#hey that rhymes🥺🥺
truthundressing · 2 years
im seeing lou at the o2🥺💟
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Good morning. Listen to Batman: the audio adventures. Thank you
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talaok · 1 year
I LOVE LOVE YOUR visiting pedro on set with our daughter imagine 🥺🥺🥺 can u pls do more maybe our daughter visits set again and meet bella and they gang up against pedro? that'll be so cute 🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏
This (lovely) ask referred to this post if you're interested.
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She had begged you for a whole week. A whole week of prayers and cries, because she "wanted to see daddy at work again"
And yes it was cute, and yes her father had done a really good job at teaching her how to make puppy eyes, but have you ever had to listen to tantrums on tantrums for five days uninterruptedly? 
Because trust me, the first word that'll come to mind won't be "cute" anymore.
So of course you gave up. 
And that's how you found yourself on set again.
Pedro's eyes sparked as he caught you sitting on his chair with your daughter on your legs.
He smiled and shook his head, murmuring something to someone next to him.
They looked up at him for a second before nodding with a smile.
"Daddy!" your daughter's excited voice made everyone turn to look at you.
You snorted to yourself, as Pedro and, who you now realized was his co-star, walked up to you.
"Hi there peach" your husband grinned as he took her in his arms.
She immidately hugged him as tight as she could, almost cutting his air supply, but Pedro could only chuckle.
"hi baby" she mouthed to you, knowing how possessive your daughter got when in his arms.
"hi" you smiled right back, before turning to this co-star.
"so you must be-"
"Who are you?" Your daughter interrupted you with a bitter thread to her tone
"Emma..." you scolded her "be nice"
"no, it's alright" they smiled "I'm Bella, I work with your dad"
Your daughter's gaze moved attentively between Bella and her dad.
"your name rhymes with mine" she stated after some time, making Bella grin,
"it does"
"Why do you work with daddy if he's old?"
Bella couldn't help but laugh, as Pedro feigned a shocked expression
"Trust me Emma, I ask myself that every day"
"do you know..." Bella ignored Pedro as they bent down to murmur to her as if they were about to reveal a secret "he even has to lay down to help his back sometimes, it's unbelievable"
A giddy laugh left your daughter's mouth 
"One time we had to stop for half an hour because he couldn't move his back anymore"
"That happened at home too!" Emma giggled "he picked me up and Mom had to help him get me down again because he was stuck"
Bella snorted
"Ok I don't know if I like this combo" Pedro shot you an amused look
"Oh, I love it"
"Would you like a tour, Emma?"
Her mouth widened in excitement, and she turned to look at you and Pedro 
"Can I?"
Your husband looked at you for approval, and once you nodded, he turned to his daughter
"of course honey, just be careful," he said, putting her down
" I'm always careful"
"Sure you are, you little pest" Pedro chortled, ruffling some hair on her head "Now go, have fun" he urged, watching as the pair disappeared behind the set.
"I thought she was here to see me" he joked, sitting down beside you
"I think you might have some competition"
"Yeah" he laughed, "I think I might"
__ __ __
"Speaking of which, where are they? It's been half an hour"
"shit" your heartbeat quickened a little bit, as you immediately jumped off your chair.
"hey Mark!" Pedro shouted, waving at a crew member "Have you seen Emma and Bella anywhere?"
"uh yeah, I think they were going to the trailers last I saw them"
"Thanks" he yelled in response, already walking out of the room with you following right behind.
"I think we should check Bella's and then yours"
"right" he nodded, following orders.
He knocked at the door, but no reply could be heard, which made your anxiety rise even more.
"Bella, you in here?" 
Again, silence on the other end.
You looked at each other, a mutual understanding traveling between you.
Pedro opened the door, but everything looked dark.
He slowly took a step in, looking around
"Bell-"he was about to call, but two shadowy figures emerged from right behind an open door.
"boo!" they shouted in unison, making Pedro take a step back as his heart threatened to stop.
what the fuck?
And just then, two distinguished laughs reverberated through the trailer as the lights switched on.
That's where they were.
Who knows how long they'd been waiting for you.
"you..." Pedro's eyes widened as his brain finally started working again.
"It was us, daddy!" Emma giggled, immediately joined by Bella, and shortly after... by you.
"y-yeah" he took in a breath, his hand going to his poor heart "Yeah I gathered that"
"did you get scared?" your daughter asked, still smiling widely as she walked over to Pedro.
"Yeah peach" he shot you a look of pure, actual terror, making you chuckle "You scared your daddy almost to death"
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kakiastro · 1 year
Your Mars Sign + Type of Fighter you Are
Hey y’all! You Good? Today, we’re going to talk about the type of fighter you are based on your Mars sign. The house it falls in is the area in life you tend to fight, defend or argue the most in
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-these people are on the battlefield field actual fighting. Front line and center. These are your Generals, Sargents and Lieutenants lol. These are the type of people who gives you prep talks and battle plans, “so this is what we’re going to do”
-headbutts, face punches, black-eyes are fighting injury types that they either give or have gotten themselves
-people think since Taurus is a Venus sign, they act all prissy. Wrong! Taurus is a chill sign most of the time but don’t get it twisted y’all, these people will fuck y’all up. Taurus symbol is the bull! Have you ever been to a rodeo, if not, YouTube one. Bulls be messing these cowboys up😅these are the type of people will fight you then go out to get something to eat afterwards lol these are the soldiers who will sing a song before the battle begins
-neck bruises, choking, broken neck are common injuries
-these people will cuss you out and make it mf rhyme you hear me! I’ll tell you this though, that cussing out only last for a few moments before they start throwing hands. They don’t need a weapon cause these hands will do baby 😅these people will insult your intelligence “are you smarter than a 5th grader bish?”
