#high ralbert
loiteringandlurking · 6 months
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i think it's high time I show you guys my newsies 2d designs bc I draw them ALL the time ... especially in my chemistry book LMAO. coming soon ...... in the meantime have ralbert :)
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dustyy-angel · 1 year
Ryan Breslin (OBC Race) and Garett Hawe (OBC Albert) went to high school together and their irl friendship is what inspired their characters dynamic in the show. So all you Ralbert shippers be thankful because it's all because of these two.
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omgomgomg okay. ralbert dickensian era au where albert is the son of a rich family and race is a street kid
so i'm thinking when they're both young, 13 or so, race pickpockets this expensive watch or something from albert's dad and nobody sees him do it except albert
albert has an extremely rocky relationship with his parents and hates how restricted and tied back he feels being forced to live in high society. he has a singular kind-of-friend finch, who's the son of a family friend but is nice to him and seems to understand him. so as he sees this random street boy's hand slip into his father's pocket and pull out the most expensive item he has on him, he meets this kid's eyes and they have suddenly this unspoken moment of solidarity
and this memory follows albert everywhere as he grows up, even though he never sees race again. because the idea that someone who he's always been told he's supposed to scorn and look down on was able to so easily fuck his father over gives him hope that maybe he's not as trapped in this life as he feels.
(also he always remembers the way they seemed to click together when their eyes met. he hasn't ever really been exposed to proper free interaction with other boys, but for some reason this just felt right)
fast forward to when albert turns 18. his parents are sending him to university and on the day he leaves, he has a huge argument with them. so the second he gets off the carriage and arrives at college, he just goes for a walk to clear his head because everything just feels like too much
and as he walks down the street he bumps shoulders with someone who's walking with their head down, and he feels their hand slip into his pocket and grab the pocket watch that his little sister smalls gave him. he yells at the person, but they sprint off before he even gets a chance to see anything except a flash of blond hair. he's heartbroken that he lost this object, and his bad day just got worse.
only that night he hears a knock on his window, and when he goes to investigate he sees none other than the person with blond hair who robbed him earlier, who he suddenly recognises as boy he met all those years ago. race holds out his hand and in it is the pocket watch - he tells albert that he only recognised him after he stole it, so he followed him back to return it. 'i couldn't just leave you, it's been years since that day and i ... i just wanted ...' the 'to see your face again' goes unspoken.
race finds himself knocking on albert's window more and more. he doesn't really mean to, but he can't stop himself from going back again and again and again. both he and albert see a lot of themselves in the other, and as they get closer and closer (and fall in love) it feels like they were made for each other.
unfortunately when the two bullies of the college, oscar and morris, discover albert's relationship with this street boy, they take great delight in letting his father know personally. of course, since this is set when it's set a lot of people are super homophobic, and albert's father is definitely included in that, so he immediately pulls albert out of his university studies and brings him home, giving him a very angry and probably physical telling-off about how he's brought shame upon him. albert knows that if he stays put and goes along with it, he won't ever have agency over his life, so he wastes absolutely no time in locking his bedroom door, grabbing the few things he needs, climbing out the window, and going to find race, before taking him to finch's house, who hasn't seen albert in several years but was always kind and is now able to pass them on to jack and davey, who help them disappear. albert and race are able to escape, running off to a different country where they are able to live privately, finally happy in their lives.
they finally feel like they don't have to run anymore. albert's family erase all record of his connection with them, and he can't really bring himself to care. finch visits albert and race from time to time, and they actually become really good friends. they're safe and happy ... and they all live happily ever after 👍
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kings-of-newyork · 2 years
Personally, I like ralbert because they're best friends who happen to be dating. They don't really know when they started loving each other and they don't really know if they'll ever stop. They started dating because it felt right and it's either a massive reveal or something they've both been waiting for. For Years. They're reckless and impulsive to the core but know their limit. They stay up all night watching shitty movies and arguing about which High School Musical movie is the best because they can't sleep. They have unplanned dates at four am that consist of Race dunking chicken nuggets in Albert's milkshake whilst parked in a field listening to the one CD in Albert's truck (and it's Ariana Grande). They take dumb trips to another state that nobody believes actually happened until they see the photos. They wear silly matching couples costumes that make sense only to them. They have inside jokes and endless stories. They would get married in Vegas because they just so happen to be passing through Vegas one time randomly and, 'Hey, Racer, you know what'd be fucking hysterical?'. They get divorced for fun three years later. They know each other inside out but fuck if Race can tell you Albert's middle name and vice versa. They send each other dumb shit at 5am captioned 'us' and get a 'yeah' back. When they're around each other, Albert softens and Race quiets. They wholly, fully, completely and recklessly love each other.
And Sprace is cool too.
So real of you to say this. I am posing you a question, is ABBA featured in their "music for drives" rotation?
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daveysjackie · 2 years
ralbert and 24 for the spotify wrapped drabbles ?
The Story of Broken Dreams
Spotify Writing Challenge (No 1)
Song: Dastaan-E-Om Shanti Om by Shaan
Albert tugged at his hair in annoyance as he stared into the mirror. He was unused to it not being its usual flaming red.
Davey sighed. “I know, Al.” He exchanged a look with Jack over Albert’s head. “But remember why we’re doing this.”
Albert set his jaw tight, staring at the little picture in the corner of the vanity mirror. “For Race.”
If this was a spy drama, Albert would be walking into a dark and mysterious casino, full of interesting characters that spoke in hushed whispers, assurances from his friends through the earpiece he had hidden in his ear.
But real life was nothing like that. This casino (if you could even call it that) was dim and dank. That didn’t seem to bother the high profile clients this place served. They were all still dressed in their work suits, chatting with associates as they placed bets that would have any regular person wincing.
Albert felt a little growl of disdain in his chest. These people gambled frivolously. With money and lives.
He stopped at a roulette table, pretending to watch. In reality, he was trying to find Jack and Davey, the only allies he had left.
Davey was on the far side of the casino, at a blackjack table. He had arrived half an hour prior and had already seemed to make himself comfortable. Albert couldn’t help the little snort of amusement that escaped him. Davey was in his element. But a moment later he looked up and saw Albert, his eyes flashing in recognition. He subtly mouthed “Jack” before continuing his game.
To avoid attracting suspicion, Albert placed a bet in the next round while he scanned the casino floor.
Initially, all three of them were going to gamble. However, Albert didn’t own a suit and none of Davey’s suits fitted him. Jack’s did but he only owned one. It took some arranging but Jack called in a few favours and got himself a job as part of the security for the night.
Sure enough, when Albert’s gaze landed on the bar, there was Jack, standing vigilantly, his gaze darting between Albert and Davey. Catching Albert’s eye, he casually tilted his head. Albert followed the movement with his eyes and felt anger bubble inside him when he saw the reason he had come to this place.
Spot Conlon. Laughing raucously with his companions as they gambled, the pile of chips he had was significantly larger than everyone else’s. Albert wouldn’t have been surprised if that was a result of cheating. Spot Conlon would do anything to win.
Even kill.
“I’m sorry, Albert. Maybe if things were different but…I love Spot.”
But Spot didn’t love Race. And Race paid the price.
Albert walked over to the bar, next to Jack, buying himself a seltzer.
“He’s already half-drunk.” Jack paused as Albert swallowed his drink all at once. “Remember, Al. We just need him to confess. Revenge comes later.”
Albert just nodded and made his way over to the poker table.
“Mind if I join?”
Spot Conlon stared him down. “Do I know you?”
