#here you go anon 🤲
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nine textposts <3 ... more people need to appreciate him
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pizzee · 2 years
Beloved tumblr user pizzee i love you. I love your fics. But following you is a test from God every day. ❤️
my therapist says the same thing
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unipacas · 11 months
please will you spare some spiderdads 🥺🤲
HELL YEAH HERE U GO ANON!!! girldads (:
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chrisbangs · 2 years
omg the one good thing abt being a nobody on here is that i don't get insane hate asks anymore .. like .. smtimes i miss it cause u guys make me laugh but also 💗 no mental damage included... so it's a win i think
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hp-hcs · 4 months
• smut • literally everyone here is so problematic (but oh, so hot) [part 2 of drunk words, sober thoughts] — best friend! dom top! jealous! theodore nott x gn! bottom/receiving! dumbass! reader x best friend! switch! jealous! manwhore! mattheo riddle
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tysm to the anon who gave me this idea ur a real one 🤲👑
okay so like, i never really state it in text but like, reader, theo, and mattheo have been like a best friend trio since first year alr?
working on a part three rn you silly lil horndogs
read the title man idk
“We can’t keep doing this,” you mumbled, but your head still tilted to the side to grant him better access.
“Why not?” He asked, kissing along the newly-freed skin of your neck and lightly biting down on your collarbone.
You let out a breathy half-moan. “We can’t- this isn’t fair for either of us. I can’t give you a real relationship.”
“I don’t care about that,” he said dismissively, tilting his head up to suck on the sensitive flesh on the underside of your jaw. “As long as I can have you in my bed.”
“How romantic,” you deadpan.
He laughed, shutting you up with yet another sharp thrust of his hips. “Never said I was, darlin’.”
You gasped and moaned. “Fuck! Th-there!”
He followed your directions, gripping your hips tighter and driving into you with renewed vigor.
Your thighs trembled and your nails raked along his back as you came with a low moan of his name.
He followed right after you, moaning and burying his face into the side of your neck. His hair, damp with sweat, brushed against your jaw, making you smile as you felt him shake above you.
He caught his breath after a moment, pulling out and rolling off of you. “You know that you can’t just keep sleeping with me to forget about him, right?”
“Oh, c’mon. Like you’re gonna complain? Don’t you want a hot-albeit-emotional-disaster such as myself in your bed?”
“I mean, I’m not gonna say no to that,” he snickered, reaching over the side of his bed to retrieve his shirt from the pile of discarded clothes before tugging it over your head and helping you get your arms through the sleeves. He laid back down so you could curl into his side, wrapping an arm around your middle and mindlessly running his fingers up and down your side.
You both lay in a comfortable silence for a moment before you quietly murmured, “Thank you.”
“For the sex or the pep talk?” He teased, running a gentle hand through your hair.
“Both,” you give him a half smile, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “But really, I mean it. Thank you, Mattheo.”
“That’s it, shit- yeah, fuck,” Mattheo moaned, dropping his quill on his desk in favor of threading his fingers through your hair. “So good- so damn good at this.”
You’d really thought you’d be able to go to the library with Mattheo after school “to study”. And you were doing plenty of that, if studying what that fine Riddle dick looks like up close is going to be a question on your Charms exam. Which, y’know, it probably won’t.
You could feel your legs cramping up from being curled up in a kneeling position underneath the table for the past ten minutes, but that didn’t stop you from tightening your grip on his thighs and taking him down as far as you could go.
His grip on your hair tightened in warning. “Shit- someone’s coming,” he hissed.
You pulled off of him just to sassily respond with, “Yeah, you.”
With just a few pumps of your fist, wrapped tight around his dick, Mattheo fell apart in the middle of the library.
“Fuck! Yes- shit!” Mattheo groaned and cursed.
“Shut the fuck up,” you hissed. “Are you trying to get caught?”
“I won’t claim to not be an exhibitionist,” he said in a mock-serious tone. “Besides, tell me this isn’t a hot place to fuck.”
“This isn’t a hot place to fuck,” you scoffed as you tightened your legs around his waist. “If I drown in this damn lake ‘cause of you, I will haunt your bitchass.”
“You seem to be awfully…close with Matt right now,” Theo said in an odd, stilted tone.
“Yeah,” you said shortly. “We are.”
“That’s…nice, I guess.” Theodore cleared his throat. “Riddle’s cool.”
“Yup,” you said in a bored tone, not even sparing a glance in his direction.
Theo huffed out an annoyed sigh, abandoning his fruitless questioning. “Whatever. Can you pass the butter?”
“Am I interrupting something?”
“Yeah, kinda.” Mattheo drawled.
“Apologies, won’t happen again,” Theo sneered, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame as he surveyed the scene in front of him.
His longtime crush, sprawled out naked on his best friend’s bed. He kept his eyes trained pointedly at your faces, making no acknowledgment of the fact that Mattheo was three fingers deep inside you.
“So, like- this is real awkward,” Mattheo licked his lips and pursed them, unabashedly meeting Theo’s gaze and quirking an eyebrow. “You can either leave or come in, but either way, you gotta shut the door, man. That’s just common courtesy.”
Theo scoffed. “Are you seriously suggesting I stay?”
“I’m not not seriously suggesting you stay.”
“I’m not watching my best friends have sex, you fuckin’ freak.”
“Shit, what d’ya want me to say then, Mr. Prude?” Mattheo rolled his eyes. “You rather join in?”
“I’m not having a threesome with my best friends!”
Theo spluttered out a protest that fell on deaf ears.
“Boys, boys, we get it. You’re both pretty,” you say dryly. “Either stay or don’t, Nott, but I’m getting fucked either way.”
Theo hesitated at the doorway before cursing under his breath and stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. “I hate you both.”
“We hate you too,” you and Mattheo replied dryly in unison.
Theo scoffed and took a hesitant step closer. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously and looked at you as he sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed. “What about the…y’know, disagreement?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, I’m still mad at you for that.”
“Yeah, and I’m mad at you too!” Mattheo interjected before leaning in to loudly whisper to you, “What exactly are we mad at him for?”
“Teddy’s only been my friend for the last six years because he thought he’d get lucky.” You said through a tight smile.
“That’s not- I- I mean, it kind of is, but- it’s-”
“That’s kind of a dick thing to do, Teddy,” Mattheo said in a mocking tone.
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Riddle. Like you’re not doing the exact same thing!”
“Wait, what?” You interrupted at that, but the boys continued arguing.
“You don’t get to call dibs on a person, Nott!”
“You don’t get to hook up with your best friend's crush, Riddle!”
“Oh, like you’re one to talk,” Mattheo seethed.
“Boys!” You snapped suddenly.
They both went dead silent, looking over at you with matching deer-in-headlights expressions like they’d forgotten you were there—despite the fact that you were the literal topic of their argument.
“Are you done with the damn fighting?” You prompted, your eyes narrowing.
“Yes, Y/n,” both boys chorused sheepishly, only to shoot each other glares when they thought you weren’t looking.
“Good boys,” you taunted. “Now, kiss and make up.”
“What? I’m not going to-” Theo spluttered.
“I wasn’t asking, Theodore.”
“Fine,” Theo seethed in annoyance, grabbing Mattheo by the back of his neck and yanking him into a harsh kiss. There was no romance there. No lust, no real passion. Just jealousy and anger.
Mattheo, ever the slut, still moaned and grabbed onto Theo’s hips to pull him closer, practically climbing into his lap.
Theo growled, biting down hard on his bottom lip. Mattheo whimpered and unabashedly started grinding against Theo’s thigh, moaning like a goddamn Muggle porn star.
“Fucking whore,” Theo hissed against his lips, shoving him back down onto his bed. “Thought I could trust you.”
