#hhhhhh absolutely has been A DAY
curiosityschild · 2 years
Anyone else feeling absolutely unhinged this fine Sunday evening? Or is it just me
#hhhhhh absolutely has been A DAY#this is a very familiar feeling I just haven't been able to name it yet and I don't know how to counteract it#distractions aren't really working and that's sort of my go to can I just explode instead????#my church voted this morning not to leave the UMC over the issue of human sexuality#well actually it was more of a vote to see if we even needed a vote only one person voted leave (lmao) so we don't need another vote#been dreading that for a while so it's nice to have that resolved I mean I knew it was going to go this way but you know#our church tends to be tight lipped over politics so it was a welcome surprise to hear a few people voice their support for lgbtq#even though we weren't supposed to actually be talking about that anyway that was heartening#this whole thing isn't really over though not until the general conference meets in 2024 not much I can do until then though but wait#and honestly I'm probably going to end up leaving the UMC anyway#because I really would rather be in a church that is explicitly queer affirming but we'll just wait and see what 2024 brings#ANYWAY the BAD news is I got to hear my brother say that gay people are fine and all#but that the bible explicitly condemns homosexual relationships#and then in his typical manner tried to ignore my requests to not talk about this topic while I was trapped in a car with him#but I was defended by my mom and my sister#who have GOT to suspect I'm gay at this point there's no way they don't lmao#so that's great me and him are moving in complete opposite directions#and THEN i went grocery shopping with my mom and it was busy and I was tired and I had been wearing my binder too long#so I think the whole day just led to a bit of an overload#I think I'm just going to take some melatonin and try to sleep I'm done good lord sorry for the tag rant#👍👍👍👍👍 everything's fine goodnight
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27potatochips · 7 months
When Deaf! Simon Riley was dating headin!Roba, roba made him trying learn to read lips would get mad when he couldn’t do it (reading lips is extremely fucking hard)
hearing!roba tried to get him to talk and use words rather than sign
hearing!roba would scare him by flickering the lights to get his attention (neg way) or come up behind him and scare him
hearing!roba told Simon that Tommy and Beth and his mom didn’t want them to date because he was hearing and it caused fights within the family
hearing!ribs was not allowed to be alone with Joseph
hhhhhh i have been blessed
aight so roba is an absolute dick and does not deserve to be counted as a human being, everyone agrees, i need him to appear one last time only so everyone can beat his ass into a pulp before throwing him in the toughest jail one can find, abusers don't last long in there. Buuut this made me think of Soap being oblivious to the Riley's testing him and STILL passing with flying colours.
Like they watch Soap get increasingly frustrated in a conversation with Simon and he can't keep up because he's still learning and they wait for him to just ask Simon to read his lips but instead Soap whips out a little sketchbook he bought just so they could write instead of sign.
Like Tommy being like "You like Simon's voice huh? Do you wish he'd talk more?" all extremely suspicious and Soap would go like. "Yeah, his voice is great, fuckin' love his hands tho, seriously i could draw them for hours-" and he goes on this great big rant about how expressive Simon is with signing and how great his hands are and yeah you get the deal.
Like Soap enters a room while Simon's back is turned and they expect him to try to scare Simon but instead he just taps the light on and off once and wears the same deodorant/aftershave/whatever every day so Simon knows it's him.
Like Soap stays out of family drama until Simon specifically asks for his input and even then he sometimes refuses because the situation is not his to judge, he'll be there to support Simon, but tries to keep the peace as much as possible because he knows how much Simon loves his family.
Like Soap warily being watched every time he interacts with Joseph, but instead of the hidden disdain roba had for Joseph, they only see pure affection, not because Joseph is Simon's nephew and he wants Simon to like him, but because he genuinely thinks Joseph is a great kid and an absolute riot.
When Simon discovers they are testing Soap, he's of course a bit pissed, but is also endeared by how much they want to protect him. Soap has no idea he was being tested until Simon tells him and is like: "just shows how much they love you!" and continues being absolutely smitten.
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thedevillovesflowers · 10 months
*gnawing on the bars of my enclosure* I need more angel AU stuff. Headcanons for the 141, more angel info, more parts to the series. I need more hhhhhh
More of the Angel AU!🪽🪽
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-so during the story the group comes across many beasts on their journey, Trolls, fae, orcs etc.
-there is even a dragon encounter.
-but there is one creature that concerns everyone in the group the most, even the reader. Harpies.
-I will be drawing these guys soon, but harpies are not going to be a great encounter the boys have. Harpies are carnivores and have been known to hunt and eat men. And even hunt angels too. They are cunning, and a chaotically neutral species. One may or may not be helpful to our reader.
-graves loves to torment the reader. Lying to her that she’ll see her family again once the king meets her. Or give her the false sense of trust (but we all know he’s just being a conniving psycho bitch :) ). But the 141 boys never liked him in the first place.
-when the 141 realized the true intentions of what the king wants to do, including Graves, they helped the reader escape.
-throughout most of the story, the readers wing is still broken. It takes a while before it’s healed. So a lot of walking! And sometimes being carried :).
- during that time of finding the readers family, the reader opens up more about herself. And she opens the 141s eyes about beasts/creatures, that they don’t deserve to die or be hunted mercilessly. And one by one, the boy grow more and more fonder of you.
-the first couple of the boys to get closer to you is Gaz and soap, their easier going nature settled your nerves. Plus they secretly gave you extra food when you were first captured.
-price was next, he noticed how well Gaz and soap were getting along with you. He starts off slow, then it eventually picks up with more conversation. You ask him about his travels, where he’s been and what he’s seen. You’ve only ever really known your home forest, not much more, so it was endearing to hear about what the rest of the world might be like.
- and ghost….he’s last, but it’s not because he doesn’t like you. He’s just…unsure about how to interact with you. You looked relaxed around the other 141 boys, but not quite with him. And he gets it, he’s not easy to be around, he unnerves people at the least. His armour, his faceplate, everything about him yells hunter, danger.