Despite how awful he felt dark hair was on him, he was glad Davey had insisted he dye it. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” He held out his hand. “Francis Sullivan,” he introduced, using Jack’s birth name. Spot didn’t recognise him and it would be best if it were kept that way.
“Spot Conlon.” They shook hands and Albert sat.
They played a few rounds and the entire time, everyone around the table shared stories of exploits, real and fictional. The common theme of utilising others made Albert feel unnerved.
“You’ve been awfully quiet, Francis.” Spot was staring at him, curiously. “A man such as yourself must know a good story.”
Albert had been keeping tabs on how much Spot had drunk since he’d arrived. If he hadn’t been drunk before, he certainly was now.
“Well, I did hear a very interesting story from a few years back.” He subtly reached into his pocket and covered up the click of the recording device with a cough.
“Let’s hear it then.”
“The story starts with a young man, an actor. He specialised in dramas and the like. Always one for some embellishment. And he had a friend who loved him.”
“But…I love Spot. Actually, we’re getting married.”
“But he didn’t love his friend. Instead, he was getting married to a big shot. Some man who earned his money in less than legal ways.”
The men at the table cheered. Of course they would cheer, the man in the story was like them.
But Spot had started to recognise…something. His eyes were fixed on Albert, all attention diverted from the game.
Albert didn’t falter. “The actor and his fiancé went to the place they wanted to get married. The…uh…”
“The venue,” Spot filled in, stretching the syllables in what Albert thought was either suspicion or a drunken slur.
“Yep. And the fiancé, no one knows why, burned it down…with the actor inside.”
Mutters erupted at the table, the game effectively halted.
“But there’s a part of the story that no one knows.” Albert locked eyes with Spot Conlon, keeping his gaze and voice steady. “The friend of the actor had followed them and had seen and heard it all. He tried to rescue the man he loved but failed. Nearly died. They say he’s out for revenge.”
“Who did you say you were?” Spot growled.
Albert shrugged and left the table, excusing himself.
As he walked outside to the alleyway, he knew he was being followed. But he didn’t turn until Spot reached out and spun him by the shoulder.
“I shoulda recognised that stupid voice of yours, Albert.”
“That’s on you, Spot. Just like Race’s blood is.”
“Anthony deserved what was coming. He was sticking his nose into business that didn’t concern him.”
“Your business?”
Spot roughly shoved him against the wall. “Yes. My business. He knew too much. He had to die.”
“Albert! I can’t get out!”
“It’s okay, Racer. You’ll be okay.”
Albert snarled and grabbed Spot, spinning them around so it was Spot pinned against the wall. “You didn’t have to kill him. He loved you.”
Spot stared at Albert for a long moment then started laughing. A deep, scary laugh that made Albert loosen his grip ever so slightly.
“‘There’s a part of the story that no one knows,’” Spot told him between chuckles, echoing Albert’s story earlier. “When the fire died out, the fiancé went back, to make sure the actor was dead. But that stubborn little bastard had found himself a little corner to hide in. So his fiancé had to finish the job.”
Albert’s eyes widened, hoping to God that the recording device was picking this up.
“What did you do?”
Spot grinned wolfishly. “That venue has a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling, undamaged by the fire. A miracle really.”
Albert pushed against Spot harder. “What. Did. You. Do?”
“Directly underneath it,” Spot continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “In the ground, there’s the body. Little bastard didn’t stop screaming even after his fiancé sealed his grave.”
Spot shoved Albert, who was so shocked, he just stumbled backwards.
But Spot was still laughing. “And now, the actor’s friend will join him in hell.” He reached into his coat and pulled out a gun, aiming it straight at Albert’s head.
“Drop the gun, Spotty. Or I’ll empty mine into the cavity where your heart should be.” Jack and Davey both emerged at the end of the alleyway. Jack’s gun was aimed directly at Spot.
“Well, if it isn’t my darling brothers-in-law.”
Albert saw Davey put a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “I only had one brother-in-law,” he said smoothly. “And you killed him.”
Spot snorted. “None of you have proof. Who do you think the police will believe, me? Or a lovelorn friend, an alcoholic brother and his enabling husband?” But he seemed reasonably cowed at being outnumbered because he pocketed the gun, spat on the ground and shoved past Albert.
Davey immediately rushed to Albert’s side. Jack kept his gun trained on Spot until he was out of sight before joining them.
“Didya get it?”
With shaking hands, Albert pulled out the recording device, pausing it. “I got it.” He held it against his chest as he watched Jack and Davey kiss.
They were one step closer to avenging his Race.
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blaze it bitches
in honor of weed day have this mess ______
ship: ralbertxweed
genre: the biggest load of crack to ever crack
warnings: weed juice, panera, there’s a shane madej quote, t h r e e quotes by Mr Michael Himself, uhhh, cowboys, oh mothman, general idiocy, and all credit for fruity pebbles to my good nugget mikey
words: 1041 it’s baddd yalll
editing: nope
Race idly spun a pen on the counter, waiting for the clock to hit 10 so he could begin to close. He wasn't sure why he had chosen to work the closing shift at Panera. Pretty much no one came in after 9, especially on a Monday. Currently the only patrons were a group of annoying teenage girls more interested in taking snapchats than talking to each other, an elderly couple eating soup in the corner, and a high school age girl and boy sitting in a booth, eating nothing but bread and sweet tea, having an intense discussion about whales.
In essence, Race was bored out of his mind.
Until exactly 9:48 when Albert walked through the door, waving around two to go cups from starbucks. “Raaaaceeerrrrrrrr!” he sang awkwardly, tripping over his own feat and spilling a few drops of what looked like tea on the floor.
“Al get your high ass outta here,” Race sighed. “I’m workin and you’re just gonna bother me.”
“Butttt cupcakkkeeeee,” Albert whined. “I know how to get mothman!”
“Mothman ain’t real and neither am I,” Race muttered, taking the rag and wiping down the counter. “Now get outta here before Jack makes you.”
Albert sighed. “Least drink the tea I brought you?”
Race sighed, just wanting Albert to not get him fired for once. “Fine.”
Albert smirked.
“But then you have to go, alright?” Race said, holding the cup to his lips and taking a sip.
Albert plunged his hand into the pocket of his sweatshirt and pulled out a handful of fruity pebbles, dropping several on the floor. “O-kayyy.”
Race made a face. “What's in this tea Al? It don't taste like nothin from starbucks.”
Al gave him a half smirk. “You like my weed juice?”
“Weed juice? Is this- you made tea out of weed?” Race looked at the paper cup first in shock and then in awe. “Wait, this is brilliant.”
“Course it is,” Albert proclaimed. “I invented it.” He reached his hand back into his pocket for more fruity pebbles. “Want some munchies?”
“Sure why not.” Race could slowly feel the affectionately named “weed juice” taking affect. Hopefully he wouldn’t break too many things while he was closing.
“Racer can you go kick out those teen- wait a second, what are you doing here Al?” Jack looked at Albert skeptically before wrinkling his nose up in disgust. “Alright I don't know which of you brought the grass but I can smell it and I’m not dealing with this tonight so I suggest you two get outta here before you accidentally explode the place.”
Albert’s eyes widened in excitement. “We can go hunting for mothman!” he exclaimed, looking at Race expectantly.
Well, he wasn't gonna remember this in the morning anyway so might as well. “Yeah!” Race agreed, throwing off his apron and hat and wailing them at Jack.
“Try not to get arrested!” Jack called after them, shaking his head.
Once outside, Albert led Race to his car and opened the trunk. “Okay so I figured it out! Mothman wont show us to himself cause we don't look like him so we gotta dress in his truest form.” He handed Race a cheap cowboy costume and a hat.
