#here have a rare vent post from me everyone
booksandpaperss · 1 year
also in light of the announcement for a potential new Harry Potter series (that literally NO ONE asked for); if you’re an avid Harry Potter fan disrespectfully get the fuck off my page.
normally I try to be nice on here but seeing people actually EXCITED or even PARTIAL to a show like this (that JK ROWLING IS GONNA HAVE HEAVY INFLUENCE OVER BTW) is really pissing me off. I’m queer but in this instance more importantly I’m Jewish and I’m tired. The books are extremely problematic and so deeply infused with anti-semitism and racism (not to mention the creator is doubling down on that hate literally every day) that if you, in good conscience, can still enjoy any aspect of it after TONS of Jewish creators speaking about it, you’re either incredibly dense or you just genuinely don’t care about Jewish (and trans!!) people, and either way I don’t want anything to do with you.
this INCLUDES the marauders fandom btw. “Oh but it’s almost entirely fandom based” I DONT care. You’re still enjoying something built of off bigotry that the creator is very much still actively participating in. And don’t think I haven’t seen you guys complaining about the new show because it’s “not the marauders show” like you are still PART of the problem.
not to mention that as long as Harry Potter is still relevant JKR will still keep making money. money that’s she’s using to actively harm Jewish and queer people, so by keeping her relevant you too are actively harming those communities.
anyways, all this is to say that if you’re in the HP fandom, leave my blog. I’m guessing it’s more likely some of my followers (maybe not super active ones but still) are in the marauders fandom than the regular HP fandom so I want to make it expressly clear NEITHER are welcome here. I’m done. Get off.
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kalims · 8 months
Hi, there! :D
I don't know if my request will be taken into account but you mentioned that it's okay to try.
I am not throwin' away my shot >:D (sorry my indoor theater kid comes out from time to time)
Type: Headcanons
Reader: Neutral
Scenary: The NCR boys see that a student from Noble Bell College or RSA who has been trying to flirt with the prefect, in a bold move steals the prefect's (first) kiss. How would they react and what would they feel?
I feel like it would be a rollercoaster of occurrences and complete chaos in NCR xD
If my request does not convince you, you can discard it without problems, but if not, take your time and without pressure, thank you 💐🌼✨👍✍️I love your TWST fics they always make me smile .
whisk away
premise. despite your many efforts of evading your seeming admirer, they remain persistent in their pursuit. you've considered just leaving them in the dust without an explanation whatsoever but you're too stunned to process the fact that they've just kissed you without a warning. next thing you know there's a murderous aura approaching.
characters. silver, jade, deuce, kalim, vil
note. you didn't really specify which characters jhshs so I took the liberty of scouring your blog and just put the ones you seem to like ^^ and I kid you not, used a wheel for the other 2 lol (so sorry, was gonna post this earlier but got busy since presentations came up so I only finished now.)
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has a mixture of shock and anger. which is mostly for your sake honestly, he wasn't gonna intervene cause he felt like you would wanna deal with it on your own so he feels the absolute mortification slipping into his bones. if he wasn't fully awake, then he definitely is now!
fully ready to talk some sense into that idiot who has no sense of space, hello?
last time he knew, you weren't really dating anyone. silver would know if you did, cause you both talk practically everyday and a lover would be something he should be aware of... unless you didn't talk? I mean, who else would just kiss you like that?
someone unpleasant. he decides. one look at your face and he knows immediately that it wasn't something you expected as well.
just pulls up with a rare look of anger directed to the student, brows furrowed, shoulders tense and all. everyone's used to the serene, calm look on his features so seeing him look so different probably put off said student so they scampered after a promise made by silver if they dared to stick around.
"leave, or find out what happens if you don't."
gone is the anger *poof* and is fretting over you now. are you okay? do you want him to knock some sense into that idiot? literally tell him anything, order him to do anything, and he'll do it (within reason) my guy is just here for your sake tbh.
kinda gloomy cause damn, that was your first? he wanted both of yours to be first and some grade a hole just decided to shatter all that. it makes him all the more irritated so if he can't have your first kiss, he'll just take your second, and every single other kiss you'll give.
take the murderous aura and multiply it tenfold!!
jade doesn't really need to reach you and make his presence known by a few words cause it seems like everyone but you within 10 feet radius of him is sensing the murderous aura he's emitting. if it's not feeling that, then it's seeing the eery dark smile present on his face.
and he seems to be having a death march towards a specific direction so everybody knows where to avoid atleast. cause it seems like anyone on his path is gonna get trampled and no one likes a messy hall.
student in front of you pales, deluding themselves that maybe he's just heading somewhere behind them to vent out that rage or something but they glance behind and almost piss their pants when there is in fact, no one present near anywhere and he's getting closer.
so... they wanted to live so they just bolted out. an experience with one of the tweels won't be good news, and if jade is the one who has them in his sights... they'll take the head start thank you very much.
with the students face memorized and tucked into a corner of his mind he smiles almost innocently at you when you spot him and strike the most casual of conversation.
well, that's under the guise atleast. he's shooting you subtle questions about that person to which you reply innocently. oblivious to the grave you're digging for them yourself.
oddly enough jade started being strangely affectionate, a hand on the small of your back, maybe on your shoulder, arm, or a pat on your head as gratitude. but he seems to like kissing the back of your hand a lot...
*turns his head in their direction after kissing your hand*
I'll be perfectly honest. he doesn't really have much of an impact in terms of the intense aura that should have been felt. he looks a normal degree of angry, that's why the person hasn't gotten chased off even with the clear signs that deuce will be swinging a fist at probes.
unfortunate that's exactly what the person does. despite your clear reaction of disgust they still use you to rile up deuce. cooing at him while reaching for you, and chuckling about how they didn’t even know him, nor is it any of his business to interfere between two... lovers?
oh so they wanted to impact? they're gonna get one right now 👊 since it seems like they want to get to know him so bad they can get well acquainted with his fists, you know?
he made a promise to himself not to get involved with these type of mishaps! or at the very least resort to more peaceful methods than using violence as a sort of communication. the guilt eats him up a little but he thinks he'd never stand for someone who would disrespect you so blatantly!
almost comically, he looks like he spouts a pair of ears that of a dog's and turns to you. looking more apologetic compared to the fiery look he had a second ago, if he had a tail it would be tucked between his legs out of shame or something.
"I'm really sorry," he says. sulking. deuce apologizes to you, not for his choice of knocking out this random in the middle of the street but because of the fact that he did it in front of you. (also he's kinda jealous...)
if asked, he can, and WILL do it again.
don't blame him though! discreetly whisks you away to grab a bite. having literally no regards to the body looking like it's soul got knocked out laying, and looking out of place on the ground. maybe someone will check on them but definitely not him, they deserve it!
gasps loudly. "noooo!"
which is like a public proclamation that seeing that did everything but please him. which also means he's basically admitting he's jealous in an indirect way, might as well just say he likes you or something (he probably will if asked because he thinks it's nothing worthy of hiding.)
bounds up to you asking who that is quite loudly to the point where it would seem like he just stumbled upon you cheating on him. it doesn't help that he actually looks sad, teary and all. jamil is off, having paused in his trail since he was previously chasing the boy who ran off.
now he isn’t sure if he wants to get involved now. this is so embarrassing.
lowkey other student would just look back and forth to you, then to kalim. the latter in question unintentionally ignored his existence to be honest, since he was too busy shaking your shoulders and probing the answer of you.
"why would you kiss a stranger...?" he trails off, you did answer. kalim is genuinely wondering to himself if it was that easy cause damn, he scratches his head. that made no sense (says the guy who is making no sense.)
he makes it so obvious that he's pondering with the finger under his chin, eyes lost pointed at the air and the unnecessary loud humming... at this point the atmosphere became more awkward because you and the student is staring at him in bewilderment.
drag him off please, and explain it to him elsewhere. public is NOT a good place. so instead of him saving you out of a situation like this, you save him? talk about being built different...
what in the sevens... he surely hopes his eyes are working correctly lest he needs contact lens, or glasses for that matter. either way he'll positively be as beautiful as he ever was.
although he's very pleased that someone notices the extent of your beauty, there are... other ways to express fondness admiration for you, and vil just can't respect someone who doesn't seem to have any shame for themselves for pressing on boundaries.
so this... fool clearly is a mere taint on your image!!! rid of them immediately! you needn't dirty your pretty mouth, rook does love cleansing the world of dirt like them so it's for the better good if they just never dare to appear to your face ever again.
what better way to hurt someone than aim for their pride? *trash talks so good about their attitude that they actually be pondering their life choices*
don't get him wrong. he doesn't like them, like at all. vil can full well do more damage by nit picking details about them they probably aren't even aware of but he'd never willingly give another person a reason to be insecure about themselves, even if they did terrible things.
plus, there's better ways to teach someone a lesson. they'll learn.
who wouldn’t be scared of an angry vil? they scampered away pretty quickly from a few words, even quicker when he mentioned rook but it's their problem to be paranoid whether the hunter is following them or not to be honest.
frets over you right after. living the dream.
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You know when this all started coming to light, I fully expected that leftists would try to downplay the horrific violence by acknowledging that it was "bad and our hearts go out to the victims and their families, but......" or by making a sharp distinction between civilians and soldiers (or even like, minors and adults), but the thing that's fucked me up is that nope! We sailed right past any attempt to even pretend at human decency and cut straight to "they deserved it."
Even the kids?? Yep, even the kids.
Like Jesus H. Christ y'all.
I'm used to people feeling like they need to at least gesture vaguely in the direction of giving a shit about Jewish lives and not justifying actual terror tactics and war crimes on civilians (you'd think for consistency's sake they might care about looking like they care for the credibility but..) even if we both know they really don't actually care about antisemitism in a meaningful way. We both know that they won't be there when it actually counts, and they sure as fuck aren't going to interrogate their own personal or group's antisemitism. But usually there's a fig leaf. There's at least a baseline assumption that they should care about antisemitism and Jewish people staying alive, even if they don't actually, so they'll say the minimum amount of correct sounding words and then quickly skedaddle onto whatever it is they actually care about.
