#hes like walter now😭😭😭
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klugenjoyer · 1 year ago
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t4tpumpkinduo · 13 days ago
it just like does kinda kill me how much c discussion is connected to cc parasociality i do think it's like deeply bizarre. just because sm asshole is weird irl that doesn't have to mean anything abt a character they play. just bcs smone is nice irl doesn't mean the character is suddenly a good person. it's insane this even needs to be talked abt bcs like. can you not form your own opinions? 😭 i lwk think this is also why ppl took certain critique so personally, bcs now yr not just critiquing decisions or story directions or characters, you've secretly got an agenda against their cc of choice and aren't you so stupid for taking media as it is? you hateful asshole you hate my guy personally. you ppl r smthing else
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my-wildflwr · 2 years ago
my dad is genuinely one of the smartest people i know but when it comes to media literacy his brain stops working. he takes everything at face value. absolutely no thinking. he’s like a baby watching a youtube video and it pisses me off
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anothermansjeans · 10 months ago
OKAY HEAR ME OUT youtuber!reader x spencer, and they do the "i love the smiths' 'huh' 'i said i love the smiths 😃'" and then spencer like tackles her into a kiss trend i NEED THE PUBLICS REACTION TO THAT AND MAYBE MORGAN/PENELOPE/AARON?
THIS IS SO SHORT IM SO SORRY!! also i find it so funny that spencer wouldn't even aware of the trend they're doing and he just goes with it
cw: clueless spencer, cute little trend
wc: 248
youtuber!reader masterlist
Spencer had absolutely no idea what was going on. You were standing there, talking to him as your phone was currently taking a video and a sound was playing from it.
“I need you to kiss me when I say the word ‘Smiths’.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “Huh?”
“Kiss me now!”
Still completely unaware, he stepped forward and smashed your lips together, walking you completely out of frame. He continued to kiss you until you both needed to come up for air, and when you did, you smiled at him.
“Can I post that video?”
He smiled at your question, knowing that if he was really uncomfortable, you wouldn't post it. “Yeah… it’s not weird, right?”
You softly laughed and hugged him tightly. “I haven't checked it yet, but I think it’ll be good. I’m sorry for not completely explaining the trend, but I thought it would feel more authentic this way.”
And he completely understood.
Messages from Penelope afterwards:
Spencer. Walter. Reid.
Why are you and your gf SO CUTE?
Ugh, I love you both, thank you for that TikTok
Messages from Derek:
My man
Who knew you had it in you
Pen sent me the video, lover boy. Stop ignoring me.
Bonus: some comments
@ user1: sleeping on the train tracks tonight
@ user2: you can tell he had no idea what he was doing 😭 love him fr though
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl @charismatic-writer @navs-bhat @itsleilabxtch @strabarrybat @hiireadstuff @cherrybb-ily @wietske27
let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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gracefulserpent1207 · 3 months ago
My Sonic 3 Review:
Opening the film with Shadow waking up to memories of Maria I am SICK
Maria... was playing... Live and Learn... on guitar... omg... my heart...
OZZY'S "You stole my hoomans!" LMAOOOOOO
The fact that when Sonic says to Tom "I don't know what I'd do without you, I'd probably be a completely different hedgehog", they cut to Shadow - that is PEAK cinematography!
Tails wanted to go the chao garden he is so adorable I love him so much 😭 and the look on his face when they start performing he's just a little guy 🥺
Eggman watching telenovelas is so accurate actually
Agent Stone is just so in love isn't he? In fact the Stobotnik scenes in this film were some of my favourite scenes - Lee Majdoub you're amazing
Keanu Reeves was AMAZING as Shadow
Shadow looked so scared when he was put in the tank and it was filling with water poor baby 🥺
One thing that was NOT on my Sonic 3 bingo chart was COMMANDER WALTERS FUCKING DYING??? THEY KILLED THE OLIVE GARDEN GUY???
Maria drawing a bunny face over Shadow in the tank she is so precious I love them both so much 😭
The little montage of Shadow and Maria hanging out made me SICK (in a good way) especially that scene when he's running through the halls pulling her behind him on her rollerskates LOL
"There's still light, even when the star's not there anymore" okay so I'm just gonna cry into my popcorn now thx
Stone calling Tails adorable he is so real for that
Eggman saying that he's "undesirable to all possible genders" 🤨🏳️‍🌈 'whoa he's bisexual I didn't know that!'
Speed reference!
"It's like we're in a movie and we're both being played by the same actor! *Slowly stare into camera*" That fourth wall break was BRILLIANT
I can't decide whether Tom's puppet of himself is absolutely hilarious or absolutely terrifying
The montage of Eggman and Gerald lol! (but poor Stone was left out ☹️)
The entire London break-in scene was great! Especially when Knuckles finally got to break the glass!
Can we take a minute to appreciate the complete contrast between Gerald saying "a WOMAN in the MILITARY 😒" and Shadow saying that the girl in the telenovela should kill both the guys fighting over her because she's "not a prize to be won"?
Also Shadow watching a telenovela and telling the girl to kill both guys is so accurate LMAO he really said 'YOU LEAVE THAT LATINA ALONE!'
Ngl for a hot second I GENUINELY thought Tom was dead that was SCARY
Are we gonna talk about the fact that Gerald and Shadow were ready to kill themselves if it meant getting revenge?
The way Shadow's face changes and he flashbacks to Maria when he sees Sonic knelt next to Tom begging him to wake up... The parallels between Sonic and Shadow in this film... Oh my goodness...
Sonic getting mad enough to steal the Master Emerald from Knuckles was also NOT on my Sonic 3 bingo chart - I thought we were gonna see them fight each other for a sec which was CRAZY
I'm not the biggest Wade fan but Sonic effortlessly taking the Master Emerald from him and him replying "well I tried" was comedy GOLD - all that training in the Knuckles series for nothing huh 😂
Sonic turning super for vengeance purposes oh my goodness...
Maria's death scene really gave me goosebumps - the way Commander Walters shouts "don't shoot they're children!" - the way Shadow's face changes when he sees Maria dead - the way Gerald was crying...
I think it really says a lot about G.U.N that in this version, they didn't even shoot Maria but they were still actively responsible for her death - that officer DID shoot and he DID try and aim at Maria and that explosion WAS caused by him
Obviously I hate G.U.N but I actually feel kinda bad for Walters now like he really did try to save her didn't he 🫤
Both Gerald and Walters refer to Maria AND Shadow as children which I appreciate cuz it shows how young Shadow really was when everything went to hell for him - he's just a baby your honour he didn't MEAN to blow up earth 🥺
Sonic attacking Shadow in super form was just... WOW! He was REALLY angry wasnt he?
Sonic almost killing Shadow over him almost killing Tom was a really great way to relate Sonic and Shadow's stories - Sonic coming around when Shadow points to his heart, thinking about what Tom said at the start of the film parallelling Shadow then coming around after remembering what Maria said to him... This is one hell of a film!
Sonic and Shadow watching the sun come up together as Shadow repeats what Maria says about light and stars 😭
"Don't tell me you've got a catchphrase..." "Yep, and everyone loves it!" Another fourth wall break that did NOT disappoint.
Did they just... fucking... incinerate Gerald... wtf.... RIP I guess...
Shadow attacked those robots with SUPER CHOAS SPEARS in one scene!!! Which is AWESOME!!!
Eggman switching sides cuz even he knows blowing up the world is a bad idea 👍
I could go on and on and on about the Super Sonic and Super Shadow scene IT WAS SO GOOD!!!
Sonic falling to earth gave me a heart attack. Tails then falling to earth whilst trying to save Sonic also gave me a heart attack. Knuckles going to save them both making me think he was also gonna fall to earth gave me a third heart attack.