“Mothman’s a cowboy?”
“Duhhhhh,” Albert rolled his eyes. “Cowboys are the most most cryptic, and sos mothman! It’s how’s he’s stayed hidden all these years.”
Race nodded solemnly in agreement, hastily pulling the costume on over his clothes and jamming the hat on his head.
“Oh I only have one pair of boots though,” Albert frowned. “Guess we’ll have to share.”
Race frowned in agreement. “Oh!” he perked up. “I’ll wear one of your boots and you can wear one of my vans!”
“Yes!” Albert pulled one of Races shoes off of his foot, knocking him backwards. “Now we just gotta go to the spot!”
“The spot” turned out to be behind a bush in a kids playground.
“Are you sure we’ll find mothman here?” Race asked, peeking through his dollar store binoculars at his dark surroundings.
“My sources say yes.”
“You have sources?” Race asked skeptically.
“Course.” Albert took a swig from his to go mug.
“Are you still drinkin that weed juice?”
“Nah.” Albert looked at the cup fondly. “It’s my munchies. I can taste the colors.”
Race leaned over. Munchies sounded good right now. “Can I have some?”
“No! My munchies!” Albert wrapped the cup protectively in his arms.
“I want!”
“Quiet you’re gonna scare away mothman!”
Race shut up immediately. He didn’t want to scare away his cryptid friend. He had to film a tik tok video with him and become famous!
After ten minutes though, he couldn’t be silent any longer.
“I’m tired,” he whispered loudly. “When is mothman gonna get here?”
Albert knit his eyebrows together, considering while he chewed on a few red fruity pebbles. “Oh I know!” he exclaimed. “Let’s talk about stuff mothman would like so he knows we’re friends.”
Race was intrigued. “Like what?”
“Hmmm,” Albert pondered for a few minutes before beginning to rant. “Crickets are scary but rubbing your legs together under a blanket as such is nice so crickets made some points i guess.”
Race nodded in agreement. “And like,” he thought for a second. “Ok so whales slap. But also they’re big and they don’t need to be.”
“Whales are very cryptic,” Albert yawned. “And I guess no offense to anyone who actually likes them but kiwi birds are weird and why did they need a fruit named after them and why are they fuzzy and who gave the Fruits the right to be fuzzy like what the fuck- WAIT WHICH CAME FIRST THE BIRD OR THE FRUIT- god they’re as cryptic as whales.”
“That’s a good point.” Race laid back in the grass. “Maybe if we go to sleep mothman will show up to kiss us goodnight.”
“You’re so right!” Albert quickly joined Race in the grass. “I’m tired anyway. So this is like,” he pressed his lips together, thinking hard, “killing two birds with one egg.”
“Birds work for the government,” race muttered. “Night Albie.”
“Night racer.”
Race dozed off, dreaming of yodeling with mothman and getting verified on tik tok.
okay look idk either if you wanna read actual good high ralbert shit go to @papesdontsellthemselves cause I basically just stole his brand (and his quotes) for this fic so
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the tag list
tag list @fairly-awkward-trashcan @well-the-kids-do-too @racetrackcook @ughwaitwhat @aw-jus-let-em-try @tommy-s-s0cks @voice-foundshoe-lost @stopthe-presses @ridin-in-style @pinecovewoods @i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing @bencookisagod @be-more-chill-evan-hansen @stellar-alpaca @saxoph-ella @smolcanadiankid @disney-princess-sized @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @insane-tomato @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @have-we-got-news-for-you @thatfancyclam @myidkwhatmynameisblog @legoflambwrites @not-a-scam @albertdasillvaprotectionsquad @entschuldigung-bitches @thebroaaesthetic @tea-and-theater @seasickdolphin @auspicioustarantula @newsies-of-ny @mrs-higgins @sunshine-e-cigarettes  @spot-me50-papes @papesdontsellthemselves @deathcast-s @the-poodles-of-pulitzer
@hopefully-not-the-ghostbusters @humanracoon @irondad-spiderson-duo @albert-eats-cookie-cake 
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madamewalburga · 2 years
Ralbert but it's I Don't Dance from High School Musical 2. I'm not gonna say who's who, you already know.
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
modern au davey and race are smoking buddies and jack and albert are drinking buddies and and jack and race are brothers so the family get togethers are always on point
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Albert on the football team... race in band... watching Albert play as he holds his French horn helplessly... me thinks yes
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dolokhoded · 4 years
ralbert's very sensible bet that couldn't possibly lead to disaster
also known as ralbert gay chicken. cause i started writing this but will finish it in 100 years. i hope you weren't expecting any non-ralbert content from me of all people.
now this
i wasn't planning on posting this idea like this but apparently im gonna take my sweet time writing it so whatever
i made a post about this about a month or two ago and it's time to elaborate so i actually post something and so i managed to get my plot together
race and al have been best friends since,,, a really long time
race and al also tend to lightheartedly shit talk each other a lot
which is why it's not at all unusual when they find themselves in the middle of banter after school in albert's basement
it's race who started it
"man, you'd be the worst boyfriend ever."
albert wasn't going to let his good boyfriend reputation be slandered like that
",,,,,, i'll have you know i am a lovely boyfriend"
they went back and forth insulting each other's relationship abilities for an unnecessary amount of time
until they came to a solution of ,,,, incredibly high intellect
they decided to date.
'oh so it's like a fake dating kinda situation cool-' no. they decided to date.
in race's words,
"i mean it'll just be like any other relationship, only difference is instead of being with someone i actually like i'll be with your stupid ass"
and the first one to catch feelings loses
that's the level of pettiness we're talking about
they don't really tell anyone about it, as much as their friends know they just confessed to each other and got together
(it was kind of confusing for the two that absolutely nobody was surprised when they announced it)
at first albert expected it to go on for two weeks max until they called it off because race got a crush on some kid and decided to seduce them or whatever
can't exactly do that with a boyfriend
spoiler alert: it did not
race is actually having a great time
don't get him wrong, his feelings for albert are Strictly Platonic but he loves being close to him like that
and at first it was kind of confusing for al to think of race as his boyfriend but also as his best friend who he has no feelings for??
because he doesn't. he doesn't like race.
but somehow that slowly gets easier with time and that line dividing the two gets kind of smoothed out
(that's you falling in love with your best friend, al, that's what it is.)
so guess what, prom comes around :D
and like this isn't anything new?? race and al have been going to stuff like this together for ages, as friends, but this time it feels different.
cause they're,, like,,,, together,,,
this time they're not here just to fuck around and spice up the punch, this time they're there together
and race is surprised he's never payed any particular attention to this before but albert looks damn good in a suit
when he dragged him by the hand and held him while they 'jokingly' slow danced to some cliche song that was playing race knew he had already lost the bet
but he did not stop there NO SIR because this is racetrack higgins and his pride is too big to admit that he lost
so he decides to keep it a secret until albert eventually gets bored and calls it off
or, well, falls in love with him
but that's not going to happen because al's my best friend, romeo, he's not just gonna blink one day and realize he loves me
which is pretty funny because that's literally what happens
let me paint that picture for you for a sec, albert, sarah and jojo are missing fourth period to wait outside the school bathroom while race is throwing up the seven bottles of chocolate milk he attempted to chug
in his defense, tommy said he couldn't do it
once he comes out he practically leans his entire weight on albert, who's running his hands up and down his back
and race just wants to start crying because albert's still holding him after he witnessed him puking his guts out and he's being all sweet and making sure he's alright and jesus fucking christ it just keeps getting more and more difficult to pretend he's not actually in love with him while pretending he's in love with him
"you're the best boyfriend, you know that, albie?"
