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I am excited to share that my original artwork ‘Witches’ Night on Hexenkopf Rock’ is featured in the third edition of Ned D. Heindel’s ‘Hexenkopf: History, Healing, & Hexeri’! You can grab a copy for yourself from The Sigal Museum. It is an honor to be included in such a wonderful book that preserves a part of Pennsylvanian history and the history of Pennsylvanian folk magic!
In 2016, I unearthed a rare copy of the first edition of this book (published under a slightly different title in 1974, seen in the third photo) at my grandmother’s house and it is what inspired me to create ‘Witches’ Night on Hexenkopf Rock.’
The rock itself is a stony summit in Williams Township, PA that has long been associated with magic, ritual, and witchcraft. ‘Hexenkopf: History, Healing, and Hexeri’ takes an in-depth view at the history and folklore surrounding Hexenkopf Rock and examines how Braucherei, or PA German folk magic, first developed in the area and contributed to the rock’s legends. Also discussed are stories of Native American magic, witch gatherings, ominous omens, and apparitions that have helped bolster Hexenkopf rock’s mysterious reputation. I highly recommend this book if you are interested in American folk magic and Pennsylvanian lore!
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castle-of-dusk · 6 months
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The watermelon was DESTROYED by the colony. They loved it.
I was glad to see Hexeris joining in.
I believe the one next to him could very well have been Puzzle!
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#superstition #appalachiansuperstition #folkmagic #witchcraft #witch #witches #witchesofinstagram #conjure #mountainwitch #primitiverootsconjure #hex #hexerie
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thecasinowolf · 6 years
Seris: Look at how cute these pens are! Hex: Seris, that’s gay. Seris: Seris: Hex we’ve been dating-
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nariwalsh · 3 years
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I haven’t done cel shading in a while! It feels wonderful to see these four in full colour together.
We have Alain (yellow), Hexeris (grey), Gus (green), and Saida (blue).
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scotiaeire · 4 years
We were all heathens once...
An article on ritual sacrifice and eating of dogs got me thinking. I do that sometimes. Think. Doesn’t always work out well but, meh. Old age allows for some meandering and blethering.
Besides. It’s my blog. I can say what I like, so...
Y’know, christianity is an incredibly young belief system. And for Europeans, it doesn’t actually belong to us. Since I’m not wasting time on a potted history of a belief system I was never raised in nor am particularly interested in, just know that. It doesn’t belong to, stem from, or align with, Europe. Even though they did manage to force a square  peg into a round hole...
There was a time the whole global population was pagan in one form or another and in the timespan of human history, that wasn’t so long ago, yet it *was* a very long time that we were just that..all pagans.
To identify myself if folks ask, I call myself “heathen”, a word that simply once meant “heath dweller”. Now it’s come to mean Scandinavian or Norse paganism. (unless you’re christian, in which case for you it means anyone not christian).
Other folks call themselves “pagan”. *shrug* Same diff. It means we’re attempting to live according to the belief systems of our ancestors, and having to (and in most cases struggling to) adapt their methods of ritual and lifestyle and mindsets for the world we live in today.
It shouldn’t be so hard tbh. Just “pretend” christianity never happened. Most of Europe would still be heathen. It would have evolved over time, with each passing generation and technological advancement, because of course nothing remains static, or it dies.
I’m not going to say I can tell you what the world would be like had the religions stemming from the Middle East not overrun the Western world. Sweden was the last European nation, if I remember rightly, to be forcibly converted to christianity, and still there are pockets of heathenism within the country that have never taken to the conquering faith.
In other nations, such as my own Scotland, a strange amalgamation of traditional Celtic paganism absorbed the church teachings and just got on with it. Thus, the goddess Bride became Saint Brigit, etc, and if you want a prime example of how all that works, take a read at the Carmina Gadelica and other literary collections of folklore up to and including the traditional songs of the Highlanders.
