#high end e learning company
summitrend · 2 years
High Quality E-learning Development In India
Start with Us. Get Instant Access to Skilled Expertise.If you're looking for affordable and professional e-learning courses, check our online training.We Specialize in Gamification, Video Production and simulation development.
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eduficdigital · 2 years
Efficient custom elearning content development company
Influence of Articulation in brand promotion
It is a well-known fact that brands are created in the minds of your audiences. It is very easy to calculate the value of the products and services but it is difficult to determine the brand value of the product. The brand value of the products or services of a company is determined by the perception of your customers. Long term success of any company depends on this brand value and the way you build the value into the brand. Communication of the brand value to your audience is equally important. Big giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Google have high brand equity.
Brand equity can’t be determined in the monetary terms. A strong brand promotion adds to the visibility of the products/services of the company. It complements the credibility of the brand, develops a good reputation in the community and helps in customer delight. The brands can tap on these benefits and can create highly valued brands so that the mindful consumer is attracted towards the brand. The end consumer buys a product or a service after meticulous research. This alone is not enough. The consumer seeks social proof for the brand. It is often seen that the products and services which reflect and resonate the consumer’s personality find a way to his heart and are most likely to be bought by him.
The human span of attention is approximately found to be 8 seconds. It is these 8 seconds in which the content should attract the audience and also compel him to buy. This can only happen with precise content management and marketing. Add to the videos the brilliance of digital motion and see the results. In today’s world, less is more. The content should be accurate and interesting. Too many facts and figures make the content boring. Balancing the words and synchronizing them with appropriate videos, facts, statistics can increase the reach to its audience.
Influence of articulation in brand promotion can’t be emphasized more on. This is the most important deciding factor when it comes to the purchase of the product. Articulation is an art. Effective articulation conveys the idea behind the brand to the buyer. It is a brilliant way of remarkable marketing of a product or a service. Strengthen your brand equity with Edufic Digital. They know the ABCs of digital promotion like no one else. Edufic Digital, Bangalore is a premier company which offers its consumer with high quality digital creative solutions to various brands. It has an in-house creative team of professionals. It has its presence around the globe majorly in Europe, Singapore and Dubai.
Many big corporate giants like Danfoss, Piramal, Standard Chartered and the likes share success stories with Edufic Digital. All thanks for their potential brand marketing and digital marketing! The various domains which make Edufic Digital so popular amongst the brands are its content development services and video production and design services.
Today’s consumer is well informed and well-read. It is always advisable to hold hands with the experts for digital marketing. Edufic Digital is one-stop solution for all your digital marketing needs and more!
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You would do well as a personal trainer or fitness instructor since you have great energy and motivation that can inspire clients to achieve health and fitness goals. You feel abundant when you are inspired and inspiring others and when you can experience the childlike joy and share it with those around you.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via teaching about practical skills, business, economics or the arts, via creating and selling educational content (online courses, e-books, instructional videos), by becoming a travel writer or blogger, starting or managing a tourism-related business (travel agency, boutique hotel or guided tour company), via international law.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via developing or working with educational technology platforms that facilitate online learning, via work in international business/trade, via diplomacy, engaging in media production, creating content for TV, radio or online platforms.
You can feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via selling home-brewed beer or offering brewing classes, via media content (podcasts, videos) connected with family relationships, emotional health, cultural traditions, life coaching, via real estate related to family homes, community housing, vacation properties that provide a sense of home and comfort, via non-profit organizations that focus on family support, emotional well-being and cultural preservation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via providing high-end services, such as image consulting or bespoke travel planning, via engaging in theatre, film, directing, producing, via creative arts (music, painting, dancing), via sharing your experiences by storytelling, via teaching, arts, philosophy or leadership.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via nutrition counselling, naturopathy, wellness coaching, preventative care, via writing for technical and scientific publications, via developing or managing programs that facilitate cultural exchanges and study abroad opportunities. You feel abundant when you are focused on service and when you have clear communication.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via becoming a make-up artist, creating tutorials or selling beauty products. You feel abundant when you travel with your loved ones, your partner or as a part of the team. You find wealth via becoming a teacher in subjects like art, design, law or philosophy. You find abundance in starting a business in art (art gallery, design studio, fashion brand).
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via esoteric studies, sociology, spiritual transformation, via energy work, shamanic healing, transformational coaching. You feel abundant when you dive into transformation, healing and deep psychological insights. You can also offer consulting services in areas, like crisis management, organizational transformation or deep personal development. You feel abundant when you promote healing and transformation via self-help books, wellness products or spiritual tools.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering tailored travel plans, starting a business in adventure tourism (offering hiking, trekking and cultural tours), offering spiritual counselling or coaching, helping others find their path and purpose.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via import/export, global consultancy, multinational corporations, via offering historical tours, archaeological digs, via eco-tourism, via international law or corporate law. You feel abundant when you are disciplined, patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via writing or speaking about progressive philosophical or spiritual ideas that align with modern, futuristic or humanitarian values, via online courses, workshops or alternative education methods, via technology, social sciences or futuristic studies.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via producing media content (podcast, video, documentary) on spiritual, artistic, cultural topic, via creating educational programs/workshops that blend traditional learning with holistic or spiritual perspective, via spiritual coaching, astrology or psychic readings.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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thatbitchery · 5 months
'Power' and 'power hungry' are those words that we have demonized and sacrificed to spread the level down propaganda that's egalitarianism and anti- hierarchy, when power is not only inbuilt meaning we all seek it but extremely important and useful to life.
