#HTP worldbuilding
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aquaquadrant · 4 months ago
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answering this ask for @lunarcrown to give some more insight abt the story side of things!
the way i create hels players typically stems from one or two ‘defining traits’ taken from their counterparts, like very strong personality traits or characteristics. these traits then undergo two routes: amplified or twisted.
amplifying a trait is like taking something more morally ‘good/neutral’ and cranking it up to eleven. for example: instinct has impulse’s good work ethic amplified into absolute hyper-efficiency. this leads him to use and discard people as he sees fit, manipulate and cut corners, and overwork himself and others to dangerous extremes.
twisting a trait is like taking something morally ‘good/neutral’ and putting a darker spin on it. for example, impulse’s friendliness has been twisted to insincerity in instinct, that ‘fake-ness’ of someone who smiles to your face and then stabs you in the back. if his friendliness was amplified instead, it would result in an outgoing overly zealous pinkie-pie type of character who gets way too involved but ultimately means well.
so that’s the difference between amplifying and twisting. ofc, not all defining traits start out as morally good/neutral, because not all overworld players are good.
now, tango’s traits are rage (amplified from bravo’s short temper) and sadism (twisted from bravo’s superiority complex). ofc, as we saw in the fic, bravo became capable of committing atrocities and even displayed some sadistic qualities himself after spending time in hels so there’s definitely nothing set in stone. these are dynamic characters that grow and change over time, for better or for worse. and environment influences that a LOT. we didn’t get to see much of tango pre-hermitcraft in HTP but rest assured, he used to be way more destructive. he attacked atlas on sight the first time they met, and spent his days setting deadly traps for no other reason than wanting to watch strangers die.
timmy’s major trait is his utter helplessness, an amplified extreme of the way jimmy will play more passively or take the role of victim (or the butt of the joke) in certain scenarios. it basically overwhelms any other traits that would manifest in timmy, but ultimately, he didn’t inherit anything that would’ve made him destructive or violent. there just wasn’t anything from jimmy that manifested that way.
that can be true for many players. now this isn’t to say that jimmy is inherently more ‘good’ than any of the other hermits/lifers whose hels were more violent or destructive. the worse an overworld counterpart is, the worse their hels tends to be, but there are always exceptions to this rule. and some counterparts may even be on equal moral footing (as we saw, not all overworld players are good, and can have hels who are better people than them). it all comes down to which traits were transferred to the hels, and whether they were amplified or twisted. it’s… almost like genetics, in a way. there are so many traits that make up a player but a hels really only builds off one or two, and it’s random chance which ones it’ll be.
(random chance in-universe, ofc. irl, i pick the traits that seem the most fun to build a hels out of hehe)
hopefully that explains things a bit better 💃
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aquaquadrant · 6 months ago
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HOLY SHIT… the amount of time and effort u must’ve put into this is INSANE. literally so freaking cool to read thru all ur thoughts on the series from start to finish. this is prob the longest/most in-depth feedback i’ve ever gotten, it really means a lot 😭😭😭
obvi i can’t address everything you’ve written here but since u took the time to share your thoughts, i can at least answer some of the questions u had 💃
oneshots: yeah, when i posted the first part, i thought i would just do a few ‘one shots’ (unconnected short stories) to tell the story. very quickly, i realized that it’d be better to do more structured chapters- although the structure admittedly could’ve benefitted from more in-depth planning. the story def got away from me a little bit 😂
how timmy knew about other worlds vs hels: at the time of writing, i had more intended for him to have just picked it up over the years. patho’s theory is fairly wide-spread, though not EVERY player/community in hels is aware of or accepts it. but i could definitely see watchers having a hand in that, as well.
how hels tek functions: atlas is unique in how much control he exerts over his employees. he maintains strict rules and high standards of ‘civil behavior’ that aren’t typical for other redstone labs, not even iraid. while instinct himself usually resolves conflicts non-violently, he isn’t afraid to lay down the law if needed. and he tolerates a greater amount of fighting and crude behavior than atlas, so long as his employees are still getting their work done.
the respawn anchor glitch: my intention was for it to be an act of the universe, to give tango the opportunity to free himself and participate in its experiment. but to the players, it was nothing more than random chance. you’re the first person i’ve seen to theorize about that being an act of sabotage, so kudos to you!
bravo’s overworld experiences: he actually didn’t get to spend a lot of time exploring the universe at large before he got stranded in hels, maybe a couple years? his experiences were very limited to a few moderately-sized public multiplayer worlds, mainly for redstone, where his talents were much appreciated. so while he’s heard of competitive multiplayer like UHC, he never participated in that (or knows of anarchy servers) so he got a falsely positive view of what ‘overworlds’ are like and let that sour his view of hels even further.
how alsiker knew bravo wasn’t from hels: it’s the eyes, babey!! 👁️👄👁️
was bravo going to go back thru the hels portal after atlas? i truly think he might have! he was in a full rage at that point and not thinking clearly. same reason he couldn’t calm down and explain himself better to the double lifers (would’ve spared him from being hotguyed 🎻)
bravo’s interest in timmy: it’s a very complex jumble of emotions that guided bravo to that choice. he’s feeling angry and cheated, robbed of all the good things he feels entitled to (and thinks that tango ‘stole’ from him). jimmy sort of became a representation of that, all the ‘good things’ bravo missed out on, so he developed an unhealthy fixation that got transferred on to timmy. it didn’t help that jimmy is actually very attractive in bravo’s eyes and to his taste in men, AND that jimmy demonstrated himself as so devoted and loving to tango. in a way, it’s like bravo looked at jimmy fighting to defend tango and thought “damn i need me a man like that. be great if someone cared for me that way :’)” then looked at the raggedy mess that is timmy and thought “i can fix him” (wrong!!!)
tango’s ‘deceit’: the amount of actual lying that tango did is very minimal, and amplified by his own insecurities and the blame directed onto him by bravo and atlas. he thinks that having those ‘sadistic’ tendencies at all makes him a monster, even tho he found a good way of coping and enjoys making games for people. in his mind, at this point in the story, he shouldn’t enjoy people dying at all, even in the context of a voluntary fun minigame.
mumbo’s redstone world: it is a single player world, however. when grian escaped the watchers, he sort of fell out of the aether and into the first safe world he thought of, which was mumbo’s. normally grian can’t physically enter a single player world whenever he wants, that was a special one-time case. it gave mumbo quite the shock.
respawns: i’m sure bravo and timmy set their spawns in double life before the mission back to hels, just didn’t include it. but players can still set their spawns after traveling thru a hacked nether portal. it just means that if the spawn point is disrupted (ie. a bed is broken or a respawn anchor runs out) they’d default back to their last world spawn. for hels players, that’ll always be hels. the way to change that is by getting a new communicator or joining another world via comm portal- then that becomes their default spawn (btw, post-HTP, timmy’s default spawn is the double life world)
atlas’s defeat: the reason he was so blindsided by tango and bravo tricking him was partly cuz 1) he views himself as smarter than them and 2) he views himself as the manipulator, not the one to be manipulated. those are their roles, in his mind. so while he’s playing all these mental games, he doesn’t see them as active opponents, more like game pieces that he has to correctly move and manipulate to get what he wants. he didn’t think they’d be capable of playing him, back. that hubris of his was always gonna be the end of him!
patho: what IS he up to… hmm…. 👀
falsesymmetry: false is… doing the best she can with the knowledge she has available. she and sym have issues that i can’t wait to explore in future fics. it’s def not gonna go over well with tango though.
scáil: his condition is related to grian’s botched watcher transformation, and that’s not what’s supposed to happen. counterparts can normally be made watchers independently of each other. but something went very wrong. grian really oughta check in 😉
doc’s hive mind: i haven’t fully fleshed out this concept but since doc is not a normal player, and has significant cybernetic enhancements, i imagine hive mind to be a way for him to sort of tap into the communication between watchers? like his own private line into the aether. so he doesn’t hear them in the traditional way of a listener, but all their expansive knowledge is available to him.
portal technology: it’s all a bit wonky, i’ll admit. hacked nether portals can only be opened between hels and a different world- so two counterparts within hels couldn’t travel to each other. players from overworlds can bring items to hels with them, or even mobs, and it works like a normal nether portal, but i imagine that doesn’t track for creative worlds. just cuz like, i imagine creative worlds being almost on a separate plane of reality where the items and mobs they generate aren’t really ‘real’? if that makes any sense. that possibility would just be way too chaotic and game-breaking.
current state of hels: i touched on this in another ask but basically, the firewall being down just means players can make hacked nether portals much more easily. their comms are still hardwired to not be able to open portals, and that’ll always be true. but if they go to another world and get a new comm from there, then those comms will work normally (like what tango did with xisuma’s help).
PHEWWWW i think that’s most of it, i know u were prob just thinking out loud/rhetorical thinking for some of these but it was neat to elaborate a little more on some things!! i hope to elaborate even more in future HTP stories (once i’ve taken my board exam OTL)
and truly, truly, thank you for sharing 💜
I loved reading the "From Eden" story, written by @aquaquadrant and the accompanying art by @lunarcrown. I keep thinking about the story/world, so I decided to be kind to myself and write it out, so at least my thoughts will be organized.
Or so I thought. It turned out to be more of a ramble than a coherent piece of text. I'm not gonna do it to myself to check and clear up everything, it's supposed to be a fun write, not a chore. I've made a lot of (obvious) observations and asked a lot of questions, but that's me just 'thinking out loud'. And I knew it would be long, but I hadn't expected it to be this long. I'm not sure if anyone will be interested in reading all of it, but here it is anyway.
