#hiccstrid week 2024
astridhoff03 · 8 months
The Anniversary
Hiccup & Astrid celebrate the day they came Offical together and rember all the memories they have Made together.
"Hiccup, where are we going?" Astrid asked, laughing, her husband's warm hands over her eyes. “You’ll see, Honey. You'll like it," Hiccup whispers in her ear and immediately gave her a small kiss on the cheek, which made his wife giggle briefly. “Just a little bit more and we’ll be there.” He slowly took his hands away from her eyes and gently ran them over her arms. "Happy anniversary." Astrid put her hands over her mouth, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was so wonderful. In the middle of the cliff, surrounded by some fir trees hung with glowing lanterns, there was a table for two, full of delicious food. In the middle of all these delicacies stood a carved wooden statue of two dragons snuggled up close to each other and painted over with gold paint. Toothless and Stormfly. She carefully ran her fingers over the miniature of her beloved friends, a small tear rolled down her cheek. "Oh, Hiccup, it's wonderful, I love it." She ran into her husband's arms and wrapped her arms around his neck, lovingly stroking his beard with one hand. “Only the best for my wife and the Chieftess.” Astrid smiled and sheepishly pushed a long strand of her blonde hair out of her face. “May I please, M’Lady?” Hiccup grinned and pointed to the richly laid table whose glasses shimmered in the sunset like thousands of small diamonds. “And if you’re allowed to.” She interrupted her husband and the two of them sat down at the table. The two enjoyed the delicious food and watched the sun disappear behind the horizon with each passing minute. Small fireflies rose from the grass and, together with the silver glow of the crescent moon, illuminated the deep black night. The sky was an onyx-colored carpet dotted with thousands of stars. Hiccup cleared his throat and held out his hand to his wife. "May I ask for this dance?" Another broad smile appeared on Astrid's face as her husband hugged her tightly and the two began to dance slowly. A warm pinch slid through Astrid's braided hair as she leaned against Hiccup's chest. “You know, I missed that. For once, no children. No obligations. Just the two of us.” He placed his thumb under her chin and brought her face close to his. "Me too, Astrid."The next moment she felt his warm lips on hers, his hands moving from her waist to her hips. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him tighter. She wanted to feel him, very close to her. They deepened their kiss. With every touch he became more passionate and hungrier. Astrid felt the heat rising within her, the pure desire for physical closeness. For a brief moment the two separated from each other. Hiccup leaned his forehead against hers and smiled mischievously. “I think now it’s time for my present,” Astrid smiled. “I can’t wait,” Hiccup said softly. He didn't waste another moment and lifted her into his arms like a bride while Astrid caressed him with her lips. Without being able to think any further clearly, the two went into their house and up to their bedroom. Hiccup carefully laid Astrid down on the large bed and then leaned over her again to kiss her. "Are you ready?" "With you always," she whispered and brought his lips back to hers.
