#hetalia x reader fluff
mimicmimikyuwrites · 2 months
☆ Hetalia Masterlist ☆
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America (Alfred F. Jones)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Bomber Jacket - Fem!Reader (SMUT)(MDNI)
Summary: Cleaning out your shared closet with your boyfriend leads to the discovery of his old bomber jacket, a jacket that you think looks a bit too good on him. So good that you can't keep your hands to yourself and one thing leads to another.
Smut Headcanons - Fem!Reader
Summary: A short, smut-filled ramble in the form of headcanons. (SMUT, MDNI)
Giving Him Head - GN!Reader (SMUT, MDNI)
Summary: Smutty little scenarios where you go down on some (America, England, Canada) of the nations. Yup. 💕
England (Arthur Kirkland)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Giving Him Head - GN!Reader (SMUT, MDNI)
Summary: Smutty little scenarios where you go down on some (America, England, Canada) of the nations. Yup. 💕
Canada (Matthew Williams)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Giving Him Head - GN!Reader (SMUT, MDNI)
Summary: Smutty little scenarios where you go down on some (America, England, Canada) of the nations. Yup. 💕
Russia (Ivan Braginsky)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Smut Headcanons - Fem!Reader
Summary: Just me rambling about my smut headcanons for Russia. SMUT, MDNI
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Dating Headcanons - Male!Reader
Summary: A short list of dating headcanons for a male reader and Russia.
France (Francis Bonnefoy)
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Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
China (Wang Yao)
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None yet!
Italy (Feliciano Vargas)
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None yet!
Germany (Ludwig Bieldschmidt)
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None yet!
Japan (Kiku Honda)
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None yet!
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jazzmasternot · 6 months
Born to read smut forced to wait tables 😭😭
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merbear25 · 6 months
I'd love to see Spain, Finland, and France seeing their girlfriend holding a little one or helping the baby sleep(just rocked my baby nephew to sleep earlier 🥰🥰🥰) Please and thank you!
Thank you for such a heart-warming request and your patience for how long it took! This was so sweet to write. I went with headcanons, so I hope you like it!
CW: SFW, fem!reader, fluff
Seeing you holding a little one
Admiring you from the doorway, he'd faintly notice how his heart skipped a beat.
A slight blush would heat his face as he saw the light kiss you placed on the baby's forehead. The tightness in his chest held him hostage when the baby smiled up at you: what a sight to behold. It truly was a gift to witness you two bonding.
He'd always dreamed of having a large family. He loved kids and adored how cute Romano was when he was small. Despite Romano giving his many hurdles to overcome, he cherished those small moments with him. That's something he'd been wanting to continue, and perhaps, he'd be able to with you.
You'd just put the baby down and were reentering the room when he took you by the hand and twirled you into a hug.
Leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, he hinted at the big question of having a family of your own.
He wanted to imagine the possible avenues your future held. If you were interested in having a family, he'd look forward to starting that with you. If that wasn't something you necessarily wanted, then that'd be alright. The most important thing would be that he'd have you by his side.
You looked like you were in your element while holding the baby: peaceful, confident, and a natural with children.
Watching a smile appear on your soft face when the baby'd finally settled down caused a stirring feeling in his chest: would you like to have a family?
Sure, the thought had crossed his mind, but he hadn't really entertained it. However, seeing you light up when the baby looked at you was making these once passing thoughts more of a focal point.
The flood of images were quickly making him face whether or not this was something he was ready for.
How could he not eventually want that though? You were so dear to him and creating a bundle that represented your love for each other only caused the warmth in his heart to spread.
After you put the baby down for their nap, he nervously asked you what you wanted in the future. If you said having a family was important to you, he'd welcome a conversation and keep an open mind. If you said having a family wasn't really something that was in the cards, then he'd honestly feel a twinge of disappointment. He would, ultimately, want to share that with you, but this wouldn't be a deal breaker for him. Being with you was what he held most dear.
Watching how you were able to soothe the fussy baby made him melt.
You'd always been gentle, but your tenderness with them only further proved it.
Seeing the baby's little hand wrap around your finger as you rocked them in your arms did wonders for his imagination.
He'd been thinking about it on and off for the past month or so, but now he was sure of it: he wanted to start a family with you, Someone as kind and gentle as you deserved to have a family to call their own. Whether or not you wanted to biological children or adopt wouldn't matter—only that he'd be able to help give you the close-knit family you were more than worthy of.
After you laid the baby to sleep, he'd wrap his arms around you and lay feathery kisses on the crook of your neck, humming against you that he adored every bit of you.
He wouldn't ask about having a family just yet, but he'd be planning a romantic date that'd present the perfect opportunity to sweep you off your feet.
However, if a family wasn't something you wanted, it'd be a hard hit to take, but he'd eventually realize you were ultimately what was most important to him, and as long as he had you, everything else would fall into place.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 8 months
Could you please write a headcanon on how Canada, Russia, Germany, Prussia and England (with England both Arthur and Alice) would react on coming home wile their s/o dozed off on the couch from exhaustion?
Oooooh a chance for some fluff. Here you go 🌟
🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦
He would find it cute that you’re splayed all over the couch like an exhausted polar bear after a massive brunch. He would boop your nose and see how many times he can get away with doing so before you wake up. He will even pull out a counter. It takes him a minute to realize that many papers are crowded behind you on the couch. When you finally become conscious, you immediately recognize the concern on his face. You explain that the latest project that will need to be completed by mid-spring has a few issues that have come up. Matthew will offer to make you a hot drink and run your nightly bath. He will put his nose to yours and say:
“I love you my sweet maple.”
🇬🇧 England 🇬🇧
“How adorable,” He will say to himself as he enters the living room that had dimming light from the early evening sun. He snaps his fingers and flying mint bunny appears in a paparazzi outfit. The green bunny was ready to get the scoop. He took impromptu photos while you were in your deep slumber. Arthur saves these photos for a secret scrapbook that he may or may not show you one day. He will walk over to get a better view of your beautiful face. As he removes some of the hair from your face, he can see that the bags under your eyes have expanded over the last few months. He worried about your increasing workload and some of the other things that have been happening in your life. Arthur will stroke your face gently and leave you with a kiss on the cheek.
“I suppose I should prepare some tea.”
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🌼 England Nyo! 🌼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Each time she comes home to you she considers herself lucky. A sense of ease washes over her as you slept soundly on the couch. However, Alice is a bit of a worrywart when it comes to you. You’d been coming home to pass out on the couch daily for the past few weeks. She placed her hand on top of your forehead to make sure you weren’t running a fever. Once she sees that the coffee table is covered in books, documents, and highlighters, she immediately knows the testing season is underway. Alice still thought working this much wasn’t normal, but she was eager to see you achieve your dreams. Out of love and valuing it higher above her ego, she’ll give France a call and ask for assistance in making an incredible meal that tastes great and gets you your energy back.
🇩🇪 Germany 🇩🇪
He’s not so great at describing what his heart feels so a smile graces his face as well as the sudden appearance of butterflies and Edelweiss. This is his standard reaction since most can’t relax within his presence. However, as he came over so that he could have a better view of you he was concerned. A pen was held in your fist while you were face down on some papers as your lungs dragged in oxygen. Ludwig accidentally stepped on some of the documents that had fallen to the floor. This will give him pause and make him question just how strenuous your job has become for you lately. As you let out a yawn and turn yourself over, Ludwig can’t help but admire you for a few moments as you continue your slumber. He will organize your papers and leave you to slumber soundly.
🐥 Prussia 🐥
Gilbert will rouse you from your slumber as he shouts your name loudly as soon as he gets through the door. When he comes to you on the couch, he takes notice of your extremely messy hair, indentations of your skin from the couches’ pillows, and dried-up drool.
“Wow, someone had an insanely crazy nap! You look like you haven’t slept in weeks! Vhats going on with you lately?”
Once you explain that the combination of school and work is beginning to make you reach burnout, Gilbert will be quick to offer to help you with chores. He wants you to be successful and not quit what you’ve started. He will aggressively tussle your hair and pinch your cheeks as he looks you dead in your eyes and says:
“Remember that tassel is worth the hassle!”
🇷🇺 Russia 🇷🇺
Ivan heard you drop like a Nordmann fir passing out in an empty forest. He couldn’t react right away since he was in the middle of a Zoom meeting with his boss. Once he came into the living room to see that you’d already reached the cavernous depths of slumber, he decided it was best to keep you there. A shiver caught his eye as you shifted in your sleep. The late winter frost had taken a bite out of you. Ivan reaches for the blankets draped on the back of the couch. He couldn’t let you freeze, but he also couldn’t let you reach burnout, either. Ivan had noticed that you’d been giving it your all in your career, but you’d never had any energy to spare when you’d gotten home. It was a conversation for a later time, but he kept it in the back of his mind as he took a moment to take in your sleeping face that the winter air had kissed. His giant bear paw hands warm your cheeks as he kisses your forehead. Before he leaves you to rest, he lit up the fireplace to ensure your comfort.
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Feliciano Vargas, Lovino Vargas, Ludwig Beilschmidt, and Yao Wang with S/O Who are Serious Most Of The Time Until They Received Their Affection and Get Shy
A/N: Hey @thekitsuneyokumoku! I knew you requested Hetalia Headcanons in the chat and I let it slide this time because I prefer if you request me in the Ask Button instead of in the chat. Anyway, thank you so much for your idea for this headcanon and I hope you like the final result.
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Feliciano Vargas - North Italy
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Feliciano is very cuddly and he likes to hug people around him so it wasn't really a surprise if he tries to hug you as his S/O. Then rubbing his cheeks on your face.
Not only cuddly but Feliciano would kiss your cheeks just out of nowhere because he is affectionate to everyone. If you watch the anime, you would see hugs from Lovino to Kiku. He also tried to hug Ludwig.
You are serious most of the time? I would be not surprised if Feliciano is trying to break your guard just to fluster you with his little affection.
Also, he is also a great cook so he would make perfect pasta for you just to show his love to you when you are hungry but really busy because of your work.
