#here is another stressed yam for you but a VERY DIFFERENT kind of stressed
mokutone · 3 years
I love that yam is just a little walleyed in the bottom corner, he looks very unhinged (in the "I am so stressed" kinda way)
hehehehe yeah stressed yam is VERY fun to draw
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Packing - TsukiYama
Hello ! Midterms finally ended and I am just: suffering. But I wanted to put something out and this came into my brain the other day
Warnings: Tsukki swears bc it’s Tsukki
Summary: Tsukishima & Yamaguchi have a fight. Swear it isn’t too much angst and you won’t be like depressed by the end (this takes place in the future btw)
“Tsukki, I’m home!” Yamaguchi yelled as he walked through the front door, shutting it behind him and slipping off his jacket to hang it in the closet.
Tsukki bounded down the stairs of their shared home to meet his fiancée at the door. “Missed you.” He pulled Yams into a hug. “How was your day at work?”
“Eh,” He shrugged. “It was fine. It wasn’t the best Thursday I’ve ever had.” His eyes lit up. “Hey! Do you have any plans this weekend? Practices or work meetings or anything?”
Tsukki paused to think. “Believe it or not, I’m actually completely free. Why? Hinata wants to go on another double date?”
Yamaguchi rolled his eyes, pushing the taller man playfully. “Noooo. I just wanted to spend time with you. Without having to be stressed about anything.”
“Not even wedding planning?”
Yamaguchi motioned that he was zipping his lips. “I won’t even say a thing about wedding planning this weekend. Just some chill time for us. I think it’ll be nice.”
“Does sound nice.”
Yamaguchi tilted his head up slightly to kiss his fiancée on the lips, then bounded up the stairs, calling “I’m gonna get changed real quick!” as he did so. All Tsukki could do was shake his head and laugh at how cute he was.
Yamaguchi took off his dress clothes, absolutely wiped out and more than happy to get out of the itchy collar of his shirt. He went to throw the shirt into the hamper, only to see it still missing. “Tsukki!” He called. “Did you get the clothes washed today?”
“Huh?” His fiancée called back from downstairs. “Oh, shit I forgot. I’m sorry.”
He froze. Damn. He was running out of dress clothes to wear to work. He had things, just not anything he liked wearing, not anything comfortable. It was unfortunate.
Tsukki bounded up the steps, making Yamaguchi jump with his voice so nearby. “I don’t think you heard me. I forgot, I’m sorry Yams.”
Yamaguchi glanced towards the man now standing in the doorway and took a deep breath. This really wasn’t the end of the world, just today being so bad at work made things seem worse than they were. “It’s okay!” He cheered back. “If you put the laundry bag in my car I can do it after work tomorrow.”
“No! I can still do it. I just forgot today. I’m sorry.” Tsukki was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. It clearly hadn’t even crossed his mind.
“No, don’t worry about it.”
“But I can-“
Yamaguchi chuckled slightly. It was... slightly off. Was he getting irritated? Not even he could tell. “I mean, you were supposed to do it Tuesday, then forgot. Then Wednesday. Then today. Just let me do it? I’m running out of nice shirts to wear to work.”
“I’m sorry Yams. I genuinely forgot,” Tsukki frowned, making his way over to the other boy.
“No, it’s not your fault. I have to do laundry way more often than you. In fact, we can just split it up so I do my own and you do your own? That way you don’t have to go more often than you need to.”
He frowned even harder. “No-“
“It’s okay.” Yamaguchi forced a smile. “I understand wanting to be independent. Yeah. Let’s do that.”
He left the room without another word, leaving Tsukishima speechless in their bedroom. What just happened? It felt like this was a step back.
Yamaguchi came back a minute later, laundry bag in hand, dumping it out and getting to work separating the couple’s clothes into different piles. He did so meticulously, making sure not even a sock would end out in the wrong pile. Tsukishima made no effort to stop him nor to help him. He still was confused as hell.
They ate dinner in absolute silence. What was either of them supposed to say? It seemed like the other actually wanted this. Were they really fighting over this? It sucked.
Yamaguchi didn’t let himself cry until he got into the shower, sitting on the floor and letting the water fall over his head. What had he done wrong? Was the wedding stuff too overwhelming? Now Tsukki didn’t even want to share laundry machines.
“Tadashi.” Yamaguchi snapped his head up to see his fiancée at the shower door, holding a towel in his hand. How long had he been sitting in the shower? How long had Tsukki been here?
“I...” what could he even say?
“You okay? You’ve been in there for a while.”
He bit his lip. Hard. Trying not to let it wobble or let out a sob or to even let any tears fall. He stood up and turned off the water, staring at his fiancée and nodding.
“Nice try.” Tsukishima wrapped the towel in his arms around his boyfriend’s figure. “What’s wrong?”
Yamaguchi started to dry off, not able to meet the other man’s eyes. “You don’t even want to share your laundry with me...” he mumbled.
“No, of course I do. You’re the one who separated them.”
“You didn’t stop me.”
He frowned. “I’m sorry. I was very confused in the moment. Are you really okay?”
Yamaguchi nodded half-heartedly. “I’ll be okay. Just work really sucked and it made thing even worse.” He got changed into his pajamas, shaking the excess water out of his hair, then climbed into bed.
Tsukishima climbed in next to him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “I love you. You know that, right?”
Yamaguchi nodded. Tsukki didn’t make any effort to hold him or cuddle like they usually did before bed, but still, feeling his warm breath against his neck was enough to lull him to sleep.
Yamaguchi was at work before Tsukishima had even woken up, which was pretty surprising. Usually they at least got to see each other in the mornings. Yamaguchi always would make a lunch for Tsukishima and write him a cute little note. He wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t one today. He hadn’t realized not doing laundry was a big deal, but clearly it was a build-up of a few other things, and he felt really bad. He had wanted to apologize this morning, but that didn’t seem to happen.
Well, the least he could do was send a text to Yamaguchi.
I’m sorry for missing you this morning. And if I upset you last night. I love you and hope you have a good day
Aaaand now he was running late because he was stuck in his thoughts. He hurried to grab his laptop and his lunch, thank God Tadashi had made him one, and rushed out the door.
Half the day at work his eyes were trained on the lunch. Would there be a message? And why wasn’t Yamaguchi texting him? Hopefully it was just because he was busy.
When it was time for his break, Tsukishima practically leapt out of his seat to grab his lunch, opening it and shifting the food around to look for a note.
Got it!
Happy Friday! Hope you have a great day :)
Oh thank goodness. He let out a giant sigh of relief he hadn’t even realized he was holding in. Were his eyes seriously watering? That was ridiculous. Tadashi wouldn’t stay mad at him for something like that; he really was the best.
Just got on lunch break. Hope you’re having a good lunch <3
That was kind of a cheesy message, but he was very relieved and very much so in love. As long as nobody ever saw it but Yamaguchi it would be okay.
Yamaguchi must’ve had a really busy day. He’d usually reply with something cute, but this time he just loved the message. Well, at least he knew he had seen it.
Something felt weird though. This never happened. He never left for work early. He always replied during his lunch break, and if his break came earlier than Tsukki’s he would text him first.
Well... it was probably nothing.
Yamaguchi’s car was in the garage when Tsukishima got home. Yams usually got home later than him... hopefully that meant today went better at work for him.
“Yamaguchi! I’m home!” He called, making his way through the door.
He went to the kitchen, but his fiancée wasn’t there. Outside? Nope. Up in the bedroom?
“T-Tadashi?” He uttered out. There was Yamaguchi, bulky headphones over his ears, shoving clothes into a suitcase.
Yamaguchi’s eyes snapped up to meet his. “Oh!” His face was bright red. “Tsukki, I didn’t know you’d be home yet...” he slipped the headphones off his ears to focus on the distraught man standing over him.
“W-wait. What are you doing?” He knew something was off. He was an idiot for thinking things would be okay.
“Packing?” The man on the floor shrugged. Well yeah, that was obvious enough.
“I... don’t.”
“Hand me that shirt behind you,” Yamaguchi prompted him. Tsukishima looked behind him, eyes trained on one of Yamaguchi’s comfy t-shirts.
“I don’t want to.” He pouted.
Yamaguchi chuckled. “God, you’re such a pain.” He stood up and walked past his fiancée to grab the shirt. Tsukishima grabbed him in his arms as he past, trapping him.
“Tsukki,” he whined, shuffling to get out of his grip.
“No, no, no.” He held him tighter. “I’m not letting you go.” His words caught in his throat. This was stupid. How did Tadashi not realize it was just something stupid!? Had things been building up for a while now and he was too stupid to realize it? His grip tightened even more.
“I can’t breathe. I give in! I won’t move.”
Tsukki, sighed, feeling Yamaguchi relax in his arms, and loosened up a little.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not doing the laundry.”
“It’s okay! We can just do them separate from now on-“
“No!” He shrieked. “I don’t wanna. I wanna do my laundry with yours.”
“Huh? I thought you didn’t.” Yamaguchi seemed genuinely confused.
“No, no. You made that stupid suggestion. I wanna go to the drycleaner’s every week just to get your comfy shirts washed for work. Just... let me.”
“Well, in my defense, I’ve been trying to let you but you keep forgetting.”
“I’m sorry.” His grip was tightening and he could tell. He couldn’t help it. He was afraid if he let him go now he’d never be able to hold him again. “I’ll do it right this time.” His voice was shaky. He was scared.
“Why are you so upset over laundry?” Yamaguchi laughed—a genuine laugh—his chest shaking and giving Tsukishima butterflies, which he definitely didn’t deserve at the moment.
“You’re- you’re fucking packing Tadashi.” He let the boy go, folding his arms in front of him.
“In my defense, you weren’t supposed to find out this way.”
Why was he smiling!? What kind of a sick joke was this? He felt seriously ill. Was today backwards day? April Fools? Did he forget something?
Yamaguchi’s smile faded. “You okay? You look sick?”
“No, I’m not okay,” Tsukishima whimpered, tears brimming in his eyes. “Why are you smiling? And laughing? Do you even like me? Was it just some stupid joke to get with me?”
“Well, I’m not gonna stop you.” Tsukki grabbed the shirt behind him and threw it towards the suitcase. He walked off towards the bathroom. He was gonna throw up. He should be begging for him to stay, but his stupid attitude came up and now Tadashi’s probably even more upset.
“Tsukki!” He felt the back of his shirt being pulled back. He turned to face him. “I feel like I’m missing something, Tsukki. Are you mad that I couldn’t text you today? We had management come in...”
“Huh? Why would I be mad.”
“You seem very mad...” he replied, eyes trailed on the ground.
“Aren’t you mad?”
“Huh? No. I’m just confused.”
Tsukishima was speechless. What was he missing here? “Why are you packing a bag?”
“Weekend together? I was able to get a flight to a beach and... I don’t know, I thought maybe it’d be fun. Do you have work or something? Did I mess it up?” Yamaguchi was fiddling his thumbs as he spoke, clearly nervous by his fiancée’s attitude.
“You idiot.”
“Hey!” He pouted. “It was going to be a surprise but you got home early.”
“I thought you were mad at me about laundry and you were leaving.”
“Leaving leaving? Why would I have written you a note for your lunch then?”
Tsukki frowned. “Well... I don’t know. I was confused.”
“I’m sorry.” Yamaguchi wrapped his arm around his fiancée’s neck, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. “Do you still wanna go? We don’t have to.”
“You scared me to death. Yes I wanna go.” He wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi’s waist, keeping him close. “Jesus, Tadashi. ‘Really scared me there.”
“I didn’t mean tooooo! I was confused too.”
Tsukishima picked him up, placing kisses all across his face, causing the shorter boy to giggle.
“Tsukki! We have to pack for the flight!” He squealed between giggles.
“When’s it leave?”
“Th-three hours!”
“Ugh, fine.” He dropped his boyfriend unceremoniously. “But to be continued when we get to the hotel, ‘Kay?”
“You better actually help me pack this time.”
He rolled his eyes at his fiancée. “Duh. Shut up you idiot. I love you.”
“I love you too, Tsukki.”
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sa-tou · 3 years
Chapter 139 + ending opinion
Okay..where do I begin, I already wrote something yesterday but now having read the English typeset I have come to this conclusion regarding the ending of SNK. (It’s a long post, may have some typo’s, which I will try to fix while editing the post)
Disclaimer: Isayama has my respect, even if I may not agree on all points I want to thank him for years of hard work and bringing us a beautiful story, that being said his story is not immune to criticism and so I will write this with my fullest and honest opinion. (Do not send Isayama or any of the voice actors and anime production staff any hate, if you didn’t like the ending that’s fine! But do not harass anyone else because of it)
Here goes:
Chapter 139, what can I say, even after reading it in English I cannot seem to like it.
Why? First of all, Ymir’s love…oh god I dreaded writing this but, her love it’s not comparable to Mikasa’s, that’s why I am unable to link the two, but at the same time I don’t see them as very different characters either. Let me elaborate, Ymir was a slave who had her whole family killed by king Fritz, had her tongue cut out and was impregnated at a very young age because she has the power of the titans, Ymir falling in love with him is nothing short of Stockholm Sydrome. Sure Mikasa being able to kill Eren and end it, was something Ymir couldn’t do but WHY and WHEN was Ymir ever in love with King Fritz…back to Mikasa, she let go of Eren, but in the end she really didn’t (Eren wishing she’d never move on came true). Yes you can mourn your loved ones for how long you want but, why did Isayama have to put her in a position where she is always tied to Eren, she never had her own character growth, because when we thought she finally let go of Eren, she returns with the scarf and ends up crying at his grave for the last 3 years (kind sounds like how Ymir started off wandering alone in Paths no?) regardless the EreMika built up came out of nowhere and it was to sudden for me to actually believe any of it. Opinions may differ but, it’s lackluster and well, to me SNK was never about romance, so this whole romance subplot was meaningless and shat on every character who died in this manga.
What also irked me is, Reiner’s character. SUCH A GREAT character, so much build up, so much amazing storytelling and he ends up not dying, nor sacrificing himself, no instead he ends up sniffing Historia’s letter… I still like Reiner but, this development went straight down the trash bin.
Also Historia having a baby, but why? We’ll never know. She supported Eren’s rumbling plan, but why? We’ll never know. Paradis turned into a dictatorship with fascist leaders, but why? Fuck it I don’t give a fuck.
But what I do wonder is, is Armin this naive? Does he think nations will just sign a peace treaty? No way, geopolitical relationships don’t work like that, look at the real world, we are constant war because people can’t set aside difference, now people want to tell me that after Eren stomped on 80% of the world’s population, they want to just be at peace? I don’t think so, especially now that Eldians no longer have titan powers, have zero advanced technology in weapons..Makes no sense.
The worm…wtf was it, why was it there, who stopped it and where did it go? It had a mind of it’s own and even after Zeke and Eren dying it still kept going so my question is, what was the purpose of introducing this shit and then not to further elaborate on it? Why did everyone have to turn into titans for them to turn back into humans in no time? Why not just take the sad route and have every shifter die and have Ymir reborn as a free girl, because I thought Ymir was shackled to paths because she couldn’t be a free human, that’s why the rebirth theory sounded so plausible, but now all Ymir is, is a Stockholm syndrome patient who was waiting to…..what the hell even happened to Ymir? Where’d she go, why did she leave, what was her fucking purpose in the end. You want to tell me that she put so many people and teenagers under stress because King Fritz wanted more women than just Ymir? Jfc.
Now to Eren, so we know Eren was always a crybaby and never fully mature to do what he did, but what the fuck was this chapter? Sure he loves his friends and wants them to be save but, how did you go from “I know what I need to do and this is why I must start the rumbling” to, “I don’t man, just felt like it, I love Mikasa and you all so I don’t want to die but I don’t know Ymir wanted this and I don’t know what Ymir wants”, like did Yams stop remembering his own story here?
Regardless, Eren dying is a good thing, he could not and should not be redeemed for mass genocide, I think we can all agree on this. But my whole issue is, why put the warriors, especially Reiner, through so much shit, when you started the whole massacre on your own. One chapter was all it took to butcher Eren’s persona, then again he was never my favorite so I couldn’t care less about him.
Another point, he says he will give everyone their memories back once he dies, they will learn about his plan. Sure, but why do Mikasa and Levi experience this? Is this the cause of their headaches? I don’t get it, wasn’t the whole plot that Ackermanns under no circumstance could be mind manipulated…so how the fuck did Eren pull this off? It just took that subplot and flushed it down the toilet.
ZEKE, the only man with an actual plan and he died for no reason, just like Porco, Marcel, Ymir, Marco, Erwin, Hanji, Shadis, Colt, Magath and every other character that died for no reason.
The ending to me feels like a bad EreMikaMin fanfic, it just left so many plot holes untouched and now we are left wondering wtf all the other 137 chapters were for.
To end this post, up until chapter 132 I really really really liked the story, after that I feel like Isayama just wanted to finish the story and just did what the shippers wanted and finished the story in a wholesome way without really tying up any loose ends. It’s a shame but, it is what it is.
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 14 (Weeks Away)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna enters the hospital room. “Simón, I came as fast as I can. What happened?” Luna looks over Simón and Ámbar worriedly. “No nothing, just an athlete’s injury,” Simón chuckles. “Glad to see you still have your good humor,” Luna chuckles too. “He sprained his ankle which means he won’t be able to participate in the competition,” Ámbar confesses. “No no, I’m all good. I’m perfectly fine, I can and will participate in that competition-" “No you won’t. The doctor said you can’t do any extraneous activities including roller skating.” Ámbar cuts Simón off. He sighs with dismay.
“Well at least I have good news. Our team qualified for the competition!” Luna mentions. They all quietly cheer with happy hands since they’re at a hospital and want Simón to rest. “Well honey, I’mma let you get some rest okay,” Ámbar gets up from her chair and kisses Simón before heading out the door with Luna.
“I can’t believe this happened. Simón must have been in huge pain. I feel bad not being there,” Luna admits. “Don’t feel bad, he’ll recover soon. I know Simón. You were going through a lot too, it made sense for you to leave. Sometimes when we’re stressed, we need peace and some alone time. We sadly have another issue at our hands though. We have no one to replace Simon,” Ámbar states.
“Do you have anyone in mind?” Luna asks. “Nope. No one that I know of at school know how to skate. I think it’s also too late to hold auditions for a replacement.”
Luna scratches her head and keeps thinking. “Is there anyone you have in your contacts from working with other teams in the past that you know that can help us?” Luna suggests. Ámbar takes out her phone and scrolls through her contacts. A familiar name pops up. “I think I know someone who can help,” Ámbar glares towards Luna. She presses the call button and waits for a response.
Jam and Roller
Jazmin enters the locker room and sees a note taped on to her locker. “Meet me at Fountain Park, I would love to get to know those sparkly eyes, from your secret admirer.” Jazmín starts jumping up and down. Delfi enters and sees her best friend ecstatic. “Wow I’m shocked you would be this happy after what just happened to Simón,” Delfi remarked. “What? No! I’m not happy for that! I’m happy for this!” Jazmín hands Delfi the note. Delfi’s eyes grow large. “Wow Jazmin, this is awesome. A little sketchy but intriguing.” Jazmín squeals, “I know right, it’s my two favorite things! I’m so excited and so curious too! I wonder who it could be?” Delfi nods. “Yes, I’m very happy for you but I think it’s best I go with you just in case the guy is a creep. I don’t want you to go alone. Better yet, me and Pedro can accompany you. Once we see it’s someone safe, we’ll leave you be,” Delfi advises. “Well, if you say so,” Jazmin responds.
Simón goes one step at a time into the cafeteria with crutches. The doctor let him get released early since Simón wasn’t feeling much pain and begged the doctor. Nico and Pedro help Simón sit down and get readjusted. “I feel awful,” Simón exclaims. “What? But you said you weren’t feeling much pain to the doctor?” Luna asks. “No, I don’t mean that. I meant that I feel awful that you guys now don’t have another member for the team,” Simón moped. “Don’t worry about that. The main priority is you having a fast recovery. We’ll look for a replacement and everything will be okay,” Luna tries to comfort Simón. Luna then heads over to Ámbar and whispers, “so how did the phone call go?”
“She didn’t pick up, so I just left her a message. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see for her response,” Ámbar says. Juliana enters the room. “Even though Simón has gotten hurt, which I hope you feel better soon dear, that doesn’t mean we should all stop training. The competition is coming close, and we need to seriously prepare. While Ámbar and Luna look for a replacement, we shall keep moving forward with our training.” The whole gang head to the rink and start practicing.
Nico stays with Simón and serve all the guests their food and drinks. Simón calls Nico over. “Look I don’t want to sit here and do nothing to help the gang out. I want to do something, but it feels like I’m powerless not getting to skate with them,” Simón admits.
“You’re not powerless, and we can still help them without skating.” Simón looks confused, “like what?” Nico waits thinking. “I have an idea. You know how the Roller Band is back. Well how about we perform the song in the back while they skate in the competition. Something fresh while keeping it like old times like when we performed ‘I’ve Got a Feeling.’ You don’t have to stand, you can sit down on a chair while still playing your guitar and singing,” Nico suggests.
“Amigo, eso es padrisimo! That is an incredible idea! There’s just one thing… Pedro won’t be able to perform with us since he’ll be skating with the gang,” Simón claimed. “It’s okay cause we can have Yam sing with us, I don’t think she’s skating in the team.” Simón starts cheering, getting really excited. “I’ll start practicing the chords!”
Wedding Dress Fitting
Monica, Luna, Nina, Delfi, and Jazmín sit huddled around. Jim and Yam had to decline their invitation due to them helping out Nico fill in shifts and rehearse the Roller Band performance for the competition. Ámbar enters with the first dress. “I hope Simón recovers in time for the wedding. I wouldn’t want to see him hurt on our wedding day,” Ámbar sighs. “Well since you aren’t going to have your wedding till a few months after the competition, I think he will get back to walking by then,” Monica assumes.
Ámbar turns and show the gang her dress. “Wow Ámbar you look like a princess!” Luna exclaims stunned. Monica and the gang agrees. “It looks nice, but I don’t like how it’s so plain,” Ámbar says. She goes with the seamstress to the racks of dresses.
While everyone waits for Ámbar to enter with a different dress, Jazmín breaks the silence. “So, since everyone is silent, I have something to say. I have a secret admirer and I’m going to meet him today!” Jazmín reveals. Everyone cheers for Jazmín. “Yes, and Pedro and I are planning to accompany her just in case the dude isn’t sketchy, but we’re all very happy for her,” Delfi states. “I hope he’s charming, funny, kind, but also cute and maybe even a little spicy,” Jazmín says. “Oh, don’t we all,” the seamstress chimes in. “Jazmín, I hope when you say spicy you mean he likes spicy food,” Nina nervously comments. The whole gang begins to laugh. Ámbar tries all sorts of designs and looks till she finds her favorite one that she feels matches her aesthetic. “What about this one?” Ámbar asks on her fourteenth dress fitting.
“Ámbar you look like you’re glowing. You are a fairy now, wow.” Luna states. Ámbar giggles while the rest agree with Luna. “78% of women say that when it comes to choosing the perfect wedding dress, always stick with your gut,” Nina consoled. “So I guess this is the dress. I love it!” Ámbar announces. Jazmín takes out her tablet and begins filming. “This will look amazing on my Ja Jazmin channel!” “No Jazmin!” everyone yelled. “Jazmin you can’t post this since the groom and everyone else are not supposed to know how my dress looks yet. I want it to be a surprise on the day of the wedding,” Ámbar advised Jazmin. “Oh sorry. I didn’t know. Geez you guys didn’t have to be so harsh.”
Jim and Yam’s Apartment
Ramiro hurriedly knocks on the door. Yam opens. “Look Yam, I don’t know if you’ll agree or not but please listen to me. You must take that deal, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. No this doesn’t mean we should break up either because I truly think we can make this long-distance thing work okay. I’ll visit you every so often and you’ll do the same for me. We can make this work, I promise. I have waited for too long for us to just break up before this has even started,” Ramiro declares to Yam.
“Ramiro this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I find it actually pretty funny how I was going to suggest for us to do long-distance too because I don’t want to leave you either,” Yam tears up. Ramiro presses his lips against Yam and holds her tight. They capture this moment to remember it.
Jim appears behind Yam. “So…. This is awkward cause I’m in my PJs,” Jim protests. They start laughing when they see her wearing her unicorn PJs, she laughs with them too.
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*Gif by @ambarxsmith*
Jam and Roller
Delfi and Pedro enter the cafeteria. Luna and Nina rush over to them. “So, who’s Jazmín’s secret admirer? If you don’t mind me asking,” Luna questions. “So apparently it’s someone she already knew at the Fundom. He was part of one of the behind the scenes guys and even worked with Pixie a lot. He also viewed Jazmin on the side and had a big crush on her but didn’t know how to say it. He seems sweet and makes Jazmín happy, which is the important thing,” Delfi responds. “Awwww,” Luna and Nina say in unison.
“So have you guys figured out who will be the replacement for the team?” Nico asks. “Sadly no, from what I know of,” Luna responds. “I can’t believe this happened to Simón and so sudden too. The good thing though is that the Roller Band, sadly without me since I have to skate, get to sing at the competition,” Pedro chimes in. “Speaking of which, did Yam say yes to getting to sing with you guys?”