-broken fingers/fingernails/hand, punched in the chest causing breathing problems are common injuries
- Listen, I know Cancers mostly give this energy 🥺 and they are most times but make no mistake, they have no problems giving you this energy 😤. These people really don’t like fighting at all but let it be one of their loved ones, it don’t have to be blood family either. If a cancer see you as family no matter what, they become protective asf over you. Bears, Elephants and Wolves are ruled by the Moon. Them animals don’t play when it comes to family. They travel in packs and groups
-stomac kicks, breast punches and emotional trauma(these people know where to hit it where it hurts) are common injuries + fighting techniques
-come on now, the lions of the zodiac. They’re similar to Cancer in protecting their pride(home) I tell you one thing, these people will hurt your ego and public image, they will have you standing there looking stupid. These people will literally pounce on you with claws out . Leo will come out for blood, don’t mess with Leo’s.
-like I said they coming for that ego and inner child wound. These are the fighting techniques and injuries (not all wounds are physical)
-oh hunny, virgos are about to read you your whole entire life. Virgoes pay attention to every little detail about you and your surroundings. I hope you have a clean house because if not because their bringing that up too “you want to start something with me but your house look like waste management headquarters?” 😂 remember Virgo are also Mercurial so they will cuss you out in a more chilled tone Lol Virgo’s really don’t like fighting and honestly their words will make you cry lol you better hope they don’t stick their dog on you lol
-gut punches, pets, and words are fighting techniques and injuries
-these people are the social justice warriors! These people really don’t like confrontation and try to avoid it at all cost! However, they don’t mind being about that action. These are the people who stick up for the underdogs, people who feel like they don’t have a voice. These people are the mediators and peace negotiations. This is who you call when you need someone to find balance and a solution to the problem
-they’re not really physical fighters but when they do, the lower back, the groin are common
- these are the assassins of the zodiac Lol. If you’re familiar with the video game Assassins Creed then this is the type of energy Mars Scorpios display. They’re not the type to fight you one on one Sparta combat style. No, they’re going to come up with a plan that will hurt long term. The revenge plots running through their head is in insane 😭it takes a whole lot of time for scorpios to trust so when you hurt/betray them, it’s soul crushing and it feels them with deep anger. They’re ruled by Pluto, planet of the underworld. Don’t try them.
-kicking your crotch, I know a few Scorpios that involved 💩 in their revenge plans lolol
-sags are a lot like their sister sign Gemini when it comes to fighting. The difference is they like to attack your ideals, beliefs and make you feel stupid lol. Sags mouths has no filter, everyone catching strays, you, your mama, your goldfish. These are the archers hunny, they shooting those arrows covered in fire at you. After the fight, baby they going on vacay to the islands and you won’t even exist in their world anymore Lol
-legs and thigh injuries
-honestly, capricorns dont really have to fight because they’re ruled the planet of karma😅Saturn may be hard on his children but he don’t play when it comes to them okay! If they want to do something, they coming to destroy your image and career. Capricorns tend to know all the important people that can do harm to you! Similar to Scorpio, their fighting style is a long term thought out revenge plot Lol. I personally think caps should just let the universe do its thing cause it got your back.
-broken bones, teeth knocked out, hair pulled
-they turning into Casper because they’re just going ghost ya ass😅 because “why even be bothered?” Is their motto. Aquarius ain’t got time for that! There’s only so much disrespect and insult they can handle before they just disappear on you. Similar to capricorns, they’re also Co-ruled by the planet of Karma, Saturn. The difference is they have a coldness to them like sub zero lol. If they don’t ghost, they’ll just start to become emotionally detached from you which is sad because it takes them a lot to open up like Scorpios . Also be careful because aqua have a large network of people who can mess you up. They know a guy who knows a guy lol
-the nervous system and twisted or broken ankle
-Ok Pisces don’t come for me cause I do love y’all but y’all are amazing at manipulating your emotions and putting on the victim card suit hunny! These people are not about to fight you if they don’t have too. instead, they’re going to cry and make themselves look like a lost puppy which angers their friends who will do the fighting for them. I’ve seen it with my own eye balls, Cancer placements does this too but Pisces know how to make it believable because they’re ruled by Neptune. The planet of illusions . In the words of Tupac “I ain’t mad at cha”
-drugs, broken feet and your mental health
So what kind of fighter are you?
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Hi Slug!
Could you translate positive my life, please? 🥺🥺
Hello Slug. I hope this finds you well but may I ask if you may be able to translate Hifumis solo, “ポジティブ my life” from the Block Party album? Thank you very much.
Sure thing! Under a cut for length.
The playful tone is crucial to the source, so a similar goofiness is present in the translation. With that said, I'm not adding anything extra for silliness. Some light fluffing on vague lines to convey (what I'm understanding as) the meaning. No attention paid to line length, rhyme, or rhythm.