-but you? The complete opposite of him: soft, kind, innocent. An innocent he hurt. He hurt you, it was his net that made you crash to the earth, breaking your one of your beautiful wings. And the guilt was there, every time he looked at you, flaring up even more so when your kind eyes met his.
-so he’ll protect you, with all that he has, and everything he is. And hopefully these growing afflictions and feelings ghost has for you will go away.
-and Simon prays that the day he has to tell you the truth about what he did to you never comes.
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aquaquadrant · 29 days
Okay so I just wanted to say what an absolutely wild ride this story has been. You and lunar have made such an amazing universe. Your writing skills and general talent regularly broke me over this last year or so. I am so unbelievably happy about having found you guys just as you started to write the actual story. I can't wait to see what you work on next (after a very well deserved break lol) whether it be more in the hels verse or whatever else. I have made so many random stories in my heads with these characters and concepts for ages now. Now please enjoy my random thoughts I've had over the last few days....
False girl what you doing. Tango I feel will not react well to Symmetry being like that.
If hels is unlocked now, are portals able to work there or is it still its own weird thing? Can people in Hels make their own worlds now? If they can do they spawn like a normal world or is it like a private hels style world? Does it depend where they are when they make the world?
I was regularly one of the people asking about BX and AI as well as PAtho and Dbubs so I have to say thank you soooo much for their pieces (I think you may have used my asks about them a few times as an easy reply to post side stories about them and I literally gasped out loud when you did). BX causally letting Altas see who/what he is was chef kisses. Papa AI wanting to hear about it all the time. Love it
Zed automatically feeling so guilty and apologizing for the lab stuff in season 8 was so sweet and sad. Man just wanted to have fun not cause trauma.
Doc and Stress dealing with their creation in such different ways. Stress not fully understanding Doc's concern. Also thinking that now those 2 will be more similar to all the new players after Alex. Also you wrote Stress so so so well.
Herobrine being Hels admin was peak!!!! The fact he went by Adam made me just think about the meme of reversing the homophobic saying by saying its not Adam and Eve but Adam and Steve. Which now makes me giggle about Herobrine wanting to fight steve. Complicated love lol.
God I keep thinking about all the potential interactions of hermits with their hels counterparts.
Also Instinct has already a spot of interest in my mind and now seeing Lunars art for him he is always on the mind lol.
HHHHHH thank u so much i was very pleased w how the conclusion came out.
as for the current state of hels: at the end of the story, the universe decided to drop the firewall around hels. this means that anyone attempting to make a hacked nether portal out of hels will no longer have to provide continuous updates to bypass the firewall (ie. they don’t have to power the portals anymore). this will speed up the process, as we saw w the double lifers making their portal.
howEVER, the reason hels players can’t make comm portals is bc their comms are hardwired to have the option disabled, and that is still applicable. any communicator that generates in hels will be unable to create portals by default, just based on how the world was designed. but once they travel to another world, that world’s admin can make them a new one (like xisuma did for tango) so they’ll be able to do that. and if they do, it’ll just be like a normal solo world! tango’s discovered this himself since being on hermitcraft.
hopefully that all makes sense 🧍‍♂️
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ratatatastic · 3 months
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my favourite presser game that is "if you look over to your partner last, you have to be the one to answer first"
"you wanna answer it?" "no you start!" choo choo first stop to gigglecity station oh okie your smile has endeared me more
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"but you're so well spoken!" i think its very obvious when youve picked the right dialogue option and you get +2 affection so youre a few steps closer to triggering the event flag later down in the route lime oel gave a full body chuckle his shoulders SHOOK, he enjoyed that GREATLY
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love that immediately after saying that he just goes ummmm whaaaaa hhhhhh and oel just looks over to him like well i guess i am the well spoken one after all
this question is a long doozy but the answers are pretty insightful so here's okie's full answer afterwards
I think it's something that's interesting in our league... that if you don't have playoff success, a lot of the times, that's looked at as a negative. When so much of this league is timing, and the teams that you play on, and through no fault of the players sometimes... you have to look at the person, and you have to look at the type of player that they are. If they're capable of being part of a team and playing well in the playoffs 'cuz there's this very specific type of player. Most players in the league are in that category, but sometimes they get labelled as "Oh, we don't want this guy because they haven't played in the playoffs." Well, there's so many guys that haven't played in the playoffs that would be absolute dogs in the playoffs. We have a team that has a lot of dogs. For me, personally, I've just been soaking up everyday and just trying to consume the moment.
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and oel really focused on okie as he delivers his answer, its quite precious to see how much he respects him and wants to hear what he has to say for himself that he turns toward him.
and oel's answer
Yeah, I mean, same for me. I'm just super, super happy to be in this situation. Obviously, having a couple rough years in Vancouver, getting bought out (in 2023), but I think just to be in this position with this organisation, this team... so many special guys in that room. We're just trying to take [it] one day at a time, and have fun with it 'cuz it's hard when you're in the bubble too, to let yourself soak it in.
i love these old men who have gone through war just to get here
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specialgradefckr · 3 months
Heyyo! I'm usually just a lurker, but your Heatwave series has been absolutely incredible and I had to write in. I'm not usually an ABO fan, but you are rapidly changing my mind. Started with the Yuuta/Rika piece and loved your characterization of that sad eyed dude. Sweet and mostly passive while also being fully aware of reader-chan's BS.
Day 4 tho??? 🥵🔥🥵 I'm a more recent Gojo convert and oh my stars, "...you think for a moment he sounds like a dog toy. You think you want to make him your dog toy." Arrogant, but also whiney and pathetic Gojo really hits for me. The Pining? Phenomenal.
