#hey griffin
heateron · 2 months
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griffin dunne in after hours (1985) dir. martin scorsese
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granny-griffin · 11 months
ok but I do think y’all often say capitalism when you mean greed
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ransomnote · 7 months
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keanu reeves futch scale
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I'm sorry my dear readers- but this is the end- i see the light. And though my life was brief it was full of wonders only some minds can fathom
But this is goodbye...
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bluspycrab · 16 days
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 months
Which other characters do you feel have been most misrepresented or poorly localised apart from Rock/Romeo?
most of the characters would be localized differently if DS/cute had been localized by xseed hmmm
(a lot of bachelorette heart events exclusive to the boy version are probably worse, given that the boy version can get downright incomprehensible more often than the girl version, but i’m not going through the hell of restarting the english version of DS for yet another time given that it’s Save File Corruption Speedrunner)
i need to preface this by saying i’m only trying to call this an Interesting and Unfortunate Change but….
one big example that comes to mind is Ain / Kai and his “too touchy-feely?” first heart event….. is not about that in japanese and since it’s not quite equivalent it gets a real sense of unintentional Bad in english
in the japanese version of the event, Ain brings up the fact that he just calls you your name, without the honorific -san. omitting that definitely makes him come off as overfamiliar (whole ass trope about new couples getting flustered over being called their first name with no honorific for the first time), but Ain is Not From Here and overall speaks in the casual, friendly way he’s used to.
he asks you if you’re uncomfortable with him using your name like that
obviously the correct choice is to say you don’t mind at all and everything is fine. BUT if you tell him it’s too much…. he apologizes and tries saying your name with -san… but he realizes he just can’t do it, because “after all, aya is just aya (or whatever your name is). which is kinda weird, but it would require all his normal dialogue lines to be rewritten, so i guess we need to return to the status quo…whatever…
obviously this presents a conundrum in the english version, since honorific speech isn’t used in english the same way it is in japanese. so the event has to be about something slightly different…
the solution natume came up with was to have it be about him patting you on the back
you can probably already see the problem with this but let’s look at it anyway
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i mean that’s kinda… odd, but hey, on the bright side, there’s no need for them to return to the status quo so surely he’ll stop if you ask him to..?
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yea okay man haha…i don’t think i will…….
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mbmbam-quotes · 1 year
Justin: Show him your boobs and then say, "Hey, let's see that boner. I wanna see- I wanna see if-" Travis: Boner check! Griffin: Boner test! Ooh, you failed. You failed, gay. You don't want this, gay? You don't want this body? This bangin'- That's gay if you don't want this. Why don't you go fuck a guy, if you don't want this body, gay. ... Griffin: There is no thing that you can do in this situation that is not gonna be terrible. Just sit on your hands. Go to bed. ... Justin: Alright, in all seriousness, don't stir up this pot. Griffin: Don't do anything. He'll come out when he's ready. ... Travis: If he is out of the closet, he will tell you when he's ready. And if he's not, it is not your place to convince him to come out of the closet.
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Jack Griffin, The Invisible Man
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Hi guys so do we remember when Marvel inspected griff and now canonically Griffin is technically fucking built? Pepperidge farms remembers.
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Also here’s the additional doodle of him sneezing because I swear to god his invisibility not only makes him insane but allergic to the damn air
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okmcintyre · 2 years
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Madi clears the air with Bellamy, as they wait for the others
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nillial · 1 year
i like how at the end of ethersea devo and zoox r like we HAVE to find a way to open the portal and SAVE AMBER from whatever TERRIBLE FATE she's found herself in . meanwhile amber is like lounging in a beach chair with kodiera drinking fantasy budlight and inventing margaritaville in her mind
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thedman0310 · 1 year
Graffiti is freakin sweet
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granny-griffin · 1 year
listen I don’t think easter was a pagan holiday but if it was then like, so what?? it’s christian now?? let’s do halloween next
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admiral-alpaca · 11 months
Today is a national holiday.
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On this day 10 years ago, Family Guy killed off Brian for roughly two episodes (barely 30 minutes worth) and everyone was sad and angry about it for a few weeks. And now years later him getting hit by a car is relegated to jokes and meme edits. We still don't even know who drove the car that hit him, surprised it was never asked at a convention. So let's all raise a glass and say "Brian, look out!" to one of the wildest moments in Family Guy history.
