#heroic helper
writtengalaxies · 2 years
Characters: Jackieboyman, GN!Reader
Word Count: 459
Spicy Rating: Temporary danger to reader
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Okay, maybe you shouldn't have taken the overnight shift.
Granted, it wasn't anyone's fault that the usual overnight person got super horribly sick, and most of your coworkers had young kids, second jobs, were in school...and at least the shift itself wasn't bad! You didn't have to interact with customers, just restock things. Plus, you could use the extra money from the shift. 
The problem really came down to the fact that you were used to working the mid-day shifts, and your current walk home was at 5 AM. More exactly, as you checked your phone, it was 5:08 AM. It was too early for anyone, in your opinion. At least you could crash when you got home, sleep through most of the day, and if you were lucky, not mess up your sleep schedule too badly for tomorrow's day shift.
Your brain barely processed the bright lights aimed at you, where you were standing on the sidewalk when an arm wrapped itself around you and pulled you backwards hard. The person who pulled you back held you tight, even as the car swerved back onto the road, carrying on into the pre-dawn hours. Slowly, your tired mind caught up with you, and you began to shake as the person who had saved you carefully lead you away, sitting you down nearby.
"Are you alright?" Those were the first words he said to you, and you looked up to see a vibrant blue mask and a soft, reassuring smile, both framed by a bright red hood. Your brain, instead of answering him, blurted out the first thing you could think of.
"Why do superheroes wear their underwear on the outside?" He blinked, the expression shifting to concern, as you continued on. "I mean, like. Is it a personal aesthetic choice? is it...a...uh. a like...fashion thing? Is it just some sort of like....adding a secondary color so it doesn't look weird? Is it armor?"
Your rescuer laughed, unable to help himself after the onslaught of what your mind thought was the most important thing to question out loud, right now. You felt your face burn as he shook his head.
"I see that the answer is yes, but you might be going through some shock."
"I am so sorry." You hid your face in your hands, groaning. "I swear, I'm not normally like this. I just. I'm really tired and. Yes, I'm okay. I'm a little shook up. I. I am so sorry."
"You're fine, you're fine! But I can't answer those questions, it's a trade secret." He winked at you, offering you a hand that let you stumble to your feet. "In the very least, let me walk you home, so you don't have any more close calls."
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i5uckersblog · 17 days
“Instant Connection”
Summary: Logan and Laura visit a library where Laura instantly senses a connection between her dad and the friendly librarian, knowing they’re meant to click.
(Technically, this is a part two to the library smile)
Logan had promised Laura he’d take her to the library after their latest mission—nothing too intense, just a simple in-and-out that somehow ended up with Logan covered in mud and Laura sporting a new tear in her jacket. A quiet trip to the library felt like a fair trade.
As they stepped inside, Logan immediately noticed the cozy warmth of the place. The scent of old books and fresh coffee hung in the air. He felt out of place, with his rugged appearance contrasting against the library’s calm ambiance. Laura, however, darted off with purpose toward the children’s section, her favorite place to be on these trips.
Logan wandered through the aisles, trying to keep an eye on Laura while scanning for anything that might catch his interest. That’s when he saw you. You were behind the front desk, your head buried in a book, your fingers gently flipping the pages. You looked up briefly, catching his gaze. Logan quickly looked away, feeling a little embarrassed, but he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth.
Laura, who had been observing her dad from behind a bookshelf, noticed the way Logan kept glancing in your direction. A knowing grin spread across her face. She had never seen Logan this… distracted. Curious, she approached you, tugging at your sleeve gently.
“Excuse me, miss,” Laura asked, her voice sweet and innocent. “Do you have any books on, um… special families?”
You smiled warmly at her, nodding. “Sure thing, sweetheart. Follow me, and I’ll show you where they are.” As you led Laura to a nearby section, she asked, “Do you like working here?”
You chuckled softly, “I do. I get to meet a lot of interesting people. And I get to help people find stories they love.”
Laura’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she asked, “Like my dad?”
You glanced over at Logan, who was now pretending to be interested in a random shelf of books. “Is that your dad?” you asked, your eyes lingering on him a bit longer this time.
“Yep!” Laura replied proudly. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s a good guy. Likes reading… sometimes.” She shot a grin back at Logan, who was watching with a puzzled expression. “Maybe you could help him find a good book. Something to help him relax?”
You laughed softly. “I’d be happy to try.”
Logan, sensing he was being talked about, slowly approached, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry if she’s bothering you,” he mumbled.
“Oh, no bother at all,” you replied, your smile wide and inviting. “She’s quite the charming little helper. She thinks you might need a good book recommendation.”
Logan raised an eyebrow at Laura, who just gave him a cheeky grin. “Yeah, well, she might be right about that.”
You chuckled again and handed him a book. “Maybe start with this one. It’s got a bit of everything—adventure, a little romance, and some good old-fashioned heroics.”
Logan took the book from you, feeling the warmth of your hand linger on the cover. “Thanks… I’ll give it a shot.”
Laura, standing between you both, looked back and forth, her grin growing wider by the second. She nudged Logan’s leg with her foot, whispering loudly, “Told you she’s nice, Dad.”
Logan’s cheeks flushed ever so slightly. “Yeah, kid, you’re right… She is.”
And in that moment, Laura knew. She saw the way Logan’s usually guarded expression softened when he looked at you, and how your smile seemed to brighten just a little more when you spoke to him. She didn’t need any more proof. She knew her dad had just met someone special.
Requests are Wide open😗
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magnoliasandarson · 2 months
gods of gotham- hermes
In the stories and myths, Hermes is ubiquitous, appearing at just the right times to cleverly trick a foe or impart a gift. He is ever-youthful, ever-cunning, and ever-giving. He is the messenger of the gods, the original jack of all trades. Travelers made offerings for his protection, diplomats prayed for his guidance, and merchants made sacrifices to gain his favor. But Hermes did not solely act with boyish mirth; he was a warrior god like his brethren, and his cunning and rage saw ichor and blood spilled all the same.
The friezes depict a young god, oft guiding flocks and travelers alike with his staff. His name was invoked at lodges and markets, messengers bore his sigil on their journeys, and shepherds carried his sacred tool. Silver-tongued and strategic, he was the emissary of the gods, sent to share divine guidance with the worthy. The gods and the people loved him, for he was useful. The helpful and clever- let them see him as such, let the darker aspects of his character be lost to time.
Hermes was not only a shepherd. His staff was not only for guidance. When the drums of war sounded, and the banners were raised, Hermes was there. Laying traps for enemies, leading assassins under the cover of darkness, and crafting deadly lies. He was the delivery service for divine justice, and it was oft… personal. He leveled cities and civilizations on whims, his violence was that of the gods of war, and he was efficient. The artists remember him as a genial youth, happily serving his betters; the paintings would never show him wading through the field of battle, nor would they show him executing the godly vengeance entrusted solely to him.
In Gotham, Red Robin served as a young vigilante. Small in stature and seemingly eternally youthful, he guided those seeking sanctuary to shelters and halfway houses. He was not seen as overly violent like his fellows, silver-tongued and strategic; he lingered in the shadows and plotted. The heroes and people loved him, for he was useful. The helpful and clever- let them see him as such, let the darker aspects of his character be lost from the narrative.
Red Robin was not only a guide. His bo-staff was not merely decorative. When screams sounded, and the bat-signal was lit, Red Robin was there. Laying traps for enemies, leading his team under the cover of darkness, and crafting deadly explosions. He was the delivery service for violent justice, and it was oft… personal. He dismantled corrupt governments and criminal enterprises in a single sleepless night, his violence was surgically precise, and he was efficient. The people remember him as another sidekick in the shadow of the Bat; they would never imagine his penchant for destruction, nor would they think of him executing the heroic vengeance entrusted solely to him.
Welcome back, Hermes- your people have missed you.
In Greece and Gotham, when screams echoed through the air and warriors and wounded alike prayed for salvation, justice arrived on swift wings. After the damage was done and the ashes settled, they would remember only the youthful helper. And he liked it that way.
