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fimbry · 3 years ago
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Where my night owls at? I’m on Buzzly now, which looks like a promising new art site. Been really nice and customizable so far! I’d describe it as Deviantart, but prettier and actually listens to users. I’m excited about it!
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gotdaherp · 5 years ago
long time no talk! I’m having one of the worst outbreaks since my first... and of course i’m in another country and didn’t bring my acyclovir 🤦‍♀️ i’m in the UK and almost convinced the guy at the pharmacy to let me buy it but he still said he couldn’t. I ordered online from Zava... anyone heard of this? apparently doctors approve it online and they can send it to you... It has some reviews. It was about $30 and i only pay like $7 at home but oh well im desperate. Supposed to come Tuesday - paid for next day shipping but of course it’s sunday so it doesn’t count. Let me know if you have recs in the meantime... may get some coconut oil.
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dapperpets · 6 years ago
Herpetologist Pet Peves
1. People mixing up venomous and poisonous
2. People using the terms cold and warm blooded
3. "The only good snake is a dead snake"
4. Having the dangers of my job inaccurately mansplained to me
5. Brian Barczyk
Feel free to add more
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glitterxmessx · 6 years ago
Sunday, November 25th, 2018
My 27th bday is coming up, and I am excited. Just because this would be the first time in two years I can spend it with my sisters. Lately, I have just been busy with life. I am still working my temp job and getting ready for school. As always, I never think about my herpes unless I am dating and right now, I'm not dating. I am taking a break from it because I honestly don’t have an interest in it right now. Things are going well in my life at the moment and I don’t want to add the mess of dating into it (even if I didn’t have to deal with herpes). Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. It was nice being a blob and just sleep in.
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virgosummers1995 · 6 years ago
The last few months have been pretty stressful and scary. At the end of November, I tested positive for HSV-2 and it was devastating. Some of the feelings of guilt/shame/etc. have gone away after learning more information, yet I can’t figure out what triggers my outbreaks. I’ve been taking Lysine supplements (occasionally) and Valtrex but still seem to have an outbreak here and there. I have anxiety, so the stress could be the main thing, but I’ve noticed that shaving irritates it and maybe triggers an outbreak? Anyone else have that problem? Any advice at all is appreciated. ♥️
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solarain · 2 years ago
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[ID: two pictures of the same frog, but under different lighting. in the first picture, it faces away from the camera and looks brownish. in the second, it faces the camera, looks more green, and is beside a spiky green plant./End ID]
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ripleythedragon · 7 years ago
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My dragon is broken (Yes, she’s sleeping vertically)
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livinginmylight-blog · 6 years ago
What would you tell your sister, brother or best friend?
Someone told me something very powerful and it really forced me to get out of my head with my diagnosis.
They asked me what my best friend’s name was then told me to say out loud what I would tell them if they told me they were just diagnosed with HSV.
I said that I would tell her that she would be alright, that her world is not over, that she is still the same person she’s always been, that I love her.
Then I thought about what I would tell my little sister if she was ever in this situation. I became so empathetic and protective and thought of all the ways I would assure her that she is loved and supported and that her life would still be amazing.
Then I started to wonder why I couldn’t offer myself that same love and support.
It is powerful. Yes this shit still sucks, but it’s helpful to get outside my own bubble of thoughts and to challenge the narrative I’ve been telling myself.
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finding-herpeace · 7 years ago
First herpes.
Next an immense amount of self growth and self love.
Then her peace.
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bode-acious-boi · 7 years ago
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Sorry Bode is not here today! But there is a very angry looking pile of dirt that might know where you can find him 🤔🐸
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sticktoyrguns · 7 years ago
So I went out drinking last night and hit it off with a guy and before we left, I straight up was just like ‘I have herpes btw’ and he just went ‘What? That thing everyone has? Who cares’ Then we went back to his 👉🏻👌🏻
If anyone is reading this who is newly diagnosed, please know that your life doesn’t have to change, you just have to have the confidence to go for it. Yes, at the start, it can be hard to deal with it mentally and you’re allowed to cry and feel shit, I did. But don’t let it ruin your life. You’re still fucking fabulous. And guys actually don’t care, I’ve told so many guys and only one had an issue. It will be ok! 💫💫💫
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dapperpets · 7 years ago
Top 5 Parents of the Herpetological World
Social structure is rarely looked at in herps, but they can be some of the most dedicated parents you’ll meet.