But I was never christian. I was born into a heathen family. It wasn’t a bed of roses. I had the bullying (which included a teacher spitting at me as she walked past) after my parents raged at the headmaster that in no manner was I to be included in morning prayer, lunch grace or assembly prayers.
At the time, it just embarrassed me and made of me an outcast. I hated it. As I grew and found my own heathen path, I was grateful. I see quite a few ex christians struggle with feelings of guilt for “leaving the faith behind” (hint: it was never *your* faith. It’s a foreign one, if you are European or Scots, English, Welsh or Irish) or who can’t quite shake the “sin” shit that was drummed into them.
I see others who, having no roots in heathenry or their native paganism, struggle to find out what they can learn from.
I’m not here to give advice but I’d advise going back to history books, removing the jaundiced eye of any christian authors from the facts if you can, and take it from there. Also, archaeology is your friend here. Folks and fairy tales. Sagas, Eddas, Old Irish Tales. Ancient songs that are traditional to your country. It’s a start. (So aye, I did give advice. Sorry. Ye can take it or leave it, no skin off my nose)
We can’t (sadly) live the lives of our ancestors because, frankly, the powers that be won’t let us. Whereas once, animals would be ritually sacrificed then feasted upon at certain times of year, now the animal cruelty folks’d be visiting your door and you’d be fined or arrested. (Another hint: you get round that by raising meat livestock. Vegetarian heathens, I have no advice for ye’s sorry. Heathenism is an animistic path that doesn’t preclude the consuming of sacred animals. And if you’re actively looking to your ancestors for inspiration, this *is* the type of thing they practiced)
We can’t go to war on our enemies, because governments got the Sole Right to do that, without us having an actual say in who our enemies really are.
Who, today, can *truly* erect a Nidthing Pole (curse pole) on the perimeter of your enemies property without being, again, arrested. Note also the interference of the State in just how pagan or heathen you can actually *be*....
So heathenry has to adapt and change to fit with how we are *allowed* to live these days. And therein lies the shame..the majority allow the minority to dictate how we can live, worship, and be spiritual.
So we do what we can. In quite a few countries, proclaiming yourself as heathen can be actually dangerous. So you keep on the down-low and keep your head down about it and practice quietly, or in secret.
Other places are more tolerant but I  have noticed that even though they are “on the outside”, the reality is that if you are openly heathen you will often encounter a backlash from christians or other faiths not pagan on more than one occasion.
And you’ll undoubtedly be painted as some kind of demon/devil/evil person. And it takes some kind of courage to stand against that, to tell people without it disintegrating into a pub brawl, that you’ve the fucking *right* to be who you are when it comes to your faith, and if that means following the faith of your ancestors, nobody has the right to prevent it.
Just, y’know, when you are following the faith of your ancestors, do them justice, eh? Make them proud of you. Let them see that you’re not defaming their ways.
Despite how my posts might appear, I’m a “live and let live” woman. You leave me be, and I’ll do the same for you.
My own personal mindset is that I don’t “do” eclecticism, simply because I feel it’s a bit of an insult if I’d been, say, performing rites to Thor then throwing in a bit of Dianic witchery (Italian) or the like. “Hello Thor, Big Fella. Meet Diana”. Nah. Not gonna work out there...
I’m no purist either though. If christianity hadn’t been forced on some of our ancestors, heathenry would have adapted, evolved and changed over time. But the *roots* of it would have remained. The pantheons would have been unlikely to have meshed with other pantheons, as did the Celtic and Roman deities in some parts of the British Isles. Chiefly, England.
The practices though, would have changed and so we shouldn’t feel downhearted when the State states (sorry) ye can’t go out and blood eagle your worst enemy or shove that Nidthing Pole up in your annoying neighbour’s back garden. If it’s hexery you’re into there are much more subtle ways, if you’re a woman. If you’re a heathen man, you might want to employ a woman to do the job for ye. Ergi, and all that...