“What, so it’s okay for you to incessantly chase Y/n, but when I do it, I’m a whore?”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, Nott.”
You rolled your eyes at their pettiness. “For the love of Merlin- you’re both stupid, how about that?”
They pause their bickering to glance over at you.
“What did you just call us, darlin’?” Mattheo asked in a suspiciously calm voice, seemingly unbothered by the fact that his best-friend-slash-current-enemy-slash-crush-stealer was actively straddling him and busying himself by nibbling and sucking at Mattheo’s neck.
A sarcastic comment died in your throat as you watched them interact. Despite Theo being preoccupied, coaxing tiny sounds out of Mattheo’s mouth with every jealousy-fueled nip at his neck, his gaze remained locked on yours.
You gulped. You’d been so confident before, but now they were staring at you with matching expressions of jealousy, possessiveness, and lust.
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bunji-enthusiast · 5 months
Hello again! I am that Anon that requested the Reader is a Smiling Critter and blah blah, I need more and thank you for making these, my heart is filled <3
This is gonna be quite detailed, feel free to change it!
Note: This might be a lil ooc or perhaps more of an AU?? Ah yes, Dogday's legs aren't gone, still attached just for the sake of the nature of the dynamics here.
The reader is a Smiling Critter once again, they had a dream about their old friends ( ex: Smiling Critters or maybe the other toys ). After they woke up in tears, soon they decided to go around the factory in hopes of finding the mini toy versions of their old friends, something to hopefully lessen the ache in their heart. Yeah, they also forgot to tell Catnap where they went and uh the living mini toys noticed their absence and reported it to Catnap 💀
Catnap ain't happy about it, he finishes up whatever he was doing and went on to find the Reader himself ( we're special jk- ). Later, he finally found them, whatever he felt at that time came to halt as he saw the Reader sitting down on the floor, in a pile of toy versions of their old friends, HIS old friends, their old friends, silently weeping to themselves. Without a second thought, he curled up around the reader, patting their head as if to silently reassure them it'll be okay, Catnap was actually genuine about it though the reader knew that it's not that simple ( with the whole prototype and how Catnap just listens to him 💀 ). But in their sadness and loneliness, they let their guard down and sink into the giant cat's affection, feeling nostalgic as they remember they always used to do this during naptime, with THEIR old friends.
After the reader fell into a deep sleep, Catnap decided to just stay where they were even with second thoughts in his mind, in this very moment, the old Catnap is back, not the one that follows the Prototype like a lost puppy. The Catnap his old friends know, the one Dogday knows, the one Reader knows. But he snapped back to his senses, deciding to rest his head on top of the Reader's in order to shutdown all those thoughts, purring while at it. This is ALL FOR THEM, FOR JUSTICE, TO END THE MADNESS, the Prototype promised him.
Dogday is silent as he listens to his " former " friend talk about the events that occured a few hours ago. Catnap has decided to visit Dogday, free him from the belts to eat the food he brought. Dogday silently took the food and ate them as he listens Catnap's talk, understandably hesitant to butt in. It was more than weird, Catnap changed so suddenly and drastically, but recently he was softer, more like the old Catnap, albeit still threatening.
" Dogday... " That made the giant dog snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing his name, his eyes met with Catnap's. Before letting out a surprised yelp as the cat pounced on him, Dogday was terrified for his fate until he felt long arms curled around him. Catnap was hugging him tightly. Read that again. Hugging him. The so-called heretic. Dogday now knows what his friend ( Reader ) felt when Catnap helps them get back to sleep.
This is the Catnap they knew, the actions speak louder than words one, he wasn't truly gone after all.
Night Befallen
Note || I cast brain rot upon ye 🤲
WC || 1,384
Sypnosis || Maybe, just maybe knowing what one can know now—your old friend isn’t entirely stolen away from you.
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You had found yourself immersed in a poignant dream, revisiting cherished memories of old friends. Awaking with tears lingering on your lashes, you felt an insistent pull to embark on a heartfelt quest. Determined to reconnect with the essence of your past, you resolve to venture into the depths of the factory, in search of the miniature toy replicas of your beloved originals. With each step forward, anticipation intertwined with nostalgia, guiding your path through the echoes of your cherished history.
You just wished things had truly stayed the same, why did it all happen before–this, Hour of Joy–whatever it had been. CatNap, the same cat you came to cherish and love had been completely twisted, viewing Prototype as a god?
It just made no sense to you, everything is madness.
For now, perhaps you could absolve in finding peace with your recreational little toys, shadows of former friends they may be of course. 
“Tch-” You snorted, trying to keep yourself from breaking down in the face of your tiny little friends that are piling up around you. Just like all the old times before, the times… before. All the tiny smiling critters were just plain adorable though, so that was advantageous. 
Beyond the shadows, some creeping figures watching you took notice of your absence. No, not in CatNap’s home, nothing goes one without CatNap knowing of anything. 
A small critter skittered away, you didn’t notice—you were far in too deep to properly take recognition of anything happening, only mourning your former friends. Who knew trying to take a look at the essences of your past, a past of once where you were happy, content. You were just doing your job as a fellow critter, you loved your job. You loved being a critter, you loved your friends.
“You guys are so cute..” You smile softly, hugging them close in spite of the few stray tears streaming down your face. Normally, you’d wipe them away, but right now you just wanted to stay in the moment. 
Stay with all your old friends, even if they weren’t your real ones. 
You could be allowed the peace of illusion, atleast.
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To say he was furious was an understatement, what had the tiny critter meant by your absence? 
In CatNap’s eyes, this was unacceptable. 
One should remain where they are, they are not to derail from their paths. You shouldn’t be derailing from your path. No matter the reason, he will quickly finish his patrolling, and come straight to you to put you in your place. Mostly, being stern. 
Should he allow you that courtesy? Yes, CatNap should. You are his old friend, you were so kind as to work with the Prototype (even if you were completely against it), CatNap will be lenient with you. 
Suddenly CatNap had gotten lost in thought, and lifted his paw to see what he was doing. Oh yes, he was killing a human survivor for their incompetence – that is what was happening. He repeatedly shook his paw to get the remains of the human off his claws and paw as well, the blood remained on his fur unfortunately. CatNap can find some way to clean that off later.
As if he was sighing, CatNap’s mouth emitted a large breath of Poppy Gas, something of which he used sparsely; only when he wanted to block out people from areas he didn’t want them in. CatNap admittedly felt as if what he was doing here was wrong, but it was only in the name of the Prototype. 
CatNap finally went on his way once he cleared his head of these troubling thoughts, he was going to deal with you and he wouldn’t delay it any longer.
He always had eyes all around Playcare, did you really think you could get away with this so easily? Prototype is leader, god. He would not allow anyone to defile Prototype’s name, not even you.
No matter, he was going to make this quite clear.
It seemed the small smiling critters had felt his immense aura for bloodlust, causing them to skitter away from whence he came. CatNap without a shadow of a doubt, can be terrifying. 
CatNap simply paid no mind, and continued on making his way toward you. 
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Even in all the rubble and dust, one clear distinction his keen ears could pick up was reminiscent of crying. To the normal ear, one would not be able to hear this. It was so silent, was it out of a fear that you were crying so silently?
No, it was because of the smiling critters, the smaller bodies. Merely replicas, but so well done for just being copies of the original critters. Shadows always danced in CatNap’s headspace, perhaps he could make it out the same within your case. He had always crossed his heart, locking it away in soul and key. CatNap deemed it all unnecessary. Yet, with you it was recurring.
Slowly enough, whatever emotions – whatever anger he had before was fading away. CatNap was overcome with a sense of sympathy, he wanted to comfort you, his friend. Now he just came to a complete halt, trying to figure out what was wise on what to do. 
CatNap felt pitiful, sounding low when he remembered those very screams. 
