23 posts
hii you can call me coco xx.i'm in fashion school and i work in fashion buying! i'm not sure what i'm going to post on here yet but i hope to create things that inspire others who want to work in fashion! prob will share study tips and cool things about fashion school!
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
writer's block ??
i struggle to know what to write about. what to blog about consistently. I feel like social media's trained my brain to operate in aesthetics. my creativity feels stifled and boxed in. I don't know why I feel like everything needs to fit the same template, same color palette, same everything. ugh, i hate it.
i want to just create freely without worrying if everything's uniform.
which is ironic since my irl style is eclectic, and I like the contrast of different colors and textures. *sigh*
can anyone else relate? or is it just me
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
pov: you’re a (fashion) student without a support system ♡
ik it can be daunting to build a support system when you have no one... especially when you’re surrounded by a sea of creativity and talent and a culture of pride in doing everything alone (ifyky, no shade); but don’t fret, because I’m here to share how to build that support network from the ground up, just like I had to do. it can be overwhelming asf but it’s totally possible! here are some strategies (this is what i did in the midst of a massive depressive episode) ☺️✨
listen linda, i was a social butterfly. i say this because when i'm depressed i retreat if i can find an escape. we live in a day and age where your whole life can be remote/digital if you want it to be (thx to a remote job, online school, zoom calls with friends if u even see them). imo it can be a sustainable lifestyle for a suprisingly long time... till it's not. i digress.
it’s okay to start alone. being a lone wolf gives you the freedom to explore your style and interests without the influence of others. it can be lonely, sure, but i can be freeing. in my vulnerable moments where i felt alone but was authentic, i attracted ppl who mean the world to me today. so know being alone is temporary. or at least, try to tell your brain that. better yet, don't try; tell yourself this every day:
♡ My authenticity will draw in those who appreciate me for who I truly am.
♡ I am enough, even when I am alone.
♡ In my own space, I can discover who I am without distractions.
♡ I am resilient; I can navigate through the quiet moments.
♡ I attract the right people into my life.
♡ Even in solitude, I have the strength to thrive and emerge stronger.
♡ My alone time is sacred and necessary.
♡ I believe in my ability to build a supportive community.
♡ I give myself permission to feel and to heal.
Each phase of life has its purpose, and I trust that my time will come.
♡ tip #1: touch grass later. for now, get online. find other fashion students who *inspire* you. whose values align with theirs and their content makes you feel good. don't follow people just because they work in fashion-- look for peers, who are studying as well. peers are so important to have through every stage of life <3 follow fashion students and i recommend actual professionals who inspire you. not fashion influencers necessarily, but people who work in fashion professionally, maybe they're a designer or art direct or magazine editor. these folks to to have content that's inspiring and motivating! survey for yourself, you have to be careful what you feed your brain without even realizing it! anyways, engaging with their content in meaningful ways can lead to conversations, friendships, ++ even mentorships. don’t be shy about reaching out when/if you're ready. if you don't want to, thats ok too!
♡ tip #2: most fashion programs offer various resources like internship apps and networks (like a school handshake!) or apprenticeshhip, workstudy, study abroad etc. programs or workshops! follow your school on social media, they usually will have "career service" pages with rly great resources, and updates about networking events, etc. don’t hesitate to ask your professors for recommendations or support; they want you to do well! even if it feels awkward at first, getting involved in school activities is a great way to meet fellow students and form connections.
♡ tip #3: if you’re feeling brave, team up with fellow students for projects or study sessions. you can share ideas, critique each other’s work, collab on a pinterest board (lol) or just vent about a new yt video analysis video that xyz put up. plus, who doesn’t love a little fashion school brainstorming with (new) friends over coffee? speaking of, i'm gonna go make coffee. i have a problem. when i hear it, or even see this emoji ---> ☕️ i want one. brb.
ok, i'm out of coffee :( i made tea instead. but i still smell coffee. can anyone relate ??
♡ tip #4: if you're hesitant about reaching out directly, you can create opportunities for others with your shared interests to come to you. how? by sharing your own experiences and projects. you can post your work in communities like behance or github (to decide, to research on your industry, your niche, etc. and pick what works best for you! educate yourself in what's the latest in the industry, what's popular, make a pros and cons list. like actually take time to decide if u can! that way you don't have to migrate everything over to another platform later.
ok so for example, if you’re working on a design project, that could mean taking a course, or attending a fashion event, or you could share a post about it. one tip that's often used in marketing in general is to include a reflection or question that invites others to comment such as:
"Just wrapped up my latest fashion design project using 3D modeling software! Has anyone else tried CLO 3D? I’d love to hear your thoughts on digital fashion design!"
open ended questions like this when you share your work, an opinion, blog post, etc.makes it easier for others in the industry to connect with you and offer advice without you needing to initiate.
these are just a few tips for building a support system of you're shy, don't know where to start, are taking classes online and have a hard time meeting ppl, are depressed and everything's hard in general, etc. <3 keep your head up
till next time. my tea is ready.
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
Took me until about halfway through college before I realized “study” means “play with the material in a variety of ways until you understand it” and not just “read the assigned chapters and do the homework” and I think that probably should have been discussed at some point prior to that.
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
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Daisy Lowe <3 twee indie sleeze style icon
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
you can call me coco(a) (she/her). i wanted to make a quick "about me" type post so you can know a little more about my corner of this digital space. hold on, i want to get cozy. i do a lot of writing at a desk for work, but this blog is like my diary, so I'm gonna make a hot tea first. brb.
okay, i'm back.
here's 10 random things i'd like to share:
-i'm so grateful to live in a busy city where working in fashion is accessible! i moved to the city for that v reason! up close & personal
-under the umbrella of a fashion marketing degree: fashion buying, fashion merchandising, social media and brand management, luxury fashion, data analysis, trend forecasting, and other fun things like excel and adobe xx
-i lovelovelove to read! one of the main ways I enjoy studying fashion for leisure is by doing lots and lots of reading. i'll also play an audiobook sometimes, too!
-i'm obsessed w/fashion magazines, always have been! i love reading actually physical magazine articles, especially my faves- Vogue!
-i just started sex in the city, and it's what inspired me to start a blog. i'm still figuring things out tho
-i have rly bad adhd but i've always been a good study-person. i'm not sure how that works, but because i rly love to study and do heavy research as well, i'm thinking i'll prob be sharing study-related things on here (?). i'm not sure yet (thoughts?)
-i really like lists. they help me stay organized for you and for me. i tend to lose my train of thought easily sometimes
-i'm really hoping to build a community here eventually! I know that may be precocious to say since i just started, but
-i'm also trying: self-affirmation, self-talk, etc. this is new to me and was introduced by my therapist, so if you have any cool things to share i'm so open <3
-unless i'm super focused on listening to music, i prob have something on the TV in the background. idk, it's soothing to me like a familiar friend! currently, yes I watch a ton of reality shows because I love how they dress :3 (!)
nice to meet ya! so there's a little bit about me. i'll be posting very regularly, several times a day. if you read this far, thank you! xx
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
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coconuttz · 5 months ago
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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Fashion week just started! Heres a quick list I put together of which day each fashion show is (which is also on the official site btw!). Using these notes in my phone to keep track throughout the day!
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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FKA twigs just totally casually slaying
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
I asked myself if I was the problem and we said no
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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they look like they're performing a ritual
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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i want sequins so bad all of a sudden
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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when the sun hittin
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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coconuttz · 6 months ago
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