And like, is that good? No, it's not. It's not good enough. I'm sick and fucking tired of people doing juuuuuust enough to pretend to care without ever addressing the real underlying issues.
But this? This totally floored me. This drops that baseline assumption that antisemitism and murdered Jews is a bad thing entirely and blatantly sides with literal actual terrorists committing unspeakable horrors while holding it up as "liberation."
And what's worse? Most of those were the further out fringe types (although there were a horrifying amount more than I expected) right? Most everyone else wasn't spouting off about how happy they were that vive la révolucion, right? You know what was really deafening?
The silence from everyone else.
Literally everyone except for maybe one or two gentiles I remember seeing kept their mouths shut. Everyone else? Not a goddamn word about how fucked up it was that people were crowing over our people's fresh corpses. The bodies hadn't even cooled yet and we had jackasses on here publicly celebrating with memes and gore videos, and not a word from 99.9% of you.
The people who did speak up? You have no idea how much it means, and I'm grateful. Truly.
Everyone else who was too gutless, spineless, or oblivious to realize how critical a moment this was for support and/or was more interested in protecting your image or whatever?
Let's just say: duly noted.
I may continue to work alongside you (what choice do I have?) but the trust is gone.
We're clearly on our own, with rare exception.
(This is a vent post I will not be adding any caveats to it and I will be blocking anyone who tries to be an asshole. I will lock reblogs if there's any discourse. Our lives are not up for debate you sick fucks.)
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 1 month
This has to be my FIRST Wakasa post oml?
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Young!Wakasa boyfriend headcanons✿
Wakasa was very into fights when he was young, and still is, but he was a bit more reckless back then. You know how teenagers are.
Firstly, I can't imagine Wakasa falling for those type of girls who are, either physically or mentally, weak. I think he'd love a girl who's not afraid to speak her mind and is confident in herself and her abilities, someone with strong values and ambitions. If you'd know how to fight too, that'd be absolutely perfect but if you don't, that's alright too.
I don't think he'd hate pda but you'd have to know when to get affectionate with him in public. Because, my dear, you can't do that in every situation.
He would be type of boyfriend who would love when you'd wear his jacket or his clothes in general. He would give you them even. Especially when you wear his jacket in public for everyone to see.
Whether it'll be surprise or not, I think his love language is physical touch. So he'd have his hands on you almost all the time. Like you two are watching movie together and he has his hand on your thigh, squeezing it time from time.
Type of man who wouldn't allow you to pay for dates because he's the one who's paying and that's final, no matter what you say.
Wakasa would love late night rides with you. Just take you literally anywhere peaceful where you two can talk about anything and chill together.
He'd trust you to take care of his wounds. Like he wouldn't take care of them because he knows you will. But at the same time, he hates making you worry.
When it comes to emotional comfort, he's definitely not best at it but he'll try. You're free to vent to him anytime you wish and he'll quietly listen to you unti you're finished, then he'd try to comfort you with words but he's type of person to just hold you, hoping that will comfort you somehow.
I can't see him being fan of playfights so that would be pretty rare. Though, if you're ticklish, he'd tickle you. Like sneaking up on you and tickling you.
Seriously, his steps are so quiet that you even questioned if he's assassin. You can't hear him walking at all.
Wakasa would love gym dates. Sometimes, he'd show off to you. Also, he'd praise you every time you workout at the gym.
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I'm sorry this is pretty short lol😭 Also, since I have a Wakasa fan moot, I'm tagging you here! @wakasaishot
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thewritergremlin-rae · 5 months
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Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall - Who's the Most Alien of Them All?
Pairing: Loki x Reader Characters: Loki, Thor, Brock Rumlow, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Frigga, Heimdall Rating: T Words: 3229 Content: 2nd person, kidnapping, chloroform, manipulation, soulmate AU, Hydra!SHIELD at work, set during/post Avengers 1 Summary: You'd never thought there was anything strange about your soulmate in the mirror, apart from how handsome he was, but as fate would have it - he's trying to invade New York. Ao3: HERE Notes: I am an absolute sucker for Soulmate AUs so here we are! I'm thinking of using this same AU for some others (Bucky and Steve) but I'm not sure if it'll be in same universe
In this AU, you see your soulmates face as your own reflection~ THIS IS A REPOST OF MY OWN WORK I accidentally deleted the original post so the read more doesn't work on my own blog 😭
Banners by cafekitsune
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Something considered normal would rarely be considered wrong. 
So, registering your soulmate’s image via looking in a mirror at 18 and having a photo snapped had never worried you.
Everyone did it.
It was normal.
It was safe. 
It was how most people found their soulmates, and even then some just didn’t.
This early spring day started as every day usually did. You got up and ready for work, took public transport to the office, and logged in at 9 a.m. 
Lunch came and went, spent with the coworkers you got along with best, all venting about the small annoyances of the morning. You all returned to the office and the afternoon crawled by.
Last minute, your boss asked you to finish a report now rather than tomorrow morning and you waved goodbye to your co-workers with a shrug and a put-upon smile. They’d all been in your position at one time or another. No-one found it strange.
The report dragged on for a few hours and you had no idea why it couldn’t wait until tomorrow, but your boss was hardly known for his patience. He at least had the decency to stay behind too. 
You sighed and printed a quick copy before knocking on the door to your boss’s office. 
He called out and told you to come in, taking the report when you handed it over. His eyes barely scanned it before he spoke again; “Hey, I know it’s late, but we have a visitor in the conference room. Go keep them company, will you? It will just take a couple of minutes.” 
You bit back the sigh and the roll of your eyes, knowing both could lose you your job. Stupid, tight ass boss. “No problem, boss,” were the words that came out of your mouth, a false smile before you turned and left - heading to the conference room.
You took the liberty of rolling your eyes hard before you plastered the smile back on and pushed the door open. “Hello.” You stepped into the room and held out your hand as you gave your name. “Mr. Dickson is sorry to keep you waiting, but how can I help you?” 
Not the normal sort of client, if a client he was. Most clients showed up in suits or some sort of business attire, but this man wore a black T-shirt, combats, and a jacket certainly not of the suit kind. 
“Brock Rumlow.” He smirked over at you and you saw the way his eyes gave you a once over. Slowly. Urgh. Double ugh when he continued with; “No problem at all, sweetheart. Don’t suppose you could get me a coffee?”  He nodded over to the machine as he eased back into his seat. 
“Of course, sir,” you answered with a smile.
“Feel free to grab yourself one, too. Your boss sent you in here to keep me company, huh?” 
“Something like that, Mr. Rumlow.” The pot only needed warming before you poured two cups and offered him one, taking a seat opposite the man.
“I hope he doesn’t make you stay this late all the time, I hate it when my boss makes me work overtime.” He snorted and rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his coffee. “Do this, do that, clean up some mess, collect an alien’s soulmate, kill that politician, clean up more mess. Not a day’s rest I tell ya.” 
You nodded politely, staring down at your cup as you fully processed his words. Aliens, soulmates… killing politicians? You didn’t know which was the most out there. “I-’m sorry I’m not sure I follow…” 
He only looked more delighted at your confusion and the way your body had stiffened. “Well, you see, sweetheart, there’s this guy, Loki, who showed up outta nowhere and, see, he talks a big game about taking over the Earth and we figured, seeing as you’re his soulmate, that he might rethink those big ideas if we offer you up instead.” Brock shrugged as if this was just casual conversation and didn’t have you frozen in your seat. “’Course, if that doesn’t work, maybe threatening to harm ya will change his tune. But what do I know about aliens? I’m just part of the STRIKE team.” 
Brock smiled, as though he hadn’t just threatened you or spouted what sounded like absolute bullshit. A beat passed as you stared into the cup in your hands, eyes unseeing. “So why don’t we-” 
He growled angrily as you threw the coffee and the cup containing it at him and jolted to your feet, running for the door, pulling it open-
Your short-lived escape attempt ended when another similarly dressed and built man stepped into view. His hands clamped down on your arms and the panic really set in as you protested and tried to escape. “Let me go!” You kicked and thrashed, hoping the noise might cause your boss to call the cops, but that small slice of hope was soon ripped from you. He appeared from his office, face like thunder. 
“You said this would be quick, hurry up before someone hears this racket.” 
Brock huffed from behind you, fingers sliding into your hair and tugging hard to drag your head back. “We coulda done this the nice way, bitch, but that’s off the table.” He pressed a cloth to your mouth, harder than necessary.
The thought of not breathing hadn’t even crossed your mind before the fumes entered your body and you soon slumped into unconsciousness.
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You woke already knowing you weren’t at home. Everything felt off and you hadn’t even opened your eyes yet as you laid on what felt like a bed. You took a shallow breath, trying to remember, but everything before falling asleep stayed fuzzy at the edges. 
You had been to work and… right, your boss had made you stay late and there had been coffee and…
Your eyes snapped open but so far it seemed like you were alone. The edge of the bed wasn’t far from the wall and you hesitated before rolling over. Good. No-one there either and this side of the wall had windows.
You shuffled over to them, eyebrows furrowing at their size. Small and curved at the edges. you slid the blind up to be met with the sight of clouds and uninterrupted sky. 
You scrambled to the edge of the bed and the one door that led in and out of the room. “Hey! Hey!” you yelled, banging on the door, fear skittering through you. How long ago had last night been? What time was it now? Where were you now?
“Quit ya banging!” A stern thump that made the door rattle had you stumbling back and falling down to sit on the edge of the bed. “We’re nearly there, no need to get your panties in a twist, bitch.” It sounded like the man you’d met in the office… Brock if you remembered correctly.
He’d certainly changed his tune, but you had thrown coffee at him. Bastard deserved it. 