A little later the two found themselves snuggled up together under their blankets. Astrid's head rested on Hiccup's chest and she gently ran her fingertips over the runes on his bare chest that spelled her name. She smiled contentedly. "You have to admit my gift was just as good as yours." Hiccup lovingly stroked her shoulders, which he wrapped his arm around. "Especially because you've been giving this to me since our first anniversary." She laughed and leaned over him, the blanket sliding down a little from her chest and exposing a small part of her breasts. “You do the romantic thing and I’ll take care of everything after that. That‘s how its going every year.” His hand ran down her back, grazing her shoulder plate where the tattoo with his name was. “And it’s a treat every year,” he smiled, running his thumb over the soft skin of her cheek. With these words, the two melted back into a deep kiss. “Do you remember the evening we finally got together?” Astrid asked. Hiccup smiled, his hand sliding down her back and resting on her hip. “How can I forget that. That was one of the most beautiful evenings of my life.” Astrid cuddled up to him again, her fingers glided over his torso, which was covered with scars, and caressed the fine contours of his abdominal muscles. "I can't believe it's been so long." He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. "I feel the same way. I remember that day I was so afraid that Gothi wouldn't find a cure that would allow you to see again." "I was also afraid that I would be in the dark forever. That I could never look into your eyes again.” She paused for a moment and waited for his reaction. But he just stroked her hips, she sighed relaxed and just enjoyed his touch on her bare skin. “Do you remember the first flight on Toothless?” he asked with a mischievous grin. Astrid turned bright red with embarrassment. “Please don’t remind me of my fifteen year old self. I was horrible...and mean." "Oh come on, Astrid. You were just…own.” She laughed. “Oh, that’s what you call my angry outbursts back then. Unlike me, you were just cute. You still are now.” Hiccup had a hard time suppressing another grin. "I was really weird." "In a cute way," Astrid corrected him. He watched as she traced his scars until her gaze slid to his shoulder where he had the Strikeclass symbol as a tattoo, which again had a red tail fin, in memory of his best friend. With that thought, he took her arm and briefly glanced at the small tattoo of a Deadly Nadder who looked like his wife's beloved Stormfly. He kissed the little mark. “I miss our dragons,” he whispered, a sad tone in his voice. “I miss them too but…” “They’re safe and that’s the main thing,” he finished her sentence with a faint hint of a smile. In response, she snuggled closer to him. “You know, that somehow makes me think of our moonlight flight together when we set out to look for oil for your “secret project.” His eyes flashed back to that one very special evening on this deserted island. It was the first night they made love. Hiccup's hand crawled up her hip back to her waist. Their eyes met as he leaned over her again. "If you remind me of that night..." Astrid smiled in relief as their lips touched again and she snuggled into his embrace.
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Summary: Httyd Whump Week Day 2. Set before Httyd 1, kinda. An arranged marriage AU. Astrid realizes her and Hiccup's marriage is doomed before it even starts.
Warnings: /
Rating: General
Dead Dove: No
Words: 325
Prompt: Astrid
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: Was meant to post this on Monday, but I had a thing after work, so I didn't have the time.
Briefly considered making Hiccup trans in this because I've been writing a lot of that as of late and wouldn't that be a nice extra layer to a Hiccstrid Arranged Marriage AU?
Astrid sighs when Hiccup once again drops his sword and holds his right wrist close to his chest. He looks like he’s in pain and she knows he’s not faking it. She saw the way the joint rolled as soon as she told him to hold the weapon one-handed. For a brief moment, it popped out of place.
Their marriage is already arranged, they have a date, and she could honestly do worse than the chief’s son, but her mother told her it was best to whip him into shape now before the wedding and he would get “all sorts of crazy ideas.” And so that is what Astrid tries to do. But it wasn’t long before she realized that her husband-to-be was kept away from weapons for a reason and now Stoick can’t hide it anymore.
The man she is supposed to entrust her life and children with while Berk is at war with dragons is fragile. In this battle, there is no winning for either one of them.
“I’m sorry,” Hiccup mutters once he has collected himself, rubbing the limb that is destined to swell now. How can he work in a forge when he’s like this?
“Just bind your wrist and we’ll try again,” Astrid tells him as she swings her axe over her shoulder. She has forced herself to soften her edge around him when she eventually realized that he wasn’t faking his dislocations. But there’s still a bite to her tone, a sense of disappointment that makes him wince before he does as he’s told and binds his wrist.
It’s not like she doesn’t see the way he looks away from her, the way he cringes and physically keeps his distance between them, but it’s not as though she’s happy with this arrangement either. How can she trust her future with a man who can’t even pick up a sword?
Astrid knows they are both headed towards an early grave.
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bi-bi-want-dragon · 8 months
Hiccstrid Week 2024
Day 1: make or break || cuddles
Astrid shivered violently as a gust of wind assaulted her from the west. “Thor Almighty!” She groaned to herself. “Ugh, I should’ve told Hiccup I needed a few more days.”
She didn’t mean that, of course. As much as she loved spending time with her newborn, she had been growing restless at home. Then again, maybe one day of very, very light training was enough to hold her over a few more days. At least until this winter storm had passed.