Heya, friendos! (Hey there, Hifumi!) Hm? Gosh, you seem like a bunch of gloomy Guses today. Wait, I have an idea! Let's play a game! I'm logging in to Buddy Quest and speedrunning character creation so we can get to the open world and goof off! (Heck yeah!) We gotta turn all those frowns upside down. So what're we gonna do? Set off on an adventure to make new friends! I may not be able to claim the hero's sword. I may not have it in me to smile all the time. But my friendships and the good vibes we make together are the best equipment I could ever ask for. Yeah, yeah, yeah! There's no one like my party! We're friends! (Friends!) And even if we lose at the end of the day, we still all have each other. I cast SMILE. It's super effective! Next thing you know, you're one of us--YOU have joined the party! A full, amazing party! (We! Are! Hoods!) If you're a top player? Sweet! Let's live it up tonight! Yeepers, that was a close one. Almost ran out of HP! (Positive! Up! My life!) Or if you're more of a novice? No sweat. We'll carry you! Either way, let's "positive up" my life! (And yours!) [1] All righty! We're kilin' it. Keep it up, gang! Next up: lemme run you through how I "positive up" my life. Step 1: Take a cool selfie, upload it to the character creator, and let the game handle the rest. See? Looks just like me. (Sure does!) Step 2: Forget the haters. If the vibes are rancid, I don't wanna hear it! (Yeah, yeah!) Step 3: We all have tough days sometimes. But you gotta try to smile anyway. Because you're braved and you're loved, y'know? Once you realize how much your friends care for you, I know you'll get back up and keep fighting that good fight! (Get 'em, Hifumin!) Step 4: Sometimes, you just can't get past that next level. But don't you ever give up. Hit that CONTINUE button, you hear? (Positive! Up! My Life!) Because we still all have each other and the good vibes we make together in our full, amazing party! (We! Are! Hoods!) Ah ha! So you're the final boss. [2] Say, you know what? You wanna be friends? (Positive! Up! My life!) We can still beat the game together, and no one has to get hurt this way. So what do you say? "Positive up" my life? (And yours?)
[1] There's a slight joke/nuance here that I'm a bit stumped as to how to convey naturally in English. The terms he uses to describe different playing styles (魅せプ) (lit. enchanting play style) and (姫プ) (lit. princess play style) are evocative of his host role as someone who "enchants" clients often referred to as princesses. This suggests he's speaking to a woman, which ties into the final verse of the song that uses the same format. [2] Not the same "you" he's singing to in the song. The difference in tone suggests it's Honobono.
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bluerose5 · 6 months
Anders: You know what our camp needs?
Gale, amused: Does it rhyme with bat or rat by chance?
Anders: Look, all I'm saying is that we made room for the dog. We made room for the owlbear.
Gale: That, we did.
Anders: Would it be such a stretch to have a cat in camp? Come on! Just one. [Then, in a mumbled voice.] Or two. Maybe even three.
Gale: Anders...
Anders: Gale...
Gale: Is now really the best time to take on that added responsibility?
Anders: Now is the perfect time! You know, I expected this sort of resistance from the others but never from you.
Gale: Hey now, do we really need to go there? Weaponizing my love for a good feline companion against me?
Anders: To think that you once bragged to me about having a cat, but to deny my request for one... *shakes head* The utter betrayal.
Gale: Oh, come now.
Anders: Please?
Gale: Is this really—
Anders: 🥺
Gale: ...
Gale: Alright, fine.
Anders: Yes!
Gale, massaging his temple: Tara is going to kill me.
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thehumanwiki · 3 months
rating all NuWho finales based entirely on how cool the titles are
because yea
(putting a read more because this will take a while, lol)
Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
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5/10. Bad Wolf is a cool name! For cool ppl! It’s the season’s mystery! It slays! But The Parting of the Ways? That could be used for like, half of the finales in this show. That’s a generic name. Not a fan. It even has one more “the” than it ought to. That’s a tryhard name. (Rose and The Doc don’t even part ways for another season! It’s a LIE!)
Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
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6/10. Army of Ghosts! That’s freaky! It catches my attention! I’m interested, Mr. Davies, tell me more about that! Doomsday is also a generic name though. Like it could be used anywhere. It gets more points than S1 however because Doomsday is a very cool word and I like it a lot.
Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
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8/10. YES. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE TITLES. Utopia? That’s a word that can’t be applied to many other episodes! That’s a memorable word! That’s a fun word! The Sound of Drums? What the hell is so significant about drums?? In a FINALE episode?! There must be something SCANDALOUS about the drums, tell me everything! (And they did! But this isn’t about what happens in the episode this is just how hard the titles fuck.) Last of the Time Lords??? Holy shit! That means we’re delving into that aspect of him specifically, and you can’t duplicate that easily! But more importantly, that sounds cool! Cool names, absolutely W from whoever named RTD’s stuff.
The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
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5.5/10. Same boat as S1, tbh. The Stolen Earth? Excellent, no notes. Journey’s End sounds generic af though. But I gave it a half point lead because Journey’s End has the Vibes more than The Parting of the Ways, lol.
The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
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8/10. Yea I see the vision Mr. Moffat, I see you. Love what you’ve done with the place btw. Like, neither title is generic! And both are super interesting! Look honestly I forget how to do commentary I’m just one sleep deprived fan who likes Vibes they just slap OK
The Wedding of River Song
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9/10. Oh. Oh yes. Oh I am LOVING this. Nothing gets me going like seeing a wedding that is somehow the culmination of a high stakes season. Like, how is there a wedding there?! And. River Song is there? Do you promise? 🥺
The Name of the Doctor / The Day of the Doctor / The Time of the Doctor
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6/10. OK I’m honestly not sure which ones are finales or not, but y’know what? The name matching is fun. I like that. That is good. But besides the first one, these are p generic episode names. Sorry.
