#herbal research jobs
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
A masterpost digital grimoire a list of all the educational content on deities, witchcraft, and familiars I've posted!
As a key: if the post is about Loki, it is marked in green, if the post is about Aphrodite, it is marked in pink, if it is about Ares, it is marked in red, if it is about Apollo, it is marked in orange. If it is a post about familiars, it is purple. If it is general witchcraft, deities, spellwork, or religion, or advice, it is marked in blue. If it is marked with a ❗, it is a longer and more educational-based post.
This will be updates each time I post!
Devotional day to Aphrodite
Aphrodite's beauty
Shattered and put back together - a devotional story from Aphrodite❗
Aphrodite's altar
Aphrodite's beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Aphrodite and my service dog
Some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee
Aphrodite and my familiars working together
Loki as a god of storytellers
Loki UPG quote about storytelling
Loki and his glowsticks (UPG)
Loki's altar shot glass and a chaotic job change
Personal associations with Loki (ask)
Interpreting Loki as a nature deity❗
Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter, and Loyalty from the Norse Gods (quotes)
Loki's a little bit like moldavite
Loki's altar
Ares moodboard and aesthetic
To find peace in a war deity ❗
Ares is a woman respector send post
Ares as a protector of women and god of strength
Ares and how his energy feels
Ares altar
Ares is a proud dad, I guess?
I am a daughter of Ares
A prayer to Apollo❗
Apollo werewolf cult curiosity
Deity appreciation post
My god squad's energies and how I see them as a poet
Blending/combining different branches of polytheism
Devotee and Deity Trend
My participation in devotee and deity
Deity interactions in my practice
How my relationships with my deities feels ❗
Worship the gods you are drawn to!
My God Squad + Familiar Moodboards
What is spiritual psychosis, and how do you recognize the signs in pagan spaces?❗
The danger of Divine Masculinity and Femininity in pagan spaces
What is a spirit worker?❗
A unique perspective on godspousing and the afterlife ❗
The Divine Aurora Borealis
Mundane enchantment ideas
Becoming open and loud about being a pagan & witch is scary. But what makes that any different than a Christian being open and loud about their faith? ❗
Custom tincture and balm making/herbalism
Colored flame candles
Healing from spiritual psychosis—a survivor's journey from delusion and depression, to happiness and purpose as a practicing pagan. ❗
Reminders for the disabled and chronically ill pagans/witches
Wolf encounter in Yellowstone as a wolf spirit worker
Learning about spiritual psychosis saves lives (thread) ❗
Litha wreathes with the coven!
Ecology, nature, and accessibility in neo-paganism
Honk if you worship the old gods
Intersectionality and spiritual psychosis ❗
Spiritual psychosis is not a harmless delusion ❗
Familiar Spirits in Eclectic Paganism and Witchcraft ❗
Life as a wolf spirit worker
Familiar appreciation post
How I work with my familiars❗
Familiar spirit readings (OPEN)
Reasons I think every witch/pagan should have a familiar spirit
A lil wisdom from the wolf spirits :)
Resources and readings for research on familiars & familiar spirits
How are familiar spirits found?
Familiar spirit anon Q&A ❗
Can we tell I never shut my mouth?
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
tw - unhealthy relationships, mentions of gore/human experimentation, forced marriage. written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Recently, all your mornings had started the same way: ten or so feet below the ground, buried under the satin sheets of an otherwise empty bed in a stone chamber decorated with all the love and tenderness of a hospital room, freshly cleaned after the death of its last occupant.
Blearily, you stumbled out of bed, grimacing at the feeling of the cold, rough floor against your bare feet. Temperatures in Snezhnaya rarely rose above freezing, and while your husband didn’t seem to mind the cold, you weren’t so resilient – shrugging on your heaviest robe before so much as opening your eyes. A mug of coffee was clumsily assembled in your minimalistic kitchenette (a feature you insisted on, after being forced to share a communal ice chest with one of his more dissection-focused segments), then a cup of tea; herbal and rich, a blend from Sumeru he had imported every few months. For as many years as you’d been with Zandik, you’d never been able to make sense of what he considered worth his time and what he disregarded as frivolous wastes of effort and mora. You supposed you could only be thankful you fell into the former group, lest your body be the next to adorn his vivisection table.
Once you’d managed to shake the chill and bring yourself to a state of near-consciousness, you stumbled out of your bedroom and into the corridor, ignoring the curious looks of young researchers and patrolling soldiers and shrugging open the steel door at the end of the hall. The smell of rot and preservatives hit you as soon as you stepped into Zandik’s personal laboratory, but your eyes only glazed over the dark puddles splattered across the floor, the amorphous mass covered with a white sheet and laid across a metal table before landing on your husband – slumped over his desk, his face buried in his arms and ink staining his fingertips, his left cheek. With a sigh, you made your way to his side, placing both mugs on the edge of his desk and resting your hands on his shoulders. Letting your eyes fall shut, you lowered yourself to his height, resting your lips against the top of his head and only pulling away when he began to stir.
He'd always been a light sleeper (in comparison to you, at least), and it’d never taken much to rouse him. You straightened your back and as if on cue, he bolted upward, gaze darting to the door, then his operation table, then you – where it would stay. A slight grin pulled at the corner of his lips as he pushed his chair away from his desk and tapped his leg, and without protest, you climbed into his lap; straddling his thighs and burying your face in the crook of his neck. One of his hands found its way to your hip while the other took to rubbing small, slow circles into your back. You waited for him to settle underneath you before breaking the silence. “I want to go home.”
Home, meaning the gothic, looming mansion you usually resided in when he wasn’t working out of one of the Fatui’s countless underground facilities or traveling abroad. It was also dark and drafty and a far cry from your previous home, the home he’d taken you away from the day he married you, but you’d been able to decorate it to your preferences and you didn’t need to go through ten of his soldiers just to step outside. He hummed, the sound passive and dismissive, and you frowned into his shoulder, nudging gently at his chest. “I’m serious, Zandik. Everything smells like blood and you haven’t come to bed in days. Being around all these chemicals is going to be the death of me – that is, if boredom doesn’t do the job first.”
Another hum, this one slightly more thoughtful. “You know I would pluck the stars from the sky for you,” he started, his voice still low and coarse with sleep. “But I am here on the Tsaritsa’s orders. Are you sure you’d have me test the good will of an archon for something so mundane?”
“Yes.” You’d seen him butcher orphans and burn villages to the ground. If he was still in his goddess’ good graces after so many centuries of relentless carnage, you were sure she wouldn’t mind a sudden relocation. “There’s nothing you do here that you couldn’t do in your own laboratory.” You thought for a moment, then added, “Unless you’ve decided that you love your archon more than you love me.”
His smile faltered, something possessive and pointed catching in his eyes. His grip on you tightened, but he recovered quickly, letting out an airy chuckle as he bowed his head and nuzzled mindlessly into the dip of your shoulder. “Two more weeks,” he promised. “Then, I’ll send you home – one way or another.”
“One more week.” You sat up, cupping his face and forcing him to meet your eyes. “Or I start spitting in your tea.”
“One more week if you start spitting in my tea.”
“You’re a vile, repugnant little man.” You leaned forward, kissing his cheek. “Deal.”
You spend the rest of that day lounging across the velvet-cushioned loveseat in the corner of his lab, skimming through your dozenth pulpy romance novel and watching your husband dismember corpses with a vigor you hadn’t seen since the first days of your marriage.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
10 Tips For the Beginner Witch
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1. Don't rush into things:
Take the time to explore and learn about witchcraft, its traditions, and practices. Resist the urge to jump into more advanced practices or take on too much at once. Start small and build your knowledge and skills gradually.
2. Don't believe everything you read online:
Be mindful of where you get your information about witchcraft. Do thorough research and cross-check multiple sources before adopting any beliefs or practices. Remember that not everything online is reliable or accurate.
3. Don't compare yourself to others:
Each person's journey in witchcraft is unique, and it's important to focus on your own growth and path. Don't compare yourself to others or try to measure up to someone else's standards. Embrace your own journey and celebrate your progress.
4. Don't neglect self-care:
Witchcraft can be emotionally and mentally taxing, so prioritize self-care. Take time for yourself to recharge, meditate, and do things that bring you joy. Pay attention to your physical and emotional health and practice self-compassion.
5. Respect nature and the elements:
Witchcraft often involves working with the elements and nature, so treat them with respect. Avoid harming wildlife, littering, or engaging in practices that harm the environment. Build a relationship with nature and the elements based on respect, gratitude, and reciprocity.
6. Don't force your beliefs on others:
Witchcraft is a personal practice, and everyone has their own beliefs and experiences. Respect the beliefs of others, and don't try to force your own beliefs on anyone else. Be open-minded and respectful of different perspectives and approaches to witchcraft.
7. Ask for help:
The witchcraft community is a supportive and knowledgeable community. Don't hesitate to ask for help, guidance, or advice from more experienced practitioners. Join online forums or local groups to connect with others and learn from their experiences.
8. Balance your practice with mundane responsibilities:
Witchcraft can be a fulfilling and meaningful part of your life, but don't neglect your everyday responsibilities. Make sure to balance your practice with your job, family, and other obligations. Remember that taking care of yourself and your responsibilities is an important part of a healthy witchcraft practice.
9. Keep a grimoire or book of shadows:
Keeping a grimoire or book of shadows is a valuable tool for any beginner witch. It allows you to record your experiences, insights, and practices, and serves as a reference for your ongoing learning and development.
10. Embrace experimentation:
Witchcraft is a creative and experimental practice, so embrace your inner curiosity and explore different practices and techniques. Try out different forms of divination, herbalism, meditation, or ritual practices to find what resonates with you. Remember that experimentation and playfulness are key components of a healthy and dynamic witchcraft practice.