The way I physically leaned forward in my seat when Shadow took off his inhibitor rings—
They pissed on the moon.
We've seen Shadow smile so much in this film and it is SO refreshing to see! That smile right before he and Sonic team up to attack those robots Gerald sends after them is my favourite smile we've ever seen on him.
Eggman dedicated his last speech before dying to Stone 😭😩🥹 AND STONE SAYING "I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN" THEY BETTER KISS IN THE NEXT FILM I SWEAR—
Team Sonic hug 🥹
Ending on the race was perfect (bonus points for Ozzy barking with subtitles again because that was HILARIOUS)
Oh yeah and Metal Sonic.
So great to see that Shadow's NOT dead (although tbf I did kinda expect that - it would've been unlikely that they genuinely kill him off when he's such a popular character)
Honestly I think the END end credits scene was a perfect set up for a Shadow spinoff, like they HAVE to make one now
I also think the two end credits scenes together show that Eggman isn't really dead either - again it would be unlikely for them to kill him off PLUS if Shadow managed to chaos control himself out of there he could've easily gone back for Eggman too (and I mean who else is gonna be responsible for creating Metal Sonic?)
Overall, I think it's pretty clear that I LOVED this film! It was amazing and I'm already excited for the next one lol! ❤️
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panic-flavored · 8 months ago
I keep imagining some robotnik superior showing up unexpectedly in his lab and being like "🤨...Wait there are three mermai... *stone kills him*
I plan on writing a fic about this eventually, but I've been short on time lately 😭 Long story short, Robotnik moves Stone to an underwater lab he's been building to save him from being un-alived by the government, and at roughly the same time they find out Stone is pregnant. So fortunately the merfamily is totally safe! Here's a blurb from the WIP of that fic, since it probably won't be posted for a while:
The words echo off the lifeless conference room walls and rattle around unpleasantly in Robotnik’s brain. They are not words Robotnik wants to hear, and if he’s being honest, some time ago he’d forgotten that he’d ever have to hear them in the first place.
“Doctor?” Commander Walters offers Robotnik an appropriately concerned frown. “Did you hear me?”
Robotnik clears his throat, refocusing. “No, uh- no. I must have spaced out. Say that one more time for me.” He heard him loud and clear, of course, but he wants to pick through it one more time, see if there are any loopholes or contradictions he can take advantage of to be found in the words.
“Oh, sure… I understand, I’m sure you’ve been working around the clock lately.” Commander Walters says. “I said that if you’ve acquired all the data you can from the living specimen, it’s time to turn him over to the autopsy team. It’s still your project of course, so you can be as involved as you’d like to be going forward. But after six months of research, I think it’s safe to say we can–” here, Walters does that annoying rotating motion with both of his pointer fingers, “--wrap it up.”
Robotnik feels a little bit sick. Furious, mostly, but the sour heaviness in his guts is close to making him gag. Has it been six months already? Back then, this plan didn’t bother Robotnik in the slightest. When he first stormed into the biology lab to assert himself as the project leader, he didn’t care how injured and malnourished Stone was - Stone wasn’t Stone back then, he was the ‘specimen’. Robotnik hadn’t chewed out the pitiful scientists over their subpar treatment of Stone because he’d worried about Stone’s safety, it was because they’d compromised the scientific process. There was no sense in researching a living subject if that subject was too weak and sick to move, after all.
Obviously Robotnik’s opinion had changed rather quickly. He’d been told that the ‘merman’ wasn’t intelligent, wasn’t sentient. That he was mindless and violent. Fools. Almost as soon as Robotnik dismissed the rest of the team, it became apparent none of that was true. Stone quickly proved himself to be highly intelligent, learning ASL almost as fast as Robotnik once had. He was complex, loyal, and terribly interesting. He saw the world so differently than anyone Robotnik had ever met. 
This is a very wordy way of saying that Robotnik fell in love, even if he hated framing it in such a simplistic, childish way.
Stone fell first, to be fair. He’d marked Robotnik, he claimed him, they were mates and now Robotnik is hearing another person say that Stone needs to be killed and torn open soon. It all seems so surreal. 
“You can’t just put a time limit on science, Commander,” Robotnik says icily. “Six months is nothing. I haven’t even had ample time to study his metabolic rate yet, it’s vastly different from a humans–” “Six months was your estimation, not mine,” Walters counters. “When you took over the project, that was your projected timeframe.”
Robotnik inwardly kicks himself. He originally gave himself six months to ensure he had a comfortable cushion of time, but he’d been positive four months is all it would take to collect all the necessary data before passing Stone off to another team. 
“Well if it hadn’t taken two months for the creature to fully recover from what those amateurs did to it before I arrived, I would have been done by now!” Robotnik growls. It hadn’t taken two months for Stone to recover, but it seemed a believable amount of time to a person who isn’t personally familiar with how quickly merpeople heal. “Why do you think I’ve been ‘working around the clock’, Commander? Making up for lost time!”
Walters frowns in consideration, rubbing a knuckle thoughtfully against his stubbly chin. “Ah yes, I remember reading about that in your initial reports. I hadn’t considered how much that may have set you back. In that case, I’ll give you another two months to finish your research, Doctor. Does that sound fair?”
It takes Robotnik less than a second to run the numbers, the estimations and impromptu simulations - yes, he could certainly finish his work in two months. Not the work Walters was expecting him to finish, obviously. Something much, much more important. “Two months sounds more than fair, Commander.”
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juchily · 1 month ago
Yellowjackets S3 Ep1 thoughts
Spoilers below ⚠️
not them buttering us up with the cute fun scenes like them playing tag so they can hit us with the horrible stuff later... I see you showtime
Taivan taivan taivan taivan!
taivan broke up after rescue 😞
Travis is one of the girls ✨🧚
Shauna's freaky as shit... But like 🙇
That whole scene with Melissa and Shauna was gold, "You have a personality?"?? Be fr the extra gets her first real line and the writers write in a character pointing it out this is so funny
Melissa being so eager to suck up and impress Shauna, two girls telling each other "yeahhh", Melissa wants that cookie. Genlissa shippers it's OVER
what do we think Nat got arrested for when she was 24?
Love Callie for that... I've never hated her be real she's too much of an icon to hate
Im going to be real, when those girls talked about the girls eating pig blood and then having a druggy orgy I did infact go "we all wish" because do we not?? The writers KNOW what we want at this point lol
did Shauna know pre crash that Lottie was schizophrenic? Did she find the pill bottle post crash? If she knew this, would this be a fuel for her hate for Lottie because of her visions, miracles, etc
Lottie being a therapist... God she's too much of everything I can't even begin <3
Lottie and Travis as a duo are so cute (AS NON ROMANTIC, I HATE THEM ROMANTICALLY THAT)
...i thought Van and Tai were going to go at it in the restaurant bathroom ngl, dining and dashing and fucking in an alley is cool too
also that scene in the restaurant where Van seems to be feeling weird... And then right after that the waiter guy dies (supposedly) and we see that onscreen effect go away... Just saying
Id eat the shit (read: spit) out of that soup...
Mari and Shauna getting treated like misbehaving dogs... They low-key are. Poor Mari honestly. And Shauna gaslighting...
i can believe Ben finding a war/apocalypse prep container especially considering Cabin guy's insane amount of ammo, but I find it odd that the case is pristinely clean despite being covered in a pit of dirt and dust. Maybe they just didn't bother making it look weathered and I'm looking into it too hard.
