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corporativoarcanos · 2 years ago
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 al 4
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Descripción: Se centra en Nasa, a quien se le pide que dé una clase en una preparatoria femenil, donde las chicas se acercan a él para pedirle consejo sobre sus problemas amorosos. Tsukasa parece estar de acuerdo con ello, pero no puede evitar sentirse nerviosa de que su esposo esté rodeado de chicas. TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 al 4 Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. #OvasCortosyEspeciales #OvasCortosyEspeciales #TonikakuKawaii #TONIKAWAOverTheMoonForYouHighSchoolDays Tonikaku Kawaii T2 Tonikaku Kawaii Catalogo 2023 Ovas, Especiales, Cortos, Onas Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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sanhsbatch2006 · 1 year ago
Throwing it back to our high school graduation day! 🎓 Our batchmate just found this old valedictory address manuscript from 2006 📜, and it's a wonderful reminder of the incredible journey we embarked on together. This speech holds a special place in our hearts as it captures the essence of that milestone moment. We're excited to share it now as a nostalgic piece, hoping it brings back fond memories for all our fellow alumni. Stay tuned for more blasts from the past on our very own page of Batch 2006 page! 🎶📷 #Throwback #GraduationMemories #HighSchoolDays #ValedictoryAddress #CelebratingAchievements #ClassOf2006
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lilytherin · 3 years ago
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🌸-Ana sigue avanzando en la profesión de Streamer, se ha comprado una mesa de grabación para complementar su actividad en las redes y conseguir así fama, y petarlo mas!
-Junto a su madre se animó a pintar, así subiendo el nivel de emprendimiento al nivel justo para poder conseguir su primer inversor, adquiere el nivel 1 de fama y para colmo, un nuevo rumor de romance acecha su mente, un deseo o capricho que le ayudaremos a cumplir!
🌸-Ana continues to advance in the profession of Streamer, she has bought a recording table to complement her activity on the networks and thus achieve fame, and blow it up more!
-Together with his mother he was encouraged to paint, thus raising the level of entrepreneurship to the right level to be able to get his first investor, acquire level 1 of fame and to top it off, a new romance rumor haunts his mind, a desire or whim that we will help to fulfill!
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theghostofblackbunnymask · 4 years ago
You can’t tell me Kurono and Kai haven’t been to jail at least once in their high school days for some dumbass reason
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angpama · 4 years ago
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Era sólo un chiquillo —de 14 para 15 en la foto— intentando sujetar el brazo del compañero que iba con él al fotomatón, para que no me hiciera el típico gesto de poner cuernos, al tiempo que intentaba no apartar la mirada de la cámara de la máquina aquella... ¿Encanto, dulzura, inocencia...? Sí, puede ser... ¿Pero guapo...? ¿Yooo...? Mono, resultón todo lo más (entonces, quizás) pero nunca me he visto esa guapura I was just a kid — 14 to 15 y.o. in the pic — trying to hold the arm of the classmate who was going with me to the photo booth, so that he would not make the typical gesture of cheating on me, while trying not to look away from the camera ... Charming, sweet, innocent...? Well, it could be ... But handsome ...? Meee...? Somewhat cute at best (then, maybe) but I never saw myself as 'handsome'... #tbt #throwbackthursday #highschooldays #díasdeinstituto #dontrememberwhotheotheronewas #norecuerdoquiéneraelotro (en Cartagena, Region of Murcia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3NlEmodsm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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worldedschool · 5 years ago
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Last Week deal! 🥳🥳🥳 Whether you are short on credits or simply looking to work ahead, WorldEd can help! We are an online accredited school that offers open enrollment for all courses. We provide comprehensive and flexible options to meet your needs. You can enroll anytime, anywhere, and even get started today! ➡️https://www.wk12.org/summer-school #schoollife #highschooldays #studentslife #onlineschool #schooldays #highschoolsenior #k12 #schools #schooltime #highschoolart #internationalstudents #schoolday #highschoollife #WorldEd #virtualschool #summerschool #k12education #homeschooling #school2021 #highschool #muddleschool #sat #act #college #digitalschool #virtualacademy #diploma #school #collegeadmission (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDPzoh5AIPi/?igshid=1mpj2d1xt1lgp
