#here take your medicine and a nap and you should be good to be in a crowd of like so many people
roseofcards90 · 1 year
Please don’t make me go to this reunion I beg of you 😭
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alisblackgf · 1 year
hello lovely, hope all's good! May I request Hobie period comfort? Reader's started their period and is NOT felling good at all. They're just nauseous, have a horrible headache, back pain, boob pain, cramps, a slight fever (I get period fevers), and the list goes on. And he's feeling real bad for lovely? He comforts her, makes her favorite snacks, reads aloud to her so that she can nap.
If you get to this, thanks a bunch!!
(honey anon)
YES YES SURE OF COUrse! (thanks for requesting honey anon i hope to see you more in the future!!)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: hobie brown x afab!reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff :)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: hobie takes care of reader during their period!
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: writing about this man isn’t enough i need to inhale him (i didn’t know if you wanted headcanons or a fic so i did a little bit of both!) also i tried to write him in his accent but it is so HARD and it looks kinda dumb so excuse that
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: the sickness section may trigger emetophobia (fear of vomit), viewer discretion is advised!
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if you two just started dating, he’d ask you the basic questions.
such as: what size pads, favorite candies, what you want him to do, etc.
but as time goes on, he’s on top of everything.
he remembers all of your preferences and favorites.
he’s fine with you being grumpy, he has a lot of patience for you and will do whatever you need him to.
“go away, hobie,” you groan.
“sorry, love, ‘m not goin’ anywhere.”
“my insides feel like they’re collapsing,” you complain, hugging your stomach and curling into fetal position.
“i know, doll. li’l ol’ hobie’s here to fetch whatever your heart desires.”
“li’l ol’ hobie?” you laugh, forgetting your grumpiness for a second, which makes him smile.
he did mean what he said, though. he will get you anything.
if you like being read to sleep, he’ll get an assortment of books that you like.
he’ll read them to you at your very request! just say the words.
if you’re experiencing pain, just tell him where and he’ll massage the area for you.
if your chest is too tender to massage, he’ll just cuddle you and rub circles into your back.
however, if your pain is intense, he’ll go out and grab you some pain killers.
he’ll even buy you a heating pad should you need it (you probably do).
“(y/n), ‘m back. got you some stuff, too.”
“yeah, got you some ibuprofen and a heatin’ pad.”
he loves taking care of you and he loves that you let him.
he’ll probably even say some stupid jokes to make you laugh (and they’re probably not funny).
his reasoning is “laughter is the best medicine”.
if you don’t laugh, though, he’ll tickle you.
so laugh.
if you get fevers, he’ll wet a rag with cold water, fold it, and put it on your forehead.
he gets you fever medication, mainly tylenol because he assumes you wouldn’t like the taste of the liquid medicine.
if you feel nauseous, he’s there rubbing your back and comforting you.
he tells you to let him know if you’re going to vomit so he can accompany you.
if you do end up vomiting, though, he’s right there with you.
if you have long/medium-length hair, he holds your hair back as you do your business into the toilet.
if you have short hair, he rubs your back.
whatever length hair you may have, he praises you.
“there you go, dove, let it all out,” he coos.
when you’re done, he gives you a cup of water.
it’s nighttime, and hobie was urging you to sleep. even though your body was practically wrapped around him (which was usually all you needed to fall asleep), the pain kept you awake. you were already facing him, looking over the features you adored so much. he was resting peacefully, you really didn’t want to wake him up, but you really couldn’t sleep.
“hobie?” you asked, attempting to wake him up.
“mm, yeah, love?” he mumbled, half-awake. he was so cute you could almost laugh.
“sorry to wake you, but could you read me to sleep?”
“mhm,” he responds. “gimme a sec.”
his willingness to do what you asked without questioning it made butterflies swarm in your stomach. he groggily got up to go retrieve a book.
“want anythin’ in particular?” he asks you.
“no, surprise me.”
he nods and picks one out.
he sits down on the edge of the bed as you get snuggled back under the covers. as he begins to read, you find yourself more relaxed than ever. hobie must’ve loved you to death with the way he was caring for you, so you made sure to let him know you felt the same.
“i love you, hobie.”
he stopped reading and looked at you. your eyes were already closed and your breathing steady. he smiled at your resting figure.
“i love you too.”
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UGH i love him
tags: @pr0wlerpunk
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pulisicsgirl · 1 year
caring for you - mason mount
summary: following Mason's surgery, Y/N does everything in her power to take care of him and keep him comfortable, and his parents take note
pairing: Mason Mount x reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings/tags: brief mentions of surgery and medicine, PDA in front of parents, fluff
requested: yes!! here
notes: I'm back (for now)!! I'm about to start finals week, so hopefully I'll have more time to write once I've made it back home! I received this request a while ago, and I was thinking about writing something about taking care of Mason after his procedure last week, so I figured I'd combine the two! Hope you like it!
Also I feel like this started out really strong and the end is absolute garbage, so I'm very sorry about that
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Since the moment the two of you had arrived at home from the hospital, you hadn’t let Mason leave his spot in the corner of the ‘L-shaped’ couch. As soon as you walked through the door, you had (gently) pushed him down onto the soft cushion, tucking a soft blanket over his legs. It was only a few minutes before you had a bottle of water and a couple of snacks by his side in case he needed them.
The surgery had been relatively minor, all things considered. It was an outpatient procedure, scheduled for the early hours of the day. So by the time it reached the late afternoon, the doctor had discharged Mason, instructing him to take it easy for the next couple of weeks to avoid agitating the incisions before easing back into his regular training regimen. The doctor had informed you that everything had gone very well and there should be nothing to be concerned about.
So of course, you were very concerned, just a ball of anxiety, making sure that Mason didn’t lift a finger for the rest of the day.
Mason had been pretty tired once the two of you had arrived home, so you left him to nap on the couch while you tidied up the rest of the house. Mason’s parents were making the drive up from Portsmouth to spend the evening in London. Mason hadn’t been able to see them in a while and took advantage of the free days he would have following his operation to invite them to spend some time with him (and you).
Part of you had been worried that Mason would be too exhausted after the early morning he’d had and the surgery to visit with them. But you also knew that, like you, Debbie would be worried about Mason following the procedure, and just being able to see him would do wonders to calm her nerves.
So as Mason took a well-deserved nap, you moved about the house, sweeping the floors, wiping down the counters, and making sure that everything had been put in its proper place. You washed the dishes that had accumulated in the sink over the last couple of days and put them away. You were sure to pass through the living room every few minutes to make sure Mason was still sleeping peacefully. You felt a warmth spread through your chest each time you checked on him, the blanket tucked up under his chin and a slight pout on his lips as his face was smushed into the pillow.
It came time for Mason to take the next dose of one of the medications the doctor had sent home with him, and he had just begun to stir from his nap as you sat down on the couch by his head. You reach out, threading your fingers through his hair as he began to blink his eyes open, humming at your gentle touch.
“How you feeling?” you spoke softly to him.
“ ‘m good,” he mumbled, a grin on his face as he looked up at you with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes.
You returned his smile. “Good. Well, it’s time for you to take your medicine.”
He sat up slowly, grunting with the effort, which instantly put you on edge, worried that he was in pain. He must have noticed the look on your face when he looked over at you.
“I’m fine. I promise,” he moved himself up on the couch so that he was sitting next to you. He placed his hand on the back of your neck, gingerly leaning over to kiss you on the forehead. “Stop worrying yourself so much.”
You smiled sheepishly at him, feeling a little silly for how worked up you had been the whole day, but you couldn’t really help it. You would truly do anything for Mason, and the thought of him in pain was something you never wanted to even consider.
“Your parents should be here any minute,” you informed him once he had swallowed the pills. “Dinner is almost ready, so we should be ready to eat as soon as they arrive. Are you feeling hungry?”
“Of course. Especially if it’s your cooking.”
“Oh, shut up, you.” He laughed at your deflection, knowing that you had no clue how to accept a complement. Even so, he delighted in giving them to you often, watching your cheeks flush red and your eyes dart to the ground.
It was only a few minutes before you heard the knock on the front door, knowing it could only be Debbie and Tony. You gave Mason a quick kiss, instructing him not to move from the couch as you walk to the door. You opened it, greeting his parents as they both pulled you into warm hugs. You had met Mason’s family several times before, but your relationship with them was still new enough that you felt nervous any time they came around. You felt as though you needed to somehow prove to them that you were worthy of their son’s love, despite Mason’s constant reassurance that it was unnecessary, insisting that they already loved you. You still tried your best, though, making sure that everything was perfect at the house before they came over.
You led them to the living room so that they could greet their son and told them you’d be in the kitchen, putting the final touches on the food you had prepared. You caught Mason’s eye before you turned away, and he flashed a quick grin at you.
You were dishing the food into bowls when Debbie entered the kitchen, a kind smile on her face as she offered your help. You informed her that you were nearly done, but she could help with carrying the dishes to the boys.
“He seems like he’s doing well,” she said.
You nodded in agreement. “I think so. He hasn’t told me he’s had any pain since we got home, and I just gave him another dose of the pain medicine that the doctor sent home with us before you got here. Though you and I both know that he probably wouldn’t say anything even if he was in pain.”
The two of you shared a laugh over the stubborn boy that was dear to both of your hearts.
“How are you doing?” she asked suddenly.
“M-me?” Her question caught you off-guard as you dished food into the fourth and final bowl, and you looked up at her. Her lips were drawn together in a tight line as she examined your face.
“Yes, you. I know you well enough to know you’ve been running yourself ragged all day to keep him comfortable.”
“Oh,” you breathed, a warm feeling spreading through your chest at her motherly concern. It meant more to you than she realized that she would express that kind of affection for you. “Y-yeah, I’m alright. He’s a pretty good patient, so he makes my job easy.” You pressed a smile to your face despite the emotions you felt welling up inside you.
You handed Debbie the bowls containing food for Tony and herself and let her know you’d be in the living room in a moment. She walked out of the kitchen, and you lingered behind for just a moment, dabbing the tears from the corners of your eyes in an attempt to keep your mascara from running.