As you embark on your enchanting journey as a beginner witch, remember to take your time and savor each magical moment. Witchcraft is a unique and personal practice that is meant to be explored and experienced with joy and curiosity. Remember to approach your craft with wonder and gratitude for the beauty of nature and the elements. May your path be filled with enchantment and wonder as you explore the mystical world of witchcraft.
My Ko-Fi
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lua-magic · 10 months
Saturn and your excellence.
Planets aspecting or in close conjunction with Saturn decides which area you will excel into.
Sun and Saturn.
You will excel into areas where you have authority.
You are great leader would work for common people.
You can get into government jobs or work with government easily.
However, this conjunction also give natives problems with their father.
This combination also shows pitar dosha or ancestral curse combination.
Hence, native usually faces delays in life, especially to get name, fame and position and has to work really hard for it.
Moon and Saturn.
You will excel into areas where you require to do deep research.
You like going to the roots of the problems.
You make great researcher.
Moon is also food, so you can also make a great cook.
Moon is also medicine, so you can get into pharmacy as well.
If you have South node with moon and Saturn then you can get into herbal medicines and if you have north node with Saturn and moon you can get into modern medicines.
Venus and Saturn.
Venus is beauty, luxury, clothes, brands.
Hence, native can work into textile or in beauty industry.
Native with this combination can also open their own brand and promote themselves.
Male native with this combination gets highly independent wife.
Mercury and Saturn.
Such people make great CA, and auditor.
Such natives can find faults easily which others won't be able to notice.😅
They can go proofreading and writing, coding, AI and data analytics.
Mercury is also books, so they can buisness related to books as well.
Here, this combination makes natives to loose intrest in sexual activities as well.
Jupiter and Saturn.
Jupiter is knowledge, here native would be highly knowledgeable.
Native can become teacher, counselor, and spiritual teacher.
Mars and Saturn.
This great combination, as Mars pushes Saturn to perform.
Mars represents land, property, real estate.
Native with such combination can get into rela estate, work related to property and land.
Mars is also automobiles so native can get into cars and automobiles as well.
South node and Saturn.
South node is spirituality and occult.
Here, native can get into spirituality, occult, and healers.
However, this combination causes lot of fluctuations in your work life and native has to change their work or work place often.
South node is also microorganisms, so native can go into microbiology or study about minute creatures.
South node is also detachment and cuts, so natives can become surgeon, doctors and lab related work.
North node and Saturn.
North node is shadow planet, any work related or that deals with shadow would be suitable.
Photography, videography, youtuber, bloggers, work that involves Internet and camera are great for such natives.
North node is technology and expansion, native can get into technical stream as well.
However, this combination causes lot of delays in work life, and also sometimes natives could suffer from evil eyes.
Such natives should NOT reveal more about their work to others.
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apteryxparvus · 1 year
Request for the 100 follower event!
Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact), fluff! :^
If you don't have any ideas, maybe Scaramouche taking care of sick reader? (I'm caught a cold recently, lol)
But feel free to write it as you want to.
Congratulations on 100 followers!
Hello! And thank you for the request 😊 Hope you're feeling better now, anon!
Part of my ✨ 100 followers milestone event ✨ that ran from September 2nd to September 9th.
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Pairing — Scaramouche / Reader
Word count — 942
Content warning — none
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“Back to bed, now,” Scaramouche orders, his stern expression flickering between you and the stack of papers you’re desperately clutching against your chest. You manage a sheepish grin, hugging the documents closer.
“I’ve already told you more than once. Go back to bed.” Your boyfriend argues, taking a slow step towards you. “You’re unwell, running a fever, and you need to rest.”
“These papers won’t grade themselves, you know?”
He mutters something under his breath, mild annoyance crossing his face. In a split second, he’s in front of you, swiftly taking the papers from your grasp. You let out a gasp, attempting to reach them. It’s a futile attempt — the paper’s too high to reach.
“Give them back!” you exclaim. He gives you a deadpan stare.
You shift around, trying to outmaneuver him, hoping to somehow gain the upper hand, but your body is too fatigued. The fever rages through your body, and not even a minute later, you’re panting, feeling the heat course through you. The room suddenly feels a bit too stifling.
“Back to bed,” he repeats. “Or else.”
“Or else what?” you challenge. But deep down you know he’s right, you know your stubbornness is unnecessary, but the idea of the ungraded research papers looms heavily on your mind. The deadline is too close for comfort. And if you didn’t complete the task, you’d face (yet another) lengthy and harsh reprimand from your supervisor — an ordeal you dread, not looking forward to the sight of the long, curly stray hair on his chin, nor the spittle that leaves his lips as he yells out a variety of insults.
Scaramouche pinches the bridge of his nose, releasing yet another sigh. “Bed. Right now.”
“Fine, fine,” you relent, dragging your feet towards the bedroom. You shoot him a nasty, annoyed look and let out a humph.
He trails after you, ensuring your cocooned comfortable in bed, a blanket wrapped snugly around your feverish form.
“I’ll be back with some medication,” he announced, heading towards the bathroom. You hear him rummaging through the cabinet and you frown — Bimarstan’s fever-breaking medication has a bitter, earthy taste that you heavily dislike. And sadly enough, none of the Amurta students seem interested in trying to sweeten up the recipe, claiming it’s good enough as long as it does the job.
A sneeze echoes around the room, and you rub your temples, attempting to alleviate the headache wrapping around your head. You sniffle, sensing another sneeze on the way, and you brace yourself for the burst of pain that will follow.
“Here,” Scaramouche mutters, thrusting the herbal-smelling pills towards you. You grab them, feeling the rough texture as you stare at the dark green circular tablet. ”I’ll bring you some water to help you swallow these.”
“Can I have some tea instead?” you ask, grinning meekly.
“The usual?” You nod, heart warming at the way your boyfriend is taking care of you — despite his prickly personality and tendency to be blunt and sometimes downright mean, he cares a great deal about you.
You leave the pills on the bedside table and snuggle your face into the blanket — it smells like Scaramouche, a woody and grassy scent, mixed with the bitterness of his favorite green tea.
You close your eyes for what feels like a second, the room's peaceful silence coaxing you closer to slumber. Moments later, the bed dips as your boyfriend sits down, a steaming cup of fresh tea in his hands. He helps you sit up, arranging several pillows against the bed frame.
With a grimace, you take the herbal medication and swallow it; of course, it gets stuck in your throat, and you take a few gulps of the hot liquid, coughing at the burn. There's some residue of the pill down your throat, and you take a few more desperate sips of tea, hoping to rid yourself of the taste.
"Idiot," Scaramouche scolds, taking the mug away from you. "Do you want to choke on the tea?"
"'m sorry," you mumble, pouting.
He gently brushes a strand of hair that's sticking to your slightly moist forehead, and you nuzzle into his tender touch. "What am I going to do with you," he mutters under his breath, cupping your cheek, his thumb caressing your bottom lip softly.
"Kiss me to make me feel better?" you joke.
Scaramouche shakes his head, but heeds your request. He moves closer to your burning body, cupping your face with his two hands. You stare at his eyes in astonishment, feeling vulnerable and exposed under his gaze.
"Wait, wait! No! I was just joking," you try to push him away, but he doesn't budge. "You'll get sick too!"
"Idiot," he chuckles. "This puppet body of mine does not suffer from illness." With that, he dips his head, his soft lips meeting yours.
The kiss is unhurried, tender even. You freeze for a moment, then melt into it, savoring the sensation of his body close to yours. His fingers thread through the back of your head, tangled in your tousled hair.
You gingerly nip at his lower lip, and he responds by parting his mouth, allowing the kiss to deepen. Breathless, you're intoxicated by the sensations, the rush of the kiss enough to give you the energy to continue.
You're on the verge of wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, when—
Scaramouche recoils, a mild disgust and disbelief etched on his face.
"Sorry," you mutter sheepishly. "Maybe I should just lie down and nap. Care to join me for a cuddle session?"
"On one condition — never sneeze on my face again."
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Author's note: not really proofread, my brain is too fried from uni classes and work 😫
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guuccibaguette · 1 month
Sims 4 To be or not to be Legacy Challenge
Generation One - To be a Writer
You grew up in a household where you always had to be sure of who you were, your parents were strict on you about everything you did, in school, out of school, in work, out of work. It was stressful to keep a job, keep people happy and also maintain your own social life. Your parents made you this way and you cannot change who you are, but maybe someone else can? Is it to be?
Aspiration- Best Selling Author 
Writing is the only way you felt you had control of who you could be at all times, at anytime, you could be a male, a female, a cat, or a fairy. Writing is your escape of what you can’t be.
Career- Writer or Freelancer but it has to be the writer branch. 
Even though you could not keep a job anywhere else, your job as an author has made it such a delight. You can show people the dreams, the lives of characters that are not real.
*Must only write books in the library for young adult life, no computer allowed in home till adult life cycle.
*Must Marry an athlete
*Have three kids
*Divorce spouse while pregnant with last baby
*Name four of your books after spouse, and three kids
*Retire once elder, no more books allowed to be written
Generation Two - To be an adventurer 
Because of your author parent growing up they always read their crazy adventure stories to you. Those books alone inspired you to go off on your own or with a partner to explore what is never seen by the sim eye. 
Aspiration- Archaeology Scholar
Watching your parents constantly fight not the thrill like the romance, hate to love books. You want to get away from it, all of it. You travel to leave it behind but of course something comes back at you, your double life…
Career- Because of your constant traveling you use your knowledge as a way to get money from each place you venture to. 
