#her parents are aubrey and angela
thedogsleg · 8 months
I cant remember my own OCs name....
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johnlocsin-johnyakuza · 7 months
Age: 15
Daughter of Sunny and Aubrey. Lives in Faraway Town where she resides in her father's childhood home, often helping her mother and father with the household chores. Currently enrolled on the same high school her Aunt Mari went to.
Katherine was born on March 24 in the Town of Faraway and like any other kid she experienced a normal childhood growing up, enjoying many activities like drawing, playing, going to school, and spending time with her loving parent's.
At a family event with her parent's old childhood friendgroup she met Kel and Hero's younger sister, Sally, and the two quickly became friends after a few interactions. Katherine and Sally would soon formed a friendgroup 3 days after the start of their friendship.
During most of her childhood, Katherine had been told many stories about her Aunt Mari and how kind and joyful she was back when her parent's were children's. Sometimes she would get vivid dreams of her Aunt sitting on a picnic blanket waving and calling her to come to her picnic and have fun with her. Even though she didn't understand the meaning of the dreams, she felt happy spending time with her Aunt even if it was in the form of a dream.
At the age of 15, Katherine enrolled on the same high school her Aunt Mari went to where she's currently studyin in. She has moments where school becomes tough for her but try's her best to complete some of the difficult assignments and she has her parent's and friends to help her out when things get tough.
Katherine plans to go to college upon graduating from high school and study there for a job that fits with her skills.
Katherine inherited most of her mother's features with the exception of her hair which she inherited from her father. She somewhat resembles her Aunt Mari in terms of her long black hair and a few similar features, but the rest she's different.
At school, she wears a variant of a Japanese Saifuku, sporting long sleeves, a red skirt, and a yellow bow, along with a pair of flats or sneakers.
At Home, she wears a T-shirt or Sweater depending on the climate, with either a skirt or jeans, and a pair of flip-flops for a more comfortable style.
Outside she wears a variety of clothes, ranging from dresses to other casual outfits, sometimes wearing her Saifuku around the town in rare occasions.
She likes to spend time with her friends and parent's, and always likes to help people whenever they need it. She's understanding of people's feelings, something she learned from her Mother to never interpret other people's reaction in the wrong way and to always listen to them before acting.
Very talkative and doesn't shy away from starting conversations to talk about interesting topics, really eager to learn new things.
She can be a perfectionist at times just like her Aunt, thinking that everything should be done correctly without any errors or mistakes. This had lead to moments of frustation and shame when things didn't go her way, but with her parent's guidance she learns to accept that it was okay to make mistakes and not being too harsh on herself if she didn't succeed on the first try.
-Going out with her friends
-Art (inspired by her father's paintings)
-Sports (likes to play Tennis)
-Reading (Books, Comics, Novels, Manga's,ect)
-Watch TV
-Gardening (learned from her father's friend, Basil)
-Spending time with her family
Search for "Female Names List" to look for a name since is hard to come up with one alone.
Wanted to choose in naming her Grace or Angela, heck even named her after Mari, but then decided to go with Katherine as her name instead.)
Hey you did very well with this!
I really like how parts of her still somewhat resemble Mari
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whatevssatan · 3 years
Just finished all of Bones, and although I don't hate the ending, I do have some issues. 1. Angela and Hodgins should have had the opportunity to go to Paris and live there, it would have been the perfect ending, especially since Jack himself had a major freakout about his pregnant wife getting flung into a wall, which would happen way less in France (But props for making him King of the Lab officially), 2. Zach being freed is honestly yes. I approve. But also, the fact that they do make clear that at some point Sweets was his only visitor every week till the day he died, and his death affected him so much that he then permanently scarred his head, I mean, Zach and Sweets had some friendship supremacy, especially since Hodgins appears to go from not caring he was a murderer, to being all I hate him arghh, and then proving his innocence as if OG Jack would have even cared if he was a psycho cus they were best friends, which they then try to hint at again with them being besties when they're doing the montage at the end, 3. Bones should have quit. She wanted to. We all know it. She was even aware of it. She quit once before and honestly her and Booths relationship seemed to have improved whilst they were both vibing with their kids. And you're not telling me after she lost her father, and her and Booth both nearly die twice in the last episode that she wouldn't re-evaluate everything and want her children to grow up with both parents, and not want them to be abandoned like hers did to her, and also not want her kids to be in danger anymore. The amount of times her and her kids have been targeted for either her or Booths job is insane and she is much too smart to just allow that to continue. She would quit so fast, and Booth would too, with Aubrey there to take over his place, and they would go live in LA or wherever it was that Booth wanted to go to get the higher paying security job. Or they could just both quit and live off of Bone's book money, because let's face it she's loaded, and they have no need to work. They could pursue all of their hobbies and actually be present in their kids life, which as we are well aware is not all that much at this point because they just appear to leave their kids with random FBI agents. 4 Aubrey makes sense, although Jessica breaking up with him :(( I liked them together but hey, I can understand this. 5. Cam and Aristoo would 500% not return to the Jeffersonian after their 6 month leave, because they'll realise that they like not being blown up, and that it would actually be really stupid to both work in the same place, at a dangerous job, when they now have 4 kids to look after. That'd be dumb, and nobody would be expected to go back to work if the risk is that their kids grow up parentless and in foster care, that'd just be dumb *cough Bones and Booth cough Angela and Jack cough*.
Anyways, the finale gets 4/10, overall, and mostly because I liked how it tied up all their loose ends, Bones gets 7/10.
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Okay but like I want a lockdown episode of Bones.
I want to see Brennan frustrated that she can't go to the lab and putting energy into writing as an outlet.
I want Booth trying to wrangle the kids, missing Parker and videoing him whilst he turns their whole house into a massive adventure fort before dragging Bones away from her laptop to show her what he, Christine and Hank have created. Bones will naturally point out the structurally flaws and join in making it bigger and better than before much to everyone's delight.
I want Angela trying to teach Michael Vincent to paint in the garden to past the time whilst Hodgins builds his own creature farm in the back garden.
I want Cam and Aristoo tackling being new parents whilst dealing with being stuck in the house. Bonus points for the tornado of chaos three rowdy boys will bring.
I want to see each of the squints missing their lab time and facetiming each other to share their favourite lab stories and cases.
I want Aubrey missing all the food and deciding to try his hand at cooking. He sends all the food pictures of his handy work to Booth. Booth hates it but he doesn't really.
I just really want a lockdown episode, okay?
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swearronchanel · 5 years
- Fred fighting the temptation of sweets bc of lent is a mood LMAO
- I’m proud to say that this lent I will be giving UP! on school and life all together amen
- I guess I should also look up when lent starts this year LMAO
- Put that cig down Beatrix
- But talk about a LOOK 😍
- “The cheek of it!” Violet is always mad but it’s funny lmaoo
- Sister MJ saying the younger women are upset over the milk missing😂 you know she is too
- She’s itching, does she have nits too
- I like the pretty woman (1990) looking wig tho lmaoo, it was on tv last night and decided to get the same wig and go as Vivian for Halloween this year
- Fred is gonna sneak later and eat that cake isn’t he? 😂
- Trixie is already agitated bc she can’t smoke, like relax it’s been 2 minutes lmaoo
- Omg she left the little girl home alone
- LMAO Paul McCartney “he’s my 3rd fav beetle”
- I’m sorry but I don’t see the hype in dr turner 😂 maybe it’s bc he actually does look like Paul McCartney lol
- Who named Sgt Wolfe “Aubrey”??
- But um Ms Higgins is planning to go away with him? how SCANDALOUS 😂😂you go girl 
- LMAOOO Aubrey is the annoying girl in bitch perfect, cringe
- “If you’re not too busy with your pot plant” LMAO PHYLLIS IS REALLY THE QUEEN OF IDGAF
- Wow my stream is buffering lmao this is so corny 😭😭 rip iplayer that I can’t use anymore
- “Let’s all simmer down and put the kettle on” not now Valerie LMAO
- aww ms higgins, she looks so scared I feel bad
- Sister MJ😭don’t remind me about parents getting old and needing care
- I want more Phyllis backstory, she’s so interesting
- Trixie stress hula-hooping, I should pick that up that habit and TRY to trim this waist DOWN
- “Must be wonderful to be so saintly” LMAO Felt that Trixie, let them fall off their high horse😂
- But still I agree cigs are gross and smell like shit🤢
- Sister julienne is like uh let me go
- This actress reminds me a bit of Daisy from downton
- poor florie :(
- The nit picking seems redundant tho, wasn’t that sister winnie’s thing lmao
- Omg stop is Ms Higgins gonna cry 😭 my heart lmaoo she’s so nice I feel bad
- Millicent tho, talk about a mid century matronly name lmaooo😂
- LMAO shelagh is so confused rn, like ma’am she was interested in shagging your man
- Oh noo what’s wrong with her, liver disease ? Oh yea it is
- oof the sailor is gonna wake up with an infection too
- There’s a little America mention lol thanks for the shoutout Heidi, I dare you to write a storyline ft an American character
- Another look from Trixie 😍 hate the bangs but the hair looks great otherwise
- “Addiction thrives in the shadows” my wise girl
- Angela and May😭too cute
- Aww Phyllis came to visit
- Oh no do not break Ms Higgins’ heart
- this is why I shouldn’t live blog I miss things but also I am a certified dumbass Lmao
- BLOOD LETTING ouch, barbaric ass shit
- But SHES NOT GONNA DIE which is good!
- Oof gonorrhea
- “A burden? You’re my mum” 😭 my heart ugh, I just left my parents/home today and now I feel like I should call them
- Sister Francis joined at 17?!! Shitttt that’s so young I’m shook. I need more information
- if anyone tho..., I would guess sister J. She had her little man remember him in series 4, it was the late 20s or 30s right all shames out the window. I mean you can’t judge a book by it’s cover - at least look at my girl Phyllis 🤪 doing her duty on the home front with her military man during WWII LMAOOO
- I’ve wasted all my tears during my mini crisis this week bc I start my final semester of university tomorrow and am like wtf am I gonna do after LMAO
- Tina is not trying walk out now 🤦🏼‍♀️ cmon girl, think
- The flower freaking bloomed just to make this poor woman feel more sad
- Phyllis to the rescue with tea and comfort 😭
- Wow I feel heart broken and I’m single af LMAO ((No way in hell would I want sgt Wolfe but I’m EMPATHETIC OK))
- The Turner’s blue car is fire tho lol it’s so pretty
- What’s wrong with Tina oh noo
- “You take my strength” aww
- Ectopic pregnancy oh shittt
- It’s not funny at all but why do brits call surgery “theatre” LMAO operations are serious not a performance 💀😂
- Now sister J will change her mind about Trixie helping women get contraception, I’m betting $5
- Let her pray on it and watch
- I love sister MJ so so much. Judy is truly a gem 😭
- “I must accept the world as it, not as I wish it to be”
- Another LOOK from Ms Franklin 😍 I need to re create
- I KNEW IT!! SOMEONE BETTER SEND ME $5, Sister J came around
- Reggie sent Vi a card PURE😭
- Again, the buckles are adorable lol
- Aww Angela and May 😭😭
- Phyllis and Millicent ! FIRST NAME BASIS
- The duo we didn’t know we needed !
- “Life is not defined by what we let go, but what we let in” always on point Vanessa!!
- Teddy turner is so adorable, someone get this kid actor a baby gap contract swiftly
- And yet ANOTHER look from Trixie, we love to see it!