“Oh yes, she was thrilled. She thought the idea was creative and is excited to getting to sing with us again,” Nico responded. Ámbar walks over to where the gang is at the cafeteria. “So, any news on that contact?” Luna asks. “Sadly no, I think we’re going to have to find someone else,” Ámbar reveals.
The door’s bell chimes out loud when a familiar face walks into the place. “Hey guys! So, a little a birdy told me that the Jam and Losers are in desperate need of help. Well, you guys have come to the right person,” Emilia exclaims.
“Wow Jazmín will be upset knowing she may just have missed the news of the year,” Delfi admittedly surprised.
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joonkorre · 4 years
its crazy late but
@drarrymicrofic prompt: blanket fort
(there’s no plot. none. just dudes being guys, guys being pals)
(caution: not very micro, more like a one shot. a whole lot of anecdotes. i’m writing this under a blanket with snow beating at my window, so of course this has to be very soft and warm. you have been warned)
“Hello?” Harry says into the dark. He’s just gotten home and instead of seeing the familiar orange hue of their beetle-shaped lamp (a gift from Luna, of course), there’s a single sliver of moonlight slipping through the curtains. Nothing else seems to exist in the living room but the echo of Harry’s greeting. Tangerine and sage drift into his nose, followed by the bitter tang of smoke. The scent of Draco’s favorite candle, newly extinguished.
Draco just left. Discovered a breakthrough in his research and fled to the Ministry lab, maybe.
Harry sighs. Unlaces his boots and hangs up his coat absentmindedly only for it to crumple onto the floor. Another sigh. He bends and retrieves it, deciding instead to throw it in the laundry bin. Might as well; he’s been trudging around in Dayhound mucus for hours and neither his dragonhide boots nor coat were spared. 
Walking into the kitchen, Harry grabs a glass from the drying rack and pours himself water from the pitcher in the fridge. It’s ridiculous how a simple act like this can drain his energy so, but it does. Curse breaking isn’t a walk in the park; even walking hurts, considering the amount of magic he expends on shite like a 500-year-old wailing locket on a day to day basis. Exposure to different kinds of magic - dark, Old Magick, elemental, countlessly and endlessly more- for 8 hours straight more often than not result in a fierce ringing in his temples and pinpricks on his skin.
After years of doing it, he can scarcely tolerate one Portkey trip from wherever he’s assigned to back to the main headquarter before getting uncontrollable shivers. Another 30 minutes on the metro, then a 10-minute walk home. In addition, Harry has to sleep for at least 8 hours every night to replenish his energy. Morning comes, he wakes up, Apparates to the headquarter, and the cycle continues.
Why does he even stick with curse breaking at this point? Right, a wry grin graces Harry’s lips, Draco thinks the uniform is hot. Oh, and can’t forget the job benefits, insurance, whole nine yards.
With the glass now rinsed and settled once more on the drying rack, Harry drags his feet to the bedroom. The clock - an antique Draco stole from his cheating ex - hits 7:18 PM, but getting ready to go to sleep sure sounds like a decent idea. Harry palms the back of his aching neck and winces. He’d go shower, scrub the dirt and tension off his limbs, and maybe heat up the leftovers from two days-
“There you are. I was wondering how much longer drinking water could take.”
Harry looks up from his slippered feet to see Draco. Or, more specifically, Draco’s silhouette. Behind some kind of white cloth. A white cloth that’s conveniently placed where the focus of the bedroom should’ve been. 
The relief at seeing his husband evaporates.
“What,” Harry says, “where’s our bed.”
Draco’s silhouette crawls to the opening of the cloth… tent-shaped thing. Pewter grey eyes peer at him behind strands of near-platinum blonde, its icy color soothed by the orange tint of… ah, so he’s brought the bug lamp in here. Neat.
“I,” Draco answers. Pauses. “Might have brought it somewhere else.”
“Somewhere else.”
Harry shakes his head. An exasperated chuckle escapes his lips.
“Is ‘somewhere else’ the recycling center?”
“Why,” Draco flops down on the floor, appearing tired of holding himself up on his elbows for more than 10 seconds. It’s peculiar to see, the gesture a bit ungraceful for someone like him. Harry is helplessly in love amused. “Do my ears deceive me? Am I being confronted, cornered, accosted for being a good husband? Were the 5 minutes it took to Shrink and Levitate the wretched old thing away from our safe haven worth your condescension, dear lover?”
“I guess I did say I hate-”
“-the headboard. Nothing but the headboard. Yesterday. While I’m half asleep. Baby.”
“Oh, pish posh, I hate it too! In fact, I’m doing us both a favor disposing of the entire thing altogether.”
“God, however can I thank you? I mean, you did rid us of our bed where we sleep on.”
“You can thank me by taking off those horrid gears faster and come here,” with that, Draco crawls back to where he was sitting before.
“You love these gears,” Harry says, hanging his harnesses and tool belt in the closet and walking into the bathroom for a quick shower, “you love them against your ba-”
“Put a lock on that filthy mouth, Potter, what will the Daily Prophet think?” Draco’s yell almost drowns out the shower spray. Harry laughs, his stomach hurting for the right reason at last.
When he re-enters the bedroom, Draco is leaning out from the tent thing.
“Come, get in, get in,” he beckons with a hasty wave.
Harry points to his wet hair with the hand holding his towel. Draco clicks his tongue and waves his hand more aggressively.
His husband’s level of theatrics is directly proportional to how slow Harry is at doing what he says, so he nods, fondness overflowing, and obeys.
“What’s all this?” He crouches and crawls in, eyeing the collection of pillows and quilts surrounding Draco and what would be Harry’s seat. It seems that he had also lugged in the chairs from their dining room to provide some structural support for the tent.
“A blanket fort, lover,” Draco says, his gaze tender. Harry’s finger tips tingle with every touch of cotton, linen, silk, as he gets situated. It’s been years and years and years and years, and Harry can never get used to, can never take for granted, the weight of his husband’s undivided attention.
“Huh,” he says, sitting down with an ‘oof’, “isn’t this for kids?”
“A blanket fort is a blanket fort,” Draco takes the towel from Harry’s arm and puts the throw pillow Ron knitted in his lap. He hits a button on the laptop in front of them, and Harry’s favorite jazz collection plays. He blinks. He thought Draco would play his questionable atmospheric-white-noise-POV-you’re-having-tea-in-a-gothic-vampire-library playlist, the weirdo.
Velvety smooth sax flows through the air. Harry exhales, easy and content, and lets Draco tilt his head. He towels Harry’s hair, massaging unhurried circles on his scalp and varying the degree of pressure. In no time, his head lolls forward, eyes closed, chin a breath away from his well-worn shirt. A slender, pale hand cups his cheek and holds his head up and steady. Meanwhile, the hand’s owner leans out of the blanket fort to get something.
“Ow.” A grunt. Harry smiles; most likely a cramp from all the leaning.
Then, his husband reseats himself, this time with a smell. A mouth-watering, delicious smell, tickling the back of Harry’s nose. He opens his eyes to see Draco lifting off the lid of a ceramic bowl perched on a tray, steam floating out and fogging Harry’s glasses. It’s purple yam soup, topped with chopped up shrimp and ground beef.
“Your usual order from the Viet place nearby whenever Pepper-up isn’t sufficient,” Draco murmurs, placing a spoon in Harry’s hand, his words warm against Harry’s temple. Huh, he didn’t think Draco would notice. “You said today you’d deal with those disgusting booby traps you showed me, thus I reckoned I should put the yams on our counter into good use.”
Harry stares at the soup, stunned. Draco must have taken his expression as something else.
“Oh, right,” he says, “I heated it up on the stove, but you were taking atrociously long so I casted a Heating charm. Let me take it off, okay?”
Draco flicks his hawthorn wand, a hand squeezing Harry’s shoulder as if he could see the prickling running up Harry’s nape.
He turns to look at his husband. When Harry’s career was starting to take its toll on his magical core, Draco didn’t hesitate to dive headfirst into Muggle living. Easier said than done, and it took months for him to stop frowning at the “absolutely bizarre, Potter, bizarre” appliances, but he got there in the end. Despite his constant bitching about everything, Draco not once raised a word about the drastic switch, effortlessly guiding Narcissa to gossip about the Albescu clan’s abhorrent matriarch when she asks about how he’s faring.
“Gosh, I,” Harry says. Mumbles, really, into Draco’s collarbone, filling his brain with the woodsy aroma of potion making that no amount of expensive body products can mask, “that’s lovely, baby, thank you.”
“Eat,” Draco says, rubbing his chin on the top of Harry still-damp hair and messaging his tense neck. Harry knows he’s breathing him in too. “Or I’ll have to heat it up in the kitchen again, and forgive me but I’d rather stay here for the next 12 hours, at least.”
“Lazy arse.”
Draco laughs, a momentary rumble of his chest, then moves forward to click something on the laptop. Harry’s on his fifth spoonful of pure comfort when the jazz music stops, and on the blank wall opposite from their blanket fort is the title card of a movie. Strange, Harry didn’t even notice the mini projector. He squints.
“Why is there Korean subtitles?”
“Lover,” Draco tosses a napkin at Harry’s crossed legs, “what is watching movies online without the occasional bout of piracy?”
“Pira- piracy,” Harry chokes, the hot soup stinging his palate, “we have a Netflix subscription.”
“You can’t find shite like this on Netflix.”
“Of course we can. Baby, we don’t know anyone who’s good at computer stuff and can deal with the viruses.”
“There’s no virus here, I checked.”
“How,” Harry stresses, “and again, piracy.”
“Sometimes,” Draco says, lowering the speaker volume, “not doing crimes… is worse.”
“What the fuck,” the main character, a square-faced woman with a python around her neck, has a monologue in a completely different language. “What the fuck? Is that Italian?”
“Yes, but I’m French.”
“And they’re both Romance languages. I can understand certain words and translate it for you.”
No, he can’t.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Keep eating,” Draco settles amid the pillows, long hair settled on his satin-clad chest, white against emerald. Harry sneers at him - an unfortunate habit he’s gotten from Draco - and turns to watch the movie.
True to his words, Draco translates every dialogue and mimics the characters’ voices with zeal, contradicting his stoic expression and somber, interlaced hands, looking like a cranky judge having to deal with reckless teenagers on their anti-authority phase. Harry can tell that he doesn’t understand a thing, and soon enough he’s woven a story about how the thriller-mystery they’re watching is actually a vicious custody battle over a duck. For each of Harry’s occasional snicker at the absurdity Draco has thought up is a playful kick at his ribs.
Minutes pass. With Harry’s bowl now emptied, he puts it on a chair and goes to wash up. 
The moment he sits back down, Draco’s big toe pokes at his spine. Getting the memo, Harry grins and reclines on the pillows. His left side is flushed against Draco’s right, the kinks in his neck eased off from the angle. They, as per usual, gradually get closer to one another, and at some point, Draco lays his head on Harry’s chest and ear on his beating heart. It’s calming to him, Draco had said when Harry asked, on the third night of their honeymoon. With the war long behind them, there was nothing to fear. Only the constellations existed as their witnesses.
“You died, Harry,” he had whispered, full and tipsy. “It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, despite all the shite I made you go through.
“You were so far away in Hagrid’s arms, I couldn’t see your face,” the night had been blinding, but his eyes had found Draco’s anyway. “It felt like my heart died with you.”
Harry had kissed his forehead and hugged him close. His heart had always been there for Draco to take.
“What’s up with the blanket fort?”
He has a lapful of Draco, a lungful of peach and cedar scented shampoo, and the sleepy timbre of his husband’s voice against his chest. The Italian movie is the last thing on Harry’s mind. 
“I wasn’t aware of its existence growing up,” Draco says. “Having anything other than an immaculate bed when one wasn’t sleeping was uncouth, see, so you could imagine my surprise when Teddy demanded to play in something as messy as a fort so often.”
Harry doesn’t need to imagine it; he had witnessed it himself. Draco, freshly released from a two-year sentence in Azkaban, mellowed and tentative, yet determined to reconnect with his mother’s sister and his nephew. Harry had been wary too, standing in the corner of Teddy’s bedroom, staring at the fuzz of blonde on Draco’s shorn head and his weak gait. Teddy, the darling boy with his clumsy hold on Draco’s thigh, afraid that the haggard man would trip without help, had led him to his play area.
“Fort, fort,” the boy had screamed in Draco’s ear, but he hadn’t flinched. He had nodded and gone along with Teddy’s babbled directions, then sat back on his heels and fixed a wide-eyed stare at the monstrosity Teddy had called a fort (his designing skills were, unsurprisingly, underdeveloped at the mere age of two). 
Swiveling his head, he had gawked at Harry, who had still been standing in the corner with his arms crossed, confusion and hysteria in the arch of his aristocratic brows.
It had been the first time he had looked at Harry in the eye for years. In seconds, it was 6th Year all over again, with him watching Draco pushing his food around with a fork from across the room, unable to look away. Obsession, a voice unlike Hermione’s helpfully defined, had slithered up and under his skin. It had remained there for years, stubborn and ardent, an emotion he had tried to leave behind time and time again. He’d never succeeded.
It’s Draco, after all.
“He never let anyone but him enter the fort, remember? Back when he’s still making us build it for him?” Draco’s fingers tap a random rhythm on Harry’s stomach. Harry tightens his arm around him, shifts a bit. “So many forts and I still didn’t know what it’s like to be in one.”
Somebody downs a shot in the movie. Harry doesn’t quite register it. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in a proper one either until now. Didn’t have enough space in the cupboard. Plus, the hanging around the beds at Hogwarts felt pretty cozy by themselves.”
Draco hums. “Mhmm, I say. Another ‘first’ for us.”
Harry glances at the crown of his head. The man doesn’t sound surprised; Harry wagers that he already knows and decided to make one for the both of them today.
They continue to watch the movie in silence, whites and blues and purples flooding his sight, until Draco yawns and Harry blinks his eyes shut for far too long.
“Where, then? We have no bed.”
“I still maintain that I made the right choice”
“Jesus Christ, you’re so rash for an academic.”
“Well, in my professional opinion, sleeping in a blanket fort every blue moon does wonders for one’s quality of sleep,” Draco gets up on his elbow to smirk at Harry, “we can look at other beds tomorrow, can’t we? Now hush. Rest.”
“Ha,” Harry says, at least 5 more words to follow up on that just on the tip of his tongue. But then Draco runs a gentle hand through Harry’s hair, taking his time with it, the remaining hints of Harry’s migraine from work fading with every curl of hair carefully unknotted. He mumbles this and that, silly, insignificant things, engrossed in his task, and Harry listens carefully as his eyelids lower.
Draco takes off his gold-rimmed glasses (so sweet and soft Harry can barely feel it), cleans them and puts them on a chair. Through half-lidded eyes, Harry watches him cover them both with a quilt and return to Harry’s chest, curling up like a cat. Draco’s arm is around his midriff, peach and cedar pervading his senses anew, and Harry forgets whatever he was going to say.
Cold ankles pressed against bare calves, Harry is already deep asleep when the credits roll.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
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1. What does your muse smell like?
you know the regular head & shoulders dandruff shampoo one might normally buy? yeah most times that’s what lam smells like. pretty boring, but he makes a point to shower before going to work. now outside of the classroom is a more interesting story. since he lives with raphael, it’s not unusual for him to come out with a pungent smell as the result of some weird food combo ray made him try  that he tried. the other alternative is that he smells like mulch and on a more metaphorical sense, sunlight?? dunno how that’s supposed to smell actually, but despite being a video game enthusiast, lam’s kinda like a plant in that sense. thriving in the sunlight actually.
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
warm and dry! they might seem a bit more on the bony side just because he hasn’t quite mastered the art of self-care yet, BUT they’re nice and soft to hold for the most part. i’d say that there are a healthy amount of calluses on both hands just because long periods of holding writing utensils for grading and button smashing from video games and from gardening.
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
eeeeep, so you see, lam has this terrible habit of like forgetting to nourish himself simply because he got too invested in a. grading papers, b. whatever video game/plant that had his attention, or c. just some weird tangent he got himself into. it doesn’t help that he doesn’t know how to cook either. before becoming roommates with raphael, he had a lot of takeout- fries were a must, burgers, fried rice with broccoli and chicken. he went a lot to the nearby thai restaurant to get tom yam, pad thai, son yam, curry, and more of the thai variant. after he becomes roomies with raphael, his palate unintentionally gets a lot more varied as he and ray quickly come to an agreement- if lam is willing to do both of their laundry, then raphael will cook for both him and lam. and raphael has a wide palate, one day cooking risotto to the next day making nasi lemak or hainanese chicken rice. needless to say, lam’s been eating a lot better with raphael around, as the other also makes it a point to make food smell enticing enough to grab lam’s attention.
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
i guess he does?? he doesn’t really sing much but he might hum a tune or two. he’s never really asked for anyone’s opinion...i’d say his voice is more on the higher end of scale BUT he’s usually on softer side as well. he can probably hold a decent tune but don’t expect him to be getting any applause or special attention for it.
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
lmao there’s a lot. first there’s the fact that he hasn’t quite mastered the art of self-care so there are periods of time where he might forget to eat...and sleep due to his work or whatever tangent has his mind occupied. if he hasn’t slept enough you usually tell by the number of cups of coffee he’s downed and also by the fact he’ll be able to fall asleep just about anywhere (standing up, sitting at a desk). he also get overwhelmed quite easily actually? like he might not look like it, but when he does get overwhelmed or stressed out, he’ll zone out even if he’s in convo with someone. 
not sure if this counts as a bad habit, but he also really likes enclosed spaces. if he gets especially stressed out, he might just sit in closet to calm down. might even take a nap in there too.
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
it swings between college student look and business casual. as a teacher, he makes it a point to look at least somewhat put together- think button downs, blazers, with khaki pants. he wears a lot of turtlenecks too. 
outside of work though, he’s a lot more casual. he likes his sweats and hoodies, he likes just a plain ol’ t-shirt/shirt. more athletic clothing one might say. the important part in both cases though is that he usually prefers long-sleeves to short-sleeves, largely due to the surgery scar he got from his accident. it’s not that he’s self-conscious about it, but more of that he doesn’t want it to draw attention from his students and acquaintances. that and he gets cold easily, even in the summer.
hair though, it’s pretty simple. shampoo everyday and comb it.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
with most people no. he keeps a physical distance especially with his students ( bc a teacher has to anyways ). he wasn’t raised in an especially physically affectionate household so he keeps decorum as his standby mode.
now with friends on the other hand, you wouldn’t think it of him, but he can be surprisingly very forward with it? like he has to be comfy with u which can be a process in and of itself, but once you have his trust, he’s the kind of person who will take a seat next to you and without any warning invade ur personal space ( if you tell him you’re uncomfy tho, he’ll keep that in mind ). very clingy as well- lots of tugging on shirts to stay. he doesn’t like being alone with strangers so if u take him to a party, he’s more than likely to cling to the one person he knows.
romantic ( platonic ) partners on the other hand, now he’s like super touchy and affectionate there. lots of cuddling and ‘no stay here, i need a furnace warmer pls’ if there ever comes a time where lam gets a ship, pls know he is a koala bear. 
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
definitely on his side/fetal position! to be more specific, he always sleeps on his right side so that his bad arm is resting against the mattress. that’s both for practicality reasons and safety reasons-  wouldn’t want that bad arm in the line of fire after all. i will say though, if he’s sleeping next to a romantic (or platonic) partner, he will curl in against them, fit into any space next to them. when possible he likes falling asleep in small spaces.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
good question. is he playing video games? no? then probably not. i’d say even though he’s more on the quiet side, he has no problems with speaking up especially in academic settings. volume wise, he tends to fall more on the softer side so occasionally, he’ll be asked to repeat himself. he’ll often use this to his advantage when it comes to troublesome students/people in general. now if he’s playing video games, that’s a different ball park- he can very into them...that’s when you might be able to hear him from another room :D
Tagged by:  @astralglam ( THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me an excuse to talk about my hot mess dummy son!! )
Tagging: @shamsgoddess @wraithsea @bethelbound @bloodxhound​ @phantombs​ @kwatregats ( for teo! )  @risinglegacy ( for dion! ) and uh, anyone who feels like getting into the physical deets about their muses today!!
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 4 years
A Crow Without Wings
tsukishima kei x reader - part seven
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From: yams :)
sorry, something came up. have fun without me ;)
Sighing, you slipped the phone back into the pocket of your shorts, not particularly overjoyed at the message.
Yamaguchi was meant to be meeting up with you today for another study session at Tsukishima’s house, but clearly, the universe had other plans for how you day was going to play out. Usually, you wouldn’t have minded, since you were kind of beginning to become friends with the tall blond blocker, so there wouldn’t have been a problem.
Although, you had noticed something different ever since you had returned from the training camp. Something deep within you began to stir whenever the two of you were in the same room – which was very regularly, seen as you were literally the manager of the volleyball team. Over the past few days, you had noticed yourself immediately paying attention whenever his name was mentioned, or you looked up from whatever you were doing when someone walked into the gym, as of you were waiting to see him.
You didn’t like it.
No matter how much your tolerance of each other had evolved, he was still a major asshole to you sometimes, as if it was his life’s purpose to insult you every other word or ruin your entire day with that stupid smirk of his.
And yet you looked forward to it.
Running a hand down your face, you sighed. Out of everything that you could be worrying about right now, you were fussing over a boy of all things.
Even so, you soon found yourself at that very boy’s front door, your arm raised, ready to knock. You hesitated, considering turning away and telling Tsukishima that you couldn’t make it either, but before you knew it, your knuckles were rapping on the door. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for someone to answer, tapping your fingers against the strap of your bag nervously.
The door finally opened, and you put on a smile, only to find that the person behind it wasn’t who you had expected it to be.
“Do I have the wrong house?” He had the blonde hair, the hazel eyes, and the height, but it was definitely not Tsukishima. Or at least the right Tsukishima.
“Rei, right? Kei’s told me a lot about you.” You merely stared at him wide-eyed on the threshold of the house as he gestured for you to enter.
“He has? He never mentioned that he had a brother.” Stepping into the hallway, you caught sight of his wince as he closed the door behind you. You were just about to blurt out some sort of apology when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs behind you.
“Oh, Rei? Where’s Tadashi?” Glancing between the two boys, you couldn’t help but notice the sudden spike in tension in the air.
“He couldn’t make it today.” He frowned, unable to decide if he was actually upset about that or not. Tsukishima was smart, so it was immediately obvious to him that Yamaguchi had done this on purpose, to get you alone with him, but he wasn’t quite sure if you had realised that for yourself.
“So, Tsukki?” You nudged him with you elbow lightly, and he tilted his head down to look at you.
“Are you going to introduce me to your brother, or what?” It was slightly annoying that Tsukishima knew your brother and yet you didn’t even know he had one. Plus, from what you had seen so far, his brother was a hell of a lot nicer than yours.
“He’s too old for you, you know that right?” A scowl immediately overtook your features and you turned you head to raise an eyebrow at him.
“I will slap you again. Don’t test me, beanpole.” Tsukishima’s brother chucked slightly at the sight of the two of you. Kei seemed to have finally found a friend that matched him perfectly, and it looked like you were one of very few people he allowed to insult him back.
“I’m Akiteru. It’s nice to meet you.” He held his hand out for you to shake and you took it gracefully, earning an eye roll form the boy next to you.
“Don’t I recognise you from somewhere?” Tilting your head, you shook it, not having seen him anywhere that you remember.
“I don’t think so.” With furrowed eyebrows, he let go of your hand and you adjusted the bag on your shoulder awkwardly.
“Well, you two have fun.” With one last smile, you followed Tsukishima up the stairs to his bedroom.
Where the two of you were going to be alone.
For the entire day.
The view from the balcony was oddly calming. It was the middle of the preliminary qualifiers, and so the gym was full of about half of the teams in Miyagi, all of them waiting to compete for a chance to go to nationals this year.
For any bystander, one look at your boys would give them the impression that they were all in the zone, ready to beat their opponent into the ground. After all, their last prelims matches, including the match against Aoba Johsai, had left a pretty big impression on the other schools, and it was funny to see people glancing back at the team as they walked past.
Sadly, that wasn’t the reality, and you sighed as Hinata turned to face you, arms desperately clutching his stomach as he trembled.
“Hinata, sweetie? Are you okay?” He looked almost green in the face, and even though Tobio had warned that the smaller boy tended to get nervous before competitive matches, it really hadn’t prepared you for this.
“I’m fine. I puked on the way here so that relived me a bit.” You frowned in disgust and handed him his water bottle, urging him to take a drink.
“Of course you’d feel sick after eating all of those pork bowls for breakfast.” Rolling your eyes as him and Tsukishima began to bicker, you took a quick glance at how some of the other boys were doing.
At the mention of Hinata’s puke, Yamaguchi was beginning to look strikingly pale, and Asahi looked as if he could throw up as well. You sighed deeply, bringing your hands up to your head to massage your temples.
No matter how stressed you looked, Tsukishima still noticed the slight smile on your lips. It seemed that you hadn’t been to an official tournament since your accident, and it was nice to see you enjoying yourself, all things considered.
It wasn’t long before the boys were allowed onto the court to warm up. Their first match was against Ohgi Minami, and as far as you were aware, they weren’t anything special, especially now their third years had left.
“Ohgi Minami looks like it’s full of juvenile delinquents.” You chuckled as you pushed the ball basket behind him.
“You look like a delinquent, Ryuu. Especially with that skinhead of yours.”