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siblingshuffle · 2 months
Sibling Shuffle: Suspicion
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“What? Why on earth would Dr. Wily make a robot that fights robots that HE reprogrammed?”
“I’m not sure. …Maybe I should check on her, just to be safe— huh?”
“What? What is it?”
“The lab door - it’s locked from the inside!”
Sorry again for the delay!
————— LORE:
So. I’m not sure if it’s really established if Bass was really that badly damaged from Shade Man or if he was playing it up, but Piano did sustain heavy damage. That being said, she always was more of a strategist than a battle-hungry fighter, so I can’t imagine that she didn’t see this as an opportunity to accomplish her goals with a minimal amount of conflict.
As for the Lights, Dr. Light was always very optimistic, but he had a strange feeling about his daughter’s new alleged ally. Not enough that he would refuse fixing her (he’s way too nice to do that) but definitely enough that Blues decided to look into who built her. That search wasn’t going very well… Until Dr. Light got a good look at Piano’s systems, and realized just how similar they were to Roll’s.
This was weird to him for several reasons:
Internal systems often look very different from Robot Master to Robot Master.
Roll is a first-generation Lightbot, making it strange for someone would copy her design - there have probably been many advancements in technology since her creation that would be more efficient, but Piano’s systems look almost the same as Roll’s.
Roll is a Helper robot/Child, making it weird that someone would copy her design to make a combat robot. While the public may know her as the heroic Super Fighting Robot, Roll wasn’t built with that in mind, hence her childlike design. Piano also has a childlike design, but she identified herself as a robot built for combat (making design choices like a child’s face and robot hair very strange).
So. Someone very likely copied Roll’s design. And that Someone knew how to do it and knew how to design a core strong enough to support a robot like Piano, and knew how to build weapons similar to Roll’s Mega Buster. And guess who fits that criteria and is a serial plagiarist?
——— This next section is just breaking down Blues’s List of People Who (Probably) Didn’t Build Piano (at least, the candidates he listed aloud.)
Cossack Robotics Laboratory: He looked into them first because Dr. Cossack did build a combat robot in the past (even if it was under duress). I decided to go with one of the few things I know about the Megamix/Gigamix continuity: the whole thing with Skull & Ring Man’s functions. I went with Skull Man being the only CossackBot made for combat, while Ring Man was made to be like a detective (though he hadn’t been activated as a detective - his first time waking up was with Wily’s programming installed). Unlike that version of Skull Man, though, Sibling Shuffle Skull Man was repurposed once Kalinka was safely un-kidnapped - now he’s like her bodyguard (just to be sure she is never re-kidnapped). (Credit for that last idea.)
Geoworks International: His investigation into Geoworks was probably the quickest lol. He kinda just called up Tempo and was basically like “Hey, you get any new sisters since Rhythm? No? Yeah, I didn’t think Dr. LaLinde built her anyway.” (He didn’t want to speak to Dr. LaLinde directly, so called his best friend instead lol)
The Military: The energy consumption of robots with independent thought was a bit high** for the US*** government to want any. They have plenty of Joes, instead. Sniper, Gunner, Hammer, Rider, Apache, Cannon… and those have been getting the job done well so far. If it ain’t broke, you know?
*The events of the 6th Game. I can’t imagine that with the sponsor of the tournament gone (for all intents and purposes) they would keep it going another year. And with Wily breaking out of jail & causing a ruckus so often, I assume even if making more fighting robots wasn’t illegal, it would be very much frowned upon/side-eyed nervously
**Blues himself serves as an example. Granted, Robot Master technology becomes more and more efficient as the timeline progresses, but even then I think the government would be… hesitant to implement technology that Dr. Wily consistently reprograms.
***This assumption is based on this map from Megaman 8, which implies Light Labs to be somewhere in America.
I’ll try to get the next Minicomic out in a good amount of time. (Might answer questions / comments in the meantime? Idk)
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monstrous-fusion · 7 months
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Minish (Minish Cap / Four Swords) / they/them / 12 years old
Minish has never been one for talking. They're reserved and self contained but quite bright. As a system, they've never felt like they've had a place to slot into. Turmoil from their past still lingers as an echo in the back of their mind, and with the freshness of their adventure, even at the young age of 12 they have a lot to think about.
some world building stuff under the cut! (and system stuff);
they wear the cape all the time because it's warm and looks Very Heroic
They only just discovered they're a system, so they have No Idea what's happening they just work here.
Collectively, they go by "Link" or "Minish".
System Members;
Link (he/they) - Primary host and protector. (15 years old) Green (he/him) - co-host, primary protector and caretaker (20-24 yrs) Red (he/fae) - Soother, emotional outlet and symptom holder. (18-19 yrs) Blue (he/they) - Gatekeeper, primary protector/avenger and emotional outlet. (23 yrs) Vio (they/them) - academic helper and archivist (means that they end up storing all the sys information (18-20 yrs) Shadow (he/they/ze) - factive introject, dead alter and a misguided protector. Link has a VERY hard time accepting he's part of their system (ageless) Clover (he/she/they) - caretaker and protector (14-16 yrs) Minish (he/they) - a little in their system! they have a running suspicion that Link split from Mini. (8-12)
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Base Yandere Sentient DogDay: His Sunshine (Poppy Playtime)
[Hello, My  Sexy Muffins! We just did CatNap the other day but it is now time for DogDay I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here my sexy muffins!] 
(Disclaimer: DogDay Is SENTIENT IN THIS! There are NO CHILDREN SOULS IN HIM!!! He is a SENTIENT MONSTER/TOY!!! No Children Souls! Thank you!!! 
Disclaimer 2: Once Again DogDay Is A Sentient Monster In this, but he is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional Characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have all! Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank You!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With DogDay From Poppy Playtime- 
.DogDay is a cheerful and happy monster and he is always looking on the bright side of things with his sunshine demeanor. 
.He is also a very brave and good leader, able to lead the smiling critters in their work in the playtime co. 
.He fell for you a helper who worked with the critters. 
.He found you to be his sunshine, and his kitten as he liked to call you that as well as doll. 
.He had various pet names for you. 
.He is very open with his feelings for you, being very brave to be open with his feelings for you. 
.He is the type of yandere that is like a puppy dog yandere 
.In which he follows you around like a lost puppy dog 
.And how he wants to make you happy and make you smile and laugh. 
.Your smile is like a ray of sunshine to him and your laugh is like an angel's song. 
.Another one of his pet names is his angel as well~ 
.To him you are like an angel and he wants you to be his angel~ 
.Another yandere trait he has is the knight in shining armor type. 
.He will sacrifice his own safety to keep you safe and sound and not risk you ever being hurt. 
.He really is the protective and heroic type of yandere. 
.He calls himself your protector and knows he needs to protect you from the rivals that he has and he does his best to keep all his rivals away. 
.When you leave at the end of your shift he waits for you like he is never going to see you again and this is probably what pushed him to do the Hours of Joy with the others. 
.Knowing that he could keep you to himself and that he will never ever lose you this way. 
.Though he would realize later on what mistake he made and he would be torn on letting you go or keeping you. 
.After the hours of joy he knows that he cannot let you go. 
.Because you will be killed if he lets you try and leave. 
.So he has to keep you by his side and keep you safe. 
.He regrets the hour of joy, but he does not regret having you by his side. 
.He does have a bit of a split as well. 
.He can become unhinged and insane and it is caused most of the time by Catnap's gas. 
.Though this side is deep inside of him anyway. 
.So when he does decide to deal with rivals it starts out as asking them to leave you alone. 
.If they do not leave you alone, he will kill them and drag their body away. 
.He laughs loudly and in a manic way. 
.He is truly insane and unhinged. 
.He of course with this side also has an unhinged and very obsessed yandere side that will be on the edge of breaking your legs if he thinks you will run. 
.When he does confess his love to you. He is worried what would happen if you say no. 
.If you say yes, everything is fine, just fine. 
.If you say no he starts to snap, laughing, and his insane shows where he knocks you out and kidnaps you. 
.If you try and run while he is snapped he will break some legs. 
.So the best thing you can do is be his perfect little, kitty, kitten, doll, sunshine, and angel. 
