, I hope this is okay, anon, and enjoy <3. Also, I’m feeling really inspired to write something that is unrequested. I’ll be temporarily closing my requests to that I can work through my list of requests thus far (even the ones sent in before this post went up), to the best of my abilities :)
Tags: @jakexneytiri (first part is the bow scene you requested)
Synopsis: You and Neteyam like each other but haven’t made it official. You’re promised to Ao’nung even though you don’t like him in that way. You see Neteyam with another girl, and flirt with Ao’nung to get back at him. Neteyam intervenes and makes you his.
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Intro: There isn’t a single girl in the village of Awa’atlu that doesn’t have a strong liking towards Neteyam. This includes you. As soon as Neteyam approached the shore with his hands out in the air, he caught your eye. You came out from behind your promised mate, Ao’nung, and examined the na’vi thoroughly. His tail was thin, just like the rest of his body, and he had darker skin with golden eyes. It was a beautiful sight, and he seemed to think so too, as his face lit up immediately when he first laid eyes on you. Since then, you guys spend most of your time together, as you teach him and his siblings everything they need to know about the reef people. He has even been teaching you his ways too, riding his ikran and learning how to use a bow and arrow. In the silent moments where it’s just you two, the tension is unspoken, and off the charts.
“Hold here, tighter.” He taps your elbow and repositions your grip on the taut string.
He’s so close behind you that you can feel his soft breaths on your shoulder. Each warm, pant that blows against your skin makes your bioluminescence glow, and your ears perk up. You simply can’t deny the way he makes you feel. You glance at him quickly, catching the sight of his serious gaze. You hold the string of the bow tighter and adjust your elbow.
“I can hear your heartbeat.” He whispers next to your ear. “Relax a bit, y/n.” He slides hand down the side of your waist, fixing your stance.
“Likewise.” You whisper back, hearing his heart thumping, too.
He leans into your shoulder, his braids barely brushing against your skin, and loosens your grip on your bow. How could you relax when he’s doing this to you? Does he even know what he’s doing? You turn to look at him, searching for any hint of innocence in his eyes.
He pulls back slightly, looking deeply into your eyes. “You know, it helps if you focus on the target, y/n.” he breathes, placing the tip of his index finger under your chin, using it to turn your head towards the target. It feels like your stomach is fluttering, all from his simple touch. You swallow your spit.
He must know what he’s doing, right?
 You snap your head back to him, to see him smiling at you, glancing down at your lips. Those flutters in your stomach make their way up to your chest, quickening your heartbeat even more. His smile slowly disappears the more his heavy eyes stare at your lips, and you find yourself staring at his, too. Maybe it’s in your head, but it feels like the distance between you two is shrinking.
 You feel his breath on your cheek now, causing your gaze to drop to your feet, and then shoot back up at the target. You clear your throat and reposition your arms. His hand lets go of your waist when he fixes his stance, slightly backing away from you.
He clears his throat, too. “Erm – good.” He looks at the target. “Now, release” he whispers, tapping his finger against your elbow again.
Your arrow completely misses the target. You laugh together, making eye contact again – only to drop your smiles when you feel the tension budding in the air.
“Good try, y/n.” he smiles again, brushing your upper back.
“Thanks, but I’m pretty sure we both saw it miss the target completely.” You laugh, covering your mouth.
He faces turns serious and takes your hand off your face. “You know I don’t like it when you cover your face when you laugh.” He says, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.
You can’t help but smile and stare at him, feeling the warmth in your chest spread throughout your body. “We should go back before our parents get upset.” You whisper, focusing on his lips.
He focuses on your lips, too. “We should. Dad might actually skin me.”
You look down from his lips, landing your stare on his bare, muscular chest. “Well, mine’ll skin you, too if you don’t get me back before the eclipse.” You laugh, using your hands to nudge him towards his ikran.
Though his body moves, his eyes remain locked onto your face.
“...and so would Ao’nung.” You tease, knowing that he hates hearing the name.
He rolls his eyes and walks swiftly to his resting ikran. “Get on, mermaid.”
You giggle, grabbing his hand and hopping on his ikran, seating yourself in front of him. After bonding with his banshee, he takes off, soaring quickly through the air. It’s almost like what happened ten minutes ago happens all over again, with his loud, hot breath on your shoulders, and his hand brushing against your waist – holding onto his ikran.
His warm chest presses lightly against your back, as he steadies his ikran that makes a sharp turn towards the shore. Your heartbeat speeds up. It never used to feel this way – this intense. Sure, being close to him made you nervous, but never this nervous. The flutters in your stomach turn into knots, and it’s almost like he could sense it.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, leaning into your shoulder.
“Yeah. Why?” you ask breathlessly.
“Your heartbeat. It is fast again.” He states, sounding a little worried.
“Oh, that.” you gulp quietly, “I guess I’m just a little motion sick”. You lie, looking down at your hands gripping the seat beneath you.
Immediately the ikran slows down, stabilizing itself even more. His free hand slides over your waist, onto the flat of your belly, and pushes you back into him.
“I’m sorry. Just relax and breathe, you’ll feel better soon.” He whispers into your ear, brushing his cheek against your hair. “Close your eyes.”
You melt into him and allow your heavy eyes to rest. The rest of the flight home is silent and so, so comfortable, that you don’t even realize that you’ve fallen asleep. You wake up to the eclipse occurring, looking down at the glowing arms wrapped around your waist. Not only are you snuggled into his chest, but he is also leaning into you, too.  
You take a sharp breath and sit up quickly, looking around you to see exactly where you are. You’ve landed in the sand, right outside of your marui pod. You turn around to see his glowing amber eyes watching you, with a serious expression on his face, as if he were trying to restrain himself in some way.
“Hi.” You smile, trying to lighten the mood. “Sorry I fell asleep; you should’ve woken me up.”
“I did not want to disturb you. You looked...” the corners of his lips slightly curl upwards, “comfortable.” He lies, realizing it would be creepy to say that ‘you look beautiful even when you’re sleeping’.   
The sound of your father’s voice breaks the growing tension.
“Y/n. I told you to come back before eclipse!” Your father shoots Neteyam a deadly look, storming towards you. Just as you’re about to explain, Neteyam speaks up for you.
“We got here before eclipse, sir. She felt sick and fell asleep. I didn’t want to wake her. I take full responsibility. I’m sorry, sir.” He bows his head at the chief warrior.
Your father shakes his head and comes to help you down his ikran. He drags you back home and you look back at Neteyam, who is waving goodbye to you, pursing his lips.
“You know I do not like you hanging out with that forest boy. You are promised to the son of Olo’eyktan, Ao’nung. Do not bring shame to this family.” Your father scolds you, resting his hand on your shoulder.
You shrug him off and walk away to the Marui pod. “You know I do not want Ao’nung, father. I don’t like him in that way.” You turn around, fuelled with anger. “Why must you force me?” you look at him through teary eyes.  
“Not another word, daughter.” He says sternly, looking you directly in the eye.
You leave and go to bed, crying yourself to sleep.
“This will be your second rut without a mate, Neteyam.” Neytiri states firmly. “Why must you refuse all the beautiful girls that offer themselves to you? I will not continue to see my son suffer.”
“Mother.” He looks at his feet. “I don’t want anyone but y/n. I thought I made this clear. I will continue to spend my ruts alone until she is ready.” Neteyam argues, shaking his head. “I don’t care how painful they become.”
“I will be speaking to your father about your betrothment with Tsireya.” She spits, getting up to find Jake.
“Mother! Please.” Neteyam snaps, standing up behind her.
“Agh!” she grabs at the air in front of his eyes, causing him to jerk his head back. “It is final.”
You disconnect your queue from your ilu and make your way back to the shore. You enjoy your early morning swims, as the water is usually still warm by this time. You see Ao’nung standing at the shore, his hands crossed over his chest, peering at you through his brows (or what would be brows, lol). Ao’nung smirks as you walk on the shore in his direction.