Just that simple question from Mason’s mother was so important to you. Knowing that she approved of your relationship with her son and saw how much you wanted to take care of him—it did wonders to calm your nerves surrounding your relationship with her and Tony.
Once you had collected yourself, you picked up the two remaining bowls and met Mason, Tony, and Debbie in the living room. You had decided that it would be best for the four of you to eat on the couch so that Mason could remain comfortable, and you could all continue to visit together.
Plus, you knew Mason and his father really wanted to continue watching the football match that had started a mere 20 minutes ago.
As you approached Mason, he gently swung his legs off of the couch cushion, patting the space where his legs had just been to signal for you to sit down. You did so carefully, still holding both bowls of food and he placed his legs across your lap, draping the blanket back over both of your legs. You were a little taken back by the display of affection in front of his parents but brushed it off as you handed the bowl to him.
He gave you a curious look, brows slightly furrowed, as he noticed the misty look in your eyes. You just replied with a slight shake of your head, a signal that the two of you would talk later.
You eagerly watched Mason and your two guests as they took the first bite of their food. It was one of Debbie’s recipes and you hoped desperately that you hadn’t let them down with the dish. As soon as you knew Mason had a surgery coming up, you had texted Debbie asking for the recipe for his favorite meal of hers, wanting to spoil him after the procedure.
Debbie and Tony both smiled, humming in appreciation as they got their first taste, and Tony remarked how good it was. Mason, ever the dramatic one, let out a groan, dropping his head onto the back of the couch, using words like “incredible” and “scrumptious” as he voiced his gratitude for the meal. He merely grinned at the way you rolled your eyes at him while your cheeks flushed red.
By the time the halftime show was wrapping up, you were collecting everyone’s dishes and carrying them into the kitchen to tidy up. Debbie appeared moments later, pushing you back into the living room and insisting that it was “the least I could do” to clean up your kitchen. You hesitated for a moment, but eventually gave in.
You walked around behind the couch, threading your fingers through Mason’s hair to get his attention, He dropped his head back, eyes gazing up at you lovingly.
“Do you need anything?” you asked as you scratch his scalp lightly with your nails.
“Hmm,” he pretended to think for a moment before tapping his lips with his index finger. “Just a kiss.”
You laughed at him, leaning down as you held your hair out of the way so it wouldn’t get in Mason’s face. You pressed your lips to his gently, expecting to give him a quick peck. But Mason seemed to have other ideas, holding your face to his for a few seconds with a hand that had reached to the back of your head.
He let you pull back after a moment, and you gazed down at his upside-down face, adorning a lovestruck grin. You weren’t sure what had gotten into him today, but something had gotten him in a touchy and lovey mood.
“Anything else?” you whispered, caught slightly off-guard by his actions. Mason just shook his head, gesturing for you to come back to sit on the couch with him, and you resumed your position under his legs.
As you watched the football game, you did your best to keep up with Mason and Tony as they talked over the strategies of the teams and the technique of the players on the screen. The exhaustion of the day was finally catching up to you, and you felt your eyes slip closed, your head falling forward just slightly before you jolted awake.
Noticing this, Mason pulled you into his side and intertwined his legs with yours. Your head rested on his shoulder as he leaned back on the cushions, shuffling down slightly so that your neck wouldn’t be uncomfortable. Too tired to protest the PDA in front of his dad, you draped your arm over his stomach and quickly fell back asleep in the comfort of Mason’s arms. He ran the tips of his fingers over the skin of your arm, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head every couple of minutes as he listened to your steady breathing.
A knowing smile took over Debbie’s face as she re-entered the living room after finishing up in the kitchen.
“She’s a keeper, that one,” she pointed to your sleeping form. Your cheek was pressed firmly to Mason’s chest, causing a slight pout to form on your lips.
He looked down at your face, a smile spread across his lips. “She’s just amazing,” he replied earnestly. “She’s so selfless and hardworking, always taking care of me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her today.” He looked back up at his parents, holding you a little tighter. “I’m… really happy with her.”
Debbie and Tony smiled back at him, happy to see their son in a healthy and successful relationship.
“People like her are hard to come by,” Tony remarked. “You better do everything you can to keep her around.”
“Oh definitely,” Mason grinned, looking back to the football match on the TV screen. “At this point, if she leaves me, I’m going with her.”
tag list: @masonspulisic @chelseagirl98 @thoseboysinblue @lovelynikol16 @swimmingismywholelife @masonsrem @bracedes @neverinadream
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mj-iza-writer · 7 months
Whumpee peaked into the living room and saw Whumper playing on their phone.
"What do you need?", Whumper didn't bother to look up.
Whumpee sighed and stepped into the room.
"May I wrap a blanket around myself while I work? I'm freezing", Whumpee visibly shook.
"How are you cold? I haven't changed the temperature", Whumper eyed the thermometer, "it's at the normal setting."
Whumper looked at Whumpee who seemed to be standing their practically dead.
"Are you feeling alright?", Whumper studied them.
"I don't feel great, but I can manage. May I please have a blanket?", Whumpee pleaded as they sniffled.
"I don't care", Whumper sighed and continued to study Whumpee until they disappeared into the hallway to get a blanket.
After a few minutes Whumpee could be heard in the kitchen practically choking on a cough.
"Geesh Whumpee", Whumper stood up and went to the kitchen.
Whumpee leaned on the counter, trying to hold themself up from the violent coughing.
Whumpee shook as they tried to catch their breath.
"Ahhemm", Whumper watched from the doorway.
Whumpee turned slowly to see Whumper with their arms crossed.
"I-I'm alright, just a cold", Whumpee sniffled.
"Couch now", Whumper pointed.
"But.... chores, I'll have more work to do later if they don't get done now", Whumpee pleaded.
"No buts, go to the couch", Whumper frowned.
Whumpee held their head in shame as they walked past Whumper to the living room.
Whumpee waited beside the couch until Whumper came out.
"Why aren't you sitting or laying down", Whumper set a cup of water on the coffee table in front of the couch.
"Um, I-I'm not normally allowed to sit on furniture. You just said to go to the couch, and I did that", Whumpee looked at the floor.
Whumper sighed as they rubbed the sides of their head, "Whumpee lie down on the flippin couch" Whumper spoke through gritted teeth.
Whumpee fell onto the couch and scooted around until they were comfortable.
Whumper rolled their eyes as they knelt beside Whumpee.
"I'm going to make you some food, and have you take some medicine", Whumper stroked Whumpee's forehead comfortingly, but really just feeling for a fever, "do not get up, if you are up, you better have a good reason. Am I clear?"
Whumpee blinked slowly, "y-yes mas-master."
After a few minutes, Whumper carried out a sandwich and some medicine.
"Here, sit up so you can eat this", Whumper handed over the plate, "after you eat, you can take the medicine."
Whumpee nodded as they started to eat.
"This is tasty and it's scratching my throat when it goes down. That feels good", Whumpee excitedly took another bite.
Whumper smiled as they went to the kitchen to get a napkin.
Whumpee was surprised when they were handed a cup of juice.
"Master, I get juice?", Whumpee looked at the cup.
"It will help your body replenish electrolytes", Whumper went over to another chair and sat down.
"When did you start feeling this way?", Whumper watched them chug the drink, "and why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good? I'm not that heartless to make you work while you're sick. I don't even work when I'm sick."
"Last night, my throat started to hurt while I was going to sleep. I tried to muffle the coughs as much as I could", Whumpee looked at the empty plate sadly, "I didn't know if I should tell you or not. I figured you wouldn't care or something, so I just went about my chores. It was getting harder to work though, with all of the shivering."
"Next time you get sick, you need to communicate it with me. Because you are also spreading it around the house", Whumper stood, "take the medicine, then you can take a nap."
Whumpee nodded as they took the two pills Whumper had given to them.
Whumper took the plate and cup and went to the kitchen.
Whumpee started to lay down until they heard Whumper loading the dishwasher.
Whumpee got up quickly, clutched the blanket around themself, and went to the kitchen.
Whumper looked up at Whumpee in surprise.
"Why are you up?", Whumper put another dish into the machine.
"Yo-you are doing the dishes?", Whumpee looked at Whumper in panic.
"Yes, I know how to do this stuff, I just have you do the chores because I don't feel like it", Whumper grinned, "the chores still have to be done, so I'm going to do them."
Whumpee still watched in shock.
"Go back to the couch and lay down. Get some rest", Whumper started to do a few other things in the kitchen.
Whumpee nodded and slowly walked out to the living room again.
They plopped on the couch and wrapped the blanket around themself.
'Master is actually doing my chores', Whumpee thought to themself.
Whumper came out a few minutes later and sat down. Whumpee watched them scroll on their phone for a few minutes before their eyelids grew heavy.
Whumper heard a couple of tiny moans come from Whumpee, followed by some stuffie snores.
Whumper grinned.
"Get some sleep, you little sickie", Whumper whispered before going back to their phone.
Guess who may have gotten sick again, I think it's just a cold this time. I am a-okay though, no need to worry. 😁 -MJ
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee
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thebearer · 1 year
can you please write dad!carmen and mom!reader stuck at home taking care of their two sick babies? carmy would be soo worried hate seeing his girls like that 💔
"Teddy, please don't cry, sweet girl."
"I know, Wills, I know it's nasty. Just a little bit more."
One was screaming, the other sobbing with deep, heaving breaths that made your own heart feel like it might spilt in two somehow. Strep had made its way into the Berzatto household. A mandatory forty-eight hours to make sure they both weren't contagious, an extra twenty-four tacked on so they could recuperate, and you weren't sure you were going to make it past day one.
Carmen had to stay home, of course, he wasn't risking infecting his staff or customers. You were thankful you had his help, especially at times like this.
Times when you were having to feed the girls their medicine. The pale pink liquid measured out in syringes, forced down their throats with gentle coaxes over their cries.
"I don't li-ike it!" Teddy sobbed, shoulders heaving. She was exhausted, sick, just uncomfortable all around. You knew she was. You wished you could jus magically make it better for her, take the pain instead so she'd go back to your bubbly, sweet girl.
"I know, baby." You hummed sympathetically, pressing the small sippy cup to her lips, thumb catching her angry tears streaking down her face. "But it will make you feel better."