You have seen just as much as he did.
Hesitantly, he stepped forward, CatNap didn’t want to frighten you out of your stupor. His long elongated tail wrapped around your being, calmly re-adjusting you with a steady stance. CatNap laid down, folding his back legs and crossing his front ones. He so suddenly cuddled up against you, patting your head to reassure you silently. 
You nodded your head, snapping to the attention of CatNap’s presence. You knew otherwise that he wasn’t being as genuine, in spite of it being real in his eyes. 
Otherwise, you didn’t feel as on guard. You weren’t stressed or protesting in any case, you felt as if you were falling asleep. You began to fall asleep, CatNap sensed this, curling up against you to feel more comfortable. 
That was in your sadness and loneliness, had sleep finally claimed you – purely out of nostalgia that you had used to do this during naptime, with your old friends. 
Abornormally enough, he didn’t feel so angry. CatNap felt more as if he was at peace with you, even with these thoughts. How the Prototype had promised him justice, to end all the madness, just for you… for all of them. 
In a moment soon enough, CatNap had promptly followed you into sleep. 
If death was a choice, then he rejects it.
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Silent and contemplative, DogDay listened as his "former friend" recounted the recent events, memories of comforting you when tears flowed and offering solace in the embrace of sleep. CatNap's unexpected visit and the subsequent act of liberation from his restraints were met with wary acceptance as DogDay consumed the offered sustenance, his attention captured by CatNap's unusual demeanor.
It was a peculiar sight, witnessing CatNap revert to a semblance of his former self amidst the oppressive atmosphere of their surroundings. Despite the underlying threat that lingered in CatNap's presence, there was a glimmer of familiarity in his actions, stirring a sense of unease within DogDay's battered psyche.
“This isn’t his usual behavior,” or “He’s just now had a revelation?” 
Lost in his thoughts, DogDay was abruptly pulled back to reality by the mention of his name, a sharp reminder of the precariousness of his situation. Anticipation coiled within him as CatNap lunged forward, bracing for the inevitable retribution that awaited him. Yet, to his astonishment, instead of aggression, he was enveloped in an unexpected embrace.
Stunned and bewildered, DogDay felt the weight of CatNap's arms around him, a gesture of affection that defied all expectations. In that fleeting moment of connection, DogDay experienced a revelation, a glimpse into the profound bond shared between you and CatNap, a bond forged amidst the chaos and strife of your shared existence.
As the echoes of their encounter lingered in the air, DogDay found himself grappling with newfound understanding. The warmth of CatNap's embrace, though fleeting, offered a glimpse of redemption amidst the shadows of his past transgressions. And in that moment, DogDay realized the profound impact of companionship, transcending the boundaries of fear and prejudice.
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ratedfleur · 7 months
ricky nsfw a-z
request? yes! by like three anons but two were un-named 🤲
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a - aftercare -> his definition of aftercare is massaging the parts of you that are sore, especially your waist and lower back. just expect naughty hands here and there though.
b - blowjobs -> basic but he likes it when you’re both on the couch, just lounging around not until your naughty hands start rubbing his crotch. and et voila, you’re on your knees for as long as ricky likes.
c - cum -> ricky loves it in your mouth or simply just on your skin. if you’re on your knees, he’d make you stick your tongue out as he cums, painting your upper body with specks of cum.
d - dominance -> you both are switches but he leans more towards the sub side, though he could dom too but his sub side overpowers that.
e - experience -> you both had no experience whatsoever, simply just trying out something new every now and then especially in the beginning of your relationship.
f - fuck buddies -> it’s a no but if you / him are really interested, then it’s worth a shot.
g - gagging -> he does it subconsciously when he’s getting blown, he just bucks his hips upwards, not meaning to do so.
h - hickeys -> you love doing it on the insides of his thighs, only available for you to see when you jerk or suck him off.
i - intimacy -> he’s not afraid to get intimate even in public because ricky is leaning on the braver side.
j - jerk offs -> loves it when he’s busy trying to accomplish some type of work but he’s just getting distracted with your hand that fondled his balls as you jerked him off.
k - kinks -> both: dacryphilia, praise kink, acarophilia / scratching, accidental stimulation
l - locations -> meeting rooms, hallways, couch!, over tables.
m - make outs -> loves it when you / him are in the middle of getting dressed, still slightly undressed when one gets pushed to the wall or dresser when you make out.
n - no’s -> ricky’s no are immediately taken into account, everything you’re doing will be put into a halt and instead you’d take care of ricky.
o - orgasms -> ricky’s orgasms are really intense no matter how much stimuli he is receiving, he WILL cum a lot.
p - positions -> cowgirl, non penetrative missionary, woman on top, grinding missionary.
q - quickies -> he loves it when he knows he has a meeting coming up in 30-25 minutes, he loves the thrill of nearly missing the meeting but ends up going with a mess in his boxers.
r - relationship -> out of the bedroom, ricky is indeed true to his name “lovelicky”, he’s so lovey dovey with you and you love babying him too.
s - submission -> both switches but ricky is more on the sub leaning side, but every now and then, you’d sub drop too.
t - (sex) toys - phone controlled vibrators, double sided strap ons, egg fleshlight
u - (can’t think of any so..) -> free space!
v - virginity -> most likely he would’ve lost his with yours, letting you take the reigns when he’s a little clueless about things.
w - wild card (from the writer) -> what ricky wants to try but doesn’t say so is trying to use or buy a double ended dildo, curious to see how it feels whilst in a scissor position with you.
x - x-ray vision -> .. no x-ray vision whatsoever, but he will go dumb when he sees his favorite plug on you.
y - (can’t think of any so..) -> free space!
z - zzz -> he will almost immediately doze off when he cums, feeling even drowsier when you wipe him down with a wet cloth.
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merakiui · 1 year
Weird stepbrother Azul?? 👀 PLEASE Mera, I’m a shameless degenerate and I’m starving here!!!! 🤲
Your food is served, dearest anon!!
(cw: yandere, brief nsfw/somnophilia, implied non-con, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, one-sided infatuation (azul's just really weird and gross), obsession, stepcest)
When Azul’s mother marries your father, you become Azul’s step-sibling. He’s never had a sibling before, so this is entirely new territory for him. It’s…strange. The atmosphere is far more lively with two new additions to the family. Suddenly it’s no longer him and his mother. Now he has another parent and a sibling. It’s so strange. He startles when he runs into you in the hall or when you appear at the restaurant looking to help his mother out or learn more about the business. At first he’s very suspicious; he doesn’t trust you. You’re too bubbly and sweet. You’re too nice to him and he’s not accustomed to genuine kindness. He expects you to ridicule him because everyone at school thinks he’s a weird, crybaby octo-mer, but you don’t seem bothered by the fact that he doesn’t have a shiny tail like you.
Because of this, Azul becomes attached. And through childhood you are his closest friend (until he meets the twins). The two of you are always there for each other. You protect him and chase bullies away. Azul uses his business acumen to craft contracts for his classmates that get him abilities, magic, and little trinkets or jewelry (the latter of which he hides away in preparation of gifts for you). His mother is so pleased he’s getting along well with you, but then of course he would! You’re the light in his life, the one good thing to come out of the marriage.
Mers in your class note that Azul is a little too clingy. He’s always with you, and if he isn’t then he’s not too far away. When it was first discovered that Azul has a sibling, he was thrust into the limelight for all of a day or two—however long such excitement can last in a class of young mers, where nearly everything and anything is considered exciting. They never bullied you, but they did swim up to you and ask all manner of questions: Is it true he inks when he cries? Is it true he hides in that gloomy pot? Is it true he’s going to marry you once he’s older? You denied all of them, offended they’d even ask such invasive things. But what was more offensive was that last question. Of course you wouldn’t marry Azul! He’s your step-brother, your close friend, your family. You’d never marry him. Where they got that idea, you haven’t the faintest clue. But it was an odd thing to ask, and it felt even odder to think about.