.Just be good to him and you will have a pretty good life, just do not worry about it and he will take care of you, forever and ever. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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A hope for recognition and deceit
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Sir Pentious x fem!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, hug, mention of violence and death (it's hell so yeah)
Summary : After another defeat at the hands of Angeldust and Cherri Bomb, Sir Pentious finds himself in the garbage of hell where he is surprisingly offered help that doesn't suck?
Info : So this cute fluffy one-shot is for @thatsthewrongwallcraig it was very nice to write for him very gladly more and again. Have fun with our little sweet sir snake and everyone else too ;)
The loud beeping and noises of little creatures running around could be heard, smoke was coming out of every place where the bullets of the guns had destroyed the airship and flames covered the airship like a second layer.
The home-made technology was going crazy, not reacting as it should and the ship was about to hit the bottom of hell in a few minutes.
But in this chaos stood Sir Pentious with folded arms and a disdainful expression, who neither listened to the questions and shouts of his little helpers nor seemed to be aware of anything and seemed to be done with all this. ,,Boss! We're about to crack like an egg!" shouted one of his little helpers, shaking his superior's coat and trying to convince the snake demon to get out of here somehow.
The serpent's tongue came out from between the lips behind which were the long fangs, an annoyed hiss that became a weary hiss. The ,,Well then, all of Boord's men…a new plan is coming!" he exclaimed, striking an almost heroic pose and grabbing his little egg-like subordinates before dashing for the exit. But as bad luck would have it, just as he was about to jump out, the airship collided with the ground and he hit the ground with a thud, directly onto something soft and smelly.
,,Oh no, we're dead," he heard the first wail of his egg boys, who apparently in their naivety thought they had died, and with a sigh the demon stood up and looked disparagingly at the garbage dump.
,,No, you idiots, we're still in hell…let's go back to the-" he venomed and was about to go to his airship when it made one last explosion and a cloud of smoke came towards him, coloring him completely black. Just as he was about to let out a frustrated scream, he suddenly heard footsteps and a friendly voice asking him, ,,Do you need help?".
A question that almost made him laugh out loud and couldn't have been more inappropriate. This was fucking hell and not a mercy seat where everyone got a cookie for every shot.
,,No, I don't," he protested and was about to slap her hand away when he tripped over a bin liner and landed at her feet, making her smile. ,,I think so, come on, it looks like you need a shower," she said and pulled him back onto his snake tail, seeing his astonishment and simply dragging him behind her.
Pentious shcien was confused and wanted to get away but the demoness with the twisted horns like a goat and the poisonous green eyes wouldn't let him.
,,You really insist," he muttered and saw her nod as they walked through the streets for a moment and Sir Pentious recognized the district they were in. ,,Thank you misss" he mumbled not knowing why it felt right to say thank you and felt his snake tail bob slightly.
Far away from the hotel but probably better for the moment. ,,Miss, that's not necessary, I-" he tried enruet but by then she had already pulled him in and pushed him into her apartment. ,,Not at all, I'm happy to help," she said and he saw her smile behind the slightly pointed teeth that looked like his.
A glance at his helpers, however, let him know that they were comfortable and were already looking at the furnishings and having fun. ,,Please, I'll make some tea and you freshen up there, how about that?" she asked, tilting her head slightly and for a moment he thought he saw her green eyes light up.
,,Please, I'll make some tea and you freshen up there, how about that?" she asked, tilting her head slightly and for a moment he thought he saw her green eyes light up.
He thought for a moment but when he still smelled the burnt smell on him, which was actually topped by a more sublime odor, he also knew it was time. ,,Thank you and a herbal tea if you can miss" he asked giving her something like a small smile that made his fangs flash before the snake demon disappeared into the bathroom and water could be heard.
While the demon went under the sporadic shower with a towel that seemed halfway unused, the water boiled on the demoness's hand, who simply heated the kettle with her power and looked curiously at the little eggs while the opening and closing of a door was not heard by anyone.
When the tea was slowly ready and the tea bags were giving off a dark, slightly greenish color, the goat-like demoness was already blowing and was pleased to see her guest emerge from the bath in much better shape.
,,Now you're back to your old self," she said and handed him his cup, which he took somewhat reluctantly, his claws touching her hand and it seemed somehow hotter than any hellfire.
,,Thank you, yes, the shower was necessary," he admitted to her, blowing lightly and they both drank the first sip, which turned into a pleasant sigh. ,,Now you look like a true lord again," she admitted after a brief moment of swaying and he saw her turn away from him but could feel the warmth she gave off.
,,Well, I am, you saved the one and only Sir Pentious, my dear," he said and placed his claw on her hand for a moment, a brief moment between them before he hastily withdrew his hand, surprised and embarrassed at what he had done, and they both drank their tea again.
An ongoing conversation here and there about his actions, her kindness and the place in hell. But the time was good, so much so that she suddenly, embarrassed, pulled out a photo, ,,I took this when you attacked the brothel-could you…sign it?" she asked and Sir Pentious felt proud to have such an admirer in his chest. That she admired him because she perceived that there was someone who cared about him.
,,But of course, miss, I'd love to," he had replied with a smile before taking the pen she had drawn and leaving his sweeping neat handwriting on the picture, seeing how she smiled and was glad to have a fan, an admirer and another nice one.
,,Thank you that means a lot to me," she said and the snake demon smiled for a moment before looking out the cracked window to see that another "day" was dawning and hell would soon be plunged back into chaos worse than the last.
,,I think I should get going…an airship doesn't build itself, does it?" he asked to his helpers, who moved their heads in different directions and Pentious rolled his eyes.
She took the cup from him and made an inviting motion towards her door, ,,My door is always open…for the biggest demon in hell," she said and he nodded, putting his hand on the knob as he felt her embrace, brief yet fervent, which he returned almost reflexively.
,,And my airship for a round trip and a few good pictures misss" he waved goodbye to her as the door closed behind him and the demon walked down the street with his little helpers.
Not hearing the giggles as the green-eyed demon simply took the purse in her hands out of his jacket in a hug, another robbery of thousands but even if it was worth it her gaze softened and a warmth stole into her gaze as she saw the photo and hugged it to herself...maybe she wouldn't rob him the next time they met, a shared airship ride would be all the nicer.
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earthnashes · 2 years
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Meet the prince of the Afterlife: Booette! I had this done for a while now (and the concept art of Booette for months longer) and figured today would be a good day to finally post it! ^.^
In this AU, Booette is King Boo's daughter and sole heir to his throne as King of the Afterlife. King Boo and Booette are basically gods like Rosalina, and in this universe, a god loses their immortality once they decide on having a child. This is because they must use a tremendous amount of their own magic to even produce the child (they don't make one in the traditional sense. Gods are born purely from magic), and once they child comes to be, the transfer from parent to child of all their magic and responsibilities are slowly passed to them.
So, when King Boo expires, Booette will become the new god of death. But that thankfully won't be for a while yet! Some lore funfacts about Booette herself:
-She is not fully immortal and is essentially a demigod until Boo has passed on. That means that, even with enhanced healing and a much higher threshhold than a mortal, mortal means can still harm her, unlike a full-fledged god. It's for this very reason that Boo is so very protective of her. Overprotective, in fact.
-She is infatuated with fairytales and the concept of Prince Charming. She's oh so terribly shy, but aspires to be a charming prince- a heroic brace knight in shining armor, so her people refer to her as "Prince Booette" instead of "Princess".
-Like her father, she is a shepherd of spirits; it's part of her duties to guide the souls of the dearly departed to the Afterlife. And like her father, she can will Sprites into existence as her little helpers; they basically solve the issue of being everywhere at once. This is what the regular Boos are! The "design" of the Sprite will differ between  gods, so unlike King Boo's who's Sprites are basically your average Boo, Booette's Sprites are puppy/kitten-like in appearance and behavior.
-For all of her shyness, Booette actually does has a bit of an adventurous streak. She's so fascinated with the mortal realm and will go on the occasional sneak-out to get a closer look at the mortals. King Dad does not approve for obvious reasons. But he shouldn't worry too much! Their loyal guard dog Polterpup will keep her safe and guide her home if she ever got lost!
