#hey can i get a uhh i'm gay
a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
Vaggie: "Okay ha ha, very funny. Who stole me and Charlie's laundry out of the dryer again- Angel Dust!"
Angel Dust: "Wasn' me."
Vaggie: "Are you wearing my fucking skirt!?"
Angel Dust: "Ooooh~ it's a FUCKIN' skirt, huh? This one kept special for when Charlie jumps ya?"
Vaggie: "Que te la pique un pollo- NO."
Angel Dust: "Aw c'mon toots, we all know you have one~"
Vaggie: "Give me back. My skirt. You. Ass."
Angel Dust: "Speakin' of... is it really still YOUR skirt, Vagina, if MY ass is the one lookin' so utterly fine and fabulous in it?"
Angel Dust: "Yeah? Then what's this beautiful thang here, hmm?"
Vaggie: "I don't know because there's nothing there for you to even POINT at, twig twink!"
Husk: "HA!"
Angel Dust: "Ugh fiiine. Since you're being nice an' usin' my preferred pronouns-"
Vaggie: "Twig???"
Husk: "Twink."
Angel Dust: "-I'll hand over the girlfriend-fucking skirt. The delicius heat from the dryer's mostly gone now anyway. Jus' lemme grab something to throw on over it first..."
Vaggie: "Seriously? THAT'S why you took it?? Dryer heat?"
Angel Dust: "Next best thing to hot bath at the end of a day's hard work, baby! A day's VERY hard, throbbing, aching work-"
Vaggie: "I will throw this spear at you. I WILL ruin your stupid hair."
Husk: "Fucking do it."
Vaggie: "YOU shut up too. You're the one who taught him this in the first place, aren't you?"
Husk: "WHAT? I don't put on your fucking skirts!"
Angel Dust: "Wha' about her non-fucking ones?"
Husk & Vaggie: "Shut up."
Angel Dust: "Touché~ Protestin' too much, me thinks~”
Vaggie: "Husk- we all know you're the one waiting for the dryer to finish so you can drag the laundry onto the floor and sleep on it!"
Husk: "That's bullshit- you've got no proof-"
Angel Dust: "Cat hair, Mr. Whiskers."
Husk: "The fucking hotel has a cat!"
Vaggie: "That smells like a bar and also sheds feathers?"
Husk: "FUCK."
Angel Dust: "Don't break yourself up over it, kitten daddy- If you hadn't shown me the joys of laundry shopping, I'd never have known how GOOD I look in this jacket."
Vaggie: "???? You- IS THAT CHARLIE'S!?!?"
Angel Dust: "Goes good with the skirt, huh? If you two had a kid, they'd fucking SLAY."
Angel Dust: "Look- she's the only one in this fancy prancy hotel that's got the same measurements as me, at least in the shoulder, hips, and torso department! The only one who's clothes don't smell like dead deer and dusty old radios, anyway!! I'm kinda low on options here, okay?"
Angel Dust: "Orrrrr, you two could adopt me as you gay lovechild and give me some fuckin' hand me downs. Or money."
Vaggie: “OUR WHAT!?”
Angel Dust: “Fuck it, give me money an’ I’ll buy my own clothes, mom.”
Vaggie: “I. Am. NOT-”
Charlie: “-hey guys! Has anyone seen my….”
Charlie: “…uh, Vaggie? Why is Angel Dust dressed like our gay lovechild?”
Angel Dust: “HA!”
Charlie: “And did he just call you ‘mom??’”
Vaggie: “I give up. Anyone needs me, I’ll be in the laundry room, shoving myself in the dryer on the hellfire setting.”
Husk: “You’ll have to fucking drag Niffty out first.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Charlie: “What?”
Angel Dust: “WHAT”
Husk: “She was crawling in head first when I left after waking up- uhh- after getting something.”
Angel Dust: (shrieking) “AN’ YOU LEFT HER THERE???”
Vaggie: “Oh shit-”
- meanwhile, in the laundry room-
THUMP…. Thump………… thump
Alastor: “…”
Alastor: (reaches over to knock on dryer door)  
Alastor: “Having fun, dear?”
Niffty: (flopping limply half out of dryer) (battered) (scorched) (GRINNING) “Ow pain!”
Alastor: “Quite.”
Niffty: “Heheheh… heHEHEHEH.”
Niffty: (sets the dryer to max again) “More…. PAIN!!!” (shuts door from the inside) (grins from other side with her face pressed against the glass)
Alastor: “Fascinating.”
Thump…Thump. Thump. THUMP THUMPTHUMP-
Cherri Bomb: “…”
Cherri Bomb: “…Know what? You kids have fun. I’m just gonna go, like, break into someone’s house and murder them so I can use their washer and dryer. That’ll be less fucked up than….. whatever this is.” (hefts basket of bloody laundry and bombs) (waves over her shoulder while leaving) “Bye~”
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justin-chapmanswers · 15 days
Sorry if this is a bit rude, but how do you consider yourself as he/they or they/he? I am questioning my sexuality and gender at the moment and seeing you (idk if ur lgbt) makes me find comfort, if you can, how did you realise you were not straight and how I can find mine! :3
Oh golly uh. Let's see if I can keep this short and then bury it under other answers. <3
Labels are fun cause they're so funky and ever-changing as you learn more about yourself. So, firstly, don't stress about finding something so perfect right away and bounding yourself to it. You're still you, any way you word it.
Gender-wise I'm in a state of def preferring they but being chill enough with he. Like whateverrrrr. It's hard to get around societal norms and perceptions, so my expectations are calibrated accordingly. I of course feel that for people who feel more strongly about a specific label, it's important to fight for it to be recognized whenever you're in a safe-enough environment to do-so. But for me, the concept of pushing for a specific label or, even more-so, of seeing other people pushing others to use a specific label for me is veryyyy anxiety-inducing. I tend to avoid spotlight when possible. But at the same time, a lot of it just comes down to not wanting to be grouped/perceived gender-ly at all. I tend to use the label agender. But I'm sure a lot of people have similar experiences with different labels. I just, ya'know, wanna be me.
Gender exploration is funnnn. There's no one right way to learning about yourself. Some people know from a young age, almost inherently, some people figure things out a lot later. It's never too late. Some people learn with outfits and styles, some with looking to people/characters who they want to be perceived more-like, some with experimenting through new names/pronouns and feeling-out how being called different things makes them feel. If you have friends you feel safe around with all of this, on or offline, can't hurt to say "hey would ya mind calling me x-name or y-pronoun for a bit?" And if you don't like it, you don't need to stick with it. But really be cognizant of it feels right to you.
Then on the romantic orientation side, that's been a much longer journey haha. I was calling myself straight through middle schooler, bi for a bit in early high school, gay starting in later high school, then for a long while. Nowadays I just say queer. Labels make things easier, until they don’t haha. For me, if you imagine a scale of feminity to masculinity with like little pegs running down the line from 0 to 10, with 5 in the middle, I tend to find myself attracted to people in like the 4 to 8 range? Something like that. But even that's not perfectly consistent! There's never going to be a perfect word for everything. That's why I like queer as an umbrella term. It's also just a cute word, I don't make the rules.
Hence earlier when I mentioned that you should just feel free to keep it open and not close yourself off. Maybe nothing'll change, but what if something does? But of course, I assume you're asking from more of a place of just starting this journey. I'm trying to get my mind back to where I started with that. I think the first time the not-straight realization hit was when a friend of mine didn't show up to an event and I was all like "why am I so miserably sad that he wasn't there?" And then a lightbulb appeared over my head and out-loud I said "aw damnit." And then things have been weird and confusing ever since.
But in terms of giving advice, it's hard to not just be like "uhh idk just hang out with people that makes you feel gooey." But obviously it's more complicated than that. A decade ago, I was taking random "am I gay" tests online. But they're kinda silly cause the questions on those would ask me to fill in information about how I feel, but how am you supposed to know how I feel without the test telling me how I feel??????? So realistically, I'd advise private journaling. Just take some time, even five minutes. Start now. Write out who you are drawn to, in any sense, and how they make you feel. Especially if you're like me and have trouble self-reflecting unless I force myself to. Like. In a Tumblr post.
There's so many ways to explore. It's also nice to look at relationships in life and media and seeing if you connect to any relationship or long to fit into someone's place within a relationship. That's why representation matters, baybeeeee! But also, ya'know, talking to people goes a long way to learning about yourself. Trial 'n error let's gooooo.
And above all: you got this.
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joanvisitsrome · 3 months
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i am absolutely spoiling y'all with 2 chapters. I'm too invested in this shit. comment on this if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Summary: Billie and Reader go out to lunch together, and then spend the night at her house again.
Contains: fluff (again), KISSING 🤭🤭🤭, mentions of making out, smut in future chapters, A FORMING RELATIONSHIP RAHHH, coming out, and gay jokes
That next day was when you and Billie had planned to go out to lunch together. You get home as quickly as possible, last night running through your head. Was Billie just really into physical touch, or did she like you? You felt horrible, liking a straight girl. You tried to get your mind off of it, taking another shower and picking an outfit for the lunch. You put on a white ribbed tank top and cargo jeans, along with some bracelets as well. You fix your hair to its best, while still trying to look casual. In your bag, you put in some cherry ChapStick in chase your lips get chapped. As you’re about to leave, you receive a text from Billie.
               call me when you’re there, it reads. You reply with a thumbs up and drive over. You drive into the parking lot and call Billie.
               “Hey,” you say.
               “Hey. I’m already inside, but the reservation’s left under ‘Claire.’ I didn’t want anyone following us.”
               “Alright.” You go inside and follow Billie’s instructions, and eye her from across the restaurant. You sit down, smiling nervously.
               “Hey Bils!” you greet her.
               “How are you doing, babes?” she asks you.
               “I’m pretty good, and you?” you ask.
               “Better now that I’m with you.” You blush at the comment, still brushing it off as platonic. You pick up the menu, and you and Billie decide on both getting salads for lunch. The lunch goes well, the two of you conversing about the show you watched the night before, Shark, and much more.
               “Did you ever get to look through the clothing bag?” she asks.
               “I don’t think so. It’s whatever though, I don’t think I need more clothes.”
               “I insist. Do you want to come over again… to look at some of them?” Billie asks, looking down at her salad shyly.
               “Are you trying to get me to come over again?” you tease, “I didn’t realize you were so obsessed with me.”
               “Wait, no, not like that,” Billie says almost immediately, “only if you want to though.”
               “Billie,” you reassure her, resting your hand on hers, “relax. I was just playing. Of course I’d love to go over your house again. Should I pack pajamas so we can watch some more of our show?” you see her smile at you saying that the show you two were watching was yours, and take a sigh of relief.
               “Yeah, sure! I’d love to do that again.” Just then, the waiter approaches the two of you with a bill. He places it on the table and both you and Billie grab the bill at the same time.
               “Billie, remove your hand. I’ll be paying.”
               “But I invited you.”
               “But I’m offering.” The two of you argue about who would pay for the bill, until you suggest rock-paper-scissors. Billie wins and pays the bill. She walks you to your car to make sure you exit the premises safely.
               “See you soon, Bils,” you say to her as you back your car out of its parking spot.
               “I’m gay!” she says as you drive away. You halt your car the second you say that, and back up to meet her again.
               “What?” you say.