Despite his innocent smile and closed eyes. He enjoys when you are getting flustered when you get shy as you receive his affection but he won't show it.
He is still trying to play this innocently while hugging, kissing, and making pasta for you when you try to talk about how shy you are with his affection. "Huh, what's wrong with it mi amor? I'm just being There's nothing wrong about it, right?"
He thinks you are very adorable when you are getting shy because you receive his kisses and his hugs as your face is burning because of him. He won't stop even if you ask him.
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(Y/N) sat in front of their computer, their/her/his eyes fixed on the screen, fingers dancing across the keyboard. The soft glow of the monitor illuminated their focused expression, casting a warm hue on their determined features. The room was quiet, save for the gentle hum of the computer and the occasional tapping of keys.
A mug of hot, steaming coffee sat on (Y/N)'s table. The comforting aroma enveloped the air around them, creating a room filled with a warm coffee scent. As (Y/N) worked diligently, their/her/his hand occasionally reached out to grasp the mug's handle, the porcelain radiating a soothing heat that travelled up their fingers and took a sip of the bitter yet sweet beverage.
Feliciano peered out from behind the slightly ajar door, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern as he observed your relentless dedication to the task at hand. He wanted to step in, to offer his warm and comforting hugs so you two could just cuddle together and forget all of the burdens.
Aware that interrupting (Y/N)'s focused work would make you pissed off and receive silent treatment from you. Feliciano decided he could do something sweet for you instead of bothering you and ending up annoying the hell out of you.
An idea sparked in his mind, and a bright smile spread across his face. He quietly retreated from behind the door and headed to the kitchen. With his experience in the kitchen, he gathered the ingredients needed for a comforting meal: fresh basil leaves, pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan cheese, and a box of spaghetti.
Feliciano's heart warmed at the thought of surprising you with a delicious homemade meal, something that would surely bring a smile to your face amidst your demanding workload. He couldn't wait to see the surprise and happiness in your eyes when he presented the plate of fragrant pesto spaghetti, a small gesture of love to remind them that taking a moment for themselves was just as important as their dedication to their tasks.
With the pesto spaghetti prepared to perfection, Feliciano held the dish in his hands. He gently knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. (Y/N) glanced up from their/her/his work, surprised by the unexpected interruption. Feliciano's warm smile greeted them as he entered, holding the plate of steaming pasta. "Mi Amor!!! I thought you might need a break, so I made some Pesto Spaghetti for you," He skips in happily before putting the plate on your table.
With a soft, affectionate smile, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on each of their cheeks. (Y/N)'s surprise was evident, your cheeks warming even more as you blinked in astonishment. You glance at the floor, not expecting a kiss from your boyfriend. "T-thank you, Feliciano," (Y/N) stutters.
Feliciano couldn't resist a playful glint in his eyes as he noticed the pink tint spreading across (Y/N)'s cheeks after the gentle kisses. He leaned against the doorway, his smile dancing with mischief. "Oh, I didn't know a simple kiss on the cheeks would turn you into such a blushing masterpiece, Mi Amor" he teased, his tone light and affectionate. Y/N's shyness deepened, and they tried to suppress a smile as they playfully rolled their eyes.
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Lovino Vargas - South Italy
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Unlike Feliciano, Lovino is much more Tsundere when he is trying to show his affection around his crush. You know how he treats Spain so don't expect him to be as cuddly as Feliciano.
However, he does see his other side with his pickup lines so I could see that he would try to make you blush with his Italian pickup lines to try to make you blush.
This can be a little bit awkward though because mostly you are serious and he's not really teasing as much as Feliciano but he can be quite romantic.
Lovino does hug you or kiss you but not in public because he does not want to be teased so he would only be doing it in the bedroom where you two are cosy.
He does think you look cute though when you are blushing but he is not going to admit it as loud as Feliciano unless he does plan to fluster you.
Would also whisper sweet nothing just to fluster you when the two of you are not in public. He's Italian, so he's as experienced as Feliciano in the art of flirting and romance.
Also, he would surprisingly make pizza for you instead of Pasta. His special pizza and he would be pissed if you decide to eat those fake pizza from convenient store.
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As the sun began its descent on a Friday evening, (Y/N) and Lovino. They had been looking forward to this movie night all week long. The living room was adorned with cosy blankets, and a couple of sodas chilling in the ice bucket but it was not complete with the snacks for the movie night.
Lovino arrived first, his trademark scowl softened by the upcoming evening's prospect. He kicked off his shoes and settled onto the couch, sending a quick text to Y/N that he was there. Soon enough, (Y/N) joined him from Kitchen once you place the ice bucket filled with cold drinks next to the couch, your smile infectious as they entered the room.
"Hey, Lovino! Ready for another movie night?" Y/N asked with a soft smile on her/his/their face.
"Yeah, yeah, I guess so," he muttered, trying to mask his own anticipation.
Lovino Vargas leaned back on the couch, his attention divided between the Netflix menu and the movie selection. He shifted slightly, glancing at (Y/N) seated beside him. With a bashful smile that he tried to hide, he wrapped his arm around you. As he pretended to scroll through the movie options, his fingers brushed against (Y/N)'s arm, a subtle way of conveying his affection.
Lovino's heart raced as he felt a mixture of nerves and excitement, his arm wrapped around (Y/N). Just as he was beginning to feel more at ease, the distant sound of the doorbell pierced the air. He quickly pulled his arm away, the sudden movement accompanied by a muttered grumble under his breath. His cheeks tinged with a faint blush as he tried to regain his composure, cursing his own awkwardness.
As the doorbell rang, (Y/N) sprang up from the couch. (Y/N) hurried to the door, their/her/his steps quick but controlled. Opening the door revealed the pizza delivery person with a frown on the delivery man face. "Here's your pizza," the guy hands the pizza box. "Alright and here's the cash and the tip too," (Y/N) mutters before pulling out a few bucks and giving it to the delivery man.
As (Y/N) reentered the room, pizza box in hand, Lovino's eyes flickered towards the delicious prize they held. However, Lovino glances at the pizza box. The box is written 'American Express Pizza' and he puffs his cheeks together. "Mi amor. Did you buy that Horrible American Pizza?" he asks. "They are not horrible and yes, I did," (Y/N) looks at Lovino.
Lovino's nose wrinkled ever so slightly at the mention of American Express Pizza, his preference for Italian cuisine evident in his expression. "Ugh, American Express Pizza? You know I can't stand that stuff," he quipped. "Hey, how about this? Since I can actually make a proper Italian pizza, why don't we make one together? I'll show you the real deal, and then we can enjoy it while watching the movie," He held one of your hands and drag you to the kitchen.
A light blush painted (Y/N)'s cheeks as Lovino gently took your hand, his touch sending a subtle thrill through you. His actions were unexpectedly tender, and they followed him willingly as he led them to the kitchen. The scent of ingredients and the warmth of the oven filled the air, creating a cosy atmosphere that matched their fluttering emotions.
Lovino turned towards them, his gaze meeting theirs. Before (Y/N) could say anything, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on each of (Y/N) cheeks, his affectionate gesture momentarily leaving her/him/them breathless. The surprise of his kiss deepened your blush, (Y/N) heart beating a little faster.
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Ludwig Beilschmidt - Germany
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Unlike Feliciano, he is much more shy with showing affection so it is going to be awkward between the two of you. He does love you but it takes a long time for him to hold your hand or to give a kiss on your cheeks.
To show his affection to you how much he loves you mostly from his chocolate cake since he could bake the best chocolate cake since we know he doe love baking.
Other than baking chocolate cake for you. Ludwig would be most likely show his affection to you through Act service. It would be like cleaning your room, teaching you the subjects you did not understand, or protecting you.
Nevertheless, Ludwig does try to be affectionate to you. Each time he goes home from the world meeting. He would give a little kiss on the crown on your head but he doesn't always do it often because he would get a bit shy when giving you a kiss.
Sometimes he would try to make himself brave by kissing you on the lips even though it ended up causing him to blush madly and things getting even a bit more awkward than before.
Ludwig might be not affectionate in public but he does give you some little kisses when in the house and no one is watching. He's aware that his brother are going to tease him so he only being affectionate when no one is there too.
Also, he does think when you blush are endearing byt just like Lovino. He is not going to admit it out loud when you are blushing because of his kisses.
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On a tranquil afternoon, (Y/N) found themselves immersed in the company of Ludwig's Dogs, Arter, Berlitz and Blackie. The soft glow of the TV illuminated their faces as they all settled in for a movie night. Blackie lay by (Y/N)'s feet, a comforting presence emitting a quiet warmth. Berlitz perched excitedly on the cushion next to (Y/N), occasionally tilting their head in response to the flickering images on the screen.
Lastly, Aster occupied the space by the window, as if keeping a watchful eye on the world outside and waiting for her master to go home just like (Y/N) too. Despite sitting together with the triple furbabies, (Y/N) could not help but feel lonely as Ludwig had been staying in another country for the world meeting.
Despite the movie playing on the TV screen, (Y/N) found their/her/his thoughts wandering elsewhere, unable to focus on the storyline. Ludwig had been away in America for a week. (Y/N)'s mind was fixated on the front door. Every distant sound, every creak in the house stirred a spark of hope that it might be Ludwig's arrival.
As the minutes stretched into the night, (Y/N)'s gaze shifted from the TV to the clock on the wall. The hands of time seemed to be moving at an excruciatingly slow pace, reminding you that it was growing late. With a sigh, (Y/N) reluctantly tore their attention away from the door and decided to head to the kitchen. The dogs followed closely, their/her/his presence a comforting reminder of the waiting they were all engaged in.
In the warm glow of the kitchen lights, (Y/N) set about preparing a simple meal. They gathered ingredients, chopped vegetables and seasoned the chicken. The dogs sat nearby, their attentive eyes fixed on every movement, their tails occasionally thumping against the floor in anticipation. As the scent of food filled the air, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the three dogs' excitement.
For Blackie, Aster and Berlitz, diced some leftover chicken that you had used and some scrambled eggs for the extra since she did not want them to get bored with only chicken. The dogs, their tails wagging in excitement, gathered around their designated bowls, ready to devour their given food.