Hope ya don't mind the info dump there! ;w; Feels good to let the brain just go at it with headcanon ideas again though I can't lie. But ye! Hope you enjoy the artwork at least my friends, and thank you so much for your support! More to come soon! :D
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bizabumblebee · 8 months
tell us about yunobo
why's he ur funky lil guy
id love to hear why
This is a very good ask I don’t think I’ve ever actually told anyone why I like Yunobo so much
Preemptive spoiler alert for both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom by the way
(Also this turned into a bit of a character analysis on Yunobo I’m so sorry it’s so ridiculously long lmao)
Personally my favorite Zelda “race” or whatever has always been gorons, huge fellas who mine rocks and eat rocks and are rocks, just big ol walking boulders with kind souls, I think they’re very silly and cute. But I really like Yunobo because he’s not really like any of the other gorons (He’s not like other girls!!), because he’s so much more… emotional? I guess? In each of the Goron race’s appearances throughout the Zelda games they’re portrayed pretty much the same way, either tough and brave and heroic (Like Darunia, Daruk and Darmani), or chill and generally nonchalant (Like… pretty much every other goron). Though they are kind and playful, they’re also tough and unmoving as stone. Yunobo (on a surface level), is neither of these things. When you first meet him in BotW he runs and yelps in fear, and a great portion of the fan base calls him a coward because of this. He’s very unsure of himself, and unsure of a lot of things in general. In the artbook “Creating a Champion”, his description is as follows:
“Yunobo is the grandchild of the Champion Daruk. He has an adult body but still has some growing up to do. He is easily frightened by monsters and isn't exactly what one might call brave, but, driven by thoughts of protecting his people, he gathers enough courage to aid Link in quelling the Divine Beast Vah Rudania. He is earnest and naive, readily believing nearly anything anyone tells him.”
So yeah. He’s a scaredy-cat. He’s a pushover. He’s incredibly naive and a bit childish.
He helped save his people, and the entirety of Hyrule… TWICE. Because he is brave. Bravery is not an immediate heroic desire to face any danger for the sake of the greater good.
It is action in spite of fear.
He is afraid. He’s unsure, and he’s flighty, and he’s defensive. But he swallows these fears and chooses to act in spite of them, helping link to take back control of Vah Rudania, and saving his people. For me, seeing the journey Yunobo takes to find his courage is a lot more satisfying than if he were just already a brave go-getter from the moment you meet him.
And then things get even more interesting in the second game (again, spoilers for TotK ahead).
After he helps Link take back Vah Rudania and Calamity Ganon is defeated, Yunobo goes right to helping his people recover from the the post-calamity craziness. He’s incredibly devoted to them. He’s a helper through and through, willing to do anything it takes for the sake of others. His loyalty knows absolutely no bounds. But unfortunately, this can get the better of him.
Like when his good friend “Zelda” shows up and gives him some weird mask and tells him to put it on.
Honestly, when I saw Yunobo for the first time in TotK, I was one of the many people who was terrified that Nintendo might have made him an asshole for no reason. I mean, they gave Sidon a wife so people would stop shipping him with Link, I wouldn’t put it past them (totally backfired though lol, now they’re just a polycule).
But instead they had actually put him into one of my favorite character tropes: self-conscious but good-natured character easily susceptible to corruption (See: Luigi [SPM], Bolin [TLoK], Locksley [AS:TNC] -they’re all also green for some reason? Crazy). I really like this particular trope because it shows the very real (and frankly scary) way that those with the best intentions can most easily be led astray. As someone who’s kinda struggled with having a people-pleaser personality (incredibly susceptible to peer-pressure, neglecting my own needs over the needs of others, not able to set boundaries, etc), this trope is a relatable cautionary tale for me. Those who just want to help more often than not end up helping those with bad intentions without realizing.
Buuuuut I won’t go too far into all that (it’ll get sad fast eugh)
My main point is that Yunobo is brave, kind, and loyal (even to a fault), and for me that’s a wonderful formula for a character as nervous and dopey as him. Yeah he’s got rocks for brains, but he’s got a heart as big as a lynel’s. I don’t throw this term around liberally but I would say he could definitely count as a himbo.
Ugggghhh this is getting too long ffs. I’ll just list a couple more reasons why he’s important to me specifically.
He is… very large. Ahem. I like big fellas. You know how it is. ANYWAY
He’s a bit dopey but he’s definitely not incompetent. He’s the president of a highly successful mining company and he’s helped save Goron City (and the entirety of Hyrule) TWICE. That’s pretty cool. I’ve seen a lot of people shit on him in the first game for “always getting spotted by the drones” but like. Dude that’s your fault. He told you he would come when called and stop when told to, it’s on you if he walks into a searchlight.
He’s got very intriguing lore (to me at least), that leaves a lot of room for speculation. Like, he’s the “grandson” of Daruk, but how does that work?? Gorons are born from the mountain itself, they don’t give birth. There’s a pair of Gorons in TotK that call themselves “brothers” (still a bit confusing since most gorons throughout the series call each other brother anyway), but they explain it was because they were born in the same cave at the same time, so they’re like family. Does this mean Yunobo was just born in the same cave Daruk was, and therefore inherited his “genes” and his magical abilities? Maybe! Maybe it’s a really cool special cave, right at the summit or something, where his whole lineage was born all the way back to the first sage of fire. Cool stuff to think about!
He’s not the leader of his people, in either game. That job belongs to Bludo. In the second game he’s definitely got a lot more influence and does occupy a position of leadership, but he’s not the chief. He’s just some Goron. The role of aiding link in both games is thrust onto him entirely because of his lineage. But he takes responsibility for it. He understands the power he holds, both as a champion’s descendant and as the Sage of Fire, and he steps up to the role. He feels a responsibility to his people and his city, even despite not being its official leader like the other champion’s descendants. That’s pretty cool.
He’s very sweet! I’ve talked about how kind and caring he is already but there’s a difference between doing it with a stoic sense of heroism or duty, and doing it with a big dopey grin and a genuine care for those he cares about. He’s often unsure and self-conscious, and yet he’s surprisingly optimistic about most things a lot of the time. He has a big smile (most gorons do), but he has an absolutely heart-melting laugh. I often tear up during the cutscene in which he sees the spirit of Daruk reclaiming Vah Rudania, him laughing and waving with such genuine joy and excitement, aghhhh it’s too much. Joe Hernandez certainly did a great job putting authenticity into Yunobo’s (and Daruk’s) emotions, this cutscene especially.
He has the best secret stone ability (gameplay wise). You cannot change my mind. Tulin is great for mobility and the other two are fine for tactical combat stuff, but none of them even come close to the versatility and power of Yunobo. Don’t have any good rock-breaking weapons and don’t want to use up bombs or zonai devices? Yunobo! Using a control stick-operated machine and can’t pull out your bow to snipe that pesky aerocuda? Yunobo! Wanna separate a big group of enemies from each other without wasting bombs? Yunobo! And don’t even get me started on the fact that when he’s on a vehicle, he’s got zero cooldown. You can hop on a hoverboard and decimate a molduga just by dribbling Yunobo on its head like a basketball.
All this being said I certainly think Yunobo is too often overlooked by fans for “being a coward”, or just… being a Goron? Gorons in general have often been a bit neglected in favor of the other more serious, conventionally attractive and *cough* slimmer *cough* Zelda races. It’s a bit disheartening seeing the amount of fan artists who don’t even have a clue how to approach drawing Yunobo or Daruk, simply because they don’t know how to draw bulky, fat or muscled characters. But I won’t preach too much on the subject, haha.
Long story short, I love Yunobo a whole lot and I’d love to give him a big hug and a smooch. That’s about it :))))
Also here’s a little sketch I made of him as a bonus for reading all that haha
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cyn-if · 3 months
I've been re-reading the WIP a few days ago, and a weird series of questions came to mind... Warning, this will be all about a character you probably don't get a lot of asks about!
So, for some reason, the specific kind of "bully character" that Thomas is fascinates me in works such as this one. Not that I'd like him to be a RO or anything, I just think it's interesting to see how such characters are written or the different paths their story can take.