Dark Water / Death in Heaven
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8/10. Dark Water is a p good episode name. It’s not the most interesting, but I like it. BUT ***DEATH IN HEAVEN***?! Now THAT is a finale title! I have never SEEN such a title! THAT is an IMMACULATE title! SPLENDID!
Heaven Sent / Hell Bent
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10/10. The matching names? The rhyming? The low-key religious theming? The ominous nature? EXCELLENT. No notes Mr. Moffat. Great vibes.
World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
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9/10. I would give this striaght up 10/10 if I could figure out what “World Enough and Time” meant. The vibes are perfect but like. What does it mean 😭 And The Doctor Falls??? OH MY ATTENTION HAS BEEN GRABBED BY THE THROAT DO GO ON PLS—
The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos
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4/10. Kolos? What is this, Pokémon XY? Anyways, I feel like this is just dialogue that would be said in passing in a sci-fi novel that everyone forgets. Sorry 😞
Ascension of the Cybermen / The Timeless Children
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7/10. Cybermen are OK. It’s a fine title, I have nothing against it. The Timeless Children??? The vibes are just SPLENDID here. Especially because it’s a Bad Wolf situation where it’s like “hey wait a fucking minute I’ve heard that somewhere else—” Good stuff! W for Chris.
Chapter Six: The Vanquishers
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6.5/10. Adding chapter to the title does make it automatically cooler, so that’s a bonus half point right there. Otherwise, it’s neat. Like it’s good. The vibes are fine and I like them, but not THAT fine, y’know?
The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death
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7/10. Look, even if it’s not generic, anything with “death” in the title *feels* generic. The Legend of Ruby Sunday still saves this tho, because I am INTERESTED, girl. TELL ME EVERYTHING
In conclusion, episode titles peaked with Capaldi.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 28 omg omg
mid season finale let's go batchersss 🤟
The Bad Batch 2x08
sleepy Wrecker 🤫🤲
Gonky and Echo watching Omega meditate 🥺
Omega asking Echo if he wants to try she was so innocently asking too 🥲
"I don't enjoy solitude" 💔😭
"hey boys" Rex my whole ass heart 🥰💕
lmao gives no details just is like ok meet me on coruscant like it's nbd 💀
how long has it been since they've been there ??
I'm assuming they've been there ?? idk ??
Rex introducing tbb like Cody did 🥲🤲 and Omega's little wave 💕
Echo keeping Omega back from the body, mom
the identifying number being wiped and Tech being the one to comment on not knowing that was a thing.... foreshadowing ? 👀
Echo stepping up immediately to speak in the senate 🥺
Hunter: "the senate won't listen to us, we're deserters" ... who Rampart said died in *his* attack, so the perfect people imo
"a simple data collection" right in the middle of imperial coruscant lololol ily Rex 💕
Chuchi and Omega team up 🥳🙌
they clearly don't think Chuchi is in that much danger bc they let Omega go with her ...
Omega with all her questions 🥺 she's learning everything she can
Omega's face seeing Rampart lmao meeee
he didn't even look at her 🙄
"there's nothing else she can do" HA idiot watch her go actually
Omega's run to look over the edge 🤲
"which one belongs to the clones?" heartbreaking 😫😭
I relate to Chuchi on a personal level, she cares sm about the clones 💕
Bail in dad mode keeping an eye on Omega hehe
Omega's confidence in tbb is so precious 🤲
Senator Burtoni lol blast from the past
the way she looks at Omega makes me uncomfy 👀
she gives zero fks about kamino girlll
"because I'm a clone too... it was my home .... and im angry" YES OMEGA SPEAKING UP FOR HERSELF TO A KAMINOAN I'M SO PROUD 🥳
Wrecker nearly getting zapped 👀
*mission impossible theme plays*
Wreckers saw !! bro I love it !!
Rex helping as many brothers as he can 🥺🤲
mans says he's helped "not enough" brothers... yeah but how many pls
"help's hard to come by these days..." Rex just ask him you know he'll go with you 🥲
"taking a lesson from your squad, we improvise" !!! tcw flashbacks lol I love when they have no plan 💕
knife knife knife 👀
"this is him better" Wrecker you've got this bby !!
lmao Tech controlling the cart from his datapad
Hunter's growl at Tech (again) 👀🤭
sneaky bois shhh 🤫
@anonymous-galager said Tech sounds like Crosshair in this scene hehe
regs: 'ayo someone activated the bridge' tbb + Rex: 'hey boys' they're so unserious while I'm hyperventilating 💀
the clones coming to stop tbb boys !! they're doing it for you !! 😫
Hunter: "new plan. 14, 5, 86" Wrecker: "all of them!?" I will never get tired of their plans 💕 (don't look at me plan 99 I'm not talking about you)
Rex: "we need an exit strategy" Echo: "got one, we're going over them" Rex: 😳 ??