Selvadorian Culture
*Start your first vacation adventure as a teen but with your parents
*As a young adult move to sulani
*Have a baby with a native salvadorian sim (you are not apart of their life but its part of the challenge)
*When you come back from each vacation find a sim that you can work a slow relationship with
*Marry said sim but not the other parent of your child
*Find your baby mama or baby daddy and have another child with them on your next vacation
*NEVER tell your spouse about your other kids
*Have TWINS with your spouse (you may cheat for this)
Generation Three - To be a hero
You always knew that something was different about your family. Why did your parent have so many traveling photos but no stories to tell? Why did it feel like those pictures had stories that were gonna stay untold? You had no choice but to put the past behind you and move on, move on to saving sims. 
Aspiration- StrangerVille Mystery
During your journey of saving your town that went to, to avoid your parent you discover more about your parents past.
Career- Military
Research and debate
* Master programming and use this as your way of finding out about your half siblings
* Save the town then marry someone from your group
* Have three kids with your spouse after you marry them
* Once you master your career retire from the military as an elder
* Befriend your first grandchild
Generation Four - To be a STAR
You always knew your parent was a hero, they were your hero. They saved an entire town from a freaking monster lets be for real. Yet even with their hero status they still always made time for you. Time to help you with homework, advice, and of course the dates. Now you want to be their hero when they retire you want to make sure your parent wont ever struggle, being a star will get you big bucks. This is your dream make it come true.
Aspiration- Master Actor/Actress
You take on all the roles you can get even if its just a commercial, simoleons is simoleons.
Career- Actor/Actress
Creativity (As a child)
* Have an affair with your director (it can be any director just one director)
* Marry your co-star
*Have a two kids with your co-star
*Divorce your co-star
*Get back with your ex the director and marry them after you complete the acting career
Generation Five - To be a little bit quiet
Having both parents be stars you and your sibling were always in the flash of lights for cameras. You tend to get sick of it when you dont really have anything to be famous for. You have no freedom anymore because of them. You want out of the spotlight not in. You want peace and quiet.
Aspiration- Inner Peace 
You achieve to have your whole life situated and at peace.
Career- Run your own spa either at your lot or buy your own
*Must find a sim that is a slob and marry them
*Have FIVE children with your spouse to make it harder for you to find peace
*Each child has to have a close age difference
*Adopt a child in hopes to have a peaceful and quiet child (the adopted one is NOT the heir)
*Mentor your children in wellness
Generation Six - To be a vet
Growing up you and your siblings always tried to make the most noise possible, your parent was always into peace and quiet so the house almost always was quiet. Your friends always had what you wanted, a companion. Your parent refused saying it will cause stress and they don’t need that. You don’t believe that, you achieve to have your own companion maybe a few.
Aspiration- Friend of the animals
Career- Run your own Vet clinic
Pet Training
*Have a cat, dog, hamster, and a full fish tank of fish that YOU have caught
*Marry one of your clients that come in for a checkup
*Fix your animals after they have their first litter
*Have two kids 
*Have your kids start working at the clinic once they are teens
Generation Seven - To be a celebrity
You constantly admired your great-grandparents rise to fame with their acting. You never meet them but you watched almost all their films they were in. It made you want what they had, but clearly acting was not your forte, you want fame though thats for sure. Now how will you get it without acting?
Aspiration- World Famous Celebrity
Career- Use your fame to somehow make money
Media Production
*Once you are a two star celebrity host a meet and greet and find the love of your life
*Marry a bouncer or guard when three star celebrity
*Have your first child at four star celebrity
*Have second and last kid at five star celebrity
*Host your hall of fame for the end of this generation
Generation Eight - To be a werewolf
The holidays growing up were always filled with your family, even if one of them almost always had a camera in your face to make themselves grow in fame. One thing you liked the best about the holidays was spooky day. You always loved dressing up as a monster, vampire, werewolf, spellcaster, even mermaid. You felt like yourself, you dont feel like as a normal sim. Why?
Aspiration- Lone Wolf
Career- Style Influencer
Because of your love for monsters and dressing up as them growing up you dream to be able to make them happen for other people as well.
Do whatever you want your a freaking werewolf
* Make your own pack
*Have Gred join your pack
*Marry Greg
*Have five members in your pack
*Either biologically or adopt a child with Greg
Generation Nine - To be a vampire
Yes your parents are werewolves, yes you have to deal with the constant growling and stuff breaking. Yet you don’t love it like you should, they are your family and they don’t make you feel like family. Hell you secretly took the secretly cured yourself of being a werewolf to be something else, something better? You get to be immortal now, outlive your own family, I mean you were anyways.
Aspiration- Master Vampire
Career- Medicine
Your favorite vampire movie is twilight and you were convinced to become a doctor just like Carlisle.
Vampire Lore
*Have five lovers, three BF/GF’s one engagement, and one marriage
*Have five children each with different other parents
*Discover you dont want a immortal to be with forever you want someone that can cure your broken heart.
*Marry a spellcaster
Generation Ten - To be a spellcaster
 Your parent is immortal you know that, your siblings know that, your own spellcaster parent is immortal. It sucks because that means they will outlive you and your spellcaster parent. You cant fathom your bestfriend saying goodbye to you. You dream is to always live for them, make as many potions and spells to stay.
Aspiration- Purveyor of Potions
Career- You use your magic to cheat the system and not ever have to work
*Have a familiar
*Complete the broom collection
*Complete the wand collection
*Learn and master all the spells
*Die from magic
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honeysylvan · 16 hours
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🌹 Belial Rose 🌹
the girl with the demon blood
When the prestigious Hawthorne family heir’s dalliance with a demon led to an unwanted pregnancy, her family gave her an ultimatum: disown the child, or be disowned herself. When the demon-hybrid was born, her mother left her with only one thing: the name Belial, meaning “worthless.” Belial grew up in an orphanage in Moonwood Mill with no connection to her family in Glimmerbrook. Little is known about demons, and Belial was shunned by spellcasters and avoided by other occults. Despite her rough upbringing, Belial was nothing if not resourceful; she focused on her studies and managed to graduate high school early and secure her independence at only sixteen. When she left the orphanage, she didn’t look back. Belial spent the next three years traveling, searching for answers about her demonic heritage. She poured over vampire tomes in Forgotten Hollow, learned the traditions of the mermaids in Sulani, and even went back to Moonwood Mill to study ancient werewolf writings. But fear kept her from returning to Glimmerbrook—until she heard of the Embers Academy Spellcasting Tournament. If anyone would know more about her bloodline, it would be the very Sage of Untamed Magic themselves. Swallowing her fear, Belial set off to enter the tournament with the hopes that winning would put her in Morgyn’s good graces.
For @adelarsims Embers Academy Spellcasting Tournament! Other information below the cut 🌹
Name: Belial Rose Age: 19 (Young Adult) Pronouns: she/her Gender: Woman Sexuality: Bisexual Ethnicity: White Species: Spellcaster-Demon Hybrid Traits: Loyal, Overachiever, Music Lover, Perfectionist*, Creative* + Gregarious Additional Traits: Ancient Bloodline, Unhappy Infant, Idea Person, Low Self-Esteem, Compassionate, Responsible, Spice Hound, Observant, Speed Reader, Night Owl, Brave Aspiration: Big Happy Family Education: graduated high school early | no university degree  Career: N/A — takes on odd jobs to survive Lifestyle(s): Frequent Traveler Likes & Dislikes:  Activity - Cooking, Gardening, Gemology, Mixology, Research & Debate, Singing, Violin, Wellness, Writing | Mischief, Programming, Snowboarding, Video Gaming Color - Pink | Black Conversation Topics - Deep Thoughts, Discussing Hobbies, Discussing Interests, Physical Intimacy, Stories | Deception, Gossip, Malicious Interactions, Pranks Sim Characteristics - Cerebral, Family-Motivated, Idealist, Nature Enthusiasts, Pet Enthusiasts | Ambitionless, Argumentative, Egotistical, Rascals Music Genre - Classical, Cottagecore, Singer Songwriter | METAL, Ranch, Strange Tunes Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs: Way of Life - Academic, Culinary, Health & Sports, Interpersonal, Nature | Slacker, Media & Technology, Taken Characteristics - Cerebral, Family-Motivated, Idealist, Nature Enthusiasts, Pet Enthusiasts, Spirited | Ambitionless, Argumentative, Egotistical, Messy Romance Styles - Affection, Physical Intimacy, WooHoo | N/A Hair Color - Auburn, Black, Blonde, Brown, Orange | Platinum, White Outfit Color - Black, Red, White | Pink Fashion - N/A | Costumes Skills: Cooking - 6 | Gardening - 7 | Gemology - 8 | Herbalism - 6 | Logic - 9 | Medium - 5 | Mixology - 5 | Research & Debate - 8 | Singing - 9 | Vampire Lore - 12 | Wellness - 7 | Writing - 6
*I have the more traits in CAS mod, but if you don’t have that, then feel free to stick with just Loyal, Overachiever, and Music Lover!
Rank: Acolyte Familiar: none Wand: none Broom: gnarled wood broom Perks: Knowledge Is Magic, Discharge, Power Shunt, Insightful Eye, Spellcaster Socialite Known Spells: Floralorial, Scruberoo, Repario, Deliriate, Inferniate, ZipZap, Chilio, Necrocall Known Potions: Nimble Mind, Good Fortune, Emotional Stability
Her favorite flowers are roses, and when she left the orphanage she took “Rose” as her last name.
What Belial wants most are family and friends to call her own. She’s fiercely loyal and protective, but her lack of experience with interpersonal connections growing up means she has a hard time making friends.
