#here have a pre-Nibelheim Seph
ocarinaofpride · 1 year
sometimes the popular interpretations of a character can be very wrong/kinda boring. maybe referring to sephiroth here….
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prismaticpichu · 4 months
as someone who has only played part 1 of the 7 remake, can u briefly explain why sephiroth is considered "good" by the fandom? im curious!!
Oh no… you’ve awakened the beast within! 😂❤️
Just kidding!! I’d be honored to answer, my friendo! 💕
In short, Sephiroth was technically always good once upon a time, even back in the og game. A huge staple of this man’s origins (as found out through a flashback) is the fact that he wasn’t born evil, wasn’t raised evil, but was rather a revered war hero who descended into madness—all of which is captured in a tragedy dubbed “The Nibelheim Incident.” (Aka a fiery massacre Sephiroth commits upon learning about his half-alien anatomy and 7 days of sleep deprivation). It’s made pretty clear (at least imo) that these circumstances turned Seph into a monster, and that the real Sephiroth was someone who died amid those 7 days. This is also corroborated by a very famous line by Zack (Cloud’s bff) that goes “You’re not the Sephiroth I used to know!” (Because the Sephiroth he used to know, the hero, is not the person standing at the end of his blade.)
So… there is that! But while OG FF7 does give us this foundation, and people absolutely enjoyed the little bits of sane!Seph that were fed to us through this flashback, it wasn’t until another game—a prequel—called “Crisis Core” that really took Sephiroth’s “pre-Nibelheim” self (the “war hero” part) and ran with it. Explored it, more like, and stretched it out to an incredible degree. It was in this game that we were really introduced to a Sephiroth who wasn’t evil; a Sephiroth who had two best friends; a Sephiroth who cared about his comrades and really wanted nothing more than to protect them. And it’s here that fans (myself included lmaoooo) absolutely love to HOARD these kind!Seph moments like precious gems.
A few noteworthy acts that contribute to Seph’s good heart:
• Saving Zack from a blast of fire
• Training Zack when his mentor deserts
• Offering to donate his blood upon accidentally injuring his best friend, Genesis
• Refusing to kill his best friends when they turn against the company he’s loyal to
• Goes out of his way to check in on Zack and allows him to return to Aerith (his gf) when her home is threatened.
• Overall just has a caring and patient aura about him.
I’d say this is where a majority of the “good” Seph fandom love comes from <333 Again, it’s always been a part of Seph’s origins that he was once a good fellow, but it was this game in particular that really expanded it—really fleshed out the human side of his DNA, really made him more empathetic than he ever was. And boy did it make his downfall hurt all the more in Crisis Core’s version of Nibelheim.
(Also worthy to note that, in regard to his fiery rampage, there is a lot of evidence pointing towards him being possessed. Nothing is confirmed, but it does cushion some of the initial fall. Absolutely not a justification—not an excuse—but it really just goes to show how this man was not himself when he crossed that threshold into villainy. He wasn’t the Sephiroth people knew.)
There is also Ever Crisis wherein teenage Seph is seen guiding some SOLDIERs around before the events of Crisis Core (the likes of whom he wants desperately to protect). But i’ma refrain from saying too much about that one bc we don’t have the full story of that one yet! ;3 💕
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ellenhghg · 28 days
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˖⁺‧₊˚Final Fantasy 7 boys and Beach dates˚₊‧⁺˖
Its way too hot here, so here are some Beach date headcanons for Cloud, Sephiroth pre- and post Nibelheim, Zack and Reno
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Cloud Strife ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Cloud is the type to pretend he's too cool for beach activities, but secretly loves building sandcastles with you ♡‧₊˚ Cloud is a low-key beach bum. He loves just lying on a towel, soaking up the sun, and napping the day away with his you by his side ♡‧₊˚ He's the kind of person to get sunburned easily, so you always have to remind him to reapply sunscreen. It's adorable how he wrinkles his nose at the smell. But Cloud would also be very vigilant about reapplying sunscreen on you, worried about you getting sunburned ♡‧₊˚ He gets flustered when you ask him to rub sunscreen on your back ♡‧₊˚ He's always vigilant, scanning the beach for any potential threats to your safety. Lifeguard Cloud is on duty! ♡‧₊˚ At night, he'd suggest a moonlit walk along the shore, holding hands and sharing deep conversations
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Pre Nibelheim Sephiroth ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Sephiroth arrives at the beach in full leather, refusing to change until you convince him ♡‧₊˚ Seph treats beach days like a military operation. He has every activity planned and scheduled, from sunrise yoga to sunset strolls ♡‧₊˚ He's the type to rent out an entire private beach just so he and you can have some uninterrupted alone time ♡‧₊˚ Sephiroth is an expert at beach sports. He'll dominate at surfing, jet-skiing, and paddleboarding, all while looking effortlessly cool ♡‧₊˚ He's not big on PDA, but he'll make an exception for holding you close while watching the sunset over the ocean ♡‧₊˚ Sephiroth would surprise you with a romantic beachside dinner, complete with gourmet cuisine and expensive champagne
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Post Nibelheim Sephiroth ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Lets be real he will probably think such dates are beneath him. But lets still imagine him. Post-Nibelheim Seph sees the beach as a reminder of his own godhood. He'll stand at the shore, arms outstretched, declaring his dominion over the waves ♡‧₊˚ He's the type to use his powers to create unnatural phenomena, like parting the sea or summoning a storm, just to impress (or terrify) you ♡‧₊˚ Sephiroth becomes obsessed with the idea of "purifying" you in the ocean, seeing it as a twisted sort of baptism ♡‧₊˚ He's not above dragging you into the depths, convinced that they'll emerge reborn as his perfect, submissive mate ♡‧₊˚ He becomes possessive, not wanting anyone else to lay eyes on your beach body. He'll glare daggers at any admirers ♡‧₊˚ He's oddly fascinated by seashells, collecting them obsessively and presenting them to you as "tributes"
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Zack Fair ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Zack is the ultimate beach himbo. He'll spend hours splashing in the waves, building sand sculptures, and playing beach volleyball ♡‧₊˚ Zack is the type to bury himself in the sand and pretend to be a merman, complete with a seaweed tail and shell bra ♡‧₊˚ Zack loves any excuse to show off his toned physique. He'll "accidentally" flex while applying sunscreen or challenge you to a swim race just so he can dive into the waves ♡‧₊˚ He loves to surprise you with underwater kisses, dragging you beneath the surface for a playful smooch ♡‧₊˚ He'll insist on taking a million couple's selfies, wanting to capture every moment of the perfect beach day together ♡‧₊˚ He'd be the type to buy matching couples' swimwear, insisting on wearing cheesy printed shirts ♡‧₊˚ He's a pro at giving piggyback rides through the waves, making sure you have the best time
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Reno ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
♡‧₊˚ Reno sees the beach as his own personal playground. He'll spend hours surfing, cliff-diving, and getting into all sorts of mischief ♡‧₊˚ He would "borrow" a jet ski and take you on a wild joyride, complete with daring jumps and 360 spins ♡‧₊˚ Reno is a shameless flirt and will use every cheesy beach pickup line in the book. "Is that a sunburn, or are you always this hot?" ♡‧₊˚ Would get drunk on beach cocktails and serenade you with off-key renditions of summer love songs ♡‧₊˚ He's the type to start a water gun fight with strangers, using his Turk skills to dominate the beach battlefield ♡‧₊˚ He'd suggest sneaking off to a secluded cove for some skinny dipping and underwater makeout sessions ♡‧₊˚ He's terrible at applying sunscreen evenly and ends up with the most ridiculous tan lines, much to your amusement
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altocat · 4 months
Im going to say it. There is fan fic trope that could have happenef.. So Seph did not have a full control. Over his troopers, not a general . Im going to say it. He was too soft and obedient.... I get it, shinra building is all What he had...