and of all moments in history, after he's barfed like five times, clinging onto albert and whining that he feels gross and is going to die, albert shakes his head and goes
"you're lucky i love you, stupid"
and he looks down at race who's buried his head on the crook of his neck and is muttering incoherently and before he can even blink he just knows he really meant that
shockingly, he doesn't admit it
in fact, it goes on for a while until they actually admit to each other that they've lost
skip forward, the day before graduation
race and al once again find themselves I'm albert's basement
and despite davey telling them that they'll definitely regret it tomorrow,,,,,,, they might be a little high
or well a lot high
albert started losing his chill about graduating school like forever and wanted to take his mind off of it
race just wanted to do something rash and irresponsible, and help al out too
so there they sit.
and inevitably, interrupting a very opinionated discussion on the best way to mail cheese to another state, race starts to babble
"y'know, al, i'll kinda miss the school. like, the classrooms, the hallways... don't know, it's just kind of sad. i'll miss the gym, tha's where i fell in love with you."
albert just kinda hums in agreement for a second, only partly listening before he does a whole double take
"s'cuse me what"
"i love you, albie"
and race is just throwing that stuff out there like it's nothing?????
albert decides he really,,,,, really needs a nap
so he just kinda goes nah fam im not dealing with this rn and pulls race to his lap and they fall asleep curled on the beanbag
"we'll talk about it tomorrow, kay?"
al says that because he doesn't think race actually means what he's saying at this point, plus he half expected him to have forgotten by morning.
race Did Not
he just wakes up at like 5:30 am by himself because he does that sometimes (al hates it. race will wake him up at crack of dawn and he is very much not a morning person, especially if he was high the night before)
but anyways race just shoots up unnecessarily early, wakes up albert in the process
"race what the fuck"
"i,,,,,, am so sorry"
" 's ok, just c'mere and go to sleep again"
"no no no not that."
albert gives up on trying to get a couple more hours of sleep and sits up
"what are you sorry for, then?"
"i lied to you, about losing the bet. it wasn't fair, you should've won months ago"
it takes al a little bit to realize what he's talking about and then it hit him
",,,,, oh my god, you meant that? you're, like,,, in love with me?"
and race suddenly realizes he confessed to his best friend. winning the bet was probably,,,,,, not a priority here.
shit, he confessed to his best friend
"uh, i,,,, am? yeah. i am. in love with you, i mean."
"since when?"
"uh,, senior prom? i don't know, that's when i knew, at least. does it matter?"
albert just kinda stares for a sec before he smiles this stupid grin
"i did win!!"
"al, seriously? i need more than that, i just literally confessed my love to you-"
"about a week after prom. when you tried to drink all that choccy milk and got sick."
race is confused??
",,,,, what about then?"
"that's when i knew, idiot. that i love you. i won."
",,,,,,, you what now."
"i love you."
",, you love me."
"mhm that's right"
at first they're a little confused about what happens now?? because like technically they've already been dating for months. do they just tell everyone? would davey have an aneurysm if they hit him with this shit right before his graduation speech?
yeah probably not the greatest idea
they decide to let the whole graduation hype die out a little before they send davey to the hospital
but what's important is that they're together now. actually together, they graduate together, they start college together, they move in together
and if eventually albert's sneaking an engagement ring around the house, that's up to him.
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
4/20 clown wig!
hehehehehhe high bois are BACK! (feat. a very exasperated spot)
warnings: weed and clowns
ship: platonic spralbert
editing: lmao no
word count: 1732
“It is officially the greatest national holiday and I bought tickets to the circus in town.”  Race froze, not shifting his gaze from his computer screen as his roommate’s words sunk in.
Slowly, he turned in his seat, fixing Albert with an incredulous stare, “Albert, what are you talking about?”
Albert stood in his doorway, weed-print snapback placed backwards on his head.  Race gave him a onceover, noting his weed socks and vans.  He blinked, looking behind him to glance at the date on the bottom of his screen.
April 20, 2019.
His eyes widened, “Jesus Christ I almost missed weed day!” He shut his computer quickly and stood abruptly from his seat, rounding on Albert once more, “You bought tickets to a circus?  We’re gonna go to a circus high?”
Albert shrugged, “why the fuck not?”  He clicked on his phone, seeing that he’d received a text, “Oh yeah, Spot’s gonna come too.  Said he wasn’t gonna let us drive high I guess,” he paused for a moment, thinking, “Although I’ve done it before.”
They stared at each other for a moment, expressions blank and serious, then Race shrugged as well, pushing past him to grab his keys from the hallway.
“Okay, cool,” He called over his shoulder, “Sounds fun!”
The three boys made the short trek from the parking area towards the tent, Albert and Race attempting to seem as sober as possible given the fact that they’d just hotboxed in Race’s car, much to Spot’s dismay.
“I don’t understand why you two couldn’t have just, like, hit Albert’s pen a few times on the way,” He grumbled, pulling ahead of his two friend as they neared the tent.
“Spottiee, that wouldn’t be respecting weed day!” Race said, jogging forward and leaning into Spot’s side, “We gotta go all out!”  
Spot rolled his eyes, blindly shoving Race off of him.  Race stumbled to the side, pitching towards the ground.
“Christ,” Spot hissed, swooping to catch Race before he was able to fall completely, “I regret coming.”
They entered the tent, taking a moment to find their seats.  It was fairly crowded, filled with families looking to bring their kids out for a fun activity.  Or expose them to clowns and scar them for life.  They were practically the same thing.
Spot was momentarily relieved to find they weren’t sitting next to any families with very young children.  No child should be subjected to the nightmares that were Race and Albert while high.
“It smellllllsss like, uh, hay in here,” Albert said, dazedly slapping Race on the shoulder to get his attention.
Race took a moment to sluggishly place some cotton candy in his mouth, before looking at Albert.  His eyes scanned slowly from Albert’s face to the center of the tent, where hay covered the ground underneath the small, circular stage platform.
His eyes widened comically, “Hey!” he hit Albert’s arm excitedly, “Hey! Albert, HEY! There’s HAY!”
Albert followed his gaze to the hay, bloodshot eyes lighting up, “Oh, I bet that’s where the smell is coming from,” he giggled, “Hey, Race, when you were telling me about the hay you said ‘hey’ and then you talked about ‘hay’...” he trailed off, frowning for a moment, “M’talkin’ stupid! I’m just talking so stupid.”
Race eyed him, amused, “yeah, you aaare, but you always do so it’s okay.”
Spot barely glanced up from his phone, “You both always do and it gives me a headache.”
The lights in the tent faded, coaxing the room to silence.  Suddenly, with a flash of color, the stage lit up, revealing the ringmaster standing in the center.
“Holy fuck I want his hat,” Albert stage whispered, leaning in close to Race as he gestured to the ringmaster’s top hat.
“Go get it,” Race whispered back, lifting his legs to let Albert out.
Albert shook his head, “I’m high and gay, not stupid and impulsive.”
Spot scoffed, “Incorrect.  You are, in fact, all four of those things.”
Albert frowned, opening his mouth to retort, but Spot held up a hand.
“I know this is a foreign concept for you two, but we gotta be quiet now.  It’s a performance,” He gestured to where a few trapeze artists were preparing their act.
“Okay, mom,” Race said, over exaggerating each syllable and slumping into his seat, stifling a giggle.
Albert flicked his eyes towards Race, eyes glinting.  He held a fist to his mouth, trying as well to hold in his own laughter.  Soon, both of them were snickering unsubtly in their seats.