With Thomas, I know MC can humiliate him by showing how stronger they are, scare him by letting him stab them and witness how non effective that is, hurt him or kill him... That is a lot of variety!
Now I have a variety of questions if you don't mind!
How impactful on the overall story will be what we decided to do in regards to him?
If left alive, will Thomas continue to appear in the story on a semi-regular basis, or is he way too much of a secondary character for that? I don't know just how much he's a "proper character" and how much he's a "plot device" at this point.
Assuming he's alive and will be reappearing, are you planning on having him stay the same, or do you have some character evolution planned for him, good or bad (no need to tell which way it will go if that's spoilery! - just asking if anything will change or not).
And now a self-indulgent character ask that I hope won't be too annoying to answer: on a playthrough with a MC that is fully on board with their task of fighting against all things demonic and who basically resists their "evil nature" as much as possible, what would happen if Thomas was in mortal danger for whatever reason and MC saved him, possibly even taking risks or getting actually hurt for it - because at the end of the day, "he's still a human I have to protect"? How would Thomas react to that? And the ROs too, considering they all witnessed at least some of the stuff that happened between Thomas and the MC?
I hope this isn't too many question about that one character who isn't even a RO and that I shouldn't be overfixating on so much!
It's not a lot at all. Thomas does indeed sort of fall into the 'plot device' sphere then fully fledged out character. However, I do indeed have scenes in mind for a Thomas that was spared and depending on what the MC did.
Regarding impact, Thomas is the son of one of the more influential nobles in the Kingdom. While I'm undecided if Lord Ducant sits on the council, he for sure has quite a bit of influence in it. Thus killing, maiming or even scarring his son will impact his mind when it comes to the council informing the King what to do with the MC. Furthermore, slaughtering or maiming him outright will only alienate the MC from the rest of the Blackguard even more. Sparing Thomas, will indeed be seen as the MC doing something good (unless they maim him) and will carry positive benefits.
If spared, yes the MC will have opportunities to run into Thomas again. And when he shows up, depending on what the MC did to him, his character will indeed be slightly different. With certain paths being a little more antagonistic then others. (Maimed Thomas will hold a grudge.)
As for your what if scenario, Thomas would be surprised. That level of surprise will vary depending on what the MC did to him, but even an MC that avoids the fight entirely saving him would come as a surprise. That action more then anything would inspire a lot of growth in Thomas, and assuming he doesn't fully hate the MC, might even earn the MC a loyal helper (friend would be a bit of a stretch)
The ROs reactions would depend on what the MC did to Thomas first, and if they've shown themselves to be heroic in other encounters.
Everix is most likely proud and vindicated by the act. Knowing (hoping) deep down that the MC would be able to overcome their nature and be a hero.
Hayes wouldn't really understand risking one's life for someone like Thomas, but they would look at the character with a bit of awe at their heroics.
Sam wouldn't really make much of a big deal about it, unlike Everix or Hayes. But they would be happy to see that the MC is being heroic, and would probably try to mimic that level of heroism.
Quinn would be surprised, much like Thomas, at the MC saving him. But if the MC had been preforming heroic actions before, she would get over her surprise quick, and would congratulate the MC on sticking to their principles.
Maverick would trust the MC made the right decision, and would sort of be at awe and proud of them. He would also try to emulate that heroism, just in a less direct way then Sam would. More words and assisting, less physical acts of saving someone.
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howlingday · 3 months
Pyrrha: How have you been, Ruby? As much as I love you being my... little helper, I think it's time you gave back what you took from me.
Ruby: Oh, don't you worry! You've got a special delivery coming in, so why don't you throw open those front doors so I can give you exactly what you deserve.
Pyrrha: There you go again... That sappy little heroic spiel might work on Jaune, but I know what you really are.
Ruby: Oh yeah? What's that?
Pyrrha: You're a coward. You left me to die on that tower. Left me trapped in this body with a face that would horrify my own mother.
Ruby: Well, at least now you have a face that fits perfectly with how you are inside.
Pyrrha: You just never know when to shut the fuck up, do you? You always have some kind of comeback! That's fine. Just let the Grimm waiting outside take that relic of your hands.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Those of you who are attractive, well-accustomed human beings have a glorious life ahead of you. Doors will open that you aren’t even aware of, and you will be lifted by an army of unseen helpers to a life of satisfaction. For the rest of us, especially those of us who are best described as “whew,” there’s still race car helmets.
Putting on a full-face racing helmet makes you look super badass. You don’t even need to talk, just focus your steely competition-hardened gaze on whoever is talking, judging them in silence. It’s better than a pair of sunglasses, and with today’s increase in sunglasses cost, cheaper too. Even when you’re required not to wear the helmet, such as being at work, you can put it on the edge of your desk. In this way, your coworkers know that, as soon as the whistle blows, you’ll be popping skids through the parking lot on your way to set the fastest time of the day at some sanctioned racing event.
Even those of us who are misshapen lumps in general benefit from this standard held by society. Tired of people judging your outdated, thrift-store clothes? Nomex race suits come in about seven different colours, and that’s all the choice you get. Each and every one of them makes you look like you could catch fire performing a heroically dangerous motorsport at any second. If you buy a genuine suit instead of some AliExpress cosplay special, you’ll probably even survive the fire, stumbling out of your stricken car aflame for a bad-ass splash photo on some regular person’s magazine article about the race. That could be useful office wear as well, if your coworkers are as bad at operating the toaster oven as mine.
Perhaps the most attractive quality of wearing a full race suit during your daily activities is the increased confidence it will give you. No longer will you have to worry about other human beings seeing the pallor of your skin, or your heinous facial structure. You can swagger directly into a bank, or mall, or toddler playdate and let your counterparty – no, your opponent – watch themselves for flaws in your immaculate, mirrored visor. If that isn’t a good use of several thousand dollars, I don’t know what is.
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ellemfaoh · 2 years
Pinball, Hair, and Detention Epilogue | Vance Hopper x Reader
(I’m too lazy to link all the other parts rn)
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Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Recovery
Content Warnings: Shitily Written Panic Attacks, Out Of Character Vance
Summary: You go back to school shortly after your discharge from the hospital but now everything is different. Classmates, teachers, faculty, and parents see you differently; but in a positive way. You’re the badass who got rid of the Grabber, the badass who escaped what could’ve been certain death, the badass that’s crazy paranoid now and behaves totally different from before.
A/N: A short epilogue to Pinball, Hair, and Detention was requested; so naturally I’d write it. The love I got for this series was crazy and I’m glad you all liked it! I’ll be working on some of my requests after this, so expect some oneshots now.
Discharge from the hospital and adjustment into normal life again was very weird. You hadn’t seen your town in just over ten days so it couldn’t have changed much—but in your eyes everything was different. Cars parked on the street were swimming with malice, shortcuts you had once taken through the small town were traps waiting for some dumb kid to come through, and adults who stared at you for longer than a glance were people who were plotting your kidnapping. You’d started therapy with the hospital psychiatrist weekly on Friday afternoons and she was a great help in getting you started to what would soon be your ‘norm’ again.
Walking into school alongside your friends was what she had suggested and it helped a ton. Bruce kept you too occupied to focus on the attention you got in the hallway. You didn’t hear the whispers of ‘(Y/N) is actually back?’ or, ‘She actually lived? That’s crazy.’
“And then Amy threw my ball into our neighbors backyard! Imagine how embarrassed I was when I tried to quickly hop the fence and saw Mrs. Francis sunbathing.”
You laughed, patting Bruce’s shoulder. “Why didn’t you just knock on her door and ask for it back?”
The boy paused in step, his mind running because he clearly didn’t think that incident through. “Oh.”
You both walked down the hall for a little more as you waited for school to start, Bruce doing a good job distracting you while you did a good job in attracting attention. It wasn’t like it was on purpose—people just wanted to talk about the kid who escaped The Grabber and clearly didn’t think how their words might make you feel. When the bell rang and students started rushing through the halls to get to their classes, you sighed. You supposed one bonus of getting kidnapped for around a week was that you missed school.