I love it, and everything about it.
I love the whole "Hells to Pay" universe. I love how alive the universe feels while at the same time it still feels very much like Minecraft. I love how it has very much game logic while at the same time having very real stakes and dangers.
I love the characters, both the ones based on youtubers and the original ones. The first category are clearly recognizable with their way of speaking and mannerisms and the latter seem just as well developed. I love how everyone has depth. Everyone has strengths and weakness, even if it's not always obvious. No one is fully good and even the worst characters have some good qualities. And everyone has the ability to change and learn, for better or for worse, but only if they choose so.
I love the writing. The way it's structured makes it fun and easy to read. The wording very much supports the world and it's characters. I love how it lingers on some moments and quickly goes over others, it feels very natural. And though I am the kind of person that wants to know anything about a universe/story they love, I do think that the amounts of exposition and explanation are great. More would probably hinder the telling of the story itself. And I love all the extra bits of the world told through answering other peoples asks.
I love the art. Everyone is unique and easy recognizable. The bodylanguage and faces are really expressive. It's great to see. Beside that, it's also an artstyle that I just really enjoy.
So onto more details of the story. A LOT more details, I basically did another deep read to make sure I didn't miss anything. Spoilers I guess for anyone who hasn't read the story but somehow did find this post.
Lunarcrown's into comic looks amazing. It also wonderfully shows what kind of world Hels can be and the nightmare that is Tango's life. When I found the story, this intro was enough to get me hooked.
I think it's funny that the first part of an eleven chapter story (of which two are two-parters) is called a one-shot in the authors notes. I mean, I'm not a native English speaker and all that, but I don't think that's correct. Was it intended to be a stand-alone story? Had it been the plan for the AU to be told through short stories?
It's a small thing but I like how every new chapter/place is introduced by "Somewhere in [insert world], a player [is introduced, doing something]", with very minimal variations. It's a nice returning bit, through the whole story.
The way Tango's imprisonment is described is chillingly beautiful. It's horrific, but at the same time almost casual. But that's what is has become for Tango: just another day. In the same way, the manner of escaping is grueling, showing clearly his desperation. Well done.
It's so clearly noticeable, even through the immediate relief of escaping Hells Tek, that he's been through so much and that it impacted him so much. And then he decides to hide it and pretend it didn't happen for another decade. Even if he didn't fool people nearly as much as he thinks he did, it's so sad he though he needed to do that. Not to say that I can't understand it. Sadly, it probably stopped him from openly enjoying what he had: his freedom, all the wonderful experiences of the overworld and his friends. It's an amazing first chapter.
Also I love the way you write Xisuma.
And hello Bravo. I don't really like him as a character, too arrogant and snobbish. But at the same time, I love his journey and it's fun to follow him. He didn't deserve to be stranded here. But then again, that was kinda the point of the Universe's little experiment. I wonder, if he would one day learn about that, would it make him feel better or worse?
It's interesting to see his outside view of Hermitcraft. And them being considered a private bunch in this universe, while we see them pretty much place every block of their megabases, through streams and timelapses. Then again, in-story Hermitcraft is only in it's second world/season. I haven't been following Hermitcraft for THAT long, but it probably isn't a fair comparison. I wonder which of the Hermits Bravo was familiar with. Some of the redstoners, probably.
Timmy leaving his save spot to talk to Bravo wasn't something I noticed om my first read, and it's sweet of him. I love Timmy, and at the same time I want to yell at him for taking such poor care of himself. It's nice to see that through all he experienced he hasn't lost his kindness.
I've been definitely overthinking this, but while rereading Timmy explaining what Hels is to Bravo I was wondering how he knew the difference between Hells and a normal world. The logical explanation would be that some other player told him. But I remembered a post were there was mentioned Timmy was a Listener and I am a sucker for any Watcher Lore (and your version is great), so my mind came to the conclusion that a Watcher told Timmy. After all, he seems so lonely and so attention starved, that he would probably love it when the Watchers are around him. Maybe he tries to talk to them, make them stay a little longer. Most Watchers wouldn't be interested in him, since they can't make him leave. They would only be at spawn if someone more interesting has died without a respawn point. But maybe... Maybe some of the nicer Watchers decide to humor him, and talk for a moment. Maybe after a few times, they discover it's nice to sometimes just have a conversation with a player and just... start telling him things. Random bits of trivia, events that they've Watched somewhere else, things about their old lives. They would still be mostly doing other Watcher stuff, but when they are bored, or were about to visit Hels' spawn anyway, they stop by a certain avian.
Like I said, I've been overthinking this. It probably doesn't fit your story, but it has been fun to imagine. I like the idea that Timmy is one of the few players that is completely comfortable with being a Listener. And I like the idea of someone that people don't spend a second thought on casually having conversations with literal deities.
Back to Bravo for a moment. The stretchend out death-loop that is his way out of spawn is interesting to see. He starts out relatively optimistic but get's a hard and painful lesson on what life in Hels is like. By the time he meets the Arena recruiters he seems to understand why Timmy doesn't leave spawn. Bravo is glad with the resources he has, even though in any other world a second-day player would probably put him to shame. His first instinct on seeing players approach him is now to hide. He's already changed a lot, probably without even realizing it. And that is before he snaps.
The symmetry between the ending of one chapter and the start of the other is well done. One duo dies and Bravo finally gets a break in his struggle to survive. Another duo dies and Tango has a big setback in the game he's participating in.
The tone of chapter 3 is very different from the previous chapters. For a big part, it is an adaptation of Jimmy's and Tango's first episodes of the Double Life series. It's impressive how that part is both true to the source and a good adaptation. And then it smoothly transforms in your own work. Well done.
"They have only one bed." Look, I am very new to fanfiction, but even I know that this is a classic. I don't mind. Classics are classics for a reason, and you've written it good. I love the awkwardness here between the two of them.
Somehow the thing that's hardest to believe is that Grian would be the one to propose an end to the death-game, and it's funny that other characters seem to find that hard to believe as well. But it's a fun set-up to change mid-way in a death game to a survival world.
The addition that the soulbound can make you aware of your partners feelings and that it amplifies whatever is already between them. And thank you Impulse, for sharing your wisdom and for talking some sense into Tango. All the things Tango worries Jimmy will hate about him, seem to be the things he hates himself for. No wonder he feels unlovable. And thank you Pearl, for giving Tango some perspective.
So much of this chapter is just lovely and wholesome. After the Ranches have one good conversation, things just organically develop. Their relations grows closer and stronger. Tango learns to love and how it feels to be loved, he learns to be vulnerable, he slowly starts lowering his walls. There are still mountains of old pain, but there are new pieces that are healing as well. Thank you Jimmy, for being the healer that Tango needs. If only it would last.
Back to Hels. It's a nice detail that beds are a high end item. I guess that means making wool from string isn't possible (4 string into wool never felt right anyway). Though an anchor would prevent a long death loop by running out.
The inner workings of Hels Tek are a nice bit of information, though the place itself definitely is not. How does it compare to other redstone labs, like iRaid? Many workers probably only tolerate the restricting of their freedom because it's still better inside than being alone on the outside.
Clear is a fun character, especially when interacting with Atlas. He can get away with almost anything because he is just to valuable to loose in Atlas' eyes. He is a tragic mess but highly intelligent and takes pride in his work.
It's very telling that young Atlas, with just two minutes of life experience, already assumed the worst of others. That is not something he learned. Why would someone bother to plug a hole at spawn? Ease of traveling? And it's wood, valuable and burnable, it could have been part of a make-shift bridge, or something. Atlas really is the worst. Oh, and rule number one of Minecraft: don't dig straight down, smart guy.
It felt strange to me that Timmy lied to Atlas about Bravo, while pointing them in the direction that Tango want, the guy Atlas is actually looking for. But now I realize that Tango could "still see spawn in the distance", just before the portal spawned. Did Timmy in turn actually see Tango leaving and Bravo joining, from his higher vantage point? That would mean he probably did protect Tango, by not telling the full truth. Also, he's seen both of them. Has he noticed their likeness?
I hadn't caught on to Timmy casually lying Bravo in the first few times I read this chapter. It's sweet. And that he is able to do so while sounding casual surprises me. It feels like a stark contrast with his counterpart, who seems to be a bad liar and with an very emotive voice. And Timmy managed to do so in the face of a powerful man who has already subtilty threatened him and his with minions around. A quiet display of (inner) strength.
Timmy has delayed Atlas and Bravo meeting for five years, half the time Bravo spend in Hels. Five years without answers, five years without any hope of returning. If Atlas had found him the next time Bravo respawned (shot by a skeleton, if matched up chapter II and V correctly) Atlas would have put things together. Bravo would probably have jumped at the chance to get to Hels Tek, to civilisation, and he hadn't learned the "healthy Hels skepticism" yet. Atlas would be his savior! And would have been able to fully shape Bravo's image of Hels. Now, Bravo had to build his own image. Would he think it would have been worth those five years? Maybe, after he finally escaped Hels. I hope so, for Timmy's sake.