He makes his way over to you, extending his hands outwards, as if he were asking for a hug. “My beautiful mate. I love watching you come out of the water.”
You look down at your feet as you walk past him, trying to avoid eye contact. “Thank you, Ao’nung, but we are not mated.” You mutter.
Ao’nung shouts after you as you walk away. “Agh. I know, I know. We will be soon, my love. No need to be so short with me!”
He knows that you don’t feel the same way about him, yet he continues his feeble attempts at winning your heart daily. Your heart has already chosen Neteyam, and has no space left for Ao’nung, no matter how handsome he may be. You walk up to the grassy part of the mangroves, lifting your head up to see a sight you wish you didn’t.
Neteyam is in front of you, leaning against the large roots of the mangroves, talking to Tsireya, the Olo’eyktan’s daughter. Her beauty is stunning – absolutely breath taking. You could see that he feels this way too just from the way he gazes down at her with the biggest smile on his face. She, too, is smiling with him, brushing against his bicep with her hand.
Jealousy consumes you. The feeling is like a spear to the heart – deep and painful. The pain radiates off your chest, up to your face, reddening it as your eyes sting, pooling with tears. You stand there, frozen in time, just taking in the sight before you. Neteyam laughs, and shakes his head, as if he were telling her ‘no’ to something.
He catches a glimpse of you in his peripheral vision, and does a double take, looking directly at you. When his gaze meets yours and he realizes that your eyes are glossy from tears, his smile falls off his face. You look away, and turn around quickly, hoping that he didn’t see your tearful eyes. You walk hastily back to Ao’nung, with the image of him laughing with the prettiest girl in the village replaying in your head.
“Hey, pretty.” Ao’nung says huskily.
You force a smile on your face. “Sorry if I came off as rude a while ago. I’m not feeling great.” You lie.
He takes a few steps towards you, with concern written all over his face. “What is wrong?”
You didn’t want to tell him the truth – that you were feeling jealous about his sister of all people. “I’m just sore. The water was rough this morning.” You look up at him, meeting his blue-eyed gaze, seeing that he looks worried. “It’s just my back. I’m alright. Really.” You smile at him, thanking him silently for being so concerned.
Unbeknownst to you, Neteyam had made his way over to you the moment he laid eyes on you. He stood at the grassy area by the mangroves, watching the interaction between you and your fated mate intently. Ao’nung inches closer to your face and rests his hand on your waist.  
“Crying over a sore back? It must be bad.” He moves swiftly behind you. “You do know my mother is Tsahik, yes? She has taught me quite a bit.” He places his other hand on your upper back. “Where does it hurt the most?”
You feel uncomfortable with his touches and turn around to face him, pulling away from his advances. You see Neteyam in your peripheral vision, seething from jealousy and anger, watching the two of you closely. (side eye, lol)
Is he jealous?
The thought of you making him jealous, too, makes you feel better, as bad as it sounds. You work with the situation, flipping it to your advantage. You focus back on Ao’nung, and smile at him.
“Thank you, Ao’nung.” You rub his bicep, sending Neteyam over the edge. “But I’m really alright.”
Ao’nung arches a brow and looks down at your hand rubbing his bicep. He looks up back up at you and grins, wrapping his hand around your waist. “Took you long enough to come around, my mate.” He pulls you into him, leaning in, staring at your lips.
Its only now dawning on you what you just got yourself into. You feel uncomfortable – on edge. You feel like running away, but you’re frozen, watching him inch in closer to you. Neteyam watches you two get closer, feeling pangs of pain in his chest. He really didn’t think you would choose him, even if you guys were promised to each other. He always knew deep down that there was something between the two of you, it just wasn’t official.
But he couldn’t stop you. He would never come between you and what you want. All he can do is accept it for what it is, no matter how much anger he’s feeling. If you choose Ao’nung, then so be it. His only concern is your happiness, and for it to be your choice. He drops his gaze to his feet, not being able to stand the sight.
It feels wrong, very wrong. You didn’t want this. You didn’t want Ao’nung, you want Neteyam. You break eye contact with Ao’nung, and finally put your hands against his chest, pushing him away from you.
“Wait, Ao’nung. I’m sorry. I, I-” You stutter, turning your head to avoid his gaze and lips. “I’m still not ready, yet.” Neteyam hears this, and his ears perk up as his head snaps back to you.
“Don’t back out on me now, pretty girl.” He cups your cheek and pulls your face in his line of sight.
“Stop, Ao’nung.” You pull your face out of his hand and take a step back, as your eyes start to well up with tears again.
“Y/n. You are promised to me.” Ao’nung says sternly. “How long are you going to take? My rut is coming soon.” He pulls you back into him by your waist, causing you to fall into his chest.
Neteyam doesn’t waste another second and rushes in, braids swinging in his face, and pushes Ao’nung away from you. “You heard what she said.” He growls, towering over Ao’nung.
You hide behind Neteyam, backing away from them both. They’re face to face, staring each other down, waiting to see who will back down first.
Two sons of Olo’eyktan challenging one another? Over me?
“Leave Neteyam. This does not concern you.” Ao’nung looks him up and down.
“No. Back. Off. Now.” he steps towards him, poking Ao’nung’s chest with his finger.
Ao’nung scoffs, shaking his head. “She is promised to me.” He steps towards him. “Mine.”
You’d never seen Neteyam this angry before. You could see the rage in his body language, he looks like an akula (shark-like animal) ready to strike.
“She is promised to nobody. She chooses who she wants.” He snarls, flashing his fangs.
Ao’nung looks behind Neteyam, directly in your eyes. He squints them, looking from you, to Neteyam, realizing that you both have feelings for each other and the ‘choice’ he speaks of is between him and Neteyam. Ao’nungs face relaxes, knowing this will just end in a fight - a fight that makes no sense. He takes a step back putting his hands in the air.
“Smart choice.” Neteyam growls. He turns around to look at you, his eyes were a deep gold, something you’ve never seen before. He shakes his head, as if he were disappointed in you and grabs you by the hand, leading you towards a hidden cave deep in the roots of the mangroves.
“What were you thinking?” He asks with his back turned to you, not being able to look you in the face.
“What were you thinking?” You shout back, still upset with him.
He turns around, walking towards you quickly, towering over you now. You look up at him, feeling small and feeble compared to his size.
“What? Don’t think I could’ve taken him?” he scoffs, shaking his head.
“I’m not talking about that, skxwang (idiot). I’m talking about you being all lovey-dovey with his sister.” You see his expression change; his gaze softens, and he pulls back. “Yeah, I saw you.” You cross your arms and turn around.
He laughs, loudly, finally understanding the entire situation. You’re both upset about the same thing.
“What’s so fucking funny?” you mumble, back still turned to him.
“We are upset about the same thing.” He slides his hand down your arm, and holds your hand, pulling you towards him.
You turn around, looking him in the eyes. “What?”
“You are jealous of Tsireya, and I am jealous of Ao’nung. What does that tell you?” he smiles, taking your other hand into his.
You roll your eyes and pull away from him. “I don’t even like Ao’nung, you know this. But Tsireya... She is the prettiest girl in the village, why wouldn’t you want her?”
“Y/n... That is not even true.” he scoffs, knowing you’re the most beautiful girl on pandora, “...and it is not what you think.” He grabs your hand again, pulling you into him. “Tsireya and I were just having a conversation.”
“Oh, yeah? A conversation... with her touching your arm like that? Come on.” You hit his hand away.
“Yes. We were making this stupid situation that we are in into a joke. My parents, they are trying to promise me to her, which is stupid because I already explained to them that I have eyes for someone else. And she – she even confessed to me that she has eyes for Lo’ak. It is really nothing like that.” He shakes his head, backing away to give you the space you want.  
Your glossy eyes peer up at him, searching for the sincerity in his eyes. “Who?” you mutter.
He looks at you, confused. “Who?”