Just wanted to gas you up a bit and let you know what an excellent writer you are. Totally looking forward to the rest of the Heatwave series and whatever else your big brain cooks up in the future! 😊
wanted to gas you up a bit
awwhhhhHHh THANK YOUUUU 🥺 i super appreciate it!!!
honestly i started this blog recently and i've been trying not to compare the numbers but sometimes i get discouraged, you know? like, i AM doing it for the art (i knew day 3 was not gonna get a lot of love) but i'm posting it bc it makes me happy to see people enjoying it.
it's super encouraging to hear from you (and all the others who leave comments or reblog etc.) that my work is doing well.
i'm trying to be more critical of my own writing, fix things i don't like about it, and sometimes i need a reminder that it's still worthwhile and enjoyable to read even when i feel like it could have been better.
I've been writing like? All 10 of the Heatwave prompts concurrently, and while it means I have all of them drafted and partly written rn, it also means I switch between them a lot.
Inevitably I start to kinda. Lose the plot sometimes of a scene I'm trying to write skdfhglsdhg like the intro to the Yuta fic was SOOOO long actually and it was rambling about social phenomena with alphas, basically the omegaverse version of red pill dudes LMAOOO
and that was also supposed to lead in to like. the idea of what a REAL alpha is. the non-gendered values of leadership, protectiveness, and actually being sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of people around them (a crucial trait for someone in a leadership position).
and yuta fits those things SO WELL. he is CONSTANTLY worried about the people around them, how they feel and what they think. he admires the shit out of his classmates who like, tried to attack him when they first met fghskjdfgh. he wants to protect them but he never looks down on them.
later in the manga we see that yuta's consideration and empathy isn't just for his classmates. he cares a lot even for people who are very capable of protecting themselves - he cares about their feelings.
so i just knew like. yuta and tsundere reader. yuta who can see though your fussiness because he's always been perceptive.
yuta who thinks you're hot bc he has a constant boner for strong women but also has a deep yearning to see you be honest and vulnerable with him, and goes feral for it.
yuta who you can be vulnerable with because you know him and his gentle smile, his kind words, how he looks up to you even though he's a special grade and stronger than you'll ever be,, hhhh....
tmi but "fuck me until i sound like a dog toy" is actually something a previous partner said to me??? i've never been much of a top but hearing that just kinda had me... hsdfgjhdsg HHHHHH
i think a major part of gojo's appeal is how he can be arrogant and pretty AND sultry all at once. there's something utterly delicious about a slutty confident man who is also crying screaming throwing up for you to let him put it in you skdhflsdhg
next heatwave fic is sdkfgsdlhgshg uhhhHHhh different from the ones you have read, it's a yandere piece with gojo and geto.
After that it's another gojo piece i think you'll REALLY like >.> masochist!gojo is a favorite headcanon of mine and i was actually super hyped writing some of the smut there so far hehe.
glad you've enjoyed so far! more to come for sure ;)
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I read your fic Anhedonia a couple days ago and lemme tell you IT STAYS ON MY MF MIND. How she gives him absolutely nothing and he’s begging like ‘wtf can I do to get a reaction, a sound, anything’ I’m hhhhhh; obsessed, to say the least.
So I just basically wanted to know what it was like for Ghost and how he reacted when he was finally able to catch her before her morning diddles and really get a reaction out of her?
(Please I’m hungry, I’ll take crumbs at this point)
Aahhh I'm so glad! That fic is one of the meanest things I've written 🫣 Crumbs below the cut!
As almost always in my stories, we only see reader's pov but it's quite clear Ghost is just smitten with this soldier lady.
When she gets injured, it rips Ghost apart because even if he appears cold and calculative, he wants to ensure that no one gets hurt under his command. It pains him as a leader to see that his subordinate came so close to death; it pains him as a man to see that the woman he has a soft spot for almost got killed.
We can see Ghost's true feelings in his behavior: he tries to protect her, visits her when she's recovering, asks how she is, mourns how hard it is to get to know her and quite literally offers himself to her. He actually begs her to become his sweetheart and pet.
But what does she do? She returns the favor by hurling insults at him, playing games with him, telling half-truths etc. I think reader in this story is almost like a woman version of Ghost: she doesn't show weakness, doesn't show her cards, is cold and even mean, keeps everyone at a distance... but on the inside, she's suffering. And Ghost sees that. I think in some way, he's trying to redeem himself by saving reader from her own cruelty.
So, when Ghost sees what her "trick" is and what a petty, stupid thing it is to do in the first place, he's riled. And not just riled; he's fucking PISSED.
Why the fuck did they have to go through all this fuss when all he wanted to do was cherish her and make her feel good? She could've just surrendered to his command, on the field and in the bed – everyone would've been happier! So why in the bloody hell did she make them both go through all this stupid bloody mess?
His reaction is summarized in this line: “-- he pleasures himself, angry as fuck and as relieved as anyone could be when they find out that their heartthrob is just a delightful little minx instead of a cruel, heartless woman.”
Ghost has tried to be nice and gentle with her, but she makes it so damn difficult. He finally retaliates when she’s helpless and leaves her on the bed in a degraded and humiliated state - he's been played long enough and thinks it's only fair that he gives her a taste of her own medicine for once. (A good call because it works like a charm!)
The SECOND she calls for him and shows some fragility, the minute those walls crumble, Ghost returns. That’s the actual shift in the whole story, I think. She finally confesses that he’s a good leader, and he returns her authentic kindness tenfold. The first time they share a bed together is not to have more mad sex but to have a hug, some cuddles and a civil, adult conversation. She falls asleep from exhaustion and relief, and Ghost couldn’t be happier that this firebrand of a woman has finally stopped fighting (because that means he can stop fighting too).
When reader wakes up, these two are finally able to meet each other without pretenses. I'm sure they will have the most emotional, intense, slow, sloppy, tender sex, perhaps even share a laugh or two! And I just know Ghost will tease her when she surrenders to him – literally lies under him while he pushes himself inside.
