#high school dance
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appleciderjulie · 6 months ago
just slow-danced with a guy at a high school dance today, it felt weird, especially being aro/ace. Like, it was pretty clear he liked me, cuz his friends were cheering him on n’ stuff. I think he was a year older than me, if i remember correctly? He was nice, and it was kinda fun, but y’know. It’s just an odd feeling knowing someone feels one way towards you and you will never be able to feel that way back.
Uhh anyways thanks for listening to my rant
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errornowifi · 2 years ago
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Day 30
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denizbevan · 1 year ago
Who wants to revisit a high school dance?
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queen-daya · 9 months ago
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (6/?)
“No, I'm taking you in...even though I don't know where ‘in’ actually is.”
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romancedream · 1 year ago
An alternative conversation🔥
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jhsharman · 1 year ago
band gets
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Hog Heaven was a band of some renown that Archie theoretically could have booked in 1972. I do not think they would have been interested in playing to a high school dance, and I guess in this narrative they weren't. New form of an old band, The Shondells minus Tommy James. In terms of the charts they were "bubbling under", so there are bigger acts to get. Or maybe there aren't.
According to wikipedia, 1972 is the year Poison Ivy met the future members of The Cramps -- and they started playing in 1974. Here, "top group" has to be redefined anyways -- sure, they are a "top group" for their "cult following", and supposedly Big in Europe. But, I would say a big get nonetheless. I mean, the best my high school could do was a group made up of a few former students from a few years ago, who had a rejected demo tape to their name.
Midvale High gets the bigger names.
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1965. We are a year off from the prefab band's debut. Surely the wheels are in motion.
Noted: Moose was a Smashing Pumpkins fan in 1970.
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emmieexplores2 · 7 months ago
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High School dance - Duane Allman on lead guitar - 1965
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mickmathersartblog · 1 year ago
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"The Dip"
digital collage & digital painting by Mick Mather
(click image to view actual size)
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midnight-101 · 2 years ago
Sounds about right
in case you guys wanna know what modern high school dances are like, at mine despacito came on and everyone t-posed around this one kid as he fortnite danced like his life depended on it
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ice7507 · 2 months ago
a guy is taking me to his school dance and he said he was gonna learn the Rasputin dance and do it if they play the song.is this love
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cocoelle · 2 months ago
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Rocco: Shit I remember Kurtis now, he was a nice kid when he was with my brother. I didn't see him much after my brother left and moved to San MyShuno. Always wondered what happened to him.
Austin: His family moved to San MyShuno a year or so after your brother moved there. That's where we met each other.
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Alton: Did you want to go outside for a bit to get some fresh air?
Briana: Sure I'd like that.
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Alton: I really like you a lot Briana and I wanted to ask you a question.
Briana: I like you a lot too Alton. What question did you want to ask me?
Alton: Uhmm......I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?
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Rocco: Excuse me for a minute Austin, I'm just going to find Briana to let her know we're leaving as soon as the dance is over.
Austin: Sure no problem, was nice chatting with you.
Rocco: Nice chatting with you too.
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Briana: Yes I want to be your girlfriend Alton.
Alton: Cool. Maybe we......
Rocco: You two inside, NOW! Briana we will talk later.
Briana: OMG dad, we weren't doing anything.
Rocco: Just go inside and sit where I can see you.
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Briana: I'm so embarrassed, I'm so so sorry about my father.
Alton: My dad probably would have done the same thing Briana, so don't worry about it.
Briana: Thanks Alton.
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Rocco: Shit, I definitely think we are gonna have to keep an eye on those two haha.
Austin: I'll have a long talk with him when we get home, he's really a good kid.
Rocco: Sorry didn't mean to say differently. I just remember being that age around girls, so I automatically assume boys are as bad as I was haha.
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gentleraccoon · 9 months ago
everyone talks about their high school theater departments being self-serious and over-the-top but nothing will top my highschool's dance majors wearing straight jackets and doing a showcase dance to 'chop suey' in 2012 or 2013, directed by the dance teacher herself
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years ago
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“H. TOSH FACES ARSON CHARGE,” Hamilton Spectator. March 14, 1931. Page 18. --- Burlington Man Accused Over Appleby Fire --- High School Students Held At-Home Yesterday ---- From Our Own Correspondent Burlington, March 16 Henry Tosh, aged 36 and married, was arrested by Chief Constable Smith yesterday on a charge of arson. He appeared in police court this morning to answer to the charge and was remanded for a week. Crown- Attorney W. Dick appeared for the crown.
The charge arose out of fire occurred on the property of G. W. Breckon, of Appleby on February 20 last, when the house, occupied by Tosh who had been employed by Mr. Brekon for the past two years, was burned to the ground. At the time the fire occurred, a meeting of the Young People’s league, of the Church at Appleby, was being held, and by the time assistance could be obtained it was too late to save either the house or its contents. According to the story by Chief Smith, the residents nearby took up a collection and the sum of $126 was handed over to Tosh. In addition, he was also given furniture and clothing to replace that destroyed in the fire. A claim for $600 was also made to the insurance company on a  policy covering the contents of the building, which was paid. The building itself was not insured.
Following the fire, Chief Smith became auspicious of the circumstances surrounding its origins. He notified the marshal's department and Edward Jordan, member of the fire marshal's staff, was sent to Burlington. The two officers carried on an investigation which resulted in Tosh's arrest yesterday.   High School At-Home Members of the staff and the students of the Burlington high school were at home last evening to recent graduates and the members of the high school board. The evening was spent in dancing and a most enjoyable time was the result. The auditorium was beautiully decorated and the vari-colored dresses of the ladies added greatly to the appearance of the large hall. Numerous novelty dances were held which also helped to make the affair a huge success. Graduates of the school who are attending university were home for the occasion Phil Gage's orchestra supplied the music for the dancers. 
