#hes got the gtws smile
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the inner machinations of his mind are an enigma
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Alway vote Scar!
And Scarian fluff for the Drabble request?
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HEYOOOO LETS GOOOOOO thank you for voting the other day!!!! Here's to another GTWS Sweep against Doc!!!
"And you're sure this is a good idea," Grian says, dubious.
"Absolutely positive." The smile Scar flashes him is winning, gleaming in the low furnace light of Grian's base. He's already sitting on the floor; one hand pats the space in front of him with patient taps. "You just sit back and relax, and let ol' Scar show you a good time."
"Please rephrase that." Despite his protest, Grian sits down– slow enough that Scar can change his mind if he wants to. But Scar only hums, mild and encouraging, so Grian lowers himself to the place indicated with some hesitance, lungs fluttering. The position is more vulnerable than he cares for; his wings flare behind him without permission, ready for flight, and it takes a great deal of effort to relax enough to tuck them back in again.
"You know," Scar says after a moment, with the cautious tread of a man skirting treacherous terrain, "it's just a massage, Grian. It's not gonna kill you."
"I know that," Grian snaps; winces, modulates his tone. "I just– I don't exactly know what to expect here. Also these bones are hollow, so I've got a bit of an interest in keeping pressure off them, if you catch my drift."
"I've got you, I've got you!" Scar's hands are warm as they settle over the planes of his shoulders. "Trust me– you're in good hands. Literally!" He punctuates that with a giggle, an oddly reassuring sound that eases some of the tension coiled in Grian's spine. Inch by careful inch, he begins to unwind.
"Right, okay," Grian says on his next exhale. "Thanks for this, by the way."
"No problem," Scar says immediately, and his tone is so soft it pricks heat into Grian's cheeks. "You just sit tight, okay? I'll walk you through it, and we'll get some of that crazy tension knocked out of your shoulders." For a moment, silence reigns. Then, with a tenderness that aches: "You mean the world to me, y'know? Let me help out whenever I can."
The heat in Grian's face crawls all the way down to his neck. This gentleness that Scar drapes over him every day isn't a language he's well versed in; the words always tangle in his throat when he tries to reciprocate, too jagged and thorny to cough up in one whole piece.
So instead, he pushes the trepidation away, and leans back into Scar's hands. Maybe that trust can be good enough. Maybe it can speak for itself.
Judging by the way Scar squeezes his shoulders, he understands what Grian's trying to say perfectly.
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badteavee · 5 days
Christmas With The Ticket Winners
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Tws / Cws : None
Genre : Fluff
Word count : 2,451
Paring : Mainly the gtws and some content of their parents
The kids all grumbled and mumbled , slowly following Charlie out of the elevator as they tried to rub the sleep from their eyes. It was too early to be up and moving like this but Charlie was too insistent on it for anyone to tell him off for it , no one was even given the time to change out of their pjs or fix their hair , they were all a mess.
Mike and Veruca would side eye each other every now and again , inwardly making fun of the other as they weren’t awake enough to do it outwardly. Veruca wore a pink tee with matching fuzzy pants , her hair straight for once and a bit messy from the bonnet they were wearing that was now torn off. They wore no makeup which didn’t change much anyway , her face was still disgustingly perfect. Mike’s hair was completely flat against his head , making him look like he owned a MySpace blog , and he was wearing pjs completely covered in the captain knuckleduster logo. They both thought the other looked like the dumbest imaginable.
Violet was choosing to ignore what Augustus looked like , him wearing some cheap looking Christmas pjs she knew definitely matched a pair his mother , everyone had seen Augustus in his pajamas enough times to not judge so harshly. She , on the other hand , wore an oversized tee prototype of her own merch and some basketball shorts , not bothering to take off her bonnet since she couldn’t care less currently.
Charlie was tired himself , but his eyes still lit up with an inhuman amount of excitement. He wore a cheap plaid pajama set that matched with the rest of his family and his usual beanie to cover his unbrushed hair. He knew it was too early for most to be up but he was too excited to wait any longer.
He lead the tired mass to the doors of the candy paradise , where an unsurprisingly wide awake Wonka in a nightgown and nightcap stood with a smile. They all could tell whatever he had planned was not for the tired. Whatever’s up there save them.