But i bet, if a fan fic came true and modern Seph went back in time and not being soo unhinged he would have a full Control. The guy would make things going in a right direction. The truth is, he could wipe them all very easily. He was just too nice and emotional manipulation :( he should stood his ground.
Yeah, there's a marked difference between pre and post Sephiroth in terms of personality. Post Nibelheim Sephiroth is very malicious and calculating, as well as appears to take on a more dominant persona. CC-era Seph is actually pretty submissive and nonconfrontational for the most part. I don't want to say he's gentle because he does still kill people under orders. And violently so. His slaughter in Before Crisis showcased that. But he is gentle-hearted for the most part, seemingly not enjoying the act of needless bloodshed or conflict if he has a means of avoiding it. And his behavior around Genesis and Angeal shows that he's really not interested in taking charge of them as well, to the point where he sort of lets them do whatever they want at the expense of his own health (ESPECIALLY Genesis). Which is funny considering how a lot of fics still instill him with that more dominant personality during this era.
What I'm basically saying here is that Sane!Seph is kind of a deceptively scary pile of mush lolol
But yeah. Sephiroth probably would have made for a better leader of Shinra overall. He had the right temperament for it, and seemed to understand the price of wasting valuable lives for no reason. Either he'd been conditioned to just accept the circumstances or he found rebelling too risky of a move. Really the idea course of action would be for him to leave Shinra altogether, but that never happened.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
omg, a fellow chadley truther (definition: someone who believes chadley was AT THE VERY LEAST modeled on child sephiroth)! if pre-nibelheim sephiroth met chadley, what would their relationship be like? would seph immediately assume that big brother role or would it take time?
Sephiroth + Chadley
YES Chadley is best boy! Also, here's the long-winded answer you didn't ask for but I'm giving you anyway because I have a lot of feelings.
Imagine this: The bastard who had you as a lab rat throughout your childhood continues to hold power over you both as your biological father and the scientist the company who owns employs you entrusts your personal care to.
Now you see him create a sentient cyborg and model it after your childhood self, then reduce it to a personal assistant. It's a loyal puppet created to serve the afformentioned slimy bastard. It doesn't have the free will you had that allowed you to leave.
You assume the poor kid probably doesn't even know he's a puppet. Except he does. Here's what Chadley told Cloud during that one scene in the remake verbatim:
"Now that my research is at long last complete...I believe that it's time I told you the truth about myself. I'm...not human. I'm a cyborg created to serve as Hojo's assistant."
"I was given knowledge and power beyond that of a human...But I was robbed of free will, bound to obey the whims of my master. But when we met, Cloud, I sensed something within you—something I knew would allow me to break free of my chains."
"By identifying and studying a subject with infinite potential such as yourself...I could adhere to the directives imposed upon me...all the while pursuing my plans for independence in secret. Your combat data provided me with the vital information that I required to enhance my basic functionality..."
"This is the result. Through my research and with your assistance, I have freed myself from Hojo's bondage."
So if we fully believe what Chadley is saying is true (meaning, he's not just a mouthpiece for Hojo, a theory I could make a whole separate post about...) then this is great! He's freed himself all on his own!
But if we bring Sephiroth into the picture, seeing Hojo create Chadley, a clearly sentient cyborg, to then reduce him to a personal assistant/ loyal puppet would absolutely sicken Sephiroth. There's no doubt about it. He'd be absolutely devastated.
He'd ultimately be seeing a sort of repeat of his own childhood, but this time it's with a being that's been created to obey Hojo. Not taught through brute force, not because that's all he's ever known, because it's a cyborg!
Which is honestly so slimy! You lost your son through him not wanting anything to do with you and refusing to adhere to your ideals (And because Sephiroth "died" in canon), so your grandiose solution to this is to create a cryborg version of him???? Except this time you guarantee that he's literally a puppet??? There aren't enough swear words nor insults that would satisfy my need to curse this bastard out.
(Sorry for the rambling) Now to answer your question:
In my headcanons (meaning the way I write Sephiroth), sane!Sephiroth would've saved Chadley long before the kid caught wind of what Hojo did to him. Wether that's by breaking into the labs and grabbing Chadley himself (Genesis, Angeal and Zack would assist in operation grand theft Chadley), or by slowly building a relationship with him I'm not sure.
Sephiroth didn't grow up with a family of his own, so I believe he wouldn't immediately consider Chadley his brother. But I do think Sephiroth would see Chadley as an equal, just as he sees Genesis and Angeal, and furthermore of the same kin.