               “I think I like girls, and that I’ve liked them my whole life, and that I’ve been scared of them so I’ve never done anything about it. And, uhh, I don’t know, I wanted to tell you. I don’t know why. I hope you still like me? I don’t know, I’ve only told Finneas, and all he had to say was ‘took you long enough.’” Billie says quickly, almost in one breath, while looking down at her shoes.
               “Billie. Of course I still like you. While we’re on the topic, I like girls too. I honestly don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner. I thought you were straight if I’m being honest.”
               “You… like girls too?”
               “No fucking shit I like girls too. I’ll see you tonight Billie.” You drive off, shocked by this news. Billie likes girls? And if so, could she like you? You drive home in a trance almost, one thought only that runs in your mind. You have a chance. You have a chance. You pack a small bag with some pajamas, a hairbrush, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and some facial cream. You drive over, the funky song from the night before playing again. You knock at Billie’s door when you arrive. She opens the door.
               “Hey, babes,” she greets. You walk inside and pet Shark.
               “By the way, I left those clothes on the counter for you, so you can look at them. You can try them on too.” You make your way to the counter and find one or two shirts you wouldn’t mind wearing. You go to the bathroom to throw on a button-down from the pile.
               “So, how do I look?” You ask Billie.
               “You look,” Billie is trying to hold back a blush from seeing you in her clothes, “really nice.” She takes your hand and twirls you around. When you finish spinning, you’re quite close to Billie. You can hear her breathing a bit heavier, as her blue eyes look into yours. She looks at your right eye, your lips, and then your left eye. All you can feel is that Billie wants you.
               You take a step closer to Billie, putting your hands on her shoulders. You look up at her.
               “Billie, can I ask you something?” you ask in a quiet, low voice.
               “Anything, babes.” You tilt your head to look up at her.
               “Can I kiss you?” She nods and leans into you, closing her eyes as you do too. The two of you kiss. You taste a faint trace of vanilla lip balm on her soft lips. Her hands cup your face as yours play with the silky hair on the back of her head. You pull away for a split second, looking each other in the eyes before kissing again. This time, you both know what to expect, making it more comfortable between the two of you. You feel her hands shake against your skin as you pull away again, taking them in yours.
               “That was…” you say, “really, really good. I, uhh, liked it a lot.”
               “Me too,” Billie says, almost out of breath, shocked that the two of you kissed.
               “Was I bad?” she then blurts out.
               “NO! No. Not at all. If I’m being honest, that’s probably… the best kiss I’ve had. Like ever.”
               “Why don’t I make some dinner, and then we can watch… our show?” Billie suggests. You kiss her again.
               “That sounds good to me.” After a delicious dinner cooked by Billie, you cuddle together on her bed again and watch the show, although halfway through the first episode you start making out. You both get tired after a while and fall asleep again. The next morning, before you leave to go to your house again, you and Billie share one more kiss at the door.
               “Why don’t we go on a date?” she asks. “I’ll pick you up tonight and we can have some dinner.”
               “That sounds amazing to me.” You kiss her one more time before getting into your car and driving home.
taglist: @naturesapphic
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squoxle · 4 months
✏ TNAIT 002: No Money, No Problem l.at fanfic
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✰ pairing: nerdy!bandboy!anton x cheerleader!fem!reader | ✰ wc: 2.5k | ✰ cw: profanity, sexual themes, lgbt comments | ✰ plot: you find the perfect guy to help you bring up your grades, but he's so shy you wonder if you'll make any progress. too bad you couldn't get his cute little friend instead... [Series Masterlist]
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“Dude! What the hell was that?” Chanyoung spat.
“What? Oh you mean making your wet dreams come true? In that case, you’re welcome,” Dongmin chuckled.
“Wet dreams? You’re the one who fantasizes about screwing the whole cheer squad, not me.”
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“Stop acting like such a prude. You know you want it too. I saw your little buddy standing up for attention.”
“It was cold as fuck out there.”
“Right…those thoughts were pretty hot though, huh?”
“Shut up…”
“Look you just better make sure you pull your dorky ass together and text that girl before tomorrow. Unless…you’re too chicken,” Dongmin said as he began clucking like a chicken.
“God, you’re such a fucking child,” Chanyoung rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone.
Dongmin looked over his shoulder to watch him text you. “Dear my beloved personified fantasy,” he began. “I’d love to meet you tomorrow at 12 o’clock sharp to help you raise your grades while you raise that skirt,” he chuckled.
“Seriously dude, back the fuck up. I can’t concentrate,” Chanyoung sighed.
hey i wanted to text u before it got too late
i'll be at the library around 8am tomorrow morning
Sent 9:43pm
Chanyoung carefully re-read the messages, double-checking for any missing details.
"Ponytail" Typing...
"Shit!" he spat.
"What? What happened? Did you accidentally send her that video of you whacking off?" Dongmin teased.
"No...she's typing."
it's fine
i'll be up by that time anyway
should i...bring anything?
Sent 9:45pm
"Fuck! What do I say?"
"Gimme," Dongmin grinned as he snatched the phone from Chanyoung's hand.
yeah that sounds great
and nah ur good
just make sure u bring ur laptop...and maybe a notebook
Sent 9:46pm
Read 9:46pm
"Ponytail" Typing...
gnite <3
Sent 9:46
"Ha!" Dongmin exclaimed before giving Chanyoung back his phone. "Too easy," he huffed. "Now, all you gotta do is shave your balls and get ready for tomorrow," he smiled, patting Chanyoung on the shoulder.
"Shave my what?!"
"Your nuts, bro. So you can get that brain while you use yours," he chuckled.
"You know if anyone else heard the way you talk to me they'd think you were gay."
"I'm just being real with you."
"Yeah...really gay."
"Whatever," Dongmin laughed as he wrapped an arm around Chanyoung's shoulder.
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"You sure lucked up, huh?" Abigail chimed as you told her about your little rendevous with Chanyoung. "I've seen him before, but I always kinda thought he was...y'know," she paused to flick her wrist, a motion you very well knew the meaning of.
"No, no. At least, I don't think so. He's just kinda shy."
"Shy? Or more into guys," she chuckled.
"Hey, knock it off. You're the one who told me to get my own guy."
"Actually, you wanted that. If I recall it correctly you said it would be weird for us to use the same guy."
"Oh...right," you blew air into your cheeks as you thought back to that moment earlier.
"Well, just let me know how everything goes for you. And remember, there's a sweet little Aussie boy named Jake who'd be more than glad to help you out," she smiled. "But beware. He's a subby little switch," she chuckled. "Cute and sexy."
"Hopefully, everything goes well tomorrow and I won't need your puppy," you chuckled as Abigail pulled up to your house.
"Fingers crossed that even if he is gay, he's at least useful."
"He's not gay."
"You don't know that for sure," she tilted her head.
"Neither do you," you tilted your head, mocking her.
"Hmm, fair enough. But you owe me lunch if he is," she smiled as you unbuckled your seatbelt.
"You're really sure about this," you laughed.
"Okay well I gotta go inside now before my dad eats me alive," you said as you climbed out of the car.
"Good luck, girlie," she waved as you jogged to the front door, waving back at her.
The next morning, you stopped by the ATM to withdraw 50 bucks before meeting with Chanyoung. "This should be enough for today," you thought to yourself.
"Debit Declined, Transaction Failed," the automated voice chimed as you inserted your card. "What the hell?" you spat before attempting to insert your card again only to see the same message pop up 3 more times.
"Did dad freeze my debit card?" you asked as your mom answered the phone.
"Yes, he did it when you came home late last night."
"I literally just came home from a game."
"I know, but you know how he feels about that."
"Yeah...it's fine."
"What did you need the money for?"
"Nothing, I changed my mind," you lied.
"You sure, honey? I can send the money to you a different way. Just let me know how much you need."
"No, Mom. It's alright. Really. Thanks though."
"Okay, well let me know if you change your mind again."
"M'kay. I will."
"Bye," she said before hanging up.
You needed that money right now more than anything else. However, given the current circumstances, that wasn't an option.
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"Hey," you waved shyly as you sat down at a table across from Chanyoung.
"Hey," he said, so softly that you almost didn't even hear him. "So, umm...what did you want to start working on first," he asked in that same sheepish tone.
"Umm, well maybe math. It's an introductory algebra course, but I'm kinda struggling to grasp it y'know."
"Can you show me what you've been working on?"
"Sure," you stood up to move your chair closer to him. "Sorry," you apologized as he jerked slightly. "Fuck, I hope I'm not being too aggressive," you thought to yourself.
"It-it's okay," he smiled softly before scrolling through your modules. "Dongmin and his stupid big mouth," Chanyoung thought to himself.
"So, what do you think we should do first?" you asked, breaking the silence.
"Umm...maybe we could look through one of the quizzes and review the content. It'll be the easiest way to learn."
As brilliant as that idea sounded, you didn't have the time to actually learn the material.
"I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or anything, but is there any way I can get you to do the majority of the work...I just don't really have time to learn this with cheer practice and everything," you cringed at your own words, realizing just how pathetic you sounded.
"Oh, uhh--"
"I'll pay you," you blurted just as you remembered that you couldn't exactly finance this little escapade. "Well...actually--"
"It's fine. You don't have to do anything unless you want to. Let's just look at this as a friendly favor," he shrugged as his lips formed into a shy smirk.
"Huh, really?"
"Yeah," he nodded, turning back to the laptop. "You can watch me work the problems out. Maybe it'll help you learn the material," he said as you leaned over, unconsciously bracing yourself on his thigh.
You listened as he explained the process of solving each equation and watched him scribble notes in your journal. For a moment, you got lost in his eyes. You watched them glaze across the screen through his glasses.
Maybe it was his shyness, or maybe it was something else, but your heart always fluttered when he came around. That was the real reason you stumbled on your words whenever you spoke to him.
It was something about the way he bit his bottom lip when he was focused that made you want to kiss him...
"Ugh!" he groaned as you lost your balance. Your hand fell right into his manhood and you could see it all over his face.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," you pleaded, grabbing onto his shoulder as he hunched over in pain.
"I-it's alright...I know you didn't do it on purpose," he said, grinding his teeth together.
"Umm, do you want me to get something?"
He exhaled deeply before replying, "No, I just have to wait it out."
"I'm really sorry," you apologized again as he continued to take deep breaths, squeezing his eyes shut. You reached over to close your laptop. "We can finish this later," you said as he seemed to calm down.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. You've already done more than I would've."
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"So..tell me something about yourself. Since we're gonna be hanging out a lot more often, we might as well take the time to get to know each other," you said as the two of you sat outside together.
"There isn't really much to know," he shrugged.
"What about past relationships?" this question was triggered by a sense of curiosity and the fact that Abigail was so sure he was gay.
"Well, I've never really dated anyone before," he said, looking off.
"Anyone...well did you at least have a crush?"
"Hmm...there was this one girl I liked, but she only ever saw me as a friend."
"Have you always been into music?"
"Huh? How'd you know I was into music?"
"Shit," you swore to yourself. You didn't hear this from him..
"Oh, well umm I remember seeing you in the orchestra during the first week of school," you were able to save your ass this time, but you had to be more careful. You knew more than you were letting on.
"Oh yeah. Well, actually my parents encouraged me to start playing the cello, but I grew to like it on my own. Heh, I remember one time when I stayed up all night to learn this one piece. It was really important because that would be my first solo performance in high school," you watched as he smiled thinking back to that moment.