- Shelagh showing off her cards how pure
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ncthingstars · 4 years
because i have no self-control, i came up with a star trek au for the whole bones main cast ( instead of just zack ). here’s the info on each of the characters as well as the general plot overview !!
all images made from this picrew here
Captain Saroyan Camille (Bajoran)
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One of the first Bajorans in Starfleet, Cam is the Captain of the USS Jeffersonian. Though she is a skilled and capable Captain, her foundation and extensive experience is the sciences, making her an ideal candidate to command a specialized research ship.
Commander James Aubrey (Trill)
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Previously working for Starfleet Intelligence as a ground operative, Aubrey was assigned to the USS Jeffersonian as the first officer. Aubrey is not joined, because he was both too young (and impatient) and volatile. Rather than continuing to try to pursue a career in science or diplomacy as he was originally going to, he changed course. He hasn’t been out in space in quite a few years, and considering the fact that he is neither a scientist nor an anthropologist, no one is quite sure why he was assigned to this particular ship.
Lieutenant Angela Montenegro (Betazoid)
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A brilliant engineer and one of the creators of the holodeck, Angela currently serves on the USS Jeffersonian, the first ship to use that technology, in order to test and troubleshoot. She’s also an incredibly talented artist. 
Lieutenant Jack th’Hodgins (Andorian)
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An Entomologist, Botanist, and Mineralogist on the USS Jeffersonian. He comes from a powerful Andorian family but he’s the last survivor and tends to keep that information to himself. He’s also the only from his family to serve in Starfleet. (Also please pardon the very non-Andorian name. I just..... don’t want to change it.)
Ensign Sivath Aloran Sasak “Zack” Addy (Vulcan)
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An anthropologist on the USS Jeffersonian. Zack was raised on Earth by a human family after his parents were killed, but he attended the Vulcan Science Academy before joining Starfleet. He has both vulcan and human mannerisms as a result of his mixed upbringing. In addition to anthropology, Zack also has a degree in applied engineering.
Dr. Lance Sweets (El-Aurian)
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Sweets is the counselor on the USS Jeffersonian. He is a civilian, commissioned to serve on this Starfleet vessel. His assignment was supposed to be temporary but he ended up sticking around for the long haul.
Captain Seeley Booth (Human)
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Booth works for Starfleet Intelligence. He used to be a member of Section 31 but for undisclosed reasons he left the organization. Now, he‘s in charge of handling major cases and breaches of security from Earth. Aubrey is his protégé.
Dr. Temperance Brennan (Human)
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Brennan is the best forensic anthropologist on Earth, if not in the galaxy. She’s studied more species than anyone else. She isn’t Starfleet, but she often works with Starfleet Intelligence and teaches anthropology courses at the Academy. She’s also Zack‘s mentor.
About the ship: The USS Jeffersonian is not a new vessel. It’s actually a historical artifact from the early days of United Earth, which has been updated and repurposed for scientific and cultural exploration. It is also the first ship to utilize holodeck technology.
About the mission: The USS Jeffersonian’s mission is to explore uninhabited planets and parts of the galaxy to determine whether or not these areas are habitable and if life once existed there in the past. Though intended to be a five-year mission, it turns into twelve.
The plot: During repairs to the holodeck, Angela finds a skeleton hidden in the bulkhead. Zack identifies the body as a Vulcan Ambassador who went missing over 100 years ago. Brennan and Booth are called in to investigate, only to discover the Ambassador was actually Romulan. Now, they have to figure out who she actually was, how she died, what her body was doing within the walls of a Starship, and now she managed to hide her true identity for so long.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
do you know anyone who has two children with the same name? Yeah, it’s common-ish here. Some parents would give their kids a certain common name. An example would be my friend Blanch, who told me she and her cousins all have ‘Marie’ as second names.
have you ever read twilight? Yeah, but I loved the movies more. I liked the books as an 11 year old, but the more I grew up the more I found Stephenie Meyer’s writing to be meh – dialogue was super cheesy, she painted Bella to be such a horny 17 year old, and she used the same adjectives and adverbs throughout the four books. They did kick it up a notch for the movies which is why I love them a lot more; and they didn’t fuck around with the soundtracks either.
when was the last time you went miniature golfing? I’ve never done that. I don’t think we have places for that here either? lol Filipinos aren’t too big on golf.
how many followers do you have? A little over 180.
what do you get complimented the most on? Mostly on my skills – I get compliments on my writing, copyediting, and public speaking. I also get ones on my outfits and overall figure.
what’s a song you like from a genre you hate? Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
if you had twin girls what would you name them? I’ve never planned on this cause twins don’t run in my family, but the first pair of names I thought of that sounded nice was Alessandra and Cassandra.
what kind of sunglasses do you have? I don’t have a pair that I use often, honestly. I don’t like how my vision turns blackish or brownish whenever I wear them.
what kind of underwear do you wear? Right now I have on a yellow cotton one.
what do you think of dreadlocks? Wear them only if you’re allowed to.
what kind of condoms do you use? I don’t.
do you say years young or years old [ex: 16 years young or 16 years old]? Years old.
what is your favorite scent for candles? I don’t use candles. I’d probs invest on them if I had extra money to spend but for now I don’t, so. I imagine liking sweeter scents though, nothing nature-ish.
do you have any personality disorders? I’ve always had an inkling that I have BPD, but I’ve never gotten myself checked.
do you have any special talents? It’s more of a skill than a talent but I’m quite good at memorizing stuff. Whole paragraphs, a constitution, items on a list, speeches, etc. It’s why I find memorization-based subjects to be more fun, like history and biology haha.
do you shave your arms? I shave under them, but not the whole arm. < Yeah, same.
what did you last take a picture of? It’s a photo of me and Cooper. I wanna do that thing where you take photos of you and your dog once a month in their first year to see how much they’ll grow, so I had taken the photo for the month of June.
what do you dip your fries in?   Mayonnaise.
did you ever have the new chocolate skittles? Omg so like M&Ms? Hahaha. I haven’t though, and never even knew they made those.
has one of your good friends ever moved away? For sure. A lot of Filipinos migrate for greener pastures. Andi moved to somewhere in New Zealand, Angel to Toronto, Aubrey to California, and now Arlan’s gonna have to move to New York since he got accepted to Columbia...
have you ever played bloons on gamefudge.com? I have no idea what this question just said.
what kind of water do you drink? I dunno...plain? We get our water from a water refilling station in the nearby village.
what color car are you when you play the game of life? I’ve never played that before.
would you rather have a zune or ipod? I had an iPod. I’m not sure I know what a Zune is.
which hair color do you find the ugliest? Ugly is a harsh word, but I personally wouldn’t dye my hair bright yellow.
what pisses you off more than anything? Boomers who throw a fit every time someone disagrees with them or if a younger person stands up to them.
would you date a guy that wears more make-up than you do? It wouldn’t bother me.
what celebrity do you think is really, really ugly? Honest to whatever-god-exists-out-there, I’ve never looked at a celebrity and had my brain say they’re ugly. Noah Centineo pisses me off though, but it’s solely because of the fact that he’s famous.
did you ever play mash when you were little? No.
if you were getting married, who would be your maid of honor? Angela.
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sidekickhq · 5 years
mw woc?
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here’s a list with a wide variety in ages ! laverne cox, maggie q, lupita nyong’o, china anne mcclain, tessa thompson, gina rodriguez, emeraude toubia, hayley law, ashleigh murray, moon ga young, bae suzy, lee jieun, amber midthunder, devery jacobs, leigh anne pinnock, keke palmer, philippa soo, krystal jung, lalisa manoban, chloe bridges, becky g, ariela barer, naressa valdez, herizan guardiola, aja naomi king, constance wu, jessica henwick, candice patton, nathalie emmanuel, tinashe, oona chaplin, janel parrish, im jinah, karen fukuhara, aisha dee, iman meskini, jamie chung, diane guerrero, karla souza, sofia boutella, rosario dawson, zoe saldana, sarah shahi, halle berry, angela bassett, jameela jamil, meaghan tandy, meaghan rath, samira wiley, kelly gale, geraldine viswanathan, eva longoria, olivia munn, monica raymund, jhene aiko, kehlani, malese jow, khadijha red thunder, dana jeffrey, yara shahidi, jeon somi, paris berelc, cassie steele, summer bishil, gina torres, justine biticon, tati gabrielle, indya moore, kiana lede, auli’i cravalho, anna akana, simay barlas, mina el hammani, alia shawkat, beren saat, jenna talackova, alina serban, franciska farkas, luciane buchanan, cindy kimberly, brianne tju, cleo lazuli, arden cho, pom klementieff, kelsey chow, lyrica okano, dichen lachman, lucy liu, priyanka chopra, shraddha kapoor, alia bhatt, neelam gill, deepika padukone, elodie yung, indra varma, nana komatsu, kang seulgi, kim hyuna, jinsoul, nong poy, samantha harris, tanaya beatty, maika harper, hayley atwell, maria gabriela de faria, shyrley rodriguez, eiza gonzalez, aimee garcia, melissa fumero, aubrey plaza, nathalie kelley, cierra ramirez, gigi gorgeous, winnie harlow, kylie bunbury, taraji p henson, tracee ellis ross, maisie richardson sellers, jessica parker kennedy, janella monae, karidja toure, viola davis, antonia thomas, letitia wright, kerry washington, kat blaque, kehlani parrish, katima kojima, joan smalls, sonoya mizuno, amber liu, fan bingbing, kat graham, donna bae, lesley ann-brandt, chanel iman, ming-na wen, tina desai, hannah simone ! wanted connections are under the cut !
DEVYN XAVIER-LEHNSHERR, our COURTNEY EATON fc is looking for a BIRTH MOTHER connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE who is 45+YEARS OLD. you CAN contact prior to applying at queenofillusionsx. (Devyn’s birth mom is a closeted mutant who was scared of having a child in case they grew to be one. When Dev was born with lilac eyes, there was no mistaking what she was, so her parents gave her up. Now she is at Paragon to make amends, but it is the one topic she gets angry at so she won’t be happy.)
