#here's the revamped version as promise
nightiingaled · 11 months
Genpact Verse | Mel.
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"To the heights of Celestia?....I have not the will or the strength to make it that far. I am but simple in my desire: to heal the pains that cause all suffering."
Long ago, in what is now Fontaine, a man rose to the height of Celestia and became Mortime - the anemo god of healers. He loved humanity , teaching them newfound manners of medicine and moving from place to place to see that all of Teyvat shared in these new experiences. The Archon war was a horror to him. He had no desire to fight for power, happy to dote upon humanity and relinquish any craving for a Throne. But others gods were threatened by his power and went to war against him nevertheless. Defensive of himself, he fought bitterly to the end. The resulting aftermath resulted in Mortime being sealed away beneath the joining areas of Liyue and Mondstadt.
What remained of the god's essence would become corrupted with rage and bitterness through time, forming into various creatures in the area of his fall. Many Yakshas would be tasked to take on these creatures by Morax, but eventually they would find one such creature to be different. Before Mortime was lost entirely to erosion, his remaining compassion towards humanity gave way not to a monster, but a child. A child of pure energy; a child wielding the great healing powers of the god himself.
Born amongst the miasma of the god's corruption, the child would be marked - hunted as equally as the monsters formed by her father's anger. But she would persist - fueled by her father's remaining love of humanity and desire to save it from the suffering brought on by existence. Appearing throughout the centuries, she is found as warrior and healer in the worst of times. Some bards speak of her in stories, though names change through the eras. Many do not notice she still walks amongst them now.
The most recent iteration of this goddess is Mel, find her where the suffering is thickest, where the world teeters on the edge.
Element: Anemo (fake Vision) Weapon: Catalyst
0 notes
idcallmyselfhuman · 1 year
XiaoAether Masterlist 👹⛅
Edit: version 2.0 here
Or, every XiaoAether moment that I can remember (and an attempt to organize them)
Starting this off with the one scene that made us all go "wait a fucking minute" at the very start of the game,
Battle of Osial
Aether's feet were already steadied. Xiao could've let go, or let him fall as gracefully as Mountain Shaper did to that guard (I would've hated him forever) but considering that he insists that being near mortals is such a biiiig no-no, he could have, but he didn't. No, even more, he fucking tightened his hold.
Teyvat Food Notes (Sweet Dream, Adeptus' Temptation and Satisfying Salad)
Next! The promotionals during Xiao's release as a playable character. Specifically, Teyvat Food Notes. To celebrate his release, they made an Almond Tofu + Sweet Dream Food blog.
Note: Both google translate and Papago seem to use Mandrill instead of Xiao, so... just know that's who it's talking about.
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This is where we learn that Xiao didn't even make "Sweet Dream"; this dish was Aether's thank you gift to him. Xiao's specialty dish is a gift from Aether. I'm- agh. ANYWAY.
We actually also see Sweet Dream in Childe's birthday art. And I'm really sorry to Tartaglia but seeing it stole all his thunder. I could not get over it.
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I like to think Aether was so busy making Childe food that he absentmindedly started preparing Almond Tofu in the way he's used to (because of how often Xiao requests it :'> ).
Just when I thought that was it for the Teyvat Food Notes and I could've moved on, I found this in the Adeptus' Temptation food note; the one they made for the first Lantern Rite.
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Note: "Fairy/Buddha Jump over the Wall" is apparently an actual Chinese delicacy that the Adeptus' Temptation is based on!
I found this part really cute, especially right now because of the poetry event. Since the beginning, Aether's always known that Xiao was capable of being poetic, it just took them being close and his encouragement for Xiao to actually make a poem.
Lastly, Aether's Satisfying Salad. This isn't connected to the food blog this time (since that one's for Mona), but rather, this and Almond Tofu are the first dishes Aether has ever given Xiao in the game. I included this despite it being pretty minor because in Moonlight Merriment, Smiley Yanxiao actually brings this up again.
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Smiley Yanxiao: The boss told me to take care of him, but this guy, let me tell you - he is one tough nut to crack. He usually turns his nose up at everything that isn't Almond Tofu.
Xiao willingly ate something that wasn't Almond Tofu because... because what, it was given to him by a cute blonde traveler? The jury's still out on that one.
Lantern Rite 1.3, Baizhu Story Quest
I'm sure we're already familiar with this scene, right?
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The very first time Xiao promised Aether that no matter what, as long as he calls his name, he'll be there. Right after that was Moonlight Merriment, where the game literally specifies that Xiao made that promise just for Aether. Way to make your commitment subtle.
Ah, Xiao, you're so easy... Of course, this wouldn't be the last time that Aether calls for him and Xiao arrives immediately. This also happened during Baizhu's story quest to, yet again, the astonishment of everyone around excluding these two. (Xiao's dedication is one of a kind)
Xiao worries over Aether often, despite knowing that they're both formidable in their own right. I also think it's sweet how every time they meet, Xiao's departing words are always a reminder to call for him whenever needed, to the point where there are times that Aether just goes "Yeah, we know." before he can even finish the sentence.
Unfortunately, though, there is one time where Xiao failed to reach Aether when he called him, but only because he physically wasn't able to.
Perilous Trail (Interlude)
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The only thing that prevented this man from getting to Aether like always was being in a different plane of existence. Romeo and Juliet wish they were this romantic istfg
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Aether: Come find us.
Xiao: No.
Yanfei: But Aether's in trouble!
Xiao: How do we meet?
Now where else did someone pull this tactic recently-
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...Again, XIAO YOU ARE SO EASY. But anyway, back to the Chasm bc I wasn't quite done with that-
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As soon as Yanfei tells Aether that Xiao is awake, Ae comes running. Just full on "stop saying you're fine i'll be the judge of that"
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And he looks so angry when Xiao brings up writing a will. augguh they are sooooo- (i would put a reaction pic here if i didn't have an IMAGE LIMIT fuck tumblr bro)
To finish off the Chasm Interlude on a more serious note, this entire conversation was really touching, and I love seeing the progress these two have made over the years. Xiao letting himself open up with Aether's help year by year is one of my favorite things about this game.
Teapot and Character Voice Lines + Birthday Letters
For the first and second Lantern Rite, Xiao was still adamant on not even stepping foot in Liyue Harbor, declining every invitation to go there because of how much he disliked being near mortals.
Yet in his teapot voicelines, once you reach a high enough friendship with him, Xiao actually takes the initiative to invite Aether to go to the city, if only to understand him better. Xiao explicitly says that his willingness to go to the harbor was for him.
More About Xiao I: I'm willing to protect you.But don't think about getting close, and stay out of my way, or all that awaits you is regret.
More About Xiao V: It's too late. The connection between us is too strong. Even if you wanted to, it's too late to sever it. Hm? You've never thought to sever it?
About Shenhe: It seems Shenhe places a great deal of trust in you. Well, how could she not. There are few people in the world as kind and good-natured as you.
Shenhe, About Xiao: My first impression of him was that he's not one to smile. After meeting him again more recently, however, he's still as reserved as ever, but… he seems a lot more relaxed now. Maybe he… met someone special.
That line by Shenhe made me happy. Aether's effect on Xiao benefitted not only him, but the people surrounding Xiao as well. We even see that in his birthday letters, where at the most recent one, he follows Ae's advice and goes to spend time with old friends.
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They're also all just insanely romantic, I feel like that goes without saying. Every year, I wonder how Genshin would possibly top the one before it that isn't just an explicit confession of undying love.
Lantern Rite '23
I'm here to remind you all of a beautiful scene that should never be forgotten for years to come.
Regardless of Genshin trying to be mysterious and making us guess who saved Aether, the fact that they both came rushing over is incredible on its own. They know that Aether isn't a damsel in distress, and Paimon's acting was so on the nose, but they still couldn't allow even the slightest possibility of harm to come to him.
Xiao looking away and talking in circles just to say he really was worried is the funniest fucking thing.
For the Lantern Rite event itself, if you've read this far in, you're probably already familiar. I really wish there wasn't an image limit because I have so many screenshots I want to put in here. If you want a refresher, watch this and start around the 2-hour mark
I wanted to put my own video in the post but you can only put one :/// I'm fist fighting whoever put these limits. 1 video file and 30 images? who are you
There really isn't much I could say that I haven't already said before. For XiaoAether shippers, this was hoyo spoonfeeding content on a silver spoon. It's Aether and Xiao at their most comfortable with each other, talking and spending time with the people they care about. It's Aether fulfilling his end of the bargain of bailing Xiao out of uncomfortable social situations, because if you haven't noticed throughout all of these examples (or even outside of that), Aether is so perceptive when it comes to the comfort of the people around him.
This was also the event where we find out that for Xiao, the most distinguished guest in his eyes was Aether (Even though Ae thought he was going to say Zhongli..)
I have a lot of love for this event. But since this isn't just a lantern rite post, I'll move on.
Waterborne Poetry
The catalyst for this post. The reminder of how lovely this ship is, and how far these two have come.
As we have all learned from Xiangling, Yanfei, Venti and Hu Tao, you only need to mention Aether's name to convince Xiao of whatever it is you're planning. The part where Aether and Team Chongyun were trying to convince him to come with them and touch some fucking grass was really cute.
This event and the previous Lantern Rite also had Aether and Xiao talking privately, only to get interrupted by Paimon/Xiangling (as well as calling them out lmao)
And, of course, the scene that everyone freaked out over,
This. I don't think I'll ever get over this.
The fact that they had Zach voice this- A short, but sweet moment where Aether looks at Xiao from afar and immediately gets inspired, performing a poem where the real meaning is shared only between the two of them...
And Xiao's smile.
An expression that Aether had done so well to bring out.
2023 was the year of XiaoAether. Thank you, Hoyo.
Done! I HAVE SO MANY SCREENSHOTS AND I COULDN'T EVEN USE MOST OF THEM ToT. I actually had clips that I edited but Tumblr said no. Good thing there's YouTube.
Another reason as to why I made this was because some shippers said that XiaoAe didn't make sense because it lacked depth and I was so affronted by it that I did all this out of spite (and love for these characters. mostly love.)
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Workplace Gossip
Jim Hopper x fem!younger!reader (reader is 25!) 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: age gap relationship (legal ofc!!), jim being insecure in that, innuendos, billy flirting with the reader, mentions of his daughter and her cancer
Author’s Note: hello again!!! if you recognize this one, you probably red Hugs way back when. this is the revamped version as an attempt to return to the stranger things roots before i hit the old billy and steve ones!! lemme know what you guys think <;3
The original request; by anon, Hi! Loved your Hopper imagine! Can you do another one with him with the reader and him having a bit of an age gap? I don’t own these characters. They belong to the author/director 
(not my gif)
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You were rushing. You could feel the cold nipping at your sides, freezing the mobility in your hands but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You breathed through your mouth as you walked down the sidewalk. If you started to run you could get to your job interview in five minutes. You looked down at your wrist watch and cursed under your breath. Running in heels wasn’t your best idea but showing up late wasn’t exactly the best way to start a job. 
When you looked back up it was too late. You ran directly into a large man, causing an intake of breath from yourself and ‘shit’ from him.
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You caught sight of the badge on his chest and the hat on his head. Police. 
You couldn’t be detained for not paying attention, that was ridiculous. Right? 
“Where are you going so fast at 7 in the morning?” he asked, annoyance in his voice. 
“I have a job interview.” You bit your tongue. At the station. There was an opening for a secretary job. “I’m sorry again, I’m already running late.” He let you move aside and rush down the street, now running in heels that were too tall for you. He mumbled something about being morning people and kept walking. 
“I am so sorry, I got off on the bus at the wrong stop. I’m still figuring out Hawkins, I just moved here last week,” you explained, out of breath, perspiration beating down your forehead. So much for the business casual blouse you had sweat through. 
“It’s no worries honey,” a woman at the front said with a dismissive look. “You were the only one coming. As long as you’re not a criminal, you’re a shoo in.” You let out a breath of relief. 
“I’m not a criminal,” you promised. You handed her your resume, sitting down at the desk across from her. “I’m just out of college, 25. I’ve had jobs before during school but I’m looking for something more long term since moving here,” you explained. 
“Why did you move here?” she questioned. It sounded more like curiosity than an interview question. 
“It’s a small town, I’ve always wanted to live in a small town. Also, I wanted some independence. I’ve only ever really lived in dorms and such.” You fixed your hair eagerly. 
“You picked quite the place.” 
“So I’ve heard.”
“People who land in Hawkins never leave it. I should know, I was born and raised,” she muttered. She was shuffling through some papers like this wasn't a big deal to her. You cleared your throat.
“I’ve always just wanted to be part of a community,” you explained. “I like the small town community. I want to get to know the people. Grow my communication skills,” you suggested, even though it was only half true. You liked that no one ever left Hawkins. It left plenty of jobs for people like yourself, fresh out of college. 
The front door opened. You both turned and you saw a face you recognized. He was holding a small box of half a dozen donuts.
“Meet your new secretary Chief,” Flo said, standing up from her desk. “She gets started tomorrow.” She grabbed the box out of his hands, walking through the doorway to where all the officers desks were. You stood up as well, trying to put on a smile. He looked down at you, sizing you up it seemed. 
“You weren’t too late.” 
“No sir.” 
“Don’t bother with the sir crap,” he said, a gentleness to his voice. A casualness you admired. “Jim. Or Hopper.” 
“Jim Hopper.” 
“Yeah.” You extended a hand. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. It’s a pleasure to work with you,” you said, brightly smiling now. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around town,” he said, starting to walk through the doorway. You followed him, unsure if you were supposed to but also unsure how you could continue the conversation otherwise. 
“I just moved here last week.”
“Picked a hell of a place,” he grumbled. You laughed gently. 
“I’ve heard.” He started to pour himself a cup of coffee. He gestured the pot to you but you shook your head. You were still high on adrenaline from rushing here. “How is crime here?”
“Riveting,” he deadpanned. “You’ll do fine.” His voice was so soothing. You nodded, believing him deeply. 
He smiled slyly, leaning against the table. He took a sip of his black coffee. You looked at him through your lashes, knowing you were going to get into trouble with this one. If he looked at you like that everyday you would never want to leave Hawkins at all. 
“I promise.” 
Technically speaking, Flo never intended on counting down the days until Chief Hopper asked you out but then on day seven she realized she was. She watched as you came into the room and he adjusted himself in his seat, his eyes floated towards you with a gentle care, and your smile widened. You were good at the logistics. You were good at the job. That made everything else easier. 
You got the paperwork done that you needed to and sometimes, you got the paperwork he needed done as well. Powell suggested putting up a countdown to make it more obvious but everyone shut up about it. 
“Don’t you think she should go with someone closer to her age?” Callahan asked, leaning back in his chair. Flo gave him a hard look as she walked through the room. You and Jim were in his office, powering through paperwork. 
“Who, like you?” Powell questioned. 
“She’s cute!” he argued back. Powell, actually doing work, rolled his eyes. 
“Her frontal lobe is fully developed,” Flo argued. “She can make her own decisions. I, for one, would like to see the Chief happy since Diane.” 
“Only ancient people remember Diane.” Callahan was trying to balance a pencil on his nose. It fell. He made it look like he hadn’t been doing it to start with. “You think she likes him?”
“I think she loves him.”
“It’s been literally a week. She could not love anyone, let alone Jim Hopper, in that time.” 