"Well I'm sure you did amazing," you smiled.
"Ehh...that would've been the expected outcome," he chuckled to himself. "But I thought it was a brilliant idea to be Romeo before my performance and ended up forgetting half of my solo. You can imagine how that went."
"Not really..."
"Well, it's like I said earlier. She saw me as a friend. So my head was all over the place after that. I should've just waited until after the show to tell her. I was gonna do it anyway."
"Hmm...maybe," you sighed, wondering if he still had feelings for her or had moved on by now.
"Alright, enough about me. It's my turn to ask you some questions."
"Okay, hit me," you laughed at his boldness.
"How many relationships have you been in?"
"Zero. Next question."
"Zero?! How?"
"My parents are pretty strict so I wasn't allowed to date. To them, my grades are the most important thing. But there was one guy I liked. He was a little older than me, but he hated the fact that we had to sneak around all the time," you sighed thinking back to the first real boyfriend you could've had.
"Oh, well I can understand that," he said looking over to you as if he was trying to read your body language, hoping it would expose another part of you.
"So what else did you want to ask me?"
"What made you come up to me? Aside from needing help."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've come to every game and that was the first time we ever spoke to each other. I'm just wondering if there was something that stood out," his shaggy brown hair was perfectly draped across his face, slightly peeking over his round glasses.
"Uhh...well you were a familiar face. I figured you had to be a genius if you were in the orchestra. Y'know musically inclined people are said to be more intelligent," you smiled even though you knew very well that you chose him randomly and could barely remember him on your own.
"Heh, that's what my dad always tells me," he smiled with an expression so pure and sweet you could only sit there in silence.
You felt bad realizing that your only intention of talking to him in the first place was to use him to improve your grades. Plus this little heartfelt conversation started for two reasons--1) you had to buy time to come up with another form of payment and 2) you were not buying Abigail lunch.
If you didn't need him, you honestly wouldn't have looked twice in his direction. Yes, you found him attractive, but that was it. You didn't care about his interests...
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"Spill the tea! Is he gay or not?" Abigail squealed as you met up with her in the campus cafe.
"Woah, what happened to 'hey, how did the studying go?'" you laughed.
"Tell me about that after this. I'm starving and I wanna know if I'm gonna be paying or not."
"Well he told me about a girl he liked back in highschool so I think that should answer your question."
"Dammit," she swore before reaching in her bag. " Text me what you want. I'm gonna go order out stuff and I'll be right back, 'kay?"
You nodded as she walked away. You watched her blonde ponytail sway with her movements as she went up to the register. You had completely forgotten about the whole frozen card thing, so you were even happier that she would be paying today.
"Alright, now tell me. Did you suck him off or what?"
"Ugh! No way. I was gonna pay him instead, but my dad froze my cards so I'm just pretending to be his friend so he can keep helping me," this was mostly true except for the fact that you were kinda falling for him.
"Well, you can either keep doing that or at least try to get some pleasure out of it. As cute as my little Jakey is, I just need him for my grades," she smiled, flipping her ponytail. "Do you really think I care about his nerdy life?"
"I know right," You laughed.
"You just need to give that boy your homework and walk away. He's not your study-buddy he's your dorky little fuck-toy and that's it. Don't let him bore you to death with his lame-ass life stories. That is not what you signed up for girl.”
“Honestly. After he fixes my grades I’ll probably never talk to him again.”
“Yeah, until next semester,” Abigail laughed. “I’m not trying to sound like the stereotypical blonde, but I’m too pretty to use my brain. Especially when I have a body like this,” she poked her tongue out as she playfully shook her tits.
“Oh my god! You can’t do that in public,” you hid your face behind your hand.
“Oh baby trust me, there’s a whole LOT you can do in public. It’s only illegal if you get caught,” she winked. “Thanks,” she smiled as the waiter came to the table with your food.
Abby wasn't entirely wrong. You could get away with a lot in public, but someone else is always present. Another witness. Another loose end. Or maybe...a ticking time bomb. Eager to get their way at the expense of your dirty little secret.
Living a double-life has its consequences.
You were so wrapped up in your conversation with Abigail you failed to notice Dongmin who was busy cleaning a table not too far from you. How were you supposed to know he worked here part-time? Like you said earlier, you hardly even knew of their existence before the other night.
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Thanks for reading the second episode of my series. [Series Masterlist]
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Click this link to go to my main masterlist and stay tuned for the next episodes.
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CURRENT TAGLIST: @chlorinecake @addictedtohobi @nikisvanillaccola @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @antonitty @billiondollarworth @meowbini @mamuljji @riizeis-7 @littlebrightsrar @jisfairy @galorehearts @misfit-nvrfitin @siuewnb @ot7sevenlvr @earth2hannah @professsionalsimp @fairyofhours @wonbinkisser @lovelymulti @annielovescry @antosaurius @inlovekyo @luv4stxrs @v4mpsunghoon @rikiiminaj @brachiobun @pointlessapple @antititititoni @mrkvrse @ywnzn @kisplayhouse @strawberryhillsworld @cartimitsuya @jungwon15 @hanni711 @tsukkiteamo @hajoon-iz-won @songgmingii @bloodiichainzzxx @sunnynearthecoast @riris-a-mess @deewly @ericlvr @freeluvbot @pandajihoonn @mint-yooniverse @pwarksasteroid @huan9jun @zixoxos @snowyseungs @mintmyg @moonchild-please-dont-cry @taeheartss @seesawh @chloelr60 @dodot04lover @firedalarm-blog @kazscara
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persesphonestears · 2 years
Taskforce 141 + Los Vaqueros + König and Horangi
More shit because I remembered I have drafts :>
A/N: My Y/N's are intended to be read as if the reader/Y/N is male/Trans masc, Also Bold is actions.
!!CW!!: Sexual jokes, Swearing, blood mentions(? i think), Shepard warning! alcohol mentions(being drunk) just silly cod shenanigan's (please tell me if I've forgotten any!)
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Y/N: *sleepy* ah what's going on
Price: *also sleepy and sitting up* what the fuck man
Rudy: do you have any ice?
Y/N: no i just have freezable fruit shapes
Rudy: why..?
Y/N: just because
Y/N: hey bro what do you wanna eat
Ghosts thoughts: the souls of the innocent
Ghost: A bagel
Ghosts thoughts: NOOOO
Ghost: Two bagels
Y/N: Riley do you want the ball?
Y/N: *throws the ball*
Riley: *runs for the ball and throws himself into the wall*
Y/N: I can't find it
Ghost: what you looking for?
Y/N: my happiness
Ghost: oh shit lost mine too let me help look
Y/N: That moment when you walk into a room and forgot why
Alejandro: *angrily jumping on them*
Y/N: *falling in slow motion* oh that's right I pranked Alejandro
Lasswell: Kid I gotta tell you something..
Y/N: what is it?
Lasswell: I'm gay..
Y/N: Wha- what does that mean?
Lasswell: It means I like pus-
Y/N: do you still love dad(price)?
Lasswell: ew no
Y/N undercover: Are your parents serial killers… Cause i'm pretty sure they killed mine and IM BACK FOR REVENGE-
Soap: My favourite holiday is halloween
Gaz: So my favourite holiday is christmas what about you Y/N?
Y/N: The purge :D
Ghost: ah that's nice
Price: Ye- wait what.
Y/N: *fishing* Ugh the fish got off
Shepard: Probably cause god is angry
Y/N: About what?
Shepard: Gay marriage
Y/N: Look this is why I don't go fishing with you-
Y/N: Dude lowkey your Dad(Price) is like super hot
Gaz: Lowkey dude that's kinda weird.
Graves: Sir you can't steal in here
Y/N: Wha no i didn't steal anything?
Graves: You stole my heart
Y/N: *giggles* fuck you it's mine now. *runs off with Graves literal heart in their hand*
Y/N: That was the best sex I've ever had
Gaz: Heh nice- hey wait that's my mums(Price) room!
Y/N: and that's why they call me mother fucker
Alejandro: Hey can I get a sip of that water?
Y/N: it's not water
Alejandro: Vodka! I like your stu-
Y/N: it's vinegar.
Alejandro: what..?
Y/N: it's vinegar PUSSY-
Graves: Hey Y/N, Are you straight?
Y/N: Am i straight? mmm uhh mm no sorry I like penis
Y/N and Ghost: What's wrong with the way we dress?
Soap: Well some people say that all black make you look like an evil villain.
Soap: Not me though I think it makes you look like a sexy motorcycle vroom vroom
Y/N: *drunk* next time I open up to someone is my fucking autopsy
Gaz: I worry about you
Ghost: Get in line
Soap: here take my spot.
Price: Y/N, we talked about this..
Y/N: ask me why I love you
Ghost: Why do you love me?
Y/N: I'm glad you ask! *pulls out a 500 slide presentation*
König: *lovingly stroking Y/N’s hair* Your so cute
Y/N: *drunkly* I could beat the shit out of you
König: sure you could
Price: My god do you ever stop with the ‘I wanna die stuff’??
Y/N: I'll stop when I die, that's for sure.
Y/N: I can fit the whole world in my hands!
Alejandro: Amor that's impossible
Y/N: Yes I can *holds Alejandro’s face* See!
Alejandro: *blushes furiously* Get your hands off me, I have a reputation
Price: Where's Y/N?
Rudy: Doing stuff.
Price: Yeah i don't like the sound of that. Where's Gaz?
Rudy: Trying to stop Y/N from doing stuff.
Price: Ghost and Soap?
Rudy: Trying to stop Gaz from stopping Y/N from doing stuff.
Price: Uh Alejandro and König..?
Rudy: Watching it all.
Ghost: I wanna do bad stuff to you.
Y/N: *being interrogated* Like what 😼
Ghost: Break your legs
Ghost: Choke you to death
Ghost: Push you off a building
Y/N: Kinky
Ghost: What the fuck?
Y/N: Is that your hand on my ass?
Alejandro: It was an accident.
Y/N: Your hand is still on my ass
Alejandro: It's still an accident.
Y/N: I have an idea!
König: Maus, your last idea was unnecessary murder
*Taking Alejandro to meet your guardians/parental figures* (amab reader)
Y/N: Okay let's try again, I'm my dad okay?
Alejandro: Fine
Y/N: *lowers their voice* So why should i let you date my child?
Alejandro: Because I can't get them pregnant
Y/N: When I get murdered can you make sure my murder case stays unsolved?
König: What?
Y/N: I wanna be on buzzfeed’s unsolved murder case's
Horangi: Can we go back to you saying ‘when I get murdered’..?
Y/N: Gods give me patience.
Price: Don't you mean power?
Y/N: If the gods gave me powers they'd all be dead.
Soap: So uh I was wondering if you'd go out with me..?
Y/N: Yeah I'd love too!
Soap: You'll come arou- WAIT DID YOU JUST SAY YES?!
Soap: *runs off*
Y/N: so can I leave or..?
Soap: *running back dragging Ghost behind him*
Soap: Say it! Say it again!!
Y/N and Alejandro fighting
Rudy: What absolute idiots.
Rudy: I can't believe I fell in love with them both.