“Eh?” He lunged forward to try and catch you in a headlock, but you moved out of the way just in time. Although, you managed to bump into someone behind you, losing your balance. A pair of hands caught you; one under your arm and one on your waist, as your back met with their front, preventing you from falling.
“Careful, dove.” A blush immediately rose to your cheeks as you glanced back and noticed that it was Tsukishima who had caught you and was looking down at you with that goddamn smirk on his face again. You couldn’t even think of a retort before he removed his hands from you and made his way over to warm up, leaving you in shock.
Nicknames again? Really?
Having watches so many of their games from on the bench at practice and at the training camps, it was really strange to suddenly be up in the crowd, observing from on the balcony instead. You really wished that you could be down there, closer to the court, but only one manager was allowed, and you wouldn’t force Kiyoko switch places with you.
“Oh, so you came to watch the game too, Mr. Ukai?” Looking to your left, you saw a man approaching with what looked like two elementary school children behind him.
“Ukai? Director Ukai?” He glanced at you, his stoic expression faltering slightly.
“Are you… Kageyama Rei, by any chance?” You nodded in affirmation.
“I’m a big fan or yours, sir. My brother is too.” He chuckled and came to stand in between you and the man on your right-hand side.
“And I am of you. How is your knee doing?” Subconsciously lifting your weight off of it slightly at the mention of it, you gave him a small smile.
“Better, thank you.” With that, you both turned to pay attention to the match that was about to begin.
Asahi was the first up to serve, and you crossed your fingers. He had been working non-stop on the move since returning from the training camp, and the success rate had finally begun to increase. Missing this serve may shatter his confidence, and that was the last thing you wanted to happen.
The whistle blew and he tossed the ball high into the air, his body following close behind it. His hand made contact with the ball and all of a sudden it was rebounding off of the floor at the other end of the court. The players hadn’t even had a chance to react.
The team and the crowd erupted into a cheer, and you let out a breath of relief. It looked like this match was going to go better than you had thought.
The match progressed quite quickly, with Karasuno leading by a decent amount of points. Tanaka, Tsukishima, and Asahi had all managed to get a good number of spikes in, and it was clear that they had the upper hand in this situation.
You watched in awe as one of the opposing spikers switched his attack to a feint at the last second, and Daichi was already stood in place, ready to receive it. Daichi was already a solid player, but today he must have been at the top of his game; they all must have been.
Asahi hit the ball straight through the blockers, but the libero managed to receive it, sending it back to their setter, only for Tobio and Tsukishima to block the next spike.
It seemed that the blockers were on point today as well.
The losses at the training camp were most likely the thing to thank for the improvement. Going up against so many different spikers and playing styles, as well as being faced with different conditions than they were used to, must have fine-tuned their basic skills as well as helping them to develop the new ones. It was extremely satisfying to watch everything finally coming together.
Tobio’s serve was amazing as usual, the libero not being able to receive it. That brought Karasuno to match point for the first set already.
The next spike was received nicely by Nishinoya, who sent it over for your brother to set. Hinata’s feet had barely even touched the floor from the block before he was shooting off towards the left side of the net.
The ball was in the other side of the court before the other team’s eyes could even catch up with him.
“Nice, Shouyou!” Even through the noise of the crowd, he heard you and waved, causing a few others to wave up at you as well.
The second set continued in pretty much the same fashion, and you smiled as Tobio hit another service ace, bringing the team to match point with a whole eleven-point lead.
However, he wasn’t as lucky with his next serve, as the libero managed to just receive it, but it was too high and was travelling too far away for the other team to set it well. Not only that, but the spikers closest to it looked as if they weren’t even going to try and save it, stood frozen on the court.
You were pleasantly surprised when one spiker suddenly sprinted for the ball, following if off of the court and crashing into their teams’ equipment next to the bench. Even with the last-second decision, he had still managed to save it, and all that was left was for the other players to connect it.
Another spiker hit the ball upwards and it landed just on top of the net, tipping into Karasuno’s side of the court. Noya luckily managed to save it, and Hinata was the one to keep it in the air, sending it over for Tanaka to spike.
The libero managed to receive it, and it seemed as though there was going to be a rally of sorts between the teams. They certainly weren’t going down without a fight.
Their captain called for a spike, and despite the decent amount of power behind it, it was still received by Asahi.
Before the captain even landed back on the court, Hinata was already on the left, high up in the air, the ball not far behind him. One of the blockers managed to jump, but was nowhere within reach, and the ball easily landed on the other side of the court, winning them the match.
Cheering, you rushed down to meet them, knowing they had a decent amount of time before their next match.
While it had been a fairly easy match ,they had still won, and hopefully they weren’t as nervous now as they had been that morning. Their teamwork was far from perfect, but it was definitely a hell of a lot better than it had been a few weeks ago.
Now, it only got more difficult from here.
Hinata screamed and you winced.
Your poor ears.
He was peering around the frame of the doors to the gym and you wandered over to see what had got him so worked up.
It wasn’t hard to see what – or who – he was looking at, seen as they towered over every other player on the court. There was tall, and then there was this guy. From what the coach had briefed you on and the beginning of the day, the player that was most likely about to face Karasuno clocked in at a whole two meters tall.
It looked as though pretty much all of the boys were keeping a wary eye on him, already being able to see some of the problems they were going to face when challenging him. And it didn’t look like they’d have much longer to figure out how to solve those problems, as their team won their current match by six points, meaning that Karasuno would be the next to play against them.
You bit your lip, beginning to worry. Height was always a favourable trait to have in volleyball, especially when blocking. This boy was an entire sixteen inches taller than Hinata, and no matter how high the orange-haired blocker could jump, it would be nowhere near how high his opponent could reach.
Placing a hand on his head, you gently ruffled his hair in reassurance.
“Just because he’s taller doesn’t mean that he’s a better player. It just means that he has bigger limbs to move. Chances are, he’s slow. All you have to do is get around him. You’re good at that.” He relaxed slightly, giving you his usual wide grin.
You just hoped he was fast enough.
After the last match, you really shouldn’t have had anything to worry about, especially with how well all of the boys had played. And yet, you could feel your heart beating in your chest as you watched over the court from your position up on the balcony.
As far as you knew, Kakugawa had never really been a strong team, but that one player’s height could really make a world of a difference.
Tsukishima caught your eye as he made his way to the back line of the court to serve. He could easily see how anxious you were, and yet you still tried to hide it with a smile for their sake.
If you were any other person, he would have been annoyed at your attempt at hiding what you truly thought, but it was you, so he tried his best to give you a smile back before he turned his back to you to serve. It shocked you, but in a good way, bringing a genuine smile to your face instead of your previous one.
The whistle blew and Tsukishima served, the ball being received by the player to the left of the libero. Unsurprisingly, when it reached the setter, he sent it straight to the tall spiker, Hyakuzawa, and you held your breath in anticipation.
All three of the blockers moved together, clearly realising that they were going to need as much support as they could get.
Although, it wasn’t much use.
The spiker’s hand reached what looked like an entire foot above the blockers.
You stood gaping at the court as he managed to spike the ball over the blockers entirely, the ball landing nicely in Karasuno’s side of the court. With such a difference in size, it wouldn’t even be any use to step further away from the net, because he’d easily be able to still get over it.
It didn’t look like this match was going to go as smoothly as the last.
The exact same thing happened again with the next spike, except that Noya was barely just able to receive it, Tanaka aiding him in sending it over towards Hinata.
You took in a breath as he switched his attack last second, attempting to get the ball over the high block with a feint. Although, despite the fact that the attack would have worked on any normal block, the ball played directly into Hyakuzawa palms, immediately sending the ball back down to the court floor.
Even though victory currently seemed pretty much impossible, you lips curled up into a half-smile as your eyes landed on your brother. He was flexing his fingers in possibly the strangest way imaginable to anyone who didn’t know what was happening, but you did.
Many people called Tobio a genius setter, but there were still so many different ways in which he could improve himself, and it seemed that all of those practice matches at the training camp had done a lot more good than he had realised. Playing so many sets consecutively would have distracted him from noticing his improvement, causing him to only notice it now, in an official setting.
The match was already moving at an agonisingly slow pace, and there were a lot more people in the crowds this time. Tanaka managed to hit the block head on, sending the ball up into the air. Hinata quickly jumped to attempt a direct attack, but the taller blocker got to it before he could, dumping the ball over the net, scoring their third point in a row.
The team struck some luck with the serve, as it ended up being out. Even if they only scored a point because of the other team’s mistake, it was still a point none the less.
Tobio was up to serve next, and you chuckled to yourself slightly when the libero ended up being knocked on his ass because of how much force he had put into the hit. The ball still went up though, and was quickly set over to their ace, who easily scored them yet another point.
It was no surprise when Takeda called for a time out, and you cursed not being able to join in on the talk. You knew they needed to concentrate more on receiving the ball instead of blocking it, but knowing Noya, he’d already figured that out as well. If they could keep the ball in the air, they had a chance.
When the match resumed, Hyakuzawa was in the back row, and so Tanaka was able to make it past the blockers, but it was immediately received by their libero and put back into play.
This meant that their ace had another chance at a point. He jumped for it and hit over the block as he had been the entire match, but he hit it directly towards Noya, meaning he was able to receive it perfectly.
That’s when you realised, he couldn’t control the direction of his spikes! You had been worrying so much about the match that you hadn’t even notice how lacklustre his actual playing was. He could only hit in whatever way his body was facing.
The ball was sent straight over for Hinata to spike, and the smaller boy jumped diagonally as far as he could manage in order to evade the blockers. With Hyakuzawa’s height, he was easily able to reach over and try to stop the ball, but not enough for a solid block, meaning that Hinata was able to get a feint over his hand. The ball landed in the front section of the court, the libero inches away from saving it.
They had finally scored a point of their own volition.
Now all they needed to do was to get through their defence and land a decent attack.
You giggled as you watched Hinata practically vibrating with excitement. They must finally be ready to try the new quick. You felt you own excitement grow as you though about it. It had gone amazingly in the last match and you just hoped it could finally be something to counter Kakugawa’s ace.
His spike was received once again by Noya and you cheered. They finally had him figured out.
It was beginning to become clear that the boy had next to no technique and, pretty much, his only weapon was his height. He reminded you of Lev from Nekoma in a way, only without the sped and reactions. Either way, as long as they could receive the spike, the height difference became less of a problem.
The spiker barely had time to set his feet on the floor before Hinata was moving, and the blockers shuffled together in preparation.
Although, height was worthless if you couldn’t even see the spiker.
The ball landed in the other side of the court before some of the other players even saw Tobio set the ball, finally earning Karasuno another point.
The other team stood staring at the ball in shock as the crowd erupted into cheers, including you. No matter how many times you saw it in action, that quick was always so satisfying.
The attack proved pretty useful, and they actually managed to score a decent amount of points. You were really trying your hardest not to look as smug as you felt, especially seen as that tall ass spiker was getting toyed with by someone who was barely five foot four.
However, it wasn’t as amusing when said boy took a ball to the face trying to receive it.
Even so, the ball managed to travel back to the other side of the court and one of the spikers tried for a direct hit.
Only to be completely shut out by Tsukishima.
You cheered as loud as you could for him, earning a quick glance and a small smile. Not only had he completely blocked the spiker, he had done it on his own. It was a definite improvement from just a few weeks ago, and the determination on his face made your heart beat just that little bit faster as you watched him improve.
All of a sudden, Karasuno reached match point for the first set.
Kakugawa had managed to stay relatively close in points, but it clearly wasn’t enough as Hinata landed another spike, winning the set.
Just one more.
It seemed that Kakugawa wasn’t about to drop their attacks or defence at any point during the second set. They maintained their solid strategy throughout the entire remainder of the game.
However, the match had been turned in Karasuno’s favour, the boys even pulling off the synchronised attack first time. It had been impressive at the training camp, but it was even more amazing in an actual match.
The set continued with the two teams being neck and neck. If one team scored a point, the other scored one right back. They were in a dead heat.
Even so, Karasuno managed to stay a fair number of points ahead, and soon they were at match point again. It felt slightly surreal, having gone from such a disadvantage at the beginning of the game to everything working out as well as it had.
Hinata had proved to everyone once again that height wasn’t everything.
Tobio’s next serve was neatly received by the libero, who sent it over to the setter for their ace to hit. The blockers in this rotation weren’t exactly the tallest, but you smiled as you watched them delay their jump, opting for a soft block instead of a regular one. Clearly, Daichi was the one who thought of that, and you cheered as the ball successfully hit Tanaka’s hand, sending it into the air.
Asahi received it, and Tanaka sent it over to Hinata. Seen as Tobio hadn’t set, it wasn’t going to be a quick, and Hyakuzawa was the one marking him.
You didn’t like the look of his odds.
Although, Hinata wasn’t about to let that faze him, and he hit the ball as hard as he could, upwards, rather than down. It hit the blocker’s hands, sending it high up in the air and well out of the court’s boundaries. It landed before the players could even try to save it, winning the match for Karasuno.
You stood in shock as the crowd around you celebrated. They had won two straight sets against a team that seemed unbeatable.
It took a moment, but you finally willed yourself to go and join your team to congratulate them on their victory. That last technique Hinata had used was much like the feint; a sign that he was starting to actually use his head rather than just his instincts. If he really could think that quick during matches, then things were about to get a lot more interesting.
They had made it through the first round.
Now, it got real.
“Kiyoko-san! We’ll hold all of the bags!” You clutched the back of Tanaka and Noya’s shirts to prevent them from going over and smothering their favourite manager, causing them to whine at you childishly.
“Everything’s been taken care of. Now, hurry up before Daichi shouts at you.” It was a wonder how they had so much energy left after both of their matches today.
“I’ll go check to make sure we’ve not forgotten anything!” Kiyoko gave you a thumbs up in response and you began to make your way back to where the team had been sat for most of the day.
You chuckled to yourself when your eyes landed on the cutely wrapped bento box sat on the bench. It was clearly Hinata’s and you weren’t really surprised that he had managed to forget it.
Tucking it under your arm, you let out a yawn as you turned a corner on your way back to join the other, only to walk straight into someone.
“I’m sor-“
“Oh? What do we have here?” Looking up, you got a glance at whoever you had bumped into. You didn’t like what you saw.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” Despite never meeting him in person before, you knew all too well who this boy was.
Yuuji Terushima was well known in the girls’ volleyball community for his playboy antics. Much like Oikawa, he had fangirls constantly falling at his feet and he could never seem to keep a girlfriend for very long. You rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m not alone, and I’m leaving. So, if you’ll excuse me.” Him and his friend stepped in front of you, blocking the way you needed to go.
“C’mon. At least let me get your number?” You were half tempted to give it to just so that he would leave you alone, but you were determined not to give him the satisfaction. Sighing, you tilted your head up to glare at him, too exhausted to deal with him.
“Whoa!” A familiar tuft of orange hair slid in between you and Terushima, and you were extremely grateful for it. Although, he was trembling, clearly intimidated by the other boy, and in the end resorted to just pushing you past the two of them to get you away.
Although, Terushima didn’t look like he was about to give up, and quickly caught your wrist before you could get too far away, pushing Hinata away with his other hand. You winced as his grip tightened to the point where it hurt, and you pulled away from him forcefully.
“Listen here, you bast-“
“Excuse me!” You had to take a step backwards as Hinata leaped in between you once again, launching himself as high into the air as he could get.
“Rei-chan is our precious manager, so, um…”
“Karasuno? So, you guys beat the six-foot-seven guy?” You were extremely pissed that he had dropped his harassment of you the second he realised who the spiker in front of you was, but you were relieved that he had stopped.
“Man, I wanted to play that guy too.” The arrogance of some volleyball boys. He placed his hand on top of Hinata’s head, ruffling his hair.
“If we ever go against each other in the decider tournament, let’s have some fun and play.” With one last smirk and a wink directed your way, him and his friend walked off, clearly not bothered about getting your number anymore.
“What a dickhead.”
Lifting your head up from where it was buried under your covers, you groaned as you heard the ringing of your phone. After a few seconds of fumbling around trying to locate the damn thing, you found that it had fallen off your bed and onto the floor.
You didn’t recognise the number, but answered it anyway, too tired to think of who it could be.
“Tsukki?” You immediately sat up, pushing away the blankets you had covered yourself with. He sighed through the phone and you furrowed your eyebrows, beyond confused. How did he even get your number?
“Is everything okay?” There was another pause, and it was worrying you.
“My brother invited me to this practice with his teammates from college and I was wondering if you’d maybe want to come with me?” To say you were shocked was an understatement. Was Tsukishima asking you to hang out with him?
“You don’t have to-“
“No! no, I’ll come. Just text me the address and I’ll meet you both there, okay?” He seemed to let out a breath of relief.
“Okay. I’ll… see you soon.” He hung up and you dropped your phone into your lap and fell back into your pillows. The text notification pinged not long afterwards, signalling that he had done what you asked him to.
Running a hand along your face, you groaned once again. That had to have been the most awkward phone call of your life. There were so many questions floating around in your head, but you ignored them all and quickly got out of bed to make yourself look presentable.
A quick glance at the clock told you that it was already seven o’clock, which meant that you were probably in for a very late night tonight. Although, it didn’t really seem to bother you much as you pulled a hoodie over your head and grabbed your bag, walking out of the door in a rush.
The boys were already well into a game by the time you arrived, and you winced as you watched a spiker hit straight through Tsukishima’s block, the ball hitting the court floor and stop at your feet. You picked it up, spinning it in your hands before turning to look at the players.
“Kageyama Rei?”
“Kageyama? Shiratorizawa’s first year ace?” Blushing at all of the attention suddenly directed at you, you tossed the ball back over to Tsukishima, hit catching it easily with his big hands.
“Rei-chan! It’s nice to see you!” You spotted Akiteru and smiled at him, giving him a small wave.
“It’s nice to see you too, Akiteru.” They took a brief time out, and Tsukishima made his way over to you.
“Sorry for calling you so late.” He lifted a hand up to rub the side of his neck sheepishly and you giggled at him.
“After watching that block, I’m glad you did. You look like a twig. What happened to your form?” He scowled at you, rolling his eyes.
“I didn’t invite you here to be insulted.”
“What did you invite me here for then?” His eyes widened slightly, clearly not having expected you to ask that.
“Uh… help? I guess? You seem to be good at giving the others advice.” He was extremely flustered, and you could tell that he was the type of person to handle things by himself most of the time, which made it more surprising that he’d asked you for help.
“Well, I shouldn’t have to tell you by now to keep your arms angled forwards over the net instead of straight up, so you don’t get knocked back as much.” His first instinct was to snap at you with some sort of insult, but he was the one that invited you out and asked for your help, so he just kept his mouth shut and nodded.
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him take criticism that well.” Akiteru had wandered over, a big grin on his face as usual. You chuckled along with him and Tsukishima rolled his eyes again.
“Kageyama Rei, huh? No wonder you looked familiar. You’re practically famous.” You could hear the slight sarcasm in his tone, and you shook your head in amusement.
“I wish.” You felt a pang of sadness in your heart at the memories that came to mind, but it hadn’t seemed to bother you as much as it used to. Maybe you were finally getting over it.
Tsukishima was called back over to play, and you wished him good luck before making your way over to sit on the bench. You watched him carefully as he played, making sure to give him as many tips for improvement as you could. It was slow, but you could see him getting used to the higher level of players, and soon enough, his blocks were looking a lot stronger than they had at the beginning.
Before you realised it, it had been almost two hours, and the boys all packed up. Tsukishima insisted on walking you at least part of the way home, and you didn’t miss the suggestive look Akiteru sent you when you waved him goodbye.
It was silent most of the way back, both of you tired out, enjoying the breath of fresh evening air. Even so, the company was nice, especially seen as it was Tsukishima. For being invited out so unexpectedly, you’d had quite a relaxing night in all. Focusing on helping just one player instead of an entire team was a welcome change from your manager duties.
“Hmm?” He glanced down at you as you both walked, taking notice of how much paler you looked in the moonlight.
“What’s your biggest fear?” His step faltered, not expecting the sudden question, and your eyes flickered to him briefly. The silence settled back in between the two of you as he gave it some thought, eventually sighing and shrugging, not being able to come up with an answer.
“What’s yours?” It didn’t take you as long to answer, having had plenty of time to think about things such as fears during the time you were hospitalised.
“The soul train.”
“Soul train?” You hummed, lost in your own head.
“When an ambulance gets stopped by a train, they call it the soul train. They say it’s because that person’s time on Earth is up, and they aren’t meant to be saved. Some even say the train takes the soul with it when it leaves.” Tsukishima didn’t think he’d ever seen you so serious and for some reason it didn’t sit right with him.
He wanted to see you happy.
He wanted to make you happy.
He just didn’t know where to start.
“If it’s your time to go, then it’s your time. But that won’t happen for years and years from now, so you have nothing to worry about.” He was tempted to place a reassuring hand on your shoulder, but held back, too nervous to ruin the moment.
“I guess so.” He watched as you sighed and put on a smile, but your eyes were still so sad.
Once again, the silence settled between you for a moment, each of you enjoying the other’s company.
“What’s your favourite colour?” You burst out laughing at the sudden lack of seriousness, and it brought a smile to Tsukishima’s face. Your laugh echoed through the empty streets, and it had all of a sudden become his new favourite, topping all of the music he listened to by miles.
The rest of the walk carried a similar atmosphere, small bouts of back and forth chatter continuing until you reached the familiar corner of the street where your routes parted.
“Goodnight, Tsukki.” You gave him a small wave before turning away to walk home.
“Kei.” He called after you, and you looked back in confusion.
“Call me Kei. Tadashi calls me Tsukki.” You could see the light dusting of pink on his cheeks, and you smiled at the sweet gesture.
“Okay then. Goodnight, Kei.”
“Goodnight, Rei.” For once, he showed you a genuine smile, and you couldn’t help how your heart fluttered at the sight.
This boy was determined to be the death of you.
“Koutarou! I missed you!” This time, it wasn’t Bokuto pulling you into a hug, but the other way around. He laughed as you practically launched yourself at him the second you walked through the gym doors.
This was one of two occasions before the next set of matches began where you could come to Tokyo and see your friends. The next time that Karasuno visited for a training camp would be the last time you would see any of them until nationals – if you managed to make it there.
Bokuto laughed as your arms tightened around his neck, spinning you around like he usually did. He put you down when he noticed a certain blond blocker staring at the both of you.
“Hey, Tsukki! Jump blocks for me! Hey, hey, hey!” You pulled away from Bokuto, frowning when you noticed Tsukishima’s expression.
“Yes, thank you for working with me.” You shared a look of shock with Akaashi, none of you believing your ears. He had been so determined to avoid practicing at the last training camp, it was weird to see him agree straight away, without any provocation.
He really had changed for the better.
From then on in, the days passed a lot quicker than you expected. As well as the training camps, there was an extreme amount of individual practice going on, and everyone was fine-tuning their skills as much as they could before October rolled around. It was already September, and practice never stopped, even as school started up again.
The Neighbourhood Association, made up of Ukai’s friends, popped in for a few practice matches every now and then, a nice change instead of the boys practicing just between themselves.
You continued to accompany Tsukishima to his brother’s team’s practices, watching as he steadily improved his blocks. It really wouldn’t be long until he was at a high enough level to block even Ushijima.
You drew in a sharp breath as the ball hit Tsukishima’s hand with enough force to injure him, and you grimaced at the expression of pain that flashed across his features.
You immediately brought him over to the side-lines, helping him bandage his fingers in a way that was oddly reminiscent of the time he had sat in his kitchen with you after you cut your hand on that glass. He tried to refuse you, wanting to do it himself, but you wouldn’t allow it.
“You helped me like this once before, so let me do the same for you. Please?” He couldn’t ignore the way you begged him with your eyes and huffed, slightly enjoying the way you gently held his hand in yours as you wrapped his fingers together with the tape.
Every member of the team was improving rapidly, and you couldn’t help but cheer proudly as Yamaguchi hit a good float serve. Not only did it land within the bounds of the court, Noya wasn’t able to receive it for the first time, leaving both him and Yamaguchi dumbfounded.
At this rate, the team really did have a shot of making it to nationals.
Soon enough, you were back in Tokyo for the last training camp, and you were stood in complete shock as Hinata managed to hit a spike over Nekoma’s block entirely. It was out, but you had never seen him jump so high. Was there a chance that he could jump even higher than he already did or was it a fluke?
“You better make it to nationals, angel. I want to play against your team in a real match.” You nudged Kuroo in the side with your elbow as he swung his arm around your shoulders.
“You’re the ones that should be worrying. You’ll have to play against Bokuto.” He chuckled deeply, and you could feel the vibrations from his chest.
“Don’t worry, sugar. We’ll get there.” You smiled and leaned your head into his chest, knowing it would be the last. Time you’d see him until January at least.
Life really wasn’t slowing down.
“Kei!” You ran up to him from behind, jumping onto his back. He hadn’t even heard you approach, meaning he had to react as quickly as possible in order to reach back and catch your legs before you fell.
You giggled as he hooked his arms under your knees, pulling your legs around his waist as you draped your arms over his shoulders.
“Hey, hey, Tsukki!” He turned around slowly, making sure that you would fall as he watched Bokuto and Akaashi catch up with you.
“You have to make sure you win against Ushiwaka and come here!”
“Why’s that?”
“Because, Tsukki, I have an overwhelming winning rate against you right now. So, if you score an overwhelming victory against Ushiwaka, that’s an over-overwhelming victory against Ushiwaka for me.” You rolled your eyes. There really wasn’t anyone that could boost Bokuto’s ego like the man himself.