Because times have changed we can sometimes feel adrift, not knowing quite how to *be* heathen in a modern world that increasingly shrinks our freedoms to even live.
But there are ways. The article I shared previously to this post spoke of sacrifice. In pre christian, pre nanny State days, sacrifices were serious matters and serious events. They *meant* something of note.
I have to be honest here, “sacrificing” a bowl of fruit or a bunch of flowers isn’t quite the same. Ye can say what you think about that but it’s not.
Because if you need to sacrifice anything to get a god’s attention, if you’re desperate (been there, done that) then what you give *has* to have meaning, *has* to be hard to give, and *has* to be worthy of that god. Or it means nothing.
No, I’m not advocating animal or human sacrifice. But if the thing you give has little meaning to you (and don’t tell me a bowl of fruit or bunch of flowers means the world to you...) then why should a god listen to you?
Anyway...heathenry was more than the rituals of sacrifice, hexing your enemies and going to war. In domestic life little daily rituals kept the household running smoothly. When the partner of a woman left on a journey, for example, she’d sew charms into his clothing for protection and safe return. The hearth of a home..the firepit or fireplace..has a wealth of rituals surrounding it, probably the most prolific of the domestic magics, perhaps apart from spinning and weaving. Charms to keep your children safe, spells to help older folks thrive, all were taken care of in fine heathen fashion.
So if nothing else, that, at least, we can return to.
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xsugarconex · 6 years
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Hewwo I made a new trollsona! I’ve been waiting to for so long.
His name is Hexeri Feyata and he’s a sweet little witch boy
Details/credits under the cut!
Name: Hexeri Feyata Species: Troll Blood color: Lime Gender: Male Age: 7.38 sweeps Dreamer: Prospit Game Entry Item: Sack of herbs God tier: Witch of Hope Planet: Land of Wish and Daydreams Symbol: A stylized leaf Lusus: Deercat Ancestor: The Believer Hive: A small cave in a grassy hill, in a large floral forest. Inside its many fairy lights and potions and collected items Horns: Small, deer-like Trolltag: enchantedLeaflet Quirk: Prefix <| . = ... , = ,,,   ! = !!! o's = o-o (Example: <| um,,, hello-o!!! im hexeri feyata...pleased to meet yo-ou!!! Matesprit: My boyfriends troll (Which I still have to design) Kismesis: None (Might make one) Moirail: Allize Wryzht (My friends trollsona!) Auspistice: None
^Credits linked there^
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alphynix · 6 years
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Copepteryx hexeris, a plotopterid bird from the Late Oligocene of Japan (~28-23 mya).
Known from around the North Pacific rim from about 33-15 million years ago, plotopterids were flightless diving birds which used their small but powerful wings to propel themselves through the water. They were convergently similar to penguins in body shape and lifestyle, but not actually closely related to them -- instead being relatives of gannets, cormorants, and anhingas.
Smaller plotopterids were about the size of modern cormorants, around 70cm long (2′4″), but the larger known genera like Copepteryx rivalled the southern giant penguins at around 1.8m (6′).
And a second species of Copepteryx known only from a single leg bone (Copepteryx titan) may have been ever bigger. Estimated at over 2m in length (6′6″), it was possibly one of the largest diving birds to have ever lived.
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thehexerie · 3 years
“The first time I called myself a witch was the most magical moment of my life.” — Margot Adler
What do you know about witches?  We come in all shapes and sizes.  We are spell crafters, potion masters and cosmic equalizers.  If you’re thinking “wait a minute, that sounds like karma’s job” let me just tell you, I am not one of those love-and-light-abide-by-the-rule-of-three kind of witches.  I am compassionate and giving.  Raw and honest.  I do believe in doing no harm, but if anyone comes at me or mine; let’s just say my girl Hel hath no fury like the jar I can put you in 😉 
Call me Jaye!  I’m an eclectic Norse Pagan and I welcome you to The Hexerie!!  This is my blog, my shop and my little space in the cosmos just for me.  I’m a khaos witch™, mama of two, married to the most wonderful Soul and I run K9s.