Anyway thank you for joining me in my silly lil guy shenanigans ٩(ᐛ)و
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hi lol this is like my first request ever and i’m nervous but i was hoping you could write abt the reader being like the son/adopted son/protege of catwoman (or harlivy) and he’s stealing something from a museum by himself but nightwing just so happens to be visiting gotham for family dinner or wtv, so they’re both in the museum but a security guard gets close so they end up in a very small supply closet or wtv yknow? like a forced proximity type, i also won’t mind if it does get spicy towards the end <3 tysm
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Notes: I'm half asleep as I write this, this is as creative as I can get with no sleep for three days
Warning(s): Gay, super gay, like very homsexual, smut, lemon, zest fest.
You and Dick Grayson were in a supply closet, nothings wrong with that right? nothings wrong with being hiding in a supply closet with a superhero right? nothings wrong with being in a close proximity with the said hero right? so close that you were able to breath into his neck, so close that his back is against you chest.
Nothings wrong with this is what you keep telling yourself.
Just a while ago you were stealing a precious jewel from a museum owned by some criminal you bothered not remembering the name, you were on your way out after grabbing the jewel when Nightwing came trying to catch you, and now you're both hiding in a supply closet with guards patrolling outside.
"Hey you really like the position we're in huh buddy?" Dick muttered while giggling, You had no idea that your boner was pressed against Dick's ass.
"I-uhh... I can't help it y'know, I mean with a ass like that who wouldn't pitch a tent." You made a flirty retort to which earned a chuckle from the other man.
"Well what can I say? I've got the finest ass in Gotham." Dick leaned his head on your chest and looked up, you both kept eye contact with each other (or mask to mask stare?)
"Not just Gotham, I'd say the whole world." You chuckled as you both kept looking each other, his hot breath on your face while you breath down on him too.
a short silence came as both of you stare at each other's face, You were feeling hot and Dick's breath on your face doesn't help your painfully hard boner.
"Why don't we make our time here worthwhile? from what I can tell the guards are still searching the area." Your voice was breathy, Dick could tell you were at your limit, so he decided to tease you, he pressed his fat ass further onto your crotch earning a grunt from your mouth.
"Well let's make our time worthwhile then  Mr. Thief." Dick stood on his tiptoes to place a peck on your lips.
You unzipped your pants and the hard meat slapped Dick's spandex suit making quite a noise.
"You should keep the noise to minimum Mr. Thief, You wouldn't want our little session to end early do you?" Dick smirked as he felt the hot big rod pressed against his clothed behind.
"Oh baby I'll keep quiet until I fuck you dry, now lick this." You shoved two of your fingers in Dick's mouth, he happily sucked and licked your fingers.
Dick unbuckled his pants so you would not have to tear his suit for access, as soon as Dick's pants were lowered you hurriedly shoved one of your finger in his hole.
"Damn baby your quite eager." You chuckled as you felt Dick's hole clenching.
"Haven't had action for a long time." Dick answered with a small laugh of his own. He groaned every time he felt the finger massage his inner walls.
You inserted the second finger to which Dick quietly whined, You massaged his inner walls scissoring it repeatedly to make the entrance wider, or just wide enough to fit you.
"That's it baby you're doing great, just a little more and you'd have the real thing." You grinned at Dick as you pressed a small peck on his forehead.
You spat on your hand and lubricated it with it (Hey don't judge! no one carries around lubricants in public)
You immediately pushed the tip inside Dick's entrance, Dick shivered in both pain and pleasure.
"Fuck..." Dick cursed, his eyes were a little teary.
"Come on muñequita it is only the tip." You pressed a peck in his forehead trying to ease him up.
You then swiftly pushed your entire length inside Dick, he moaned quite loud so you placed left hand on his mouth to shut him up.
"Weren't you the one who told me to keep the noise to minimum? maybe you should abide by your own rules muñequita." Your lips curled into a smirk as you looked down on the tearing up Dick.
You began moving inside him, thrusting in and out, pulling out until only the tip is left inside and thrusting until the tip rubs against the prostate.
"puta te sientes tan bien..." You huskily whispered in Dick's ear. Your hands made it's way into Dick's nipples and pinched and twisted it.
"Hngh~ j-just earlier I was... ha~ having dinner at the manor... Hngh..." Dick whined as you plowed his ass and played with his chest.
Your thrusting became more frantic and hurried, you could feel yourself getting closer.
"Hngh~ fuck I'm close~" Dick whined he can feel his own cock nearing it's orgasm.
Your thrusts became quicker and more violent, you were thrusting deeper and deeper within Dick's hole.
With a grunt, you released your hot cum within Dick's ass, Dick teared up pleasure as you came deep inside him.
"You're pretty when you cry, muñequita...." You both panted as you came from your highs. You pulled out of Dick's hole leaving it a gaping mess with cum leaking out.
"I don't see anymore guards out, I thinks it's safe to leave now." You peaked out to see no guards on the lookout.
"I hope this Isn't the last time we do this muñequita..." You whispered into Dick's ear as you buckle up your pants.
"And here I thought you were all talk, guess I won't be able to walk properly after being manhandled. I down being manhandled anytime Mr. Thief. " Dick grinned as he pulled up his pants and opened the door to leave.
"Oh... and I'm letting you go this time, as you can see I'm in no condition to arrest you." Dick winked to you as he jumped out the window and grappled leaving you.
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
A Chamber of Burning Souls - Chapter 1
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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Summary: It's Prom and everyone is invited to celebrate at Square Plaza, having no partners left to find. SMG4 and SMG3 both paired together.
With Four having no experience of what Prom is at all, he happens to find himself binded with his ex rival filled with complicated thoughts.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sun and Moon, fluff, romance, drama, hurt/comfort, angst, gay fruits are real, LOVE IS IN THE AIR YALL
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG4
Mario & SMG4
Mario & SMG3
Bob & Mario
Chapter: 1 - A Night Bring Out
thus the sun has continued to set from the horizon as four is calmly watching the view afar, the cold breeze blew through his hair sitting outside.
"SMG4?" Mario called his bestfriend, seeing him sitting on a chair admiring the view. Mario snuck behind him, distracted "still having those gay thoughts?" He chuckled, making four bounce from his chair with a light scare from the fat italian.
"N-No I'm not!" He brushed off the dirt from his blue colored suit. Man does he love how his formal attire looked, where he can move freely and relaxed.
"You sureee????" "Yes I am." He looked away from Mario with a light pink faded blush surrounding his face. "Have you uhh found a partner?" SMG4 looked at Mario.
"I'm with bob, he said his girlfriend can't attend" "what about the others?" "Hmmmmmm" Mario did his best to remember the pairings from his team.
"Meggy is in pairs with Tari, Saiko is with Kaizo since they're both hosting a side played oncore songs, Boopkins is- he's with his waifu bed, Chris with Swag, Melony is just- sleeping-" figures. Melony is always too tired whenever she's awake, but for some reason- it feels like he won't be getting in partners with anyone else...
"Andd uhhh for Luigi- luigi is-" SMG4 shot a glance of the familiar green colored signature and ran. "Hey! SMG4?" Mario saw Four rush out of there and got back from the room to talk to luigi.
"Hey! Luigi..." "wah? SMG4? What is it?" "Do you want to be partners with me for prom?" Luigi eye-d to another side and furrowed his eyes giving him a smile. "Oh- uh- sorry SMG4 I'm already left partners with someone..."
"Oh come on! I bet I can still be as good as that partner this is bullsh-t!" SMG4 cursed out loud, hearing something approach to him was a giant... lizard-?
"Ahe- ahem!" SMG4 gulped looking upwards to reveal, it was bowser out of all people. He was tossed by a massive force by bowser across the room, with no one to notice.
"Ow..." his back couldn't move after cracking a wall. "SMG4! Are you okay?!" The voice sounded nothing like Mario, a man reached out a hand to help him get up.
"Yes I'm..." He paused, looking up to see the person. SMG3... his former ex rival... a 'friend'... is there to attend the prom as well.
He stared at his face for a moment, and boy how he felt something inside him flutter and beat. "I'm alright..." He finally gave him a reply, getting back up from the floor acting like nothing happened.
"You got yourself tossed in that room dude- you sure you're alright?" SMG4 felt distracted by looking at his 'friend' from top to bottom.
He had his hair up in a bun, (honestly- when did he missed out the part he had long hair?) His looks are still the same but it came out more handsome than the last time he saw him without a hat on, his dark purple silk suit that the light reflects on the shades, he was wearing a different gloves that has the usual roman numeral but with white color text with black gloves filled.
His magenta necktie, his long black pants, shining clean black shoes that exposed from his view. Since WHEN did SMG3 became this more of a neat character to get so- well dressed...?
Or its just four not knowing how fashion works-
"Yeah I'm hurt a little bit but I'll be fine-" he gave him a nervous chuckle, not wanting three to feel worried of him. SMG3 wanted to speak about this but he didn't find the urge to do so. Now that his soft spot might reveal a bit too much.
"You got invited too huh?" SMG3 nodded. "I uhh- couldn't find a decent partner to pair up with... not even when I enjoy less party talks yet I still come here..." He looked at the other of the members who are currently talking with the other people.
"You haven't- found a pair yet?" SMG4 asked again, he wondered why Three even came here despite knowing that he hates occassional events except for evil villain anniversaries or such as getting paid.
But for just this time, he attended anyway. "No I haven't... thats why I'm asking several of the people here- but they all already found one..." SMG3 hugged his stomach, the felt of discomfort attempting on asking for someone to be his partner and didn't work out too well when you're bad at talking in public.
More as of being socially awkward to people that gave out his anxiety... but to SMG4 however, he felt safe to be around with yet he wasnt even sure why.
His ex rival just felt too safe to be with, he didnt have complains for that. It felt nice...
Because he'd never felt needed by any other people from his life...
SMG4 is unsure at this state he's on with, he struggled and hesitated to put out the words of apologizing. He wasn't used to this type of sensitive talk.
"I also haven't found mine yet-" he started to stare at those red crimson eyes... "do you... want to be partners with me instead?" Out of the ordinary, SMG3's face lit up after hearing SMG4 say that.
Did he just hear this right. Is it actually true that Four is asking him out to be his... his... HIS... he turned red second by second.
"I-I uhh... Yeah sure whatever- just try not to mess things up- you baka..." the blue held out his hand for three to grab on, as four smiled still with three on being a tsundere. It never gets old.
Three accepted, embracing his left hand with four colliding in. With now both fingers interlocked, that was purposely done by SMG4.
"Dude- are you TRYING to make things look even more gayer?" SMG3 looked down at both of the hands then back to the man himself.
"Just- incase..." SMG4 pouted, he couldn't come up with a reason. He did this on purpose and he'd been making it a bit more awkward with this between just him and three.
The chattering went low as the host made his way out of the door and welcomed everyone.
"Welcome to the square plaza everyone! We are so excited to gather you all for our occasional prom! Now go out there and get yourself started!"
He offered to everyone by stepping aside from the open door, being a gentleman to let everyone inside.
"Well... here it goes..." SMG4 walked forward as Three followed a few steps near, little did four know is that Three kept glancing at their interlocked hands together thinking the forms of something special...
Something... something that also made SMG4 feel the same but more tensed...
SMG4 couldn't process much of the things that are currently happening to him right now. Why has this have to go very wrong yet right at the same time? Why did he have to come even tho he didn't want to?
He'd started to overthink with all of his actions that he had made. In regret...
