#hes so lucky hes pretty bc this hair is not it someone get him some curl products
princemick · 1 year
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DANIEL 2023 Monaco GP, friday photo by Ryan Pierse
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star-girl69 · 9 months
In A Good Way
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!AphroditeCabin!Reader
sypnosis: basically episode two but if clarisse had a gf (so what should have been canon pretty much)
a/n: sorry dior is so fine i had to get the thoughts out this is kinda shitty also but anyways i hope you all enjoy!!
In A Good Way - Faye Webster
warnings: some violence, swearing, soft and ooc clarisse but only bc i wholeheartedly believe she is soft only for her gf and i love soft clarisse, also protective!clarisse my weakness, i’m insane, cringe, tell me if i missed anything!!
You watch Clarisse bump into the poor boy.
You’re sitting with your siblings, Tyla and Jackie, but your eyes were drawn to her even across the courtyard. Your eyes are always drawn to her.
She shoulders him hard, then immediately turns around and pushes him straight to the ground. Tyla gasps next to you as he crashes sharply into the dirt.
“Your girlfriend is a literal menace, Y/N,” Jackie scoffs.
“How do you think I feel having to deal with her?”
You really do feel bad for the boy, Percy, you think. Regardless of whether or not he really killed the Minotaur (Clar spent the entire night talking your ear off about how it simply can’t be true) it’s his first day at camp. He’s helpless, to say the least.
Feeling less than your whole life and then finally coming to a place where everyone else is like you, finally getting answers- it’s a shock.
You always feel bad for every new camper. Especially the young and tiny ones like him. Besides, you like his cute blonde hair.
“Oh, haha,” Jackie rolls her eyes. “You love her.”
You start to get up, faking a dramatic sigh, “I do.”
Tyla giggles as you walk away and come into earshot.
“Hey. Knock it off, Clarisse. It’s like his first day, come on.” Luke seems as unimpressed as he always does, slightly apathetic, as another Hermes cabin member tugs Percy up.
“Wait, so, this is the kid who killed the Minotaur. Is that right?” she takes a step forward, a misleading smile on her face.
“Yeah,” Percy says, awkwardly looking around.
“I’ll bet,” she smiles, her eyes lighting up in prospect of someone new to torture. “Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes.”
Her eyes meet yours.
“Clarisse!” you say in a sing-song voice, walking up to her and placing your hand on her shoulder. “He’s, like, twelve.”
“Oh, but he’s strong enough to kill a Minotaur?”
Your eyes lock, her hand brushes your hip, and you get those same cliche butterflies in your stomach you always do when you look at her.
You smile.
You see her eyes soften.
She turns back to Percy after a moment, faking forward, and he flinches so hard he almost falls back.
Her and her Ares siblings laugh, you roll your eyes, and push her away. She walks away, her siblings in tow, and you turn back to Luke.
On Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth’s last stretch to camp, they came across you. Your satyr protector had been killed by a monster protecting you, and Luke had held your hand and promised that all of you were going to make it to camp.
You’ll always have that bond with Luke, even though Clar hates his guts and his best swordsman in camp title.
You place your arm on his shoulder, he slings a loose arm around your waist.
Luke is pretty much the only person who can get away with touching you like this, or else they’ll receive a nice message from Clarisse in the form of a dagger barely missing their face.
“Ares kids,” Luke explains to Percy. “They come by it honestly. You got lucky today. If Y/N hadn’t come around, you probably would have gotten knocked over again.”
“Hi,” you say, sticking out your hand. “I’m Y/N.” Percy shakes your hand, smiling awkwardly.
“She’s Clarisse’s girlfriend and the only thing that stands between the camp and total destruction.”
“Oh,” Percy says, not quite able to hide his surprise and slight disgust. “She seems… nice.”
“Well, if you look like me, she’ll love you. But… I don’t think that’ll happen.”
Percy chuckles a bit.
“Why don’t they bother you?” he asks Luke.
“Ah, they know better,” he says, squeezing you closer to him.
“Yeah, Luke’s the best swordsman in camp,” one of Luke’s siblings says. You can see something in Percy’s eyes, a light that reminds you a bit of Clar.
“So, they stay away from you because, glory? So, if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn’t mess with me either?”
“Exactly,” Luke affirms. You look at him out of the corner of your eye. What the Hades is he teaching him?
“And people think I’m a big deal?”
“Well, sorta-”
“And my dad’s got no choice but to claim me.”
Oh. Your heart squeezes for him.
“You… you can’t force the Gods to do anything,” Luke says, trying not to hurt Percy too much.
“Well, yeah, but… it would make it a lot harder for him to pretend I don’t exist, right?”
“Maybe,” Luke concedes.
“Great. Where do we start?”
You laugh. “Ooh, I like the way you think.” You slip away from Luke, smiling at Percy. “Come find me if you wanna try your hand at some Aphrodite skills.”
You find Clarisse sitting outside her cabin at a picnic table, polishing her spear, her favorite activity.
You sit down next to her.
“Hey, baby,” she murmurs, a bit too entranced with the gift from her father.
“I only have a few minutes before I go to archery, but… I think you’ll enjoy this.” She looks over at you for a second, then right back to the spear. “Don’t make me charmspeak you, La Rue.”
“Okay. Okay, sorry, what?” she sets the spear down in her lap, staring up at you with a smile as if she hadn’t been ignoring you a second ago.
“Percy Jackson wants to find glory so you’ll stop bothering him,” she snorts, “and so his father will have to claim him.”
She hums.
“Well, I like him. I think he’s cute.”
She shoots you a bored look.
“Don’t say horrible things like that.”
You play with a curl hanging over her shoulder. “We both know I’ll say whatever I want.”
“Oh, I know.”
“What happened to you?”
You turn to look at Clarisse’s smirking face.
She rolls her eyes. “C’mere,”
You lean forward, across the space between the Aphrodite cabin and the Ares cabin tables. Clarisse puts her hand to your face, thumb tracing along your cheekbone. She pulls back, and you stare at her dirt covered thumb.
“You’re covered in dirt, gorgeous.”
You hurriedly raise your hand up to your face, groaning when your palm does in fact come away covered in dirt.
“Percy is definitely not a child of Apollo,” you mutter.
“What d’you mean?” Clarisse asks, handing you a few extra napkins as you begin to wipe off your face, a spot on your shirt you had noticed.
“Luke’s taking him around, trying to figure out what he’s got a talent for. It was funny, actually, he shot the arrow over all of us on the side and we all went crashing into the ground.”
She doesn’t seem to find it as funny as you do.
“It was an accident, Clar!” you say, all sing-song again.
“Oh, I’m sure it was. Exactly why I don’t believe he killed that Minotaur.”
“Adrenaline makes even mortals do crazy things.”
“You don’t kill a Minotaur with adrenaline,” she hisses.
Capture the Flag is held the next day. Clarisse and two of her siblings have been particularly pissed off all morning, and no matter how much you bug her, she only says “you’ll see” in this horribly nerve-wracking tone.
You have the same job you do every game. Sit in front of the flag, and charmspeak anyone who tries to come near it.
You’re decent with a bow, okay with a sword, but this is one area where you really shine, where you can really help.
After the first game, the blue team has learned to wear ear plugs when they come near you. But you’re like a siren, you come around and take out their ear plugs anyways. They’re scared to touch you, because one of the Ares kids will run right off to Clarisse, and she tells you all the time that she’d rather lose dessert privileges for a month then see you with one scratch.
Chiron stands imposingly on the large rock at the start of the small river that divides the two halves of the woods.
“The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor.”
You know these rules by heart.
Ever since your first Game, the day you met Clarisse, you’ve loved them. You’re not the most violent person, nothing near Clar and her insatiable thirst for competition, but there’s just something about the game.
She walks forward through the sea of red-marked armor, digging her spear into the ground and glaring at what you can only assume to be Percy Jackson.
“Any magical items you may possess are permitted as well. Every camper who is not injured has to play. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged.”
You suppress a laugh at that rule. That one was only implemented a few games ago, right after the one where you had been taken prisoner and tied with vines to a tree. When Clar had heard, she actually almost murdered a few kids and maimed some more.
Although it made keeping prisoners a little awkward, Chiron had proclaimed it was in everyone’s best interests.
“Let the games begin!” he shouts, the conch blows, and the entire team screams in a terrifying war cry.
The blue team bangs their shields and weapons together, and now you have 20 minutes before game on.
Clarisse is the captain of your team, of course. She marches around barking orders to everyone, as if their positions aren’t already drilled into their heads.
“Hey Clar,” you say. You’re surrounded by a few Ares kids, a few other good fighters, ready to protect the flag and by extension you- with their lives.
Capture the flag games are taken seriously.
She looks at the red flag in your hands, smiling in that smug way she always does. She doesn’t smile this way when it’s just you and her, but you can still see the softness in her eyes even now. With Clarisse, her emotions are all about the eyes.
“You all know what you’re doing?” she asks. All the kids behind you nod. “Good,” she smirks, starting to walk away.
“Are you hunting in your usual woods today?” you ask, heading in the same direction as her.
She smiles, a full toothy grin.
“Oh, baby, I have something even better planned.”
Clarisse is not one to change the strategy.
You can’t get it out of your head what she’s been saying about Percy.
“If you kill someone, I’m killing you.”
She just smiles.
One of the kids holds the flag from up on a rock, acting like a lookout. You lean against that rock, your armor digging into your thighs at the awkward angle, waiting for someone to come. Everyone else surrounds you in the flag, in battle stances.
The conch blew about 20 minutes ago, and you should be seeing someone soon.
“I think Luke’s coming,” Corey, the Apollo kid lookout says.
“Of course he is,” you mutter. He’s always in charge of getting the flag, because he’s not afraid to touch you. Clarisse knows he’s just your friend, or else he probably would have been dead by now. They emerge from the woods, not bothering to try for stealth, all in defensive positions.
Everyone lets you take the lead. You understand why Clarisse loves power. It’s addicting, it’s like lightening in your veins.
“Hi, Luke,” you smile.
He can’t hear you, but he returns the smile.
“You’re all going to turn around and walk 300 feet in the other direction.”
Luke sighs as one of the kids actually turns and walks away, heeding your command. Everyone else has their earplugs in tight, but it always gets one or two of them.
You roll your eyes. “You always make this so difficult, Luke.”
You walk towards him, maybe you can surprise him and rip the ear plugs out of your ear, but he suddenly springs his leg out so you trip, slamming into the ground and getting a face full of dirt.
“Bitch,” you mumble, ready to get up. Suddenly, a Hermes girl throws herself on top of you, slapping a hand over your mouth.
As soon as you hit the ground, the fight erupts around you.
“You can’t do this, Luke, it’s against the rules!” you screech, but it’s muffled through the girls thick leather gloves.
Matty, one of Clar’s siblings sighs heavily. “Fuckin’ hate this dude,” he mumbles. “Marjorie, go get Clarisse.”
The girl runs off, and Matty adjusts his helmet.
“Don’t know why you do this to yourself, man.”
Luke kneels down in front of you while you scream obscenities next to his name. He makes a big show of taking out his earplugs before ruffling your hair.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
He whips around and his sword immediately clashes with Matty’s, and they’re locked in a flurry of metal clashing and glinting in the sunlight. Matty is really good, probably bested only by Clarisse, but Luke is still the best swordsman in camp.
He puts up a valiant fight, but Luke disarms him.
Your back is really, really starting to hurt like this.
It’s whirlwind, but there were more blue team then red team, and sometimes sheer number beats out even the best of the Ares cabin.
They grab the flag and run for the beach.
The girl waits for another moment until one of the Ares kids points his sword at her.
“You’re really gonna want to let her go,” Matty says. She stands up and books it, following her team.
“Eat dirt!” you scream as she runs away, but she still has her earplugs in.
Matty helps you up.
“Clarisse’s gonna kill us all.”
“I hate Luke Castellan. I hate him, I hate him, I wish him nothing but pain and suffering.”
Matty claps your shoulder.
“Hey, at least we all get to watch Clarisse beat up the Hermes cabin at sword practice tomorrow.”
And you do like seeing Clar fight, the way she’s so focused and truly in her element, sweat making her skin glisten in the sunlight…
“That will be fun,” you concede. Matty laughs, and you all make your way down to the beach.
The scream scares you.
All the kids around you jump up with their swords, thinking a monster had somehow made its way near camp, but you recognize that voice.
“Clarisse,” you mumble, feeling frozen.
“What?” Matty asks, his eyes scanning the forest. “What’d you say?”
“Clarisse,” you repeat, breaking off into a run towards the sound of it, towards the beach.
“Clar- wait, Y/N!”
But you’re already long gone.
You make it to the beach a minute after the conch sounded, the blue team having won, making it just in time to see the blue trident appear over Percy’s head. You can barely even register the fact that he’s a forbidden child, your eyes immediately finding Clar’s siblings, the ones she was supposed to be hunting with today.
“Hey, hey,” you breathe out, almost slamming into one of them. “W-where’s Clarisse? I heard her scream-”
You love her so much it’s like your heart will break if you even think about her being hurt. It always seems like Clar is the one who loves you more, only because of her proud and overprotective nature, but really you love her just as much.