DINAH PRYDE, our KIERSEY CLEMONS fc is, looking for a OLDER BROTHER (FULL OR HALF, CAN ALSO BE ADOPTED !! ) connection who looks like UTP (MUST BE AT LEAST HALF BLACK IF A SIBLING VIA KITTY OR FULL SIBLING) who is 24+ you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( not to be a cliche heaux but uh give me an overprotective older brother who dinah adores pls )
EMMA FROST, our KATIE CASSIDY fc is looking for her TRIPLETS WITH SCOTT SUMMERS / TWO BIOLOGICAL, ONE ADOPTIVE connection who look like DAYA, LIZA KOSHY, SAFIYA NYGAARD, SEBASTIAN DE SOUZA, HARRIS J, ANY HALF-INDIAN FC IF BIOLOGICAL / RHENZY FELIZ, HAYLEY LAW, ARIELA BARER, ANY FC OF COLOR IF ADOPTIVE who are 16-19 YEARS OLD, 22 OR 24+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( did u know that in an alternate universe scott & emma had five beautiful lil babies? bc they did. and with a tweak. that is what this wc is for. the frost-summers triplets would have prob had a psychic hive mind to rival the cuckoos if an attack hadn’t sent emma into early labour, resulting in one of them not surviving. the decision to adopt a baby in need of a loving home and complete the otherwise ruined trio? not an easy one to make, lets be real, but it was MADE, and the three have been raised as siblings from minute one. emma loves her babies. pls. give them to her. ) ( rohen frost-summers & open for two more ( bio ) )
ETIENNE BEAUBIER-JINADU, our ARIA SHAHGHASEMI fc is looking for a SIBLING connection who looks like NIKOHL BOOSHERI, TALA ASHE, YARA SHAHIDI, REECE KING, HAILEE STEINFELD, LALISA MANOBAN, MANNY MONTANA / PART IRANIAN IF BIO who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the siblings were born in canada - their parents were good people but did the wrong things that got the siblings taken away from their parents. the two were together for awhile in foster care but were eventually separated into two different homes. etienne was eventually adopted into a loving family but it’s up to you what happened to the other sibling after they got separated! they were raised together. took care of each other. for awhile, all they knew was each other. they’re both mutants and their powers kind of reflect thanatos + hypnos, where tye is hypnos and the sibling has death-related powers like thanatos. the sibling can be half, full, adopted, fostered - whatever works. his url is svmnium if you wanna discuss things further! )
FABIAN TODD, our BOB MORLEY fc is looking for a BIO SIBLINGS ( 3 ) connection who looks like LIZA SOBERNO, JAMES REID, PARIS BERELC, KELSEY MERRITT, NICOLE ANDERSON, ASHLEY ARGOTA / ANY RELEVANT FC who is 18-25 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so they’re kids of mario falcone + his wife, though fabian doesn’t know it and doesn’t know they’re siblings because fabian was left in an alley not long after they’re birth. they probably won’t know that fabian is their sibling unless they became part of the crime amd mob part of their family,,, which would be really cool imo. )
NADIA KYLE, our ANA DE ARMAS fc is looking for a HALF SIBLING / CHILD OF TED GRANT & QUEEN HIPPOLYTA connection who looks like BLAKE JENNER, CASSADEE POPE, ODETTE ANNABLE / ANY HALF CUBAN, HALF WHITE FC who is YOUNGER or OLDER THAN 30. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( correct me if i’m wrong, but a child of ted “wildcat” grant and queen hippolyta of the amazons is… pretty hot, and i’d love to see them around the place ! this one is fun, because nadia has SUCH an appreciation for strong women as someone who was surrounded by them her whole life, and while this doesn’t mean she’s directly connected to wonderfam, it does mean she likes to think that she is, and probably cites herself as being “five percent wonder woman”. i’d like to think that while her relationship with thomas is more on the strained side - as he remembers her as her true self better than this version she’s become - there’s a chance she’s made more of an effort, here, out of sheer respect for their mother, and as such… means they could be MUCH closer, which is a dynamic that i’m here for. )
NADIA KYLE, our ANA DE ARMAS fc is looking for an OLDER HALF SIBLING / THOMAS BRONSON connection who looks like ANY FC AT LEAST HALF CUBAN who is 35+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( where thomas really followed in ted’s footsteps… nadia really tried to become her mother, version 2, and that - i think - makes for a pretty interesting sibling dynamic. one is textbook good. the other… morally grey, at the best of times. i’m sure there’s love shared, but nadia didn’t really grow up around many males, either - especially not a lot who were older than her and related to her, so i imagine that she’s spent a great deal of time trying to outdo him. who’s to say she has? her relationship with thomas is probably about as strained as a sibling relationship she has could be, and i’m… so into it. )
NADIA KYLE, our ANA DE ARMAS fc is looking for her MOTHER / SELINA KYLE who looks like MELISSA FUMERO, JOANNA GARCIA / ANY CUBAN FC who is OLD ENOUGH. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( it may be a little cliche, all considered - but there’s a reason that nadia has become the person that she is today, and that reason… is selina. the love she has for her mother, and the idolization that she’s always felt towards her, is unmatched. nadia’s upbringing was unique in that it wasn’t just isolated to selina & ted. rather, it was a combined effort of selina, ted, holly, eiko - and everyone had a huge role, but no one really ever outshone her mother. she’s always wanted to emulate her, because in nadia’s eyes, there’s no one better - and while she’s made mistakes in coming down this road, and while she’s done things that even selina probably can’t be proud of… it’s all been in hopes of both… being half the woman that her mother is, and being someone that selina is proud of. )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT  fc is looking for a TWIN connection who looks like AVAN JOGIA, ALIA BHATT, GERALDINE VISWANATHAN, JESSSE RATH, KELLY GALE, SEBASTIAN DE SOUZA, LIZA KOSHY / ANY FACE CLAIM, who is 23 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( these two have always been close and taken care of each other. naomi’s about 30 minutes older than this twin, she was born on dec 31st and they were born on january 1st. think wanda & pietro as kids. they really just understood each other and have been attached at the hip since they could remember. naomi’s very introverted so it would be nice if the twin was more of an extrovert - but personality and everything is up to you! only requirement is that if they have a mutant hair color that it’s not green - so pink, purple, blue, white, etc - all very cool! )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT fc is looking for a YOUNGER SIBLING connection who looks like HARRIS J, ALIA BHATT, KELLY GALE, GERALDINE VISWANATHAN, DAYA, CHARLI XCX / ANY FACE CLAIM who is 16-22. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( naomi has never been the best older sister, but she does try. it’s possible for them to not be close and be kind of awkward around each other since maybe they don’t know how to be around each other? but naomi loves her baby sibling, despite being bad at showing it. only requirement is that if they have a mutant hair color that it’s not green - so pink, purple, blue, white, etc - all very cool! )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT fc is looking for a OLDER HALF SIBLING ( VIA LORNA & MARCOS ) connection who looks like EIZA GONZALEZ, KARLA SOUZA, SEAN TEALE, CHLOE BRIDGES, DAVID LAMBERT, ASHTON MOIO, TYLER POSEY, PETER GADIOT, MICHAEL TREVINO / ANY FACE CLAIM who is 26+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( naomi is quite close with marcos diaz so i definitely imagine these two having a sort of close-ish relationship. they’re not full siblings but that part has never been important in their family - they’ve always been siblings. only requirement is that if they have a mutant hair color that it’s not green - so pink, purple, blue, white, etc - all very cool! )
WINONA FALCONE, our SHAY MITCHELL fc is looking for a OLDER SIBLING connection who looks like UTP / ANY HALF FILIPINO FC who is 27+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the oldest falcone ! mwahaha. so it’s this whole big thing that WINONA IS THE HEIR, but she wasn’t always. she has an older sibling who was disinherited from the family & cast out. a big ole family disgrace that none of them like to talk about. the reason behind this is up to you ! but it can range from being a MUTANT to a DEGENERATE to being SOFT to whatever. sofia is a pretty uptight gal. )
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b-b-b-b-bones · 6 years
11x14, “The Last Shot at a Second Chance”
“Then success must be redefined, as that which can be accomplished.”
Angela: Michaela Conlin is the MVP of this episode. I both hate and love it when Angela is in real distress, because while it’s devastating to see a character who is usually so kind and happy and carefree in such pain, it’s only so devastating because of how raw Michaela’s performance is. TJ does great too - maybe it’s just the unkept beard, but I swear you can actually see the raincloud over Hodgins’s head in this episode. But Hodgins has been down before. This is probably Angela’s lowest point in the whole series and you can see all of it in every word she says and every face she makes: fear, in knowing she has to comfort her husband even though she also knows how he will react, guilt, over the good things happening in her career while he is suffering, and anger...
“This is a coward’s decision.” That’s such a powerful line, especially coming from the couple whose defining trait is usually undying support for each other. At the end of the day you can tell how much they still love each other, but god, if that doesn’t cut deep.
The Hearing: I support Brennan 10,000%, she shouldn’t be getting a suspension for punching an MRA. In fact, she should be getting a raise. Fuck him up, Dr. B.
You know, Brennan has hit tons of people who totally deserved it, but this is the only time (except maybe with that guy she shot in the pilot?) she faced discipline for it. It seems as though this hearing only happened because this one particular bitchass decided to be a whiny baby about it and press charges.
The Case: One sign of a really good episode is when it gets me as emotionally invested in the case of the week as in the main characters’ subplots. Of course, this episode added that extra layer of Booth having a personal connection with one of the suspects, Kenny, but even without that I think it would have gotten to me.
Parents and children reuniting always makes me cry and as a result both scenes with Kalani (the victim’s daughter) got to me: the first is so heartbreaking, as she’s telling the story of reconnecting with her mother only to lose her again (”We were making plans!” oh god that line kills me), and the second, when she and her father are meeting for the first time... I was already on the verge of tears from Angela’s outburst, and Kalani and Kenny hugging just broke me.
Aubrey and Jessica: My last relationship was kind of like theirs, honestly. Just months of us playing chicken and talking about TV shows and not kissing even once because we unfortunately ended things before he even got the chance to push me out of the way of a moving car.
Man, the more I think about it, the more Jessica reminds me of myself, and not just because we are both INFJ redheads. She got bangs in this episode and they look awesome.
Page 187: Love the callback
10/10, so many feels from so many different directions
“I was going to, until you came in here crying about your girl problems”
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                            FEBRUARY                         2022
 Our leaders Biden and Harris make some fab speeches on January 6. It was a history lesson of the last couple of years.  Did it help any of the deluded to actually listen?  Joe said it quite simply, “They want to rule or they will ruin.”  One wonders why people want to live in a democracy when they seemingly hate the word so much.
King Knight is coming on Feb. 17 with Angela Sarafyan, Aubrey Plaza, Nelson Franklin, Ray Wise and Matthew Gray Gubler!!Talk is starting on AHS season 11 which may come in the fall. Sirens? Bloody Mary? Christmas?  These seem to be the themes most talked about. But as usual we will surely be in for a surprise.
Peter Gabriel is working on a new album.** Questlove is busy pulling together a film about Sly and the Family Stone. It’s about time somebody gave them a proper tribute.  Also, the roots are working on a new LP.** The Red Hot Chili Peppers are about to give us new music!!!!!
The economy grew 5.7% last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has tested positive for Covid. ** Truckers protested the Covid restrictions in Canada and generally made a mess.
Look for Murderville with Will Arnett on Netflix. Sounds great!
Many of the late night hosts got Covid. At least the sea captain was sort of back with Seth for a bit!!!!!
Jodie Foster and Annette Bening will star in Nyad.
Why in the midst of a genocide, has China again been honored with hosting the games? –Mia Farrow
Long after Trump and the white fascists have taken over and the rest of us have been imprisoned, killed or forced to flee, they will laugh at the weak democrats and their fines and wrist slaps which enabled the coup to succeed the second time. –Larry Charles
C,mon, Let’s make Ghosts an hour long comedy. There are so many possibilities!!!!!!!
Whoopi Goldberg stepped in it when she said the holocaust was “not about race.” She later apologized.
Spotify is losing artists. Neil Young wrote an open letter asking them to do something about the vaccine misinformation on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Young is out and Springsteen has removed his music. Please, more of that!!!
The Bowie estate sold his entire publishing catalog to Warner Chappell Music.
Joe Rogan is Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones etc. repackaged with all the pop culture alpha male tattooed freedom fries bullshit for the Incel crowd. –Chris Stein
The Golden Globes are all but washed up. It is a shame that the Hollywood foreign press was found to be so white!! They sure used to throw a hell of a party and they were less predictable than most award shows. I do miss that! The event was not televised but here are some of the winners if anybody cares: The big movies seemed to be The Power of the Dog and West Side Story, The acting categories gave globes to Nicole Kidman, Will Smith, Michael Keaton, Kate Winslet, Jeremy Strong, Jean Smart, Oh Young-Soo,  Jason Sudekis, Sarah Snook, Michaela Jae Rodriguez and Kodi Smit-Mcphee. Succession and Hacks were the favorite TV shows, TV movie went to Underground RR, screenplay for Kenneth Branagh’s Belfast and Jane Campion nabbed best director.
Days alert: Hooray for Chloe’s parents making an appearance.**Can we please be done with the fucking bear??** And perhaps it is time to take Ava off the canvas?? I realize she will have to get her revenge but then let’s hope she moves on for a bit.** C’mon Peacock.. Start streaming Days from the beginning!!** Oh boy, it has been awhile since we have seen a good Days Island adventure!!** Will we find someone who has been there for years?????
