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animemaniac21 · 1 year ago
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binge watched 1st season and gotta say Nasa Kun is just....so ahead of most anime protagonists when it comes to 'spicy' romance :)
I have my suspicion that Tsukasa Chan is Kaguya him or something...but I will keep these theories to myself until I watch season 2. : |)
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corporativoarcanos · 2 years ago
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 al 4
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Descripción: Se centra en Nasa, a quien se le pide que dé una clase en una preparatoria femenil, donde las chicas se acercan a él para pedirle consejo sobre sus problemas amorosos. Tsukasa parece estar de acuerdo con ello, pero no puede evitar sentirse nerviosa de que su esposo esté rodeado de chicas. TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 al 4 Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. #OvasCortosyEspeciales #OvasCortosyEspeciales #TonikakuKawaii #TONIKAWAOverTheMoonForYouHighSchoolDays Tonikaku Kawaii T2 Tonikaku Kawaii Catalogo 2023 Ovas, Especiales, Cortos, Onas Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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casperlesyt · 2 years ago
Digital art of Tsukasa Tsukuyomi from Tonikawa: over the moon for you or Tonikaku kawaii for the manga, Season 2 of the series was pretty good and probably one of my favorite romantic anime #digitalart #animeart #anime #manga #mangaart #kritaart #tsukasatonikakukawaii #tonikakukawaii #tonikawaoverthemoonforyou #tonikakukawaiiflymetothemoon
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thefelterthatsews · 2 months ago
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This took a while to make, but luckily he is finished. The last #needlefelted project that I started in #2024 and finished in #2025 . I Show you #hayateayasaki from the #2000s #manga and #anime series #hayatenogotoku aka #hayatethecombatbutler . Not a popular series it seems, but it's from the same creator who wrote #tonikakukawaii which is one of my favorite newer series. #handmade #doll #animebutler #otaku #weeb #アニメ #トニートニー・チョッパー #漫画 #かわいい #ハヤテのごとく #トニカクカワイイ
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gabriel-91 · 6 months ago
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anitokio · 3 years ago
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El anime "Tonikaku kawaii" ha revelado un video e imagen promocional de su segunda temporada. / 📎 https://anitokio.news/anime/72629/
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ai8reina · 4 years ago
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#anime #tonikakukawaii #tonikawa #yuzakitsukasa #amazon @amazon #yenpress @yenpress #ai8reina https://www.instagram.com/p/CNP_BeOnh5s/?igshid=1s8jcogo1e7xg
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frasesdeanimeblog · 4 years ago
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⁣⁣Personaje!: Tsukasa Tsukuyomi !⠀⠀ Anime: Tonikaku Kawaii⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ frase aportada por @kevins_zisuela93⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 👉Recordá que podés pedir el personaje que quieras participando del Sorteo semanal de PJs! Tenes la consigna en las historias, o entrando a nuestro perfil y abrir la Story Destacada “Como Pedir Personajes”⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #kawaiigirl #tsukasatsukuyomi #tonikakukawaii #tonikakukawaiianime #animewaifus https://www.instagram.com/p/CKfOhWhoH3c/?igshid=nbhvfs48f08t
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paolohakushaku · 4 years ago
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Love in the moon! 💞 Finally have a copy of #FlyMeToTheMoon #TonikakuKawaii #ToniKawa #トニカクカワイイ volume 2 by #KenjiroHata #畑健二郎 yay! can't wait for more #anime #manga #otaku #VizMedia #アニメ #マンガ #オタク #YuzakiNasa #TsukasaTsukuyomi #由崎星空 #月読司 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLnr-nTrBeh/?igshid=1atpztz1phehb
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corporativoarcanos · 2 years ago
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 regresa el 26
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Estreno  TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You ~High School Days~ Ova #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 01 regresa el 26 Descripción: Se centra en Nasa, a quien se le pide que dé una clase en una preparatoria femenil, donde las chicas se acercan a él para pedirle consejo sobre sus problemas amorosos. Tsukasa parece estar de acuerdo con ello, pero no puede evitar sentirse nerviosa de que su esposo esté rodeado de chicas. Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. #OvasCortosyEspeciales #OvasCortosyEspeciales #TonikakuKawaii #TONIKAWAOverTheMoonForYou~HighSchoolDays~ Tonikaku Kawaii T2 Tonikaku Kawaii Catalogo 2023 Ovas, Especiales, Cortos, Onas Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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rjbailey · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @anitrendz Here is your Top 10 Anime of the Week #6 for Fall 2020! Vote for your favorite anime via the link on our profile. . . . . . #anitrendz #animetrending #anime #haikyuu #haikyuuedit #haikyutothetop #wanderingwitchthejourneyofelaina #wanderingwitchjourneyofelaina #thejourneyofelaina #theirregularatmagichighschool #mahoukakoukounorettousei #thedayibecameagod #jujutsukaisen #jujutsukaisenedit #tonikakukawaii #tonikawaoverthemoonforyou #talentlessnana #adachiandshimamura #akudamadrive #akudamadriveanime #moriartythepatriot #yukokunomoriarty #lovelive #loveliveschoolidolproject- #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CH_HXmQhJme/?igshid=unourekg945m