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bbgrlyana · 5 years ago
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high school days HAHAHAHAHAHHA these are my best friends. guess where I am in the picture? HAAHAHAHAHAHA ❤
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corporativoarcanos · 2 years ago
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 regresa el 26
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Estreno  TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 regresa el 26 Descripción: Se centra en Nasa, a quien se le pide que dé una clase en una preparatoria femenil, donde las chicas se acercan a él para pedirle consejo sobre sus problemas amorosos. Tsukasa parece estar de acuerdo con ello, pero no puede evitar sentirse nerviosa de que su esposo esté rodeado de chicas. Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. #OvasCortosyEspeciales #OvasCortosyEspeciales #TonikakuKawaii #TONIKAWAOverTheMoonForYou~HighSchoolDays~ Tonikaku Kawaii T2 Tonikaku Kawaii Catalogo 2023 Ovas, Especiales, Cortos, Onas Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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sanhsbatch2006 · 1 year ago
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Throwback to our high school days when we were young and full of energy! ✨ Can you spot yourself in this amazing photo of our talented cheer dancers? 📸 Let's reminisce about these unforgettable moments with our batch mates, former school mates, and cherish the friendships we formed. 💫 #ThrowbackMemories #HighSchoolMemories #HighSchoolDays #GoodTimes #TeenageYears #CheerSquadMemories
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candidblue · 6 years ago
All Eyes On That Guy
June 2001
I was late on the first day of school on my first year in high school. I reached the school on time but my mother who came with me stopped by the school cooperative store to buy me a ribbon for my blouse. It was part of the uniform she was told. But what I got was a ten inch green ribbon and I had no clue how to tie it around my neck. But upon looking at the time, I quickly pocketed the ribbon and ran to my class. Hah. What a first impression, I was late and was the last to arrive in class. I entered the room and there they were, all 39 of my new classmates. Our first year class adviser had already started the class orientation, so I quietly sneaked in and sat at the empty chair beside the door where I entered. I thought I was fortunate because they left an empty chair. I was even touched — briefly. Alas when I sat down, the desk was broken. One wrong move and the loose nails of the desk can rip the flesh off my arms. But it wasn’t even a few seconds when I sat down, and the class adviser suddenly paused from doing the orientation. “By the way class, this is Candid (not my real name, but hey I need privacy too). She is the one who ranked 1st during your final entrance exam.” she announced. Oh great, now I hear the oohhs and aaahhhs.
Okay, two things: 1) Yes, I topped the final entrance exam. It was the second and final exam to select the top 40 students who will comprise the top section among all first year students. We were called the creme of the crop. And I was, I guess the cherry on top? Anyway, 2) I didn’t like being the center of attention. I told my father after taking the first exam that even if I do pass the next exam, I don’t want to join the top section. I actually wanted to join the 4th section. But then on the day of the results, my father saw my name on the very top with 99% score. Wow, I wonder how I did that? And what was that 1% that I got wrong? But I think it was mostly luck for me, because I had been doing some math practice after graduating from grade school. So, my mind was warmed up. Okay okay, I also graduated top of class in grade school. But still. Okay, so let’s just go back.
So there, the class adviser introduced me and she also called me out for not wearing the complete uniform. And I couldn’t tell her that I had that small ribbon in my pocket which I haven’t figured out yet how to wear around my collar. Sigh. Anyway, my seatmate who was seated in a perfectly normal chair started talking to me. She was very friendly and looked genuinely interested in getting to know me. So we talked and talked while I was observing how the girls in class have put on their ribbons. And there it is, they used the 10-inch green string bean too. They inserted it on the topmost buttonhole of their blouses then tied it into a ribbon knot. To be honest, that felt weird for me. But well, that’s how it’s done and I don’t want to violate the uniform rules so I did the same to my ribbon. And until the day I graduated from high school I have always been weirded out by that 10-inch ribbon.