“What about Jim Hopper?” You turned the corner, holding a small stack of papers. 
“He needs to do his own work. You’re babying the old man,” Callahan said, pointing his pencil at you. 
“He’s not that old,” you suggested.
“She’s right,” Hopper responded. “Watch your mouth Phil.” Callahan put his hands up in defeat and turned back to his desk. You put the things onto your desk to be finalized. You were coming to enjoy the steady, familiar pace of this new life. “I’m grabbing lunch.” He grabbed the keys to the cruiser. He paused, momentarily. No one else would’ve been able to catch it. You were watching him for his words, accepting them before they even came. “You comin?” he asked. You tried to hide the flush on your face as you glanced upwards, like you were attempting to make sure your schedule was full. 
“Only if you’re paying.” 
“Student debt that much of a bitch?” You grabbed your coat and put it on. 
“I just like guys to pay on dates.” You walked past him, trying to suppress a smile. His eyes went wide as they floated to those around him. 
“You two take the day,” Flo said, pleasantly, like she had orchestrated this whole thing. 
“Literally go, Chief. Before I do,” Powell said. He had a small smile on his face too. He nodded, grabbing the door knob. 
“I’m gone.” -
By week three it was like you had only known this life. It was like it had been pre-made for you. Your body fit the mold of a life that had been waiting patiently for your arrival. Work, dates, drive-ins, socializing. Apparently Hopper knew everybody in this town and with a little work, you got him to introduce you to people. 
Never as the girlfriend. 
Just as the new secretary. 
You both tried to allow that to happen quietly. People would get used to seeing you two together eventually. There was no need to rush anything that didn’t have an exact label yet. You were just two people who happened to know each other. Intimately. 
You were eating french fries across from him at work, flipping through some papers. He narrowed his eyes at you. You tried to act like you didn’t notice. He wanted to tell you something. You glanced up at him, chewing slowly. 
“Yes Jim?”
“I have a daughter,” he said. 
“El. Yeah, I know.” You hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting her yet but you had heard lots about her. He was silent for a moment. 
“Sara. Her name was Sara,” he said, not meeting your eyes. “She died of cancer when she was 7. Everyone here knows.” He cleared his throat, sucking in air. “I thought it was unfair, if you didn’t know.” You knew he got divorced, Flo had told you that much. But you had no idea he had a daughter before El. 
“Oh,” you whispered. You racked your brain in an attempt to figure out how to salvage this situation. How did he want you to react? How should you react? “I’m sorry.” It felt inappropriate to be looking at paperwork so you put it down. “Thank you for telling me.” He nodded once, picking it up from you and then stealing one of your fries. 
“I have pictures of her at the house. I wanted you to know before you meet El.”
Eleven was wary but got used to you quickly. She liked that you acted a lot like Steve in some ways, even though you were eight years older than him. She liked that Max liked you. She liked that Mike liked you. 
She liked that Jim liked you. 
By week ten the cabin had become your second home. You laid on the couch while El watched a show. Jim had to work late tonight and you weren’t needed so you were always open to hanging out with her when you could. 
The light television buzzing was comforting. You flipped through a magazine, feeling the night begin to cause your eyes to droop. El was happily eating some eggos, whipped cream to top it off. You suggested throwing some chocolate chips on top of it too. 
“How’re you and Mike?” you asked, looking at the couple on TV. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. After hearing bits and pieces about how Jim came to have her, you were happy to see it. She deserved an easy life. 
“Good,” she said, shrugging. “How are you and Hopper?” You smiled a bit.
“We’re good.” 
“Good.” She pointed a finger at you. “The door stays open three inches.”
“El!” you teased, hitting her with the magazine. She erupted into giggles, whipped cream covering her smile. “You don’t even listen to that rule. There are like three rooms in this place!”
“More than one!” she argued, shrugging. You rolled your eyes. Headlights lit up the room. You had some of the blinds open but the sun had long set. It caused both you and El to wince. 
“You’re glad he’s home little lady,” you said, pointing the rolled up magazine at her. You both laughed as you got off the couch. You peaked out the window, out of habit, and saw a car you didn’t recognize. You squinted, unable to see more than the outline in the dark. A man got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. 
He walked in front of his headlights. You could see the outline of a mullet. He knocked on the door. Hopper, ever prepared, always left a baseball bat beside the door. You grabbed it nonchalantly, leaving it out of the eyesight of your guest. 
El had turned around. Hopper wouldn’t have knocked. 
Leaning against the door was the infamous Billy Hargrove. You had heard enough about him to be able to recognize him, not to mention you had seen him once or twice with Max. Jim’s words came back to you. 
“He has more parking tickets than the rest of the town combined.” 
“You’re being dramatic Jim.”
“Never get in that boy's car.”
“You jealous Jim?” 
He had rolled his eyes then but you could see what he was talking about now. There wasn’t a scratch on the car but there was a bruise on his face. 
“Hello. You are not who I was expecting to open the door.” El was hidden behind the couch, blocking his gaze from her. “Where’s the Chief?”
“Working,” you said, too meak for your liking. “Can I help you Billy?” He chewed on the toothpick between his teeth. He had a charming smile. You imagined lots of girls were the victims of that smile.
“I’m looking for my sister, Maxine. She around?” 
“Nope,” you said quickly. “I haven’t seen Max since this afternoon. She was at the arcade with El and everyone.” 
“You play taxi driver too?” he questioned, playing a bleeding heart. 
“When Jim can’t.” His eyes went wide but you suspected it was fake. 
“Wait, you aren’t El’s cousin from out of town or something? You’re sleeping with Hopper?” You flushed, immediately unable to stammer out a reasoning that benefited the situation. You hadn’t actually had an interaction like this. 
“Max isn’t here Billy,” you finally offered. 
He took the toothpick out of his mouth. 
“Well you know where I live if you ever want a good time,” he suggested. He tossed it aside. Littering. How attractive. He was starting to back away when you heard the sound of another car approaching. At the sight of someone else Jim stepped on the gas, pulling in at breakneck speed. He knew that car, even by the outline. “I never caught your name.”
“Y/N,” you said. 
“Thanks for the help Y/N.” He winked at you as he turned around. Jim hopped out of the car, shutting it aggressively. 
“What are you doing here Hargrove?” 
“Just looking for Max,” he said, hands in the air. “Your girl was mighty helpful.” Billy got into his car before anyone could punch him and backed out, rivaling Jim’s breakneck speed. 
“That fucking kid,” he grumbled as he walked in. You put your hand on his back, following him in. You kicked the front door shut behind you. “What’d he want?” 
“He just asked if Max was here.” You made the executive decision not to go further into that. “I said she wasn’t.” He took off his jacket. There was an aggression there you weren’t used to. He walked to the kitchen to get some food and probably a beer. 
“Thanks for watching her.”
“I can watch myself,” El said, looking up at him. There was a slight tinge in her voice that made you think she was telling the truth. 
“I know you can. But it makes me feel better if she’s here too.” 
“I don’t mind.” You followed him to the kitchen. He offered you a beer but you declined. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Good. Better now,” he muttered, kissing you on the forehead. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him. He embraced you, eyes lingering on the door. 
You didn’t think it ever really affected him. The age difference seemed like something you were used to from day one. But you knew Billy had affected him. The Hargrove boy was everything a young girl could want. He was bad as in bad boy. 
He didn’t say anything about it the rest of the night. 
You didn’t see Billy again for a couple more weeks. He became nothing more than a mindless thought in the back of your mind. You weren’t even that pre concerned with him the next day, though you could tell Jim seemed to be. You wanted to bring it up but felt like bringing it up would only make it worse. You waited until El was at Max’s, deciding that doing it alone would be the best route. 
He strayed near the phone in case El needed him.
“Callahan said he would finish that,” Jim was saying.
“When has he finished anything? Since I have moved here I have seen him get out of the chair two times. Maybe three!” You were eating pizza, the boxes strewn across the coffee table. The TV was on but neither of you were watching it. You laid on his back, rested comfortable between his legs. 
“That’s why we hired a new secretary.”
“I’m not an officer?” He laughed again. You turned around to him, giggling. “Could you imagine me with a gun? Jim, give me your gun, let’s see how that goes.” Your laughter melded, his arm resting around your chest.
“Absolutely not.”
“Exactly. Exactly.” 
You rested back down, snuggling into your spot. 
“Flo said she’d figure it out so you could have a day off without being called in. But I’m sure Harrington will lose a fight or something and we’ll both be called in.”
“Damn job.”
“Damn job is right!” You grabbed his hands, messing with his knuckles. “Let’s turn on the radio.”
“Oh God.” You stood up. 
“I’m done with my pizza, I wanna dance.”
“No you don’t.” 
“Yes I do. Try to keep up old man.” It just slipped out but you regretted saying it immediately. He didn’t show an outward reaction at first but he stood, eyebrows raised. 
“I seem to be able to keep up with you pretty well.” You tried to ignore the sly smile on his face. 
“Damn straight. Dance with me Hop.”
You offered your hand to him as you fumbled around the radio. He walked past you, turning it on. You scrambled away to turn off the TV when there was a knock on the door.
Both of you turned, surprised, caught off guard. 
“You expecting someone?” you asked.
“No. You?” 
“No sir.” 
You approached the door because you were closer. He stepped in front of you, opening it up. Max was on the other side, laughing bubbling from her lips. El was standing there too. 
“How did you get here?” he asked immediately. You saw Billy’s car before you saw Billy. You put your hand on Jim’s chest, pushing him back as gently as you could. It was like he could only see Billy at that moment, eyes red. 
“You’re back Y/N,” Billy called, leaning against his car door. He rested his hand on the top of the vehicle. 
“What the hell?” Hopper roared. He walked past the girls. 
“Inside. Quickly,” you hissed to them. They listened wordlessly. 
“You think it’s okay to drive my daughter around in that car? If I looked up the license of that car I would see so many tickets I could wallpaper my house!” 
“You haven’t taken me up on my offer,” he said, directly to you. “Shame.”
Billy wasn’t helping his case. Not in the slightest. 
“Hargrove get in your fucking car and go the fuck home,” you snarled. Billy watched your face and then finally paid Hopper a thought. 
“Offer stands.” He got in his car before Hopper could beat the shit out of him. Part of you wanted to see it. When his car was gone there was a heavy silence. 
“Fucking Hargrove,” he grumbled. You were both still standing out in the cold. You shivered. “Fucking Hargrove. He could’ve killed her.” He looked back at you. You were still watching where his car was. “Hey.” Your eyes snapped to him.
“Yeah. Fuck him.”
“What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” 
“The look on your face.”
“I don’t have a look.” His face fell a bit. He put a hand over his mouth, rubbing his beard in annoyance. 
“Do you like-”
“No.” You nipped that in the bud. This was the conversation you had been dying to have. 
“He’s closer to you-”
“No,” you said again. “Don’t say it. Don’t even dignify that thought with the words.” His face eased. “I love you.” 
His eyes went wide again. The words hung in the air like they were being let out to dry. You felt confident in them. Even your nerves wouldn’t let you take back such a true statement. 
“I don’t care about all of that. I never have.” He looked like he was searching for something. You opened your mouth to tell him he didn’t have to say it back but he was already speaking. 
“I love you too,” he breathed. The words came easy once he had said them. 
“Good,” he repeated back to you. You walked up to him, throwing your arms around him. He hugged you tightly. 
“Plus,” you muttered, “he’s not my type.” He chuckled into your hair. He wanted to kiss you. He never wanted to stop kissing you. He found, for a moment, a wordless moment, he had wished Billy would’ve taken El and Max back so he could have the house just for the two of you. He swept the thought away as quickly as it had come. But having you in his arms was too intoxicating. 
“I wanna listen to the radio,” you whispered. The laughter from him came louder now. 
“Alright. Alright c’mon.” You repressed claps. He had his hand on the small of your back as he led you back inside. 
“She said she loves him. I can feel it in the air,” Callahan muttered. He was chewing on a donut. His eyes were small. He was concentrating. 
“Entirely possible they fucked in the car,” Powell countered. 
“Calvin!” Flo exclaimed.
“That could be what you’re feeling. All I’m saying!”
“He said it back,” Callahan mused, his voice far away. 
“Now you’re stretching,” Powell promised. “Chief in love? Not in this lifetime.”
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ Cocky Bastard 😡
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⚣😡 A/N → My first Hal Jordan post from my previous account. Conner and Hal fics in the works including the third installment for Primal. Since I revamped the first two parts (especially the second), I pretty much had to re-do the entire piece from beginning to end. So that's why it's been taking a little bit longer than usual but it's coming. Anyway, thank you guys for 100 followers and as promised, those fics are coming. WARNINGS: Dub-Con. Coercion, Implied Jealousy, Slight Harassment, etc. Full NSFW version will be posted to Patreon and AO3.
⚣😡 Prompts Used → @cursedspaceofair – "You know you love me." @thelonelyempath – #7 "Be a good boy and swallow for me."
⚣😡 Summary → Hal Jordan has been an annoying little pest and a thorn in your side ever since you joined the Justice League. His over-inflated ego pushes you to avoid him as much as possible, which in turn, only makes the superhero pester you more. So, how do you succeed in getting the cocky bastard to leave you alone?
⚣😡 Words → 2.2k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💚
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You’d had it up to fucking here with Hal fucking Jordan, the cocky bastard.
Ever since you joined the Justice League, Hal made it his fucking mission to get on your last nerve. Going out of his way with all types of crazy antics to annoy you and get your attention. 
And why was he doing it in the first place?
Cause the fucker didn’t have a life, obviously, and just loved messing with yours!
“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Superman said while you and he were walking down the hallway after getting out of a meeting.
You joined the Justice League a little under six months ago after your involvement in helping to prevent the world and reality itself from collapsing on itself. Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, and others were impressed with your capabilities, and they recruited you into the organization almost immediately. The pure excitement you felt after being invited into the superhero community was unmatched by anything else you had ever felt.
Upon your initiation and induction into the group of crime fighters, they let you create your own superhero alias and supplied you with your own suit that attuned to your abilities. Apparently, they had a guy who specialized in making suits for heroes, so you were excited to see what he came up with.
All your new comrades were super friendly and welcoming. If you had fanboyed a bit when you met some of your favorite heroes, they gave you the grace of pretending they didn’t notice. Of course, not everyone was open upon the first meeting, but you still got along with them just fine, keeping everything cordial and as professional as possible.
Then, you met Hal.
“You the new recruit?” Hal asked, approaching you in the hallway while taking a break from one of your training sessions with Black Canary.
“Yep, that’s me! You must be Green Lantern. It’s good to meet you. I’m a big fan of your work.” You said with a smile while holding your hand out for a handshake. The green-masked man only smirked back at you, not acknowledging your outreached hand while placing his own on his hips in a semi-pose.
“Of course, why wouldn’t you be?” He replied, the cocky look on his face not doing much to help his first impression on you.
You slowly put your hand down, realizing you were only embarrassing yourself by keeping it up, waiting for him to return your gesture. When you figured there was nothing else to say, you started to make your way back inside the training room.
“Let me know if you want any pointers on combat. I saw you training there, and no offense, but you definitely could use my help.”
The way your body immediately came to a screeching halt was almost comical. You turned around to see him still looking behind you, only now he was dusting and shining his ring. Holding in your temper and the less-than-holy words at the tip of your tongue, you just gave him a nod in return. “Will do.”