Robert Durst is dead.
In sexual  assault news: Chris Noth is out at the Equalizer.** Prince Andrew has been stripped of his titles and duties.** We need to talk about Cosby is a doc about, you guessed it: Bill Cosby.** HBO is bringing us Evan Rachel Wood and her story of Marilyn Manson in the doc, Phoenix Rising.** Actor Nick Stahl was arrested on suspicion of lewd conduct.
Dior has cancelled the Johnny Depp ads.
Rihanna and ASAP Rocky are expecting a child.
Finn Wittrock is the Green Lantern for HBO MAX.
Pete Davidson is like the ‘it’ girl who gets passed around to everybody in town. Why Pete Why?? Is Ye calling him out on his latest music?
Tampa Bay’s Antonio Brown left his team behind right in the middle of the game.
Actor David Koechner was arrested for a DUI.
I miss Norm Macdonald!
This ‘Pivoting’ show is cute, it could be something.** This new Wonder Years is really great!!
Machine Gun Kelly will marry Megan Fox.** Mac Culkin is engaged to Brenda Song.
Pam Anderson n is getting divorced. ** Sebastian Stan and Lily James are Pam and Tommy in an offering from Hulu.
Remember Soylent Green? Let’s remember that It took place in the year 2022.
Why does it always seem that Dominos is running some sort of scam?
Is this true?? On the Supreme Court, Gorsuch refuses to wear a mask to protect Sotomayor who has health issues??? What??** Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring.
Tom Brady is retiring.** Why did those Buccaneers seem so angry at that last game?? They just seemed full of bad attitude! And why did so many of these games end in last minute field goals?? It was like every other game, seriously!!??It looks like the Super Bowl will pit the LA Rams against The Cincinnati Bengals!!
Peter Dinklage let fly some words for Disney and their live action Snow White: “Take a step back and look at what you’re doing there. You’re progressive in one way but then you’re still making that fucking backwards story about 7 dwarfs living in a cave together, what the fuck are you doing man?”
So it seems that Howard Stern said something about “poor Meatloaf” and how he talked out against vaccines. He was prepared to die and he did.
Rachel Maddow is taking a break from her show and various hosts will fill in.
Isn’t it strange how Ted Cruz called out the Jan. 6 terrorists then immediately begged Tucker Carlson and his cult members to disregard all that.
“Too many GOP Senators appear to need psychiatric help.” –Mia Farrow
R.I.P. Stephen J. Lawrence, Max Julien, Jeanine Ann Roose, Sidney Poitier, Bob Saget, Carleton Carpenter, John Madden, Michael Lang, Dwayne Hickman, Marilyn Bergman, Maria Ewing, Ronnie Spector, Fred Parris, Rabbi Dressner, Hardy Kruger, Don Wilson, Moses J, Moseley, Dick Halligan, Donald May, Sandra Jaffe, Andre Leon Talley, Howard Hesseman,  Peter Bogdonavich, Thierry Mugler, Irwin Young, Meatloaf, Yvette Mimeux, Charles Mcgee, Morgan Stevens, Steve Shapiro, Ralph Emery and Louie Anderson.
0 notes
Preferences - Being a Sister of the Jeffersonian Team
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You’re her younger sister
When your parents left, you were actually split up by the foster system; as soon as she turned eighteen, she found you and petitioned for custody, which was granted
You hit Russ in the face when you saw him again
You also hit Max in the face when you saw him again
She taught you how to handle and shoot guns in case you ever needed to protect yourself
Thanks to her, you’re fluent in English, French, and Spanish
She has intimidated away more than a couple of significant others. You’re not mad about this because she usually doesn’t do it on purpose.
You’re not a forensic anthropologist, but because you listen to her talk and helped her study, you can follow along pretty well when she talks about work
You didn’t push her to do anything, but you’d really rooted for her to get with Booth and were so happy when she finally did
You’re the go-to babysitter
Parker, Christine, and Hank all adore you
With the Team
You were never a secret; Brennan didn’t talk about you a lot, merely because it wasn’t professionally relevant, but she had a photo of the two of you on her desk and mentioned you in passing a few times
You actually met the team because someone tried to hurt Brennan and she worried you’d also be a target, so you went to work with her
Angela decided instantly that you were gonna be friends. You did not get a choice
Booth started out babying you like he babied Jared, but over the years he started seeing you as an individual adult rather than just his partner’s little sibling
Hodgins made the mistake of flirting with you once and the look Brennan sent him could’ve made even Pelant pause
Cam likes your company because you’re more social and less work-oriented, so you kind of balance out Brennan
You really encouraged her to go to her therapy sessions with Sweets, but the one time he tried to psychoanalyze you, you made sure he knew not to do it again (you eventually ended up good friends though)
For some reason, the squinterns are all really surprised to find out Brennan has a sister. You secretly enjoy announcing it casually and watching their shocked reactions
Zach was your favorite (much like he was Brennan’s) and you never really got over his betrayal
You’re not close with many of the squinterns, but you’re friends with Wendell and Jessica
Again, you are the younger sibling - the baby of the family
Jared never quite grew up until he was out of the house, but having you as well as Jared to look after made Booth grow up super fast
He was able to relax a little once his grandfather took you all in, but he never stopped being wary and overprotective
When you moved out after high school, he called you every single day (sometimes just to remind you to lock your doors and keep pepper spray)
You were really into police shows as a kid, but Booth took it a step further and became a fed after his time with the army. You’re very proud of him
You’re also proud of Jared, of course, but given the stupid decisions he’s made, you’re a little more reserved
Booth told you when he was going to propose to Rebecca. He also crashed on your couch when she said no
Same with Hannah
And with Brennan, during that awkward time when Pelant forced him to be the one calling it off
Like Brennan, he would’ve also taught you to shoot
You’re also the one who was left to stage an intervention when you saw his gambling become a problem the first time around. He got help, but it was hard for him to admit at first and your attempted confrontation made a rift between you two for a long time. Once he started going to meetings and got his equivalent of a sobriety coin, you made up
You slapped Jared so goddamn hard when he got a DUI - you also slapped Booth for protecting Jared from the consequences. You’re not kids anymore, Jared needs to be an adult and take responsibility
You’re not as religious as he is, but you’re happy to be Parker’s godmother
You encouraged him to go to therapy with Sweets because you’d had counselling before and it had really helped, so since you wanted him to, he went
With the Team
Being the sister of a field agent means you’re usually pretty safe, but sometimes bad people want to hurt you to get back at him. You met the team when Epps threatened you, and Booth had you stay in the lab with Cam and Hodgins until it blew over
Cam was super nice and great company, especially since you’d already known each other from when she’d dated Booth
Hodgins was eager to get blackmail stories
Honestly, you could tell he was stressed, but his attempts at lightening the situation really helped you stay calm and you couldn’t thank him enough for that
He and Zach became fast friends with you, to Booth’s chagrin
It was hard for you to tell what Brennan thought. For a while you assumed she didn’t like you very much, but you had no idea why. Booth had to explain that it was just the way she acted, and she actually liked you more than she liked him sometimes
You actually became pretty close with Brennan and took martial arts classes together
You’re not as close with Angela, but you get along well when you do spend time together
You and Sweets bonded pretty quickly. You suspected more than once that he was envious of the connection you had with your brother, but he was never obvious about it. To be honest, he seemed lonely sometimes (a lot) and you felt bad for him, and were really happy when you saw him start to seem less alone
Your favorite squint has been Finn because he really reminds you of Booth. Booth would never agree, but Finn’s willingness to pick up a weapon and threaten his dad to protect his mother made you think of Booth standing up to his father and taking the brunt of the abuse to protect you and Jared
Wendell’s a close second, since he and Booth played hockey together
You’re an avid supporter of her artwork
You didn’t date as much as Angela, to dad’s relief
You got tattoos together (not matching) when she turned eighteen
Angela was not the only one that had to change their name when they turned eighteen
She literally came out to you by asking if she left her girlfriend’s bra in your laundry by accident
She was originally going to study computer science at MIT, but you convinced her to follow her passions and she chose a school that also had a great art program
You liked Roxie, but you didn’t think they’d last. Just from an outsider’s perspective, you could see how their lifestyles didn’t quite line up
You’re the protective older sister who freaked out about her working on murder cases at first – it took a while for you to calm down and be chill with it
Hodgins asked your permission to marry Angela, to which you replied, “eh, you’re okay, I guess,” and then warned him that if Ange ever found out he’d asked anyone else for her hand, he would be sleeping on the couch for weeks
You were the maid of honor at her wedding
You host sleepovers for Brennan’s and Angela’s kids so that they can go out sometimes and just have fun
She keeps teasing you about having your own kid whenever she sees you playing around happily with Michael Vincent
With the Team
You met Brennan and Booth in the desert when Ange’s then-boyfriend was murdered by drug smugglers and they came out to investigate the crime
You were apprehensive of Brennan, but then saw how much she loves Angela and got all on board with that friendship
You got really close with Brennan and bonded a lot while taking martial arts classes together
You got along great with Booth right from the start, thanks to similar senses of humor, values, and interests
Hodgins tried to impress you because he wanted Angela to have another reason to like him. He tried to lean on the back of a chair, the chair rolled on its wheels, and he went flying to the floor
You thought Zach was “kinda cute, in the lost puppy sort of way” but you were never really friends with him
You started out purely professional with Cam, but that came to a screeching halt after an eventful girls’ night out
Your genuine interest in psychology makes you Sweets’ favorite
You double date a lot with Wendell and his girlfriend
Angela would never let you hear the end of it if she found out that you and Aubrey go to sci-fi conventions together
Your favorite intern is Arastoo – you have a liberal arts education, much like Angela, and you loved to have scholarly discussions about things like religion, conflict theory, and literature with him
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Despite having an inheritance of your own, Hodgins doted on you with his money, being nearly ten years older than you
He used to put various bugs in your bedroom as pranks. His choice to study entomology was not a surprise by any stretch of the imagination
Your prank wars were legendary
When you were bored, you’d make up puzzles (usually by inventing cyphers or using anagrams) for each other to solve and then passing letters in them until that system got boring. Hodgins loved it, since he loved the stories of your cryptologist grandfather
Your first pet was a puppy. His was a snake, not poisonous but pretty big. You were tentatively open to the reptilian pet until you heard panicked yapping and ran in on the constrictor snake looking about to crush your puppy. The rules regarding that snake’s freedom were very strictly tightened and you hated snakes ever since
Hodgins was the best brother. You were picked on at school for being a rich kid, and he knew what that was like, so he’d take you to get clothes at places like Walmart, Sears, and JCPennys. He’d help you buy school supplies at Office Max. He chose your first car and gave you something that didn’t attract a lot of attention, all so you could fit in easier
The conspiracist hobbies are not new. One time he asked if you were in the Illuminati??? Like??? And he seemed disappointed when you said you obviously weren’t?????