When he was little, Azul got away with holding your hand or wrapping a tentacle around your wrist or clinging to you when he was nervous or shy. The two of you used to crowd inside his octopus pot and count all of the coins in his collection or play pretend with all of the fun things the twins would bring around. Strangely enough, Azul always wanted to play House. In this fantasy you’d play, you and Azul were married and he’d get so particular with details. You recall trying to be a friend of his wife’s rather than the wife herself, but Azul threw a fit and told you it wasn’t fun playing if you weren’t going to play seriously. (The twins were always made house pets in this fantasy; either that, or they had to pretend to be your children). Often, you were always told to “play nice with your brother” when you tried to avoid him or when you had caused him to cry. In the end, you played the wife more times than you would’ve liked.
During one of these games of House, Azul kissed you. Affection is normal for your family. After all, your stepmother simply adores you and she’s always wrapping you up in her eight tentacles for a hug. She always kisses you on the forehead before bedtime. That sort of affection is tender and motherly. The kiss from Azul was…nothing like that. It only lasted seconds, a mere crashing of his mouth on yours, but it left you reeling for minutes. Even the twins were partially surprised, and that’s always news when you manage to shock even them. You were so at a loss for words that you couldn’t even say all of what you felt needed to be said, so instead you asked why. And Azul told you, “When two mers are in love and married, they kiss.” You don’t remember much after that, but you swam off in tears because your first kiss had been taken and it was with your icky step-brother! Later that day, Azul had been lightly scolded, having been told that, though his logic is correct, it isn’t right to do that to another family member. Because family members can’t marry each other. You were comforted by your stepmother and father, both of whom agreed that it was just a mistake, it wasn’t intentional, and Azul was just a little confused. Azul apologized to you the next day, and foolishly you’d forgiven him with a kind smile.
Now that the both of you are older, it isn’t very cute or passable anymore. Azul’s grown a significant amount, and so have you. He’s become somewhat secretive now. Before he used to tell you all of his fears and worries, each one echoing off the ceramic walls of his octopus pot. Now he keeps to himself, always off scheming with those eel twins. You’re not bothered by it. In fact, you’re happy he’s doing well for himself. Since he’s no longer a priority and now that he has friends of his own, things are…normal. Sort of. Azul may be secretive, but it’s no secret he and those eel twins are the reason you’re struggling to keep friends. It’s not intentional; it’s merely a byproduct of the distrust and unrest everyone has when that trio set their sights on someone. No one would dare befriend his sibling because they all know that if anything happens to you they’ll have three cutthroat mers after them. So for most of it, you flit from various friends, each never staying for too long. Except for Rielle. He’s a sweetheart to you, a friend from school. He stays because he chooses to listen to you, not the silly rumors. You like Rielle; Azul does not.
He’s not sure what you see in Rielle. So what if he’s friendly for a prince? All princes are the same: they need a princess. You are not going to be that princess. You’re not going to be the other half to his pair. Azul refuses to let that happen. Try as he might, he can’t get you to stay away from Rielle. But, on some level, he appreciates the distraction. While you’re out with Rielle, exploring shipwrecks and collecting seashells, Azul peers into your life, sorts through the belongings in your room, lies down on your bed and pretends he’s falling asleep with you.
Although leaving for NRC is cause for lamentations, he’s comforted by the fact that Rielle is also on his way to RSA. At least you won’t be able to see him. Azul always misses you when he’s at NRC; you’re always on his mind and you don’t even realize it. He adores you too much. So on the night before he’s set to take that transformation potion and return to the surface, he slips into the space you sleep in and kisses you. He’s done it plenty of times before; you’ve never woken up because he’s good at being quiet. He’s only ever kissed you, fondled bare skin, gingerly traced your slit with the tip of his tentacle. It’s not wrong, he tells himself. He’s just exploring. The two of you would explore all the time as little mers. This is just a different kind of exploration, and you don’t have to know about it. It’s fine. This is just a result of his love for you. He still clings to dreams of being your husband, after all.
Azul has always been greedy when it comes to you, so naturally he’s taken most of your firsts (and you don’t even realize it). If your eyes snap open in the darkness and you begin to squirm, you can’t blame him for holding you still with so many sleek, obsidian-colored appendages. And you can’t hate him when he places his mouth on yours to swallow all of your cries and shouts with kisses that leave you breathless and begging (for him to stop).
You’ve always loved your step-brother; he’s your family, your friend, and your close confidant. But your step-brother loves you a little too much, and he proves it in the shadowed sleeping nook.
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xxsycamore · 5 months
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🏹💘𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝‼️
—❥ 𝐱𝐱𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Hello everyone!! Back in June last year my blog reached 1500 followers, but I only got around to celebrating it now! Thank you so much for your continued support!! This year I want to play Cupid again so prepare for your faves to steal your heart all over again! (´ ε ` )♡
↪ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎: Pick a prompt and a character - one per ask! Please include the fandom as well to avoid confusion. Example: "Can I please have 😘 with William (ikevil)?" ; You'll receive a drabble (~300 words) about the character's reaction to the prompt. Please go wild with those! If you have something specific in mind for the prompts, like a certain hobby for prompt #10 🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together, or maybe for prompt #7 💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you", you thought of playing their favorite song, giving them a warm cup of tea while they work, or maybe hugging them from behind? Don't be afraid to share your idea and unleash your creativity, I'd love to make your vision come true! Of course, that's only if you want to! The limit is three requests per person. This event is sfw and anons are allowed.
For drabble examples: Check out last year's Valentine's Day celebration here!
💌 event masterlist ⊂⊃﹒␥
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↪ 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
🪱 - Ask them if they'd love you if you were a worm
🥺 - Tease by calling them cute
🤲 - Play with their hair
🌸 - Breathe in their soothing scent
💌 - Leave a love note in their pocket
🤭 - Whisper something embarrassing in their ear
💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you"
😈 - Linger in for a kiss, but never kiss them
💅 - Help them unwind with a self-care routine
🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together
🤪 - Crack a joke to make them laugh
🙏 - Warm their hands between yours
🤸‍♀️ - Strike a sexy pose to distract them
👔 - Steal their clothes to cuddle when you miss them
🍰 - Share your sweets with them
💋 - Demand for a kiss, right here, right now
💘 - "Be my Valentine?"