“Tarō, sweetie, that’s not how it works.” Tsukishima resisted the urge to shiver as he felt your breath fan against his neck.
It seemed that Bokuto wasn’t going to listen to you, too caught up in his own excitement. As he strode off, Akaashi followed, leaving you alone with Tsukishima.
“Mind telling me why you’re currently on my back?” You hummed tiredly, and he felt the vibration in his spine.
“Thought it would be fun.” He smiled, shaking his head at you in amusement, continuing his walk back to the dorms. He stayed silent, not knowing what to say to you, especially if he couldn’t see you. Although, halfway through the walk, he felt your grip around his neck slacken, and your head came to rest on his shoulder, your breath tickling his neck.
You had fallen asleep on his back.
There were no words for how unbelievably adorable Tsukishima thought that was, but he could feel his heart practically bursting out of his chest as he walked you up to the girl’s dorm, luckily finding the door open with the managers inside.
They all looked at Tsukishima in surprise when he entered but were even more shocked to see you asleep on his back. They watched as he knelt down next to your futon and gently pull you off his back, placing you down on top of it.
Your hand managed to clutch onto the sleeve of his jacket, and he didn’t even try to hide the smile that it brought to your lips as he pried your fingers away carefully before pulling your blanket over you and tucking you in.
He bowed politely to the group of managers before turning to exit the room, ignoring how they were gaping at him. As he left the dorm, he passed some of the Karasuno members who had watched the entire thing happen and were also staring at him in bewilderment.
He rolled his eyes at the smug look Yamaguchi had on his face as he passed, making his way to the boy’s dorm to get some sleep.
None of them mentioned what they saw that day, and the only information you received the next morning when you woke up was that Tsukishima was the one that carried you back.
Even without the extra details, it increased your heart rate instantly, bringing a red flush to your cheeks in embarrassment as the other girls teased you about it.
“Do you like him?” You choked on air as the question suddenly came up. You had to pause and give it some real thought.
Did you?
The teasing banter, the way he almost seemed to glance at you every time he blocked to make sure you’d seen it, how you always seemed to look for him whenever someone entered the room. Even with the entire team present, you always managed to focus back on him, no matter what was happening. You had begun to look forward to the days where you walked home together, especially after the practices with his brother, and you had found yourself staring at his contact in your phone, thumb hovering over the call button, somewhat missing his voice.
It was his smile you enjoyed seeing the most; the one he tried to hide from you, or only showed you in the late evening before you parted ways. You had begun to feel secure around him, despite his intimidating nature. When you were with him, all of your worries disappeared and you could be the most genuine version of yourself, which is something that you hadn’t experienced in almost an entire year now.
Oh god.
“Yeah. I think I do.”
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taglist: @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire​, @loreblackthorne​, @tchalameme​, @lorentime​ @influxencer​, @enagmaticether​, @nerdstuff1994​, @keikink​, @ewwis​ 
J: I don't really know why but this chapter had such a weird vibe while I was writing it and I just can’t figure out what’s different? Anyways, updates might get a bit slower from now because I might be going back to work at some point next week :(
52 notes · View notes
snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 116 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1,671 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
  RATE THE CHAPTER 1,533 responses
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The chapter overall had positive reviews, with only 19 respondents leaning toward disliking the chapter. Will Isayama be able to keep up this momentum with the rising action?
Amazing as always. Definitely I always get surprised by Isayama each chapter, you never know what can happened in the next chapter, and i love that. Thank you Isayama
It was amazing. Can't wait to see how things will play out
Felt short, little content. I'm happy Porco can be seen when Pieck says "hey there", nice touch
I don't understand how some people thought this chapter was boring. I found it to be the most entertaining one in ages! Hyyyype. Also yay Colt!
I'm glad it looks like we'll get a bit of a break from the political conspiracies and constant double crossing. This is not the kind of stuff I started reading this manga for.
Pretty good chapter with a lot of characters stepping up imo. It's getting pretty tense and I was hoping for more information regarding Ymir or more of Zeke but reasonably this chapter was necessary.
1,634 responses
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This chapter had no shortage of excitement, and we nearly had a three-way tie for the favorite moment of the chapter. For 14.7%, Eren coldly calling Pieck’s bluff was chilling enough to be their favorite moment. In contrast, 14.6% most enjoyed Pieck’s betrayal as she turned to name Eren her enemy. Despite Porco’s failure to incapacitate Eren, 14.1% still loved the Jaw Titan’s surprise attack! He tried!
Nice to see Eren playing 4D Chess with Pieck. I loved Pieck's "Please take care of me!" as she went up the stairs! And Yelena standing up for Sasha was a great moment in my book too - a bit extreme like, but that's Yelena's style though! Eren at the end returning to his old self - angry and legless - was my favourite moment though!
my favorite moment was jean, just jean, jean all the time but that wasn't an option :(
Reiner finally showing his beautiful face again is the best, one can only hope that we get Annie soon.
This chapter was amazing and really set the tone for the upcoming battle. That last page with Reiner looking down at Eren was my fav moment.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,627 responses
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This wasn’t much of a competition - with Pieck taking the MVP title for Chapter 116 with more than half (56.2%) of respondents thinking her actions were exactly right (as expected). We had a close race for second place, with Jean (17%) taking a slight lead over our problematic protagonist (15.4%).
I never really got invested much in the new Marley characters, but god damn if I don’t love Pieck more after every chapter. I mean the pointing thing? That was SICK
I liked Nicolo's defending of Sasha and it hurt to see her family forced to listen to that guy degrading her. And because of his feelings for her and for eldians, I chose him as the MVP for now :)
Grior. He showed us how deeply Nicolo felt about Sasha, he created a scene where Jean got to show his worth, and he opened the door to everyone seeing exactly how creepy Yelena is. He made EVERYONE (besides Yelena) look good. :D
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The vast majority are happy to see someone from Gabi’s side of the war finally tell her the reality of their situation. 12% of respondents don’t think it will ultimately matter as Gabi is too stubborn to change her views. A smaller portion feel that Pieck doesn’t actually believe what she’s saying to Gabi at all.
Gabi is easily the character whose future development I look forward to the most.
I feel like Gabi needs to listen but Pieck here really means there's another method on the way; the rest is just her LARPing as a restorationist to gain Eren's trust, just as Armin did with Annie in the past.
Gabi's already gotten so many doses of reality that have done nothing. I honestly don't feel anything about these moments at this point.
Pieck isn't entirely lying here. She believes that eldians should fight for themselves and is using Marley to get what she wants. Good on her for calling out Gabi's blind devotion to Marley! Stupid child.
Pieck is showing her true thoughts but won't act on them, because she won't betray Marley and everyone she knows.
Gabi truly believes that all the Warriors are doing what they do in the name of Marely, Zeke turned his back on Marley to accomplish his ultimate goal and Pieck revealed that she doesn't trust them at all. Gabi may understand that simply being an honorary Marleyian isn't why the Warriors fight for Marley, they simply fight for themselves, even if it does help Marley to an extent.
I'm more interested in what it means for Pieck's viewpoint tbh. She says this, and is clearly smart enough to know this to be true, and yet is still apparently fighting for Marley. I'm very interested to see whether she actually has any ideas on how to win Eldian freedom after the Paradis battle.
Pieck was telling half-truths to Gabi, she knows about the danger of the Eldians being obsolete but Eren is not the answer for the survival of her people in the mainland.
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70% of respondents feel similarly to Jean, believing that Eren wouldn’t do everything he’s done without a good reason for it. 21% feel similarly to Armin, just wishing to understand Eren’s actions and why. A smaller percentage feel similarly to Connie and agree that Eren has simply become irredeemable regardless of his motivations.
I still don't know how to feel about Eren and his plans
I really like how Jean was trying to see Eren in a different light to try to understand him and Connie's ongoing grudge against eren.
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Jean provided some much-needed comfort this chapter, and 38.4% were most pleased that he decided to finally introduce some much-needed objectivity to the Eren discussion. On top of that, another 26.1% were most impressed with his ability to stay calm despite the stressful circumstances.
All of the above. Any of these moments in isolation would have been good, but it's all of them taken together that made Jean amazing this chapter.
Now our favourite Jailbirds: I'm so happy to see them after a few months. Jean continues to be the best, and my most favourite boy, I liked how rationally and objectively he viewed the situation -- and the fact that he was still vouching for Eren, and showing so much care for Mikasa made my heart flutter a lil bit.
Horse-face standing up for that suicidal bastard was the best moment in this chapter!!! Jean growing so much makes him best boi-horse ever!
He should join the yaegerists, then we can talk about best boy
Literally anything the majestic stallion does classified him as best boi. He breathes and he’s best boi.
Jean's actions in this chapter show the signs of a good leader, and I hope he is rewarded for it down the line.
getting the SOLID gift of character development that just KEEPS ON GIVING
Oh so for THIS one you ain't got 'all of the above'? WHERE IS ALL OF THE ABOVE
You utter fools, everything Jean has done since Season 1 has solidified him as best boi
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Is it getting hot in that jail cell or did Mikasa take off her scarf for more personal reasons? Almost half of us believe this is hinting at Mikasa breaking away from Eren in some way, but more than a third think it’s just another of many instances where Mikasa has gone scarfless for practical reasons.
Isayama probs used it to sew another seed of doubt so that we'd ask this exact question.
she's sad :(
It's typical for her to take the scarf off when it's warm, so it shouldn't have any significance, however it's hard to think she would just casually remove/interact with the scarf after that conversation. I feel like Mikasa'd either keep it with her at all times, or get rid of it completely (though if it's the latter, the chapter should've focused on the absence of the scarf more). For now, the scarf situation has me really confused.  
She doesn't want to think about Eren right now
She finally saw how hot Jean is. Just as everyone else in that cell. That's it.
She is Sad, not Mad at Eren
This can mean that she is still shaken up after what Eren said to her, but that doesn't mean she's sick of him. She's probably realizing that her attachment to him is not doing her any good so far.
She wants to let go
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The majority are still uncertain about where Onyankopon stands. Less than 1/4th of the fandom believe he’s truly on Yelena’s site.  Many agree that he needed to side with Yelena at that moment regardless of what he truly believes. Nearly half the fandom (45.6%) selected “He’s been too hard to predict, I hadn’t made up my mind.”
My man is legit Yelena’s hostage. He never asked for this.
He looks very hesitant, so I am also hesitant to make a call
he’s sweating and eyeing yelena like he’s worried so he is just playing along with. i think he’ll go free the 104th during the commotion!
At the very least, he and Yelena are not on the same page. In a way, they've been foils since their introduction: from the way they interact with the Survey Corps, the ways they assisted in Liberio, to their stance on God. I've always loved their dynamic, and I definitely look forward to more of these two in the future!
Great way for Yams to maintain tension in the storyline. It doesn't really matter what he chooses, but he works great as a character to bounce concepts off of.
He is on Yelena's side for now. You can tell that the guilt is weighing on him.
He's just here until the next Star Wars movie
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Perhaps the most interesting thing in this result is that 51 people in our fandom don’t want to punch Grior. The vast majority (72.2%) selected the highest choice, “I’ve never rooted harder for Yelena”
She's nuts but she's fun and gets props for shooting Grior.
Jheez the disrespect coming from Grior. Connie and Nicolo were rightfully fuming. Yelena putting a hole in his head has been the best thing she’s done in the whole story.
Fuck Grior
I wasn't a fan of Grior, but shooting him was an overkill. Yelena did it in front of the kids no less.
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“Crazy” was the most common reaction with nearly half the fandom (41.9%) selecting that option.
Although she's 'cray cray', I would feel bad for her and Zeke if they find out that Eren is using both of them. I'm staying neutral to her.
I hate fanatics. I hope Zeke steps on her and we never see her again.
I love Yelena. Truly, her actions aren't that right, but everyone in this show depends on some corrupt decisions. I'm sure she has good reasons why she's that way and she shows to the 104th some of her weak as well as nice side. I think she would be a good ally for them, but we will see!  
She's very interesting, although her motivations are indeed 'crazy' (not normal admiration for the Yeager brothers), her actions stay logical and reasonable considering her goal.
First she kills people in ruthless way and few minutes later she is crying and tells others about Yeager bros being gods. Yet, I have to admit that she is a good character.  
She’s an interesting combination of things tenacious, devoted and cunning. I can’t wait to find out if what her and Zeke want is actually the same thing.
cray cray, but still, P O U N D T O W N
  WHY WAS ARMIN CRYING? 1,573 responses
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Another strong consensus in the poll! 65.4% selected “He realized Eren would never agree with what she said, and is still on their side”.
Armin is trying to like to gain the upper hand
he must've felt overwhelmed with something, and decided to play it to his advantage
Biggest mystery of the whole manga imo. Ymir fritz and he origins of the titans? Nah fam, I need to know why Armin crying was important enough to take up a whole pageworth of panels.
Boy tryna get tf outta here even if it means temporarily joining yelena’s wack ass cult
He just got heads-up about some harsh truth.
He was definitely faking
He's figured SOMETHING out, we don't know just yet. I'm so excited, it's been a while since we've seen his tactical cunning side!
He's obviously manipulating her. Yelena is a bit of a nut case, but she's also really passionate. Armin is using that to his advantage. 
I think he's genuinely crying, but certainly not for the reason he said. As for why exactly... Not sure, it might be for a lot of things… I think he understood something about what Eren's plan might be
he could be crying from relief. he has known eren the longest, knows how much he values freedom, and knows he would never agree to euthanasia. after 112, he was really asking himself whether eren was actually on their side or not. he's definitely seeing through his mask now and realizes that he's playing zeke and his cult like a damn fiddle.
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Ahem. The Snk Poll Team would like to remind you that we asked this question in the chapter 111 poll and at that time only 27% believed he knew about the wine. Just sayin’ :P
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The larger half of the fandom doesn’t feel that the wine plot had anything to do with Eren taking his own actions. Still, nearly half feel it’s possible it could have influenced his decisions.
Eren is planning something
Eren is suspicious.
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Nearly 75% of voters feel that Eren does care about Falco’s situation, but not enough to distract him from his plans. Nearly 15% feel that Eren doesn’t actually care about Falco at all, and 9% believe that he is feeling concerned for Falco.
Sympathizes with another unknowing Eldian pawn
Eren collapsed a building on Falco, like, are we forgetting this.
He thinks he cares, but has decided that the end justifies the means. How noble
I think that Eren thinks it sucks but that 'it be like that'
He’s so cray cray right now that I don’t know what to think
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Was Eren shading Yelena? 30% of the fandom seems to think so. 23% feel that he is referring to Kiyomi. 20% don’t want to make any calls yet but feel that this is something we’ll be calling back to down the road, while 10% think the rest of us are making a big deal out of a small statement. A few write-ins also listed Annie, Hange, Gabi and Historia as potential options.
He's talking about Pieck, the translation is weird.
Can we hack Eren's brain?
Have we considered Historia? I'd love for Historia to be one of the big players herself.
Either he's talking about Pieck if you take the translation as "just as she doesn't trust me" or Yelena, since he's not on board with her plan as a whole.
"That woman" is Kiyomi and she will appear like a wildcard next chapter.
I think that he means Pieck doesn't trust him either? I don't really know, the translations are so wildly different.
  WHO PLAYED THE OTHER BETTER? 1,608 responses
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Regardless of who wins or loses the upcoming titan battle, Pieck won the chapter with more than 75% believing she won this particular meeting of the minds.
As expected of Pieck, she's best girl (hope she won't die too soon).
Erem seemed way too easily convinced by Pieck that she would point out her colleagues. Yes he threatened her with his pricked finger, and yes he was ready to transform on the roof, but it felt like he went along with everything too quickly.
I love pieck and eren and I didn't know I needed them to meet until now!
I was super worried that Pieck wouldn’t be given any spotlight and would stay in the background forever. Now all I need is her last name and I will die happy.
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Sorry Porco. Most (73.1%) of us have no confidence in you. But look on the bright side - 17.1% think that maybe you can be redeemed. Oof.
Coming up through the roof *was* his moment of glory. It's all downhill from there.
His moment of glory was getting to see ymir's gorgeous face four years back
I believe that his mission was about injuring Eren, not eating him. I hope he will have his own five minutes because he is strong as a titan and knows very well how to use his powers.
Eating Erens legs off is pretty impressive on its own right tbh
Eren is gonna eat him before he gets another chance to do something impactful
He'll be forever a failure but I still love him very much! He's trying his best!!
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The opening scene, and one of the most iconic, has had several imitations since. The slight overall majority, at 51% think that Eren turning the tables and being the one to deliver the grim reminder in chapter 100 was the grimmest.  33.5% of you prefer the classic scene that started it all.  9.2% thought that this chapter offered the grimmest circumstance, with Marley’s blimps appearing overhead.
The grimest reminder was chapter 84 for the simple reason that heroes of the story showed the worst side of humanity and ever since then I think they don't deserve happy ending.
It’s so cool that we get to see another grim reminder, again, so soon, as to ensure that it has little emotional impact!
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There was some genuine excitement at seeing Reiner’s return to Paradis. Of the Marley cast, 84% where most excited to see him.
Why you gotta be assuming people are unanimously excited for Marley characters to return? I literally could have gone this entire series without any of them.
ITS BEEN SO LONG MY SON IS BACK i missed you reiner youre doing amazing sweetie pls dont die @_@
My ovaries exploded when Reiner showed up looking badass with those swimming goggles. I missed my best baby boy so much.
REINER VS EREN ROUND 4 BABY!!! hopefully reiner can win! he deserves to win a fight with eren once at least lol
I was so happy to see Reiner again. It's so ironic of Isayama, that Reiner looks like a hero in this panel and Eren as the bad guy.
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In chapter 92 we saw Reiner join his comrades by jumping out of a blimp; will he do it again?  And if so, who will join him?  The general consensus, at 92.8% think Reiner will be skydiving once more; and about half at 52.2% think Colt will join him this time.  36.6% of you think Magath will as well, with 73.4% feeling he’ll likely command from the skies.  2.8% of you think no one will be leaving the blimp anytime soon.
Reiner again! I still fear that Colt will end like Farlan, but it's just me.
I freakin' wish Pixis weren't in jail. I'd love to see him and Magath match wits while commanding large forces.
Colt is allowed to exist dammit
I think Marley is going for the same tactic they used in Slava: sending in Pieck and Porco on the ground, then deploy Reiner via parachute. Zeke will also show up last this time and fire on enemy ships, the difference being that the enemy isn’t marley and the ships are airborne.
I didn’t realize Colt was even in this chapter until I filled out this survey
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With Eren recently acquiring the unique and awesome war hammer abilities, many of us are waiting with bated breath to see him show them off.  87.5% think that Eren will utilize them in the battle, and 8.3% think he already has.  While his titan form doesn’t seem radically different yet, it seems to have formed in the style Lady Tybur’s did.  Only 4.2% don’t believe Eren will break out these powers.
Disappointed that Isayama didn't give Eren's titan form a redesign after eating the Warhammer Titan. Hopefully we'll be able to see how Eren's going to utilize its power in the next chapter.
Marley came prepared to deal with the Founding+Attack+Warhammer Titan. If he's overwhelmed, he may get desperate and who knows what could happen then.
I thought Eren easily fell into a trap, and I don't see why he can't easily take down the blimps with his Warhammer power.
After that Awesome entrance I really wanna see warriors kicking his Eldian ass, but I just somehow know that Eren Warhammer will wreck them.
i'm really hoping to see some badass war hammer action
i am ready for the war hammer boy
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The results here are relatively divided. Nearly 40% of the fandom believe that Eren’s going to be able to handle himself in this battle without the help of the Survey Corps. 23% are certain that he will be defeated. 30% feel it could go either way and don’t want to make a solid prediction.
Eren will struggle but ultimately not be taken captive
He is totally going to get kidnapped😆
They will help him anyways. They need to protect their home, and without Eren it's impossible
Eren's fine. He's been able to predict and deal with everything up to this point. If he knew there were already spies on Paradis, he could've predicted the invasion. Might be too much credit, but he might've even used Pieck's arrival as the opportunity to lure everyone out.
With the help of Zeke and the Yeagerists I believe he’ll be able to hold his own
I sure hope so. He better fail. And he SC better only reluctantly help him they have to; ends don't justify means Eren. You made your bed, you gotta lie in it.
He has the support of the Yaeger faction, Eren has shown massive improvement with his fighting ability in titan form in Marley, and with the power of the Warhammer he can only improve.
He will not be able to overcome them on his own BUT WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP will win out once Armin convinces everyone of the truth
Last time he didn’t have the Warhammer’s abilities, now he does. He also has the Yeagerist faction with him. I say he takes it.
We've never seen Eren in a fight where he was completely on his own.  He always relied on an assist from either the Survey Corps or an Ackerman.  It's going to be  really, really interesting to see how he does without his cheat codes.
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Another battle finally erupts!  What other challengers will approach?  Zeke is the most popular option at 68.7%.  Armin, Mikasa,  and Jean all had about half the fandom voting for them, and Connie and Floch just below that, but still popular choices.  About 90% of you think Levi and Hange will sit this one out whilst on their own little adventure.
I suspect that Zeke will show up with the Yeagerists in time to save his younger brother.
If Zeke should appear, then the battle is almost certainly lost to Marley.
Zeke will probably show up at that moment so he can save Eren just as he claimed he would long ago. His promise to Eren was even brought up Pieck this chapter, who we know is exactly right!
Reiner is going to get SO depressed when Armin transforms into the Colossal. Also not a big fan of Annie but she needs to get out now.
Now Eren is facing the strong enemies alone. I would like to see how he can handle them, that why I hope that Zeke and SC won't join. I want Reiner to win at least once.
Floch and co. will come to the rescue after Eren starts losing
I'm sorry but ew who wants to see Floch?
Floch needs to make an appearance I wanna see the rest of the 104th rip him a new ass hole tbh
Floch is best boy
I just really wanna see all titans fighting each other. Just Imagine how Eren is standing there with Zeke like : Hey We just won and then Eren is kicked from behind by Annie and then Levi show up + Armin (and others) gets out of prison and transform to fight Eren.
I know I've said that I hoped Hanji and Levi stay away from this war as long as they can but LORD please tell me how they've been currently.
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Has Eren burned every bridge?  The majority, at about 55% think both Armin and Jean will still end up siding with him.  Just below that, 47.7% think Mikasa will continue to support him.  28.9% think everyone listed will oppose joining up with him.
Eren alienated Mikasa and Armin so i think they won't join, but they can't abandon him either.
I bet Eren broke ties with Armin and Mikasa so that they wouldn't get involved in this fight, because he's seen a scenario where they die here.
It's hard to tell because Eren's "side" is still quite a mystery. If he truly believe in the euthanasia plan then I doubt anyone in the SC will join him, even Mikasa. But if it turns out his plan is something else we don’t know, then they might help him in the end. Most likely Armin and Jean. But I doubt any of the SC joins the Euthanasia side, now we just need to find out if that's actually Eren's side.
Mikasa believes that the Eren now isn't the Eren she knew back when he saved her
I think it would be interesting for at least one warrior to join forces with him.
  IS THIS THE FINAL BATTLE? 1,570 responses
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The warriors have returned to Paradis Island on the offensive!  Will this be the final conflict in the manga, or is there more to come?  78% of you feel there will be another fight after this one; while 22% think we’re in the endgame with this brawl.
I'm concerned that if this does turn out to be the final battle many important characters like Levi, Hange, Historia and Annie will not be involved.
I think this is the start of the final fight but depending on how you look at it the fight may pause and continue on elsewhere, but this is for sure the final conflict I think
The chapter is a kickstart to the final climax of the manga, and I'm excited to see how the end turns out.
I hope this isn't the final battle, if so, I hope its very long
The final battle will end up decimating the entire island. No one will survive.
I really like that Pieck was pointing her finger at Eren, as he asked on the rooftop where the enemy is and she said 'there'. I'm wondering if this has a special meaning that Isayama will turn Eren into the last 'antagonist' for his final arc. Maybe the last fight, includes the whole world vs. Eren, but who knows?
This chapter was great! i thought pieck will side with eren and others but nope. Also hyped for final battle!
I hope it isn’t the final battle. I’m so confused by everything happening.
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The biggest winners this month were unsurprisingly Jean and Pieck, with huge upswings in popularity. On the other end, Onyankopon, Yelena and even poor Connie took a hit. It seems Connie’s distrust of Eren might have upset a few people.
I don’t know who in the SC will side with Eren but I am almost completely sure Connie won’t.
I'm glad we got to see more of pieck! best girl snapped on this chapter. She was playing it safe and smart with the things she was saying to both Eren and Gabi.
Could someone please punch eren in the face
Honestly feels like Onyankopon is just a side character that won't affect the plot much at all and therefor is pretty much irrelevant.
Also, WTF are you doing, Onyankopon?
Can't say I was surprised about how things unfolded. The SC are still in jail, at this point it's laughable. Pieck and Marley attack - who didn't see it coming? Onyankopon is still shady. Yelena is still cray cray. Eren is still acting like a heartless asshole. Gabi is beyond redemption, she would have shot Pieck if she hadn't been stopped. So nothing much was new :D
Still tryin to figure out what's the point of Gabi in this story.