Power is the ability to influence the outcome, perception and course of events. People that have power are people that have- control or at least influence over lives, theirs or otherwise. Lack of power is the most painful position one can be in- exhibit A your childhood if you had one of those parents. Lack of power power leads to slavery, bring under dictatorship, resentment, self loathing, humiliation, shame, etc. The most painful position you can be in is one where you Lack power over yourself.
Neitzsche (I can never correctly spell his name) insists that power over yourself is the most important form of power, and that a good life is a life spent garnering and exercising power over yourself. Power over yourself is simply- discipline. When your will is stronger than your impulses and urges and wants- when you're disciplined- then you have achieved the highest form of power in existence- which makes this the first point. An easy way to be powerful is to be disciplined.
Power over others, however , is just as important. As social species we are constantly in need of company, in fact isolation is a death- to be at the mercy of others is also a death. Since as a social species we are dependent on each other for survival it is important to have some level of power over others- we are also animals and people will naturally treat you at the lowest level they can- it's important to make this level as high as possible.
So then, some cheap / completely free easy to do ways to be powerful?
Articulation and eloquence. Jordan Peterson says the most dangerous thing a person can be is to be articulate and eloquent. Why? Because words are the most powerful weapon out there. Everything social happens through words , and it's a social species so do the math. Wars have been declared and ended over and through words. Relationships formed and destroyed. Governments created and disbanded- words. In my religion save for human beings Everything was created by words- its that powerful. The most powerful you can be is articulate. The way you speak- from your surface lexicon to your intonation to the speed you use to your accent- people judge you over this. It influences how people treat you and think of you. It's soft power that's also explosive. Increase your surface lexicon. Get rid of your original accent and get one that people either a) find superior or b) commonplace ie most people have it (fun fact before skin color and origin we assess each other on accent basis and subconsciously decode if we like you or not. Explanation: people in the same tribe have the same accent , so consider eo brothers and safe. Strangers, not so much). Learn to pace your words. Be straightforward and open. Which drives me to point two
Honesty and authenticity. Look , I think you should lie. Manipulate girl boss gatekeep - these require lying at some point- go for it. What's more powerful, though, is to learn to ger what you want by manipulating the truth. You know what they say- the truth will set you free. Here's the problem with lying- we can tell. There are tells and subconsciously cues that your body sends when you lie and we subconsciously detect them and when you're caught in one lie it destroys your credibility all round. It's like a castle of jenga falling apart, everything that was once in harmony just- trips over. Credibility is the backbone of all relationships- you lose that you get isolated. Honesty is such a powerful tool because a) its vulnerable b) it signals confidence c) it builds trust d) the gift of companionship- you meet people that can actually relate e) you don't need to remember too much or always hold up a facade, the truth will set you free f) it's such an idgaf move that makes you seem superior especially if it's something you'd get judged harshly on. Just- be truthful- I've given f ways in which it influences how people treat you. The trick here is to do the mystery thing- keep things to yourself, unlearn your need to overexplain or justify, learn to give vague, short and true answers and when in doubt, cry.
Knowledge is power- what more must I add. Read. Keep up with the economics and government politics. Learn personal finance and build a financial base. Read fiction. Listen to podcasts. Be informed. Know the things that matter, and no that isn't drake X Kendrick Lamar it's things that matter. Get good grades and hold, at the very least, a bachelor's. Watch movies and go to the opera. Subscribe to newsletter. Be informed. Know. Knowledge is power. Join training camps and whatnots. Be skilled and efficient.
Networks. Power is stored in webs and security is in numbers. Exhibit a) try attack someone with a strong fan base see how that goes for you. You want to be powerful? Have friends, and not just friends. Powerful friends. I don't mean a team of CEOs necessarily- loyalty at the top is tricky and unless you're also a CEO that might not be easy- I mean people that can influence the turn of events. Sometimes- like in fandoms- it's simply just, people. Who your networks are made up of is dependent on what you want- as long as you keep in mind security is in numbers. Run up your numbers, ma'am. Forget your introvercy and self isolation methods , leave your house and learn to talk to people and run up your numbers. The most powerful you can be, is to get to a point where a) you have numbers on every level b)you have a cult leader like presence- that people worship you and are willing to die for you. Like most celebrities do. That's security, that's power. If you have a Nicki Minaj level fan base people treat you well because if they don't your fans will tear them apart. & you can get away with anything because they will justify it for you.
Grooming and mannerisms. We- inclusive of you- judge our books by their covers. Before you speak your Grooming and your etiquette speak for you. That's, I'm not explaining this. I know you know.
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sitp-recs · 3 months
Do you know any good fics where draco is on parole? thank you so much!!! i love your blog
Thank you, anon! I really like these, hope you enjoy them too :)
Bright Side by @floydig (T, 2k)
It’s been one year since the war, and Draco is on probation. He lives in a shitty muggle flat in the middle of nowhere in California and delivers pizza. Harry is Draco’s probation officer who visits far too often.
Harry Potter and the Half-Guard Prince by swoons (M, 4.4k)
Banished to the Muggle world by the conditions of his parole, Draco Malfoy is forced to learn how to protect himself without magic.