"I want to feel better without that!" Teddy roared, crankily, throwing her arms out in pure frustration.
"That's the only way you can get better, Teddy Bear." Carmen chimed, soothing a still sobbing Willow in his arms, her face buried in his neck. She was still upset that he'd given her medicine to her. Sobbing in the most heart wrenching way; sad sobs, not like her sister's cries of frustration and anger- sobs that tore Carmen's heart right down the middle.
Somehow, you managed to get the two of them back down for a nap. They'd cried themselves to sleep, exhausted with emotion, collapsing in your's and Carmen's bed.
The two of you had took to the couch instead, falling nearly on top of each other. "Do you think we should take them back to the doctor?" Carmen muttered next to you.
"Because," Carmen hesitated, head lolling over to look at you. "I mean... They act like they're still in pain."
"That was their first dose, Carm. The medicine hasn't even had a chance to kick in." You countered gently.
"I know... I just- I-I was looking up their symptoms and what if it's meningitis or something? What if it was misdiagnosed and-"
"-Carmen, I swear to fuckin' God, I am blocking WebMD from your phone." You huffed lightly. "I don't know how I'm gonna do that, but I am. I'm gonna go to the Geek Squad and make them block it entirely."
"I'm being serious-"
"-So am I." You looked at him with a light glare. "Baby, they ran the tests. It came back strep. They have to like grow it and stuff to make sure, ok?" Carmen still looked unsettled. "If they wake up and don't feel better, we'll take them back."
"Fine." Carmen nodded, letting his head fall on your shoulder. "You think we should nap in there with them? Or stay in here?"
"Maybe one of us should go in there." You mutter. "Make sure Will doesn't throw up."
"True. Good point." Carmen sighed, rubbing his eyes when he sat up. "I'll go in there."
"I can go." You stand before he can, putting the blanket from the back of the couch on his lap. "You got them this morning. I got 'em, Daddy." You give him a playful, yet tired, wink. Carmen flushes, a shy smile that has your tummy pooling with warmth, pressing a kiss to his cheek before you're padding back to your bedroom.
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morganski-19 · 6 months
The One with the Banishment
This is a continuation of the previous post, because the tags from @puppy-steve inspired me to continue it.
A few hours later, Robin is awoken from her own nap with a knock on the door. Steve asleep on the couch, head flopped on his shoulder. Snoring. She unwraps herself from her blanket, heading for the door.
“Oh god,” she says when it opens to Eddie wrapped in a blanket, pale as a ghost.
“Nancy said you have soup,” he whispers, voice hoarse.
Robin groans, knowing that Nancy had more cans of soup. Or could just make something. There’s an ulterior motive here.
“Get in here.” Robin steps out of the way to let him through.
Eddie waddles through the door to the living room. Looking confused when he gets there.
“Sit next to Steve.” Robin nudges Steve.
Steve jolts awake, sucking in so much air is sends him into a coughing fit. Robin makes a disgusted face as it continues into a sniffling mess. He turns to grab some tissues but sees Eddie next to him. Making the most delirious confused face ever. “I’m not hallucinating him here, right?”
Eddie laughs, which also sends him into a coughing fit. “In your dream, Harrington,” he gets out between coughs.
Robin stares at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. “I’m going to kill her. I swear, I’ll do it.”
“Who are we killing,” Steve slurs out after making way too much noise blowing his nose.
He pulls the blanket back up to his chin with a shiver. “Why, Nancy’s so nice.”
“Not that nice,” Eddie rasps. “She sent me over here just so she doesn’t have to deal with me.”
Steve makes a half angry face, eyes fighting to stay awake. “That’s not nice.”
Eddie tries to make a dramatic gesture, but his arms fall when they get halfway through the air. “I know.”
“What a bitch,” Steve concludes, looking like he’s going to fall asleep again.
“Right now, I’d have to agree.” Robin nudges Steve awake again. “Don’t fall asleep, you need more cold medicine. And to eat something.”
Steve rolls his eyes but sits up straighter anyway.
“Eddie, when’s the last time you had cold medicine?”
Eddie shrugs under his blanket, somehow shivering.
Robin nods, annoyed. “Great. Please hold.” She walks across the hall and bangs on the door. Nancy opens it with a sorry smile.
“Hey, Robbie. Soup not good? Need more tea?”
“You sacked Eddie with me so you don’t get sick, didn’t you.” She crosses her arms.
Nancy looks guilty. “Sort of. If you don’t mind.”
“Like he’ll have enough energy to make it to the bathroom let along across the hall again. And if he’s fine bunking with Steve, I don’t really have a problem with it. I just need all the cold medicine you have since I’m playing nurse.”
“That’s fair.” Nancy heads to the bathroom and comes back with a few things of cold medicine and a bag of cough drops. “Here’s all I have. I gave Eddie this about four hours ago, so he should get more soon.”
Robin takes it. “Thank you. I expect a few more cans of soup and another box of tea in my apartment by dinner tonight.”
“Don’t you think that’s pushing it a little bit?”
Robin glares at Nancy. “I’m already regretting leaving them unsupervised for this long.”
Nancy winces. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go get some for you.”
“Thank you.”
When Robin gets back to her apartment, Steve and Eddie are having some kind of conversation. Or it at least seems like one. They’re grunting one after another, if that’s what it is. Honestly, they sound a bit like birds.
She silently closes the door behind her and places the medicine on the counter. Takes out her phone to take a video of them, evidence for later. Also, because Argyle would love to see this.
And he does, sends a message back saying that they sound like penguins. It makes Robin burst out laughing, Steve and Eddie trying to look back to see what’s wrong. She waves them off, starting to warm up the soup on the stove while trying to stop laughing.
“Yay, drugs,” Eddie whispers when Robin hands him more cold medicine. Making Steve go into a cough-laughing fit again. Robin should get paid for this shit.
She brings them the soup when it’s done. In their fancy bowls with handles on the side so they can drink it better. It’s interesting to watch them eat, but the steam clears up their noses enough so they can breathe.
Nancy knocks on the door later that afternoon, a bag full of soup and tea standing outside the door when Robin gets it.
Robin: You could have waited for me to answer the door
Nancy: Not going to risk it
Robin: Jesus Christ
Steve and Eddie had fallen asleep on top of each other. Each halfway leaning towards the middle of the couch, the only thing holding them up being each other. Robin takes a few pictures, debating to wake them up for more medicine.
But she doesn’t have to this time. A few minutes later, Eddie is pushing off the blanket and accidently hits Steve in the face. Making him hit Eddie in the head with his own when his reflexes kick in. They both wake up with a groan.
Robin laughs again. “You two are the most helpless idiots I will ever know.”
“You’re mean.” Eddie sits up, rubbing the spot where Steve’s head hit him. Steve sits up too, holding the cheek that was elbowed. Robin gets them both an ice pack. Then more medicine.
Later that night, Robin makes them stand up so she can rearrange the living room to pull out the bed from the couch. It’s their rule whenever one of them is sick. Much easier to sleep in the living room so there’s less obstacles to run into when going to the bathroom. She makes up the bed and lets them fall into it.
They fall asleep almost instantly, with weird sick snores because they can’t breathe that well right now. She heads to the bathroom, takes an extra long shower to scrub off as many germs as she can. Even if she knows that’s not exactly how it works. Takes her temperature and refills her little pocket hand sanitizer. She’s good for now.
The next morning, Steve and Eddie are a sick pretzel. Eddie’s blanket thrown across the room at some point, so he stole Steve’s. Pulling both Steve and the blanket on top of him since he was completely rolled in it. Half of their limbs hanging off of the bed, with one wrong move the rest of their body would follow.
Robin laughs and takes out her phone, taking a picture and sending it to Nancy.
Robin: Look at our boys
Nancy: Omg, they did that in their sleep?
Robin: Yep
Nancy: How are they?
Robin: Don’t know, haven’t woken them up yet
Robin: Needed evidence of this
Nancy: Let me know when you do
Nancy: I can’t keep Eddie away from his things for too long, just until he’s not contagious anymore
Robin: Thanks for sacrificing me again
Robin: Makes me feel so appreciated
Nancy: I already apologized and bought you food, what else could you possibly want
Robin: I’ll think of something
A message from Argyle pop up of Robin’s phone, making her burst out laughing again.
Argyle: Maybe we could convince Eddie to give Steve a rock and then they’ll be penguin married
Robin: I just laughed so hard I woke them up
Argyle: Oops, sorry dude
Robin: Don’t be, that was hilarious
Robin: It also would stop their dumbassery
Argyle: That it would indeed
Eddie wakes up with a coughing fit, the extra weight of Steve definitely not helping. After the initial confusion, Steve manages to role himself off of Eddie and lays on his back, struggling to breathe. Robin takes a deep breath, grabbing the cold meds and doing it all over again.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low, @thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady, @apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic, @fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging, @potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1
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truetogaia · 1 year
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i'm thinkin' lets have some cute wari content b4 we move onto the nasty stuff AHA
pairing: tonowari x reader
genre: tooth rotting fluff
notes: felt the need to write something fluffy and cute to cleanse my polluted soul. Plus I really just crave some cuuute wari rn.
synopsis: sick 'wari, thats it.
THIS ONES FOR U @avatarkv ♡
The soothing sounds of waves rolling easily up the shore, paired with the chirps of airborne creatures had awoken you suddenly, along with the concerning, loud coughs of your dear mate. Worry had painted a frown on your face as you had placed a cold hand on his hot forehead, checking his temperature. 
As it turned out, the mighty olo’eyktan had come down with a cold, and he did not want anyone to know. So, you had carried on with your day, fulfilling your duties as Tsahìk, and carrying out a small portion of his as well, since he had not been able to lift even a finger that morning. Oh yes, your mate was very sick.
Upon your arrival home, you noticed that he was still sleeping. You frowned once again, for the sun had begun its descent hours ago, and it was now closer to evening. 
With quiet steps, barely noticeable even to a mouse, you tiptoed over to where Tonowari laid snoozing. He looked so cozy, so undisturbed and free from the stress and pressure of the demanding role of olo’eyktan. You pondered for a minute, or two, if you really had it in you to wake him from his peaceful slumber. No, no you couldn’t possibly. He deserved all the rest he could get, considering the overwhelming amount of workload and responsibility he shouldered as clan leader. 