You went spelunking together in caves, pretending to look for pirate treasure, and even went scuba diving off the coast of Hawaii
He kept “subtly” pursuing you to be a scientist like him for a long time before finally resigning to just be supportive
After your parents’ deaths, you traveled around, seeing things for a while before you finally felt ready to settle down again. Hodgins never objected, never nudged you to come home, just asked for souvenirs or suggested new destinations, and when you were ready, he housed you until you found your own place
He always gives your significant others a shovel talk. Even when the first time he saw your significant other was at his own wedding, he stopped to give a short “don’t you dare hurt her because I have the best lawyers” talk before running out of the church with Ange
You offered money to help them when Hodgins and Angela were broke. You’re sure he wouldn’t have accepted it if he hadn’t had a family to think about, but you were happy to help
With the Team
You met the team when you walked into the lab with a visitor’s pass to complain that his then-girlfriend had gotten your phone number somehow and wouldn’t stop trying to use you as a messenger
You and Booth like each other a lot more than Hodgins would prefer. He’s all “government stooge” while you’re like “cool so you catch bad guys” and it takes a while for your brother to get used to it
You, Zach, and Hodgins all made up the Jeffersonian’s “Golden Trio.” You and Hodgins were hit hardest by Zach’s betrayal, but you were really confused by how to feel at first. Knowing that Zach had injured himself badly for the sake of keeping Hodgins safe made you feel grateful, even though you knew you should be angry
Cam is a bit exasperated by you because you urge Hodgins to do more experiments so that he has more fun stories to tell
Angela quickly found things you had in common (even before she and Hodgins were dating) to make friends with you, and now you’re glad to actually be sisters
Brennan likes to teach you things when you listen, but other than occasionally babysitting for her and Booth or drinking together at Founding Fathers, you don’t see much of each other out of the lab
You were always one of the nicest ones to Sweets, and although you never wanted to talk to him about Zach, you didn’t ice him out. Hodgins seemed to think Sweets thought Zach could be replaced. You knew better and were just glad to have friends to help you not feel alone
Hodgins and Aubrey get along well enough, but not as well as you and Aubrey do. Pizza restaurants, cinemas, and coffee cafés are your favorite places to hang out together
Angela’s dad admitted to you that he’s chill with Hodgins now, and just terrorizes him for amusement. You died laughing
Your favorite of the squinters are Vincent and Finn – the latter because of just how nice and genuinely happy he always seemed to be, and the former because you admired how willing he was to compromise, and to be corrected and learn from his mistakes
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You’re the middle sister of three
You never clashed as much with either of your sisters as they did with each other
Your parents would never admit it to anyone, but you’re their favorite because you caused a lot less drama as a teenager than either of your sisters
Cam would tell her parents that she was still dating Booth even after they’d broken up just so they’d leave her alone about finding a partner, and you managed to get sucked into it and would make up long-winded stories about times you’d crashed their dates or gotten pulled into an argument that ended happily or something, and your parents always bought it
The worst part about being the sister of a pathologist was when you swapped phones for a couple days during her ME training and had to explain to a friend why there were photographs of corpses in various stages of autopsy in your camera roll
She helped you learn Spanish, but you’d spent more time in Mexico and even vacationed in Spain for a while, so you ended up being more fluent
You learned from her example to be confident and strong, and you were eternally grateful for that
She’s also the one that taught you how valuable it is to be educated and motivated. Though your parents always supported your goals, it was Cam how showed you how to achieve them
Cam moved to DC around the same time you did, so it was nice to live near family again
She complained to you about her power struggle with Brennan when she started at the Jeffersonian, and you would sarcastically agree that it must be really frustrating to have a headstrong, stubborn person insisting they know what’s right (it was funny to you because it sounded like she was finally learning what it had been like to deal with her for the last twenty-some years)
Her breakup with Arastoo was so sad that it made you cry, and you were really psyched when they got back together
Maid of honor at her wedding with Arastoo
With the Team
Your first time meeting the team was at a Christmas party Cam invited you to at the Jeffersonian to celebrate the staff. It was fun to meet her friends, especially Angela, who was a lot of fun and not at all the kind of person you expected to meet at the lab
Angela and you were fast friends
You were kind of friends with Booth ever since he dated Cam, but you didn’t chat much between their breakup and her move to DC. It was one of those halfway-friendships where you’d say hi occasionally but usually just kind of mutually ignored each other
Hodgins once said he was surprised you’re not a stick-in-the-mud like Cam. Cam overheard. Hodgins stammered through his words to apologize
Although it surprised you, you were also quick to bond with Brennan. You’d admired her from the beginning, since it had to take a very intelligent and dedicated person to be a legitimate rival to your sister
You literally never met Zach until he was in the hospital for blowing up his hands. Cam asked you to help watch over him in case whoever had sabotaged the experiment came back, so you joined their rotating shifts, along with the security guards outside his door, and thought he’d seemed kind of sweet… you changed your mind when you heard he killed and ate people
You also didn’t interact much with Aubrey. Not that there was anything you had against him, you just didn’t share as much in common and weren’t in positions where you had to talk to each other very often
You got coffee with Sweets a few times, since you were both relatively new to the city, and for a long time you both felt like outsiders whenever you visited the Medico-Legal lab (you because you weren’t a scientist, him because the team was standoffish and a bit exclusive after what happened with Zach)
Arastoo is your favorite because he’s your brother-in-law
Your favorite squints that you’re not family with are Clark and Vincent. Vincent was always super friendly and made you feel at home whenever you visited. Clark was always pleasant to be around - always more than civil and very respectful, but professional, as well.
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You were the older sister in this case, and you were always very protective. Your parents were crueler to you than they were to him because you were older
You’re the reason you escaped them - you realized you could get help when you had infected injuries on your back and called CPS yourself
The couple who adopted you were the sweetest ever and they didn’t even hesitate to take in both you and your brother. From that point you grew up safe, healthy, and loved
You would tease him mercilessly sometimes
He tried to give your first boyfriend a protective shovel talk, but it was when he was about eleven and so it really wasn’t as intimidating as he’d have hoped. He was basically a scrawny, four-foot-tall beanpole trying to tell a football player to have you home by nine “or else”
You both went to college intending to study psychology, but you trained in different fields and your focus shifted, so it’s in your background but it’s not your practicing focus
You shared an apartment when your parents died and he moved to DC. You went with him and looked for job opportunities there
Even after you were employed, you kept living together because it was economical and you felt better living with him than you would’ve alone
Once he started dating Daisy you realized it was in everyone’s best interest that they had more privacy, so you found your own apartment
When Olivia accidentally shot him, you kept making sharp, sarcastic replies because you were pretty pissed. If you can’t aim for the right person, you shouldn’t be allowed to carry a gun
His breakup with Daisy left him moping on your couch for weeks. It was pretty pathetic but you were nice enough not to tell him that
You had never been more scared than you were when the subway line derailed while he was on it. He was shaken up that he’d seen someone die, but as selfish as it might have been, you were just glad that your brother was safe
The worst day of your life was when Booth called you to unsteadily, shakily, ramblingly tell you that Sweets had been murdered on the job
With the Team
The worst part of his job was how his “teammates” treated him. For a while you resented the Jeffersonian team, because you could see how sincerely Sweets was trying to help, and he kept getting belittled and dismissed - if not for his age, then for his profession, his looks, his geeky interests, or simply because he wasn’t Zach, and they had wanted the bad guy to be the new outsider instead of their close friend, and it wasn’t fair to your brother at all
You met the team unwillingly, only because Sweets really wanted you to, at Founding Fathers one night. It was hard to reconcile the arrogant, rude people you’d imagined with the compassionate, friendly group you saw
Booth was probably the one that took the longest for you to warm up to. While he accepted and grew more and more like a mentor to Sweets, you couldn’t quite forget that his snide insults had been the worst for your brother to hear
By the time several years had passed, you grudgingly admitted to yourself that Booth was kind of like the big brother you’d never had, looking out for both of you and doing an unprecedented background check on your dates
You weren’t sure what to make of Brennan. It took you a long time to get used to her, but you realized pretty quickly that when she said insulting things, she didn’t usually understand that she was being mean, and that made her easier to forgive than Booth. Soon you started actually enjoying her company - her bluntness meant you never had to guess at what she thought or felt
Angela was the sweetest, and although she teased you a little, she never did it with bad intentions. You liked her practically right off the bat and you were personal friends before you really knew what happened
You never got close with Cam, but you have each other’s phone numbers in case of emergency and sometimes go to see movies or events that others aren’t interested in
Hodgins would indulge your morbid fascination with reptiles and bugs, but kept pestering you to hold them. Your hell nos were a source of amusement for him.
He was one of the worst about Zach, so you ended up losing your temper with him once. He admitted he’d been a jerk, apologized to you, apologized to Sweets, and all was good
You never got the chance to meet Zach, but you heard a lot about him. Aside from the part where he was found criminally insane, he seemed like a cool guy
Daisy always annoyed the hell out of you. She was too preppy, too loud, to scattered, and not humble in the least. Sweets thought these were endearing traits, but honestly you just wanted her to shut up
Your favorite squint was Vincent. His youthful enthusiasm to learn and help reminded you a lot of Sweets, and his death hit you really hard. Wendell was a close second, in part because he was just so mature and responsible while still being playful and relatable
You’re his older sister who had to step up and really help your mother with raising him after your father abandoned the three of you
Your special nickname for him is “Jay” and he doesn’t let anyone else call him that
He’s super protective of you and kind of feels like he needs to pay you back for all you did to help him get where he is
You’re so proud of him for taking the trauma caused by your dad and using it as motivation to become a cop when he easily could’ve let it make him bitter and mean
You have lots of movie marathons and binge sessions together
There is a lot of car and home karaoke, and you always poke fun at him for his college a cappella
You tease him about Jessica, but in actuality, you think they’re adorable together
He used to talk about culinary school when he was younger. That’s how much he loves food
As soon as he was released from the hospital, you nearly killed him yourself for using his survival as bait to the bombers
You took him to all of his physical therapy appointments and follow-ups while all the injuries from the shrapnel were healing
He was reluctant to take over Booth’s office when the older agent retired, but you encouraged him to take the offer and accept the promotions. You knew he deserved the acknowledgment and recognition
The two of you have a very close relationship and very few serious arguments, and when you do have disagreements, you’re careful to keep it private
With the Team
You met Sweets when you were helping Jay move to DC and became friends
You cried with Jay for hours when Sweets died
You met the rest of the team while in protective custody during the Pelant scare
You were so thankful to Brennan for accepting your brother and helping him to transition into the new job. He’d been really excited to work with the Medico-Legal team, but when Booth shut him out, you could tell it really disappointed and hurt him. If Brennan hadn’t been so helpful, you didn’t think he’d have been as happy
With Booth, you share an earnest sort of kinship because you both have experience growing up a little too fast to take care of a younger brother
You’re also really close with Hodgins, because he felt awful for Jay being injured protecting him from the bomb
Of course, you also got really aggravated and snapped at Hodgins to get his head out of his ass when he was being a douche and making everyone miserable instead of coping with his paralysis
While in the waiting room after the bomb went off, waiting for word on Hodgins and Aubrey, you and Angela wordlessly comforted each other. Without ever talking about it, you became really close friends
You bonded with Cam over the dumb teenage decisions of both Aubrey and Michelle
Your least favorite squintern is Clark – you’d heard only good things about him from everyone, but when it turned out he covered up a murder… well, your opinion went down quite a bit
Your favorite squintern is Jessica because she’s fun, smart, and surprisingly intuitive. You think she makes a good couple with Aubrey, and you’re also kind of relieved that she speaks her mind. No one ever has to wonder what she’s thinking because all you have to do is ask
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You have a huge family, so you’re just one of many sisters
However, you are the one closest to Zach, because you don’t mock and taunt him for being awkward, nerdy, for studying dead people, etc
He likes engineering because of you. One of your other brothers broke a robotic toy when you were six, and you were so upset that Zach fixed it for you. He found the mechanics fascinating and that’s why he got a degree in engineering
You got such good grades in your science classes because Zach always helped you
Lots of long sci-fi marathons together
You’re always giving him advice on communication, friendships, relationship problems, etc
Likewise, he’s always giving you advice and help with studying, choices on your education, practical matters, etc
You stayed with him and Hodgins when you were in town, since you never had the time to visit for more than a few days
You were so scared when he went overseas that he’d be hurt
You moved closer to DC when he was incarcerated so that you could visit him, and you make sure to see him at McKinley several times a week
He told you he didn’t kill anyone, but when you tried to tell others, no one believed you because a) you’re his sister and b) you’re not a professional or an authority
You always make sure to give cards and presents on holidays and birthdays. It’s hard for Zach to do much but he likes to order presents to your address since he can’t go shopping, and he makes cards by hand as a form of physical therapy
With the Team
You met the Jeffersonian team when you visited Zach on the Christmas when they were quarantined
You liked Hodgins right off the bat because he was so friendly with Zach, and you knew your brother had a hard time making friends
You had a great respect for Brennan before even meeting her because of Zach’s high esteem for her
Brennan was impressed by your studies and intellect and you became casual friends, though you got a little closer to each other after Zach’s arrest
You don’t really have much of a relationship with Cam
You’re incredibly grateful to Booth for saving Zach’s life when he triggered the bomb Epps set
Angela adored you right from the start and liked how you and Zach were so close compared to most siblings
You were sad that Zach was an accomplice, but incredibly thankful to Sweets for not giving up on him and continuing to talk to him at McKinley. Later on, when you were trying to tell people Zach was innocent, Sweets was the only one who believed you
The team got a lot closer with you as you all had to struggle to deal with Zach’s betrayal
Your favorite squint is Clark because even though you know he’s curious about your brother, he never asks you to talk about it
507 notes · View notes
Sweetest Devotion
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Summary: Time jump! Five years later, the reader’s life looks completely different. 