“Who do you have eyes for?” you ask, feeling the same stabbing feeling in your heart.
“Is it not obvious, y/n?” He whispers, stepping towards you. “I only have eyes for you.” he whispers, taking your hands into his.
Hearing these words make your heart flicker in your chest. You can’t help but smile, the swell of your cheeks finally pushing a tear out of your eye.
“I only have eyes for you, too.” You whisper, sliding your hands up his arms.
You knew your father would be upset if he found out what you were about to do, but you didn’t care. Neteyam didn’t care either, it’s time to break the unspoken tension between the two of you. Neteyam leans into you, his gaze fixed on your lips. You find your body responding to him, tilting your head upwards to meet the gaze of the man in front of you.
“Can I kiss you?” Neteyam asks, wrapping his hands around your waist.
“Please.” You breathe, before feeling his lips crash into yours, reeking of desperation.
He kisses you passionately, but in an inexperienced way. His hands are all over your body, trying to touch every inch of you. He backs you up against the rocky wall, and moves his feverish kisses down your neck, to your collarbones. Your hands make their way to his chest, where they slide down to his stomach, feeling every dip of his muscular physique.
“You are so beautiful, y/n.” He mumbles in between kisses, looking up at you with dark amber eyes.
You giggle, feeling shy from his comment. “Why are your eyes different?” you ask, trying to change the topic.
He kisses the bone between your breasts, inhaling your natural scent. “What do you mean?” he mumbles into your chest.
You feel your nipples harden, and shivers run down your back. “Your eyes, they are darker than usual.”
“Oh, sorry.” He pulls back, blinking rapidly, hoping they’ll change back to their original colour. “My rut is coming in a week.” He nestles back into your chest, lingering there, waiting for your consent.
The thought of him in rut, unable to control his insatiable urges, makes your undergarments wet. You nudge his head over to your left breast, while your free hand unties the knot of your top. Both your movements are hurried, eager for each other’s touches. He takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks on it rhythmically, blowing hot breaths through his nostrils onto your breast.
“Mmnh, feels so good.” You moan softly. He bites your nipple gently. “Neteyam!” You gasp, pulling his head even closer into you.
The sound of you moaning his name makes him impatient, sucking even harder at your nipple, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. His big golden eyes stare up at you, like you’re something to be devoured. He unlatches from your nipple and kisses you again, his tongue exploring your mouth and intertwining with your tongue.
He kneads your breast with one hand and uses the other to play with the strap of your loincloth. You could feel his burning desire for you in his movements; he’s ready to take you right here. He shoves his knee between your legs, applying pressure to your cunt. You moan into his mouth and can’t resist humping at his leg.
“Shit.” He groans, applying even more pressure for you to hump at. “I like when you use me like that.”
You laugh between heavy breaths, feeling your slick wet his thigh. He notices, too. “Fuck, you’re that wet already?” he breathes, smiling with raised brows.
He kisses you again, like he can’t get enough of your touch. He kicks your legs open and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his hips. He’s pinning you against the wall, pushing his pelvis into yours. You feel the imprint of his cock through his loincloth, pressing against your hot, wet slit. It feels so thick, and warm, bulging against you, throbbing for some attention.
The friction against your clit feels amazing, like the heat from your cunt is making its way through the rest of your body in waves. The pressure in your chest builds to the point where you must release it through loud moans, and pants. All you can do is bury your face into the crook of his neck while he pins you to the wall and bucks his hips into you.
“Neteyam... it’s so thick.” You whisper shyly, now smelling his musky scent. “...and you smell so good.”
Neteyam is too busy willing himself to be gentle with his thrusts to listen to what you’re saying. He wants to take you right here, right now – to shove his cock inside of you in one thrust and fuck you carelessly for even looking at Ao’nung.
“Why did you touch Ao’nung like that? You should only be touching me like that.” he thrusts hard against your cunt.
You can feel how stiff his cock is, rutting into your plump cunt like that, eager for some release.
“Yeah? And you should only be touching me like this.” You take his hand and press it firming against your breast.
He kneads your breast and kisses you roughly, breathing hard through his nose. All the tension that has been building since his arrival to your village is finally coming to a head. You grab his face and melt even further into his kiss, squeezing your legs that wrap around his hips, trying to push him harder against you.
He pulls away from the kiss, catching his breath. “Can I taste you here?” he pants, looking down at your sticky pelvises rubbing against each other.
“Ugh... yes, Nete.” You whimper, desperate for your mate’s touches.
He puts you down and starts kissing your neck, making his way down your chest once more. You will yourself to stand on your shaky legs, weak from holding onto him so tightly. He kisses your stomach, paying extra attention to your belly button with his tongue. The sensation is so erotic, feeling him inch his way down to your most vulnerable part. He’s breathing in deeply, trying to savour the scent of your cunt.
He kneels before you, looking up at you with big golden saucers for eyes, fiddling with the straps of your loincloth, asking you silently if he can take it off. You look down at him and nod your head, using your hand to try pull down your undergarments. As soon as he gets your consent, he buries his nose into your hips, and slides his fingers underneath the cloth, slowly pulling it down your legs.
He’s grunting into your soft flesh, kissing your thighs and your plump pussy lips. He gently opens your trembling legs, that struggle to remain standing, and looks up at you while he uses his tongue to part your lips. The flavour of your cunt is so sweet – so enticing, that he closes his eyes to fully immerse himself in the experience of eating you out, swallowing the slick that pools in his cheeks.
Although he is inexperienced, he follows his body’s commands, lapping at the sensitive nub at the top of your slit. He feels your body jolt from pleasure, telling him that he’s just found your sweet spot. He sucks lightly at your clit, opening his mouth and licking you from your hole up to your pearl, engulfing it with his hot mouth. He uses his thumbs to spread your pussy lips apart as he makes out with your cunt, looking back up at you.
The sensation is too good, you feel like your legs are going to give out any second. Your hips thrust into his face on their own, already chasing your orgasm. Covering your mouth with your hand, you stop yourself from letting loose the loud moans that make their way up your throat. Your free hand explores the wall you lean against, trying to find something to hold on to. Neteyam notices this and takes your hand, placing it on his head. You weave your fingers through his braids and hold on tightly, as he eats your cunt hungrily.
Not being able to hold back your moans anymore, you drop your hand from your mouth and place it on his head. You let your head dip back as you let loose lengthy mewls into the air as you experience your intense climax. You look down to see Neteyam touching himself, rubbing his bulge with his hand as he laps at your sopping cunt. You want nothing more than to share your next climax with him.
“Fuck... I wanna cum with you, ‘teyam.” You moan breathlessly, legs trembling uncontrollably as you try to push away his head.
He peers up at you, gulping your juices loudly before pulling away from your throbbing cunt. He stands quickly, meeting his lips with yours, having you taste your own cum. He kisses you frantically, still touching himself.
“Mine to touch.” You slap away his hand and grab his growing bulge.
He moans at your aggressive advances. You pull down his loincloth in a hurry, to hear the slap of his cock against his belly. You look down to see his monstrous cock, oozing beads of precum out of its pink, mushroom-like head. His slick is shiny, glistening in the light that reflects against the water outside of the cave. It looks so tempting.  
“I want to taste you, too.” You announce, quickly dropping to your knees.
His warm, rock-hard cock brushes against your cheek. You take a deep breath and hold it to savour his musky scent. You release your hot breath through your nose, as you rub your closed mouth up and down against his shaft. The heat of your breath against his sensitive, throbbing cock sends his head back in frustration – he’s eager for you to take him in your mouth. You sense his desperation, and lick the tip of his cock, swirling your tongue around his cockhead. He bucks his hips suddenly, sliding his cock over your closed eye.
You let out a breathy laugh. “Want to fuck my face that badly?” You lick his cock from the base of his shaft, back up to his tip and take him into your mouth.