The village appeared all but dead behind the screaming of the wind; not a soul could be found wandering the buried streets, save Astrid. Snotlout had been walking with her, wanting to make sure she got home safely, but Astrid insisted he didn’t need to walk so far past his own home for her sake. He wasn’t pleased about it, but he also knew Astrid’s mind wouldn’t be changed. They compromised that Snotlout would at least walk her to the Great Hall, where he could both warm up before walking back home and also make sure Astrid at least made it partway up the path to the Chief’s residence. By the time he would lose sight of her in the trees, she would be nearly within sight of home.
She turned around as the trees closed in on her, finding Snotlout still standing outside the Great Hall. She waved to him to let him know she was okay, and he waved back before retreating into the warm refuge of the Hall.
Just a few moments later she could see the glow of a fire spilling through the windows of the main room. She also could see a slight glow from Valka’s home a bit further up the path and wondered how Hiccup was doing with the kids by himself. She stepped through the door and quickly shut it behind her, shaking off the cold and relishing in the warmth of the house before peeling off the extra layers of clothing. Though as she hung up some of the snow-caked outermost garments, she realized the house seemed far too quiet. No screaming babies, no running feet, no little squealing laughter, not even Zephyr and Nuffink concocting their next elaborate plot.
Where is everybody? Astrid walked past the kitchen and turned the corner into the main room. Any lingering chill in her body melted away as she took in the scene before her. Hiccup was sitting in his oversized chair, head leaned back and eyes closed. The top of his tunic was messily untied, and lying belly down on his bare skin was little newborn Willow, fast asleep in her father’s protective hands. To Hiccup’s right was a sleeping Nuffink, back leaned against Hiccup’s side and head lolled lazily against the back of the chair, arms and legs splayed out in every direction. To Hiccup’s left was Zephyr, turned in towards Hiccup with her head resting on his arm. Her body was curled protectively over her little brother Spero, who was snuggled in nicely between Zephyr’s and Hiccup’s torsos. She had her arms draped around him, and Spero was hugging one of her arms in his sleep.
Hiccup opened one eye as Astrid stepped in the room. “Hello, milady,” he whispered with a smile. “Join us?”
Before he had even invited her over, she was already leaning over Nuffink, brushing his sandy hair gently away from his sleepy eyes. She stole a kiss from Hiccup and laid her hand over baby Willow’s back when she stirred. She quickly settled back into her father’s embrace, and Nuffink blinked blearily. “Hi Momma.”
Astrid smiled. “Hi, sweetheart. Can I sit?”
He pulled himself up and curled his legs under his body, leaving plenty of space for Astrid to slide in next to him, but once she sat down he crawled into her lap instead. She chuckled and hugged him tight, kissing the top of his head before leaning her head on Hiccup’s shoulder. Hiccup kissed the top of her head in return, making her chuckle quietly. Keeping one arm wrapped around Nuffink, she slipped the other around Hiccup’s waist. She felt Zephyr’s hand touch hers, so she turned her own hand over to hold Zephyr’s.
Hiccup sighed in content. “They missed you today.”
Astrid smiled. “Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off again.”
”You earned it. I’ll let Snotlout know in the morning.” He rested his head on top of Astrid’s. “Maybe I’ll take off, too.”
”I think we’d all like that.”
”Yeah, Dada,” Nuffink said before pausing to yawn. “Stay home with us.”
Hiccup chuckled. “Alright, bud, I’ll stay home tomorrow.”
Willow began to stir again when Hiccup’s chuckle bounced her. He shushed her and rubbed her head with his thumb, settling her back to sleep. Astrid knew she needed to eat soon, but she’d raised enough babies to know you never wake them when they’re asleep. So until little Willow made it clear she was awake and ready, Astrid was going to enjoy the warm cuddles of the family she built out of love and devotion with the best father she could have asked for.
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httydhiccstridweek · 7 months
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Day 7: to love
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Thank you, everyone who took part in Hiccstrid week 2024! The days really went by very quickly, almost too quickly :( we are so close to the end!