“Where are we going?!” You had no idea if he would answer, if anyone would. Did it even really matter?
You were to be offered up as some consolation prize to an alien invader in the hopes he might go away. 
You weren’t convinced of the plan; who would change their plans for the mere idea and appearance of their soulmate. You probably wouldn’t if you were in Loki’s position. 
“New York,” came the answer before you heard footsteps leave the door. 
You sank to the bed and flopped back on it, unsure what to do with yourself or for the rest of the flight.
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You sat in what had to be some kind of interrogation room, a bit rich considering these guys had kidnapped you. A window made up much of the wall in front of you; the blank expanse of glass left you with nothing to look at but the reflection of your soulmate. It hadn’t changed for several years, but you’d noticed recently his hair had grown longer and it didn’t seem as well kept as before.
The sharp lines of his face had always left you flustered, but now they left you worried at the gaunt paleness that clung to him. What had happened? You couldn’t possibly know, you didn’t even know his name. Well, you hadn’t.
Loki. An alien. An invader. 
You continued to sit silently in the chair, not knowing that an agent and your soulmate’s brother were busy deciding your fate.
“Father will not be pleased. Midgardians are not welcome to our realm and Loki is likely to remain in prison the remainder of her short life.” Thor spoke calmly but firmly. “Besides which, you tell me she is dangerous? A criminal? Why should Asgard take a criminal of Midgard to the golden realm? I do not think our prison is the best place to introduce them.” Thor couldn’t be certain, but he doubted the two would get along from what SHIELD had told him. 
His brother would likely perceive another criminal as a threat or he would keep his guard up. Loki was not one for letting people in so easily. Especially not now. Whether she deserved kindness or not, he doubted Loki would afford her any.
“What if your brother wants to bring her?” 
Thor’s eyes narrowed, giving the agent a sidelong glance. Hardly normal to accept a prisoner’s request… but he did love his brother fiercely - despite his recent tricks. “If,” Thor stressed, “Loki wants to bring her… I may agree,” Thor conceded. But he doubted such a thing would happen. “I will speak with him.” 
Neither you or Thor knew the thin thread by which your fate hung.
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The car rumbled through central park, you seated in the back wearing handcuffs and some gag like thing over your mouth that stopped you speaking. You still wore the bright orange scrubs and white shirt as though they’d plucked you from a prison somewhere.
You were free of Rumlow at least, you didn’t even know if the agent driving knew that you hadn’t been picked up from a penitentiary. This new one aligned more with what you imagined an ‘agent’ to be. Black suit, white shirt, sunglasses. Very Men In Black, which, ironic, since you were about to meet two aliens. 
The car came to a stop and you looked out at the people milling around. You only recognised two for sure - one of them being your soulmate. Tony Stark confused you, for a moment, before you recalled his shift into heroism the last few years. 
An equally tall, blond man held your soulmate's arm just above his elbow, so you had to assume this was the brother you’d heard murmurs about. 
Your car door opened and a hand grabbed similarly below your elbow to help you out. Curious eyes turned on you and all you could do was silently, desperately, plead for someone to step in. Someone to take the gag off. You just needed one of them to be curious. 
“Er… I don’t remember any plus ones going out to this little party.” Tony Stark gave the agent at your side a look over the top of his sunglasses, his gaze briefly sliding to you. 
“She’s Loki’s soulmate,” the agent replied, no judgement but not much other emotion in his voice. He turned and marched you towards the pair of aliens. 
“Now, hang on a minute.” A different voice objecting this time and you craned your head behind you to see a blond dressed in a check shirt and a brown jacket. You thought you might have seen his face somewhere before, but you weren’t exactly firing on all cylinders and you couldn’t place him. “She might be a criminal of some kind, but you’re going to send her to another planet?” 
“I’m sorry, Captain, but it seems she may be more dangerous than a Midgardian prison could handle,” Thor answered. “My brother told me he has made many a visit to her on Earth.” Fucking news to you! Your eyes flicked to Loki, brows furrowed, but he didn’t meet your gaze. “I do not think he could have taught her many of the tricks he uses, but SHIELD assures me that they have indeed met before.” 
Now you understood the reason for the gag. Can’t contradict made up bullshit if you can’t speak. You were about to turn a furious gaze on the agent that brought you out of the car when the soft clinking of a chain drew your attention.
Loki curled a chained arm around your waist, grip firm, and tugged your back flush against him. The action forestalled anything you had been about to do or say and you attempted to catch his eye. He ducked his head and you felt the cool press of his own gag to the top of your head. 
The gesture had you stilling in surprise and seemed to only cement the story that Thor had been spun.
You felt eyes on the two of you, studying intently, before Loki’s little stunt seemed to be accepted as proof and preparations began again. You assumed for travel to this Asgard, but how exactly? There weren’t any space ships nearby and you were fairly certain the car you’d arrived in wasn’t about to escape Earth’s atmosphere.
Something with Loki here?
Thor reappeared in your line of sight holding one of two handles of some canister. A blue cube glowed inside, but it didn’t make any more sense than it had a few minutes ago. He caught your eye, his look intense and serious. “Make sure you do not let go or you will be lost to space as Loki was before he came here.” 
You felt like meaning lay beneath the words, something you were supposed to glean from them, but still struggling to process what had happened the last few days you simply nodded and took hold of the other handle. Loki’s hand settled beside yours, overlapping slightly. Unsure if this stemmed from kindness, or an attempt to be sure you didn’t let go. or something else to drag you further into the fiction and lies that had been created around you... Well, you had no way to protest, anyway.
You hoped nobody would spend too long looking for you. Maybe the local police had already told everyone you were dead, covering up the act that you still couldn’t quite understand. 
You wondered if you would ever see Earth again after this.
Your hand unknowingly reached for Loki’s at your waist, gripping tightly in fear of what was to come and in sorrow that you didn’t know what mess you were leaving behind. 
Silence as Thor turned the handle, anticlimactic, but you felt it as your stomach dropped similarly to when an elevator descends too quickly and you were pulled upwards. The blur of colours was almost too much for your eyes to bear as your vision blurred, but soon enough your feet settled on solid ground once more. 
You desperately blinked back the blurring at the edges of your vision to take in the bright gold that lined the room you had landed in. Or maybe an observatory of some kind.
“Welcome home,” a deep but firm voice greeted, your eyes drawn to a man in gold armour whose eyes glowed just as brightly as the metal. He sheathed the sword into the metal stand in front of him and approached the three of you.
You thought you could see something sad in his gaze as he touched the metal on your face, drawing it easily away from you and returning your ability to speak. “I am sorry you were dragged into this mess, miss.” 
“How did you…?” 
“My name is Heimdall and my duty is to watch over the Nine Realms. While I cannot see all at once, and some have managed to evade my sight in the past,” At this he gave Loki a look before returning his gaze to you - eyes softening once more, “I have kept an eye on your journey these past few days.” 
“Heimdall, of what do you speak?” Thor asked in utter confusion. 
But you found the words and breath to speak first. “They lied to you, I’m not an inmate! I’ve never even gotten a parking ticket!” you protested, courage mounting with every word you got out. “I was just doing my job like always and a couple of thugs came to the office and kidnapped me.” A squeeze at your waist reminded you of Loki’s presence and you pulled out of his grip, turning your annoyance on him. “And we have never met! I’ve only ever seen his reflection.” 
“Loki-” Thor growled at his brother, but received only a simple shrug and a look that lacked all remorse in reply. “Why did you-?”
Warm hands took your wrists and distracted you, your gaze drawn by watching Heimdall break the cuffs on your wrists as easily as if they were made of paper. “My apologies, miss. I had no way of letting anyone on Earth know of the misconception.” He didn’t smile, per se, but he seemed genuine and his greeting kind. 
He took a step back and you breathed with relief to finally be free of all your chains. “At least someone knows what’s going on.” Though Loki had to have known too, so why had he lied to Thor and SHIELD? “How exactly am I supposed to get home?” you asked, looking between the two brothers as if scolding children. 
“Heimdall is to use the Tesseract to restore the Bifrost and once it’s fixed, he will be able to send you home. If I can, I will return with you and explain the situation to the Avengers - they’ll be sure to help,” Thor rushed to assure you.
To be fair, they had tried, but Thor had been so convinced by SHIELD… Well, he just seemed to have gotten all mixed up in all of this so you nodded. “So, I’ll just have to wait until the bridge is fixed?” 
Thor smiled brightly this time, like the sun bursting through on a cloudy day. “Yes, just until it is fixed. I’m sure Mother will be happy to provide hospitality.” 
“I see my son is already volunteering me.” Her voice sounded light and happy despite the situation, drifting over from some as yet unseen doorway off to the side. 
“Your Majesty.” Heimdall bowed to her and you quickly followed suit - you didn’t want to end up in the dungeons for however long it would take to fix the Bifrost. 
You straightened up to find her gentle smile turned your way, her beauty and motherly face stealing your breath. “I’m glad to finally meet you, though you are such a familiar sight that I feel as though I know you already.” Her arm settled softly around your shoulders and she started to steer you along the beautiful bridge you stood on. 
Loki huffed behind you and you wondered if he might be embarrassed? No, probably not.
“I’m sorry you were brought here under such circumstances, but welcome to Asgard.” Weird space travel and spy stories coming to life aside, maybe spending some time in the golden city laid out before you wouldn’t be so bad. 
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Loki fic? Go here
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
why do you get to sit in your heated home with daddy’s money and tell everyone who can and can’t wear jirai kei?
I don’t usually respond to stuff like this, especially because I’m fairly certain this was just ripped from a popular j-fashion creators video, but:
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I feel like I make it quite clear that when I talk about jirai kei it’s just my opinions. I openly state that I’m likely a dumbass and you should take my word with a grain of salt considering I’m not a spokesperson for the Jirai Kei community, I’m not an expert on Jirai Kei, I also don’t speak Japanese so I can’t rly access a lot of “OG” jirai kei content that launched the community.