"Why did you have to be so bloody difficult," he might say, followed by "Could’ve had all of this days ago, you silly little minx..." And she can see he’s smiling because he’s lifted the mask just enough to kiss her in between the thrusts – and there’s no more competing, no one’s on their knees, there’s no mirrors and no toys, there’s just them being wholly present. She might answer something like "Guess I had to make you work for it…?" (which of course turns Ghost into a grunting puddle, but this time, he’s not angry, only very much in love ❤️)
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xumoonhao · 7 months
i was tagged by @onedirecton to tag 10 ppl i want to get to know better and make a few questions :3 hehe, thank you sm alice :3
favourite colour: purple, hehe :3 alice i love that we have the same fav colour 💜💜💜 favourite food: ahhhh, i love most things!!! i do have a soft spot for soups and stews tho like they are so so wonderful……… mutuals pls gather round im giving you all a bowl of w/e soup or stew you like rn 🍲 song stuck in my head: babaero by randy santiago!!! its been stuck in my head since i first listened to it like it really is just so good, god… funky city pop music is really everything to me!!!!!!!! absolute best genre of music ever <<<333 i give it one thousand million hearts <- this was my last obsession bc i wrote all these answers down like. a week ago and forgot to post it so now the song stuck in my head is dagundong by alamat :3 its so good btw~! last long i listened to: hala by alamat!!! spotify did the only good thing its ever done by reintroducing me to alamat again like they are So Good oh my god...highly recommend their music!!! the way they work Filipino history into their videos and songs is soooooooo beautiful omg..... dream trip: hhhhhh i want to go to SO many places but my absolute DREAM is japan!!! id love to check out tokyo bc its so not like where i grew up - a bustling metropolis is what i want to live in like literally get me outta my small town this is not the place for meeeeee 😭 - but nara….the deer there……….god i need to go so BAD and i also just want to go to a cherry blossom festival once like pls…pls :( other than tho id LOVE to visit the great bear rainforest!!! like it just looks so so beautiful and its really not too far from me omg……. last tv show/movie: im currently watching the cherry magic anime (it is so good and so cute omg i forgot how much i enjoy the story….) and rewatching kyou kara maoh which is really and truly such a beloved anime To Me like its absolutely ridiculous god i love it sm!!! and i dont remember the last movie i watched?? i Think it was skinamarink but i could be wrong bc i watched that early last year and surely ive seen a movie since then…? but also maybe not bc i truly do only watch like 1 movie a year 😭 <- also update to this bc i watched sweet home a couple days ago!!! it was quite good and i really enjoyed the practical effects in it :3 older horror movies really have such a beloved place in my heart ahhh...also in writing this i remember i watched The Thing after skinamarink...i. only watched horror movies apparently spicy/sweet/savory: SPICY 🌶️🌶️🌶️ i do like all these things but if i had to choose id def go spicy over either of these!!! i do like spicy + sweet tho like omg one time i had spicy chocolate frozen yogurt and it was sooooooo good !!! idk what was used to make it spicy but i Adored it wahhhh~
also!!! in your lil tag game it said to make a few cool questions so i will make some <<<333
If you could be any animal, would you choose to be a domesticated animal or a wild one? Domesticated can extend to a wild animal that has been individually raised in a home, i.e., someone raising a raccoon a pet.
What is your favourite medium of creation? If you don't really engage in making things, pick whatever you're most interested in trying :3 And by medium I mean everything from drawing or making music or writing…anything creative!
What is/are your favourite(s) combination of colours?
Imagine your perfect summer day; what does it look like? Give as much description as you want :3
What is your favourite celestial object?
now, ill tag @grlfriends, @kwonhochi, @vampirebiter, @wonhosgrl, @librapropaganda, @honeydewtual, @heartual, @10281, @taengoo, @morgoth, @bixiaoshi, @ghostfeather, @ashmp3, @lovenee, @earlymay, @anglerfishare1inchto3feetlong, and @huiven!!! only if you want, ofc :3 and i know it said only 10 ppl but you see. i lost count while tagging ......... but thats fine <3
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Godddddd ace getting drunk and spilling his angsty guts???? Yes sign me tf up. He does it his first year at sea with deuce and swears he will never do that again, hes gotta have better self control than that, he needs to be better--
But then the next time sabos deathaversary rolls around, he doesnt even realize what time of year it is and it only occurs to him why hes felt so shitty lately one night when hes absolutely shit faced and oh. Oh no. Its happening again, but this time hes on whitebeards ship and theres a LOT more people here, he doesnt want his new brothers to see him like this. He tries to find deuce for help, but runs into marco instead- kind, caring marco that guides his dizzy miserable blubbering drunk ass back to his room and tucks him into bed and dries his tears and doesnt ask questions and stays until Ace falls asleep. And in the morning theres a glass of water and some ibuprofen sitting on the bedside table for the hangover and honestly idk where I'm going with this I just. Hhhhhh. Soft marcoace hurt/comfort. I'm unwell
He tries to find Deuce but the new ship is so incredibly large and lonely feeling as he always does feel on this day and he’s so lost and he wants to find a safe space to curl up in maybe vomit in who knows
Marco is attuned to the emotions and goings on the ship, his observation haki is finetuned to perfection for situations like this, what kind of doctor would he be if he couldnt tell when someone in need was hurting?
Colour him surprised to see their newest commander firefist Ace absolutely wasted, looking like he was keelhauled twice and then some
Ace despite his inebriated state recognises Marco, sees him as a safe space, a person who has been kind to him regardless and latches onto him slurring almost raving, Marco cant make anything clearly from his ramblings only a name he presumes is a name someone who died judging by the way Ace weeps and struggles to process his feelings
Whoever they were, they mustve meant alot to him, Marco understands
Shepherds him to bed and stays with him until Ace passes out and stays with him until dawn breaks, because the vice grip Ace has on his hand never relaxed the entire time and even if it had he wouldve remained
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
So weird/funny idea. What if Dual trip kinda. Keeps happening in the rest of the parts? Like, Part 4 would be pretty similar to your Hidden In Plain Sight AU just with Yukako being more stable so that Koichi has an actual Squad before he meets Rohan, and they both go after Kira for different reasons—Koichi's group of him, Yukako, and Rohan being guided by Reimi; and Josuke's group of himself, Okuyasu, and Jotaro going after him because he killed/hospitalized Shigechi.