Nobody by @dorthyanndrarry (T, 12k)
Junior Auror Potter runs errands, takes witness interviews, does paperwork, and gets the coffee. Rarely, very rarely, he's sent out on the most routine calls, such as when Draco Malfoy misses a meeting with his parole officer.
Evolution by Pie (M, 13k)
Draco Malfoy was condemned to live a Muggle’s life for his three-year probation. His wand was locked away, and he was forbidden to set foot in Wizarding Britain until Hermione Granger secured a job for him in the Aurors’ stock room. Junior Auror Harry Potter frequently visited Draco to check out supplies, take Spanish lessons, and witness Draco’s resolute—if painful—adaptation to a non-magical life … while falling in love with the man who might be too fragile to love him back.
Exiled by A_factorygirl_69 (E, 16k)
Draco is declared persona non grata by the Ministry after the War. Harry has been tasked with keeping an eye on him, ensuring he stays out of England.
Stain of Silence by brummell (E, 28k)
After the war, Draco serves out his sentence in Harry Potter's house.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier (E, 34k)
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
In the Company of a Rubber Duck by birdsofshore (E, 35k)
War makes for strange bedfellows. However that doesn't fully explain how Harry ended up sharing his bath with Draco Malfoy... nor why Malfoy was a rubber duck at the time.
The Voldemort Manor by @kedavranox (E, 40k)
The Malfoy Manor is a state run museum, renamed The Voldemort Manor by the Ministry for Magic. As part of his probation, Draco is assigned as sole caretaker. When the Manor hosts a series of high class events celebrating the Wizarding World’s fourth Yuletide season Post War, it brings with it a swathe of people Draco hasn’t seen in years; including one, Harry Potter.
where all the veins meet by @saxamophone (E, 146k)
It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum.
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Five Fics Friday: August 23/24
Happy Friday everyone!! Finally going on my 2 week holidays, so I'm glad I have some great fics I can read if I get bored!! Check out what's on my radar this week! Enjoy!!
Serenity After the Turmoil (Part 2) by jawnscoffee (G, 2,467 w., 1 Ch. || Dreams, Nightmares, Sherlock's Violin) – John had always been someone with a vivid imagination - especially when it came to dreams. Nightmares, to be precise. This causes him a lot of trouble, especially after returning from the war. The only thing that calms him down is when Sherlock plays his violin. When John wakes up one night from another nightmare, he hears Sherlock playing the violin and decides to keep him company. Maybe he can't sleep either. Or maybe he's just playing the violin for John...
You Don't Live Here Anymore by elwinglyre (E, 3,104+ w., 1/5 Ch. || WiP || S4 Fix It, Angst, Bees, First Time, Third Person Alternating POV) – The lyrics of a song John introduced to Sherlock, haunts him. Sherlock leaves 221b because he can’t bring himself to live there alone without John. Mary is dead, and John still blames Sherlock. It takes a small tragedy to shake John into action. Will he come on home?
A Thrill Failed To Deliver by J_Baillier (E, 9,897+ w., 3/25 Ch. || WiP || Pre-TRF Divergence, Angst, Medical Hurt/Comfort, Serious Illnesses, POV John, Brain Cancer/Tumour, Medical Conditions, Romance, Slow Burn, Doctor John, Miscommunication, Meddling Mycroft, Everyone is a Mess, Harry Watson, Friends to Lovers, Strooppy Sherlock, John's Identity Crisis, Clueless Idiots in Love, Vulnerable Sherlock, Mental Breakdown, Sherlock Whump, Medical Realism) – When The Work is replaced with chemotherapy and restaurant dinners with radiation treatment, will a new, devastating normal bring John and Sherlock closer, or drive them apart — as Sherlock seems convinced it will?
Holy Wine by Silvergirl (E, 36,699 w., 13 Ch. || Sherlock/OMC & Johnlock || TEH Divergence, Addiction, Alcoholism, POV Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Sex Replacing Getting High, Angst with Happy Ending) – After Sherlock fails to amaze and delight John at the Landmark, he learns that John’s cut contacts and left London. Sherlock has to start his life over, without the man he gave up everything to save. Sherlock's version of the events of A Case of You. Part 2 of A Case of You
how do we turn on the light? by moonyinpisces (M, 229,988+ w., 18/22 Ch. || WiP || Post-S2, Romance, Slow Burn, Angst with Happy Ending, Light Humour, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale, The Second Coming, Christianity, Drug Use, Book of Life, Death Threats, Suicidal Thoughts, Sex in the Bentley, Duke of Hell Crowley, Character Death) – Aziraphale ascends to the highest level of the Archangels. And he remembers—well. It’s not important what he remembers.
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hello! Thank you so much for your hard work, people :D I found lots of amazing fic from here and I must say, I very much appreciate it. The titles you people recommend are always amazing.
I wanted to ask for your help on recommending me fics in which Crowley is a human and Azi an non-human, if possible? Preferably Azi as an angel, but anything is fine. I've read when it was Human Azi and Demon (or other non-human entities) Crowley, so I was searching for the opposite. Once again, thank you!
Hi! You can check our #human crowley for more fics like this. Here are some to add to the collection...