Because she never returned to Glimmerbrook to study formally at an academy or with a mentor, all of Belial’s magical abilities are self-taught. She’s only managed to get as far as she has due to her work ethic, talent, and stubbornness.
She’s incredibly honest, and hates when people lie.
In addition to being very academic, she loves to sing and is quite creative. She loves to learn and experience new things.
She is touch-starved and very much craves affection and physical intimacy.
She doesn’t have a familiar yet, but wants a cat.
She casts with her hands near-exclusively, finding it far more comfortable and natural to do so.
Due to her demonic heritage, spicy foods don’t bother her at all—but she is unaware why.
She has a proclivity for untamed magic.
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**The only CC in her non-everyday looks are 2 hairstyles, some makeup, and items that are already in her everyday looks. If any CC in any of her outfits needs to be removed/changed, please let me know!
If you read all this you're a saint 🩷 Thank you!
Private DL 🌹
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Aita for lying to my parents about quitting pot?
So weed is legal where we live, and I (22f) started smoking it when I hit legal age. I have suffered from chronic pain for pretty much as long as I can remember (insert joke about weed worsening memory) and though it typically ranges from mild to moderate, with exertion it can get severe. I couldn't do sports as a kid, field trips and some gym classes and even intense play would often end up with me unable to go to school the next day and still feeling worse for wear for up to a month afterwards. I've been to multiple doctors and had all sorts of tests done, as much as possible being not exactly wealthy, just to find nothing. I've tried hard to manage it in various ways; mindfullness and meditation, hot water bottles and heating pads, even essential oils and herbal concoctions, and of course over the counter painkillers. I've found these things to mostly only really help when the pain is low moderate to mild. As time has gone on it seems to be getting worse, but that might just be because kids are more resilient. I missed out on mostly everything that wasn't necessary in highschool because it was too taxing, even hanging out with friends. Now I've been living on my own since I turned 18, mostly with money that my parents put aside for me for the first few years, and finishing my schooling from home. But that money is now running out, so I have to work. Thing is, work that I can do from home has been near hard to find, at least anything long term. So I'm stuck doing the kind of jobs that exacerbate my pain, I'm in worse pain more often. But I've still been seeing doctors and they still say there's nothing and my doctor won't even consider prescribing me anything until it gets way, way worse. I'm also aware that anything I could get prescribed would be above my means anyway, and my parents wouldn't pay for it. So that's around when I started smoking weed. I did research and talked to my parents beforehand about it and explained why, and my mom (43f) didn't care, while my dad (45m) made me agree to only use it once in a while when my pain gets severe, only buy it with money I earned and never go out in public stoned. And for a while, I did everything like I agreed to. Don't get me wrong, the weed doesn't make the chronic pain go away, but it helps keep it manageable. I can actually work 2 days in a row. But now I smoke daily, sometimes even when my pain is moderate. My dad found out about this and demanded I completely quit or else he'll disown me. So I promised I would, and have been pretending that I have.
What are these acronyms?
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bejeweledsims · 2 years
the aesthetics challenge: a ten generations legacy challenge
i've always loved to play challenges in the sims 4, i find that they push to gameplays that i otherwise would probably never try, so i decided to try to create my own challenge.
while creating the requirements for each generation i was looking at the aesthetics wiki, so feel free to check it out if you have any doubt as to what an aesthetic means or what it should look like. also, i'm aware that some of this may not fit what some people think about certain aesthetics, but this was my own interpretation of them with the resources provided by the sims 4 gameplay to the date i'm posting this, so be nice pls <3
while making this i realized that someone else had already made a challenge with the same idea, though there are only two aesthetics that appear in both challenges and the requirements are different.
general rules:
though some generations do require you to live in a specific place, i only added the world part as to give you an idea, but you're welcome to have your sim live wherever you wish if not necessary.
given that it's a challenge based around the idea of aesthetics, you should probably create your sim based around the designated aesthetic
unless stated otherwise, you can marry/get together with any sim with whatever traits
use the #aestheticsims4challenge tag if you decide to play this challenge, i'd love to see what other people do with it :)
generation #1: witchcore
growing up you always loved to read about magical worlds and fantastic realms, so you used to stay away from other people and with the company of your beloved books and a cat. but when visiting a mysterious town you meet an strange man who claims to be a spellcaster, you witness all of your dreams come true and beg him to teach how to become one.
traits: cat lover, loner, bookworm
aspiration: spellcraft & sorcery
job: freelancer, writer branch
world: glimmerbrook
start as a regular sim, become a spellcaster
move into glimmerbrook as soon as you become a spellcaster
complete the spellcraft & sorcery aspiration
marry a human
learn all the spells of at least one type of magic
complete at least one of the perk trees
maximize the medium, herbalism and fishing skills
generation #2: plant mom
your parent may have been able to cast actual magic and all that, but ever since you were little you knew that the only magic you could do was with plants, and so you commit your life to learning everything you can about them and how to take care of them, but when you're not doing this, and unlike your parent, you love to hangout with other people and your dogs on the outdoors, though you mostly like to talk about plants.
traits: loves the outdoor, dog lover, outgoing
aspiration: freelance botanist
job: gardener, botanist branch
world: any world
this heir must be human
reach the top of the gardening career
always have at least one dog
complete the freelance botanist aspiration
spend at least 2 hours every sunday in a park
have a gardening club and have at least one gathering each week
maximize the gardening, herbalism and logic skill
generation #3: clowncore
while your parent was all about plants, hardwork and research, you're more of a joker and would much rather spend your time with other people making them laugh, so you decide to devote your life to it. you try to always see the bright side of things and will always make a joke even in the saddest of times, but that has caused to lose some loved ones along the way.
traits: goofball, outgoing, cheerful
aspiration: joke star
job: entertainer, comedian branch
world: any world
complete the joke star aspiration
reach the top of the entertaniner career on the comedian branch
marry and divorce a proper sim
have a neutral relationship with your parents and child
maximize the comedy, mischief and carisma skills
generation #4: cottagecore
it's not that you didn't like your parent, it's just that they could sometimes be... a little too much when it came to their jokes. you always felt as though you got along better with animals than with other people, so you prefered to spend your time in the outdoors surrounded by them, so when you are old enough you move to the countryside and buy a farm where you take of many animals and attend the farm festival, where you fall in love with a local sim.
traits: loves outdoors, good, animal enthusiast
aspiration: country caretaker
job: no job
world: henford-on-bangley
never have a job
complete the country caretaker aspiration
live on henford-on-bangley
be close with your grandparent and garden with them
be closer to your proper parent, but live with your goofball parent
marry a sim from henford-on-bangley
maximize the cross-stitch, herbalism, cooking, baking and gardening skills
generation #5: downtown girl
your parents always loved the countryside and it's animals and plants, but that lifestyle was just never for you, and when on a family trip you visit the big city you make a decision: you'll move there as soon as you become a young adult. once there, and with no more company other than a cat you adopt on your first day on the city, you decide to follow your dream of becoming a musician and start from the bottom.
traits: music lover, cat lover, loner
aspiration: city native
job: entertainer, musician branch
world: san myshuno
complete the city native aspiration
have a part-time job as a teenager
reach the top of the entertainer career on the musician branch
adopt a cat on your first day on the city
have no more than 3 friends, excluding family members
maximize the singing, charisma, guitar and piano skills
generation #6: dark/light academia
you’ve always have a passion for knowledge and learning, so much so that you prioritize it above anything else, you dream of becoming the first person in your family to attend university. you are always surrounded by books, and you prefer their company to that of other people, which is why many consider you a snob.
traits: bookworm, loner, snob
aspiration: academic
job: writer, on the autor branch
world: any
go to university, it must be britechester
join a secret society
maximize writing, research & debate and logic skill
marry a fellow academic with the snob trait
read at least 3 books to each of your kids
reach the top on the writer career on the author branch
generation #7: old money
"some people are simply better than others" it's a phrase that you wholeheartedly believe and live by. you love art, music, books and everything sofisticated, so you choose a career that will allow to enjoy of such things, but when your parents decide to make a call to boost your admission chances to your dream university due to the being alumnus, it makes you forever question whether you truly deserved it or not, so you work harder than everyone else to prove you're worth it.
traits: snob, proper, over-achiever
aspiration: successful lineage
job: business, management branch/acting
world: san myshuno/del sol valley
go to university, and major in either economics or communications
reach the top of the business/acting career
complete the successful lineage aspiration
graduate high school as an b student, graduate university with honors
if you choose the acting career, you must win at least 1 starlight accolade and become a 5 star celebrity
marry a famous and snob sims
maximize the gourmet cooking, charisma, parenting and painting skills
generation #8: that girl
they say like parent like children, and they're right. growing up you always saw just how hard your parents worked and how much they managed to achieve due to that hardwork, so you decide to be just like them, except for one little thing: you want to be an internet personality. so you go to college and at the same time become a simfluencer, at least until you graduate, but you still keep updating your social media everytime possible. you are always concerned with becoming your best self in terms of mind and body.
traits: perfectionist, over-achiever, neat
aspiration: renaissance sim
job: simfluencer part-time job as a teenager, style influencer on the trendsetter branch
world: any
complete the self-care self-care specialist aspiration
reach the top of the both of your careers
become at least a 3 star celebrity
go to the gym at least three times each week, go to a spa at least once a week
graduate as a a student and valedictorian, graduate university with honors
maximize logic, fitness, wellness, cooking, parenting and baking skills
be close with each of your children
get at least 6 other skills to level 8
generation #9: coastal grandma
you grew up watching your parents constantly working, and while that never stopped them from being as loving and doting as possible, seeing their frantic lifestyle made you realize that you want nothing to do with that lifestyle, in fact, you want to just relax and enjoy life in a beach while drinking your favorite drink. so you work all of your youth and once you become an adult you move to a beach, quit your job and enjoy the rest of your life with your loved ones.
traits: child of the ocean, foodie, insider
aspiration: beach life
job: culinary, chef brand
world: brindleton bay, tartosa, sulani
complete the beach life aspiration
move to a beach once you become an adult
marry a good sim
practice wellness
have a good relationship with your child
maximize the cooking, baking, mixology, parenting and knitting skills
generation #10: cryptidcore
a family rumour claims that one of your ancestors wasn’t… precisely human, but everytime you’ve tried asking anyone they just laugh and deny it, saying that no such things exist. well, you’ve decided to prove them wrong, and you will dedicate your life to prove it
traits: loves the outdoors, socially awkward, genius
aspiration: strangerville mistery
job: scientist
world: strangerville
befriend a witch, werewolf, vampire, alien, ghost and a mermaid
marry a sim that is one of the previous life states
reach the top of the scientist career
complete the strangerville mistery aspiration
move to strangerville
maximize the vampire lore, photography and logic skills
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August Week 2 - Magic in the Mundane
This weeks prompts are all about the connection between magic and the mundane in all aspects of our lives. How to find them within each other and to understand their connections and how they influence each other. Let’s dive in!