“I’ll catch you up on everything Biology, don’t worry (Y/N).” Bruce smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder in a sort of protective manner as he brought you close to him. “No need to fear, the ever charismatic and heroic Bruce Yamada will be your biggest helper.”
“Gee, I’m so excited.” You said in a sarcastic manner.
You tried to ignore the prickling feeling of stares on your back. You couldn’t help but pay special attention to the staring now—all it reminded you of was the masked man sitting close or far from you as he watched you ‘sleep.’ Your hand squeezed Bruce’s a little tighter, a subconscious effort to feel close and comforted by your friend.
You barely made it to lunch when Vance approached you. It was weird when he didn’t show up for all of second period, but you just assumed he was skipping or got in trouble or something. You had been walking over to the cafeteria line when the blonde put his hand on your shoulder, a gruff but gentle ‘hey’ coming from him before you swung around and punched him in the chest.
It took you a moment to stop hearing the rushing of blood in your ears and instead hear Vance’s grunts of pain, your eyes wide. “Holy shit, Hopper! Why’d you sneak up on me like that?! Are you okay? What the hell is wrong with you?!”
There were people watching you both, the many conversations summing up to: (Y/N) Can totally rock Vance Hopper’s shit!
You helped Vance stand up from his place on the floor, a hand pressed over his chest. You definitely winded and bruised the poor guy. He looked at you and smacked the back of your head in revenge. You didn’t have the energy to get involved in a mini-brawl with him right now, and you thought that by the end you two would have some sort of weird tension going on. No one knew that you and Vance were kinda-sorta-seeing-each-other (though Bruce had a suspicion), so you two were keeping it kind of secret.
Everyone knew Vance had helped you get out of the basement, so when you two were with each other people seemed to go crazy. You heard whispers from kids about how you both ‘probably plotted on getting famous together so they set it up,’ or about how ‘Vance was so heroic and it was an enemies to lovers story bound to happen.’ Surprise surprise, the second person was right.
“Hey, you mother fuckers better stop whispering about that Grabber bullshit. If (Y/N) and I could kill that bastard then you guys will be cakewalks.”
Being on good terms with Vance had its perks now.
When you were walking through the hallways to get to the bathroom when it happened. As you walked through the dim and fluorescent lit hallways, an eerie feeling crawled up your spine at the awkward silence on your shoes against the linoleum tiles under you. You refused to look at the floor because of that. It was the same pattern as that stupid fucking basement. Life seemed to be taunting you—especially because when you walked into the bathroom, some asshole kid jumpscared you, grabbing you by the shoulders as a loud scream echoed around the hallways. Wait, that was your scream.
A teacher ran over to you crouched on the floor, your head in your hands as you sat there rocking on the balls of your feet, thick and heavy tears dripping down your face as you whispered and mumbled to yourself. You heard quick footsteps rushing to where you were, a very concerned Vance by your side in almost an instant.
“You aren’t there anymore, it was just some dickhead (Y/N), don’t worry.”
“I hate high school.” You mumbled, your breathing finally starting to even out as you calmed down. It didn’t take long to calm down, but you didn’t exactly like yourself breaking down in the middle of a hallway in the middle of the school day.
“Woah, (Y/N) is crying in the middle of the hall.” You heard.
“Isn’t she like, hardened by that kidnapping thing? What’s up with her?”
“Some kid jumpscared her. Give her a break.”
You stood up and quickly wiped your tears, face red and puffy but your eyes were angry. What a cruel fucking joke that you’d be stuck with all these issues after escaping something. It was supposed to be a miracle. It was supposed to be unbelievable luck. It was bullshit. “I wanna go home.”
It had been about a week since that incident in the hallway, you were sitting at your table with Bruce and a few of his friends, Vance right next to you as well. Ever since that incident you weren’t super nice or any sort of nervous. You were a little more closed off, a little more paranoid your peers were pitying you or making fun of you. Kids seemed to talk less about you openly, people avoided you a little more—not because they were scared, but because you seemed untouchable. If someone did something wrong, would you lash out or start panicking?
Being around your friends was the closest people would get to seeing you ‘normal.’ You laughed with them like you did before and seemed to be less closed off. You kept your hair the same style it had become when Vance cut it—a sort of reminder to yourself that you needed to grow before letting yourself change. It was some sort of weird trauma thing.
You were talking with Bruce and his baseball friend Jason about something involving biology when Vance noticed it. You didn’t seem to be really grounded to anything around you—more like your body was there and your mind was elsewhere. As you laughed along with the two boys, Vance’s hand slowly slid on top of yours that was resting on the bench next to you, a small squeeze coming from him. He was there for you—he just hoped you realized it. When you only glanced at him and didn’t reciprocate, the blonde knew something was wrong. He needed to talk to you privately.
Nine-something-PM at night, your bedside lamp the only thing turned on, a quiet murmur of music in the background as your record played your favorite song ‘Fox on the Run.’ The ambiance was great for your mind to be a bundle of thoughts and nerves, your head on your pillow and Albert’s mask in your hand. You hated the guy, you were glad he was dead, yet in a weird way you wanted to keep the mask. The police found the other pieces to it in his house, but they didn’t find the angry eyes portion in the bush just outside of the broken basement window. You had walked by his house a few days after your hospital discharge and remembered it, so you picked it up and left quickly afterwards.
“If I could kill you again with the full satisfaction of seeing you die, then I would.” You told the mask, rolling over and dropping it under your nightstand. “Should I have died there too?”
You heard a knock of something against your window, an aggressive chill running down your spine. Who got your address? Was someone coming to kidnap you? Was someone coming to finish Albert’s job?
“Open the window, (Y/N).” Oh, it was just Vance.
You laughed to yourself and pushed the window up, leaning on the windowsill and looked at the blonde in front of you. “Oh Romeo, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
His hand gripped the sides, pulling himself in while simultaneously pushing you out of the way. When he was standing in your room he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and leaned his head against yours. “I’m afraid I’ve noticed something dreadful.” You loved when he played along with your jokes. Your grade had recently started to study Romeo and Juliet in English, and it was also the thing you and Vance had recently started to make fun of.
“And what might that be?”
“You’re different.”
Your stomach lurched. What did he mean? Does everyone think this way? Are you failing at going back? Are you never gonna be “normal” again?
“Ha…what do you mean Vance?”
He stared at you, his hands on your shoulders and eyes searching yours. “You aren’t fully ‘there’ whenever you talk with people, you seem way more closed off than you used to be, and you’re way more paranoid—which makes sense.”
His words hit you. They hit you hard. The paranoia was normal from what the doctors said, but you couldn’t explain or rationalize the other parts. How aren’t you interacting normally? How are you not fully there? You laugh when you should and chime into the conversation when you need to.
“I don’t get it.” You said, pulling away and flopping on your bed. “I’ve been trying so hard to go back to normal…what am I doing wrong?”
There was a beat of silence before you felt added weight on your side, Vance’s body pushing against yours as he grabbed your hand. For such a rough and tough delinquent, he really was quite gentle. There were another few moments of quiet before he spoke again, pressing the back of your hand to his lips. You two were slowly getting used to each other and your feelings, so it was nice to know you were a little closer now.
“This is your new normal. You’ll get used to it.” Your eyes were teary, curling into the boy. “You got kidnapped and almost murdered, your brain changes a bunch because of that.”
“Wow, are ya the new brain doctor around here?” You laughed, feeling him flick your forehead. “Alright alright, I’ll stop.”
The blonde pulled you into a hug and laid there, his hands around your waist. You were a little shocked at first, but it subsided and you started to run your fingers through his hair, laying in his arms as the song playing quietly in the background came to an end.
“I’ll help you out when you need it.”
You just mumbled something unintelligible in his chest, finally falling asleep easily against Vance. Maybe it was having him here that made you feel safe, or maybe it was that someone that wasn’t a shrink actually knew what was up with you. When your snores started up and your breathing evened out, Vance finally curled into you as well as the ever-diligent big spoon, not expecting to hear the faintest rattle of a ring. Your room phone wasn’t ringing, so what could it have been?