You continued into the training room, quickly moving before he could say something else that would piss you off. Black Canary noticed a little more aggression in your combat after that and asked about it, and only had one response in mind.
“I hate cocky bastards.”
Anyways, back to you and Big Blue.
“No, Superman, it really is that bad. I swear I’m this close to punching the dickwad in his dick.” You fumed, barely holding yourself back from creating a hole in the wall.
“Well, what has he done?” The Kryptonian asked.
“What hasn’t he done?!” You exclaimed.
It was true. And though the Kryptonian was feigning ignorance, he could clearly see his comrade in green was purposely going out of his way to irritate the Justice League’s newest member. He wasn’t doing anything to hide it, either. Batman had to say something to get him to lay off for a bit, but this was Hal Jordan we were talking about. When does this guy ever listen to anything that’s not the sound of his own fucking voice?
No, seriously. The dude’s got a thing for hearing his own voice. Cyborg found a folder of voice recordings on his phone of Hal boasting about himself, saying some of the most outrageous things making him seem like the god of all heroes. You’d definitely be holding on to that for blackmail if it got to that point, and knowing this fucker, it would.
First, it was the snarky comments on every little thing you did.
“Wow, the way you just sat there and took that beating. Next time, just call me for help since you obviously need it.”
He almost got slapped for that.
“Seriously, a child could disarm a bomb better than you did. You’re lucky I was here to shield you. Guess that means you owe me one.”
He was really just asking for it at this point.
“Wow, you really must be desperate. You know, just cause most of us do wear skin-tight clothing for our suits doesn’t mean we go around just trying to show our butt to every guy that walks by unless you’re Nightwing. But either way, Superman’s not going to fuck you just cause you’ve got a fat ass.”
Somehow, everyone knew it was you, turning their gazes in your direction when Hal walked into the tactical meeting with a bloody nose and a big purple bruise on his cheek.
But you’d think Hal getting his shit rocked would get him to start backing off and leaving you alone. Again, this was Hal fucking Jordan we were talking about. The man couldn’t recognize a back-off warning if it punched him in the face. Which, you did…hard.
Apparently, that was all he needed to turn up his asshole behavior to another level. 
You’d swear this man was a teenager in high school. He’d hide stuff like your phone or civilian clothes around the Watchtower when you were in the showers after a training session or workout. Always going out of his way to one-up you on missions, proving his ‘superiority’ over you. He took your suit and dyed it your least favorite color (how he knew that was a mystery), making you the posterboard joke of the League for a week until they could get the dye out.
All because you commented how Batman would have a better chance in a fight against Superman than him because he took time to study his opponent and used whatever resources he had on him or around him while Hal was too busy living up his own ass to remember to charge his ring sometimes.
You’d even brought up how Hal got his ass handed to him twice in under five minutes when he met Superman for the first time during the Darkseid invasion.
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It was a fair point!
“Okay, I get it. You’re upset. But Hal has actually been quiet lately, hasn’t he?” Clark stated, trying to find a middle ground. He’d been hoping you two would have found a resolution by now while the others made bets on when you would snap and who’d be the victor in the fight that surely would never happen.
Yeah, no. This was more entertaining than some of the missions they went on.
Though, your comrades, including Clark, were not aware of something. Why you were so mad right now was also tied to the reason Hal had calmed down in his routine of making your life hell in front of everyone. Now, he was doing it behind closed doors.
It was last week. You were in the command center, studying over some paperwork Batman assigned to you so you could understand protocols and codes more. It was quiet in the Watchtower, considering most of the heroes were either off on a mission or doing whatever they do in their personal lives. The quiet was enjoyable, or at least it was until a certain brown-haired pest came and disturbed your peace.
You did your best to ignore him, but the motherfucker was persistent. At one point, he’d grabbed the papers you were reading and held them away from you when you tried to get them back. He laughed at the frustration on your face making your fist twitchy again to re-introduce itself to his cheek.
“Hal, give me back those files. I need to finish reading over them before tomorrow.” You demanded, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Aw, does the little rookie have to finish his homework, or Daddy Batman might ground him?” He mocked you in a baby voice. You eyed the papers he kept trapped in a green bubble, moving them away from you anytime you got too close.
The sixth or seventh time he yanked it out of your grip, you were seriously ready to murder this man.
“Oh my god, why are you so insufferable!? What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone?” You snapped.
“You know you love me. Though, it’s hard for me to tell since you’re always spending so much time with Superman and never actually pay any attention to me.” He replied.
You couldn’t believe your ears, “Are you fucking kidding me? You constantly fuck with and annoy me just because you want attention?”
“That’s what I just said, didn’t I?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to hold on to the #1 rule Batman taught you about not killing. Though it wasn’t really working at this moment.
“Hal, have you ever once considered that maybe I don’t want to be around you because all you do is talk about yourself or find ways to insult and degrade others because you’ve got an ego the size of the galaxy?”
“Yes. But, in my defense, I’m horribly insensitive.” He stated with an indifferent expression.
At least he was aware of it.
“Oh, my god. Fine, whatever. If I spend the next ten minutes with you doing whatever you want, will you leave me in peace for the rest of the night?”
His eyebrows shot up in an intrigued manner.
“Whatever I want?” He asked, clarifying your statement.
You nodded your head but suddenly felt like you should have just turned around and left the room when you saw the smile on his face.
“Deal.” He said, holding his hand out for a handshake.
Oh, now he wants to shake hands.
You grasped his gloved hand, feeling the fitness from his grip. You also felt his thumb tracing up the back of your own hand, but you decided to ignore that.
“Alright. Now, what do you want?” You asked after releasing your hand from his.
Without saying anything, he walked around you and sat at the long table, turning around in the swivel seat with his legs open.
“Get on your knees.” He ordered.
Now, your own eyebrows were shooting up.
“Excuse me?”
“I said, get on your knees,” He repeated, the cocky smirk returning to his face, “You’re gonna suck my dick.”
“I’m sorry, do you want me to punch you again?”
“No, I want my dick sucked. Am I not being clear enough? Put your lips around my penis and suck it.”
“Are you actually being serious right now?”
“You said whatever I wanted. Well, this is what I want. Now will you honor that, or will Batman have to hear about your failure in doing your assigned reading?” He said, a cheeky expression in his look towards you.
You considered just walking out the door. But, you also knew Batman would only assign you more reading to do on top of extra training if you didn’t finish this by the morning. So, you swallowed your pride and moved in front of the masked man, getting on your knees.
“That’s a good boy.” He smiled, looking down at you with leering eyes as you began to pull down his pants. You didn’t know you could even do that with his suit. You thought it was all just one piece since it would fully come on or off depending on if he had his ring on or not.
This bastard.
After that, Hal made it his mission to keep pestering you whenever you were busy in hopes he could get another blowjob. Though, it did help in keeping him out of your hair for the most part. Only, he still got extra aggressive a couple of times whenever he knew you were with Superman or even mentioned his name.
“Y/N!” Clark yelled, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Huh?” You asked, coming back to reality.
“I said Hal’s been quiet recently, hasn’t he? He’s been leaving you alone, right?” The Kryptonian asked.
Before you could answer, you looked down the hallway and saw a familiar green mask staring at you. That same dark expression in his eyes, staring at you and the blue and red-clad superhero next to you as you two were talking. Was he there the entire time? 
Before Superman could notice him, he walked around the corner, but not before stopping to grab his crotch, shaking it at you before heading around the corner. You could expect a visit from him later on.
You turned back to Clark, not sure why you were about to lie for this man.
“Yeah, no. He’s been leaving me alone. He’s still a cocky bastard, though.”
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☀️ | Hal Jordan/Green Lantern | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
NSFW Version (Patreon)
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beaumars · 9 days
ain't no sunshine - j.seresin
Hi Everyone! Lori here! As I stated in this post, I once attempted to write an OC insert for TGM but I never got around to posting it because life got in the way -- and also because i deleted the tumblr app because i had gotten bored with it. i've had other accounts since then dedicated to other fandoms and when I got bored i would delete the app, a truly vicious never ending cycle. however, my tiny little lizard brain always came back to the Top Gun: Maverick fandom and so I once again redownloaded the app to check out the new content. Over the course of my tumblr career i have used a plethora of emails, i couldnt remember the last one I used for my last account so i tried the ol' reliable that I always used (i use another email now for work and professional purposes) and alas! i find my way back to beaumars, an account i forgot i had.
Back to the post I had linked above, though. When i opened my drafts i saw this fic, my proto-fic if you will, just sitting there and i realized i had no fucking idea where this was going, so for the past couple of days i fiddled with my brain and used a good section of a journal to plot out and world build the new and revamped version of this fic. So without further ado, i present Aint No Sunshine.
Special thanks to @credince--writes for assuring me that an OCs backstory can never be too tragic, @j-hauke for solidifying that dr. pepper is a funny call sign, and @thespillingvoid for encouraging me to post this two year old fic as I work on the newer version.
A multiple-part fic with an OC.
What would have been a multiple part fic with an OC.
"Sanchez! Seresin! Stop flirtin' up there, goddammit!"
Major General Thomas Avery wasn't usually known for sugarcoating shit. His tone of voice and way of flight was powerful and commanding, earning him the call sign 'Zeus', it left no space to play games, especially in the skies he seemed to reign on. Avery may be a patient and understanding man on the ground, but when it came to his domain, no one could escape his wrath. Not even the two aviators currently in the air. Without context, one would think the two were trading coy remarks with one another. They're far from right.
"Seresin, you smug ass! Cover me!"
Their objective: drop the dud on target while avoiding the 'enemy'. For every ten minutes they failed to get tone on one of their fellow aviators, another came into the sky to play. The final boss would be Major General Avery, who preferred hands-on methods when it came to flying with the aviators that passed through his base. So far, no one had even come close to even getting their sights on the older man before being 'shot' down. Seresin and Sanchez were the last pair.
Ego's, bragging rights, and a pink slip to the Major General's 1960 El Camino were on the line.
"You got it twisted if you think you're getting that damn car, Sanchez."
Christina Sanchez would roll her eyes if she wasn't focused on trying to complete their exercise, "I could give two shits about the car, Jake. I'm trying to do my job!"
"Keyword. Trying. You're not doing a very good job at it, Chris." He sassed.
"Keep up the chatter and I'll come up earlier than you want me to," Avery threatened. Promised. Stated. It didn't matter, they were screwed either way.
The sun had begun to set ten minutes ago after the longest-running pair had put up a good fight. Some Air Force pilot whose last name was Torres, and her very own wingman: Olen Reeves, callsign 'Icarus'. Jake and Christina were relentless in the heavens, taking their 'shot' no more than ten seconds after Falcon and Icarus entered their air space. In theory and on paper, Sanchez and Seresin are a great team, but their manners towards each other at the current moment were proving otherwise.
On the ground, he could only pray she didn't physically tear Seresin a new one when they landed.
"C'mon, Chris. Get him out of your head," he whispered.
The last rays of light were escaping the flying duo, both of them cursing their terrible luck, knowing what was to come.
Jake got tone on their last aviator, "Jesus, Chris, we would've been done by now if you'd stop leaning on me."
"You keep leaving me out to dry, shithead!" She retorted, "Maybe if you actually stuck closer and acted like a wingman, we wouldn't be in this situation."
"You need to stop relying on others, sweetheart. What are you gonna do when you're all alone up here with no one to watch your back? What're you gonna do then?"
"Shut up," she chastised.
"Suddenly, I spit some truth and you want me to be quiet?-" Jake was in disbelief, he knew the girl was prideful, but he didn't think he went that far in his critique.
"I said shut up, moron," she said, her breathing getting heavier.
"The hypocrisy is deadly, San-"
"Jake! Shut up!" She panicked, "it's gone quiet."
"Strike three," was the only warning Zeus gave.
Both let out a string of curses as they barreled to avoid being targeted.
Using the last gleam of light in the evergrowing dark sky, Chris commanded, "Alright, Jake, take a hard left when I say," but as she turned her head to get a look at him, she saw that he had left her side in pursuit of Zeus, "you little shit, did you just leave me hanging!?"
"The only one hanging on is you, Sanchez. Get with the program or get shot."
Thomas Avery hated to admit it, but the Seresin kid was putting up a hell of a fight, and Sanchez was nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, it would be his downfall, as the sky went dark, Zeus taunted Jake, "Mistake number one: you left your wingman hanging, Seresin."
"My wingman is currently on the ground. Ain't that right, Falcon?"
On base, Falcon laughed, out of concern and amusement, "Zeus is gonna hand him his ass on a silver platter."
A chorus of 'mhm' and 'damn straight' could be heard in the vicinity.
Nearby, Olen Reeves could only look out the window and try and make out where the three of them were, once again praying, this time for her safety and that of her impromptu wingman.
Seresin was wearing a shit-eating grin until the next words fell from the Major General's mouth, "Mistake number two: you're up here with me now."
Jake went silent, he knew he fucked up, and now he was hoping Chris would come out of radio silence and tell him that she was on her way.
She wasn't even showing up on his radar.
"Why the sudden silence, kid?" Zeus was just playing with Jake's mind at this point, with the younger aviator already in his sights, ready to take the shot.
"Sanchez, I could really use your help right about now!"
Once again, nothing.
"Sanchez! Don't leave me hanging!" Jake could only maneuver so much in a dark sky he wasn't used to. He could hear beeping, letting him know that the experienced man was closing in on his plane. Jake mentally prepared for the call, but it never came.
"Sometimes a chef's gotta try what he's cooking, Seresin," Chris came out into the radar at the last minute and used her flares to temporarily blind Zeus and distract him, giving Jake an escape.
She barrelled and went right under her commanding officer's plane, hiding for a good second before hitting the brakes, using the hard stop; Zeus flew right past her. She sped back up and tailgated the man, being careful as to not end up in his jet wash, it only lasted so long before she and Zeus were engaged in a minor dogfight.
"Seresin, where are you?"
"Trying out the daily special, send my compliments to the chef," he said as he pursued Zeus on his own.
"Damnit, Seresin! Can you be a team player for once?" it seemed that in his presence all she could do was complain and vice versa. So bad together, yet so good, if only they could throw their egos out of the cockpit.
"You're hanging on well, Seresin. Unfortunately, it won't be enough," the beeping was loud, it was a lock, "that's a shot."
"Fucking shit!-"
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Zeus toyed, "Fly back to base, kid. It was a good run."
It was a word that would haunt him for years to come.
"Now, Sanchez. Where could you be hiding?" Thomas asked himself out loud.
It was silent for a good thirty seconds when he felt a force push him towards the right, "There you are."
Zeus went to follow the plane when suddenly, the force came from the right this time, rattling his plane and giving him difficulty locking on her. He didn't know how she was doing that or how fast she was coming at him or even where she was coming at him, but it was starting to unsettle him, dare he say, she was scaring him.
The older man leveled his breathing, taking a minute to recompose himself. Mistake number one.
The beeping came too fast, followed by the lock, and three words, "That's a shot."
Down below, everyone, from crew to pilots alike had their mouths hanging open.
"Holy shit, she did it," Olen breathed.
Another pilot by the name of Carol then shouted, "She got the fucking car!"
The silence then turned into groans of defeat.
Jake sat in his cockpit, having landed minutes beforehand, ripping his helmet off in anger as he heard Chris' announcement.
"Get back to base, kid. That was one hell of a fight you put on."