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terabyte-teddybear · 10 months
“duck newton! the hour of your destiny has arrived!” a duck and minerva playlist as a surprise gift for @karkatwaddles
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all that we let in ~ indigo girls
all night long ~ lobo loco (this is what griffin used for interstellar blues from the amnesty soundtrack)
acolyte ~ slaughter beach dog
line without a hook ~ ricky montgomery
only one way ~ the mountain goats
snow owl ~ the mountain goats
rule #8- otherside ~ fish in a birdcage
banana pancakes ~ jack johnson
the one i love to find ~ james and the shame
this too shall pass ~ danny schmidt
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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Wham, Glam, Thank You Mam…
Kerrang 910, June 29 2002
The unmasked Joey Jordison’s Murderdolls are not Slipknot Mark II. Can you imagine the Clown wearing make-up and stack-heels?...
Oh Kerrang, we absolutely can... but that's not the point here
Words: Joshua Sindell Photos: P R Brown, Lisa Johnson
(drive link)
In a dimly lit room at the Sunset Marquis hotel, five heavily mascara’d men in black leather, each with immaculately back-combed hair, pose and purse their lips for a photographer’s lens. Only a single white curtain against the window protects their pale skin from the outside sun’s piercing rays. Last night’s expedition to famed strip club Crazy Girls has left some of them feeling bleary and achy, but, as the band Junkyard once sang so sagely, ‘That’s life in Hollywood’. Yes, this is LA, the home of all things tawdry and torrid, where giants in spandex so famously used to stride down the Strip. But this is not 1986. These events are happening in June of 2002. And one of these pouting prima donnas happens to be a member of Slipknot.
Murderdolls are the new baby of Joey Jordison – Slipknot’s diminutive drummer – but in stark contrast to his unrelentingly intense day job, their music is a trashy pastiche of glam-rock, New York punk circa 1977, schlock-horror, and heavy metal. Jordison has swapped his mask for make-up and his sticks for a guitar, and has created a band that embody practically everything you don’t ever hear on the radio these days. Alongside him are Static-X guitarist Tripp Eisen, singer Wednesday 13 who previously fronted the Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13 and two friends of Tripp from LA – bassist Erik Griffin and appropriately-named drummer Ben Graves.
Just one listen to the Murderdolls’ debut album will be enough to have a legion of Slipknot fans chomping on their home-made boiler suits in confusion. Cheesy songs about grave robbing? Tributes to ‘The Exorcist’’s possessed devil-doll Linda Blair? Zombies? Mad scientists? Ghouls? What the hell is going on?
Jordison, barely five-foot-five even in his new stack heels, allows himself a sly smile.
“This is so far removed from Slipknot that it’s actually the best thing about it,” he says. “When we play, it’s just so fucking funny. We’re very serious about not being serious.”
To change gears from the testosterone-filled, uncontrolled anger of ‘Iowa’ to the sexually charged grind of Murderdolls is certainly something of a role-reversal. Butt Tripp Eisen, who, like Jordison, is also on shore leave from his day job, finds the turn-around almost hilarious.
“It’s kind of like being bisexual,” he jokes. “You’re doing a guy for now, but you’re not giving up on the ‘girl’ thing.”
The seeds of this project were sown years ago, in the mind and garage of Joey Jordison, under the name The Rejects. This was long before Slipknot and nu-metal’s all-conquering domination of the rock scene. The Rejects would eventually morph into Murderdolls, and to Joey, this is no mere side-project.
“I just feel that there’s no point in doing anything that’s even remotely similar to Slipknot,” he reasons, seated at a small table inside the cool, dark hotel room. “For me, it’s a chance to play guitar, which I played long before I played drums.”
Murderdolls began to become more than just a figment of Joey’s imagination three years ago when Slipknot toured with New Yorkers Dope, who had Eisen in their line-up at the time. The two bonded over a mutual love of such bands as Manowar, The Ramones and The Plasmatics.