Honestly I think Walter may have lied to Misty, on the other hand Van and Taissa were getting down and dirty and Shauna was actually bonding with her kid for once
they make memorial for Javi, then Jackie, then Wilderness baby, im just confused on the fact they don't mention Laura Lee? Especially that Lottie of all people wouldn't mention her. Also the five lanterns I still think that's a clue to a death count this season (past and present, maybe just past timeline)
Ben is up to some evil shit... I don't think Mari dies in that hole though from some of the teasers we've seen
callie pocketed that tape... Didn't anyone tell you not to open other people's mail young lady 🤓
CAKE, they played CAKE, oh I can die happy
Ending thoughts:
Wtf is that sound Travis heard? Does the sound have something to do with being drunk? He hears it first when he's high, and the other girls hear it after the feast (they had like wine or something).
The no eyed man... come on let's get a good look at 'im
Who left the letter? Will the other Yellowjackets get a letter like the one that was supposed to go to Shauna?
What will happen to Mari? What is Ben's purpose of making that trap and what does he plan to do now that he's catched one of the girls. Furthermore, this would prove he knew they survived the cabin fire. Will this lead to the girls finding where Ben is?
Laura Lee erasure... 😭
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daisyjonesgf · 17 days ago
yellowjackets spoilers
I am so fucking mad at shauna right now, like I am shauna shipman defender but I'm holding out hope for Ben to live so much that I was yelling at my screen that she was breaking the rules, like wtf, I hope maybe he still somehow escape but shauna wtf girl wtf 😭
I'm gonna be a Melissa anti though bc I've been a shauna supporter since day one and am too stubborn to back down but fuck Melissa, I hope shauna does betray you in the worst way 😤
I like teen misty now though, I'm starting to learn I'm just very pro ben
do you think she set up a trust fund for Callie or something?
also maybe Walter locked shauna in the freezer? idk
but where is Hillary swank 😭
bawled when linger started playing and van and tai did van's dream
Tai (who is also totally other tai) is gonna kill that guy bc of van's shaky hand lmao 😭
randy ab to be Jeff's opp?
my poor girl Natalie 😔
shauna I'm so mad at you rn, Ben pls escape, tai come tell van you think it was other you and set that man free for a little while longer at least 😔
also I'd like to say I don't judge these characters based off of solid morals it's literally just however it makes me feel bc it's just my opinion 😭
aka pissed at shauna but still a defender, and I'm also annoyed with tai and van but I still will also defend them so 😭
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scribble-dribble-writes · 1 year ago
Alex Walter’s love language is quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch.
How can Jackie cheat on him? 😭😭😭
Some parts of him are cringy but that’s more so to do with the fact that he is a 16 year old who’s already been scarred by his first love getting with his brother.
It is understandable that the guy is anxious about getting hurt again especially given the context that the girl he likes now is also in a way linked with his brother.
Also with Kylie, he’s never seen her in any other way apart from a friend, so what he said to her when he was drunk was not him being mean. To him she is his best friend. Unless Kylie lets him know, he won’t know cause in his mind he’s committed to his girlfriend.
But I’m 100% sure that if he came to know his words had hurt her or anyone he cared about, he will apologise and make it up to them.
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marsbar17 · 1 year ago
im like a woman in a desert dying we are so depraved of bloodhound x reader stuff pls just give anything at this point 😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Don't worry pookie I am here to quench your thirst <3
Bloodhound is honestly my favorite character to write about and this one flustered me a bit dbsbbsjska
CONTAINS: established relationship, alcohol consumption, jealousy, possessiveness but in a non-toxic way, a little bit of spice, not full on smut but it gets pretty spicy >:)
Celebrating a win was very popular amongst the legends. Mirage often invited everyone to the Paradise Lounge for some drinks and good laughter, even the less cheerful legends attended most of the time. Caustic could be found sipping beers and glaring at people, while Ballistic complained on and on about how they didn't even serve good tea.
Today, you sat at the bar between a very tipsy Fuse and an arguably even tipsier Valkyrie. Mirage popped in and out of the celebration as he served customers, but he always made sure your glass was full with whatever drink you desired.
"Mate! That wingman shot was bloody beautiful!" Fuse practically yelled into your ear as his metal hand clapped you on the back, making you wince slightly. Somehow, you had managed to pull off a win after responding in the last ring with only a wingman and one other teammate at half health. I guess whatever god is out there took the wheel because suddenly your aim was the best it's ever been and you downed the last two enemies with two headshots.
"I know, Walter. You've told me about fifteen times since we sat down." Rolling your eyes, you down the rest of your drink before scouring the crowd of legends to try and find Bloodhound. They said they'd be there, but you hadn't seen them yet. Although, it's hard to find anyone with the flashing lights and the alcohol starting to take effect.
Giving up, you turned back to your empty glass and smiling friends. If they didn't come, that was fine. They usually didn't enjoy settings like this anyway, they only only came to guide you back to room after you got wasted.
"The old man's right, though." Valkyrie added in, dragging your attention away from Bloodhound and back into the party. "Seeing you hone into the fight always surprises me, I swear your whole energy changes. It's fucking hot."
The pilot said it so nonchalant, taking a swig of her drink and signaling to Mirage for another like she didn't just call you hot. You couldn't tell if the heat on your face was from the alcohol or how flustered you felt. Probably just the alcohol.
"I'm gonna hafta agree with Valk on this one." Fuse said, still quite loud. He put his arm around your shoulders. "You make bloodlust look bloody sexy. No pun intended." His laugh is deep and booming, shaking your body as he leans on you. What the fuck is happening? You knew the two of them were flirty drunks, but you'd never had their affections directed at you before.
Again, you found yourself looking around the room, and this time you spotted Bloodhound leaning against a wall, watching you. Fuck. They were mad, you could tell. Even without seeing their expression you could practically feel the anger rolling off of them. The fact that Fuse was now playing with strands of your hair and Valkyrie had her hand on your upper arm didn't help your case at all.
You quickly got up, saying a small goodbye to your companions before making your way to a pissed off Bloodhound. They didn't even wait for you to get to them before they walked out the door, leaving you to hurry after them.
"What was that, elskan?" Their voice surprised you as you left the building, and you whipped your head around to see them beside the doorway. They leaned again the wall once again, arms crossed over their chest.
"I'm sorry, Hound. They were drunk and they surprised me and I didn't know what to do and I didn't mean to let them keep going and I-"
"Hush." Bloodhound interrupted your nervous rambling, holding a hand out in a 'halt' gesture. You shut your mouth as quickly as you possibly could, not wanting to anger them any more than you thought you already had. Before they continued speaking, they led you around the side of the building into a less visible alleyway. "I am not blaming you, I simply wanted to know what happened."
They weren't mad at you? Thank the Allfather. Having Bloodhound mad at you was something straight out of a horror film. Your body relaxed, but you still kept your head down instead of looking into their face.
"They got drunk... and we were talking about my win." You started your explanation again, slowly this time to avoid rambling. "Their compliments started getting flirty, and then they started getting touchy. I should've pushed them off, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. You are not responsible for the actions of drunken fools." Bloodhound grabbed your chin with a gloved hand, lifting your face to look them in the eyes. Well, where their eyes would be behind the goggles of their mask. "I trust you, elskan. I know that you are mine, and you would not betray me. Especially for someone like Walter Fitzroy."
You laughed, the tension leaving you as you slowly let yourself process the fact that they weren't mad at you. From the way their shoulders jumped slightly, you could tell they were laughing too.
"However," Bloodhound continued, letting go of you and reaching behind their head. "It seems like our other other companions need a reminder of who you belong to." You heard the familiar sound of their mask being unclasped, and soon enough you were really looking into their eyes as they set their mask along with their respirator onto an old wooden box beside the two of you.
You couldn't even speak before they grabbed your waist, spinning you around so your back was pressed up against the rough brick wall. You could only gasp as their hands gripped at your skin and their face nuzzled into your neck, leaving small kisses along your jawline.
"You are so beautiful. So perfect, ástin mín." Bloodhound muttered praise as the kisses slowly became more desperate. They nibbled at your skin lightly, not enough to hurt just yet. You looked towards the alley opening and whined slightly.