The exact how is something I'd love to explore either in my pre-existing fics or through a separate medium. But ultimately Sephiroth and Chadley would bond.
Their relationship would be sweet. I think Sephiroth would greatly benefit from having Chadley as a younger brother figure pre-Nibelheim. He'd have family. Who knows? That might even be the aid to Sephiroth's wounds regarding his parentage.
Also I hc Chadley as being a rebellious little nerd with a zest for independence, so that would fit right into my hcs for Sephiroth! I imagine Sephiroth teaching Chadley how to fight, and them talking about astronomy and other science-y stuff together :) It's cute.
This is of course before Zack and Genesis get wind of "Sephiroth Jr." and vow to corrupt him :)
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Hello, I'm the creator of the Irregularity AU here!!! I gotta say you made the AU more amazing. I actually didn't meant that Y/n went back to multiple crucial points in the FF7 timeline therefore gave birth to many small worlds of the FF7 universe (Like the theory where your different choices can create alternate realities and in another world,you went the other way)
She only went back to the start of FF7 Remake since it's the timeline that was reversed but still what you wrote is much more amazing. It's interesting that Y/n went back to many important points in time of FF7 timeline like CC or Pre Nibelheim
FF7 Remake is complicated, there's the theory of multiverse (Example: Zack lives bitches!!!). I watched an analysis of the game on YouTube once and it actually made sense in a way. Aerith and Sephiroth somehow sent their consciousness when they were in AC timeline back to the past and their past vessels,specifically the start of FF7's main story therefore we got FF7 Remake. In a way it does explain how Sephiroth and Aerith seems to know more than they should've had, meaning the reality had been tampered with in some ways
I noted that Sephiroth wasn't even physically present in the entire game yet somehow he killed President Shinra,bc he was encased in mako energy at the Northern Crater. Then how did he does it? FF7 Remake is like a fever dream
Anyway great job you did there with writing Irregularity AU!!!
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Ah, okay, my bad. 😅 I want to watch that analysis! I will try to search for it! And alternate reality is what I love about the remake. Lots of interesting things the writers are trying to do differently so it wouldn't be the same story with pretty graphics. I'm excited for the new things they'll come up with for the next two games in the remake trilogy. But at the same time, the OG game was full of interesting, major events so I'm worried some important moments will be cut or altered too drastically... But anyways, thank you! I still love your AU, so I came up with another scenario for it! And I see the other spicy AU you got cooking up in my inbox too~! 😏
Content Warnings: Physical Abuse, Blood and NSFW themes, slight non-con under the cut (i mistyped the last word with an n)
༻❁༺ A new opportunity to remake.
Within your AU, I like to think that the darling, having traveled so far back in time, will be lulled into a false sense of security, because Sephiroth is just a cruel mastermind. Eventually, she'll believe she has escaped him. As she's presented with a new chance to reintroduce herself to Cloud, she wouldn't notice the sudden darkness forming in her room as she stares at Cloud from her window. She's made a terrible, terrible mistake in assuming her security... When Sephiroth steps out from the darkness of her room, she's filled with dread as she slowly turns to watch his menacing prowl toward her. The possibility of meeting Cloud again, which she had been so eagerly anticipating, had been cruelly taken away from her.
Cloud will remain in the area with unease, as if something should be happening, but he couldn't figure out what.
Now with AC Sephiroth and 7R's Seph's conscious as one? He'll dispense a cruel, eternal punishment on the darling.
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༻❁༺ Not the reunion she wanted.
He'll summon Masamune and kick her down, and put his boot down right on her lower stomach. His eyes will soften with delight as he rambles about how happy he is to reunite with his darling once more. Pride will radiate from him, as no matter how much time or space shifted, it couldn't prevent their reunion. He'd then ramble about his darling's womb, how he couldn't wait to plant his corrupted seed within it, to start his dynasty to rule time and space as he puts more weight on her lower stomach... Then, with a wicked smile, he watches his darling squirm in terror and discomfort, before mockingly questioning her ability to escape him this time as Masamune draws the slightest hint of blood from her delicate neck.
He'd remember how, (in the AC timeline), his darling hung around Cloud and his friends, daringly interacting and smiling at other men... It's a shame that Sephiroth needs to correct his darling before she could greet Cloud this time. Did his darling really think the warmth caress of his touch was inferior to any other? The cold steel of Masamune draws more blood, threatening to turn the darling's stinging cut into an agonizing wound at any moment.
Before she can ask how he caught up with her, his darling will hear him chuckle, saying no matter how much she ran, he could always catch her.
Before his darling knows it, he's eye-level with her, his soft, glossy lips almost brushing against her own as he slowly spreads her legs apart. He'll lovingly trace her inner thighs while staring her down. She can try to kick and move, but his magical prowess prevented any movement. She can open her mouth, but only quiet whimpers will come out. As Sephiroth plants a tender yet passionate kiss on her lips, tears will spill down her cheeks. After all what she's done, it meant nothing. This is only the start of her eternal punishment...
Meanwhile, Cloud lets out a heavy sigh, feeling a strange emptiness as he leaves the area and continues his mission.
Side Note: I still like to think Aerith assisted with the darling getting away from Sephiroth initially considering how she would be her best ally.
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rants under the read more
obi wan/grievous: Ok so this is a HUGE crackship and some people are not going to agree but like, Obi-Wan is what comes to mind when you think of the jedi and Grievous hates the jedi as a whole because he believes them to the cause of his mutilation and the suffering of his people, but the jedi are not the ones who did this. Grievous is a pawn in the game of the sith and he doesn't realize that his mind has been altered against his wishes or that he will be desposed of as soon as the war ends. Obi-Wan is a compassionate man and is able to consistently go toe to toe with Grievous, making him a rival Grievous can't help but respect in a weird way (his people are warriors, for all we know, fighting could be a method of flirting to his people yaknow? And obiwan genuienly flirts as a way to throw off his enemies, think of the comedic potential if Obi-Wan didnt realize how MUCH hes been a flirt or if Grevious acctualy gets flustered by it because obiwan is such a competent fighter and IF ONLY HE WASNT THE ENEMY-) If Obi-Wan knew what happened he would have tried to make amends and help his people, and if Grievous learned that it was Dooku (a former jedi turned sith) who turned him into a monster against his will, he'd probably be willing to team up with Obi-Wan to bring down Dooku and the Sith plans for Galactic domination to avenge and to protect his people, and they would be an absolute powerhouse since they are already familiar with eachothers way of fighting and from a writers point of view its filled with so much potential angst and drama, and hijinks, and even enhances the plot and creates parallels between the two that the franchise has never bothered to make and it has so much potential even if they don't fall in love they could be really good friends/partners/allies and if order 66 goes as planned they would be badass rebels its such an overlooked possible dynamic PLEASE 🥺
I made this one up as a joke but now i'm invested. ummm i'm just gonna c-p the rant I made on discord
they both have bright green eyes....