His cock is so thick and girthy that it stings the corners of your mouth when he thrusts inside down your mouth. He’s pressing his hands firmly against the rocky wall behind you, trying to prevent himself from ramming his entire length down your slippery throat. You suck harshly, paying attention to his swollen cockhead as you bob your head up and down.
“F-fuck.” He groans, dropping his head, feeling overstimulated “I need to be inside you.” He grips you by the hair and pulls you off his cock, standing you up. He’s panting like a maniac, backing you up against wall yet again, kissing you hungrily.
“So, fuck me, Neteyam.” You grunt into his mouth, reaching down to stroke his swollen cock.
“Shit. Spread your legs for me.” He moans into your mouth between feverish kisses.
You obey him, opening your legs as wide as you can whilst standing up. His fingers rub against your slit, coating themselves with your glossy slick. You whine against his fingers, trying to grasp them with the walls of your cunt. He rams two fingers inside you, scissoring them to stretch your hole out enough for his cock.
“Nghh, Neteyam... make me yours.” You pant, trying to grind into his fingers. “Just put it in, already” you whine, trying to replace his fingers with his cock.
“Patience, my love.” He pants, trying to be gentle with you. “It is your first time, no? You must be stretched.” He hums, inserting his third digit inside of you.
You feel like you’re losing it, you just need his cock inside of you. “Please. I need this.” You beg, gripping his member.
His hand is pressing against the wall; his wrist brushing against your neck as he looks deeply into your eyes – forehead to forehead. He searches your eyes for your bluff, to be met with your serious glare. He’s so eager to fuck you that he can’t even hold himself back anymore to stretch you out properly.
“Fuck, y/n.” he exhales, moving his hand from your slit and turning you around, pressing you roughly against the wall.
Your tail sways wildly from side to side, tickling his throbbing cock, as you look behind you at your soon-to-be mate. You see him reach for his queue, running his hand along its length before bringing it forward. Knots form in your stomach knowing that he’s about to make the bond with you. He takes his hand off your head and reaches for your queue, bringing it towards his.
He pauses, waiting for your word – for your consent.
“Yes, Neteyam. Do it.” You say through shaky breaths, feeling your slick drip down your legs from the thought of him being all yours. You knew this would upset many people close to you, but you didn’t care.
He watches closely as your tendrils wrap around each other, morphing together to form a unified connection. Your eyes bulge and dilate as you both take a sharp breath, feeling your bodies and minds sync together. He looks down at you, and you look behind you to meet his gaze, knowing his every thought – knowing exactly how badly he wants you.
You’re panting at the mere thought of him ploughing into your cunt. He presses you against the wall with his body, pushing his bulge against your slit, coating it with your thick nectar. He leans into your ear, brushing his lips against it, just taking in the feeling of his mate. You feel him grip his cock and rub the tip against your hole. You feel his restraint – his struggle to fight the urge to bury himself inside you.
Please... hurry. You pant, pushing yourself back onto him.
Say the words, y/n. Use your voice.
“Fuck me.” You moan breathlessly, feeling his hot breath against the back of your neck. “Please.” you whisper.
“Good girl.” he smiles into your shoulder, lifting one of your legs up in the air, spreading you wide enough to accommodate him.
He slides the tip in slowly, giving you time to adjust to his thickness. It feels as if you’re overly full – stuffed to the brim with Neteyam’s huge cock, and it isn’t even half way in yet. You whimper loudly, from the mixture of pain and pleasure of taking something this massive inside of you. Neteyam cups your mouth with his hand, muffling your loud, lewd noises.
“Shhh... Mawey. You don’t want your father hearing us, do you?” he growls into your neck, slipping into his hazy fog of desperation. Your whimpers quiet down into soft mewls as your cunt stretches to the sheer girth of his cock. He praises you by planting soft wet kisses on the nape of your neck.
“That’s a good girl.” He groans into your neck, inhaling your natural scent. “You are taking me so well.” He looks down at the sight of his mate taking his cock for the first time, causing him to lose his control for a split second.
“Although, I would love to have Ao’nung hear this.” He rams his entire cock inside of your cunt in one swift thrust, getting the pain over with for you.
“Agh! Neteyam!” You yelp out a long, loud scream, feeling overstimulated from the mixture of sensations happening all at once.
Hearing his name roll of your tongue in such a lewd manner causes him to fall deeper into the haze he’s under. He’s breathing heavily into your shoulder, enduring the tightness of your cunt as it clenches around his entire length, willing himself not to pump in and out of you.
“Mmn’ you okay?” he mumbles, focusing on being as gentle as he possibly can with you.
“Sst. ‘ts too big, it stings, Nete!” you panic, frantically trying to accommodate to his size.
“Shh... I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses your neck while rubbing circles into your thighs, patiently waiting for you to get comfortable. “But you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this... wanting you.” he growls.
Flutters are felt in your stomach, yet again, making you want him even more. “Me too, Nete... I’ve wanted you from the moment I first lay eyes on you.” You say between shaky breaths. “You can move now.” You moan, feeling more pleasure than pain as you back yourself up on him.
Those were the only words he needed to hear. He begins thrusting into you with no rhythm, grinding his cockhead against the hole of your cervix. He moves his hand in front of your body, tracing the dips of your stomach as he makes his way down to your swollen clit. He rubs circles into your wet pearl as he ruts relentlessly into you.
“Oh, good Eywa. Neteyam!” a new sensation washes over you as he fucks right into your sweet spot.
“Fuck. You’re so... *thrust* fucking small... *thrust* so tiny... *thrust* and tight.” he grunts into your ear, rolling your clit between his fingers. “Shit. You’re just sucking me in.”
He’s pounding into you at this point, unable to restrain himself from his territorial urges, fuelled by the jealousy of seeing Ao’nung touch you in that way. You could feel that his climax is near, as yours is nearing too. Your leg is shaking, about to give out at any moment. He takes notice of this, and lifts your other leg, causing you to slump back into him as he fucks you suspended in the air.
He weaves his arms under your knees and around the back of your head, spreading your legs as wide as they can possibly go. He is pounding into you so hard that you can feel his balls slap against your sore clit. His movements become erratic, like he’s going to cum inside of you any second. The heat is overwhelming, like you’re about to implode from the sheer force of his thrusts.
“Fuck! ‘m gonna cum!” you cry, finally feeling the burning sensation in your chest shoot down into your pelvis. Your walls clench tightly around his cock, on the verge of pulsating.
“Oh – oh fuck.” He huffs, quickly climbing to his peak. “Moan my name. Tell me who you are really promised to.” he groans, licking the dip of your shoulder.
“Ngh... Ne-neteyam! I’m promised to you! Oh – I’m cumming!” your cunt throbs quickly as you cum to the sound of his sweaty skin slapping against yours, burying his pulsating cock deep into your cunt.
“Gooood girl. Cum all over my cock” he grunts into your ear, cumming inside of you. “Ughh... fuck.” he groans, looking down at his cock spurting its thick, heavy ropes of cum into your cunt.
He rests his head into your shoulder, desperately trying to calm down from his high. He’s panting hot breathes onto your clammy skin, already being consumed by his urges yet again. He uncontrollably bucks his hips into you, as you feel his low mewls vibrate into your shoulder. He’s whimpering from the overstimulation of his body rutting into you after just cumming.
“Y/n. You need to go.” He growls, suddenly pulling out of you and releasing your legs – causing you to fall to your knees, breaking tsaheylu. You turn your head around and look up at Neteyam to be met with reptilian-like, green eyes, peering down at you.
“Neteyam?” you pant breathlessly, already knowing what’s happening.
Your mate just went into rut.
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vee-xxo · 1 year
☆☆☆- random Katsuki Bakugou relationship headcanons of mine
Since ppl loved the first, here's more only for u 😍😍😍
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Right so before u guys start dating this bitch does not know how to flirt
Call him "pretty boy" and he just tells you to shut the fuck up 💀
"Hey hot stuff~" "Eat shit and die."