The likeness of a man by hapax (G)
There was something … wrong … about Aziraphale. Well, not wrong, exactly, but not right either.  Not … normal. No matter how nice he was, there was no getting around the fact that Aziraphale was too weird to pass for a high school student. That didn't mean that Crowley didn't want to be his best friend.
out of touch, out of time (out of my head when you're not around) by popcornizuku (T)
"Uh, are you a demon?” His face crumbles, clearly distraught by the implication, and Crowley winces. He shakes his head vehemently, “Oh, Heavens no. Quite the opposite, really.” Before Crowley can question whatever that means, he raises a brow, considering, “Were you attempting to summon a demon? I don’t believe that would be a very wise course of action. Awful company, demons are. They have never been known for their manners, I can assure you.” “Er, right. I’ll take your word for it… Wait, no, I wasn’t trying to summon a demon!” (Or, Crowley accidentally summons an angel, attempts to find his soulmate, fights some demons, and falls in love.)
Guarding Anthony by Magnolia822 (E)
When middling angel Aziraphale is assigned as guardian to one Anthony J Crowley, aging playboy and heir to an industrial fortune, he finally has the chance to prove himself to Heaven and earn his place on Earth. Armed only with the compendious yet vague Binder of Guardian Angel Protocols, he must learn to trust his own instincts if he is to stop Crowley from self-destructing. Anthony Crowley has been living his life in the shadow of a tragic incident from his past. He never expects help to come from the most unlikely quarter: a dowdy, yet intriguing, bookseller named A.Z. Fell. Neither of them expects to fall in love. But on this crazy place called Earth, anything can happen. Can't it?
Pure of heart by taj_mahal (G)
After a particularly harrowing day in heaven, trying to avert the Second Coming from the inside, Aziraphale decides to treat himself to a visit to earth to indulge in one of his most treasured earthly delights – a meal at a new up and coming restaurant in London. He is not prepared for what he finds.
Who wants to live forever? by jessescreations (NR)
Antony Colby is a young man living in London, who is suddenly plagued by nightmares of fires, angels and demons. In search for simple answers he discovers big errors in his life - trying to make sense of things, he comes in contact with a bookshop owner who seems to know more than he wants to admit and the longer the search goes the larger the pile of questions grows - in the end of it all Antony Colby has to make a choice or Crowley is punished with a mortal life and does not remember the past 6000 years.
The Mourning Star by RavenMelon (M)
In the aftermath of the thwarted Apocalypse in this alternate universe, Crowley has forcibly lost his memory and taken on a humble life as a greenhouse keeper in Upper SoHo. Meanwhile, Aziraphale, believing Crowley perished during the tumultuous events of heavenly punishment, has adopted a young girl he named Nebula in his process of healing. Their paths unexpectedly cross when Aziraphale seeks horticultural knowledge for Nebula, leading to a heart-wrenching reunion with a forgotten past. Will the Angel be able to find new happiness? Will he bring his Crowley back to him from beyond?
- Mod D
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ok so I started reading worm this week and it blows my mind that apparently wildbow is a fuckin lib, because this seems like such a screed against centralized authority. For context, I have read through arc 20, through the end of arc with the Echidna fight.
So much of the story is driven by the abusive nature of state power, starting small and getting bigger. Taylor is bullied by a group of girls, and the school chooses to not take it seriously. She’s imprisoned and her injuries ignored by an emergency room because they view her as a legal liability. High-ranking members of the Protectorate allows class-s threats to flourish in an attempt to either gain glory or kill Taylor and her friends, trusting that their legitimacy will means that their version of events will be believed. The triumvirate has been in control of a company running human trials that have destroyed lives in order to consolidate their power.
Instead, the people who are outside of the system are the ones who make the general public’s lives safer and happier. It feels like an out-and-out endorsement of anarchism’s position against state authority and for general and freely given cooperation. The Undersiders frequently operate by consensus, not agreeing to make a move until everyone’s on board, or at least satisfied. Taylor’s territory is far from anarchism, especially with her hard stance against drugs. But she operates by making allies and accruing loyalty, and she allows people to move in or move out as they please. It all feels like it’s gesturing towards a different, more egalitarian system than the protectorate and the government has in place.
And then at the end of the Noelle arc, Alexandria makes this speech about how everyone there who has learned of this massive betrayal has to keep it secret in order to preserve the protectorate’s power. She argues that (a) the protectorate allows normals to tolerate parahumans, (b) that it allows supplies to be distributed, (c) that teams would dissolve without it, (d) it would bring greater scrutiny on parahumans and (e) that it provides unity when fighting the endbringers. And Taylor steps forward and agrees with her!
It’s such a naked power grab on Alexandria’s part and such a failure of imagination on wildbow’s part. (e) The leviathan attack showed that everyone with powers will spontaneously unite to fight together. (a) Legend pointed out during the prep for the fight that the endbringers are the reason parahumans are embraced in society. (c) The teams employed by the protectorate might dissolve, but parahumans feel compelled to use their powers and would reform teams. (d) Based on all of the evidence, it seems like the protectorate needs scrutiny like the catholic church need scrutiny. That is, desperately. (b) ok sure. supplies is always easier to distribute with a centralized organization. that’s not an argument for maintaining the PRT as it exists though. get superhero UPS together.
In the speech, Alexandria is appealing to the crowds fear of losing their legitimacy, and that’s powerful. I get why wildbow believes this. I just think he’s wrong, and I think the world he wrote could have supported a different choice.