1. Caecilian
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Caecilians are strange, worm-like amphibians with hooked teeth and a strong bite force.  And that is not for nothing!  Part of the parental care practice by these animals is dermophagy, or skin eating. After her offspring hatch, the mothers skin becomes engorged with lipids.  Her offspring will proceed to consume her skin within 7 minutes.  Her skin will regenerate and be eaten again every 64 hours.  Here is a short video of a skin feeding
2. Poison Dart Frogs
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Males of this species will wait for their tadpoles to hatch and carry them on their back to drop into bromeliads.  The females will visit their young as they grow in the bromeliads to drop in infertile eggs for them to feed on.
3. Darwin’s Frog
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Imagine a dad swallowing its baby to later vomit up a miniature, fully formed adult…you know you want a video of that
4. Mugger Crocodile
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In all species of Crocodilia to date, females will attend nests during egg incubation, assist hatching, and guard their young.  However, in this species, it has been observed that males will exhibit the same behavior.  It is possible that this behavior is due to the fact that this species produces two nests of eggs, so the mother may be too occupied with the first batch of young to care for the second.
5. Rattlesnakes
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All species of rattlesnakes, except for the Arubian rattlesnake, will guard their young until their first shed.  While Arubian rattlesnakes will not tend to their young, the male will tend to the female through gestation.
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polybius1201 · 4 years ago
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Artists rendition
Going absolutely feral over this little man
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It’s,, so fucking cute I love it,,
Like a giant worm on a string,, but with leetle armsssss,,,
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lets-staypositive · 8 years ago
Hey, it's been a few years.
It's easy to slip away from herplr when life is good. You come to terms with your diagnosis on some level, and slowly stop checking the blog. It's not an uncommon occurance around here. That's what happened to me. I was with my partner who transmitted it me, and life was good. Everyday got easier. Eventually the outbreaks slowed down, herpes became such a small part of my life I didn't really even think about it. Fast forward a couple of years later. I'm no longer with my partner. We just weren't right for each other, and have been split up for over a year now. And it was fine. I was ready to be alone, grow on my own. Herpes was still not on my mind. I was happy. But it got lonely. Someone I briefly knew from high school messaged me. We went to coffee. We went to dinner. It was great, I was happy to be around someone again. And then he kissed me. Suddenly I wasn't okay with my herpes anymore. I felt that crippling fear I did back when I was first diagnosed. The stigma, the shame, the pain came crashing over me. He wasn't going to want me. I'll be rejected, not because of me, but because of this. I was angry. I was scared. Maybe I could just not say anything. Maybe I could pretend I didn't know. But I couldn't. I told him, over text, too afraid of his reaction. It didn't go well. It was a "shock" and "disappointment" because he was really starting to like me and was hoping to take it somewhere more serious. He said he needed to sleep on it. I didn't sleep. I went to work at 5:30 in the morning instead of 9:00. I took breaks to cry in my car. I tracked my mom down at work because I needed someone to tell me I'd be okay. She brought me dinner, wine, and flowers that night. I fucking love her. And then he messaged me. "So I've been thinking about this and doing some research. I have a lot of questions." I answered everything with blunt honesty. When was I diagnosed? Had I transmitted it to anyone? Did I take suppressive meds? Can we do oral? How does this work if we do decide to do this? What is it like for you? "Is it worth it for me to risk herpes for life when we might not last?" I don't know. That's not my decision to make. I didn't have that choice. You have to decide for yourself. He decided it was worth it to try. It's only been a couple of weeks. Maybe he'll change his mind. Maybe he'll disappear on me. But it gives me hope that it won't scare everyone away so easily. That someone out there will see past the bullshit, and just want me. I'm not okay with my herpes. But I'm not going to let that stop me.
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livewithherpes · 8 years ago
Be patient with yourself.
Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself time to heal emotionally and come to terms with it. Educating yourself on it is a good way to do that. It will take time, just be patient with yourself.
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ripleythedragon · 7 years ago
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Look at that smile!
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