Rex dodging blaster bolts 👌
"this should be interesting" Rex 🤝 Cody saying the same thing about tbb
Tech piloting the escape pod lmao he can literally fly anything
Rampart 🔫😈
lol he really thought he did something 💀
Omega's disguise wearing one of Chuchi's ponchos 🥰💕 Cal Kestis is coming for that poncho 👀
Rex giving Omega the data !! how much they all trust her 🥺
Rampart's whole speech full of rubbish 🙄
Omega catching her breath after running that whole way 🥺 you did good bby 💕
Omega having to relive kamino being destroyed 😭💔
I hate that they twisted the whole thing so bad 😡😡😡
"I was following orders" well well well how the turn tables
the clones taking him away !!! it's like poetry, it rhymes 👌
Chuchi looked so defeated 😭😭😭
Omega hearing the introduction of stormtroopers ... I'm stuck in the foetal position forever 💔😫
Rex hating on palpatine hehe
"the fate of all the clones is now sealed because of us" AND THEY THINK ITS THEIR FAULT I HATE IT HERE 😫😭💔
"I will keep fighting for the clones" me too babes
I thought it was weird tbb just seemed to know Echo would go with Rex but it has taken me this long to realise they probably all discussed it while Omega was taking the data in 🙃😭
each of their lil moments with Echo 🥲
poor Omega probably blames Rex for Echo leaving 💔
"we're a squad" "we need you too" ...when I cry forever 😭
Omega literally jumping into his arms 🥺 and then wiping her tears away *screams into pillow*
the sad clone music I am in spain without the s
"keep an eye on them" ~ mom worrying about the kids
and she's hugging Lula again 💔💔💔💔
I knew it'd be a bad idea to leave it all this close together I am gonna be an absolute wreck watching the s2 finale and going straight into s3 🙃
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Abbott Elementary S03E10 thoughts
The bear you have 1 episode to respond
The bear cold open im DEAD ik Quinta and Ayo were creasing about this 😭 abbott the real best comedy iktr
Mr j icon as always “This is …trash” // “Now who’s gonna clear this up”
“Theyre not the same, mine rhymes” “oh thats why i liked it better”
Kick my feet twirl my hair whenever manny calls her the big teagues
“Oh hey thats my class” 🥺🥺🥺
“It just says ava fest over and over”
“BOOO unshow me that now” 😭😭😭 can’t wait to quote this over and over
“Have ya ever tried just being hinged”
“Can u also give her this important message: i love her, i miss her, and i cant wait to see her again” i love jacob and Janine’s friendship but why does this job means shes been flaking on him when SHE is the one to insist they weren’t just work friends in the first place ☹️
The admin person actor always makes me laugh like the delivery is always so good “This place would collapse without me” 😭 i NEED him in more shows please
A card from barbara 🥹 a framed photo of jacob 💀😭 melissa got u some mace 😭😭😭 and mr johnson wanted u to have a strand of his favourite mop 💀😭💀😭😭💀😭
WOW DIRT 😁😄 her genuine excitement so cutesie
Thats such a thoughtful gift ill cwy - forget i ever said anything about manny its greg >>>
She still has the lanyard on all the time ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ JANINE COME HOMEEEE
“This calls for a plan b u cannot get a cvs” 💀
Janine not understanding sarcasm then misusing a colloquialism lets go neurodivergence
Not tariq moderating another panel, when he’s a regular for s4 then what 😈
Barbs fake laugh at mels impressions 😭
“Ive heard u breathing and i think u need a specialist” Janine’s breathing my favourite long running joke
And janines overwhelm omg shes so me
“I dont know who thats supposed to be but he sounds responsible” wife is trying her hardest to be supportive
Jacobs voice breaking 😭
“CORNER!” Slam “are we just yelling out things we see now?? WALLS FLOOR HUGE MESS OF FOOD”
Why did barbs card to Janine make me tear up???
2 claps for melissas impressions and barb originally forgetting nooo 😭💀
“Thank god we had a backup plan” “youre welcome” melissa 😭😭
Barb hugging her and calling her sweetheart 🥺🥹 i love my favourite mother and daughter
“Theres noone id rather teach second grade with than u” see melissa u did miss her really (i need more melissa janine content honestly their teaming up eps are always so good)
THE KIDS WRITING IN THE CARD 😭😭😭😭😭😭 noooooo ill cry
Ava u gotta STOP scaring barb w this pregnancy accusation
GET HER BARB thats why she has an emmy!!
Okay top 2 eps of the season easily
So funny but so full of heart - exactly what abbott does best
Did expect janine to stay a little longer before going back to abbott but that fear of such a long commitment is so real and I’ SO GLAD SHES HOME
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crystalflygeo · 8 months
Long overdue final ebg post (lmao) bc I need to get this out of my system...
Tag for all the posts/storyline
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Art by the amazing lovely precious cutie Aine @/ainescribe
First of all I want to thank @i23kazu immensely for allowing me to participate pls I was SO unsure at first haha and she absolutely killed it with the interactions, the lil side project, the prompts, the scores tally... it's just so much work, kudos to you Ying fr!! It was a super fun game.
Shoutout to my besties/mutuals
@silentmoths @ainescribe thank you for your lil asks I love seeing your characters aaaaaaaa 💕
@floraldresvi @moraxsthrone and all the anons I got, your sabotages here and in discord were brutal omg Vi you almost made my cry //pos bc I wanted to react/respond to Li's messages 🥺 EVERY SINGLE TIME ghgnhgnghgn and NOT KEL MAKING MY GIRL HAVE A WET DREAM/SPICY MEMORY TYVM 💕 the way I had to contain myself hELP I loved it svcgavscgvsjgacbkackl
@meimeimeirin you also sabotaged me a lot, meanie //pos I loved SO MUCH your asks/little stories aaaaaa thank you for engaging so much when I know you're super busy 🥺 it def made my day everytime, ty for bringing the girl home and solving my silly lil mystery hehe 💕
@kurikurikurisu GIIIIIRL it's so funny to me that we kinda started interacting more on the last ebg for Rin and then I was like "she's a cool person I wanna fren.... 👉🏻👈🏻 but I shy...." took my sweet time to invite you to the server and turns out THIS ebg got us closer (I think? ehe?//hit) we didn't interact much in tumblr with each other's plots but bOY were we emotional support in discord, we really were in this suffering together 🤝🏻 mhm //nods nods 🤣 thank you so much for being interested in my lil silly plot and my girl aaaaaa
As for the "plot" and other things... (this got so long I am so sorryy;;;)
Well at first I wanted to do kinda a normal ebg, no plot or anything bc I don't think I have the smarts to do an elaborate game/story lmao and I kinda wanted to have more established s/i lore?? And then I realized hey I can use the ebg to introduce my s/i!!!