Additionally: I’ve never stated that anyone can’t wear anything. The closest I’ve gotten to that is when I state that I don’t generally believe “jirai kei” is the appropriate term for the fashion (therefore you can’t rly “wear it” if we want to be super technical) or when I said that “fashion jirais” who complain about the community can fuck off.
Never at any point in that did I say that anyone can’t wear anything. If you want to wear girly kei or dark girly or larme or ryousangata or whatever the fuck you want to wear - by all means please do. My main point is if you don’t like the jirai kei community, don’t interact with it. You can post coords and find friends and have a lot of fun with the clothing if that’s want you want to do. You can buy Liz Lisa & MCM bags and generally live your best ryousangata life. You don’t have to interact with the jirai kei community to do that. Block the people you find annoying. Block tags, block accounts, block whatever you don’t want to see. No one is going to be mad at you for not wanting to interact with the “dark side” of jirai kei (as people love to call it for some reason) UNLESS you’re adamantly saying “the dark side is wrong” and then using a shitload of jirai-related tags. Other tags for these clothes exist. Separate the two if you want, I don’t give a fuck; jirai kei doesn’t own the clothing.
I’m not going to sit here and outright defend people in the jirai kei community posting people’s coords and bullying them, I’m not gunna sit here and defend the fatphobic or racist things that have been said on jirai kei twt. I will point out that those posts are not actually super common in the jirai kei community, and the people that post them generally aren’t very well liked by other landmines either, they also tend to be very young. It’s a really big community. There are going to be “bad apples” especially because it’s a community based around mental health issues. You can’t look at that handful of posts and say “the entire community is toxic and awful”. Venting & the like are very common, but it’s pretty rare that I see people actively posting hate like that, and there is a huge difference between the two. Most of the landmines I see are too scared to even make vague callout posts. Maybe that’s just Tumblr, idk, but honestly the amount of hate I see in this community is rather small.
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Secondarily to your point; my house is not fucking heated. I can barely afford to run the AC in the summer or the heat in the winter - typically I turn it on when my BF is here and turn it off when he leaves to save money. I have my own apartment. I work for my own apartment. I can barely fucking afford it. I make about $2700 a month and my bills add up to be about $2400 a month (and it’s not like an expensive or nice apartment it’s literally full of roaches and my oven doesn’t work). I usually end up spending about $100 of the leftover on cat food, and then have $200 left over for gas to get to work AND food AND toiletries for the MONTH.
I don’t have “daddy’s money”. I live by myself about 8 hours away from my family; they don’t have shit to send me. My dad died 3 years ago and left us with 50k in debt because he decided paying taxes was optional. When that happened - I was making 17.50 an hour and I had the HIGHEST WAGE out of anyone in my family. I was trying to finish college which I was attending on a scholarship bc I couldn’t fucking afford it, I was working overtime, trying to organize my dad’s funeral bc no one else in my family could do it, and paying tax payments. “Daddy’s money” was a negative sum. I frequently send leftover cash to my family if there is any just to help them in any way I can.
The cute and nice things I can afford are typically bought either because I pick up overnight shifts at my secondary serving job or from sugar daddies. Although I stopped sugaring about 3 years ago.
I started working when I was 15. I started SW when I was 17 to help my family pay rent. I did SW from about 17 years old to 21 and stopped shortly after my father died because I didn’t have the time anymore. And I fucking hated it but it made money.
Don’t fucking come at me saying I’ve got a nice house and daddy’s money when I’m sitting in a roach-infested apartment that I work myself to the fucking bone for & I spent multiple years trying to pay off my dad’s debt.
Fuck right off with that dude.
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sotwk · 2 months
Started this morning discovering that yet another active Tolkien blogger has blocked me. We were never mutuals, but have a lot of common friends, and so I found out when I saw a reblog of their post but couldn't access their profile. (I do browse user profiles regularly because I'm interested in knowing and remembering people in my orbit/fandoms.)
I support people's freedom to use the block button as best suits them, but this is why I myself very rarely block others, especially bloggers who run in the same circles as me. No matter how you dice it, it stings to find out you've been essentially rejected by a fellow community member, especially when you're left to speculate why. (And I'm an anxious overthinker like many of us are here.)
I'll do my best not to spiral into a bad mindset from this and keep doing as I do. I just think a little bit of a vent was needed. Even though it's not easy, I try to give my best to this fandom and the Tumblr community as a whole. I just need to remember that will never guarantee everyone would like me or my blog.
I hope everyone has a better start to their day than I did! ❤️
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chaggie4ever · 2 months
Hello. Me again. I was wondering if you could make a post of how Charlie steamrolls Vaggie. I know it's a recurring flaw but I wanted to hear from you.
Of course. I’ve been wanting to make a Chaggie flaws post for a bit so this can be at least part 1 XD preface with I ADORE them (sometimes with a side of Lute/Vaggie) and flaws are part of any good relationship. My very gay wife and I have many but remain very happily married for over three years now :)
Also having just rewatched AGAIN this is fresh 😎 (#idontknowhowmanytimesiverewatchednowpleasesendhelp). So we immediately open into a Disney-esque song that Vaggie begs Charlie not to sing (in the original AND new pilots!) Charlie literally sings over her and runs down the street, annoying everyone in the pride ring. She ignores Vaggie’s commentary and (insider) advice. When she gets back, we see one of the rare cases that Vaggie IS NOT fully in tune with Charlie’s emotions and pushes her to watch the commercial before she can vent about the meeting. This may be intentional to cheer her up though 🧐
Ep2 Chaggie is cute and supportive and more involves Charlie steamrolling Angel and his emotions in favor of Sir Pentious.
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Ep3 Charlie flings the whole trust exercise on Vaggie, who is very obviously uncomfortable with this. Ideally she would have given Vaggie a heads up before in front of everyone… or at least recognized that discomfort. But nope. Completely steamrolled. To her credit, Charlie is the first to volunteer and later DOES apologize for putting too much pressure on Vaggie.
But the rooftop. The fucking rooftop. Charlie interrupts the one consensual throwing into a turf war (Nifty REALLY wanted to be thrown XD). Then when Vaggie literally says that she is NOTHING if she isn’t useful, Charlie DOESNT CORRECT HER. Like dude. You don’t try saying “you do so much” in that situation. You tell your girl to fucking love herself dammit and that her self worth should not revolve around you! But it’s like Charlie doesn’t even hear this… she wants to put a bandaid on but she needs to stop the actual bleeding here. And doesn’t. She leaves. Yes Vaggie asked her to but sometimes you should persist a bit more imho. Instead we see an awesome power ballad (also her Assassin’s Creed climbs bro), where Vaggie sings about “it felt so good to be understood” after THIS convo XD I’m sorry I can’t. Gurl you are more than armor, please love yourself. Notably, Charlie IS NOT HAPPY even when the residents are bonding (her one goal right?), until Vaggie is ok. And this scene is very cute and sweet.
Ep4 is more Huskerdust focused, but we do get some cute supportive girlfriend talk and Charlie actually listening. The one time it backfires XD I AM glad Vaggie doesn’t put this all on herself when Charlie returns home devastated.
Ep5 is more Charlie+Lucifer but we get a cute intro to future father-in-law (guys. Why are they not engaged yet?? I was in like three months XD) good tour, minimal steamrolling that I can find. Charlie does completely miss Vaggie’s reaction to Lucifer talking about heaven sucking, but she was facing the other way and kinda focused on him. And she does not notice Vaggie’s very obvious fake enthusiasm over going to heaven at the end.
Ep6 - the BIG ONE. Charlie seemingly does not care about Vaggie’s discomfort going to heaven. Like dude, at least ask why? Maybe? Or do you even notice the VERY obvious hesitancy on every convo about heaven? Idk if she was assuming she knew or just was too excited and missed it. But this happens so many times this episode. Yes, Vaggie REALLY should have given Charlie at least a heads up about what she was walking into. But it helps when someone asks “what’s wrong?”… especially for those of us who are emotionally constipated and trauma-fueled…
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Ep7 is frustrating - how long has Vaggie been on the couch now? A week? Their confrontation is so painful. Like can you think of a reason Vaggie may have lied or just not corrected you about this major aspect of her life? Girl has had your back for three years essentially without question. You need to talk. Not cry for a week. But again, Charlie comes first and Vaggie hates herself too much to combat this. Especially right now. Charlie can focus on nothing else all day until she finally learns actions mean more than words. Meanwhile Vaggie gets the shit beaten out of her and reminded to live for others. As much as I love this scene, I do NOT love having a person as a “reason to live.” I hope she develops beyond this but if this is what Vaggie needs to survive life right now so be it (I actually meant to type Lute instead of life but both work XD)
Their apology is super cute and I think there will be some great wing fun in bed tonight XD Vaggie IS steamrolled here again but this time it’s more legitimate imho. Charlie should not let her apologize after how she treated her today. They BOTH need to apologize dammit.
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And finally ep8 - very minimal steamrolling I could find! They are just adorable and perfect in every way. Wow that ended up long XD sorry and you’re welcome? XD
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yarameijer · 8 months
Hi again 👋,I am here after reading chapter 42 of accidental reverse and it's epic,it was definitely worth the long wait,I am a sucker for tenma&shuu and tenma& shindou friendship,so,I can't wait for the next one, How's recovery going,well I hope. love from Hana
So,one thing that really bothers me about inazuma eleven is that they gloss over relationships that are important.I get this anime mostly focuses on soccer,but still,I thought about and tenma got betrayed 4 times in the series,4 Times,That's insane
First,shuu: I don't like that they completely glossed over this in the movie,I get that they didn't know each other for long,but tenma trusted him and shuu clearly knew they'd be playing against each other,being part of the team that beat raimon up, completely disregarding tenma's reaction,not patting an eye at tenma's best friend being locked in a cage like an animal.no matter how you look at it, that's a betrayal,I know the "fixed things"at the end of the movie,bit, tenma must've been hurt that someone he trusted betrayed him from the very beginning but shuu didn't apologize and I hate that.