You just never have the opportunity to threaten to kill someone like she does for you. She does that all on her own.
“Oh, uh, she went that way,” he points in the direction of a barely there path, heading into the woods and back to camp.
“Great, thanks!” you shout, already running after her.
You catch up with her after a minute, your gaze landing on her practically stomping through the woods. She’s angry. She’s angry, why?
“Clar!” you shout, and she whips around, standing still while you sprint over to her. “Clarisse, Clarisse, are you hurt? I-I heard you scream-”
You run your hands up and down her arms, and after a tense second of her staring at the ground, she puts her hands on your hips.
“I’m not hurt, I’m fine.”
She looks like she’s about to cry. But you know she won’t ever let herself cry, won’t ever let herself be perceived as weak.
You wrap your arms and let her put her face in your neck. She’s almost shaking with how angry she is, her fingers digging into your hips, and she stops herself and lets go before she can hurt you.
“Oh, baby,” you murmur. You’re not sure what happened. But she screamed like that, not like she was scared, but like she had just lost something. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” She says into your neck, simple, and you respect it.
“Okay, well, let’s go back to your cabin. You’re not gonna believe the day I had. Will it make you happy to know I give you permission to beat up Luke?”
She looks up at you with skeptical eyes. You both ignore the tears staining her cheeks. “Really?” she asks, slightly hopeful, even through all her anger and sadness.
“Come on,” you smile, letting go of her and sliding you hand into hers. She meets your pace and wraps her arm around your waist. She doesn’t tell you she loves you, but you know.
You flop down onto Clar’s bed. As the head counselor, she gets the best bunk. On the second floor loft, where there’s only enough space for single beds, meaning she doesn’t have to deal with bunk beds, all the way in the corner for a little privacy.
She stands in front of you, slipping off her shoes, and your reach forward to work at the knots of her breastplate.
She stares at you until the armor is lose around her, and she lifts it up over her head and leaves it haphazardly on the ground.
You lay flat, stretching your aching back, and Clar leans over you to help you take off your armor. You probably don’t even need armor, but Clarisse is overprotective by nature, by blood. It makes her feel better, and it really doesn’t bother you much. She lifts it over your head, letting the metal crash into the floor before laying down next to you.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I’m supposed to be here for you but I’m so tired, and my back hurts so bad…”
She laughs. You smile, and it falls into comfortable silence.
“Can I really beat up Luke?” she says after a second.
You open your eyes and she’s laying on her side, propped up her arm and staring at you.
“Oh, you can.”
“Why?” she asks, still not quite believing you.
“Okay, so, Luke comes over, right. And you know, I try to charmspeak them but only one of them goes. I walk over to Luke and he fucking trips me! It was so embarrassing, baby, I literally ate shit.”
She smiles and puts her arm around your waist, tugging you closer to her.
“Then, some girl tackles me before I can get up, and puts her hand over my mouth so I can’t do anything. Which first of all, is completely against the rules, and second of all, it really hurt my back! Then, then, Luke has the audacity to say ‘Oh, thanks Y/N!’ and ruffles my hair, like? I swear to Gods, I just want him to… well, I don’t know. Suffer.”
“Don’t worry, gorgeous,” she mutters into the top of your head. “I’ll make sure he’s unrecognizable.”
You smile. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Clarisse. Who would defend my honor and fight my battles?”
She seems sort of placid, tired, like she’s just a still lake reacting to your body wading in deeper. It’s almost like she’s gonna fall asleep, and she’s always tired after capture the flag, so it’s not unusual.
“I’d be there,” she mutters, her eyes closed.
You’re both silent for a few more minutes, just the two of you together, her strong arm around you, the way it’s always meant to be.
“He’s a son of Poseidon. Did you see?”
“Yes,” you whisper. “I saw.”
“It’s not fair,” she says, like the child she never got to be. “I spend so much time, so much time trying to make him proud- it took months for him to claim me and he gets claimed on, what, his third day?”
Her head lands on your chest, your hands smoothing down her hair.
She touches the necklace she gave you months ago, bringing it out from under your shirt, the simple chain with the pretty charm that looks like a spear. More so an arrow, but it’s supposed to be her spear.
“He broke it,” she whispers.
“Broke what?”
She sits up a little higher, her hands reaching behind you and undoing the clasp on your necklace. You haven’t even taken it off since she put it on you, so of course she would be the one to take it off.
“He broke my spear.”
“Oh, Clarisse…” she stares at the necklace before folding it up tightly in her palm. She breathes out as she lays back down on your chest, her legs entwining with yours, your hand back in her curls.
“The Hephaestus kids can fix it, but it won’t be electrical anymore.”
You don’t say anything. Most people would say “it’s better than nothing” but you’re demigods with absent divine parents.
Clarisse didn’t tell you it was better than nothing to at least be claimed by Aphrodite when one of your siblings got a magic item from her. She didn’t try and tell you “maybe someday” when you cried in her arms.
Because more often then not, you’ll die before your godly parent even claims you. More kids die on their way to Camp Half-Blood then Chiron would like to admit.
And what would the Gods do? Nothing. They would do nothing about it, because they don’t care.
Clarisse doesn’t cry, but you know she wants to, and you let her know that she can cry if she wants to. She can, if she has to. You’d never turn her away.
If she hasn’t realized already, you’re in this for the long run.
Clarisse fell asleep in your arms, then pulled you back when you tried to go back to your own cabin, and you figured Chiron wouldn’t mind this once.
She finally let you go after you screamed that she couldn’t kiss you before you brushed your teeth, mumbling about how you’re depriving her.
When you meet up with her again, she has her sword in hand and her armor strapped tight to her body.
It was just a great big coincidence that the Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares and Demeter cabins all had sword practice at the same times. Clarisse looked all too happy at being able to get out some anger from yesterday, because sparring is the only way Clar has to work out the intense feelings she inherited from her father.
“So, who should I metaphorically kill?”
“Ooh, big word,” you tease. She grabs your chin, making you look at her, but she’s smiling too much for it to be a threat.
“C’mon, baby, who?”
“Luke. And…” you point, “That’s the girl who tackled me. Oh, and that’s the boy who fought Corey and got the flag. I don’t know his name.”
“‘Cause he’s irrelevant,” she says. You hum. “You just wait right here, gorgeous, enjoy the show.” She winks before sauntering off in the girls direction, smiling in that misleading way, asking her if she wants to spar.
You beckon Jackie and Tyla over to you, who both seem unimpressed.
“Please don’t tell me you put Clarisse up to attacking the Hermes cabin,” Tyla sighs.
“I didn’t put her up to anything. She did it all on her own.”
“Oh, sure she did,” Jackie rolls her eyes.
“Don’t act like you all aren’t gonna enjoy it.”
Tyla meets your eyes, then Jackie’s.
“Sorry, Jacks, it’s, like, really entertaining!”
You all laugh as Clar leads the girl into the circle, laughing even harder when she disarms her after a minute. The boy who took the flag barely lasts 45 seconds.
When Luke walks up to her, she throws her sword down and tackles him. You give her a minute before you pull her off.
clarisse, about to beat up percy
y/n: oh no no no no you don’t
clarisse: ok i won’t kill him rn 😍😍😍😍
y/n: yeah like idk what i would do without you who would protect me and fight my battles
clarisse “i would be there” la rue: bitch our love transcends the laws of physics I WOULD BE THERE
y/n giggling and kicking her feet watching clarisse beat up luke
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probablysimpledreams · 5 months
I Live For You (Dazai x reader: NSFW)
a/n: omg so happy I was stuck behind a train otw back to my apartment bc this idea came to me during it LMAO so enjoy this lil dazai piece GOD I LOVE THAT MAN GRRR
cw: reader has female parts but otherwise gender neutral, fingering, happens all on the kitchen table dazai a FREAK (affectionate)
wc: 536 (on the shorter side this time lol)
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You quickly throw your keys and bags in the nearest chair as Dazai holds you by the waist, lips never leaving yours as he guides you inside the house. Between your busy work schedule and him having to travel for work a lot more recently, it feels like forever since the two of you had time together. Unsure of the next free day in either of your schedule's, you and your boyfriend made sure to pack as many activities into the day as possible. The day started off at your favorite cafe, followed by a walk in his favorite park, and ended with some retail therapy. Now the two of you were ready to spend the rest of the day relaxing and soaking up each other's company, and Dazai was going to ensure you were as relaxed as possible.
You shiver as you feel his hands run up and down your sides under your shirt. He's quick to undo your pants, allowing them to hit the floor before picking you up and carrying you to the kitchen table. He smiles up at you as you sit there, hands working just as quickly to get his shirt off and on the floor. His hands rest on your hips as he leans in for another rough kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck, bandages slowly unraveling from his body. He deepens the kiss, forcing his tongue deeper into your mouth. You react by tugging at his hair roughly, causing him whimper against your lips.
"Someone's sensitive," you chuckle, pulling away from the kiss to catch your breath. You smile at him as your hands play with his hair. He flashes you a smirk as one of his hands that rested on your hips slide down your thigh, pushing them apart. His fingers trace the outline of your underwear, thumb pressed down on your clit as he begins slowly rubbing circles. You tug at his hair again, whine leaving your lips as he plays with you.
"Mmm~ just like someone I know~" he teases. God he loved watching you squirm. You drove him crazy, and he loved every second of it. You were his entire world, his entire reason for breathing. And the fact you felt the same for him only drove him more crazy. His eyes never left your body's almost as if he was memorizing the way you squirm under his painfully slow movements.
"P-please Osamu.." you whined, hips involuntarily moving in hopes of creating greater friction where you needed it most. "I need you." The way the words rolled off your tongue made his cock twitch inside his pants, desire growing more and more throughout his body just as it was yours.
"So pretty and so polite," he hummed as he slide down your underwear, letting them join his shirt on the floor. "How did I ever get so lucky?" You cry out his name as his fingers slide in and out of you, your head thrown back as his mouth peppers soft kisses against the skin.
There was no greater high in the world for him than this feeling. The feeling of having the entire world in his hands. The feeling of you needing him.
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httpiastri · 7 months
can we talk about how soft paul would be when he just wakes up?:(
imagine you wake up first and you go to the bathroom to wash your face and do all the things you need, a little distracted and lost in thought so you didn't realise when Paul got in ??!? his big arms around your waist:((( asking you why you're not in bed with him, his voice all sleepy and his curls all messy but so beautiful and he'd definitely start giving you lazy kisses on your neck and shoulder bc he wants all your attention and you're just there melting at every little thing he does 🫠
:(( paul :(((( you're out here doing god's work angie, loved this idea so much 😭
– paul is a heavy sleeper me thinks. i see him as someone who is pretty hard to wake up (he'll have to have several loud alarms in a row if he's sleeping alone just to make sure he actually does wake up lol), and who always dozes off again if there's a chance. he'll wake up, say just a few words but keep his eyes shut, and then fall asleep again, and you'll be wondering if he ever even woke up in the first place or if he just talked in his sleep 😭 thoughhh if he fell asleep next to you, and you're suddenly not there, then he'll subconsciously know that something is wrong and he'll wake up much quicker than usual
– oh and he's a cuddler in his sleep, 100%. if he's got you in his arms when you fall asleep, you won't be able to break free. if you go into bed after he's already fallen asleep, you'll still find yourself in his arms when you wake up. he loves to bury his face in your hair or in your skin. or if it's been a rough day/week or if he's just missed you a lot, you can expect to have him rest on top of you, head propped up on your chest as he holds one of your hands 🥺
– i think he might be a light snorer…. i just get that feeling? idk? not so much that it bothers you, but you just find it cute and coo over it :(
– overall, i think sleepy mornings with him would be so so cute. the softest, cutest and most pure version of him and he's all yours? you're so lucky 🫶
oh and i felt like writing just a little little blurb…… sorry not sorry 🤭
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it's always hard to leave paul behind in bed, but not only because of his tight embrace around your body; it's almost painful to roll out of bed when the person you leave behind is him.
him and that sweet pout on his lips, the messy bed hair practically screaming at you to come brush your fingers through it, those rosy cheeks that you wish you could forever hold in your hands…
i'll be quick, you tell yourself, tiptoeing into the bathroom and quietly closing the door behind you. you hurry to brush your teeth, wash your face and do all of your other routines, but when you wipe the water off your face with a towel, you don't hear the door opening again. instead, the only sound that fills the room is your own squeal when you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.
"paul!" you whine, dropping the towel and giving his forearm a smack. "christ, you really scared me!"
he only hums as a response, and it just frustrates you even more – but then, all of your anger disappears when you take in the sight in the mirror.
his chin is propped up on your shoulder, eyes shut and body bending down to meet your height. the feeling of his warm breath and bare chest against your skin sends a shiver down your spine, and the way he leans his head against yours makes you pout subconsciously.
"come back to bed," he mumbles, words slurred as he nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck.
"in just a minute," you lean forward slightly to grab a moisturizer out of your cabinet, the action triggering a groan to rumble from his chest. "i just have a few more things to do…"
he lets out a dismissive sound, shaking his head into your skin. "no, i want to go back now."