See I'd been working SO hard on her names lately, researching and studying in-game adepti lore and stuff and I though why don't I make it a simple game where the goal is to guess her name (with me giving hints ofc) and at the very start I had the idea of her losing her memories so she could re-discover/remember things about herself alongside the "players" learning them. Whoever character I got as my bias would help her and get to know her too along the way, even npcs (or in the rare case of me getting Dottore/Pantalone, probs be the villain for her memory loss lmao)
And then I got Kazuha. And it was so SO perfect. I took inspiration from Spirited Away with the plot point of having your name/memories/identity stolen and for some reason I remembered the whole Ino-shika-cho koi-koi card combo from Summer Wars I just had this vivid mental image of a scene where Kazuha dropped the biggest hint by writing the Kanji for Butterfly (Chō) which doubles ofc as the Hanzi for Butterfly/Crystalfly (Dié) written the same pronounced (and romanized) differently :3c
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I was very proud of myself//hit also
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I did not end up making haiku bc they are complicated but I at least tried to loosely keep/emulate the 3 phrases, phonetic rhyme and sensory elements while referencing my lil plot lmao
✧˖Originally I was gonna blame it on a playful tanuki or smth but I don't think they're powerful enough youkai lmao it was probably a kitsune.... we may never know ✧˖She was technically never in any danger yeah but imagine being lost with no memories and no way to know if you could get them back even because every person she met kept telling her they didn't know ofc she'd break down, or at least me, I'm very crybaby and neurotic sometimes//HIT ✧˖Yes this entire thing was technically Zhongli's fault since he did write her a letter addressed 亲爱的晶蝶 ("My dear Crystalfly/Jingdie") and that IS her name woops on a random note I kinda imagine he also signs with something like 你的龙 "Your Dragon" and vice versa with Crys ("My dear Dragon/your Crystalfly") sgcvgajsvcjhacbajkca //squeals kicks feets
And all this started because I was stressing over the fact that "Crys" is not an appropriate name for a Liyue character lmao, I debated for so long giving her a chinese name, but I didn't want to further make her an OC I wanted her to represent me/my blog (also part of me was and still is immensely worried I somehow insult cn ppl by being as some sort of weeabo equivalent or that I am "appropriating culture" or idk I may be dumb but I try to do my research and I prommy it does not come from a place of malice or anything I genuinely love genshin and Li and it's got me interested in a culture/country I funnily enough have somehow interacted with and have friends in but never really paid that much attention to ig...) and then I just had the epiphany What if I just reverse engineer and name her Crystalfly in cn? Lore would be that either her name got accidentally translated in documents a long long time ago and ppl started calling ehr Crystalfly/Crys and she rolled with it or she simply adopted the translation/nickname as her name for international settings, keeping her true name more private (hidden in plain sight tbh) p sure the only ones who know are the elder adepti (Ganyu/Xiao included) and Neuvillette (once he told her his real/first name) (ironically Crys may be harder to pronounce i other languages lmaoooo rip Fontaine)
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Anyway this got way too long lmao sorrryyyyyyyy thank you everyone kith kith love y'all bye!! 💕
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abiiors · 2 years
Can i request more Damiano David angst please? 😅🥺
Hey, thanks for the ask! I hope you like it :)
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Consolation Prize // D.D.
Damiano David x Reader
Warnings: Minors dni, it’s an FWB situation so it’s 18+, he’s a bit of an asshole in this one. Also just angst with no happy ending.
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I didn’t mean to rhyme the last lines but I’m happy about the coincidence. Reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated :)
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There’s a voice in your head screaming at you to not do it. Yet as another knock sounds at the door, your feet carry you involuntarily. You know who it is, there’s no need to peep through the keyhole but you can’t resist it. You can’t resist taking this one glimpse at him before he’s inevitably going to break your heart again. 
‘Hi,’ you greet as you open to door. ‘Come in.’
This has become routine at this point—Damiano texts “U up?”. You tell yourself to ignore the message, to blow him off with some excuse, yet every single time you cave just as the second text comes in. 
‘Hey, baby,’ he greets in return, presses a rough kiss on your mouth. 
You used to dream of these kisses, dream of his mouth on every single inch of your body. You even imagined the gentleness of them once. But whatever this is—being fuck buddies, friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it—this has slowly sucked the life out of those dreams. 
Yet you can’t stop going back to him. 
‘You’re thinking about something,’ he frowns and for a moment his voice is laced with genuine concern. ‘Are you not in the mood? You know we can always reschedule this,’ he points between the two of you. 
A hysterical laugh bubbles up in your chest and you have to actually turn around to get a hold of yourself. Reschedule this as if it’s just another appointment; clinical and unavoidable. 