It is wonderful seeing all the art and fic this year 😊, so thank you again, creators and fans alike!!
Please do let me know if you’d be interested in another Hiccstrid week next year!
(Also, cue some shameless self promo for @howtotrainyourdragonweek 2024 in August! The prompts poll is published now, so please check it out!)
~sorush signing out! Have a good day, folks!
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bi-bi-want-dragon · 8 months
Hiccstrid Week 2024
Day 3: to discover / to explore || braids
Astrid groaned as the morning sun cut through the door of her hut. She was in bed much later than usual, and she was still in no hurry to get up. Her whole body ached from the previous day’s Dragon Hunter attack, particularly her-
“Ah!” Astrid hissed as she absentmindedly tried to use her right hand to sit herself up. She immediately took her weight off the hand, falling back in bed and cradling it to her chest. Dammit, Hiccup was right. It was broken for sure, at least her fingers were. She groaned internally as she imagined the “I told you so” that would surely be coming.
Getting dressed was an uphill battle to say the least. By the time she was finished the aching in her hand had gotten so bad she could confidently count her heartbeat from her fingers. She thought maybe she’d be lucky enough that her braid had held up through the night, but when she felt her hair with her uninjured left hand she could tell it had fallen out. She sighed. This was going to hurt.
She had managed to undo her hair and brush through it with her left hand alone. She pulled the top of her hair back and tried to braid without bending the fingers of her right hand, but that proved quite difficult. So she thought she could just push through the pain and get it done quickly.
That quickly ended in screaming and cursing. Mostly cursing.
“Uh, Astrid? Everything alright?”
She stifled a groan. Here we go. “Yeah, Hiccup, I’m fine.” She must have missed the sound of his footsteps under her yelling.
She expected a sarcastic quip, but when he didn’t say anything she turned to look at him. He was just staring at her from the doorway, eyes wide and mouth just slightly ajar. Astrid blushed, realizing he’d never seen her with her hair down. Even Toothless noticed his best friend’s trance, though he merely rolled his eyes and found a comfy place to lay down and watch the show just inside the door.
She pushed the hair on the left side of her face behind her ear. “I, uh… Just having trouble with the braid.”
Hiccup slowly blinked back to life. “T-trouble with the… Because of your hand?”
She flinched. “Maybe.”
Hiccup hesitated - a first, Astrid noted - before he stepped into her hut and slowly crossed the distance between them. His eyes stayed mostly on the floor until he reached out his hand as he approached her. “Let me see,” he gently requested.
Astrid quietly held out her right hand, struggling to find a comfortable way to hold her fingers.
He leaned over and gently cupped her hand in his, hovering his other hand over them as he carefully inspected the damage. He turned her hand over in his a few times, just barely grazing over her skin with his rough, worn fingers. It felt nice, like stroking a piece of old, well-worn leather.
Hiccup shook his head. “I don’t like the way this bruising looks. I knew we should have splinted it last night.” He looked up at her, and Astrid couldn’t help but notice his eyes stealing glances at her hair. “If you come by after you’ve gotten something to eat, I should have something ready for you by then. Shouldn’t take me too long to make.”
Astrid sighed. So much for training today. “Alright, fine. I’ll come over soon. If I can ever get this hair braided, that is,” she added, brushing the loose strands back again. She hated how it blocked her vision when it fell forward.
“Well it looks pretty like that,” he offered.
Astrid blushed.
Hiccup’s eyes widened slightly. “P-p-pretty d-different, I mean, it’s-it’s different. Good different! It looks- It’s a good look on you, it’s good.”
Astrid couldn’t help smiling. “Thanks, Hiccup.”
He nodded, avoiding eye contact now. “Uh… You know, if, uh…” He scratched his face and pushed his hair back. “I-I could braid your hair for you, if you want.”
Astrid raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“I mean, I braid my hair all the time,” he quipped, gesturing to the tiny braids behind his ear.
Astrid chuckled. “Are you sure? I do have a lot more hair than that.”