Spot allowed his head to tilt backwards, exasperation itching the back of his neck.  He rolled his head to the side, taking in the view of hundreds of parents and suddenly feeling an odd sense of solidarity towards them.  
Several acts performed without much event.  Spot allowed himself to get caught up in the show, clapping along with other audience members at the acrobatics and trying not to cringe at the too loud cheering of his friends.
When the clowns came out, however, everything went to shit.
Albert let out a little scream, pressing himself further into his seat.  Alarmed, Spot looked over to see him cowering and covering his face.
“What, not a fan of clowns or something?” He whispered.
Albert shook his head, peeking out between his fingers, “They’re sooo weird,” he said, words slurring together, as he leaned dramatically over his armrest to look at Spot.  Spot’s eyes widened and he reared back slightly at his friend’s sudden closeness.
“And once,” Albert began, “Some kid in my class in, like, third grade told me I look like a clown ‘cause I’m pale as shit and have red hair.  So, for the rest of the year, everyone called me ‘Clownbert’.”
Spot couldn’t contain his laughter at that, “C-Clownbert!? Bro, I’m sorry, I’m gonna call you that from now on.”
Albert pouted, crossing his arms and facing front again, “And I want a divorce.”
“Okay, Clownbert.”
Race suddenly turned, looking from Albert to Spot rapidly, “Oh, that’s tragic, Spot what’re you gonna do!”
Spot shook his head, “Watch the show, assholes.”
“Oh my fucking….” Albert was transfixed, eyes bulging out of his head as he tuned back into the performance.
Spot followed his gaze to where fifteen or so clowns were climbing into a small car, seemingly disappearing inside.  He huffed a small laugh, looking back at Albert who’s mouth was still hanging open.
“Where do they all go?” He asked in awe.
Spot considered telling him that there was probably a hole in the car that all the clowns climbed into, leading underneath the stage, but he was enjoying Albert’s confusion.  He leaned over to check on Race, but frowned when he found his friend staring at the act, eyebrows furrowed and an indiscernible look in his eyes.  He looked incredibly bothered, but before Spot could question him, the elephants were brought out and Albert was once again screaming.
The rest of the performance passed rather quickly, only giving way to a few solo acts and some pretty impressive fire tricks.  When it was over, Spot stood and applauded with everyone else, motioning for Albert and Race to do the same.  Albert stood, enthusiastically cheering as well, but Race remained seated, still looking troubled.
“Okay, what’s gotcha put off?” Spot asked Race as soon as they got back into Race’s car.  It still smelled obnoxiously like weed and Spot wrinkled his nose, rolling down the window.
Race allowed his head to loll a bit, reaching into his pocket and extracting his own dab pen, taking another drag.
He allowed the weed to work its way into his system before answering, “Dunno, I guess I see why Ronald McDonald is so depressed.”
Spot choked, ignoring Albert’s mumbled requests for fruity pebbles from the backseat, “What?”
“Being a clown’s hard, man!” Race insisted, sitting up straighter, “Ya know! No one asks clowns how they are, they just think they’re fucking creepy all the time!  They always ask the clown who they are, but never how they are.”
Spot was dumbfounded, but Race was on a roll.
“You ever think there’s a reason that they climb into that little car, all of them at once,” He shifted his body so that he could see both Spot and Albert, “So they can consolidate together...mope in sadness...but of course they don’t want to stuff themselves into cars for your entertainment,” He shook his head, anger causing his face to scrunch up, “they’re paid to do this, but this isn’t right!  It shouldn’t be their job, that’s clown abuse…”
He sat in thought for another moment before nodding decisively and leaning back into his seat, loosening his seatbelt.
Spot stared at the road, lost for words, “Wow, Race….that was, uh, that was-”
“Poetic,” Albert said from the back, voice sounding strained.  Spot flicked his eyes to the rearview mirror to see tears glinting in Albert’s eyes and he resisted the urge to slam his head into the steering wheel.
“Thank you, Al,” Race said, “Anyway, m’hungry.”
“Me too!” Albert exclaimed, tears and clown rights forgotten, “Spot can we go pick up fruity pebbles?”
“Dontcha have some in your apartment?” Spot asked, taking the exit back to campus.
“Uhhh,” Albert cocked his head in thought, “I don’t know…”
Spot shifted his jaw, “I have an emergency stash at my apartment, let’s just go there.”
“Okay! Party!” Race cheered.
Spot managed to corral them to his room, seating them safely on the couch before venturing to the kitchen to retrieve Albert’s fruity pebbles.
“Whatcha want, Racer?” He called, pouring milk into a single serving cup of fruity pebbles.
“Mmmm mac and cheese,” Came Race’s garbled response.
“Shoulda guessed,” Spot said to himself, also preparing a Kraft microwavable cup of macaroni and cheese.
He handed Race and Albert their respective munchie snacks and perched himself on the armchair across from them, smirking when they began to scarf down the food.  
He picked up the remote, switching on youtube and pulling up the latest episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, “Did you guys have a good Weed Day?” he asked.
Albert nodded, mouth full of fruity pebbles, “yeahhhhh.”
“How ‘bout you, Race?”
“I did,” he said, taking another bite of mac and cheese, “Also, I’m dropping out of college and going to clown school to become an advocate for clown rights.”
“Jesus Christ.”
lmao Clownbert,,,,i kinda wanna photoshop that
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my taglist
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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broadwaycantdie · 5 years
First Kiss
( ralbert ) + ( high school au )
a/n: i had a dream about this with someone else so uh here’s newsies
warnings: none ( kissing ? a lil bit of yelling ? )
background: Albert and Race have been best friends ever since they’ve lived next to each other (their whole lives). They were now juniors in high school and Albert was embarrassed of the fact that he’s never had a kiss and Race has kissed more people than he could keep track of. Albert also drives Race to/from school everyday cause he’s quite possibly the worst driver on the planet. ——————————————————————————
“So who was the guy in the hallway?”
“The one you were kissing all up on!”
“Oh! You mean Kenny? Don’t worry about him, we ain’t nothing serious.”
“Alright, whatever you say, dude.”
The boys sat in their last period, math. This was the class neither of them cared about.
They waited and waited until class ended and the boys walked out to Albert’s truck.
The ride home was short and full of music, not unlike any other day. But something seemed off with Albert. He missed the turn into their neighborhood and only noticed after Race reminded him.
Albert pulled into his driveway without dropping Race off. It wasn’t a far walk, but Albert had a normal routine.
“Hey, pal? You okay?” Race asked out sweetly.
“Uh, yeah! Cool.” Albert didn’t really listen to Race, his mind was somewhere else.
“So I guess we’re hanging out today?” Race called back, pointing out the fact that they were at Albert’s house and not his.
“Um, sure, yeah, sorry. Go in, I’ll be there in a second.” Albert replied, trying to pull his focus.
Race walked in to Albert’s empty house while he waited for his best friend to gather his thoughts.
Albert sat in the truck with his forehead rested on the steering wheel. He was thinking. He was lost in his own head and he couldn’t figure out why.
He grabbed his bag and walked inside the house, he couldn’t sit in his truck forever.
“Took ya long enough!” Race cheerfully yelled as Albert walked through the door.
Albert laughed back in response and flopped face-down on the coach, resting his head next to Race’s lap.
Race gently ran his fingers through Albert’s hair and watched as the boy breathed peacefully.
“What’s going on, Al? You ain’t been yourself today.”
Albert muffled indistinctly into the couch.
“Okay well when you’re ready to talk about it, I’ll be here.”
Race knew Albert very well. If he wanted to talk then he would, but forcing him would accomplish nothing. He learned the hard way to wait for him to come around instead.
