#here's the kicker
dragonwysper · 7 months
I am throwing myself into the sea
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princeofpaths · 2 years
do horses exist in fallout
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cannibalchicken · 4 months
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tangential-hooligan · 1 month
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intriga-hounds · 24 days
i am so excited to meet my babies 😭 HOW WILL I MAKE IT TO SUNDAY???? hopefully they are born on time or i will flip out
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struck-by-the-rain · 4 months
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assorted sillies part 4??? 5? who knows. ft me messing around with csp brushes
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libakarm · 1 year
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rthwrms · 7 months
getting real heated about the art vs craft debate (cause its fucking stupid) it's all art. it's all craft. i think white men should be shot for sayign otherwise
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francesderwent · 8 months
let's get back to the classic catefrankie blogging we were doing before we were so rudely interrupted by my gauche airing of my personal crisis
so I think actually it's easier to talk about this coming at it negatively, because I think what we're circling around is less some inherent strength of masculinity or femininity as they were meant to be, and more some particular flaw that masculinity or femininity are prone to falling into. so I think for men it is irresponsibility - the irresponsibility of Adam standing by while Eve is tempted and threatened by the serpent, passively going along with her sin and then blaming her for it, instead of protecting her like he should have. the irresponsibility of perpetual-adolescent young men, of absent fathers, of detached husbands. but for women, what's crystalized for me over the last couple days is I think it is cynicism: the cynicism of Eve looking at her perfect situation in Eden and thinking that it can't be trusted and can't be relied upon to continue, so she has to take matters into her own hands. the willingness to quickly believe the worst, even of the God who loves her and walks with her in the garden. the cynicism of disappointed spinsters, of bitter mothers, of controlling wives. so men must work against their tendency by taking up responsibility, by purposely setting down roots and sticking to their commitments, making the choice to live for something other than power and pleasure. and women have to work against their tendency by clinging to the goodness that they find and believing in it, resisting the instinct to ferret out flaws and dwell on them broodily.
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nekomim1 · 5 months
Hmmm. Something about Griddlehark and Merthur is giving me very similar vibes sometimes, but its nigh impossible to get my thoughts into words 💀
Just. Something about sacrifice. Something about giving up every part of yourself, for the preservation of the person you love most. And something about that person not even Wanting it. Because what is a life lived without you in it? Why would I want you to change yourself for me? How dare you take the agency away from me to make this choice? How dare you make the decision for me, and decide that I'd be happier living without you than dying with you?
Just. The pain on all sides. To give your life wholly to another person, only for them to reject it. Not because they don't love you, but because they DO. And you're so fucking furious with each other but only because you love each other more than anything else in the universe, even yourselves.
Something about, "I gave you my life, and you didn't even want it."
And something about, "I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you."
Yea. Something like that.
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flamingoinkart · 3 months
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hah shortie
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havockingboo · 2 years
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I’m severely Normal about this rp arc bro I swear.
@officialpapyrus @sansofficial @gasterofficial
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vynnyal · 4 months
I was rewatching some old videos and this one just makes me smile. To me, rainworld is primarily a multiplayer game.
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
Hello. Can I request movies/series adaptations of Lancelot? (old/new/forgotten ones)
lancelot is a big focus in the majority of adaptations. honestly? not too shabby in most of them! here's what i liked best.
Knights of The Round Table (1953)
Sword of Lancelot (1963)
Camelot (1967)
Lancelot du Lac (1974)
Monty Python and The Holy Grail (1975)
Excalibur (1981)
Merlin and The Sword (1985)
King Arthur (2004)
Night at The Museum: Secret of The Tomb (2014)
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TV Shows:
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956–1957)
BBC The Legend of King Arthur (1979)
BBC Merlin (2008–2012)
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valenfield-inspo · 4 months
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Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield - Resident Evil: Revelations Moodboard
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magicaldreamfox1 · 6 months
for wip game pls tell us why kinnpete is misleading 😂
yes thank u i love talking abt this
so kinnpete au right just imagine
kinn is like so guys. this may sound crazy but i think vegas might be stealing every man i look at. i have no evidence to prove this btw. and tankhun is like no problem i have a genius idea u guys. what if. u fake date pete to see if vegas tries to steal pete and then pete can report back with evidence.
and then they do just that.
except! ofc pete trying to seduce vegas while pretending he's not at all seducing vegas and actually in a relationship with kinn doesn't end well for him bc well. vegas is famously kinda 😳 and pete is famously NOT immune
so essentially it's pete honeytrapping vegas by pretending to date kinn.
perhaps even the only fake dating au on earth that doesn't lead to real dating. im a pioneer if u really think abt it
that's why it's misleading bc the title kinnpete au implies something between them which there is not. they're besties they're worsties and most importantly pete deserves a raise.
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