So you might ask, where’s the guy? On the title? Chill, I’ll get there. I am just glad that our seating arrangement was changed and I didn’t have to sit in that hazardous chair anymore. Our seats were arranged alphabetically. All boys on the right and all girls on the left. Our girl to boy ratio is 6:4, approximately. Yes we have more girls in our class, and among the boys, there was one who stood out in terms of face value. I said face value because I didn’t know his personality yet. And just after a few days from the start of the school year, a group of girls from my class were already fighting about this face value guy. Cat fights. Hisses. Eyebrow raising competitions. I wonder why they’d fight over that guy. So amid the girls’ bickerings, I looked behind to look at him. And lo and behold, I kid you not! I suddenly met his gaze for a split second before I quickly looked forward again. I looked at the blackboard in front of me, which was by the way green. Was he looking at me? Was that a coincidence? I don’t know. But I never told anyone that when all the girls’ eyes were on him, for a brief moment his were on me. And just maybe, a weird feeling inside me started to emerge.
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rohayatiazizli · 6 years ago
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After 43 years, we are back to where we first met way back in high school. Brings back nostalgic memories of the love found and shared from then till now, Alhamdulillah. And In Syaa Allah to more years of love and sharing dengan izinNya. In Syaa Allah.♥️ #memories #highschooldays #wemethere #love #myotherhalf #mybetterhalf #smstsp #smsps #sundayvibes (at Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra) https://www.instagram.com/p/BycLICMJ0fw/?igshid=1fselvi6cd3kq
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the-unholy-trinitea · 6 years ago
This is honestly me going through the thousands of memes and selfies I’ve made/taken... here’s the motha effing tags 🏷: #lgbtq #pride #bisexual #blackgirlswhoblog #blackgirlskillingit #instagoodness #theatrelife #studentslife #actresslife #podcastlife #singerlife #coffeecoffeecoffee #twitterthreads #teenagerpost #memestgram #relatableposts #nichememer #relationshipmemes #highschooldays #relatablequotes (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXJYrmHfg4/?igshid=1utbno54366m8
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realchrisilluminati · 7 years ago
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#dad #dads #dadlife #dadsofinstagram #dadstuff #funny #kids #lifewithkids #parenting101 #truth #parenting #parentingtips #parentinglife #parentingdoneright #fatherhood #notes #messagewithabottle #parentinghumor #collegedays #highschooldays #partyhard (at Lawrenceville, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnjEnrGF-i7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qjozhkzydwdq
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judyconda · 2 years ago
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March 2016 >> March 16, 2023 After 7 years later during our high school days together as classmates & schoolmates, finally I’ve been met and found her at 101 mall today, ate dawn even separate college school! Much love and appreciate as a buddy friendships 💖💛 @revaledawn @ganda_dawn And we’re glowing up again 😌✨ #highschool #highschooldays #classmates #classmate #college #collegeclassmate #bestfriends #bestfriend #buddy #buddies #friendshipgoals #friendship #friendships #friendshipforever #friendshiptogether #friendly #friendlies #mystique #spiritique #tropz #tropa #barkada #dabarkads #amiga #amigas #manila #manilabased #goals #goal #schoolmate https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2g27ryd2r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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la-tech-105 · 6 years ago
When you just wake up but Despacito is your jam.
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aozhouhuaren · 3 years ago
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Found this ancient thing while pottering around at Dad's house. This was my first ever phone, a hand-me down from my older brother that I got, I think, in 2004 when I was in Year 12 and used it up until 2007-8. It wasn't fancy but it got the job done. It could receive pics and videos, couldn't take them though, had no camera. It had a inbuilt radio. It could store some songs. It even had a shitty but still somewhat playable port of Sega World Rally Championship. 😂 I wonder if I could get it working somehow. 🤔 #oldphone #oldtech #highschooldays #memories #handmedown #firstphone #舊手機 #舊技術 #高中的時候 #回憶 #二手 #第一手機 https://www.instagram.com/p/CeLLqPfv7oc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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