Part 5 features Giorno doing a lot of Accidental Kidnapping/Recruiting. Koichi is one thing, but then, before he even officially joins Bruno's group he accidentally convinces Trish that he's her Mafia escort (or straight up accidentally kidnaps her) and now they're on the run. This ends up in a 4-way battle between Giorno and his ragtag group, Bucciarati's gang, La Squadra, and the lower level grunts who are fighting for their own reasons, mainly recognition from the boss. (Giorno probably Charismas a few to his side, because he's Giorno. Possibly including Sheila E from Purple Haze Distortion.)
As for Bruno's gang, Abbachio is in the same situation Joseph was in, his stand constantly giving him the Worst Possible Moments, except this time with the added benefit of Giorno somehow always looking good; Fugo leaves Bucciarati's group just to immediately get dragged into Giorno's (unwillingly); Bruno is wondering what the hell Giorno did to have things go this far off the rails thIS WAS NOT THE PLAN, and Mista and Narancia are just constantly Out Of The Loop.
I don't even know what the divisions are for Stone Ocean. Maybe Jolyne fighting for Jotaro with Foof and Anasui, and Ermes, Weather, and Emporio teaming up and getting into trouble for their own individual goals which only partially involves fricking Pucci over.
Bonus: Iggy is still serving the same role of go-between in each part. Average age for dogs be damned.
What if this time Yukako and Koichi have been friends for a while, perhaps they met before her crush developed into the obsessive level as canon. And their side of the plot kicks off when one day soon after their first day of high school, the both of them get shot by Keicho when they’re walking home. Yukako was doing fine, but Koichi..... not so much. And as Yukako’s running to get him to a hospital, what if they accidentally run into Josuke along the way and he subtly heals Koichi in a way to ensure his injuries wouldn’t be lethal or cause any long term consequences. This also ends up being what cues Josuke in on who’s making all these enemy Stand Users so he and Jotaro can go deal with it, getting Okuyasu onto their team
and I also had a fun idea for how Centipede Shoes could go. I’m not sure about how exactly to get there, but when Koichi goes to call for help, he wouldn’t be able to call Josuke. Instead, he ends up calling Rohan, who immediately starts panicking upon seeing Koichi’s body because he can’t heal. So in what was a VERY desperate bid for Koichi’s survival, he wrote something like “Koichi Hirose will survive his fight with the killer” and immediately started hauling ass to the hospital praying it would work
And Part 5....... oh god that’s going to be absolutely insane. What if Koichi’s reason for sticking around at first is “hhhhhh I can’t leave this 15 year old by himself, I remember what being 15 as a Stand User was like-”, plus he was a tad worried about Giorno’s living situation because of how..... alone and impersonal his room was, so his plan was to stick close to Naples and periodically check in. But what if Mr.Pericolo and Trish were in Naples at least for a little bit, and well..... seeing a very uncomfortable 15 year old girl with a man who’s clearly Mafia isn’t going to look very good, especially without the context of the situation
So what if in the middle of Polpo’s test, Giorno offers to help, yoinks her, and brings her back to his dorm at which Koichi shows up and it’s revealed that Trish is the Boss’s daughter..... but before Gio can think about how he could possibly use this.... what if Koichi ends up bringing up the possibility of her father having less than innocent intentions. 
After all, Koichi is very familiar with people like Diavlo who will do anything and everything to keep their secrets. How they will murder, tear apart families, even kill children to stay hidden. How loose threads are cut and burned before they can pose any threat without hesitation, and that a mysterious daughter he hadn’t known about is one huge thread. He brings up the inconsistencies in this story, that if her father wanted to meet her so badly, why hadn’t he sent so much as a note or reassurance of her safety? Why has he just been dragging her all around Italy without even asking her about……. anything???
He doesn’t want to scare them but..... he also doesn’t want anyone getting "dealt with” like he nearly was. And besides, even if the man’s intentions weren’t murder, this was still really shitty behavior, especially since Trish has exactly ZERO desire to meet her father
So he asks Trish. That if she could make any choice right now, regardless of the consequences or danger, what would she want to do?
And this catches her off guard. These past few weeks Trish had gotten used to being treated as something important, but mostly inatimate. She was dragged from one place to another without so much as a glance in her direction, with people walking on eggshells around her, treating her as though she were the most fragile of glass but also the most dangerous of weapons that could end them in an instant
So she’s honest. She tells him she doesn’t want to meet her father, that she doesn’t want anything to do with this. Not with her father, not with Passione, none of it
So Koichi agrees without hesitation. He calls Jotaro and updates him on the development and plans with the kids on what to do next
And for a second Giorno’s a tad..... stuck. Without knowing it, he’d accidentally made things so much easier and infinitely more complicated. There’s no going back from this, he’d already taken Trish and even if he did try returning her, that was just asking to get killed. This was in no way, shape or form his plan, but he more or less has to go with it lest he accept defeat
of course, the second the three of them cross paths with the Bucci Gang, Bucciarati nearly blows both their covered because Giorno what the fuck- 
And wow, Koichi’s really out here collecting kiddos like Pokemon cards isn’t he
(also unrelated from the rest of this but I think that while they’re on the run, Koichi should be allowed to be terrifying with Echoes. As a treat. After all we’ve seen just how much damage all the Acts can cause, and Act 1 especially can really fuck with someone’s mental state)
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
Just wanted to hop in and wish you a happy birthday!! Also wanted to praise you and your writing. Literally everything is perfect from the flow, to the composition, the characterizations, and of course the masterful weaving of the reader insert into the lives at the beef and the bear. Honestly I even love the visual font style that you write in! I'm absolutely not shocked that you write professionally and wish they had you in the writers room at The Bear. You're absolutely phenomenal! I also wanted to ask what, if any, are your favorite episodes from the show? I love any episode with a Mikey flashback because as an oldest child with trauma and younger siblings I'd do anything for; he's kind of my thing. Anyway thanks for writing and looking forward to more!! You're so lovely. ❤️
This means the world, I gotta print this and tape it to my inner eyelids. I am a very detail oriented bitch so it really does mean a lot to hear that like yes the characterization and story is good but ALSO the visuals/the composition is good— That makes me so so happy. Like the little intro headers, the chapter image, the fuckin’ scene ombre dividers (day for Chip, night for Carm)-- The quotation marks being in times new roman was honestly not something I did on purpose because I just copy and paste from word because I hate writing in tumblr drafts— However once I noticed it made a difference, I could never go back.