This also doesnt change when ur dating sry
Except maybe he'll look away a lil shy
He does actively like look for u
But he'll be VERY secretive n just so happens to be wherever u go
Not in a stalker kinda way, u know he does it
But god forbid anyone else figure that out
Tbh he's a huge show off
Which is not news at all BUT a big difference for him
Cus when he knows ur watching, in his mind he's all like "😈 muhaha they're losing their shit rn"
& when he's done he'll sideeye the shit outta u just to see if ur blushing or something
Imagine ur just like "🥱🥱"
He explodes
Just falls over & dies lmao
But only emotionally
Outside he'll be like
"Uhh fuckin uh idc uhh I don give a fuck"
But he was lying, he did give a fuck😔😔
He doesnt know shit
When u first kiss hes so fucking worried bro omg
Like it's just a lil peck, but uhh
It's probably rlly short
Unless u can keep him calm somehow, then it might actually be kinda nice
He'd last like 5 secs before quickly pulling away
After that he'll just stare at you like
👁👁 (imagine theres angry brows)
It's up to you to say sth cus his mouth is SHUT
Remember how I said hes private w his relationship?
If not, I said it riiiight here ;D
Yea so eventually ppl will know
ESPECIALLY the Bakusquad :DD
He'll be like "THATS acting like a man, Bakugou!" assuming u guys r healthy together ofc
The other three r also happy ofc
But theres one thing they all got on their mind more
"How tf is he dating someone before us??"
Good question tbh
Well it probably went somewhat like this:
"HEY DUMBASS!" You heard, angry footsteps approaching. "Bwuh?" You made a confused noise, turning to see Bakugou, in all his shitty posture. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, elbows locked and his head lowered, making his choppy bangs fall over his eyes. "You..." He rasped out, one hand rising up, pointing a threatening, naked finger directly at you. It seemed as though even the muscles in his fingers had tensed up entirely. 'Oh shit.' You thought to yourself. What did you do now? Did you say something wrong? Teased him one too many times? But your thoughts halted once his hand switched to show his thumb pointing at Bakugou himself. "I'M TAKING YOU TO THE ARCADE! THIS SATURDAY, TWO PM!" He barked out. You could see his face now. His jaw was clenched shut, his teeth pressing together in tension while his red eyes stared seemingly into your soul. Like he was trying to intimidate you, distracting you from what might be the sound of his heart pounding in his chest, like it was about to explode. "Uh." Was your first reaction. "O- Okay?" Was your second. "GOOD." He yelled. Shoving his hand back in his pocket, he turned around, snapping his head back down into its previous position as the stomped off. "DON'T BE LATE!" He added as he fled the interaction.
"Huh." You thought to yourself.
HIIIII :DDD Thank u guys SO MUCH for all the support on my previous headcanons! I even added a little scenario for you at the end this time! I hope you enjoyed this post as much as the last! If you did, let me know and I might make a third ;))))❤❤❤
ALSO before I leave, I started writing a Bakugou x y/n slow burn, updates take a while, but I hope I can catch your interest enough to check it out! Thank you so much in advance!! <3333
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hockeyboysimagines · 6 months
Hiiiii bestie! Can you write number 6 from the romance list with Arber pleaseeee? 💗
Love this. Love youuuuu🤍
There was nothing better, in your opinion, than weddings.
The magic in the air. The emotions. The feels.
The open bar.
Going to weddings was one of your favorite things to do in the entire world, and it was even more fun now that you were able to go with Arber. If there was one thing you loved more than weddings, it was him.
He was an absolute gift, one you weren’t always sure you deserved, but were thankful for nonetheless. He had filled your life with sunlight when it was dark, and made you see that there was still some good left in the world. Even though you wanted nothing to do with him, now you couldn’t imagine what your life would be like without him.
You gave his hand a little squeeze as you watched the bride, a friend from work, make her way down the aisle. She looked amazing in her gown, smiling widely as she neared the groom, who was teary eyed at the end of the aisle.
“She looks amazing in that dress.” You whispered.
“You look amazing in this dress.” He said leaning down to kiss your cheek.
You blushed.
He was always making you blush, even when he wasn’t meaning to. Even him just smiling at you, could bring a redness to your face that you had come to love. It had made you feel awkward in the beginning, not used to someone choosing words to describe you that were so nice, as ones used in the past weren’t always.
But now it made you feel high on joy when you heard them. He had made your life whole.
The ceremony was beautiful, magical, and filled with good feelings as they said their vows and he kissed the bride, applause filling the air.
There was music and dancing and you were smiling like a lunatic on the dance floor waving him over from where he sat with some of the other guys “Arber! Come dance with me!”
He smiled and shook his head, standing and making his way over to you sweeping you up and letting you sway him softly to the music, which happened to be your favorite song. You breathed him in.
“Thanks for dancing with me. I know it’s not your thing.” You said softly, eyes closed, head resting against his chest. You could feel his heart beating through his shirt and your cheeks were warm from the wine and you couldn’t think of anywhere in the world you would rather be “This makes me so happy.”
“Good.” His voice was soft, hands resting on your waist as he leaned down to kiss the crown of your head “That means I’m doing my job.”
“Are you happy?” You tipped your head back to look up at him, hair spilling down your back.
He nodded “Me being happy, fortunately coincides with making you happy.” He said glancing down, running a hand down your hair and smiling sweetly at you “And I’ll never stop trying to make you happy.”
You smiled up at him, like he had personally hung the moon and stars in the sky “You don’t have to try to make me happy. Being with you is enough.”
He smiled and leaned down to kiss you right there in the middle of the dance floor.
Gosh you loved weddings.
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i99zhuo · 3 months
Hii Im a ONCE 🍭It will make my day if you can make guides for my bias and bias wrecker .Sana and Tzuyu respectively 💗🍭😭
How to live like Sana °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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This is a guide on daily routines inspired by Minatozaki Sana! thank you for the request, tzuyu guide will come soon!
content list (routines):
shower and self care 
(_ _�� ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧   ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊· 
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✸ ꒰ morning routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
🌅 First things first, Sana usually wakes up super early in the morning to go to work! try to always wake up at 8am at least, this logically gives you more time to do stuff and be extra productive!
Now, head to your kitchen to get a glass of water (or you can leave one in your room the night before) and drink it so you can fully wake up.
🏝 Then, it's time to get ready! Sana has a cute mix of comfy and feminine style, so feel free to copy her outfits for casual days. She then does her makeup, she usually does a cute and sexy style, using techniques to soften her bone structure, remember to always research which makeup techniques are the best for your face shape and features. Lastly, do your hair, Sana sometimes does an updo hairstyle, but she just leaves it down most of the time. Also, remember to pack a lip gloss so you can retouch your lips anywhere.
Study in your dead time, like when you're on your way to school! This will ease the weight of work later and make you have things fresh in your memory.
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✸ ꒰ study routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
🗿 Yes, Sana has the prettiest, cutest handwriting in all Japanese, English and Korean. You can try and practice your handwriting while studying so you can memorize everything while making pretty and organized notes.
Sana says that while studying on where you are doing your exams you should have 3 candies with you (if you're allowed to eat in class), this will wake you up and give you more energy!
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✸ ꒰ workout routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
🏄🏼‍♀️ First, Sana spends most of her time dancing to powerful and energetic choreographies for all Twice songs, keep that in mind and try to learn to dance to any rhythm of your liking. 
Second, for her workout routine, opt for a cardio or full body toning workout, try to emphasize on toning your legs from time to time. And add a yoga or stretching season after you're done with your routine!
🍹 Sana likes to have a bowl of yummy raspberries after she’s done with work, you can have any fruit as a reward snack!
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✸ ꒰ shower and self care routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
Before showering, play some music and wash your hands so you can wash both your face and body with clean hands.
🍧 After showering, apply serum, night cream and night eye cream on your face and take a massager to massage your face and neck! 
Sana has two products she uses the most, those are lip balm and hand cream! It's best to apply lip balm and hand cream after you get out of the shower to lock in extra moisture, just let your hands dry before doing it.