Race leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a bit, assuming Albert was on the same track he was. Maybe after a nap he would be ready to talk.
Albert felt Race’s hand stop moving. He lifted his head to see the peaceful image of a dozed off Racetrack.
He pushed his body up close and rested his head on Race’s lap. Not realizing Race wasn’t all the way asleep yet, Albert rubbed his legs softly.
“Uh-uh” Race hummed, his eyes still closed.
Albert lifted his head and repositioned himself off of Race. He blushed slightly as Race rolled his head over to his direction and slowly opened his eyes.
“The couch isn’t comfy”, he said, standing up and walking towords the hallway.
Albert followed behind and found his way into his room. By time he got there, Race was already waiting for him on his bed. He watched as Race positioned himself in the blanket.
“It’s nap time”, Race said, softly.
Albert opened up the blanket and laid himself next to Race, leaving a space between them.
It was cold out, cold enough for at least two blankets. Albert was shaking under them both.
Race grabbed Albert by the hips and gently scooted him back towords his own body. Brining warmth to them both. He stopped shaking but his heart kept a steady quick-paced pound.
A bit of time passed but Albert couldn’t seem to rest his head. He was so tired but sleep wouldn’t come.
“Race? Are you still up? I’m ready to talk”, Albert whispered, unsure if he really wanted to or not.
“What’s up?” Race replied, sleepily but still awake.
Albert turned to face Race.
“How do you do it?” He started.
“Do what?” Race replied, confused.
“Kiss people. People you just met. People you aren’t even with. Just...how do you do it?”
“It’s called being a whore.”
“No I’m serious. How do you just kiss people?”
“I don’t know, Al. You just do. Find someone who wants to and just put your mouth on theirs. There ain’t much to it, yanno.”
Albert sighed.
“Al, you’re over-thinking it. Your first kiss doesn’t need to be anything amazing and perfect. Mine wasn’t! I don’t even remember my first time. The best part is once you get the first one over with you can just kiss a lot of other people to make up for the first one. Eventually you’ll be like me and not care.”
“That doesn’t really make me feel better, Racer.”
Albert sat up and faced away from Race.
“Well I’m just tired of you not having a first kiss already!”
Albert crosses his arms and pouted. He definitely was in a mood.
“Well then why don’t you just kiss me and get it over with!”
Albert put his hands over his mouth. He wasn’t suppose to say that. He thought about it—a lot acrually—but he wasn’t suppose to say it out loud.
Race sat up and reached his hand out to grab Albert’s arm but before he could make contact, he ran out the room.
“Al, wait!”
Race did everything he could to wait again; waiting for Al to be ready. But he couldn’t help himself.
He went out and found Albert on the couch. A layer of tears coated the underneath of his eyes and it was obvious he had been picking at his skin again. It happened when he was mad at himself.
Race tip-toed into the room and kept his voice soft.
Albert didn’t move. Race spoke again.
“Did you mean what you said? About me kissing you?”
“No! Obviously...we’re friends...best friends. We can’t ruin that. I just—I don’t know I was frustrated—“
“But did you mean it?”
“I—I didn’t—I mean I don’t—it’s not that—if you wanted—I mean...”
Albert started getting angry again.
Race rubbed Albert’s leg, something that always calmed him down. It worked for a bit. They sat silently, waiting for the mood to dilute.
They waited. And waited. And waited. Until Albert spoke up.
“I did mean it...I meant all of it.”
“But”, Albert continued, “I don’t want it to change anything.”
“How would it—“
“I don’t know, you’ve seen movies. It always does.”
Race decided it was enough talking. He just had one more thing to say. Clearly talking wasn’t getting them where they wanted to be fast enough.
“If you’re ready, and you want it to happen, I won’t stop you, but it’s your decision, Albert. It’s your life and I won’t stop you from doing what you want. I want to, so if you do too, do it.”
Albert looked at Race for the first time since he said it. His eyes were still damp and his face was still red. He took in Race’s words and let out a shaky breath.
He stood up and began to walk back to his room.
“I can’t do it here.”
Race followed behind.
They sat together on his bed. Waiting for the “right” moment. Or at least that’s what Albert was hoping for. He twiddled his fingers and awkwardly looked around the space he knew as his room. Race kept a soft eye on Albert’s movements and reactions.
“Look, Race, this isn’t gonna work. I ruined the moment. This is why no one wants to kiss me or be with me, I have to go and ruin everything I ever build up for myself. You said we could and here we are but I’m stupid and I don’t even know where to start and I just want to but I—“
Albert was cut off by a soft pair of lips pressed upon his own. He was caught off guard, unsure what to really do.
For a moment, he just sat there, waiting for what Race would do. But it was clear Race wanted Albert to lead and be comfortable with his first time.
Not after long, Albert let himself melt into Race. His lips became relaxed and formed to Race’s. He closed his eyes and felt every crevice and every perfect imperfection in Race’s lips.
Albert pulled away. Needing some air. Not yet learning the art of breathing while kissing.
He looked at Race. That soft and almost cocky smile that rested on his face was enough to send him.
He moved his eyes from being met with Race’s to his lips and back up.
Albert leaned back in again, continuing what they started. They kissed again and again. Race subtly teaching Albert what to do as they moved along. Guiding his hands, pushing his lips closer together when he opened them too much, showing him how to move without breaking apart.
Time passed and all the pain and embarrassment Albert felt when the day started was gone.
Everything felt okay for once.
No matter what happened to him and Race after this moment, they still had it. They had this moment. And no one could take that from them.
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enbymagnuss · 5 years
Tumblr media
i drew some dumbasses on vacation! 
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Modern Ralbert Headcanons: High School AU
Okay so this is mildly inspired off of a conversation @papesdontsellthemselves and I had like 30 min ago off of Mean girls,, just roll with it
Okay so,, Race is that one guy who’s So Good at Math
Basically he’s a mathlete again
Al is on the lacrosse and hockey teams
They went to elementary and middle school together, and were best friends through both of those
A little thing like high school and differing interests wasn’t gonna pull them apart
It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Race to be at Albert’s hockey games
Junior year, Al is already on Varsity
Race is a mathlete cuz what else would he be as a Major Math Nerd™️?
Point is, he’s at the state championship when Albert (who’s their lead d-man) is able to score the winning goal
They’re both going c r a z y
Al does the thing when he’s celebrating, he takes of his helmet
He makes eye contact with his best friend
Smiles sO big
Then pounds his fist on his chest twice before pointing at Race
(Race is wearing Al’s jersey under his mathletes jacket btw)
The second Al gets off the ice, Race is by his side
Al, still in most of his gear and about 2-3 inches taller than Race because of his skates, grabs Race by his coat and kisses him
Race pulls away, confusing Al for a moment, but then grins and pulls Al down for another kiss
Al’s team mates (specifically Jack, Tommy Boy, Elmer, Spot, and Hotshot, along with team manager Davey) see this happening, and they are going batshit CRAZY for Race
I don’t know if y’all know about locker room talk
But basically
It’s a lot of talk about crushes
These guys have heard Al talk about how amazing Race is for the entirety of the 3 years they’ve played together
(As well as any seasons they might have played with him before)
A few of Race’s friends (Romeo, Buttons, Finch, Jojo, Specs, and Crutchie) came along to support their various friends/boyfriends on the team too
So when Race and Al separate
They’re both pulled back to their friends to celebrate and DISCUSS
Al is just sat in the locker room
Halfway out of his gear
Trying to unlace his skates
His team mates just hounding him with questions
“You finally did it!”