Next, taiyou :I talked about this one in my previous post,What Taiyou did even without telling gouenji about anything interesting tenma told him(because that's not canon),what he did is a huge betrayal,Not telling tenma when he knew of his involvement in the revolution,acting cold and rude during their match,lying to his friend's face, completely disregarding his friend's feelings.That's a huge betrayal and I wish they payed attention to it,it was overshadowed by shindou breaking his leg and again tenma must've been hurt.
Next,Fei: this one's self explanatory,He apologized and I guess he betrayed all of raimon,but again,He and tenma were definitely the closest and he was hurt.
Next,The one that hurt him the most, tsurugi:I don't think I have to explain this and my hand's tired.
Not to mention that tge team treated him horribly in the beginning,like,shindou literally beat a junior up and I know he was upset,I know he was angry,but that doesn't excuse it,He's older and he should've taken it easy on a newbie who helped them before.and he never apologized.
Kurama was definitely the worst,He was rude,cold and blamed tenma for literally everything wrong in the club which is ridiculous and he never apologized.
The rest of the team, basically stood by and watched,The only ones on tenma's side from the very beginning are shinsuke and Aoi,which is why I love this trio and I think it should get more love.
So,my point is that everyone treated tenma horribly,no one apologized except for Fei and those betrayals must've hurt.
I want these guys to realize they messed up when they see tenma being hesitant to tell them something or see him more comfortably sharing things with, let's say,earth eleven more than them, specifically Taiyou and shuu.
Could you write a drabble about it.
Sorry,this is so long.I read A.R chapter 42 and came to vent.
Love you ❣️
Oh boy do I have feelings about this.
Through the years of writing stories, as I grew older, I started looking deeper into the characters' mindsets, to try and give them a more realistic and individual representation. This means it isn't always in line with what is shown in the anime, but I don't really mind. Tenma's character is pretty interesting to me because of three reasons: his cheerful attitude, his insecurities, and being allowed to move miles away from home at age eight.
The first two are quite well known in the fandom already and more people have experimented with it, but it's the third one I rarely see. Someone even told me it wasn't a big deal.
Is it really, though? What would such a thing do to a child? What kind of family situation would it be for parents to allow their eight-year-old kid to move several hundred miles away, for years? I get that he wanted to play at Raimon and that they were supporting him - but he started that school at age 12/13, so why would he be sent to Inazuma Town four years before he could even attend Raimon? It doesn't mean Tenma's parents are bad or abusive, but it does imply there's a more complicated situation, one that could actually explain quite a lot of Tenma's insecurities. It's just something that's been keeping my mind occupied lately, and I'm planning to use it in my stories more. 
All in all, I feel like Tenma's character can be quite complicated, without a ridiculously complicated and tragic backstory. It just doesn't fit, y'know? And it's a bit too cliché for me. Putting that aside for now, there's also one more specific characteristic I've given the Tenma in my stories: he has a hard time opening up, which means I'm not sure whether the issues you mentioned are ones he would just talk about. The Tenma I'm writing is much more likely to try to deflect a topic so I don't think I can fully 'finish' this? The issue won't be resolved by the end of the drabble because healing takes time, and I think I might build on this idea in future chapters more. I'll try my best though! And I didn't include Earth Eleven cuz they didn't seem right for this role. Instead Aoi gets some more love XD
So, just a warning, I have an idea for the start of this drabble but beyond that, my mind is blank. I have no idea what I'm about to write so bear with me here, and let's hope it's not too messy.
Tenma has never had a lot of friends.
He told his yearmates, once, when they were hanging out at his house. Kariya and Hikaru had been talking about the team, about how much fun every day was, about how they weren't used to it. Tenma, relaxed and content and safe, agreed.
They'd been surprised, a little disbelieving. They were nice about it! But Kariya's, "For real? Could've fooled me!" had stuck with him, no matter how teasing it had sounded.
It's the truth, though. Before Raimon he'd had Aoi, and one or two people he would sit with during lunch at school, but that was about it.
He loves Inazuma Town, now more than ever - but making the switch from his relatively small seaside hometown to this busy Tokyo district was hard, harder than he'd admitted to anyone but himself. It's not that he didn't want to, but... Aki always got so sad when Tenma was sad and he could see her brightening whenever he said he was happy (and he was!) and okay. He didn't understand it fully back then, but he thinks he's starting to. Aki had been so young.
(Sometimes he's guilty, for putting more weight on her shoulders. For making her look after him when she was barely in her twenties.
Sometimes he's angry at his parents for putting such a burden on her. For ever getting it in their minds to ask their young cousin to be responsible for an eight-year-old child.
Sometimes he's angry at them for allowing him to go in the first place.
Most often, though, he's angry at them for making him want to.)
Tenma was in a new town, living with a relative he barely knew, and painfully shy. His soccer obsession didn't exactly help - everyone likes soccer, of course, how could they not when seeing all those hissatsu? But they don't live and breathe it like he does, like his teammates do. When the kids in his neighborhood found out that soccer was all he ever focused on, they lost interest in him pretty quickly.
(Most of them, at least, and the ones who didn’t - well, their interest wasn’t exactly a good thing.)
Aoi was an exception. But, Tenma has long since realized, Aoi is absolutely crazy in her own, hidden way (she'd have to be, to put up with their team's shenanigans).
Tenma isn't very experienced in the friends department, as surprising as many people seem to find it. He's never really cared, to be honest. He'd had Aoi and Aki and Sasuke and he found out early on that a lot of people just don't care. Fighting that never worked out for him, so why bother?
The sudden call has him looking up, brought back to the present.
Shindou has twisted around in his seat. He looks vaguely annoyed. "Finally. What's got you so distracted?"
Tenma blinks. "I'm sorry, senpai," he responds automatically, surprised by his own absentmindedness. He didn't expect to be so caught up in his daydreams with his entire team around him - the noise level in the bus is, as usual with them, high, and the air is filled with a familiar excitement at the prospect of a match, especially after so long.
"It's fine," the strategist sighs, a smile finally pulling at his lips that Tenma would almost call fond. "Just don't zone out all day, alright? We can't afford that when facing Arakumo Academy."
"Right," the captain agrees easily.
He expects that to be the end of it because Shindou is turning around in his seat again, leaving Tenma to his thoughts once more - but it isn’t.
"This is the second time you're distracted when we're playing against Arakumo," someone else drawls - Tsurugi, who's seated on the opposite side of the bus aisle, arms crossed and lounging in his chair like a king. "I'm starting to suspect a pattern."
Tenma, for lack of a better reaction, smiles and shrugs. He doesn't know what to say to that, because it's true.
Their last, and first, match against Arakumo wasn't his finest moment, he’ll readily admit.
Thankfully Tsurugi doesn't care much for his lack of reaction, focusing once more on the book he was reading. Tenma watches him for a moment, and then looks out of the window again.
He knows it's bound to get his mind wandering again, and he's not in the mood for another scolding, but there's not much else to do. Shinsuke next to him is playing a game on his phone, Hayami and Hamano in the row in front of him are discussing homework. Everyone else is either caught up in their own conversations or seated too far away to comfortably converse with.
Tenma starts tapping a mindless rhythm on his knee to keep himself in the present. He's restless. Hopefully the match will get him out of his head - he's not even sure why he's so distracted.
(That's a lie.)
He should be fine, right?
Everything's fine.
It all worked out.
School has started again after the summer holidays - of which he spent the first half in space. It still feels unreal to him, despite over a month having passed.
Not much else happened during the holidays. He'd caught a plane to Okinawa and stayed there pretty much until school started again, only returning to Tokyo a day and a half before. It had been nice to be back home, spending most of his time on the beach or exploring the familiar streets or practicing soccer by himself. He’s gotten sufficiently tanned, as well, and it was pretty funny to see Tsurugi’s annoyance at that once he got back.
This is their first match after the break - school's been in for only a week - and beneath the excitement, there's some nervous energy too. Arakumo is one of their most challenging opponents and they all know it.
At least it's only a friendly match instead of anything tournament-related, so the usual pressure of winning (especially when trying to lead a revolution against a deluded tyrant organization) is absent. Maybe, Tenma muses, that's why he's so distracted.
The fact that this is the first time he'll be playing against Taiyou since their argument doesn't exactly help. They've talked about it at length, and they've tentatively been texting and even hung out once over the summer, but there's a sense of discomfort that they're still trying to get past. Tenma, if only in his own mind, can admit he's worried about how any competitive interaction will affect them.
He doesn't want to lose Taiyou's friendship, but…
The brunet sighs and shakes his head. At this rate he's just going to keep on being distracted, and inevitably disappoint his team. He doesn't want to take that risk for their first match after such a long break.
Or, any match, really.
Especially not after-
(He still cannot help but feel a bit jumpy, after all the arguments with Shindou during the Grand Celesta Galaxy, after Tsurugi’s kidnapping, after, after, after.
It had felt like he'd been on thin ice when he first joined the team, but that sensation had slowly but surely faded as he found his place.
Now, after, he hates that he's once more double-checking his every action. Hates that he's lost the sense of security in where he stands that had been near unshakable before the Grand Celesta Galaxy.)
Tenma is, once again, brought back to the present, this time because their bus is slowing to a stop. A glance out of the window tells him all he needs to know, and he hides a grimace.
Seems like they have arrived at Arakumo Academy.
Raimon reaches their destination right on schedule, Shindou is glad to note. They'd left early so they'd have enough time to get ready and go over their strategy before the game starts, as they usually do, but Arakumo is a challenging enough opponent that any extra time is welcome.
They're guided over the campus in the direction of the soccer stadium and Shindou takes in the sights with mild interest. It's been a while since he's visited Arakumo - their previous match had been in one of Fifth Sector's stadiums. The prestigious academy hasn't changed much. It certainly lives up to its reputation, not quite as large as Teikoku's buildings, but nothing to look down on either. It's got a more serious appearance than Raimon, with red-toned walls and roofs with cloud patterns.