"Thank you, sir," she acknowledged breathlessly. Chris was riding a high as she landed, the first person to greet her on the tarmac was none other than Olen.
He crushed her in an embrace for a few seconds before pulling back and reprimanding her, "what the hell were you thinking?"
"I- well- I wasn't exactly-"
"Thinking." Finished the Major General, he came up from behind the embracing pilots, "she was doing. Those are the makings of a great pilot, ladies, and gentlemen. You all could learn a little something from that."
Sanchez turned to see that all the other pilots and WSOs had congregated, Jake hanging in the back.
"Seresin," Zeus called out to the man, "You had me on the ropes there for a bit too, young man."
"Let me guess, gotta stop leaving my wingman hanging?" his tone with little to no emotion.
It was late, and Zeus just wanted to go home, so he just stayed silent for a moment before reaching into his flight suit pocket and pulling out a piece of paper, "As promised... Nyx."
Confused, Chris asked, "Sir?"
Zeus just smiled and walked away, "I want everyone back on this tarmac by o six hundred hours, not a minute later," he called over his shoulder.
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yappacadaver · 4 months
All my notes from the Q+A, organized by topic
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Going as in depth here as my notes allow, was doing this at work so I may have missed some things. This will be long. but here’s the gist of it below 👇
Switch from 4 person squad to 3 person squad
For the sake of combat gameplay, 3 seemed to be the right fit
Was described as more “immersive” and “intimate”
The team wanted to “spotlight” these characters and give them more presence
Romances and relationships
All seven companions will be romanceable by any Rook
All are pansexual, none are asexual
Companions will romance each other if Rook doesn’t
Confirmed Harding/Taash as a possible companion romance
Companions may “temporarily leave” based on Rook’s decisions but will still “always fight for Thedas” as “this is the greatest threat we’ve seen”
Heavily teased permadeath
When asked abt the possibility of a Manfred romance: “not THAT skeleton, but not NO skeletons”
Misc Companion/Npc info
Inky will be coming back, as confirmed before
Devs excited for the “authenticity” of our new companions, and the fact that they “feel like dear friends”
Companions’ looks will be somewhat customizable, like in DA2 where their fit could change depending on story beats, but with a wider range of choices
These will be the “deepest companion arcs we’ve ever done”
The combat will be “quite tactical” with more opportunities for strategy in higher difficulty settings
A “robust difficulty system”
Tactical mode will not be overhead, but will be a targeting system as shown in the demo
Tactical mode will be used in and out of combat
Emphasis on synergies and combos
Companions will be controlled via issuing “commands”
Rook’s death/downed status will cause a save to reload unless one of your companions has learned the revive spell
Healing magic is coming back
Class specifics
Some specializations for mages were mentioned including Necromancy, “Combat Mage” which promised more close quarters fighting, and “something more elemental”
Dual wielding is coming back but is once again for rogues only, not warriors
Warriors will have a choice of ‘sword and board’ or two-handed
Cone of Cold and Fireball are getting revamped versions, namely Frost Nova and Meteor
Character creation
Everyone who spoke about the character creator was very excited to mention how robust it is
Extra attention paid to hair styles and physics
“Magnificent” dwarf beards
More tattoo variations for different cultures
Body sliders and a wide range of skin tones
The character creator will be shown off in more depth in the future before launch (👀)
Roleplaying and story
Rook will be from one of six factions, that will combine with a "lineage" to provide context for our character
There will be no playable origins, but we will be given opportunities to define the character through play
This includes defining emotional reactions to the mentioned events of Rook's background and lineage
Rook can be nonbinary, with He/She/They pronoun options
Crafting will, while revamped, make a return. You will be able to "improve and customize" your character's look
Somehow, they were not able to reveal more about crafting because it gets into spoiler territory ("a mysterious entity helps you")
The Keep will not be coming back, instead you will be able to define your choices from previous games through the character creator in a "Last time on Dragon Age" type of recap
The game begins in Minrathous, as confirmed by the gameplay teaser, but doesn't stay there
Rook will be visiting plenty of new locations previously unseen in gameplay such as Arlathan forest (where there will apparently be many "fade touched" enemies)
Kal Sharok was mentioned, with no confirmation that we would actively go there in-game, but they promised to "show what they can" of this location
We will have a hub (like skyhold/haven) called The Lighthouse
While war table missions won't be making a comeback, the lighthouse will have it's own gameplay functions
Locations will change based on player actions
More brand new locations will be "drip-fed" to us in references, like Tevinter was in dao
No more mounts, as locations are trimmed down and more linear we will not need them
Tone/Emotion/Choice wheels are coming back
Emphasis on making clear what Rook will be saying/choosing (hopefully no more mishaps a la "glass him")
Wanted "choices to be explicitly clear, consequences less so"
Dev notes
What everyone on the team is excited for
Character creator got huge shoutout
Companions were also hyped (story arcs feel deep and authentic, characters react to you in a meaningful way)
Art team received a big shoutout as well, with this being their "best attempt yet" at visual storytelling (not just codex entries and conversations)
Veilguard is meant to combine "familiarity and novelty" with the team saying it should feel like coming home to longtime fans, and also be something fresh for new players
Team Promises
A focus on delivering a complete single-player experience (no microtransactions, no subscription, no live service)
More VA information and teasers in the future pre-launch
More information on pre-orders soon
Side quests will be "handcrafted" and "support the narrative" ie no more collecting shards, no more getting locations locked behind power mechanics
Accessibility features were glossed over, but there was some talk of saving this info for launch (???)
Random bits
We will have many opportunities to hug and pet Assan the griffon
Elves went bald after living a millennium, this is why solas is an egg
The inquisitor will be heavily tied to solas' story and will appear in the flesh
The decision of who was left behind in the fade will not be important to Veilguard, but was heavily implied to be relevant in the future (not in this game but...)
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onlycosmere · 1 year
Wander89: Please answer the poll with whether the [r/brandonsanderson] community should take part in the blackout and, if you would like, also explain your stance in the comments.
Brandon Sanderson: For what it is worth, I voted yes.
As a longtime user of reddit, I sympathize with the website's difficult time figuring out how to be profitable while serving a highly advertising-adverse crowd. However, these app developers invested a great deal of time and money into their programs. Only to now have the rules change.
As another posted above, this reminds me of Amazon working hard to convince independent authors to come to their website. Only for the rules to then change grossly in Amazon's favor once they had the market.
Reddit can and should do better.
Fax_of_the_Shadow:   I'm currently doing research on reddit alternatives and creating a pros/cons list of them on the off chance reddit does implode on itself and we decide to move the community. We don't want to have to move, but if it ends up being inevitable, we don't want to be left out in the cold.
So, if people know of alternatives for me to research, reply to me here and I will add it to my list.
**I make no promises about any official stance the mod team is taking. I am researching in my own free time and of my own accord. Any changes made to the community would be done through voting, like this decision was.
Brandon Sanderson: It's too bad that we didn't end up with a good fork of reddit years ago, when they were still making their source code available. It would have been great if someone had been able to basically clone reddit, then start their own development on the new platform to create something better. But the only places that did it were...not great. They quickly devolved into hate speech and the like.
I wonder if this will cause enough of a mess that someone will go back to the last available open source version of Reddit, revamp it, and offer us an alternative. This could indeed be Reddit's Digg moment--where their bad decisions have been building long enough that we all just leave for something new.
For what it is worth, I'm willing to go where the community decides to move. As always, fandom decisions are yours to make; I'm just grateful that there are strong, capable mods willing to put in the time to build these communities.
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murumokirby360 · 2 months
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A vintage Motorola phone (from the 90s; "Motorola d368") [feat. my Paper Dolls]
DeviantART version → [CLICK ME!]
Hello, July. 🌧️☔ Sorry, I didn't make a promise to do some improvised item review because No. 1 - I'm still trying to find a decent GPU Card with a cheap price 🔍🤔, No. 2 - My homeland suffered from the devastating (if not deadly) typhoon⛈️🌪️🇵🇭 days ago, and No. 3 - I'm selling non-functional PC stuff that was staying on shelves for a year to make myself a decent profit and buying a new GPU card, with additional adjustments to prevent a similar tragedy. 💵🖥️ (Or maybe, I'll just buy my own laptop instead as an alternative 💻) As of now, I'm still a helper from my parents' small business without paying a salary (at the same time, I'm still looking for a suitable job. Although, its rainy season so maybe I should get a home-based job? Who knows? 🏠🧑‍💻🤔), as they are focused on earning for renovating our home.
• Nevertheless, I'll be continuing to share my family's throwback items from the past, with another Mobile Phone of the 90s. This right here is the "Motorola d368" 🇺🇸📲 released in 1999 during the peak of Motorola above's popularity competing against Nokia and other cellphone brands, not to mention that their brick-shaped CPs will soon be decreased into small and slimmer packages. I mean, take a look when I compare it with my current Honor 8C 🇨🇳📲smartphone. While the specs of this phone were nothing new and a 90s spec standard, what's special to me was my mom used to be a "Motorola" user who owned two phones (including this one) before she switched to "Nokia" 🇫🇮📲 in the early 2000s. Furthermore, I could never forget the ringing sound when either received an SMS text or someone's calling from her former Motorola phone. And does it have games on her Moto (a nickname for "Motorola") phone? As far as I know, Nah. 🎮👾❌ Playing pixel games on her old solid Nokia phone(s) never gets old (than a boring and modern revamped Nokia phones). Nowadays, the Motorola brand had brought back to death after its bankruptcy 🇨🇳📲, and it doesn't have the popularity as before (save it for their iconic "Motorola RAZR", which is pretty rad to look at and owing it, to this very day), meanwhile, both "Samsung" 🇰🇷📲 and "Apple" 🇺🇸📲 (as well as other phone brands that we're budget-friendly) dominate each other with their impressive future-proof specs and features, since 2011; That's 13 years, and its already celebrated 10 years of rivalry. But, what about Nokia? 🤔Well, it had a similar fate as Motorola. So yeah... 🤷‍♀️
• As for this phone, you could see it already a "relic" status, with a missing antenna that went broken, the battery for this phone was long gone, and the phone itself was yet another decommissioned much like the previous old Nokia I'd already tackled on Sept of 2023 [CLICK ME!]. Well, your spotlight moment is over and its time for you to go back where you belong; the box of family memorabilia. 😊🤗
Well, that’s all for now! And the end of my topic.
If you haven’t seen my previous topic, then please → [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @shadowredfeline, @coda-archive, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301
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apotatomashedbybts · 1 year
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✉ Pairing: idol!Seokjin × secretagent!reader ✉ Genre: fluff, angst, romance ✉ Trope: married au, flashback au ✉ Word Count: 6.5k+ ✉ Trigger Warning: mentions of gun, blood, injuries. suffocating feelings. ✉ Rating: pg13 ✉ Banner: @fleurguk / @sweetieguk [My loveliest, Sana! Thank you so much for making this beautiful banner for me! 🤍 ] ✉ Beta Reader: @eoieopda [I can't thank you enough, Jade, for reading and helping me through this writing! Without you this fic wouldn't be what it is today! Thank you for all the hard work you did for me and for all the little compliments you left(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) They mean a lot to me! Thanks for being such an amazing beta💜🌼]
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✉ Disclaimer:-
↳ This fic is the revamped version of my first ever published fanfic on Tumblr 4 YEARS AGO ON OCTOBER 25, 2018.
↳ The secret organisation mentioned in the story is purely fictional. However, the other military organisations/groups do exist in real life. ✉ Author's Note(1): I remember coming up with this story, all those years ago, while doing living creature things in bathroom at night and writing this down as soon as I got out! To say that it was exhilarating would be one way to put it. But more than that I felt liberated and happy that I found something that I wanted to do! I wanted to write! And let people read It! While revamping this story I felt embarrassed about the way I wrote it all those years ago but it also reminded me of how I was so excited and confident about it and I didn't really care about criticism nor did I think I wrote bad. I miss that part of me... Now I am constantly worrying if it's good enough, continuously hoping for a little interaction... I hope I can go back to just loving my work... and not drown in self doubt. But, hey, it's all about growth, isn't it? ✉ Author's Note(2): In this story, there are a few parts where the flashbacks jump between times. I have included the times but I hope it's not too confusing.
✉ Author's Note(3): It'd mean the world to me if you not only like but also REBLOG and let me know about your thoughts on this! ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠). Your feedback gives me the motivation to keep on writing ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ ✉ Taglist: @sugarwithtea , @tangy-tangerine , @lonelystudio , @kuuipobangtan ✉ Crosspost: ao3 | Wattpad ✉ Extras: Book Cover | Homecoming Timeline
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✉ Summary: When you breezed into Seokjin's life, he understood why the phrase "home is where the heart is" is so celebrated. Despite the cruel nature of your professions, both of you managed to live through it but Seokjin's worst fear clutched his throat when you disappeared unannounced for two years and he felt his very home taken away from him. However, promises are meant to be kept and one must return home at the end of the day.
— where Seokjin waits for y/n to return home.
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Seokjin's life is bountiful today. 
In his widely spread bright kitchen the air feels more forgiving than it has been for a very long time. The sunlight seems friendlier than usual and the incoming sounds from outside fall softer on the ears. 
Seokjin could enjoy all of these consciously only if he wasn't busy removing the last of the now crumbled architectural masterpieces of spiders from the side of the oven hurriedly. But what he does notice is the clamour of his friends — except the youngest, Jungkook — as they start to swarm the kitchen with bags full of all the necessary groceries that he had requested them to bring earlier.  
The third youngest whines while putting the bag he is holding on the counter, “Hyung! I want to stay with you!”
As much as Seokjin would have wanted to have them here, today is not the day. Today is a day that he wants to keep his mind full of you and only you. So, he pulls off a serious face that almost goes halfway to a pout and says, “No can do, Jimin.”
Seeing Jimin sulking, Namjoon intervenes and with a light tug on Jimin's left sleeve he says, “You know how it is, Jimin.” Then looking at Seokjin's ‘already back to being a busy body self' Namjoon smiles, “Let him be. It's for y/n.” 
“We will come back tomorrow. He won't mind us then. Let's leave for now.” Yoongi states matter of factly while standing at the door, preparing to leave and waiting for others to join him.  
Amidst the busy shuffling of them preparing to leave Jungkook comes back from the backyard. He informs while looking at Jin with his big doe eyes and pointing his right thumb outside, “Hyung, they have finished cleaning up the rooms and the porch. They said they’ll be done after a couple of hours, once they clean the pool and garage. Should I stay with them?” 
“Yeah, no. We’re leaving.” Namjoon grabs Jungkook’s one arm and Hoseok the other. Yoongi patters forward, lightly pushing Jungkook’s figure while Namjoon and Hoseok drag him backwards. 
Jungkook’s doe eyes become even bigger in surprise and confusion, “Huh? Already?” 
To which he gains nothing more than a quick “yep” from Yoongi.
Seokjin mouths a small 'thank you' to Namjoon and Yoongi for helping him out. Namjoon and Yoongi don't say much but with a slight nod they wave goodbye to him and leave with the rest of the boys. 
Closing the door behind them Seokjin heaves a heavy sigh and scurries back to the kitchen. He has a lot to do. Even though the day is still young, he feels like he doesn't have enough time to do everything he wants to. 
While sorting out the ingredients for your favourite sushi he chuckles at how this one thing has survived all these years on your list of favourite foods. And with that his mind takes him back to the day he first met you at the fansign seven years ago. 