😘 - Keep smooching them until they protest
🥄 - Ask to be their big spoon
😊 - Present your cheek for a goodbye kiss
↪ 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟸𝟿):
Ikemen Villains: Wiliam; Harrison; Liam; Elbert; Alfons; Roger; Jude; Ellis; Victor
Ikeseries MCs: Mitsuki (Ikevamp); Alice (Ikerev); Mai (Ikesen); Emma (Ikepri); NEW: Kate (ikevil)
Ikemen Prince: Leon; Chevalier; Yves; Nokto; Licht; Jin; Luke; Clavis; Rio; Sariel; Gilbert; Keith; Silvio NEW: Cyran/Cyril; Kagari; Matthias
Ikemen Vampire: Napoleon(pls); Leonardo; Mozart; Arthur; Vincent; Theo; Isaac; Jean; Dazai; Sebastian; Comte; Shakespeare; Vlad; Faust; Charles; Drake; Galileo
Ikemen Revolution: Lancelot; Ray; Jonah; Fenrir; Edgar; Sirius; Kyle; Luka; Zero; Seth; Blanc; Oliver; Loki; Harr; Mousse; Dalim; Dean; Levie
Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga; Masamune; Shingen; Hideyoshi; Mitsuhide; Kanetsugu; Ieyasu; Mitsunari; Yukimura; Sasuke; Kenshin; Kenyo; Ranmaru; Motonari; Keiji; Kicho; Yoshimoto
Midnight Cinderella: Alyn; Giles; Louis; Leo; Byron; Nico; Albert; Robert; Rayvis; Sid
NEW: Ikemen Genjiden: Minamoto no Yoritomo
Shuuen no Virche/Virche Evermore: Ceres; Scien; Ankou; Yves; Adolphe; Lucas; Mathis; Jean; Capucine; Hugo; Dahut
Piofiore no Banshou/Piofiore Fated Memories: Yang; Dante; Liliana; Gilbert; Nicola; Orlok; Leo; Oliver; Rui; Yuan
Cupid Parasite: Lynette; Claris; Gill; Allan; Ryuki; Shelby; Raul; Owen; Peter
Variable Barricade: Ichiya; Taiga; Hibari; Shion; Nayuta; Kasuga
🎀 Have fun requesting!! I can't wait to see what you put in my askbox!! 🎀
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crimsonbubble · 2 years
Heyyyy its me again, brat anon asking for more Ghost x gn reader with ripped abs
👁👄👁💧 So like imagine reader wearing something that really defines their curves and stuff like a skin tight shirt or dress but to make it gender neutral, just a skirt tight shirt and cargos which just MMM catches the attention of Ghost and a couple of female recruits that drool over you. I can just imagine Ghost’s reaction when a random girl traces your abs and toned muscles, calljng you handsome and shit as you sit there awkwardly trying to push her away. No worries if you don’t do this but like GOD DAMN. Just imagining his anger and hatred toward the girl 😩
cw. suggestive, gn!reader, muscled!reader, jealous and protective!ghost, brief moment of harassment *not proofread, just pure brainrot
reblogs and comments are appreciated <33
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there are two scenarios here;
imagine clubbing with the task force. dressing up and feeling yourself in the tight shirt that fits oh so well and jeans that hug everything just the right way.
I can imagine that ghost kinda sticks around soap or you most of the time because he isn't too sociable. but imagine getting up to get a drink and being approached by a woman at the bar. you try and be friendly, kindly greeting her as you wait for your drinks.
you're not really paying attention to her as you try and grab your drinks, but she's putting the drinks in your hands back on the counter. she pushes against your chest, feeling all over and continued to press her chest against you even when you try to love away.
a lump is in your throat as you try to find the others to signal one of them to help you. a strong hand pulls you back and pushes the girl away. before she could start complaining, she scoffed and walked off. the familiar set of hands are on your waist, turning you to them.
there's a glare of anger in his eyes as he watches the woman press herself against another guy who graciously buys her another drink. your shoulders relax as you hand him a drink, grabbing yours and guiding both of you back to the booth.
♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
training new recruits isn't easy work. so after the first comment on your physique, you brushed it off with a half smile. this continued throughout the training session.
the female recruits would mess up moves just to have you come over and talk to them. on their quick break, you were approached by two of the female recruits. you see them walk up to you through the corner of your eye, taking a quick swig of your water.
"how can I help you ladies?" they only giggled, explaining that they just wanted to talk to you. you let out a slight hum before stiffening when they both stood on either side of you, feeling all over your biceps. words left your head as they simply touched what they thought they could.
before a gruff voice from behind you, startled them and you. "Go back to the others and drop 40." the girls ran back to the others and joined in the set. his arm draped over your shoulders, pulling you into his side. his hand pushed your head closer to him, whispering in a deep voice that had you shuddering.
"I'm the only one who has the right to touch you like that, isn't that right, baby?" your cheeks heat up, nodding slowly as he nudged you to continue with training the newbies.
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vampcubus · 1 year
Well since in that ask you like Izuku, I am here to please. (I got a tiny bit carried away with this one and btw I'm the Anon giving you the Izuku thirst)
Izuku thought it would be a good idea to buy some 'Mature toys', but boy did he regret that.
Izuku's pretty little face muffled in the mattress as your shoving your strap into him, muffled moans and whines came out of him begging you to go faster, and his wish was your command you went even faster and harder, by this time he was moaning and yelping every time you hit too deep, he was begging you to now stop yet previously begging you to continue, but you knew Izuku like the back of your hand. You knew he wanted this, why would he buy these toys other wise?
"Awh does poor baby want me to stop? Ofcourse you don't, you're my little slut. You wanted this, now your acting like you hate every second of it? You pathetic moans say other wise"
You said with a mocking tone on your voice.
Izuku said with a daring tone on his voice knowing you didn't like that sentence.
"A-A-Am not p-pathetic"
"REALLY now, ofcourse you are. You are a pathetic brat"
You said. Izuku knew this was going to be a long night.
i am eating all this up. just stuffing him absolutely full of your strap and manhandling how you want, mocking his pathetic whines and sobs. dragging him back by the hips when he tries to wriggle away, overwhelmed by the constant stimulation to his prostate. pressing him down flat to the bed, holding his arms behind his back so you can pound into him til he’s squealing, drooling a puddle onto the sheets…
he doesn’t really want you to stop but he babbles and pleads for you to anyways, struggles and kicks and begs for mercy just to force you to pin him in place and fuck into him harder.
he tries to insist he’s not your pathetic dumb slut, but he can’t help but act like one. his back arches so sluttily, fucking himself back onto your cock greedily, tears bubbling at the corners of his wide green eyes when the tip of the toy scrapes over his prostate just right. and when Izuku’s been denied his orgasm over and over again despite his desperate pleadings, his bratty side comes out with a vengeance.
“fuck, just let me cum!” he cries out, frustrated as yet again your hips still just as he dances on the precipice, trying in earnest to wrench himself from your grip now. “you’re being so mean!”
“i could be meaner,” you whisper into his ear threateningly, bracing a hand on his squirm in hips and beginning to pull out. he freezes, and then backtracks, reaching a hand back to grab your hip and prevent you from doing so.
“no wait, please! i need to cum, p-please keep fucking me!” he shouts in alarm, the thought of being left empty sounding like torture, even more so than the hours he’s spent on the edge while you played with him.
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anundyingfidelity · 1 year
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Summary: Adam is the new addition to the Guardians. Despite your disliking for him after what he caused, Rocket helps both to get along together.
Pairing: Adam x ex avenger!human!reader (no gender specified).
Warnings: little angst, some fluff. GotG vol. 3 spoilers. Language. Enemies to friends to lovers trope.
Word count: 1.8k.
Notes: this is longer than I expected whoops. Thank you to the anon who sent this idea, hope you like this! I picked some songs to write this fic that I truly recommend bc I love them a lot 🤲😞
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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"Don't tell me truth hurts, little girl. 'Cause it hurts like hell". i. Underground by David Bowie.
You were not the one to deny a second chance to anyone who needed it. However, this time things seemed different.
Adam was in Knowhere with the crew, so that meant he had to get along with everyone, including yourself. Not being fond of the idea, you tried to avoid the golden boy as much as it was possible for you.
Grateful you were he saved Peter, that was certain. But your heart wasn't sure of giving your trust to the sovereign. Not after what Rocket went through a couple of weeks ago.
"Mind giving him a chance?" the Raccoon once said, while cleaning his guns after a mission.
You were left alone in the Bowie, so Rocket thought it was a good chance to talk to you about him. As the captain, he knew you were hesitant about Adam's staying in Knowhere and near the team. Immediately, your eyes felt watery at the words of your friend.
"He almost got you killed," you said, with fists tight. "Why are you so fond of him after what happened?"
Rocket sighed.
"Listen, I'm sure he never asked to be built the way he is. I know that more than anyone in this place. He deserves a second chance to know who the hell he is and do the right thing, and that's what we're doing, like it or not."