A gentle smile placed itself upon your features as you lovingly observed your mate. Carefully, as to not wake him up, you moved a loose strand out of his face. You got up, an idea forming in your head as you rummaged through the pod for some medicinal herbs. 
A sweet, delicious scent filled Tonowari’s nose, waking him from his nap. He groggily rubbed his eyes in an attempt to see clear again, because it could not truly be this dark outside, could it? His tired gaze wandered around the lit up pod, searching for his lover. And he soon spotted you, crouched down, leaning over the large pot situated in the middle of the room. He yawned, stretching his long, strong arms, before preparing himself to stand up. 
“Oh, good morning, or should I say good evening, ‘Wari!”  Your voice interrupted his action, and once again he sat himself down. “I’m just getting some warm soup ready for you, It shouldn’t take too long, my dear. You just stay right there.” 
His face wore a doting smile as you got up from your former spot, carrying a wooden bowl with hot, steaming soup. 
“Here you go. Drink carefully now, and don't forget to blow on it. It is still very, very hot.” You warned, handing him the piping hot bowl. He nodded, gently placing his hands atop yours as he accepted the bowl. 
“Thank you, yawne. Truly, you are the sweetest gift.” You grinned proudly at his praise, happy to be of help to your beloved. 
He wasted no time when he was finished, wrapping his long and strong arms around your form. You struggled against his tight grip, reminding him that he was sick. And that you did not want to be infected. 
“I have important matters to attend to tomorrow, ‘Wari, you know this. I can’t get sick now, who is to take care of the village?” He hushed you, placing a loving kiss to the top of your head.
““I am not going to get you sick, just let me hold onto my love while I lay dying.”
You rolled your eyes at his antics, giggling as if you were a teenage girl again as he peppered your reddening face with gentle kisses and pecks. His warm embrace was enough to make you sleepy, and soon it was Tonowari’s turn to admire you, ever so lovingly.
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memymay · 3 months
Mychael ~ Mushroom Oasis Oneshot
Chronically online reader pt.1
Who also has a worryingly short attention span
Fluff ~ GN Reader ~ No TWs
Reader Insert Master list ⭐️
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!!NOTE!! This is not entirely accurate to the VN, usually i refer back to it making sure that i got everything correct, i did not do that for this one. I pulled the details from memory. If something’s wrong please leave a comment.
“Ok, I’ve got my phone, portable charger, and just in case i get lost, a solar charger…” you list off, looking at the many items spread across your bed. “My laptop and a charger, the forest might be a nice place to get work done. Peaceful too. Headphones, earbuds, extra charger…” you pause, thinking for a moment. you shouldn’t be out for too long, at most, you should be back by sunset. But you were hoping that once you found your precious furry little mischievous cat you could sit and get some work done, or maybe watch some anime. It was a rarity that you went outside anymore let alone adventuring through the woods. Why not take advantage of it?
“Oh yeah! Water and stacks, i should grab those too. And maybe some cat treats~” humming to yourself you walked to the kitchen, searching through your cabinets. “Maybe I should bring some soda too…” you muttered, reaching for your drinks. Walking back to your bedroom you start stuffing your backpack, ready for this journey. Stepping outside, the sun hit your face, blinding you. Squinting while your eyes adjusted you looked around. “Curse you evil day star, why do you gotta be so damn bright?” You muttered under your breath as you started walking into the forest. The shade of the trees eased the suns assault on your eyes, but it was still to bright for your liking.
after a while of walking, you came across a small patch of mushrooms. You stopped for a moment to look around. (And to rest a bit, all that stuff you packed is really heavy) there was something laying near the mushroom patch. Gasping as you reached down to pick up a collar “you must be close… just wait a little longer…” you muttered to the collar. As you stood back up, but your foot slipped causing you to crash back down and into the mushrooms. They sprayed you with what you assumed to be a foul smelling pollen. “Nooooo!” You wined, looking at your clothes. “I really liked this hoodie, it’s going to take forever to get all the allergens out. Eugh! And the smell…”
As you sat there, a sense of calm started to seep in. Along with the need to take a nap. Your eyes grew heavy, and your limbs relaxed. Closing your eyes, you decided to go ahead and take a nap. Laying down, you rested your head on your backpack. As you started to drift off, you thought that maybe your cat will back track and find you here. it would be a nice surprise to wake up with them back in your arms, snuggled up all cozy. Yeah, that would be nice.
“Ughhhh” you mentally groaned as you slowly woke up, begrudgingly you opening your eyes and noted that you were in an unfamiliar cabin. You couldn’t move your body causing you to spur into a panic. Where am I? Why can’t I move? Wait what happened? Was I drugged?! I think i was taking a nap, yeah, how long was I out?
“Oh, You’re awake.” A voice called from a corner of the room I couldn’t see.
“Here, medicine.” He said, moving me to sit up as he pressed a cup to my lips. Drinking it helped feeling slowly return to my body. As I wiggles my fingers and toes I watched him whip a stray stream from my chin. He had this weird mossy skin color… Was he a cosplayer? He looked kinda cute. His blonde hair hung over his eyes, and he had a cute mushroom hat on.
“Felling better? Anymore numbness?”
“No, my fingertips are a bit tingly, but that’s it.”
He signed and gave me a warm smile, “Good, I was worried.”
“By the wayyyyy” you dragged out, as you sat up “Where’s my bag?”
“Oh, right over there.” He gestured over to the fireplace where your bag sat next to the wall. “Here.” He said, standing up to hand you the bag.
Struggling, still loopy from whatever the hell paralyzed you, you scramble checking your bag. “Laptop, phone, charger, yep, yes, andddd everything’s still here!” You mumble to yourself. All the expensive electronics are not stolen, but also still in working conditions. Or at least you assume, both your phone and iPad are dead, the laptop is at 1%.
“Did you drop something?” The man asks,
“Thankfully not. A lotta expinsive stuff in here.” You look around, taking in the wooden walls and floors, “where am I anyway?”
“My cabin, I found you passed out while forgoing. Sorry, there was nowhere else nearby” he trails off, looking out the window.
“how far is the nearest town?”
He looks off to the side, a guilty look on his face, “I don’t know for certain, but it takes about a day and a half to safely get to the nearest-“
“A DAY AND A HALF!?” You almost shriek, he covers his ear, slightly flinching at the volume. “If you want to avoid the dangerous plants and animals, yes.” He responds, stepping closer and sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. He reached a hand out, wanting to comfort you, but decided against it.
You sat back, closing your eyes and thinking. ‘maybe I could stay here for a day or two? Then I could head back. Yeah, that should be enough time to mentally prepare myself. Then-‘
“Wait why was I even out here?” Instinctively you reached for your phone, wanting to check your notes. But remembering its dead, you pivoted to pretend you were going to clean the nonexistent dirt off the screen.
“WAIT!” Halfway through the action you remember, “My cat!” You wine.
“Have you seen them, they’re this big, and- and- ughhh I need to charge my phone i have pictures.” You rush to grab your charger. “I never thought I’d need this” you say pulling out the solar charger. “I’m glad it wasn’t just wasted money.”
Stumbling past him you set the charger on the nearby window and wait.
A few awkward moments pass by before your phone lights up. You hurriedly type in your passcode and go to your photos, the boy watching curiously over your shoulder.
“See! Aren’t they just the just the cutest! Look here are some kitten pictures!”
Watching you talk so passionately about your cat pulled at Mychael’s heart. He wasn’t going to tell you before, but now he definitely doesn’t want to tell you. You looked so happy, he enjoyed watching the way your eyes light up, and the way you smiled at the memories.
“Oh, I really got off track… but have you seen them?”
“No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.” He frowned.
“Oh…” your face fell, and he really didn’t like seeing you sad.
“Wait, I haven’t even told you my name! Sorry I get distracted a lot.” You said turning to look at him.
“I’m y/n”
“I’m Mychael”
This is a lot longer than I expected it to be TvT. Originally I was gonna post tkatb or 14 days with you. However there’s like, barely any Mychael content out there (I read through it all in one sitting…) so I wanted to add a bit more there.
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youunravelme · 1 year
this is my first ever requesting and i think it should be with you bc i just loooooove your writing so much 🥹 and i want to also congratulate you for this achievement you deserve! can you please do "forehead kisses also cute sometimes" with our boy barzy. no rush at all take your time 😌
I LOVE FOREHEAD KISSES OKAY??? SO THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS FOR THE LITERAL LOML, ANON! (and also thank you for being so fucking sweet ily).
here goes nothing! i put this in the future of tatgylb series, hope that's okay!
you woke up and felt like nothing had happened, like you'd taken a really long nap. except you were in the hospital. and you were a little dazed, but not just-woke-up dazed, disoriented in the way you get after taking too much cold medicine.
it took you a second to figure out while you were in the hospital until you turned your head slightly to the left and saw mat bouncing a bundle in his arms and speaking quietly.
when you focused hard enough, you could hear what he was saying.
"it's okay sweet girl, mama's gonna wake up soon and then you can meet her. she's the best," he whispered. "don't know how i tricked her into falling in love with me."
your eyes watered, stunned to hear him talk so highly of you when he thought you weren't listening. you were content to keep listening, but mat turned around and saw you laying in bed, awake.
you were still confused as to what happened, but the wetness on his cheeks, the bloodshot eyes, and the way he immediately went to your bedside, was enough to say it probably wasn't good.
"hey baby," he said. "how're you feeling?"
you smiled up at him in an effort to keep him from fretting more than he already had. "i'm alright."
he nodded, and for a moment, looked like he just remembered he was holding a baby. "do you wanna hold her?"
you nodded and smiled even wider. gently, he placed your daughter in your arms, using a pillow to prop you arm up. "she's so pretty," you said. "look at her cute lil nose."
mat nodded along but didn't say anything. after a minute or two of silence, you looked over and saw him crying. immediately, you furrowed your brows. "mat, baby, what's wrong."
he shook his head and cupped your cheek with his hand, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb. "almost lost you, baby. i can't--" he choked. "i don't know what i'd do if i lost you."
you offered what you hoped was a comforting smile. "i'm okay, i'm okay now. i wasn't gonna leave you and ella bean and baby girl, alright? i'm okay, we're okay."
he nodded and pressed a lingering kiss into your forehead. "we're okay."