Fansigns had always been Seokjin's favourite. He loved interacting with his fans and absolutely adored their cute and fun way of showing their appreciation.
That day wasn't any different. He was looking forward to receiving all the love personally from the fans but that changed when you showed up. He didn't expect to fall in love himself. 
He was the first member among them to meet the fans as he was sitting at the left-most seat. You greeted him shyly and handed over your album for him to sign. Jin looked at you and he noticed that even though you were kneeling you still looked as if you were almost standing. You knew exactly what he was thinking and when you were about to just say it he asked, “Sorry, but how tall are you?”
You replied almost immediately, lightly placing your palm on your forehead, smiling sheepishly at your own unexpectedly right guess, “6'3". It's hereditary.” 
The time given wasn't enough. While still recovering from the heat in your ears, you took out the huge insulated container, handed it over to him and said, “I made these sushi for you all. I hope you like them.” 
He made that surprised face accompanied with a 'woah' and a bunch of thank yous. Before you could say anything else you were told to move on to the next member. 
Maybe it was the lingering taste of your handmade sushi or perhaps it was your sparkling eyes when you spoke - neither of which he could choose between - that made Seokjin think of you more often than not. He regretted in those moments of remembrance that he couldn’t ask for your name. 
People say, when you want something with your whole heart then the whole universe mechanises itself to make it true for you. It worked for Seokjin too. 
In the next fansign, you were there - with your box of sushi and that sparkling smile adorning your face. 
When you knelt in front of Jin the second time, who was sitting in his usual, left-most seat, you couldn’t help but avert your gaze as you felt the gradual sensation of heat rising from your neck to your whole face at his words, “I have been waiting for you.” 
Years later, on your fourth year marriage anniversary, in the comfort of your couch in your beach house, you had told Jin, while reminiscing that fateful meeting that the wishfulness of it all made it harder for you to forget the smile that nearly took the shape of a smirk on his lips and the intent gaze with which Jin was looking at you while saying that. He’d set you on fire and you stayed willfully.
You had also pointed out how all the members craned their necks to look at him losing his usual composure over you. They had made fun of him for it later but in Jin’s words, it was a very small price to pay if he could show how much he admired you.
“What’s your name?” Jin asked while signing your album. 
“Y/n Y/l/n.” Your voice trembled in anticipation of all things happening around you.  
For Jin, on other hand, restlessness came to him after the fansign was over. He couldn’t stop imagining your reaction when you would discover his phone number written on the page he signed, accompanied by a cheeky little note under it that said - “looking forward to a text from a lovely stranger.” 
“That was super cheesy, honestly.” You had smiled, while reminiscing again while cuddling in the same couch as the sunset and the salty afternoon breeze both caressed your skin. 
Seokjin had looked at you and while taming away the strands of hair on your face he wished he could just look at your happy face forever like this silently but you were looking at him expectantly with those deep eyes and he had to say something back. 
But there was no taming the tempest of love he felt for you so he had cupped your face in his hands to fill it with kisses and nuzzled your neck while saying, “You loved it nonetheless, didn’t you?” 
“Yes, I did.” You had giggled under his touch. 
Falling in love with you was easy for Seokjin. 
About a week after giving you his phone number, while everyone was busy taking rest amidst the shooting of a music video, Jin had slipped out in the afternoon through the back of the residential building. 
The night before, Jin had told you through text how much he wanted to see you. For some reason, picturing his pouty face typing the text had made your heart burn. 
You had the day off so you drove to Chuncheon where they were shooting and called Jin upon arriving. 
You were sitting on the wooden platform over the lake, waiting for him. You saw Jin running towards you from a distance so you stood up immediately to wave at him so that he could notice you. 
In hindsight, Seokjin realised it was a bad idea to run at you with everything he had just so he could hug you as soon as possible, as you lost your footing when he all but tackled you; and both of you fell into the water.
In the split second before falling, you had braced yourself for hitting the cold water in this freezing winter but the water was surprisingly warm and it felt nice. 
You wiped the droplets off of your eyes to get a better look at Jin who just spat out a mouthful of water and was running his hands through his wet hair and face. 
The heart burn was back and you finally asked what you had been pondering over for a couple of days now, “Jin… Can I politely ask you to go out with me?” 
As awestruck as Jin was at your question, he didn’t miss a beat to answer back, “Can I… politely kiss you to say yes?” 
Falling in love with you was easy for Seokjin. But loving you and losing himself in your kiss was easier. 
He did get scolded when he returned to the shooting spot with all his clothes wet and make-up washed off. Everyone assumed that his red face and ears were a result of the cold and that he was smiling sheepishly because he felt guilty. The real reason was a well-kept secret between you two. 
It wasn’t easy dating an idol but you made sure to support him as discreetly as you could. 
Thankfully, due to the nature of your career, you were no stranger to discretion.
After finishing your three-month-long Winter Warfare training in Pyeongchang under SWC – also known as ROK-SWC which stands for The Republic of Korea Army Special warfare Command and is responsible for the army’s special operations forces – you had completed your year-long training for the 707th Special Mission Group — which was an elite counter-terrorism force made of only the best of the country. Being an ex-UDT/SEAL, it was easy for you to go through the rigorous, 10-day selection program and get selected for the prestigious team. 
You thanked your stars for having you go through all that romance-is-a-luxury stuff before you met Seokjin. 
Now, you had ample time on your hands before receiving your recruitment letter. So, you attended his showcases, visited most of his domestic shoots and spent nights, whenever he was available, in his apartment. You duped the hawk-eyes of lurking reporters by disguising yourself as a fast food delivery person - it was super effective. 
It wasn’t easy dating as an idol but Seokjin tried his best to do his part too. Whenever you visited him he made sure to take time out of his busy schedule to be with you. On his day off he visited you at your local sparring centre to watch you practice and hype you up. Sometimes he even showed up with banners to cheer you on just like you did during his shows. And all you could do at times like those was to laugh while covering your whole face, mirror his cheering movements and do well in practice. 
Since it was nearly impossible for him to take you on dates in public, sometimes he decorated his apartment like restaurants or picnic spots to give yourselves a normal dating experience.
After four months of secret meetings, longing for each other, countless kisses and innumerable laughs, Seokjin understood why people called a person their home. 
As the realisation hit him, he thought it was about time he asked you if you felt the same too. 
And Seokjin knew exactly how to make it special for you. 
One fine spring morning, he took you to a dog park that he had rented for the day. 
The night before, Namjoon had asked him if he was sure he wasn't rushing things. 
Seokjin had replied that he was afraid of it being too late.
The choice of place for an early morning date couldn’t have been better since you just adored dogs. You loved it even more because neither of you owned a dog. 
Like an unavoidable phenomenon, Seokjin came to you like a book that you must memorise, like a notebook that you must highlight and put sticky notes on.
And because you knew him so well, you decided not to squint your eyes at the oddity of Seokjin’s constant check-ins while you were busy playing with a border collie, his hasty retreating steps or the brittle grin that barely reached his red ears to assure you that nothing was out of ordinary.
You just smiled to yourself, preparing yourself amidst the loud colliding of your heart's beats that fought with each other like two racers trying to win first place. 
You knew of his intentions and you knew that your answer was going to be yes. 
What you didn’t know was that a very adorable golden retriever would grab the end of your long jacket and drag you to the only cherry blossom tree of the enormous park that stood mighty and beautifully in the middle of it. Now you understood why Jin had insisted you on wearing that in the morning. 
Under the cherry blossom tree were fifteen cute little corgis that sat patiently with their tongues out and wagging tails. Each of them had one placard hung on their necks with letters written separately which read, “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” 
It was a silly and tiresome feat to achieve. He knew you would have been happy even if he had proposed to you in some alleyway with a wildflower ring, but it was you; and if he could Jin would bring the whole moon to your lap to make you feel special. However, much to his pouty lips and flared nostrils, physics is an ass. 
There were a whole bunch of words that Jin thought he would be feeling for the next coming moments. But when you walked over to him with your hands covering your gasping mouth and your watery eyes amidst the timidly falling petals of cherry blossoms and uttered the word “yes”, none of the words he thought of sufficed. He slipped the rose quartz ring on your ring finger and hugging you he let the world surrounding him fall silent under the sound of your heartbeat.
“How did you even manage to do all that?” You asked while on your way home in the car. You giggled remembering how all the corgis charged at Seokjin, making him roll over the ground, and climbed on top of him when he was trying to give them treats after everything was done. 
He looked at you. His face was trying to do multiple expressions at the same time. He wanted to smirk, and act cocky; he also wanted to hold back his laughter. Ultimately all he could do was pout and say, “You know I could have done all of that myself but I was short on time so the people from KKA (Korea Kennel Agility) helped me.” 
You laughed at his reply, “I am not running away though.” 
Jin intertwined his fingers with yours and pressed a kiss at the back of your hand. His lips stayed a few seconds longer than a chaste kiss required, “Mhm.” 
 Two weeks after the proposal, the wedding was held secretly in Seokjin’s family home. His band members and your respective families were present. You moved into the new house that Seokjin had bought prior to marriage in a nice suburban neighbourhood. Before you let reality hit you, you gifted yourselves what you could: a breezy honeymoon getaway to the beach, for as long as possible, in each other's complete presence. 
The reality that hit you two was sad and lonely. 
Oftentimes as a human defence mechanism, they try to look over the harsh reality. They ignore its existence and keep it shoved inside a storage bunker above head until it comes crashing down. It was the same for both of you. 
While dating, neither of you thought about how hard it was going to be to have enough of each other and live as a family even after marriage… Especially after marriage. 
You were already training to be in the SWC’s 707th special mission group and Jin’s career as an idol was far from over. 
Two months after your wedding was still manageable. Then, one sweltering August morning, you got summoned at the SWC headquarters to receive your recruitment letter from your superiors. It wasn’t the one you were aiming for. You were taken on by an arcane and powerful organisation. It was led by a collaboration of several governments undertaking covert missions to address sensitive and violent crimes: the Organised Crime Control Association, or in short known as The ORCA. 
You were dumbstruck. Seokjin was proud of you. 
He knew what you were capable of, and even though he wanted you to stay close to him he knew where you would shine the most. To him you were as smart as Sherlock and more impregnable than Jack Reacher. 
You were silent and stuck after receiving the news - Jin pushed you towards your dream just like he had always done to himself. 
The reporting HQ of the organisation was outside of South Korea, and you had to depart within three days’ notice. You assured Jin that you would keep in touch as best you could. But your best wasn’t always enough. 
As soon as you arrived there, your internet presence was erased from every database except from the organisation itself. Being an ORCA member also required you to get rid of the phone you possessed and instead use a burner phone that they provided. 
Contacting family was an extravagance for everyone and you respected that sacrifice. 
Both of you lived on infrequent texts and even rarer opportunities to listen to each other's voices. 
Jin would tell you about his day and you would yours. Even the most mundane things would be the most exciting thing that you both had listened to in a while. 
“I have a day off today so I stayed up all night and played games. That’s why I woke up this late!” 
“I broke three pieces of training equipment today so I have to wash the dishes after dinner.” 
Daily flavour of monotonous life was delivered to the other side of the phone in a wrapper of - I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. 
Seven months of bone-draining training later you returned home on a much deserved vacation. It was a reward for having the most impressive evaluation result, nearly making up for the broken arm and the burn your back had sustained to receive it.
It took you a month to recover and Jin made sure that it took no more than the minimum time required. He was with you all the time - taking care of the littlest of your needs. 
You were grateful but seeing him always on high alert broke your heart. You wanted to tell him to relax his shoulders and peel off some of the attention he was giving to you to his own work. 
But he wanted you to be healthy as soon as possible so that you could lead your normal life.
Normal life… 
The life that Jin wanted for you wasn't your normal life. Your 'normal' life was out in the wilderness full of heinous crimes and the smell of blood and gunpowder. 
'This' was your vacation - a way out of the ordinary. 
You knew that once he heard about what really was going to happen he would break and protest. But it was necessary to let him in on some basic information so he could prepare himself for that. Moreover, you had already broken one of the core rules of the organisation by letting him know you were working for The ORCA. 
One evening, after your month-long healing period, you walked over to your husband in the dining room and back-hugged him. You rested your chin on his shoulder and called out to him with a sigh trapped inside the cavity of your chest, trying not to sound too sad, “Seokjin-ah…”
He knew that tone. You called him like that only when you needed to say something serious. 
But he acted clueless anyway and while setting the plates on the dinner table and placing a quick kiss on your cheek, he quipped, “What’s poppin’, good lookin’?” 
You couldn’t help but scoff at his attempt to lighten the mood. You needed to tell him before it was too late. “Come on, Seok! I am trying to be serious here.” 
“Yeah… I am sorry, poppins. I am listening now.” He held your arms and made you sit on a chair. Then he dragged another chair to sit facing you and held your hands in his, “What is it?” 
His thumbs drawing small circles on the back of your hands didn’t soothe you much but you tried to look relaxed, “My vacation… Um… I am going to stay here until they call me back. And they are going to call me sooner or later.” 
Your hands fell from Seokjin’s hold like a yellowed leaf from a branch. He couldn’t believe that you just said that you wouldn’t stay at home, that you wouldn’t stay with him, and you were planning to go back to a job that gave you a broken arm and burn marks just on the training! 
You placed your hand on his shoulder and called him softly, “Seok-ah…” 
His head hung low as he kept on glaring at the floor. Even if the dining room wasn’t so brightly lit, you wouldn’t have missed the teardrops that escaped your husband’s eyes and fell directly on the floor without getting the chance to glide over his quivering soft cheeks. 
Seeing him refusing to get his head up and look at you, you called again, replicating your previous tone, “Seok-ah… Please listen to me.”
“NO!” An almost scream escaped his parched throat. He looked up at you quickly with glossy pleading eyes before looking down again, “You are not going anywhere.”  
You leaned forward, pressing your forehead on his and held his face in your hands. Your thumb grazed softly across his cheek, swiping away the tears that slipped and stained them.
“Seok-ah…” you whispered. He begged, “please don’t go…” 
“Please, look at me. Listen to me just this once.” You pleaded and he adamantly shook his head, still looking down. 
“Please? Just once?” The teardrops dancing along the brim of your eyes threatened to fall.
His eyes finally met yours and your tears fell just like his. 
You inhaled sharply, “Seok-ah, I can’t just quit my job out of nowhere. If I tell you to quit being an idol and do a normal day-to-day job, would you be able to? Too many people depend on you - be it emotionally or professionally. It’d be unfair. Same goes for me… It’s too important to just… leave! And you know more than me what it feels like to chase a dream and finally achieve it. I… love my job. And I can’t let my abilities rot.” 
You paused. Jin didn’t say anything back; he simply continued to look at you with those big eyes waiting for you to say something more. Something convincing.
You continued, “I know you are worried and I know that this work is dangerous as fuck! I get unnerved more than I would like to admit. But if I am allowed to be a little arrogant, I am the best in my field, well — almost.” You rolled your eyes. “But still I want you to have faith in me that no matter what happens I will return to you. No matter how long it takes me, no matter what happens. Can I ask for this much trust from you?" 
"It's not that I don't trust you, poppins… I trust you more than myself. But… it's just that I am so…” He gently caressed your once-broken arm while looking at it, “Scared… I just need some time.” 
His eyes darted back to yours and you understood where he was coming from; if he was in your place you would be wary too. 