Tango had five more years on the overworld because of Timmy's lie. Five years of healing, but also five years of hiding and festering. He would have been in the fifth or sixth world of Hermitcraft, which would have had more resources than Double life. But the Hermit are more thinly spread and not focused on pvp. And on Hermitcraft, Tango probably would have been alone, when Hels Tek came for him. Others would have probably too far away to reach him in time, if they even knew were to go. Or maybe Tango would have been lucky and Hels Tek would have entered minutes before the final battle of the season 6 Prank War. Probably not but that would have been funny. There is a chance that the five extra years were unnecessary and only stopt him from fully healing but I think its way more likely that it saved him. On Double Life and with Jimmy at his side it seems that everything was exactly right for Tango being saved and to make sure his past won't come back to hound him anymore.
I truly hope that Timmy's little lie made things better in the end. I didn't realize that I had so much to say about one sentence in the story. I hope you didn't mind the sidetrack.
Atlas looking for Tango in the Arena seems to be the reason that the recruiters that made Bravo snap ran into him in the first place. Credits were it's due, thank you Atlas, for giving Bravo the means to gain things like good food, end-game armor and weapons. I still don't like you.
Considering Alisker has a spy in Hels Tek, and doesn't actually want hybrid farming to succeed, could the failing of respawn anchor be due to sabotage? Or maybe it was just the will of the Universe. Also, Alisker humiliating Atlas is very satisfying.
The downward spiral of Hels Tek is also very satisfying. It seems that Atlas never bothered to make any protocol for things taking a turn for the worst. I guess that just would be unimaginable for him. And then dr. Clear manages to halt that spiral in one lucid peptalk. That makes me sad that his lucid moments seem to be so rare and frustrated that he uses his skills and talents for Hels Tek. Clear Cut's mental health issues could be some form of heavy depression. That would be treatable. Earlier in the chapter it was mention he has to use potions of swiftness to be functional, but that sounds like management to me, not treatment.
The difference between Atlas meeting Bravo, and Atlas meeting a young Tango is interesting. Tango's base is hidden, while Bravo's is not. Bravo asks questions before deciding whether to attack, while Tango does not. Both of them are wary, but Tango seems eager to work in a redstone lab, while Bravo only sees it as a way home. All of these differences seem to be learned, though. And young Tango is cute.
Bravo at the start of chapter VI has plenty of Hels experience, but without Atlas having manipulated his worldview yet. Still, it's not a pretty picture. He thinks Atlas is probably dangerous because "he’s from Hels, after all". As if overworlders can't be dangerous. Does he know how players on anarchy servers can be? Does he know how an UHC works?
Overworld players gain the ability to travel between world as teenagers, and Bravo mentions next chapter that he probably stopped aging while still looking young. Tango was recruited as a teen, and spent only a few years in Hels Tek. He is the same age as Bravo. In other words, Bravo probably didn't have that much of a window between gaining access to multiverse travel and getting trapped in Hels. Maybe Bravo is just naive when it comes to overworld players.
You know, I really thought Atlas was the one to bring out the worst in Bravo, but perhaps all he did was stop Bravo from examining his own biases. I know Hels is a though place but I can't believe Bravo is that special for having a grand total of three pieces of furniture. He also already considers hybrid players part monster. One of his first thoughts on hearing Hels is an actual prisonworld is that the players that have spawned here must deserve it. And when Atlas guesses that Tango managed "to utilize [Bravo's] connection to leave Hels", Bravo interprets that as Tango willingly trapping him.
Bravo's early days in Hels Tek probably mirror those of Tango. A rundown of practices and procedures of the place, other scientist gathering information about him, leaving the communicator with other scientist to let them figure out the data. Probably to work with the same iron farm scientist Bravo talked to. But Bravo is aware what it's actually for, Tango was fed lies. And Tango was a teenager that had probably grown up feral and just entered a community for the first time.
Hels!Keralis is another fun character. I love that one of the extreme traits that he got from his counterpart is more eyes. How does he know that Bravo isn't from Hels? With the number of eyes he has it somehow wouldn't surprise me if he has some sort of special sight. Or it could be corporate spionage.
I haven't mentioned it before but the way you write the passage of time, with short snippits to show significant moments or changes, is very good. It really gets across how not everything happens in short order, how events can have far reaching effects and how change can happen slowly. It also helps you feel that time has passed and the world isn't static.
Once Bravo had his first impression of Patho, he really didn't bother updating his opinion unless other players made him. Bravo wonders what it could take to loose an eye, and there is something that can do that. In some of the worldbuilding posts it's mentioned that Martyn lost one eye, and Grian both of them, to Watchers. It would make sense that an experienced player would be recruited, but it could also just be an coincident. Bravo disapproves of the fangirling towards Patho, but I wouldn't be surprised if he once was a big fan of Etho. Legendary overworld redstoner and all that. (IRL during April Fools 2013, Etho was famous enough to get his own Minecraft block) The manner Patho let's Bravo know that he doesn't like to be touched is way over the top. Patho is another interesting character, but one of those that I'm very glad of that he's fictional. At the same time it's sweet of Patho that he is very much willing to educate others and share his knowledge.
I like the touch that the first two times the portal is lit, it has everchanging colours. Like the Hermitcraft portal Tango went trough. And it's later explained that inter-world portals have unique color-paterns, depending on their destination. So Tango is still on Hermitcraft in the early attempts. After that it switches to the red-yellow-green of the Traffic SMP/Life Series.
Bravo almost shows some critical thinking and empathy when he finds the Tango Tek farm, but it's immediately ruined when Atlas shows up. I hope Bravo gets nightmares about this when he finally learns how to self-reflect. Bravo's sarcastic reply on whether he has said his goodbyes is telling. He could have made friends if he had wanted to, I'm sure. The scientist had been welcoming and curious about him, and as a redstoner himself it's not as if they had nothing in common. That's a good base to build upon.
His first moments in ten years in the overworld are beautiful. Though Bravo has very many flaws, I do have sympathy for him gotten trapped in Hels. But not for anything else at the moment.
Jimmy reflecting on getting to know the Hermits is fun and wholesome. The little things he has learned about Tango, the thing he seems to love most about him, seem to be mainly related to being a blaze hybrid. All the things that are just Tango. That makes Bravo's claim that he should have been Jimmy's soulmate just plain wrong.
The whole conversation between Jimmy, Tango and Bravo is amazing. Jimmy is trying to figure out what is going on and all is knows for certain is that the person he loves is scared and hurting. And once again Bravo almost seem to realize the universe isn't as black and white as he though it was.
And then the fight! Tango's terror and fight response. Jimmy's terror. Tango's shutdown when he realized that he hurt Jimmy. Just wow. And Jimmy's reaction to seeing Tango freezing up is pretty much forgetting he is on fire because Tango needs him! Poor, poor Tango. Bravo clearly sees himself as a good guy by taking back his rightful place and trying to help Jimmy, not realizing that for Jimmy he is the villain and the leader of the group that invaded the Ranch and is kidnapping his boyfriend. And Jimmy placing himself between the invaders and the portal, knowing he can't win is a beautiful show of his care, courage and determination. These guys have very shallow definitions of strength and weakness.
The Cavalry arrives! And the announcing their presence with the horns is very much Double Life. I know that battles are hard to write, but you did an amazing job with it. It's definitely chaotic with much going on, but it's clear to read and good to follow. Every Lifer does their part in the battle and everyone has their own fighting style.
Was Bravo so angry of Atlas that he tried to follow him back to Hels? The place that he tried to leave for ten years? The moment the portal breaks he is surrounded by overworlders. He can blame the battle going wrong and the mistrust of the players on Atlas, but they give Bravo a chance to explain himself and he messed that up all on his own. And Bravo has seen they are pretty much what he thinks overworlders should be. It's a server where they don't grief bases, where they work/fight together, where they defend each other, where they ask questions and don't immediately attack. (Outside the battle, but that doesn't count, they saw their servermates in trouble.) But they don't welcome Bravo as one of their own. They restrain him and mistrust him. They don't see him as different from the other players that came trough the portal. ("What did you guys do to him", emphasis mine) They hear his explanation but don't believe him. They dislike it so much they kill him, meaning this time he is send to Hels and it's not a fluke or mistake. It's overworld players wanting him gone.
I don't think he realizes this, not at first at least, he has his mind on other things. But once he has time to process what happened? It has got to hurt, even if he doesn't admit to himself he was wrong. I think it all does help later with Tango's words finally reaching him.
Jimmy's fear of not knowing were Tango is when the portal is broken is so real. So is the relief on knowing he's still (physically) with them. Scar being the one to shoot Bravo feels right. Scar has a goofy and easygoing demeanor, but he is very capably and not someone who you should cross, and Bravo did that by saying nasty things about his friend.
It's a relief that Bravo has finally up enough to stop working with Atlas. Progress? His fight against the hired muscle parallels the fight Tango had in brutality, as much as he might deny it. and slicing his own neck is brutal as well.
I'm still not sure how to feel about the Bravo/Timmy reunion. I'm happy that Timmy isn't alone anymore, that he is with someone who has been, not quite nice, but at least polite towards him. At the same time Bravo isn't doing this for the right reasons, he later admits as much himself. He is using Timmy as a substitute for Jimmy. Thing is, he doesn't know Jimmy. Is he really so hung op over the whole 'should-be-soulmates' thing over a stranger? I don't get it, and that could very wel just be a me problem. But he does want Timmy around, even if he's not Bravo's first choice. Since Bravo stepped through the portal that was supposingly taking him to Hermitcraft, Timmy might have been the only one that has been there for him. Timmy was the one who explained Hells to him, without trying to manipulate him. He has been welcoming to him. He has been the one who showed sympathy when Bravo died. The only thing Timmy wanted was not to be alone, but he didn't force that. I hope Bravo's biases don't blind him towards all that.