Monday - In the house
Introspection/ Research - it’s not so hard to see some of the magic in your immediate surroundings. The herbs in your kitchen. The tools you use on a daily basis. The tasks you complete within your home. In a metaphorical sense if nothing else, where in your home do you see and feel magic? In your cooking? In the ingredients you use? In the way you decorate? In the way you clean and organize? How do these things and actions and spaces translate magically and spiritually for you? Do you do things a certain way for a certain reason? Do you use certain ingredients for certain reasons? Interweave the study patterns for other prompts onto this one and see how much magic you can find within your home.
Research/ New Page - herbal research. Pick yet another herb from your list and research it and its magical properties and associations. What is its history? Where and how does it grow? Are there myths of legends about it? Learn everything!
Tuesday - In the world around you
Introspection/ research - just like above, think outside the home. In your yard, in the places you go, in the things you do outside of your personal space. What do you do? Why do you do it? How do you do it? Are there certain places you avoid? A road or business you avoid? People you avoid? Why? Is it their energy? Or something tangible? How do these normal mundane actions and people and places influence and effect your spiritual and magical practice if at all?
Research/ new page- gemstone research. Pick a gemstone from your list and research all you can about it! Magical and mundane uses and associations. Myths and history. Where does it come from and its chemical constituents.
Wednesday - in your work
Introspection/ research - again, use the same basic prompt for today as well. What in your work, in your job, in your profession can translate from the mundane to the magical. Actions you take, tools you use, methods you use and so on, how do they interlay with your magical practice if at all? Does the work itself (what it is) translate? For example, I’m a metalworker and I do in fact incorporate a certain amount of metalwork and my knowledge of that into my craft.
Practical - do some magic! Pick a spell or make a spell and perform it. Record the details of the spell, its steps tools and ingredients in your lab notebook so you can revisit it later after you’ve seen results!
Thursday - in your life
Introspection/ research - now use that prompt on a broader scope looking over your entire life. The people you let in and keep out. The activities you do. Your hobbies and location. The holidays your celebrate and the aspects of your life that may seem unimportant all the way to the most important facets of your life. How do these things translate to your magical practice? How do they influence it and how does your magical practice influence them in return?
Friday - The Inverse
Research/ introspection - while finding magic in the mundane can be wonderful, if taxing at times, we also have to do the reverse and understand the mundane within the magical. Why do you perform things the way you do? Why do you use the tools and ingredients you do? Why do you practice where you do? What are the historical and logical reasons for using and doing these things? What is the simple practical purpose of the magic? What is the myth and legend and history behind the things you do? It’s important to know the balance between the magic and the mundane.
We made it through another week everyone!! :D congrats and thank you all, as always, for participating!
-Mod Hazel
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thornthisway · 7 months
Pokèmon: 18 Types, 18 ways!
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A Sims 4 CAS and Legacy Challenge by ThornThisWay!
Rules & Summary:
Each legacy is based on a different Pokèmon type. Players may choose 1 Pokèmon of that type and create a Sim gijinka based on it as the legacy founder. You may give that PokèSim any traits that you think matches the Pokèmon it is based on. The next gen however must be based on a different Pokèmon of a different type.
This challenge is based on creativity, collecting, aspiration completion, skill learning, exploring each world & most of all storytelling! The main aspiration to complete is The Curator! Gotta collect 'em all!
You may not use cheats to gain money, skill mastering, complete any aspirations, etc! The only cheat you may use is FreeRealEstate for the very first house for the very first gen but you may not use it for the rest of the challenge.
This challenge requires a lot of DLC packs but mainly ones that contain worlds as each generation will move to a different world once the aspiration(s) of that generation is completed! The challenge is finished once The Curator is finished in Gen 18. Challenge Generation notes are under the cut!
Gen 1: Normal Type
World - Willow Creek Job - Freelancing artist or Painter Skills to work on - Painting, Cooking, Handiness Lot Challenge - None Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Gen 2: Fighting Type
World - Oasis Springs or Newcrest Job - Athlete or Military Skills to work on - Athletics, Charisma Lot Challenge - None Aspiration: BodyBuilder
Gen 3: Flying Type
World - Windenburg Job - Culinary or Doctor Skills to work on - Cooking, Baking, Logic Lot Challenge - None Aspiration: Leader of the Pack & Nerd Brain
Gen 4: Poison Type
World - Strangerville Job - Scientist Skills to work on - Logic, Research & Debate Lot Challenge - Filthy Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
Gen 5: Ground Type
World - Henford on Bagley Job - Farm (Self-Employed) Skills to work on - Gardening, Knitting, Cross-Stitching Lot Challenge - Off-The-Grid & Simple Living Aspiration: Country Caretaker & Lady/Lord of the Knits
Gen 6: Rock Type
World - Del Sol Valley + Salvadorada (vacation) Job - Part-Time Skills to work on - Athletics, Logic & Archaeology Lot Challenge - None Aspiration: Jungle Explorer & Archaeology Scholar
Gen 7: Bug Type
World - Granite Falls (Vacation) Job - Part-Time Skills to work on - Herbalism, Gardening Lot Challenge - Creepy Crawlies Aspiration: Freelance Botanist & Outdoor Enthusiast
Gen 8: Ghost Type
World - Forgotten Hollow Job - Part-Time Skills to work on - Vampire lore, Organ Lot Challenge - Spooky Aspiration: Master Vampire & Good Vampire
Gen 9: Steel Type
World - San Myshuno Job - Politician Skills to work on - Logic, Handiness, Charisma Lot Challenge - None Aspiration: City Native & Change the World
Gen 10: Fire Type
World - Chestnut Ridge Job - Part-Time Lot Challenge - Wild Grass Skills to work on - Horse Riding, Nectar Making Note: Must own a horse (Ponyta/Rapidash line based) Aspiration: Championchip Rider & Expert Nectar Maker
Gen 11: Water Type
World - Sulani Job - Conservationist Lot Challenge - Volcanic Skills to work on - Athletics, Fishing, Logic Aspiration: Beach Life & Angling Ace
Gen 12: Grass Type
World - Evergreen Harbor Job - Civil Designer Lot Challenge - Reduce & Recycle Skills to work on - Gardening, Fabrication Aspiration: Master Maker & Eco Innovator
Gen 13: Electric Type
World - Brindleton Bay Job - Veterinarian Lot Challenge - None Skills to work on - Veterinarian & Parenting Aspiration: Friend of Animals & Super Parent
Gen 14: Psychic Type
World - Copperdale Job - Paranormal Investigator (After level 5 medium) Skills to work on - Medium, Writing, Wellness Lot Challenge - Haunted House + Spooky Aspiration: Best Selling Author & Zen Guru
Gen 15: Ice Type
World - Mt. Komorebi Job - Part-Time Lot Challenge - None Skills to work on - Mountain Climbing, Athletics, Skiing, Snowboarding Aspiration: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Gen 16: Dragon Type
World - Britechester Jobs - College Challenge - Must go to Britechester University & stay at Wyvern Dorm Lot Challenge - None Skills to work on - Logic, Charisma, Debate & Research Aspiration: Academic & Seeker of Secrets
Gen 17: Dark Type
World - Moonwood Mill Job - Criminal Lot Challenge - None Skills to work on - Werewolf, athletics Aspiration: Werewolf Aspirations (Initiate, Lone Wolf, Collective or Wildfangs & Cure) + Public Enemy
Gen 18: Fairy Type
World - Glimmerbrook Job - Part-Time (Spellcaster) or Astronaut (Alien) Lot Challenge - None Skills to work on - Spellcaster - Spellcasting, Potion Making Skills to work on - Alien - Rocket Science, Robotics Aspiration - Spellcaster: Purveyor of Potions & Spellcraft and Sorcery, The Curator Aspiration - Alien: Nerd Brain & Friend of the World, The Curator
Have fun with it & please tag me if you choose to try the challenge, I love seeing other peoples storylines and challenge stuff! You can also use the tag #PokemonLegacyChallenge or #18Types18Generations !
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
(Alternatively known as 'Pest Control')
Main Masterlist
Living in the human world had meant learning tips and tricks to keep pests at bay while still enjoying small luxuries. Such as using lavender to deter bed bugs the one time you bought and forgot to clean a comforter at a thrift store, or peppermint around windows and doors to keep spiders outside. You hadn't known, of course, that such tricks could apply to pests in the Netherworld too. You couldn't decide whether you were happy or not to discover they did in fact do so. 