He shrugged in that bouncy, hand-waving, Hiccup-y way. “Talk me through it. I’m a fast learner.”
Astrid smiled and held out the tie for her hair. “Alright, go for it.”
She had to admit, it felt nice having someone else brush her hair. A strand or two would occasionally catch on a break in his skin on his hand, but she didn’t mind. He was gentle and slow, making sure to not pull too hard. Astrid found herself closing her eyes and relaxing into his touch far too easily. She smiled softly to herself. She could already feel that it wasn’t going to be the tightest or neatest braid she’d had by far. But he could only get better with practice, right?
Maybe letting him do her braids for a while wouldn’t be so bad.
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The Goodness of The Son
Summary: Augusnippets 2024 Day 29. Set in a Modern AU, Sci-fi AU. Mind Full AU. Because of Hiccup's sacrifice, Astrid is finally back home.
Warnings: Hospital
Rating: Teen and Up
Dead Dove: No
Words: 218
Prompts: First Words
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Heather, Stoick
Pairing: Heathstrid, Minor Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: Astrid is back home! Kinda
Once more, Astrid startles awake and it’s by Heather throwing her arms around her girlfriend. She can’t help herself, she was scared to death in the two weeks she was missing.
“I was so worried!” She sobs. “I thought you were dead!”
Astrid squeezes her to the best of her ability. She’s in a proper hospital now, different doctors have looked at her injuries, she’s being treated for an infection that could’ve turned into sepsis any day now. Hiccup saved her life.
“Astrid!” Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut flood into her room, too. Visiting hours have just started. Heather leaves no room for them, simply too happy to have her girlfriend back alive after two weeks of nothing.She cups her cheeks as she looks into her deeply blue eyes. Even so, their friends try to hold onto at least one part of her.
But someone else joins them, Stoick stands in the doorway. After Astrid went missing, he forced his involvement upon the Defenders.
As if sensing Astrid’s want to talk, her friends and girlfriend let go of her, though Heather still snakes an arm around her shoulder and Astrid grabs her hand.
“Hiccup... is the reason I escaped… He saved my life,” are the first words she shares and Stoick nods, grateful for her meaningful statement.
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Summary: Augusnippets 2024 Day 28. Set in a Modern AU, Sci-fi AU. Mind Full AU. After two weeks, the death of that Hunter gives Hiccup the push he needs to help Astrid escape.
Warnings: Mind Control, Minor Body Horror
Rating: Mature
Dead Dove: No
Words: 499
Prompts: Mind Control, Body Control, Betrayal
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless, Minden, Valka
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: The last prompt for the Augusnippets Path of Hurt! I'm so excited!
Late at night, Astrid startles awake when Hiccup lowers the railings of her bed. In confusion, she watches him.
“Hiccup?” What is he doing? She can see a wheelchair behind him. Is he trying to get her out? “You’ll get in trouble.”
But he doesn’t respond to her, unhooking her monitors and taking her IV bags to place them on her chest. Astrid holds them while he pulls the covers away. From the look in his eyes, she can tell he can’t tell her anything.
He picks her up, is careful with her two week old stitches as he places her in the wheelchair and Astrid closes her eyes and endures the pain. Once she’s in it, he wheels her out of her room and Toothless, standing just outside the door, follows.
Coming outside, Astrid can’t believe the place she’s been brought to. She realizes this isn’t any of the facilities they know Valka occupies. This is an entirely new place, an entirely different place.
The Sanctuary?
Outside, there’s a truck waiting for her, a wingmaiden sits at the wheel. His other dragons appear to be standing guard, even the Nadder that makes Astrid a little nervous now.
“Oh Gods,” Minden says nervously. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
But she empathizes with Hiccup, Astrid is his friend.
Opening the passenger side door, Hiccup helps Astrid into the seat before folding up the wheelchair and throwing it in the truck bed.
“Where do I even go?” Minden asks him and Hiccup grabs a piece of paper and pen and writes down an answer. Staring straight through her, he hands it back. It says “hospital” in big, uneven block-y letters, it took effort to write that.