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Just like last time, most respondents (37.5%) believe that Chapter 130 is most likely to be the final chapter of the manga. 85% think that the manga will go until at least 130, and 48% think it will go until at least 134. With the recent announcement that the manga will continue for another 1-2 years, it’s looking like we won’t be getting a conclusion before Chapter 128 (or 130 if we are going by volume-ending chapters and chapters per volume remains the same).
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We may or may not have forgotten to include Annie on this list, but aside from that, people seem overall most anxious to get an update on Levi’s condition, as well as see Historia (presumably doing something other than sitting in the rocking chair). Floch… sorry, dude.
Annie wake up and kick some people in the head.
Can we get some annie or is she just like the basement we'll never get?
I just want to see Bertoto at some point again :(
I still curious with Levi's and Hange's condition after Hange throws herself to the river.
I wonder how many more angles can we view Historia from that rocking chair.
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Porco and Pieck look good in Paradise Military coats...
It would make the most sense for Eren to lose this upcoming fight because he abandoned his friends, while the opposing side is united because of their friendship (if we're speaking in narrative terms). But we still don't know what his thoughts are, how much he knows, what his plans are, or his reasoning for anything. How can he be the main antagonist of this fight if we don't know this much? Idk but I hope we'll get some clarification during the fight (but I doubt it)
Will Reiner overcome his sufferboi status to finally do something right for himself? That's what I want to see.
I want to know if they have Hot Chocolate in the cell or some coffee. Why only tea? What is Eren planning withholding the coffee?
Armin's ability to manipulate has levelled up so much! He might be overplaying it a little bit with the tears, but considering previously he was really bad at making the emotions on his face reflect what he was saying, he's getting better at it. It both excites and saddens me. Excites because it makes him all the more dangerous; saddens because my greatest wish for Armin is that he needn't know these skills at all. Just let him be free and travel and see cool things! He deserves it.
What a ride!  And what a turn-around.  I love how the narration has come around to Eren being the villain, and Pieck and Reiner being the heroes.  I also can't wait to see Eren get his ass stomped.
I'm so happy that it looks like the remains of the 104th might actually do something soon.
The direction the manga is going it’s fucked up. I think the manga has lost that sparkle that once had. Basically at this point everybody is waiting just to see who makes it out alive and lives to tell the tale.
Eren is finished. Maybe imprisoning your best soldiers, crippling your strongest trump card, having Zeke titanize a bunch of Scouts, and generally wreaking havoc in Paradise wasn't such a good idea.
I was really impressed with Eren. He’s become such an interesting and amazing character. And he didn’t fall for Pieck at all, and it was so smart when he healed his finger in front of her to show he “trusted” her, meanwhile still having another finger cut and hidden. And his overal distrust and not telling Pieck anything he knew. He obviously didn’t trust her. *sniff* my baby going out to destroy people
Jean and Connie are both right. Eren's not absolved just because he has reasons for his actions. Lying and manipulating your friends is shitty, especially if you're doing it "for their own good." That's not a solid friendship. I hope Isayama sticks to his guns on this. And also get Historia out of that damn chair, I'm so tired of it. But mostly I really liked this chapter, particularly the arrival of Reiner and Co. And Gabi and Pieck!
Pieck is the best girl of all time. You CAN’T change my mind.
The Marleyan military is attacking Paradis. Them killing Eren and getting his powers is bad for Paradis. I have no idea why there are fans saying the Survey Corps will outright abandon Eren or even fight against him right now. Helping the people currently attacking them is...unwise, to say the least.
I know Eren looks like a tasty snacc, but I would be extremely grateful if Porco keeps his filthy mouth away from Eren. He can eat a 10 foot flaming pineapple for all I care, please and thank you!
Best part of this chapter: no Zeke. Thank you Yams.
Porco and Pieck look good in Paradise Military coats...
It would make the most sense for Eren to lose this upcoming fight because he abandoned his friends, while the opposing side is united because of their friendship (if we're speaking in narrative terms). But we still don't know what his thoughts are, how much he knows, what his plans are, or his reasoning for anything. How can he be the main antagonist of this fight if we don't know this much? Idk but I hope we'll get some clarification during the fight (but I doubt it)
Will Reiner overcome his sufferboi status to finally do something right for himself? That's what I want to see.
I want to know if they have Hot Chocolate in the cell or some coffee. Why only tea? What is Eren planning withholding the coffee?
Armin's ability to manipulate has levelled up so much! He might be overplaying it a little bit with the tears, but considering previously he was really bad at making the emotions on his face reflect what he was saying, he's getting better at it. It both excites and saddens me. Excites because it makes him all the more dangerous; saddens because my greatest wish for Armin is that he needn't know these skills at all. Just let him be free and travel and see cool things! He deserves it.
What a ride!  And what a turn-around.  I love how the narration has come around to Eren being the villain, and Pieck and Reiner being the heroes.  I also can't wait to see Eren get his ass stomped.
I'm so happy that it looks like the remains of the 104th might actually do something soon.
The direction the manga is going it’s fucked up. I think the manga has lost that sparkle that once had. Basically at this point everybody is waiting just to see who makes it out alive and lives to tell the tale.
Eren is finished. Maybe imprisoning your best soldiers, crippling your strongest trump card, having Zeke titanize a bunch of Scouts, and generally wreaking havoc in Paradise wasn't such a good idea.
I was really impressed with Eren. He’s become such an interesting and amazing character. And he didn’t fall for Pieck at all, and it was so smart when he healed his finger in front of her to show he “trusted” her, meanwhile still having another finger cut and hidden. And his overal distrust and not telling Pieck anything he knew. He obviously didn’t trust her. *sniff* my baby going out to destroy people
Jean and Connie are both right. Eren's not absolved just because he has reasons for his actions. Lying and manipulating your friends is shitty, especially if you're doing it "for their own good." That's not a solid friendship. I hope Isayama sticks to his guns on this. And also get Historia out of that damn chair, I'm so tired of it. But mostly I really liked this chapter, particularly the arrival of Reiner and Co. And Gabi and Pieck!
Pieck is the best girl of all time. You CAN’T change my mind.
The Marleyan military is attacking Paradis. Them killing Eren and getting his powers is bad for Paradis. I have no idea why there are fans saying the Survey Corps will outright abandon Eren or even fight against him right now. Helping the people currently attacking them is...unwise, to say the least.
Best part of this chapter: no Zeke. Thank you Yams.
I know Eren looks like a tasty snacc, but I would be extremely grateful if Porco keeps his filthy mouth away from Eren. He can eat a 10 foot flaming pineapple for all I care, please and thank you!
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
Space Between (13)
TAGLIST: @katshrev @elaindeereads @soulmates8 @naturallyqueenie @onyour-right@msincognito67@janellemonaenae @afraiddreamingandloving @hutchj @90sinspiredgirl  @airis-paris14 @dolphinpink310 @purplemuse @amberkay284 @leafdragon117 @meeky-imagines@aieyr @h-challa@quietemptydiariess @katasstrophey @wakanda-inspired@destinio1@dessianna1@blackpantherimagines @httpjex @palmsofgranate@dessianna1@armani9-9@melanisticroyalty @stressedgyal@profilia@theestrangeddreamer@mixedmelanin@almostpurelysmut@writingmarvellousimagines@amberthegamer @sisterwifeudaku@texasbama@lcb7 @kumkaniudaku@lavitabella87  @dessianna1@httpjex @armani9-9 @melanisticroyalty@stressedgyal @idilly @blue-ishx@beautifulbashfulblackqueen @twilight-sapphire-lover@derangedcupcake @thiccdaddy-mbaku@kaytauru @sonofnjobu @wakandamama @LUCI-HER@FRIENDLYNEIGHBORHOODKIRBY@spacequeenstuff @masterbeautyy @thenamesaj
Words: 5K
“He’s lost his goddamn mind.”
“He really had her arrested?”
“Come now, he can’t seriously believe her to be guilty of these accusations?”
“He is clearly hurt by this and not thinking straight.”
“And what of Bunme? What is he to tell her?  Oh, your mommy is in jail for alleged crimes against Wakanda?”
“I’m not sure he’s going to tell her anything. Bast, he hasn’t even let her know that he’s returned.”
“We think she doesn’t know,” N’Jobu sighed. “Bunme is a very smart and crafty child. She very well may have caught wind of their return.”
“I can’t believe that she’s really his child,” Nakia shook her head, her face filled with astonishment. “I can’t believe she lied.”
“She must have had a good reason,” M’Baku chimed.
“Just like he probably thinks that he had a good reason for locking her up like some criminal.” Hawla hissed, pacing across the floor, rubbing her growing baby bump. “He was wise to have his wing of the palace guarded by Doras and that I am with child cause if not for them....” She finished with a groan, her husband placing his hand on her knee to calm her down.
Just then, Shuri and Erik walked into the room, both of them wearing irritated expressions.
“He still will not allow you access?”
“It’s a smart decision cause as soon as I get close enough, I’m knocking his bitch ass out.” The prince growled.
“We can’t just leave her in prison,” Shuri threw her hands up. “What are we to tell Bunme?” The general prayer among the group of concerned individuals was that the little princess would sleep later than her usual 10:00am wake-up-time in order to give them extra time to figure out a course of action.
“We shouldn’t have to tell her nothing. She should be free to tell her herself.” Erik was visibly and soundly irritated by everything. “Damnit, I knew she should have told him. If she would have just listened to me-“
“Wait, you knew?” Nakia pressed.
N’Jobu spoke up and explained how he and his son came to figure out the truth. Erik then chimed in toward the end to inform how Y/N was stopped from telling the truth after a phone call with her sister.
“At this point, does any of that even matter? Our number one concern and priority is figuring out how to get her out of this mess.” M’Baku informed, everyone offering various nods and small quips of agreement.
“You two are the highest in terms of the chain of command, can’t you free her?” Hawla sighed in desperation.
“Unfortunately, with the amount and severity of the charges being alleged against her, only the king can authorize her release.” N’Jobu shook his head, a deep scowl on his face.
“We could break her out-“
“And make her look even more guilty?” Nakia rolled her eyes at Shuri’s kind but naive suggestion. “No. Our only course of action is talking sense into T’Challa.”
“Or beating it out,” Erik muttered earning a glare from his girlfriend.
“I second that motion.”
At that moment, Okoye entered the room full of mixed emotions.
Shuri stood up from her seat and wasted no time. “Can we see him?”
The general hesitated, aggravating Erik.
“Talk, Okoye.”
The fierce warrior glared before sighing. “He is not here.” Variations of “what” and “where has he gone” were thrown at the woman before she loudly and plainly stated. “He went to go see her.” Silence. “Alone.”
“To free her?” Hawla’s voice was full of hope.
“No.” Okoye’s eyed dropped to her ground. She was ashamed. “To take her testimony.”
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
Prisons in Wakanda were far different from the cells back in Niganda. This was something Y/N learned upon being locked in her “cell.” Though she hated even being there, she had to admit that a square shaped cell, covered by transparent walls of vibranium with a bed, mirror, table, and other pieces of furniture was far from what she was expecting.
Perhaps she received such a room because of her status as a royal. However, aesthetically pleasing surroundings could not make up for the inner turmoil that she felt.
She knew that telling T’Challa the truth would be a difficult task, but she never imagined that it would bring about such detrimental consequences. Laying on her side, staring at the wall across from her, all she saw was the broken man before whom she pleaded. All she could hear were his harsh words.
Yes. The fact that she was being accused of such vile treacheries bothered her to her core, but her main concern was getting through to T’Challa. If only he could give her time to explain herself, stress to him that she was going to tell him the truth that very night, but circumstances beyond her control prevented it from happening.
However, her biggest and main concern was Bunme. She didn’t know how her baby girl was doing and prayed that she was not told of her mother’s current whereabouts. How could you explain to a five-year-old that her mother was in jail? She didn’t want that stress on her daughter.
She just prayed that T’Challa felt the same way.
The princess sat up and looked straight ahead, her eyes immediately connecting with a stoic-faced lover of hers.
She wasted no time in standing up and walking toward him, stopping in the middle of the cell, his eyes raking over the stretch pants and an oversized shirt that she’d been given as part of her detainment.
She had so many things that she wanted to say to him yet her mind kept drawing blanks. Words failed to leave her mouth. It took a good minute for her to garner a sentence and even that was marked by brevity.
“She believes us to still be away on our mission.”
That bit of information brought some comfort to the young woman despite the remaining anxiety that ate at her. “So she doesn’t know that I’m here-”
She winced from his tone and dropped her head. “Good-”
“Five years,” he spoke, his eyes focused on the floor, his jaw tense as he struggled to maintain composure. “I’ve missed five years of her life because of you.”
Her slumped shoulders and red eyes gave away her dejection. “T’Challa-”
“I was not there for her first steps, her first word, her birth.” She clenched her eyes shut at his pained delivery. “Why?” She sniffled and went to speak when his fist banged against the wall, causing her to jump back in shock. “WHY?”
“I was scared, T’Challa!” Y/N shouted, wiping at her eyes. “I was terrified at how you would react! I didn’t even know how to react.”
“You should have told me, you knew how I felt about you.” He was legitimately hurt by her deception, not that she could blame him. She’d done this, created this mess. “Did you honestly believe that I would turn you away?” It was damn near unbearable. She couldn’t take the disappointment in his question. She’d never seen him look so vulnerable.
“I don’t know,” she sniffled, her eyes avoiding his as he was now staring directly at her. “I was already hesitant on what to do and then I talked to my sister-”
“Your sister?” He interrupted, his tone starting to transition into anger. “So you trusted someone who you’d told me time and time again treated awfully over me? You allowed her to dictate what you did with my child?”
“If you would give me a chance to explain,” she crossed her arms and moved closer to the barrier between them. The physical barrier. “My parents we-”
“Inkosi Yam,” Okoye came running into the room. She sent an apologetic and sympathetic glance to Y/N before looking over at T’Challa. “It’s Klaue. We have a location.”
The Black Panther straightened and turned to a despondent Y/N whose eyes told a story that he’d yet to hear, but his first duty was to his people. He had to get Klaue behind bars before anything else.
Without another word, he turned to follow his general out the door.
“I didn’t do what she said, what they all believe me to have done.” Y/N called out as soon as Okoye was out of her line of vision, her voice barely above a whisper. “I would never betray you or your country. You must know that.”
He stopped, his fist clenched at his side as he looked over his shoulder. The queen held a little hope that her last-minute statement got through to him, penetrated the dense wall of betrayal and pain that she’d created.
Instead, her heart broke even more as he kept on walking. Once he was gone, she released the sob that she’d been holding in the back of her throat, covering her face with her hands as she went to go sit on the bed.
“Well,” she jumped from the introduction of the new voice, going to her feet, the tears continuing to stream down her face. “That was rather…...anticlimactic.”
Her eyes narrowed to crinkled slits. “You son of a bitch.”
Dumi smiled, walking up to the glass, his arms crossed. “I know you must be upset.” He laughed as she went to hit the glass, her eyes glowing white. “Now, now, princess, let’s not behave too recklessly.”
“This whole time you’ve been lying to me.” She hissed, her mouth trembling from a perfect combination of anger and hurt. “I trusted you.”
It made her sick to know that such a person had been around her poor child for five years. The man was practically a father figure and not once had she picked up on the underlying sinister nature. Truthfully speaking, she blamed herself. She should have seen through his facade.
“You mean as he trusted you?” His eyes widened with faux innocence as he motioned to the area where T’Challa and Okoye walked out just minutes prior. “Such a shame how that all turned out. Truly.”
“Why?” She whispered, her heart yearning, needing a reason.
“That comes later,” he nonchalantly waved her off. “What I will say is….do you remember Atu Arziki? No? What of Sibusiso Nuru?” He stepped closer to the glass, his eyebrows raised. “Still nothing?” She was silent, her brain wrecking for an idea as to who those two people were, but the names weren’t ringing a bell.
Y/N gasped loudly when he punched the glass. “Well, let me refresh your mind, princess. Atu Arziki was my older brother who just so happened to be unlucky enough to be forced to serve as a training partner for a young mutant child who refused an order from her dictator parents to kill him-”
She started to move back. “No-”
“Well, the dictators didn’t like their precious daughter’s act of obedience. Not at all. They were just requesting the death of the boy, no one else, but that little bitch couldn’t even do that.”
“Stop,” she squinted her eyes and covered her ears.
“So do you know what they did?” His smile dropped as his eyes hardened with anguish and heartache. “They killed him and his entire family, letting only one lucky child live to know to never again make the same dire mistake.”
She dropped to her knees.
He shrugged. “And Sibusiso Nuru? Well, he was a decorated Wakandan War Dog, one of the best. You remember him from your conversation with your sister, yes?” Y/N didn’t even bother to express surprise. She’d already garnered that Dumi was listening in on her phone calls with Anajah. She would have also bet that it was him who filled Ramonda’s head with all those lies regarding her working with Klaue. “Until he was captured, tortured, and murdered while stationed in Niganda. His family took it extremely hard, but none harder than his poor daughter….Ayo.”
“What?” Her eyes were bug-eyed as the second in command stepped from the shadows with a smirk on her face.
“Ah, yes, but Ayo always swore she would extract her revenge on her father’s killers.” Dumi continued, eyeing the warrior from head to toe. “It was such a perfect pairing, her and I. You know, guarding your little brat while she was at school became much more bearable after the union of Ayo and me.”
“You bitch,” Y/N sneered, her nose turned up at the sight of the woman who’d not only betrayed Y/N, but her king, and her country. A thought crossed her mind. “You two helped Klaue escape….didn’t you?”
“She talks too much.” Ayo rolled her eyes and looked over at Dumi. “Let’s speed this up, please.”
“So impatient,” the man snickered. “Ah, yes, of course. We are actually here to break you out.”
“And why in the hell would you do that?”
“To take you back to Niganda to answer for your crimes against our country,” he continued, his head tilted. “Did you really think we would allow you to escape? You or your sister?”
At the mentioning of Anajah, she froze just as her heart stopped. “What? What have to done to her?” She placed her fists against the wall. “If you even think of hurting her-” She was cut off by the Zenzi member rolling his eyes and lifting up a tablet with a video playing. Y/N gasped as she took in the sight of her bleeding and bruised sister, tied up by his wrists and ankles being savagely beaten by four men, members of the Zenzi.
“No!” She cried out, her heart breaking at the sight. “Stop! Please don’t hurt her!”
“Oh, don’t worry, princess. She’s fine…..for now.” Her forehead dropped against the glass. “You parents on the other hand…..” He sucked his teeth, hitting a button on the screen before pained screams of agony filled the princess' ears. She looked up and immediately felt her stomach drop.
On the screen, were her parents, tied up against two wooden poles, surrounded by hay and flames.
They were being burned at the stake.
Melting skin, intestines oozing out, and just the horror of it all prompted the princess to dub over and start vomiting.
“Yeah…..not an easy sight to stomach, huh?” He chuckled in jest. “Oh, and while I hate to be the one to pile on the agony-”
“The children’s hospital has been planted with bombs that will go off with only a simple phone call,” Ayo interjected. “500 children. Dead. If you don’t cooperate.”
“Why are you doing this?” Y/N sobbed, palms flat against the floor. “Why?”
“Niganda has suffered for too long under the rule of your family. No longer will we be repressed.” Dumi hissed. “Your parents are dead, yes, and eventually, your sister will be too unless you come with us.”
“And do what?” She screamed before another wave of projectile vomit hit.
“Share the same fate as your parents.”
She stared ahead, momentarily paralyzed by his statement. “W-w-what?”
“Your brother left long ago and is no longer a problem. Your sister could care less about us, but you, you are the anomaly that we cannot underestimate.” He narrowed his eyes. “If we are to truly become free from the terror of your bloodline, we must eliminate all possible threats to our new age.” A beat. “That includes you.”
So overcome by her grief, she didn’t even notice Ayo walk over and disable the shields as Dumi stepped into her cell, standing over her.
“Of course, you could always stay here and face Wakandan judgment, but then you have the blood of your sister and 500 children on your hands.”
All she could do was cry. They wanted her dead. She knew that the Zenzi wanted her family off the throne but she never could have imagined the brutality that would extend her way. She never pictured herself being punished along with her parents.
Her parents….they were dead.
She didn’t know how to process that. On one hand, she felt nothing. They were far from good people. On the other hand, she felt everything. They’d given her life, brought her into this world.
Did that not count for anything?
“So princess,” Dumi smirked, watching as she threw up, her stomach in shambles from the grisly and disturbing video. “Would you like some time to think about your options?” His smirk transformed into a sinister smile as he watched her hunched back begin to shake from the intensity of her sobs as her vomiting ceased. “How about ten minutes? No, that’s too long. Five?”
Y/N was stuck between a wall and a hard place. Going with them meant that she was signing her death warrant. Not going with them meant that her sister and 500 innocent lives would be lost.
Y/N wasn’t even sure if they would stay true to their word and spare the innocent if she agreed to forfeit herself, her life.
But was she willing to risk it?
She wanted to scream.
In a flash, Dumi had the princess up against the wall, his hand wrapped around her throat. “You have thirty fucking seconds to make a decision, thirty seconds till I make the call, thirty seconds till they’re all dead.”
The thought of all those innocent babies dead….because of her. It gutted her.
Almost as bad as just the thought of what she was about to say.
“No,” she managed to get out despite the lack of available oxygen. “I’ll-”
He tightened his grip, lifting her up so that her feet were starting to dangle.“What was that, Nala?”
“I’ll do it,” she forced out, her eyes clenched shut to keep the sight of the monster before her out of her vision. It was no use though because she was still haunted by the graphic execution that she’d just been forced to watch. There was no escaping this terror. “I’ll do it.”
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
“I want an autopsy done immediately,” T’Challa hissed, storming into the palace.
The lead that they had on Klaue was accurate sans one bit of information.
He was dead.
Stabbed through the chest some type of object, his body collecting insects and smelling of rotting flesh once they found him.
T’Challa was livid. He wanted the man alive, to stand trial, to see him suffer as they sentenced him to death.
Twice he’d been deprived of the justice that he so desperately sought.
T’Challa was preparing to head up the stairs when he felt someone coming behind him. The skilled warrior immediately grabbed the attempted assailant by the throat and forced him against the closest wall.
“Erik?” He was confused not just by the fact that his cousin was apparently trying to attack him but by the terrified look in his eyes.
“We gotta do something.” Was all he said as T’Challa released him.
He truly was in no mood for his cousin’s games. “About-”
“Come on,” Erik did not wait. He immediately headed for the library, the king surprised to find the bulk of his companions waiting for him.
Except that wasn’t the most surprising. No, what was surprising was the sight of Y/N interacting with Bunme who was sitting on her mother’s lap.
The child’s eyes lit up as they landed on him. “Baba!” Bunme quickly jumped down from Y/N and scurried over to T’Challa who crouched down to lift her up and hug her against him. “You’re back!” She giggled as he struggled to find the correct words.
He wanted to act as though nothing had changed, like she was still the same little girl whom he’d grown to love, formed a bond with.
But she wasn’t.
Before, he viewed her as the daughter he always wanted but never had.
Now, she was the daughter that he always wanted and always had.
Slight change in wording.
Extreme difference in meaning.
“I’ve missed you, sam isipho.” He murmured into the top of her head, kissing her cheek.
Bunme giggled and pulled back with a broad smile. “Now we’re all back together again!”
His heart ached. If only she knew….
“Baby,” Y/N spoke as she stood up. That’s when T’Challa saw it. The anguish in her eyes and the strange bracelet on her wrist. It looked so familiar. “That’s what I need to talk to you about….mommy….” Her voice broke. “Mommy has to go.”
Bunme frowned as she wiggled in his grasp, prompting him to carefully place her down on the floor. “Why?” She started walking towards her mother. “You just got back.”
“I know,” she sniffled as T’Challa looked around the room and finally picked up on the fact there wasn’t a single person in that room who wasn’t fighting tears if not openly shedding them.  “But….you know the bad people back in Niganda….right?” Bunme nodded as Y/N got down on both knees and lightly grabbed her shoulders. “Well….they’re going to do something very bad if mommy doesn’t go back.”
T’Challa was utterly confused. What in Bast name was going on?
He pulled Erik to the side. “What is she-”
“This terrorist group called the Zenzi executed her parents, has her sister hostage, and are threatening to bomb a children’s hospital if she doesn’t turn herself over in the next hour,” Erik spoke in a rushed, quiet, and dangerously controlled voice.
T’Challa moved back ever so slightly as his eyes widened from all of the information. “Turn her over for what?”
A brief look of hurt flashed in Erik’s eyes before he calmly responded with, “What do you think, T’Challa?”
“But what if you get hurt?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Bun Bun.” Dumi’s voice sounded as he walked in the room, his signature smirk on his face. “I’ll be there with her the whole time.”
T’Challa growled and went to lunge at Dumi when Erik and M’Baku moved to restrain him.
“He’s with the Zenzi, T’Challa.” Erik hissed in a low voice as the king kept his deadly glare on the former guard. “Do anything to set him off and one phone call damns everybody to death.”
The king stopped. Dumi was a spy. 
He suddenly wished that he’d killed him when he wanted to. 
Bunme ignored Dumi, untrusting of the man ever since she was told that he wasn’t “nice anymore” by her mama following his firing, her pout still as prominent as she proposed the question that Y/N had been dreading. “When will you come back?”
It took everything in her not to break down right then and there.