However, Raimon is here for a match, not to play tourist, and soon they find themselves in their assigned dressing room to get ready for the match. It's as the team is entering the room, getting ready to change out of their training suits, that a ringtone disrupts the usual chatter.
It's uncommon enough that Shindou finds himself glancing up, involuntarily raising his eyebrows as Tenma scrambles for his phone. He catches the captain's gaze and Tenma shoots him an apologetic look while he answers the call. “Hello?”
Shindou turns away and smiles at Kirino on his other side as he reaches for his bag, but despite his wish to give his captain some privacy, they’re right next to each other. It’s impossible not to overhear the one-sided conversation.
“I apologize, this isn't really the right time,” he hears Tenma say, sounding genuinely sorry and surprisingly formal. “I'm playing a match in-”
The brunet falls silent for several moments after the, assumed, interruption. Shindou unzips the jacket of his training suit and shrugs it off his shoulders. He's already wearing his uniform underneath the track suit, so he won't take long changing.
Next to him, Tenma starts talking again. “I understand, but I,” and falls silent yet again. Shindou frowns.
Something about the way his captain keeps on halting in the middle of his sentences seems a little odd. Shindou finds himself halting his movements, unable to keep himself from looking over at his young friend. It's not on purpose, but he's always believed in the worth of information, and something about the increasing tension in Tenma's voice raises his guard.
‘’Yes, I do understand, but is it really not possible?’’ The brunet in question is clutching his phone, lips pulled into a frown while his other hand holds on tightly to the edge of the bench. Whatever he's being told clearly affects him, and whatever reply he receives has his shoulders drooping visibly as he says, ‘’I know, but it was scheduled months ago…’’
It takes Shindou a second to classify the tone in Tenma's voice - not disappointed, but… resigned?
Whatever this conversation is that Tenma is now being forced to share with the entire team, it doesn't reassure Shindou in the slightest.
And it's clear he's not the only one. Although they're trying to hide it, the strategist notices several of his friends shooting worried glances at their captain, and the usual rambunctious chatter is muted. It’s by accident that Shindou and Tsurugi lock eyes over Tenma’s head, but it’s clear to both - they’re equally confused.
Tenma hasn’t hinted at any issue to either of them, and Shindou doesn’t quite know how to feel about that realization. He doesn’t mean to assume, but… well, as far as he knows, the brunet is an open book.
Especially to him and Tsurugi, or so Shindou had thought.
(Tenma respects him, he knows. It's clear the young brunet values his opinion, but he's also comfortable enough to approach Shindou with his issues and insecurities. To ask for help. To let himself be vulnerable.
Shindou appreciates that, could even say he's honored by the faith the brunet puts in him.
So to find out there's apparently something - a situation that seems to be the norm rather than the exception, based on Tenma's reaction - that has such an impact on the brunet, which he hasn't even hinted at towards Shindou nor Tsurugi…
Well, it throws him off more than he thought it would.)
The captain doesn't seem to have noticed the slowly increasing attention on him, too focused on whatever conversation he's having. One that's clearly not going well. “Are you certain?” he asks, sounding dull, and Shindou grimaces. That sounds very different from the Tenma he's used to, and it feels wrong.
‘’I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain.’’
That is…
Shindou has to look away from Tenma then. He can’t stand the sight of him so muted, so wrong, and he gets the feeling he is intruding on something he has no right to know about.
Instead he exchanges a look with Kirino next to him, the defender appearing just as startled as the strategist imagines he himself looks.
‘’Alright. I understand.’’ The words are mumbles but where they would otherwise have gone unheard, now the team has become silent enough for it to be picked up. ‘’Right. Goodbye, then.”
Tenma hangs up and drops his phone carelessly in his bag. Then he sighs softly, staring at the ground for several seconds before getting to his feet with the intent to get changed.
Shindou debates saying something, thoroughly unsettled because he's seen Tenma worried, sad and even angry a few times, but this… this is somehow worse. Clearly upset about something and yet shrugging it off completely at the same time. He's got no idea how to handle this new side of his friend, and he doesn't like it one bit.
He doesn’t seem to be the only one doubting themselves, something hesitant in the air as the team waits - for what, Shindou can’t quite tell. For Tenma to explain? The captain doesn’t even seem to notice their focus on him as he pulls off his suit jacket, but the strategist can’t help but wonder if that’s really the case. Either the brunet is so lost in his own thoughts he doesn’t notice the unusual quiet in the changing room, or he’s pretending.
It’s Tsurugi who breaks first, and Shindou feels a little relieved. Whatever issue Tenma may be facing, his guess is that he'll most easily open up to either Shinsuke, Tsurugi, or Shindou himself. He's never asked for the details but he knows Tenma and Tsurugi share a lot - Tsurugi about his brother and his time as a Seed, and Tenma about his insecurities.
“What was that all about?” the striker mumbles from the brunet’s other side, a quiet offer to talk about it.
Tenma stills in the midst of securing the captain's band around his arm.
He doesn't even look at his best friend and there's a sudden, horrid feeling of dread in the pit of Shindou's stomach that he doesn't know the origin of.
“Nothing to concern yourself with,” Tenma says evenly, and that's it. He goes back to changing like nothing happened. Like his team didn't just watch him act more cautious and restrained than he did while they traveled to the future.
He hadn't even hesitated.
Hadn't even seemed to consider talking to his team - and sure, that might not be considered odd if it were anyone else, but this is Raimon. They are arguably closer than any other team, after everything they've faced together. It's their whole thing, their never ending support of each other and their strong bonds, the reason they've made it this far, and if there's anyone who enforces that stereotype, it's Tenma.
And yet he hadn't even spared Tsurugi a single glance as he'd answered.
Shindou doesn't know what to think.
With the sudden, painful, and most importantly unusual sense of awkwardness in the air, Raimon finishes getting changed. Coach Endou shows up not long after, as bright and enthusiastic as he always is, and at least that manages to lighten the mood a little. He repeats their strategy once more, supported by Haruna refreshing the most important data on the Arakumo team, and the boys listen intently to his advice until he dismisses them with a few minutes to spare.
There's chatter in the changing room again, the excitement at the prospect of a match against a team as challenging as Arakumo resurfacing, and yet Shindou still finds himself watching his captain.
The brunet doesn't join in on any conversations, lips thin and shoulders still a bit tense.
He approaches Aoi.
The girl looks up from where she's preparing towels for the boys for later, her smile fading the moment she catches sight of him in favor of a frown. “Are you okay?” she asks.
Tenma mutely shakes his head, eyes downcast.
Aoi reaches out for him, catching him by the shoulder. She seems worried, but there's something in the way she approaches the brunet that seems to speak of experience.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Tenma, finally, cracks a smile. “Later,” he tells her. “Wanna join Aki-nee and I for dinner?”
The girl immediately brightens, both at the offer and the prospect of supporting her childhood friend. “I'd love to. I'll let my parents know, do I need to text Aki-san for you?”
The whole interaction speaks of familiarity and care. Shindou, objectively, knew they were friends, childhood friends. Knew they live in the same neighborhood, knew they hang out together often.
Knowing is different from seeing.
The way Aoi had immediately seen something was up, the way she'd known exactly how to react. How Tenma talks to her so easily when he'd seemed painfully uncomfortable with the team, had, in fact, approached her himself because he wanted to talk. The easy invitation for dinner, something they're apparently both so used to that they hadn't even considered that either Aoi's parents or Tenma's guardian could have any problem with the sudden change of plans.
There's a trust there. A trust that, until ten minutes ago, Shindou had believed to extend to the rest of the team.
As the two first-years keep talking, Tenma smiling once more, the strategist is suddenly struck with the feeling he just intruded on something private yet again. He turns away sharply.
And catches Tsurugi's gaze once more.
Seems like he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on Raimon's wayward captain - and from the frown pulling at Tsurugi's lips, it's clear the striker recognized the same thing he did.
Tsurugi is far too good at masking his emotions, but for once Shindou can make out the confusion - and dare he say the hurt - in his eyes.
Though neither of them says a word, there's a quiet understanding between them.
For all that Tenma seems to depend on them, in the span of a single phone call it has become painfully clear that there’s a boundary that neither of them had been aware of before.
And Shindou can’t help but wonder why that doesn’t surprise him as much as he thought it would.
Okay, so I tried to include Taiyou like you asked, but he didn’t want to be written. Neither did Raimon really realize they ‘messed up’, as you said, rather it’s a slow suspicion creeping up on them. This is sort of the start of the process in which Raimon realizes, ‘oh, wait, something isn’t exactly right here’.
That’s also because I’ve got some more things planned for them. Tenma has issues, but he’s also not the person to acknowledge them, or blame Raimon for their actions - but it still bothers him unconsciously and I’m hoping to build on that. Rather than outright telling Raimon, or even showing there’s a problem, he’d prefer to ignore his own feelings on the matter. He’s just not the type of person to keep grudges or blame others.
And then there's the rest of the team to consider - there's other people who still have opinions on what happened at the start of the year, but simply haven't brought it up while they were dealing with evil organizations and time traveling. Midori, for example, won't stay silent forever, and she's certainly no fan of how Tenma and Shinsuke were treated in the beginning.
Also, that phone call is actually important, but in the AR timeline is also something Tenma only faces during the third-year, AKA two years from this point in time. Very slow-going, basically, which is again why this drabble doesn't really solve anything.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (despite the long wait, sorry about that)!
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ragingadhd · 6 months
I was going to put this in the corps therapy blog, but yk what I think it deserves a whole post.
It kind of bugs me when people feminize Will. He's definitely a more feminine guy, don't get me wrong, but l'm so tired of people seeing a guy who isn't 100% masculine and immediately taking that as an in to feminize/infantilize him.