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sunshineacd · 6 months
drunk on your voice, high on the moment
Henry Fox is a musician who, after the death of his father, has been struggling to connect with his music. When he decides to finally begin with his next album, Henry comes across a studio owned by Alex Claremont-Diaz. Slowly, Henry, with the help of Alex, reconnects with his music and overcomes his grief. Eventually, Henry also has to come to terms with the strong connection that he has built with Alex along the way.  rated: e // 24.2k words
Henry welcomes the warmth that surrounds him, both in feeling and in temperature, when he steps through the door of the studio. The weather had quickly turned just as he had arrived, the wind beginning to pick up and raindrops beginning to fall from the dark clouds above. It reminds him of home. He hopes that perhaps the rain will be the cause to drive away the flashing cameras that sit outside the building, awaiting a single glimpse of him. He certainly did not miss that. But he would never say so, having convinced Shaan that he could conquer this part on his own. However, he was still attempting to convince himself of it.
While Henry waits, he wanders the length of the hallway, admiring the framed records of artists that had once recorded in this studio. To his left, there is an empty office and to his right, the recording booth. Henry steps in, exhaling a deep breath as his gaze falls onto the black sleek piano sitting dormant in the space.
Henry moves towards it, as if it calls out to him and stares down at the keys for a beat. Music, for Henry, has always been a saving grace. No matter what he was going through, he could simply play and feel all his worries melting away. But after his father got sick, like so many things in his life, music got put onto the backburner. Ever so slowly, as each day his father got worse, he felt the connection to music slipping away too.
Henry carefully places his fingers on the keys. He hasn’t played a single note since his father’s passing, scared of the grief that hangs around him each time he has attempted. But now, he takes a moment of reflection before he allows himself to begin playing. The song is the first he had learned on the piano back when he was a child. It was a silly, upbeat tune that his father had taught him and Henry had loved it. The moment he hears it, it brings memories flooding through Henry.
Arthur Fox, for all intents and purposes, had been the beginning, middle, and end of the journey of Henry’s music. Or, if Henry could have things his way, that would be the simple end of it. But he had promised another album, had signed a contract and while the label had sent him a card with how devastatingly heartbroken they were for his loss only three months ago; they were now demanding him back into the studio. To make matters all the worse, the head of the record company happens to be Henry’s own grandmother. It makes it all feel like such a betrayal.
Henry, for all intents and purposes, would like to tell them to shove it.
continue reading on AO3
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coconuttz · 23 days
10 Fashion Startups
Here are ten fashion startups that have been making waves in the industry, offering innovative solutions and fresh perspectives:
1. Rent the Runway
Rent the Runway revolutionized fashion by offering designer clothing rentals. Customers can rent high-end garments for special occasions or everyday wear, making luxury fashion more accessible and sustainable by reducing the need for single-use purchases.
2. Everlane
Everlane is known for its "radical transparency" in pricing and ethical production practices. The brand focuses on creating high-quality, minimalist wardrobe essentials while ensuring fair wages and environmentally friendly production processes.
3. Stitch Fix
Stitch Fix combines personal styling with data science to deliver personalized clothing recommendations. Customers receive curated boxes of clothing based on their preferences, which they can try on at home before deciding what to keep.
4. The Yes
The Yes is a personalized shopping platform that uses AI to tailor fashion recommendations to individual users' tastes. As users interact with the app, it learns their preferences and curates a personalized shopping experience, making it easier to discover new brands and styles.
5. Pangaia
Pangaia is a materials science company with a focus on sustainable fashion. The brand creates clothing using innovative, eco-friendly materials like seaweed fiber and recycled plastic, combining fashion with environmental responsibility.
6. ThredUp
ThredUp is one of the largest online thrift stores, offering secondhand clothing at affordable prices. The platform encourages sustainable fashion by giving pre-loved items a second life and making it easy for consumers to buy and sell gently used clothing.
7. Depop
Depop is a social shopping app that blends social media with e-commerce. It allows users to buy and sell unique, secondhand, and vintage fashion items. The platform has a strong community focus and is popular among younger, fashion-forward consumers.
8. Allbirds
Allbirds focuses on creating eco-friendly footwear using sustainable materials like merino wool and eucalyptus trees. The brand has gained a reputation for its comfortable and minimalist sneakers, appealing to consumers who value sustainability and style.
9. Farfetch
Farfetch is an online luxury fashion retail platform that connects consumers with a global network of boutiques and brands. It offers a wide range of designer clothing and accessories, making high-end fashion accessible to customers around the world.
10. Cuyana
Cuyana promotes a "fewer, better things" philosophy, encouraging consumers to invest in high-quality, timeless pieces rather than fast fashion. The brand is committed to sustainability, using ethical manufacturing practices and sustainable materials to create its products.
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summitrend · 2 years
Efficient custom elearning content development company
High end e-learning companies provide an array of services including course creation, content development, and delivery.We specialize in custom eLearning content development. We provide Effective eLearning content Solutions. Quality Content Solutions.
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eduficdigital · 2 years
Best eLearning Services Companies Worldwide in 2022-Edufic Digital
Influence of Articulation in brand promotion
It is a well-known fact that brands are created in the minds of your audiences. It is very easy to calculate the value of the products and services but it is difficult to determine the brand value of the product. The brand value of the products or services of a company is determined by the perception of your customers. Long term success of any company depends on this brand value and the way you build the value into the brand. Communication of the brand value to your audience is equally important. Big giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Google have high brand equity.