"Hound, someone could see us..." You grabbed at their shoulders, trying to push them back away from your neck. They pulled back, not even looking at the alley, only into your eyes.
"Would you like me to stop?" Bloodhound rubbed soothing circles into your hips, keeping your attention on them and not the possibility of someone seeing the two of you.
"No... but what if they see your face?"
"They will not. I will be too busy giving you tons of pretty marks."
Bloodhound didn't let you speak again as they dived back into the crook between your shoulder and your neck, sucking on the skin harshly. You couldn't suppress the moan that left your lips no matter how hard you tried, and you quickly slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle any further noise. They just continued to mutter praise into your skin while they savored every reaction you gave them.
It hurt, and you squirmed in their bruising grip. They were determined to mark you up until they were satisfied and wouldn't settle for any less. It was a miracle no one managed to walk past the alleyway while Bloodhound ravaged your neck and collarbones. It wasn't like you were being quiet either, the intensity at which they sucked and bit at your skin was enough to make tears well up in your eyes and to bring so many sinful noises from your mouth.
"I should just take you right here, where anyone could see how good I make you feel, elskan." They whispered in your ear, making your knees buckle and your eyes roll back. Good thing they were holding you against the wall, or you might've just fallen to your knees right then and there.
After what felt like forever, their teeth stopped grazing your skin and their grip on your waist loosened. You could feel their tongue darting out of their mouth to lick at and soothe the dark bruises they left on your skin. Your moans and whimpers turned to soft whined and sighs as the pain slowly faded into dull numbness. Bloodhound took a couple of steps backwards, looking at their work with a smirk.
"Absolutely gorgeous, kæri. Now, everyone will be able to see your devotion to me." They gave you one last look before grabbing their gear and putting it back on.
You just finished wiping any stray tears from your face before Bloodhound grabbed your hand and led you back into the Paradise Lounge. They escorted you back to your seat at the bar, giving you a pat on the head before walking back to the wall you saw them at before everything happened.
"....Bloody hell." Fuse's mouth was practically hanging open as he stared at the dark purple and red marks that littered your skin. "Didn't take Houndy to be the possessive type." He just laughed and shrugged before going back to his drink. Valkyrie had disappeared sometime during your absence, and all that was left was two empty soju bottles and a $20 bill on the bar.
"Yeah... So where did Valk go?"
Thank you for requesting, I hope you like it!
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luftwaffeinthenight · 8 days ago
Walter Nowotny x reader
Warnings: Angst, death, nothing else, really
Words: 1105
Note: I hope you enjoy this 🤍🤍 I didn't work as well as it did in my head, but oh well 😭😭
Nothing unusual had happened that day, well not until now. Nowony soared through the air in full belief that this was just a normal day in combat. Oh how wrong he was, maybe he was foolish for believing so. The war had taken so many lives in its path. Soon he too would be caught in death's jaws. Such a cruel fate for such a wonderful man. He had everything, everything to live for dying would be such a waste. Unfortunately for Walter nothing could be done to prevent this, his fate was sealed. Maybe there were warning signs. That morning there was a delay. His plane had struggled to start however after much difficulty the plane managed to start. Maybe he should have listened to the voice in his head however his ego got the better of him. Now he was to die for no reason. The war was lost even if those higher up tried to deny it. The war was pointless. Nowotny remained adamant though. He was no longer fighting for the Reich or a greater Germany but rather for his future. His future is his beautiful wife and children.
He loved them dearly, more than anything in this lifetime and in the ones to follow. Nonetheless, his time in this one was at an end. He would give up anything and everything for them. He thought of her a smile crept onto his face as he did so. He shifted his gaze to look at her photo which he had stuck to the window. Everything he did was for you and he wouldn't have any other way. He carried on engaging in combat until he felt it again. Something was terribly wrong, his engine. This shouldn't be happening. He panicked to himself. He tried his hardest to avert the event that was about to befall him unfortunately nothing was working. Why wasn't it working? He thought to himself he was frustrated now. Why me? I can't fucking die. I don't want to die. Take someone else not me. It was a cruel thought. But he was desperate, desperate to see his children, desperate to be in his wife's embrace again, desperate to meet his child that had been growing in her belly. He needed a miracle. He had been blessed with such a beautiful life, he was in paradise. Why was it now being taken away? His thoughts continued to race as he began to think about the good times in his life.
Like when he first met you after his family moved to Vienna. He had joined the same school as you eventually after months spent watching you he decided it was the right time to approach you. From that moment onwards you two had been inseparable even after your father found out about your relationship he yelled and threatened him. This never deterred him from you. I only caused him to be more determined to have you. Or on your wedding day, he recalled how gorgeous you looked in that dress thanking god for sending him such a beautiful angel which was now being taken away. He will still be thankful for the heavenly years spent knowing and loving you. He reminisced about the time spent in each other's arms.
The thought of the two beautiful children you had together filled his mind. Oh, how he adored them. How blessed he felt when you announced your third. He treasured the time he spent with them, war had been hard leaving little time for family though he always found a way. Would they even remember him? The thought crushed him completely. Heinz had only been four and Gisela two. There was no way of knowing if they would although he still clung to the hope they would. However, the precious baby that was in your womb would never. He recalled how the two of you playfully argued about what gender the baby would be.
“It's definitely a girl you cannot change my mind” You let out a small laugh as you rubbed your now swollen belly. He placed a kiss on top of your head before placing his hand upon yours.
“It's a boy,” he protested.
As the memories slowly faded from his mind, he finally accepted that it was over he had to let go. It was a bitter pill to swallow. He was always a fighter. He would never quit. He would always find a way. However, what more could be done? Nothing. His luck had run out. The war was lost, he too would go down with it. He raised his shaky arm before reaching out to send a message in the hopes it could save him. Of course it would not nothing would. Despite that, it could temporarily bring him some peace of mind. That he wasn't alone, that he would be okay, he would return home and the war would end so he could focus on his family. Perhaps he was dreaming, although he knew this was real. He would wake in his wife's arms as she would comfort him from the horrors of war and there it was his last thought before crashing to the ground. Death consumed him instantly.
Was that another blessing in disguise instant death so he could be spared the mental strain and the painful death that would follow? The next morning as you had been getting the children settled to eat breakfast you were interrupted by a loud knock upon the door. You placed the plate you had been holding down on the table before moving your gaze towards your children who were too busy focussing on their food smiling to yourself as you went open the door. Two men stood in front of you. Immediately you knew why they were here. Your eyes widened in shock as you realised he was gone. You felt as if the world was about to swallow you whole.
One of the men waited a moment looking down at your stomach before giving you a pitiful look.
“Frau nowotny? We are here to inform you that your husband Walter Nowotny was tragically killed in action yesterday” You began to shake your head as you desperately tried to grab onto something. How cruel, no this couldn't be he promised he'd return. You tried to find words to say but you couldn't. All you mangged was a sob. The two men apologised before leaving. You closed the door before leaning against it. You couldn't bear to let your children see you like this nor could you bear the situation either. Your dear Walter was gone.
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simpingforthemm · 10 months ago
op ur an absolute saint for writing for isaac & lee garcia 🙏 would you write a one-shot or headcanons for lee garcia? there is a severe lack of fics for him 😢 (probably bcuz he got very little screentime, but in the mlwtwb book he's actually rlly sweet)
dating lee garcia hcs!