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
hi! i just discovered your writing and you are so so talented. if possible, can you write how the members would react to finding out their s/o is sick? maybe with them trying to hide it, or the members are so busy and their partner didn’t want to tell them :)
svt when they find out their s/o is sick *ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: we are here for soft svt feels. also this got hella long because i have no chill LOL. also things may seem a little redundant bc the reader is always at home BUT you SHOULD be staying home if you're not feeling well !!
ALSO ALSO THANK YOU all for 700 followers! i hope this is a good present ♡
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❥ you knew he tended to have a lot on his plate as a leader of one of the most successful groups
❥ so you figured you didn't have to tell him you weren't feeling great. it's just a little cold after all
❥ you decide to take a nap, maybe sleep will lighten how you feel
❥ meanwhile, seungcheol sends you a little text, just his usual habit of checking up on you when he can, when you don't respond
❥ they're probably busy, he thinks, though it's a little out of character when 2 hours later, you haven't even opened his message
❥ somehow he gets out of practice early that day, so he decides to surprise you, bringing over some pastries from a bakery near the company building
❥ he's shocked to see a very fatigued you open your door
❥ "cheol?"
❥ immediately, his body fills with so much worry he almost doesn't know where to start
❥ "y/n? are you okay- wait, actually lets get you to sit first" he rambles, heart breaking when he sees you walk so slowly to your couch
❥ "what brought you over here? don't you usually have dance practice today?" you asked, voice quieter than usual
❥ "we got out early, but that doesn't matter, you're sick? why didn't you tell me?"
❥ "it's not that bad and you have so many things to worry about-" you try, only to be interrupted by your very concerned boyfriend
❥ "forget about all those other things!" he says with a slight pout, "i can't believe you've been alone when you're like this, that's it, i'm cancelling my day tomorrow"
❥ "you don't need to do that!" you protest, but he's already shooting someone -his manager probably- a text
❥ he partially wants to scold you for not telling him sooner but he can't argue with you in this state. his eyes look at you softly, noticing that you're leaning your head on the couch as you sit up, concluding that your head probably hurts too
❥ "y/n, i want to take care of you, okay? it hurts to see you like this, so just let me, okay?"
❥ definitely starts researching on home remedies and what medicine to buy as you lay your head on his lap
❥ he was looking forward to your date at the end of the week, up until you sent him a text saying that you didn't think you could still make it
❥ hannie something came up so i don't think i can still go out on friday :(
❥ oh? are you alright at least? he replies
❥ yeah yeah i am, just work things :((
❥ he still wants to see you that day though, so he decides to try to surprise you by picking you up at your job with a little bouquet of flowers
❥ little does he know, you haven't been to work for a couple days, taking your sick leave
❥ um i'm here outside, can it at least drive you home? he sends
❥ at the sight of this text, you're calling him
❥ "hi baby" he says, and you can already tell he's smiling on the other end of the line
❥ "hi" you replied softly, "um, i'm not at work"
❥ this catches his off guard, "you're not?"
❥ "i've been home all week because i haven't been feeling well, but i also didn't want to worry you.." you explain, feeling awful over him being outside of your job
❥ "you're sick?" he asks, getting back into his car to continue the call
❥ "a bit, but it's not that bad!" you try to tell him
❥ "i'll come over" he tells you, but not before stopping by at a restaurant to bring you some hearty soup
❥ you greet him at your door with a mask on and even then he can tell that your eyes are tired. "sorry you went all the way over there"
❥ "that's okay i just wanted to see you, but you know it's my job to worry about you, right?" as he says this he holds out the bag of noodle soup towards you.
❥ "you should eat up so you get better" he urges, motioning for you to walk into your house
❥ you guys have gotten into the habit of sending each other occasional pictures of what you're up to
❥ this particular day, he was recording and he sent you a cute little selfie from the recording booth. he even took a picture of the boys watching him record too, and of course, they all posed for the picture LOL
❥ you send him back an innocent selfie from home, but you weren't slick enough to hide the box of tissues and the bottle of medicine form the background
❥ he's calling you after his session is done (with a thumbs up from woozi). "hey darling, are you feeling alright? i noticed the medicine in the back of your photo?"
❥ "oh it's nothing," you assure him, "just a cold, not a big deal"
❥ "that's not nothing" he says softly, "do you need anything? have you eaten yet? are you drinking enough water?"
❥ after you answer yes to all of his questions, telling him not to worry, he concedes partially, but he still thinks about you throughout the day
❥ he checks up on you throughout the day, occasionally sending you random life hacks and home remedies to make you feel better
❥ you have to text him that no, you are not putting garlic in your socks or ears
❥ josh i really really appreciate the concern but it's really not that serious
❥ but if this works! you could feel better by tomorrow! <33
❥ he unfortunately can't come over because his schedule is a bit swamped, but he tells you not to cook anything tonight and orders food for you so you can take it easy
❥ when he surprises you on one of his days off, he winds up very surprised too
❥ when you open your door you raise your eyebrows as he takes in the sight of you. frankly, he can tell you might've not gotten enough sleep and that your nose is a little red (probably because it's runny?)
❥ "you're sick? why didn't you tell me?"
❥ he's ushering you to your bed and tucking you in
❥ he sits on the floor, facing you as he slightly tilts his head to the side and places a hand to your cheek
❥ "does your head hurt?" a weak nod. "throat too?" another nod. "do you want me to make you some tea?" you nod again, "okay baby"
❥ he's walking out of your room to go brew some tea and eventually he comes back with a mug and places it on your nightstand, "it's still really hot so maybe give it a couple minutes"
❥ as he's walking out of your room he pauses, "hey, call me if you need anything okay? you should probably rest up for now, i won't bother you, but i'll just be in your living room" he tells you, pulling your blanket up a little higher
❥ "thank you junnie" you say, voice barely above a whisper
❥ "of course"
❥ a couple hours later, he practically tip toes into your room just to retrieve the empty cup of tea from your nightstand, careful not to wake you
❥ you were falling in and out of sleep anyways, so you woke up to see his figure so carefully lifting the mug
❥ when he catches you watching him he goes, "oh shit, did i make a noise or something?" and you're shaking your head
❥ "is it okay you're spending your day off like this?" you asked, feeling bad knowing that he didn't have a lot of free time
❥ "like what?"
❥ "you know, cooped up inside with someone who's been sleeping all day"
❥ he crouches down to run a hand through your hair. "baby it's not your fault you're sick, it's really okay. if anything, it's a rest day for me too and i get to catch up on some shows" he assures
❥ you know he's been busy creating choreography recently, so you haven't seen him in about two weeks
❥ (you also don't tell him because you know he'll try to kiss you without regards to himself getting sick)
❥ but when you say no to him coming over your entire plan of getting better by yourself goes out the window
❥ "baby! i'll come over after practice today, i think we'll wrap up early!" he says when he calls. this causes you to rack your brain for excuses for him not to
❥ "oh that's okay you don't have to, aren't you tired, baby?"
❥ "never too tired to come see my baby" he gushes and your heart aches because you can hear the smile in his voice
❥ "but don't you have to be up tomorrow too?" you try
❥ his voice turns a little less excited. "do you not want me to come over? what's wrong?"
❥ "no! no, it's not that, it's just i don't want you to be too tired" you're really fighting for your life here
❥ "i'm not too tired, i'll see you later today" he tells you, but you can't miss the change in his voice
❥ as he's driving over he's thinking over how you were speaking. why didn't you seem excited about him coming over? usually you were.. were you tired of him? was there someone else? he tried to fight his racing thoughts and the little hurt in his heart
❥ when you open your door he misses the mask that you were wearing, as he makes his way inside
❥ "where is he?" he asks and suddenly you can see the tears welling in his eyes
❥ "soonyoung, where's who?" you ask frantically
❥ "someone's here, aren't they? does he make you happier?" and there's a heartbreaking crack in his voice
❥ "what? no!" you grasp onto his arm, "what are you talking about?"
❥ "it's why you didn't want me to come over right?" he asks, eyes searching yours, when he finally sees the mask, "why are you wearing that at home?"
❥ "baby i'm sick, no one's here. there's no one else at all" you explain, closing your eyes for a moment because this is the most you've walked all day and your head is pounding
❥ he softens at the sight, "oh i'm so sorry" and he's immediately helping you walk to your couch, "i'm so stupid"
❥ "just didn't want to get you sick too" you explained, gently pushing away from his chest because he's pulling you into him, "probably shouldn't get too close to me"
❥ "i don't care" he dismisses, "let me hold you"
❥ you're too weak to escape his hugs on a regular day, much less now, so you give in
❥ you lightly smack his arm as your head is against his chest, "did you really think i was cheating"
❥ a gentle squeeze. "no, but the thought really scared me"
❥ "well, you shouldn't ever be scared of that. where else are you gonna find a horanghae supporter as loyal as me?"
❥ finally, the two of you are laughing
❥ i don't think he'd be the type to get super upset at you not telling him sooner, but he does make every effort to make your life easier as soon as he knows
❥ why potentially argue with his love when they're already sick? he figures
❥ when he comes over to see you walking around with a blanket wrapped around you he already knows
❥ the two of you spend the day on the couch not doing much, he's just keeping you company, giving your leg some random rhythmic pats as you just lay there
❥ but as soon as you're starting to sit up, he's on alert
❥ "what is it? do you need something?"
❥ "just gonna get water" you reply, but he's getting up already, patting your leg again
❥ "i got it, just stay here"
❥ and it's a series of small things that day, water, tea, your medicine, he'll get all of it so you can rest and recover
❥ almost helps you get up to walk when you laugh and tell him you have enough energy to walk yourself to the bathroom
❥ though he doesn't scold you for not telling him sooner, he does remind you at some point, "i'm always here for you, for anything"
❥ a tad bit whiny when he has to find out that you're sick through your story
❥ you get a text that says you know you're supposed to tell me these things y/n
❥ what things? you asked, brain working a little bit slower than usual as you were indeed feeling a little bit clouded
❥ that you're sick >:( and not being taken care of >:((
❥ i can handle it, it's okay
❥ then you receive a simple no, followed by a it's not okay
❥ will search up a good shake to make for sick people and drop it off at your house before he has to go back to the studio
❥ gives you a disappointed look for not telling him sooner but this facade breaks before he leaves you. he still asks, "but really, y/n, are you okay? because i can probably tell the company i have an emergency-"
❥ you wave off the offer, "jihoon, go make your music," you chuckled, "frankly i think the worst of it has passed, i'm okay, really"
❥ he nods, but still looks at you a little skeptically, "are you sure?"
