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wecandoit · 10 months ago
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Realising a little too late that I should have posted throughout exam season to keep myself accountable... oh well, at least I'm here now! Two exams down, three to go!
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studyblrspace · 1 year ago
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| 1 february 2024 |
1/30 days of nym: what are your goals for this challenge?
consistency with bullet journaling
start MHD notes
be more consistent with posting
this is my first time posting in a while but while I've been away, I found out I got into an astrophysics PhD program 🎉 second time (applying) was the charm I guess but now that that's over I'm hoping to focus in on finishing my internship!
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mortuarymorticia · 1 year ago
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[ 2/3 ] final exams done. | day 02 of #30nym.
i’m going to do prompt #3 for this bc i’m too lazy to take a photo rn. it’s been a very long day & i’m exhausted.
what’s your ideal study plan for the week?
honestly? just making it through my exams. i’ve been using kahoots & quizlets to study this week. i’m so looking forward to my break.
🎧: abstract (psychopomp) - hozier.
📚: pretty girls - karin slaughter.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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daydreamsofbooks · 1 year ago
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30 Day New Year Momentum Challenge
Day 2/30: Share a photo of your study space!
(yes I definitely decluttered before I took a picture just to show off Owl guarding my headphones)
Goals for today: Finish experiment for friend
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o2studies · 1 year ago
༻`` 29 Jan 24 — Monday
100 days of productivity 29/100
Found out from a friend that if I want to do biology then I'd probably have to do it at SRC so I've sent a query about it and hopefully it's something I can do and that doing it will be beneficial. I'll be sad to see art go tho 😔 (I know I can handle a lot but 5 ALevels would be pushing it...). Did a lot of homework today and gave a teacher my work xp form. Watched a couple more self improvement 🧠 videos and cleaned my retainers (those cleaning crystals could really do more ;-; ). Also I worked up the courage to ask my art teacher so miss class because I have my piece at home and I'm finished everything else. It will be refreshing to finish it early 🌱.
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30 day new year momentum challenge 1/30
What are your main goals for this challenge:
To learn more about my study habits and ways in which I can improve them (also getting inspiration from others' posts). I would like to study more efficiently and study more in general also.
Here's the prompt list if you'd like to try it yourself ^^
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caffeinatedkylie · 1 year ago
Please hit me with any and all tips for implementing/maintaining structure as an exclusively online student!
I have a little more than two months off before I start my next session, and I’m nervous. I’m an undergrad transitioning from a fairly unstructured earned enrollment path (submit all coursework by the end of the session, no discussion posts/participation component) to a much more traditional program and schedule (weekly due dates, participation, live office hours), and I’ll be enrolled full time.
I struggled with the self-paced nature of my previous courses, so I’m honestly excited for that element— but I also work 30 hours a week, and my previous ability to knock a course out across a few long Saturdays means I haven’t actually figured out yet how to effectively balance work with my academic demands.
I have a dedicated workspace in my house, and I’m fine tuning it to keep it both free of clutter and equipped with everything I need to be productive and successful. But workspace aside, I feel so unprepared. If you’re an online student with solid systems in place, I would love to hear from you!
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my-learning-nook · 9 months ago
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A week of consistent reality checks by professors within a week of law school; questioning my career choice, loving it, allowing myself to be humbled by it and chugging questionable amounts of lime soda.
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cheshire-castle-library · 1 year ago
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February 28, 2024 | 30NYM Day 2
I spend half my time at work and half my time in my bedroom at this point, so this prompt had to wait until I could remember to get a photo of both places. I'm lucky enough to have an cube in the grad student offices, so of course it's slowly becoming as maximalist as my bedroom.
Things have been a bit much lately, but I'm making it through. My student's "midterm" project is due tomorrow, so I get to see how they all did. They've been working extremely hard, and though we had some hiccups, I think everyone is going to have something they can be proud of to show. I let the project be a "prototype" to take some of the stress off, but they're all still taking it so seriously. I'm really proud of them!
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scotisfr · 1 year ago
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06/30 days of New Year Momentum Challenge 🐎 [23 / 02 / 24]
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Tea and fidget toys all the ways !
In more details, I try to do as many mindful moment as I can while breathing or drinking tea. The goals is to have little pocket of quiet and me-time. I also work with a fidget toy (my preferred is a fidget cube) in my other hand so I can make noise and be frustrated as I want on one side so the main side can be delicate or what I need it to be. I also tend to do many todo-list in the start of any intense session, just so I can quieten a little my mind and work in more peace.
In more self-care moment, when I'm stressed I try to take better care of my skin (because if I do not, I look like grating cheese). I don't like to take care of myself, but I will do it.
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Here's my fidget toys (the picture is missing a rainbow slinky). The Simon don't have any battery, it's just the button. The strange thing in the middle is a astronomy ring. And each little egg have different things inside (sand, rocks, rubber rocks et caetera) so they have different weight and make different noises. And I have another big fidget cube in my handbag, for the case that I'm not home.