“Do you remember what I told  you when the bad people tried to hurt us in Niganda before we came here?” Bunme reluctantly nodded. “I told you to hide in the closet while mommy fought them, and you asked me the very same question….so I’m going give you the very same answer.” T’Challa heard his sister's quiet sobs as an equally distraught Nakia tried to comfort her. “Where’s mommy?”
Bunme slowly lifted her index finger to her heart. “Right here.”
Y/N smiled through her pain. “And how long is mommy going to be there?”
Again, a pregnant pause. “Forever.”
“That’s right, baby girl.” Y/N sniffled, reaching out to caress the top of her head. “Mommy loves you so much.”
“Mommy, why are you crying?” Bunme questioned gently as Y/N dropped her head to try and blink away her tears even though she knew it was no use. “I’m scared….I don’t want you to go.”
Y/N felt all resolve break as her little girl threw her arms around her, clinging on to her for dear life, her own tears staining Y/N’s shirt. “Please don’t go.”
“I’m always with you, Bunme.” She promised, tightening her hold on her daughter for one last embrace. “Always.”
“Alright,” Dumi rolled his eyes and walked over, grabbing Y/N by her upper arm and yanking her to her feet. “Time to go, princess.”
“Hey!” Bunme shouted, crying and rubbing her eyes. “Leave my mommy alone!”
T’Challa immediately went over to grab her. “Bunme-”
“Baba,” she turned to him, the sight of her crying breaking his heart, but he maintained his stoic expression. “You gotta help mommy! Please!” At that point, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Even M’Baku was blinking away tears. “You promised you’d always protect her!”
T’Challa looked at his former lover, the anguish in her eyes, and then over at Dumi who was watching them closely, waiting for the king to make a move.
He only had one option.
T’Challa delivered with all the coldness that he could muster, “There’s nothing I can do.”
“It’s okay, baby.” Y/N tried to reassure as Dumi started to drag her out the room. “I’ll be okay.”
“No!” Bunme went to run after them, but T’Challa restrained her. “Mommy, please don’t go!”
The older princess looked from her daughter to her love one last time and whimpered out: “I love you.”
With that, she disappeared from their site.
“Mommy!” Bunme was screaming at that point, trying to hit at T’Challa. “Let me go!”
“Sam Isipho,” he attempted to calm her down, but it was no good.
“No! I hate you!” Those three words rendered him speechless as he unconsciously let her go, Bunme making a sprint for the door.
Nakia quickly jumped up and wiped at her eyes. “I’ll go get her.”
T’Challa couldn’t even respond as those words oscillated in his mind. Well, before he felt himself being pinned to the floor.
“You weak ass son of a bitch!” Erik yelled, raining fists on his cousin. “You just let her go like that?!”
T’Challa broke from his trance and easily pushed Erik off, jumping to his feet. “Er-”
“Man, fuck you!” Erik was in no mood for excuses or explanations. “You foul as shit, T’Challa!”
“Erik,” Shuri attempted to speak up but was cut off.
“Naw! You know they gon kill her right?! Probably torture her too! And yo’ ass didn’t do shit to stop it!” He continued as M’Baku moved to hold his arm. “You really gon let her d-”
“SILENCE!” T’Challa finally snapped, marching over and snatching him up by the collar. “I would see myself dead before I allowed that to happen!”
Erik maintained his fierce expression. “Then why the fuck did you just allow him to take her like that?”
“If I had given him any indication that I plan to go after her, who knows what he would have done?” T’Challa retorted harshly.
“Wait. So we’re going to save her?” Hawla questioned with the first hint of hopefulness to enter the room all day.
“Of course,” T’Challa did not hesitate. “But we’re going to need some help.” He informed, pushing Erik away and pulling his Kimoyo bead to his mouth. “Has he arrived?”
“I have,” everyone turned to the door where a dark-skinned man with a deep accept and solid build spoke boldly. “And just in time, it would seem.”
Erik sized him up. “Who the fuck are you?”
The man also eyed him from head to toe and scoffed before walking over to T’Challa. “We must hurry. My sister is in more danger than she realizes.”
“She’s powerless too.” Shuri chimed as T’Challa regarded her with confusion. “That bastard managed to break into my lab and steal the power disabling device that I’ve been working on. Somehow he gained access and knew that I’d completed it.”
The bracelet. T’Challa suddenly realized. That was why it looked so familiar.
“You don’t understand,” Belay shook his head. “Y/N is an extremely powerful mutant, but her weakness always has and always will be her love for our people. Whoever plans to take the throne should want her at his side, using the lives of Nigandans as collateral to secure her as his queen. The love of power would certainly overpower the hate and contempt for my family.”
“What are you saying?” T’Challa pressed. He was in no mood for riddles.
Belay’s eyes softened ever so slightly with fear.
“I think she’s walking into a trap.”
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
Y/N stirred from her sleep to find herself being dragged through the grand palace of Niganda.
Well, it wasn't necessarily sleeping. 
She’d been knocked unconscious as soon as she walked into the plane.
“Wh..” She tried to talk, blinking several times to clear her vision as she looked to her left to see Ayo and Dumi walking side by side. “Where are you taking me?”
“To our leader, of course.” Dumi scoffed. “And future queen.”
She stalled. Queen? What?
“You fool,” she managed to insult but cried out when one of the men dragging her on her knees hit her on the side of her head. “Niganda doesn’t allow women to rule.”
“Correction,” Y/N’s head shot up as she desperately searched for the source of the voice. That voice. She’d know it from anywhere. “They used to not allow women to rule.”
Y/N’s heart was beating erratically as she finally zoned in on the individual who emerged from the shadows. “Anajah?”
The bruised woman smirked. “It seems we have much to catch up on.” A beat. “Sister.”
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Diet for hemorrhoids
Diet for hemorrhoids : 15 Foods to Fight Hemorrhoids
The agony, delicacy, dying, and extreme tingling that go with hemorrhoids are regularly enough to bother you to no end.
Otherwise called heaps, these stretched or swollen veins in the butt and lower portions of your rectum can cluster or lump whenever left untreated, possibly requiring a medical procedure (1Trusted Source Here are 15 useful food varieties for hemorrhoids.
When attempting to stay away from or forestall heaps flare-ups, one significant general guideline is to ensure you’re getting sufficient fiber (4TrustedYou can get two sorts of fiber from food — dissolvable and insoluble. While the solvent kind structures a gel in your stomach related plot and can be processed by amicable microbes, insoluble fiber assists mass with increasing your stool (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
To advance a sound gut, you need both.
Vegetables are the consumable seeds of plants in the Fabaceae family. They incorporate beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, peanuts, and chickpeas.
They’re stacked with the two sorts of fiber yet particularly wealthy in the solvent kind (8Trusted).
Most grown-ups ought to get 21–38 grams each day, however this may fluctuate contingent upon your age and sex (11Trusted Source).
Lentils and different vegetables can build up your stool, making it doubtful that you need to strain when going to the restroom. This can help forestall hemorrhoids or simplicity manifestations (12Trusted Source).
Entire grains
Like vegetables, entire grains are wholesome forces to be reckoned with. That is on the grounds that they hold their germ, wheat, and endosperm, which are stacked with gainful segments like fiber (7Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).
Entire grains are particularly wealthy in insoluble fiber. This aides move your processing along, which can help lessen torment and uneasiness related with heaps (13Trusted Source).
Remember that entire grains go past generous entire wheat flour and bread. While these are acceptable choices, this classification likewise incorporates grain, corn, spelt, quinoa, earthy colored rice, entire rye, and oats (13Trusted Source).
Oats is a particularly decent alternative to remember for your eating routine when you’re attempting to lessen indications of heaps.
It’s anything but a particular sort of dissolvable fiber called beta-glucan, which benefits your gut microbiome by behaving like a prebiotic. Prebiotics help feed the amicable microscopic organisms in your gut (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).
When looking for cereal, remember that steel-slice oats take more time to cook however are less handled. They give a more excited chomp and around 5 grams of fiber for each 1/4-cup (40-gram) serving of dry oats, contrasted and 4 grams for fast cook or moved oats (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables incorporate broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, arugula, bok choy, kale, radishes, turnips, and cabbage (18Trusted Source).
While they’re transcendently known for their anticancer properties, they likewise convey an amazing measure of insoluble fiber (18Trusted Source).
For instance, 1 cup (76 grams) of crude broccoli gives around 2 grams of dietary fiber, which is all insoluble. This attempts to beef up your stools and keep you normal (19Trusted Source).
In addition, cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate, a plant compound that can be separated by your gut microscopic organisms (20Trusted Source).
One investigation in 17 grown-ups tracked down that expanding admission of cruciferous vegetables by 6.4 grams per pound (14 grams for each kg) of body weight broadened their gut microbiome inside about fourteen days (20Trusted Source).
Variety of gut microscopic organisms is connected to a stronger gastrointestinal framework, just as improved invulnerability. This, just as their insoluble fiber content, settle on cruciferous vegetables an extraordinary decision for forestalling heaps (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).
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Artichokes are stacked with fiber, with a crude, medium-sized one (128 grams) pressing around 7 grams of this supplement (22Trusted Source).
In the same way as other fiber-rich food varieties, artichokes’ fiber helps feed the amicable microorganisms in your gut (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).
Two human investigations found that inulin — a kind of dissolvable fiber in artichokes — expanded the quantity of gainful gut microscopic organisms, like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli (24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).
This may help forestall the beginning of heaps or lessen its side effects by keeping your gut sound and normal (21Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source).
Root vegetables
Root vegetables like yams, turnips, beets, rutabagas, carrots, and potatoes are filling and loaded with nourishment.
They’re wealthy Diet for hemorrhoids in gut-solid fiber, containing around 3–5 grams for each serving.
With regards to tubers, remember that quite a bit of their fiber is held onto in the skin, so make certain to leave it on when you appreciate them (27Trusted Source).
Additionally, cooked and cooled white potatoes contain a sort of sugar known as safe starch, which goes through your stomach related lot undigested. Like solvent fiber, it helps feed your well disposed gut microscopic organisms (28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source).
As this decreases clogging, it might ease heaps indications.
The most ideal approach to fuse root vegetables into your eating routine is to broil, steam, sauté, or bubble them with their skin on. They’re likewise magnificent squashed, or cut up and heated skin-on as a substitute for fries.
From summer to winter, squash carry tone and fiber to your supper plate.
There are numerous assortments, including yellow squash, zucchini, oak seed squash, butternut squash, and pumpkin.
The most sinewy of this bundle is oak seed squash, which packs 9 grams of this hemorrhoid-battling supplement in each cup (205 grams) of prepared 3D squares (31Trusted Source).
Appreciate squash broiled, sautéed, or bubbled to help keep your stomach related plot moving while at the same time avoiding heaps.
Ringer peppers
Another extraordinary vegetable to assist with heaps is ringer pepper.
Each cup (92 grams) of cut, gentle peppers conveys almost 2 grams of fiber (32Trusted Source).
While not as stringy as a portion of different vegetables remembered for this rundown, ringer peppers are very hydrating with a water substance of 93% (32Trusted Source).
Alongside fiber, this makes your stool simpler to pass and forestalls stressing.
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Essentially to ringer peppers, celery conveys a great deal of water, just as fiber. This relax your stools and reduces the need to strain.
One enormous, 11–12-inch (28–31-cm) tail gives 1 gram of fiber and comprises of 95% water (33Trusted Source).
Cut this crunchy vegetable into servings of mixed greens, add it to soups or stews, or plunge the stalks into a touch of your number one nut margarine.
Cucumbers and melons
Cucumbers and melons have a place with the Cucurbitaceae family (34Trusted Source).
Like chime peppers and celery, they’re delightful approaches to bring fiber and water into your stomach related plot.
While getting a charge out of cucumber, try to leave the skin on, as that will guarantee you get the most fiber.
Flaunting both gelatin and safe starch, bananas are an optimal food to consolidate into your eating regimen to quiet heaps side effects (38Trusted Source, 39Trusted Source).
One medium, 7–8-inch (18–20-cm) banana gives 3 grams of fiber (40Trusted Source).
While it’s anything but a gel in your stomach related plot, its safe starch takes care of your amicable gut microbes — an incredible mix to help your hemorrhoids.
Stewed prunes
Prunes are viewed as nature’s purgative.
Studies show that gobbling a moderate sum — up to 10 prunes day by day — can improve the consistency of stools and stomach related motility among individuals with clogging (41Trusted Source).
This is credited not exclusively to fiber yet in addition sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sugar liquor that your digestion tracts don’t process well. It brings water into your stomach related parcel, mellowing stools and prodding the need to utilize the restroom (42Trusted Source).
Stewed prunes pack a smidgen more water. To make them, basically stew dried prunes in separated water for 10 minutes or until delicate.
Keeping yourself hydrated will help make stools gentler and simpler to pass.
Food sources to stay away from
It’s a smart thought to restrict food varieties that are low in fiber. These can demolish clogging, which can trigger heaps.
Low-fiber food sources to keep away from include:
Dairy items. These incorporate milk, cheddar, and different assortments.
White flour. This flour has had the grain and germ eliminated, making it less sinewy. Items produced using this kind of flour incorporate white breads, pasta, and bagels.
Red meat. Keep away from this kind of meat, as it takes more time to process and may fuel obstruction.
Handled meats. These food varieties, like bologna and other virus cuts, are low in fiber and high in sodium, expanding your danger of blockage.
Seared food varieties. These can be challenging for your stomach related plot and hard to process.
Pungent food sources. They may cause swelling and make your hemorrhoids more delicate.
You ought to likewise keep away from:
Fiery food varieties. While not really low in fiber, fiery food may expand torment and uneasiness related with hemorrhoids.
Stimulated refreshments. These refreshments, particularly espresso, may solidify your stools and make it more excruciating to utilize the bathroom.
Liquor. Like energized refreshments, cocktails can evaporate your stools and fuel the uneasiness of heaps.
The reality
Hemorrhoids, or heaps, can cause a ton of torment and uneasiness.
While certain food varieties may deteriorate your indications, others can be exceptionally advantageous.
Expanding your fiber admission may help lessen manifestations — as can remaining hydrated with a lot of water.
Diet for hemorrhoids Entire grains, vegetables, vegetables, and natural products are stacked with fiber. Eating a greater amount of them
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antoine-roquentin · 7 years
We don’t give the technology of fire enough credit, Scott suggests, because we don’t give our ancestors much credit for their ingenuity over the long period—ninety-five per cent of human history—during which most of our species were hunter-gatherers. “Why human fire as landscape architecture doesn’t register as it ought to in our historical accounts is perhaps that its effects were spread over hundreds of millennia and were accomplished by ‘precivilized’ peoples also known as ‘savages,’ ” Scott writes. To demonstrate the significance of fire, he points to what we’ve found in certain caves in southern Africa. The earliest, oldest strata of the caves contain whole skeletons of carnivores and many chewed-up bone fragments of the things they were eating, including us. Then comes the layer from when we discovered fire, and ownership of the caves switches: the human skeletons are whole, and the carnivores are bone fragments. Fire is the difference between eating lunch and being lunch....
The big news to emerge from recent archeological research concerns the time lag between “sedentism,” or living in settled communities, and the adoption of agriculture. Previous scholarship held that the invention of agriculture made sedentism possible. The evidence shows that this isn’t true: there’s an enormous gap—four thousand years—separating the “two key domestications,” of animals and cereals, from the first agrarian economies based on them. Our ancestors evidently took a good, hard look at the possibility of agriculture before deciding to adopt this new way of life. They were able to think it over for so long because the life they lived was remarkably abundant. Like the early civilization of China in the Yellow River Valley, Mesopotamia was a wetland territory, as its name (“between the rivers”) suggests. In the Neolithic period, Mesopotamia was a delta wetland, where the sea came many miles inland from its current shore.
This was a generous landscape for humans, offering fish and the animals that preyed on them, fertile soil left behind by regular flooding, migratory birds, and migratory prey travelling near river routes. The first settled communities were established here because the land offered such a diverse web of food sources. If one year a food source failed, another would still be present. The archeology shows, then, that the “Neolithic package” of domestication and agriculture did not lead to settled communities, the ancestors of our modern towns and cities and states. Those communities had been around for thousands of years, living in the bountiful conditions of the wetlands, before humanity committed to intensive agriculture. Reliance on a single, densely planted cereal crop was much riskier, and it’s no wonder people took a few millennia to make the change.
So why did our ancestors switch from this complex web of food supplies to the concentrated production of single crops? We don’t know, although Scott speculates that climatic stress may have been involved. Two things, however, are clear. The first is that, for thousands of years, the agricultural revolution was, for most of the people living through it, a disaster. The fossil record shows that life for agriculturalists was harder than it had been for hunter-gatherers. Their bones show evidence of dietary stress: they were shorter, they were sicker, their mortality rates were higher. Living in close proximity to domesticated animals led to diseases that crossed the species barrier, wreaking havoc in the densely settled communities. Scott calls them not towns but “late-Neolithic multispecies resettlement camps.” Who would choose to live in one of those? Jared Diamond called the Neolithic Revolution “the worst mistake in human history.” The startling thing about this claim is that, among historians of the era, it isn’t very controversial.
The other conclusion we can draw from the evidence, Scott says, is that there is a crucial, direct link between the cultivation of cereal crops and the birth of the first states. It’s not that cereal grains were humankind’s only staples; it’s just that they were the only ones that encouraged the formation of states. “History records no cassava states, no sago, yam, taro, plantain, breadfruit or sweet potato states,” he writes. What was so special about grains? The answer will make sense to anyone who has ever filled out a Form 1040: grain, unlike other crops, is easy to tax. Some crops (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava) are buried and so can be hidden from the tax collector, and, even if discovered, they must be dug up individually and laboriously. Other crops (notably, legumes) ripen at different intervals, or yield harvests throughout a growing season rather than along a fixed trajectory of unripe to ripe—in other words, the taxman can’t come once and get his proper due. Only grains are, in Scott’s words, “visible, divisible, assessable, storable, transportable, and ‘rationable.’ ” Other crops have some of these advantages, but only cereal grains have them all, and so grain became “the main food starch, the unit of taxation in kind, and the basis for a hegemonic agrarian calendar.” The taxman can come, assess the fields, set a level of tax, then come back and make sure he’s got his share of the harvest.
It was the ability to tax and to extract a surplus from the produce of agriculture that, in Scott’s account, led to the birth of the state, and also to the creation of complex societies with hierarchies, division of labor, specialist jobs (soldier, priest, servant, administrator), and an élite presiding over them. Because the new states required huge amounts of manual work to irrigate the cereal crops, they also required forms of forced labor, including slavery; because the easiest way to find slaves was to capture them, the states had a new propensity for waging war. Some of the earliest images in human history, from the first Mesopotamian states, are of slaves being marched along in neck shackles. Add this to the frequent epidemics and the general ill health of early settled communities and it is not hard to see why the latest consensus is that the Neolithic Revolution was a disaster for most of the people who lived through it.
War, slavery, rule by élites—all were made easier by another new technology of control: writing. “It is virtually impossible to conceive of even the earliest states without a systematic technology of numerical record keeping,” Scott maintains. All the good things we associate with writing—its use for culture and entertainment and communication and collective memory—were some distance in the future. For half a thousand years after its invention, in Mesopotamia, writing was used exclusively for bookkeeping: “the massive effort through a system of notation to make a society, its manpower, and its production legible to its rulers and temple officials, and to extract grain and labor from it.” Early tablets consist of “lists, lists and lists,” Scott says, and the subjects of that record-keeping are, in order of frequency, “barley (as rations and taxes), war captives, male and female slaves.” Walter Benjamin, the great German Jewish cultural critic, who committed suicide while trying to escape Nazi-controlled Europe, said that “there is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.” He meant that every complicated and beautiful thing humanity ever made has, if you look at it long enough, a shadow, a history of oppression. As a matter of plain historical fact, that seems right. It was a long and traumatic journey from the invention of writing to your book club’s discussion of Jodi Picoult’s latest....
The study of hunter-gatherers, who live for the day and do not accumulate surpluses, shows that humanity can live more or less as Keynes suggests. It’s just that we’re choosing not to. A key to that lost or forsworn ability, Suzman suggests, lies in the ferocious egalitarianism of hunter-gatherers. For example, the most valuable thing a hunter can do is come back with meat. Unlike gathered plants, whose proceeds are “not subject to any strict conventions on sharing,” hunted meat is very carefully distributed according to protocol, and the people who eat the meat that is given to them go to great trouble to be rude about it. This ritual is called “insulting the meat,” and it is designed to make sure the hunter doesn’t get above himself and start thinking that he’s better than anyone else. “When a young man kills much meat,” a Bushman told the anthropologist Richard B. Lee, “he comes to think of himself as a chief or a big man, and he thinks of the rest of us as his servants or inferiors. . . . We can’t accept this.” The insults are designed to “cool his heart and make him gentle.” For these hunter-gatherers, Suzman writes, “the sum of individual self-interest and the jealousy that policed it was a fiercely egalitarian society where profitable exchange, hierarchy, and significant material inequality were not tolerated.”
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pillowslemonandtea · 7 years
Breastfeeding - When the Most Natural Feeding Becomes Challenging
Breastfeeding an infant is the most regular method for encouraging. As much as we might want to trust that the recipe drain is near breastmilk and is adequate, the very certainty that people have survived such a large number of thousand years even before equation was discovered shows how powerful bosom nourishing has been. On the off chance that you are one of the fortunate moms for whom breastfeeding is going extraordinary, at that point you are honored. Be that as it may, there is another populace of moms who battle to bolster their children. Some say the child isn't locking appropriately however with some direction from breastfeeding counselors (in the western world) and grandmas/experienced moms (for the most part in creating world) and after some time, one can prevail with regards to making the hooking works. There is another class of moms who need to bosom sustain yet battle as they don't make enough drain. Each book or site you open will disclose to you that your body will make enough drain for your child and that on request sustaining enables your body to see what amount is required. Believe me, it isn't everybody's body that is really equipped for creating enough drain, take off alone overabundance to pump and store. I am not going to expound best dry fruits online website in india on the advantages of breastfeeding as there is a great deal of writing on it yet I figured it will help a few in the event that I could share my experience and furthermore show some combined data on what you could possibly do to build drain creation.
 It is exceptionally excruciating to see your infant cry in spite of bolstering for like 60 minutes. Particularly for new moms, it isn't quite recently the physical torment that one needs to experience while starting to bosom nourish, it is likewise the misery of not satisfying the eager child. One would wish whatever they could do was make enough drain so the child is full and naps off. I have experienced that agony and can absolutely understand. We needed to begin our little one on equation nourish notwithstanding bosom bolstering ideal from the very beginning as he was embittered and truly required the sustenance to flush out his framework. When we brought him home, we comprehended in two or three days that I was simply not making enough and in the months to come I needed to adapt to the way that he would be given jugs too. I was extremely resolved to make bosom nourishing work for us and had not pondered 'consider the possibility that it was not going admirably. We had not purchased a pump or even jug but rather chose to do as such a day after we brought him home. With restricted time to investigate best alternatives, we went for a manual Philips pump which was alright to begin with. I at that point took prompt from bosom encouraging counsels and not long after that was on a data gathering binge so I could enhance drain generation. Amid this stage, I discovered that in spite of the fact that you may not know, ladies who have some kind of bosom surgery, similar to expansion or decrease or even fibroids evacuated (for medicinal reasons), can possibly have issues with supply. A term that you might need to get comfortable with is galactagogue. These are substances that assistance enhance lactation in people and creatures. In view of my experience and data I assembled, I have assembled the accompanying data that may help you...
 1. The soreness experienced in the initial couple of days of encouraging joined with an always hungry infant can be very trying. Do whatever it takes not to be put off by it. One could utilize what are call areola shields to facilitate the soreness. These are typically made of silicone and help great hooking as well. It is additionally helpful for ladies with little or upset areolas. When you and your child get a hang of breastfeeding, quit utilizing the areola shield. You have to keep the encouraging going with a specific end goal to expand drain generation. Keep in mind it more often than not is only 24 hours of not bolstering that stops drain creation
 2. Pump as regularly as would be prudent. As I said before, the body gains from the infant how much drain is required. Attempt to pump when you get a possibility. I say so in light of the fact that, there could be times when you need to supplement the bolster by giving a jug to your infant. In such cases, pump to discharge your bosom so your body does not think child needs lesser drain. After the initial couple of weeks, the infant's expands the interim between encourages, pump between sustains also. I was informed that pumping in the vicinity of 2am and 4 am is a smart thought as the lactation inciting hormone is at its crest as of now.
 3. Attempt to get a clinic review pump. Truly it is costly and I know some don't care for it. Notwithstanding, it really has choices of expanding or diminishing suckling simply like how an infant does. In the event that you can't get one, its alright, utilize a mechanical pump.