A sudden hush fell over the kitchen as the distinct sound of boots echoed from outside. The dogs, their ears perked up in unison, froze in their tracks, their meals momentarily forgotten. Blackie, Berlitz, and Aster exchanged knowing glances, their instincts alert to the approaching presence.
The triplets moved in unison towards the living room, their sensitive noses catching the scent of someone familiar. Ludwig had finally returned. The kitchen fell silent but the sounds of the dogs barking from the living room reached out to (Y/N)'s ears. This causes (Y/N) to stand up from the chair, following Balckie, Berlitz and Aster together.
The door swung open, revealing Ludwig's figure framed by the warm light spilling in from the outside. (Y/N)'s heart leapt at the sight, a mixture of relief and excitement flooding your senses. Without hesitation, Ludwig closed the distance between them. As he reached (Y/N), a shy yet affectionate smile curved his lips.
With a gentle gesture, he reached out, cupping (Y/N)'s face in his hands, his eyes never leaving theirs. And then, in a moment that felt like a whisper of time, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and then placed his lips on top of your lips. The tender kiss from Ludwig left (Y/N) feeling a rush of emotions that spread like wildfire across your cheeks. A delicate blush crept up, tinting their skin with a rosy hue.
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Yao Wang - China
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Yao Wang is shameless when he is showing his love so it was not surprising that he would latch out on you out of nowhere when he feels cuddly.
Yao wang is just as affectionate as Feliciano but a little bit more stern when he is taking care of you when you are sick, scolding you and feeding you hot soup.
When you are blushing. he would squeal as he thinks you look really adorable when you are getting shy as he is showing his affection to you.
You could expect him glomping on you and telling you how much adorable you are when you are blushing madly. Also, not going to let go of you even though you told him to get away.
Does not mind PDA at all and does not even realize that he is really embarrassed as everyone watches him being lovey-dovey to you. Would hug and kiss you everywhere and anywhere but not kiss on the lips. He's surprisingly a little bit shy when it comes to kissing on the lips.
Also, would even smush your cheeks when you are getting shy when he sees you getting embarrassed after he kisses you or hugs you.
Another guy who would be willingly try to break your guard and your serious face just to see you blush and giggles when he is being cuddly to you.
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In the midst of her/his/their daily routine, (Y/N) settled into a virtual Zoom meeting, connecting with your manager and fellow colleagues scattered across different locations. As faces appeared on the screen in the computer screen, the manager greeted their teammates with a smile on his face. "Good afternoon everyone. Let's discuss our project with our upcoming plan for a drink," he places his arms on the table.
Yao Wang found himself reclining on the bed, his patience gradually waning as he awaited (Y/N)'s meeting to come to an end. The passing minutes seemed to stretch, and he couldn't help but sigh softly, his expressive eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and restlessness. As the voices from the virtual meeting continued to emanate from (Y/N)'s device, Yao Wang shifted his position, starting at the bald glasses men.
Yao Wang's eyes began to droop as the minutes dragged on, the monotony of waiting causing drowsiness to creep over him. The hum of the meeting had transformed into a distant buzz, and he stifled a yawn, his eyelids feeling heavier with each passing moment. Until suddenly a spark of inspiration lit up in his mind.
With renewed energy, Yao Wang pushed himself up from the bed, his boredom momentarily forgotten as he had tons of ideas about what to do to take your attention away from the bald manager. The man decides to surprise (Y/N) with a homemade culinary extravaganza as he dove into the culinary world.
With determination in his eyes, he gathered the necessary ingredients and set about recreating a trio of beloved Chinese dishes. The kitchen came alive with activity as Yao Wang skillfully chopped vegetables, marinated meats, and orchestrated the symphony of sizzling pans. The aroma of sizzling meats and the mingling scents of various sauces filled the air, promising a mouthwatering feast in the making.
With unwavering focus, he whipped up a sumptuous Kung Pao Chicken, the marriage of spices, peanuts, and succulent chicken pieces tantalizing his senses. Lastly, Yao Wang decides to create an Orange Chicken as the chicken fried until perfectly golden-brown and coated with Orange Sauce.
Strutting inside the bedroom with pride, Yao Wang entered the room where (Y/N) is still talking with the other workers and their/her/his manager with the tray in his hand inside there are rice along with the chicken that he made and a pair of chopsticks. Yao Wang set the plates and the bowl on the table, arranging them thoughtfully as he sets them on the table.
A delightful and enticing aroma wafted through the air, drawing (Y/N)'s attention away from the meeting. As you turned around, your eyes met the scene before them, a beautifully laid-out lunch spread that showcased Yao Wang's meals and Chinese food specialities. With a mix of surprise and appreciation, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile a little bit with a blush on (Y/N)'s face.
Yao Wang's observant eyes caught the flush that graced (Y/N)'s cheeks as (Y/N) realizes the meal that he had prepared. A small smile played at his lips, his heart warming at the sight of your reaction. He closed the distance between them with a soft yet purposeful step. As he reached (Y/N), placing a gentle kiss on your cheeks.
"我爱你,你害羞的时候真可爱." (Wǒ ài nǐ, nǐ hàixiū de shíhòu zhēn kě'ài - I love you, you're really cute when you blush.)
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bainutwater85 · 3 months
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ben who needs a girl as..
face sitting with toby
hate sex with jeff
makeup sex with jeff
needy toby
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jeff the killer general headcanons
eyeless jack and morning wood
more to come~
their favorite music
cooking hc
they keep you dolled up
more to come ~
they keep you dolled up
how they eat pussy.
general NSFW headcanons
NSFW HC. suigetsu, sasuke.
whiny!sub!rock lee
more to come~
crush!denki x crush!yn
they keep you dolled up
me and you isn’t the answer. bakugou x black!reader
more to come~
they keep you dolled up
more to come~
they keep you dolled up
more to come~
kiku x bratty!reader
more to come~
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appleandsnow · 1 month
He tries to be quiet as he shuts and locks the door with his one free hand; the other was holding a huge bouquet.
You'd gotten ill recently and had taken to spending most of your time in bed.
You'd gotten ill like this before so he's not too worried as he goes about buying groceries and flowers. He was sure he'd find you sleeping and he did.
He laid all the groceries away and arranged the bouquet in a vase in the kitchen and got ready to climb back into bed with you.
He'd been careful and quiet as he'd climbed into bed and snaked his arm around your waist but you stirred and turned towards him anyway.
Would he allow anyone to be this close to you?
"Yes, my love"
"Did you head out?"
"I did. I bought us a big bouquet to spruce up the kitchen and I'll be making us food later"
You mumbled something he didn't catch and snuggled closer to him.
He held you closer and kissed your forehead as you slipped back into sleep
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ari-burr · 5 months
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❝ ɪ ᴄʜᴏᴏꜱᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ, ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ɴᴏ ʀᴇᴊᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ❞ 
featuring: state of japan // kiku + kuro x country!reader
genre: routine, romance, angst, fluff, history - with some spice ;>
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⁀➷ Mornings with Kiku and Kuro are peaceful. By the time you wake up, your senses would be filled with the calming aroma of boiling tea. And with your mind drowsy and yawning, you would smile and fall back down onto the shared cushions at the knowledge that the two actually brewed your favorite drink as a result of your mindless rambles.
⁀➷ Every time you were to speak to Kiku, he always looked you in the eyes. Expressing in his own subtle way, that you always had his attention. Kuro on the other hand, had a habit of avoiding your longing gazes and charming tones but would seem to have no trouble in recalling the meaning behind your words. Seamlessly memorizing all the smallest details, and keeping it in thought for the next conversation. 
⁀➷ When you finally work up the motivation to wriggle out of the comfort of the futon, you would head down stairs while rubbing away the sleepiness from your eyes. In the kitchen, you could hear Kuro and Kiku’s soothing whispers in their native language. [Kuro isn’t a morning person at all, but at least he compensates for the silent brooding by making breakfast.]  And while you couldn’t decipher what exactly they were saying, you enjoyed the sound of their voices nonetheless. 
⁀➷ Already, there would be a cup filled with steaming tea, waiting for you on the table. As you sat down and took a sip, your ears would perk up at the sound of the two men approaching, still enraptured on the topic they were talking about. Eventually though, curiosity would’ve had gotten the better of you and you would’ve asked, “What are you two talking about?” with listless amusement. 
⁀➷ Kiku, who was slightly better at English, would be the first to answer. He would explain that their meeting was cancelled due to a certain American’s realization that he accidently booked himself back to back. “That moron. . .” you would say in between fits of laughter. “I’ve only met him in passing, but it’s hard to think that he’s a world-superpower when he acts so silly all the time.” 
⁀➷ A long time ago, you would have never guessed that you would end up with these two and apparently, they were on the same boat. Back then, the most you were to each other were acquaintances but Kiku was the first to take notice of you. You were an isolated country and was forced out into the world by bigger nations like him. However, the difference between him and you was that you more fearless towards the unknown. Of course, he could still see the hesitance in your eyes whenever you interacted with nations like Britain or America. You were just as nervous as he was and yet you still smiled on.
⁀➷ For Kuro, he didn’t care enough to pay attention to you at the start. You were probably the most unlucky personification he’s ever met because you didn’t have a 2p. Which resulted in you being forced to attend both 1p and 2p national summits. But as these meetings tracked on with your presence, he would find his eyes drawn to yours more and more. Ultimately taking notice of how you would quiver beneath those narrowed eyes from the other 2ps. You were a nation just like them, but that didn’t mean you belonged. [A small part of him almost sympathized].
⁀➷ As time went on, you and Kiku would’ve gotten closer with him slowly developing feelings for you, and you staying oblivious until the very last moment. Underneath Kiku’s distant expression and formal words would be a turmoil of frustration and longing for you. You were known to be a naturally affectionate person, but you always strayed from laying a hand on him due to taking notice of Kiku’s discomfort whenever America and Italy would embrace him. 