I love his feminine side. I love how he's so caring and loving, how he pays attention to details and is a great listener. I love that he loves music and animals and cooking and having fresh flowers in his cabin. I love his loyalty to his friends. I love how smart, quick witted and clever he is.
But I also love his masculine side. I love how willing and capable he is to fight, especially for those he loves. I love how much thought and care he puts in to keeping his body fit and muscular. I love how intimidating he can get if he chooses to, and how he allows himself to get angry from time to time.
That’s part of why I love TRR as much as I do, especially when it comes to Will’s character. I read that series and I see a man who is more comfortable and balanced in his masculinity than ever before.
Of course, that’s all in the view of a fairly traditional idea of femininity and masculinity. Really, those are made-up labels for very abstract ideas. I firmly believe all of the “feminine” traits I listed are very masculine in their own right, and vice versa, but I digress.
I’m certainly not going to be over here trying to police how people enjoy the series, nor am I trying to say it’s wrong to view Will in a feminine way. If you enjoy the series that way, who am I stop you. My point in making this post is simply to vent a bit and maybe start a discussion. In my personal life, I am so tired of people dismissing or even denying my masculinity because I am a more feminine man, so I’m a little more inclined to be upset about my favorite character receiving a similar treatment.
I don’t see much of this issue regarding Will in the main series. I’ll see someone basically “uwu soft boi” him on rare occasion, but that’s the extent of it. I mostly see this happening with his character in The Royal Ranger. So many people hate who he’s become or even refuse to acknowledge the series. Again, I’m not trying to police how anyone enjoys the whole RA franchise. It’s a fictional book series at the end of the day, not that big of a deal. And of course there are a million different reasons why someone might not like TRR, and I’m not going to be over here accusing everyone for not liking it because Will is more (in my opinion) masculine.
Anyway I’m gonna close my ramble off now. Don’t take any of it too seriously, it’s just been floating around my head for a minute.
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your-gay-emo-cousin · 3 months
About Me!
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(hey there! Go follow my rp acc @gay-emo-child-of-pluto)
(hi there pjo rp accs! If I followed you here, hi! This is my main. I suggest you go follow my rp acc listed above:D)
Hi! I'm new to Tumblr so I thought I'd make a little intro post :)
My name is lyla, I am not gonna say my age but I'm still in my teens so don't be weird you weird weirdos. My pronouns are she/they, I'm maybe genderfluid(???????gender is hard) I'm lesbian and ace. Also I have a really cool girlfriend. I love books, Greek mythology, musical theater, music in general, art, and a bunch more. I have ADHD and possibly other things I'm not sure. I have a few current hyperfixations including: Hamilton, EPIC: the Musical, Cavetown, My Chemical Romance also basic Greek mythology, and that's it as of now. I have had What The World Needs from Ride the Cyclone stuck in my head for at least a week.
Some of my favorite people:
@xn4seousx my literal best friend irl I love them as much as I love mcr
@forever-bi-panic we don't talk much lately but they're like my first tumblr friend
@alexisnotstraight I don't interact with him much either but he's so cool ahhh
@klondyke-the-bear she's amazing omg
@jadelemonadee literally so cool but I'm scared to talk to her
Now I'm gonna talk about my blog for a bit lol. I started on July 11, 2024 btw so it's brand new as of now.
This blog is gonna be a bunch of random posts, whenever I think of something post worthy. This blog is basically a brain dump for me lol. I might post about lighthearted stuff like musicals, but I might post about way heavier stuff like feminism and stuff. Just depends what I'm thinking. Sometimes I'll post about my life.
Previouse URLs:
Alt accs:
@when-i-was-a-yung-boi (to hide from my friend I don't post tho)
@gay-emo-child-of-pluto (riordanverse oc)
@mostlyjustfanfiction (to post updates to my fics and stories)
I'm also mod sky on @teen-safe-space
My tags:
#lylascreamsatyou (vents)
#lylaismentallyill (mental shiz)
#lylarantsatyou (rants)
#lylatalkstoyou (thoughts)
#lylaeducatesyou (the rare times I'm smart)
#lylagivesyouarts (art or picrews)
#lylareblogsforyou (reblogs)
#lylainterogatesyou (polls)
#lylatellsyou (asks)
#lylagivesyousillies (other)
This blog is a safe place for EVERYONE unless you are one of the following:
A jerk
Anything in that zone
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
my message to new/returning fans
as da4 approaches and the fandom changes, gaining both new and returning users, i want to state very clearly:
share your thoughts! it doesn't have to be "original" to be valuable! no more than it needs to conform to current fanon! you don't need to read everyone else's theories in order to state your own
I'm familiar with that pressure and how much it can dampen the urge to share, to actually engage with the broader fandom. even though i was there at the start of dai's fandom, i fell out of it for years and came back recently, and there was a definite undercurrent of pressure to a) conform to the theories already stated, especially by big name fans, and b) to only ever post a truly original theory
the former inherently limits fandom and treats it more like an academic field that one needs to be familiar with before stating anything; the latter is fundamentally ridiculous, since we're all engaging with the same source material and have the ability to perceive foreshadowing and explore what it means. the first person to perceive and write about a bit of foreshadowing has no more fundamental "right" to that perspective than the hundredth
it can also be hard to wade through the tags of a fandom that's been out for a decade+, especially if you like a character or ship that gets a lot of hate. that's exhausting and no one is obligated to do that research
you're not too late to the fandom to have theories, to post meta, or to express your feelings. those of us currently in the fandom would do well to remember that new people will be joining us and they likely won't even know the bloggers who have already posted meta, so seeing someone ask if xyz has ever been considered should be treated as a valid question. seeing someone say they've never seen ppl talking about xyz should be viewed as an invitation to (gently!) point to some people who have talked about it. "oh, if you're into this idea, you might like [username's] meta"
i think it's valuable to draw attention to the fact that a long-established fandom has been getting new blood throughout the whole time it's been here, and will be getting considerably more new blood soon, and that it might be worth adapting to that early. because regardless of any established fan's preferences, we are going to be getting new fans unfamiliar with established theories/fanon. and no one should be beholden to fanon anyway
but all this is to also say - new fandom members? i see you. I'm here for you. if you want to know what's been said, you can ask me and i will direct you as best i can; if you want to come up with stuff on your own, i support that. i will never come onto your posts to "disprove" your theory or to claim it's unoriginal
also, know that when you see vent posts where people are feeling annoyed about fans or complaining about them, they are almost certainly talking about fans who are engaging in discourse, are argumentative, or are otherwise being kinda shitty. i know - from personal experience! - how easy it is to take a vague vent post personally, especially when the kind of behavior they're actually annoyed by isn't clarified, but it's unlikely to be directed at fans who are engaging with curiosity and excitement. being new to a fandom is intimidating and as someone who's trying to be respectful, it can be so easy to internalize messages from people's venting, but fr, it's rarely about new fans and their conclusions. that said, if those posts bother you… unfollow! or block! blocking is not a mean or cruel action
find your niche, curate your experience, and you will definitely find people who support you. I've really enjoyed my time here and met many people i care about and respect, but it was a bit of an uphill struggle early on and i know a message like this from an established voice in fandom would have helped ease my own concerns coming into this space
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catwalkvivi · 6 months
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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merakiui · 1 year
hi ms mera! could i ask for some spare cater thoughts 🥺 hes my favorite and i want to know what you think about him (bc you had him on your want to write about list 😖) also fun fact!!! did you know pregnant shrimp are called berried shrimp because they look like they have berries on their tummy 🥺🥺🥺
Hi!!! I have some spare Cater thoughts in my head, so allow me to share them. :D
✧ camboy cater who originally started camming just because it was so popular and he wanted to see how far it could take him. he's surprisingly popular and even managed to trend a few times on the site he streams on. so far he's only done solo streams, but he's been watching you for a while, and he's nearing a major viewership goal. maybe he should give his watchers a little surprise. <3 viewers are a shocked when cater films with someone else. they can't see his or your face, but you're struggling sluggishly in your bindings and groaning about how it hurts. you've been drugged...or have you? it's all role-play, isn't it? right???
✧ sk cater who really wants to be famous so desperately, but nothing's working no matter what he does or how hard he tries!!!! so maybe he documents all of his kills. maybe he live-streams them. or maybe he live-tweets about it!!!!! he has this really obscure secretive account and it feels so dismal and bleak just from a quick scroll through past posts. it's an account where he can actually be true to himself, where he can vent, where he can complain, where he doesn't have to be so cheerful 24/7. he's spiraling, but even on this vent account the few followers he has think nothing is inherently wrong. he's just some person on the internet feeling things. everyone has dreary days; maybe cataloguing them here is his way of coping. but he gets a sudden spike in followers after he posts an update that will forever change the trajectory of his online life: so not cool that the human body has so much blood. :/ ngl it's gonna take forever to get rid of the stain. and then there's a grainy photo attached of a carpet so soaked through with blood it's practically drenched. cater didn't think he'd gain any followers from a simple post complaining about something so...boring. but then he realizes something. people like thrills. people like horror. people can't turn away from a car crash even if they want to because, at the end of the day, we are all creatures drawn in by destruction. and so he gets an idea: wouldn't it be fun if his followers could use the cute, little poll feature on his social media to determine a person's fate? :)
✧ cater who works a summer job at a harbor and falls for the cute mer who often gets tangled in the fishing nets near the shore. he's saved you too many times from netting. at this point, your meet-cutes are more recurring than they are rare. he thinks you're super cute and he takes a lot of pictures for his magicam, but at some point simple admiration becomes more of a terrible attachment when he starts to look forward to seeing you every day he works his not-so-cute or exciting summer job. when he learns you'll be leaving soon for your species' spawning season, he realizes he might never see you again. and he can't let you go; you're the only one who truly understands him! so the next time you find yourself tangled in nets, cater doesn't cut you free. instead, he hoists you over his shoulder, ignoring your frantic protests, and brings you home. you'll live in his bathtub until he can think of a better place to put you. and if you're so worried about spawning season, he can help you out. after all, you can always rely on cay cay! <3
✧ stalker cater who is driving you near insanity. you don't know anything about him or his unique magic, but you're certain you've seen double or triple or quadruple copies of him???? he's everywhere and nowhere. sometimes it feels like his eyes are always pinned on you no matter where you go. and he always knows where you are, where you're going, what you'll be doing. the breaking point is when you try to report it, but officer deuce spade insists that there is no such thing as "a dozen creepy, look-alike men" stalking you. this town is completely safe! he's made sure of it! you're prone to trusting deuce because he means well and has always been so sweet to you. he eases all of your fears and worries when he offers to guard your property for a day or two just in case. after you've left the station, deuce feels so bad. it's wrong to do this. it's corrupt. an abuse of power. but cater is his friend... but you're also his friend... oh, he's in such a bind!