“Guess you finally grew a pair, eh?”
“What made ya do it?”
“Why after this win than all the others?”
Al is redder than his hair
just kinda mumbles “Fuck off, guys”
(He can’t stop smiling tho)
Someone Jack shoots a jockstrap at him
There’s more than a few wolf whistles
Meanwhile, Race is sitting on the bleachers of this outdoor stadium, surrounded by his friends
“Race, what—?”
“Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?”
“Romeo, why does that even—“
“Shut up, Romeo, let the man speak!”
“If all of you could be quiet, I could tell you what happened!”
Everyone falls silent at Race’s yelling
“He got off the ice, grabbed my jacket, and kissed me, then—“
Cue even more chaotic yelling
Race sighs, puts his head in his hands, gives up, and decides to just tell them later when then inevitably ask him again
(Race is also Very Red through all this)
Al walks out of the locker room, bag slung over his shoulder, hair slicked back after his shower a few minutes later
Race’s friends literally shove him towards Al
Race stumbles right into Al, who helps steady him
“You need a ride home?”
“Yeah, that’d be great, thanks!”
As he and Al walk towards Al’s pickup truck, all of their friends are making obscene hand gestures and cat-calling them
Al, without even turning around, flips them off
Race shoots them a glare over his shoulder
They sit in comfortable silence on the way to Race’s house
However, halfway there, Race gathers enough courage to take Al’s hand
Al shoots a quick smile at him, then slowly pulls the truck over to the side of the road
“We good?”
“Yeah, Albie, I think we’re better than good.”
Both of them are smiling at each other sO HARD
Al turns his body towards Race and places a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in so their lips are inches apart
“So if I were to do this again, how would you react?”
Race just tangles his hands in Al’s still-damp hair and closes the gap
When they pull apart, neither of them wants to go too far, so they rest their foreheads together
“Guess that means you like me too, huh?” Race asks
Both of them are giggling at this
Al pulls Race’s lips back to his, and whispers a “Yeah, guess so” before kissing him again
They only separate when Race’s phone is blowing up with texts from his mom
They realize that they’ve spent almost 45 minutes there together
They pull apart, but their hands are still together as they speed back to Race’s house
When they arrive, Al— ever the gentleman— runs around to Race’s side of the car, opens the door for him, then walks him to the front door
“See ya tomorrow?”
“Ya couldn’t get rid ‘a me if you tried.”
They share one last kiss, but Race’s mom starts to flick the porch light on and off
Race sighs as Al laughs
They smile at each other one last time as Al makes his way to his car and Race heads inside
Race’s mother asks him a few questions about the game as he’s taking off his gloves, scarf, and hat
“Guess it finally happened, huh?”
Race just nods, still a bit dazed from the prospect of dating his best friend, and bids his mother good night
Race and Al both can’t sleep that night, and they end up texting each other until they fall asleep
It’s all very cutesy, and when the two tired boys arrive at school together the next morning, their friends immediately swarm them and ask for details
They’re just happy that they don’t have to hide their feelings anymore
okay uh yeah that’s it,, I really just stan Nerdy!Race and Hockey!Albert
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krustywhore · 6 years
¿so what about a ralbert marching band au? i think that’d be hella cool (i love your blog by the way)
omg omg omg if you requested this because i’ve posted some stuff about being in my school’s marching band then thank you so much but if not, i hope you are because i need some band kid friends in this fandom!!
ok so first things first: instruments
albert is a drumline kid 100%
I imagine high school albert as a bit of a fuckboy (like style/appearance wise and in a good way lmao) and that’s usually the Type for the guys in my band’s drumline
he’s probably a snare or a tenor
also, I usually headcanon albert having some sort of adhd and I imagine music would be a way he got used to controlling it over the years, hence why he started playing the drums
race is a saxophone kid and no one can convince me otherwise
i’m guessing he probably starts as an alto and then progresses to tenor eventually (but he was never able to play the bari since it was too heavy and he is a stick boi)
i imagine they both play in jazz band too btw 
anyway, they became friends in elementary school and albert had always wanted to take drum lessons so when his parents finally let him start during middle school, race joined the school band to learn too so they could play together
(ok from here on there’s gonna be some niche stuff that i do in my band so i’m just gonna try to explain it as well as i can rip)
ok so on busses on the way to all of their competitions and performances, they have absolute ragers and albert brings his giant ass speaker and they blare meme songs and race is dancing on the seats and it’s a huge mess
but at night on the way back, everyone is exhausted from a literal entire day of work and it’s like a different world where you’re stuck in this limbo and suddenly all these teenagers toss all their cares and pride and masculinity and all that shit out the window and just let themselves be happy to just be in each other’s company
and basically everyone just gets really cuddly
and that definitely includes race and albert
(in my school’s band, bus rides after performances are the spawn of the majority of band relationships)
and after a few weekends of falling asleep on a bus at midnight and just gravitating towards each other they decide to give it a shot
so for people that are constantly seeing each other whether it’s the fact that they’ve been best friends their whole lives or the fact that they constantly have practices together, they’re always together somehow
even before they start telling people that they’re dating, everyone has shipped them for years
but they’re like the band “it-couple” and thankfully race is pretty light for his height because air he planks perfectly still, albert will let him lay across his tenors and carry him around it’s hilarious
also whenever the school does student concerts, they always do duets
and for their senior prom (they went to junior prom together too, but they had mutually decided not to make it as big of a deal as senior prom) albert gets their entire band (because they all ship them so hard that they’re basically the dads of all of the underclassmen) to go out onto the school’s football field and spell out prom in a drill movement (that just means like the shapes and arrangements that they make on the field) while they play some cute song that probably has some sort of significance to them and it’s so adorable
race just comes running down the bleachers screaming ‘yes’ over and over and the whole band is cheering and a bunch of other students watching are clapping too and it’s so precious
ok that’s all i got but if i ever write a newsies high school au you better believe this is going to be in it
also dm me if anyone wants a video of the band i saw last year performing a newsies/new york themed show it was amazing
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to-be-a-dreamer · 3 years
"i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you" for a fic title (i'm regretting this already)
Rae, what was that you were saying about me writing too much angst? I can’t remember. Anywho:
CW: child abuse, blood, mention of homophobic slurs
We're gonna do a Ralbert one, spice things up a bit (for me anyways)
I'm thinking a high school AU in which Race and Albert have been dating for a little over six months, but they're keeping it a secret because Al isn't out yet. Race has been out and proud since freshman year, but Albert's afraid of what his father would say/do.
So they don't tell anyone, not even their closest friends or Race's brothers. Gossip spreads fast in their little town and they don't want to risk it. Besides, they've been best friends since they were little, so the fact that they're so affectionate with each other isn't suspicious. (At least they think so. Race's brothers, Charlie and Jack, are very well aware)
While they're at school, out with their friends, or around any other person, they pretend they're just friends. Their relationship is made up of quick glances that hold a thousand words, touches that linger just a tad too long to be considered friendly, and stolen kisses from within every hidden alcove they can find.
The only place they can truly act like boyfriends is Race's bedroom (they don't do anything like that they just cuddle and kiss and talk all lovey-dovey in the ways they can't when they're in public)
And that's good enough for Albert. Sure, he'd love to be able to be with Race publicly, but he's happy just knowing that Race belongs to him, and he belongs to Race.
Loving Race in private already makes him feel like the luckiest person on the planet, he doesn't need anything more.
(It's not enough for Race, but Albert doesn't know that.)
So anyways, one day they're hanging out at Albert's house, not doing anything coupley at all. They are quite literally just existing but, at some point, Albert's dad calls Race the f-slur.