‘No no,’ you smile at him and hope he doesn’t notice your dead eyes. ‘Work has been a bit stressful lately, that’s all.’ 
It’s an easy lie and you know he’ll never question it. He hardly knows what you do for work, there’s a one-in-a-million chance he’ll actually want to know what’s stressing you out at your job. 
‘Well then,’ he grins, ‘you know what’s good for stress.’
And that’s how it starts this time. He trails kisses down your neck, makes his way down to your cleavage and tries to leave a few hickeys there. You close your eyes and imagine a different reality—one where he mumbles I love you after each kiss, one where he tells you how obsessed he is with you, how he can’t keep his hands off you. One where he’s so gentle with you that you might as well be made of glass. 
But that’s not what this is. Damiano has always been very clear about what this is. 
You’ve got the motions of this memorised. You take each other’s clothes off; leave a trail of them to the bedroom. Despite the maelstrom of thoughts in your head, your body betrays you again and again. It always reacts to his touch, always craves more of him. It wants him never to let go.
But there’s always a ghost in the room; the spectre that is “the other woman”. He thinks you’re unaware of her but lately, it seems you’ve spent more time thinking about her than you’ve thinking about him. He longs for her, you long for him and yet you can’t let go.
Is she the other woman? A voice chides in your head and you fake a moan to cover up the gasp. 
Even when he’s buried inside you, you know you’re not the one he’s thinking about. You’re never the one he’s thinking about; it’s always her, it’s always been her. But he can’t get her, so his consolation prize is you. 
Even when his face is tucked in the crook of your neck, it’s her body he’s dreaming of. Only a fool wouldn’t notice how her name is always on the tip of his tongue, just fighting to get out. 
‘Dami?’ you ask once you lay side-by-side, panting and catching your breath, ‘will you stay the night?’
His eyes widen a bit and then he laughs awkwardly. ‘You know I can’t, baby. I’ve got, uh…Thomas wants to show me something.’
‘Of course,’ you smile. 
It’s always Thomas or Ethan or Vic, it’s never you though. He makes a move to get out of bed and suddenly you’re hit with a barrel of conflicting feelings. 
You want him gone. You want to beg him to stay. You never want to see him ever again. You want to wake up next to him every day. 
As he starts to get dressed, you grab the robe that’s hanging on the bedpost. This is the part you dread the most—the aftermath. You try not to seem too eager for him to get out. If he lingers even just a little…
‘That was fun,’ he smiles and you can already feel the awkwardness radiating off of him. None of you knows how to say goodbye yet your reasons for it could not be more different from each other. You hold the door open for him, smile a tight-lipped smile, go along with the motions when he gives you a goodbye kiss. 
He takes two steps towards the lift, then stops and turns around abruptly. This is it, you think, he’s reconsidered. He wants to stay. 
‘Can I see you again tomorrow?’ he asks and your heart dies a gruesome death for the millionth time. 
Just set me free, you want to scream at him, why won’t you just set me free? Instead, you nod and force a smile. 
‘Tomorrow works for me.’
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blitzosicedcoffee · 1 month
Incorrect Quotes of my own relationship:
It's getting meta now bois. For context, I'm married and have been with this nonbinary man for 10 years.
Me: Hey did you sub to that creator I told you about
Partner: I don't sub
Me: oh sorry did you DOM to that creator I told you about?
Partner: Aww my poor baby do you want me to rub your shoulders?
Me: yes 🥺
Partner: okay but I can only do it for like five minutes
Me: Why are we timing this?!
Partner: *goes on and on and on about new A24 movie he just watched*
Me: 😊 <- trying desperately to pay attention
Partner: So do you want to watch it?!
Me: 😀 ya know, it sounds like something way too artsy for me.
Partner: eeeeheeheheehehehehee
Me:....? I hear you on the toilet giggling like a little shit
Partner: *sound of pulling pants up and runs over*
Me: 🤨
Partner: *shows me ANOTHR Kamala coconut tree video*
Me: 😑
Me: What ifffff we doordash tonight
Partner: We don't have the money honey
Me: heh, that rhymed
Partner: so what do you want here
Me: noodles
Partner:.....😮‍💨 Okay *opens door dash app cause he doesn't wanna make pasta*
Me: *has flare of my disability that leaves me in a lot of pain* waaaahhhhh
Partner: my sweet boy my prince my baby :( *rubs my forehead* do you want comfort foods?
Me: yeah 😭
Me: can you get me more water? *Hands water bottle*
Partner: what's the magic word 😏
Me: *groans and crosses arms* oh no my thirst! I shall die!
Partner: 😑
*after dicking*
Me: jelly legs hehe
Partner: you need to go to the bathroom
Me: no I dont
Partner: but you NEED to
Me: ....nah
Partner: you're really gonna be stubborn about not getting a UTI!
Me: what if, I quit my job and start a button business! With fandoms and LGBTQ merch! And you could make some of the designs.
Partner: I'd say with what time?
Me: fuck you got me there.
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helluvashitposter · 1 year
This is the first time I'm gonna get in on reviewing the new Helluva boss episode because this was the one I was most excited for! But before I do that, I'm saying it now:
I saw a lot of negative reviews were focused around the Ozzie texts between Stolas and Blitzo and well...I'm sorry guys but my main focus is on THIS MAN RIGHT HERE
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So without further a dooooooooo...