(Why did I even came here... I should've stayed at the castle...) He clinched the hand even tighter, holding Three's.
But it had made him thought, for any other reasons it somehow made him feel glad that he was there.
"Good evening everyone! We are all gathered here for a special event- aka prom." The other host guestured their hand with the obvious sign.
"The dance will begin at 7pm, just to say you can go talk to any other people here or have some snacks while everyone enjoys their stay!" The microphone turns off, entering a soothing audio played in the background.
-A Night To Remember by beabadoobee & Laufey-
The man in purple looked at the sparkling chandelier placed right on top of the ceiling the lights that glimmered through the glass.
Swore I'd seen you before
Within the atmosphere flowing through the colors of pink, red, and purple. Mixtures of blue, the colors fading through the room.
Watched you walk through the door
The beam of light, shining across Four's face with an escape of the light. Reflecting through his blue colored eyes that took notice of the red ones.
Somethin' in your eye
Reminded me of somebody I used to know
Damn... SMG4 looked glorious... he hated that...
Three's eyes happen to gaze upon to Four's with the room surrounded by the soft sounds, they both met each others eyes.
You touched my back
I took your hand
Somethin' from your touch felt shockingly familiar
He didn't know what that feeling was, it just felt right for him to do. If this would only be only focused to him, where would his thoughts go?
And I swore I'd seen you before
Oh, I swore I'd seen you before...
They both felt so lost, but being there together with him?
Underneath the sheets
You enchanted me
And whispered sweet nothings in my ear
It felt romantic...
I shivered beneath you
All wrapped up in embers
It was a night... to remem-
"Is it just me or are you both staring goo goo eyes at each other thats super gay-" The fat italian called them both out ruinimg their silence.
"SHUT UP YOU ASS" SMG3 looked at Mario annoyed, he who had ruined their moment. "We're not gay!" SMG4 cried out loud, with the crowd bringing their attention from his scream. He smiled to fill out the apology trying his best not to disrupt them.
SMG4 turned his head back to Mario and eyed Three. "It seemed like it-" he shrugged his shoulder, drinking an orange juice from the cup.
"Look you idiot- I came here to get over with the party. I'm not saying I'm a party pooper in this, I was only trying to..." he gave a pregnant pause after realizing that he had almost revealed his words to him.
"To- uh- not miss out on the occassions and stuff..." his eyes darted towards Mario after he shot up his eyes with Four.
He checked the time...
6:55 pm
Almost seven o-clock before the dance begins, and just being in there with him... it felt like time passes by too quickly by seconds...
"Oh! I think I should go now- Mario wishes you two gay boys goodluck!" He puts a thumbs up to the both of them and headed to Bob's direction.
The two looked at each other in disbelief, had they both been staring too long? Did the song dragged them away into this...?
How can this be?
SMG4 is unsure, he was too scared about this feeling. Little does he know is that Three also scattered with the same thing as well...
End of Chapter 1...
Previous Chapter - Prologue
Next Chapter - Sway me More [PENDING...]
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Their reactions to seeing them shipped (Bungo Stray Dog addition)
Ft: Soukoku, Shin Soukoku (afternotes: there was a mistake in the age calculations due to stupidity so just uhh ignore), FyoLai, FyoZai, RanPoe, SigZai Tw: A bit of swearing and mentions of sex but otherwise, none
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"The slug??? The slug????" Dazai caught his head with his hand, shamefully covering the upper part of his head. He looks to Chuuyas direction, clearly disgausted. "Out of all the options available, y'all chose him??"
"Don't yap around like you're any better." The ginger scoffs. "I should be the one cursing the lord for being portrayed as even remotely interested in your ass."
"What do people even see in us? Clearly I deserve someone who can at least hold their liquor within at least the first 5 minutes." he fans the air.
"Don't give me that shit. A 7 year partnership with somebody isn't gonna turn into gay love, and that's not even considering the fact that I've repeatedly mentioned how badly I want to strangle this bandage fuck-"
"Actually" Dazai inturrupts with a finger raised. "It does occasionally end in gay sex. Just sayin'"
Chuuyas brows flutter. "PICK A SIDE WOULDYA??"
"I'm JUST stating out the truth"
"You mother-"
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"Did I just hear that correctly??" the clown gasps dramatically, holding onto the shoulder of the man beside him with a gigantic smile. "People think we have a romantic relationship, Dos!!! How adorbs is that??"
Dostoevsky seems to not pay his deepest attention to the matter. "Oh. That so. How fantastic"
Gogol turns to the side with a finger by his chin. "I wonder what they say about us?? And all the fake stories they write of our relationship! How exciting, how exciting! This has just made my day, no, my month!!" he giggles.
Dostoevsky looks up. "Oh, good for you."
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"Ohhhhhhhhh god. Nevermind what I said about Chuuya" Dazai shook his head in dismay. "Do I look like I'm remotely interested in a showerless-rat??"
"How foolish." the 'showerless-rat' in question replies. "I suppose I've heard worse in my life. But to come to such conclusion is utterly ridiculous and mindless."
Dazai is still shaking his head, unable to keep eye contact with Dostoevsky. "Couldn't these people pick a more tasteful person? I mean I wouldn't mind if I were to be paired at Kunikida at least."
(Dostoevsky has left the chat)
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"It's... flattering?..." the novelist mutters. "It's weird but... I don't mind it I guess?" The uncertainty in his voice was clear.
He looks to Ranpo, who doesn't seem to be paying attention. "Ranpo? Are you gonna say anything or..."
"Huh? Oh" He looks up to the man. "I like it."
"Y-you do?"
"Well yeah. You're always providing me with the most free snacks out of all the people in the Agency. Hey by the way" He cocks his head. "Why don't you show me that novel you were talking about? It has something to do with powdered donuts right?"
"Well... I didn't write it but... since that person gave it to me... you can read it... I haven't read it yet so..."
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"Romantic...? With....Dazai?"
"Well isn't that an upgrade." Dazai tosses his head.
"Well, when I say a tasteful person, I suppose Sigma would certainly fit the bill."
"Uhm, no, no, no????" The manager denies. "I do not... wish to be a part of this?? Who is the one that makes this statement??"
"It's not a someone. It's the internet, a community of a kind, something that I reccomend you to stay away from"
"I am aware of what the internet is" Sigma says. "I just don't get it?? What romance is there between us? Had I just not noticed?"
"Oh believe me, you don't need that in order to have people create a ship for us"
Sigma raises an eyebrow. "A ship? They built a ship for us?" he questions, thinking of the boat kind of ship. "Why does that have anything to do with all this??"
"Oh Sigma."
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scaredgirlsilly · 4 months
another short story about gay trans people except they are monsters or whagever ::3
You walk down the street, keenly aware of everyone staring at your monstrous features. Too many eyes, too sharp of teeth, ghoulish skin, you just wish you could dissapear. Everyones looking, surely. You can feel their glares as you hobble past, hear the whispers under their breath. You wonder what they are saying about you, wonder what they are thinking about you.
You dont have the heart to look at any of them, you just keep your eyes glued to the sidewalk, only glancing up to see that your path is clear. Just keep walking, just keep walking. You're almost there. It'll be over soon.
As you glance up, something catches your eye, though. Or... more like some*one*.
Through the huddled mass of people that are making sure to keep their distance, you see horns poke out, far above everyones heads. Looking down you see large red triangular ears, red fur across their 3 eyed face, and a long snout. Their arms resting at their side as they walk, you see a third arm poke out to scratch their knotted fur on top of their head as they yawn, revealing several rows of teeth within their enourmous maw.
They're the most beautiful creature you've ever seen.
And they turn to look at you, and they meet your eyes.
You immediately turn away, horrified that
you were caught gawking, and start walking in another direction, *any* direction, just to get away from your social fuck up. You know what its like to always have eyes on you, you know how awful it is to always be seen, to always be judged. You should have known better, should have just given them the privacy they deserve. Gods you really hope they don't think you were judging them. They were just so... so... pret-
A hand grabs your arm, scaring you out of your thoughts, before you whip your head around to see none other than the beautiful monster you saw earlier.
"Hey..." they say, trailing off. You just kind of stare at her, waiting for her to continue, for her to chastise you for staring earlier. Gods you're so stupid!! How could you be so-
"What's your name?" And just like that, their voice brings you back down from your spiraling thoughts.
"T- Thalia..." you say, barely able to squeak it out through your nervous, shaky voice.
"That is a really pretty name Thalia," their voice is so kind, that little compliment almost makes you feel like your high. "Mine's Chelsea. Do you live around here?"
"Uhh... Yeah I- I just live around the block that way. I was just walkin to the store for some snacks."
"Oooo!! Oh em gee what snacks?"
"Uhhhh..." They seem so genuinely interested, its almost throwing you off. Why you? "Probably just some chips or cereal or... Somethin'. Nothin' too special..."
"Oooo hell yeah thats awesome. One of my favorite snacks to get is these little like... You know the lil' nerd candies?" You nod. "Yeah its like lil gummies *covered* in those nerds, they are *so fucking good*!! If i see a bag of those I *literally* can't stop myself from eating them"
"Woah hehe," you chuckle. Theyre just talking about snacks but they're just so... Excitable. You almost can't help but smile. "Yeah I'll... I'll have to see if they have some."
"Hell yeah. You won't regret it. Here I work over at the lil coffee shop down there, I'm off work in about an hour cause I'm on break right now, how about you swing by and I can hook you up with a free drink and, you know, if you want to, maybe after we could hang out some more cause you seem cool!!" she says, before leaning closer and adding, "And us monsters gotta stick together, you know?"
You almost can't take it. This is all too much. You just sit there for a moment in stunned silence, blinking at them, before realizing you should probably say fucking *something* so you don't creep them out.
"Oh uhh... Yeah that- that sound amazing! I'd love that."
"Hell yeah awesome!! This is so cool oh em gee I made a new friend!!" They giggle, making your heart jump out of your chest. How the fuck can one person be this cute!! "Ok well you have fun getting your snacks and I will see you in just a little bit!!"
With that, they start walking away, still facing you, and start to wave.
"Bye Thalia!!!!"
"Bye Chelsea," you wave back, probably too quiet for them to hear since you are still recoiling from how bizzare that was. Luckily, all your normal self depricating thoughts are being drowned out by just how infectiously amazing they were.
You finish your walk to the store, head held higher than usual, and a dumb, gay smile plastered all over your face the whole way. You also make sure to pick up those gummy things they were talking about. Maybe you'll be able to share them later. You're sure they'll love that.
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Come meet your viking!
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Wanted to update my intro post, so here goes nothin'!
Hey y'all, I'm Magnus! Gay trans guy (he/him) in my mid 20s. Autistic.
I began this blog ages ago, though I don't recall how long it's been around because time is a vortex and I'm too busy to count anymore. Anyway!
This blog is a place for anything Asatru and viking related. It's important to know that Asatru is an open practice, meaning all are welcome. And I mean ALL folks! Feel free to ask religious questions and advice, but know that Asatru is an individually practiced religion, and therefore nobody is an ordained professional, and I by no means consider myself an expert or professional on any level. I'm just some guy with a blog. That's it.
My Asatru journey began as a kid, at 15 years old, namely when I tried to call for some deity out there who'd answer my biggest questions about who I am and why I felt like a boy if I was a girl. Jesus sure didn't give me an answer, not after many years of asking, but when I reached out to Odin, terrified to stray from the religious path my parents set me on, I got my answer nearly immediately.