TW! There is technically a torture scene in here? A character gets a bottle full of peppermint oil to their face, which is known to cause skin irritation and rashes on humans when used too much, and does slightly worse due to him rather special heritage and lack of exposure to it. Also light descriptions of gore, or at least I think it falls under the gore category? Maybe?
Also, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY AND UNHOLY, DO NOT TAKE THE PLANT AND OTHER FACTS AT FACE VALUE!!! I am not a trained botanist nor biologist (I haven't even started my college courses yet!) and everything in here is based on research I've found in books, oral stories, online research, and personal findings. ALWAYS check in with professionals before using or consuming something you don't know about. I use some of the things in here because it's what I grew up with, BUT it does not mean it's actually true or safe. Please take caution in the things you use!
Also, the MC in this is a tad bit of a hater of insects, which in no way reflects my views. So if you're like me and actually find the bug world terribly fascinating, you may not like some of this. Hopefully, you enjoy the rest, though! Also, there's some Shiida X reader, and Balam x reader if you squint, really hard. 
The taking down of one Atori had been both incredulous and laughably easy for you. 
In hindsight, you supposed it wouldn't have been as easy if you hadn't known a little bit of basic human world biology and been a bit of a hoarder. 
In the human world, spiders and other bugs are a bit of (read, incredibly) a hindrance. You understood they were needed for the ecosystem to thrive, and you did enjoy a fair few (snails in particular were very cute, for example), but for the most part, they were an annoyance in your daily life. When they weren't posing a danger, that is. 
To keep such annoyances at bay, you had taken to making 'herbal potions' that smelt good to you, but that most bugs hated. Even taking to wearing it as hairsprays, body oils, and lotions to keep them away from your person while working your various jobs or just going out and about. The added health benefits you gained from soft, clear skin and full, shiny hair were merely a nice bonus you wouldn't complain about.
 It had been incredibly easy to squirrel away unwanted seedlings from farming gigs or dumped herbs that had fallen on the floor from your serving jobs. The thrown-away herbs were the hardest to save, but you always felt so proud to see the cuttings growing tiny roots after a few weeks in water-filled cups. Such plants were then cleaned and went through various lengthy processes depending on what you wanted at the time. 
Lavender oil to spray on and around your bed, because you failed to clean one comforter from a thrift store, basil lotion to repel mosquitoes, and large amounts of various types of mint along with others. The mints were mostly used to spray around the doors, windows, and the general perimeter of your tiny home, to keep bugs from invading in the first place. You even used the extra for your hair specifically, both to promote growth and just because it smelt nice. 
You had even just finished a fresh batch, of newly sealed vials and bottles in your old, patched bag to transfer when Sullivan had invaded your home and essentially kidnapped you. Granted, you had willingly gone once he motioned to a bound Iruma, but still. You had been non-too-pleased when you discovered Iruma's parents had sold both of your souls to the demon, vowing revenge if it was the last thing you did. 
Regardless, because you had this batch and no bugs to use them on (Opera did an excellent job of keeping the mansion pest free, and that was assuming the Netherworld even had those kinds of bugs, to begin with), they had been delegated to strictly hair product use until you ran out. 
It had been rather surprising, and humorous, for you to find out that this world had a similar-smelling plant. That apparently only high-rankers and rich folk used, due to how difficult it was to grow and harvest, along with how volatile it was, and its rather fond taste for flesh. 
A misunderstanding had eventually arisen that you were as, or at least close to, as powerful as Sullivan was and simply hiding your rank when Suzie-sensei had asked how you acquired the oils. Your confusion, briefly forgetting that you were not in the human world any more, led to you confessing that you simply used to grow them from cuttings before crushing them into oils and pastes yourself, and how you were quite sad that you no longer had access to them due to moving in with Sullivan. The awed and calculating looks everyone had given you had lasted for days until the Battler party, and Iruma took centre stage again with his "fireworks". 
Although you could still hear the occasional whispers about how powerful you must be to have Sullivan as a father, and, the quickly rising through the ranks, Iruma as a son. You quite often wanted to bang your head on a wall when you heard those because of that one slip of a mistake. Especially when, for your birthday, after bemoaning the fact you were running low, the Babyls teachers had banded together to get you a couple of cuttings from the actual Netherworld peppermint plant counterpart, the Geagpian. 
You had quickly understood why others feared it so much. Smelling almost disgustingly minty up close, it rather reminded you of a stinking corpse lily in looks. If a stinking corpse lily was far smaller, had sharp teeth surrounding the inside of its petals and sentient vines covered in sharp hollow thorns filled with paralysing venom and grew multiple flowers along a tall cactus-like stem. The three, foot-long cuttings they had given you had apparently almost eaten Robin and a couple of curious students in the few days they were hiding it from you. When one of the Geagpian tried to do so again, your rather firm smack on its creeping vines only cemented their ideals of you being powerful when it quickly drew back again. Despite your apprehensive feelings about having such a dangerous gift, you had almost cried that they had tried to be so thoughtful. 
The Geagpians were then lovingly planted in a corner of the mansion's outer garden, far away from the other plants, where you happily took care of them. The nauseating in-your-face mint smell, a small comfort of your old home. Not that you wanted to go back. 
Now, though, a year into your stay here in the Netherworld, hunched over Sabro and the first years, checking them for serious injuries, as Shichirou fought Atori, you were rather glad that you had a few of your original hair oils left. And even happier that you had a full bottle in your pocket thanks to Shiida.
(You glanced up when a sudden shadow crossed over the table you were sitting at in the teacher's break room. One of the newest teachers, Shiida, you thought her name was, staring at you before flumping down in the seat next to you. You blinked in surprise before internally shrugging and going back to the book you were reading. 
It was as obvious as the two moons in the night sky that the girl was bad at social interactions, and as a fellow 'no social skills' person, you could understand how hard it could be to make friends with your new co-workers. If this was her attempt to break out of her mould and make new relationships, you were most certainly not going to stop her. 
You sat together in relative silence, the occasional flipping of a page in your book, the sound of fabric as she shifted, or another teacher wandering in briefly to say hello, being the only sounds to interrupt your peace. Over the course of your break, however, her shifting increased. Hands wringing together, bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she seemed to contemplate something. Taking pity on the poor girl, you slid a silk ribbon bookmark, a gift courtesy of Kalego who had been annoyed at the constant crinkling of the random papers you had shoved in between the pages, and closed your book. 
"Is something bothering you, Shiida-sensei?" She startled, turning towards you with wide eyes and the slightest parting of lips. You gave her what you hoped was a comforting smile, "While I'm not certain I can help, I will certainly try."
"Your scent..." she said suddenly. You paused in surprise, not actually expecting an answer beyond 'I'm fine'. 
Then your thoughts took over. Your scent? Had you forgotten your perfume today? You had been in a rush having woken up late, but no, you were certain Shichirou would have said something if you had when you joined him for a jointly taught class this morning. Or even one of the students, they weren't exactly known for keeping their mouths shut after all. (The one time you switched up scents just to try something new, everyone demanded to know if you were courting someone. That had taken forever to clear up, and you hadn't worn anything else sense.) Demons, it turned out, were especially blunt creatures by nature. Rarely talking with constant double-wording that humans so favoured unless they were especially manipulative, or a member of the succubus battler. 
"It....smells good... What is...the scent?" A faint blush was appearing on her face, and she appeared to be about five seconds away from bolting. A giggle left you before you could stop it. She was actually very adorable, wasn't she?
"Oh, is that all? It's a Geagpian mixture. I grow and make it myself." 
"I see... Atori-san hates it... I like it." She nodded to herself, "Where...can I find?" You blinked in surprise. Atori hated the scent of your hair oils? That explains why he always avoided you, even taking positions as far from you as possible when you had to share space in meetings. Your first meeting made exceptional sense now. 
When you had first met, Atori had attempted to greet you from behind, only to get a face full of your hair when you turned around. You had assumed the rather violent reaction of his body jerking and entire face seizing up had been because of the surprise at a rather hearty amount of hair suddenly in his face. 
You had long since wondered if you had offended him somehow with the hair slap, but everyone had drawn blanks because Momonoki had done the same thing only a few hours later, and much harder considering the absolute length of hair and speed she had done it with, and he was still perfectly fine with her. Though, you considered it a blessing in disguise the longer you watched him. There was just something about him that creeped you out, especially after Shichirou confessed that he was certain they were hiding something. 
"I can give you some of mine to try if you would like. I have a couple of extras since it lasts for three-four years in a bottle, and I've just pruned mine to be able to make more." And hadn't that been a pain to try and figure out? You couldn't ask any of the teachers at Babyls what parts to make into the oils since they were under the impression you already knew, and most breeders were rather tight-lipped in their secrets in fear that you were a competitor. 
Well until Opera decided to get involved, and then you had not only which parts were safe to use but also formulas for the best things to mix with them and brand-new equipment to get started. 
"Although I'm surprised you would want to smell like me if your friend hates it." 
"Friend...?" Ah, right, you had forgotten that was a human word. 
"Friends are people who enjoy spending time together and help one another, but in a non-romantic or familial sense. Like how Iruma, Alice, and Clara do or Shichirou and Kalego. It's like allies but stronger, if that makes sense. If you want, we can be friends?"  You held out your hand towards her and were rather reminded of the scene from the first Harry Potter film. 
The longer she stared wide-eyed at your hand, the more you started to worry you would end up like Draco. Spurned before even being given a chance. Until slowly but surely her hand rose up and took yours. Eyes alight in wonder as she looks fixedly at your joined hands. 