“I had spent my whole life being kind of a glam guy, but also digging the heavy, heavy music,” says Tripp, a soft-spoken man with dreadlocks that sprout from his head like drooping asparagus. “It’s rare to find someone who can relate to both, and that’s what drew me to Joey. He’s into Slayer and Twisted Sister with equal intensity, and there’s not many people like that.”
To Tripp, there’s not all that much difference between the two. Both metal and glam are escapist and theatrical in nature, and he points out that Mötley Crüe and Slayer both used pentagrams on their albums.
Together, during the off time from their respective bands, Joey and Tripp dug up some of Joey’s old Rejects songs and dusted them off. They discovered a voice in North Carolina native Wednesday 13, and he brought several of his own songs with him. Then, after the album was finished, the band’s line-up was completed by Griffin and Graves.
The record itself is an absolute blast. Roaring guitars, skull-rattling drums and sneering, screaming vocals, all set to fast-paced tunes of terror and turmoil. Imagine the Ramones, the Misfits and the Dead Boys wearing long-haired wigs and goofing on love, lust and comic books. Add to the mix a soupçon of Marilyn Manson, plus a few screaming metal electric guitar leads, and stir. What pours out ain’t pretty, but it will certainly raise some eyebrows.
Joey couldn’t be more excited at the prospect of his Slipknot fans lending Murderdolls an ear.
“Not to take anything away from Slipknot, because I love that band and I’m still very much in it. But playing the guitar is not the same as playing the drums. Wearing make-up and trashy clothes is not the same as wearing coveralls and a mask.”
But what is to become of that famed Slipknot ‘mystique’? Won’t it forever be ruined by the fact that Joey is the first of them to go mask-less? Joey downplays the importance of his decision, saying that the internet has basically removed whatever secrecy Slipknot had tried to maintain anyway.
“We meet and talk to the kids without our masks every day,” he points out. He also says that Slipknot’s singer Corey Taylor and guitarist Jim Root will soon be performing sans masks in their own side-project, Stone Sour.
“I’ve said this a million times before, but wearing the masks is what the music ‘made’ us do,” says Joey. “It was not to just hide our faces. After knowing what Kiss looked like without their make-up for so many years, when I went to see them on their reunion tour, I didn’t give a fuck if I knew what they looked like under their make-up. When I saw them in make-up, I said, ‘That’s fuckin’ Kiss’.”
Scheduling the Murderdolls sessions and upcoming tour was never an issue with Slipknot either. All of the nine members decided that their loving maggots could allow them a few months’ rest, and many of them are pursuing solo projects.
“It was a mutual decision,” says Joey, “It wasn’t like we all needed the time away from one another. I told them that I felt that this stuff was worthy of being put out on a record. I think that it’s worthy for people to see it live as well. I’ve been spinning upside-down on a drum riser for the past 10 months, and now I’m going to go jam with this other band for a while, and they were totally cool with that. They knew from the start, even before the first Slipknot record, that I was going to do this, so it was no surprise to them.”
As for the other members, this much is known. Tripp Eisen says he’s still very much a part of Static-X, who are just about ready to wrap up their touring scenario for 2002 and will immediately begin writing their third album. Singer Wednesday 13, recruited to replace Rejects singer Dizzy, is an aficionado of ‘80s glam acts like Pretty Boy Gloyd and Tuff, and claims, quite horrifically, to have the soundtrack albums to every one of Sylvester Stalone’s movies – including ‘Over The Top’ and ‘Rhinestone’. Wednesday, who speaks in a warm southern drawl, plays a big role in the band’s theme and sound. He explains the song ‘Dawn Of The Dead’.
“I’ve always loved that movie,” he says, “and I thought, ‘How great would it be to have a Quiet Riot, ‘Cum On Feel Tha Noize’-type chorus for a song like that?’.” The singer described the sound of Murderdolls as a “Frankenstein monster we stitched together.”
The two newest members are Ben and Erik, friends of Tripp’s from LA. They do not play on the record, and both were struggling musicians who felt left out by the onslaught of post-grunge blandness and down-tuned rap-rock. Secretly, they wished they’d get hired to play just this kind of balls-out rock that just didn’t seem to exist outside of their old CD collections. They were working in shops on trendy Melrose Avenue when Tripp gave them a call.