I came out as me. And my parents accept that, support me, and still help me to this day almost a decade later!
I find it comedic because I've tried to work with the Æsir and Vanir both, but traditionally Vanir worship was for more feminine folk, and Æsir worship for the masculine. I've been the rough and tough guy for as long as I can remember, always playing videogames that boys my age as a kid played, doing MMA, and all my clothes were from the boy's section. I thrive on my masculinity. And needless to say as a result, my Vanir worship has NEVER gone well. At all. But my Æsir worship? Yeah that's always yielded results and been helpful to me. So uhh... even the gods know I'm a man!! ;)
Know that on this blog, absolute zero bigotry or hate in any form will be tolerated. That means no misogyny, no misandry, no transmisogyny or transmisandry, no hate, no racism, no sexism, no religious oppression for any religion, no hate for the innocent whatsoever, no anti-feminism and no radical feminism especially trans-exclusionary (TERF). Any instances I find in reblogs, comments, asks, DMs, etc. will result in immediate bans without warning.
So! That's about it for the blog part! Love y'all, and I hope you enjoy the place!
Some cool things about me below the cut!
I'm an author! I've got 2 published books in paperback currently, with a third in the works being posted by weekly chapters on my Substack. Most of my works are high fantasy and space fantasy, but I never do any writing outside the fantasy and sci-fi umbrellas. I'm big on writing queer male stories, featuring men of adult age loving other adult men, but all characters in my writing regardless of gender or lack thereof, are assumed queer unless I state otherwise.
I'm unable to attend college for health reasons, but I plan to return when/if I'm able, and get a degree in ethics! I am HUGE on ethical practices in every aspect, love debating morality and ethics, I've studied the subject quite intensely over the 6 years I was in college, and it's been my passion besides creative writing, which I don't need a degree to do, but I will need certification if I wish to become a professional ethicist! So that'll be my degree someday, Odin and Tyr be willing! My experiences with transphobia, homophobia, and having grown up with a majority of my friends being Jewish and Islamic, has inspired me to fight for equal rights, safety, acceptance, wellbeing, opportunities, and freedoms for every single human being worldwide. I wish to someday leave this world better than when I arrived for all who have to keep going after me.
Before disability, I did MMA for 13 years. I had 2 teachers, but they split apart early on, and I stuck with the one. I'm still in contact with both! Seeing as I'm better now with my pain, I'm going next summer to join the local martial arts school by the other former teacher.
If you ever find me at a renfaire, you'll know me when you find the tiniest little beefcake guy dressed in furs and plate armor (I'm less than 5ft/150cm tall).
My absolute favorite type of music is metal. All types of metal! Mainly power, symphonic, folk, and death are what I listen to!
Favorite medias are: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, D&D, Gravity Falls, Destiny, The Elder Scrolls, Transformers, Futurama, Pokémon, and anything Lego
I have an insanely huge cat who is my son. His name is Patron, said like the tequila, and as of September 2024 he's 17.6lbs of man. Here's a video of me and him for scale.
Feel free to ask about my cat son. Please ask about my cat son. I love him. He loves hugs and snuggles. I could write a whole novel on him if I had time. Patron is my whole world and life.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Angel Dust: "How come Niffty put ME in the angel kill on sight group and not YOU, toots?!"
Vaggie: "No idea. Maybe she just likes me better?"
Vaggie: "Or uh, likes you better. So much she want's to stab you."
Angel Dust: "Niff- DOWN! Sheesh! Go look to ya right- go get Vag-gay over there!"
Niffty: (giggling) "ANGEL STAB! ANGEL STAB!!!"
Angel Dust: "GEEZE! Like sure my name's Angel an' whatever, but I ain't an angel?? I don't even got the wings for it! YOU look jus' like an extra bitch with your wings and eye so what the fuck! What gives!!"
Vaggie: "Wow... That's, actually a good question, Angel Dust."
Vaggie: "Hey Niffty? Why are you hunting him and not me?"
Niffty: "Charlie told me not to~"
Vaggie: "She told you not to... what?"
Niffty: "Hunt you like an ANGEL! Because of the TRAUMA, right??"
Vaggie: "Uhh, the-"
Niffty: "You're already SUFFERING and if I stabbed YOU for being an angel you'd just feel lame and sad and boooo like you deserved it even though you don't. BLEGH!" (pouts) (sticks out tongue) "Boooooring!"
Vaggie: "Yeah?" (smiling) "Charlie said that, huh."
Niffty: "She's so nice~ She didn't want me to waste my time~"
Vaggie: "Yeah. She. She really is the nicest person ever."
Niffty: (SIGH) "I guess you two match. You're not a very good BAD GIRL are you? Even with having been an exorcist! What a WASTE!"
Charlie: (hugging gf from behind) "I know right? I love hugging her around the middle! She has a very lovely everything!"
Niffty: "NO!!!! NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
Vaggie: "Waste as in wasted bad girl potential, babe, not hug zones."
Charlie: "Oh!"
Niffty: "A tragedy." (heaves sigh) "Oh well..."
Niffty: (turns) (lifts knife) (Grins) "Ohhhh Angellll Dusssst~"
Angel Dust: (SCREAMING)
Vaggie: (softly) "Charlie..?"
Charlie: "I don't think she can really reach him up there... Hm?"
Vaggie: "Thanks. The... the angel thing..."
Charlie: "Shhh." (squeezes) "You are NOT the stabable kind of angel. Even Niffty gets that. See?"
Chaggie: (watches a gleeful knife waving niffty bouncing around under a terrified and dangling angel dust)
Charlie: ".... um."
Vaggie: "Damn she's catching air."
Charlie: "And Angel Dust's grip is a bit less than I thought it'd be. Do you think you should maaaaybe use your pretty angel wings to save him?"
Vaggie: "Fuck no. Let Husk do it."
Charlie: "Husk??? Why would Husk be the one to-"
Vaggie: (pats charlie's hand) "You've got your ships babe and I've got mine."
Charlie: "Oh please- I kow you think Pentious being sweet on Cherri is cute too! I've HEARD you give him tips!"
Vaggie: "Those? Just survival tactics."
Charlie: "More like how to survive liking a girl tactics."
Vaggie: "Well I guess me and you are in the same boat there anyway... Aren't we?"
Charlie: "A ship not a boat and always, Vaggie. Always."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "So where's his Husk in shining armor?"
Vaggie: "Sloshed armor. I never said it was a good otp, sweetie."
Charlie: "I'll check the bar. You?"
Vaggie: "Will make sure Angel Dust doesn't end the night with more holes than he started with."
Charlie: "I'm gonna miss hugging you the entire time I'm gone~"
Vaggie: "Me too. Hurry or I'll leave our porn star to his fate."
Niffty: "You FIRST!!! MUWAHAHAH!"
Charlie: (slowly letting go) "The things we do for our friends..."
Vaggie: "Hey, look on the bright side. We can have another heartfelt make out session once we're meet back up again."
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rapunzelforlorn · 10 months
Nick is so brave introducing Charlie to his dad
Two more years of high school?? I thought Nick was like a junior
Seeing the style on Nick's face, meeting his dad already seems difficult but he wanted to tell him about Charlie so bad
Are they playing find Waldo?
I love that the boys & girls had the same reaction to E&T's kiss
Sneaking around the hotel 🙈
Issac looks left out 🥺
Everyone sneaking to smooch town
Charlie needs to listen to Nick
Ajayi is trying his charms
Faruk IS gay!!
Clocked him 👀👀👀
"You flirting with me?"
Oh, happy birthday Tara
Imogen being part of the gang makes me so happy
Isaac is in book heaven
Charlie's a little hoodie thief
"I'm just recharging" - Nick 💜
There's a lot of underage drinking for a relatively wholesome show
Why isn't Isaac with James???
Who the FUCK let Ben in?
Kiss the boy Isaac
Paris is so gay 🏳️‍🌈
Hey babe let's go to a party just to escape it and enjoy each other's company, that's Nick & Charlie's relationship
Harry is trying...I think genuinely
But I'm pissed Ben is there much his church ass out too
Tao is always a ham
Who is this sour ass, shaved head ass, biiiiitch bringing down the vibe of the party??? Uhh...kid 1 that's who! Not even relevant enough for a name
Ben's bitch ass shouldn't have been there
Nick is a boss! And bi, actually
Why did they ruin to the teachers and not the bathroom if she was gonna get sick
Not sure if I want to be carried or carry someone like Nick "strong man" Nelson
Sharing a bed, how scandalous 😏
The revenge of the hicky
Oh Nick is so sweet & innocent, despite the hicky allegations
Darcy is having a time
Teachers getting scandalous now too 🙈🙈
Nick seems so bummed not noticing or maybe not talking to Charlie sooner about eating habits
Go Elle!!
Tao's mom is great we love supportive mothers
Nick's mom fucking ROASTING David
Tori better go to this dinner party too
Congrats Elle!
What's with the purple smog at Darcy's?
Isaac seems off
Will Ben just FUCK OFF!!!
No matching suits?? Outrageous!!
Darcy doesn't have a good home life did she 😒
Issac actually ACE?
Fucking slay Elle 😍😍😍
Tao is so bad with change
Clocked Isaac
So glad he met someone to explain it to him
Imogen is trying, really
Prom is tomorrow?!?!
Elle's art 💜💜
Tao maturing
Ben is stalking now???
Don't make us feel bad for Ben, fuck him
Oh so he's ALWAYS been a predator
I'm here for you "mate"
Tori in the house!!
Fuck David!!
NICK 🥺💜🥺💜
Stephane 👀 no, no Stephane
He's always got mom
Tori's about to go away for murder if David doesn't shut the fuck up
Charlie's mom cares, just wants him to do well
Nick is always so proactive with the Google machine
Oh Darc ☹️
No way this man woke up and didn't have his phone on a charger
The (I'm bi, actually) ig post 💗💜💙
The ig comments 🤢
Everything's prefect except you aren't eating Charlie boy
And they were official T&E
Tara sending out the prom SOS
The squad rolling up
That's a waste of paint
Coach wingmate
Nick opening up to Tao about Charlie
Tao opening up to Nick 🥺
Charlie needs to open up
They look so good for prom!!
I miss prom
Charlie's little prom fantasy was so cute
Darcy needs some help
Isaac is also on the struggle bus
Elle's dad, is exactly what I hoped
She always looks stunning 🤩🤩
They all look so great!!
Why did Sahar bring a guitar?
I want to believe Henry is trying
The rugby mates for sure are trying
Nick giving Tara advice that's actually for himself too
Oh she's in the band
I wish my school put this much effort into prom
These high schoolers are having so much growth
Tori at prom too 🥳
"That night in Paris..."
"Next time 😉"
Is Imogen...bi?
Neither can dance? I doubt that
Oh no 😨 Tara went to Darcy's
Her mom's such a bitch!!!!!
Sit down at Nick's
Big group hug 💜
Poor Darcy 🥺
We love disasters
Playing pong with normal cups 😂
Isaac looks so much happier knowing who he is
Best Team Player 🏆
Charlie 😭😭
"Promise to tell me, if it ever gets that bad again? "
Just hold hands through it all 💜💜
"I love..."