⁀➷ He knew for a fact that it was his own fault from putting himself in this dilemma, but at the same time, he was too afraid to do anything about it. But everyone, even the ones who had the most self-control, had their limits and he had to speak to someone other than you to express his dismay. 
And that’s how Kuro finally came into the picture. 
⁀➷ Unlike most 1p and 2p nations, Kiku and Kuro would of had closer relations as they held similar interests and personalities which complimented the other. But regardless of how much respect Kuro had for his counterpart, irritation would still linger on. Your name was like a profanity. He was fine at first with his counterpart venting out his frustrations, but soon enough, every conversation became about you. About the way you smiled, the way you blushed and stuttered; he knew it all.
⁀➷ It didn’t help that Kuro had to see you on a daily basis. Seeing your face and your oh so awkward yet charming grin; it made his blood boil. However, for some odd reason, whenever you approached to greet him, all his malice laced thoughts would wash away like salted waters on sand. His resting scowl would immediately soften as you spoke to him about mundane matters and politics alike. Were you trying to be friends with him. . .? 
⁀➷ Truth was, no, not really. Back then, your goal was to be well-liked by the majority while also standing in the side lines. You weren’t one for the spotlight as it always blinded you from reality. So, you stuck to befriending the calmer nations, finding solace in the lack of complexities that came with befriending superpowers. Japan was by far your favorite nation. 
His 2p being hot interesting was just a bonus. 
⁀➷ “[Y/n]-chan, do you remember what you said to me before?” Kiku asked. 
You tilted your head. “Uhm, that you should grow out your hair?”
“Uh, no-”
“That your 2p’s kinda hot?”
Kiku’s face warmed with embarrassment. 
“N...No. It was-”
“What’s cooking good lookin’?”
“[Y/n]-chan, please, let me speak.”
⁀➷ It took a while for the latter to get the words out, but eventually. . .
“. . .I have feelings for you,” he said, his lips trembling at the notion. 
You were left speechless, your eyes instinctively moving to his lips. Slowly yet surely, you leaned in to kiss them still. 
“I love you too.”
⁀➷ From then on, Kiku and you became a couple, which was a relief for Kuro. He wouldn’t have to listen to Kiku’s mind-numbing rambles now that he was all focused on you. But as things slowly began to settle with the dust, the universe had to insult him with a sudden rush of emotions, and not the bad kind [which was oddly even worse]. Whenever he saw you with Kiku, in the budding garden, or deflowered beneath the sheets, jealousy would arise. But he would always refuse to acknowledge it. Kuro valued his honor and held high regard for his counterpart. And besides, what point is there to crushes when they’re already swept away by someone else?
⁀➷ Having Kuro as an extra addition to your and Kiku’s relationship took a long time, especially when both personifications of Japan are known for their lack of skill in communication. Things eventually escalated though, when you began to notice Kuro’s desired glances or the softened notes in his voice whenever you two came into contact. You brought this up to Kiku, and soon enough, he took notice as well (despite initially brushing it off in the long-held belief that Kuro had no interest in anything “love and romance.”)
⁀➷  “Kuro?”
“Hm?” He looked up from his painting, his ruby orbs meeting yours. 
“Do you like me?” You asked, your head tilted with curiosity. 
He scowled.  
“If you can’t figure it out by now, then I have nothing to say.”
“So. . .no?” 
“No as in yes? Or “no” as in no?”
⁀➷ You got kicked out of his room. 
And Kiku had to comfort you while you were busy sulking in the corner. 
“He treats me like I’m the bane of his sad existence!” You cried out. “What the hell did I do to him. . .?”
He sighed softly, “[Y/n], I assure you that you did nothing wrong. It’s simply that Kuro isn’t one to be vulnerable with his truer emotions.”
You pouted, your brows furrowing in frustration.
“. . .He’s a kuudere, isnt he?”
“I’ll go speak with him.”
⁀➷ After some gentle coaxing from Kiku, sooner or later, Kuro does end up confessing his thoughts and desires. Everything else fell into place after that ♡
— ꜱᴘɪᴄʏ (💘) ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
➸ When things become heavy and heated between you and Kiku, Kuro would shamelessly walk in and keep his presence hidden, biting his lip with desire as Kiku pins you down onto the cushions (...his gentle hands roaming over your smooth skin.) But that’s when you two would hear a quiet sip from across the living room and see Kuro, the perverted bastard sitting on a chair with a smug look on his lips. And as his hand swirled his steaming cup of tea, he would ask: “Why did you two stop? Continue :]”
This sets Kiku off, so he decides to give Kuro a taste of his own medicine. 
➸ With your pretty face burning with pinks and reds, you feel Kiku slip off your clothes one by one, exposing your skin to the icy atmosphere in contrast to the heated moment. Kissing down your neck and shoulders and leaving love bites along the way, you feel his lips travel further south. In the corner of eye, you would witness Kuro struggling against his restraints as Kiku makes him watch as you get violated by him. 
➸ Kuro is infamous for making your knees weak whenever he pulls you close to capture your lips, his fingers tantalizingly unzipping your pretty, perfectly stylized dress after a soirée. What makes you almost pass out though is the when he slips his tongue between your lips and takes you from there. 
➸ Kiku however, enjoys teasing you through sensory deprivation. He’s trained enough to go for months without intimacy regardless of his high libido. So, he’ll being smiling secretly watching as you whine and pine for his touch. It’s a little cruel but he’ll say things like “darling, you must learn to restrain yourself” and “i’ll satisfy you when i’m ready..” in an almost teasing manner. 
But the moment you begin whimpering at pawing at his clothes, he’ll pounce at the opportunity. 
➸ Kiku and Kuro may be all “polite” and “honorable” for the most part, but behind close doors? 
They’re handcuffs, bondage, toys, and blindfolds.
That’s as much as I’m going to elaborate. 
note: @sparklingbluerose thank you so much for the request! sorry for the long wait  (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) ‧º
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siren-serenity · 1 year
the ways i say 'i love you' 🌈
characters: arthur kirkland (england), gn!reader warnings: fluff, romance a/n: - arthur kirkland asdfghjklasdfghjsfgoandv *cue siren fainting* - he is my babygirl fr - i think this just turned out into a 'how to brew tea' 101 session lmao - feedback is appreciated!
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reading a book together
the raindrops platter against the window, creating a racket of noise but it was ignored inside the warm household. a duo sat side by side on the old couch, books in hand and their eyes fixated on the tale the words weaved together beautifully. it was like they were transported into a whole different dimension where dragons and magicians roamed free and the limit is limitless. on the small nightstand, a lit candle flickered. the sweet aroma of a forest wafted in the air, further adding to the illusion and you breathed it in. a smile grew on your lips. "good book, love?" arthur murmured, placing a bookmark on his page before giving you his full attention. his emerald eyes read your sypnosis quickly as you nodded. "it's well-written and the plot is unique," you explained. you stood up, cracking your stiff joints and groaning at the relief you felt. "want to lean on me instead?" arthur moved aside the pillow and you smiled gently. you sat back down again, this time leaning your head on his shoulders and your arm wrapped around his. this way, you could smell arthur's scent alongside the forest-scented candle; his cologne was different this time. it was more him, the scent of roses and the seaside somehow suited him. together, you both cracked your books open and continued reading in peace, ignoring the ferocious winds and the roaring thunder beyond the little bubble of peace.
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tea time together
there is a soft alluring scent coming from the kitchen. it disrupts your work zone and invites you to investigate the source of it. as you exit your office and turn left, you spy arthur's golden hair in the midst of the grey monotones of the kitchen and smile. "sweetheart?" you call out, watching as arthur spins around with teabags of all shades in his arms. you chuckle and walk forth, pressing a small, featherlight kiss on his cheek before wrapping an arm around his waist. "what are you doing?" "just making tea, love," he returns the kiss to your cheek; his own cheeks were the shade of bright red as he quickly turns back to decide. "i just can't decide what to brew today..." you hum, using your other arm to hug him around the waist and bury your face in the crook of your collarbone. "teach me about tea?" "well, there's a lot to know about tea," arthur began. his emerald eyes sparkled as he rambled and that was what you loved most about him. how passionate he could get when he is talking about the things he loves most. "the most important thing to note is every tea has specific optimum temperatures to be soaked in. for example," arthur held up a packet of green tea. you noticed how it matched his eyes and quickly shook your head to clear your mind of thoughts. arthur gave you a raised eyebrow before continuing. "green tea doesn't actually need to be boiled at water's boiling temperature. somewhere around 70 to 80 celsius will do the trick. and only soak it for 2 to 3 minutes. any more and the tea will be too infused with green tea." you leaned in, taking a small inhale of the green tea before smiling. "smells nice, love. can we try this?" arthur nodded while grinning. his hands automatically began to grab whatever he needed as he spoke to you. "i had these imported thanks to kiku! the green tea from his place is simply divine; i don't know how i survived decades- i mean so long without it!"
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behind arthur's little cottage, there was a cliff overlooking the entirity of the ocean. the grandness of the view always never failed to take your breath away, just like right now. you sat down on the picnic blanket and simply appreciated the view of the majestic sapphire waves and the glorious golden sunset above you. "darling?" arthur's frantic voice interrupted you but you turned around to wave. he let out a huge sigh before scrambling down the stone stepways and briskly made his way to you. "i was looking all over for you! you made me so worried!" his hair was frazzled and messy, unlike his normally gelled back appearance. gold strands fell onto his face and a sweaty sheen showed proof of his arduous running around to find you. you pat the space next to you, beckoning him to join you and he relented. arthur leaned into your embrace, nuzzling his face into the crook of your collarbone and your hand went up to gently brush his golden hair. his eyelids fluttered at the feeling and a light blush dusted his face. "this feels nice," he murmured lowly and you hummed in agreement. together, you both faced the sunset, where the skyline met the horizon of the endless sea in a beautiful kiss.