Pairing: James Aubrey x reader
Series Masterlist
Tags: @lengthyyy @aimeexoxox1 @readerisland @theclonewarss
With your loving, there ain’t nothing That I can’t adore The way I’m running with you, honey Means we can break every law I find it funny that you’re the only one I never looked for There is something in your loving that Tears down my walls
5 years later
“Hello!” You called into the suspiciously quiet home. It didn’t sound like anyone was inside, but as you came to the kitchen, you could hear laughter and music playing.
“Hey.” You caught Aubrey’s attention as you slid open the sliding glass door.
“Hi, honey.” He wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss on your temple. “Everyone is supposed to be here around dinner. I’ve everything prepared; it just needs to be put in the oven.”
“How did I get so lucky?” You marveled at him.
“I don’t know. Good thing you locked me down, huh?” He wiggled his wedding band at you. You swatted his butt as he entered back into the house.
“Mommy!” Your 4-year-old daughter bounded up the deck steps towards.
“Whoa!” You gasped as she latched on to your legs. “You gotta slow down, baby girl.” You reached down and picked her up. “Are you excited to see everyone tonight?”
“Mhm! Especially JJ!” She squealed.
“Good. Let’s go get you ready.”
Around 5pm, everyone started to show up. First was Angela, Jack, and Michael-Vincents. The Brennan-Booths were next. After all the interns, Jess and JJ finally appeared at your door.
“I’m sorry we’re so late. JJ’s been a handful lately. I’m not sure what’s going on.” She seemed shaky.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You took her coat. “Come, drink, and eat. James and I can be on parent duty tonight. You just enjoy yourself, okay?” She nodded and smiled a thanks to you.
If you hadn’t been there to see it, you wouldn’t have believed it. As soon as Jules saw her brother, JJ, she pretty much tackled him to the ground.
“JJ!” She squeezed him so tightly, you were afraid she might hurt him.
“Jules, honey. Too much love.” You giggled as you pulled her off him and helped him up. “You okay, JJ?” You brushed off his coat.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He grabbed his sister into a bear hug.
“Hey, can I take your jacket, buddy?”
“Sure. Hi, Daddy!” JJ bounded towards your husband and squeezed tightly.
“Hey, handsome. Were you good for mommy?” He picked him and kissed his cheek.
“No.” He said sheepishly. “I cried when she wanted me to get into the car.”
“Well, Jacob Warren Aubrey. Why don’t you go give her a hug?” He set his son down and watched him scurry off.
“Something’s up. Jess seemed really stressed out. Do you think now would be a good time?”
“Let’s get through dinner and then see okay. They are staying here, so we’ve got time.”
As you exited your sliding glass door, you saw that the entire group was seated around your big wooden table outside, ready for dinner. Everyone was talking and laughing as you found your seat.
“Normally, as the man of the house,” the group chuckled, “I would make a toast, but I think it would be more appropriate for the lady of the house to speak. She’s much better at it anyways.”
You blushed slightly and stood. “Well, I am so very happy to have all of you here tonight. Though we’ve never arrived at things conventionally, I am proud to share this occasion with all of you. James and I are so happy to have our family here to celebrate our marriage and honestly, I’m not sure we would be here without all of you. I don’t know if many of you know that this is my childhood home. After I came back to the states, I figured it was time to return home for real. So, I began restoring this place, a brick at a time. It’s truly transformed, just as my life has. I am so happy to be someone’s wife and to a mother. This is not what I could have ever imagined.” You choked up a little.
I wasn’t ready then, I’m ready now I’m heading straight for you You will only be eternally The one I belong to
“I wish my parents and sister were here to see this. I know they’d be so proud of me. Back to the happy stuff, a toast to all of our family, may you have as much as happiness as we do.”
Later, as the night settled down, you watched as Brennan and Booth continued dancing, their sleeping children on the couch. You looked over and saw Jess holding JJ as he slept soundly.
“He’s gotten so big.” You whispered.
“Too big too quickly.” She chuckled.
“Do you want me to take him up? You should hang out more if you want.”
“No, I think I’m going to head up too. It was a rough drive.” She brushed her son’s hair from his face.
“Okay. Let me know if you need anything. Towels are all in the same place if you feel like a shower.”
“Thanks, Beck.” She patted your shoulder.
You sat watching your friends marvel at the beautiful lake behind your house and talk about how marvelous the renovations looked, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You placed yours on top of his.
“She down?” You looked up. He nodded. “You pass Jess?”
“Yeah. Might talk to her at breakfast. I think a month in the summer would do him and her some good. Come dance with me.” You took his hand as he pulled you closer.
You swayed to the beat and looked up into his eyes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.” You kissed his neck.
“I don’t think I could be happier than I am right now.”
I’ll forever be whatever you want me to be I’ll go under and all over for your clarity When you wonder if I’m gonna lose my way home Just remember, that come whatever, I’ll be yours all along
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
OK, March 4
Cover: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle -- Our Feud With Kate Middleton
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Insider Access -- Michael Kors NYFW Show -- Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kate Hudson, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Molly Sims 
Page 5: Anna Wintour, Michael Kors and husband Lance LePere, Barry Manilow and Bella Hadid, Olivia Wilde and Regina King, Gigi Hadid 
Page 8: Katie Holmes has no regrets 
Page 9: Yolanda Hadid  wants to turn her Pennsylvania farm into a profitable business and  becoming a Martha Stewart-type mogul, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott checking out a home that’s listed at $7,500 per month despite their money woes, now that Chloe Grace Moretz is out from under her mom’s roof she’s partying a lot more and staying out late and has no problem paying for drinks for all her friends 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- Grammys -- Camila Cabello, Cardi B 
Page 11: Anna Kendrick, Zuri Hall 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Violetta Komyshan vs. Cindy Crawford, KiKi Layne vs. Camila Mendes, Grace Elizabeth vs. Angela Sarafyan 
Page 14: Cover Story -- Meghan Markle and Prince Harry -- our side of the story on their nasty feud with Kate Middleton, life inside the palace and becoming first-time parents 
Page 16: Meghan is stunned after her father Thomas Markle releases a very personal letter 
Page 18: Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi’s private oasis in Montecito, Calif. 
Page 20: News in Photos -- Rebel Wilson and Miley Cyrus 
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Page 22: Prince William, Reese Witherspoon
Page 23: Brooke Burke, Jennifer Nettles and dog, Paris and Nicky Hilton 
Page 24: Grammys -- Lady Gaga, John Mayer and Alicia Keys, Katy Perry and Kacey Musgraves and Dolly Parton 
Page 25: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Anthony Kiedis, Fatoumata Diawara, Camila Cabello and Ricky Martin and J Balvin 
Page 26: Diane Kruger, Melissa Rivers and Ronda Rousey and the CEO of Didi Hirsch Kita Curry, Priyanka Chopra Jonas 
Page 28: Milo Ventimiglia 
Page 31: Steven Tyler and daughters Chelsea and Mia, Baskin Champion and Katherine Schwarzenegger, Ken Jeong 
Page 32: Baby no. 2 for Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott 
Page 34: Kaley Cuoco’s fitness journey 
Page 36: Jennifer Lopez’s body blitz 
Page 38: Celebs gets Oscar Ready -- Lady Gaga, Regina King, Emma Stone 
Page 40: Family-Friendly Getaways 
Page 42: Celeb Chefs -- Please try a vegan diet 
Page 46: Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz’s baby fever 
Page 48: Jennie Garth and Dave Abrams’ divorce is off, Julia Roberts and Danny Moder are back on track, Kristen Stewart is dating Sara Dinkin but they’re not exclusive 
Page 49: Jared Haibon and Ashley Iaconetti summer wedding, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s budget battle, Love Bites -- Chris Wood and Melissa Benoist engaged, Blac Chyna and Soulja Boy dating, Josie and Kelton Balka are expecting their first child 
Page 50: Style -- Jamie Chung 
Page 52: Style -- Yara Shahidi, Meghan Markle 
Page 53: Man Candy -- Nick Jonas 
Page 54: Olivia Culpo 
Page 56: Ashley Graham 
Page 62: Leven Rambin and Chris Noth of Gone 
Page 63: Kim Zolciak of Don’t Be Tardy 
Page 65: Horoscope -- Pisces Drew Barrymore 
Page 66: Man of the Week -- Patrick Schwarzenegger 
Page 68: Sound Bites -- Debra Messing on having to have straight hair, Pink on how she writes her best music, George Clooney says he won’t be godfather to Harry and Meghan’s baby, Irina Shayk on her everyday style, Melissa McCarthy on cheering at her daughters’ basketball games 
Page 69: End of an Era -- Cardi B quit Instagram for 2 days, Mel B and Heidi Klum are leaving America’s Got Talent and being replaced by Julianne Hough and Gabrielle Union, This Is Us will likely end after season 6, Carson Daly is leaving late night after more than 2,000 episodes, Prince Philip has made the decision to voluntarily surrender his driver’s license 
Page 72: By the Numbers -- Aubrey Plaza 
0 notes
Feb. 6, 2019: Obituaries
Lanies Hamby,  92
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Mr. Lanies Lowe Hamby, age 92 of Lenoir, passed away Sunday, February 3, 2019 at his home.
               Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m Wednesday, February  6,   at Green Mountain Baptist Church with Pastor Junior Hamby and Pastor Lane Hamby officiating. The body will be placed in the church at 1:00.  Burial will be in the church cemetery.  
               Mr. Hamby was born November 3rd, 1926 in Wilkes County to Andrew and Laura Greene Hamby. He was retired from Broyhill Furniture and was a member of Green Mountain Baptist Church in Lenoir.
               In addition to his parents, Mr. Hamby was preceded in death by a sister: Pearl Miles and eight brothers; Jack, Sherman, Russell, Caney, Barney, Stanley, Jake and Linney Hamby.
               He is survived by his wife of 70 years; Beulah Greene Hamby of the home, two daughters; Lois Pipes and husband Fred and Geneva Triplett of Lenoir, two sons; Dwight Hamby and wife Patsy and Steve Hamby both of Lenoir, six grandchildren; Rena Pipes, Tony Pipes, Terry Hawkins, Scott Hawkins, Junior Hamby and wife Sherry and Holly Hendrix and husband Danny all of Lenoir, eight great grandchildren and seven great- great grandchildren.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or Green Mountain Baptist Church 2077 Piney Grove Circle, Lenoir, NC 28645.