The Raccoon finished the cleaning of his guns and walked outside the ship, without letting you give an answer, not that you had one anyway. You just followed him and Adam was already waiting for Rocket, with his new suit, looking all-mighty, and as you always tried to avoid him, it seemed it was hopeless.
"Adam, thanks for waiting! Why don't you go with Y/n for a walk? I'm sure you'll learn a lot of things about Knowhere and human culture," Rocket announced with a joyful voice as if the previous conversation never happened between you two inside the ship.
Adam seemed caught off guard as much as you did but he said nothing as the Raccoon looked at him directly. Adam nodded energetically. His face gave away all his thoughts and his feet would not move from its place.
"Great enthusiasm! Y/n, go ahead! And that's captain's orders," Rocket said, walking away from you and the golden boy, who remained in the same place with what seemed a scared face.
Carefully, you came closer to Adam and an uncomfortable smile formed on your lips.
"I guess I can teach you some things about Knowhere and humans..."
Adam gave a gentle smile. "I'd love that."
"But before we start, I want to say I don't like you around, so I would truly appreciate you don't screw up this time. You're lucky Rocket is here, either I wouldn't be this kind."
Sadness took over the golden boy, his heart aching for some reason he didn't quite understand yet. He didn't mean to do what he did, he was just following orders and a foreign purpose, but you wouldn't take that as an excuse, would you?
"I promise I won't, thank you for everything."
You nodded at his words and immediately regretted saying this, but you had to set up boundaries before things got worse.
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"The answer is in clear view, it's amazing what you'll find face to face". ii. Face to Face by Daft Punk.
And things did get worse.
But not in the way you thought they would be.
You were starting to like Adam. He showed you the way he saw life and reality through his eyes and short understanding. You also noticed the way he cared about Blurp, the small creature he adopted, and that was something that hit you. As weeks passed by, you would report to Rocket how the process of Adam's learning and adaptation to Knowhere and society in the galaxy was going.
Much to say, Rocket was starting to feel proud of how you were handling the difficult situation he put you through. The change in Adam was noticeable as time went by. You taught him about manners, human culture, books, music, and anything he found interesting and would ask a lot about every time he had the chance.
One night, you sat together on the rooftop of the old buildings where your quarters were located, Blurp sleeping by his side peacefully. Drax and Nebula were teaching some personal defense to the rescued kids in the city, and let's say observing them was one of Adam's favorite hobbies. Still, you wondered why he found small things and interactions so fascinating.
"Drax is very fatherly," Adam said and his eyes crinkled at how big his smile was.
"He is," you agreed. The golden boy noticed the sudden change on your face as if you longed for something.
"Did you have a father back on Earth?"
You avoided his gaze at his sudden question. Adam sensed a weird feeling coming from you.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he apologized softly and you thought that was nice coming from him.
"It's okay," you whispered and after a moment of silence, you decided to speak. "I just- I lost everything. That's why I came here. A lot of my friends are gone, and I don't recall my family at all, I just knew them as my family."
Adam nodded and he hesitated to take your hand, lying on the ground. You were sitting so close, but instead of trying to get any contact from you, he followed your conversation.
"I heard from Rocket the name of your old team. He said you were a lot of help when Thanos appeared."
"Well, yeah, we did a lot of things," you chuckled to ease the situation. A small part of you wanted to ask about his people, but you decided to let him talk freely. "There was a lot of shit happening on Earth. But tell me more about you, could you? I've been saying a lot these past days, is your turn."
"I don't know if there's a lot to say about me, though," he joked. You smiled.
"Well, we have all night."
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"All I know is that to me you look like you're lots of fun, open up your loving arms, watch out, here I come." iii. You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead Or Alive
After a few weeks, you accepted finally you liked Adam. Maybe a little more than that. Strange sensations you stopped feeling years ago appeared once again every time you were together. Denial was the first step, but you couldn't get through it, and the cliche butterflies fluttered in your stomach when he started to come to your quarters for his weekly lessons about culture and behavior.
When you became his teacher it was unknown to you, but you liked it and Adam loved learning new things as much as he loved spending time with you. He loved your company as much as he loved music, so since Peter sent a few things a couple of days ago from Earth, you decided to share a special gift with Adam after he stopped his prattling about the last book he read.
"So, maybe you know Peter sent us some stuff from Earth, so I wanted to give you something that I think you will love a lot," you announced taking a small box out of the cabinet.
Adam received it in his hands carefully and opened the box to find a small strange device. "What is this?"
"That's an mp3 player, and you can listen to music with it. Anywhere you go."
His eyes went wide open and a smile formed on his lips, resting his arms on the desk with the player and the small headphones in his hand. You turned it on and helped him to put on the headphones. Peter had created some playlists, so you picked the first one on the list and a song began to play.
Adam marveled at it.
"This is amazing!" he laughed. He picked one of the headphones and gave it to you, so you could hear the music as well. You Spin Me Round by Dead Or Alive was playing.
"I haven't heard this song in such a long time," you beamed, remembering your life on Earth. The weird urgency of dancing was growing on your body.
Adam got lost in the mp3 in his hands. He thought he discovered another dimension, something that would make him feel different, more like you. And it was heartwarming. He loved how you made him feel, how you two grew up to understand each other, the way you would listen to him whenever he had to talk about the tiniest thing he learned on the day... You certainly got him wrapped around your finger and you never noticed.
When the song finished, he stopped the playlist, taking off the headphone from his ear and you did the same.
"Thanks," he never stopped smiling. "This means a lot to me."
"Take care of it, we won't have a new one in some time," you joked.
Adam chuckled, placing the player on its box.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You already did."
"Yeah, I mean- we didn't have a good start-"
"That's in the past, okay? Let's just move on and I'm so sorry for being an asshole," you took his hand with yours, he seemed shocked by your small action as you locked your eyes with his. "This is more important."
Adam nodded with a smile, "I agree with that."
There it was again, that same feeling in your stomach, screaming and aching for you to make a movement. His loving golden eyes never looked away from you, and you came closer carefully until your lips brushed his cheek softly. Adam's gold skin heated up, he realized he liked the contact of your hand on his skin and your lips on his cheek.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked, afraid he might decline.
He read about kisses in books before, and he wondered how they felt. So without a word, he nodded and you leaned until you kissed him. And he kissed back, as shy as he could be. Adam hesitated for a moment, but he slowly melted into your confident and experienced touch, grinning into the kiss.
Once you separated, Adam held your hand strongly without letting you go.
"Wow," he breathed. "Can I kiss you back?"
"Kiss me as many times as you want," you giggled softly and pecked his lips. "We should make a playlist, especially for you, I will help you with that. Peter said he put hundreds of songs in this thing."
This was his turn to peck your lips gently with a smile on his face.
"Feeling excited already!"
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journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
please....... even if you never finish it... pretty please let us see the solphisto art? i can come off anon if you'd rather dm it i just need more of them 😭 🤲
okay full transparency this is entirely self indulgent but i don't mind sharing!! it's just that i don't really Know how to do rendering or whatever it is that makes digital art look cool, so i always end up stuck when i try to draw something colourful. anyway this is what i have so far!!
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i think the one time i really succeeded with what i was going for is that one satan drawing, which i still have yet to top, but i wanted to try something new here. i should probably look at art tutorials or something but there's something fun about mindlessly playing around with settings and blend modes
(in one of his fnaf vr 2 videos markiplier decides to do the music man mini-game entirely by ear instead of using the visual cues to help him and that's basically how i do things. it's working a little bit. well i'm having fun at least)
while i'm not sure if i'll come back to it i'm happy you've shown interest! i should get back to writing chapter 48 now... (i promise it's on its way but i ended up cutting a lot of chunks, so now i have to re-tie the scenes lol)
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mera-k1 · 3 months
Hii!! Can we get a first kiss hcs with TCW and/or AKYR, please? Whether its cute giggly ones or the slow and steady,,,🤲🌹
(((I actually sent an anon ask on this but i got a notif that something went wrong with it lol, but lmk if it actually slides into your inbox:0)))
Have a nice one!
it never did come into my inbox but dw!! hope you enjoy the fluff~ later note: GOT WAY TOO LONG... PUTTING AKYR IN A SEP POST!!