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relationship hcs ; romano vargas
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requested by ; anonymous (17/05/23) [1/2]
fandom(s) ; hetalia
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; romano vargas
outline ; “hullo!! This is for UCN!! Don’t see much Hetalia content here so let’s change that shall we >:3 I’d like some relationship headcanons for Romano :D he’s so skrunkly and I love him so much (and also someone made a “most attractive guy in Hetalia” competition here and Romano’s beating the absolute shit out of every dude he’s up against xD) If it’s not too much to ask maybe we can have sfw + nsfw? 🥺 (I’m 21!! Sorry if that’s weird-)”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
he’s incredibly protective of you and isn’t afraid to cuss anyone out that gets too close to you
he also tries to fight them but he isn’t the best fighter and usually ends up coming out of the scuffle with more bruises and cuts than he went in with
appreciates the calm domestic aspects of your relationship, even if he won’t verbally admit it
but you can tell by the way he hums whilst making you both a home cooked meal, or the way he relaxes when you cuddle up on the settee after a long day
not big on pda by any means, at most interlocking elbows with you or placing a hand on the small of your back
though he is incredibly affectionate in private and has no qualms with cuddling, kissing, complimenting or making out with you at home
despite outward appearances, he’s incredibly patient with you and he’s an excellent teacher — especially if you want to learn to cook some of the local foods from his home or if you want to learn his native language
his favourite pet names for you are: ‘vita mia’ and ‘cuore mio’
he’ll turn bright red if you kiss him on the cheek in public or if you use any italian pet names for him
he doesn’t talk about you much with others because he’s incredibly protective of you — the only exceptions being with women (usually to brag about you) or his brother feliciano (because he knows he’ll get bugged to hell and back if he doesn’t)
he will go absolutely ballistic if spain or germany go anywhere near you
loves seeing you in his clothes and will intentionally leave his white button ups around the house in the hopes of you ‘stealing’ them
will research your current interests independently to ask you about them — vehemently denying doing so if you ask him about it
prefers to be the big spoon when you cuddle and won’t fall asleep until he’s sure that you’ve drifted off
will only say he loves you in italian because he gets too flustered by the idea of saying it in english as he worries about others hearing him be soft
when you first met he was extremely flirty and extremely good at flustering you — this almost stops once you’ve become an established couple, but his flirty nature never really goes away
he takes lots of pictures of you but the only pictures of himself that he has are ones of the both of you — he doesn’t hate having his picture taken, though, he just doesn’t think about doing it much
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flannel-cladpika · 1 year
Hot Cocoa - Human!Sweden x F!Reader
A/N: Wrote this many years ago, but decided to come back to it and touch it up a bit.
TW: Fluff
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The sound of wood being cut was the first thing to greet your ears as you opened your eyes. 
You looked out the frost-covered window beside your bed, only to see the familiar tall stature of your blonde housemate out in the mid-calf deep snow, wielding an axe and cutting up logs in only a sweatshirt and thick pants.
You reached for your phone on your bedside table. It was still only 7 in the morning and the current temperature outside was -28 degrees C.
You sighed. "He knows better than to go out without his coat."
You'd known the "Nordics" since childhood, and had grown up in the same neighborhood as them for a few years. Even when they all moved back to their homelands, you all still kept in contact regularly.
When you had decided to moved into an apartment in Sweden, you were welcomed by all your friends with a party and booze, which ended with a very drunk Matthias needing to be cared out the door by Tino and Lukas while Emil and Berwald looked on in a mixture of amusement and disapproval.
However, about a month into your stay, your apartment was flooded due to a plumbing issue, and left you with nowhere to stay for at least a few months. Berwald came to help you pack up everything that could be salvaged, and even offered up his home for you to stay in. You had agreed, thankful for his generosity.
You didn't know that you'd be finding yourself still staying there a year later, since the house was three times the size of your apartment and Berwald had insisted that you stay with him instead of going back to that "run-down place". He had a point. The place was old and there was always something that needed to be fixed.
Even after having stayed with the Swede for over a year, you still worried for his health whenever he went out into the cold underdressed.
So, after climbing out of your comfy nest of blankets and putting on the fluffiest coat in the closet along with your thickest sweatpants and snow boots, grabbed Berwald’s parka and headed out into the snowy wonderland.
“Berwald!” you called as you opened the back door, stepping outside and immediately noticing how the snow came up to your knees.
Said man stilled his axe at the sound of your voice. The male turned to see an image that made him almost chuckle.
There you were, trudging through the deep snow, bundled up in the large white fluffy coat he bought you (which he bought because he thought you looked cute in it), carrying his parka in your arms. You looked like a little snowshoe hare.
However, he soon became worried once he remembered how cold it was, and instead walked towards you to meet you half-way.
You reached up and put the large coat around the Swede’s shoulders, sighing as you did so. “Ber, I know you’re used to the cold, but you’re still human, and you need to stay warm! How many times must I remind you?” you scolded softly, not a trace of malice in your tone.
The man’s eyes softened at your actions, proceeding to put his arms through the sleeves of the winter garment. “Tack.” he replied, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
You smiled. "You're welcome. Now, I'm going to head in and go make us something warm. I'll see you inside." 
He nodded and turned back to the pile of yet to be chopped wood.
Stepping through the snow, you made your way back, taking off your coat and snow-covered boots once inside and changing into a pair of flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt that said 'Let Me Have My Coffee First.' It had been a gift from Berwald, and while it was too big to wear out, you found that it made the perfect sleep-shirt.
You contemplated what to make as you looked through the fridge and cabinets. Having found milk, heavy cream, and chocolate, you decided that hot chocolate was a good option.
Just as you grabbed a medium pot that was hanging, you heard the back door open, letting in a small gust from outside.
You peeked out from the corner of the kitchen to look at the man who'd just come in.
It was a little comical. 
There he was; coat, pants, and boots all caked in snow, and a large arm-full of chopped logs in his hold. His hair and eyelashes still had snow stuck to them too, reminding you that you should’ve brought him his hat too.
You smiled a little before returning to the kitchen, hearing the blonde setting down the wood in the metal firewood holder next to the fireplace in the living room.
"I'm done with the firewood." the man stated aloud in his usual monotone and heading upstairs, likely to change out of his current clothes and into something more comfortable.
"Ok! Just starting on the hot cocoa!" you called from the kitchen, pouring the milk and heavy cream into the pot as you put the heat to medium-low.
After a bit, you heard Berwald come back down the stairs and head into the living room. You heard him opening the flue of the chimney and putting logs into the fireplace as well as the sound of him striking a match.
You smiled at the thought of a nice warm fire to sit by.
You continued to smile as you absentmindedly stirred the milk and cream, making sure the mixture didn't scorch.
After a few minutes of stirring and then adding the chocolate and a bit of cocoa powder to undercut the sweetness, you finally turned the stove off and went to grab two mugs from the cupboard.
Unfortunately, the mugs were on the top shelf and you couldn't quite reach them, though it wasn't without trying.
Suddenly, there was a toned chest pressed against your back and a muscular arm steadied on the counter to the your right while the other reached up and easily grabbed both the handles of the mugs you were hoping to get.
"Here you go." Berwald said, backing up to hand you the cups and look into your eyes as you turned around to face him.
You had to suppress the blush that wanted to creep onto your cheeks from the blonde's close proximity. He wore a pair of black sweatpants that seemed to hang off his hips, and a grey t-shirt that hugged his form just enough that you could make out the faint outlines of his muscular figure.
"Thank you." you said as calmly as you could, turning back to the stove with the mugs.
"No problem. I'll go get some blankets." the male stated, heading off towards the hallway closet.
You let out a small breath of relief before pouring the chocolatey contents of the pot into the two cups and adding some mini marshmallows from the pantry.
You walked into the warm, fire-lit living room with the two mugs in hand. Berwald opened up the large fuzzy blanket he'd grabbed and motioned for you to get under the covers. You carefully sat down next to him on the couch, offering him the mug that said "Viking Life" on it.
The icy-blue-eyed man hummed in satisfaction once he took a sip of the hot beverage, a miniscule smile on his lips.
"It's good." he stated plainly.
"Thanks." you replied, scooting slightly closer.
"(Y/n)?" the man asked, turning toward you .
"Yeah?" you responded turning your head to face the man whom you'd slowly grown to love over the past year.
Just as you faced the blonde, he leaned down and kissed you, catching you off guard. It wasn't forceful or needy, but it wasn't entirely chaste either. It felt like a kiss that you’d give your spouse as you left for work. 
Your cheeks bloomed with a red that would’ve put the Danish flag the shame.
“W-Wha-” you began, before being cut off.
"Jag älskar dig. I want you to marry me." Berwald said without a hint of hesitation or jest.
Your eyes widened as you took in that information. After a few moments however, you began to laugh.
"Is something funny?" Berwald asked, genuinely confused.
You sighed. "Ber, you can't just say you want to marry me when we haven't even dated." you explained.
"Do you love me?" the blonde asked, still straight-faced and no sign of being nervous.
You blushed at the question, but shyly nodded.
"Do you not want to marry me?" he followed up.
The blush on your cheeks only reddened. 
"I never said that." you replied.
"Then what is the problem?" the Swede inquired, seeming not to understand the issue.
"Berwald, we haven't dated or even had any kind of romantic relationship. Wouldn't you say that it's a bit too early for us to get married?" you asked.
The Nordic man pondered your words for a moment. He’d loved you for a long time, and from your reaction to his kiss and your answers to his questions, you felt the same.
"No, I don't. We have lived together for over a year and we've known each other for a lot longer. I love you and you love me, so I don't see any problem." the man stated, as though he wasn't talking about one of the biggest decisions of a person's life.
"I-I, b-but...umm.." you stammered, trying to think up a rebuttal to that statement.
"Well, y-you don't even have a ring for me, so-" you started.
But you were promptly cut off by the man before you fishing into his pajama pants pocket and pulling out a little velvet box. He opened the lid to reveal a modest but beautiful silver ring with a small icy-blue gem in the center.
Your jaw dropped at the realization that he was completely serious about this.
"Will you marry me?" Berwald asks, a faint hint of a smile on his lips.
You sighed with a chuckle. There was just no convincing him, was there?