His hand slid under your pillow and felt the sleek plastic, pulling out the black receiver with a confused look. Why did you have this under your pillow? He put the item against his ear out of curiosity, his hand that was rubbing small circles in your back slowing down.
“You clever kids really got me good.” A raspy voice called out from the other end. “You’re quite the pair, enjoy the rest of your tormented lives.”
Vance pulled the phone away when Albert started cackling, throwing the phone away from him and to the other side of the room. His heart was beating too fast for his liking and his chest was heaving, the voice of his tormentor ringing in his head. After a moment, he looked down at you and hugged you extra tight, pulling away for a moment and staring down at you. He was prepared to die just to save you when you were both locked in that shifty basement. After a moment he leaned down and pressed his lips to your own. He didn’t know why, but with the overwhelming emotions coursing through his body, this was the one that slipped out. Unfortunately, or fortunately, you were woken from your doze, smiling at the boy when he pulled away.
“Well well, thank you Prince Charming. You’ve saved me from my slumber.” You teased, threading your fingers into his hair and pulling him back down into a kiss. “It’s about time. What were you freaking out about?”
Vance looked down at you, his hands on either side of your head. Should he tell you? Nah. With a chuckle at his decision, he pressed a quick peck on your lips and stared at you. “If I said that I was so worked up because of you, would you believe me?”
You pushed him away with a squeal, rolling over onto your stomach and hiding under your covers, laughing loudly when he pounced on top of you and started tickling you.
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realredbanana · 4 months
(Redoing this with slightly better execution this time.. hopefully..)
(If you have any particular reasoning as to why you see him as a type, please elaborate, I’m curious as to how other people perceive him)
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More information about each of the types under the cut
Type 1: The Perfectionist/Reformer
The Rational, Idealist Type:
Principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic.
Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
At their Best: wise, discerning, realistic, and noble. Can be morally heroic.
Core desire: to be good, to have integrity, to be balanced
Core fear: being corrupt/evil, being defective
Key Motivations: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone.
Integration/Growth: 7
Disintegration/Stress: 4
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), methodical Ones suddenly become moody and irrational at Four. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), angry, critical Ones become more spontaneous and joyful, like healthy Sevens.
Type 2: The Helper
The Caring, Interpersonal Type:
Demonstrative, generous, people-pleasing, and possessive.
Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs.
At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.
Core desire: to feel loved
Core fear: being unwanted, being unworthy of being loved
Key Motivations: Want to be loved, to express their feelings for others, to be needed and appreciated, to get others to respond to them, to vindicate their claims about themselves.
Integration/Growth: 4
Disintegration/Stress: 8
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), needy Twos suddenly become aggressive and dominating at Eight. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), prideful, self-deceptive Twos become more self-nurturing and emotionally aware, like healthy Fours.
Type 3: The Achiever
The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type:
Adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious.
Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness.
At their best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be—role models who inspire others.
Core desire: to feel valuable and worthwhile
Core fear: being worthless
Key Motivations: Want to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others.
Integration/Growth: 6
Disintegration/Stress: 9
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), driven Threes suddenly become disengaged and apathetic at Nine. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), vain, deceitful Threes become more cooperative and committed to others, like healthy Sixes.
Type 4: The Individualist
The Sensitive, Introspective Type:
Expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental.
Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity.
At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.
Core desire: to find themselves and their significance (to create an identity)
Core fear: having no identity or personal significance
Key Motivations: Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a “rescuer.”
Integration/Growth: 1
Disintegration/Stress: 2
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), aloof Fours suddenly become over-involved and clinging at Two. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), envious, emotionally turbulent Fours become more objective and principled, like healthy Ones.
Type 5: The Investigator
The Intense, Cerebral Type:
Perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated.
Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation.
At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.
Core desire: to be capable and competent
Core fear: being useless, helpless, or incapable
Key Motivations: Want to possess knowledge, to understand the environment, to have everything figured out as a way of defending the self from threats from the environment.
Integration/Growth: 8
Disintegration/Stress: 7
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), detached Fives suddenly become hyperactive and scattered at Seven. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), avaricious, detached Fives become more self-confident and decisive, like healthy Eights.
Type 6: The Loyalist
The Committed, Security-Oriented Type:
Engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious.
The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent “troubleshooters,” they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion.
At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.
Core desire: to have security and support
Core fear: being without support and guidance
Key Motivations: Want to have security, to feel supported by others, to have certitude and reassurance, to test the attitudes of others toward them, to fight against anxiety and insecurity.
Integration/Growth: 9
Disintegration/Stress: 3
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), dutiful Sixes suddenly become competitive and arrogant at Three. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), fearful, pessimistic Sixes become more relaxed and optimistic, like healthy Nine.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
The Busy, Fun-Loving Type:
Spontaneous, versatile, distractible, and scattered.
Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness.
At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.
Core desire: to be satisfied and content — to have their needs fulfilled
Core fear: being deprived and in pain
Key Motivations: Want to maintain their freedom and happiness, to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep themselves excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain.
Integration/Growth: 5
Disintegration/Stress: 1
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), scattered Sevens suddenly become perfectionistic and critical at One. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), gluttonous, scattered Sevens become more focused and fascinated by life, like healthy Fives.
Type 8: The Challenger
The Powerful, Dominating Type:
Self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational.
Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others’ lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.
Core desire: to protect themselves, to be in control of their own life/destiny
Core fear: being harmed or controlled by others
Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.
Integration/Growth: 2
Disintegration/Stress: 5
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), self-confident Eights suddenly become secretive and fearful at Five. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), lustful, controlling Eights become more open-hearted and caring, like healthy Twos.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type:
Receptive, reassuring, agreeable, and complacent.
Enneagram Type Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness.
At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.
Core desire: to have inner stability “peace of mind”
Core fear: loss and separation
Key Motivations: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.
Integration/Growth: 3
Disintegration/Stress: 6
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), complacent Nines suddenly become anxious and worried at Six. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), slothful, self-neglecting Nines become more self-developing and energetic, like healthy Threes.
All info from enneagraminstitute.com
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It’s Time to End the Hero’s Journey
I don’t know about you, but I’ve absolutely had enough of it: the story structure known as the hero’s journey.
It’s everywhere, from Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark to just about every Bruce Willis or Tom Cruise movie you’ve ever seen even through to Barbie and The Hunger Games. A hero is called to action, refuses the call before begrudgingly accepting it, has adventures in which (generally) he is repeatedly tested, receives assistance from mentors and other helpers, is brought low by a nemesis shortly before (generally) ultimately succeeding, and comes home an enlightened person.
Brought to public awareness as a common pattern in myth by Joseph Campbell in his books, like The Hero With a Thousand Faces, it has irritatingly come to take over western, industrialized movie making and mass market fiction. We have even, to a frightening large extent, internalized our own personal narratives as hero’s journeys thanks, in part, to the self-help industry.
But this is all laziness and a terrible failure of imagination. On top of being egotistical and self-indulgent, the hero’s journey is far from the only structure possible for stories. Worse, its sharp focus on the individual and the male experience of heroism, instead of on community or other ways of moving through life, it has us longing for strong leaders of single–minded, masculine vision. And it has us dreaming of ourselves rising the occasion in the fight against tyranny and catastrophe instead of imagining ourselves working together with other people to solve systemic problems before they plunge us into exactly that sort of catastrophe and tyranny.
Oh, Have You Ever Heard This Story Before
Even if you haven’t been formally introduced to it, you encounter the hero’s journey all the time. Lifted from myths like the wanderings of Odysseus, the story of Jonah, the life of Buddha, and many fairy tales, the hero’s journey has morphed into what feels like our default mode of storytelling.
Take the “save the cat” rules for script writing, which are just the hero’s journey template. Just about every Hollywood blockbuster now follows this formula. Not just just about every Bruce Willis and Tom Cruise (and the Rock and Vin Diesel and Liam Neesen and etc) movie ever, but all the super hero movies. Even female protagonists are frequently shoehorned into the hero’s journey template (see: Angelina Jolie in “Salt” and “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”; Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games books and films; Mila Jovovich in all the Resident Evil movies; and even the little girl at the heart of the story of “Spirited Away”), as if the only way to be interesting is if you’re a hero just like the guys.