"you go back, then. i'll be right there." you twist off the lid off, taking some of the moisturizer onto your hands and massaging it into your skin. paul doesn't budge, though; he stays put, his hold around you tightening even further.
after a few seconds, his eyes slowly open and he lifts his head from you. the lack of contact immediately disappoints you, but just seconds later it's been replaced by his lips.
his kisses start behind your ear, slowly tracing down the side of you neck, not leaving even a single inch of skin unkissed. when he reaches your bare shoulder, his hands also begin to roam around your body and you can't help but squirm. "please, paul. that tickles," you say, doing your best to pretend like you don't love every second of it – but he can read you like the back of his hand. there's no way he'll stop now.
you leave your bottle without its lid on top of the sink, not caring anymore. he won.
"okay, oka–"
you don't even get to finish your word, because less than a second later, he's already pulled you back into bed and flopped down on top of you. "cuddle me, please?"
and how could you ever say no to him when he asks so nicely?
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daysofyellowroses · 8 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 1.8k | 18+ minors dni | tw: language, little bit of smut, men being sassy
prompt was: Carmy would neverrr date a girl in the food industry. Like he needs a girl sooo far removed??? Bc when he comes home, he just wants to roughly fuck out his frustrations and then be with a little sweet angel that plays with his hair and mutters how pretty he is and how good he makes her feel. So what would he do if she showed up to his work by surprise with like a tea or coffee or something all giddy to see him and she got all nervous bc she’s never seen him so angry and brute before screeeaming at the chefs (idea being a “get the FUCK off my expo chef, NOW!!!” Type intense Sitch) and r/ was like “carm…deep breaths, it’s just food bear. Do you need to come home?” And that would just make his OCD spiiiiirallll out bc how can someone so deeply important to him not see that it was so more then just food (even though he’s just a lil drama queen abt his work!!!!) - as requested by @thecapricunt1616 thank you so much for these requests they are honestly a joy to write and i can only hope i do your ideas justice!
not necessarily important but i had nfr by lana on repeat while writing this, i feel like it fits the vibe 🌼
Of all the people in the world, you never really expected to be with some like Carmy. It wasn't that he wasn't your type, or didn't treat you well, because he was and he did, he was the most amazing partner you could ask for. He was just different to anyone you'd ever dated. In the few relationships you'd had in the past you found yourself growing frustrated, fed up with being treated like some doll that would break easily. 
Just because you were a little more girly and had a soft personality it didn't mean you were totally delicate, that you would fall apart at the slightest touch. You were more than a bow in your hair, than pink dresses and long eyelashes. After your last relationship consisted of you basically being a doll on your boyfriend's arm, you swore it wouldn't happen again. 
And it didn't, Carmy didn't treat you like a doll, like something to be put on display when it suited him. He saw past your exterior, wanted to know the real you underneath it all. Of course he told you that you were beautiful, complimented you and made you feel incredible, but he also teased you and asked about your opinions on things and adored you just as much in your baggy t-shirts and sweatpants as he did in your dresses and stockings. 
It was the best relationship you'd ever had, and you couldn't believe your luck that you had met him. The two of you just clicked, everything fell into place from the first moment and you had fallen into a very enjoyable routine.
Because you both had busy schedules, you set aside one day every week to have a proper date, it could be going out for dinner or a movie or just relaxing at one of your apartments. And on the other days, you always managed to find a window for some..stress relief. 
At least four times a week, sometimes five depending on how work had been, one of you would show up at the other’s place, arms immediately wrapping around each other, getting to the bedroom if you were lucky. 
On the date nights, it was all about romance. You would dress up in a cute outfit, take your time to get ready, Carm would bring you flowers and hold your hand across restaurant tables. You would talk about anything and everything, and you would always end the night in one of your beds, it was sweet and romantic and tender.
Then on the other nights..you both knew what you wanted. Most times you just threw a long coat over your underwear if you were going to Carm's, clothes just slowed you down. It was like a different side of him, a fiery passionate wild side you adored. His hand around your neck, whispering the most depraved things in your ear as he fucked you til you could barely see straight anymore. Afterwards you would lay on his chest and stroke his hair, tell him how good he made you feel, how much you cared about him.
It was a routine, it worked, and you loved it.
But sometimes routines are meant to be broken, just a little bit. 
You had a day off work, and after doing some housework you went into town for a little browse around. You weren't sure why the urge came over you, but something in you decided to go visit Carmy at work. You had occasionally gone to the Beef for lunch with friends, feeling proud and stupidly happy when Carm would personally deliver your food. 
After picking up two coffees, you made your way to the restaurant, smiling as you spotted Richie behind the counter. He gave you a wave, but he wasn't quite his usual self, you could sense it.
“Mind if I head back?” You asked, gesturing to the kitchen door. 
“Uh..no,” Richie nodded, not quite meeting your eyes. “Head on in.”
You hesitated for a brief moment before walking into the kitchen, your senses becoming flooded by the smells, bright lights, and mostly by the shouting, specially Carm and Syd snapping at each other. 
Tickets were flooding out of the printer, the whirring sound filling the air. 
“If you just let me handle it, I can do this,” Syd snapped, pointing to the printer. “I don't have time to stand here arguing with you.”
“This is your fault,” Carm snapped, pushing his hand through his hair. “Messing around with other shit when you're supposed to be focusing. Just..just get the fuck off my expo, let me handle this.”
“Oh it's your expo now?” Syd scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Don't stand there and act like I don't-”
She paused as she met your eyes, clearing her throat.
Carm followed her gaze, looking over his shoulder to you. You expected his expression to soften, for him to come over to you. 
But he didn't. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, your heart starting to hammer in your chest.
After a moment of silence, Carm finally sighed, shaking his head. 
“This isn't a good time.”
“It's okay,” You walked closer, setting the coffees down on the counter and gently touching his arm. He pulled it free from your touch and you felt your heart sink.
“Just..take a deep breath,” You smiled softly. “it's just food, bear. The world isn't ending. Do you want to come home?”
The look you got had you turning from nervous to angry. 
Just food,” Carm repeated, rubbing his jaw. “Just fucking food?”
He laughed, mocking and cruel. You felt the anger rising inside you, taking a deep breath.
“You know what, I can't deal with this right now,” Carm threw his hands up, resting them on top of his head. “You don't know what the fuck I have to deal with, and I don't have time for your..”
“My what?” You interjected, challenging him. He didn't finish his sentence and you looked over to Syd. “Do me a favor,” You gestured to the coffee on the counter. “Pour that over his fucking head.”
You turned and walked away, hearing raised voices behind you, clamoring together. You shut your eyes for a moment, refusing to cry. Leaving the restaurant, the air felt cold and sharp on your skin, a determination to get as far away as possible hitting you.
You refused to look at your phone for the rest of the day, shutting it into your nightstand. By the time the lights of the city were lighting up the night sky, you didn't feel any less angry.
When you heard the knock on your door you told yourself not to answer, to let him wait. But there were things you needed to say, things you needed him to know.
Opening the door slowly, you held your hand up before Carmy could speak, taking a deep breath.
“I'm going to speak,” You told him, standing aside. “You're going to listen to me. Get in.”
He nodded, heading inside and holding his hand on his jacket zipper, looking at you.
You closed the door and looked back at him, folding your arms.
“Keep it on, I'll be brief.”
He moved his hand, biting his lip softly as he looked at you. You pushed aside the part of you that wanted to hug him like always, focusing on what you needed to say.
“First of all,” You began, taking a breath. “How..how fucking dare you speak to me the way that you did? How dare you speak to Syd that way, who the fuck do you think you are?”
You could tell he wanted to respond, holding your hand up.
“You think I don't understand stress? That I don't understand how important your job is to you? You can be stressed, you can be angry, but you are not allowed to speak to me that way ever again, I swear to god. Do you have any idea how it felt to stand there and be spoken to like that? Like I'm some embarrassment to you? Nobody treats me that way, you hear me? Fucking nobody.”
You took a breath, trying to calm yourself down, frowning as Carm ran his hand over his mouth, a slight smile on his face.
“Oh I'm sorry, is this a joke to you?” You snapped, resting your hands on your hips. “because I don't think it's very funny.”
“It's not a joke,” Carmy murmured softly, stepping closer to you and holding his hands up. “Not at all. I can't apologize enough for what I did, I swear to you it won't ever, ever happen again. It's just..”
“Just what?” You snapped, your heart pounding. 
“You're..you're really fucking hot when you're angry.”
You frowned at the comment before your expression softened a little, rolling your eyes.
“You are not allowed to be turned on right now. I'm too mad at you.”
“And it's hot,” Carm leaned in to whisper in your ear and you forced yourself not to be affected.
“Stop it,” You sighed, lightly swatting his shoulder. “I'm not in the mood.”
Carm pulled back, his hands touching your cheeks. 
“You deserve the world,” He sighed softly.  “And I don't deserve you, but I can't imagine my life without you. You're everything to me, I hate myself for hurting you, more than you could know. I don't expect you to forgive me, but if you do then I promise to spend every second making it up to you.”
“Every second?” You repeated, moving your hand to his arm, a small smile on your face. “you better get started then.”
“As you wish.” He grinned, giving you a kiss and letting you guide him towards your bedroom.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I was playing Genius Invocation yesterday, but out of nowhere this idea came to me like tge whispers of an old god.
How would the characters react to knowing they are the creator's favorite card? (Mine are Beidou and Ningguang, but if you are confortable, I would like to know yours as well)
Thank you for your patience!! Sorry this is SO FUCKING late :0 and if it’s bad! i havent rlly liked my writing the past couple pieces, so i stuck with some fun headcanons i thought of while kicking me feet and twirling my hair over this question hehehe
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU/Isekai Stuff :)
Orbit: Headcanons
Stars: Beidou, Ningguang, Kaeya, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Every fucking port knows she’s a favored one, every goddamn pirate knows it atp, hell maybe even some abyss monsters at sea too-
(Kazuha’s happy for her, but also lowkey jealous)
literally got one of her cards framed and hung in her captain’s quarters, and insisted you sign it omfg-
Ningguang isnt surprised tbh, (she knows u like strong women lol)
…she gives one of the most smug smirks of her entire fucking life.
All of Liyue is gushing for her, not that she isn’t also excited on the inside, she’s just more proud than anything on the outside/for appearances
Literally set up a whole date meeting that felt like it was about to turn into a goddamn wedding proposal
I’m talking giving handcarved furniture, household necessities but they’re in pretty colors that all match (like a gold tea kettle, gold throw blanket, etc.)
Full nine-yards different kinds of teas, cakes, and all accustomed to your taste
so if u dislike super sweet stuff there are more savory items, the teas can be more bitter, or if u love sweets, this woman is giving you a bakery basically every day for nearly 2 weeks, u dont have enough space in the cabinet for all these teas- help-
so fucking smug on the outside, def brags about it in Angel’s Share and he’ll only just be tipsy he’s so fucking excited to talk abt it
whenever conversations end or get a lull, he just, “So anyway, our All-Powerful Guide, really likes my TCG card, maybe even above yours, Diluc…”
pls stop him he’s annoying Diluc, and slowly other patrons 😭 (there are bar rules posted on the wall, and Diluc adds one, not for the first time, specifically for Kaeya to stop talking about TCG while in the bar LMAO)
Now all Kaeya has to do is just pull out his card (cough he’s constantly got it in his pocket, the one he asked u to sign cough)
Rosaria just looks the other way like if she can’t see it it’s not real, Diluc will literally be in the middle of making a drink for one of them and just leave it halfdone and attend to somebody else, Venti’s eye twitches-
and the entire bar just groans too LMAOOO
(have a meme I made just for you <3 )
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oh no.
Look what you’ve done, you’ve seduced the General Mahamatra!!
Take responsibility, play TCG with him every time you see him now lmao, the only reason all of Sumeru knows you like his card (which makes it all that more desirable to ppl who do play, and collectors)
is bc he talked to Tighnari about it for hourssss, and then it made it’s way down the grapevine, and if they didn’t find out that way, the other was just seeing the usually stern and formidable General Mahamatra nearly vibrate out of his headpiece when you come near him every time you visit
Cyno weirdly gains like, 20x the luck when ur either playing against him, or sitting watching him play someone else, he’s struggling to find partners tbh bc “you’re my lucky charm? Of course I’m winning more.”
When you initially told him about him being one of ur fav cards, he literally looked like there was a loading sign over his head… Then proceeded to nearly break your ribs hugging you so hard, and nearly take ur eye out with the ears on his headpiece lol
Sorry if all my writings shit for these past 2 posts! Idk im just thinking its not so good rn and idk how to fix it-
anyway I’ve started playing Breath of the Wild over the past like 2-3 months I think, and it’s amazingggg
I may or may not be both getting gender envy and also a huge crush on Link help-
Safe Travels Wandering Lantern,
♡the beloveds♡
An iced coffee? For me??