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a/n: for sure!! your wish is my demand and thank you so much for this request, i'm so so sorry for taking so long to do this, i've been procrastinating like hell but now I'm finally getting back to writing
summary: what dating lee garcia would be like!
so I feel like it defo depends on ur personality (I mean ofc it does)
but I can really imagine him with either a sunshine x grumpy dynamic
him being the grumpy one
or with a black cat gf
but me personally I feel like lee would go for a sunshine person bc he just needs that type of energy in his life
I think it's already really hard for him bc his dad is in the military and he doesn't really get to see him or talk to him very often
so he needs some type of positivity in his life and someone to love him and be affectionate with him
bc he also doesn't get loads of attention in the walter’s house
yk because they have so many kids already
he’s still a very family oriented guy so he’d also want someone like that
I think he also sometimes gets overlooked bc of Isaac and his popularity
(I think also Isaac gets more romantic attention from girls out of the two of them)
so he’d just want someone to see him for who he is and yeah, admire him a lil
I think at the beginning of y'all starting to date it’d be really hard for him to open up bc he can be closed off
(we’ve seen that already in the show that he tends to not talk so much and let's Isaac do a lot of the talking)
if he does say something he can be quite snappy and rude but he does apologize when he's gone too far
he’s scared about the fact that you like him as more than a friend bc he thinks you might not mean it and that you're just using him to get closer to Isaac
which is why he is a bit rude and cold to you at the beginning
he also was a dry texter before he warmed up to you
“wym”, “k”, “gn”, “nvm” and things like that, no emojis whatsoeva 😭
but as the two of you go on more dates I think he notices that you do actually like him for him and that you don't have some kind of ulterior motive for spending time with him
and that you simply do it bc you want to
he’d actually smile more, put an arm around your shoulder, make some jokes
(the sarcastic kind bc his humor is definitely sarcasm and / or dark humor)
I think when some time has passed, he’d definitely apologize for his behavior in the beginning and he’d also be sorta embarrassed bc he feels so bad for not seeing that you're a sweetheart right away
It’d take some more time until the two of you would become more “physical” with each other
and by that I mean like hand holding and eventually like kissing
I feel like lee doesn't just spend time with anyone, he carefully picks who he hangs out with and it takes a lot of time for him to fully trust someone
so I think he'd really only start being more physically affectionate if he's really sure about you
so it's a huge deal when he holds your hand after like a month and a half of dating
then you know he really means it with you two
I feel like your first kiss would follow shortly after it’d be so soft and careful bc lee is so nervous and he's been waiting so long to do this (he’s been waiting to gather the courage) 🥹
I feel like when you first started dating it would take a little longer for all the “big moments” to happen if you know what I mean
like lee would need a lot of time to warm up to this whole situation but then as you get closer to each other things would happen rlly fast bc you guys know that you're it for each other
“when you know, you know”
and you guys definitely know
first you’d hold hands, then you’d kiss, then you’d confess
and then next thing you know, you're together
I feel like lee would really properly ask you to be his girlfriend because he likes to be sure of things and not just assume something
I don't think he’d make that big of a deal out of it because you already kissed, confessed to each other etc. so you're practically already together and it's just common courtesy to ask
so it’d probably be a late afternoon, maybe like on a Friday
you had gone to the skater park with lee, just watching him do a few tricks (trying to impress you ofc)
then he’d randomly skate up to you to take a break and I feel like he'd just ask you out of nowhere
like take a sip out of his water bottle and be like “do you wanna be my gf”
and you're like “😃.. um yes!!!”
and then you're together :)
I feel like lee is the chillest bf ever but he can be a little jealous bc bro is afraid of losing you
like he completely trusts you but when someone comes up and talks to you
someone that he feels is way more attractive and just in general better than him for you (which is not true obvi, he’s the best for you)
he will be a little insecure and needs reassurance
he’d teach you some spanish
as well as skateboarding and some tricks you can do ;)
I feel like his love language is definitely acts of service
like he’ll definitely carry an extra water bottle with him wherever he goes bc he knows you get dehydrated easily and also always has a little snack for you
I think lee hates pet names like whenever he hears another couple say them he's just like that meme
“brother ewww”
he just always calls you your normal name or a nickname
but he literally refuses to say “baby” or “sweetheart” or something like that
like noo
he just cringes way to easily
he also isn't that big on pda I fear
he’s okay with the casual things for example an arm around your shoulder, hand holding but he would never ever make out in public
if you're in a quieter area he might give you a little kiss on the forehead but I think for him, the full-on kiss is reserved for when it's just the two of you or you’re with the people that you're close with
but at school, most people that don't know you're a couple would think you're just really close friends
you guys have the relationship that's private but not secret
trope with you guys: lee is grumpy to everyone except you
I feel like lee is a very thoughtful bf, always knows the right things to gift you, always knows what to say and he can sense whenever your mood changes and what to do about it
also he will join in on the vibes if you're having a little dance party in the kitchen or something like that
and yes if you're a swiftie or a hard core fan of a band he will learn all the lyrics to be able to loudly sing them with you at the concert 😍
bro is touch starved so cuddling is always a big yes for him
he will never ever deny you affection
just the sweetest guy ever
i hope you guys enjoyed it and tell me what you think!! also don't hesitate to send in a request ❤️❤️ love ya
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 months ago
Time Is A Thief
Walter C Dornez x f! Vampire! Reader ...in which Walter feels insecure about his advance in age.
18+ | 2,2k. words | established relationship | angst | general smut warning | bondage elements
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A/N: ask and you shall receive sis the chokehold this man had on me back in the day 😭😭unreal, you wouldn't believe
For storytelling purposes: Reader is in her 60's but subconsciously chooses to stay in a younger form (like 20's or 30's, whatever you prefer).
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"Gotcha!" you cheer, descending from the ceiling in a pitiful attempt to surprise your lover. Yet it's basically impossible to caugh Walter off guard, even when he appears busy. He wouldn't even bother looking away from his current task, calmly raising a hand to reveal that his wires are already wrapped tightly around your neck. "You should never sneak up on an assassin, dear."
Dissolving into mist, you instantly materialize in front of him again, now free of his confinements as you playfully attack him with a tackle hug. "And you need to loosen up, my love."
The Angel of Death wordlessly returns the embrace, one hand absentmindedly running through your hair. He lets out an amused chuckle, satisfied that even though he's way past his prime, he's still your equal in power. "Well, well, well...how can I keep handling a fierce young lady like you are one?"
"You're the only one who can!" you retort with a sly smile on your face, which he gladly mirrors upon hearing the compliment. "Do you need any help with that?"
"No, I'm almost done. But I appreciate the offer." Not that you were a great help with paperwork either way, but it's the thought that counts, right?
You tiptoe around the massive office desk, sitting on the tabletop as you lean over provocatingly. "Sooo...I hope you can make time for your spouse later on?"
Walter barely reacts, but you know him long enough to notice the obvious irritation in his microexpressions. "Maybe I would, if you weren't so distracting..."
You let out an offended huff, hopping off the wooden furniture as he continues filling out several forms. "Why the bad mood lately?" The accusation was stated faster than your mind could catch up on, but it was burning on your tongue for a while now.
The butler's forehead creases at your words, his signature on the official papers blurring as he keeps writing. "I've got no clue what you're implying."
"I mean" you place both hands on either side of your hips, accentuating your insistance, "that with every single day your 70th birthday approaches, you get increasingly moody."
Now the cat is out of the bag.
Being his spouse for so many decades made even this reserved man an open book to you, but until now you had decided to keep quiet about his subtle panic of aging those past few years.
"Aging is a privilege, dear" you try to reason with him, but involuntarily making things worse. "Life only holds meaning because it's finite."
"How convenient" he murmurs sarcastically, and you're slightly taken aback by the angry gleam in his eyes. Usually he shows you nothing but kindness, aware of his darker side which only ever shows itself during fights against the occult. "That's an easy thing to say for an immortal being, isn't it?"
"...you know very well that I didn't choose to be this way." Regretting his harshness as he sees you getting upset, his tone gets more gentle now. He knows you have your own demons to fight, knowing that you were never able to give him child he so desperately wanted. "I'm sorry, my love. It's just..."