Astrid looks away from it, vaguely remembering how that wasn’t what his handwriting looked like when they went to school together.
Message received, Hiccup helps Astrid wear her seatbelt and he throws the door shut behind her, window rolled down. As Minden starts the truck, Hiccup clutches the car door and tenses up, finger tips growing white.
“Hiccup?” Astrid places a hand on his as he hunches forward and grasps for his chest. It almost looks like he’s not breathing. Not that he’s choking, but that he is simply not breathing. Toothless and Meatlug whine, the other dragons shrink back in fear.
“Oh no, Hiccup!” She doesn’t understand what’s going on, but it’s something bad.
Minden has a clue and she shoots a look over her shoulder just as spotlights turn on. Valka stands there, a very small remote in her right hand.
Astrid is horrified. She is making it so that her son can’t breathe.
Engine already on, Minden tears away, leaving Hiccup behind. If it wasn’t for her injuries, Astrid would’ve protested.
Hiccup watches them go, on his knees and his strength leaving him, black at the edge of his vision. Within moments, his mother stands next to him and he looks up at her.
“I knew you’d betray me one day.”
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Summary: Written for Day 17 of Augusnippets 2024. Set in a Modern AU, Sci-fi AU. Mind Full AU. Astrid and her friends feel Hiccup's absence.
Warnings: Death mention, Implied/referenced Child Abuse, Conditioning
Rating: Teen and Up
Dead Dove: No
Words: 498
Prompts: Forgiveness / Grace / Resolving a Misunderstanding
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Heather, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs
Pairing: Heathstrid, Minor Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: A little whump for everyone!
“Ungrateful jerk,” Snotlout growls as he punches Astrid’s punchbag.
“We saved his life! He would’ve died from heatstroke! We gave him a place to heal! Where he could be himself again!” He vents at his friends. “We gave him all of that and he went running right back to mommy!”
“You said it, Snotlout,” Ruffnut scoffs. Everyone is hurt by Hiccup’s departure. They gave him a chance and this is how he repays them. Even Fishlegs is hurt. He was working up the courage to ask him about Meatlug. Because when she’s not trying to kill him, she seems so sweet.
Granted, he didn’t leave by himself. Instead, Valka appeared with a small army of dragons. They were so afraid of Hiccup being the one to give their location away that they forgot about his Frightening Five.
Some of the Defenders, people, died when she came. Mala is in intensive care, where she’s fighting for her life.
Astrid sighs, wishing she hadn’t spend her last day under the same roof as Hiccup being angry at him over his eating habits.
“You can’t blame him,” she says mutedly from her bed. His abuser, his captor, showed up at their door and murdered with claw and flame to get him back. What was he going to do? Refuse the woman he’s been under the control of for five years after a three week break?
She caught their attention and at least Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut don’t agree. Next to her, Heather is suspiciously quiet, too. They expected him to put up some kind of a fight.
This is her room. She rises, her hand leaving Heather’s and instead dives into her nightstand. She pulls out a photograph and places it on her desk loudly, where Ruff and Tuff sit.
It’s a picture of their school’s Summer Games. Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, with Hiccup in the middle. They’re shouting, fists pumped, two arms pulling on Hiccup’s shoulders in different directions as he holds a trophy in the air. It’s a chaotic photo.
The one summer they made an attempt to get to know him. The one summer they might’ve become best friends with him, just because he was put on their team. He was awkward and sassy, but they liked him. He got them their win, his plans unorthodox and fun.
“Don’t forget why we came here,” she tells them before walking out.
Later that evening, they find her training in the gymnasium. She didn’t want to punch her own bag and face them after their disagreement.
Quietly, Astrid turns to face them and Heather walks closer.
“You’re right,” she tells her. She got in this mess because her brother had grand ideas, but Astrid did because she heard her girlfriend talk about someone who fit Hiccup’s exact description, down to his freckles and the scar on his chin. Now that they’ve found him, they can’t just let him go. He’s a victim of Valka’s and he needs their help.
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