You finally let go of the sigh you had been holding and whispered, “Okay. Let’s do that.”
At night you felt a soft hold on your hand - it jolted you awake. 
But you relaxed immediately when your body understood that it was Seokjin. 
He flinched a little seeing you stir out of slumber. His voice came out rather croaked, “I.. I am sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.”
You glanced at the watch kept on the bedside table - it read 3:56 am. 
You sat up. In the white light of the LED seeping in through the window from the outside, you finally made out his face - his eyes were swollen and shiny red. 
He didn't let go of your hand. Instead he held the other one as well when you called him gently, “It's okay, baby. What happened? Why are you up so early?”
His voice came out but a whimper, “I just couldn’t fall asleep.”
He sniffled to speak clearly, “Your hands are calloused.” 
“You know, the downside of practice,” you shrugged. You went on with the flow of his conversation. You knew he would speak his mind eventually.
There was a silence that hung around for a few seconds like that awkward friend in the group before Seokjin spoke up again,  “I thought about it a lot… and it’s just not fair. Neither to you, nor to myself. But I know you…” He paused to take a deep breath as if to prepare himself to say the next words, “Promise me that no matter what happens you will come back to me.” 
You felt relieved and grateful. It wasn’t like Seokjin owned you and you needed his permission to do what you wanted to do with your life but his understanding and support made the emotional burden a lot less gravitational. 
“I don’t know when I’ll be able to return…” You squeezed his hands as an assurance, “But I promise that I will. You need to promise me one thing as well.” He looked at you with questioning eyes and you answered, “That you will lead your life normally keeping this faith in your heart that I am doing perfectly fine. Can you please promise me that?” 
Seokjin was well aware that it was nearly impossible for him to continue living normally knowing that you could be in a life threatening situation at any given moment but if it would give you a little bit of relief, he wouldn’t mind lying. “Promise.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered, pressing your foreheads together. 
“Oh! I need to request you one more thing! You might come across me in the streets while I am on duty. Please ignore me and treat me as you would treat any stranger. Can you please do that?”
He nodded vigorously, and wiped his runny nose with the back of his bare hand. 
You smiled and brought out a wet tissue kept in the side drawer. With it, you wiped his hand and patted his nose gently. 
He kept on staring at you while you were doing so; and when you were done, with a smile that hung on his lips like a decade old incandescent bulb trying its hardest to do its job properly, he remarked, “I think I should get used to doing it myself from now on.” 
The call finally came - later than dreaded, sooner than hoped for. 
The thing with living in absence of loved ones is that you never get used to it, no matter how much mental preparation you had done for it. 
So, when you kissed him goodbye from the doorstep instead of letting him drop you off at the airport, Jin was devastated. 
Jin didn’t want to move away from the doorstep; the larger part of his brain was trying to convince the rest of it that you would emerge from the line where you disappeared and laugh at him saying that it was all a prank. 
Alas! It was not. 
It was summer again and Summer was sad that it had been demoted from being Seokjin’s favourite season to his most hated one. 
But in all of the stifling air that hung around and inside Jin, a notification sound brought a gust of sea-scented breeze to him - a text message from you. 
“Check the drawer under the staircase.”
Seokjin took a moment to blink away the surprise and then he ran inside, leaving the threshold behind. 
Inside the drawer was a multi-patterned cardboard box with a note on top that said, ‘one for each day you miss me’ and within it was a pile of letters - 366 in total, in case it took you that long to keep your promise. 
Days were going by.
You were keeping your promise though contacting each other while you were away was rare. 
Officially, you were granted two vacations yearly. It didn’t matter which times of the year you took them as long as there wasn’t any mission that required your input. The length of your vacation also depended on the presence of operations and requirement of personnel and expertise. 
To ensure coverage, the agents were given a form upon entering the organisation. It asked the agents which time of the year they preferred to have a vacation. You had filled it up as ‘I am fine with any time of the year’. Of course you had preferences in mind but the higher-ups didn’t need to know about them. The response turned out to be in your favour because some heartless asshole in the authority made sure that no agent got the vacation that they put as their preference. That made power harassment a hot topic at the dinner table among the rookies. 
Even though you had years of experience and you were proficient in your job, you were a rookie in the organisation and therefore assigned to easier tasks. It was convenient because you were able to effortlessly wrap up the work in time.
You always made sure that you were home for Jin’s birthday and your wedding anniversary. 
In the beginning you also secured vacations as long as seven days. As promised, you returned home unscathed. 
But as years went by your holidays got shorter. 
On your fourth year anniversary, you got three days for your second vacation of the year. Jin took you to the beach house where you had your honeymoon. 
It freshened up memories that you cherished. And you cherished the person in those memories. You wished to stay home forever when Jin kissed you by the bonfire under the stars and your toes curled in the cold sand.
Just like any other human whose primary instinct is to adapt and survive, you both responded to your situation likewise. You made sure to make enough memories while being together - in shapes of photos and videos, laughter and smiles, kisses and sparkling eyes - to hold on to and reminisce when you stayed apart. You were living and adapting. 
But life is cruel and it couldn’t tolerate that it was beginning to seem bearable to both of you. 
After the last goodbye in the summer, that marked the beginning of your fifth year as an ORCA agent, Jin continued living just like he had made himself live all these years - waiting for the phone to make that special ringtone set for unknown numbers; going through the photos and videos of you and the two of you together, working consciously for the sake of everyone and himself; taking care of himself so that he doesn't get scolded once you returned home; keeping up with world affairs to make wild guesses about where you might be right at that moment and reading one letter per day. 
It was hard at first but he had started to get the hang of it. 
Seokjin’s worry started when you neither contacted him nor came back in winter as usual. 
Things turned blue when even after the 366th letter his phone didn’t vibrate with that special ringtone and you didn’t return to him in spring like you were supposed to. 
Jin felt his consciousness shutting down like a gradual power outage - one by one, bit by bit. 
The members were worried about both of you, but if they were to show their weakness to their oldest brother then who would keep him sane? 
“Sane…” Jin chuckled to himself in the darkness of the living room and wondered if he was ever sane for even a single day since you joined that hell of a stupid secret organisation. 
Now he felt even more insane because the walls of every room in this big house were beginning to close in on him; the ghost of your presence haunted every corner of its existence.
He had to make an escape, he had to survive, he had to keep his promise. 
He started to spend more and more of his time outside the empty house, in the company building - working himself to the bones, making a cocoon in his studio. 
He also began to reread the letters, starting from the very beginning.
At night, he buried his screams in the wet pillow and prayed for you to be safe and alive and that you would come back to him. 
“Is this too much to ask?” He wondered, “it’s been a long time…” 
His prayers were answered one fateful winter morning when he was woken up with a start by the unfamiliar relentless ringing of his phone. 
He fell from his couch and fumbled to take the phone out from under the letter that he was reading last night — 210th — and opened your text - ‘guess who is coming back home finally? See you tomorrow, lover boy.’  
He blacked out for a good minute because of the sudden burst of serotonin in his system. 
The entire day, Jin couldn’t wait for their schedule to wrap up and he kept on pestering the staff by asking repeatedly after each task, “Are we done yet?” 
When finally they were free to go Jin rushed out of the building with Taehyung who just liked tagging along wherever Jin went. 
Upon reaching, the forgotten house greeted them with upset cob-webs, sad furniture and prideful dust that weren’t too happy about the idea of being removed. The dust protested by invading their nasal cavities resulting in a series of immediate coughs and sneezes.
“Damn, hyung! When was the last time you came home?” Taehyung asked in a muffled voice after covering his nose and mouth with his scarf. 
Jin’s forlorn gaze travelled around the space and his voice came out rather distant. “I haven’t, yet.” 
The beeping sound of the microwave oven pulls Seokjin out of his reverie. The muffins are the last one of the dishes that needed done. All the other preparations are complete. All he needs to do now is to wait - which is proving to be the hardest of all the tasks. 
He is restless and he can’t stop shaking his legs and repeatedly checking the time. He is trying hard to convince himself that years are a lot longer than a few hours but he can’t make the anticipation in his heart go down with any amount of pep talk. He is finally going to see your face, hear your voice and hold you in his arms. He is finally going to feel your warmth envelope his lonely frigid heart. 
Just as the sun sets, leaving the house at the mercy of the moonlight, the loud sound of the doorbell starts to echo throughout the house. 
Seokjin springs up from the inner threshold where he has been sitting on the floor, and before the ringing can stop he opens the door. 
A tanned smiling face lined with days of trauma greets him and Seokjin doesn't miss a beat to hug you. Keeping his ears on your chest he listens intently to the beats that greatly solace him. He squeezes you tighter in his embrace as his head moves up and down rhythmically on your very-much-breathing bosoms.  
Your life is merciful today. 
The water touching your body is the perfect temperature. The hands massaging your sore muscles and helping you clean are soft and gentle. The clothes you are wearing are crisp and clean. Your stomach doesn't have to growl for long and the food in front of you is warm and inviting — finally you are going to have the sushi you were dying for.
Most importantly, the person you are with now is someone with whom you don't need to stiffen your shoulders and strain your senses. 
You don't realise until you see his face how much you longed to see it. Seokjin's face is like a resting place for your eyes - a balmy sight. Looking at him now reminds you of the three days straight you had once spent in the surveillance room. When you came out and saw the greenery outside the building, you cried because your eyes had felt so relieved. 
Lying down on the bed with Seokjin snuggling you  under the cosy blanket, the fatigue finally catches up to you and you feel yourself getting swallowed by the soft mattress. You don’t remember the last time you felt so worriless while falling asleep or the last time sleep came to you so easily, so caringly. 
With drowsy eyes you look at your husband who is looking at you with a faint smile and some residual longing in his eyes and you suggest in a sleeplaced voice, “Maybe I should take voluntary retirement now.” 
Jin watches you fall asleep right after making that comment. He knows that it’s most likely your body’s comfort receiver talking and you would return to your usual self after getting enough rest. Still, he can’t help but water the little seed of hope that you just sowed in his heart. 
He rests his palm softly on your cheek and gently caresses the space beside your eye with his thumb. He shudders while thinking about the countless sleepless nights those beautiful eyes of yours have endured and the innumerable grotesque things they have witnessed. 
His mind tells him that maybe he can try to reason with you again later but right now he must give his own tired body some rest. 
Lying in the comfort of your presence in the familiar room makes him release a slow content sigh - the walls don’t feel suffocating anymore. 
He scoots closer to you and places a kiss on your forehead before whispering, “We have a lot to catch up on, poppins.”   
His arm moves on muscle memory and finds its way around you anchoring itself. 
Seokjin has been running for a while, trying to escape from a part of his reality but now he can stop doing that and get some rest - he has come home now. 
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— © 2023 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Goat Simulator Remastered announced for PS5, Xbox Series, and PC - Gematsu
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Coffee Stain Publishing and developers Coffee Stain Studios, Coffee Stain North, and Deep Silver FISHLABS have announced Goat Simulator Remastered for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, Microsoft Store). It will launch in 2024.
“Get ready to be transported back to 2014, where times were simpler and everyone just wanted to be a Goat,” said Coffee Stain Publishing producer Joel Rydholm in a press release. “Goat Simulator Remastered is launching during the 10th anniversary of the original game, and we’re so excited to celebrate by bringing back the inspiration behind both Goat Simulator 2 and Goat Simulator 3, giving fans an opportunity to re-experience beloved goat-fueled memories with glorious new graphics and improvements.”
Here is an overview of the game, via Coffee Stain Publishing:
Goat Simulator Remastered is the latest in goat simulation technology. Your favorite chaotic sandbox is back and more beautiful than ever, with updated graphics, every downloadable content, and more bugs that you can shake a goat at. WASD to rewrite history. Your goal? Chaos! Your muse? Pilgor the goat! If you’ve had your horns in the sand for the last 10 years, Goat Simulator is a game about causing as much destruction as you possibly can, as a goat. Headbutt, backflip and ragdoll your way around each level to earn points, and come up with creative ways to ruin an NPC’s day. Goat Simulator Remastered is the remaster no one asked for. It comes with everything you loved about the original game and more, with new and improved visuals, updated textures, shiny new lighting, and some brand-new foliage showing off the finest in advanced goat simulation technology. We’ve also completely reworked Mutators, allowing you to pick and choose whichever “goat” you desire from a handy in-game menu. You just have to catch them all first!
The remaster also includes every downloadable content from the PC version, and one of our favorites from the mobile version, including:
“GoatVille” – The Big Apple of Goat Simulator, as some would say…
“Goat City Bay” – The coastal jewel of northern GoatAsia.
“Goat MMO” – A fantasy adventure across lands unknown.
“Goat Z” – Can you survive the apocalypse?
“PAYDAY” – Gather your crew and prepare for a heist!
“Waste Of Space” – Explore the outer reaches of space and see what popular sci-fi references lie within…
“Buck to School” – From Goat Simulator Mobile, GoatVille high has a new jock in town.
There are also less exciting new things, like general optimization and bug fixing—but we promise we mainly fixed the boring ones.
Key Features
You can be a goat… again.
No really, that’s still the main selling point.
A brand spanking new mutator menu that lets you mix and match goats to your heart’s content—if your contentment means abominations.
As buggy as you remember—just because it’s a remaster doesn’t mean we haven’t left in an unhealthy dose of physics-based bugs because why not?
All downloadable content included—we could have sold them separately to you again, but if we’re honest this is already a cash-grab.
New and improved graphics, lighting, VFX and animations – as well as revamped foliage for the prettiest leaves you’ll see in a Goat Simulator game excluding Goat Simulator 3.
Goat Simulator Remastered is a completely stupid game and has been a completely stupid game since we first invented goat simulation over 10 years ago. We’ve said it before, but you should absolutely be spending your money on something else, like a neat hat, a pile of bricks, or maybe pool your money together with your friends and buy a real goat.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
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loonaticskr · 1 year
Welcome To The Official Loonatics KR Blog!
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Account made by me @kervinfire
NOTE: Under construction and repost due accidental deletion
Has anyone remember @purpleluckystar popular Loonatics Unleashed fan fic reboot called Loonatics R (aka Loonatics Revamp). It was one of the best fan-fics out there for the underrated fandom wanting to have a reboot. It has featured revamped characters from the show. Rebooted backstories from our favorite Loonatics and it even has a compelling story and new characters that this fan-fic has to offer on Tumblr and DeviantArt. It even has the ask the Loonatics in the Loonatics R Blog from the characters that Purple revamped.
Everything was going great until this fanfic was canceled due to her health problems (I hope you stay safe Purple). Which means almost without warning. Purple almost tried to delete all the Loonatics R-related content including the fanart in Deviantart. When she announced that she would delete her Loonatics R blog I had to save the fanfic including the asks that Purple made and transfer all her Loonatics Chapters from my Wattpad. I decided to try continuing the fanfic but time is trying to stop me and it would be impossible to continue the fic alone. That is @draze-a came in.
In Discord, we talked to each other continuing the fic and making new characters. I even have @mysticinternetdinosaur to join alongside me including @segamarkiii and @loonamonium who join in the KR project and even DarthCraftus from Deviantart who now joins in the project.
With a crew like this. We will try our best to do whatever it takes to keep this fanfic alive. And the best part. She gave away all of her OC characters and now I now finally adopted all the characters that Purple made. from Loonatics R
So again. Welcome to the official blog for Loonatics KR...