First Kiss
TCW x gn!reader
-fluff, idk u guys kiss 😱, not rlly in order so here's order i wrote in -> yohei, shiki, ryu, saimon
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having to watch your boyfriend clean counters and sweep the floor wasn't the most exciting thing in the world. but.. he didn't look half bad while doing it. with the sleeves of his bartender 'uniform' rolled up and his focused expression, you couldn't help but admire him. well, okay.. you hadn't been dating that long but the crush you had on yohei was... you've had to for a little longer than you'd like to admit. so when he accepted your confession, you were extremely surprised that the cold-fronted man had actually accepted.
besides that, you really just had wanted to spend some time with him lately. after all, he'd been working so much! why not take some time off and spend some time with you? that's what you had proposed but-
"i needa finish cleaning, babe."
those were the only words that had been spoken since you had gotten here. letting out a dramatic sigh, you slumped down onto the bar counter that he had just finished cleaning. the damp, cool counter smelled of cleaning supplies and you wrinkled your nose at the sudden strong smell and lifted your head back up to wipe your now wet cheek.
"what're you sighing for?" he looked over after you had let out the dramatic sigh, cloth in hand as he wiped down the opposite end of the counter from you.
"i just wanna spend time with you!" you put your elbow onto the counter, leaning your face into your hand as you stared at him. yohei returned your sigh with one of his own as he shook his head.
"i told you i've-"
"i know what you told me!" you huffed out at him, a pout forming on your face as he walked over to you.
"tell you what," he started, looking at your pouty face. yeah... there was no way he could say no to you now. he was being a little mean, wasn't he? he briefly leaned down, planting a quick peck on your lips before walking back over to the previously abandoned cloth he had been using to clean. "we'll go out somewhere once--" you didn't hear the rest as your face turned pink as you suddenly shot up, shock evident on your face.
"y-you kissed me!" you covered your mouth, half from shock and the other half... you weren't really sure. "that was the first time you've ever kissed me!" he looked over at you, a faint pink color appearing on his cheeks.
"...mh. i- i guess i did."
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okay so.. maybe it was a little bit awkward, eating lunch with your boyfriend. or well... new boyfriend. not like you've ever had one before but it felt awkward to sit by him during lunch uninvited. but... it's kind of an unspoken thing that you're allowed to do that, right? you had been friends beforehand but... this whole relationship thing was kinda hard... especially with your shy boyfriend.
"uh- uhm- th-thank you for eating with me, (name)..." shiki mumbled, shyly. his face growing pink with blush. you weren't sure if he was flustered by you unexpectedly sitting by him or if he had just remembered that you two were technically dating after that mess of a confession from you. god, you didn't even want to think about it right now...
"no problem!" you gave him a content smile which seemed to make his face go redder. even though it hadn't been long, you were happy that this sweetheart of a guy was your boyfriend. he might be timid but you still loved him!
"ah.. (name)?" he looked over at you, a hesitant expression on his face. it was almost impossible to tell what he was about to ask you with that expression. it almost looked like pity, but you knew it wasn't- but it also looked like shyness? but he was shy about a whole lot of things!
"what's up?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation casual and not think about the possible question.
"w- would you like to go somewhere after school?" he mumbled, looking down shyly. "ah-! with- with me! if that's okay..." he quickly added. as if it wasn't obvious enough! of course you would love to go on a little date with him!
"of course! why wouldn't it be okay, shiki?" you gave him a smile as he almost immediately brightened up too.
"really?!" you nodded happily in response, getting up from your spot on the bench beside him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before taking your bag and rushing off as the bell rang.
"i'll meet you outside your class after school, okay?!" you called as you jogged away, leaving him an embarrassed and blushing mess as he stared at you disappear in shock.
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some days, you weren't sure if you should regret asking ryu out. deep down you knew you didn't regret it, of course, but times when ryu was running around the room in a dino onesie, pretending to be a dinosaur made you wonder what you had really gotten yourself into when you asked him out.
"ROARR!! i'm gonna get ya, (name)!!" he made a scary face as he ran over to where you were sitting with his arms outstretched, ready to grab you. you couldn't help but laugh at his childishness when he tackled you down onto the carpet. "iiii... got you!!!"
you both became a fit of giggles after ryu tackled you down, cuddling in closer to you as if being on the floor was a normal occurrence for the two of you. "okay, okay.. it's time to actually get up and ready, ryu." you patted his head as he childishly wrapped his arms around you and shook his head with a pout.
"not yet! just a little longer, 'kay? and then we will blast off, captain!!" he declared, suddenly an astronaut instead of a dinosaur now. you couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up inside of you.
"from dinosaur to astronaut? what a drastic switch!" you playfully teased him before he suddenly jumped up, pointing up towards the ceiling (which you assumed he was pointing towards the sky) and brought his finger back down to point at you on the floor.
"yes! we will be blasting off to the moon! astronaut ryu and (name) are making it to the moon!" he declared loudly as you got up from your spot on the ground and walked over to his excited face.
"i'm sure we will, ryu, but it's time to get ready, okay?" you smiled at him before he sighed, seemingly accepting the fact that he couldn't sit and have fun with you all day in his room.
"one thing before we blast off!" he gave a determined look, his hands on his hips. you raised your eyebrows at him as a silent 'go ahead'. "astronaut ryu needs a kiss before he gets ready!" you would have been flustered by his sudden request but seeing him so determined made you forget the blush that had burned onto your face when he said it. leaning in, you gave him a kiss on his smiling face before he cheered leaving you to look at him with a content smile on your face. yeah, he was definitely the one for you.
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"you don't have to force yourself, love," the deep, comforting voice of saimon sounded beside you as you both sat on his bed. you wanted to take your relationship a little farther and sleep beside him instead of sleeping in another room whenever you visited him. "take your time."
"no, no it's alright. i trust you and stuff, but i'm just nervous..." you sighed, nerves getting the better of you as you fiddled with your hands in your lap. his hand lifted from its spot behind you and rubbed your back, gently nudging you closer to him.
"you don't have to rush anything, love. i'll wait for you to be ready." he assured you as he rubbed your back, leaning down to kiss your temple.
your hand reached up to touch his face gently, leaning up to reach his face as well now and kiss him. for real this time. although it was your first real kiss with him, it felt so natural and comfortable as his hand held yours, thumb rubbing over your knuckles as you both held the kiss for what felt like minutes till you had to pull away for air.
"...sorry! i should have asked before doing that-" he had a soft smile on his face as you rambled on, flustered that you had done that without even asking him beforehand.
"it's alright, i enjoyed it just as much as you did. nothing to fret over, my love." god... this man would be the death of you without even trying..
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
For the prompt thingy - daniel taking care of max when he was sick in jeddah please? 🤲
I know this is a prompt thingy from ages ago, but I hope you like it anyway anon!
Cw: descriptions of throwing up
There’s a horrible retching noise coming through the bathroom door, followed by the telltale sound of liquid hitting liquid. Daniel rattles the knob again, already having found it locked the first time he tried.
“Maxy,” he calls again, voice a sing-song, “Maxy, open the door.”
For a moment, Daniel thinks Max is ignoring him, then-
More sounds of him violently throwing up.
“I think I am dying, Daniel,” he eventually manages to catch, a muffled whimper, “and I cannot of course take you down with me.”