🥥 For self care you can try to have a penpal or write letters to your friends as a gift. If you don't feel like it, try to write a letter for your future self to read in the future, you can get inspiration on Pinterest!
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✸ ꒰ night routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
Time for dinner! Sana always has a really full dinner usually consisting of spicy food.
🌊 Now, it's time to relax and check your phone or social media for a little, you can also watch movies while laying in bed.
Before going to bed, sana stretches every night with momo, do this stretching routine to completely relax your body before sleeping!
🌷 Finally, use some hair ties and clips to get your hair out of your face, if either your face or hair are greasy it can clog your pores and cause pimples around your hairline or forehead, so it's better to prevent anything.
Good night!
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(_ _  ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧   ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊· 
hiiiii, so this and tzuyu's guide are actually my last requests! so when I publish tzuyu's guide I will be re-opening my requests, although idk if I should keep doing this series cuz its getting quite repetitive, but let me know! maybe we should give it some rest and start a new one, what do u guys think?
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wonuwrites · 2 months
hiiiii, I was thinking about how the members of seventeen would react to you working at Marvel, you being Black widow 🥺🥺Thank you❤��💗
heyyy I kinda wrote something similar to this here if you were interested. xo
However, Black Widow is hot and writing about supportive Seventeen is one of my favorite things ever so I got you <3 p.s SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER
Song used to write this: Black Widow by In This Moment <3 (any other emocarats out there? god dammit I love In This Moment.)
p.s.s I wrote member x afab reader <3
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-> S. Coups:
When you got the call that you successfully got the role for 'Black Widow' you called Seungcheol quickly after. He shouted the news to the members who he was with and soon you had thirteen men shouting congratulations to you. Seungcheol would try to come over as soon as he could be to celebrate with you 1 on 1.
-> Jeonghan:
Jeonghan had sat next to you waiting for news. When the phone call finally came, he held your hand as you both listened to the call. When the call confirmed you were about to be Black Widow he would have the biggest smile on his face. Like- of course you were the best person for this role. You're hot, Black Widow is hot. He was so excited to see you perfect this role.
-> Joshua:
You ran into the living room where Jisoo and Seokmin were watching a movie while calling Jisoo's name. He paused the movie and looked up at you who was basically jumping up and down, "I got the part for Black Widow!" You told both of the guys in your living room. They both jumped up and cheered with you. Jisoo kissed your temple and just felt so much pride on your behalf.
-> Jun:
When you told Jun you were auditioning for Black Widow, he was 99.99% sure you were getting that part. So when you got the news you were going to be the next Black Widow, he literally said "I told you so!" He was so proud of you and would pick you up and spin you around. Cute all around <3
-> Hoshi:
You would get the call as you were both on your way to a date. You would put the phone on speaker so Soonyoung could hear the news at the same time. When the producer informed you that you were the new Black Widow he quickly pulled over so he could give you a hug and congratulate you properly. He would feel so emotional about this news and would be staring at you with even more pride than he had for you before.
-> Wonwoo:
Oh Wonwoo... This Marvel stan would get a hard on when he found out his sexy as hell girlfriend gets to be the sexy spy "Natasha Romanoff." If anyone could do it other than ScarJo it was you. He would ask for you to bring the outfit home just so he could see what you look like in it. *wink wonk*
-> Woozi:
You forwarded the email to Jihoon as soon as you got it before you read it. Once you were brave enough to read it you were in shock. How the hell did you manage to become Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow?! Jihoon came over as soon as possible with flowers and your favorite food with the biggest smile on his face. He loved seeing people in his corner succeed and seeing his favorite girl succeed was perfection to him.
-> Dokyeom:
Seokmin jumped for joy as soon as he heard the news that his beautiful girlfriend was going to star in a Marvel movie as Black Widow? He would brag about it to the other members like: "yeah your partners are cool and all but are they going to be Marvel's next Black Widow?" He would be so cocky about your accomplishment it was heartwarmingly hilarious.
-> Mingyu:
The pride this man felt when you told him that Marvel casted you was unmarked. Mingyu would pull you into a hug and just coo at you because that's his girl. His little superstar. When you told him you were auditioning, he already was planning on where you both would go to celebrate. He would just be so proud of you and would be your biggest fan on social media as well.
-> Minghao:
You would text Minghao to come over because you had to tell him something. He would rush over thinking it was something bad but when he realized you were okay and just wanted to share that you got Black Widow he would be so proud and excited. He would pick you up and spin you around before pressing a kiss on your lips. He was your biggest fan and knew that you deserved this role and many more roles in the future.
-> Seungkwan:
Like I said in my other post, Seungkwan is your personal cheerleader. So like Jeonghan, he would be sitting next to you as you got the call and would cover his mouth when you both got the news. As soon as you hung up the phone you both just started screaming fueling off each others excitement and energy.
-> Vernon:
Oh my lanta, Chwe Hansol would be SO proud of you when you got the role of Black Widow. He would be with you every step of the way. He would do things to show you how proud he was instead of just saying he was proud of you. Not to say that he wouldn't be vocal to you, he just wouldn't be as vocal imo.
-> Dino:
ngl expect a Seokmin 2.0 with Channie lol. He would be so proud of you, he would brag about it to anyone who listened. The type of guy to pull up a picture of you and just be like "LOOK AT MY BABY, SHE'S A BADASS?!?!!" He might get roasted by members when he would get this way because "what's it like having a girlfriend that's more cool than you?" Bullying victim aside, you couldn't erase the smile away from him. He just was so proud of you.
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so-many-sainz · 2 years
yn.jpg — lando norris
instagram edit
pairing: pr assistant!yn x lando norris
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Liked by landonorris, patriciooward and 328.458 others
mclaren soooo @yn.jpg????????
View 259 comments
yn.jpg hiiiii there 💗
lando.jpg 😌😌😌
danielricciardo oh, definetly a trendsetter landonorris
yninstagram not really
↪️ landonorris @yninstagram is that so???
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 11.269 others
yn.jpg thanks for the warm welcome @daniel3.jpg @lando.jpg love you guys 💞🥺
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landonorris my lady, always a pleasure
carlossainz55 having fun without me, i see
yn,jpg neverrrrr carlitos
charlotte_sefton best pr assistant ever🥹
yninstagram that´s YOU missy, miss you sm 💗💗
yn.jpg added to their story
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Liked by danielricciardo and 9.654 others
yn.jpg the norris special. 😎🙂
View 78 comments
landonorris what a man huh
landocloset_ i cant take it anymore
yn,jpg too bad
norrisbaby OMG YN!!!
maxfewtrell 😏😏
fan1 yn throwing content everywhere
danielricciardo i'm jealous tbh
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 136.894 others.
landonorris hectic day but there is always a moment to pose for this girl @yn,jpg Edited: 2 minutes ago
View 548 comments
georgerussell63 excuse meee???
fan5 my girl????? MY GIRL???
fan8 stop it, HE EDITED IT
carslando FREAKING OUT
yninstagram looking cute booiii
carlossainz55 no u didn´t
landonorris yes i did
pierregasly just friends my ass
yninstagram stop it!! we´re the bestest friends 😛
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Liked by pierregasly and 25.485 others
yninstagram birthday bliss 👯‍♂️🫰🏻🪩❤️‍🔥
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charlotte_sefton happy birthday yn!! love uuuuu 🥳🎉🪅
danielricciardo happy birthday to youuuu darling, be safe!!
yninstagram tysm danny, love uuu 🥹💗
ynsbestfriend fuckin legendddd
carlossainz55 feliz cumpleaños muppet!!!
landonorris added to their story
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511 and 243.892 others
lando.jpg happy birthday you psycho!!! i really love LOVE you, nice party!! @yninstagram
View 507 comments
yninstagram i really love LOVE you too babe!
sweetcarlando OMG WHAT WAS THE REASON!!!!!
lovingln4 the last slide, literally crying
lando4updates happy birthday icon!! @yninstagram
yukitsunoda0511 nice glasses yn! happy birthday @yninstagram
yninstagram thanks yuki-san🥳💗
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Liked by savnorris1 and 16.121 others
maxfewtrell happy birthday my friend @yninstagram, your welcome!
soooooo, max.jpg??? 🤠🤠🤠🤠
View 865 comments
olivernorris1 about time!!! hbday @yninstagram, love u!!
yninstagram u didn´t
maxfewtrell i did!!!!!!!
yninstagram i forgive you
maxfewtrell i didn't apologize 😌
carlossainz55 IT IS CONFIRM?😂😂😂 congrats @pierregasly, u won cabrón!
pierregasly thanks for the confirmation max!! half of the prize is yours! 🤝
carlossainz55 cheater! 😡
landonorris not even mad tbh
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Liked by estebanocon and 145.624 others
landonorris secret is out, love LOVE u @yninstagram.