If you are new here visit the original Loonatic R Fanfic that I save in Wattpad
And please help me give me donations in PayPal
Or at FundraiserMe
CHARACTERS (More characters and Links will be added soon)
Main Protagonists (Canon Characters):
Ace Bunny
Lexi Rabbit (renamed to Rabbit by Purple because she said that they won't be related)
Danger Duck
Slam Tasmanian
Tech E Coyote
Rev Runner
Allies (Canon Characters):
Other Characters Adopted and Owned from @purpleluckystar:
Alonso Gonzales
Boomer Goldfist
Dotty Bunny
Ella Rabbit
Marina Quack
Nao Bunny
Upton Rabbit
Jason Raccoon
Con and Doyle
Professor Snout
New Characters Made From Loonatics KR Project Crew (More characters added soon)
Tiger Leaps - Made by @kervinfire
Cane Lupo - Made by @kervinfire
Rage Shards - Made by @kervinfire
Roary Roar Lyon - Made by @draze-a
Koale Hypaethral - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Sam Soojin - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Jett Reighland - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Q & A
Q: What is Loonatics KR?
A: Loonatics KR (also known as Kervin's Revamp) takes on the same fanfic story of Loonatics R. Not just the KR version will continue the story for the unfinished chapter but it also brings more in a Snyder Cut-styled story that features new characters and new scenarios
Q: What is the purpose of why making the fic?
A: The purpose why I wanted to make this fic and take her place is because I wanted to keep the Loonatics Unleashed Fandom alive. Official Warner Bros continued to mock that show from Animaniacs, Teen Titans Go, and even New Looney Tunes. But this not stop me to prove that I am one of the people who have my love for Loonatics Unleashed. until its recognized for a reboot.
Q: This takes forever to make. When are you going to post it?
A: We can't promise when the release date will be. Sometimes making fanfic takes a lot of time. We completed chapters and retells but its best to keep it fully complete before we publish it again.
Q: Can I draw your characters from Loonatics KR?
A: I keep my characters protected and treat them like my creations. If you want to draw my characters (especially my adopts and the canon fan made revamps that I owned) Always ask permission and tell me what are you going to draw. Especially with my Discord friends
Q: What other sites will you use aside from Tumblr or Wattpad?
A: For the future, I may also plan to put it in Deviantart or Instagram
Q: Will your Asks remain open in Tumblr
A: There are not enough people asking for now so yes it will remain open
Q: Just in case what would happen if you quit the project or when you die while making the fic,
A: I'm not going to quit this project. This fanfic that I owned and am now in the making is everything to me. And even if WB already made a reboot I am going to make this my Loonatics AU (alternate universe). But when I say I would gladly let my project friends take place if I passed away. @draze-a would probably be the first one or @mysticinternetdinosaur
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WIP: in the mirror I saw who you could have been
Do you like fantasy stories with disaster bisexuals and psychic pain magic?? Do you like relationship shenanigans and identity crises interspersed with horrific necromancy??
✨ Revamped, reanimated, now with even MORE undeath! ✨
With the rare ability to suck the life energy from mortals, Delta has healed from death countless times. Except just once, a crucial part of them didn’t grow back.
Missing almost all memories, Delta has a new mission this time around: to wear the guise of their former self and help take down the last of their fellow energy vampires.
Jade, their past self's lover, once knew them better than anyone, and her perspectives from their tumultuous relationship are the best reference Delta has. And then there's Gavin, a soul Delta recognizes from another plane, now a determined rebel leader with his own ideas about how Delta's powers should be used.
Tangled in a web of past relationships and previous promises, Delta must decide where to go from here, and how much they really owe to a self who is never coming back.
Start from the Beginning 
1 -- Delta wakes up on a battlefield (edited from original posting) 2 --  Delta struggles to heal (edited from original posting) 3 -- Delta’s starting get a hang of this whole pain vampire thing 4 -- Delta’s body remembers Jade/ they meet her for the first time (again)
Character studies and backstory snippets (Can be read at any point)
Andromeda -- A flashback, Delta meeting Andromeda and learning about themself.
If Home Is Where The Heart Is Then We’re All Just Fucked -- A flashback. Set shortly before 1 -- when Delta comes back different. Jade has a bonding moment with Maren, learns Maren’s backstory, and gets some unwanted advice about her own life.
Maren: Clarity -- Problematic knife lesbian has a rare moment of self reflection
an undead person thinks about their favorite ghost -- what it says on the tin. Delta looking back on how they got to know Ilya
This Happens Later: Mountain Time, in chronological order
Note: Those marked with an * were written before I decided to change Trystan’s name to Delta in this series. There are hints at a previous draft with more of an Alternate Universe plot and a lot less Reincarnation and Resurrection plot, so some details are inaccurate, although similar things will still happen at some point in the new version. I’ll rewrite them at some point!
*Warmth (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen)-- Trystan, Jade, and Ari are venturing up a treacherous mountain after everything’s gone to hell. HUDDLE FOR WARMTH
*More mountain time (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen) -- what it says on the tin. Trystan, Jade, and Ari are still in the mountains. Ari's still pregnant and Trystan still has to torture people!
*Stop (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen) -- Trystan, Jade and Ari are still in the mountains and it SUCKS. Major environmental whump and creepy undead pain-vampire shit.
*An Occupied Body (No longer fully accurate, but will still happen) -- Direct sequel to Stop. Ari struggles with her emotions as she and Jade figure out how to deal with undead Trystan.
“I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me” (Whumptober Day 19, 2023) -- Delta (formerly Trystan in prev drafts) has gone to get help, leaving Jade and Ari alone in a cave to wait. Jade decides she’s done waiting, and guided by a mysterious voice, brings Ari along with her to an unknown fate.
Just Sweet Enough -- Sickening Jade/Ari fluff after they finally get rescued and make it out of their traumatic mountain ordeal.
These aren’t canon anymore but they have Fun Vibes. They’re all from the draft where it was about Alternate Universes.
old prologue (portal girl!) -- a young teen comes down from the mountains, claiming to have stumbled through an impossible portal. Ari backstory which is no longer accurate.
“I like to think there’s a world where you never gave up on me.” Ari and Denna talk about feelings, and how Denna never came looking for Ari.
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toxicsquad · 1 year
[Eng/Esp] The eleventh chapter is now officially available / El undécimo episodio está oficialmente disponible
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Your return to the surface is full of challenges. Valefar is planning a mysterious event that promises booze, fun and… Blood. But before that, there's still one thing you have to deal with. What will you do to fix it?
It is possible that errors may occur with all entries in episode 11 - i.e. both 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3. The last save of episode 10 may not show the usual prompt to continue. You can resume from previous saves or by refreshing as indicated below.
Opening the save as usual.
Pressing the letter 'd' - this will refresh the engine, which will read back the programming changes. A console will open at the top, which you can close manually and very easily.
By turning the mouse wheel down or pressing 'pg down' on the keyboard to go back a few lines in episode 10, the engine will interpret the changes and route correctly.
From here, if you go forward, you should see the usual sign inviting you to continue to the next episode.
In any case, any new or previous developments before this episode shouldn't cause any inconvenience. If you haven't had any problems opening your save, you don't need to do all this either. We hope this information is helpful and apologise for the inconvenience. 💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠
Update of the new episode:
3 new CGs.
24 new sprites.
1 new background revamp.
1 new support image.
Other implementations and improvements:
Bug sprite Arael angel.
Bug sprite Ariel demon.
Bug CG Pin 9.1.
Bug Translation description of saves.
Textual bugs 10.0 (english version).
Improved save titles (now not only the episode and alignment are indicated, but also the character path [available from 11.1 onwards]).
➡️➡️➡️ Go to Itch to download
➡️➡️➡️ Go to Jolt Games to download
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Tu vuelta a la superficie está llena de retos. Valefar planea un misterioso evento que promete alcohol, diversión y… Sangre. Pero antes de eso, todavía hay un asunto que tienes pendiente. ¿Qué harás para arreglarlo?
Es posible que se produzcan errores con todas las entradas del episodio 11 -Es decir, tanto el 11.1, 11.2 y 11.3-. Es posible que el último guardado del capítulo 10 no muestre el habitual aviso para continuar. Se puede reanudar desde guardados anteriores o refrescando de la siguiente forma.
Abriendo el guardado como habitualmente.
Pulsando la letra ‘d’ -esto refrescará al motor que volverá hacer una lectura de los cambios en la programación-. Arriba se abrirá una consola que podéis cerrar manualmente y de forma muy sencilla.
Girando hacia abajo la rueda del ratón o pulsando ‘pg down’ en el teclado para retroceder unas líneas en el episodio 10, el motor interpretará los cambios y se encauzará correctamente en la ruta.
A partir de aquí si avanzas debería salir el habitual cartel donde te invita a continuar al siguiente episodio.
En cualquier caso, cualquier avance nuevo o anterior a este episodio, no debería causar ningún tipo de inconveniente. Si no has tenido ningún problema al abrir tu guardado, tampoco es necesario que hagas todo esto. Esperamos que esta información sea de ayuda y nos disculpamos por las molestias.
Actualización del nuevo episodio:
3 nuevos CGs.
24 sprites nuevos.
1 revamp de fondo.
1 imagen de apoyo nueva.
Otras implementaciones y mejoras:
Bug sprite Arael ángel.
Bug sprite Ariel demonio.
Bug CG Pin 9.1.
Bug Traducción descripción de los guardados.
Bug textuales 10.0 (versión inglés).
Mejora en los títulos de guardado (ahora no solo se indica el episodio y la alineación, sino también la ruta de personaje [disponible del 11.1 en adelante])
➡️➡️➡️Ir a Itch para descargar
➡️➡️➡️Ir a Jolt Games para descargar
Patreon | Twitter​ | Instagram​ | Itch  | Jolt Game | Discord
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buchi-to-pichi · 1 year
Not Quite Back....
Just yet, I'm not quite back. But I am working heavily on it, and working on the direction we want to take everything. If that's all you'd like to know, awesome! I hope to see you all in the next month or so with everything working again.
If you'd like something a bit deeper, I've perhaps opened up a bit too much under the cut 😅
I have finished college, finally. I had two jobs which the college had promised me, in my field of graphic design, but unfortunately neither of them wanted me. One of the biggest reasons they didn't is because I am extremely shy in sharing my work, to the point of it causing a hinderance in my life.
My anxiety is one of the big things this project was created for, an attempt to make me feel a bit more comfortable in showing my work. It is something I've always struggled with, in extreme ways. I rarely show my art to anyone, and I always get rid of it. Digital art is never saved, and physical art isn't, either - I always throw it away, because the thought of anyone seeing it is just too much for me.
I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it's something I'm actively working against. Everything in this project has been an attempt to show people my work, and it's been amazing seeing how many people love it. But it's also been very hard to post consistently, because I find it chipping at my mentality every time. When combined with the stresses of life, everything can quickly become too stressful.
I am going to be reworking things in a way that may seem that I'm becoming a bit less 'here', but that is mostly for my own comfort. I am hoping to post less frequently, but with more detailed posts, with worksheets to help study. I am also hoping to revamp my books, with the intention of having a sellable version; were I able to make this more profitable, I may be able to quit my secondary job. (This would be amazing, as I would love to focus more on this project.)
To anyone bothering to read all of that, thank you so much! I don't mean it as any kind of excuse for why I've been gone, but rather an explanation for why I can appear poor at taking care of this blog.
I'll see you all soon, with new ideas and new lessons!
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pandasmagorica · 1 year
Intro/tracking post
Last updated September 29, 2024.
Older queer white cis dude in California, pronoun he.
Love music.
Enjoy QL, mostly Thai, mostly series.
Here to read and comment on posts. Lack of posting does not represent non-engagment with a series. Reblogging represents engagement, not (necessarily) agreement with a post. Non-reblogging may (or may not) reflect an accessibility issue with the original post or that there is some other reason I don't want it on my blog (even if I like or agree with it).
If a series puts me off in the first episode, I will often abandon it, sometimes within the first few minutes. I'm less likely to abandon midway. If I'm considering abandoning a series I've otherwise liked up to that point, I'll often read the reviews on MDL or look up posts on the series, at risk of getting spoilers, to decide whether to go on with it (and it's gone both ways).
Not a fan of spoilers, but recognize it as a risk of engaging so I don't (usually) spoiler-shame. Please don't put them in comments to me, if you would be so kind.
Okay with sad endings if they're earned or otherwise inevitable.
Incomplete watchlist (which I will update from time to time):
Top Shows (in order as best I can, ask me on another day and stuff might move):
Until We Meet Again and everything I like better than Until We Meet Again. Expands as needed.
Not Me (best QL series ever for plot, acting, cinematography, and music, content warning for violence) (1 re-watch)
Bad Buddy (lots of fun, new discoveries on every re-watch) (3 re-watches)
Knock Knock Boys (episode 1 notes with mature content) (episode 3-6 notes without) (sex positive romantic comedy)
He's Coming to Me (heartwarming, delightful coming-of-age work. I didn't care for the library raid part and skipped it once on rewatch and there seemed to me to be some inconsistencies with the ghost rules.) (3 re-watches)
Cherry Magic (Japanese version, delightful, looking forward to the Thai remake if they ever settle the rights issues)
To Sir With Love (could get me to try lakorns)
Semantic Error (enemies to lovers comedy that hits all the right notes)
A Tale of a Thousand Stars (fine series, not sure why I haven't rewatched it, need to rewatch after Our Skyy 2)
55:15 Never Too Late (not QL but has a QL subplot, notable for having an older semi-out gay character) (1 re-watch)
Gaya Sa Pelicula (Like in the Movies) (odd couple thrown together, fall in love, hit limits
Eternal Yesterday (re-watch episode notes) (not usually into high school QL but the plot got me and it blew me away, achingly sad throughout) (1 re-watch)
Until We Meet Again (fine contrast between the ghosts of the past and the world of today, deep story, but has a few problematic scenes that I cringe at, theme music got repetitive; content warning for suicide) (2 or 3 re-watches)
Much as I love them, I don't automatically recommend every one of them to everyone. The right rec for the right person!
In progress
The Eighth Sense (on possible hold as I consider a trope I don't love)
Cherry Magic (Thai) (on apparently long-term hold pending rights issues)
I Promised You the Moon (but not actively watching)
Okay, this is a really long list and I'm probably not going to watch all of them, but a fan's gotta dream, right?
Although I Love You, and You?
Boys Be Brave
The Heart Killers
Leap Day
Living With Him
Mama Gogo
Midnight Motel
My Strawberry Film
Old Fashioned Cupcake
Oh! Boarding House
1000 Years Old
The Player
The Rebound
Shadow (although probably not)
Stay Still
Tokyo in April Is...
25:00 in Akasaka
Unknown (to binge)
First episode watched but not committed to
Our Dining Table
Also Completed:
A Cut Above (in alphabetical order):
Near misses for my top list, bubbling under that line. Highly recommended.