Brand equity can’t be determined in the monetary terms. A strong brand promotion adds to the visibility of the products/services of the company. It complements the credibility of the brand, develops a good reputation in the community and helps in customer delight. The brands can tap on these benefits and can create highly valued brands so that the mindful consumer is attracted towards the brand. The end consumer buys a product or a service after meticulous research. This alone is not enough. The consumer seeks social proof for the brand. It is often seen that the products and services which reflect and resonate the consumer’s personality find a way to his heart and are most likely to be bought by him.
The human span of attention is approximately found to be 8 seconds. It is these 8 seconds in which the content should attract the audience and also compel him to buy. This can only happen with precise content management and marketing. Add to the videos the brilliance of digital motion and see the results. In today’s world, less is more. The content should be accurate and interesting. Too many facts and figures make the content boring. Balancing the words and synchronizing them with appropriate videos, facts, statistics can increase the reach to its audience.
Influence of articulation in brand promotion can’t be emphasized more on. This is the most important deciding factor when it comes to the purchase of the product. Articulation is an art. Effective articulation conveys the idea behind the brand to the buyer. It is a brilliant way of remarkable marketing of a product or a service. Strengthen your brand equity with Edufic Digital. They know the ABCs of digital promotion like no one else. Edufic Digital, Bangalore is a premier company which offers its consumer with high quality digital creative solutions to various brands. It has an in-house creative team of professionals. It has its presence around the globe majorly in Europe, Singapore and Dubai.
Many big corporate giants like Danfoss, Piramal, Standard Chartered and the likes share success stories with Edufic Digital. All thanks for their potential brand marketing and digital marketing! The various domains which make Edufic Digital so popular amongst the brands are its content development services and video production and design services.
Today’s consumer is well informed and well-read. It is always advisable to hold hands with the experts for digital marketing. Edufic Digital is one-stop solution for all your digital marketing needs and more!
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atruththatyoudeny · 8 months
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Happy 28th! Here are all the lovely fics I read this month:
Temporary Fix | dbeaux | [234k] Whether it’s a company event, a date for the day, a hookup, a vacation companion, or even just someone to spend time with for a few hours, whether it’s formal, extremely casual, or somewhere in between, no matter what the requirements, you provide when and what your needs are and leave the rest to us. - Temporary Fix Harry needs someone to go with him to his parents' yearly event. After months of debating and one drunken night, he wakes up to find he submitted the application. He knows it's unfair to subject someone to his life, but when his eyes land on Louis, he finds himself drawn to him. Is it possible that Louis could be his saving grace? Louis doesn't need anyone. He's better off alone, so why did Zayn send in his application to Temporary Fix? Louis has secrets...lots of them, and he intends to keep them. After all, no one needs to know, but after he meets Harry he finds himself wondering if he can let go and trust again. Can Louis let Harry in? Can Harry accept him once he knows everything?
Behind Smoke Stained Curtains | jaerie | [19k] It was a particularly lonely night when Harry walked through his door with a flurry of snow. He was a little rough around the edges with a trucker hat pushed down over untamed long hair. He looked a little greasy, a shower definitely not in his recent past. His tan Carhartt work coat was smudged with dirt and oil and caked with grime, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. The scent was overwhelming as soon as he walked in, unmasked alpha from days on the road stewing in a cab of his own pheromones. Louis was sure it was so deep into the fabric of his coat that no amount of washing would ever truly remove the stench. The worlds align when Louis meets an alpha from the road with as many secrets as he holds himself.
see-through, need you | HoldingOnToChaos | [50k] Louis has a crush. He’s also a 19 year old virgin. Determined to get some experience before he goes out with his crush he enlists the help of his ex best friend—known in the university to get around, and star football player, Harry. Harry agrees to help Louis practice and learn, and Louis always has been a good student. -- OR the one where himbo Harry helps virgin Louis practice fucking.
Heart Beat | allwaswell16 | [33k] Hideaway Haven is the place that Louis has always called home. It's also the place that Harry had tried to leave behind him. When Harry returns to start a music academy in his hometown, he finds himself face to face with his high school crush—and his charming daughter who wants to learn to play the drums. A 2023 Advent Fic ~ Now complete!
Santa Baby (one little thing I really need) | we_are_the_same | [3k] When Louis himself had first heard those words - all the nurses at the A&E have a secret line to Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve-, not nearly long enough ago to be considered a child himself, but long enough that he hadn't really felt like an adult all the time, he’d laughed them off. Thought they were sweet, of course, but just a line, something said to appease the kids who ended up having to stay overnight. Something to explain the presents that parents brought to the hospital on Christmas morning, or that were waiting for them at home, if they were lucky not to have to stay any longer. Something that would allow a little bit of Christmas spirit in the sometimes sterile rooms of the hospital. But that was before he’d met him.
Ride My Sleigh Tonight | kingsofeverything | [9k] In exchange for free food and drinks at Liam’s office holiday party, Harry pretends to be his boyfriend. But this is not that story.
The Busker | Chelsea Frew (chelseafrew) | [7.5k] A snowstorm has trapped artist Louis at home on his birthday--Christmas Eve--and on Christmas. Louis anticipates a lonely holiday. A mysterious stranger appears on Christmas morning, however, and Louis doesn't have to spend the day alone. But where did the man come from? Why does he seem familiar? It's a Christmas mystery.
Sunlight and Shadow | Cryinginacoolway_2931 | [88k] Foster dad Harry isn't lonely. He really isn't. Caring for children in crisis is his calling, and he doesn't need anyone to help him. That is, until he does. Louis, a handyman who craves love and a family more than anything, might just be the missing piece he never knew he needed.