Joshua Bailey, 28
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Mr. Joshua Grant Bailey, age 28 of North Wilkesboro passed away Friday, February 1, 2019.
               Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 7,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Ralph Minton, Rev. Dr. Joe Pinkerton and Rev. Rick Tomlinson officiating.  Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home
               Mr. Bailey was born September 6, 1990 in Wilkes County to Aubrey Scott and Debra Kaye Church Bailey.  He worked for Lowe's Home Improvement and was a member of Truth Community Church.
               He was preceded in death by his Grandfather; James Church, Uncle; James Church, Jr. and Aunt Teresa VanDeventer
               He is survived by his parents; Scott and Debra Bailey of North Wilkesboro, daughter; Peyton Lane Bailey of Millers Creek and son; Jaxton Reece Bailey of North Wilkesboro, two brothers; Garth Bailey of Holden Beach and Garrett Bailey of North Wilkesboro and fiance'; Adrienne Severt.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to an educational fund benefiting Joshua's children; Peyton and Jaxton.  Contributions may be made to the Local Government Credit Union, PO Box 700, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 - Fund # 40289959.
Hazel  Durham, 87
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Mrs. Hazel Church Durham, age 87 of North Wilkesboro passed away Friday, February 1, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
               Funeral services were February 5,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Dean Adams officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
               Mrs. Durham was born September 24, 1931 in Wilkes County to William Edgar and Vada Mabe Church.  
               She was preceded in death by her parents.
               She is survived by her husband; Pete Durham of the home, two sons; Mike Durham and Tammy and Tony Durham all of North Wilkesboro.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care At-Home Hospice, 110  Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Geneva Reeves,  79
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Mrs. Geneva Kerley Reeves, age 79 of McGrady, passed away Thursday, January 31, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist -Wilkes Medical Center.
               Funeral services were February 4,   at Stony Fork Baptist Church in Deep Gap with Rev. Phillip Woodring, Rev. Vernon Eller and Rev. Richard Cox officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.
               Mrs. Reeves was born September 22, 1939 in Alexander County to William Tate Kerley and Mary Jane Estep Kerley. She was a hairdresser. Mrs. Reeves was a member of Stony Fork Baptist Church. Geneva was a lady of faith, who loved her family and had a passion for cooking and gardening.
               In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter; Regina Rose Spears, two sisters and five brothers.
               She was survived by her husband, Thomas Leon Reeves of the home who passed away Sunday, February 3, 2019, four daughters; Freda Cox and husband Richard of McGrady, Sandra Miller and husband Casey of Deep Gap, Lesia Sanwald and husband Mark of Taylorsville and Smiley Greene and husband Mike of Deep Gap, a son; William Carl Spears and wife Angela of Conover, two step-sons; Fred Reeves of Zepher Hills FL and Brent Reeves and wife Michelle of Floral City, FL, eighteen grandchildren, twenty eight great grandchildren, a sister; Linda Kerley Lyttle and husband Charlie of Clayton and two brothers; Troy Kerley and wife Sherrill of Lenoir and Dewey Ray Kerley and friend Pam of Hickory,
               Flowers will be accepted.
 Glinda  Foster, 59
Mrs. Glinda Lynn Foster, 59, of Wilkesboro, passed away on Thursday, January 31, 2019.
               Glinda was born on August 10, 1959 in Wilkes County to E. Lindberg Foster and EvaLee Griffin Foster.
               Glinda is preceded in death by her parents.
               Glinda is survived her sons, James Thomas Dancy and wife, Diamond of N. Wilkesboro, Demetric Ferguson of Wilkesboro; sister, Kathy Dancy and husband, Thomas of Millers Creek; brothers, Junior Foster and wife, Faye of Taylorsville, Larry Foster of Sparta, Randy Foster and wife, Kim of N.Wilkesboro; 13 grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.  
               The funeral service was on  February 3, at Big Ivy Baptist Church in Purlear.
               Rev. Wiley Boggs officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery.
               Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Foster Family.
   Robert  Reid, 55
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Mr. Robert Timothy "Tim" Reid, age 55 of Purlear passed away Thursday, January 31, 2019 at his home.
               A Celebration of Life service was February 2,  at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Reach Center with Pastor Dale Jennings officiating.  Burial with Military Honors by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be in the church cemetery.  
               Tim was born February 3, 1963 in Wilkes County to Levi Caldwell and Patsy Nichols Reid. He was a member of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.
               He was preceded in death by his father.
               He is survived by his wife; Sherrie Mathis Reid of the home, two daughters; Natalie Lambert of Holland, MI and Abigail Smithey and husband Adrian of Wilkesboro, his mother; Patsy Nichols Reid of Purlear, five grandchildren; Jaxon Lambert, Madeline Lambert, Elizabeth Lambert, Noah Lenderman and Scarlett Smithey and one brother; Randy Reid and wife Cathy of Purlear and special furry friend; Derby.
               In lieu of flowers, "Do a Random Act of Kindness for Someone".
  Arthur Caudill 88
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Mr. Arthur Gene Caudill age 88 of Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, January 31st, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem, NC.
               Graveside services with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 were February 5, at Zion Hill Baptist Church Cemetery in Boomer with Rev. Robert Duncan, Rev. Horace Minton and Rev.Tim DeBord officiating.
               Mr. Caudill was born January 20, 1931 in Wilkes County to William Arthur Caudill and Mable Louise Hedgepeth. He served in the United States Army in Korea. Mr. Caudill was the owner of Caudill Construction Company, Inc. and a lifelong member of Zion Hill Baptist Church.
               In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a son; Arthur Gene "Art" Caudill, Jr. and a son in law; Steven Cobb.
               He is survived by his wife; Willa Scott Caudill of the home, a daughter; Cindy Caudill Cobb of Mooresville, two grandchildren; Lee Marshall Cobb and wife Kelley of Mooresville and Rachel Caudill of Atlanta, GA and two great grandchildren; Lee Marshall Cobb, Jr. and Abigail Grace Cobb both of Mooresville.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Zion Hill Baptist Church Cemetery Fund PO Box 12 Boomer, NC 28606 or Mtn. Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
Linda  Leonard,  70
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Linda Gaye Leonard, age 70, of Millers Creek, passed away Monday, January 28, 2019 at her home. She was born August 1, 1948 in Wilkes County to James "Lonnie" and Flossie Myers Blackburn. Ms. Leonard was a member of Boiling Springs Baptist Church. She enjoyed music and was a huge Eddie Miles fan. She loved traveling to Gatlinburg, and spending time with her granddaughter and adored her son. Ms. Leonard was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her son, Justin Chad Leonard and wife Sierra of Wilkesboro; and granddaughter, Honor Evangeline Leonard of Wilkesboro.
               Funeral service was January 30,   at Boiling Springs Baptist Church with Pastor Joey Moore officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Donations may be made to the family to help with expenses. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Shirley Holloway, 75
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Mrs. Shirley Shepherd Holloway, age 75 passed away Monday, January 28, 2019 at her home.
               Funeral services were February 1, 2019 at Christian Home Baptist Church with Pastor Chad Hendren and Bro. Larry Adams officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.  
               Mrs. Holloway was born March 26, 1943 in Wilkes County Bill and Lessie Wingler Shepherd.  She was a member of Christian Home Baptist Church.
               In addition to her parents she was preceded in death a son; Harrold Holloway.
               She is survived by her husband James Walter Holloway of the home, three sons; Richie Holloway of the home, Gary Holloway and wife Beth of North Wilkesboro and Jerry Holloway and wife Kimberly of Traphill, five grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.
               Flowers will be accepted.
Gerald Hendley, 83
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Mr. G. Gerald Hendley, age 83 of Moravian Falls, passed away peacefully on Monday, January 28, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center.
               Mr. Hendley was born February 4, 1935 in Durham County to Grover Pines Hendley and
Virginia Whitfield Hendley. He was educated in the Durham public schools, and thenwent on to serve in the United States Airforce. In 1955, He was married to the late Judy Frances Fischer. In 1972, He and his family moved to Wilkes County where he resided until his passing.  After retirement, Mr. Hendley went on to open Heritage Homes. Gerald was a charitable member of First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro. Besides being a philanthropist of the community, he was an avid specialty car enthusiast, and had a great fondness of animals of all kinds.
               In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Judy Frances Fischer
Hendley, a daughter; Susan Hendley and a brother; Bobby Hendley.
               Mr. Hendley is survived by two daughters; Sherry Hendley Griffith of Moravian Falls
and Geri Hendley of Tuscon AZ, a son; Mark Hendley and wife Tina of Moravian Falls,
four grandchildren; Cole Griffith and wife Hannah of Columbia, SC, Locke Griffith of Carrboro, Kayla Martin and husband Luke of Huntersville, and Keslie Smith of West
Virginia, four great grandchildren; Austin Griffith, Lily Griffith, Cason Martin and Noah Marin, two great- great grandchildren, a sister; Jean Knox and husband Robert of Elon
and a brother; Larry Hendley and wife Jan of Kannapolis; and many close friends.
               Funeral services were February 1st,  at Scenic MemorialGardens Mausoleum Chapel with Rev. Robert Knox officiating. Entombment was in
Scenic Memorial Gardens Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Window World Cares St. Jude Children's
Hospital 118 Shaver Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Wilkes Humane Society PO
Box 306 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Bentley  Blackburn, 51
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Mr. Bentley Matthew Blackburn, 51, of Roaring River, passed away on Sunday, January 27, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center.
               Bentley was born on November 11, 1967 in Wilkes County to Odell Scott Blackburn and Dova Evelyn Waddell Blackburn.
               Bentley is preceded in death by his parents.
               Bentley is survived by his wife, Ella Jean Thomas Blackburn; brothers, Irvin Blackburn of Roaring River, Nicky Blackburn and wife, Joyce of Wilkesboro; step son, Jamey Thomas of Roaring River; granddaughter, Baylie Thomas also of Roaring River and many nieces and nephews.
The funeral service will be held February 1, 2019 at 2 p.m. at White Plains Baptist Church in Roaring River.
Pastor William Souther and Ken Pardue will be officiating.
Visitation will be held at 1:00- 1:45 p.m. on February 1, 2019 prior to the service.
Burial will follow in the church cemetery.
In addition of flowers memorial donations may be given to Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes P.O. Box 396 Moravian Falls, NC 28654 for final experiences.
Condolences may be sent to:  www.adamsfunerals.com
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Blackburn Family.
 Precyous Hoyle Smith, 95
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Mrs. Precyous Hoyle Smith, age 95 of Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, January 27, 2019 at SECU Hospice Home in Yadkinville.
Memorial services will be held 2:00 PM Monday, February 4th, 2019 at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Chaplain Mark Brown officiating. The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 1:45 prior to the service at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mrs. Smith was born July 6, 1923 in Catawba County to William Oscar Hoyle and Carrie Lefevre Hoyle. After a 30 year career, she retired from Belk in Wilkesboro.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Phillip Henry Smith.
She is survived by a daughter; Doris Lee Moore and husband Jim of Charlotte, a son; Phillip G. Smith and wife Lisa of Durham, a grandchild; Phillip P. Smith of Durham, three step-grandchildren; Jim Moore and wife Heather, Jennifer Efird and husband Tim, and Michael Moore, five step great grandchildren; Natalie and Ben Moore, Madison Clay, Alexis and Abby Efird and one step great-great grandson; Felix Moore.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to SECU Hospice Home 243 N. Lee Ave, Yadkinville, NC 27055.