Another feature was when the boys of the lower school were employed as waiters during the time for refreshments. The boys presented a very natty appearance, being attired in white shirts and trousers and a green sash.
Mission Starts A mission which will last for one week opens to-morrow in St. Luke's church under the auspices of the Church Army. The mission to-morrow morning when of of the Church Army will preach The missioners will preach at the evening. These services will be services for women and for men arranged. 
The regular services will be held in the other churches of the town to-morrow. In Trinity church, the preacher both morning and evening, will be H. P. Gundy, B.A.,  gold medalist and honor graduate of Toronto university and Victoria college, who will speak on Temperance in Ontario. The ministers of the other churches will occupy their own pulpits.
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wynntermelon · 2 years ago
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Slow dance with you
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nutmargaret · 2 years ago
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their wedding dance
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month ago
if you fall, i will catch you
for @steddielovemonth day 2 using Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper
rated t | 855 words | no cw | tags: high school, prom, slow dance, flirting, open ending but assumed getting together
Prom is stupid.
Steve didn’t even want to come. He didn’t have a date and nothing is more embarrassing than showing up to prom alone. Even the nerds come as a group, dancing and laughing together.
His mom made an appointment for his suit fitting and he couldn’t really explain to her that there was no need. She still thinks he and Nancy are on track to be married when Nancy graduates high school. He doesn’t know how to tell her that he’ll probably die alone.
Okay, that’s a little dramatic. He’s probably not gonna die alone.
But he may die unhappy, and that’s worse.
Most of the music hasn’t been terrible so far, at least. Only one slow song played and no one seemed interested in dancing to it.
Steve’s a fucking wallflower at his own prom. He never saw this coming.
He figures he could probably escape within the next few songs, no one would even notice his absence. He makes a mental plan to wait until one of the parent chaperones walks back to the other side of the room.
Then he’s off.
He manages to escape to the hall behind the gym, the one that leads to the auditorium and drama class, not the main building of the school. No one should be back here. It’s the perfect escape route.
“Never thought I’d see the day when King Steve is trying to escape prom,” a voice says from the end of the hall. The music from the gym is echoing in here, but the voice is much louder. It’s familiar, too. “Miss Wheeler too busy with Byers to dance?”
It’s Munson. Steve sighs.
“Why are you even here?”
“It’s my senior prom, too! Or should those of us not graduating not be allowed?” Eddie walks closer and Steve sees that he’s actually dressed up. It’s not a designer suit like he’s been forced into, but it’s nice. Eddie looks…nice.
“Wait,” Steve registers what he actually said. “Not graduating?”
“Yep. Apparently quadratic formulas are crucial to my development and I cannot enter society until I understand them.” Eddie kicks his foot across the tile, leaving a scuff mark from shoes that have probably been waxed beyond necessity. “And I guess dissecting a frog and turning in homework may have helped.”
“But aren’t you pretty smart?” Steve thought he was one of those dungeon dweebs like Dustin. Dustin’s the smartest person he knows, without a doubt, kid or not. He thought all the nerds who play that game were like that.
“Sure, I’m smart enough,” Eddie scoffs. “But I don’t play by their rules. I forget to do homework. I argue.”
“But if you know the stuff, they can’t fail you.”
“Ah, but they can. I don’t have the Harrington name to convince them to change a D to a C. It’s all good. Everyone expected it.”
Steve’s brows furrow, forehead creasing as he thinks about how many things people expected of him that won’t happen.
“Just because people expect it doesn’t mean you have to give it to them,” he says.
Eddie’s eyes widen and he seems shocked by Steve’s words. But the shock wears off quickly. Steve wonders if he imagined it.
“Right you are! Very wise words from the king,” Eddie bows dramatically.
Steve laughs.
Eddie glances up, tense until he realizes Steve’s not laughing at him, just at the entertainment. He stands straight and holds out his hand.
“I do believe such wise words should be repaid with a dance,” Eddie puts on a fake British accent, nose pointed to the sky, smirk playing on his lips.
Steve thinks this must be what it’s like to be charmed by someone.
“A dance?” Steve asks. “Here? With me?”
“It would be my honor,” Eddie loses the accent and turns his head back down so he’s looking right at Steve’s eyes. “Miss Lauper wrote this song just for us, after all.”
Steve’s confusion grows until he hears the song coming from the gym. He can only imagine how awkward it must be in the gym while some couples slow dance with chaperones watching their every breath. He reaches out and takes Eddie’s hand.
“The honor is mine, sir Munson,” Steve tries for an accent like Eddie had previously, but it falls flat.
Eddie pulls him close, but hesitates before he puts an arm around his waist. Steve feels breathless all of a sudden, like they’ve rocketed into space and he forgot one of those astronaut suits. He nods, giving permission for Eddie to take the lead.
When Eddie pulls him closer, they’re almost flush against each other.
Steve’s heart is racing.
“I didn’t know you were weird,” Eddie admits quietly. It sounds a lot like admiration. He’s swaying them back and forth gently, and Steve finds it’s easy to lose track of everything but the way Eddie’s hands rest on his body. “It’s nice to see you, Steve.”
It’s a lot more than what it sounds like.
As Cyndi Lauper plays, Steve wonders if this is how his prom was always meant to be spent: in Eddie Munson’s arms, falling.
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