"I will." you answered with a smile, kissing the man’s chocolate-flavored lips as he put the ring on your finger.
A/N: Sorry I’ve been gone for a while! I swear I’m not dead! Just been low on motivation and inspiration. This took A LOT of rewriting, as I wrote this many years ago back when I was in high school. I’d say about half of this is rewritten or completely new additions to the original draft.
Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed!
* Tack - Thank you
* Jag älskar dig - I love you
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Russia x Dutiful Assistant Reader
Honestly this is just a Drabble that desperately needed to exist.
“Russia, there is someone I’d like you to meet (First Name and Last Name); they’ve been hired to help you with your duties and optime your life since you’ve been so stressed out lately.” His boss just states as he shifts through some papers.
“What?” Confused, he runs through his ash-blonde hair. “What and who are you talking about, boss? There is only you and me.”
His boss raises his gloved hand, and each of his fingers drops as if counting down. When his hand created a fist, the door behind Ivan burst open and popped in the assistant with a brand new iPad in hand and a handbag dangling off their left arm and earpiece in their right ear.
“Very nice to meet you, Mr. Braganiski, sir!” You eagerly shake his hand and pull up your task apps. For a split few moments, your (eye color) meets with his violet hues. “What can I do to help you?”
Frozen for a few moments and lagging behind your unwavering smile that sent beams of sunshine to his brain. He needed a few moments to keep up with your pace.
“Okay …um can you pull up the reports for the latest developments of the summer festival that I’m supposed …”
A hologram of all the tasks that had been completed, currently in progress, who they were assigned to, and some of the possible issues that they may run into all beautifully mapped out on a real-time spreadsheet.
“Would you like me to go over some of the issues with your project first or would you like to check out some of the booths that have already been completed to see if they meet your standards? If anything is wrong, I’m able to contact the person who is working on it so that changes can be made swiftly. I can also show you your schedule for today and duties that air on the urgent side.” Your all to ready pen was ready to take down every word.
‘This is going to be interesting.’ As Ivan prepares himself for a long day.
The day of the summer festival arrived, and both you and Ivan, as he now had you refer to him, were ecstatic. It had been a few weeks since you started your temporary assignment working for him, and you were soon to be assigned somewhere in one of the Baltic states in about a week. All the nights you spent out with him in a drunken haze, talking about your dreams, and meeting his polar opposite sisters, made the experience about the daydream. You weren’t entirely ready to leave within just about a week. This was probably the most enjoyable assignment that you had.
“You’ll come back to visit though sometime, da?” Ivan knocked you out of your mind and into the presnet moment.
“Of course, when I have some time away from my job. Maybe when I come back we can go to Peterhof Palace. I’m curious about being able to see almost 200 golden fountains!” To you, it sounded like small pieces of heaven sewn into the palace grounds.
A warm smile spreads across Ivans face it was reassuring that you did want to come back. He feared that once your assignment was up you’d disappear into his bear paw palms like a delicate snowflake, never to be replicated again.
“Ivan! Y/N! Are you ready to begin the festival!?” Ivan’s overly animated boss who shouted and somewhat slurred his words. He definitely downed a few cocktails in his last meeting and approached the two of you. He hands Ivan a pair of golden scissors so that he could cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. “Go have fun I’m off to meet with some other dignitaries.” He left the two of you as quickly as he came.
“Ready? The event is set to begin in about 30 seconds!” You gently guide him towards the white, blue, and red ribbon. You notice that he is shaking a little and was slightly nervous so you boldly grab his large palm and squeeze it gently; it is the signal for him to address the crowd that is ready for the festivities to begin.
“Welcome Friends to the annual Summer festival! Please have fun and enjoy!” With a quick swish of his hand he cuts the ribbon. Thunderous cheers are heard as people begin to flood into the brightly colored arena filled with games, activities, and plenty of food carts to visit.
“Well, Ivan, the last things that I have to do with you this week are hold the closing meetings with the staff and report back to you on Friday before I take off that evening.” Sadness dripped from your voice even though you tried to carry it with a cheerful overtone. Ivan’s ears did pick up the subtle hints; it was also obvious in your eyes.
“There is a booth I want to show you, one that I’m glad managed to fly under your radar.” He tugs you along for a while through the festival, where flowers, bubbles, and fairy lights illuminate the twilight time of the long summer day. It all feels like a fun daydream coming to life where everything is perfect, even if only just for a little while. From the moment you grabbed his hand, he’d never let go of it. Even he wanted this moment to last forever.
When you finally arrived to the aforementioned booth, his two sisters were there holding a few things. Belarus had a lei made of sunflowers and a Personalized matryoshka that had your nation's flag on the back and was painted all of your favorite colors.
“It’s been great having you as my temporary assistant Y/N, and I hope you’ll be back to visit. You really did optimize my life and make it easier.” He placed the lei of flowers over your head and the flowers of the sun graced you perfectly. “And don’t open the matryoshka until you’re on the plane, da?” He gave you a long embrace before he let you go. “Ready to go enjoy the festival?”
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mrsbluehands · 9 months
Requests: open!
Hello! I'm currently taking requests!
I write in French and English if you ever want to have your request in French! (It's my first language so sorry if my English is a little weird...)
Things I won't be writing for:
I won't write smut (slight lime I don't mind)
Any really heavy subject, but angst or darker theme is fine!
Character x ocs
Things I write for:
X reader
One-shots (It might be a little short, I don't trust my motivation... but I'll try my best!)
If your request is about the fandoms that I'm currently writing for right now, it will probably take less time for me to finish it!
Fandoms I currently write for:
Helluva boss (season 1)
Hazbin hotel
You can ask for any fandom in the list below:
Bluelock (anime)
Attack on titan (season 1 and 2)
My hero academia (season 1 to 4)
Bungo stray dogs
Assassin's creed
Yandere visual novel
Legend of Zelda
Sally face
Stardew valley
Mystic messenger
Yandere visual novel
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss (season 1)
I might not answer your request If I'm not comfortable with it or if I don't have any idea.
I'm a very slow writer so it might take time to have your request written.
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merbear25 · 3 months
Hi, can you make Russia, Germany and Prussia with a reader who's also a total simp for them? (Like in previous ask✨️)
Hello, hello! So much love for the Hetalia men, I love it! Thank you for sending in your request. I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
pt 1, pt 2
CW: gn!reader, fluff, headcanons
Meeting a simp reader (Russia, Germany, Prussia)
At first, he was a bit shocked, then that shifted into doubt before he eventually realized you were genuinely head over heels for him.
The more time you spent around each other, the more comfortable he became, eventually looking around for you when you weren’t by his side.
He’d adore cuddling with you, especially on cold nights when the winter wind was howling loudly. Whenever you drifted off to sleep in his arms, he melted and allowed himself to fall asleep soon after. Waking up to you still wrapped up in his embrace gave him the confirmation that you were there because you wanted to be.
He’d want to strengthen your bond by exploring your common interests. I’d even go as far to say he’d get out of his comfort zone: giving things a try that he may not have prior to meeting you. A deep and meaningful connection was all that he’d really want at the end of the day and if you were willing to give that to him, he’d never complain.
He’d be fairly hesitant to accept your praise and affection. He was far from the romantic or touchy-feely type and you always wanting to be around him was making him…flustered. 
Despite that, you appeared to be hard-working, dedicated to your ambitions, and an overall respectable person, eventually earning his good graces.
With you seeming more than one dimensional to him now, someone he felt like he might enjoy having around, he’d invite you to training sessions and maybe small outings with the others if he thought you’d like it. Affection would undoubtedly start out small, mostly through acts of service and sometimes words of affirmation.
The progression in your relationship would be slow yet gradual, leaving room for you to both explore who the other truly was. Quality time would increase the more comfortable he became around you, wanting to share peaceful moments with you or enjoying a nice walk in the park. Looking at you, he’d have a subtle smile pertaining to his gratitude for you.
Everyone knew just how highly he thought of himself, so when you came into his life fawning over him, he couldn’t help but agree with you. He was the amazing Prussia afterall.
When your praise and adoration didn’t wear off the more time you spent with him and you expressed genuine interest in him, he started to wonder what your deal was—what you were all about.
You piqued his interest and now he wanted to know more about you. Inviting you out for drinks would be the easiest option for him. Getting more one-on-one time with you made everything easier for the two of you to bond properly. He came to really like you and suddenly your praise made him feel a bit differently—more affectionate.
Once you two got past the first hump with getting to know each other, he’d match your eagerness to see each other. He'd want to be around you all the time. Despite the chaotic energy he brought, he enjoyed the softer moments too. Whenever he got you smiling and laughing were times that he cherished, never wanting that feeling to fade.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 14 days
Heyyyy I love ur work so much!!! Can I request an allies x reader in which they go out on shopping and reader has the urge to buy something so ridiculous and maybe childish lmaooo like a figurine or plushie and is kinda embarrassed to admit it lmao I just wonder how the allies would react to their partner ❤️❤️
⭐️✨❤️💗 Fluff 💗❤️✨⭐️
Suitable for all so like yeah.
🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸
“Hey Y/N! Which pizza are you trying to-” 
The sandy blonde looked up from his grocery list to see that you were several paces in front of him, trying to rush off to the other side of the store. You were itching to get past a cluster of people blocking your path. This allowed Alfred some time to catch up. 
“Yo! Y/N! What’s the rush? The freezer section is to the left not all the way in the back!” 
“Yeah, I know…I uh…” Your eyes were estimating how much closer you were to the aisle you were trying to get to. “I just want to grab something real quick. You don’t have to-” 
“Well, I want to come, darlin’; show me what you’re so eager to get to.” 
You bite down on your lip, and your pace begins to slow. Alfred notes this and moves to your side, with the cart still in front of him. 
“Why’d you slow down? You were moving at breakneck speed earlier.” He playfully pokes at your cheek.
“I…..” You still had a little ways to go before you were where you wanted to be. “There this series of plushies I’ve adored since I was a kid & there is this re-release…” Your hands nervously rubbed the fabric of your hoodie. “And I really want one of them that I haven’t been able to find for the past couple of years so I can finally add it to my collection.” 