Online condolences may be made to www.reinssturdivant.com
  Mrs. Jean Perry Potts
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Jean Perry Potts, beloved wife, mother, sister and friend was surrounded by her family as she went to be with the Lord on Saturday, January 26, 2019.  
She is survived by her husband; Robert Grayson (RG) Potts, daughter; Shelby Johnson Wright of (Mechanicsville, VA), three sisters; Patsy Barrow (Gerald) (Sylvania, GA), Carolyn Perry (Richmond, VA), and Peggy Ikall (Joe) of (Chocowinity, NC).  
Jean was born in Beaufort County on April 16, 1939.  Over the years she worked for many companies as a bookkeeper, secretary, etc. but may be best remembered as the co-owner and operator of Big John's Sporting Goods. Wherever Jean worked or came in contact with people, she was open to being a caring listener and loving friend. Jean loved her Lord and her church family. She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church where she sang in the choir for as long as she physically could.  
The family will receive friends from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.  Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Thursday, January 31, 2019 at Calvary Baptist Church with Rev. Mark Hall and Rev. Jamie McGuire officiating.  Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the charity of the Donor's Choice.  
 Tessie Lee Martin Parks, 98
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Mrs. Tessie Lee Martin Parks, age 98 passed away Friday, January 25, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Thursday, January 31, 2019 at Mt. Valley Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Casey Walker, Rev. Fred Thomas, and Rev. William Brown officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mrs. Parks was born April 15, 1920 in Wilkes County to Jim and Clara Belle Parks Martin. She loved singing and cooking and was a good displinarian for the children.  She loved to attend church, was a good wife and mother. She was a member of Mt. Valley Missionary Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Walter Lee Parks, two granddaughters; Barbara Ann Sales and Nicole Mallard, eight sisters; Flouranna Walker, Alta Wilborn, Toylee Gentry, Lou Finna Hawkins, Lula Belle Hague, Laura McBride, Mary Dobbins, and Hardy Patterson and four brothers; John Willie Martin, Albert Martin, Ernest Martin and John Martin.
She is survived by; four daughters; Penelope P. Sales of Walkertown, Callie S. Parks of Jonesville and two adopted daughters; Stephanie P. Brown of Mt. Holly and Elaine P. Martin and husband Lawrence of Roaring River, five grandchildren; Janet P. Martin, Vernon Lee Sales and wife Velvet, Kim Sales, Elcheva P. Waters and husband Ian and Alisa Sheriff and husband Abraham, thirteen great grandchildren; Brooke Martin, Zach Martin, M.J. Mayberry, LeMya Smith and husband Shelby, Lee Sales, Temeka Penn, Justin Waters, Jason Sales, Megan Green, Sasha Howell, Damian Craig, Sasha White and Krystina Waters, ten great great grandchildren; Ava Howell, Gianna Craig, Clara Bell Mercer Waters, Cedrick Sutton, Jr., Ariyanna Craig, Jaleah Gambill, Alianna Craig, Breyson Byers, Haze Oliver and Kyla Fritz.
Flowers will be accepted.
 Robert Lee Smithey, 46
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Mr. Robert Lee Smithey, age 46 of Boomer, passed away Friday, January 25, 2019 at his home.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, January 30th, 2018 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel. The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Smithey was born December 25, 1972 in Wilkes County to Jeffery Keith Scroggs and Edna Smithey. He was self-employed in construction.
He was preceded in death by his mother.
Mr. Smithey is survived by his father; Jeffery Scroggs of the home, two sons; Seth Smithey of Millers Creek and Stuart Smithey of Elkin and three brothers; Randy Smithey and wife Ashley of Rutherfordton, Bobby Smithey and wife Tamarius of Wilkesboro and Michael Smithey of Wilkesboro.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Wilkes PO Box 306 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
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galwithalibrarycard · 7 years
On my beloved Bones
This is the heart of the matter.
When I was fifteen years old I caught a portion of a creepy looking tv show I wasn’t supposed to be watching. A disembodied foot fell from an elevator shaft, and these beautiful people were investigating it, and I was fascinated until my mom made me turn it off. Then, weeks later, I stumbled across another episode, the season four finale of Bones. And the rest is history. I got the DVDs of the first four seasons from the library as soon as I could, and quickly even my parents and sister started watching with me. Bones has been my favorite show for eight years, from age 15 to 22, and I don’t know who I would be without it. When Angela Montenegro got a girlfriend in season four, I learned with a flicker of familiarity and strangeness that you could like more than one gender. All these years later, I’m an out and proud bisexual woman who owes Angela’s character so much. When I was a lonely teenager with low self esteem and severe social anxiety, the smart, bookish, quiet kid who didn’t seem to fit anywhere, I saw myself in Dr. Temperance Brennan. I saw her, this deeply lonely and socially awkward woman who believed she would be on her own forever. And I watched her open her heart, slowly but surely, and realize that she had a group of friends who loved her all along. She made her own family, found her own love, and never sacrificed her proud, intelligent, slightly awkward, survivor of a self. She is loved for exactly who she is, and I needed to know that was possible. I needed her so much. I love Temperance Brennan with all my heart. I love the squinterns. And I love Caroline Julian and Lance Sweets and Zack Addy and Arastoo Vaziri and James Aubrey. I love Cam Saroyan, beautiful wise Cam. I love nerdy, angry, bristly, joyful bug guy Hodgins. I love Angela and her open heart and artist’s soul. I love the deeply layered, deeply human, deeply good man that is Seeley Booth. And I will never stop loving Dr. Temperance Brennan, who taught me hope. I haven’t always been super active in the fandom, but I have loved sharing this show with all of you, and I thank you so much. There really is more than one kind of family, and that beautiful, beautiful finale- I couldn’t ask for a more perfect send-off for the show that’s been my fictional TV family for so long. I cried my eyes out, because it was so very good. Because that was the end of Booth and Brennan, the most beautiful TV love story I’ve seen. Because everything happens eventually, and I got to see this story happen, and I get to keep it with me always. And I’m so grateful.
447. Forever.
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Prince Louis christening LIVE: Kate carries sleeping Louis joined by Charlotte and George
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/prince-louis-christening-live-kate-carries-sleeping-louis-joined-by-charlotte-and-george/
Prince Louis christening LIVE: Kate carries sleeping Louis joined by Charlotte and George
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Prince Louis was christened according to the law of the Church of England at the Chapel Royal this afternoon.
Kate arrived with the baby prince who wore  a handmade replica of the Royal Christening Robe, made by the Queen’s dressmaker, Angela Kelly. 
The original robe was made in 1841 for the christening of Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter, however a replica was made after the current Queen deemed the original was too fragile.
Prince Louis’ older sister Princess Charlotte wore the same dress for her christening in 2015, as did Louis’ brother Prince George in 2013.
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Prince Louis at his christening
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Kate Middleton arrives at the chapel with yung Prince Louis in arms and wrapped in a gorgeous clo
Prince Louis was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, who also led the baptism service of Meghan Markle in March.
Mr Welby on Twitter said: “I’m delighted and privileged to be christening Prince Louis today – a precious child made in God’s image, just as we all are. “Please join me in praying for him and his family on this special day.” 
“I’m delighted and privileged to be christening Prince Louis today – a precious child made in God’s image, just as we all are. “Please join me in praying for him and his family on this special day.”
The Archbishop led the christening of Prince George in 2013, and the service was attended by senior royals, four members of the Middleton family, the seven godparents and their spouses among the 22 guests. 
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Prince Louis christening: Princess Charlotte with William
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The Duchess of Cambridge beams as she cradles Prince Louis
He also led the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s fairytale wedding on May 19 at Windsor Castle.
Kate and Prince William asked six close friends and family to be godparents to the fifth-in –line to the throne, Kensington Palace confirmed earlier today.
They include Nicholas van Cutsem, Guy Pelly, Harry Aubrey-Fletcher, Lady Laura Meade, Robert Carter and Lucy Middleton. 
The godparents were pictured entering the chapel with the Middleton family before Kate and her family arrived with Prince Louis.
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Kate looks loveingly down at Prince Louis
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Pippa Middleton leaves to go to Prince Louis’s christening
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle also attended the ceremony alongside  Kate’s parents Michael and Carole Middleton, sister Pippa Matthews and her husband James Matthews and Kate’s brother James Middleton. 
Prince Louis’ grandparents Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall,  were also in attendance.
But Buckingham Palace confirmed that the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh will miss the christening.
It is thought her abcense is due to a busy schedule for the week ahead, with high-profile celebrations in central London marking the centenary of the RAF on Tuesday, and the controversial visit by US President Donald Trump in Windsor on Friday. 
Meanwhile, The Duke of Edinburgh, 97, retired from public duties and has been enjoying his free time away from London, seen enjoying a carriage ride around the grounds of Windsor Castle last month.  
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Meghan and Harry leave the Chapel Royal after witnessing the baptism of Prince Louis
Meanwhile, the Duke of Cambirdge was pictured leaving Kensington Palace at around 3pm, as he made his way to the Chapel Royal for the christening of his youngest son Prince Louis. 
At around 3.50pm, Prince Louis’s godparents and relatives have begun arriving at the Chapel Royal for the christening service.
Grandparents Carole and Michael Middleton and Kate’s brother James Middleton were among the first at the chapel.
Pippa Middleton could be seen sporting her new baby bump, after she confirmed that she was expecting a child in April of this year.
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Prince Louis christening: Prince Louis’s christening will take place at the Chapel Royal
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Carole Middleton and Michael Middleton at Prince Louis’s christening
Duchess of Cornwall iwore Fiona Clare and a Locke hat, while the Duchess of Cambridge sported a dress by McQueen and a hat by Jane Taylor.
The Duchess of Sussex wore Ralph Lauren and a hat by Stephen Jones.
The six chosen godparents arrived with the Middleton family just before 4pm.
Shortly before the service begun, Kensington Palace revealed the order of service at Louis’ special day.
Prince Louis christening in pictures
Tue, July 10, 2018
Prince Louis of Cambridge’s christening at St James’ Palace.
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Prince Louis on the day of his christening
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen two hymns, two lessons and two anthems for the christening of their son, Prince Louis.
The Hymns are O Jesus, I Have Promised and Lord of All Hopefulness.
The lessons are from St. Mark 10: 13-16, read by Miss Lucy Middleton and Ephesians 3: 14-19, read by Mr Guy Pelly.
The anthems are This is the day which the Lord hath made (John Rutter) and Suo Gân, a traditional Welsh Lullaby (Gareth Wilson).
This is the day which the Lord hath made was composed for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Wedding on 29th April, 2011. The anthems will be performed by The Choir of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal.
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The family look happy as they leave the chapel with the newly christened prince after the service
Kate arrived holding a sleeping Prince Louis in her arms, while William looked after Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
George, four, and three-year-old Charlotte looked happy and content.
Following the service, which is expected to take about 45 minutes, guests will head over to Clarence House for a private tea.
Guests will tuck in to a tier of the Duke and Duchess’ eight tier wedding cake, made form 17 fruit cakes, as part of the post-ceremony tea party.
At around 4.45pm, the Cambridge family were seen leaving the chapel royal as they made their way to Clarence House for the post-service reception.
Kate loving gazed at newsly christened Louis, while her husband the Ducke of Cambridge held the hands of both Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
Charles and Camilla were seen exiting the chapel shortly after Louis’ parents, with Charles’ wife suggesting that the chapel was hot, as she fanned herself down with her copy of the Order of Service.
Louis’ six godparents and Kate Middleton’s family exited shortly after the Cambridge family left the palace.
They included the duke’s close friend Guy Pelly who became famous for his wild ways.
Kate and William’s friends also followed them from Chapel Royal.
They will also head to Clarence House for tea and cake and photographs.
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