But This Is Not Great
While these stories make for great escapism, they’re not great for actually changing the world.
Look at the sort of places the hero’s journey goes…
At the end of the movie Edge of Tomorrow, it becomes clear that the whole point of Tom Cruise’s character’s saving the world from alien invasion is that he’s learned to be a brave, bold hero, rather than a selfish coward. This doesn’t make him less arrogant, but it means he gets the girl, the satisfaction of knowing he has saved the life of anyone he will ever meet, and a magical fresh start that wipes away the negative consequences of his previous insufficiently heroic behavior.
Or, look at Katniss at the end of the fourth Hunger Games movie (Mockingjay, part 2). She’s sitting in a sunny meadow with her husband and young children. On the one hand, oh, I get it know. This is why ordinary people pick up arms and go to war in the face of a terrible threat. She fought so hard and sacrificed so much, not just for her own survival, but so her as not yet even conceived of children could grow up in freedom. It was all worth it. On the other hand, she’s been transformed from being a fearless warrior, skilled hunter, revered leader, and the chosen one who fomented an entire revolution by staying true to her ideals and made the world safe from not one, but two tyrants into a harmless young mother, utterly unthreatening in a faded, modest calico dress, tending to her husband and young family. The whole point of her journey is that the minute she she doesn’t need to be a strong, fearless, rousing warrior anymore of unprecedented skill with a bow and arrow she can happily settle into domesticated bliss, aside from a bit of PTSD? That, deed done, she can now settle into the fate she was truly made for, that of being tame and ordinary and enjoying her subservient place in the patriarchy? I mean, ARGH!
And then there’s “Oppenheimer”, which took the incredible story of everyone and everything that converged to create the atomic bomb, drop it on Japan, and start the Cold War and turned it into the personal hero’s journey of one man. So ridiculous and, frankly, so meh. Go read The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes—which is one of the best books ever written—if you want your mind properly blown by this story. Sure, his story of the endeavor is way more challenging to the reader—you’re going to be exposed to actual information about atomic physics— than the celebrity biopic approach. But you get so much gain for your pain if you push through the reading of the story. You’ll learn so much of the history of the chemistry of the elements that make up existence, of the various genius scientists (all of whom were some pretty interesting characters) involved in the advancement of nuclear science and the Manhattan Project, and you’ll truly feel the horror of the scientists when the military comes along and takes the product of their hard work to save the free world and doesn’t give them any say on how it will be used. But Oppenheimer (in the movie about him). Oh, poor guy, gets his name drawn through the mud by a political nemesis and is a bit sad when all the people die when the bomb is dropped. Sheesh. Doing its sad little treading of the boards in the shadow of The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Oppenheimer is the perfect example of how limited, narrow minded, narcissistic, and shallow the hero’s journey approach can be compared to other ways of telling the story.
 We Should Be Telling All Sorts of Stories
Honestly, these hero’s journey stories aren’t the only kinds of stories we should be telling—either within in the genre of solarpunk or not. Not only is all this heroic journeying getting boring, there are major downsides to locking ourselves into this single vision of story. Like becoming fans of authoritarianism and monarchy.
David Brin had some great words about how Star Wars’ use of the hero’s journey results in main messages that are authoritarian and undemocratic, leading us, for instance, to forgive—and even fete—great evil, despite the millions of death that person (Darth Vader) has caused, so long as he performs a personal act of redemption in the end. Star Wars and its hero’s journey involving the Skywalkers has us cheering on people with a magical hereditary right to power, as if we’re fine with consigning basically everyone else to be followers.
Jo Walton and Ada Palmer also touched on the down sides and limitations of the hero’s journey, at least adjacently, in their editorial in Uncanny Magazine that called for more stories that don’t center on a single protagonist, called to action, from whom all change unfolds. Using history as their example, the point out that events generally happen because of the actions of the many, not just of one special single person. I might add, when big outcomes do hinge upon the actions, leadership, and unique talents of one single person, it’s generally someone despotic, like Hitler or Stalin. And, as pointed out to us by one of our listeners, Jon Ronson has a great podcast with one episode in particular about how trying to understand your own life as a hero’s journey can lead you to brainwash yourself straight down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, until the call to action you hear is to undermine, if not actually overthrow, democracy.
 To the Typewriter Computer, Solarpunks!
Here’s my call to action by you. Let’s let solarpunk stories dump the hero’s journey, even as a means to explore life in a solarpunk future. Let’s use all the other story structures instead.
Let’s tell stories about endeavors—like the making of the atomic bomb—not about a person undertaking an endeavor—like Oppenheimer herding his cats at Los Alamos.
Let’s tell stories about relationships between people, or between a group of people and the natural world.
Let’s tell stories where the actions of an individual on his, her, or their own never advance the plot.
Let’s tell stories about moments, or about conflicts, where what’s interesting is the development of the moment or conflict, not of the protagonist and antagonist’s paths through them.
And when we do tell stories about a single protagonist, let’s not keep religiously following the structure laid out by Joseph Campbell and copied by save the cat.
Not every protagonist needs to be a hero! There are so many other arcs to follow.
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DCA Pokémon Teams (Part 2)
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Hello everyone! Remember that post I made about the DCA girls having Pokemon teams? Well, I decided to remake them, as well as explain the reason why each Pokémon was chosen. This was also particularly inspired by silvermoon424’s Sailor Trainers post. This second post will go over the next 5 dorm leaders: Rozeline, Vidya, Jinlong, Elu and Perrine.
Go to Part 1
Rozeline Pierrette 📚
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For Rozeline’s team, I for the most part wanted to pick Pokemon that reflect her personality and interests.
Chandelure was picked for aesthetic purposes
Magearna was picked since I feel that Rozeline would have made it to serve as a domestic helper at her home.
Roserade references both her name and roses being a motif with the story of Beauty and the Beast.
Lycanroc was chosen to reference the wolf that Rozeline encountered during her childhood.
Grimmsnarl was chosen to reference Rozeline’s unique magic.
Klang was chosen for aesthetic purposes.
Vidya Nazari 🏝️
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Vidya’s team mostly consists of Pokémon that reference her personality and abilities.
Incineroar references Rajin, Vidya’s right hand man and confidant.
Phanpy references Vidya’s pet albino elephant, Asha.
Regirock references Vidya’s unique magic.
Honedge references Vidya’s weapon handling skills.
Floges and Belleossm reference Vidya’s love if gardening, with the latter referencing her excelling a Cultural Dance.
Jinlong Esi 🐲
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Jinlong’s team consists of two of each Pokémon type, Dragon, Fighting and Fire.
Like Briar, Jinlong also gets a legendary, and its name is Rayquaza. Known as the “Sky High Pokémon”, it’s known for its desire to do heroic deeds. Much like how Jinlong hails from the Valley of Clouds as well as her desire to prove her worth.
Drampa, Mienshao, Pangoro and Vulpix were chosen for aesthetic purposes.
Talonflame was chosen to reference Jinlong being in the Aviary Club.
Elu Sorrel 🐻
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Elu’s team consists of mostly woodland aesthetics, with some references to the Pocahontas.
Sigilyph was chosen for aesthetic purposes.
Decidueye was chosen for its archery aesthetic and it’s described as being cool and cautious by nature.
Trevenant was chosen for aesthetic purposes.
Sunflora references how Disney’s Pocahontas is often associated with sunflowers.
Ursaring references Elu bring a bear beastwoman
Pikipek is meant to reference Elu’s animal companion
Perrine Bousquet 🐸
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Perrine’s team consists of Pokémon that match the aesthetics of both her personality and The Princess and the Frog.
Slurpuff was chosen since I felt that Perrine would need a little helper in the kitchen.
Alcremie was chosen for somewhat similar reasons.
Illumise references the fireflies that appear in The Princess and the Frog.
Lilligant was chosen for aesthetic reasons.
Politoed was chosen for both its frog-like design and its fondness for singing.
Totodile references both her alligator friend, Big Tooth and her ability to tame reptilian based creatures.
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