“Aw, babe.” Alfred pulls you into a bear hug and tousles your hair. “Hop in the shopping cart! Let’s get to the toy aisle ASAP!” It will feel like you’re playing a live-action game of Mario Kart with how he runs and steers the basket. 
🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦
As Matthew crossed out another errand that needed to be completed, he noticed that you’d been distracted by the directory. As he caught up with you, he couldn’t help but notice the excitement that began to blossom in your (eye color) eyes. His violet eyes trailed behind where yours were concentrating on. They landed on the specialty toy store that imported figurines from all across East Asia. 
“Y/N? Is that where you want to go next, maple?” 
You flinched a little when you realized that he was behind you. 
“Heh. Yeah…..” 
“Is everything alright Y/N?” 
“Yeah. I’m just worried about you judging me…. A little.” 
“Why would I do that, my sweet maple?” 
“Well, there is this one anime/manga series, and I have this collection of figurines that I’ve been trying to complete for almost ten years.” You turn your head to him so you can make eye contact with him. “And I’m just a little afraid you’ll like me less because of it. Or think I’m weird or something.” 
Matthew cocked his head to the side before he let out a polite giggle. 
“Oh, Y/N. I could never dislike you for something that makes you. YOU. Eh! Come on.” He grabbed your hand while he began to lead the way. “ I frequent this import shop. I know for a fact they just got in a new shipment this morning.” 
From there, Matthew will be comfortable enough to tell you that he comes here for all his oversized kawaii plushie needs for his secret room in his house. (He stays there when Alfred is visiting and needs to go MIA due to his social battery being dead.) 
🇨🇳 China 🇨🇳
“Come now! We have to hurry, or we’ll miss the shop before it closes for the evening!” 
Yao’s grip on your hand tightened as you made your way through the congested pedestrian traffic. Your attention was split between trying to concentrate on keeping up with him and seeing if you could spot that street vendor you’d seen before. 
So far, there has been no such luck until you saw it. The unmistakable pastel blues, pinks, and yellows that decorated the cart. 
“There!” You said absent-mindedly as your eyes lit up like a lantern. 
“Hm? Y/N the shop is at least two more blocks upwards.” Yao began to notice that walking with you while holding hands was like trying to drag a boulder. 
“Y/N! If we don’t hurry then-” When he turned around to see what had halted you in your tracks, his amber eyes immediately took note of the iconic pastel sign which read: “Chen Family Fluffy Handmade Companions.” Yao realized the look in your eyes demanded you to go over. He was about to complain about missing the chance to buy the remaining ingredients he needed to make tonight's dinner. He stopped himself when he felt his stomach rumble. 
‘Yeah, maybe it would be better to eat out tonight. I haven’t eaten since breakfast & I don’t have the patience to cook anymore.’
“Come on Y/N. Let’s go see if they have that one sparkly light-up bunny plushie I’ve seen you be mesmerized by a couple of times.” 
“Yes, Y/N. The last five times we’ve been to the night market together, your eyes have been glued to it.” 
“Is it that obvious?” You blush while evading his gaze to look at other illuminated signs. 
“Yes, but I find it cute. Why not just ask me to get it for you?” 
“I….I dunno….” Red consumed not only your face but your neck too.
“You’re so adorable, Y/N.” Yao removed some of the hair that had fallen in your face and tucked it behind your ear. 
“Let’s go get you that plush, then grab some dinner.” 
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
The calm early evening atmosphere of the small tea shop temporarily put your nerves at ease. However, the closer it got to 18:00, the more your eyes wandered from your phone to the cobblestone, back to your high tea. Every few minutes, you’d see someone roaming in Brilliant Bright Bee merch. It was a small, internationally known brand of accessories and plushies that you had admired for a long time. 
Your eyes bounced back once more to the grandfather clock that was stationed near the entrance. 
“Y/N love? Is everything alright? You keep spacing out & seem antsy.” Arthur looks up at you from his Earl Grey tea. 
“Yes, I’m fine, Arthur really. It’s just…” Your eyes bound once again to the cobblestone path outside only to spot a cluster of 25-30 people all wearing similar BBB merch, outfits, and plushies. They were all headed in the same direction of one of the three BBB shops in all of the U.K.
‘With that group alone, they may clean out the entire shop….AND take all the Polar Bear n’ Bee  limited edition holiday plush I’ve been pining for since July!’ A frown had anchored itself to your face. 
Arthur’s eyes followed yours to look at the crowd that was beginning to head towards the Brilliant Bright Bee shop. 
“Looking at all those blokes preparing to battle it out over that new holiday collection from that popular indie brand.” As he spoke he noticed how your eyes had widened into cavernous pools of (eye color). They looked eager to join the battle. 
“Alright, love. Alright. But we get to redo high tea at midnight.” Arthur gives you a mischievous grin as he reaches for your right hand and places a scintillating kiss on it. 
“Pardon me, waitress! I need a shot of Expresso. I need to prepare myself for a retail bloodbath! Cheers!” 
[Arthur, my man Alfred’s energy be rubbing off on you. That or you are thinking bout yo pirate days ahahahah] 
🇫🇷 France 🇫🇷
Walking hand in hand with your flamboyant Frenchman through the Parisian streets felt like a romance novel coming to life. 
“So where shall we end the night? By the river? In a late-night wine shop? On the balcony at home?” Francis was shooting off ideas since, thankfully, he didn’t have work tomorrow. 
[A certain British man drank too much booze & needed to get his stomach pumped. JK headcannoning the reason he doesn’t drink caffeine is that while he benefits for the first five hours after having expresso of any kind later on he will be praying to the porcelain god for the next day.] 
You weren’t really concentrating on much of what Francis was chattering about. You’d gotten distracted by an ad that was for these handmade bears that would have a special charm sewn into them said to bring good luck. 
“Y/N, what could possibly be taking your attention away from Moi?” Francis says while playfully snatching your phone. When his blues land on the familiar stitching logo of the toymaker a Cheshire cat-like grin adorns his place. 
“Y/N, you didn’t tell me that you liked patches d’amour (loving patches)! I know some of the people who design and craft the bears….” Francis watched your face transition from shock to pleasantly surprised he knew being flashy in this instance was better. 
“I can pull some strings & get you one mi’amour.” He pulled you in close so he could plant a kiss on your forehead. Brimming over with happiness, you almost knocked Francis over when you thanked him with a big bear hug. 
🇷🇺 Russia 🇷🇺
“Which coat do you think looks better with my scarf Y/N?” Ivan placed one coat over the other as he looked at the floor-length mirror. Originally your attention was completely on him as you helped him find a new Winter coat. 
However, you gradually became more distracted. You continued to roam toward the front of the store & stay there for extended periods of time. Ivan heard your familiar footsteps rush back towards him near the dressing rooms. 
“Sorry about that, Ivan! I was just browning some other stuff that caught my eye!” When you turned the corner, Ivan’s violet orbs landed on your smaller figure. He could see that sweat beads were forming at the top of your forehead due to running back and forth so much. 
“Eye, see what you mean. It must be a ball because you run like dog to catch it.” Ivan says through a bright smile. 
“That's a very fetching joke.” You walk closer behind him. You get onto your tip toes so you can pinch his big nose. “But also, the coat in your left hand is very fetching too.” You rubbed your nose against his, before giving it a quick peck. 
“Thanks Y/N. But, seriously, what are you looking at, sunflower?” 
“Promise you won’t laugh?” Looking at him with a slight pout which Ivan always found amusing. 
“Da. Now tell me.” 
“Sooooo. You know that build-a-bear across the way?” 
“Da.” Immediately knows where you’re going with this. 
“They just dropped the seasonal sing-a-long Holiday Bear & I really want it!” 
Ivan giggles. 
“Hey! You promised not to laugh!” 
“Not at you or in a mocking way Y/N. You are the cuteness just like the things you want. Come.” 
Ivan tossed you over his shoulder. 
“Let me buy my coat & we can go get your bear.” 
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i’m back! this time could i have some crushing + gen relationship hcs w/ australia?💞
Jett Kirkland (AUSTRALIA), Nathaniel Zacker (NEW ZEALAND), and Arthur Kirkland (ENGLAND), and Ciarán Kirkland (IRELAND) GENERAL CRUSHING HEADCANONS
HI, @reeces-pieses!! Of course, you can have another crushing Headcannon. And you are the first time who actually requested for Australia and I will try my best to portray him inside of this Headcannon! I hope you do not mind that I add England and also New Zealand.
Gender: Neutral Warning: None
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Actually, it's pretty obvious when he has a crush but sadly since he is friendly and an extrovert, you are going to think he would be just being friendly so this can be a bit tricky.
He will be touchy around you but not to the point he will make you uncomfortable. Mostly he would shake your hand, head, or shoulder. He still respects your boundaries.
If you are sad, he would try to make you laugh by making funny jokes but if you are still sad and need something to be hugged, he would let you cuddle his koala.
Seems confident but secretly shy. If you actually touch him, he would internally scream in happiness, he could not believe that you actually just touched him.
Actually have crazy effort for you if he had a crush on you, he would keep asking you to hang out with him but since it's in the stage of crushing, he would let you bring your own friends and his friends.
Sometimes, he would lend you his hat or an umbrella if you got sunburnt since his beaches can be hot. He doesn't care if he gets a sunburn he thinks you need it more than him.
It would be hard to catch him getting shy because once you look at him, he would act as if he had not just gotten reddened when you held one of his hands and smiled at you.
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The golden sands stretched out before them, kissed by the warm rays of the summer sun. A gentle breeze carried the salty tang of the ocean as the person strolled along the beach, their footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. Seagulls wheeled and cried overhead, adding their voices to the symphony of the seaside.
A person with a pair of shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt, the vibrant colours contrasting against the blue sky. With each step, they/she/he felt the stress of everyday life melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. After days of working hard, (Y/N) finally deserve a resting time. "(Y/N)! Oi mate!" A person suddenly called your name.