And that final sentence. If he can’t have the sun, he’ll learn to love its shadow. I know I haven't been the only one going crazy over that. That one sentence it saying so much. I've also have been (over)thinking what that makes Timmy, symbolism wise. The sun doesn't actually have a shadow, being a light source. But there is one thing, it isn't a real shadow, but there is something that is a lack of sunlight. If Jimmy is the sun, Timmy is the night sky. Both are beautiful on their own.
Back to Double life and their aftermath of the battle. I like that you fully wrote the aftermath. Things like this often get skipped or summarized. Now things have calmed down a little, the players have room to feel their exhaustion, their fear, their pain, to become more aware of their wider surroundings and to start figuring out what actually happend. It seems that no matter the universe, the Ranch is destined to burn down. It's sad to see, especially with how warm and cosy you had written the place. And ofcourse Etho and Joel have water buckets, with that clutching trick they love doing.
The state Tango is in, is heartbreaking. No one seems to be sure how to handle that situation, except Impulse, but that might just be appearances. Impulse and Jimmy have a very similar comforting warmth around them, I'm not sure how to call it. So, while Jimmy might feel useless (and the 'intrusive thoughts' aren't helping), I don't think he would have done a bad job with helping Tango. But Impulse has known Tango for years, and has some experience. And he didn't just went through the things that Tango or Jimmy just did. Jimmy's comment about the lights show that he does know Tango, no matter what he thinks. It's interesting that the comments from the Watchers right after are ambiguous in whether they are directed at Jimmy or Impulse.
You cannot sleep, there are monsters nearby. That sentence fills me with dread ever time I read it. It's a dread probably every survival minecrafter knows. And for that sentence to be directed towards Tango is devastating. Luckily Jimmy knows just wat to say to pull Tango out of it. The whole conversation after feels beautifully sad and vulnerable and raw. And it's once again devastating that Tango still feels that he has to be strong in front of Jimmy and only let's himself cry when he thinks there's no one to see it. But Jimmy is not doing nothing, he is being Tango's shoulder to cry on, an that is worth a lot.
The game-chat log of the battle is a fun read. It's very bare-bones, due to it's nature but it gives a good overview and a good indication of how the other Lifers reacted. You have a very good grasp of how you can use the chat in the story. Also, good job Bravo, you did the impossible and make Jimmy hate someone.
Tango's desperate attempt to avoid talking about what happend is painful, and it doesn't exactly work when other players were actually there to witness it. He's still afraid of being rejected because of the truth. And when de finally talks about his past he uses the word 'evil' to describe the players of Hells multiple times, he really believes it. Of course, his friends know better. I like how mad the Lifers are about Tango's past, how offended they are for his sake. And Tango's fear of they kicking him out never crossed their minds.
Whether or not it makes sense for this AU to have a concept of years, I'm glad they exists because it makes it much easier as a reader to keep track of time and of a player maturity. Gradual growth isn't really a thing in Minecraft, so it could even work as kind of sub-growth-stages between player children, teens and adults.
Another vulnerable conversation between Tango and Jimmy, with Tango admitting things he probably never said out loud before. But how bad is it really if he found a healthy way indulge in his questionable desires? And it's not like death is permanent. I can't argue with Tango saying he's messed up, but that's the trauma, not an inherent part of him.
I don't think he has deceived and lied as much as he thinks he has. His friends seemed to realize that Tango had a traumatic past and that some things set him of. They knew Tango didn't want to talk about it so they didn't ask. And he may have hidden his past and a part of his personality, but that was mostly lying by omission. Were the parts of his personality he did show false? Did he not want people to have fun with his games? I highly doubt that.
And it's not as if he's the only one with questionable personality traits on this server. In chapter IV Pearl gave him a bucket of powdered snow so she wouldn't succumb to the temptation of torturing her own soulmate, for example. Nobody is perfect, don't try to live up to an impossible standard.
The good thing about Tango saying all his insecurities aloud is that others can point out he's wrong, and Jimmy let's him know very clearly. Tango seems to be so surprised about it. He never considered his fears being wrong.
All things considered the Ranchers seem to handle the burned out ranch well. They're sad about it and Tango feels guilty, and that makes sense, but no anger or panic or deeply repressed feelings. Progress? Jimmy's comment about liking to wear the gloves is cute. Him not giving them back to Tango is also saying that Tango doesn't need to hide his claws, or himself. I thinks Tango is starting to understand that, even if he has trouble believing it. Same with all the players showing up, Tango sees that the truth about him hasn't scared them off.
I guess that there have been times that all the hiding was too overwhelming at times. Those probably moments Tango looked for Hels. If he was there wouldn't have to keep lying to his friends. He would have felt so much guilt, especially after learning that he had a counterpart that was probably trapped there. So it's a good thing it doesn't show up.
The similarities and differences between Patho and Etho explaining the portals stuff are fun. They have different experience with portals and different tools to work with, but they figured it out. And Patho isn't willing to give up one redstone ore block, while Etho is willing to get up and look for one with a friend.
Every time Tango mentions something about his past in Hels, Impulse seems to be in conflict to be a comforting presence or to be in righteous furry. It's hard to blame him. It's nice to see Impulse and Jimmy kind of team up to try to help Tango work trough everything.
I'm not sure how firewalls and whitelists work (or don't work) in combination with hacked portals. I'm also not sure how those exactly work. Then again, I know it's more important that they work than how they work. My brain just wants to understand it.
Tango, I get that you want to protect your friends but going into Hels alone isn't the solution. That way they at least get hurt by your actions and you actually encourage them to make unprepared, desperate attempts to get you back. If Tango had succeeded in breaking the portal, the Double Lifers would still try to follow. Since they know Bravo met Etho's counterpart, they would probably open a portal with his data. That would definitely have been interesting, but that would not have been good.
Thankfully, Jimmy is there to prevent all that. It's good to see that he stands his ground when Tango wants to cut others out, even though Jimmy has his own insecurities to deal with. And he already followed him to Hels, so of course Jimmy wouldn't think twice about following Tango into a trap.
Bravo has so many villainous vibes. It's a miracle he hasn't noticed it yet. He has figured out why they are here, but at the same time doesn't seem to realize they are here to help. And the hypocrite is calling Tango a monster for his temper, while he started the fight because of his anger. Bravo is a very good fighter, we've already seen, he's been in much tougher fights against much more experienced fighters. So it's not that surprising that the Ranchers lose.
Even after they lose Bravo keeps on hurting Tango with actions and words. It's no wonder that Tango realizes that the personality trait he hates so much about himself -a thing that makes him believe that he deserves all the bad stuff- is something he inherited from Bravo. It's something he only has because it comes from his 'better' counterpart. And that realisation gives him wat he needs to get through to Bravo.
Bravo's breakdown is beautiful to watch. You can see his whole beliefsystem falling apart and him having nothing to keep up his mental strength. It's so well written. For all the wrongs he's done, I never saw him as an evil person. Arrogant, biased and misguided, yes. Even so, he came to Hels with a strong sense of justice but he had to spend so much energy on just surviving that somewhere along the way he had to give it up. One can only have a survival mentality for so long before things have to give.
Tango understanding what Bravo must have been trough heartwarming. And I'm very much with him on this. Him embracing and accepting Bravo and Bravo finally accepting him is great. And now it's time for Bravo to begin his redemption arc. I absolutely love redemption arcs and -though I don't think Bravo's finished at the end of the story- this is a good one.
Timmy and Jimmy meeting each other is pretty much the opposite of Bravo and Tango meeting. No mistrust or hostility at all but mostly awe. It's nice how Tango describes it in his point of view. Timmy admitting he understand why he isn't good enough is just so sad. He knew Bravo couldn't fully accept him as he was, and he sees that his doppelgänger looks much better than him (rather objectively, being healthy beats being unkept and skin-over-bones). Jimmy basically goes all 'protective big brother' over Timmy, it's great. It's a relief that Bravo learned to (or at least started to) see Timmy as his own person.
The last scene of chapter X. It was so frustrating to wait to see wat happened next. Bravo seemed to be on Tango's side, so it would probably be a ruse. At the same time, it wouldn't have been the first time if Bravo had lost his temper and stopped being smart. I'm rather new in the fandom side of Minecraft Youtubers, so this was the first chapter I came across and the first time I had to wait for an update. I found it after someone reblogged some of Lunarcorwn's art (along with a tiny excerpt) about this chapter. I was immediately fascinated, and after the intro comic, I was sold.
The start of the next chapter doesn't give immediate resolution to a first time reader. Bravo is definitely convincing. He has to be, Atlas is not easily fooled. But knowing what's going on there seem to be small tells in how Bravo acts. Or maybe I'm just imagining things. Bravo's aggression looks like anger but is probably his newfound guilt and insecurity. He only talks to answer Atlas' questions, his speech seems more to the point while at the same time he uses more filler words.
It's interesting to see Bravo trying to trust Tango and Jimmy, while at the same time having learned to be distrustful of everything. He's really going back and forth between the two. Thankfully, Tango is understanding and shows him grace. Why does Bravo tense up when Tango mentions his friends won't attack on sight? Had he forgotten that overworld players don't tend to do that? It would probably be painful for him to realize there are things he has unlearned or forgotten.
Poor Timmy probably hasn't interacted with more that one person in ages. The Double Lifers must be very much overwhelming, especially since many of them aren't exactly low-energy players.