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aita-polls · 13 days
Okay so we have a bit of a story here, we have me, my friend A, and a mutual friend/between friend and acquaintance B
A wrote me a story for my birthday and it was a bit late (2 months) because she had very little free time (which I was and am absolutely okay with and she knows), so I was reading it and texting her my reactions until suddenly there was a triggering part for me (it had an explicit mention of sexual abuse), which was not warned at the beginning and A knows that the topic is triggering to me (and that I rarely enjoy heavy topics in general)
I told her and A immediately apologized profusely and said it wasn't on purpose (which I believe) and she removed the triggering sentence immediately but the damage was already done. We were both really upset (A was more shocked and felt guilty) so I tried to keep myself away from her to not amplify the guilt, so I texted B and asked if I could vent to her and get some outside perspective because I was restless and unfamiliar with being triggered and how to handle the situation.
B told me she had to work, so I didn't tell her anything (other than that I got triggered and wanted to vent), and I didn't text her after that either.
Fast forward a day or two, and I'm texting A again and I told her I'm fine again, but I saw her posting something vague on social media so I asked what it was about, and A said that she had been texting B about what happened and that B told her (A) that I had texted B about it too.
I was really shocked because I hadn't told B anything specific at all, not even that it was about A, and B did tell A that she thought that I wasn’t mad at A, but A was still worried because B told her (A) I texted B. So I had to assure A that I was over it (semi-lie because hearing that B told A about my text made me upset again) and that I didn't tell B anything at all because she had work, so A was relieved because for her everything was now cleared up, but I was still left with confusion and frustration. I didn't want to approach B about it because then I would be telling B what A told me and that's how this whole mess was made worse.
Now finally my question, am I the asshole for being angry with both A and B because /I/ am the one who got triggered because of the birthday gift for me and I didn't get to talk to anyone about what happened and no one approached me to check up on me and I had to clean up/deal with both of /their/ messes (aka A writing smth that was triggering for me and me having to deal with it alone; and B telling A about me texting B, making A worried and me having to reassure A about it)
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Back again, but this time for something nostalgic... I think.
Way back, you did a post involving Aether, Venti, and some girls in the church doing a 'game show' involving Aether telling what he likes about them, before the two Anemo boys pull a runner after Barbara interrupts them... Time to reverse it.
In honor of Venti's banner coming back, what do they like about him? Both physically and emotionally.
[The Church]
Venti:Hello everyone, new and returning. I’m positive you know why I invited you here?
Keqing:Did you get permission to use this place, unlike before?
Venti:Excellent question! Anyways, how is everyone?
Venti:Okay. I was joking. I was generously given this time before they start choir practice.
Nilou:So…what’s going on exactly?
Yanfei:Sometimes it’s fun to make Aether flustered. Best way to do it is getting him to playfully ask him questions regarding our relationship since he tries his hardest not discuss things about one of us in another’s company. We’re probably gonna plan on how to do it again.
Nilou:But all of us talk about things all the time.
Amber:He’s a considerate worry wart. So, what exactly is the plan this time.
Venti:Gather around everyone!
All the girls huddle in front of Venti as he leans closer. He inhales slowly, then vanishes. That certainly threw them for a loop. They all looked in different directions until Kokomi gasped, making them all turn around to see Aether sitting on one of the closest church benches and venting standing off to the side halfway between the group. That’s when he pulled out the scariest thing ever. Flash cards.
Venti:My allegiance is fairness and entertainment! What sense does it make to only know Aether’s thoughts and not the other way around?
Kokomi:I’m a little surprised you went along with this.
Aether:I owed him a favor. Somehow I have a feeling this is still going to end up being embarrassing for me.
Venti:Have faith you all! Though I did throw in a few questions that are more trivia based. Thought it would be interesting to see who knows what. Even in monogamous relationships, rarely does a partner learn everything naturally.
Amber:No cheating, Mona.
Mona:W-Why would I for something so simple!? When do I cheat at anything for that matter!?
Venti:Here’s an easy one for everyone. Aether’s favorite color.
Aether:I don’t think you’d have to know me for that one, let alone date me.
Venti:That’s why I called it easy. Hehe? How about this one? Who is Aether’s favorite person?
Aether:*red* Well when you all say it at once like that it sounds rude!
Venti:What was the first thing that really caught your eye about him?
Amber:Technically speaking, it was your strange clothes. If we’re talking about attractive wise…it has to be your sheepish smile. It was cute how awkward you were at everything.
Aether:Hehe, I was quite literally a lost boy stumbling through a language.
Mona:Well mine is no secret. Everything around you is fascinating and a mystery the stars can’t quite unravel.
Venti:Gee, you sound like Albedo or Sucrose, but that’s pretty fitting all things considered.
Keqing:You beat up the guards…
Aether:Okay, we’ve made it clear my first impressions in nations aren’t that positive. What about after that?
Keqing:I’m merely teasing, mostly. Hmmm, I suppose it was how serious your eyes were at the time. Perhaps it was because of my questions but I liked how earnest and straightforward you were. *smirks* Really hid how much of a goof you could be.
Yanfei:*red*…I gotta be honest. Midriff.
Aether:And I respect that! Game recognizes game!
Mona:You both are ridiculous.
Ayaka:In my case, stories about you reached me before you actually did, so my interests were piqued for awhile. Imagine my surprise when I saw somehow who looked similarly to Thoma. I felt strangely comfortable from the start.
Kokomi:*smiles* You put me at ease.
Everyone: (That’s such a good answer!!)
Nilou:Personally, I just thought you were cute and wanted to know you. It’s why I was so forward.
Yanfei:Hold on, you asked him out?!
Nilou:Mmhm. He was a little bashful but clearly interested.
Ayaka:You’re bolder than I.
Aether:I had to tell people all the time in Sumeru I didn’t brazenly confront Nilou. If anything, Nilou courted me. I was trying to figure out where a god was at and why days felt looped!
Nilou:If you want something then you should strive to have it if possible. *smiles*
Venti:A fine attitude!! Next question. Why did you say “yes” to Aether.
Amber:Why would I say no.
Venti:Well then…just obliterate my question then. You could’ve at least played along.
Mona:Then prepare better questions.
Venti:Fine then. Trivia time. Is Aether a top or bottom.
Aether:There’s no way you have an answer on that card!
Venti:That may be true, but I’m asking regardless!
Yanfei:He’s a t-
Amber and Nilou: Bottom.
Aether:We do not have to have this conversation.
Yanfei:Too late. I…thought he was a top.
Keqing:Switch, but a bottom at heart.
Ayaka:*red* Do I really need to weigh in on this? We could just ask him what-
Nilou:Own it.
Ayaka:I would’ve said top.
Mona:Same here! Kokomi?
Kokomi:With, or without Gorou?
Kokomi:Kidding! It depends, so switch I guess.
Mona:Explain yourself!
Aether:There’s nothing to explain! You’re all different people who like different things!
Venti:Okay, but what do you prefer.
Aether:….*blushing* I mean it’s nice accepting advances but I never mind putting in effort. Keqing is right.
Keqing:Woooo! We’ve literally discussed it.
Mona: *squints* You’re never this shy around me.
Aether:Oh you’re different.
Aether:I like humbling you. It’s cute, and you don’t hate it.
The Girls: *covers mouths* Ooooh, Wanderer makes sense.
Mona:We do not need to speak about that boy!!
Aether:As for the others who thought I was a top, it just made sense for me to lead. You were nervous and I wasn’t about to make you uncomfortable.
Yanfei & Ayaka:Awww
Venti:Such a gentleman
Mona:Do not praise this menace! He only acts like an Angel!
Aether:*smiles* I don’t know what you mean.
Venti:Next question. W-
The sound of the doors opening cut him off. Barbara walks into the church to wave at everyone as she approaches.
Venti:Ah, Barbara. Where did the time go?
Barbara:Please tell me nothing strange has happened since I’ve been gone.
Venti:Of course not. Nothing but totally normal questions and a few jokes.
The group: (Right…we are in a church) *group guilt sinks in*
Barbara:Well I hate to ruin the fun be we have to set up soon.
Venti:That’s fine, but one more question! Please? *holds her hands* Then I’ll personally stay to help get everything in place. I’ll even lend my musical talents if needed. *bats eyes*
Barbara:…*red* One more question can’t hurt.
Venti:Hehe, thank you, Deaconess.
Group:…When did this happen!? 👀
Barbara:W-When did what happen?
Amber:You two! It’s cute! *gasp* does Jean know!?
Mona:Barbara, blink twice if you need help.
Nilou:Did he write you a song!?
Ayaka:Or a poem!?
Yanfei:How long has this been happening.
Kokomi:Hydro solidarity!!
Keqing:Calm down everyone. Let’s organize our questions.
Venti:Woah! I’m supposed to be the one with the questions! Aether, a little hel-
Aether:*slowly closes door* Byeee~
Barbara:This was the fun activity you were doing!?
Venti:In my defense…it’s way funnier when you have the cards.
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