Gets me everytime Charlie gets on his tippy toes to kiss Nick
Wait...have they not said I love you too each other??
What a cliff hanger!!
Were both ready for season 3 😁
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sinsandsuccubus · 2 years
#Married - Meet the Harlow’s
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Liked by lizzo, softcurse, heavyhitterheaux, mortirolo, claybornharlow and 1,400,656 others
y/ninstagramname: He gave me the best view
jackharlow: anything for you mamas
lizzo: I want a Jack Harlow, he got a brother or something?
y/ninstagramname: A younger one @ lizzo
claybornharlow: Hey @ lizzo
jackharlow: @ claybornharlow @ lizzo, not in my comment section
y/ninstagramname: this is my comment section @ jackharlow
jackharlow: well, you're mine so @ y/ninstagramname
urbanwyatt: y’all disgust me
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Liked by urbanwyatt and others
jackharlow: She's my best view
urbanwyatt: Y'all are so whipped for each other, its disgusting
druski: if Jack ever does you dirty, you know where to find me.
jackharlow: @ druski, I think the fuck not
lilnasx: @ druski, you could never. if anything, i'd get y/n first
druski: @ lilnasx, you're gay
lilnasx: @ druski, thats the point
y/ninstagramname: love you pooki
jackharlow: @ y/ninstagramname, love you more stinkabutt
druski: @ y/ninstagramname @ jackharlow, eww
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Liked by softcurse, theshaderoom, heavyhitterheaux, mortirolo, jackharlow and 3,580,467 others
y/ninstagramname: He liked it, so he put a ring on it
jackharlow: damn right I did
heavyhitterheaux: PERIOD! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU BIG SIS!
y/ninstagramname: Thank you my precious @ heavyhitterheaux
softcurse: I'd better be a bridesmaid
mortirolo: me too
y/ninstagramname: y'all already know @ softcurse @ mortirolo
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Liked by jackharlowstitties and others
theshaderoom: It's official! Jack Harlow and Y/F/N Y/L/N are engaged! @ jackharlow @ y/ninstagramname
y/nsource: we can't have shit in this house, can we?!
jackharlowsource: @ y/nsource, I can agree with you on that. I swear, these motherfuckers be everywhere
jacksleftnipple: y'all gotta be legit spies or something. They got engaged last night, where the fuck did this photo come from?
allabouty/n: I'm appalled. The ring ain’t even the same
y/ninstagramname: our source accounts are so amazing
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Liked by dojacat, urbanwyatt, theestallion, 2forwoyne, jackharlow and 4,996,222 others
y/ninstagramname: To my love, together and forever.
urbanwyatt: It took Jack foreverrrr
jackharlow: It did not @ urbanwyatt
urbanwyatt: 2 years @ jackharlow
jackharlow: your point? @ urbanwyatt
urbanwyatt: that's not including dating. That's just how long it took you. @ jackharlow
claybornharlow: welcome to the family sis
y/ninstagramname: thank you lil bro @ claybornharlow
neelamthadhani: congratulations to you both, now it's time for you to get back to work @ jackharlow
jackharlow: um, no @ neelamthadhani
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Liked by y/ninstagramname and others jackharlow: No one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with
lilnasx: looks like our fun times have come to an end
champagnepapi: congratulations my man, bagged a good one
urbanwyatt: proud of you brother
y/ninstagramname: love you baby @ jackharlow
maggieharlow: look at my beautiful children!
y/ninstagramname: love you momma harlow @ maggieharlow
maggieharlow: love you more @ y/ninstagramname, now, next thing on the list is grandbabies
jackharlow: too soon mom, too soon @ maggieharlow
y/ninstagramname: uHH
druski: @ y/ninstagramname, what I said about hittin me up still applies
jackharlow: stop tryna steal my wife @ druski
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cosmotiquecore · 5 months
hi gang welcome to my concept ramble 😭 this will mostly consist of information about who the star strikers are, what we do, some lore, etc. not much today!!
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what are the star strikers?
the star strikers are a full unit of heroes split into 2 subunits with 4 people each: stellium axis and soul retribution. together, we're star strikers: stellium retribution. we were created from the goddess of the stars, asteria. she created 2 comets to send to earth after she was captured by her evil sister, umbra. she sent these 2 comets filled with crystals to transform us into star strikers with aldrin, her brother, and obscuura, umbra's oldest child who betrayed her evil hand, to earth. aldrin and obscuura found a magical agency called astronomical agents of the universe (AAOTU for short) and convinced the ceo, alejandro, to help find 8 heroes who'd help rescue asteria.
who are the star strikers?
star strikers are split into two categories: organic and artificial. organic star strikers are what i and my primary teammates are: we transform with the help of asteria's crystal. artificial star strikers are created by AAOTU with the help of the coding in our transformation devices. they don't have the help of asteria.
then, we're split into subunits. star strikers is the unit, then the categories, then the teams we're in are subunits of those categories. my teammates, organic star strikers, are split into stellium axis and soul retribution. together we make stellium retribution. i'm in stellium axis.
underneath the artificial unit, we have mono//scale and crystal of consciousness, as well as a solo star striker ((who's actually my f/o but i'll get into that later)). artificial unit may grow as we're almost always recruiting those with magical potential or background to help save asteria.
stellium axis
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stellium axis is the first organic star strikers unit formed. we're based off of something called a stellium axis, a group of birthmarks creating a constellation. this phenomenon is said to give a magical fate to the holder.
atlas enriquez-evergreen (19, he/him) -> our leader and braincell #1. he's the son of alejandro enriquez, the ceo of AAOTU. he was destined for great things, like being an asshole and being our team leader. he's pretty monotone in his voice and reactions, not easily reactant to surprises or revelations. his stellium axis is delphinius, located on his right arm. his rep animal is a bottlenose dolphin, his theme color is teal, and he transforms into star striker apollo, the luster of intellegence!
bryan heo (16, he/they/any) -> also known as shitlord bryan, this is the guy who believes he has a spiritual connection to jiwon from cherry bullet. he's our battery- always energized and ready to push the group into chaos. he can get a little too excited sometimes, but that's not to say they're an absolute sweetheart. he makes fnf mods in his spare time (and honestly they're kinda MID!!!!) his stellium axis is bufo, located on his left shoulder. his rep animal is a frog, their theme color is green, and they transform into star striker beatrix, the radiance of kindness!
georgialaxy stellaris (16, any prns) -> hey guys it's ME!!! the one who has like 5000 names!!! anyways, if you want to read more about me, check out my mp staff intro! but to put it short, uhh i like kpop, i don't take shit from anyone, i did ur mom last night, and i'm the only physically disabled member of organic star strikers (fun fact)! my stellium axis is cassiopeia, located on my right cheek. my rep animal is a sand cat, my theme color is pink, and i transform into star striker cosmotique, the spark of creativity!
ian gresill (19, he/she) -> plot twist: this bigender fellow is actually obscuura! entire lore about aldrin turning obscuura into a human (ian) to hide from his evil mom but we can always talk about that later. ian holds braincell #2 of stellium axis, and is totally very gay for atlas. she's also our free personal stylist. also our peacemaker and bryan's safety net. his stellium axis is leo, located on his chest. his rep animal is a ladybug, his theme color is red, and he transforms into star striker erebus, the courier of strength!
soul retribution
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soul retribution is the second organic subunit of star strikers. the cool thing about these guys are they're all from undertale games (or are just ocs i grabbed from my friends who i think would be cool to manifest). they each have representative soul traits.
clover baum (16, they/he) -> CLOVER FROM UNDERTALE YELLOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!?!? anyways uh clover's the youngest organic star striker, right behind bryan! they're a strong wielder of justice, and is morally grey, using their emotions to cast judgement among those who've done wrong. they have immense good luck. they represent the soul of justice. their representative animal is a dog, their theme color is yellow, and they transform into star striker calypso, the enforcer of justice!
axel moore (20, he/him) -> axel's one of my friends's bravery ocs that i kind of consider canon (so sorry undertale orange creators). he has two ideal careers: boxer and... fisherman??? that's right- his dad's a pretty well known fisherman so he learned a tip or two from the fishing hobbyist himself. he's the energizer of SR, also regarded as bryan's older brother. he also has balls of steel being the bravery soul. his representative animal is a tiger, his theme color is orange, and he transforms into star striker perseus, the envoy of bravery!
mel quinn (20, she/her) -> mel from kindred spirits!! dating ray, she's the mother of the group, and an experienced ballerina who had to formerly abandon her hometown due to Capitalism and Joe Biden. she loves everyone and is hard to dislike. she treats everyone with respect and even if you don't like her, she is still filled with integrity throughout. her representative animal is a swan, her theme color is blue, and she transforms into star striker nebulae, the envelop of integrity!
ray martin (22, he/him) -> ray's one of my friends's perseverance ocs that i also consider canon (so sorry batty). dating mel, ray's the father of the group and.. to everyone else, he is a jerk. it's a mystery to anyone but us as to how he became a star striker. ray has a superiority complex and is unable to humble himself easily as he's acted like this since escaping the womb obby. despite often downgrading everyone, it's a secret as to how ray truly feels about himself. he's known to persevere throughout even the toughtest struggles. his representative animal is an owl, his theme color is purple, and he transforms into star striker xenon, the essense of perseverance!
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8 shining lights together as one, here we come! star strikers stellium retribution YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok anyways
i'll likely introduce the artificial star strikers in another post. these are the main 8 and the basics about them!!
what are we doing?
we're doing mainly 3 things:
save asteria from gay baby jail, aka rescue her from umbra who captured her out of jealousy.
protect AX1S, a plane of existence between reality and dreaming that houses pixii, creatures bonded to human SOULs (everyone has one, including those outside of soul retribution) but was locked away after umbra captured asteria.
protect everyones hopes and dreams of COURSE what are we the star standers?????!?!?!
anyways, those are the basics of my concept!! hope you guys learned something, and are excited for what's to come soon!
see you guys later :)
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calebwittebane · 4 months
but yeah thank you for enjoying Leigh Stasik The Cannibal Postfighter (gender neutral form of postman) And Her Wacky New Vegas Journey. glad to have shared it with you. but now, heres the thing. i find that the independent route in particular really really suffered from the game ending up somewhat unfinished and with a lot of cut content and reduced factions. the whole "chaos ensued, everyone was on their own, until shit finally calmed down thanks to the securitrons" - well i dont think its good enough. like ive mentioned before, in my head there exists a better version of the independent new vegas route, and the basis of it is properly uniting various scattered factions to form a coalition of support, respect, and building a better future. those are (putting shit under a readmore cuz i ended up rambling a lot):
- the followers of the apocalypse, obviously. i actually think its odd that when you talk to julie farkas right before hoover dam, shes like >_> uhh why should i support an independent new vegas, new vegas is so sucks with how all the poor people get locked outside with so few resources... girl?? like this has to have been a very haphazard way to patch the whole 'this was supposed to be a major faction' thing but like. new vegas isnt just the strip... new vegas is the strip, freeside, outer vegas (westside et al), all those semi-populated areas around it, and by all account all territory east of the red rock canyon, west of the colorado river, south of the northern passage, and north of the mojave outpost, which I'm Told is on the border between the new vegas territory and the ncr LUL... and besides, obviously ncr and the legion and mr house are not options with any intent of dismantling the inequality. like i think the response was meant to specifically regard a scenario where the courier just ends up holed up in the strip with all the securitrons, without making any effort to ally themselves with local factions, and without any regard for the people... but again, I Am Not Satisfied With That. girl i got the idolized reputation and then joined the followers For A Reason..... im too lazy to check but does she have something else to say if you have a very high reputation in freeside? oh well WOTEVER. the followers of the apocalypse. theyre part of this.