Wonka gave Charlie a nod , cuing him to open the doors with him , revealing the wonderland that’s become of the room. A wave of perfectly temperatured air washed over them all , taking every hint of exhaustion they had and replacing it with awe and joy. They all shuffled like the first time they saw it , listening to the gleeful father and son point out every new addition. Festive cookies growing from twisting candy cane trees , yule log cakes piled in a holder like they were freshly cut down , cotton candy bushes growing tea cakes. Everything was coated in a perfect layer of powdered sugar.
In the midst of their awe , Mike stepped wrong , slipping on the sugary ground and falling back into the powder , sending a puff of it into the air. Veruca and Violet stopped to laugh , him in turn reaching up and trying to pull them down. Veruca fell with a squeal and another puff of sugar , Violet tried to stay up by grabbing onto Augustus but only ended up dragging him down with her. Mike cackled , pumping his hand in the air in victory. “Triple score !”
“Michael !” Veruca wanted to sound mad but truthfully , they couldn’t help laughing either , starting a chain through the rest of them. Charlie even joined in , laughing as he flopped down with them. It felt like joy was in the air , which was possible here in this factory but this was unprompted , maybe even pure. They were covered in sugar and sure to need a shower later but they couldn’t care about it right now. There was just something about this room that made it hard to feel bad.
They took their time calming down , eventually getting themselves up and attempting to dust themselves off as Wonka came to stand with them. “Follow me , there’s so much time and so little to see.”
He got a chorus of “Strike that , reverse it” from the group , he hummed like he was annoyed but that stupid smile betrayed him.
“You’re all so smart , aren’t you ? Nevermind , advance !” He pointed his his cane forward and practically skipped off , leaving the kids to carefully hurry after him. He’s surprisingly fast for someone so old. Wonka acted as a tour guide as they went , pointing out stollen mushrooms , lily pads made of chocolate chip peppermint cookies , shortbread chickens that laid cookie dough eggs. Charlie had gotten to pick out the treats for the holidays so he decided to honor his friends , he watched the others recognize their favorite desserts , all of them grabbing them as they passed by.
Nobody thought to think of where they were being lead until Wonka suddenly stopped , making the line all halt and stumble into each other. They all grumbled , rubbing their shoulders and arms as they muttered questions , shooting short glares at the older before spotting what they stopped for.
Ahead was a giant chocolate pine tree dusted in powdered sugar , decorated with sugar ornaments and string lights made of liquid sunshine and liquorish. Their parents were sat around the tree on yule logs , drinking from sugar flower mugs and laughing at whatever they were talking about. At the base of the tree were groups of presents , clearly color coded to each family’s signature color.
Time never felt like it passed in the factory , no one other than the Buckets had realized it was Christmas until now. Shit. It was Christmas. The kids all shuffled their way over to sit down near their parents , the regular groups being forced to sit together , Mike and Veruca , Violet and Augustus , Charlie and his parents. Nobody seemed too unhappy about the arrangement currently , everyone was distracted by the wonder.
Their parents exchanged ‘Merry Christmas’s with their kids and Wonka as they got settled in , the adults continuing their conversation they were having while the kids finished their desserts and chatted if they felt like it. Mike shoved the rest of the bit of peppermint he snapped off a tree into his mouth before elbowing Veruca.
“Bet this is a downgrade for her majesty , huh ?”
“I still have more presents than you , dumbo.”
“Nuh uh ! You have.. one !”
“Look closer , stupid ! I have two.” Mike squinted at the collection of presents , rolling his eyes.
“Whatever ! You’re still getting two and not thousands !”
“You’re mad you’re poor.” Poof. Screech. They shook their head like a dog , trying to shake off at least some of the sugar of her while Mike laughed in her face. Ethel and Oleg shared a look , so proud their kids made friends.
Violet rolled her eyes at the two’s antics , knowing she’d do the same to them given the opportunity , and continued her trade of treats with Augustus. She’d managed to grab a good few of the lily pads and was happy to trade some for an equal amount of Augustus’ mushrooms. Chocolate still dripped from the lilies but neither seemed to mind , too wrapped in a conversation about what stollen was.
Charlie kept himself busy with his shortbread chicken and a few tea cakes he grabbed from the bushes , adding a few things into the conversation his parents were having here and there. He enjoyed the joy everyone else was feeling, liking knowing that he helped cause this. It may just be the room but everybody seemed at ease , their arguing feeling like jokes between friends instead of arguments between lifelong enemies.