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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love-toxin · 10 months
guh......climbing out of my hole of uni final papers for a moment.....bc i have to talk abt mike some more.....specifically dad(dy) mike-
(cws: fnaf movie spoilers, breeding, me being nasty right on schedule)
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like....i can't get over it. he just strikes me as such dad material. he gives me the vibes of exhausted + mentally worn out + don't need another kid to run after but as soon as he's, like, free from the horrors and/or financially stable? he'd just be like "........so honey when are we having a baby??" right out of the blue. i get the feeling that he'd normally be a big family guy (hence the family photos everywhere and the.....intense childhood nostalgia) and he'd probably be all over starting his own if he wasn't dealing with all the death and murder and kidnapping and dream hopping and blah blah blah.
but anyways. baby. thinkin he wants one soooooooo badly.........and he'd be so stupid protective like a big, husband-shaped guard dog. we saw him in the fountain scene nobody can tell me he wouldn't go apeshit over protecting his little babus and their ultra hot momma--plus, at some point when Abby grows up he'd probably get such awful empty nest syndrome he'd be biting his nails not having someone to provide for and protect. that's his purpose! he's gotta be the strong one that gets shit done, hence knocking up some pretty thing that's got those pretty doe eyes and pretty hair and other pretty features for his kids to inherit.
i don't think it would hit him right away either, he'd think he's fine until he's blowin your back out and it hits him like ".....oh. shit," when he realizes how much he doesn't wanna pull out. not just because it feels good to bust a load so thick you leak all over the pillows, but because you might end up with a baby bump and that would be even cuter. you wouldn't even be able to trap him if you wanted to cause he wouldn't care about the contraception anyways--if you want to risk it, he'll risk it, and you might not expect how deep he goes as he tries to knock you up on the first try. you're not even half as crazy as he is, draining his balls inside you like it's an olympic sport just so he can make you take a test in two weeks. even if he can't afford it he'll take time off work just to keep you in bed for a couple days, give it a real good try so he can say he put everything he has into it. it's a good excuse for him to fall asleep still nestled inside you too, his weight pressing you down so you can't get up with all that cum slowly leaking down your legs. trying for a baby is so much fun and so intoxicating mike probably won't even realize how much work it'll really be until you start showing, but by then it's kinda too late anyways and it's not like he'd wanna go back and change it. seriously, he's so fucking lucky to even talk to you, much less be the father of your children and possibly your future husband.
but then he's got something so sweet and adorable to protect besides you on the horizon, something he can cuddle and kiss and rock to sleep and read bedtime stories to like he's loved doing with abby and always did with garrett, including all the silly voices he's made up to make them giggle and plead for just a few more pages. he can be even better than his parents and he'll finally have the second chance he's been dying for--and this time, nothing is gonna take what he loves away from him. nothing.
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krypticcafe · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing sm!!! Could I request how the boys + könig would react to a reader with curly hair? (We’re talking tight, kinky coily curls)
COD:MWII Boys w/a curly-haired partner
rating: PG-13
character(s): GN!Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, König, Hound
warning(s): none
a/n: aw thank you! And I love this request!! I'm not someone with curly, kinky hair, but I hear a lot about how they're super underrepresented. Even I'm tired of the "brushed his hand through your hair" or the "y/n with a messy bun/straight hair" bc PLEASSEE, my hair is a rat's nest, this would not work 💀 Anyways, I hope I did you justice and lmk if I got anything wrong!!
Let's be honest, it's nothing new to him. He's experienced with coily, kinky hair, whether it be himself or his family or a friend.
I actually like to think he experimented with longer hairstyles before cutting it for military.
He gets you the most out of all of them, honestly. Knows exactly what you mean when you need a certain product or talk about maintenance, doesn't belittle you when you get upset over your hair, and helps a lot, too.
He doesn't have to do as much maintenance, so he doesn't use too much product, but sometimes he'll eye yours and make a note to try some for himself.
Since you and Gaz can trust each other, you sometimes have nights where you help style each other, just to spend some quality time.
Also yes, you guys have matching bonnets, it was actually his idea. You guys take so many pics together, too.
Gaz will notice if your hair looks healthier or fresher, and while he always thinks your curls are beautiful, he'll make extra compliments so that you know that he pays attention.
Oh, and if you do something special with it? He's all over you, all like, "What's the special occasion? Or am I just lucky today?"
Your hair was one of the many reasons Price had noticed you so much, particularly because the military didn't really allow room for soldiers to do much with their hair and most have to gel it down if necessary.
When you tell him about the amount of care that goes into it, he starts thinking that his facial hair routine isn't so bad after all.
Once you get together, he starts looking into the product you need to get.
Unfortunately, he will have a bit of a hard time, so it's probably best if you show him the ropes for stuff like oils for protective styles, specific tools you use, etc. Otherwise, he'll be wandering around the aisle for a while. Please.
Sometimes, there'll be days where both of you guys take up the bathroom and go through your routines together, it's a pretty good way for him to learn your process and for you to learn his. There's a mutual respect.
Realistically, I don't think you would let either party take over for each other. At least, not for a long time.
If you put on a real nice outfit and let your natural hair out, oh this man will be on his knees, so use that information wisely.
Ooo, he's obsessed, I'm telling ya!!
Definitely gets stunned at how much it takes for you to take care of those curls, but not surprised that it's so difficult.
He does kinda wonder how you deal with it if you're someone that's on the battlefield.
You definitely had to tell him off for toying with it once, and he has stopped, but it's taking every inch of him to keep his ADHD ass from mindlessly twirling one between his fingers whenever you guys cuddle. But he isn't gonna do it! Unless you let him, then he loves how the texture feels.
You won't admit it, but sometimes you only let him touch it because of how happy it makes him, and you know he's being as respectful as possible.
He'll always be your #1 hype man too! Loves it when you experiment!!
You've definitely caught him wearing your bonnet multiple times, too.
One time, you decided to tease him by guiding him to help you detangle your hair, and frustration was absolutely worth it.
He got so pouty afterward when he had to give up, but you let him know he did a good job trying.
He doesn't mean to be rude but he's definitely like "Can't be that bad."
And then you show him your grocery list.
It is that bad.
He gets frustrated and just buys one of everything, walking out of the store with like a dozen bags. He memorizes the ones you pick so there's that at least.
Don't mind him, he's just a bit blunt because he'll then ask, "Why don't you just cut/gel it?". Just explain it, and he'll respect your choice, though it intimidates him a little.
At one point, you're actually the one that lets him feel your hair, so he knows what it's like. He would never touch it unless invited, he's got too much self-control. People also become too intimidated by him to try to touch your hair too, so that's a plus.
It oddly soothes him, he likes how the texture feels on his fingers and especially when it's softer than usual.
One time, you used your own hand to help guide his through your hair, and oh man, was he flustered. Mans was glitching out for a few seconds.
He thinks your curls are so cute,
Like he literally can't stop watching you because of how they move when you walk.
On occasions where you let him touch it, you'll find that whenever you both are close to each other and really deep in an activity or conversation, he'll absent-mindedly roll a curl between his fingers.
His hands are good for many things, signing, fighting, and other fun stuff. Styling your hair is included!
One of his favorite things to do is help you find and try new styles with your hair. Roach loves looking up and researching about your hair type and what you can do with it, he finds it all super interesting!
Often buys you clips, beads, or whatever he thinks is pretty so you can try it on!
Loves to kiss your head because of how your hair tickles his face a little. He's been tempted to just bury his face in the back of your neck just to plant a bunch of kisses on more than one occasion.
On days where you put extra care into your curls, he's absolutely showing you off to everyone! He wants others to know how hard you worked to look so damn good!! (Gary says it's a full-time job, really)
Expect to find him staring all starstruck a lot.
Like a lot.
When you tell him it's your natural hair, he's surprised, he thought you just did a lot of work to make your curls so coily.
He once asked (very) politely if he could touch your hair, and because he was (extremely) nice about it, you let him.
Only for him to panic when the velcro from his glove got caught and he apologized a dozen times over. Afterwards, he treated you like porcelain, keeping his hands straight at his sides around you and acting like a spooked animal.
It got to a point where you had to confront him and tell him it was an honest mistake, and he didn't have to apologize which made him apologize more.
On the other hand, König enjoys watching you do your hair, just sitting there quietly with the occasional question. Sometimes, he helps comb your hair, but that's the most he'll let himself do since he doesn't want to mess things up.
Really loves how your products smell.
While he thinks you look amazing no matter what, he likes it best when you go natural.
Knows a lot more than you expected. They aren't well-versed, but they know more than the average person when it comes to the deal with kinky hair.
They'll go out with you on shopping trips and often help you pick out scents, one that you like but one that isn't too sensitive for their nose, it's something you didn't expect them to enjoy so much.
You can trust her to always have stuff on hand for you if you live separately or in different quarters. Oils, creams, custards, moisturizers, a hair pick (all from your fave brands, of course), she's got you.
He surprises you again when you come home one day, way too tired to do your routine, so he offers to do it for you.
If this was a test, they passed!! They even knew how to brush your hair the right way not to damage it and had already refilled some of your stock.
After that, you often find him helping on wash days when you're far too exhausted, as his way of pampering you. His favorite thing is doing your edges.
Her scary dog privileges also help ward off weirdos trying to touch your hair, and much like Soap, she hypes you up regardless if it's a frizzy day or a special occasion.
Expect them to be mildly addicted to the way your hair smells, it's literally one of their comforts because of how much it reminds them of you.
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sungbeam · 1 year
nonidol!lee hyunjae x f!reader
6.7k words (my hand slipped, sorry), fluff, angst, low-key e2l, ex friends 2 implied lovers?, low-key rich kid au, swearing, drinking and drunk talks/crying, a shitty situation, a bitchy ex gf, uhh very low-key hurt/comfort?, lots of mentions of pizza and soft drinks, THE PLOT IS SO RUSHED IM SORRY I CRAMMED.
a/n: requests now closed! whew,,, what a doozy 😭 im sorry if it feels rushed bc it low-key really was such a rushed and ambitious plot on my part. to the anon who requested it, ik it's not exactly what u asked for and im sorry ><
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The pizzeria was like your second home. Maybe it was your home, but you weren't sure if calling a pizza place your home was the best word. It acted as your bubble away from academic responsibilities, family obligations, and anything else you wanted to forget. For the past three years of your college career, you made this place your comfort spot, while also picking up some spare change.
Your friend and co-worker Dae bumped her hip with yours as she passed by you with her hands full of empty plastic cups to refill. "Your group of banshees just walked in," she mused, slipping past you to the fountain drink machine on the bar counter.
Your head perked up and watched the front door on the other side of the room open to let a wave of your friends in. Dae liked to joke that your friend group consisted of a bunch of "banshees" from how loud they could be. You couldn't blame her at all; it was hilariously accurate. On a bad night, the group's volume could reach levels of a nightmare baby being birthed from the Devil's anus.
"Yn-ie!" Chanhee and Jacob waved to you as the group of five made their way through the tight spaces between tables.
"Hey, guys," you greeted them. "You're so lucky a group just left." You nodded toward the circular table in the back corner where your friends often made their home. It was big enough to seat seven—ten, if you squished—but it was almost always for you and your friends.
The pizzeria's owner and your boss, Mr. Moretti, usually didn't mind your friends occupying the space. You were pretty sure he was glad your friends were hiding themselves away in the back. (Not because of the merriment, just because of the noise. Some customers just wanted pizza and a quiet night, and you could respect that.)
"Waitress! Waitress!" Changmin screeched, waving one of his hands around like a lunatic.
You came up to the table with an unimpressed look on your face, and Kevin wrestled his neighbor back into this seat. "Okay, so Changmin doesn't get to eat tonight," you drawled and braced your hands on the backs of Sunwoo and Chanhee's chairs.
"I was just wondering how long it takes for someone to get service around here," Changmin jested. He feigned one of those pompous brushes of his hair, mocking one of the rich pricks who had come in here last month thinking that the RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE sign didn't apply to him. Changmin broke into a lopsided grin at your arched brows. "What? I think I'm funny."
Your eyes widened in a silent 'Can you believe this guy?'
"He's sugar high because someone let him get to the cupcakes," Kevin directed his flat gaze to his counterpart, Jacob.
Jacob's hands lifted in innocence. "What? No one was eating them, and he said he was hungry."
"Okay, drinks, folks!" You clapped to regain their attention. You did, after all, have other customers. "What're we feeling tonight?"
A chorus of drink orders flew up into the air—coke, iced water, Sprite, lemonade—and you nodded, stepping away to grab them those very beverages. Your friends had all been here enough times to know exactly what was on the menu, so while you stepped away briefly for their drinks, they could deliberate and get back to you as soon as you returned.
Like a well oiled machine, you delivered them their drinks, and Kevin doled out the lineup for tonight.
"You know, I was thinking of painting my nails black," Kevin said as he finished off the order. He held his hand out in front of him, inspecting the state of his bare nails.
Sunwoo straightened in his seat. "We should do it together, hyung!—I mean… you could probably paint my nails. I dunno if you should trust me with one of those thin ass brushes."
"You're right," Chanhee chimed in, "we shouldn't."
You snickered to yourself as you left your friends to their own devices and pinned their order sheet to one of the clips hanging in the kitchen window. There was a set of plates set out on the window sill, the bill reading for table three, and you picked it up to take over to them. Dae appeared next to you, tightening her ponytail, and grabbed the dishes for table four right beside it.
With both your hands full, you departed to deliver your respective orders.
As you set the dishes off food down onto table three, you heard the telltale swish of the door opening, and night air flooded into the room. On instinct, you straightened with a smile to greet them. "Hi! Welcome—" your voice died on your throat, and when his eyes locked with yours, you stuttered, "—in. For how many?"