He lets his fingers trail across your features, taking in the ethereal beauty vampirism grants. It's been 50 years since he had freed you from that nazi laboratory - their priced experiment, the first successful attempt to create an artificial vampire. And yet when he looks at you, it seems like it was yesterday.
You are frozen in time, always preserving while he was doomed an ordinary human's fate.
This just wasn't fair.
As if you could hear his thoughts, you lean into his touch, coaxing him with an affectionate smile. "Darling, I haven't seen my own reflection in ages" you joke, tapping your own forehead. "And when it comes to mind, we're almost the same age. So what does it matter?"
"Because" and his voice is laced with frustration, "I'm a shadow of my former self, and I'll continue to wither. As I get older I get weaker, useless."
"Oh, Walter..." Your crimson eyes widen in shock at his words, asking yourself just how long he's been harboring those horrible thoughts of himself. "Do you truly think so lowy of me? I'm not that shallow."
"Of course not" he assures, "But that's not the point. I don't wish to become a burden to you."
"Please, don't say things like that..." Hearing him speak this lowy of himself, like he was only worth something as long as he's useful, made your long dead heart clench painfully in your chest. It was only natural, of course. His entire life had revolved around being of service and being adaptive to others.
You were probably the only person in his life that he could allow to be himself around, even if after all those years he still struggled to figure out who exactly that was.
With teary eyes you cup his head in your hands, guiding him down to your height until your foreheads touch. He reluctantly obeys, embracing you tightly as if you could disappear now that he bared this unsighty part of his soul to you.
"We made a vow: In prosperity and adversity, in sickness and health, until death do us part...and I do not plan on betraying this oath. Not out of obligation, not out of pity, but because I selfishly want to spend your entire life at your side!"
Walter lets out an aggravated sigh, pulling you even closer against his body. "This isn't about you, love. It's something I need to overcome myself."
"Incorrigible." You pout, making him chuckle a bit at your adorable display. "I'm your partner, at least let me try to support you..."
"You're doing more than enough just by being at my side, dear." He places a tender kiss on your knuckles, his eyes darkening with lust ever so slightly as his gaze wanders up and down your form, finally appreciating what he sees. "But if you insist...I have something in mind..."
Using one of his wires he cuts deeply into his thumb, the sight of his blood cascading down never failing to have a hypnotizing effect on you.
"Ohh..." you purr lowy, taking ahold of his wrist as you lead his bloodied finger to your mouth, beginning to suck eagerly without breaking eye contact. "I may be able to arrange that..."
The iron taste on your tongue wakes primal instincts, Walter's unique blood paired with his pheromones working like an aphrodisiac. You let out a delighted sound at the sensation, pecking a small kiss on the wound after you've had your fill.
In an instant you were lifted on the table again, your lover settling comfortable between your spread legs. His lips are practically glued to yours, only ever parting for small gasps of air while he takes his sweet time to take off your clothes. Each curve, each new speck of uncovered skin he relishes to the fullest, whispering countless words of sheer adoration under his breath.
You feel his wires wriggle all around your body, incising without actually breaking the skin. "Wrapped up so neatly for me" he banters, tugging them a bit tighter. "An early birthday present?"
Being so exposed and vulnerable always sent a rush of adrenaline through your body, but at the same time there came an oddly human part of shame and embarassment along with it. "No no no..." His voice is soft and laced with affection as he reassures you, one hand gently lifting your chin while the other disappears between your thighs. "Don't be shy. You're so beautiful, I sure am a lucky man."
The ropes pry your legs apart with ease, spreading them widely. It makes you feel like a doll he could move to his liking, but you trusted this man so deeply that you couldn't feel more comfortable in your own skin.
"Do you remember back when you were still a fledgeling vampire?" He reminices, fingers stroking across your folds, so close to a sensitive spot and yet too far away. You try to move your hips towards the potential satisfaction, but he won't give it to you that easily. "You were like an animal in heat sometimes. Needed to keep you tied up so you won't bite me in the act."
"Tha- ah!" He enters two fingers at once and scissors them inside, making you groan in pleasure. "Stop bringing up those old stories..." You narrow your eyes at him and he dwells in your defiance, well aware he'll make you wax in his hands soon enough. "Just curious if I can make you feel like that again."
Well, it was true, as you aged you became more...tame. In the bedroom as well, but that doesn't mean it's any less enjoyable. Nothing in the world could beat the intimacy of lovers that literally know each other inside and out.
"You alwa-ays drive me crazy...mhh..." Walter hums in approval, his fingers still inside of you. "If you think blood is an addicting essence you've clearly never tasted yourself..." That said he pulls them out, pushing the coated fingertips onto your tongue to prove his point.
He then kneels down in front of your exposed sex, murmuring against the skin of your inner thigh. "Look at me, love." His stare is intense as he kisses his way towards his goal, "I want to see what I do to you."
You cry out when his tongue presses flatly on your clit, his fingers quickly finding their designated location buried inside of you again. His wires are relentless, barely leaving room to move, but you twitch and buckle your hips at the overwhelming sparks of pleasure your core sends through your whole body. He eats you out like a man starving, knowing all your weak spots by heart while stroking himself with his free hand.
Obscene sounds fill the room, a mixture of wetness and moans and every noise you present to him is music in his ears. Well prepared he pounces on you in one swift movement, so fast you're not even able to register the brief emptiness before he buries himself inside of you.
You're almost dangling in the air now, only held in place by the thin wires that hurt just enough to amplify your pleasure. In that position he has access to you from all sides, his hands roaming every inch of your body and of course you're pliant to the touch.
Wrapping your hands around his neck you tug slightly at his ponytail, earning an amused groan in return. His motion slows down for a while, pulling out almost entirely before ramming himself down again several times.
You feel yourself coming close, the rhythm of his thrusts accompanied by how skillful he tends to your clit at the same time sending you over the edge with ease. Walter is right behind you, the sight of you unraveling in front of him a sight he'll never grow tired of.
He holds you as close as humanly possible, bodies suctioned together and indulging in the afterglow. It took you both a while to get down to earth again, still exchanging kisses and mellow carresses, unwilling to part just yet.
As always, Walter is quick to compose himself, straightening his clothes before cradling you in his arms, releasing you from the wires. "My my, always keeping me from doing my work..." he turns around to clean the mess as if nothing happened, quietly adding something about his "favourite distraction".
You laugh at first, but then your face turns serious, since is smile still didn't quite match his eyes and whatever was going on behind them. "Never doubt yourself ever again. Got it?"
When he turns back to answer however, all air is knocked out of his lungs at the sight of you, having shapeshifted to now appear like an elderly version of yourself.
Even like this, more than ever so, you're the most beautiful person he's ever set eyes upon.
"My life ends with yours, no matter how." Your voice is firm and sincere, oddly at peace with the severity of your insinuation. "I made that decision long ago already."
Walter shakes his head in disbelief, feeling unworthy of your loyality. It's so hard to not let the mask slip, you've always been able to peek through it anyways.
He knows talking you out of this foolish idea would be to no avail, and he doesn't even try to do so...
...because he already has his own plans, that would counterfeit yours either way. Decades ago he had prepared this ultimate treason, like an unimposing spider in the midst of it's net, just needing to pull the right wire to make it all collapse. And as reward he'll be granted eternal life, no - the chance of being able to care for you forever.
No matter the consequences, whatever horrid atrocities and sacrifices he'd have to make: You were all worth it and more.
Walter closes his eyes as he inhales your scent, pulse racing as he tries to not break under this crushing burden he put on himself.
"I'll promise we stay together until my dying breath."
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beevean · 1 month ago
Something to wonder about is; was Rinaldo always cagey about information or did he become cagey after seeing hunter after hunter be all killed by Walter.