Wonka watched to see when the children were done with their shenanigans and eating before clearing his throat , gaining almost everyone’s attention. Mike and Veruca had to be nudged by their parents to stop shoving and throwing sugar at each other. They shot glares but stopped to listen , both looking like they took a nosedive into the layered ground. “Thank you.” The elder chocolatier smiled at the group , no hint of distain behind it. “Shall we open the presents ?” He passed the gifts to their designated person , yellows and oranges to the Teavees , Light pinks and Grays to the Salts and so on. The gifts all had one of the other kid’s names on the from tag , nobody other than Charlie had actual gotten another a gift. It’s apparently very easy to get someone to pick a gift for another if they’re distracted. Before Veruca could even take a nail to the tape , he spoke again. “We will start with Augustus.”
“We never took turns in my house..”
“We’re not in your house , stupid !”
“Shut up !”
Wonka pinched the bridge of his nose , always something with those two. “Now you both can go last. Good ? Good. Wonderful !” He motioned to Augustus. “Go ahead.”
Augustus opened his present , the tag saying it came from Violet , a Nintendo Switch with stickers to decorate the handles with and a couple gift cards for the shop. He grinned , absolutely over the moon. The switch caught the attention of Mike , of course it did. “You play games ??”
“Of course ! What else would I do in my room ?”
“Eat your food stash ?”
“That too !” That made. A lot of sense. Mike’s perception of people who were actually quiet in their rooms is very little.
Violet went next , hers being from Augustus , opening a magenta sweater with ‘Queen pop’ in purple rhinestones on the back of it and crown details on the sleeves. There was an additional bag of crown shaped hair charms to match the sweater.
Charlie still got to open a gift this round , this one was just from his mother , she’d gotten him a new , bigger notebook since she knew his old one was getting practically unusable by now.
Mike had to be nudged by his mother then shoved by Veruca to get him to look up from his tablet , he groaned and grumbled , pausing his zombie game. Before he could open his , Wonka spoke up again. “Veruca , you go too.”
“What ?!”
“Didn’t I say you both go last ?”
“It’s Tiny Teavee’s fault !”
“Nuh uh ! It’s Bad Nut’s fault !”
Oh these children will never stop no matter how much they grow , will they ? “I can take them back.”
“No !” They shouted in unison.
“Then get on with it.”
The two kids mumbled profanities , pouting but opening their gifts. Them obviously being from each other since everyone but them are convinced they’re best friends.
Veruca , of course , got theirs open first , it was a new tiara and matching pair of earrings. They felt real. Like <i>expensive<i> real. They would’ve questioned how the hell that neon freak afforded this but she was too caught up in how pretty it was , it looked like a genuine princess’ tiara , though they tried to look like they hated it because it was from Michael. Ew.
Mike opened his to see a <i>bunch<i> of Captain Knuckleduster merch , a few shirts , a poster , bracelets etc. Most of which he somehow didn’t have yet. He briefly forgot their shared plan to hate whatever gift they got , his eyes absolutely glittering with excitement , he’s loved Captain Knuckleduster since he became conscious. But of course , he shot Veruca a ‘disgusted’ glare , of which she returned , have to keep up appearances.
Veruca was then passed her extra gift , it unsurprisingly from their father. No one except Ethel , her father , and the Buckets were paying attention anymore , either enthralled in conversation or messing with their new things , but they didn’t care. They tore it open , rabid child , pulling out a new ‘mink’ coat , a direct copy of their old one since Mike ruined it with rain on one of his stupid escapades. They took a second to stare at it with starry eyes before , “Thank you , papa.”
It felt like the world stopped , everyone stopped their conversations , dropping their new things to stare at the ballerina with widened eyes and their mouths hanging open in shock. Even Mrs. Bucket looked bewildered , hand over her heart. The other kids looked to one another with did hell just freeze over ? looks , Nobody has <i>ever <i> heard her say thank you , they didn’t even think they were capable of it. Oleg shook off his shock , at least for a second , to grin softly at her. “You’re welcome , Verushca.”
Mike turned to face them , mouth still agape , and looked her up and down like she’d been replaced by someone else. “Who are you ?!”
“I’m still me , dumbo !”
“You’re not acting like it !!”
“Fuck off !” The argument eased everyones shock just a little bit , yup , that was definitely still Veruca.