View 1.466 comments
pierregasly "sEcRet" suuuure
yninstagram love LOVE u baby!! 💗💗
danielricciardo finally!!!!! congrats you guysss!
622 notes · View notes
flowylightwitch · 1 year
Pros and cons of Dating the Proxies? Thank you!💗
Cons and pros
⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀☆˖⁺ ☁⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆
Pros: protective, ties to be stable and better for you
Cons: can be cold at times and harsh (that depends if you're with masky or Tim), like hoodie manipulative but he'll make you belive you can defend yourself so he can gain control and feel strong
Pros: funny, protective, honest, loyal
Cons: unsetable (like all proxy's but him it's more severe), insecure, trust issues, he's too intense with his love like a lot, insecure and fears constantly that you're gonna leave him so he can be jealous and too controling sometimes
Pros: quiet, calm, understanding,
Cons:a little too quiet, manipulative like he will make you believe you are nothing without him, controlling in a quiet way
⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀☆˖⁺ ☁⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆
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simping4-2manyppl · 3 months
HIIIII i just LOVE the way you write and i wanted to send you a request so here i am!
the band (separately) falling in love with fem! romanian! reader
like how will they react to all the traditions and the food and stuff and reader had this thick accent yk
and if you need more informations abt romania just tell me
thank you very much if you're gonna do the request!
Hii of course! And tysm! I appreciate the kind words 💗 @ma0ta thanks so much for informing me with the traditions and basically just the Romanian culture! i think its super fascinating! Anyways lysm! i hope you enjoy!! I also used some google translate, if its not correct please lmk so i could fix it! Maybe some errors btw!!
Bill kaulitz 🎤
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When you first met bill he noticed your accent and asked you where you were from, you obviously noticed he also had an accent so you both decided to tell eachother at the same time.
Both being young kids you became friends quickly, eventually growing up with him. You would sometimes tell him things about your culture and he would always be so fascinated by hearing you go on and on, being able to listen to you talk about it for hours.
It truly amazed him.
That was something that you loved so much about bill, he was never disrespectful towards your culture and he always wanted to learn more about it, so much that you even taught him some words.
Naughty ones, of course. But obviously the basics such as, Buna ziua (hello) ce mai faci? (How are you?) and most of your words containing ‘your mother’. Which never failed to make him laugh.
After you and bill had gotten closer, he had learned that you celebrate ‘dragobete’ On the 24th of February, like your own kind of valentines day. And he, of course made sure to spend the whole day with you doing some of your basic family traditions and even going to dinner with your family!
But what he didnt expect was seeing how much family you had, he saw probably more than 10 family members all around, which he didnt mind at all, he was just a bit shocked.
He had met your parents a couple times before, when you were younger but never had the time to have a full on conversation with them.
When you went around and greeted your whole family he also greeted them, pulling out some of the Romanian that you taught him. He was super glad that he actually took the time to learn your language or else he wouldve just felt so out of place but your family made him feel welcomed and he appreciated that.
When it was time to eat, the table was covered with some of your favorite foods, such as, “Sarmale” (meat and vegetables in pickled cabbage and once in a while it is also put in a vine leaf) "Mici" (beef, cow, pig, etc) and "Mămăligă” ( basically an alternative for bread) and so much more delicious food.
You had served bill some of the food you thought he would like and he did! He was nervous about trying it since he had never had Romanian food before, he had only known some of the food since you had told him about it but he actually did end up enjoying the food which made you feel extremely happy that your best friend put in the effort to learn about your culture and basically all of your traditions, and especially learning to love the food.
At the end of the night, you two were outside alone, just talking about random things. After it got quiet for a while bill broke the silence and spoke up, “I had a really nice time tonight ___.” He said, with a smile on his face as he turned to you, you smiled back at him and nodded, “im glad bill!” You said, with a big grin on your face, now facing him. “He looked into your eyes as you looked into his, both smiling and blushing as his face was now inches away from yours.
He placed his hand on your cheek, smiling, “i really like you ___…” he said in a whisper. You blushed and started smiling, “i like you too bill..” you said, biting your lip, still with a big goofy grin on your face.
“___, i have been inlove with you ever since we have met. And i love the way youre so kind and your accent. Is just. Oh God i love it.” He said as you placed both your hands on his cheeks, pulling him in for a kiss.
the kiss ended as you placed your forehead on his and stared right into his eyes, with a big smile your face. That night, was the night you realized you had found the love of your life.
Georg Listing
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They barely have any GIFS of my man 😔 but he looks so adorable in this AHH
When you first met georg you were walking out of the small coffee shop and had accidentally bumped into him, dropping his coffee on the ground, “Oh my! Im very sorry!” You said, apologizing.
Being the kind soul that he was he reassured you that it was okay, but you insisted on making it up to him with a brand new cup of coffee, saying it was on you.
He didnt mind as he thought you were stunning, so he agreed. You both walked into the coffee shop, getting him a new cup of coffee as promised.
You decided to sit down with him as you also wanted to get to know him better and because you werent really in a rush to go anywhere.
“Again, im really sorry! I hope the new cup of coffee makes up for it.” You said, “No yeah, its fine! Really, but i think getting to know you is better than anything.” He said winking at you, causing you to laugh, with a small hint of red creeping up on your face.
“Alrightt, well where are you from? i can tell you have an accent.” You said smiling, taking a sip of your coffee. “Im from Germany! You? I can tell you also have an accent.” He said, causing you to laugh.
“Thats amazing, and yeah, my accents pretty thick but it just makes a person so much more interesting.” You said winking, “Im from Romania.” You said shortly after, smiling up at him.
“You’re right, accents do make someone so much better and interesting, definitely more attractive too.” He said blushing, trying to flirt with you.
You thought it was cute and just giggled, “Romania huh? Ive heard it’s gorgeous over there, that true?” He said, sipping on his coffee.
“Yeah it is! How about Germany? Is it nice over there?” you said smiling. “I mean parts of it, yeah.” He said chuckling.
That day you talked with him for a while before saying that he had to leave. “Oh no, i didnt take up much of your time did i?” you said biting your lip with a worried look on your face, “no of course not! i actually enjoyed this, i was actually wondering if i could get your number? I really enjoyed talking to you.” He said, sort of blushing.
You smiled and nodded in response, giving him your number. “Well then ill see you around!” He said, as you both parted ways. After that day youd be on calls with him non stop, or together hanging out in person.
On February 28th, you had rambled on for quite a while about how you were so excited for Mărțișor. The first day of spring, one of your favorite seasons.
That night georg had told you to meet him in the same small coffee shop you had met him in you didnt think anything of it, but you gladly accepted as you were always down to go see him.
When you met him at the coffee shop he had given you a silky red-white thread that was tied into a bow, with a small trinket attached onto it.
You were surprised to say the least, but you gave him the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek which caused both of you to blush.
You admired it and smiled to yourself while he admired you, he was glad you loved it, even if he didnt know much about your culture he always tried to ask questions and search about it so he’d know more about your culture.