- the kings. also somewhat obvious. they caare about freeside... i think given more resources and without the ncr crawling about annoying them they can really start to improve things and keep the place reasonably peaceful. The Local Elvis Impersonator And Gay Ass Greaser Community Government
- the outer vegas, especially westside. it really is great that theyve got their own co-op farms and a militia protecting them, and now imagine what itd be like if they werent being pushed away into a small run-down area with shit falling apart and very little land to cultivate. hey guys all this farmland south from freeside that the ncr had been hogging? When We Join Forces, It Is Ours, Meaning Its Yours. the water infrastructure, the crops, the storage. now were gonna need more engineers to keep up with maintenance but heres the thing: the ncr had been snatching up all locals with any kinda engineering know-how to help with Their infrastructure, but now theyre not here anymore. theres Plenty of repair people, handyfighters (gender neutral form of handyman), engineers and so on, scattered all over mojave, some of them doing fuckall, and much more people that could be taught such things and contribute. we can get shit running smoothly and im not just talking about the irrigation systems and so on. with the helios one fully operational and sending power to freeside and outer vegas, with greatly improved freedom of movement... girls we can get it all running. also! the sewer network? can we talk about the robust sewer network and the people just straight up people living in there underground. baby, we can make that a good place to live. rent free of course. and it could be used for transportation, too! guys... we are tapping into this potential. and we are gonna vastly reduce stink and smell levels, to help prevent the spread of disease. actually yeah theres a lot that could be done just by improving the hygiene around here, now that the ncr isnt hoarding all the water. less stink and smell, less disease, better access to medical care... oh baby!
- jacobstown! i was actually Elated to see the ending slide saying dr henry found the cure for the nightkin. the ncr were largely responsible for exacerbating distrust of the super mutants and trying to cause hostility, and without them around... i believe Peace And Friendship with the rest of new vegas is possible. of course i imagine many would prefer to stay in jacobstown, what with it being The Super Mutant Establishment And Safe Haven, but yknow. i bet many would like to go out there and live among people. like that guard in westside. imagine the possibilities. education and opportunities would be provided, distrust mended. hell, black mountain could also be a peaceful super mutant establishment, with treatment provided to the nightkin living there, and neil taking on a marcus type role there. the area would need a Lot of work, but hey, with super mutants no longer being pushed to the absolute furthest margins of society, i believe a lot can be achieved.
- yes man and the securitrons obviously. Now. i really dont care for making them the sort of aggressive militaristic police force that mr house wanted them to be. i believe, of course, in using them as a sheer Force against the legion and the ncr, to drive them away and keep them away, and to protect the continued independence of the region. i also think that early on they might be necessary in kind of temporarily filling in the gaps left behind by the ncr, to prevent chaos and aid in a smoother reorganization wherever theres not enough people to run things. there are many good ways for securitrons to contribute, and indeed this is true of all sorts of robots that used to languish in old factory buildings or protect mr houses property. robots can be understood better and given the opportunity to become citizens--dude theres lots of robots with feelings and free will and so on, and while i recognize its just a kinda scifi trope thats rarely given that much nuance, well! We Can Do Better. allow robots to hang out. allow robots to advocate for themselves. allow robots to have their internal lives acknowledged. allow robots to seek happiness and entertainment. allow robots to be chilliiiiinnng 👍
- ex-ncr. listen. theres some good folks in the ncr and lots of people who got Fuck All in return for their service and have every reason to turn their back on it. the folks who got pretty much stranded at searchlight, stuck sitting next to an irradiated town and just telling people not to go in? the people looking after refugees at bitter springs--what, five of them? guarding the entire refugee camp, completely exposed to any legion raid that chooses to take a swing at them, no reinforcements or extra supplies coming unless a Local Celebrity runs around ncr centers and begs people to send anything? camp golf? and so on and so forth. dude. the new vegas campaign is a very unpopular war. the ncr back home dont rly gaf. all over the mojave lots of people signed up just because they didnt think there was any other option, and they wanted to make a difference. theres people being given orders from the higher ups to wreck entire communities, and well They Dont Wanna Do That. well tell you hwhat folks. quit. if youre about to get your paper renewed, dont. if youve got more time on your contract, fuck it, disregard that. the ncr go around losing entire squads and never finding out what happened. You Can Leave The Army Today. You, Too, Can Betray The New California Republic. ask not what you can do for the republic--ask what the fuck ever the republic has done for you. and if it has done something for you, ask if it couldnt have been done better and sooner if the actual interests of the ncr didnt lie elsewhere. reach out to your ptsd-ridden colleagues. reach out to your exhausted, dissatisfied neighbors. think about, for all the Civilized Customs that the ncr has supposedly brought along, all the bigotry theyve been spreading In Here, On This Land, Like Its Theirs. no! You Can Stop Being A Bootboy Today. you can put your talents and courage and good will to better use. look at my friend boone here. you see him? do you know what he got from the ncr? PTSD, Complicity In Atrocities, debilitating guilt, bald head in his 20s, and an overwhelming sense of doom. do you know what he got from ME, the leading voice of the independent option? emotional support, a chance to protect the communities the ncr wanted him to destroy, friends, career opportunities, enrichment, epiphanies, a chance to kill a buncha fascists, a near-endless supply of nuka cola, a bunch of knives, a teddy bear, and more! thats right. thats right. ditch the ncr. join us. folks, this is the way to go.
- ghouls. wonder what should be done about the irradiated areas? how about letting ghouls, who thrive in radiation, create their own settlements. peace and quiet. because, listen. deprived of communities, pushed to the margins, left to roam the most desolate areas, the odds of ghouls becoming feral are frighteningly high in the mojave. we know from harland that there just arent many places for a ghoul to hang out around here if they want some semblance of a community, besides enlisting for the ncr, which is an unpopular choice. thats why he opted to join the bright brotherhood, and i just think folks prooooobably deserve better than a religious cult that ended in mass suicide. anyway. radiation provides an easy barrier against most threats from the outside. necessary supplies can be delivered to the new settlements by robots and properly equipped workers. ghouls are ancient. among ghouls are some of the finest scientists and historians. ghouls can work with technology languishing in areas too irradiated for humans to delve into. can you imagine the technological progress that could be achieved in such settlements? but also chilling. lots of chilling. chilling.com/careers. the ghouls shall be chillinnnng 👍
the boomers and the brotherhood of steel are reclusive and dont wanna deal with outsiders--hey thats okay, do what you want, live and let live, just Dont Start Shit and also know that you have options. no offense to the brotherhood but you love sending patrols into the mojave and losing them to enemies and situations, so i dont think going to war with the new government is something you wanna do. you dont have the range. you dont have the giant robots. and well, good. that makes you more likeable actually. i hate those guys with all that liberty prime vertibirds rockets type bullshit going on. buncha smiling fascists. who do they think they are. whatre you doing that for. bye.
so yea. thats my Independent New Vegas Coalition. and the first step to truly unifying those factions Before the second battle of hoover dam, before ncr's retreat? showing them that united, together, we can do things that the ncr cannot. and what would that be you ask. simple. killing caesar. storming the fort, releasing the slaves and hostages and ensuring their safe journey to new vegas where theyll be looked after, and executing baldie via firing squad. thats right. thats right. no one from the ncr has even been inside the fort but i have. i know the layout. i know the weaknesses. i know the terrain. i know how theyre connected to the west and to the east. and guess what. thisll help us in the long run in many different ways, not just the obvious "caesar is dead yayyy" way. easier to deploy securitrons from the bunker under the fort if theres no legion about. oh thats right! weve got securitrons in there, folks. neat isnt it! like i said. doing things the ncr cannot. why would you look at that, kimball, oliver, all the other fools. hows that war with the legion going for ya. oh whats that? caesar is dead? oh yes. and it wasnt you guys who did that. we did that. so i just think its really funny how... um... weve got this. go home. or else take that taste the pain
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pterygoidwalk · 4 months
hey, uhh, do you have any fanfiction accompanying that kim-in-the-shower-asking-harry-and-jean-for-another-round art asking for a friend
ohhh i really should write a fic for it. it's an AU i'm playing with, i can write a little about it here. uhh cw nsft 18+ drugs and sex
In this AU (i've been calling it tequila sunrise lol) Harry stopped just short of his tequila sunset bender at Martinaise, succeeded a crucial volition check, and made it to the crime scene sober-ish and on time with Jean. So this starts on Saturday instead of Monday, they keep their Coupris, the waterlock never gets damaged so they can go to the fishing village immediately and Sylvie is still working at the Whirling.
No-bender Harry is still a hypercompetent detective with encyclopaedic knowledge of Revacholian history, most RCM officers, and entroponetics. His political leanings are more hustler than anything else right now; he's a sleazy superstar cop and Jean is re-embracing his "heterosexual life partner" after seeing Harry come back from the abyss intact.
They both did some preliminary research on Kim and his team. They were already planning on "winning" the pissing contest against P57, but when they see Kim show up *alone* they both agree they're going to specifically gang up on this guy, maybe recruit him to 41.
Jean and Harry's dynamic is in a manic phase right now where they're frighteningly in sync with each other. Like, by the end of day 1 they've gotten the body down (Judit takes the body to P41 Processing), found the bullet, narrowed down possible shooter locations to the island, identified Korty as a merc connected to Krenel and arrested Klaasje. Kim's not useless (he's the one who clocks Korty and knows more details about the strike and the Debardeau union), but he's definitely sprinting physically and mentally to keep up with these two maniacs. Worth noting they are also both on speed lol.
Just like in the game, they all have a gay little debrief at the end of day one. Harry and Jean crank up the charm at Kim, praising him for doing his research into the local union and picking up on the dynamics between various parties like the Hardy boys. Normally Kim would put some walls up, but he's *exhausted* after such a busy day, and frankly he hasn't gotten laid in months, so he lets himself relax and flirts back. They Don't hook up that night specifically to give Kim blue balls <3 Harry and Jean are even kinda handsy with each other in front of Kim to tease him. So the next day Kim is feeling extra ambitious about showing off for these idiots. He finds Ruby's hideout, they arrest Ruby (Jean grabs her before she can pull her gun), Kim rules her out as a suspect and they head to the island after sweeping the fishing village. They find Dros, get his spiel, arrest him and Judit brings him in while the trecomptage hang back to tie up loose ends and discuss their joint report on the case.
and by discuss the report i mean they fuck nasty. it def started out with Harry and Jean trying to bully Kim in a fun dom way, but Kim was pretty game for whatever they suggested lmao. They had already paid for their rooms for another night so they figure they might as well hang here in Martinaise and party together; not too hard-- Harry sticks to speed and pyrholidon. Jean scored some weed from Rosemary and they get Kim a little stoned. A very dark part of Kim laughs about how he's turned this murder investigation into a sexy holiday for himself. Harry and Jean fail to recruit Kim because he's intimidated 💔 but he'll be sure to visit Jamrock often to collaborate some more.
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