(Y/N) turned at the sound of their/his/her name, curious about the source of the cheerful greeting. As they scanned the beach, their eyes landed on Jett Kirkland, the personification of Australia, waving enthusiastically with a surfboard in hand. A grin spread across (Y/N)'s face as they recognized the familiar figure, known for his love of adventure and the ocean. "Oh hey, Australia," You made your way over him.
Jett's playful strokes on (Y/N)'s head gave her/him/them a pleasant sensation, and his cheerful demeanour placed them at rest. As he expressed his excitement at seeing you in his own country, (Y/N) couldn't help but grin in response, impressed by his genuine enthusiasm. But you had had no idea that, beyond Jett's friendly façade, he was hiding his feelings for a long time. "Hey (Y/N), do you wanna surf with me. The waves in here are great!" "I... I can't surf," (Y/N) admitted, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.
Jett's smile grew wider at (Y/N)'s response. "Don't worry at all! I'll teach you," he guaranteed, his voice full of confidence. "We'll start softly, and I'll be right behind you the entire time. How does that sound?" With a reluctant nod, (Y/N) agreed, feeling both excited and nervous. The possibility of learning to surf with Jett at your side filled you with excitement.
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Even more obvious than Australia because he would be more clumsy than him. You would often catch him in the act when he was getting shy around you.
Poor guy, he is trying to speak normally around you but he would always be stammering and forgot what he should say next so he would just kind of stand there with a red face and say sorry.
I think he can bake but not as great as Austria or Germany. He would at least leave a pavlova on your tables. It is kind of messy but at least it was delicious. Or he would leave some ANZAC biscuits when it is Valentine's.
Always listen to you when you are talking around him, he would sometimes be in a daze because he thinks you look attractive but once you ask him, he would quickly snap out of it.
Gives you a meaningful small gift when he has crushes on you and it can be either handmade or he uses his own money instead of the government's money.
Most of the gifts he will give is probably a handmade scarf because I headcanon that he can knit since he is the country with lots of sheep. Either it will be a scarf, sweater, bobble head or a plushie.
Actually, would let you cuddle his lambs when you are sad but secretly he wishes it was him instead that is getting cuddled with you are sad.
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As the rain poured mercilessly, each droplet seemed to reflect the pain in (Y/N)'s heart. Standing in the rain, their damp clothes clinging to their/her/his body, (Y/N) felt the weight of their fight with their/her/his buddy push against them like thick clouds above. The lack of an umbrella reflected their unpreparedness for the storm that had formed between them, putting them in this pathetic position of vulnerability.
(Y/N) let out a shocked yelp as her shoes glided on the slick ground, landing against the wet pavement. Pain rushed through your right knee as you slumped, the pain of the impact blurring your senses for a brief second. Nathaniel Zacker, the personification of New Zealand, had just returned from a nearby conference when he heard your cries of pain and hurried to her rescue. With worry on his face, he knelt alongside her/him/them. "(Y/N), A-are you okay?"
(Y/N) gazed up in surprise as Nathaniel came before them, his presence both unexpected and reassuring. With a trembling nod, (Y/N) accepted Nathaniel's offer of help. Nathaniel softly placed his arm around (Y/N), carefully guiding them to their feet, and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel reassured by his touch. "Th-thank you," (Y/N) stuttered, their/her/his voice quiet and grateful as they fought to stand, their/his/her wounded knees protesting with each step.
Nathaniel's concern only deepened as he noticed (Y/N)'s struggle. With a tender smile, he offered his scarf to keep them warm, his gesture of kindness warming (Y/N)'s heart despite the chill of the rain-soaked air. "Come on, let's get you somewhere dry and warm," Nathaniel said gently, his arm still supporting (Y/N) as he led them towards his home.
Nathaniel's pulse raced and his cheeks flushed crimson as he silently thanked his fortunate stars for the unexpected meeting with his crush. Nathaniel took consolation in being their light of peace amongst the storm, despite the tornado of emotions rising inside him.
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Another guy who is obvious but not as obvious as New Zealand. In Cannon, he is a Tsundere and this is one of the reasons why it is obvious.
The reason it is not that obvious is because he could act like a poise gentleman. Doesn't react when you touch him or tease him or just simply look away as he hides his red face.
Acts rude towards you but in reality, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you. For example, if you wanted to do something reckless, he would say whatever but as soon as you were gone. He would scream 'DON'T DO IT!"
Tries to bake a scones for you but soon there would be mountains of them that were thrown away because all of them are not edible and already looks like charcoal.
Another guy with crazy effort because if anything bad happens to you, he would try his best to protect you. For example, if you were bullied, he would stand up for you and doesn't care if he also gets injured.
He may be stubborn but he will try to be open-minded for you and tell you his opinion if you need to ramble or need someone to lean on when you are sad.
Also if he is drunk, he actually gonna cry about how mean you are for rejecting him and admitting that he has a crush on you but you keep ignoring him whereas you stood there in confusion.
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As (Y/N) sat next to Britain in the meeting room on Monday morning, the weight of the global warming debate lingered in the air. Despite their best efforts, (Y/N) struggled to concentrate on America's presentation about some mythical hero concept to tackle climate change—a notion that appeared to be more absurd than possible.
As (Y/N) listened to America's presentation, a pounding pain seized their temples. Despite the regular room temperature, a sudden cold fell over the meeting, forcing (Y/N) to quiver uncontrollably. Yesterday the girl remembered Britain told her/him/them not to eat ice cream when it's cold but they/she/he did not listen, (Y/N) just rolled their/his/her eyes and continued snacking on the ice cream bowl while watching Sherlock Holmes.
As Britain witnessed (Y/N)'s declining condition, he let out a depressing sigh, recalling his earlier warning against eating ice cream on a cold day. He rose from his seat and gently excused himself from the meeting room, hoping to ease (Y/N)'s discomfort. In the kitchen, he quickly brewed a hot cup of English breakfast tea, its sweet scent filling the room with warmth and comfort. Returning to (Y/N)'s side, Britain presented the calming beverage with a sweet smile, hoping it could help his crushes cold.
(Y/N)'s astonishment was evident as they/she/he kindly thanked Britain for the steaming tea, their/his/her thankfulness reflected in their emotions. (Y/N) received the cup with a friendly grin and sipped the hot drink. Britain, hesitant to meet (Y/N)'s eyes directly, felt a flush creep up his cheeks as he uncomfortably shook off the gesture. "Well, it was nothing," he said, his voice laced with a mix of annoyance and hesitation. "Your cough was bothering me, so I figured you needed something warm, obviously," he said, his attempt to hide his worry showing his actual sentiments.
As Britain watched (Y/N) sip the tea he had prepared, a hidden joy rose inside him, knowing that his crush had found comfort in his act. Silently, he prayed for (Y/N)'s quick recovery, hoping that the tea's warmth would help ease her/his/their sickness. Seating himself alongside (Y/N), Britain couldn't help but mutter quietly, barely audible, "Get well soon, my love." He prayed against hope that (Y/N) hadn't noticed his whisper.
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The one who actually manages to hide it from you and not obvious unlike Britain, New Zealand and then Australia. He could actually act normal despite having a crush on you.
His personality is much of a Kuudere instead of Tsundere so he would not get red when he is speaking with you not stammering when starting a conversation.
But since he has a crush on you, you would actually notice chocolates shaped like clover on your table when you just arrive at the school or the world meeting.
More open-minded than Arthur so he would be more understanding and secretly more empathetic when he is around you than when he is around other countries.
It's cannon he hates getting bossed around, especially by his brothers BUT he doesn't mind if you actually ask him to do things for you if you need him but just don't take it for granted it.
From far away, you could actually hear a Celtic harp from far away and you might be wondering who plays it and what music it is. Well, it's actually for him and it's a secret way of him confessing to you through his music.
Secretly asks his fairies to get information about you, kind of creepy but the purpose is actually he just wants to understand anything you are interested in so when he speaks about it with you, he would not act like an idiot and pretend to know it all.
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On a beautiful Saturday morning, (Y/N) entered the crowded grocery shop with a list of tonight's groceries in hand. As they looked through their long list, their look changed to one of anger, as they saw how much money they'd have to spend and the effort of carrying the heavy bags. With a resigned sigh, (Y/N) readied themselves for the work ahead, knowing that the feast at home would make it all worthwhile.
Navigating through the packed aisles in search of sauces, (Y/N) felt a jolt, forcing the items in their arms to fall to the ground. "Oh! I'm so sorry! "I didn't mean to knock into you!" (Y/N)  apologised, hastily leaning down to get the dropped objects. As their fingers accidentally brushed against one another's, (Y/N) glanced up to find the personification of Ireland in front of them. "Oh, hello, (Y/N)," he said kindly. "Here, let me help you," he said, joining (Y/N) in gathering the scattered goods.
As Ciara gently placed each grocery item into (Y/N)'s basket, he couldn't help but notice how heavy the load was. "You have quite a few groceries there. "Do you need a trolley for all that?" he asked concerned. (Y/N) shook her head, but Ciara sighed, indicating his concern. "Don't be stubborn," he softly reminded. "You clearly need some assistance. "Let me take that basket for you," he insisted, attempting to relieve (Y/N) of the weight.
As Ciara continued to assist (Y/N) with picking up the groceries, her surprise mingled with a blush at his kindness. "You don't need to. I don't want to burden you," (Y/N) insisted, averting their/her/his gaze shyly. Ignoring her protests, Ciara shook his head and continued to help, his determination unwavering. "Your house is nearby, right?" he asks. "I can bring these for you," Ciara offered. "You don't need to. It's too heavy, I can manage," (Y/N) tried to reject his offer again. "It's okay. Besides, you need some help so I will help you," he said bluntly, his sincerity shining through his words.
As they approached the cashier, (Y/N) sighed, accepting Ciara's assistance once more with a sweet grin. "Okay, thank you very much, Ireland. "I'm sorry I made you bring all of these groceries," you said. Ciara brushed aside your apology with a soft smile that was gone in one second. "There was no problem. He reassured you, "The least I can do is help you." Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Ciara's aid was motivated by more than simply kindness.
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