Slowly conversation started back up , everybody going back to their own thing. Mike successfully begged his mom into hand him his switch , which he knew that she almost always had on her , and caught the attention of Augustus. “Hey ! I bet you can’t beat me in Mario Kart !” The two were instantly locked in a very competitive game , they both seemed like they were having fun.
Veruca and Violet would rather die than talk to each other in front of others , so the queen went off with her father to take pictures in her new sweater and the princess pranced off in their new coat , practicing some ballet moves they knew they needed to perfect. Amidst Mike loudly celebrating his win , he spotted Veruca wearing her new tiara , of course she would’ve waited until they were far away to put it on , and he smiled a bit wider. Stupid room and giving him good emotions.
Nobody but Charlie fully witnessed the parents opening their gifts , all of which suited their personalities pretty well , the most the others saw were glimpses of the men giving each other loving stares but got too disgusted to witness anything else.
Charlie had seemed to remember something once the adults opened all their presents , standing up to retrieve a a small gift with a specific kind of purple wrapping paper and bringing it to Wonka , he couldn’t let Wonka be the only one without something new. Wonka took it with a soft , questioning smile. “I didn’t want to exclude you !”
Wonka chuckled , patting Charlie’s shoulder as he opened it. “You’re sweet , kid.” He pulled out a small handmade bracelet in his colors and Charlie rolled down his sleeve , showing off the matching bracelet he wore , it being the colors of his usual sweater. The elder grinned , pulling Charlie into a hug , he smiled wide and returned the hug immediately. “Merry Christmas , Charlie.”
“Merry Christmas , Mr. Wonka.”
As if the others were paying attention , which they absolutely weren’t , they chorused merry Christmas’ from their places of the room before going back to what they were doing. They hope to never do that again.
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canarydarity · 1 year
hiii i don't know if you're still doin that writer ask game, but!! i have ask!! for you!!
22 and/or 27 :D
Yes !! Yes hello am still doing !!! hi friend :)
22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
and in a completely unshocking turn of events, the answer to this question is team rancher <3. I actually think that I have written the highest volume of fic about team rancher out of,,,any other pairing I've written for perhaps. Which is insane to think about. I think they beat out the pairing from my fixation before this by like one </3.
But really I do love writing them so so much,,, they plague my mind (affectionate)
((and also scar. that was not the question and no one asked but I am at all times in a constant state of "i miss writing gtws" even if i am currently writing gtws. yes i love writing desert duo but scar is the star of the show <3))
27.  Favourite line/scene
Oh man this was hard,, I both had nothing I wanted to choose and too much I wanted to choose,, but I picked these small few paragraphs from the small limited life session 1 ficlet that I wrote!
“Cause…we’re the bad boys and we were gonna set up here.” Jimmy finished awkwardly, trying to sound firm and falling flat; the phrase came off like it was said by a kid who was threatening you with a toy sword yet still acting like he could use it to deal you some good damage. 
Tango raised an eyebrow; it took him only a second later to realize that he was smiling (he wondered when that had started). Bad boys, huh? One guess as to where that name came from—but Tango couldn’t let his gaze stray from Jimmy to lay eyes on Joel; he heard him and Etho bickering in the background, but it breached not a thought in Tango’s mind. 
He wanted to laugh, or—no, he wanted to play scared; he wanted to double over and fake being in pain like anyone should do when pretend stabbed by a kid playing with things he couldn’t understand.
I really really liked the "kid threatening you with a pretend sword" metaphor, so much so that I was kind of upset it was just in this little ficlet because I wanted to be able to do more with it elsewhere (and still might). Something about Jimmy trying to be assertive, the rest of ties laughing, Tango privately wanting to play along,,,
And... one more <3 Cause I meant it when I said I miss writing Scar
A cornered animal was a dead animal; when Scar heard that phrase for the first time, still infected with the literal nature of children, he’d imagined an actual corner. Two walls on perpendicular paths, collusion course already set. He’d pictured the animal, cowering, and the predator, towering, and the fear of that image permeated straight through his mind and made a home deep somewhere inside of him. 
He’d learned later on that wasn’t even the correct phrasing—it was actually two phrases wrongly mashed together. A wounded animal was a dead animal, and corner an animal in a dead-end, and it will turn around and bite. 