It's Tango's job to make sure his friends don't go with a bad -but easier- plan? Talk about role reversal.
The conversation between Bravo and Timmy by the portal is nice. I like whatever kind of relation they have, messy as it is. I'm not saying it's good, but it's interesting to read about. They each have many issues. Bravo is now aware of that, but I'm not sure if Timmy is. I'm not even sure Timmy knows what a healthy relationship looks like. They both care about each other and I think they could help each other out. But at the same time, Bravo has anger issues and biases against Hels players and hybrids and Timmy is both and probably wouldn't set any boundaries. At this moment them being together could either be healing or toxic. So I get Bravo's hesitance.
Jimmy's hostility towards Bravo is so odd to see. It's so unlike him, though it's fully earned. Tango and Bravo sharing their braincells while coming up with a plan is fun, especially since Tango has to tell his friends that every time that, yes, he is on board with what Bravo says.
I admire Tango's courtage to enact the plan. Then again it's in a way a variant on Tango's earlier plan to sacrifice himself, now it's only temporary. It's no wonder he looses his nerves and fully panics at the last moment when he is actually faced with the machine that caused most of his suffering. Once again: poor guy.
Bdubs has a point about Bravo calling others bad, but Patho literally disemboweled him so I think Bravo is being fair in his case. As for instinctSV, he barely appears in the story, so that's hard to say. But I don't think you get to lead a company in Hels by being trusting and charitable.
Grian and his Watcher abilities! This is a great moment to use his powers, especially since he so hesitant to use them. And he and Jimmy are right, this is not the moment to explain it all. This is the second time that Grian uses his silent 'Watcher voice' in a group meeting and this time there is an extra Listener around. Grian's secret is all but out.
Grian getting Mumbo to come with him with some crazy but true explanation somehow sounds like a very Grian thing to do. I love your portrayal of Mumbo. It's been a lot so it's no surprise that he needs a moment to wrap his head around it. Mumbo is a good friend, keeping how he helped/helps with Grian's eyes a secret. And Grian turned up on his redstone world? Wouldn't that be single-player? How did Grian manage that? And it's good to know that Grian told Mumbo what happend over time.
Something that stood out was that Mumbo stopped himself from tugging his mustache. The way it was worded was like a habit he tries to unlearn. It was also something Clear did but didn't seem to mind.
Tango finally understands he doesn't have to do this on his own and that he can rely on his friends. The warmth he has for the people around him here is so sweet. And he finally doesn't just want to confront his past, but actually wants to put it behind him. He still thinks that the "entire mess is solely his fault" (as if he asked for it) but he knows they will do whatever it takes to help him. "Is it really any wonder he learned how to be a good person just by knowing them?" Just beautiful! Though, is he seriously gonna give Jimmy a lecture about self-blame? That's just funny.
It's promising that Bravo corrects himself about the burned Ranch. Especially since nothing about it is even spoken out loud. He might have had a change of view, fully ingrained change requires more than that. But Bravo is willing to work on it. He does note himself that he wouldn't have been able to see Tango's influence on the interior.
It's entertaining to see how Bravo describes the Lifers, and Mumbo. The sentiment of wanting to kill Atlas is very understandable. Though Bravo is the Plan Guy, Jimmy is the leader here. He listens to Bravo because Bravo has the most expertise. But Jimmy is the one who the rest listens to, the one who keeps the conversation on track and the one who validates the plan.
Tango and Bravo realizing how much they both have changed due to were they have been living feels like something they needed. I like how they are now that they're not hostile towards each other. Bravo and Timmy's realisation neither of them is a builder is a fun parallel of Tango and Jimmy, and I'm glad Tango is there to watch it. It feels promising somehow.
Once again, Jimmy is being a leader here. Checking in, helping, dispelling fears. I highly doubt that Jimmy sees himself as a leader, though. The talk between Jimmy and Bravo is amazing. It just radiates growth and caring.
Tango in the farm. Oof. It's amazing how he is so close to drowning in despair, but still manages to find something to hold on to. And then he realizes he was strong enough to survive it all before, and that he is stronger now. It's wonderful how he let his good memories strengthen him, and that while he is currently living through his worst nightmare.
Clear not realizing Hels Tek is being invaded and said invaders being fine with Clear just continuing to do his own thing is really amusing. Clear 'recognizing' Grian is so sad. But Grian doesn't seem to have the instinctive recognition of his counterparts name, and later when said counterpart realizes Grians name, it's not his player name. That's interesting. I appreciate that Grian stays with Clear and I wonder what is said between them off screen. I hope Clear eventually realizes Grian is not Scáil.
The invasion of Hels Tak is a fun read. Overpowering the first guard went so smooth! Then the ravager just had to shake things up. It's nice that during everything, Pearl and Scott seem to have patched things up and are flawlessly working together now. Jimmy seems to notice a 'intrusive thought' cutting another off, noticing how odd that is, even if he doesn't understand wat it means. Bravo and Jimmy fighting in sync is awesome! What's also a difference between this fight and the previous is that Jimmy uses his wings while fighting. Something that wouldn't be fair in a friendly fight. Tango notices later that he fights way better when he does use his non-human-side, for Jimmy it might be the same.
It's so nice that Jimmy notices that Tango lost the fear he always carried with him. He handled the last hours in the farm well. The first time I read this part I was so worried that there wasn't any mention of breaking the respawn anchor. I couldn't imagine that they would forget while standing right in front of it. Luckily there was no need for a respawn. I had also been a little nervous about Timmy and Bravo, had they made sure they would respawn at Double Life if their spawn point got reset? (Is that even possible for Timmy with his Hells-comm?)
Sweet Jimmy does not tolerate his boyfriend being name-called. And sweet Tango won't stand for his boyfriend being hurt. They're cute like that. It's good to see that Tango being called a monster has lost its power to hurt him, no matter how hard Atlas tries. He's finally able to fully accept his mob-side. It feels good that the three of them manage to piss of Atlas so much that he finally cracks, giving Tango the closure he needs. And then what's probably the most satisfying punch in Hels' history, even inflecting permanent damage.
This is the first time Tango consciously reached out for his own fire, isn't it? His own firestorm is a beautiful thing. And powerful. I'm so happy for Tango! Atlas having to helplessly watch how Tango casually strolls to the portal is extra satisfying.
Atlas just sitting outside and letting his laboratory burn really shows how defeated he is. If he was any other person I would probably feel sorry for him. And why is he so surprised that Tango and Bravo are the ones that beat him? They're both smart people that know how he works and with plenty of reasons to hate him. Are they really that unlikely to bring him down? Or did he underestimate them because they don't have the authority to boss others around? Good thing Tango had his friends on his side and that Bravo understood the power of friendship.
And then bX has the pleasure of kicking Atlas while he's down. Must have been a great relief too, to let the hybrid-farmer know his life's work was done for.
Even for the Hermits that had known something was 'off' about Tango, finally hearing what happened must have been a shock, for the ones that didn't know yet. And for Tango it must be nice to be able to tell it on his own terms, this time. He probably knew by now that the Hermits wouldn't abandon him after telling the truth, but having conformation must still feel great. It's also great that talking about it is becoming easier.
Alisker and xB are very sweet together. Very different from how they interact with other people. I admire Alisker's long term plan and how successfully it played out. He really made sure Atlas' damage stayed limited. I just wish his plans hadn't required for Tango to be locked in the farm in the first place.
I think it's a wise choice for Bravo to take some time for himself. Processing and healing from everything that happened can be nasty, and at those times it's nice not needing to mindful of others. At the same time, part of me is worried he's gonna overcorrect himself or close himself off. I'm not sure how excluded different worlds are, and how much contact players can have through the multi-net, but I hope that Bravo stays in contact with at least Timmy. It's sweet that Bravo clearly cares about Timmy's progress as well and that he regrets they both have to take different roads to heal.
The progress Timmy has already made is wonderful to see. Not only physically, he questions Bravo's decision to go and voices his discontent. Gently, but still. It feels like he's learning how to stand up for himself. Timmy himself really wanting to grow as a person is very promising, especially as someone who represents his counterparts (*checks external authors posts*) passiveness and victimhood.
Dbubs first appearance in the main story! His and Patho's relationship is both so warm and unhealty. I love complex people and I love complex people being even more complex together, and this story is full of them! I also love it every time when players are having that instinctual recognition at the proof of existence of their counterpart on page, whether is just the name or meeting face to face.
I wonder why exactly Patho wants to leave. It's not he didn't know about them having counterparts. Why does it suddenly matter? Is it because they visited Hells? Because they visited Hells together? Because of the recognition Patho felt? Or is it something else?
False, seriously? I don't think having someone chained up like an animal is keeping you in Tango's good graces. And you basically told him it could wait until he got back, while you're holding your twin prisoner! There might be something wrong with Sym, but what's wrong with you? It sounds like an interesting story, and I definitely have questions.
Poor Scáil. His suffering might actually surpass that of Tango in the farm. And if he's been like this since he left Hels Tek, it's been more than a decade, considering they never met. How did he become like this? I know it's related to Grian almost becoming a (full) Watcher, but this can't be how this is supposed to go. And even Grian has control of his abilities. Scáil using Grian's Watcher name makes me wonder how how much player vs Watches they actually are. Grian, please check in on your counterpart.