that's it, that's all i got ...
you probably won't like me for this, but i think it's funnier as a ship
...okay, explain 😂
er, not even funny, like i think they could make a good couple!
or at least an entertaining one
two ways you could take this, depending on whether you go w/ pre-breakdown Sephiroth, or post-breakdown, sadistic alien ghost who just wants to burn the world and torment cloud
for the latter, that's crackier but i'm just saying Toph is down w/ dramatic villainy and destruction
[insert: I AM MELON-LORD *maniacal laughter* gif]
(ok maybe not for real, but it would make a funny crack fic)
but pre-Nibelheim Seph (with the caveat that my understanding of his character is 90% from fanfic) he kinda personality of Zuko, circumstances of Azula
eh,,, ,that's not really on the mark
but anyways I know Zuko/Toph can be a great ship, i've seen it.
i think you'd could write a similar dynamic here
Sephiroth had his whole life laid out for him and he excelled at everything he was expected to do, but it's never been really about what he wants, like he's never really gotten to express himself. Or, like, develop a personality?? He's very isolated.
Toph also grew up very isolated, but she had kinda the opposite, where she utterly discarded the expectations people set for her (dressed up pretty helpless doll) and established her own person, wants, and goals very early on so they've got "coming from similar places but approaching things very differently", would lead to some very interesting interactions i think plus they're both down to work out emotional problems by sparring
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"Shortie." Zack grinned from ear to ear.
Sephiroth frowned, and glanced around himself. He and Zack were the only ones in the room; so there was no chance that his friend was referring to anyone except for Sephiroth himself.
Brow furrowed, the towering SOLDIER looked down at Zack, confused. Was... was Zack saying he was short? Why? Sephiroth was yet to meet anyone who surpassed his height, in fact, only a couple had even approached it.
What an... interesting sense of humour (what else could it be other than stated in jest?). If that was what it was meant to be, at least.
Sephiroth placed his hand on Zack’s head, flattening the black spikes of hair beneath his palm, and released a soft chuckle. An act clearly done to emphasise the fact that Zack was quite incorrect in his observation.
“Ah, yes,” Sephiroth said. “Clearly, you so loom above my form.”
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jojoboisimagines · 3 years
Alucard, Sephiroth and Future Trunks reacting to being called Daddy
A/N: guys listen I don't have a kink it's just a joke it's just a--this is pre nibelheim seph btw
The vampire was picking some food for the village. There were quite a few fruit trees and you were helping gather them together
"(y/n), come over here."
"okay Daddy." You comply, walking over by his side with the fruit basket
He scoffs, but he's smiling. Alucard is used to your attempts at being humorous.
"You can't call me Father too you know, you're not one of the orphans."
"But I didn't, I said "Daddy."
He shakes his head, still amused. "I guess you're the only one allowed to call me that then."
He had just gotten out of the shower of your shared apartment. A towel draped over his shoulders and wrapped around his waist.
It was a truly satisfying sight, and you couldn't hold yourself back from saying something.
"holy shit, Daddy.."
"...Excuse me?"
It was hard to decipher. The expression he had. He seem confused yet a little offended?
"o-oh, uh.. nothing." You stutter, hoping you hadn't upset him.
"Did you really just call me that?" He blinks, trying to hide his flushed face by looking away from you.
You see this, and instantly start giggling.
"W-whats so funny?" He grips his towel. You had never heard Sephiroth stutter like that, this was priceless
"Don't worry about it, I'll just never call you that again."
"n-no wait!"
You two agreed on a spot to meet up for your date: the park
You arrived first, and he wasn't too far behind, flying and landing right beside you
"Hey!" He said excitedly
"Hey Daddy." You wink.
There's a bout of silence. You could practically hear him swallow.
"...oookaaayy. Anyways-" He changes the subject.
Before he could even do so you burst into laughter, reassuring him you were just kidding.
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
I see FF7 in your interests, gimme Sephiroth.
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You know not of the miles upon miles of words I have written on this blog. For this. Fucking. G u y . He is, without a doubt, a meow-meow to me; even more, perhaps.
Another case where all I can say I've said already. Nevertheless, I'll see if I can relay some here.
Sephiroth is very interesting, in that he's almost written like a Fromsoft character in a series where things are very upfront and bombastic, or if not that, then prone to heavy explanation; and there is some of that flair, yeah, sure; but even so, so much of it is in the details.
Even in the first entry, where he's fairly bare-bones on the face of it, whenever he comes on screen... there's this very stagey feel to it. Yes, this is the first 3D final fantasy, but even for this, Sephiroth takes the limelight in a way that's genuinely unsettling, and even a tad meta. I think that people really tend to forget that Sephiroth is a vengeful spirit: the leftovers of a man who died burning, come back to have his birthright; his revenge. It colours his stiffness in a way that enhances it, I think.
Likewise, the Sephiroth in Advent Children and onwards had his whole being shattered, and clung onto his sheer hatred of Cloud for existence. There is nothing left, but this drive: he's rebuilt himself entirely. The suave, snarky, obsessive and downright sadistic Sephiroth that everyone's familiar with? The one-winged angel?
That's him.
Sephiroth is rich with mythological parallels and imagery; he's most often compared to Lucifer, however, I think Jesus is far more fitting. A twisted martyr; here to bring a sword, and take back what is his; a crusader great and just; a mouth on behalf of his Mother.