By that time, it was too late; the sentiment had already stuck. The anxiety didn’t care that the phrase it was founded in had been wrong (no, that would’ve been too rational). It knew only fester, grow, latch onto whatever was to be found and then die—and to die was to decay, and to decay was to poison further; this would repeat uncontested—and, to Scar, unawares—until a corner was, as he thought, the worst place to be.
This intro to the pond fic is just truly one of my favorite scar monologues that I've written ever
Thank you for the ask !! long response,, I got a little carried away </3 thank you thank you :)
ask game
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
I never understood why everyone was swooning so hard over gtws. I just watched him for the first time today. I understand now. His voice just has me AND HIS SMILE IS JUST. He's the perfect person for me to listen to while doing my homework and I actually got done within a reasonable time-span for once.
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hermitblurbs · 3 years
Writer’s cut for the latest 100hrshc blurb!
Original can be found here :]
"What's flying like?" Scar asks, an odd look in his eye. It makes him think of light falling off the blade of iron, and it makes him think of the scars gouged into his friend's back, right along the same line Grian has his wings on his own back.
You know that feeling you get when you used to love to do something, but nowadays you can barely remember what doing it felt like? You know you loved doing it, and you think you still do, but your ability to do it is just… gone. Like an old friend, fallen through your fingers.
He’s quiet for a long time after. There’s nothing to see in the void, just the same stars that have always been there. And there’s no one to fill the silence, the other three members of Boatem having fallen asleep long ago. A star drifts by the circle they’ve made.
It’s hard to exist when no one’s Watching. Sleeping makes it… easier.
Or maybe it’s the Boatem hole itself that sips at their energy, needing repayment for its rescue.
"It's like falling," he finally says, if only because he can see Scar’s head bob and he wants to keep him awake. He has to stay awake to Watch, and Scar’s good company, as selfish as it is.
Hard to Watch if there’s nothing interesting. And gtws is very good to watch 💖 (true)
He sees Scar’s head snap to look at him from the corner of his eye, and he smiles.
“Except you know you’ll never hit the ground. It’s so different from elytra, where you have to hold on to a rocket of all things to rise.”
This man isn’t a pleb with an elytra, how terrible a fate that is. This guy’s got wings. I like to think they’re very different. While an elytra glides, you can actually maneuver with wings much better, not to mention go higher
“I used my last rocket. I was wondering, if maybe, you would spot me a couple.”
“It’s a feeling of power and freedom, of-of knowing the world is limitless and at your wingtips. Nothing can get you, no matter how badly they want to.”
“He’s going to fly off now, isn’t he?”
“Because there’s a trust there, just like you trust your ability to pick up a pencil. Trust that no matter how far you fall, you’ll catch yourself.”
It’s another limb, and it’s the same sort of faith that lets you move from point A to B, just. In the air. I think a lot about flying.
“You can’t get me—“
The look Scar has on his face says he’s hanging onto Grian’s every word. It also murmurs of a grief that Grian doesn’t know about, will never know about unless his friend decides he wants to weave him what’s probably one of his worst memories.
The entire setup here is around Scar no longer being a Vex. He’s not sure if he enjoyed his actions, looking back, but he had a purpose given by his summoner, he had his wings, and that’s all he needed. He could also phase through walls, which explains his relationship with kinetic energy.
He gives Scar a smile, and tries not to feel like he sealed his friend’s fate.
How much damage could reminiscing even do? Scar was the one who asked him in the first place.
He’s not at fault if Scar tries to fly.
It’s hard not to notice when ur bestie has wing marks and constantly tries to move his elytra like they’re wings
Besides. They always will have a respawn.
Goodtimewithscar fell from a high place
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meeowerzz · 3 years
I had a dream where I was in college at house party hosted by goodtimeswithscar but he was literally his mc skin in a real wheelchair and it got crashed by other people and his goofy mc skin smile got flipped upside down to frown and he looked so sad
gtws also apparently was a head of the band playing too idk but the weird thing is I’ve never watched anything from him besides a gif of him petting jellie
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godtierwallflower · 5 years
Hey GTW! How about ☮♡✿☾☆ for Itachi, Kisame, and Deidara?
Headcanon meme~  (GTW is a new one! I like it! Hi!)
☾ - sleep headcanon
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Itachi has never slept well, and it only gets worse after the Uchiha Massacre. He’s prone to nightmares and bouts of insomnia, and can rarely sleep for more than an hour at a time.
Kisame has a similiar insomnia problem, although he used to sleep just fine before he left his village.