Stress' way of talking is always fun. Her and Doc's origin is cool. And I'm curious what your interpretation of the Hivemind is. Doc not having a Hels is a big relief, considering Doc himself already loves creating game-breaking machines. That trait would be terrifying on someone with a Hels mentality, let alone an amplified version of that trait. I understand why they are conflicted about it, though.
I'm glad we finally see Instinct in person. I like him and the vibe he gives off. Atlas working for him is amazing, how far he has fallen! I hope Instinct enjoys bossing him around.
Tango making the video about Hels and how to get there surprised me when I first read it, even though it makes sense. A lot of Hels players will probably change for the better because of it. It might also wreck the Hels economy. Overworld players could give their counterparts a way out, or provide them with resources that are easy to get in a normal world.
I have so many questions about it all. Can mobs travel through portals? How would it work when someone creates a portal in a creative world? Could they just spawn in rare items (elytra's or even things like spawn eggs) and bring them to Hels? Can counterparts create hacked portals when both of them are at different places in Hels? If so, that would create fast-travel. That would be especially valuable in such a giant world.
It would probably kind of sting for Bravo to see the video. Everything he needed to know and took him a decade to figure out, quickly explained in one video, uploaded not long after he finally escaped. Not that I think he woud disagree with uploading it, it's just, where was that when he needed it?
The idea of Bravo seeing Tango's video is interesting. Bravo could see all the videos Tango made while he was trapped in Hels. All the inventions and games (first Decked Out) that Tango created, all the projects he worked on with other Hermits. Tango could see the ones that Bravo made before they switched places. He could see how Bravo acted before Hels crushed him, the friends he had back in the day and how young he was when he got trapped. I wonder if they do that, and how it influences how they see each other.
It's very nice how you worked Steve, Herobrine and Alex in this universe. Does the Hels firewall being down also mean that overworld comms now work there properly? Herobrine being Hels former admin makes sense, as the first counterpart, though I hadn't expected it. It's nice that there won't be new player condemned to spawning in Hels.
The scene with Jimmy and Tango is just lovely. The cuffs and everything they stood for were so loaded for Tango. I'm glad he's finally able to take them off, and that Jimmy understood how much it meant for his soulmate.
I love how the last paragraph is inspired by the end credits poem. And I love how it both does and does not breaks the forth wall, and the things it explains. It's a nice touch that it's in-story explained by Aqua and Lunar.
And that was it. For the main story anyway. I've also read the short stories from the Hels To Pay universe, but I leave that for another time. Maybe. I liked writing this but I've had enough for now. If you actually read all of this, you have my uttermost respect.
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shadowgast-recs-weekly · 1 year ago
WIPs: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week, we have work in progress fics! Check under the cut for fifteen fics that are incomplete, and don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
Rumblecusp and TravelerCon, with Essek along for the ride
the fourth corner of the world by royalgreen (50775, Mature)
Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Reccer says: A fun alternate take on TravelerCon, with some great original worldbuilding for Rumblecusp and a mystery
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A Shadowgast Arranged Marriage AU in Space
A Tapestry of Stars by cinderstorm (105278, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Reccer says: There's a lot of layers and intrigue in this one, along with so much longing!
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Caleb travels to Rumblecusp to meet up with his long time correspondent, Essek. Only when he gets there, he discovers that no on knows of him.
To Have Owned The Sun by Dragonslaeyr (48358, Teen)
Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Reccer says: It's an amazing, atmospheric mystery that has recently started updating again!
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The Nein rescue a very hurt Essek. During his recovery they have to deal with their own relationships with Essek and each other.
The Knife by Queen_of_Thornes (42631, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Reccer says: I love the mystery of this story and the how the relationships evolve throughout the fic.
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Essek travels back in time (with Artagan's help) to save the Mighty Nein from Lucien, and ends up traveling with them in their early adventures.
Fortune's Favor (Fortune's Fools) by flashhwing (30289, Teen)
Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Reccer says: It's fun to see Essek's interactions with Artagan, and to see the early M9 through his eyes.
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Caleb gets a sending: Essek is missing. If only it were simple...
I would sing along but I only remember the screams by luckyowlsfoot (23056, Mature)
Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Reccer says: Lots of tension! Love the little peeks at world building
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THE corporate AU. Caleb and Essek navigate workplace ethics, a developing relationship, and secrets that could tear apart much more than just the two of them.
the golden thread around your neck whispered visions of my undoing by MarsBar2019 (172812, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: Drug Addiction
Reccer says: The untold power this author has to make a socialist who doesn’t like AUs DEEPLY invested in this fic cannot be understated. It’s hot, it’s thrilling, it’s beautiful…it’s ILLUSTRATED.
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After the peace talks, Ludinus abducts Essek to be kept as a prisoner/pet in isolation. Essek is determined not to be broken, but Ludinus is very good at what he does, and he has all the time in the world.
Grief is an Ugly Thing on You by MushroomKnives (35260, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con, Dubcon/Consensual Non Consent, Gaslighting, torture, drowning, non-consensual body modification
Reccer says: It’s absolutely brutal in a way that reminds me heavily of high-quality HTP—it’s not mere torture porn, this is ELEVATED torture porn! Essek whump isn’t usually my thing, but this is intriguing and compelling enough to overcome that for me.
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Caleb doesn't think of his colleague.
Oh, Sinnerman by SaltCore (32692, Mature)
Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Reccer says: I love the whump and angst. It is so well written.
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Caleb wakes up and everything is wrong. He has to find his friends and make it right.
Lacking in Outcomes by Mariadperiad20 (7899, Not Rated)
Reccer's Content Notes: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con, Domestic Abuse, Disordered eating, abuse, torture, self-harm
Reccer says: Lots of good mystery and suspense. The kind of story that makes you get out your tinfoil hat, cork board and red string. So much fun.
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Essek's visits and eventual cohabitation with Caleb.
You Could Stay With Me by oh_johanna (11412, General)
Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Caleb Widogast is trying to be a successful surgeon... If need be through the pants of attending surgeon Essek Thelyss.
little annihilation by 06151126 (6604, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes, Hospital / Grey's Anatomy AU ; power dynamic imbalance
Reccer says: It's a incredibly fun AU, with great characterization.
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Bren is a climber and finally wants to prove himself at the World Cup. And Essek Thelyss is nothing but a distraction. Or is he?
gloaming's end by toneofjoy (13617, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn, Also involves Blumendrei (Bren/Astrid/Wulf)
Reccer says: Amazing world building, interesting relationships!
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And these two fics each received two recs!
bdsm shadowgast with a disabled Essek
Coping Skills by sumomomochi (234884, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: None
Reccer 1 says: Both well researched and well written absolutely love the dynamics Reccer 2 says: I love the inclusion of less commonly seen kinks (needleplay, caregiver etc) and the super interesting intersection between kink and chronic pain/illness. Essek's friends are also a delight when they appear!
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It's set in an alternate universe where Bren didn't spend time in Vergesson, Astrid did instead. And Scourger Bren gets bored when he is sent to deliver mail to Shadowhand Essek so he decides to seduce him.
A Body in Absentia by Nonwal (70983, Explicit)
Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
Reccer 1 says: I like the way it deals thoughtfully and respectfully with the complexities of things like consent, gender, asexuality, differing libidos, boundaries, and neurodivergence. The characters deal with and work through those concepts in the relatably imperfect way real people do. I also love the characterizations of all the characters, but Bren especially. Reccer 2 says: Excellent balance between developing intimacy, humor, and angst
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with xenobiology!
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dark-roleplay-finder · 2 years ago
Hi there! 29m looking for anyone of similar age (or up) to write some hockey rpf :) I've rp'd around for almost a decade now and I'm tighter on SPaG but don't need huge paragraphs. I'm also serious about that 4th wall; any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental, etc.
I'd prefer mxm, but I'm equally open to original or 'canon' characters. I've got some plottier ideas for a rookie and a vet (both ocs, and I'm down to write either), or I'm a big fan of the winner's room/loser's forfeit tropes -- yall know the HTP; consider the shenanigans that can come out of an entire industry where everyone is an asset with a price tag attached.
NSFW friendly, and I do have kink experience but this post does not constitute an offer to sub or dom for anyone.
I like hard worldbuilding, but I love finding ways to make things fit together! And I'm not adverse to romantic relationships between characters, or other complicated feelings :) hmu either on this post or drop me some sort of message, but tumblr hates to give me notifs so we'd end up moving to discord.
(ps no college hockey or daddy kink, please. sorry!)
Like this post and the asker will reach out!