GIRRLLLL GET ME IN THAT WRITERS ROOM WHO DO WE HAVE TO CALLLL— But really, who’s got a film job for me I’ve been slogging at this admin job and it’s fine but I would like. To be. In the career i was meant to be in. (recently joined the union though so hopefully the iron strikes soon man hhhhhh). AND WOAH A QUESTION!! What ARE my favourite episodes…
I’d say anything with Mikey 100% weirdly as a baby child with a lot of trauma? I find a lot of comfort in that guy man. He’s absolutely also my thing. But lemme pull up the fuckin directory we’ll go season by season. 
OH such a lowkey episode but S1EP04 Dogs will always have a special place in my heart. So will the pilot episode honestly, I love love love dropping into the story half way through it, it’s a tell tale rule my prof taught me and I can’t believe more shows don’t do it nowadays. Also Season 1’s finale Braciole will always be that bitch. I also think let me just check… Yeah, it’s this one. With the Cooking Show Intro? That opening genuinely scared the shit out of me because it was exactly like a short film I made. And i was like
Oh is this fucking play about me? What the FUCK?! I DID NOT PUT MY BIRTHDAY IN?
Season 2, gotta be Fishes and Forks. Fishes and Forks y’ALL WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS!!! And again, the finale FUCK bro. Freezer fight had me GOING. Literally the reason why i made the series. I’m gone. 
Season 3,,,,, Little uh…. Little less of my favorites here, I’ll be honest. But Napkins and Ice Chips were absolutely my favourites. The finale was a little messy to me, as was the opening episode (I just think in general they’ve always had a kind of very inaccurate timeline going, and so it was very hard to follow some points but like good? Like it’s grown on me? I just felt like I was on crack for the first 10 minutes). 
And this has been your onion review of da bear. Thank you so much for your thoughts I hope you like the next chap too !!!
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thegreatfrogdungeons · 6 months
Regional, mascot?
I forgot to post yesterday I was working on schoolwork and chaining in doodle world sowwy ;w;
I also slept for most of the day school killed me today so I'm only posting one line. However, it's a long one, so buckle up
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The format of these older images is awful but to be honest I would still do it like this in the present day: it's the most information in one place as possible and is convenient when just generally sharing information. But when I'm TRYING TO DO A COOL THING AND GIVE THE MASCOT THEIR SPOTLIGHT- hhhhhh regardless, this is Sqishgo and Lorimato! Sqishgo is not based on any one particular species in particular, while Lorimato is based off of the Loricatosaur! (if only because it made the name work better lol).
Lorimato is pretty obviously based on the classic tomato pincushion, with the idea being that its pins get pushed further into its body and pop out of the other side as full spikes! It's honestly one of my favorite designs for how simple but effective it is.
Sqishgo, meanwhile, is based on both stressballs and literal marketable plushies. They are stupid and dumb and me and my friend that I do this with love them. Sqishgo has undergone literally ZERO design changes, not even in name: their very first sketch was made in five minutes and my friend called it absolutely perfect. The only thing you could get Sqishgo on changing around is it's evolutions, which is a doozy of a story.
Ok so to start, Sqishgo and Loricato originates from when me and my paleo-friend who i do this with were JUST starting to be friends and JUST started drawing digitally, let alone drawing fakemon, so communication and understanding of each other was shaky.
also i found a unique glimring while writing this and passively chaining for unique fluffi I hate it here
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Ok, anywho, Sqishgo was original supposed to evolve from a normal type stegosaur into a large and armored grass/steel type stegosaur, to which my friend sent this concept that they had made and had been sitting in their gallery for years prior:
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I know that I shouldn't be putting down people who are trying their best at making art, but I have known them for a few years now and I have been the only one drawing for their region idea, a lot of the time TO THIS DAY they don't have anything more to a concept other than "base creature" + "typing" + "name" and the actual design is all on me. With that said, I feel justified to say that there's a reason I keep saying "paleo-friend I do this with" instead of "paleo-friend I work with".
Even disregarding the very amateur art and acknowledging that I can have a bias to my own designs, I do not like this design concept: stegosaur with leaf plates works perfectly fine, plays off of their biology even, but there is SO LITTLE to this design that it's just infuriatingly boring to me, and my friend wanted it as-is with as little changes as possible. It's not anything more complicated than "just a normal stegosaur with leaf plates in armor", and its not stupidly simple enough to be endearingly hilarious, like flamigo or dudunsparce.
So as I was designing Sqishgo, I mentioned playing further off of the stressball idea and making it in a pincushion, and since I had expressed disapproval for the above design and my friend didn't put up much of a fight against the idea, I went with it and completed Lorimato's design as a replacement to the "armored stegosaur" evolution
As it turns out, my friend thought that Lorimato WAS Sqishgo, and was VERY against Lorimato replacing the armored stego. This resulted in a large argument that, to be honest hasn't fully resolved itself when talking about designing the fakemon for this region.
I didn't want a big fight and I still wanted to be friends with them, so
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I did both
This is Ramparmatus, which takes the steel typing from Lorimato and gives it grass as well. Playing off of this type-borrowing, it's evolutionary method is just a more complicated method of evolving Lorimato. Don't worry, if this ever becomes an actual game we'll put in an npc who will gives hints as to how to evolve Sqishgo.