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thefelterthatsews · 2 years ago
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Finished #felting #toast from the #manga and #anime series #tonikakukawaii #flymetothemoonanime , from a leftover core that I had laying in my room for a while. I do apologize for not posting as much lately, due to horrible allergies to pollen, and cottonwood, plus the smoke was making it worse for my sinuses, due to wildfires happening in my province. I am currently taking allergy medicine and I’m breathing much better than I did before, plus less coughing too. #handmade #animecat #recyclingart #otaku #weeb #tonikawa #cat #needlefelting #アニメ #漫画 #かわいい #トースト #猫 #トニカクカワイイ #ねこ #トニカク #woolfelt
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anitokio · 3 years ago
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El anime "Tonikaku Kawaii" contará con una segunda temporada. / 📎 https://anitokio.news/anime/72495/
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fanboyscribbles · 4 years ago
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Since the season's coming a bit slower, here come some of this season's picks! #IkebukuroWestGatePark. First episode, quite interesting because the art style reminded me immediately of Yesterday wo Utatte. However, IWGP is more action-packed like say Millionaire Detective meets God of High School minus the money and the charyeok. It certainly has a mystery to it that's very intriguing, which is why I'm keeping my eye on it. #TonikakuKawaii. What I like about this one is how spontaneous everything is. From Nasa and Tsukasa as the lead characters to how the story is unraveling for the past two eps. Now this one reminds me of Hayate no Gotoku, My Bride is a Mermaid, and Nisekoi. You can even throw in Asobi Asobase minus the pranks. Definitely this season's fun and light pick. #JujutsuKaisen. Action, check. Magic, check. Mystery, check. Awesome animation, check. Nothing less from MAPPA. Two episodes in and I'm a bit invested. Main character ingests cursed body parts, gets possessed by a demon, and be able to control it at will? YES. Intrigued? VERY MUCH. #Noblesse. This one I'm a bit neutral right now. Sure, there's action and some conflict, but I'm still a bit confused as to what could happen next. Definitely giving this a few more eps before I decide whether or not I'd stay with it. Lastly, With a Dog AND a Cat, Everyday is Fun. Just like the title, it's all about a day in a life of a cat and dog owner but more focused on how differently they react to situations. Showcased in bite-sized episodes, this can definitely be a breather from all the anime you're watching. The chill and mindless watch on my list, and a surprising find. Quite an interesting mix, no hard-hitters yet aside from Yashahime, but again, I'm biased. LOL https://www.instagram.com/p/CGKYLeZl79j/?igshid=s5ue61dnnnw4
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paolohakushaku · 4 years ago
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Marriage goals! ❤️ Finally have a copy of #TonikakuKawaii #ToniKawa #FlyMeToTheMoon #トニカクカワイイ volume 1 by #KenjiroHata #畑健二郎 from the creator of #HayateTheCombatButler #HayateNoGotoku #ハヤテのごとく yay! can't wait for more #anime #manga #otaku #VizMedia #アニメ #マンガ #オタク #NasaYuzaki #TsukasaTsukuyomi #由​​​​​​​​​​​​​​崎星​​​​​​​​​​​​空 #月読司 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHzKZLFFQXY/?igshid=gjozczu9uhml
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idolprojects · 5 years ago
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Seiyuu utama : Yuzaki Tsukasa (cv: Kito akari) Yuzaki Nasa (cv:Enoki junya). Staff utama : .Sutradara: Ikehata Hiroshi (Seton Academy: Welcome to the Pack) .Komposisi Seri: Hyoudou Kazuho (ReLIFE) .Desainer Karakter: Sasaki Masakatsu (Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai) .Desainer Properti: Iwahata Goichi (GOBLIN SLAYER) .Desainer Warna: Utagawa Ritsuko (Ishizoku Reviewers) .Pengarah Seni: Shibutani Yukihiro (Seishun Buta Yarou) .Pengarah Suara: Motoyama Satoshi (Choujin Koukou-sei tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyu de Ikinuku Youdesu!) .Komposer Musik: Endou (Akiba’s Trip The Animation) .Studio Anime: Seven Arcs . . . Lihat beritanya lebih jelas di: www.NihonCentre.com ____________________________________________ #anime #animeindo #Wibu #Otaku #wibu #manga #mangaindo #Lightnovel #idol #seputaranime #animesong #Anisong #Jpop #seiyuu #romance #comedy #akarikito #enokijunya #tonikakukawaii #flymetothemoon #hayatenogotoku #sevenarcs #sevenarcsstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CAKhxJ7AMHq/?igshid=xzc5zn8e47x5
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