I think alot has gone unsaid about how much the role of motherhood means to Seph; not just in how his mothers, present and absent, have affected him, but how much he's taken it upon himself to be a sort of cosmic, all-enveloping mother, in a sense. I have this post here from an ask game I made regarding what family means to certain characters-- The thick of it is past the pre-Nibelheim section.
To snatch the ending paragraph from it:
"I think, for Sephiroth, family is keeping; keeping by blood, and if there's no blood, then Sephiroth will give it. Sephiroth will hold the cup of communion to your lips, and force you to swallow down at least half, because fucking hell, half is better than nothing at all.
This is the closest thing he has to love."
So, yeah.
Blorbo indeed.
Thank you for asking, Little <3
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prismaticpichu · 6 months
Why not, y’know?? :3c Let’s have some fun! Never done one these so go easy on me lmao. Feel free to reblog and ask away!
FF7 Ask List 🌎 ☄️
1. Gotta start with the obvious: favorite character? How come?
2. Favorite piece of music?
3. Favorite scene? What makes it so impactful to you?
4. Favorite installment in the compilation? (EC + AC included!)
5. Have you played every game? If so, wowsers! Respect!
6. Favorite ship? You into platonic stuff? No sweat! Favorite friendship?
7. On that note: favorite character interactions in general?
8. A line of dialogue you find hilarious? Heartbreaking?
9. Who do you consider the most “evil” in FF7? Sephiroth? Jenova? Pres ShinRa? Hojo? Hollander? Lucrecia? Other?
10. Do you believe Sephiroth is being controlled? To what extent?
11. Most underrated character?
12. Most overrated character? (If you think one exists!)
13. Favorite location?
14. Favorite weapon?
15. Favorite member of AVALANCHE?
16. Favorite Turk?
17. Favorite enemy/monster?
18. Favorite DMW cutscene?
19. Favorite fanfic? Fanfics?
20. Have you seen Advent Children? Thoughts??
21. If you could have one plushie of a character, who’d it be?
22. What is YOUR ideal Nibelheim fix-it? <3
23. If you could say one thing to one character, who and what would it be?
24. Who do you want to be real?
25. Would you want to be a SOLDIER? What color would you want your eyes?
26. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite snack? (Yep yep we know Seph likes pasta shssjshhs)
27. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite movie?
28. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite song?
29. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite ___? (insert your own!)
30. What adjective would you describe each of the First Classes with? Can only pick one!
31. Write a small letter to one character of the asker’s choice
32. Doodle a pic of one character of the asker’s choice. (Art skills don’t matter here! No judgment <3 Only fun!)
33. Write a 3-5 sentence fic crumb of ___! (Asker’s choice; can be pairing, platonic, or just a single fella!)
34. Make up your own materia/spell!
35. Favorite memory with FF7?
36 Favorite part of the FF7 community? <3
37. Make an FF7 joke/pun :3c
38. What’s a fanon thing that you believed to be canon for the LONGEST time?
39. Favorite fan theory?
40. Favorite side quest?
41. Favorite cutscene?
42. What’s one thing about any of the FF7 games (+ AC) that you would change or add?
43. How many lines of Loveless do you know by heart?
44. Create a propaganda slogan for SOLDIER
45. Make a silly acronym for SOLDIER!
46. Rank all the games/AC in the compilation
47. What character do you relate the most to??
48. How would you describe FF7 in 7 words?
49. What got you into the series?! <3
50. Bonus! Ask your own question!
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onewingedxngel · 2 years
FF7Rebirth Wishlist
- Sephiroth killing Claudia. I look forward to seeing Nibelheim burn in general, but I want the pain of Cloud seeing his mother die.
- Sephiroth’s revelation... just fucking hell, the entire Nibelheim flashback. I want it. NOW.
- Aerith and Sephiroth interacting. Zack and Sephiroth interacting. But especially the former, I really love their life/death dynamic and I want to see more of them. Apparently the motion capture actors had a session together that lasted hours, so here’s hoping.
- Fuck it, more Sephiroth in general. Pre-Nibel Seph is nice but I prefer it when he’s a creep. I REVEL IN HIS SCENES.
- Vincent Valentine! I really want to see Rebirth’s take on him, and how he’ll be incorporated into the story (I suspect he’ll have a bigger role than in the OG since he won’t be optional)
- LUCRECIA. PLEASE. Please let her and Sephiroth interact PLEASE (though this might be more a part 3 thing). I think there was a dev interview a while back where they said Sephiroth would be important in part 2, so I’m hoping his backstory will be a focus and there will be set ups for him interacting with those involved in his creation.
- Hojo. On the beach. Just... Hojo. I want more of the mad scientist.
- More violence. And blood. Give me the blood. NOW.
- More DEATH. I despise that the compilation brought Tseng and Rufus back to life, retconning what had clearly been their deaths in the original game (especially the latter, Tseng may have had a chance of survival but Rufus coming back was ridiculous). Don’t be afraid to kill off a character here or there.
- Aerith’s fate... I don’t want her to die, surprisingly. But I still want some kind of loss.
- The lowest emotional point of every character (except Sephiroth who’s on the way to succeeding). Ending on the Northern Crater scene would be perfect for this, and I think they will considering the fact that there’ll be three games.
- THE MUSIC!!!!!! It was top notch in Remake and I expect it’ll be the same in Rebirth. I look forward to Cosmo Canyon, Wutai, Cid’s theme, hopefully more Jenova themes, and anything involving Sephiroth’s leitmotifs. Also, this is very much a part 3 thing but I am dying to hear Birth of a God. ALSO THE MAIN THEME!!!
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altocat · 3 months
No I totally agree with you there. Sephiroth’s downfall is so heartbreaking precisely because he seemed like such a nice person. Pretty much every time you see him out of combat he’s sort of awkward, standing around by himself but still being super polite and sweet to anyone he interacts with (his whole thing with Tifa pre-Nibelheim and guiding her back to town even though it would be a major inconvenience for him will never not make my heart twist a bit) so to see him go from that to… whatever the hell he is now is definitely depressing.