Expect that this one he had kept it a secret from you, wanting it to be a surprise. “I just thought id show my appreciation for you.” He said blushing, you looked up at him with a big smile. “Thank you georg, it really does mean alot to me..” You said, looking at the gift in awe, as you had a small tint of pink on your cheeks.
Gustav Schäfer 🥁
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Im so srry you guys i rlly meant to finish this but i never got the time, but i hope yall still enjoy what i did write 😭💗💗💗 also im rlly sorry for the lovely person who wrote this request in they were amazing and truly a big help, i feel terrible i never got around to finishing it! And ty all for the requests aswell i rlly do appreciate it but my motivation is literally gone 😪😓 i still love tokio hotel dw!
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demoiselettes · 1 year
Hello sabitos wife 🥺
Im taking the opportunity for you saying I could request a Nemi :)
Possibly if you are willing to do it, I’d want some apologetic Nemi. Maybe the situation is that Sanemi became quite distant from the reader (female reader) due to him getting upset over the reader getting heavily injured from a battle.
He kinda freaks out at her for getting injured and calls her weak and she just crys so he leaves and he doesn’t talk to her for a bit.
If the end could be fluff that would be great :) sanemi becomes a lil lonely boy and he apologies and becomes a little soft bean to her 🥺 takes care of her and stuff :3
Thank you once again for being my Nemi supplier. Your a great writer and person. I wish you the best in life 💗
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Pairing: Sanemi x reader
Category: angst to fluff
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! Reader, nemi can’t control that mouth of his
+Hiiiii tysm for the kind words, i hope you enjoy! 💕
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Maybe in a small part of your mind, you’d been hoping Sanemi would coddle you, for a lack of better word, upon seeing the blood soaking through the bandages on your forehead. He’d been alerted of your little run-in with that lower moon which had, you admit shamefully, gotten the better of you and leaving you with nasty lacerations. Sanemi had been on a mission of his own, but your crow had come back squawking that he was on the way back to Kocho’s estate.
Your expectations were were drowned out by the slamming of the shoji door when he strode into the room. He was covered in blood, and he looked a disheveled mess but his expression stayed hostile even when he bent down to your height. For three heartbeats, he said nothing, taking in your state, the bloodied bandages on your arms, legs and the square shaped cloth patched to your right cheek.
“What were you thinking, taking on a lower moon?”
You were unable to hide your frown at that. “I was on a mission, all the back-up teams had been destroyed-“
“And you could have been fucking destroyed too. Do you realize that?” You didn’t like his tone; too slow, he sounded like he was trying to make you understand something far too simple, showing a toddler how to walk.
“I know, Sanemi, but i had to help. In our line of work-“
“Our line of work doesn’t suit you, [Name]. You should quit.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but nothing came out. You were far too incredulous at the turn this reunion was taking. You were hurting, both physically and emotionally and needed kind words, maybe soothing silences. You didn’t need your lover rebuking you for trying to save lives. Particularly when he saw no problem with slicing his arm open to lure in demons with his blood. It occurred to you in a small part of your mind, that his being inconsiderate was probably just his concern for you, and he was only having trouble wording it out. But you were egged by his implication.
“Let me get a word in edgeways.” You uttered through gritted teeth. He clicked his tongue and cast his gaze to the ground. “You can’t tell me to quit. I’ll quit when i want to. So i got some cuts, i’m a fucking demon slayer, Shinazugawa. How many of us have died fighting? It comes with the job.” You hadn’t meant to use his last name, and his head shot up when you pronounced it but you were too angry, shocked and betrayed to think straight. The pain that emanated from your wounds helped you not.
« Those who die are weak. The ones that don’t last long are the ones that don’t got much fight in them, that passed Final Selection out of goddamn luck and you’re one of them! And you’re not gonna last long! You think you’re strong enough to take on a Lower Moon after what, killing a couple scrawny demons? And who saved you? Fucking Tomioka. » he was breathing hard now, and his fist came down on the bed beside you, bouncing off the soft mattress. You were trained not to be bothered by such inconveniences, but silence befell the room and you watched Sanemi catch his breath, yourself swallowing thickly, adjusting the pain in your throat while you forced yourself not to cry.
Neither of you spoke for the longest time, and even the outside of the room seemed quiet. There was no longer the faint buzz of voices from the nurses, the patients. Had they heard your outburst? When Sanemi got up, it was only to turn and leave without so much as a word of apology to you, a sign of remorse.
Your life, which had never been a smooth current of water, became all the more difficult. Sanemi avoided you for the longest time, taking on more missions, training for longer periods of time. When he’d call it a day, he’d stay out of the room you both slept it, away from you, locked up in his dojo. Night was the hardest time, when there was only silence with neither of you facing each other.
You truly had no idea what this degeneration was coming from, surely he wouldn’t stop talking to you.. only because he thought you were weak? You’d told yourself to give him since you knew he had quite the anger issue, but it’s been too long.
The sky was dull and grey when you’d approached Sanemi, who was chugging water from a bamboo bottle. He’d discarded his uniform top and sweat beads were visible on his face, arms. His sword rested at his side on the engawa. He heard your sandals crunching the dirt path, and his eyes flickered towards you and stayed fix on you as you approach.
“I’m quitting,” you said in one big breath.
He frowned. “You’re quitting what?”
“The Corps. You’re right, i’m weak. If i quit, will you- will you stop being mad at me?” You voice cracked just a little and heat flared up in your cheeks. Arms slack, you gripped the sides of your kimono. For the longest time he stared at you with incredulity, his hand occasionally squeezing the bamboo.
“Hey- wait. You took this decision ‘cause you think i’m mad at you?”
“Aren’t you?” You shot back.
He seemed to hesitate, standing up. “No. Not mad. I could- i could never be. » he took a step towards you and placed a heavy hand on your head. He looked conflicted. « I’m not mad at you. »
You stared at him. « Then why have you been ignoring me? What’s with all the avoiding me bullshit? »
« Thought you might need some time after.. what happened the other day. I blew up. »
You snorted. « Yeah, but don’t you think it would’ve been better to talk to me? »
His eyes darted towards a nearby tree, which suddenly seemed a great deal interesting to him. « I didn’t know how to approach you. »
You laughed for the first time in days and the sensation was something like a wilting plant being given water. Caught in your mirth, you risked a glance at Sanemi to find him staring at you with incredulity, but his lips were twitching at the corners and he looked like he was stifling a laugh himself.
“You’re an idiot,” you breathed out.
His ears reddened. “Shut up. I didn’t fucking know what to start with- i’m sorry for being shitty?”
“That would’ve been nice.”
He pulled you into his embrace wordlessly, his chin resting on your head. “I’m sorry for being shitty.” He muttered. “And you don’t have to quit the Corps just ‘cause of me, you got your own life and decisions. I shouldn’t have interfered.”
“Yeah,” you let your hands rest on his chest, mindlessly tracing a scar. “Thanks for being concerned.”
His hold on you tightened by just a hint. “Don’t die on me.” His voice was still gruff, but there was something so weak with that sentence, like he was pleading you. Pleading you not to leave him, after he’s lost people he loved one too many times.
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14106 · 5 months
commiss open!!
HIIIII i finished my commissions and i got time n space for some more! plus i'm going back to uni this month so i'd be more than thankful for any kinda support rn!💕 (since i'm in argentina and shits fucked 💔)
$12 usd for a little guy with a big head!! (extra char. is +$6)
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I draw troll sketches for the same price!
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$15 for busts! (every extra char. +$7)
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$20 for anything bigger/a little more complex than that lol (extra char. +$10)
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*if you see anything else in my art tag that looks different from these examples and you'd want sth like that, let me know so we can talk abt the price!!
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payment thru p4y p4| !! unless you're argentinian or mexican in that case please dm me to talk about the prices in pesos and the payment methods!
tysm for ur support just rebloggin helps a lot!!
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(dividers source btw 💗)
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