Anti-Reset (episode notes) (speculative fiction on the future of AI, in a robot and a human who fall in love, quite emotional)
At 25:00 in Akasaka (review) (QL meta romantic comedy)
Century of Love (episode notes) (a 120-year-old man learns to let go of the past and find his future with a young man he meets by chance who might be that loved one from the past after all, content warning for violence)
Formula 17 (campy and fun) (2 or 3 rewatches)
4 Minutes (review) (avant-garde metaphysical exploration of regret and renewal)
History 3: Trapped (very funny and enjoyable
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama (feel-good comedy)
The Great Doctor (episode notes) (not QL) (medical/historical/time travel mashup, content warning for violence and gory medical stuff)
Kiseki: Dear to Me (watch notes) (top notch crime drama with a lot of humor - content warning for violence - includes an older gay couple) (1 rewatch)
Lovely Writer (very meta about the QL industry and quite funny)
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (episode notes) (magical and bittersweet; includes an elderly gay couple)
Moonlight Chicken (touching and fun)
Once Again (touching time travel, sad throughout) (1 rewatch)
180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us (intelligent and a good watch, melancholy, feels very much like a stage play)
The Sign (deeply flawed but wild and enthralling deep dive into northeastern Thai mythology disguised as a cop series - content warning for violence - yeah, it's a mess but it's a glorious mess)
10 Years Ticket (episode notes) (crime drama about two warring families, bittersweet ending - not QL, but there's a QL subplot)
3 Will Be Free (review link) (wild ride with great twists, content warning for violence, yeah I'd call it QL)
Unknown (review link) (found family, found love - content warning for violence, unrelated "brothers")
The Warp Effect (not QL, but some queer characters)
and a fanfic:
What's in Your Head (Bad Buddy zombie fic) (content warning for violence, requires AO3 login)
Others I enjoyed (in alpha order):
I enjoyed these enough to be happy I watched them, but not enough to consider them classics and in no danger of breaching my top 10.
Be My Favorite (fun time-travel fantasy with a strong political viewpoint and good twists, one of the mains is a bit hard to take)
Bed Friend (not sure enjoyed is the right word, has some triggers, but worth seeing, loved the cat role-play)
Bite Fight (so bad it's good; horror comedy)
The Boy Foretold By the Stars (fun, sweet comedy)
Choco Milkshake (fun, touching pet fantasy)
Cupid's Last Wish (fun body-swap plot, insane amount of food and landscape porn, rural settings, content warning for gross cow veterinary scene)
Dark Blue Kiss (pretty good, creepy interloper)
Dear Tenant (enjoyed isn't the right word, and had to pause and walk away from it partway for a major cry, but an excellent film)
DNA Says I Love You (review link) (sweet, sad, interesting gender minority rep)
The End of the World With You (mix of SF and fantasy, good story and relationships)
Eternal Summer (Taiwanese film about youth discovering their identity - bisexual love triangle - well done if a bit melancholy)
First Love Again (A slave and a woman in Goreyo fall in love, but the slave is killed for it. Two reincarnations later, they are two men in modern-day Seoul. Oh, and there's a spirit who used to be a cat guiding the former slave through his wish to be loved. Good balance between romantic comedy and drama.)
Ghost Host, Ghost House (nice supernatural treatment)
Gift Shop for People You Hate (not QL but has two minor gay characters making guest appearances, one evil and one harmless) (horror, with a very dark sense of humor) (this one doesn't show an English title on YouTube, but if you search YouTube under that name you'll find it) (1 rewatch)
Jack O'Frost (melancholy and sweet)
The Man Who Defies the World of BL (very funny after watching several series and becoming aware of the tropes)
The Man Who Defies the World of BL season 2 (okay, maybe a joke can go on long enough)
Me, My Husband and My Husband's Boyfriend (bittersweet poly-ish story)
Midnight Museum (not QL but has a major bromance that could go full QL if there's ever a sequel) (a mess, but a glorious mess)
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss (quite enjoyable)
My Ride (enjoyable comedy with dramatic moments - includes an older gay couple)
Naked Dining (good fun, lots of misunderstandings and food porn)
Neverland (web series from India, well done and too brief)
Our Dating Sim (fun series about the courage to correct your mistakes from the past, set in the video game workplace - a few cringe moments, but generally a very kind series)
Rainbow Prince (campy and fun, not enough songs for something that's supposed to be a musical, you have to be okay with cheesy)
Rak Diao (funny, very silly, very sitcom, although the harassment jokes got old fast and didn't stop)
Sleep With Me (review link) (sweet lesbian romance, kinda slow for such short episodes, great disability rep)
Something in My Room (the abridged-episode version) (good, not great, ghost story)
Stay By My Side (review link) (fun ghost story version of Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss)
Tale of the Lost Boys (movie) (friendship story between a visiting straight Filipino and a gay Taiwanese aboriginal in Taiwan, heartwarming story)
Tinted with You (a way too short, fun time travel fantasy involving a painting and a mystical art lover that bring an art student together with an ancient deposed prince)
Twilight Kiss aka Suk Suk (fine, bittersweet Hong Kong film about an affair between two older heterosexually married men who are actually closeted gay men)
Twins (Thai pulp, fun, not too deep, some poop humor)
Wandee Goodday (a smart, sex-positive comedy with some missteps)
What Six Survivors Told (quick review) (zombie comedy, not QL but a bi character and same sex attractions, strong female characters, very funny)
Your Name Engraved Herein (not sure enjoyed is the right word but it's fine work)
Zero Photography (from Magic of Zero) (most entertaining product promotion vehicle I've seen in QL, even better than Pran & Pat's product placements in Bad Buddy)
Torn about:
These all had some kind of major issue that prevents me from recommending them.
Fish Upon the Sky (appalled at the racism/punch-down humor in episode 4, otherwise loved its play with form)
Last Twilight (entrancing series, but the characters didn't grow, the ending was poorly set up - needed a few more episodes - and it ultimately fumbled on disability rep)
Mr. Cinderella (nearly abandoned this one because of a supporting toxic character, but kept with it after reading a post about the traditional Vietnamese story it was tracking)
Secret Crush on You (cringed for the first half, considered dropping it, read the defense by trans reviewers, watched the rest, and suddenly it got really good)
Together With Me (mix of great content and really problematic content)
I'm more glad than not that I watched these but in retrospect would have been okay if I had missed them:
Bagan Beginning (Not-bad early Myanmar foray into QL, lots of food and antiquity porn, content warning for violence in the last episode)
Color Rush (interesting concept, just okay)
Enchanté (not as bad as people say it is, but also just okay)
Gay OK Bangkok and Gay OK Bangkok 2 (definitely gay and, er, okay)
Nitiman (okay enough)
Only Friends (episode notes) (a sex farce with too much toxic behavior for my taste and a last episode choice that left a bad taste in my mouth)
Our Skyy 2 Bad Buddy x Thousand Stars (counting the four episodes as one series even though they have different names, didn't love this but didn't hate it either, very pale compared to the original two separate series)
Our Skyy 2 Vice Versa (was just okay with a really bad idea at the base of its plot)
Star & Sky: Star in My Mind (not great, not bad)
The Tasty Florida (cute enough, just so-so)
Vice Versa (brief notes) (good concept, product placements became way too intrusive for my full enjoyment)
Ones I wish I could watch:
I only watch legit sources, both so the creators get money for it and to reduce the hacking risks that watching gray presents.
Triage (I don't have a Thai phone number to log in to AISPlay, and even if I did not sure if it would have English subtitles)
Manner of Death (I need a WeTV subscription and will check that out) (thank you to @lurkingteapot for this info)
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Peach of Time (supernatural plot) (supposedly I can watch this on WeTV using VPN but I'm not yet ready to make the leap to VPN)
Series I abandoned:
23.5, despite my pledge to watch it, very late (episode 11, mid-part-2/4) because of what I call the punching bag trope that just showed up
Accomplishment of Fundoshi Bartender (episode 2 when he screamed offstage about not dating married men - I know this series isn't intended to be realistic but I still need the other characters to react to his behavior - this series has gotten entirely too silly for me)
Candy Colored Paradox (bored by episode 2 or 3)
Cooking Crush (a few minutes into episode 1 [2/4] as it is getting way too silly for me, plus we're going to have to put up with hazing/bullying as comedy - at least they had some new sound effects)
Cutie Pie (hated the infantilizing, left by episode 3 or 4)
I Told Sunset About You (left in episode 1, not loving the high school content)
Love by Chance (had someone fall on top of someone else in the first 30 seconds, left immediately)
Love Stage (apparently without most of the music - I'm guessing there's rights issues - but I abandoned it after 2 episodes because one of the lead's acting felt flat and I didn't enjoy the humor)
Lucky My Love (first segment didn't engage me)
Meow Ears Up (lost interest in the first episode with the fangirls in the store incident)
Monster Next Door (I'm finding the visual effects painful)
My Secret Love (first segment didn't engage me)
One Room Angel (dropped after episode 3 because it's so depressing; open to returning if it cheers up)
Playboyy (a new record - I got scared away by the content warning before the episode even started - however, based on various posts I might reconsider in for a binge watch once it's over)
SOTUS (not a fan of hazing)
Star & Sky: Sky in Your Heart (abandoned around the time of the outhouse incident)
Theory of Love (abandoned when nearly at the beginning Gun's character was crying in the shower)
VIP Only (failed to engage me in the first episode)
Un-favorite tropes:
Falling on someone
Heavy seme/uke dynamic
Northern rural Thai loan sharks
Evil ex
Stuff that I've written as opposed to reblogged I've tagged #pandasmagorica so I can find them easier.
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gamepocket · 10 months
Easily Download Pokemon Emerald Kaizo [Step-By-Step Guide]
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Embark on an exhilarating Pokemon adventure like never before with Pokemon Emerald Kaizo, a modified version of the classic Pokemon Emerald that promises a heightened level of challenge and excitement.
If you're a passionate Pokemon enthusiast seeking a fresh and engaging experience, you're in for a treat.
In this guide, we'll take you through the seamless process of downloading Pokemon Emerald Kaizo, ensuring you can effortlessly dive into this enhanced gameplay on your Game Boy Advance Pokemon games.
Join us as we explore the steps to unlock the full potential of this captivating ROM hack, designed to test the skills of even the most seasoned Pokemon trainers.
What is Pokemon Emerald Kaizo?
Pokemon Emerald Kaizo stands out with its enhanced difficulty level and revamped gameplay.
This modified version is developed by dedicated fans and offers a unique and challenging Pokemon adventure.
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From more challenging trainers to strategically placed wild Pokemon, every aspect is designed to test your talents and keep you on the edge of your seat.
System Requirements
Before embarking on your Pokemon Emerald Kaizo journey, ensure your system meets the requirements. This will guarantee a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience without any technical hiccups.
Operating System: Windows, macOS, or Linux
Emulator: Visual Boy Advance or mGBA
ROM: Pokemon Emerald Kaizo ROM file
Why Download Pokemon Emerald Kaizo?
Embarking on the Pokemon Emerald Kaizo adventure promises more than just a game; it's a dynamic experience that enriches your journey as a trainer. The heightened difficulty level and revamped features ensure that every battle and encounter tests strategy and skill.
The active community surrounding Pokemon Emerald Kaizo adds a social dimension, allowing players to share tips and strategies and engage in a collective passion for the game.
Whether you're a seasoned Pokemon veteran seeking a new challenge or a newcomer enthusiastic to explore the franchise, Pokemon Emerald Kaizo injects fresh and exhilarating energy into your gaming experience, making each moment unforgettable.
Step-by-Step Guide to Download Pokemon Emerald Kaizo
Here is a set of steps that will guide you through the process of downloading Pokemon Emerald Kaizo:
Step 1: Choosing the Right Emulator
To begin your Pokemon Emerald Kaizo adventure, you need a reliable emulator. We recommend using Visual Boy Advance or mGBA, which are compatible with multiple operating systems.
Download Visual Boy Advance
Visit the official Visual Boy Advance website.
Navigate to the "Downloads" section.
Select the version that agrees with your operating system.
Follow the on-screen stages to install the emulator.
Download mGBA
Visit the official mGBA website.
Head to the "Download" page.
Choose the version appropriate for your operating system.
Install the emulator by following the nourished instructions.
Step 2: Acquiring Pokemon Emerald Kaizo ROM
Once a reliable emulator is installed, it's time to obtain the Pokemon Emerald Kaizo ROM.
Conduct a quick online search for "Pokemon Emerald Kaizo ROM download."
Choose a reputable website offering the ROM file.
Download the ROM file to a location on your computer.
Step 3: Configuring the Emulator
Now that you have both the emulator and ROM, it's time to configure the emulator for optimal performance.
Open the emulator you installed.
Navigate to the "Options" menu and select "Emulator."
Adjust settings such as frame rate and sound to suit your preferences.
Load the Pokemon Emerald Kaizo ROM by selecting "File" and then "Open."
Step 4: Start Your Pokemon Journey
With everything set up, it's time to embark on your Pokemon Emerald Kaizo adventure!
Launch the emulator and load the ROM.
Experience the heightened challenges and exciting modifications introduced in Pokemon Emerald Kaizo.
Save your progress regularly to avoid losing hard-earned achievements.
Remember to respect intellectual property rights and own a legal copy of Pokemon Emerald before downloading any ROM hacks. This step-by-step guide ensures a smooth process, allowing you to enjoy Pokemon Emerald Kaizo hassle-free on your Game Boy Advance.
Key Features of Pokemon Emerald Kaizo
Increased Difficulty: Experience challenging and strategic gameplay.
Revamped Design: Crafted by devoted fans, this version introduces fresh features.
Strategic Wild Pokemon Placement: Encounter surprises with thoughtfully placed wild Pokemon.
Tougher Trainers: Battle stronger opponents with advanced strategies.
Community Engagement: Join an active community of Pokemon enthusiasts.
New Challenges: Face unique obstacles beyond the original game.
Distinctive Features: Enjoy unique modifications for an exciting experience.
Balanced Gameplay: Find fairness in challenges with strategic play.
Ongoing Updates: Stay current with community-driven improvements.
Immersive Journey: Dive into a thrilling Pokemon adventure with Emerald Kaizo.
Tips for a Smooth Gaming Experience
Master Your Basics: Strengthen your foundational Pokemon knowledge to navigate challenges more effectively.
Strategic Team Building: Build a well-balanced team to counter diverse opponents and adapt to unexpected situations.
Train Strategically: Focus on leveling up strategically rather than aimlessly, prioritizing critical stats for your chosen Pokemon.
Item Management: Keep a well-stocked inventory of healing items, status ailment cures, and other essentials for prolonged battles.
Save Regularly: Save your progress frequently to avoid losing valuable advancements and to prepare for unforeseen challenges.
Community Interaction: Engage with the Pokemon Emerald Kaizo community for tips, strategies, and insights from fellow players.
Understand Modifications: Familiarize yourself with the unique modifications in Pokemon Emerald Kaizo to make informed decisions during gameplay.
Patience and Persistence: Accept that the game is challenging and may require multiple attempts to succeed. Patience and persistence are key.
Learn from Defeats: Treat defeats as learning opportunities. Analyze your battles, adapt your strategy, and come back stronger.
Explore Thoroughly: Take the time to explore every area thoroughly, as hidden items and surprises may play a crucial role in your journey.
Stay Updated: Watch for game updates and patches to ensure you profit from the latest improvements and enhancements.
Enjoy the Journey: Embrace the challenges and unique experiences Pokemon Emerald Kaizo offers, making your gaming journey more enjoyable.
Our Thoughts
Downloading Pokemon Emerald Kaizo opens the door to a unique and exhilarating Pokemon adventure.
The enhanced features, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community make it a must-try for any Pokemon enthusiast.
Follow our step-by-step guide, explore the modified world of Pokemon, and immerse yourself in a gaming experience like no other.
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