Here you’ll find a few of my wares (stay tuned, I have some exciting things in the works!), modern witch tips and a peek into the life of me.
As above So below Universe, Shadow and Soul 🌙  Skål!
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hildahedge · 6 years
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It's that time of year again. #elderflower #sambuca #hexeri
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temperedwings · 8 years
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Here we go this has been over due...like decades ago.  Anyways I love every single followers either we interact or not. ( though i’d want talk more) Rp or not. ( i’d also want rp more with rp blogs)  So thanks  everyone and stay Well and Beautiful as you ALL are!
Thank you to all of you! You guys been with me the longest and still put up with my silly quirkiness. Thanks for allways being here and for everything you have done over the years! You don’t know how blessed & honor it is call you my friends. You should give me timeouts sometimes for being poor mundane/muse (we should chat & ect. even more btw). How do you put up with me?? ;A;
on  divinedestroyer ,  infiniitas / tuericonoram ,  kongonatty , silencedoblivion ,  osilentphoenix ,  kitsunryu ,  terra-incxrnatus, chxdan,  rollingsnowsmasher,  defender-of-justice ,  maidenoftalents ,  mamachunchun ,  sengokuelvis,  savageorchids/ ,  crimsontigerlord,  ladydiaochan , nobunaga-the-warlord , lxndwyrm ,  not-yet-a-dragon ,  sleepy-strategist ,  emeraldgale ,  armoureddevotion ,  thewindofchaos-blog ,  tokugawamaideninahime / lovelysweetxhart ,  tsunarii ,  itssimayi ,  splendidstrategist ,  engineofdestruction ,  imperial-babysitter/ lavenderaspiration ,  lord-of-the-capital,  lionofsagami ,  demonkingofowari ,  sxkichi ,  princeoftheswords ,  zankai ,  zhouxyu
Don’t think I forgotten anyone! Most followers follow me but don’t always interact. Either it be we don’t know how to yet or simply we lurk eachother. I love you guys too and hope hear from you guys too! New & not so new!
jiagonglu , rumbling-tides, warrior-of-etro , thoseruledbyshadow,  queen--zelda, raijuu-hak, dartsdiceandcards, reverseloyalty, chikainosanya ,orchidkeeper,  choseisai ,  gardinialaelia,  ofshinobiandsamurai, preyontheirfear,  jewelofkantou-blog,  heavenssoaringwings, kyoudaikoguma,  zhxran , count-alucard-tepes,  the-winter-phoenix ,  takenaka-shigekado,  mysticsphere-blog, swingerofkai ,  dynastywarriorsscreenshots ,  tegaladwens,  crystallinehxro ,  thecunningvixin ,  dualkunai ,  ofhonorandtrust ,  empressjia ,  prideofthetachibana ,  wingbladefighter ,  fledglingphoenixflight ,  idyllicsilhouette ,  onegoodknee , esotericentities ,  ougenki ,  neobrogrippa ,  thebeargoddess ,  goldenzephyrs-blog-blog ,  shinsengumi-no-ken,  kunaiis ,  naotorai ,  lazymeatbun ,  shadows-and-vengeance ,  bad-intuition ,  formerxempress-blog ,  thixvishwxnderer ,  bignastydong ,  equineinruneterra ,  shiftingfates , platinum-world , hero-among-men , gekkabijinhime ,  guansuo ,  canariis ,  tactfulmorgan ,  captainofswansea ,  dokugandatemono ,  puntsized ,  spiritusinvicta,  grandpres-blog-blog ,  sorceressknight ,  fooletta ,  wallspromo ,  steelswarmsurvivor-blog ,  theheavenshavespoken ,  blue-scorpion-king ,  bowling-for-lockseeds ,  sky-of-the-kings-light ,  capriciouschaos ,  baofengyu ,  rokusasuxiii ,  haileyotakubeebe ,  mxshin,  fivacious ,  betemagique ,  ware-wa-ware-hiatus ,  wisteria-butterfly ,  iwasnevernothing ,  aajentamuu ,  mirrornokagami ,  iyo-no-josei ,  hexerie ,  eiulliex-blog ,  itsapolloboy ,  shxntong ,  apocalypticphoenix ,  kinjiros-quiet-corner ,  of-steel-and-grace ,  kou-tsukiko ,  mateusisyourgodnow ,  carrottoppedhero ,  frozxnqueen , ichxgo ,  suikeiin ,  serpentcide ,  wangzi-ye ,  dragonxtailxsanada ,  aika-renegade ,  mercxrius ,  serious-dorkdom ,  timpeni ,  yatsubrxs ,  claretvixen ,  huohongzhihui ,  legendaryshinobi ,  there-are-only-shinobi ,  thatothersenjubrother ,  ganju-gushi ,  jinxbi ,  empresspride ,  crystalxtides ,  dovaheikiko ,  echigozuka ,  kiiun ,  theorangehairedgeek ,  astralinferno ,  ryuujihime-blog ,  kasaihxto ,  sharpshootersaika ,  huiahuiyu ,  warriorofloveandhonor ,  batogahara ,  beast-boy10
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castle-of-dusk · 8 days
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The two kingdoms
Due to the recent signs of possible offspring from the females, I have decided to split the colony in two. The females (Cloud Final Fantasy VII, Spokeshave, Lunette, and Puzzle) will have their castle and the males (Casque, Twill, Gordon Freeman, and Hexeris) will have theirs.
Should the kingdoms/ castles be given their own titles? The Castle of Dusk and the Castle of Dawn? Or should the castles be ruled under the same?
Let me know what you think!
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thecasinowolf · 6 years
((Idk why but I had this random idea at like 3:00 so here we go))Undertronic but everyone is actually a bunch of middle schoolers making characters for a stupid LA story project
SharaX: Okay guys! We planned for our story to be a sci-fi thing. I have most of the stuff planned out so now we just need to insert our characters. I gave mine a ghost cat because it’s spooky. Tronicbros: *Bickering* SharaX: Hey come on you guys...what’s wrong? Chronos: WELL I DON’T LIKE YOU GUYS EITHER. OUR CHARACTERS AREN’T GONNA BE BROTHERS!! SharaX: Bu-But you guys are brothers- Cider: WELL MY CHARACTER’S GONNA HAVE TWO COLOR SCHEMES, BECAUSE HE DOESN’T NEED TO BE YOUR BROTHER BECAUSE HE’S COOL! Seth: *Walks away bc he’s not dealing with this* Zephyr: Uh...okay just make him a ghost then since he’s leaving. He can be me but spookier. Seris: *Pointing to Hex* Our characters are married! SharaX: You’ve...you guys have been dating for half a month. Hex: We can always look back on our story and cringe. Seris: Hey!! SharaX: Okay, where’s Osiris? Apep: Detention. SharaX: Again? Okay, you’re his friend what can you tell us about him? Apep: He doesn’t want me to say anything. SharaX: Ugh...fine, mystery. What about you? Apep: Why do the characters have to be us? SharaX: ALRIGHT, YOU’RE A MYSTERY TOO. Jeez... To Be Continued... ((...Never bc this is an old ass idea k bye--))
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nariwalsh · 4 years
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A couple of older character sketches! Both these folks have DnD origins - I played Hexeris (top) as a Wizard, and Maisy (bottom) is one of my bard characters. Complete and total opposite personalities, lol.
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nullshop · 4 years
Hexeris Rockettheme WordPress Theme
Hexeris Rockettheme WordPress Theme
Hexeris Rockettheme WordPress Theme
Hexeris Rockettheme WordPress Theme
View On WordPress
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