Itachi and Kisame trust each other well enough that they can get a relatively good rest when they’re alone together.
Deidara, on the other hand, sleeps just fine. In fact, he’s a very loud sleeper and moves around a lot. This is so annoying to Sasori that he has frequently woken Deidara up to start a fight or tried to seal him into a soundproof puppet in his sleep.
☆ - happy headcanon
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When they weren’t doing missions, Itachi had a fondness for visiting cafes and trying sweets. Kisame was surprised at first that Itachi had such a cutesy hobby, but he tags along as well, and the two of them actually do enjoy the time they spend together, drinking tea and trying the different sweets in whatever land they’re currently in.
They stick out like sore thumbs, but you rarely have anyone that’s going to go up to two large ninja in Akatsuki uniforms and try to start anything. Kisame laughs about how ridiculous it all is and how much fun they have doing it. It’s one of the few times they can just sit back and smile together.
Deidara’s favorite holidays are any that involve fireworks. None of the other members of the Akatsuki are very festive, but Deidara always makes the most extravagent fireworks he can and makes everyone gather up to watch him fire them off. He gets more freedom to do the big, risky explosions now than he did back in his village.
✿ - Sex headcanon
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Deidara has definitely experimented with the mouths on his hand and I probably don’t need to explain any further than that.
Kisame has two claspers and he knows how to use them.
Itachi’s not generally comfortable enough with himself or with intimacy to think about the topic very often, in most cases.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Itachi is quite oblivious when it comes to romance. He doesn’t tend to trust people’s intentions enough to read anyone as coming onto him or even sincerely liking him on a personal level, so people would have to be very open about it for him to ever realize.
Kisame was actually pretty popular with the ladies and the gentlemen back in the Mist village, where the most attractive trait you can have is capable and built. He’s the type who would prefer a serious romantic relationship over a hookup, but he has had a fair amount of both in his time. 
Deidara never knows what to do when he has a crush. He’s a classic tsundere in that way.
☮ - friendship headcanon
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Not counting Sasuke, Itachi's best friend was Shisui, and the only other people he’d think of as friends from his time in the Leaf village were Izumi, Kakashi, Tenzo, and Gai (who occasionally hung out with Team Ro as an extension of Kakashi). In particular, Itachi, Team Ro, and Gai hung out and did a lot of non-mission related things where Gai more or less implored them to just have fun, pulled them into baking contests or picnics or spars. Itachi had fun with them, in the little time they got.
He and Kisame consider each other close friends after a while, a stunning feat considering the trust issues both of them have after the incidents that led them to leave their villages.
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Deidara’s closest friend before leaving his village was  Kurotsuchi, who looked up to him like a brother. They had fun teasing Onoki and playing little pranks on him together. She’d always thought that the two of them would face off to see who would take the mantel of kage someday, but, well...
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doodle-scrapyard · 5 years
I'm curious about this btwscar au
[u hav unlocked: lore]
btwscar au!! th basic shakedown iz
-gtwscar, our scar, is EVIL. btw iz th original scar, but when getting vex magic, he got shoved out of hiz own body nd gtw iz th result
-(don't fuckin ask whutz goin on wif vex magic cuz none ov uz know)
-anywayz btw, th original scar, iz nyow stuck az a shadow ov himself(nd gtw haz no shadow)
-no1 noticed tho… cuz itz just scar being scar! hez v trustworthy, and if hiz smile iz a little too wide, nd he talkz to himself sometimez, itz just a quirk...! nofin to worry abt
-grian ov course joinz th server nd hez offput by scar, but every1 whoz known him way longer explain away some ov hiz ~strange~ tendencies
-then then then grian seez btw. hm dot png
-so nyow grian iz on th hunt 2 find out WHAT iz going on nd he getz cub to try nd help
-at first cub iz vvv in denial but he slowly comez to realize tht gtw isn't scar
-(how could he not notice hiz best friend wasn't himself? th guilt eatz away at him immensely)
-since btw iz a shadow he doesn't interact wif th world normally(most ppl cant see him after oll) but jellie ushoally curlz up near him 
-oll tht bein said btw doesn't rly think hez worth saving. itz sweet tht grian iz putting in th effort to find out whutz going on but btw iz like... if every1 iz happy wif gtw then why bring him back? 
-uhhbhhh thtz oll 4 now. in conclusion thiz iz v sad
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