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gunshou · 2 years ago
Yayyyy fic writer asks! ✨ and 💫 and 💞 please
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Absolutely it would be Beside You. Originally meant to be part of a long arc that I just ran out of steam for, I really love how this one came together. It's the gentlest of my fics, so I don't blame people who come for HTP for not reading it, but I think it turned out really well and someday I'll get back to it and drive it onto Whump Street. 💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Literally any comment makes me deliriously happy, like, I can't even contain myself. But as @astralhux knows, I go absolutely delightedly feral when people point out things they like about the writing itself: the language or structure or imagery or characterization. I'm a literature teacher, I live for analysis, and it makes me feel really accomplished and special when I manage to create a nice turn of phrase that sticks in someone's mind.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I mean, it's all really important to me, because it all has to flow properly to work as a cohesive whole. The plot beats have to progress, the characters have to be consistent but dynamic, and the language has to be evocative. Grammar mistakes on my own work bug me, so I'll usually go back the next day after I post and catch all the errors and word choices that don't quite flow when I look with fresh eyes. I think in terms of what I spend the most time on, it's imagery and language flow. For reading fic, it's the characterization that's paramount for me, because if the characterization isn't consistent it throws me out of the fic. Like, if you're writing The Winter Soldier as woobie or badass, either is fine, but the basic elements of Bucky's character -- his internal ethics code, his intensity, his protectiveness -- need to be there or the character just isn't Bucky anymore. So I guess in writing I start by having a really solid characterization and all else flows from that. Thank you so much for the ask! ask meme
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aquaquadrant · 2 years ago
AW SHUCKS MEL you flatter me… i’m glad ppl are catchin on to that! we were discussing how tango’s past in hels involved some kind of experimentation and mel tossed out an idea of a blaze rod farm (had to go back and spoiler block some upcoming things 😉)
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there were pages and pages of me rambling about minecraft mechanics to design a farm that’s at least FEASIBLE (we aren’t too concerned with accuracy here but it was a fun thought experiment!), here’s just one little snippet of it (with MORE future spoiler stuff blacked out)
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and then this monstrosity was born. i sent mel this mock-up with the addendum that all the actual redstone would be hidden behind the facade because BOY do i not understand it! 😂(and yes i only play pocket edition)
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then somewhere along the way, i switched instant health to regen for a more conservative use of resources. long story short, a ridiculous amount of minecraft research went into this backstory and i’m happy y’all enjoyed it!! mel has a way of bringing things to LIFE 🤩 and i’m soooo excited for what we’ve got planned…
I can't believe you made the Incredibly Adept Farm Maker a FARM. Insane. Ironic. Painful. The narrative about him making farms to feel in control writes itself. Painfully, through tears. How dare you.
ISNT IT JUST SO ON THE NOSE?!??? I love ittttt so much!! The tango-farm itself in the comic was thought up by @aquaquadrant !!!
And yesss there’s a lot of things about his “present” design/behavior that go back to his days as a farm in Hels, including a mix of constrictive and open clothing (to both feel free and also feel secure), his poor cuffs (still on post-escape), his gloves (protection for his claws growing back, as they were clipped painfully daily to minimize his defense), his big coat (covering healing wounds), and his blackened tips of his ears/hands/feet, which were a result of dying so often + constant wither effect.
And then we have his mad scientist behaviors, his farm creation, his occasional uncontrolled fury, his fear of being in trouble and desire to help out as much as he can without getting anything in return- SO MUCH
ALSO pretty much if you ever see sick dialogue or sick use of Minecraft mechanics you can put your faith in Aqua having written it for me bc I’m a noob-ass who just made it to the nether for the first time and suggested we use tnt to blow up tango (???? How would that have even worked??????) and Aqua so gently takes me by the brain and says “I’ll do the thinking on this one buddy”
She even made me a mock up of tango’s lil blaze rod pain chamber and she’s watched way more VODs than me so YALL the miles and miles of stuff she’s woven in to this is SUPREME
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years ago
Group Ask 150
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
diurnaldays said:
I can't seem to find this one stucky soulmate AU that interwove fictionalized historical documents and academic papers into the narrative as a form of worldbuilding? And a scene early into the fic depicted Steve talking to a priest about a grieving ritual he could undertake now that he'd lost his soulmate (Bucky). There was also a major plot point where Steve used his soulmate bond to help the Winter Soldier recover his memories and become Bucky again.
princessniitza and Anon sent in The Ties That Bind by Odsbodkins (complete | 26,609 | E )
Anon 1 said:
Hello, I can’t seem to find a stucky fic where in post-WS, Bucky can’t figure out why Steve seems to be avoiding him or being strained around him, only for him to suddenly remember breaking Steve’s heart the night before he shipped out so Steve wouldn’t be left missing him and possibly never moving on. After confronting Steve with this they make up and its happy! I really remember loving it but I can’t find it for the life of me! Hope I have enough detail!
dolphinqueen10 sent in Remember Me by prisma134 (oneshot | 18,040 | M)
Anon 2 said:
Hi I’m looking for that fic after TWS where at Steve’s house/appt Bucky has relapses into the Soldier, but every time Steve sees it happening he acts like he isn’t a threat. He changes his body language to relaxed, he doesn’t go defensive, etc. Eventually Bucky realizes what is happening but it works anyway??
dolphinqueen10 sent in No Such Thing as Fighting Dirty by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (oneshot | 3,878 | T)
dreamsbeyondlife said: (dubcon/noncon)
Hey, do you guys know the fic where Bucky asks Steve for things by having sex with him? Bucky thinks Steve is his handler and that they have to have sex so he can get "rewards".
possibleplatypus sent in Uberrima Fidei* by asocialconstruct (oneshot | 3,075 | E) *rape/noncon, htp
capnstverogrs said:
hi! im looking for a fic where after steve’s mom dies, who works as a nurse, erskine adopts steve and he tried to go through med school but just wanted to do art? and so he does medical illustrations but then his boss peggy makes him go deal with the house erskine left steve when he died which he doesnt address until 4 years later or something
abarbaricyalp sent in Through The Woods by alby_mangroves, recalibrates (complete | 64,082 | E)
Anon 3 said:
Hey! I've lost a fic and I'd appreciate any help in finding it. It was a oneshot smut piece, from Bucky's pov. Steve is lying on a couch and acts all indifferent while Bucky basically gets off on top of him? It's only an act and he's actually turned on as well, which is revealed after Bucky's orgasm. It had definitely post-serum Steve, and I'm fairly certain it happened in avengers' tower, but it might also have been modern au piece.
possibleplatypus sent in raise the flag by mcwho (oneshot | 957 | M)
Anon 4 said: (infidelity)
Hi! I’m looking for a fic where Bucky and Steve are getting married, but Steve meets Peggy when he is taking dance classes for the wedding and she’s the instructor, and he starts having feelings for her. Stucky ending though. And I think I remember Steve not having the serum and it all being set in an alternate 1930s universe where gay people could get married. And I think Bucky’s family owned a furniture shop?? And Steve’s mum was dying. Hope you can help, cause I have tried everything :(
Anon 5 said:
Hi! I have been searching for a Stucky fic I read a while ago (can't remember if it was here or Ao3) but one of them is a struggling artist, and they meet when their art is blown into the road and the wealthier one helps them pick it up and they start a sugar daddy type relationship. If you could find it, it would be amazing!
Anon 6 said:
hi! I'm looking for a fic that's post winter soldier and at one point Steve and Bucky are in one of Bucky's old safehouses and Steve wears pearls he found there while they have sex I'm sorry this is so vague thx for the hard work
Anon 7 said:
hey! I'm looking for a wrong number fic where steve accidentally calls bucky for advice on how to flirt with the cute guy at the bar but it ends up being him?
bennettmp339 and dolphinqueen10 sent in Slide To Answer by relenafanel (series, complete | 13,064 | T)
Anon 8 said:
Thank you for this amazing resource! I’m looking for an AU fic in which a WinterSoldier Bucky is on a mission & meets up with a teenage BlackWidow Natasha whom he trained & she’s trying to impress him but also angry & rebellious. I remember she surprises him by climbing into his car & he comments on her choice of clothing; a bright puffer jacket that clashes with her hair.
Anon 9 said:
This is a very specific ask, but earlier today I started reading a oneshot in which Bucky was suffering from PTSD and something happens that triggers the winter soldier memories. I had literally only just started and I accidentally closed my browser. Could you please help me find it? I think it had something to do with some song too. Thank you so much.
Anon 10 said:
Hi there, a while ago I read a fic where Cap!Steve becomes a really good cook when he wakes up in the 21st century bc all the food is new and all the Avengers are really surprised that he likes to cook. I think he visits a restaurant in koreatown nyc a lot? Hopefully you can find it, thanks!
princessniitza sent in The Way to a Man's Heart by Niitza, whatthefoucault (oneshot | 43,837 | T)
shadow-of-a-whisper said:
I'm looking for the Stucky fic where Winter Soldier breaks into a woman's apartment to wait for Steve to show up. She was the owner of the truck Steve and Nat "borrowed" to go to Camp Leahigh, which was presumably blown to smithereens. WS knows Steve will visit her to try to pay for the truck. When he does show up, she tries to warn him. There's a dramatic angsty reunion where nobody gets hurt.
Anon 11 said:
hey sorry, i have two fics in mind that i can’t for the life of me find. there was this one fic where steve gets eaten by rats, that’s all i can remember sorry. and the other was one where steve used to go to a bunch of gay bars and stuff and i think he had a drag queen friend named marlene? i’m p sure him and rohdey dated for a lil but and i think it had pepper/tony/rohdey
awolfnamedaliac and Anon sent in the Kept Boy* by moonythejedi394, Neutralchaos (WIP | 203,653 | E) *rape/noncon, sex work, heed the tags
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silentwalrus1 · 7 years ago
i’m writin’ for charity (and political mobilization)
So! Since my laptop is busted and I can’t draw, and @spitandvinegar had the fantastic idea of writing stuff in exchange for donations to Swing Left, I am jumping on this bandwagon. I’m opening up 4 slots for ficlets at 3 cents per word - so for $30 donated that’s 1k words, $15 that’s 500 words, so on so forth. 
- 1 of these slots is gonna be for Selkie Bucky fic content. How that works: everybody who donates and wants Fat Seal Bucky, then whatever amount you donated, the corresponding word count will be added to the story. Feel free to add specific requests and I will do my best to incorporate them - possibly this may turn into a series of vignettes if I can’t finagle a way to stick all the requests into one fic. 