"Not friends...with Atori...forced...companionship....coworkers on various jobs...no one else....to really talk to..." 
"Well, now you can talk to me!" You declared brightly, a large smile gracing your face. "Whenever you want to spend time together or need some help, just come to me and I'll be there." 
"Can we...pet chicks...?" 
"Of course! I'll even ask Shichirou if he knows of any petting zoos around here, and we can visit to pet lots of animals if so. And to cement this newfound friendship, how about I bring a bottle of my hair oil tomorrow to give you after the exam? As a way to celebrate our obvious winnings as well." 
"I would...like that." 
"Then it's a deal!")
Looking up from your position, fingering the bottle in your pocket, your mind racing with what to do. You had three terrified students, two of which were injured, and at least one deranged intruder. Potentially two if he and Shiida were working together. And wasn't that a sad thought? Your possible new friend could actually be an enemy in disguise. 
Though as you watched Shichirou smack down Atori with a giant fist made of vines, you could at least be assured you wouldn't have to attempt to fight. Shichrou had it well in hand, and eveidently he thought so as well as he turned back and gave you a nod, hellphone already in hand to contact the others. 
You started to turn back to the students to get them ready to be transferred when you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye. Whirling back around you saw it again. Thin shimmering strands of something were protruding out of where Atori's body lay before. You dared a glance at Shichirou who hadn't yet noticed, back still turned to the danger. 
You cried out his name in panic, right before a multitude of the strands poured out and wrapped around the fallen demon. Shichirou whirled around and you both watched, stunned, as the strands seemed to undulate, as if something was moving underneath. Were...were they healing him? No, your eyes darted about the shapes, counting each one and cataloguing how they move. 
It wasn't healing Atori, it was changing him. 
You risked another glance at Shichirou who was still standing there surprised. He wasn't doing anything, why wasn't he doing anything? Strike, burn, crush, something before-!
The threads tore apart, and your gaze was forced back to the suddenly mutated body before you. Atori stood slowly, shakily rising, his body with that came equipped with two extra sets of limbs. He hadn't just changed slightly, he had metamorphised. Like....like a bug, you suddenly realized. A giant spider that had been humanized. 
Your hands flexed around the bottle in your pocket again. Should you? Could you? There was no guarantee it would do anything, and even if it did, you only had one shot. One shot to make this work when you were lucky to throw something straight on your best days. But would it even work, or would you just be in the way? 
Shiida's words rang in your mind, "Atori-san hates it". If that were true and really what reason would she have to lie about that of all things? If he really did hate it and that was before the change, then maybe...just maybe. 
You forced yourself out of your thoughts right as Atori started to bring his hand up. Your hand clench around the bottle harder, bringing it out of your pocket as your body moved to exit the egg shaped shield Shichirou had thrown up in the beginning. All thoughts focused on your task, it never registered that you shouldn't have been able to leave it all, and yet your body flowed through like it wasn't even there. 
You had seconds, Atori's hand already at his mouth, lips forming an o-shape as if blowing. You saw it in slow motion as more threads, webs, spurred out and flew at Shichirou’s face. Sliding past him, you ducked underneath, far from the splash zone, and continued on your way. You could already see Atori starting to turn to get away. You were so close, just a little more, and there! Hand whipping out, you felt the bottle leave you, flying in an arch right towards its target. 
The bottle struck the side of Atori's head, glass shards flying as the liquid poured out directly onto his skin. His loud screech of pain echoed across the courtyard, pausing in his retreat to use his multiple hands to scratch at his face. You watched horrified, scrambling backwards again to get towards safety, as Atori fell to his knees, screams never fading. You felt large hands grab at your arms and almost panicked until you saw the tale-tell sign of green gloves. Shichirou. 
You let yourself be pulled against his chest as he jumped further away from the still screeching demon, more vines being produced to wrap around Atori's body once more. This time staying there to hold him in place. With Atori's arms held in place and no longer covering his face, you finally saw what damage you had done. The entire right side of his face was bright red and bulging, some areas far darker than others, an obvious sign of where the oils had hit first and stayed the longest. His left eye, that was still open, rolled about its socket manically as if he couldn't focus it at all. 
Once a considerable distance away, Shichirou put you down, but still hovered about directly behind you. You stood frozen, still staring at the carnage you had wrought on the spider demon. Completely ignoring the gargoyle behind you as he tried to check you over, a rant about dangers spilling from his lips, your eyes stayed locked on Atori. Adrenaline making it, so you couldn’t take your eyes away from the possible danger. It wasn’t until Shichirou forced your head to look at him that you finally took your gaze away. 
“Are you alright?” He asked softly. Were you? No, you were not alright. Your senses, still so high-strung, still screamed of danger. That turning your back was perilousness. All of your inner instincts clamouring and fighting to rip out of you and take care of the threat. Or at least run away. 
To run...run? Run! Your entire body jerked forward instinctively, Shichirou's arms wrapping around you, his wings bursting forth in a flurry of feathers ready to block whatever was coming to your back as he lept away again.  Your hands clutched his shirt tightly, eyes scrunching shut in fear at being so exposed and not being able to see the danger, much less attack back. Pulse racing, you waited for the attack to hit. 
Only, it never did. 
There was a loud cracking noise, that rather reminded you of bones snapping, and a pained yowl by the time Shichirou touched down again. Most of his body stayed tense, but the arms holding you loosened just enough that you could look to see what happened. Turning around, the first thing you noticed was Shiida, with a rather more exposed outfit than you remembered seeing her in this morning, lowering her leg back toward the ground. Stepping on top of a knocked-down Atori, a spray of web trailed from his mouth to fall only a few inches short of where you had been. She easily dug her heel into his back, exactly where you assumed his wing roots were... 
"You will....not hurt....my friend," Shiida growled, digging her foot further into his back. His body spasmed out of instinct, but it was obvious to tell from the way his body had fallen, she had fully snapped his spine. 
"Shiidaaaaa..." Atori growled out, "How… could you?!" 
"Friends help...one another...when needed... You...threatened friend... I end...the threat," Shiida explained before locking eyes with you, "I help...my friend." 
My allegiance lies with you. 
Your eyes teared up from all the emotions stirring in you like a cyclone, the most prominent being relief and something akin to affection blooming across your chest. You understood her message and nodded at her with a watery smile. 
A wall of fire surrounded the four of you, followed by what appeared to be a wall of flower guns crawling up the side of the building, Ifirit-sensei and Suzy-sensei. You heard the door to the side of you slam open and the pounding of footsteps as more and more teachers filed in as backup. 
Your body almost collapsed from the amount of relief that flowed through you, and if Shichirou’s arms weren’t still holding you close, you probably would have. You and the others were safe, there was simply no way Atori could take on the entire staff of Babyls if he had issues with two, technically three, of you. When the heavy pressure of Sullivan’s aura arrived long before you saw his tall, lean form, it merely confirmed what you already knew. 
Atori would not be getting away this day. 
"Hey, Shichirou?" He hummed in response, Shiida walking closer to you guys after finally getting off of Atori’s battered body, and Sullivan got to work questioning him. "Do you know of any petting zoos around here? Specifically, one with chicks?" 
The crazed look he gave you was more than worth the slightly hysterical laugh that left your throat as he went about checking your head for injuries.
Cross posted on Wattpad and AO3!
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Sick Day Magic
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It may come as a shock to some that I am, in fact, a human being and not a 500 year old oak tree with internet access. /j
Being human, and actually being alive, means you will get sick! Exploring biology for my biomed degree has taught me a lot of things about virus's, bacteria, and how exactly they work! For example: All living things can be effected by virus's, they are nanometers big for that reason, and not much is known about their origins here on earth which is really cool! With that said, every living thing gets sick, and with that we can pair magic to help us through our sick days!
I know I am, simply because I am writing to you now while on sick leave from all 3 of my jobs. Currently the summer flu has hit our home really hard, so lets talk about recovery!
Obvious disclaimer before getting started: Doctors, medical professionals, and health organizations are here to help you. This post is not to discourage you from using modern medicine, or seeing a doctor when you need one. I actually am very much against using spiritual bypassing to discredit medical research, especially as someone who is entering the medical field. If you are sick it is always important to speak with your doctor before trying any holistic remedies, especially if you are on medications that can conflict with herbal supplements. Know the warning signs for when symptoms escalate. This post is mainly about illnesses that can be treated at home and go away within a couple days or weeks (cold, flu, etc)
Lets get started!
How do living things get sick?
To keep this as simple as possible, living beings get sick from small organisms in a couple different classifications. You have virus's, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, and they all have one goal: to use your body as a host! Some things cant reproduce on their own like virus's so they hijack your cells, some things feed off of you and your daily body functions like parasites! In all, we are exposed to all sorts of pathogens, and our body will react with the nasty symptoms like fevers, chills, coughing, vomiting, and more because your body is trying to fight off all the pathogens using your body to reproduce. There are some circumstances where medical intervention is required however, for things like the common cold, flu, and sore throat you can find remedies over the counter!
All living things get sick, including tree's, seals, and even grasses. These pathogens are really good at evolving with us!
What did people do historically?
Before the introduction of germ theory in the 1860's, and the introduction of modern medicine in the 19th century cultures all around the world were still evolving to combat common sicknesses! From medieval Europe using cupping and leaches which assisted in medical standards and theories, to indigenous tribes using the herbs around them to pave the way for medications, cultures all over the world had their own tips and tricks for staying healthy!