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✅ +1 19/30 Days of Langue des Signes Françaises Learning challenge ✅ +6 17/30 Silmarillon reading ⬜ 0/30 Anki nerdy cards about the Silmarillon ⬜ Have one (1) perfect day on my tracking goals calendar
Side-goals : ✓ Finish my tea fanzine ✓ *NEW* Print tea fanzine ✗ Find a more satisfactory rhythm for my days ✗ 3/4 Write articles for my main blog (scotis.fr)
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pocolococo · 1 year ago
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#30 nym [ 30 day new year momentum challenge by @birdbrainstudies ]
My Study Area
The first pic is what it looks before a session and the second one is what it looks after some hours .
My motto for my study area is to have as much convenience as possible . I like my things within a hand's reach .
The major part of my study is my study table . I really love it . It has a huge area and is movable . I get bored easily so having a movable study table really helps . I sometimes shift it to my bed when I don't have the chair energy .
I also really like my lamp . Its specially useful when I really want the background to blur and just concentrate on my books . Also sometimes my eyes cant bear the brightness of a tube light so having a lamp which doesn't glare at me really helps .
The candle is my new whim - whim of the month .I get very easily completely engrossed by new stuff pretty easily . Earlier I used to ignore it but these days I just go with the flow . I try not to resist stuff which I really like , keeps life easy .
Also op I am really thrilled with the idea of this 30nym challenge .
My main goal for this 30nym challenge
It would be to use it to get to know more about other students and their study habits & motivations . Also use my free time to actually do something fun .
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wecandoit · 1 year ago
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continuing on with revamping my desk, i picked up a desk mat because i honestly hate looking at the ugly water stains on my desk. i realised the hard way that i gotta stop putting pressed foliage in my journal 🥲
📖: Boy Parts by Eliza Clark / The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
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countingwhales · 1 year ago
(3/30) what does your ideal study plan look like for this week?
my ideal study plan for this week would be revising my french flashcards everyday for my regular vocab test and keeping on top of my homework so i can watch romcoms because it's the month of love 💗 i also want to attend at least 2 catch-up sessions for my imedia coursework because that needs to be completed soon. one of my main goals this year is to write more so i try to write 30 mins everyday which usually includes creative writing or journaling!
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countingwhales · 1 year ago
oooh this sounds fun!!
(1/30) my goals for the next 30ish days:
actually go the gym + try to go once a week
finish imedia coursework
write for 30 minutes a day (journalling or creative)
follow up on making a school event happen!
good luck for everyone doing this 💗
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Now that we’re about a month into the new year, I find myself losing steam on my resolutions around this time. I thought I’d start a little challenge that is open to anyone to join to help us stay on track and have some fun together! This is the 30-Day New Year Momentum Challenge (#30nym)
What you need to know (but none of this is mandatory to be clear!!):
Open to absolutely anyone, and you can start whenever and post at your own pace
So you can post as often or as little as you want - this is by no means designed to be a 30-days-in-a-row thing (I actually expect this challenge to take up most of my year)
Answer each prompt as a caption to a photo post OR as a standalone prompt (or you can answer a batch of questions as one caption/post, whatever!)
The ultimate goal here is to learn about others’ goals and methods of achieving them + create a teeny little community for our goals
TAG YOUR CHALLENGE POSTS WITH #30NYM and reblog this so more can join/so you can share with the community! Not required at all but this way we can all follow along with each other!!
psst you can also tag em #heyshef if you want me to see them
If this sounds like something you’d be into, prompts are below the cut ↓
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please feel free to DM me with any questions/etc about this challenge! and remember to tag your posts with #30nym! im really looking forward to doing some of these challenges over time together ^^
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mortuarymorticia · 1 year ago
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 02.06.24. day 01/30 in the #30nym challenge. what are your main goals for this challenge? i'd like to (1) pass my winter term final exams, (2) connect with new mutuals, & (3) use my two week break from classes to focus on writing my novel! i'm hoping that this challenge will help me engage more with the community here on tumblr & hopefully push me to get more writing done on my novel. i have wicked imposter syndrome & it's hard to focus on something that i enjoy without judging myself. 🎧: in between - beartooth. 📖: rhapsodic - laura thalassa. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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gammastudies · 4 years ago
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I really love the way this spread came out!! I loved the colors and the set-up, this past week was ROUGH but now it’s a new day, a new week and I hope it’s better! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
also is anyone o b s e s s e d with drivers licence by olivia rodrigo? I have it on repeat
✧・゚: *✧Winter Study Challenge✧・゚: *✧
18th January - Wear mittens forever or a winter hat every single day?
I don’t think I look good in hat so, mittens it is lol 
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apricitystudies · 4 years ago
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31.10.2020 // i just celebrated my 18th birthday, my first semester of uni has ended, and i have a week off before exams start to work on my essays. life is good :)
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