- Other 3 slots are for other content. 
- What I’ll Write: my strengths are comedy fic and shenanigans. I’ll write outtakes or vignettes or codas of any of my published fics (tho keep in mind ITHLYN is not finished and I might not be able to write your request due to story plan!). I pretty much write only in Captain America movie universe, though I can also write Discworld fic. I’ll write AUs - Shrunkyclunks, modern AU, one or more chars are mythological creatures, etc. I can do you a great Steve, Bucky, Sam and Natasha, with whatever pairings thereof, up to and including Barbershop Quartet. NatSharon, SteveSamBucky and however u wanna stick Clint in there will come out good too. Tony, Pepper, Maria, Fury, Peggy and the Howlies I can do you a great genfic, though I’m on more uncertain footing on pairings in that set. I don’t know shit about comics canon or Agent Carter or any other Marvel shows, so unfortunately I can’t really write anything there. 
What I Won’t Write: no noncon, no children at all (yes even in genfic, I straight up do not write children). No high school AUs. No angst - guys, I’m just shit at it. No torture or HTP stuff. No Stony this time - I don’t think I’d be able to write it properly. Please message me beforehand for NSFW and/or kink stuff! I might not be able to write what you want to read. 
Disclaimer: I write pretty much comedy only, and it creeps into basically everything I do. If you ask for 800 words of NatSharon pussy eating, what you’ll probably get is 100 words of pussy eating and 700 words of Natasha kicking her heels off in passionate undress and accidentally kicking a shoe through Sharon’s bedroom window. If you want ABO, you’ll get some incredibly weird biology and worldbuilding and most likely zero self-lubing buttholes. Please keep this in mind when requesting! I’ll take you on a fun ride, but it probably won’t be what you were expecting. 
- This is gonna be first come first served (except for Selkie Bucky). Since this is not an auction situation, there’s no outbidding, but the first 3 people to show me proof will get the slots. However: for Selkie Bucky fic it’ll just add to the wordcount (see above). 
Orgs To Donate To: 
Swing Left
How This Works: you give me a screenshot of proof of your donation to one (or more) of the above charities (last name/personal details blacked out etc) and I start writin’. When I’m done, I send it over to you. I expect to post all the ficlets to AO3/tumblr, though I do reserve the right not to post it to my accounts for whatever potential reason may crop up. 
This opens up on Saturday Feb 3rd at 9AM EST.  
(That gives everybody time to ask questions/check if I’ll write the thing they want written.)   
Please message me beforehand if you’re not sure about whether I’ll write something or if you just have a question! Contact me at constantjellyfish@gmail.com.  
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aquaquadrant · 8 months ago
so with the conclusion of ‘from eden’ out, i can now answer a few asks i’ve gotten throughout the series that i saved due to spoiler reasons (scroll at ur own risk). it’s been so neat to see y’all theorize along the way <3
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5/24/24 - this one SHOOK me bc that’s exactly what i was implying with the ender dragon drabble i did, but despite hitting the nail on the head, anon seemed to think i had disproved it somehow?? i legit asked mel if she had sent it to be funny hagshdgah KUDOS TO U ANON
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12/27/23 - at this point i didn’t have all the logistics of the conclusion figured out, but i knew it’d involve tango going back to hels 🙂‍↕️ my hope was to create a satisfying end to his character arc while also leaving plenty of room for future stories.
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7/29/23 - this one isn’t quite what happened in the story but it was close enough for me to not wanna post it. poor timmy would’ve been happy to keep being a replacement for bravo but his destiny was always to stay on double life and heal 🙏
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5/8/23 - and finally, DING DING DING, u got it!! the universe wanted to see if splitting players into counterparts was actually necessary so it devised a test by swapping tango and bravo. ultimately, the choices they made led the universe to conclude that making hels was wrong, so it brought down the firewall and spawned its first whole player, alex.
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aquaquadrant · 22 days ago
do they have showers in Hels? or does the whole place smell of body odor, bad hygiene, burnt hair, wet dog/bird, and blood? I don't know why, out of all the questions, I asked this one, but I did
wellll if u go off the minecraft rules, all anyone would have (overworld or hels) would be a water source fall or cauldrons for a bath. ocean biomes are pretty scarce in hels but that’s more just the biome, water itself isn’t a precious resource due to widespread trading over the years. it only takes 2 buckets to make an infinite water source after all.
however, hels is probably a bit stanky cuz i imagine nether biomes to have a sort of sulfur-like smell anyways and i’m sure the big cities aren’t that concerned about hygiene. atlas however always enforced a good personal dress code at hels tek (but clear was the exception. atlas was just happy if clear showed up to work wearing clothes at all)
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aquaquadrant · 25 days ago
Your take on the Hels world is so cool. I have enjoyed it and even inspired me to write an AU of the AU. But I have a quick question. Do you think HCSizzleman (Skizz's Hels) and InstinctEV (Impulse's Hels) ever met in Hels or not? Thought I ask since I am just curious on your world building with that.
aw thanks, glad ur enjoying it! and yeah they’ve def met, but their dynamic is pretty different. sizz has his whole ‘grimdark vigilante justice’ thing going on while instinct is doing late stage capitalism so they don’t get along as well as their counterparts. i think they knew each other as kids and still try to hold on to that friendship even after their lives and priorities took each other in very different directions. here’s an old chat w mel about it:
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whenever sizz stops by iraid for a visit, instinct likes to play the generous host and chat like the old friends they are, but the whole time they have this mutual understanding that he’s exactly the kind of person sizz would normally try to take down. but since it’s instinct, he doesn’t. i’m sure sizz has tried to guilt or threaten instinct before into changing his ways but to no avail. and instinct doesn’t mind letting sizz have his vigilante adventures (cuts down on the competition yknow) so long as he doesn’t get too bold and impact instinct’s business.
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aquaquadrant · 10 months ago
I have a questionnn. Did Jimmy know Timmy's name before he even said it? Did he instinctively know the name of his doppelganger? They can do that?
AHA i was hoping someone would ask this… jimmy and timmy are special cases bc they’ve spent most of their lives being called by each other’s names, so when they finally saw each other, it clicked. it was def an instinctual thing that just made sense to them. most counterparts wouldn’t know each other’s names intrinsically, even if they can recognize each other on sight.
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aquaquadrant · 2 months ago
Hi, i got a couple of random questions about Dbubs specifically :> is there a reason why his hair is turning white? Also does it have any impact on him? If yes, what would happen once all his hair is white? And the vines wrapped around him, are they digged so much into his skin he isn't able to get them off of him? And my last question of today is, if Dbubs sleeps, does the entire jungle entity sleep along with him?
HM. good questions…
i didn’t have a concrete reason behind making dbubs’s hair slowly turn white (with red at the roots) other than to show the passing of time. as in, he’s been possessed by the jungle for a long ass time. when he first stumbled across it, his hair was black. but i didn’t intend for it to be like, draining life from him or anything.
there are a few small vines that have dug into his skin, and don’t really move. the larger vines draped around him are under his control. but that means ultimately, they’re under the jungle’s control. could he remove them if he wanted? who knows. maybe someone will try someday.
i think the jungle, since it’s more of an entity (ie. a living creature like players or mobs) does require sleep but that doesn’t mean the entire jungle is incapacitated at once. like, some of its mobs are nocturnal. and if disturbed, the jungle could easily wake up. patho’s learned to step lightly when he leaves.
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aquaquadrant · 1 year ago
pearlescent moon….. hmm.. opalescent sun? IS the sun in hels? i think pearl has a helsmit here but 👀
actually yeah, hels!pearl is opalescent moth, the giant moth monster lady that showed up briefly in part 2. i use a variety of different approaches when coming up w hels names: opposites (ex. mumbo jumbo - clear cut), inversions (ex. BdoubleO100 - Dboublel011), helification (ex. iJevin - iHelvin), and extremes (ex. Renthedog - Rendthewolf). pearl is an example of the latter. the naming convention i choose usually has to do with what traits i’ve amplified or twisted in the hels, whether they end up as fundamentally different than their counterpart or just a more extreme version.
and hels does technically have a sun as well as a moon, but they orbit far beyond the bedrock ceiling, so no hels resident has ever seen them. they only know about them through the existence of clocks, and the data related to mob spawning in relation to day/night cycles.
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aquaquadrant · 8 months ago
Hels had an admin... 'mention of a Helsmit' - Xisuma's hels? GENERIKB'S hels?! Heck, Dinnerbone was a hermit once. was it HIS hels? does he HAVE a hels?
oh snap, i don’t remember what all i’ve said abt the former hels admin but i may have misspoke, they were/are not a helsmit.
and yknow, i haven’t given any thought as to how a player who became a dev would factor into the HTP au, nor do i know much abt dinnerbone, but i’m gonna say yeah, he would’ve had a hels!
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aquaquadrant · 8 months ago
Anon behind the Herobrine ask- I think I read the drabble so fast I misread something and assumed that the dragon being alive in the player's story meant that it hadn't actually died before?? I was so delighted to see Herobrine called the admin of Hels at the end and realize I'd been right all along
ahhh i see i see 🙂‍↕️ i suppose that’s the risk i run with having multiple/unreliable narrators. but i’ll take this opportunity to say that the hels ender dragon was killed by herobrine, back when it was still adam, early on in hels’s history. but she’s also still alive, as described by the last player in that drabble. hope this helps <3
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