❥ "yes, yes"
❥ "okay, so i'll head out for now, but i'll try to come by again when i'm done," he says, starting to walk down the hall towards the elevator, "i'll text you first and if you don't reply i'll assume you're sleeping and i'll just come back tomorrow, okay?"
❥ "okay, that works" you agree, chuckling as he keeps turning back as he walks away
❥ "you're still sure?"
❥ "i'm sure" you confirm
❥ "are you really? i can call right now" he says, keeping the elevator open for one last question
❥ "go to work, jihoon!" you say, both of you chuckling as you both wave goodbye
❥ feels like the worst boyfriend ever to not have known, as if by dating a telepathic connection would automatically be formed between the two of you
❥ doesn't even complain about how you didn't tell him in the first place
❥ somehow he finds out through your best friend, who sent him a text asking if they could drop off your medicine at hybe since they were supposed to stop by your place but then couldn't
❥ (your friend knew you didn't want to worry him amidst his approaching comeback, but they had an emergency)
❥ when you open your door, you're very surprised to not only see your boyfriend, but to see your boyfriend on his knees, holding the bag of medicine
❥ "baby i'm so sorry" he looks so genuine in his apology too HELP
❥ "for what- wait, get up first" you stutter, helping him back to his feet
❥ "you're sick! i should've been taking care of you" he says with a pout, holding onto your forearms
❥ "but you have your comeback to worry about-" you try but he's already shaking his head, he checks your temperature by placing the back of his hand on your forehead before cupping your cheek
❥ "we're perfectly on schedule for that, i could've taken care of you regardless. c'mon baby, let me make it up to you" (when he literally has nothing to make up for)
❥ will baby you and there's no stopping it until you're fully back to regular health
❥ almost insists on feeding you, keeps track of when you should take your medicine, and also routinely checks if you're staying hydrated
❥ even when he has to leave your apartment (which you have to convince him that you can survive on your own) he checks up on you through texts
❥ appalled that you didn't tell him as soon as you were starting to feel under the weather
❥ he discovers that you're sick when he calls you and you try to answer, only to start coughing. the smile that he always has when he calls you is soon wiped away
❥ "you're not feeling good? since when, baby?"
❥ "uh, i don't know 'gyu, maybe monday?" it was thursday, so you've been feeling sick for a couple days now?? it's definitely news to him
❥ "i'm gonna make you something to feel better," he promises, telling you that he'll be over soon before you could protest
❥ when he arrives you see that he has a bag of groceries in one hand and he's automatically moving towards your kitchen
❥ "'gyu you really didn't have to," you say trailing behind him, "besides, what if you get sick? then you can't practice and perform..."
❥ "company? hybe, who?" he asks, and for a moment you almost believe the fake confused look he's giving you (they're really getting better with acting on that don't lie series)
❥ "i only have one job right now" he deadpans, "and it's to feed you well today"
❥ you sit in the kitchen as you watch him work, resting your head on your table because it feels too heavy to lift it
❥ mingyu occasionally glances towards you too, heart aching over your lack of usual energy
❥ when he finishes cooking, he scoops out your portion and lightly garnishes it before setting your bowl down in front of you (you managed to lift your head for this)
❥ frankly, the entire kitchen was starting to smell good, but the bowl being directly on front of you smelled even better
❥ "thank you for this, i love you, you know," you say before scooping some of the hot soup and blowing on your spoon to cool it
❥ he doesn't even serve himself yet, he just watches you as you take your first bite, smiling when you excitedly prepare your second, then your third
❥ "this is really good 'gyu"
❥ he smiles even wider, "yeah?"
❥ "i love it, and you" you repeat
❥ "i love you too," he says, "and i'll always make you something so you can feel better"
❥ i think by the time he finds out he's giving you a scolding while simultaneously walking around your house and adjusting things better for you
❥ he makes you sit down and rest your head back as he puts a wet cloth on your forehead
❥ "you, sit. the sick person shouldn't argue" he tells you, but not without running a hand down the side of your head
❥ you close your eyes for a moment, hearing minghao things shuffle around. you wonder what he's up to but you actually end up falling asleep
❥ when you wake up, the wet cloth is gone from your forehead and the living room seems a little neater. then when you walk around, you see that he's already gone out and bought some medicine and organized them on your table
❥ on your fridge there's a note that says what medicine you should take when, a reminder to drink water, and a reminder to call him if you need anything
❥ he's coming out of your room when you see him, "oh you're up? i just made your bed" (in fact, he tidied your entire room)
❥ "do you want to have a bath?" he asks, and if you do, he WILL wash your hair for you and give you one of the most soothing massages. you can literally just sit in the tub and not have to lift a finger
❥ will pat you down with your towel and get you into new pajamas (that he threw into the drier right before so they're extra toasty)
❥ detangles and blow dries your hair after, and this whole pampering session does somewhat lift how you feel
❥ makes you eat some dinner, but not too much so your stomach can handle it
❥ "thank you for all of this, hao" you tell him as you sip your soup
❥ "you don't have to thank me, it's my job to make you feel better" he tells you, "you don't ever have to hide not feeling well from me, okay?"
❥ will indeed tuck you into bed that day before he leaves too
❥ unfortunately he's on tour when you get sick, so you really don't want to add to his stress
❥ but your boo is the kind that gets fussy even when you get a papercut
❥ he's the kind to insist on being the person to wrap your finger up with a bandaid
❥ so when he hears your groggy voice on your daily phone call it immediately catches his attention
❥ "somethings up" he concurs
❥ "what's up?" you ask
❥ "you're voice" he notes, "it's different than usual"
❥ "no it's not" you say, attempting to sound as normal as possible with your throat so scratchy
❥ "y/n, are you sick?"
❥ "no this is just my voice"
❥ a deep sigh. "you should really tell me when you're not feeling well..." and the lecture on why you need to keep yourself healthy ensues
❥ really, within this lecture you can tell he isn't mad, as his voice is really laced with concern and you have to tell him multiple times that it's just a cold and no he should not abandon the rest of his tour
❥ on top of the lecture, he asks you about your symptoms like he's a doctor while also making you promise to go see a doctor the next day (with a virtual pinky promise)
❥ he's still a bit pouty as you end your call but of course he still tells you, "you know i'm not actually mad and that i love you but i will be if you get sick again and don't tell me when i'm actually around" >:(
❥ i feel like i write vernon as a confused person a lot but here it is again, he's confused
❥ why would you not tell him?
❥ obviously, he's also concerned when he comes over and you're coughing like crazy
❥ he's rubbing up and down your back as he asks, "why wouldn't you tell me about this?"
❥ "didn't want you to worry about something small"
❥ "well clearly, this is not something small" he says somewhat matter-of-factly, and after a moment he asks "are we not dating?"
❥ he's speaking so casually and without a single trace of annoyance
❥ "of course we're dating"
❥ "then you tell me," he says softly, "it's part of my boyfriend duties. it's like one of the immediate ones"
❥ this made you giggle, "you're disappointed you couldn't fulfill your boyfriend duties?"
❥ he scoffs but softens when you cough again, "well, yeah"
❥ "how could you not tell me! y/n" he exclaims when he comes over and sees your coffee table scattered with tissues and with you wrapped up in your duvet like a cocoon
❥ "didn't want to worry you, you have that comeback soon, right?"
❥ "that doesn't matter!" he partially whines, "not when you're home like this!"
❥ "i can't dance when i know my baby is sick!" he continues, dropping his body weight on the couch next to you
❥ "i'm fine i can handle myself-" you try with a voice already muffled by your runny nose, only to be interrupted by your own body needing to sneeze
❥ "but you're not fine! that sneeze made your whole house shake!"
❥ "chan you're making my head hurt more with your dramatic ass!" you whined, wincing at the volume of your own voice too
❥ this makes him calm down lmao, reaching over to you wrapped like a burrito to pull you close, "okay okay, i'll stop yelling, i'm sorry" he chuckles, "but can you promise to let me know next time so i can take care of you? please?"
❥ you rolled your eyes jokingly, but agreed
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pop-roxs · 1 year
hiiii idk if i wanna post this on ao3 or not so you guys tell me pleaseeee
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relationship(s): grelle x reader words: 533 extra: no warnings should apply, reader is just a sickly little guy and grelle takes care of them(noooo i didnt write this cuz im sick rn wdymmmm)
reader is gn!!!
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You laid in bed, lips slightly parted, which allowed you to breathe, as you heard footsteps drawing closer to you. You felt a weight be placed on the edge of the bed you laid nearest to, and a hand touched your forehead. You opened your eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart. Are you feeling better yet?” the redhead asked. You shook your head, and she frowned. “I’m sorry…”
You were going to speak up, to tell her that she had nothing to apologize for, but your clogged nose and itchy throat decided that you weren’t going to speak comfortably for a little while. You moved her hand from your forehead down to your cheek, and she leaned down to kiss the spot where her hand previously was.
“Do you need me to get you anything? You have water, tissues, and medicine when need be… Do you need something warm to eat?” You nodded. “Alright, darling. You wait right here.” Grelle stood up from the bed, walking out of the room and presumably to the kitchen. You turned over to close your eyes again.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about all of this. You got just a little cold, and now Grelle is all over the apartment trying to make you feel better. You didn’t like these thoughts, so you let your body relax, and you drifted into a nap.