 4. Attempt to exhaust the two bosoms at each sustain.
 5. Drink no less than two liters of water a day, recall a significant part of the breastmilk is simply water and unless you are hydrated you won't make enough
 6. Here are a few galactagogues that I utilized and some that I picked not to use as they were different to me:
 a. Fenugreek seeds (called methi in hindi and 'vendhayam' in tamil) - I had no clue these would build drain creation and was enchanted to discover that. It is a significant regular fixing in Indian cooking so I didn't need to stress over taking something new while bosom nourishing. No point burning through cash on the cases accessible as supplements in shops, rather, I had teaspoon of the seeds three times each day
 b. Grains and vegetables - oats and grain particularly are said to enable increment to drain generation. I would typically have oats porridge (with drain included) in the morning and furthermore bubble grain in water until done and drink the water atleast one glass a day. Mung dal gruel is additionally said to offer assistance. Weight cook mung dal, include drain and jaggery, convey to bubble and drink
 c. Almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts are said to help drain creation
 d. Garlic - consume some garlic cloves in the fire or sear pulverized garlic cloves in ghee. Add this to warm drain and devour atleast twice per day. They say garlic could thin your blood so don't use with hostile to coagulants.
 e. Turmeric has mitigating properties and forestalls bosom contamination which could put some off from bosom encouraging. In the event that you have an Indian eating routine, odds are you are now getting enough of this superb zest, if not about half teaspoon daily is said to be fitting
 f. Green papaya is said to be taken as galactagogue crosswise over Asia. I didn't get an opportunity to attempt this myself
 g. Spirulina, nourishing yeast and brewer's yeast, soda are some others suggested by a few however I didn't get the opportunity to attempt these
 h. Flavors like dill, caraway, fennel seeds are likewise said to help drain creation. I used to bite on some fennel seeds ordinary.
 I. Green verdant vegetables, carrots, beets and yam are additionally said to be powerful. Likewise, dudhi (a.k.a sorakai in tamil or lauki in hindi) is said to be successful in expanding milk generation. Having a lot of leafy foods will give you the vitality and nourishment to make drain.
 j. Stinging bramble (additionally called 'kuppameni' in tamil) is another herb I would state that individuals normally suggest. I purchased dried bother and used to have it as a tea. Simply put a stacked spoonful in a glass and include bubbling water, cover with top and enable it to soak for five minutes, drink. It is additionally rich in press and an extraordinary herb regardless of the possibility that not lactating
 k. Virtuous berry, borage leaf, comfrey leaf, red raspberry leaf, goat's regret, jumps, horse feed are a few herbs that I didn't exactly use as I had never had them. The general suggestion is that while pregnant or lactating, endeavor to stay away from new fixings as you may not know how your body will respond. Be that as it may, I trust these herbs are more typical in Europe and there are various ladies who appear to report accomplishment with these on the web.
 l. Home grown teas - there are various readymade arrangements that are accessible in the market. These are typically tea sacks containing various herbs ordinarily got down on about the name. I utilized a tea by Yogi and it was intended to expand bosom drain generation. It contained favored thorn notwithstanding bramble. When all is said in done they say that the convergence of herbs is little in teas for them to cause any reactions, yet it is up to the person. I wanted to be sheltered than too bad
 m. In ayurveda, shatavari and ashwagandha are two herbs recommended for bosom bolstering notwithstanding some different fixings like almonds and so on. I had a case called Lactare, accessible from drug stores in India, one container daily. Specialists in Indian recommend that it is best if began not long after birth however I just began taking it later. Shatavari is by all accounts accessible as a supplement in wellbeing sustenance shops as well. I had an opportunity to have shatavari, accessible in powder frame from ayurvedic shops and even online from the day my second child was conceived and I have seen it to be exceptionally viable. I think taking the herb in powder frame was more viable than the case.
 n. I additionally used to take what was called Mother's Horlicks, uniquely arranged for moms to be and lactating moms. Reason I took it was on the grounds that it has malted grain notwithstanding invigorated vitamins and malted grain likewise, I read, helps drain creation.
 o. Great quality fat, for example, margarine and ghee are likewise said to be essential for lactating moms. Some suggest coconut oil and coconut drain.
 7. Protein rich eating routine is vital to make drain. Increment amount of eggs, meat in the event that you eat them, vegetables, beans and heartbeats. Have a considerable measure of complex sugar like entire grains as opposed to straightforward starches. The previous incorporate dark colored rice, entire wheat and so on. Having a very much adjusted eating regimen is vital whenever, particularly while lactating
 8. Getting some rest - in the event that you are sufficiently fortunate to get some assistance, attempt to take it so you can get some rest. One needs to grapple with the way that a few encourages will be bottle sustain and you could have your accomplice or grandparents give the container while you get some rest. A very much fed and rested mother delivers more drain
 I have endeavored to list whatever number alternatives as could reasonably be expected. You may have seen that I didn't attempt only one yet a considerable lot of these in parallel. I was additionally given a remedy for do
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isa-in-accra · 8 years
Independence Day in Ghana
More photos here!
March 6th is Independence Day in Ghana, and this year marks the 60th anniversary of Ghana's liberation from colonial powers. We saw signs of the country preparing for the celebration all week, from art on the street to banners and balloons in our local Shop-Rite. Ghana is a fairly patriotic country already; national pride runs high and the Ghanaian flag is evident everywhere whether it is Independence Day or not, so this extra burst of spirit was a lot of fun to see!
Classes were canceled for the national holiday, so the 6 of us in House 3 came up with a few ideas of how to spend the day, none of which included doing all the homework we neglected over our weekend trip.
We knew there would be parades and events happening around Accra and in Black Star Square, but were told that going to those is somewhat similar to going to the ball drop in NYC – basically, not the M.O. of most locals. Lots of people go to beach for the day, and we thought that sounded like the perfect way to spend our Monday too.
Natalie has a Ghanaian friend from her church in NYC whose sister Afua is opening her own resort here in Ghana. She owns a beautiful piece of property on the coast and did a fantastic job of developing it, complete with a lovely name: Cliff Haven.
She very kindly invited Natalie plus the 5 of us to spend the day at Cliff Haven free of charge. She sent for a driver to pick us up at 9:30 and take us to the resort, which is about 45 minutes away from where we live in Accra. The property is perched right above the Atlantic Ocean, with steps leading down to an easily-accessible and absolutely beautiful beach. Some parts, such as the pool and the garden, are still under construction, but I know they will look great when they’re finished!
We were given 2 rooms to drop our stuff, shown the bar if we needed drinks, and brought out to the beach, where I promptly removed my shoes, ran into the ocean, and did not come back out until I was told to do so. It has been quite a while since I’ve been able to swim in an ocean, and compounded with my disappointment at Labadi Beach a few weeks ago, I was especially eager to spend time in the water. It was perfectly clean and the temperature of the water was very warm. Some staff members turned on the resort’s speakers, which were so loud that I could hear the music playing even as I was neck-deep in ocean water. It wasn’t easy to dance and tread water at the same time, but I made it work.
Since we arrived early, we had a huge stretch of beach all to ourselves for the entire morning. We swam, danced, took photos, exfoliated (sand is a natural exfoliant!), and tanned. Natalie and Alexis both have DSLR cameras and I have a GoPro, but somehow all 3 of us forgot to bring our equipment. I’m convinced it was our subconscious telling us to simply relax & enjoy what was in front of us, and I was more than happy to oblige.
After a few hours on the beach, nearly all of which I spent fully submerged in the ocean (and simultaneously earning the nickname Isa the Sea Snail), we toweled off and sat down to a lunch buffet that Auntie Afua and her staff spent all morning preparing for us. The food was delicious and there was so much of it: French fries, fried yams (better than French fries), Jollof rice, white rice, chicken, tilapia, grilled pork, 3 different kinds of spicy salsa, and salad with some of the best avocado we’ve had here. I stuffed my face before running right back to the beach and jumping into the ocean again.
Around 3 pm, the waves began to get a bit more choppy and rough as the tide came in, so we decided to pack up from the beach and wash up in the hotel rooms. Afua is an interior designer by trade, so the rooms and the resort itself were all beautifully designed and stocked with amenities. Once all of us were showered and rested, the driver who brought us in the morning took us back home to Labone.
As we drove back, we noticed some huge storm clouds rolling in that had gotten much bigger and darker since we saw them in the morning. We arrived in Labone just before the rain started, so naturally 3 of my friends decided to run up the road to go get cupcakes. I sent them off with my raincoat and umbrella, which they just barely grabbed before sprinting out of the compound to The Cupcake Boutique. They did not beat the rain this time, but they did get cupcakes, so they called it a win anyways.
I had a truly perfect day. I’ve enjoyed nearly every minute of my time here, including the challenging moments, but it was nice and clearly necessary to dedicate a full day to unwinding and de-stressing. Big thanks to Auntie Afua for her kindness & generosity, and to Natalie for inviting me along & providing me with one of the most relaxing days I’ve had in months. If you are ever in Ghana, I highly recommend staying at Cliff Haven Resort in Greater Accra! It officially opens this Easter.
Also, I would like to wish the country of Ghana a very happy (and very belated) Independence Day. Words will never be able to describe the connection I feel to this incredible country and its big-hearted people. Here’s to another 60 and many, many more!
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kiishou · 8 years
All the emojis
all of them???? ok here we go
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
anyone who knows me knows that I’m not very secretive. Something I think I rarely tell anyone is that my first kiss was taken from me by a girl
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
I’m not very fond of hugs, but I would love to hug Rod, Zach, Robert, and Ana KappaPride
plus i wouldn’t mind hugging the woman i would go lesbian for aka emilia clarke hot damn k bye 
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
Sylveon is my all time favorite but I also have a lot in my heart. I think it changes from game to game tbh 
I love sylveon because i think i would be sylveon if i were a pokemon and i would be hella cute and strong and would be able to crush my enemies with sparkles
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
I think It would be a lot less of cities and more natural areas, I would like to come up with a plan for different countries and peace
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
Oh my. I get these so often but the most recent one was about me being a skilled assassin and I was on a job to kill someone and it was such a difficult situation and at the same time I was being hunted to be killed so I ended up having to kill two people and I woke up walking into the room where my boss was
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
I have more than one but I’m only going to focus on ana right now:
I like how much she’s let me in? Like, she’s naturally really shy and doesn’t talk very much but over the years she’s really talkative and funny with me. We also do stupid shit together which i love. She LOVES papitas as much as I do and we literally buy an entire bag of chips for each of us like every 3 days LOL. I just think she’s a beautiful person inside and out. Sometimes, things aren’t perfect but we seem to tough it out and stick around. I would honestly die for her and if anyone every hurts her I will end their life. I like too many different things about her to just pick one sorry
😘 talk about your crush or partner
He is someone who has been through a lot of things he does not deserve in his life. Most of the time I don’t think he even deserves to have someone like me around because I’m more than a handful. He’s very smart and studying to be an engineer because he loves tinkering with things and inventing things. He would be a pilot if he wasn’t colorblind. He’s very handsome with his hair cut but he tries to grow it out cause eh thinks it’ll look cool but it does not (oops) I only wish for his happiness and cherish all the time he spends with me and my weird ass. He’s probably one of the only two people who love fueling my Target obbsession
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
It honestly depends on the situation and how upset I was in that instant: example, online trolls on my stream/in games i just bully back or perma ban but irl it would take something really offensive for me to say something
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
1. how I think I’m cute sometimes
2. how much I care for my friends
3. how hardworking I am but no one really ever gets to see it
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
I think I am scared of imperfection. I honestly don’t know how to overcome it other than accepting that things aren’t always going to be perfect.
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
A blanket fresh from the dryer
💙 what annoys you about some people?
People who lie and thick they’re so slick about it smh
😤 do you get angry easily?
Absolutely not
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
how cute i would look with these boots that I can’t afford (i’m a size 5.5)
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
1. The entirety of America
2. Donald Trump
3. The current presidency
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
there was no names sent? u.u
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
I would love to live literally anywhere in England because I love rainy weather
☕️ talk about your ideal day
an ideal day would be waking up early, eating a good breakfast, playing some games ( and ACTUALLY WINNING LOL) and have a successful and fun stream, then watch anime/movies until I sleep
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
I think I’m an introvert
💧 when was the last time you cried?
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
1.  Lovewave - 그 밤
2. There You Are - Pogo
3. Love Never Felt So Good - Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qemb3iBlp1o
5. Deja Vu -Post Malone ft. Justin Bieber
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
I would love to time travel and be able to change things that weren’t right the first time
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
I would tell her so many things. I would probably write her a book and everything I want to tell her.
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
I’m not one to really be jealous but I do get envious of different things/people. I’m just a brat who get upset over things I don’t have
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
Bravery. I always tell myself to be brave and act like I am but I never am 
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
my entire being 
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
I know English, Spanish, German, and  some Japanese. I want to properly learn Japanese, Korean, and Arabic tho
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
I think I would be Newt Scamander’s best friend 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
i honestly don’t know how to answer this one
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
who knows? none probably
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
I would want to be a fox
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
I really dislike how backwards my sleeping schedule is right now. I can’t even wake up remotely early and it makes me extremely grumpy and I can’t even fall asleep so I’m somehow surviving on like 3-4 hours a night and I am exhausted
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
no thanks
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
I wanted to be an Astronaut when I was a child, then I wanted to be a musician because it was more realistic. Now? I just want to be an Illustrator/Animator
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
i fucking love cookies, ice cream, sour punch straws, and gummy worms but by far wedding cake is my favorite thing in the world catch me crashing weddings just for the cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
star wars, pillows/blankets, collecting figures and other cute collectibles, these boots, wanting to be perfect, happiness, themed shit, skins in video games
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
i’m cry
😪 what are you sick of?
i’m sick of my dumb ass
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
NO i get too many panic attacks which involves a lot of adrenaline so no thanks bye
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
I already tried to answer this
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
As much as I want to say yes, I think I’m not and need a lot of improvement
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
play video games, go to target for no reason, stream, talk to friends, go out to eat at taco bell and destroy my stomach, sleep, watch movies
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
who knows tbh I think it was Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
oh god pls don’t ask me this
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
self portraits or things on how i’m feeling
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
the American society standards 
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
my what? what did you call me????//
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
you didn’t send me anything hullo
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
Emilia Clarke bye
🐴 opinion on __?
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
I think so but sometimes i’m unemotional it’s very complicated
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
I don’t read often but I love The Harry Potter Series, Saving Max, and The Martian. I’m currently reading the Rogue One novel and I love it so much 
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
sometimes I stream or I just play games to feel better or I talk to my friends who I love cause they make me so happy and fuel me with support 
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
“something will always work out” “tomorrow is another day”
🌍 which country do you live in?
United States of America tragic
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
1. sleepy
2. exhausted
3. smol
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“be brave” “trust goes both ways” “fuck you I was worth it”
💭 do you keep a diary?
I used to but I couldn’t keep up with it
💫 who inspires you?
kellye, pam, yams, ana, zach, rod, robert, and literally anyone i love alot 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
who knows man just keep your nasty ass Ouija boards away from me I don’t wanna deal with it
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
who knows cause I can’t afford my fashion taste
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
Inception, Starwars, The Martian, The Book of Life, Moana, HP, idk i like movies a lot 
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
a memory that has always stayed with me very vividly was when i almost chopped off my finger however I wouldn’t call it a treasured memory
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
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The Single Best Strategy To Use For natural remedies
Orange peel is yet another dandruff solution which might be experimented with at home. Read the way to use orange peel pack for dandruff removal beneath: Summary: The natural and organic acids in apple cider vinegar may perhaps assistance eliminate acne-triggering microorganisms and decrease the looks of scars. Implementing it towards the skin may well bring about burns or irritation, so it should be employed cautiously. Choose ½ to one teaspoon of crampbark tincture each and every 2 several hours on the days of your respective worst cramps. Check-tube research exhibit that this North American plant works like a muscle relaxant to promptly decrease distressing spasms.  Disclaimer: The resources and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and academic purposes only and don't constitute any lawful, clinical or other professional guidance on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated via the FDA and therefore are not intended to diagnose, handle or overcome any disease. Summary: Inexperienced tea is superior in antioxidants that aid fight microbes and reduce inflammation. Implementing environmentally friendly tea towards the skin has been shown to noticeably lower acne. Standard ED treatments include prescription remedies, vacuum pumps, implants, and surgical procedures, but several Gentlemen desire natural selections. Study has located that some natural selections can boost ED symptoms. Read more to understand natural options which have analysis to again them up. The influential Massachusetts male getting older research confirmed that Males with ED had been additional more likely to have very low levels of DHEA. In 2009, 40 Adult males with ED participated in A different review wherein fifty percent receiving 50 mg DHEA and half acquiring a placebo when a day for six months. Those receiving the DHEA were a lot more possible to realize and keep an erection. Inexperienced tea has antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds that will help battle acne. To get its consequences, utilize a cooled cup of green tea being a face clean or lay the bag in excess of the affected place. Determine read more approaches to get rid of acne after and for all. A lack of slumber helps make you snack more late in the evening, tends to make you crave consolation foods, and leaves you far too drained for regular Actual physical exercise. Lack of sleep can also end weightloss endeavours from working. From a person who has analyzed all of them and found hangover aid. Find out more about these 7 natural hangover cures that perform. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural hormone produced by your adrenal glands. It may be converted to both equally estrogen and testosterone in the human body. Researchers make the dietary health supplement from wild yam and soy. Tea's tannins kill microorganisms and shut the pores with your ft, keeping feet dry lengthier; micro organism have a tendency to thrive in moist environments. You'll see brings about a few days to a week. 1 caution: Do the soak only when your toes are freed from cuts. Dandruff aid might be no farther away than your fridge, For those who have lemons readily available (which you'll want to, as they have a lot of helpful takes advantage of!) Just massage two tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with drinking water. People with kidney troubles really should talk to a health care practitioner just before taking magnesium. (Here i will discuss three far more natural solutions for the headache.)
home treatments Fundamentals Explained
Coconut oil is really a form of fat which has lots of health Positive aspects. This article looks on the proof to ascertain no matter whether coconut oil is usually great on your… Exercise encourages healthier blood circulation. The increase in blood circulation will help nourish the skin cells, which may aid protect against and heal acne. When you grazed the skin which has a incredibly hot-from-the-oven cookie pan, apply aloe vera gel into the burn up as essential. The soothing and anti-inflammatory gel generates a 2nd skin to safeguard the burn up from air, which irritates exposed nerve endings.  What's far more, strain can sluggish wound therapeutic by up to forty%, which may gradual the restore of acne lesions (seventy two). Specified relaxation and anxiety-reduction treatments happen to be demonstrated to enhance acne, but far more research must be finished (seventy three). Techniques to scale back Stress There are a variety of home remedies to maintain reproductive wellness. Learn the way natural cures like vitex can promote reproductive overall health. Sip linden flower tea, which functions in two ways: It stimulates the hypothalamus to raised Regulate your temperature, and it dilates blood vessels, inducing perspiring. Lemons work as an exfoliant, skin lightener, and disinfectant to scale back the looks of scars and stop new pimples from forming. On the cleanse face, dab acne by using a cotton ball or cotton swab dipped in lemon juice, then rinse with great drinking water. These are definitely the seven worst myths about adult acne. One research showed that shampoos with just five percent tea tree oil significantly Increase the severity of dandruff. You can even add a handful of drops of tea tree oil to your favorite shampoo while you wash Usually. Tea tree oil can actually minimize the results of many unpleasant circumstances. Need allergy reduction? The next home cures are built to support decrease the irritation attributable to the most common allergic reactions. Understand dietary supplements and herbs That could be useful for your arthritis pain, stiffness and inflammation. Study Extra >> Steep one tablespoon of dried herb (out there in wellbeing meals stores) in a very cup of sizzling drinking water for quarter-hour, then sip. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily. If you still operate hot after a day of sipping tea, search for professional medical awareness.  https://www.stylecraze.com/search-results/?q=home+remedies&sa=Search and every pore is linked to a sebaceous gland, which provides an oily substance known as sebum. Excess sebum can plug up pores, triggering the growth of the micro organism called Propionibacterium acnes Whichever route you take, Remember the fact that ED is a common affliction that’s really treatable. With some trial and mistake, you’re prone to look for a cure that works for both you and your husband or wife. Tea's tannins kill microorganisms and shut the pores inside your toes, maintaining ft dry for a longer time; bacteria tend to prosper in moist environments. You will see ends in a couple of days to weekly. One particular caution: Do the soak only Whenever your feet are free of cuts.
The natural treatments Diaries
When the typical chilly or other minor ailments strike you down your 1st line of defense may very well be in your very own home. Try out these home solutions and you might not have to secure a prescription. The salicylic acid in aspirin can be a go-to for acne treatments, and the aspirin can dry up pimples and lessen inflammation. To reap the benefits of these home therapies for acne, kind a paste by mashing aspirin in a little bit water, or dissolve 4 products in 2 tablespoons of h2o. Set aside one day weekly for your cheat food. Recall, it’s vital never to eat far too much. To find the most out of your cheat meal, try to eat it slowly and gradually and try to prevent disturbances even though feeding on. However scientific studies are mixed, quite a few clearly show constructive success when acupuncture is used to treat ED. A 1999 research, by way of example, identified that acupuncture enhanced the caliber of erections and restored sexual exercise in 39 percent of contributors. You should buy creams and lotions that comprise environmentally friendly tea, but it's just as very easy to make your individual combination at home. These particular antioxidants aren't found in honey or cinnamon, but there is a likelihood that other antioxidants might have an identical effect. Some investigation suggests that implementing additional virgin olive oil to skin right after sunbathing may perhaps assistance avoid pores and skin cancer.  Elemental zinc refers to the amount of zinc that is current while in the compound. Zinc is accessible in several sorts, and each one has a distinct level of elemental zinc. There are a number of home solutions for migraine ache aid which can help abate the debilitating discomfort. Find out how feverfew will help take care of migraines. Erectile dysfunction is remarkably popular among the more youthful Guys. Figure out what results in it and how It is handled. There are several products and solutions and treatments You may use at home to treat nasal congestion. Uncover more details on home remedies for nasal congestion from this article. Disclaimer: The supplies and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for common and educational applications only and don't represent any legal, professional medical or other Specialist tips on any material. These statements haven't been evaluated with the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or treatment any condition. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often referred to as impotence. It’s a situation where a man can’t obtain or preserve an erection throughout sexual overall performance. Eco-friendly tea has antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds which can help battle acne. For getting its effects, use a cooled cup of green tea being a facial area wash or lay the bag in excess of the afflicted spot. Learn the eight surefire strategies to get rid of acne once and for all.
A Secret Weapon For natural treatments
The gallbladder is little, but has the critical job of storing bile to the liver. Far too much cholesterol can result in gallstones, then lots of ache. Learn how home therapies can decrease gallbladder agony. The salicylic acid in aspirin is a go-to for acne treatments, and also the aspirin can dry up pimples and cut down inflammation. To make the most of these home treatments for acne, variety a paste by mashing aspirin in somewhat h2o, or dissolve 4 tablets in 2 tablespoons of water. There aren't any studies exploring the key benefits of drinking inexperienced tea In regards to acne, but making use of it directly to the skin has actually been shown to help you. Early experiments recommend that weed may lead to erectile dysfunction, but additional investigate is required. There are numerous products and treatments You should utilize at home to deal with nasal congestion. Discover more about home therapies for nasal congestion from this short article. ) Activate the tannins in a very tea bag by dipping in a cup of scorching water for many minutes. Great inside the fridge, then utilize the damp bag as a compress to your shut eye for ten minutes. This has prompted A lot of people to consider the way to heal acne naturally at home. The online market place is full of solutions, but do natural treatments actually function? Stick to along with your frequent conditioner. Mouthwash’s anti-fungal Homes aid protect against dandruff-triggering yeast from expanding. Below are a few myths about mouthwash that just aren’t true. Treating dandruff at home with curd is a little bit messy but incredibly helpful. Process for employing curd as being a home cure for dandruff is offered down below: The abrasiveness of ordinary desk salt will work great for scrubbing out dandruff flakes before you decide to shampoo. Grab a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then function it via your hair, providing your scalp a massage. Understand the natural vitamins and minerals that could assistance your health and fitness as anyone with arthritis. Study Far more >> Have you ever attempted Keeping your breath, ingesting drinking water the other way up or another strange approach to having rid in the hiccups? See our list of 13. Although analysis exhibits good assure, the anti-acne great things about aloe vera alone have to have even further scientific evidence. How you can Utilize it Skip the dandruff shampoo and check out these homemade dandruff treatments to banish All those pesky white flakes.
The Ultimate Guide To natural cures
Acquire ½ to one teaspoon of crampbark tincture every single 2 several hours on the times of your worst cramps. Exam-tube scientific tests clearly show that this North American plant works like a muscle relaxant to rapidly reduce agonizing spasms.  Choose complete grain and healthier kinds of such foods. Their labels ought to say “one hundred pc full grain”, not simply “created with total grains” or “multi- grain”. For those who’re not previously acquainted with suppliers for instance Credo and Protected and Stylish that property a plethora of clear models, get started with this small listing movie star-permitted hair, skin, and make-up finds. Who knew lemons had numerous works by using? Understand five remedies for day to day ailments working with juice from this amazing fruit. In two of our posted research, ribose has long been revealed to improve Power an common of sixty one per cent after three months. While in the examine, we made use of 5 grams on the ribose electrical power thrice on a daily basis. It appears and preferences like sugar, and is easy to consider.” Are you currently sneezing or coughing? Have got a runny nose or watery eyes? Maybe you have allergies or a chilly. These conditions share most of the similar indicators… that it’s derived from the fern in Central America. “Its most important component is polypodium leucotomos extract, which happens to be clinically tested to gradually Construct up Your entire body’s natural defense towards harming UV rays. This antioxidant-prosperous extract will help the skin retain its construction, increases your body’s immune response against Sunlight injury and shields fragile elastin during the skin to maintain a more youthful physical appearance (Heliocare was examined by major Harvard dermatologists). Will need help finding an ideal sunblock? Here's the sunscreens dermatologists use. Put whole oats in the clean, dry sock. Seal the open up conclude with a rubber band, and then drop the sock into a heat or incredibly hot bathtub. Soak you for 15 to 20 minutes. (Winterize your skin care schedule with our best chilly-climate tips.) “Investigate exhibits that it also raises the efficiency of chemotherapy and decreases its toxicity and a single capsule two times a day was as productive as Zoloft for depression.” For those who have dry skin, think about chilly product like Pond's, which the French use, or make your own natural chilly cream using this straightforward chilly product recipe. Only apply the product, then wipe off, no water essential (In case you have really hard drinking water, it can be Specifically harsh on skin). When mucus flows out of one's nose, it's termed nasal discharge. Understand many of the causes and therapy options for prevalent this symptom. There are lots of home remedies that could relieve your indications and obtain you again to usual. If you continue to come to feel Unwell after a handful of weeks, make an appointment along with your doctor. Vapor rub is getting traction among some Medical professionals who stimulate parents to prevent giving about-the-counter cold medicines to young small children as a consequence of unwanted Unintended effects.