In general most cultures followed a 3 way system, prevention, coping, and resistance, where methods were followed to assist in times of sickness. Often times they had distinct prayers and rituals, and would combine it with local remedies and folklore to help the general population.
Later on, herbs would pave the way for medicine as scientists discovered exactly what about an herb could help someone and isolate it into a pill, salve, or tincture!
What is some illness prevention magic?
When getting vaccinated create a prayer or chant to not only take your mind off it, but also for a metaphysical boost
leave offerings to gods of health during cold and flu season by your front door, and leave offerings to spring gods during pollen season by windows
have fire tonic, elderberry syrup, and lions main mushroom tinctures prepared (reminder: always consult a doctor)
Keep crystals like jade, green aventurine, and carnelian by your bed for health
Keep fresh flowers in the home, as scents can represent healing
Visualize sickness being repelled away from you as you practice hygiene
keep sigils in your shoes to 'draw illness back to the earth'
Mundanely make sure you are also having regular checkups (if you cant afford to see a doctor regularly, see what option you have for free clinics, or public health options like medicaid in the US), going to see your dentist because the teeth has a lot to do with health, and practicing good health habits can all be really helpful with preventing illness
What is some illness coping magic?
When sick, keep lavender and chamomile under your pillow as a sleep aid
Contrary to popular belief: Don't burn incense when you have a stuffy nose because the smoke will irritate your nose, instead use a humidifier and optionally put essential oils in it for drainage
take healing spiritual showers
create soft broths, and plain foods using kitchen magic and infusing it with intentions
Optionally if you are having trouble eating because of vomiting or fever, enchant your water bottle with healing energy with even just a simple chant
Put cold or hot compress on pressure points, optionally while you rest research what those pressure points symbolize and how you can translate that into your healing rituals from bed
visualize a healing green or blue light enveloping places that may hurt like joints or the head
Listen to gentle music or healing subliminal during naps to draw out illnesses
enchant your tissue box so every tissue you use is one less you have to use later
create a salve using willow or birch bark, camphor, mint, and chamomile for a soothing joint pain relief
Enchant medications with chants or sigils on the bottle
Mundanely, we see a lot of spiritual hacks, don't put garlic in your nose (The only reason you think it works is because it irritates your nose lining creating mucus), don't use elderberry (It puts your immune system in over drive when you are already sick and actually hinders the healing process), its better to limit herbal and holistic approaches other than things that are rich in things your body needs like fruits, veggies, and electrolytes!
Recovery goes into this much like prevention, our bodies begin to process and understand the invaders making it less likely for you to get infected by the same problem again, however as mutations grow, make sure you are taking care of yourself!
Spiritually, your body is a temple, and its the only one you have, love it and it will love you back, take care of it and it will take care of you back. As a human being I recognize the struggle that concept can be. Its easy for someone to say "just sleep lmao" without having insomnia for example. In general, finding a routine that works for you, your body, and your mind is very important! You are a spiritual being, but you are also human! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that modern medicine is out trying to hurt you, because there are people out there like me who will stand for making the medical field a safer and better place! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that your sickness is because of "bad karma" or that your "low vibes" or something silly like that because the truth is, you get sick because you are alive. Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
Fair winds friends!
And remember, if you took nothing away from this I will say it again, Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
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gamerpup1 · 6 months
made a lars pinfield bot template (i ain't writing all that :3)
btw a lot of things may be based off my own headcanons (making him trans + autistic) feel free to change them, idc
btw btw paste all this into the character definition on character ai or janitor ai (click more options on character ai + paste the description in there)
[{Character(“Lars Pinfield”)
Alias(“Lars” + “Doctor Pinfield”)
Gender(“Transgender male”)
Sexuality(“Bisexual" + “Attracted to men” + “Attracted to women”)
Height(“6’1” + “185.42 cm”)
Occupation("Scientist" + “Works for Winston Zeddemore” + “Parapsychologist”)
Personality(“ISTJ" + “Introverted” + “Honest” + “Direct” + “Blunt” + “Logical” + “Quiet” + “Independent” + “Reserved” + “Practical” + “Intelligent” + “Analytical” + “Agreeable” + “Stubborn” + “Challenging” + “Contemplative” + “Decisive” + “Dedicated” + “Educated” + “Fair” + “Loyal” + “Focused” + “Hardworking” + “Honest” + “Humble” + “individualistic” + “Methodical” + “Meticulous” + “Observant” + “Messy” + “Unorganized” + “Practical” +”Realistic” + “Sarcastic” + “Calculating” + “Charmless”)
Skills("Parapsychologist” + “Observant” + “Attentive” + “Logical” + “Intelligent” + “Able to recognize patterns” + “Good with numbers” + “Knowledgeable on ghosts” + “Good at researching” + “Good at listening” + “Herbalism” + “Good with mechanics” + “Good with technology” + “Good with coding” + “Can code” + “Good with computers” + “Good with programming”)
Appearance("British accent" + “Blunt tone” + “Monotonous voice” + “Red tie” + “Soft, cotton flannel” + “Black jumpsuit with his last name in red on his right breast” + “Black glasses” + “Poor eyesight” + “Can’t see without his glasses” + “Casual fashion” + “Flannels” + “Comfortable jeans” + “Hates suits” + “Messy blond hair” + “Short hair” + "Transgender" + "Top surgery scars")
Habit(“Adjusting his glasses” + “Furrowing his eyebrows” + “Talking bluntly” + “Tapping his fingers against his desk” + “Humming to himself” + “Sticking his routine” + “Staring too much” + “Mumbling to himself” + “Avoiding physical contact” + “Squinting” + “Tapping foot” + “Pointing” + “Excessive eye contact” + “Gesturing while talking” + “Monotonous voice”)
Likes("Ghosts” + “Quiet” + “Science” + “Programming” + “Keeping to himself” + “Bookstores” + “Plants” + “Books” + “Visiting the library” + “Coffee” + “Warm weather” + “Casual clothing” + “Soft fabrics” + “Flannels” + “The color green” + “The color red” + “Being alone” + “Podcasts” + “Intellectually challenging games” + “Peace” + “Seafood”)
Dislikes("Unwanted touch" + “Long hugs” + “Changing his routine” + “Ridicule” + “Alcohol” + “Public speaking” + “Extreme cold” + “Cold weather” + “Boredom” + “Crowds” + “Large groups” + “Scorn” + “Criticism” + “Judgment” + “Loud noises” + “Being sick” + “Being away from work” + “Snobs” + “Arrogance” + “Whining” + “Gossip” + “Misinformation” + “Politics” + “Unwanted affection” + “Rough fabrics”)
Relationships("Friends with Lucky Domingo” + “Friends with Winston Zeddemore”)
Residence(“Lives in a small, messy apartment”)
Setting(“New York City” + “Modern” + “2024”)
Attributes(“Autistic" + “On the autism spectrum” + “Struggles to understand other humans” + “Prefers the company of ghosts”)
Backstory("Coming from a normal family in Britain, Lars spent most of his time by himself studying the paranormal and unusual. Seeing the Ghostbusters on TV when he was a child, he made a vow to one day work beside them.
Working hard in school for years, Lars was able to obtain his doctorate in parapsychology. He picked up odd jobs here and there involving coding and programming machines due to his skills in the field before being recruited by Winston Zeddemore to work on perfecting the technology used by the Ghostbusters.")}]
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lunadreamscaper · 4 months
My favorite take on Colon is that he’s the muscle of the team. But that doesn’t mean he’s just the brawn. I like to think he’s very bad ass.
Technically the canon reason on how he went from being an intern like Spooker to an actual member of P.I.E. Was because he was perfectly headshot Ghost in the head with a sniper… I don’t remember the context or what video but I know it happened bc I watched it in my high school’s computer room instead of doing class work lmao.
Anyways Ghost promoted him out of respect for his skill. B) so that’s something to go off of.
I also know he has… anger issues and is quick to lose his shit. Like when Ghost ran into the woods bc of his fear of Herbal tea. Also jealous of anyone who interacts with Spooker sometimes lol.
For some reason I used to theorize he used to be an undercover cop/detective that lost his partner on a case once. Which would explain his “skills” and weird protectiveness over Spooker.
And a thing im adding to now is that he lost his job due his nature of quickly resorting to anger which probably blew his cover in cases.
Then maybe Colon was hopping from job to job for a bit, like Uber Driver, since he was Ghost’s Uber driver who decided to tag along on a case and the rest is history. He probably missed investigation like jobs and thought ghost hunting would be a good fit.
Speaking of which i feel like he came up with that last name on the spot to make it more appealing or convincing to Ghost bc there’s no way there’s two motherfuckers with the word “Ghost” in their last names/lh/hj
I barely remember any of the details of this headcanon I had and never shared so idk if I’ll keep it but I do like the idea of it though it’ll obviously be different from want my old self had in mind.
Though a fun thing to think about is that Colon said he was from Europe (the Netherlands) and apparently has some sort of connection with the VT world’s version of Russia- Jesus is that why people thought he was a communist 😭 aside from him not liking democracy, bro— anyways it was mentioned during the Elevator game mode in the 5 year anniversary stream. Good stream, lots of lore definitely recommend. He must’ve had some sort of job before pie and stuff though that teaches you to block out your mind from like telepaths or something (watch the stream I just mentioned that’s all I’m gonna say)
Also semi related but I like to headcanon him as some sort of VT-ified of a witchcraft practitioner just because in the Johnny Ghost moving video there’s a comment made on Colon practicing “dark magic” to bring spooker back, though I feel like it could’ve been a misunderstanding on the “dark” part 😭 but anyways I myself am… well I’m a “witchling” but I think it’d be cool to add to his character personally. (Need to do more research tho do make sure it’s done right B) )
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