“Once we all agreed that Nikki Sixx was God, we knew they were the right guys,” observes Wednesday.
Joey is loath to describe the band’s sound as metal or punk, though clearly it has elements of both, as well as some of the more frenzied moments of Marilyn Manson’s catalogue. In particular, ‘Dead In Hollywood’ truly sounds as if the God Of Fuck was somewhere in the mix, lending a helping shout. As it turns out, Joey asked the man himself to contribute, but not on any of the songs that have turned up on the record.
“Marilyn’s a friend of mine and we’ve always helped each other out,” says Joey. “I played some guitar for him and hooked him up with a remix, which he just recently used on the ‘Resident Evil’ soundtrack. He said that he’s going to sing on one of our songs now.” Unfortunately, what with his own deadline looming shortly, Manson’s tracks – either ‘People Hate Me’ or ‘Nineteen Seventy 666’ – may have to wait until after the release of the new Manson disc.
If all this sleaze and disorderly conduct sounds a little backward thinking, it is no accident. Even Trip agrees that the ‘Dolls pay tribute to a bygone time.
“I feel that kids today don’t know about what we grew up on, and I think that we’re trying to bring the whole package to them. The Union Underground and Sinisstar are similar in the respect that they’re bringing trashy rock back, but we just feel like we can do it better.”
Wednesday speaks with an endearing confidence that borders on pride.
“Nobody’s done it to the extent that we will,” he brags. “There were bands like Buckcherry and Beautiful Creatures who were doing the whole Guns N’Roses rock thing, but nobody’s done it at the level that we’re going to.”
Without too much Slipknot business to attend to, aside from the upcoming Reading and Leeds appearances this summer, Joey is clearly basking in his new-found freedom. Returning from the bathroom after applying his make-up, he jokes that posing for photos in Slipknot is so much easier than this current Murderdolls shoot. “You just throw on a mask and make hand gestures!”
Joey says that he’s looking forward to sharing his band with the world, and playing guitar live.
“I think that we’re original, but we’re not trying to reinvent the wheel,” he muses. “I think that in Slipknot, we broke down a lot of doors. I’m very proud of that, and I’m very fulfilled there. This is just another way to keep the glass full.”
Murderdolls release their debut album, ‘Beneath (sic) The Valley Of The Murderdolls’, on August 19 via Roadrunner.
Doll Parts
Joey Jordison’s guide to his new bandmates…
Ben Graves Joey: “Again, Tripp found him. Does he look like Twiggy Ramirez? Absolutely no comment.”
Wednesday 13 Joey: “He and I wrote all the music and the lyrics together. It’s fun when we’re singing about grave robbing. It’s much more tongue-in-cheek than anything Slipknot’s ever done.”
Erik Griffin Joey: “Tripp brought him into the band. I saw a video that Tripp did of them jamming, and he looked right for the band.”
Tripp Eisen Joey: “When we met, we instantly knew that we had the same taste in music. I really love his leads on the album. Live he’s great, and he’s a great friend.”
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cornwalltotheball · 8 months
Could you rank the boys on how who has the worst to the best situation at home pls ? Hope you like my request ! !
Alright! To be fair for some I imagine some of their home situation to be different depending on the AU I'm thinking on but in a general sense-
Boys Ranked by Home Situation
Worst to Best
Vance - It's popular headcanon that his parents are like. Terrible in some aspect or at the very least his dad is. My version is that Vance lives in a small house with a relative. He's been taken out of living with his parents.
Billy - ... Where the hell does this kid live.
Finney - His dad isn't the greatest. He apologised at the end of the movie but he is an alcoholic and his parenting skills were a C at best. The kids simply are alive and kicking.
Griffin - He may not have a dad around but he has a mother! And grandmother. I HC that his dad either died early in Griffin's life or walked out. They take good care of him, but he also tends to roam for hours...
Robin - It's just him and his mama. He and Griffin honestly tie for home situation, but at least Robin's mama noticed his disappearance faster(?).
Bruce - He's got the best one here honestly because at least he has both parents. It's average and seemingly very loving. He's got that Asian family household, but it's still good. The worst he's getting is that report card Asian stress.
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