Individuals with kidney issues should really consult with a wellbeing care practitioner just before having magnesium. (Here i will discuss three additional natural remedies for your headache.)
The Single Best Strategy To Use For home remedies
Exceptions: it’s regarded Harmless to consider nearly 1,000 mg of ginger in capsule or candied types for early morning sickness; small-phrase utilization of echinacea also appears to be Secure for pregnant Girls who create colds or flu. As an alternative, test massaging the area pursuing icing to promote the move of blood, then look into these other available choices for managing carpal tunnel. Swallow 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar. The dry granules encourage and reset the irritated nerve which is creating the spasms of your diaphragm. Any coarse material, such as salt, can work in a pinch, but sugar tastes very best. (Determine 6 issues your hiccups try to inform you.)  For those who really need to shed fat in a healthier way, there’s no way to escape from normal training and activity. Performing a mixture of moderate and tricky Bodily action can assist you eliminate pounds, and Regulate your bodyweight. The issue? Its absorption was so bad that Except you have been feeding on an Indian diet program all day you couldn’t get plenty of without having literally many turmeric supplements. Most turmeric is under 2 per cent curcumin.” [twenty] In America, the Nationwide Heart for Complementary and Integrative Wellness from the Nationwide Institutes of Health and fitness resources clinical trials on herbal compounds, offers reality sheets analyzing the security, potential usefulness and Uncomfortable side effects of numerous plant resources,[21] and maintains a registry of medical investigation conducted on herbal solutions.[22] Restrict bathtub time. Very hot water and extended showers or baths eliminate oils from the skin. Restrict your tub or shower time, and use warm — instead of sizzling — drinking water. Black tea is chock-brimming with astringent compounds termed tannins which will help deflate and tighten the bags underneath your eyes. (Not to mention black tea is related to a decrease danger of variety 2 diabetic issues. You may be able to find a educated practitioner throughout the American Herbalist Guild. Remember that Skilled herbalists who advise clients on using medicinal herbs are generally not certified to diagnose or treat ailment. They quoted one of such scientists, Steven Salzberg, a genome researcher and computational biologist on the College of Maryland, as indicating "Among our issues is always that NIH is funding pseudoscience." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_medicine mentioned that the vast majority of experiments have been according to elementary misunderstandings of physiology and ailment, and had shown little if any impact.[a hundred and fifty five] Herbalists often use extracts from portions of crops, including the roots or leaves,[eighty five] believing that vegetation are matter to environmental pressures and thus produce resistance to threats including radiation, reactive oxygen species and microbial assault so that you can survive, furnishing defensive phytochemicals of use in herbalism.[eighty five][86] Works by using of herbal medicines by animals[edit] This function includes herbal, mineral and metallic compositions used as medication. Ayurveda is in Sanskrit, but Sanskrit was not commonly employed as being a mom tongue and that's why its medicines are mostly taken from Siddha as well as other neighborhood traditions.[eighty one] Indonesia[edit] English evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, in his 2003 reserve A Satan's Chaplain, outlined alternative drugs as a "list of techniques that cannot be tested, refuse to be analyzed, or constantly are unsuccessful tests. Comb soaked hair much like the execs: Keep a handful at any given time and get the job done from Middle to finishes, then scalp to Middle.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of natural remedies
An impressively chic nevertheless very simple hairstyle that any one can perform Hair six An impressively stylish nonetheless uncomplicated hairstyle that any one can do favourite50 Complementary therapies tend to be used in palliative care or by practitioners aiming to manage Persistent soreness in patients. Integrative medication is taken into account more appropriate during the interdisciplinary solution Employed in palliative care than in other regions of medicine. "From its early ordeals of care to the dying, palliative care took as a right the requirement of inserting patient values and Life style behavior for the Main of any layout and supply of quality care at the end of daily life. With all the festive year around the corner - Durga Puja, Karvachauth, Diwali and countless get-togethers and festivities that choose it, the skin and hair ought to look healthful and beautiful. Allopathy refers back to the use of pharmacologically Lively brokers or health-related interventions to treat or suppress indications or pathophysiological procedures of diseases or disorders.[35] The German Model of your term, allopathisch [a hundred and fifteen] It really is Among the many most commercially thriving branches of different medication, and contains the tablets, powders and elixirs that happen to be sold as "nutritional nutritional supplements".[one hundred fifteen] Only an incredibly small percentage of those happen to be demonstrated to get any efficacy, and There exists minor regulation concerning requirements and security of their contents.[115] This may incorporate use of regarded poisonous substances, such as use in the poison guide in traditional Chinese medicine.[117] Meditate. That is an historic exercise which has been close to for centuries—and once and for all rationale! Many of us learn that it can help them apparent their minds and loosen up. Implement the mask in excess of your facial area and wait around 20 minutes. Clean it off applying lukewarm water, then gently pat your deal with dry by using a soft, clean up towel.[22] Contemplate incorporating a squeeze of lemon juice to brighten your skin or cut down acne. [n 16] Inside the "condemnation" period, through the late sixties to the early nineteen seventies, authors had ridiculed, exaggerated the pitfalls, and petitioned the condition to include CAM; during the "reassessment" phase (mid-nineteen seventies as a result of early 1990s), when elevated customer utilization of CAM was prompting problem, authors experienced pondered regardless of whether affected individual dissatisfaction and shortcomings in regular care contributed into the craze; inside the "integration" section with the nineties physicians began Mastering to work all-around or administer CAM, along with the subjugation of CAM to scientific scrutiny had come to be the primary suggests of Regulate.[citation necessary] Use and regulation[edit] CAM consists of all these tactics and concepts self-described by their consumers as protecting against or dealing with sickness or selling health and fitness and well-becoming. steptoremedies of CAM and amongst the CAM domain and that of your dominant procedure aren't generally sharp or fastened.[72][doubtful – focus on] Haven't got time for intense skin care? You'll be able to continue to pamper oneself by acing the basics. Fantastic skin care and healthier lifestyle possibilities might help hold off natural getting old and prevent numerous skin complications. Get going with these five no-nonsense tips. Herbal medicine is taken into account only when employed as A part of a system of natural remedy that features dietary modification, appropriate workout, stress reduction, and mobilization of mental means directed towards healing. In the event your feels limited after utilizing a facial cleanser, then it's way too solid and it is best to make use of a gentler a person. The label "unproven" is inappropriate for these therapies; it is actually time to assert that lots of substitute most cancers therapies have been "disproven".[153] It is the weakest finger and will never stretch the fragile skin less than your eyes just as much. Stretching skin an excessive amount can result in wrinkles.
The smart Trick of beauty tips That Nobody is Discussing
Considering the fact that Way of living and skin care contributes considerably not simply to the seems to be but additionally on how you are feeling about on your own, you have to get care of it. They quickly saturate the lips by using a dye. Ordinarily intended to be waterproof, the merchandise might feature an applicator brush, rollerball, or could be applied which has a finger. Lip glosses are meant to add shine to the lips and could include a tint of colour, along with getting scented or flavored to get a pop of enjoyment. Lip balms are most frequently accustomed to moisturize, tint, and defend the lips. Some brands comprise sunscreen.  To generate a paste, use someday aged curd and mix that has a tomato pulp. Implement this confront pack day-to-day in the morning to reveal a brighter and sparkling fresh complexion for stunning experience. Honey has many different antibacterial and antimicrobial Attributes. Consuming honey in tea with lemon can simplicity sore throat suffering. Study implies that honey is a good cough suppressant, also. It's a misunderstanding that mangoes are negative for our wellness in summers; on the contrary, this humble fruit is full of natural vitamins and minerals that aren't only good for our overall body ... Douse a cotton make-up pad with isopropyl Liquor, hold it up in your nose, and have a couple of deep breaths (no more than three in a ten-minute period). Home remedies are becoming an significantly common different to regular medicine. Come across home remedies for prevalent healthcare complications You should use to deal with almost everything from small ailments to ailments like asthma and diabetic issues. A freelance make-up artist gives shoppers with beauty advice and cosmetics help. They are usually compensated via the hour by a beauty business; nevertheless, they generally operate independently. Espresso scrub allows obvious off the Dust and lifeless cells within the skin. Scrubbing your skin will not only give you a smooth and supple skin but can even tighten your skin ... Colds and flu are likely to demonstrate up with dreary regularity. Master which ones could possibly in fact help, and that happen to be absolutely nothing but charming folktale. Use virgin coconut oil inside your diet plan. It is easy to digest, excellent in your well being, and likewise will help Your system stop working resources a lot quicker. To heal diarrhea, it is vital to interchange the fluids and salts your body has lost. Learn how to cure diarrhea in this post. Concealer is usually thicker and more good than Basis, and provides more time Long lasting, more in-depth coverage together with creating a refreshing cleanse foundation for all the remainder of the make-up. A healthier diet program is key to flu prevention and also a Doing the job immune program. Have a look at these ten quick-to-make juices that carry the essential nutrients.
The Ultimate Guide To healthy habbits
Design and style your hair naturally, reducing styling problems. Styling by by itself will never overly destruction your hair, but repeated stylings numerous times per week put some really serious strain on hair.
Make sure you increase inexperienced leafy veggies to the diet plan. These are a abundant supply of proteins, iron, calcium and fiber. Inexperienced leafy vegetables are easy to get ready and quite appetizing too. Genetics and well being are aspects in healthy hair. Suitable nourishment is essential for hair health. The dwelling Section of hair is underneath the scalp skin wherever the hair root is housed while in the hair follicle. The entire follicle and root are fed by a source of arteries, and blood carries nutrients on the follicle/root. Here are some ingesting behavior which, when you've created them part within your regimen, will likely have you create for all times. Not necessarily! Protein allows Create hair, but utilizing products with a lot of protein will likely not make your hair thick or sturdy. Be sure your hair goods element well balanced components. Pick out One more respond to! Tremendous-healthy people today know that simple methods are all it will require to remain this way. Make their behaviors yours -- start currently! This WebMD slideshow will Permit you to in on their ...Much more » At an age wherever one is predicted to operate dedicatedly, we frequently end up compromising our wellness. Even though A lot of people would concur that an excellent Exercise routine can help keep this kind of threats at bay, it may not be good enough. This is able to dry on the scalp pores and skin and flake off, showing up like dandruff and in many cases resulting in itchiness, but don't have any wellbeing consequences in any respect. Blend 1 egg white and just one tablespoon Just about every of olive oil and honey until you will get a sleek paste. Use this paste on moist hair and scalp. Address your head by using a shower cap for around half an hour. Then, wash your hair using a moderate shampoo and cool h2o. To get a hair mask utilize the substances for mayo: eggs, olive oil and lemon juice. Continue to keep it on your hair for 15-20 minutes after which rinse it out with interesting water. Steer clear of making use of heat or scorching drinking water, which might Cook dinner the egg in your hair. Your muscles In a natural way reduce strength and decrease in dimensions with age. They can most likely also come to be significantly less supple and stiffer. These changes can affect your range of motion within your joints and cause you to get rid of tissue elasticity, that can cause limited muscles. It is crucial to contemplate your temperament when executing this. Studies have revealed that there are connections in between impulsiveness, compulsiveness, and habit. Check out shampoos that don't have sulfates or parabens. Sulfates are definitely the substances that make shampoos lather up.[1] Parabens are preservatives that lead to irritation and eye complications right after extended use[two]. Not always! Consuming loads of water is a great way to keep the hair and entire body healthy, but strain would not necessarily make you consume much less. If you're employed out quite a bit, seek to consume much more in comparison to the recommended eight Eyeglasses of drinking water per day! Select Yet another response!
Not known Factual Statements About healthy habbits
While some may well not use to all people today, these behaviors are a terrific starting point for any person who could possibly be seeking to greater on their own. The crucial element to achievements lies in developing healthy ingesting routines that won't only make it easier to attain your ambitions, but may even go away you feeling full and with lots of Electricity to try and do almost everything you need to do. 4. Will not clean your hair day to day and when you do, implement some conditioner around the finishes. Try to use the exact same model of shampoo and conditioner. Use this combination on the hair for twenty minutes after which you can rinse with warm h2o. This therapy will help to replenish keratin protein bonds/p For yummy recipe strategies, could we propose signing up to the BuzzFeed Foodstuff e-newsletter? Listed here are 15 belongings you could possibly find out if you do. A person research from Cambridge College identified that elderly Taiwanese folks who cooked most of their meals lived for a longer time than individuals who didn't get ready virtually all their foodstuff at your home. And surely You should not do it should you be pregnant, taking Rx meds Which may respond poorly to it, or in Restoration for alcoholism, amid a handful of other disclaimers. six/21 pstrong05# Idea For Hair Care/strong/p pstrongAmla/solid/p pHair drop remedy for regular hair - Just take 50 % a cup of 'amla' powder, include to it two tablespoons of castor oil and 1 complete egg and make right into a clean combination. Implement about the hair and the scalp, leave on for approximately thirty minutes ahead of shampooing./p Regular exercising: Finding typical exercising is another fantastic approach to maintain your fat in Examine, handle Over-all anxiety ranges, and continue to be linked with Many others. The fact is that there is no ought to Lower full food stuff groups or deny yourself the satisfaction of having. I hope you savored this in depth list of healthy patterns. I hope you are not daunted through the sheer number of tasks needed to Stay a healthy lifestyle. It is a ton, but we do not must be one hundred% excellent on a regular basis. Undergoing a hair spa therapy is the new development in Virtually all of the State-of-the-art natural beauty salons. Know why you'll want to opt hair spa remedy and what it does to your hair.  Also, carbonated tender beverages Have a very substantial sugar written content which may lead to being overweight, diabetes and dental caries. In lieu of these dangerous drinks, decide to refresh yourself which has a glass of buttermilk or lemonade. Healthy Habit #3: Create a Balanced Physical exercise System If you completed previous week's responsibilities, you have by now begun to training daily. Now it's time to develop a well-rounded work out schedule with differing types of Actual physical action.
The best Side of healthy diet
On top of that, this may limit your publicity to any pesticides or harmful substances That could be current in a certain foodstuff. A healthy taking in system offers The body the nutrients it demands every day. It shall have plenty of energy once and for all overall health, but not so much that it would make you overweight. Fresh new and cured meats, fish and shellfish, dairy products and solutions and organized foods really should only ever be bought from the refrigerated display. Given that a healthy diet is made up of various sorts of foods, the emphasis has actually been shifted from nutrient orientation into the food based approach. Foods is usually categorized based on the functionality as-  Breakfast Little ones who skip breakfast may possibly lack adequate nutritional vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B2... Consumers are frequently aware about the elements of the healthy diet, but uncover nourishment labels and diet information in well known media baffling.[forty one] Give a good amount of fluids through disease. A child needs to consume far more throughout and after episodes of infections to keep up good nutritional standing. The easiest way for most of us to decreased their blood cholesterol is to lower saturated fats (as in meats) and trans fats (from partly hydrogenated oils in processed foods). A doable exception is people with diabetes, who need to communicate to their health care provider regarding their Over-all diet.   Nonetheless it have to be kept in your mind that this is a generalized diet chart that may or may not suit the requirements of everyone where circumstance you need to consult your dietician to be aware of more about the 1200 calorie diet plan. Good for you personally that the kidneys and liver are performing that occupation for you – of cleansing One's body. However, it is actually of critical significance that you choose to eat foods that should detoxify your body and assist you to preserve healthy. Keep the salt ingestion to fewer than 5 grams a day as it can help to forestall hypertension, and lessens the risk of heart disease. Like iodized salt. Diets which you happen to be applying to cut back weight ought to be full of proteins and low in carbohydrates and fats Heart disease and food stuff A diet low in saturated fats and higher in fibre and plant foods can considerably decrease your risk of developing heart disease... I have examine the Privateness Plan as well as the Conditions and terms. I deliver my consent for my details for being processed for the functions as described and receive communications for support linked facts.
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commoditygoods · 7 years
Breastfeeding - When the Most Natural Feeding Becomes Challenging
Breastfeeding an infant is the most regular method for encouraging. As much as we might want to trust that the recipe drain is near breastmilk and is adequate, the very certainty that people have survived such a large number of thousand years even before equation was discovered shows how powerful bosom nourishing has been. On the off chance that you are one of the fortunate moms for whom breastfeeding is going extraordinary, at that point you are honored. Be that as it may, there is another populace of moms who battle to bolster their children. Some say the child isn't locking appropriately however with some direction from breastfeeding counselors (in the western world) and grandmas/experienced moms (for the most part in creating world) and after some time, one can prevail with regards to making the hooking works. There is another class of moms who need to bosom sustain yet battle as they don't make enough drain. Each book or site you open will disclose to you that your body will make enough drain for your child and that on request sustaining enables your body to see what amount is required. Believe me, it isn't everybody's body that is really equipped for creating enough drain, take off alone overabundance to pump and store. I am not going to expound best dry fruits online good website in india on the advantages of breastfeeding as there is a great deal of writing on it yet I figured it will help a few in the event that I could share my experience and furthermore show some combined data on what you could possibly do to build drain creation.
 It is exceptionally excruciating to see your infant cry in spite of bolstering for like 60 minutes. Particularly for new moms, it isn't quite recently the physical torment that one needs to experience while starting to bosom nourish, it is likewise the misery of not satisfying the eager child. One would wish whatever they could do was make enough drain so the child is full and naps off. I have experienced that agony and can absolutely understand. We needed to begin our little one on equation nourish notwithstanding bosom bolstering ideal from the very beginning as he was embittered and truly required the sustenance to flush out his framework. When we brought him home, we comprehended in two or three days that I was simply not making enough and in the months to come I needed to adapt to the way that he would be given jugs too. I was extremely resolved to make bosom nourishing work for us and had not pondered 'consider the possibility that it was not going admirably. We had not purchased a pump or even jug but rather chose to do as such a day after we brought him home. With restricted time to investigate best alternatives, we went for a manual Philips pump which was alright to begin with. I at that point took prompt from bosom encouraging counsels and not long after that was on a data gathering binge so I could enhance drain generation. Amid this stage, I discovered that in spite of the fact that you may not know, ladies who have some kind of bosom surgery, similar to expansion or decrease or even fibroids evacuated (for medicinal reasons), can possibly have issues with supply. A term that you might need to get comfortable with is galactagogue. These are substances that assistance enhance lactation in people and creatures. In view of my experience and data I assembled, I have assembled the accompanying data that may help you...
 1. The soreness experienced in the initial couple of days of encouraging joined with an always hungry infant can be very trying. Do whatever it takes not to be put off by it. One could utilize what are call areola shields to facilitate the soreness. These are typically made of silicone and help great hooking as well. It is additionally helpful for ladies with little or upset areolas. When you and your child get a hang of breastfeeding, quit utilizing the areola shield. You have to keep the encouraging going with a specific end goal to expand drain generation. Keep in mind it more often than not is only 24 hours of not bolstering that stops drain creation
 2. Pump as regularly as would be prudent. As I said before, the body gains from the infant how much drain is required. Attempt to pump when you get a possibility. I say so in light of the fact that, there could be times when you need to supplement the bolster by giving a jug to your infant. In such cases, pump to discharge your bosom so your body does not think child needs lesser drain. After the initial couple of weeks, the infant's expands the interim between encourages, pump between sustains also. I was informed that pumping in the vicinity of 2am and 4 am is a smart thought as the lactation inciting hormone is at its crest as of now.
 3. Attempt to get a clinic review pump. Truly it is costly and I know some don't care for it. Notwithstanding, it really has choices of expanding or diminishing suckling simply like how an infant does. In the event that you can't get one, its alright, utilize a mechanical pump.
 4. Attempt to exhaust the two bosoms at each sustain.
 5. Drink no less than two liters of water a day, recall a significant part of the breastmilk is simply water and unless you are hydrated you won't make enough
 6. Here are a few galactagogues that I utilized and some that I picked not to use as they were different to me:
 a. Fenugreek seeds (called methi in hindi and 'vendhayam' in tamil) - I had no clue these would build drain creation and was enchanted to discover that. It is a significant regular fixing in Indian cooking so I didn't need to stress over taking something new while bosom nourishing. No point burning through cash on the cases accessible as supplements in shops, rather, I had teaspoon of the seeds three times each day
 b. Grains and vegetables - oats and grain particularly are said to enable increment to drain generation. I would typically have oats porridge (with drain included) in the morning and furthermore bubble grain in water until done and drink the water atleast one glass a day. Mung dal gruel is additionally said to offer assistance. Weight cook mung dal, include drain and jaggery, convey to bubble and drink
 c. Almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts are said to help drain creation
 d. Garlic - consume some garlic cloves in the fire or sear pulverized garlic cloves in ghee. Add this to warm drain and devour atleast twice per day. They say garlic could thin your blood so don't use with hostile to coagulants.
 e. Turmeric has mitigating properties and forestalls bosom contamination which could put some off from bosom encouraging. In the event that you have an Indian eating routine, odds are you are now getting enough of this superb zest, if not about half teaspoon daily is said to be fitting
 f. Green papaya is said to be taken as galactagogue crosswise over Asia. I didn't get an opportunity to attempt this myself
 g. Spirulina, nourishing yeast and brewer's yeast, soda are some others suggested by a few however I didn't get the opportunity to attempt these
 h. Flavors like dill, caraway, fennel seeds are likewise said to help drain creation. I used to bite on some fennel seeds ordinary.
 I. Green verdant vegetables, carrots, beets and yam are additionally said to be powerful. Likewise, dudhi (a.k.a sorakai in tamil or lauki in hindi) is said to be successful in expanding milk generation. Having a lot of leafy foods will give you the vitality and nourishment to make drain.
 j. Stinging bramble (additionally called 'kuppameni' in tamil) is another herb I would state that individuals normally suggest. I purchased dried bother and used to have it as a tea. Simply put a stacked spoonful in a glass and include bubbling water, cover with top and enable it to soak for five minutes, drink. It is additionally rich in press and an extraordinary herb regardless of the possibility that not lactating
 k. Virtuous berry, borage leaf, comfrey leaf, red raspberry leaf, goat's regret, jumps, horse feed are a few herbs that I didn't exactly use as I had never had them. The general suggestion is that while pregnant or lactating, endeavor to stay away from new fixings as you may not know how your body will respond. Be that as it may, I trust these herbs are more typical in Europe and there are various ladies who appear to report accomplishment with these on the web.
 l. Home grown teas - there are various readymade arrangements that are accessible in the market. These are typically tea sacks containing various herbs ordinarily got down on about the name. I utilized a tea by Yogi and it was intended to expand bosom drain generation. It contained favored thorn notwithstanding bramble. When all is said in done they say that the convergence of herbs is little in teas for them to cause any reactions, yet it is up to the person. I wanted to be sheltered than too bad
 m. In ayurveda, shatavari and ashwagandha are two herbs recommended for bosom bolstering notwithstanding some different fixings like almonds and so on. I had a case called Lactare, accessible from drug stores in India, one container daily. Specialists in Indian recommend that it is best if began not long after birth however I just began taking it later. Shatavari is by all accounts accessible as a supplement in wellbeing sustenance shops as well. I had an opportunity to have shatavari, accessible in powder frame from ayurvedic shops and even online from the day my second child was conceived and I have seen it to be exceptionally viable. I think taking the herb in powder frame was more viable than the case.
 n. I additionally used to take what was called Mother's Horlicks, uniquely arranged for moms to be and lactating moms. Reason I took it was on the grounds that it has malted grain notwithstanding invigorated vitamins and malted grain likewise, I read, helps drain creation.
 o. Great quality fat, for example, margarine and ghee are likewise said to be essential for lactating moms. Some suggest coconut oil and coconut drain.
 7. Protein rich eating routine is vital to make drain. Increment amount of eggs, meat in the event that you eat them, vegetables, beans and heartbeats. Have a considerable measure of complex sugar like entire grains as opposed to straightforward starches. The previous incorporate dark colored rice, entire wheat and so on. Having a very much adjusted eating regimen is vital whenever, particularly while lactating
 8. Getting some rest - in the event that you are sufficiently fortunate to get some assistance, attempt to take it so you can get some rest. One needs to grapple with the way that a few encourages will be bottle sustain and you could have your accomplice or grandparents give the container while you get some rest. A very much fed and rested mother delivers more drain
 I have endeavored to list whatever number alternatives as could reasonably be expected. You may have seen that I didn't attempt only one yet a considerable lot of these in parallel. I was additionally given a remedy for do
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