Rinaldo wants Walter dead and will not leave until he is dead, but after his failed attempt and numerous of others failed as well, he resigned to believing it's impossible to kill Walter. Could be that Rinaldo warned the first hunters he met, then he stopped after they died even with the information. After all what's the point of telling any would-be hunter if they die regardless? Either way, Rinaldo is stuck in a loop of greeting the new hunter, offer some advise and/or sell some equipment and then watch them die. And then meet the next doomed hunter. And the night never ends.
Though a telling line is "Think only of yourself now. He's not an opponent that you can beat while distracted." Rinaldo priorities on focusing on defeating Walter, and thinks concern for others is just a distraction that will get you killed.
Leon, on the other hand, sees it as motivation and source of strength. He wants know about Rinaldo past and support his pain, and insists on Rinaldo telling him and then on remembering Rinaldo's grief as it strengthening him (Which sounds a bit like he is powered up by suffering. Leon is a sadist. It's canon).
And it's Leon who kills Walter. Leon kills Walter motivated by taking revenge for himself, Sara and Rinaldo, motivated by keeping his promise to Sara, with the whip created by Rinaldo and Sara.
Leon proves to Rinaldo sharing information and grief is better for everyone.
Something something teamwork and bonds can overcome the impossible
…And then the whole thing is soured by everything being orchestrated by Mathias for the sake of him becoming a vampire.
Rinaldo should join Leon hunting Mathias for that reason alone.
Well now I can't add anything else, you did all the work >:(
Yeah, his behavior really speaks of someone who was disappointed one too many times. He knows that he's been stuck in a pointless endeavor, that his efforts to take Walter down are appreciated by the man himself because it just makes his life better. Rinaldo tries again and again, because part of him still yearns revenge, and knows that all the knights who Walter lures in want it too, but he has to live with the knowledge that he lies to everyone, using them as pawns himself, to send them to their inevitable deaths - or, in the worst cases, to despair, in case they survive but their loved one is turned.
yeah no shit he wouldn't bother anymore.
And yet, somehow, Mathias counted on Rinaldo to reveal how the Whip of Alchemy into the Vampire Killer. Mathias predicted that Rinaldo, just for Leon's sake, would drop his reticence and reveal one of the Cronqvist family's most obscure secrets. Which in turn makes me imagine that Rinaldo didn't use to be so secretive beforehand, when he and Mathias met. yeah nvm leonaldo true canon ship in kicking mathias' ass
(wait. shit i just realized. if Mathias and Rinaldo knew each other beforehand, Rinaldo must have told Mathias about the vampire who turned his daughter. That's how Mathias had the idea of going to him ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mathias used another man's grief for his own selfish purposes I cannot 😭)
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low-budget-korra · 29 days ago
Comments on Yellowjackets s03e01-02
- Dear lord what an opening, I thought Mari was done already 😭 but yes girlies, have a bit of fun please. And Damn, the girls are thriving.
- Shauna is so bitter bc the girls moved on and are copying better than her. Girl just because guilt consumed you, doesn't mean it has to consume the others. Sure, they did Jackie wrong but you were the one that kicked her out so ...
Anyway let's talk about her cuz the Shauna and Jackie was REAL, they did had feelings for each other. And damn is so more tragic now that this is practically confirmed and canon. Part of Shauna guilty towards Jackie related stuff is because it is an unclosed and unfinished business/trauma, that it will keep that way bc Jackie is gone. Once Shauna realized her true feelings for Jackie, it was already too late. And this (plus the fact that she killed and ate her) haunts her forever. Seriously, there's so many layers of affection, envy, jealousy, friendship, love, trauma, guilt...in their relationship that's one of the most complex, intriguing and fascinating parts of the show, at least for me.
And the fact that Melissa is "just like Jackie"(white, blonde, light and soft eyes...) makes me think that Shauna will eventually hallucinate and start to see Jackie in her. Which means that Ella Purnell may make an appearance later in the season, which would be so cool
Just a side note, I imagine the actress that plays Melissa (who barely had any lines), reading the script for s3 and realizing she will be big in this one. I would be so happy.
- Mari is such a hater lmao. Actually, her "hater urges" is bigger than her survival instincts and I respect her for that bc why in hell from everyone she could have beef with it, she chose Shauna 😭?
And if I was her I would be so relieved that coach is gay, bc if he was straight I would rather stay in that hole than go anywhere with him with my hands tied up.
I like coach Ben, he always tried to help the girls, tried to be the voice of reason among the caos so I don't get all the hate he receives from the fandom
What the hell are those things he found? I hope we finally get some answers about that fuckin wilderness and the ghost(?) Tai keeps seeing it. Tbh I would like it better if it's all from their head like, smt they created to help them to cope with everything that happened out there. And maybe that forest was some training camp before. That would explain the old supplies, the cabin, the plane.
- I so hope Van doesn't die this season. Taivan are so perfect, both the young and older versions. The dinner scene was so cute. And I think that if there's something supernatural going on, the wilderness took the offer, a life for a life. I thought it was Nat life for Van's but now I think it was the waiter.
I wanna know why dafuq they split up before, they are so perfect for each other. I'm sorry Tai's wife but that's the truth.
- I have the feeling that we really may have a part 2 of the doomcoming party. They wouldn't give that dialogue of those mean girls talking shit specifically about orgy without something like that happening for real. Idk, they should be talking about the cannibalism instead of that.
-Poor Misty tho. I have a love/hate relationship with her especially bc she was the one that destroyed the box back in s1, something that could have saved all them and prevent all the shit that happened. But she really loved Nat and she really is the friend that's always left out (something I can relate to)
And even tho I don't fully trust Walter, and he may be trying to isolate Misty from her friends, he isn't wrong. They all call Misty only when they need it.
- Callie being bestie with Lottie was not on my bingo card but I like it.
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autistic-crypt1d · 4 months ago
X-Files Live Blogging:
Season 2
Season 1 was amazing and left on a huge cliffhanger, I'm so excited for season 2 let's gooooo
I feel the need to say this after watching a lot of this season. Episodes 10 - 14 have some very triggering content (SA and rape). Please be aware of this if you decide to watch and if you want to watch the show but can't or don't want to see that, please feel free to DM me and I'll tell you what I can about the episodes!
- Little Green Men
- Space!!!!
- Scully getting existential in the autopsy room
- Scully's longing look at Mulder 😭 why are you ignoring herrrrr
- oh my god, Scully trying to keep Mulder from losing his belief is so AHHHH
- how could he go without her!!!
- Jorge noooooooo
- Mulder should know better than to go after stuff without Scully, she's just gonna find him anyway
- nice work Scullyyyyy
- "before I could only trust myself. Now I can only trust you, and they've taken you away from me." BRO
- talk about an event to restore his belief damn
- she found him!!!!
- take all the paper and go!!!!!!
- just grab em!!
- Mulder putting his hand on Scully while the shooting is happening oh my godddddd
- let's go get away driver Mulder god damn!
- oh shiy Caldwell (I can't remember the character's actual name) sticking up for Mulder??
- you can tell by his face he did noooot approve the wire tap on his phone
- I don't understand why they didn't just gran all the papers
- "I still have my work. I still have you." AHHHHH
- The Host
- he's so dead
- oh yeah, that is horrifying
- god I hate water monsters, this is gonna suck so bad isn't it
- ahhhh he's stayed for Scully AHHHHH
- Skinner!! The guy who is also Caldwell is called Skinner here
- YEESH that wound is nastyyyyyyy
- starts bleeding from the mouth, GETS IN THE SHOWER INSTEAD OF GETTING CHECKED OUT
- oh boy that is a big worm
- where tf was it?!?!