Where All Roads Lead | Rearviewdreamer | [7k] Harry's Christmas takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a misplaced holiday card in his letterbox. He never thought that braving the snow to return the card to its sender would be so worth his while.
Santa, Baby | Throwthemflowers | [16k] Nothing in Harry’s life has gone to plan. From giving up his art dreams in favor of a stable 9-5, to singleness, to a bought with cancer that left him infertile, Harry finds himself wishing for a Christmas miracle. When one seemingly occurs, Harry meets the sperm donor of his dreams and begin to imagine the impossible. But not everything with Louis is as it seems, and soon an elusive art agent is adding to the chaos of Harry’s very unexpected holiday season. Set against the backdrop of New York City, this hallmark-style rom com is filled with a bit of drama, a drop of angst, and a touch of Christmas magic.
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punisheddonjuan · 6 months
Pearson Vue GED Testing Service, the company behind the test, is ending service in Canada after this month. "It's ludicrous," Feliciant said about the program ending and the tight deadline. When the end of the program was announced last year, provinces were left to find their own solutions. In the meantime, people who miss the deadline to schedule a test this year won't get another chance — and without any alternative right now in some provinces, such as Ontario, adults wanting to get the equivalent to a high school diploma will face barriers. "We were completely blindsided by that, as were our students … this is just another roadblock for them," said Steven Lobodici, a professor and assessor at Mohawk College, adding he first learned of the change in August 2023. [...] Alternative to GED sorely needed: instructors Jamieson said she was "so sad" to hear the GED is ending. "I know there's so many people who want an education and are striving to do better." Lobodici said there's currently "no adequate replacement" for the GED. He mentioned the Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC), which is still in development in Alberta. He also noted there's an Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) certificate, but it isn't widely recognized across the country.
This is ridiculous. Full disclosure, I decided to pursue a GED instead of finishing high school. Being chronically ill as an adolescent meant I missed a huge amount of school. Some years I totaled over 90 recorded absences (roughly half of the total school days in a year). I couldn't stay in a normal high school, so I bounced around a few different alternative schools over the next few years but never stayed in one place for longer than two years because I simply wasn't there often enough. I even tried online correspondence high school for a year in between two of those alternative programs and that was alright, but by the time I was eighteen I had maybe seven or eight high school credits total, well short of the thirty needed to graduate.
So when I was nineteen I wrote the GED. I passed with perfect or near perfect scores in almost every subject area (except math, I only managed a 75% there) which isn't too shabby when the only studying I did was scanning through the study guide fifteen minutes before the test. Based on those GED scores and the strength of my audition to the music program on classical guitar I was accepted as a mature student to a university with a very good reputation. One change of major later, I wound up graduating Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. (Hons.). Then after earning my B.A. I applied and was accepted into a graduate program at the top university in the country. We all know what happens next (my health takes a nosedive and I have to drop out of grad school), but that any of this was in any way even possible was thanks to being able to get my GED. Not having anything to replace it with is a real travesty, and it's closing the door on so many people, but especially the poor, disabled, racialized, and marginalized.
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Its not just about fast fashion
Posted by Coralie Alison 24718sc on February 09, 2024
Earlier this week a supporter sent us a screenshot of a sponsored post on Facebook where giant e-commerce platform SHEIN was pushing thigh-high fishnet stockings for infants. "This is a massive red flag for me" she said. 
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We discussed it as a team and our Movement Director, Melinda Tankard Reist said "This major online e-commerce platform thinks it’s ok to sexualise even babies by flogging thigh-high black fishnet stockings. Shein has linked babies with an item of clothing commonly associated with the sex trade. We have documented other examples of Shien’s exploitation and adultification of children including padded bras and see-through costumes. The company must be called out for pedo whistling."
So we decided to share the image on Facebook, Instagram, X(Twitter) and LinkedIn calling on all our supporters to contact SHEIN and demand they remove the item from their site. 
Clearly this campaign struck a chord with many as we had hundreds of comments on our social media platforms. 
"I have grave concerns about the mind of the person who thought these a good idea - I think they need help of some sort."
"What the actual! That’s disgusting"
"Yuck!! 🤮 This is all kinds of wrong. Actually makes me feel physically sick."
"Words fail at this sickness"
"SHEIN this is not a good look….."
"Shame on you SHEIN"
"SHEIN this is disgusting. I will be spreading this info to everyone I know so that your company is boycotted."
"I wrote a book about pornification of reality and this is the worst thing I've ever seen."
"This is not the first time. SHEIN have a history of sexualising girls. We must call this out!"
This also came at the same time that SHEIN was also under fire publicly for other items that adultified children. 
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Not only are the fishnet stockings inappropriate for its ties to the sex trade but they would also be incredibly impractical for a baby. The sponsored ad says “Kids will love these” - yeah two huge bows on your knees when you’re learning to crawl. Slippery feet when you’re trying to stand and take first steps. Let kids be kids!
We then inboxed Peter Pernot-Day on LinkedIn who is head of Corporate Strategy and bought the issue to his attention. The beauty of social media is that we can contact people in senior management. 
When we checked the website link later that day the item could not be found. 