Grelle slowly opened the bedroom door, and once she saw you asleep, she made sure to be extra quiet as she made her way around the bed and to the side you were sleeping on. She gently placed the bowl of soup she had made on the nightstand next to you, crouching down in front of your burning face. She pouted. “Poor dear,” she whispered, as she caressed your hair and placed a few kisses along your cheek. She paused when she heard you grumble and saw your squinted eyes
“Good morning.” It was 1:24 PM. “You look awful. I wish I could do more to help.” You reached your arms out to her, beckoning her to join you in bed. “Oh, really? You’re so sweet to me. Of course, ma cherie.~”
You scooted back to make some room for her, and she gently pulled up the covers, sliding underneath them and holding you close. She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, both your arms around each other. Her smile was sweeter than ever. You pulled her closer, resting your head against her chest, but she could tell that you were trying hard to not get any mucus on her.
“My love, you look uncomfortable. As your partner, it is my sworn duty to look after you when you are sick. Don’t worry about me. Worry about yourself.” You looked up at her for a moment, before sniffling, and deciding to just tuck your face into the crook of her neck.
She pet your head once more, holding you tight and whispering in your ear, “I love you so much, my dear. You’re safe with me. Rest, now. I’ll take care of you.” So you closed your eyes, drifting into another nap, this time feeling as if you’ll have sweet dreams.
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im gonna die right here also yes. i reused the grelle divider from my valentines fic. leave me alone i couldnt be bothered to go looking for a good panel to take a picture of
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nonranghaes · 2 months
jaehyuk feels the way you press your hand against his forehead, skin still warm to the touch. this is day three of him being sick, and of course it lands right on his birthday. you frown a little, but let out a long sigh a second later.
"good news is you're not as warm as you were before," you say, sinking down in front of him. yet he's still smiling at you like you're everything beautiful within the world. he always does (he blames it on the fact he's so, so enamored with you), but you know he's feeling awful. you start to stand up, trying to remember where you left his medicine, "are you tired? you should go back to bed--"
"no!" he grabs your wrist to stop you from getting too far. "i'm fine--"
he's coughing and hacking into his elbow seconds later, like his body can't stand lying to you now.
"c'mon," you gently pull him up, securing his blanket over his shoulders. "you should take your medicine, honey. when you're better... i'll take you out for dinner, okay?"
despite how gross he's feeling, he smiles that warm smile at you once more. "do you promise?" he's teasing you a little, pinkie interlocking with your own.
"anything for my sunshine," you say. you're careful when you kiss his cheek, far enough back to hopefully be safe from his germs. "c'mon," you tug for him to follow you.
"my medicine makes me tired," he whines just a little. "and i wanted to spend today with you."
"i'll be here when you wake up," you tell him, squeezing his hand. "just take a nap, alright? for me?"
and with that, he gives in. all you have to do is say that sweet "for me?" and he's powerless. so he'll get better. just so he can kiss that cute smile again, as soon as possible.
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Could we get a little fanfic of Alphonse (or both him and Seth) dealing with a listener that gets sick when eating sweets but tried to not look weird and ate a bunch of candy with them.
Example of sick in this context is trembling, feelings dehydrated and stumich cramps.
I do this way to much and wonder how they would react.
Sorry if this is too detailed but I always think about it lols
Sugar sickness
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"I did say eating all those sweets would mess you up. You didn't need to eat so much with me Boo..." Whispering Alphonse handed them water as they coughed. A few minutes ago, Boo after eating so much sugary sweets last night. Threw it all up early in the morning, and now is groaning on the bed.
"I knnooww but it was so good..." Huffing Boo turned and laid on their side. Closing their eyes tiredly as they tried to sleep this off. The candy man smiled at his lover and sighed, getting up grabbing the water they finished.
"I'll get you medicine, try and sleep a bit okay?" Quietly saying, only getting a groan in response. Boo closed their eyes and slipped back into sleep.
With Alphonse he went to the hallway, opening the medicine closet Boo has. Looking through the box for some pills or syrup to give to Boo for them to drink. Finding pepto bismol, grabbing the little measuring cup Alphonse went to the kitchen to get more water.
Filling the cup up the pinkette walked back into his partner's bedroom. Gently opening the door he frowned seeing Boo groaning holding their stomach.
"Hey Boo, I'm back!" Singing out trying to lighten their spirit, Alphonse placed the water on the nightstand. "I found pepto bismol, it should help with your stomach. Other than that your gonna have to drink a lot of water. I'll get you some fruit to nibble on."
Sitting down on the bed, Boo's boyfriend poured the pink liquid in the little measuring cup. Making sure it's the right amount and then handed it off to them. Boo sighed and took the small cup like a shot, gagging at the taste in their mouth.
Quickly handing them water, Alphomse took the small measuring cup from them. Rubbing his lovers thighs to try and comfort them, he gets a small smile from them.
"Your so amazing you know that?" Croaking out, Boo coughed and cleared their throat. Alphomse chuckled at the complement, leaning forward giving them a kiss.
"I know, now lay down while I get an apple for you to eat a but to at least get something in your system." Whispering and then slowly getting off the bed heading to the kitchen once again. Boo huffed and leaned back into the bed, focusing on trying not to think about puking again.
Grabbing a small apple from the fruit bowl, Alphomse grabbed a orange for himself. Coming back into the room he gave the apple to his lover. Boo thanked him quietly and chewed a bit of it, sighing a bit after eating something that tasted good.
"After this we can take a nap together, okay? Here drink more water." Suggesting Alphomse turned and grabbed the cup. Boo nodded and finished the small apple, before drinking the rest of the water slowly.
"Now I wanna sleep for a year, this sucksss..." Yawning, Boo slowly laid back down and closed their eyes. Pulling a laugh from Alphomse as he grabbed the he cup and apple core.
"I'll be right back jus get comfy baby." Simply saying before leaving for the third time. Boo whined not wanting Alphonse to go away but stopped after feeling how comfy they were.
Throwing the apple core in the kitchen garbage and placing the cup by the sink. Alphonse threw his orange peels away and went back to take a nap with his lover.
After coming back, Alphonse smiled as he slowly got into the bed. Boo moved to cuddle into him and his smile went wider feeling happy that they were feeling a bit better now.
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kandyrezi · 1 year
[ ♡ / ♢ ] Android!Funtime Freddy x Reader hcs.
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» funtime freddy is programmed with basic first-aid knowledge, so you can go to him if any of the other funtime animatronics maul you. which is kinda the reason how you ended up becoming… sort of friends? but even that was pushing it, considering he could have killed you any time he wanted to, he just chose not to. bon-bon had told you it’s because he likes you - you didn’t know at the time if that was a good thing, or not.
» your second meeting had happened during work hours on your another night at the circus-slash-pizza place. your shift started out badly, and ended up becoming even worse. because of that other funtime android (foxy) who’d nearly caught and dragged you away, your leg was basically a fountain of blood with deep bite and scratch marks after managing to escape him. you could barely move, but leaving the underground building hadn’t been an option.
» funtime freddy would find you huddled in the breaker room, and bring you to a first-aid area - on the shelves which it had the medicine cabinet - to bandage up the big, gaping gash in your leg. it wasn’t your first encounter with him (he had scared you to near death back then), but you were still on your toes.
» he has a habit of talking to you in a baby-talk voice mode that almost, unintentionally, sounds patronizing, in that same way one would talk to a kid throwing a temper tantrum. “Aww, wh-what’s wrong, birthday p-pal?” it’s only faux-concern, he was barely hiding a smirk on his expression when he asked as you were writhing and crying on the floor (yeah, you got attacked earlier by foxy, so the wound was, quite clearly, still hurting. didn’t stop this guy from from teasing you though.)
» while funtime freddy prefers to cause pain and death, you’re the only human he won’t try to kill. not only is he one of the more aggressive animatronics, he has violent and erratic mood swings, even more so than someone like toy bonnie or springtrap.
» he is very physically affectionate, and has the strength of ten wrestlers. maybe more.
» he is so loud - loud footsteps, loud voice, and he slams doors and drawers instead of gently closing them. but somehow if you’re asleep near him, he is, surprisingly, deathly quiet. how considerate of him to do that, at least.
» what isn’t considerate is the fact he just loves giving you a good scare whenever he can. he hasn’t stopped even after the first time. intentionally or not. whether you’re just a little bit startled, or if you’re terrified to the point of being ingrained to the ‘freeze’ option in a ‘flight or fight’ response, it makes no difference to freddy. you’re hilarious to him, either way.
» in one instance you almost slipped on some blood on the floor of the funtime auditorium, because he’d forgotten to throw the corpse into the vents when he was done ‘dealing’ with them. oops.
» and speaking of deathly quiet, wherever he’s keeping you, this freaky bear-droid wants to stay with you even when you’re asleep, so you end up precisely with this type of situation:
reader: *slowly opening eyes and waking up from a nap*
funtime freddy, who was watching them sleep the entire time: 👀
» he loves cake, even though he can’t actually eat it, because… limitations of being a robot.
» he knows you’re very forgetful, so both him and bon-bon leave you secret sticky notes in the bag you carry around.
» he has terrible separation anxiety, so it’s hard to get alone-time away from him. it takes some convincing and persuasion that you have a job to do, amongst other responsibilities you can’t neglect, although it doesn’t really work in most cases. “What do yo-o-ou mean b-by other r-responsibilities? You should just st-stay here with me and B-bon-bon!”
» at least the aforementioned blue puppet is there to keep him in check, and keep him company to avoid him going completely off the rails.
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(a/n: funfred is a bit of a closet yandere, but i think that’s a given. oh yeah, i’ve got an obvious favoritism for ‘im. <3)
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fallenclan · 5 months
Toadbelly Fic
by Dragon Anon
Ever since he had been old enough to remember his dreams, he had been haunted by the place of shadows. Every night, his mind would carry him to the starless forest, with its grim, haunted trees blocking out any semblance of light. The air smelled damp, of mushrooms and decay.
Some nights, Toto felt as though he were being watched, followed, hunted. Other times, the shadowed forest seemed almost peaceful. 
Tonight was not one of those nights. In a fever-induced trance, Toto ran. The shadows seemed to snap and bite at his paws, chasing him as he tried desperately to find any escape. "Please, let me out!" he wailed. "My twolegs, they--they left me. I need to find them." His cries felt upon deaf ears. The forest listened, always, but never answered. 