My thoughts about thisssssss are the same as the original concept image. The beetlejuice-scary-face head is doing a LOT of footwork keeping this from being my least favorite design in the dex by a mile (instead it's just my least favorite design by a couple hundred yards). Hopefully, this caters to an audience who jut wants a big cool-looking tank, god knows I'm not in it.
Also I recognize I gave its horizontally swinging tail a vertical axehead these are old and I haven't updated them I'm sorry be nice to meeeeeeeee
Luckily, this doesn't have to end on a sour note
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This is Barribarbs! A grass/poison kentrosaurus, it's the hardest one to get out of any of Sqishgo's evolutions, and as such borrows the grass type from Ramparmatus. This guy was originally supposed to be one of Sqishgo's 2 evolutions with Ramparmatus before the miscommunication occurred and Lorimato got added on. They are also more loyal to their marketable plushie origins: they're based on images of long abandoned plushies becoming overrun and interwoven with plant-life, most notably the infamous "Murby".
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The general concept for this design is a kentrosaur with an evergrowing, spiky bramble tail that it wraps around its body to become a living bramble patch, and I frankly love this guy so much for it. The pokedex entry is also one of my personal favorites, just for the implication that every shiny Barribarbs is a serial murderer who will kill again.
While I don't like Ramparmatus, I don't think that after all of this I would get rid of it: it represents my friend, who despite me bitching and moaning about them in this project, I only dislike in this project. They are still my friend outside of it, and I love them all the same in that regard.
Also because Ramparmatus is so self-indulgent of a design for my friend I get to make my own self-indulgent designs which you all will see later >:3
Sorry for the venting and long post lol. Also I'm going to start tagging these posts with "gändvita region" now so I can more easily organize yippie :3
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ajokeformur-ray · 1 year
hi erika!! i wanted to check up on you and see how you’ve been feeling on your meds? i haven’t seen your posts on my dashboard in a bit but i hope ur doing well and feeling alright!!
Hi Brook!❤️
My body is a war zone at the moment; I have a case of paronychia in my littlest toe on one foot which has me on antibiotics four times a day for the next week (trying to calculate when to take a dose and then when I can eat is an absolute pain in the ASS. I can eat one hour after taking an antibiotic dose but I can’t take an antibiotic dose until two hours after eating💀), I’ve just had to up my dose of sertraline to 50mg a day but I’m having to take that on an empty stomach due to the antibiotics I’m on so that means it’s causing nausea because it’s meant to be taken with food, so between the pain in my foot, adjusting to the new dosage of sertraline, not being able to take my hayfever medication due to the worry of taking too many medications all at once and not knowing how they would interact or counteract with each other so I’m just enduring the summer allergies and not taking painkillers for my foot for the same reason, AND ALSO WORKING ON MY FINAL ASSIGNMENT FOR THE YEAR WHICH IS 40% OF MY OVERALL GRADE THIS YEAR WITH ONE TRY, NO EXTENSION AND NO RETAKES, and also still working at my job, AND my room is an absolute mess, there are family issues too, and it’s thundering all the time here so I’m scared, I just… am finding it all a bit difficult at the moment. Ya girl needs a break but nothing is coming her way and she’s tired😭💀
It’s so so so sweet of you to check up on me, I went and stalked your HOW masterlist this morning hhhhhh I’m needing the comfort🥹🥹🥹 I am very very overwhelmed but I’m trying, all the while feel like I’m going nowhere. But I’m a stubborn bitch, so we go on because Joker, the Sinclairs, Eddie Munson etc etc wouldn’t expect anything less, you know? I’m sending you love and hugs, Brook! Thank you for checking up on me.❤️
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vtforpedro · 2 years
update- TWs in tags
Thank you all very much for your replies to my last post. I’ve had zero energy this past week and yesterday was a very hard day. Got my decision in the mail and wow, they sure are long. It’s not good, folks!!! Not good at all. This guy is an SSA shill and I’m flabbergasted. Hopefully my attorney gets back to me next week asap because not only do I have grounds for an appeal, I believe I’ve been denied my rights by law. Some highlights from his decision. They’re very painful to read and my case manager way back in November of 2021 said that they love to tell people they’re disabled but here’s why you can work. Basically what this dude did but I’m seriously confused and angry. I think it also speaks to the type of person and biases he has. -I meet the disability insurance thing, as in he considers my record to start back in October 2015, which is how my attorney laid it out. And it’s true because that’s the last time I was able to work. -I am severely limited and cannot perform the work I once did. The work I once did was, uh, retail/customer service, and a ‘stay at home’ job if you will by being a caregiver to a veteran (my ex). -My disabilities as the SSA listed them: chiari malformation, leukemia, major depressive disorder recurrent, severe, PTSD w/dissociative affects, headache, s1 radiculopathy (nerve damage), and idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH, my number one enemy) -Chiari and leukemia aren’t considered disabilities, which I knew they wouldn’t be. I’m in remission and people often work with debilitating cancers even tho they should absolutely not have to. Let’s begin with what he got wrong lol -He dates that I got an EMG done in March of 2022 before the lumbar puncture. I did not get an EMG until September of 2022. The LP was in April of 2022. -Nerve damage. I have zero evidence of nerve damage in my medical record, according to him. Zero. I do not have a single symptom to suggest nerve damage and I need at least one from both ‘categories’ the SSA lists. But I have none. I was bedbound for eight months because of nerve damage. I had noted swelling (with pictures) of my paraspinal muscles which might have contributed. I had an EMG because of nerve pain. My dr ordered an EMG because of nerve pain. Shooting pain down my leg and numbness/tingling. Also the severe pain in my lower back causing me to not be able to sit up or walk without excruciating pain 💀 I was referred by my neuro to a pain specialist who really wanted to do steroid shots in my lumbar region FOR NERVE PAIN. I was in physical therapy for months to relearn how to like walk and sit up but also for NERVE PAIN. Legit have no words. It’s noted in my neuro’s and