Lee Hyunjae brushed a hand through his blond hair, his other arm wrapped around the shoulders of a girl who was unfortunately familiar to you. A couple of the guys with him, you recognized, too, but he was the one who had made you trip over your words.
One of them with jet black hair and kind, feline-like eyes, lifted four of his fingers in a wordless signal.
You nodded, lips set in a firm line, and gestured to the open four-seater at table eight.
You tucked your empty tray beneath your arm, mentally thanking anyone who was listening that his party was seated in Dae's section and not yours. Thank god for odd numbers.
Dae was swift to chirp out her usual cheeriness to the newcomers, and you scurried back over to the register to cash a table's check. As you did so, your eyes flitted up toward Hyunjae's table. He glanced over at you periodically, looking away whenever you were already looking at him.
What the hell was he doing here? You wanted to yell, scream. Out of all the places, out of all the nights, out of all the times… how long had it been since you last saw him, you wondered to yourself as you let the bitterness seep into your bones and meld with the marrow. It was a feeling you knew all too well.
You strode over to table seven to set their check down on the edge of the table. Everything in the pizzeria was so close together; it was near impossible not to catch the words being exchanged at table eight.
"—don't understand why you chose this dump, Hyunjae." That was the girl, the one who's face made you want to throw something at it. Her name was Kyla, and the last time you saw her in person, she had just become Hyunjae's girlfriend.
Sometimes you questioned how they even managed to stay together so long, but then again, people like them deserved each other.
"Eric just wanted pizza, babe," drawled the blond, his arm casually draped over the back of her chair.
The two others seated at the table consisted of the man with jet black hair, and another with a medium-toned brown hair peeking out of a gray hoodie. The latter said, "You guys'll love this place! Their breadsticks are literally the fluffiest things in the world."
A smile curled onto your face at that comment. Now that you thought about it, you'd seen him around before.
You slid over to table one and began stacking the dirty dishes left behind by customers who had gone. Table eight's conversation continued.
"Is it normal to be able to see grease in the air?" Kyla gagged, her nose wrinkling in disgust. She soaked in the close quarters of the restaurant with little appreciation.
The other third wheel at table eight, the one with black hair, lifted his eyebrows. "It's cozy in here, Kyla."
"Yeah, just give it a chance," Hyunjae chimed in.
You brushed past their table to grab table seven's check and hustle it back over to the register. You met Dae at the counter, her hands once again full with cups that needed filling.
A grunt left her lips. "Table eight," she began.
"Yeah," you agreed. "Sheesh."
Her head turned to you over her shoulder. "You know 'em?"
"Unfortunately." You pursed your lips. "It's been awhile," you amended. "I only know the couple at the table—enough to say, good luck, girl."
Dae made a face, but she pulled her shoulders back to solidify her posture. You always admired her work ethic and her customer service skills. As fellow waitresses during many a dinner rush hour, you both had to deal with your own handfuls of difficult people. At this point, it wasn't difficult to sniff them out from a mile away. There were some days you just wanted them to yell at you and get it over with.
Just as Dae left to go drop off drinks, your friends' order hit the window sill. You tucked the finished bill for table seven into your apron pocket and grabbed the trays to set on the table for your friends.
"You look like you're about to gnaw my fingers off, Jacob," you teased with a twinge of nervousness.
The man grinned at you, with teeth. "I'm hungry."
"Valid." You backed away from the table, and the carnage began.
You laughed, ducking your head, as you left your friends to their feast. You arrived at table seven and wished them a good night—
"Do you not have cherry coke? Isn't that, like, a universal fountain drink?"
You glanced over to see Dae's mouth twitch just slightly, but gave nothing else away. "No, we only have regular Coke and Diet Coke; I said that earlier, miss."
Kyla stared at her as if she'd just gotten her puppy revoked. "But they both taste like ass."
"You can have a fruit punch instead," Dae offered.
"But I don't want fruit punch."
You saw that the other two boys at the table fidgeted nervously. They were making eyes at Hyunjae, urging him to do something.
He seemed to lift his gaze to yours at that exact moment and you wondered what he saw in them. Something shifted in him, a silent acceptance of surrender.
The next thing you knew, he was leaning into the conversation. "Ky, you can just get a water or something and then we'll go get a drink after this. How does that sound?"
She threw a look over at him. "I really just want a cherry coke, Hyunjae. If I have to be forced to eat at this place, then the least you could do is get me a cherry coke."
Okay, that was enough.
"Is there a problem here?" You asked, sidling up beside Dae. You saw her loosen up out of the corner of your eye.
Kyla opened her mouth to retort something, but she halted abruptly. Her head cocked to the side, eyes narrowing, like she was trying to figure something out. You knew the moment she recognized you. A slow smile curled onto her mouth. "Oh my god… Yn Ln. Mommy and daddy kick you out or something? Why are you working at this dump?"
You were certain your eye started twitching.
Hyunjae grappled her shoulder. "Kyla."
"This is gold," she chirped. "Wow, I didn't think anything good could come of this dinner, but—" she sneered, "wow. You look awful."
"Takes one to know one," you said with venom dripping from your words. "We have a right to refuse service, ma'am, so if you don't quit badgering my friend and me, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
She didn't seem to catch your drift. "No. Get me. A cherry coke."
You suppressed every urge to fuck this girl up. To Dae, you murmured, "Can you cover my tables?"
"For sure, girl," she said, giving you a reassuring clasp on the shoulder. "Should I call Moretti?"
"No, I think we should be fine—"
"Wait until I tell everyone I know about how absolute ass this place is," Kyla ripped you back out into reality. She had her phone out now, and Eric, the guy in the hoodie, was reaching across the table to stop her.
You weren't allowed to touch her, you reminded yourself. You could do this with just words. No matter how much it killed you to not sucker punch her stupid, pearly whites in. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave," you told her through gritted teeth. "Either you buckle down with your regular Coca-Cola, or you get out."
"How about—no."
All breath dissipated from your lungs when you felt the carbonated liquid dumped in your face, the blocks of ice just missing your eyes. The entire establishment seemed to freeze with you.
You scoffed, slowly wiping the soda from your eyes and shaking out your arms. You couldn't seem to form coherent speech.
"What the fuck is going on here?" You recognized Kevin's hardened voice behind you, his hand squeezing your shoulder to tell you he was here.
As Kyla and Kevin dueled it out, you found Hyunjae's eyes again. To his credit, he seemed horrified and apologetic, his mouth parted in shock. But then again, he didn't have much credit anymore in your book.
Your hands fisted. You wanted to yell at him to get out. It had been a decent evening, a good evening, before he and his like came in and threw a drink in your face.
You didn't want to address the burning bitterness that coursed beneath all the annoyance and anger—out of everything, why didn't he say anything? Why didn't he try harder to help you? Why was he with her when he could be with y—nevermind. That didn't matter.
Even now, your back still ached from when he'd last left it stabbed.
"Are you okay, Yn-ie?"
You realized that Hyunjae and his party had gone now, and the shop patrons were slowly going back to whatever they had been doing before. Chanhee appeared before you with a couple napkins from the dispenser on the table, and Dae rushed over with a massive roll of paper towels. Your other friends had flocked over, too, to help clean up and also attend to customers while you pulled your shit together.
You gave a nod, finding your voice to tell them so. Your gaze casted briefly toward the front door where you knew he wouldn't ever be stepping back into.
You told yourself that was a good thing.
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It was late when you finally pushed out of the back doors of the pizzeria building. Your car was parked out back with many of the other employee cars; it was just a lot more convenient and a lot less traffic. It had been a couple days since the fiasco with Kyla and Hyunjae, and you hadn't heard or seen him once since then.
That was a good thing. It was supposed to be a good thing. After all, why would he suddenly reappear in your life now? What purpose or what significance did that have?
You were going to try and forget about him again. Your life was plenty good without him, and yet…
Speak of the Devil. You swore under your breath as you nearly tripped over the curb. His voice was haunting, as was his presence, his whole silhouette. You'd once found a home with all those things—with him.
You and he stopped beside your car. "What are you doing here?" You asked him.
Hyunjae had his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket. "I, uhm," he began, "I wanted to say sorry."
"Sorry?" You parroted. The word was sticky in your mouth and it clung to all the wrong crevices.
"Yeah, for the other night." He clasped the back of his neck. "I… I broke up with her, by the way."
Your eyes widened at his words. He broke up with Kyla? A part of you wanted to pump the sky and jump up and down—finally. Fucking finally! But there was another part of you, the rational one, who yanked you back to Earth and smacked you in the head to think about it. Three years of dating that girl, and just now he decided to break up with her? What was the tipping point? There was no way he didn't know she acted like a spoiled brat all the time.
What was so good about her anyway? You thought you had understood at the time—she had more money, more connections. Her parents were old money rich, not entrepreneurs like yours. It was stupid to think that was the reason, and you couldn't afford to go down that rabbit hole of methodology again.
Your singular word seemed to slap him in the face. "So? I—" Frustration flickered across his face for a split second. Now he knew how you felt.
You couldn't wait for him to say anything; you had so much to say to him. "Listen Jaehyun," you said plainly. "I don't know what you want from me. You broke up with your girlfriend? Good for you. You're sorry for the other night? Okay. I don't know if you expect me to grovel and praise you for owning up for once—"
"Okay, what?" He cut in. "First of all, I don't expect you to grovel or praise me or whatever. Second, what do you mean 'owning up for once?'"
"I mean it exactly like I said it." You clenched the strap of your bag in your hand. Crazy how your car was literally right next to you, but you couldn't get into it. Your feet were glued to the street, and a part of you wanted to know how this ended. "The last time I saw you, Kyla laughed in my face, and you encouraged her. You dropped me like our years of friendship meant jack shit to you. I don't know what you're trying to pull, Jaehyun, and I don't wanna know."
Hyunjae leaned his head back, eyes closed for a second. "Yn, it's so much more complicated than that."
You stuck your tongue in your cheek. "That's such bullshit, and you know it. You don't get to come back and tell me this." There was a shakiness in your voice now, and you knew you had to get going or risk yelling. "That's just not fair."
"I know it's not fair."
"Fine," he bit out. "I don't even know why I'm here."
Your hand found purchase on the driver's side door. Say something. Give me a reason to stay. "Maybe your sense of guilt has finally returned and your brain wanted to make amends."
He rolled his eyes, and it felt like a stab in your chest. "I'm going to leave now."
"Thank god." The words tasted sour in your mouth and you realized that he hadn't given you a reason to stay; in fact, it had been the exact opposite.
You both went your separate ways again. When you clambered into your car and watched him walk away through your rear view, it dawned on you that the entire conversation had been one massive circle. You wanted to hear him out—of course, you did.
You used to know him, after all. You used to know him so well. And perhaps that was why you hadn't just now.
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"We need to talk."
A pair of hands slammed down on your desk and you nearly fell out of your chair. You tugged your earbuds out of your ear to give whoever this was a piece of your—
You frowned. "Oh. It's you."
Hyunjae frowned back at you. He was wearing a jean jacket today, hair styled presentably. He didn't have to look so good in this lighting, but you supposed even the sun liked to favor him. "Yes, it's me. Can you get up so we can—" He nodded out toward the library window beside you, "—talk?"
"So you want us to jump out the window?"
"You are so annoying."
Your smile was saccharine. "Not as annoying as you."
It had currently been around fifteen hours since he showed up at the back alley to confront you with that sorry apology. You'd woken up this morning less mad and more sad… smad. Sure, you were smad. It seemed that a night of sleep hadn't deterred your ex-best friend from talking to you, and you couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing.
"You don't even go to this school," you told him in a pathetic attempt to wave him away without actually waving him away.
"This is a public campus, Yn." He pulled out the seat across from you before you could protest. "I don't have to go to this school."
You scowled. The organ in your chest was beating awfully fast—you really hoped you weren't about to get in a screaming match with him here of all places. "What do you want, Hyunjae? You can't just show up everywhere I go unannounced."
"I don't do that."
"I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me, actually."
"Will you just—"
"Heya, Yn." Relief flooded through you at the sight of Changmin and Sunwoo walking up to your table. The former narrowed his eyes behind his dark-framed glasses. "Everything okay?"
You flipped your notebook closed and swiftly packed all of your items up. "Yeah, perfectly," you said. Hyunjae didn't follow as you stood up. "Bye, Hyunjae."
As you walked toward the library exit, Changmin and Sunwoo converged on either side of you. "What was that all about?" Sunwoo asked, his head peering behind you at the boy who was no doubt still sitting at the table. "Why is he here?"
You shook your head and pushed out onto the university grounds, propping the door open for your friends trailing behind. "Dude, I have no idea. He dropped by on my way out of work last night—"
"He what?"
"It wasn't even a productive conversation," you told them. You didn't know where you were going, but you turned around to face them as you walked backward along the path. Maybe you shouldn't have just left him there. "I don't even know how he knew I was at the library."
Changmin's mouth quirked downward. "Isn't this like… kind of creepy? What's with him anyway?"
"Yeah, Yn, how do you know him?" Sunwoo chimed in.