- ok yep he's just goin down into the sewer in a suit no hesitation
- oh he's so gonna fall in isn't he
- OH
- boy howdy that's gross, but nice job Fox
- Blood
- title makes me nervous
- do not listen to that man, please listen to your gut and run away
- Mulder you better not have actually given that creep Scully's number
- wow, they never figure out who was doing it????
- Sleepless
- killer nightmares?
- new guy, Krycek looks familiar
- BRUH, the way Mulder is leaning towards her in this scene is WILD
- apparently the actor has been in a couple things I've seen, Supernatural, Once Upon a Time, and Burn Notice
- Preacher I also recognize, been in a couple crime shows I've seen
- I'm excited about the new guy it's fun, he better not try to replace Scully as his partner though
- Mulder's new friend in the FBI has a super familiar voice, it's making me think of the guy who played Brian (I think), the guy who also played Walter on Eureka, but he's already been in this show
- oh shoot, ok well definitely not that guy, but I recognize the actual dude
- damn those are some big ass flashlights
- damn it new guy I liked you!!!
- Duane Berry
- man this is quite an episode for Mulder
- oh shit
- y'all this episode is really cool
- Ascension
- Duane Berry has made a big mistake
- I recognize the cop that pulled him over
- Krycek you better not get Scully hurt istg
- oh hell
- the government guys used Duane to get Scully away from Mulder didn't they
- Krycek totally murdered him right?
- oh shit did Mulder figure Krycek out???
- I kinda love Skinner now
- -3
- vampires?
- Dana becoming an X-File makes me wanna cry
- did they being back Maybourne?!?! They did!! Ugh is he gonna be an asshole this time
- OH
- thank god you have SOME sense Mulder
- when is Scully coming back, I miss her :(
- damn ok they ready got a new third
- ugh I hate the way she talks about blood, and the way she talks like she's trying to be sexy. I hate that in characters in general. Characters are either sexy or they aren't, characters that are played to be by trying to be is so hard to watch
- Mulder is wearing Scully's necklace oh my god 😭
- please do not hook up
- god damn it y'all
- I'm honestly so upset with Mulder right now. His partner, the only person who not only believes in him, but follows him anywhere putting herself on the line again and again for him, is missing and he's hooking up with some random person?!?!
- One Breath
- DANA?!?!?!?!
- I recognize Melissa from something, Eureka I think?
- tall chainsmoking mf, you suck
- Hammond!!
- who is this nurse??
- damn dude I really love Skinner
- oh hell
- go see her Mulder, tell her you need her!!!
- y'all this season is nothing but pain so far wtf
- wake up Dana!!!!!
- I'm so happy she's back
- Firewalker
- oh hey it's the scientist from the Eureka episode with the meteors!!
- man this show really loves utilizing the "rectangle of light that only illuminates the eyes even though it makes no sense and where tf is that light even coming from" thing
- oh my god the slight little step behind Mulder Scully did
- bro really should not have gone out alone, he's gonna die isn't he
- I missed the duo so much I'm so happy!!
- oh yeah, he dead
- uh oh
- a mushroom?!?!?! NAH
- throat mushroom is so gross I hate itttt
- I really hope they don't just gloss over Scully's abduction. I hope that the way it affects her will get brought up again at some point
- god damn Scully is strong!!
- that was a very deliberate patch showing, does that mean something?
- Red Museum
- wow! Gross!
- where the hell is that dude hiding wtf
- poor kid :(
- oh lovely, a cult
- bro, wiping the corner of her mouth?? These two have so much comfort in physical contact with each other from like day one
- Cadet Haley?!
- OH
- disgusting man
- aaaaand Mulder is rushing into danger alone again
- saved by Scully once again
- Excelsis Dei
- Janet!!!!!
- hey now you leave Janet alone!!
- tw: rape
- Mudler you better work this case well or istg
- I despise old men, they say the most vile, intrusive shit, and behave like they're fucking kings
- ah yes, feed the residents mushrooms 👍
- ah so Stan was indeed the problem
- Aubrey
- did he just send her there to die??
- wtf??
- not dead???
- huh????
- was that really a necessary thing for Mulder to say? (Spoiler alert, No)
- this poor woman geez
- wtfffff
- y'all this episode is depressing af and so was the last one wtfff
- Irresistible
- sir you are immensely creepy
- what is going on with Scully this episode? I feel like it has to be more than squeamishness with how they're emphasizing it
- y'all what is with these episodes, I hate them so much
- she better shoot him, this episode can only be redeemed by that dude dying horribly
- damn that therapy scene was good
- dude you better back the fuck off
- she should've been allowed to kill him this is bullshit
- I'm really glad they revisited and acknowledged Scully's trauma as much as this episode sucked for me personally
- Die hand Die Verletzt
- interesting title
- wtf
- dude what is with all the sexual assault and rape in this fucking season
- Mulder trying to shield Scully with his body 😭
- Scully insinuating the guy was being controlled?? Oh??
- wtf
- Fresh Bones
- was that Lt Conner from Stargate SG-1??
- fuck Wharton y'all
- serves you right Wharton
- Colony
- Mulder?!?!?!
- GERARD?? FROM 911??
- please don't tell me you're buying this Mulder
- that's the actress who plays the young version of Leneya in Stargate!!
- way to go Scullyyyy
- oh fug
- End Game
- Major Davis!!!!
- get your hands off her you shapeshifting fuck!!!
- it was really her? Oh man :(
- ow ow ow
- ok it wasn't really her thank god that would've been super disappointing
- what about the scene from the beginning of Colony???
- ok here we go
- why is he still hiding out in the sub??
- oh ok I guess he's leaving now
- Fearful Symmetry
- invisible elephant???
- no longer invisible elephant???
- so aliens have been taking the babies?
- :(
- Død Kalm
- what the fuuuuuuck
- what the FUUUUUCK
- this episode is stressing me outttt
- screw the captain guy
- Karma
- Humbug
- what the hell is wrong with this dude crashing a funeral like that??!?!
- way to go Sherriff!
- tabernacle of terror XD
- boy howdy that’s gross
- Ahhhhhhh don’t touch people you don’t knooooow
- oh
- bro you better leave that dog alone!
- her little shrug XD I love that she’s gotten to the point of enjoying the supernatural shit
- I love the sheriff please don’t die
- what the fuuuuuck
- the way she steps over him help.XD
- oop
- oh my fucking god did he eat it?!?!?!?!
- Calusari
- oof, killed his baby brother for a balloon
- was that a swastika????
- oh shit it wasn't the kid
- it is the boy but it isn't?
- OH
- YEESH this is intense!!!
- oh hell
- ok there is no way Dana can explain that away
- F. Emasculata
- oh gross
- oh! gross!
- I hate ittttttt
- I'm gonna hate this episode so much
- thank god he's finally in isolation, him being so close to Scully was making me nervousssss
- putting a kid on a long journey bus alone????
- thank fuck that shit is over oml
- Soft Light
- ok so his shadow like, absorbs people??
- funkyyyyyy
- dude you're gonna get yourself and the others killed
- yup
- great work.
- aw man :(
- Our Town
- eew chicken factory
- oh god that is so gross
- Mulder at least take that big ass coat off if you're going in the water
- oh darn that's a lot of bones
- I do NOT like the sheriff
- oh what the FUCK
- freaky
- Anasazi
- OH
- why is he throwing hands with Skinner??
- wtf
- 😭
- oh my god the way he collapses into her arms 😭
- someone did something to him right? Like he didn't know why he attacked skinner and he's been sweating and confused
- oh yeah he's been poisoned hasn't he
- he looks like he's finally sobering up
- Sully should be here for this :(
- "you black lunged son of a bitch" PFFFT
- damn it I hate this guy!
- my question is how to the dude got the body out of there on a dirt bike
- way to go kid!!
- uh oh
Season 3
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