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happigreens · 1 year ago
Many of my homecooked meals lately have been vegan or plant based and with locally-sourced ingredients! :-)
Ive made homemade eggdrop soup using backyard eggs and kale from the city market, for instance. Ive been using that kale for many meals. Also zucchini and squash and locally made siopao from Filipino markets. Very good stuff!
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(Left to right: homemade eggdrop soup w mushrooms, kale, and backyard eggs from a local farmer; steamed zucchini and squash from the city market and local chicken siopao with rice; Beyond Meat bratwurst and steamed kale from the market on ricebed).
My next goal is to buy some animal products from local (and preferably black and brown) farmers with humane practices for the animals. While I probably wont go back vegan again, the 5 or 6 yrs of being vegan in some of my formal yrs rlly changed my palate for the better. So i dont rlly crave meat as much anymore, and when I do, its cuz I know its a desire for unami flavors and certain textures of food, not meat specifically. That to say I will find such animal farmers for the bit of meat and animals products to supplement a mostly plant based diet I want to curate.
I just bought a nice blender from GoodWill, so I'm excited to start making homemade smoothies with the produce I get from the local market! I stay on the lookout at supermarket chains for cheap yogurt by remembering their sell-by dates since theyyre so perishible and going back to the store to take advantage of their discounts. I currently have almost a pint of unflavored, unsweetened almond milk yogurt to use so I'm really exited to start experimenting with my (relatively) new blender!
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marblerose-rue · 10 months ago
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theultimatefandomjumper · 7 months ago
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oh and the aftermath LLLMMAO i feel like mabel and dipper could sort out fights in like minutes but ford n stan would definitely take an extra ten
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vamp-a-day · 1 month ago
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flocktothelight · 5 months ago
I think the way I make sky ocs is by basing them off mask + Hairstyle, and the cape and outfit is free to change. How do you make your sky ocs?
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the-grey-hunt · 6 months ago
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imagining a human!sissel (inspired by this art) and was immediately overcome with the need to draw jowd holdin! that! boy!
he's just tuckered out from all that playing bc you KNOW lynne and kamila are having a blast in this situation
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dynamitekansai · 8 months ago
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jadecargill: Japanese school girl 📚✏️❤️📓🚌👩‍🏫
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eggbagelz · 2 years ago
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They invented a subculture for me it's called loserpunk
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xenocollector · 3 months ago
Lovers Rock
an enjoltaire fic..
The dance was finally dying down, and as tradition holds, it's customary to hold a slow dance. Soon, the jazz died down, until a slow, amorous song began to play. Many of the Amis, and other goers coupled up, Joly leading Bossuet as he tumbles over his own feet, Courfeyrac forcing Combeferre. Many snagged their friends to dance. The only two remaining were Enjolras and Grantaire. Enjolras had been lingering around the whole dance, conversing about whatever he could. Grantaire was usually active and loud, keeping the energy up, but during the slow dance, he found himself alone. He glanced around, only seeing the fierce revolution leader, the man who made it clear he disdained, being the only other one alone. The leader, though, remained leaning against a wall, watching the crowd with scrutiny, he seemed almost lost in thought. Soon, Grantaire felt his face heat up, his head spinning as Enjolras began taking graceful, yet purposeful steps towards Grantaire. Grantaire stood, in his hand-me-down suit, one that wasn't even tailored to the man, but still fit him quite well, watching Enjolras, in a tailored and fitted suit with a red cravat tied around his neck as he approached. Soon, Enjolras stopped in front of him, not speaking a word, simply holding his hand out. A wordless request.
Grantaires world shattered in front of him, the surroundings seeming insignificant, he found himself frozen in response.
“May I have this dance, Grantaire?”
The simple words might have sent him into a frenzy right there, the sound of his voice falling from the mouth of this leader, was a new feeling. Something indescribable and yet something he yearned to feel more of.
“May you?”
Grantaire responded, his voice low and still confident as he finally took the other hand, immediately finding a hand on his hip as their fingers interlocked. Grantaire found himself struggling to stay focused, his mind going awry as they danced, thankfully keeping up with the others pace, the slow, yet pithy dance continued. The only few words were from Enjolras commenting on Grantaire's efficiency on keeping up, and a few heads up on the direction, as Grantaire had a reputation for getting confused on his lefts and rights, 'dyslexia' he always spoke.
The dance was coming to an end, the final measure began to play, and right before letting go, Enjolras pulled him close, spinning the cynic out onto the floor, the man twirling in a way that screamed they'd practiced this, before dipping the drunkard, a small, almost unseen smile on the leaders face as he let go of the man. Grantaire chuckled after, running a hand through his, at one point, neat curls, making them as messy as they always are.