his PA’s file about the radiculopathy explaining what happened to me finally. Hhhhhh. -MDD/PTSD/suicidal ideation. I have extensive medical records going back to 2015--NPs, therapists, my psychiatrist, and the neuro psych eval I had in Sept of 2021 + more since. The eval is one of my most important medical documents. He said the medical evidence did not support major depression/anxiety/PTSD for 2+ years with no improvement, which is not factual. My medical records from my NP in 2015-2017 show how many medications I was on that did not work. How long I was in therapy because it did not work. My current psychiatrist is on my side and tells me every time I see him that I’ve been on everything and we’re limited lol I believe this summer I will be with him for two years alone. The judge notes I have no medical evidence of panic attacks despite them being listed in my medical record. At most of these places. Again. Plus the ER at the very beginning discuss panic attacks. This man read my neuro psych eval where she diagnosed me with those MH disorders (beyond already being diagnosed elsewhere). This is an intimately personal document because it details a SA that occurred in 2012 plus the abuse my ex put me through for 2yrs, which made me unable to work starting in 2015. She noted high concern for my well being as my suicidal ideation is, uh, high lmao and the effects of PTSD from multiple traumatic things. He said there is no evidence in my medical record beyond a depressive and anxious mood which do not fit the bill for MH disabilities. He completely ignored the neuro psych eval (and everything else) so I think that speaks volumes of the type of person he is. -IIH. This is where I get very angry. He lists it as something I was diagnosed with and it was in consideration, yet he completely fails to consider it. He considered ‘headaches’. Not IIH, not multi-feature chronic migraines that are well documented, not the recommended brain shunt by my neurosurgeon if pressure was high, which it was. He is, by SSA law, supposed to argue for/against the conditions listed. He didn’t. -Allegations. He says that the “allegations” I have made don’t completely match my medical records by, like, existing or severity. Except the things that he says I alleged but are not supported are because of IIH. Which he had plenty of medical evidence of + the burden of deciding I meet criteria for disability is on the SSA at this point. He has to by law complete my medical record himself once it goes to him (almost a year ago) so he has the entire picture to make an accurate and fair judgment. He says I allege symptoms not endorsed by medical record but they are symptoms of IIH lmao -He implies I lied (”allegations”). He said that in my records it has been noted I stopped driving once all this happened (dec 2019) and have not driven since. It is noted *everywhere*. But he says that I indicated I drove one (1) time in December 2021. Obviously, this is not true and I have no idea where he got this from. My mom was pissed because she has driven me everywhere for 3+ yrs lmao I have a feeling someone misheard me say dec 2019 for dec 2021, so the judge thinks this makes me a liar. He completely ignored the vocational expert’s testimony in the opposite way I have read happens--narrowing me down to 1 job, then 0, but deciding himself I could perform jobs like ‘mail clerk, router, or marker’ whatever the fuck those last two are. A dr who reviewed my case (I didn’t even know they did lkafaja) said I could only have occasional interactions with people. The judge said that he felt that was not true and increased it to frequent. I don’t trust people. At all. I never want to make friends irl again because it feels way too fucking vulnerable. This is in my medical records. Anyway. I truly believe I have grounds for an appeal b/c of mistakes he made and I hope my attorney agrees with that. The judge is not supposed to fuck up dates or ignore medical evidence entirely in his judgment. BY LAW. Angry, hurt, tired. Why does this keep happening to me lol why can one thing not go right but instead everything always gets worse. I feel like I try to put good out into the world when I can but it spits on me in return. I want to give up.
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Just finished your new chapter, and I have to say. oh my. oh my god. RIGHT NOW IM HALF HUGGING YOU BC ITS SO SO SO SOOOOOO FLIPPING GOOD, BUT ALSO MAD AT YOU BECAUSE ITS SO GOOD AND CHAPTERS CAN'T BE INFINITE. XD all things aside, I A D O R E your AU!! (The second I saw it, I FREAKED OUT and told my bff!! (They love the fic too!!)) Keep it up, this was the absolute highlight of my weekend!!!! <3
HHHHHH THANK U i’m happy u and ur friend are enjoying the au 💃 messages like this are the highlight of MY day, and the response to the last update in particular has just been incredible.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Long long headcanon-heavy rambly post on Kerry's and V's eyes and Kiroshi and cyberware enhancements in general that I just wanted to put somewhere:
I've been eyeing (pun absolutely intended) that mod that gives Kerry brown eyes so hard lately... I do love his blue Kiroshis so much, but I also love the more natural looking brown ones and I'm hhhhhh. And idk, it kind of sparked the headcanon that, kinda like the US Cracks girls who are Kiroshi brand ambassadors, he'd probably also get special offers and stuff from implant manufactuers (bc of course having a living legend like him use their stuff has to boost sales, too, right?)
And my V is in comparison very subtle with his cyberware, on purpose, focusing on enhancements that are completely invisible because people are more likely to underestimate him (I actually barely equipped him with extensive cyberware in my playthroughs so far, too, because of aforementioned reasons but also bc some of the implants just freak me personally out xDD no matter how cool they are, mantis blades, double jump legs and whatnot, the thought of having those installed alone freaks me out XD totally on board with how Claire sees things there).
I'd like to imagine that after being in a relationship together for a long time, you do pick up your partner's mannerisms a bit here and there and become closer and start seeings things differently. And at that point I'm imagining Kerry to be like "you know what, I need an optics upgrade anyway, why not try something different for a bit" and going back to his natural eyecolour (with a little bit of gold, because without that would just not be him anymore XD). And V being like "you know, I'm safe, I have such a reputation in my circles by now, I can go a little more all out with fashionware if I feel like it" - and get the slightly more fancy optics next time around (that I still want to make a mod for some day eventually when I have the time to sit down to learn how to do that xD).
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