There is something echoey in Max’s voice, probably because it’s bouncing off the ceramic of the toilet that his head is currently stuck in. Resting his forehead against the door, Daniel can’t help but smile at his flare for the dramatic, though maybe that isn’t totally fair. He probably does feel like he’s dying.
“Life isn’t worth living without you, baby,” he answers, a joke, but- Well. “Don’t you want me to rub your back, or, uh-“ He tries to remember what his mum would do for him the days he’d stay home from school, wagging or not, “-put a cold flannel on your forehead?”
Really, that could go either way. Max is picky with when he wants to be touched and when he wants to be left alone, and Daniel is mostly good these days at reading that. Cuddles after sex are a must, but to sleep? No way. Some things though, he’s still learning.
There’s no answer, and with Max sometimes that is the answer, so Daniel is getting ready to walk away, go back to the UFC match they were watching before Max bolted from the sofa back to the toilet, and add does not like to be held when sick to the growing list of ways he knows Max like nobody else, except-
The lock snicks, and when Daniel tries the door again it opens.
Max is already retreating to his position, praying to the porcelain god, by the time Daniel gets through the door. The room smells disgusting, but Daniel doesn’t dare say that in case it gets him stuck on the other side again, helpless. He can’t do much in here either, but if Max let him in it’s because he wants him.
It’s only seconds before Max is gagging again, not throwing up exactly but giving it a bloody good go.
“Oh sweetheart," Daniel says, and the sudden rush of tenderness both surprises him and has him crouching down beside Max, hand moving in circles over his shoulder blades like promised.
His offers of support hadn’t exactly been disingenuous, but Daniel hasn’t exactly won any medals for boyfriend of the year before, so it’s a shock how quickly the actions change from feeling like an obligation, to those born from the need to see Max better, to see him smile.
Which is maybe a little much to ask for. Instead, Max coughs, then spits, then groans miserably. Standing again, Daniel fills up the glass he usually uses for mouthwash with cold water and offers it to him, but Max pitifully shakes his head.
“It will only come back up again, I think,” he grimaces, and yeah. He’s probably right. “I think this is your fault.”
“My fault?” Daniel questions with a laugh, a little affronted. Squeezing Max’s shoulder he adds, “I’m not that desperate for your seat, mate.”
It gets him that smile he was after from Max, which feels like a small victory.
“You made me eat that spicy chicken,” he insists, resting his forehead against their toilet seat. “From the Indian restaurant last week. I told you it makes my tummy bad.”
Tummy. Something that feels a lot like love twists itself around Daniel’s heart.
“I don’t think some chicken you ate over a week ago is making you sick, babe,” Daniel can’t help but point out, even though Max is right, he did make him try some of his Chicken Jalfrezi. “Maybe it was the pizza.”
Later, after, naked in bed, Daniel went for his classic while Max insisted on one with all kinds of weird and wonderful deli meats slapped on top, so it’s not exactly rocket science.
Daniel is one hundred percent sure it’s the pizza.
An impulse order last night after getting a little too wine drunk and giggly in the apartment together, a rare evening of quiet fun between Max’s hectic race schedule. Daniel promising that Max would like the next glass of red just so he could watch the alcohol stain his lips darker and darker, to kiss the taste of it out of his mouth.
Max is shaking his head though, his hair especially blonde in the almost fluorescent light of the bathroom. His eyes are shut.
“Pizza would not betray me like this, I think.”
This time, Daniel doesn’t argue, just leans to press a kiss to the sweaty back of Max’s neck. Max makes a soft humming noise, not exactly happy but- Almost.
“Sorry I am so gross,” he croaks out after a few beats more of silence, and he is but he’s also Daniel’s to take care of.
“Hey,” he tries, rubbing the shell of Max’s ear now, “I’m the one who was about the bust down the door to get in.” Then because it doesn’t feel quite enough, he adds, “gross or not gross, sickness and in health, baby.”
Max laughs, eyes still closed. There’s too much stubble on his jaw, too much breadth to his shoulders for Daniel to think he looks anything like he did in the Red Bull briefings, eighteen with his head on the table like he was sleeping, and yet his mind pulls him back to that Max anyway.
How far he’s come, how far they both have.
“That is for if you are married,” Max says, as though he is reminding Daniel. Like he thinks maybe Daniel is a little crazy for bringing it up, and maybe he is, but it doesn’t feel like that.
When you know, you know, his mum had always told him and for almost two decades of dating he would roll his eyes at her and bite down how not everyone could have the perfect love story she and his dad did. These days, he thinks she’s onto something.
“Yeah Maxy, you’re right,” he says, instead of the words he wants to. Let’s fucking do it then. Nobody wants to get proposed two between rounds of vomit after only eight months.
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bunmurdock · 12 days
Hi bunnn me again, figured I should go for something tamer this time (idk if you got my last ask or if tumblr ate it but it was wild 💀🙏) so I wanted to talk about casual dominance with MM 😚
How he always has a hand on the small of your back, or your hip or waist, especially because he knows how clumsy you can get.
How he makes sure to ask if you’ve eaten or drank water throughout the day, and knowing his senses he can tell if you lie about it (he already knows the answer before even asking).
Carrying heavy things for you. (“Here, let me help sweetheart..”)
I heard this somewhere before, but him making sure you don’t drink too much coffee (or something equally as unhealthy in large amounts) “uh-uh, put it back. You’ve already had two cups today.” Cue your face getting hot with shy embarrassment.
Being whiny at Josie’s because you just wanna go home even though you haven’t been out long but Matt is too busy talking with Foggy and Karen! Him resting his hand on your thigh and soothingly rubbing his thumb back and forth.
Being impatient because New York is so crowded so the lines are so long! He leans in and whispers “shh, you’re doing so good pup, just gotta wait a little longer for me.” Before pressing a kiss to your temple.
How you’re so often the little spoon because you like feeling protected and he likes feeling as if he’s protecting you.
Coming to him with your achievements because he always gives you a kiss and tells you how proud he is 🥹 “that’s so good angel, you make daddy so proud. Such a good girl…” while holding you and rocking you back and forth 😵‍💫
Scolding you when you choose to eat popcorn for dinner instead of an actual meal. “Sweetheart you know better, that’s not a real dinner. “ When you continue to protest he grabs you by the jaw and says firmly but not unkindly: “Hey, that’s enough. You’re going to eat a proper meal and you’re going to stop fussing. Do you understand me?” He only releases you when you huff and give an obedient nod, giving your ass a soft pat as he rewards you with a “good girl.”
Can you tell I may or may not have daddy issues 😝
HI AGAIN! i created a tag for each of my claimed emoji anons, and you can view yours here: 😼 i don’t see anything else in my inbox from you, so if it’s not in there, tumblr must have eaten it. if you do remember the wild one pleaseplease do send!
like matt murdock is canonically handsy and overprotective with his s/o's. and i've noticed that, while he's generally submissive on the surface, the dominance is unmistakable from his body language. i just about lost it in a ddba leak when he pulls [character] out of harm's way and uses his own body as a shield for them.. or the gentle guiding hand on the back, the rules he set in the office, the forehead kisses, the cloying pet names (see: calling karen "goddess" for bringing him a cup of coffee). need him to patronize me with his over-protectiveness :(
also sorry these lines specifically made me clench-
“uh-uh, put it back. You’ve already had two cups today.”
“When you continue to protest he grabs you by the jaw and says firmly but not unkindly: “Hey, that’s enough”
“Him resting his hand on your thigh and soothingly rubbing his thumb back and forth.” THAT'S SO HIM-
i jus love him being all stern n righteous for your own good, it’s so so so so so mind-numbingly hot. eyes bulging pupils dilating i can't breathe at these lil annecdotes thank u so much for sharing T—T
send ur nasty niche mm fantasies pleab 🤲
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