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This is the power of using your voice. Together we rallied our community to collectively speak out and say "This is not okay!" Kids need the adults in their lives to protect them, to advocate for them and to take action when something in our society is going to harm them. If you're not already a part of our campaign movement please sign up today to be notified about future campaigns. (It's free and we promise we will never spam you.) 
It is great that the item has now been removed but why do we need to have these campaigns in the first place? Kids deserve better than SHEIN’s sexualisation and adultification.
But our campaign against SHEIN doesn’t end here. Unfortunately the corporate sells a range of highly sexualised and adultified items. We’ll say more on this soon.
See also:
SHEIN fetishises ‘school girls’ for profit
SHEIN flogs see-through g-strings for toddler girls
SHEIN’s ‘highly sexualised’ image found in breach of ad code of ethics
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ask-vladimir-makarov · 8 months
This blog is going on hiatus until further notice.
This will be a long post. Please read it anyway.
I've gone back and forth on this for a while now. I've been dealing with health problems and real life responsibilities that make it difficult to keep up with my regular posting, let alone with projects like this, which is why I haven't posted in so long. However, in the end, I decided I don't want to anymore.
I like Vladimir Makarov, as a character. I’ve been drawn to him since high school. He’s an interesting character to pick apart and analyze, both in the context of his fictional world and the larger meta context of his place in the narrative and how he’s received by his audience, especially in the realm of fandom.
However, he's also a character who has canonically committed genocide against the Chechen people during the First Chechen War. He is a character who, during his operations as a terrorist, profits from genocide in the Global South, particularly on the continent of Africa. And his reboot incarnation is no better, having taken part in Barkov’s occupation of Urzikstan and seeking to reoccupy it—timeline discrepancies aside, this is the character Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer wrote. And it’s for a reason.
I can sit here and talk about the nuances of fiction and reality and what it means to like a fictional character all day. However, I cannot and will not run a fan blog for a fictional genocider when my country, the United States, is funding, conducting, and aiding and abetting in multiple genocides across the world. I cannot draw Makarov cheekily answering asks about his love life and personal tastes while people suffer in Palestine, in Sudan, in Congo and elsewhere. I cannot contribute to a fandom environment where colonialism, oppression, and genocide are glossed over, whether fictional or real.
I implore everyone who follows this blog, or who reads this post, to do something within your ability if you aren't already. Attend a protest, participate in strikes like the one currently underway, and contact your representatives and implore them to denounce genocide and apartheid. Boycott companies on the BDS list and give your financial support to those who need it, whether that means donating to trustworthy organizations, purchasing e-sims for people on the ground in Gaza, or donating directly to those in need. Buy your electronics used and refurbished, not new. Create art—draw, write, make music, whatever it is you do—in solidarity for the peoples affected by colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. If you use social media frequently, follow those affected by these conflicts, pay attention to the news they share. Take the time to put the present into context and educate yourselves on the history of these conflicts and the systems at play. Encourage others to do the same.
Here is a very small list of resources on Palestine, Sudan, and the DRC to get you started. I may add more links in the near future, but keep in mind this is no way meant to be exhaustive; it is imperative that y’all take the time to inform and investigate yourselves. I nor anyone else can spoon-feed the facts. I've linked directly to donation pages for some, but I encourage y'all to dig through their sites to learn more and find more resources.
🇵🇸 Eye on Palestine + Taawon Association + Palestinian Children's Relief Fund 🇵🇸
🇸🇩 NasAlSudan: The Sudanese Revolution + What is Happening in Sudan? 🇸🇩
🇸🇩 Darfur Women Action Group 🇸🇩
🇨🇩 Friends of the Congo + their Resource Center 🇨🇩
>> kandakat_alhaqq on Twitter also has an extensive linktree of resources on many countries and groups in need of aid, including Sudan and South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Morocco, and the Uyghur people Some of the links I've already listed here.
>> Genocide Watch tracks genocide around the world. They have a list of reports by region and many resources on educating oneself about genocide, including a breakdown of the Ten Stages of Genocide.
Finally, as fans of Call of Duty, it’s important to acknowledge and reckon with the fact that these games are military propaganda. I’ve seen this refrain passed around the fandom time and time again, but very rarely do I see it actively engaged with; most often it’s used as a way of dismissing the game’s narratives in favor of doing whatever one wants with the characters. And as someone who’s made it My Thing to do whatever I want with the characters while also staying cognizant of the themes of the stories these characters come from, I’m going to challenge y’all to do the same.
Engage with the propaganda.
Take the time to analyze and deconstruct the games and their themes and pay attention to what viewpoints they’re encouraging. Pay attention to who you, the player, will have your guns pointed at most often, and why.
(Also, please please PLEASE watch Jacob Geller's excellent video, "Does Call of Duty Believe in Anything?")
And for those of us who like Makarov the character, take the time to educate yourselves on the very real things this fictional character was involved in, whether in the context of the original trilogy or the ongoing reboot. Put the present into context. Consider the role this character plays in the narrative, and why.
Do these things privately and publicly. Post about it alongside whatever else you share in fandom, whether that's art, fanfic, headcanons or meta analysis. Discuss it with your fellow fans.
I may one day come back to this blog, or I may not. Please do not hold your breath either way—this blog was a short and fun thing while it lasted, but to me, paying attention to the real world and treating these games with the gravity and depth they require is a more important use of my time. None of us are free until all of us are.
Thank you to the kind people who've followed this blog and sent asks, and thank you for reading this post all the way through.
I’ll see y’all downrange.
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