And about how he was talking to Rufus as Glenn, I was also wondering about that. I audibly gasped when he started tearing into him and saying he was- if I remember correctly- “a pathetic, pigheaded, daddy hating child” I was like damn enough, he’s down 😂 It definitely did sound personal. But then you also have to wonder if that’s because he assimilated into the lifestream and just got a glimpse into Rufus’ greatest insecurities and used them against him, or if he perhaps started hating on him more after he found out about Glenn and then suddenly everything Rufus did annoyed the hell out of him. The Kendrick Lamar Drake diss comes to mind here (“I hate the way that you talk, I hate the way that you walk…”)
I really do hope first soldier goes into more detail with them though, because they have such an interesting dynamic going on and it brings so many questions. I’ve also always found pre-insanity Sephiroth so much more interesting than the crazy version. He just kind of loses complexity after he snaps and becomes sort of boring to analyze 🫤
I love Post Nibelheim Sephiroth to pieces. He's a great villain and is extremely entertaining to watch. But yeah, he does lose a lot of his complexity. Sane!Seph sorta feels like a completely different person, complete with a full character arc and eventual descent. Sephiroth as he is now sorta feels like a character that's already reached his final conclusion, just short of a final death.
I really hope First Soldier shows a lots of lore, especially for Rufus, Glenn, and anyone else important in Sephiroth's life. I was so worried about them handling a previously mysterious segment of Sephiroth's life. But after Episode 1, I'm very confident about where it's all going. So I can't wait!
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wolf-pearl · 3 years
@aimeelouart I have finally finished writing the summary of that SSC au I mentioned on ao3.
This AU is based on the First's theories about Cloud. Basically, what if they were right with their assumptions? 
Zack is an early SOLDIER prototype and legendary 1st Class who got disappeared pre the Trio's time. His existence was completely erased. Zack was enhanced using only mako, no jenova cells. When the jenova cell infused mako treatment was found to result in greater enhancement than mako treatment alone, Zack was viewed as obsolete. 
Made obsolete by new j-cell SOLDIERS, combined with Hojo wanting to make way for Sephiroth to rise through the ranks, and fear that Zack's sway over the SOLDIERs would lead to mass insubordination in the event that Zack objected to ShinRa's immoral agendas became reasons for Zack to be disappeared and handed over to the science department. Zack was handed over to the science department by his own men, the betrayal resulting in his scorn for the SOLDIER program. 
Cloud was created to be a SOLDIER killer. President ShinRa, after seeing that there really wasn't any way to stop the SOLDIERs if they decided to turn against the company, orders Hojo to create some form of failsafe in the event that any SOLDIER turned against ShinRa. Cloud has been conditioned from day one to see SOLDIERs as highly dangerous combatants that will kill him if he can't neutralize them fast enough, and eliminating them is the job expected of him by Hojo and ShinRa. 
Zack was brought in at first to be Cloud's first real SOLDIER to kill. Problem was, Cloud was TINY at the time, and thus can't win that fight. Zack refuses to harm Cloud, because, you know, he's a literal child. So what was intended to be a fight to the death devolves into Zack giving Cloud pointers on his foot work and sword technique. Hojo sees the value in keeping Zack around to teach Cloud, as who's better to teach the boy how to fight SOLIDERs than an actual SOLDIER? On top of that, it has the added bonus of further instilling a distrust of SOLDIERS into Cloud. And so Hojo decides to keep Zack around for Cloud to practice fighting and to teach Cloud. (Don't be fooled, Hojo still absolutely plans on having Cloud kill Zack. He simply has moved that back as a potential final test before announcing Cloud as ready for deployment.) 
Cloud's actual name given to him by Hojo is Cumulonimbus. Upon hearing that, Zack declared that that was a terrible name for a kid, and started calling the boy Cloud instead. Cloud reacted poorly to the firsts calling him Cloud because that is Zack's name for him. Zack is the only person Cloud truly trusts, so the name Zack gave him is only for people he trusts. 
Cloud leveled his materia himself. They wanted him to have a full arsenal to take down rogue SOLDIERS. So, he's been using them since the moment he could. The fusion blade also belongs to Cloud. They put him through tests to see what all of his limit breaks are, and then designed the fusion sword to complement his final limit break, omnislash. 
Cloud was kept in the lab in Nibelheim. This meant that he was always in relative close proximity to Jenova. As such, Cloud has been subjected to Jenova's mind fuckery for his entire life. When Jenova first started reaching out to Cloud's mind it was simply to figure out what he was. Then she made Cloud's life hell. Cloud had to learn quickly how to block her out. This is why Cloud knows all the tricks to blocking out the crazy alien. This also means that Cloud has been getting visions of the future for most of his life.
Cloud wasn't meant to ever be in view of the public, or interact with civilians at all. The only people he was planned to interact with were his handlers and the SOLDIERS he was sent to eliminate. As such, there was no need to condition him to behave, hold his tongue, or be a poster boy like Sephiroth. The only behavior that mattered was following direct orders and returning to his handlers once his objective is complete.
Cloud recognizes the Buster sword because it used to be Zack's sword. It wasn't taken away from Zack when he was first brought in as they had intended to throw him into combat. After that he was allowed to keep it in order to further Cloud's lessons with him. Cloud knows how to tend to the Buster sword so expertly because he did so relatively often back in the labs. The scientists learned to use promises of extra time with Zack as an incentive for Cloud, and much of those bonus times were spent talking with Zack as they cared for the sword. Eventually the buster sword gets taken away from Zack as punishment for "bad behavior" - probably an escape attempt or attempting to interfere with one of the inhumane tests Cloud is put through. Zack assumes that it was melted down after being taken away. In reality, the Buster sword is given to Angeal. One of the last SOLDERS who served under, remembers, and still holds loyalty to Zack was the one who delivered the Blade to Angeal. The SOLDIER tells Angeal that the Buster Sword belonged to an honorable man who had no one to pass it onto, and that Angeal's dedication to dreams and honor reminded the SOLDIER of that man. Angeal was never told the name of the blade's original wielder.
Ribbon belonged to Zack. He had hid it from the scientists. Zack first gave it to Cloud after a nasty round of experiments involving status conditions. He had somehow braided it into Cloud’s hair. He gave it to Cloud permanently after the boy had clung to it like a security blanket. Knowing that the Ribbon was probably the first object that Cloud ever used as a security blanket, Zack vows that once they escape he will get Cloud an actual plushie. With ribbons of its own. 