I honestly enjoyed Striker in this episode! I love seeing a wackier side of him and not just edgy edge lord, low voice, "I'm gonna eat your kids" through the whole episode. I understand why some people were super disappointed in him not being as threatening as he was in the first episode, but hey. This is a cartoon about dumb demons and sex, I try not to take it too seriously already! (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
(I also wanna say this now, I was also one of the people taken back by the change in voice actors, but I ain't even gonna let that bother me too much: I know folks like Norman are gonna be mighty expensive or too busy to keep around. As sad as it is, if I can get used to Stolas new voice, I can do the same for this one as long as it means more Strike!)
Speaking of Striker, the main criticism I keep seeing is that he was too egotistical, and because of that statue everyone is just saying he was another Chaz. But I honestly don't get this one?
Striker was ALWAYS just as entitled and self centered in the first episode: Did we forget this man literally made a song all about how awesome he is (That didn't even rhyme) And his speech to Blitz where he talked about how he was above the imps? The statue seems pretty in character for him! Striker has always sucked his own dick, maybe it was a little overzealous but definitely not enough for me to say he was just a full blown Chaz!
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Plus, that man still took his job pretty damn serious! Never once was Striker incompetent or a dumbass in this episode. He knew his mission and he was damn malicious about, I mean if you gonna try to tell me this man wasn't just as bloodthirsty as he was last time-
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This man has never once hesitated to hurt anyone who gets in his way or just for the fun of it and I think it still shows greatly here!
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All and all, I have to disagree with everyone saying his character was "ruined" or "too Chaz like" Striker definitely did not spend the episode going on and on about how his dick is the biggest or how everyone wants to fuck him like Chaz would. (R.i.p Chaz, I love you sweetie!) As left field as the statue was, it definitely didn't steal from the fact that this man was once again determined to finish his job. Which got taken away from him by Stella at the last minute, which he was super bummed about, but he does get paid extra soooo! 🎉🎉🎉
(Full disclaimer: I didn't really care for the Stella part of the episode, I do like the voice actor for snowy owl though. But overall they really were just there...it's really hard to say anything about it other than the fact that she didn't want Stolas killed sooooo (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠;⁠))
Now for the big stuff: The pacing.
I have to say...I do have to agree with everyone when they say the pacing was all over the place. I have to admit: With all the trailers that we were getting, I was expecting this bad boy to be long as hell! At least a good 25 to 30 minutes because we were getting all kinds of things! But man...
Even though the little vet visit was funny, and I am a huge fan of that cute lil goat doctor, it did take away from the actual tension. I came here for badass Striker! And not to mention M&M barely got time to shine as well! The pacing really was just:
Loona scared of vet 🥺
Blitz and Karen yell at each other 🤬
Loona got her shot 😊
I feel like we totally got robbed on a much more epic fight and some shades thrown from M&M and Striker, especially when it was a highlight of the trailer! These two being able to properly settle a score with Striker would have really made for such an amazing tension scene since they were the main ones who were affected by him in the first episode. LIKE GUYS, LET MOX AND MILL SHINE WHEN BLITZO ISN'T AROUND, I BEG YOU! THEY'RE AMAZING TOO!! 😭
I will stand by everyone when they say: WE NEED MORE MILLIE DAMNIT!
The ending with Stolas definitely tugged at my heart strings, I won't lie! But again, I'm not here for the Stolitz angst, I was just here to see Strikey boy. WHO DIDN'T DIE, SO YES! TAKE THAT TWITTER!!! MY BOY GETS TO HUNT ANOTHER DAY, AND NOT ONCE DID HE GET HIT BY A TRAIN, IN FACT HE APPARENTLY LOVES THEM SO HA!!
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All and all, I will say Harvest moon was peek Striker. It's gonna be hard to ever top that, Norman Striker will forever be missed! But at the end of the day, I did enjoy seeing my favorite cowboy again, and there's apparently some more lore behind him as well that we'll hopefully get to see in the later seasons. I'm just glad I can easily sleep tonight knowing that he wasn't just killed off in the second episode we get him in! 🙏
So it was a good time all around! Especially watching it with my favorite person 💕
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bewilderedbunny · 1 year
Hi Sally! Since Burnt Toast got his own post (hey that rhymes), can you also show off my boyfriend Earl Grey? tysm
Hi baby!!! Of course 🥺💗 here's Mr. Earl Grey, the sweetest cup of tea in the world (bonus pic of him embracing a slice of Burnt Toast)
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messylustt · 1 year
ik this might sound weird but ur blog gives me the confidence to make my life more organized and better
I haven’t been eating healthy or exercising at all ( I used to workout a lot) and I’ve been feeling shitty but ur blog gives me motivation to get back to my good habits and make myself better (idk if that makes sense)
Ilysm girlieeeee
How are you???
Did you eat (say no and I will go to your closet and break your fauncet)
(I just wanted to rhyme idk what wrong with me)
🌺 anon
AWWW i’m so glad hon! i’m very anal about making my blog neat and organised and shit so this means a lot 🥺🫶
ilymmm ml! and i’m doing good, just went for lunch w my uncle and a deep as fuck chat.
and YES i haveeee eaten something <33
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luveline · 2 years
Heyy beautiful! I just binge read all of your dad! Eddie stories and they're so cute, your writing is amazing 🥺
I did have one tiny question though. How do you pronounce Roan? Like, I think I know how it's meant to be pronounced but I've a friend whose name sounds like how it's spelt here so I'm not entire sure
Hey! Thanks you 🥺 I personally say it so it rhymes with sewn or bone! ♡
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