The small chuckle seemed to echo as the orchestra continued, the music fastened, but not as jazzy as it was only moments prior. The hopeless and the hopeful continued to dance. The sight was almost unbelievable to anyone. The dance was calm, quaint, genuine. It wasn't filled with mockery, malice or sarcasm. The two men seemed to be having a good night with each other, something that, before this, seemed impossible to do with each other. Unfortunately, people started to say their goodbyes and farewells. Enjolras soon began to bid his farewells to Joly, Bossuet, Marius.. Then finally, a very disappointed Grantaire. A Grantaire who didn't want him to leave, one who's inebriated and still fun. A bold Grantaire who grabbed Enjolras by the waist when he came to say goodbye.
“Farewell, Grantaire.”
“Leaving to lift the sun, Apollo?”
“Something like that.”
The final song was dwindling, and right before Enjolras let go, he cupped the cynic's cheeks, pulled him down to his level, and pressed a firm, loving kiss to his lips. It lasted more than a moment, and when it ended, Grantaire nodded, his face flushed, a stupid, crooked smile on his face at the sudden action.
“Goodnight, Orestes.”
“Goodnight, Pylades.”
A smile, playing on the corners of Enjolras’ lips as he grabbed his coat from a maiden and exited the venue.
The hopeless found his hope.
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tunapesto · 1 year ago
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crow-caller · 9 months ago
Where did you get the shirt you wore in the unwind video, it's really cool
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It was a birthday present, but the label says it's from Morning Witch.
which god, by their website has some nice stuff. You can find the shirt I was wearing right here!
(Well, a better version actually: mine is 100% polyester, hence me noting it was 'the loudest shirt ever'. the website lists 100% cotton, mine is just old)
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allthepandasintheworld · 2 months ago
it's so funny to me that vander basically has the same sense of fashion since he's like, 20, and then once he gets married he suddenly steps up his style lmao (silco DEFINITELY made changes to that tragic wardrobe)
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theultimatefandomjumper · 7 months ago
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I had a thought about hand-me-downs and i just couldn’t resist not drawing something.. also first post WAHHEEEYY
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tiberius-kirks · 3 months ago
accidentally read book 2 of a 2-book series first. time to catapult myself into the sun
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plasma-studios · 2 months ago
Pov an angel made mortal
- You must learn to hurt.
Pain is a collector and your old master had long forbade greed. You will be unfamiliar. You must forget the lessons of the old. You must take caution: Pain is unavoidable. It is a mark of no higher being taking up the inherent agony of being from you. If you feel it, your expulsion has been finalised and there is no longer need to beg. It will serve nothing.
Pain is a collector, and that cannot be collected is all the more valuable to collectors; remember, better a glimpse of agony than being frozen into oblivion. You will be raw and unlearnt, a hatchling its first thrums of pain. You, who has not felt Pain before, will catch her attention. You must learn, and learn fast.
- Stay in the shadows.
You may forget your mortality upon the light’s temptation. Remember that light is as volatile to fallen angels as blood is to those not.
- The Day will never be the same.
You no longer have the thousand eyes to witness It. Remember the pain of them being torn out. Remember the Day’s glory is no longer yours to witness. It was once your sister but you have been forsaken. Remember It can no longer recognize you as its own because you are no longer Its. Just as It is no longer yours. Remember that Fallen means you have lost all but a fraction of the ability to see. You must accept this loss.
If you continue to wallow, the Day might take pity on you and give you a crumble more. Your new form would crumple under it. Remember the Icaruses burning up under the Sun. You will drive yourself to madness if you insist upon the day you remember.
I know, you will be unaccustomed to the warm mass. Your forrmer master would have never allowed you the vessel of flesh. I imagine it must feel rather full to a form of empty air. But understand that have been irreversibly altered, and that is not a terrible thing to be. For what was once forbidden is now open to you.
Before, you siphoned off your mighty master. You had no need or want for the power you could draw with blood. It would’ve burned you regardless. But you are made of it now. There are powerful things you can do with blood. Being able to bleed, is a gift.
- You must never trust.
The power that once allowed you naivety has been vanquished with your service. Trust not mortals, nor Gods, not monsters, nor angels. No one. There are collectors as mortal as any human but they are still collectors. And you, my dear, are a lovely forsaken morsel made so much more tempting by your Fall.
If you decide to stay the night, be sure to check the interior first. The signs of a hoarder may also be signs of your benefactor having the habit of collecting mementos from their unusually well travels. Be careful that you are not the next.
- There may be other Gods offering their patronage.
Upon your expulsion your link with your previous God would have been severed. Though He forbade greed there are plenty other Gods who possess it.
You should know that, once you accept, your new God will change your body to something they deem more fitting for worship. You must ask yourself if you are ready to change once more.
- If you wish to seek revenge, I’d advise you to research apotheosis.
Inspired by @.recklessfiction
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snackssaviour · 7 months ago
Your hat looks so comfy Bonnie! Where’d you get it?
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