During a time when Hojo is back in midgar, Zack breaks out of his cell, snags Cloud, and makes a break for it. They end up being forced to barricade themselves into a chamber that has a bunch of coffins. They find Vincent who takes one look at Cloud and decides that his sins can wait, there is a child right here who needs his help and he can help. Vincent and Zack tear through the scientists that are on site and scavenge what travel essentials they can from the lab along with the equipment that was made for Cloud, before making their escape with Cloud.
Somehow Cloud gets separated from Zack and Vincent, and decides to set out to destroy Jenova and burn the mansion to the ground. At this point Hojo is aware that something has gone wrong, and so Genesis is sent to Nibelheim, ostensibly to check an energy disturbance in the area. In reality he's been sent to retrieve Cloud, but he isn't told that. 
The outfit the Firsts find Cloud in is part of Zack’s old uniform. Cloud was pretty much only given hospital gowns and scrubs to wear by the scientists. When Zack and Cloud escaped Cloud’s clothes - which were nothing more than a hospital gown and scrub pants - got completely ruined. Zack wrapped Cloud up in his own outfit because while Zack was able to find extra clothes that fit himself in the lab, there wasn’t any kid clothes in the lab. Cloud ends up in Zack’s sleeveless turtleneck and pants, but Zack keeps the pieces that wouldn’t do Cloud any good for himself. This does mean that the outfit Cloud is wearing at the start is a little different than in ssc. Zack is smart enough to know that putting his massive steel toed boots on a small child is not going to do Cloud any good. So when Genesis finds Cloud the boy is not in a complete comically oversized ensemble with that skirt thing, the single shirtless sleeve, belts and all. Instead Gen finds a small bare foot child wearing a quarter turtleneck that's falling off his shoulders, a pair of already baggy pants that look like ufo pants on the kid, and a sword harness with an absolutely obnoxiously big sword. (Gen has a freak out when he sees Cloud standing in knee high snow without any footwear, because seriously how long has this kid been wandering around in below freezing temperatures barefoot, he could lose his toes.)
How did Cloud even get separated from Zack and Vincent, and how did he make his way back to Nibelheim from wherever they had fled to? Simple: don't ask me questions I don't have an explanation for yet.
Zack and Vincent are desperately trying to find Cloud. The First Class trio don't realize that they are being hunted down by two very protective, skilled, and enhanced individuals who are hell bent on getting Cloud back.
Because this AU removes (most of) the time travel aspects, Cloud’s reasons for being afraid of Sephiroth are different. One cause of Cloud’s fear of Sephiroth is that Cloud has been having nightmares and visions of the future for basically as long as he can remember. On top of this, Cloud also has been conditioned to think that the greatest threat he might ever have to fight is Sephiroth, as he’s the top SOLDIER. Hojo drove this point home by forcing Cloud to fight simulations of Sephiroth, and would punish Cloud if he failed to beat it. Hojo also constantly forced Cloud through intense experiments and enhancements to “bring his capabilities up to be equivalent to Sephiroth”, inadvertently causing Cloud to associate any mention of Sephiroth and/or Sephiroth’s continued improvement with being subjected to another barrage of experiments. However, Cloud probably won't be as afraid of Sephiroth in this AU as he is in SSC. Yes Cloud would still be afraid of Sephiroth, and yes Cloud would still be more afraid of Seph than he is of Genesis or Angeal. However without the time travel aspect from the original fic, Cloud just won’t have enough reason to be as afraid of Sephiroth as he is in ssc. In this AU Cloud’s more afraid of what Sephiroth represents (the visions of the future, the ultimate threat Cloud may have to face, and further experimentation) than he is of Sephiroth as a person.
Sephiroth could earn Cloud's trust through showing Cloud that Hojo had hurt him too. Sephiroth understands what it means to be hurt by Hojo. 
You still want time travel elements? Well you’re in luck because I have three options for that.
1) Cloud time traveled version 1: In the first time line, he escaped with Zack, but Zack ultimately got killed. Cloud takes Zack’s outfit to remember him by, and stays out of the reach of ShinRa, builds a life for himself as a mercenary. At some point during the years during mercenary work Cloud stumbles upon the Buster sword on a cliff in the midgar wastes. As Angeal had no protegee, he had neither a student to order to cut him down or anyone to pass the Buster sword onto. Angeal died while leaning against the flat of the blade that he had struck into the earth in an attempt to keep himself propped up. Cloud recognizes the Buster sword and takes it with him. He doesn’t learn how the Buster got on the cliff after it was taken from Zack. Cloud spends his years as a mercenary drifting to wherever his jobs take him, and for the most part ignoring the events that shake ShinRa such as the Nibelheim incident and the mass defections. He stays far away from anything to do with ShinRa up until he takes a job from AVALANCHE. From there Cloud follows an altered version of cannon events. When Cloud time traveled, he got sent back to when he was a kid in the labs with Zack, the only things he brought back from the future are his rare summon materia as well as his Master Materia, those really being the main equipment he got after the labs. This would mean Cloud being small doesn’t necessarily have to be because of Jenova.