And Albert just goes off on his dad cause even if he's not out, even if he were actually straight, he would never let someone get away with talking to Race like that.
The argument quickly escalates into an all-out yelling match between the two of them and Albert is so mad he can't even care enough to worry about how angry his dad looks. Mostly because his dad has never hit him in front of another person before, but it starts to feel like a "first time for everything" kind of situation.
So he just grabs Race's hand and leaves, still yelling over his shoulder as the door slams in his face. He left his car keys inside so they decide to walk to the Larkin house. It's not that far, Albert used to walk there all the time before he got his license.
Albert is still very mad at his father so he rants the entire walk, apologizes for his dad's behavior, and then rants some more. He drops Race's hand as they pass by the busy corner store he knows their friends like to go to. Race wraps his arms tightly around himself so Albert doesn't try to take his hand again, even when they're in the clear.
It takes nearly the entire walk for Albert to calm down enough to realize Race hasn't said a word the entire time. Which is enough to make him stop instantly and force all the anger out of his voice.
"Hey, hey look at me. I'm sorry for yelling so much. Are you okay? We're almost home and then we can watch a movie or some-" "I can't do this anymore"
At first, Albert thinks Race is just upset about what happened, which he has a right to be, so he tries to apologize for his dad again but Race cuts him off.
He's done, he's done sneaking around, he's done lying to his family, he's done pretending they're just friends. Race doesn't want to keep hiding, he wants to love Albert publicly but he can't, and that kills him. And as he keeps talking, Albert can tell that this has been coming on for a while, it wasn't just what his dad said.
Al tries to talk him out of it, of course. He promises that they can do more, that they can be more open. They can hold hands at school, they can go out on dates where no one knows them, maybe they can even tell their friends! But Race says no. He won't let Albert put himself in danger like that.
"You heard what your dad was sayin', and that was just about me! Imagine what he'd do if he knew, Al, you can't just... If we keep doing this, he's gonna find out, you know he will, and I'm not gonna be the reason you get hurt, you hear me? If keepin' you safe means we can't be together then t-that's an easy decision for me."
And so that's that. They go into Race's house and try to pretend everything's fine in front of Jack and Charlie. (Albert tried to go back home but Race wouldn't let him, not with how furious his father had looked when they left.)
Everyone notices that something's wrong. Race's brothers, all their friends, even the teachers. But neither of them can tell the truth, so all they did was trade one secret for another. Except now they don't have each other to lean on.
Race is coping (barely). It hurts, a lot, but he's been considering a break-up for nearly a month at this point; hearing all of the awful things Albert's father said just gave him the final push he needed. He loves Albert, but he's not going to let him get hurt by being in a relationship with Race. He would never be able to forgive himself. That's the only thing keeping him from calling Albert at two in the morning when he misses him so much he can barely breathe.
Albert is decidedly not coping. He and Race had only been dating for about six months, but he couldn't remember a time in his life when they weren't best friends. They'd been attached at the hip since they met, and he's never not been able to talk to Race about anything and everything. So it's not just the fact that he lost Race as a boyfriend, he also lost Race as a friend, and that's the part that hurts the most
So he breaks. He's eating dinner with his dad and his older brothers, barely even listening to the conversation, when he hears that word again. They're throwing it around like it means nothing, laughing like it's some joke. And all Albert can think about is how he wants to call Race and talk about how awful he feels having to listen to his own family say such horrible things. How he wants nothing more than to call them out and teach them better. How he knows he can't because they'd never listen to him. And Race would tell him it's not his fault that they're stuck in their prejudice and it's not his responsibility to teach them to be better. He'd say that keeping himself safe is more important than trying to change the minds of people who don't want to change.
Albert just wants to talk to his best friend.
But he can't, and even if he did, the problem he wants to talk about is the exact reason Race broke up with him in the first place and he knows Race is probably right but he just misses him so much and his family won't stop saying that word.
He didn't even mean to say it, it just slips out before he can stop himself. He can barely even believe he'd actually done it but the conversation goes dead silent and when he looks up there are three pairs of eyes staring him down. His brothers look like a couple of deer caught in headlights, but his father is absolutely thunderous.
His brothers laugh awkwardly and try to divert the conversation, but Albert just lifts his chin and looks his father dead in the eye. It's done now. If he's going down he's going down with his head held high
His father doesn't yell, which is a surprise. Albert had thought he'd scream for at least a few minutes before he threw the first punch. But his father starts hitting first and then adds the shouting. Albert's not really paying attention to what he's saying, but he can make a pretty good guess.
He gets away, somehow. He thinks one of his brothers managed to get their father off of him long enough for the other to pull him to his feet and shove him out the door. He yells at Al to run and then the door slams shut.
Albert can hear more shouting and something breaking, probably a plate getting thrown at a wall (he hopes it's a wall). He takes the advice and runs. He's not even paying attention to where he's going but he isn't surprised when he ends up turning onto Race's street. He doesn't slow down until he can see the house that feels more like a home than his own. Some of the adrenaline wears off and he starts to feel the damage his father did.
It's still fairly early in the evening, but Albert doesn't want to knock on the front door if he looks half as bad as he feels. He goes to Race's window and knocks on it four times, the signal they came up with in middle school.
Race almost doesn't answer. He thinks he knows what Albert wants and it's not a conversation he wants to have again. But the second he gets a glimpse of Al's face he throws the window open instantly and pulls him inside. He doesn't even ask what happened, he already knows. Race calls out for Medda immediately and is met with several protests.
"Come on, she's gonna freak out, don't-" "I'm freaking out, Al, at least Ma knows how to hide it."
And she does. She gets Albert patched up without letting the kind, concerned expression fall for even a second, despite the rage bubbling beneath the surface. She's going to be having a very long conversation with Mr. DaSilva in the morning. She decides they don't need to go to the ER right now, but they might later if he starts showing signs of a concussion. By some miracle, nothing's broken so she just cleans the blood off Albert's face, puts a bandage over the cut on his temple, and gives him an ice pack for his headache.
Once she leaves to find some pain medicine, Race turns to Albert and gives him a look. And Albert has to explain what happened, what his family was saying, how angry and alone he felt, how much he just wanted to call Race and talk like they used to. And then...
"I didn't even mean to say it, honest! I know you're gonna be mad but I swear it just slipped out!" "Al. What did you do?" "I-I told him that I'm gay."
And Race is torn between being angry (because this is exactly what he told Albert not to do), proud (because Race had a hard enough time coming out to his own family and had known they would be supportive), and sympathetic (because even though they both knew how his father would react, Race knew it had to hurt, opening yourself up like that to someone who was supposed to love you unconditionally and getting it thrown back in your face)
He wants to yell, he wants to be angry, but Albert just looks so heartbroken and... almost... uncomfortable? Like he wasn't sure if he was supposed to be here, in this house that was the first place either of them had ever felt truly safe. And Race just can't bring himself to be mad (and yeah, he missed Albert too)
So while Albert waits for the inevitable lecture, Race leans forward and pulls his best friend into a hug. Just holds him close and rubs his back and mutters encouragement in his ear and lets Albert cry.
Things aren't all better now. Race still doesn't want to be in a relationship if they have to keep it a secret, his heart couldn't take another second of that. Albert doesn't know when or if he'll ever go back to his own house, or what might be waiting there for him when he does. They need to talk. About a lot of things. About everything. But they have each other back now, and they're never going to let go, no matter what comes next.
And when Medda comes back with the medicine (okay maybe she took a little bit longer than necessary), she just smiles and leaves the bottle next to the two boys who had fallen asleep in each other's arms.
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