You sighed, face scrunching up as you thought about where to begin. Swiveling back to front, your friends clung onto you—both physically and to your words. "Our parents loathe each other, because they're business rivals, but Hyunjae and I went to the same schools when we were kids and we became friends."
It had been the two of you against the world—best petty friends. That first time his parents had driven him over to your house for a play date, the looks on both yours and his parents had been priceless. It'd been a wonder that they'd let you continue with the play date. From that point on, however, you both became friends for life, all despite the odds.
At least, that was how it had been.
Three years ago, just before both of you were going to begin your college careers, he had pretended that everything between the two of you was nothing more than dumpster fire. He ended up with Kyla, he became a jerk, and you'd spiraled. Had it been something you'd done? Had it been you? Did his parents open his eyes to your families' petty rivalry and get him to turn on you? That was what it had seemed like.
You'd survived, somehow. You had friends now—good friends, nice friends, un-petty friends. (But Hyunjae had been that person for you, too, once upon a time.)
You found yourself in your apartment at six in the evening the next day, staring at a half-drunk glass of wine and a crossword on your coffee table. You'd snatched up one of the newspapers in the lobby to busy yourself with in an attempt to take your mind off thrown cups of coke, bitchy ex girlfriends, and bitter ex friends.
It hadn't worked yet.
A knock on your front door drew your focus away, and you dragged yourself up from the couch to see who it was. Something panged in your chest at the face on the other side of the peephole.
You ripped the door open. "Do you want a restraining order?"
Hyunjae stood on the other side looking a little less put together than yesterday, but still more put together than you. "Yn, can we please just talk?"
"How do you even know where I live?" You asked him, not moving from the threshold, and thus, leaving him no room to come in.
"I literally helped you move in three years ago," he said, blinking. Oh. "Now, can I please come in?"
At least he was saying please, you reasoned with yourself. Begrudgingly, you let him in.
His shoulders seemed to deflate as he slipped inside, and he left his shoes on the show rack by the front door. Once you'd replaced all the locks, you swept past him to your kitchen area. "Want a drink?"
"Uhm, sure. Yeah, thanks."
You came back to the couch with another glass and poured him some of the red.
The two of you sat on the couch beside each other with a comfortable amount of space in the middle. He picked up his glass and chugged the entire thing, while you finished off your own glass and reached for the bottle. It felt so strange to be in his space again—or at least, for him to be in your space again. You didn't know if the jittery kick in your heart was from nervousness, excitement, or both.
What more did he have to say to you?
When you topped your glass off again, Hyunjae refilled his own.
"What do you want from me, Hyunjae?" You asked him for what felt like the hundredth time within the past week. You didn't have the heart to look at him now, the alcohol making your brain buzz and your chest heavy.
He nursed his glass, elbows braced on his knees. "I'm sorry," he said, clearing his throat when his voice came out rough. He fidgeted with the collar of his shirt. "You're probably so fucking tired of me, but I just… I knew I had to make things right."
You tugged your legs onto the couch and tucked them under you. "Why? Because you broke up with your girlfriend for throwing soda in my face?" For a moment, the thought amused you. Out of all the things to break up with Kyla for—out of all the things—it'd been over Coca-Cola.
Hyunjae swallowed down his wine. "No, that's not—that's not why I wanted to break up with her. I mean, part of it, of course. She'd disrespected you and your friend and the workplace."
His words and their sincerity drew your eyes to him on your left. His head hung, but you could see the glazed look in his eyes, dulling out those pretty, mahogany irises of his. He looked like your Hyunjae for once, not the one who had appeared in the doorway of the pizzeria with his arm around a girl who didn't appreciate him or anyone.
"And I'm sorry for that," he continued. "I'm sorry I didn't do more to prevent that from happening."
You stared down into the dark stillness of your wine glass. "Well, it wasn't exactly your fault," you said quietly.
You heard him huff, "Yeah, sure." He lifted the glass up to his lips again, and you did the same.
"The little altercation was recorded and posted online," Hyunjae suddenly said. "And when my parents saw, they pretty much backed out of the partnership between our company and Kyla's parents'. They didn't let me break up with her before because of the contract or whatever, but after that PR nightmare, they pretty much cut ties for me."
He took another swig, and you found yourself really looking at him this time.
"I was and have been an asshole to you, Yn," he said. "And it's no excuse, but it was… I was just trying to make it easier for both of us."
The wine was penetrating your defenses. Or maybe that was his story. But either way, the stinging in the corners of your eyes led to a watering of your vision, and everything was getting blurry. The lights, him, your whole view of the situation. His parents hadn't turned him, but shackled him instead.
"I thought," you began, lifting a hand up to wipe your eyes dry, "you hated me."
Hyunjae raised his head, shaking it, then hanging it again. He drank. "I couldn't hate you. I tried—I tried to make it easier to see you differently, but… Yn, you were my best friend." His voice broke at the end and he swallowed. "I thought about you so much these past few years, and it was so hard to get through it without you."
Your heart was sinking fast into your stomach and you could feel it hammer against your bones. You'd thought about him too much, as much as you loathed to admit. The man who you felt had simply thrown you away… how pathetic was it that you couldn't stop caring? But now, the lens was widening. Maybe your feelings weren't so unique.
Both you and Hyunjae moved at the same time, arms raising to drain your glasses of the last bits of wine.
You told yourself it was the wine that was making you want to cry, but when you and Hyunjae looked at each other, his eyes were lined with silver. He sniffled, setting his glass on the coffee table. "I'm sorry," he whispered, biting his lip when emotion made him screw his face up and turn away from you.
You put your glass next to his and clambered over the sofa to wrap your arms around him. He turned his face into your chest and sobbed, the sound coaxing a crest of emotion out of you, too, and you held him and rocked him through the oncoming waves.
It was the wine, you thought. God it was the wine. It had to be the wine.
But your best friend was here in your arms, where he belonged, you liked to think. He was home.
You curled your hand over the back of his head, your cheeks damp. "'m sorry they forced you into that relationship," you rasped. The bitterness was sweeping back in a different color. "I wish I knew."
He sniffled. "They threatened to do something to your parents' company. I couldn't—I couldn't let you and them get involved."
The confession stabbed through you. You had no idea what his parents had told him, and made him do, for the sake of business. You had no idea how unhappy he was, and god—you wished you'd known. Maybe things wouldn't have come to such hurt.
Hyunjae pulled himself away from you and wiped his eyes. "I think after all that shit, I'm a little fucked up."
The both of you shared a watery laugh, the space that had originally been left between you, nonexistent.
You cupped the sides of his face. "You made it though, and you've been so strong, Jae."
His bottom lip trembled. "Can you ever forgive me?"
"Yeah," you nodded. "Yeah, I forgive you." How could you not? And it was the wine—you swore it was the wine—that had you leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his hairline. His eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into you, his hand reaching up to cover your hand with his own.
"I like you a whole lot better than her," he murmured.
"I'd hope so," you mused, patting his cheek. "You deserve to have someone so much better than her."
He gulped, eyes searching your face. "You think so?"
"I know so."
Your heartbeat stuttered when he leaned forward slightly. You could smell the wine on his breath as it fanned over your skin. It felt as if the world slowed in that moment—the lights were dimmer, his eyelids low, lips shiny and plush.
And then he blinked, energy and alarm and… something else in his expression. He pulled out of your hold and his ears turned bright red. "I should go."
Your lips parted. "Wait—"
He practically leapt off the couch and banged his knee against the wall as he hobbled into his shoes. "Damn—I—" he opened the front door, pausing over the threshold. You didn't know why he was leaving; you wanted him to stay. Why, why, why was he leaving? "I, uhm, I've overstayed my welcome."
The door rattled as he closed it behind him, as if to tell you to not follow him out. You were left on the couch alone again, two empty glasses of wine, feeling stripped.
What the hell was that?
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"And he just… left?"
You nodded, sweeping the apron around your waist over the hook in the back room of the pizzeria. It was late when yours and Dae's shift ended, as per usual. The shop was pretty much closed, leaving the two of you and two of the cooks who usually closed up the establishment when you both left.
For the entirety of your shift, you had been turning over yesterday's events over and over again. "I don't know what I did wrong, y'know? Maybe I crossed a boundary or something? I dunno."
Worry gnawed at your stomach as you recalled what happened to Dae. You both stepped out of the back of the building to head to your respective cars. It was dark out, as it usually was, with a few street lights along the road that you and Dae stuck to while walking.
As you approached your car, you noticed Hyunjae standing beside it with his hands tucked in his pockets and his head turned toward you. Rather than the sourness you'd felt for him at the beginning of the week, the feeling twisting in your chest was sweeter, but bitter still.
"I'll see you tomorrow then," Dae said to you softly with a gentle nudge of your arm. She walked ahead of you and passed by your car to get to hers, leaving you to confront the man plaguing your every thought for the past week.
You swallowed as you made your way over to the driver's side door where he was standing. "Hey."
Hyunjae gave a slight bob of his head. "Hey."
"Did I do something wrong yesterday?" You asked him, earnestly, searching his face for any hint as to why he had left so abruptly.
"No, it wasn't your fault—it definitely wasn't your fault," he told you. He sucked in a breath, carding a hand through his hair. "I had an epiphany of sorts."
"An epiphany?" You furrowed your brows.
His cheeks had flushed slightly, and he couldn't exactly meet your eyes. "I thought it was just the alcohol clouding my judgment, and in combination with all the emotions, and I just—" he shook his head. "It's probably not important, but…"
You bumped your elbow with his. "Jae, you're here. It probably is important."
A small smile curled up onto his face. "Y'know," he began, finally lifting his head to look you in the eyes, "she would have agreed with me and brushed me off."
You knew who the "she" he was talking about was. You frowned. "She was never good enough for you, Hyunjae."
"I know." He sighed. "I just wanna be enough for you though now."
Surprise lit across your face, and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach start to take flight. You couldn't think coherently with his words, and you were probably reading into it too much. The two of you had been away so long that you probably forgot how to read him; there was no doubt that something changed over the past three years, right?
When you failed to find a reply, he shifted slightly, his body facing straight toward you. "I've had a lot of time to think, and the whole time I was with her, I just kept comparing her to you." He stepped closer to you and his hand reached out to tentatively take your fingers with his. "She never measured up; maybe that made me even more bitter for ruining our friendship."
You met his eyes. There was that glimmer of the rich brown like what you'd seen last night. (Your Hyunjae was present and accounted for.) "What… what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I," he said, fully taking your hands with his, "would like to start over on a slightly different note. But if you don't feel the same, we can start wherever you're comfortable with."
It would be different, you realized. But it would be a good different, right?
You found your voice, curled your fingers around his in the space between you. "Okay."
His smile slowly widened, his eyes squinting into upturned crescent moons. "Okay?"
You nodded, returning the expression. "Let's start over on that different note."
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The pizzeria was as alive as usual. It was warm, smelled like tomatoes and cheese and bread, and it was still your home away from home. You had just finished your break and were tying your apron back on when Dae bumped her hip against yours as she passed by with a tray of dirty dishes.
"Your banshees just got in," she said, before disappearing through the kitchen doors.
Your gaze went to the door where you found your five friends, and the additional three, who were filing in altogether. You made eye contact with one person in particular, his smile softening into something fond at the corners of his mouth. He lifted a hand in greeting, grabbing everyone else's attention as they said their hellos to you.
The eight of them made their way over to the round table in the back corner, piling into the chairs around it.
"Waitress! Waitress!" The hyena-like sound set off an alarm in your head and you came over to the table to give Changmin a stink eye. He grinned innocently. "Oh yay, it worked."
You gave him an unimpressed look. "You sound like a chihuahua."
"Joke's on you, I think chihuahuas are cute," he huffed, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
You braced your hand on the back of Hyunjae's chair, the other one gently patting the top of his head. He acknowledged your greeting, his hand reaching up to cover yours on the chair back. "What's to drink, y'all?"
A chorus of beverages rang out, and you mentally counted the few repeats and the singles. You promised to be right back, and left to go grab them. As you went, you could hear your boys start up a lively debate about the multipurpose properties of the lemon. You wondered if that was what they had been bickering about on the car ride over here, and you heard Eric say something about lemons for cleaning; Juyeon just said lemonade; and Changmin said for inflicting "more pain." (No, you didn't want to know.)
When you returned to their table to pass out your drinks, you went around, leaving Hyunjae for last. You set his cup of coke in front of him and he passed you a smile.
"You're not gonna dump that on me, are you?" You asked, eyes narrowing playfully.
He grinned. "As long as you don't dump me, we're good."
Sunwoo made a face from across the table. "Yuck, get a room!"
Chanhee smacked him upside the head. "At least they have someone to be yucky with."
"This feels familiar somehow," Kevin pondered aloud. "Like déjà vu."
Jacob shrugged. "Maybe in another universe. I dunno, it seems like something we would have said to Sunwoo at some point."
You were halfway through a laugh when Hyunjae caught your attention, twisted around in his chair to smile up at you. "What's up?" You asked him.
His eyes, you could never get sick of his eyes. They glistened in the lighting here. "Nothing," he said swiftly, "I'm just… happy to be here." With you.