2) Cloud time traveled version 2: Zack escapes with Cloud pre crisis core, but ultimately gets apprehended by Sephiroth, who was sent to recapture “escaped experiments”. Sephiroth kills Zack, and Cloud is returned to Hojo (this gives an alternate reason behind Cloud calling Sephiroth “murderer” in chapter 3). Cloud continues to be experimented on and is sent on his first mission during the events of crisis core to go after the SOLDIERs who defected with Genesis. Cloud is eventually sent after and successfully takes down Genesis and Angeal. Cloud doesn’t recognize them after time traveling at first due to how advanced their degradation was when he fought them on top of his memories of that time in his life being unclear. Cloud does recognize that the sword Angeal has is the Buster sword and takes it with him. All Sephiroth learns about the deaths of his friends is that they were taken down by “a classified project designed for this exact type of scenario”. When the Nibelheim incident occurs, Sephiroth was sent with a random SOLDIER first. Cloud was sent to investigate to see if the accompanying first went rogue after the team sent to Nibelheim fails to report in and ShinRa hears of a disturbance in the area. Cloud arrives to find the village burning and the unnamed First (along with everyone else) killed by Sephiroth. Following orders to eliminate any rogue SOLDEIRs along with recognizing Sephiroth as the person who killed Zack, Cloud kills the silver General. Hojo is furious when he arrives, demanding why Cloud would kill Sephiroth, to which Cloud retorts that he followed his orders as given to him by ShinRa and the Professor himself. His orders were to eliminate any rogue SOLDEIRs, and Sephiroth had gone rogue. Hojo takes offence to this, and as punishment he tries to experiment Cloud into oblivion for 4 years. Hojo leaves Cloud in a mako tank after the creations of the Sephiroth clones, and he reasons once Sephiroth returns there will be no more need for Cloud. Cloud escapes, equipping himself with his gear from his time as ShinRa’s SOLDIER killer but opts to wear Zack’s outfit that was kept in the lab’s storage after his death. Cloud makes his way to midgar where he joins up with AVALANCHE, and from there the story follows along an altered version of the cannon events. As a side note, I’m not entirely sure how this one would work out with the time line and character ages, so this one may require some fudging of the characters ages to make sense? Idk, I really don’t understand the timeline of FF7. I think that using Cloud’s canon age would make him 14 maybe 15 when he takes down Genesis and Angeal. Considering that Hojo sent Sephiroth to Wutai at around the same age, it could work. 
3) Zack is the time traveler. In the original timeline, Zack doesn’t manage to escape the labs and ends up dying before Cloud gets to see. Zack ends up following Cloud around as a ghost and is powerless to do anything as Cloud struggles through his time as ShinRa’s SOLDIER killer, and then dealing with the events of meteor fall, geostigma, etc. the Planet ultimately cant recover, so it Sends Zack back in time to prevent the disasters from ever happening. Zack is sent back to early on in his time with Cloud in the Labs. Zack makes a point of reiterating how dangerous Sephiroth is to Cloud, and this time succeeds in escaping the labs with Cloud by enlisting Vincent’s help (Zack learned of Vincent through waiting over Cloud as a ghost). While Zack was sent back in time to save the planet, He acknowledges to himself that his real motivation behind doing this isn’t to be a hero, he just wants to take care of his Cloudy. Zack absolutely freaks out when he gets separated from Cloud. He’s on a warpath to get his adoptive son back. When Zack catches up to the three Firsts Cloud’s probably going to have to talk Zack down from outright eviscerating them for daring to touch Cloud. 
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rottenpumpkin13 · 10 months
Sephiroth has to choose between Lucrecia and Jenova. Whether it's sane seph or not is your choice. How does it go?
Sephiroth having Lucrecia's photo really adds oil to the fire doesn't it? ahshahsjshsjsksjsks
So pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth recognizes his mother Jenova by her appearance (Who is actually Lucrecia). He ingrains her image so deeply in his mind that he'd choose her, regardless of her real name. Whatever he sees visually becomes his truth. Consequently pre-Nibelheim Seph would doubt Jenova's alien form if he saw it (and I mean JENOVA Jenova, not the possibility of Sephiroth seeing Lucrecia's appearance on Jenova). But he'd choose Lucrecia, his real mother.
I'd say Nibelheim Sephiroth cares less about the visual aspect of truth after everything he learned and saw at the reactor. He's doubting his own humanity and struggling to trust what he sees. That's when Jenova's comforting voice sneaks into his mind with a maternal touch, assuring him that all is well and that she's here, waiting for him, beckoning him to come closer. She (Jenova) sought him out first. She's finally here and she wants him.
Sephiroth is emotionally and mentally drained at this point and decides to trust "Jenova" wholeheartedly. Jenova is all he's ever known, and this is her voice calling out to him. It doesn't matter what she looks like, his mother is beautiful either way.
If he reaches her and sees the same woman in the picture, that's just a confirmation, right?
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crisiscutie · 1 year
We have atleast talked about all the popular Sephs, but what about Ever Crisis Sephiroth? Ofc not for any weird stuff but cute little interactions with him and the darling, how she would react to seeing him and him seeing her, I feel like he would be attached to darlings like a son to a mother but not as extreme as C.C Sephiroth, I already imagined some stuff myself but what do you think?
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The Ever Cutie... I have done little for him beside the prelude headcanons for Project V if you wanna read them here. Those will answer your questions of how he and the darling will react to each other. I want to point something out though: The Crisis Cutie's teenage and adult designs have important distinctions in their physical builds, which reveals that Sephiroth had a growth spurt at some point.
I adore small height differences almost as much as big height differences. So just imagine EC Sephy and his darling, but he's slightly taller than his darling, yet so fiercely protective of her. He could effortlessly princess carry her, his enhanced strength would enable him to do so when he needs too. Meanwhile, the darling is blushing hard, while saying, "Sephiroth, we're not dating!" and he's like "wat? ...I need to carry you to safety!"
And consider the following: The growth spurt! So in this scenario: the darling was a petite gal that stayed the same size, while Sephiroth started to tower over her as he went through his growth spurt over the years. Now, in adulthood, she would lovingly grumble that it wasn't fair that he had become so tall, while she stayed the same size. With an affectionate grin, Sephiroth would reach out and ruffle her hair, mockingly commenting on her stunted growth.
Now I also enjoy envisioning another scenario where the darling had a growth spurt too... Sephiroth would be in a trance, gazing lovingly at her. He'll note all the changes, subtle and big, she had made from her teenage years to now adulthood, with a gentle smile. Now the darling? She's taken aback at how tall Sephiroth was, even with her wearing high heels. She's still blushing so hard, just like when they were teenagers, upon noticing his loving gaze on her. And desperately trying to keep her eyes away from his toned and muscular chest.
Emotion-wise, I like to imagine EC Sephy as more stoic than his adult counterparts (BC and C.C Pre Nibelheim Sephs) so it will be extremely hard for the darling to read him. But yet, I would give him the easiest rating for a darling to grow close to (unless the canon indicates otherwise) because of his age.
I will induct Ever Crisis Sephiroth into the trio of Fluffy Sephiroths for now. He can't join the darling's fluffy Seph harem ofc.
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