Tonight, though, the forest was merciful. Toto found himself in the world of the waking mere moments later, hazily blinking the sleep out of his eyes. A pale grey and white tom was peering at him, eyes rounded with concern. "Oh, Ravenshade, he's awake!"
Another tom appeared, dark-pelted and swift as a striking hawk. "Can you walk?" he rumbled, voice surprisngly deep, almost soothing.
"Yes, I--I'm sick." Toto grimaced, sniffling. "My twolegs abandoned me."
"We should take him back to camp," the lighter tom mrrowed. "I bet Bristleheart could help him."
Ravenshade. Bristleheart. What strange names, Toto thought. Standing shakily, he padded towards the strangers, "If you help me, you won't regret it," he murmured. 
"We should get going, if we want to get to camp before nightfall," Ravenshade replied in lieu of answer. 
"All right."
"You'll be welcome to stay here, of course. If you want to join the clan-"
"I do," Toto replied immediately.
"Great!" Cherrystar grinned. Bristleheart and Sagespeckle sat a few pawsteps away, chatting quietly. Toto had already decided that he enjoyed the medicine den, with its various scents and herbal aromas. The so-called "medicine cats" were simply an added bonus, all of which being quite charming individuals.
"I'll make an announcement to the clan later, though by now I'm certain half of them already know you're here. Gossip travels quickly." Cherrystar chuckled fondly. "But first, what should I call you?"
Toto considered this. He glanced at the medicine cats, who now watched him curiously. He thought back to the stoic Ravenshade and the compassionate Cloudtuft. Smiling, he hummed, "You can call me Toadbelly."
"--and your mentor will be Toadbelly." Toadbelly blinked in surprise, quickly trying to regain his composure. Tanglepaw bounced up to him, tail curled with delight. 
"I'm gonna be the best apprentice ever, I swear," Tanglepaw purred, pressing her nose against Toadbelly's. 
"I don't doubt that for a second," he replied sincerely. "I only hope I'll be half as good a mentor." 
"Of course you will be! I'm just glad Cherrystar didn't stick me with someone like Ravenshade."
"What's wrong with Ravenshade?"
"He's scary." Tanglepaw shivered. 
"Well, I promise not to scare you, if I can help it."
"My dreams are filled with shadows."
"How so?" Cloudtuft glanced at Toadbelly. The pale tom's gaze was vacant, as if his mind were somewhere else.
"It's hard to explain." Toadbelly shrugged. 
"Hm. Well, I don't really dream of anything at all. At least, I don't remember my dreams," Cloudtuft remarked. "Ficklefern used to have really vivid dreams, though. You could always talk to her."
"Oh." But I want to talk to you, lay dead on Toadbelly's tongue. "Sure, maybe."
"Anyway, I should probably get going. I wanted to get in a quick nap before the dusk patrol." Cloudtuft shot Toadbelly an amicable albeit reserved smile before padding off.
"Wow." Toadbelly started. A black she-cat had seemingly materialized by his side. "That was a harsh rejection."
"It wasn't a rejection," Toadbelly huffed, narrowing his eyes at Coalblaze. She grinned, seemingly unaware of Toadbelly's disquiet.
"Looked like one. Y'know, I have weird dreams too."
"They aren't weird, they're just... persistent."
"Sure." Coalblaze tilted her head. "D'you wanna try and try some snail shells?"
"Like . . . river snails?" 
"Uh huh. Cloudtuft keeps a few in his nest. He likes to roll them around under his paws."
"Oh." Toadbelly blinked. He hadn't known that.
"C'mon, let's go before sundown. I bet if we race, I'd beat you!"
"That's probably true."
"Yeah, well, probably isn't for certain, so will you race against me anyway?"
"Why would I do something if I was certain I would lose?"
"Is it not worth trying?"
Toadbelly found a tiny smile spreading across his features, despite his prior vexation. "Okay, okay. I'll race you."
"You were mentored by Ravenstar, right?"
"Uh, yeah." Flamefall shot Toadbelly a wary glance. "Why?"
"I was just curious." Toadbelly flicked his tail against Flamefall's side playfully. "We don't need to spend the entire border patrol in silence."
"If we talk too loudly, we might miss the sound of predators."
"Or trespassers," added Sootstep. 
"We can all use our sense of smell, can't we?" Pepperswipe chimed in. "We'd smell any threat from fifty fox-lengths away."
"Cats can disguise their smell," Flamefall argued, ears twitching irritably. "We need to remain vigilant."
"Lighten up." Pepperswipe nudged her littermate. 
"When it's a matter of our clan's safety-"
"Watch out!" Toadbelly darted forward, shoving Flamefall backward. A twoleg trap shone, teeth bared, right where Flamefall had been about to set his paw.
"I--thank you, Toadbelly." Flamefall mumbled, suddenly bashful.
"It's nothing. We should set off the trap with a branch so that no one accidentally steps on it."
"Hm. Good idea," Sootstep affirmed. 
"What? A compliment from Sootstep?" Pepperswipe gasped, widening her eyes for emphasis. "Incredible!"
"You're embarassing yourself, Pepperswipe," Sootstep grumbled. "Enough."
"Oh no, I will definitely never be letting this go . . . ," Pepperswipe declared.
Throughout the she-cat's back-and-forth, Flamefall's gaze remained locked on Toadbelly, as if seeing him for the first time.
Toadbelly pretended not to notice.
"I, uhm, heard about Cloudtuft."
"What?" Toadbelly stared. "How?"
"Well, I guess Ashblink overheard, and you know how he is." Tangletail winced. "You'll get over it, won't you? I mean, you'll be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Toadbelly sighed. "I would rather have risked rejection than stayed silent."
"How wise," Tangletail teased.
"Nope. You aren't my mentor anymore, so you can't tell me what to do."
"Yes, yes, I know. Why don't we go do something to take your mind off of it? We could ask Shrewscratch if she needs any help collecting herbs."
"That would be nice." Toadbelly rose to his paws, stretching. "Thank you, by the way."
"You're welcome. Now, c'mon!"
The shadows were haunting him again. He felt resignation. The forest was beautiful in its own solemn way. And yet, something about it seemed to crave despair, loss, violence. The forest sought souls to fill its emptiness, leaching the very life from them instead.
Toadbelly shivered. I'll wake up eventually, he consoled himself. He had made so many new friends in FallenClan. The brown tom with the matted fur had been right. It was a good place, for good cats. 
Toadbelly hadn't seen the tom in awhile. He distinctly remembered the scrawny creature's departing words. "Trust Ravenshade. He has his priorities straight. He will do what's right, to protect the clan." And now he was Ravenstar.
Toadbelly sighed. He would simply have to find somewhere to lay down, in the roots of some gnarly oak perhaps. In the morning, things would look better.
They always did.
(dedicated to raccoon anon, who suggested i write something about toadbelly. i tried to incorporate his dark forest bond and speculate on his relationships with other fallenclan cats, since he's still relatively new to the clan. curious to see where his story goes!
guest appearance from a certain blorbo at the end there. was debating including or not, but ultimately decided to. i think he wouldn't care that much about toadbelly and probably only interacted with him once or twice, due to loneliness.
anyway, i'll be writing a ripplefade fic next! for now, enjoy a collection of little scenes i thought up with toadbelly haha)
(beetle note: ANOTHER BANGER..... a fantastic exploration of a character I have yet to expand on, and you captured him perfectly :D the idea of him being named Toto before coming to the clan is so cute <3 (without giving too much away, i'll say that you did explore a bit of a relationship that i plan to add in the future. dodgeball moment))
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
holy shit all your headcannons are so good, hi!! i saw the tags on some post of yours saying you would write for mentally ill mcs... could we see what the boys would be like with an mc that has depression? (totally not projecting lolol)
Thank you!! And I totally get you, I’m not projecting either with it, not even a little 🤫
— If you thought Cove was clingy before, boy howdy are you in for a surprise. When he realizes you’re depressed, he’s sneaking into your window all the time, and he’s trying all kinds of different things to make you feel better. He brought you a cool shell, did you see? He brought you a pretzel from the shopping street, do you want it?
— basically the boy is flailing around, losing his mind because he wants to help you SO BAD, and it’s really sweet but depression isn’t cured by sweet presents and sweeter boys (unfortunately)
— for better or worse, Derek wants to fix things. Did you take your meds? Do you need to see your doctor and maybe try new meds? He heard exercise helps, do you want to try that? He has the best intentions in the world and will listen to whatever you tell him you need, but his instinct is to take care of you, even when the problem isn’t that easily solved
— Baxter knows a thing or two about depression, so he’s just here for you. If you need to take another nap, that’s ok. If you don’t feel like eating a full dinner, he’ll grab you some food snacks so you don’t get sick on top of everything else. You can talk about whatever and he’ll just listen and probably play with your hair
— Cove is on his laptop going into research mode for this. What can help a person with depression, how should you treat a loved one with depression — he’s doing his homework and he’s taking it very seriously. Pops up with a few clinical terms when he tries to talk to you about it and you’re like “what” but he’s going for it.
— Derek hugs! He gives A+ hugs and he’s also one of those people who are always warm, so it’s very comforting to just settle into a Derek hug. He doesn’t have anywhere important to be, so get comfy.
— Baxter will try to cheer you up with a dance. Does it work? At least for a little bit, yeah.
— If you get to a really dark place, Cove won’t leave you alone. Like at all. If you’re living at your moms’ house they’ll go along with it just because they know he’ll probably be the one to reach you, so he’s just hanging out constantly.
— Do you also have anxiety? A fun double feature for your brain! Baxter can guide you through a panic attack like it’s his job
— Cove does literally anything in his power to ease your anxiety — we saw that when he tried to give MC his homework when they lost theirs. Are you stressed about work? Let him help, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know anything about it. You don’t have to do it alone.
— Basically Derek just making it his life’s mission to make you feel better. If he’s still in school, he’s blowing off extracurriculars because he’s worried. He tries to convince his parents to go for a week-long slumber party so he can be there for you all the time.
— have you been thinking about trying any kind of alternative medicine to treat any of this? Baxter’s got you.
— Baxter spending all weekend in his pajamas in bed with you while you don’t have the energy for anything else.
MC: Don’t you have something better to do?
Baxter: Nothing is better than being with you.
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