You understood, and you caught his hand on the back of the chair and gave him a little squeeze. "I'm happy you're here, too." It seemed that some things were just meant to come full circle.
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tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @tinkerbell460 @kaaimins @hyunjaespresent-deobi @otterly-fey @zzoguri @floatingpluto @winterchimez @ethereal-engene @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @loveliestfelix @bless-311 @zhaixiaowen @leaz-kpop-life @amourdsr @pxppxrminty @kqyutie @sseastar-main @kxthleen14 @fluorescentloves @mosviqu @justalildumpling @jaerisdiction @super-btstrash-posts @jundundun @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @outrologist @vernonburger @maessseongs @kflixnet @ericlvr
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Could I please request hc or a drabble about Cove as a new parent with a female MC? Thank you! ❤️
its your lucky day (aka you've asked smth ive been thinking abt for days LOL) bc ive written hc's and drabbles <333 although mostly messy hc's that are in no coherent order also I think I will come back n write more coherent n specific scenarios bc I have sm thoughts on cove through parenthood.... pls tysm for this ask I hope it's satisfactory bc i wrote in order of my thoughts LOL
tags : fluff, AFAB reader, after step 3/wedding dlc, "options" for 1 or 2 babes (if you hc triplets im praying for u🙏), no gender mention of the babe/s, birth surrogacy n adoption are up for imagination but pregnancy/surrogacy is most implied altho i think you could imagine adopting a baby before they're born bc ik some ppl do that
synopsis : how cove acts when you have your first kid & a bit on how he is raising them with you <3
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many many candid shots of cove holding the baby
PLEASE tell me someone recorded near the end of the birth/when they brought you the babe
he's crying. no matter what he's crying his fuckin eyes out
if you're giving birth please either have him wait outside n come in to cut the cord at the end bc he might faint
if you do have him in the room he'll be on his best behavior. will try his best not to worry too much bc he knows it could stress you out
(I'm thinking abt this video I saw where the wife said her husband fainted n fell back into this rolly office chair n just rolled to the back of the room into the dark side (it was apparently a long room lollll))
if you're in for a long labor or it's pretty short he's more calm bc either it's over before he can freak out or it's so fuckin long he's over it LOL
he's more of a solid, physical support than anything else because he's not too good with words but also he dosn't want you to feel pressured, annoyed, or smth with constant "you got this!" "its okay!" as you're pushing out a whole human, its not a simple task
[video 1]
COVE: so little... COVE: (looks at his mom/dad) are they supposed to be this small? (watery laugh)
is very scared to hold the babe, he's a big guy, with or without the muscles so he's always gentle with them even once they get bigger
definitely texts his dad during the pregnancy/surrogacy/adoption process "I hope i can be a good dad like you"
cliff getting a text from cove at 3am: "ty for raising me idk how you did it omg"
cliff is crying n flying over there immediately
!!!! if you need someone to help you adjust cliff is on the fuckin way!!! you can't even finish asking bc he's alrdy here, whatever you need guys!!!!
but if you want to be alone to bond w the babe or you hire a professional to help with the transition then he or your moms will come over and clean up, prepare food, and allows you to come home and not worry about getting things done.
dies if the kid has his hair color or eyes, like at first he just finds it crazy that he's a dad n that he has a lil spawn of his own
also lots of pictures of cliff playing w the babe/s
we all know cove can be lazy with his hair, but he doesn't want his kid going to school w crazy hair so he learns
at first it looks like a mess
n if you keep your hair short or can only do smth simple, its time to call your ma or lee for help LOL
imagine cove standing by your ma as she's showing him how to braid... so sweet
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cove is tip-toeing through the house, trying to shake off his outside clothes quietly and when he walks back into the room after brushing his teeth he's greeted with the sweet sound of his baby's giggle
you are sound asleep.
you and the other babe are sound asleep.
he shushes the baby, easing himself into the bed. suddenly he thinks that spending all that money on this big bed was worth it, especially with the way his achy body sinks into it.
he reaches over the babe/s. "sorry.. did I wake you?"
you hum, it's not a yes or a no, just a sleepy sound and he laughs at how out of it you are even though you're trying to fight it, stroking your face and carding his fingers through your hair.
"I love you.. thank you." he whispers. this moment is so delicate. he worries a bit that if he speaks too loud it'll be gone and he'll wake up in his teenage bedroom, staring at the bottom of his scratched up bunk bed.
"f'what?" you blink slowly.
"for everything..." he grins softly, thinking about that night
of your wedding, when you told him you wanted kids with him.
after the ORCA fundraiser dinner, when you asked him if he imagined having kids with you.
"we made it. that future we talked about..."
you smile softly, more awake now. "thanks for making it with me."
he laughs, muffins his face in the pillow and resting a hand on the baby, willing them not to wake. "how can you thank me for that?"
you grin, more sleepy than anything but still full of mischief.
"how can you thank me for getting me pregnant?" you giggle at your husband's flustered face.
"how can you thank me for being here like I promised years later?" you tease, bringing up night of the fundraiser.
cove flushes, burying his face in the babies hair instead of answering you.
he puts an arm around you, careful of the little one/s between you. "just go to bed..."
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gb lady said cove is sahd material.....
omg he makes them lunch always, or he at least helps you make lunch because his cooking skills are a bit limited and they'd prbly have star shaped sandwiches and applesauce everyday
your kids are definitely cuddles bc of him, he always picks em up, and if he doesn't have a carrier than he'll make a makeshift one out of a blanket.
omg imagine him and the kid/s at the dining table crying tryna figure out the homework
"its getting worse y/n!!!" "what the fuck is common core math?!" "babe call the teacher, something is missing here..."
if you're bad at math or smth too than you're all fucked n your kid/s AND COVE are facetiming his dad for a long distance tutoring lesson
he's reading them books every night
HE gets upset when it doesn't happen
"babe we gotta turn around, I only read them 5 books we're gonna be gone 6 nights."
FaceTime them every night you're away just the two of u
falls asleep w the kids in the weirdest positions
why is there a princess crown on his head and where did the face paint come from????
spoils the kid/kids. you're gonna go bankrupt please stop!!!
when your kid/s finally graduate n move out on their own, he thanks his dad for raising him and teaching him how to be the best dad.
also thanks you for just being amazing n reassuring him whenever he worried abt doing something wrong
if you have more than 1, he's a master by baby 2/3
COVE: (holding fresh baby, whispering) ....why is it so red
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raising you kid/s w cove is tough at first, cove worries about doing some wrong or failing as a parent.
and he did eventually admit he was worried about raising his kid/s in a "broken" home. his parents did their best! and he loves them, but the split was hard for him and he doesn't want them to go through the same feelings.
every day is a new experience in your house to say the least
I imagine it's filled w lots of worry, love, and tears
(cove is losing somehow?! he's been out crybaby-ed)
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
I was surprised that there are people who ship Sandy with other bachelors/bachelorettes, and I loved it
I want to see Sandy/Shane(I'm freaking)
There is actually so much Sandy coming because I got an influx of her in my inbox lol get ready for the Sandy ship flood everyone! By the end of this I'm gonna have such a good grasp on her character.
Catch this stunning bisexual dragging her straight boyfriend around pride next year making everyone wonder what she sees in him and his crocs. And no she’s not gonna fix him and make him dress pretty and everything, she knew what she was signing up for and likes her a scrunkly man pet.
She loves his deadpan humor. She loves the bags under his eyes, and how flustered he gets when she showers him with praise. He turned so red when she first called him sweetie (bc she calls everyone that) that she expanded her vocabulary of pet names just for him. After a while it wasn’t so much him getting flustered as just getting the smallest little shy smile out of him, and Sandy would go crazy for it and pinch his cheeks out of cute aggression.
Sandy has gotten a taste of the fabulous life working for Mr Qi in the desert, but she loves the simple beauties the valley has to offer. And Shane is the epitome of that. He has a family, a simple life with a passion for ranching and she adores that about him. She loves visiting him and getting a glimpse of what their future could be like.
And actually she was very nervous to meet Jas. Shane is shocked, “But everyone loves you, Sandy.” It’s so unlike her to be nervous.
She clenches his hand hard. “It’s just really important to me.”
He kisses her on the forehead and wraps her in his arms and it’s so comforting she never wants to let him go.
Jas absolutely adores her of course, Sandy is like a barbie come to life with her long shiny hair and pretty outfits. It turns out she’s really good at playing dolls, even better than Shane, though Jas still forces him to play with them.
And it’s then, while Sandy is giving a dramatic monologue in a silly voice that it clicks for him that this is real.
It just always felt like some big joke the universe was playing on him. It was laughable to think he’d ever deserve someone like Sandy. He’d always just been waiting for her to get tired of him, or find something else out about him that would spell their end. But it never came. Maybe she really was here to stay.
Everything clicks for him in that moment and he knows he has to ask her to marry him.
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hey! This is my first ask and I am not sure if you have any limits so this is experimental... can I have Illumi and Hisoka making sweet, passionate love with their s/o (fem or gn) and some aftercare fluff 🥺 thank you
passionate love + aftercare with the hxh boys (headcanons)
characters: hisoka, illumi, kurapika x gn!reader
authors note: i think you meant hisoka and illumi seperately (? 👀) so i turned these into headcanons - i hope that's okay anon! also threw kurapika in there for a laugh
warnings: mentions of nsfw content but its minimal
minors dni
requests are open! read my rules here!
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dear lord where do i even begin
this man is nothing if not passionate in everything he does
and boy oh boy does he rock your socks off in bed
i imagine passionate love with hisoka would be rough, messy, all over the place but fun
neither of you can get enough
your hands would be constantly over each others body
good luck prying this man away from you
not that you'd want to
this isn't to say that he's not sweet when he wants to be
while i can't imagine hisoka to ever be the slow and steady type, he definitely knows how to combine both passionate and sweet
on the days where he just wants to chill, i'm sure even someone as deranged as him has them at some point, i can imagine he'd focus more on kissing and dragging out your pleasures for as long as possible
and oh man is he willing to just cuddle for the rest of the day/evening/night literally whenever
he’s hands-down a very physical lover and that includes bundling his lover, aka you, in those big strong arms
“kiss me.”
“my lips hurt hisoka.”
“and that’s a problem?”
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so he's a challenge ngl
this man is the literal definition of a walking beansprout
as much as i love him
his spectacular brain doesn't grasp the meaning of sweet and passionate
i don't think he had a singular passionate bone in his body if that doesn't include his family and even then it's strained and confused
i would imagine illumi to realistically take care of any partner that he has
and that includes the bedroom
sweet and passionate love with illumi would be you managing to sneak a few kisses full on french kissing, or pulling his hair in the heat of the moment which he loves but would never be caught dead admitting that
he's definitely the type to focus on getting the job done rather than drag things out
but i can imagine he would be willing to go at the pace you set if you guide him through
he would prefer this bc he has no idea what he's doing half the time even though he acts the opposite
you wouldn't call it sweet and passionate unless illumi looks as if he's been dragged through several bushes and had a midlife crisis halfway through
i'm talking his lips swollen, hair messed and tangled, love bites scattered across his body 
perhaps even a light flush to his cheeks but i'm being generous here but he’d look so freaking pretty i-
for aftercare you would have to force him to stay with you
this man doesn't want to waste time by just laying there
but if you lay on top of him
and if you wrap his arm around your body, what can he do?
a lot, he can do a lot
but he loves you in his own twisted way so he's not moving unless you want him to
why would he?
you might even catch him as you’re drifting off into sleep plant the barest hint of a kiss on your forehead
would absolutely deny it later
touch starved illumi
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the sweetest lover oml
literal, and i cannot stress this enough, perfection
making love with him would be like floating amongst the clouds
or smth poetic like that
lots of kisses, compliments, and cuddles would be involved both during and afterwards
every time you two would make love it would always be the sweetest, fluffiest and most passionate thing
is absolutely 100% the type to put your needs before his
but lucky for him you’re also the same about him
so it’s always mutual pleasure
adores when you pull his hair lightly or call him pet names or tell him that he’s doing well
i believe aftercare would just be the both of you wrapped in each others arms, basking in the afterglow
would ask if you need anything
you say no
he gets you things anyway
or if you’re both really tired you just lie there and refuse to leave each others side
pls just give kurapika all the cuddles kisses and love that you can he desperately needs it
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mossyvil · 2 months
might be funny/cute for rook to have an s/o who is… really similar to him. someone who can match his freak so to speak lmao (leona hasn’t known peace ever since) like, they will talk to each other about art and theater and poetry until their mouths are dry, give vil early gray hairs by getting into ethically dubious shenanigans, frolicking in the forests around sage island until the sun is setting, etc. (i just want rook to have the affection he gives out so freely, okay 💔)
rook with a freak partner…. night raven college is lucky to still be standing atp cuz you two somehow are even more strange when you’re together LMAO. rook likes to show you classic twisted wonderland movies and hear your very in depth thoughts on them, and if you write him poetry you can expect a marriage proposal. like actually. he doesn’t care you’re both still in school.
vil is actually so fucking done with the two of you 😭😭😭 like it was bad enough with rook stalking him every day but with TWO??? good lord he might have a hernia from the stress of trying to keep you both from doing the most weird shit. (if anyone wants i can expand on this with poly rookvil bc i have Ideas)
ok but imagine going on walks with rook in the forests around the schools 🥹 he finds the most beautiful trails to take you on and searches for pretty clearings in the trees to sit and talk with you for hours while you just admire the nature surrounding you both <3 some of your friends worry bc you guys are gone for hours and no one knows where you went lol
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darkerthanblack-666 · 5 months
Ok, so the summary of today's day (it's fun, you know I'm a writer, so I can make it fun):
Before the concert+the concert
I went out. It didn't rain. I got to the city centre and it was raining like hell, but of course I didn't have an umbrella... I had my leather jacket though. Leather jackets are useful, because you can take them off and cover your hair and they don't get wet. But when I got there, it stopped raining, yay! Lucky me 😆
I got there maybe an hour before the doors? I would get an usual spot at the barrier on the side, but a girl was keeping it for her friend, so I let them have it and went to the middle. It was scary at first, because I never know what my happen and it's hard for me to stand for too long (which everyone knows, because I talk about it here a lot), but as usual the BC fandom here is very chill and most people were super nice and friendly and polite to each other, it's one of the main reasons why I love their concerts so much 💖
Most of the time I didn't see much, but Joel and Joonas got many interactions, if I find videos of those, I'll let you know! I had Joel right in front of me almost all the time, I could see his red snoot and wet upper lip, and he hit his face with the chain all the damn time... this guy 😆. Honestly, I had more fun there, in the 3rd row, than at the barrier on the side. Maybe it's because I was close to Joel, dunno 🤣. But it was probably my best BC concert so far, because I finally managed to relax and my anxiety was on a very low level. It really makes a huge difference!
Oh, and of course I lost my hairband with a big red bow. All because of Ghostkid's vocalist! I was filming Dark Side and he got near the crowd, I had no idea he was going to jump into it, because I'm small, I barely can see what's going on with everyone around being so tall. So he knocked off my hairband and I managed to catch my classes on time 😭. But I did catch him somehow, I made sure he didn't fall. Also damn, this guy is so light! Even with my health issues I feel like I could carry him myself easily. Also I'm not super sad about the hairband, if someone found it they can keep it, it's just a funny story 😂. If I lost my glasses, THEN I'd be upset. Because glasses are expensive. Btw I literally have it on video, I have proof! It's the funniest part of it 🤣
We also got another "kurwa bob" moment and Niko got a flower crown in the colors of the Polish flag! I even managed to take a quick photo (as I said, my camera is shite):
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(he took it off soon after, so I was lucky to catch this moment on my camera, also hi Joel you look awful here, but so do I in most of the photos and you're still my fave edgelord 💖)
Meeting the band after the concert
I wasn't sure if it was worth to wait for them. It was still a bit rainy and the last day bus was leaving in 30min (night buses arrive only every 30min, so it's a pain in the ass). Most people have left, there weren't many of us left, maybe ~20 people waited? But I thought I don't get to see them live that often, so what the hell, I'll wait.
There were staff members and guys from the supporting bands walking around freely (everyone is always polite and we let them work in peace, it's why I love the fans here, they don't chase anyone away 💖), even Olli just walked around unbothered (I think only I noticed him at that time tbh, but I ain't a snitch hehe).
Tommi and Aleksi just went to the bus and it's understandable. Tommi is just Tommi and Aleksi was sick. All of the other guys actually stayed with us to talk and I've never had such a long interaction with them before! I feel even luckier and I'm so happy that I stayed 😍
I think everyone knows Joel is sick, so we didn't want to bug him too much. He was nice enough to let us take some photos and let us give him hugs, and he was pretty much braindead 😂. But it's understandable, he's usually braindead and he's also sick, so it's worse. I'm happy I could give him a proper hug this time, because the first time I met him I was too scared for one. The 2nd time I asked for one and patted his shoulder nervously. But this time? I just hugged him with no fear! I'm making progress here 💖
Niko is always the most friendly one, so we had a chat with him and he asked what does kurwa mean (really dude? you have no google in your phone?) and I told him it's like vittu, other people added more information, and I said he should google it, he'll find funny things. Niko, please. Just google it, dude 😂.
I also hugged him and he has a really soft coat, which other girls pointed out and he joked he's wearing nothing underneath, because he's Finnish and isn't cold (a deja vu moment, because there was exactly the same situation in Poznań before: "Niko, aren't you cold?" "No, I'm Finnish"), so I also told him it used to be much colder here in general, because we did have very cold winters before. It's always fun talking to Niko 💖
The next one was Olli, but I'm leaving Olli for the last part of the story, because it's the best. Now, I did hug Joonas and got a photo with him, but my brain is totally blank if we actually did talk to him. I think not really? Uh, dunno 😂. But it was a positive interaction as well 💖
Now, Olli. Everyone knows I just couldn't like the guy because of his crazy stans, so I was "meh" about him, but actually meeting him properly just changed my mind. He's really easy to talk to! But I really didn't think I'd manage to come up with an interesting topic, I usually have nothing to say and I'm horrible at asking questions.
My brain decided to ask him about Silent Library. It basically went like:
Me: "So I watched this show, Silent Library Suomi, and you were getting all these red cards. Was it done like that on purpose, or was it just a coincidence?
Olli (grinning): "it's called back luck"
Now, if you watched their vlogs and he had those funny moments with puns everyone loved, IT WAS LIKE ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS. But I don't have it on the camera (which is ok, I did that just for myself).
He explained it really was accidental and no one was plotting against him (I did joke that Joel maybe did 😂). I think he enjoyed talking about it, because I doubt anyone would get an idea to ask him about this show (though I might be wrong).
So here you go, it's called bad luck. That's it. I got the info from the man himself 😂
But, there's more. The girl who was taking photos of us had a malfunctioning phone and accidentally took a photo of his feet and he was wearing flip flops (she did show it to him too lmao). I'll share it as soon as I get it. Also she came up with a joke that I already told her I'm going to steal:
(feet pic coming soon 👌)
We all laughed really loud at it (Olli wasn't there anymore, so we=us girls), so I'm releasing it into the world, because it can't be kept in containment 😂
That's it for now, more video content coming tomorrow (cause I'm tired)
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lilis-doodle-dome · 11 months
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Mafuyu looks,,, so much better than Kasa. Oops-
Mfks swap au group lv 1 Kizuna ranks
There was more interest in this au than expected, so I’ll add more info on this post. But also please feel free to ask any questions you have!
More info:
- The Tenma parents should probably be divorced with how much they fight and usually Tsukasa ends up being the rope in their constant Tug-of-war
- Tenmama treats Tsukasa like the daughter she always wanted to have (despite literally having a daughter) so that’s why his hair is long and some of his casual clothes are feminine colors! She wants him to follow in her footsteps to become a pianist, since he’s such a prodigy.
- Tsukasa has mentioned the fact Saki enjoys the piano and would probably be happy if her mom took an interest in her playing, but Tenmama thinks Saki would need ‘a few more years of experience before she really gets it’ since ‘after all there’s a difference between a child enjoying making pretty sounds, and a real appreciation for an instrument’.
- That sentiment made no sense to Kasa bcs he doesn’t care at all about the piano and so how could *he* appreciate it more than someone who loves it, plus he thinks Saki’s playing is much better than his. It also caused a weird tearing sensation in his chest, but he didn’t understand it.
- Meanwhile the Tenma dad is also awful. He is very tied up in traditional masculinity, so he gets upset with Tsukasa for doing so many feminine things, despite that literally being Tenmama’s doing. He wants Tsukasa to have academic success and get a prestigious career (lawyer, doctor, etc.) since ‘men aren’t lucky enough to be able to marry into money so they can do frivolous things like play piano’
- He does respect that mr. Aoyagi was able to make a career out of piano, but sees him as one of the ‘lucky few geniuses’ that made it and thinks it’s far too unstable of a job for Kasa to pursue. He wants to ‘set his *son* up for success’ after all
- This forces Tsukasa to have an incredibly strict routine each day so he can do enough to satisfy both his parents, bcs if the Tenma’s think he’s even slightly prioritizing one of his tasks over another they’ll start fighting about him ‘taking a side’
- which can lead to fun results such as: The time his father came into his room while he was asleep and cut his hair to a ‘proper male’ length, or when his mother bodily dragged him out of cram school with everyone watching bcs he needed to spend more time on piano instead. Their fighting always seems to hurt their kids more than them.
- Also Tsukasa usually wears his school uniform, instead of casual clothes, everywhere since his parents can’t argue about a school mandated outfit. The only thing he wears as an accessory, and he wears it with every outfit, is a fish hairtie Saki got him when they were younger. He makes an effort to hide it in his hair since otherwise his parents would take it, but it’s the only clothing item that is strictly *his* and he can still remember when wearing made him happy. Even if he can’t feel it anymore the memory is still nice.
- Saki also gets mistreated but in a different way, even worse than treating her like glass, the Tenma’s treat her like she’s still the toddler she was when she first got sick. They act like she’s an incompetent, whiny baby rather than a Teenager in their first year of Highschool and it infuriates her to no end. So most of the time spent with her parents is spent fighting angrily about something, while they patronizingly laugh her off with comments like ‘Young girls these days, so spirited’
- it doesn’t help that Tsukasa absolutely refuses to get involved and when he is dragged in, he always makes non committal statements that are more platitudes than actual thoughts on the matter. Which of course just frustrates Saki even more
- especially since Tsukasa has been helping Saki sneak out of the house during her ‘rest time’ (she basically has one hour of free time after school then she’s expected to stay in her room the rest of the day to ‘destress’, this was not recommended by the doctors her parents just decided on their own) so she can actually live life now that she’s out of the hospital. So clearly he does agree their parents are too overbearing in ‘caring’ for her, so why doesn’t he say anything when she argues with them?
I was planning to talk more about the group’s dynamics and Sekai’s but umm,, guess it’s all just Tenma’s dynamics instead. I still haven’t covered even close to everything about this family mess ha, they’re complicated.
I will mention, however, since it ties in to what I’ve talked about:
- Tsukasa’s Sekai is the Chess Sekai, it’s a massive chessboard with a stretch of grey area that cuts right through the middle of it, each VS’s appearance is based on a piece. The remaining pieces are based off of expectations that have been placed on him (e.x a piano for the piano career and on the opposite side books for the academic career)
- The pieces will move based on what is currently ‘winning’ in his life ( e.x. The books will be further forward if it’s currently exam period and the like). But since there’s that section of grey cutting the board in half none of the pieces can ever cross to the other side and the game is in a perpetual stalemate, with pieces moving meaninglessly back and forth forever
Not technically relevant but I’d feel bad not mentioning:
- Mafuyu’s Sekai is the Storybook Sekai, if you’ve ever seen Van gough’s painted world (it’s a movie) that’s what her Sekai looks like, it’s like being in a painting but the world still moves around you so you can watch the brushstrokes shift as if they were the real thing they depicted. Rather than plushies she has little cartoon animals from various fables she’s read throughout her life, their personalities reflect the story they come from.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
a beginner’s guide to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Fandom (most of it)
Captain John Price: den dad. He’s got the moustache to prove it. Nikolai is his Russian pilot BF.
Ghost’s real name is Simon Riley. Some say he’s blonde, some dark-haired. Feel free to choose a side. Feel free to ship him w/anyone you want (Soap, Roach, or Gaz in any combo). Just understand that he is the scariest babygirl. Very tall, very stabby, very masked unless he wants to make you his husband.
Laswell: den aunt (not mom just bc she’s not around as much). Friends w/Price. She can get him to do anything. She’s married to some lucky woman (IDK if this is canon but good for her).
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish: is a chaotic team w/Gaz & Roach. They pull pranks, gossip & man the group chat which is full of memes. Soap is very proud of his Scottish heritage (so are we!). He’s looking respectfully at Ghost’s butt. He loves blowing things up & he craves words of affirmation.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick: Price’s informally adopted son. Price likes to think he’s responsible & tbh he is until someone is needed to film Soap & Roach’s antics. He’s just trying to live his life but the love lives of everyone leave him exasperated (hard to keep up).
Gary “Roach” Sanderson: precious smol bby.
König: another precious bby. He’s just taller than everyone, by MUCH (pretty sure he’s like 6’7” based on pictures). His sniper hood is a shirt w/holes. He occasionally knocks over things & gets embarrassed but no one is mad. He uses his lil Austrian puns/sayings & everyone is confused (they just like that he sounds happy).
Phillip Graves: fucking asshole. He’s only a “good guy” in fics so the guys can prank him, or so Ghost can scare the shit out of him, or so someone can fuck him in some kind of consensual frenemy hatesex fic.
Farah Ahmed Karim: badass rebel woman who needs no one (which sucks I guess because the squad loves her). Also Alex probably has a crush on her. Bonus: she’s voiced by an actress from The Boys.
Alex Keller: the nice American guy! He definitely holds his own, even though he’s usually the one who doesn’t get the joke in fanfics. Most ship him with Farah & Gaz in a lovely trio.
Alejandro Vargas: sexy Spanish speaking dude who helps the 141 in combat & love issues. He’s dating Rudy.
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra: also speaks Spanish. He’s dating Alejandro, who he’s known since forever.
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