#her guilty conscience
writingprincessblog · 28 days
Hey guys! So, this is the next part of the story "Her Guilty Conscience". I would suggest to read the previous parts before reading this. Also, pls share your opinion about this story. Hope that you all enjoy the story and pls pardon my errors. Happy Reading!
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Her Guilty Conscience - Pt 3
The whole hall was filled with grunts and huffs and shouts of instructions. Audrey, drenched in sweat delivered a feeble punch towards her opponent which she easily avoided and instead landed a tough hit to her stomach. Holding her stomach from pain, Audrey motioned a time off as she got off the ring and walked towards her bag while removing her boxing gloves. Joy, her opponent and also her friend followed her.
"What's up with you? You seem distracted."
Audrey sat on the bench and while replied, wiping her sweats , "Nothing. Just thinking about some way to earn money."
Joy plopped herself beside the slouching girl and reached for her own bag.
"What did you think about the idea I gave you? Did you tell Lucas?"
"Rejected it even before I could complete." Audrey, scoffs, " Says that its illegal and won't hear a word against it. He even started giving me a cold shoulder since to stress his point. Well, he is not wrong and moreover I am not even that skilled to take this risk."
Joy laughed, "He has matured over these months, huh? Looking after his elder sister. Well, how about you visit that restaurant? That one whose advertisement we saw. "
"Yes, thats the only option left for me now. Lucas managed to get a part time job as an assistant in a book shop. Its my turn now. I will visit that restaurant tomorrow. I just hope this works.” Packing her bag, she again looked towards Joy with a hesitating eyes and said, "Joy, I have been thinking about something for quite a long time and now I am going to take a big decision......."
Lucas barged into the room. Audrey, who was helping Mrs. Thomson in the kitchen flinched and turned towards the fuming boy with a sigh.
"What happened, dear?" inquired the old lady, who was surprised by the outburst of the usually calm boy.
"Its nothing big, aunt-" Audrey began.
"NOTHING BIG?!” Lucas interrupted, glaring at his sister. " Aunt, you won't even believe what she did. Its outrageous. Its not acceptable."
"What is it?" the confused lady asked again, worried from the flickering tension between the siblings.
"She. Dropped. Out. From. Her. College." Lucas said, fuming in anger.
"So what, if I have?" retorted Audrey, ignoring the gasp from Mrs. Thomson. "Look I am older than you. I can well decide what to do and what not to. You better not meddle into my affairs."
Lucas scoffs, "So, after this 'thoughtful' decision, what are you planning to do?" He angrily continued, "Oh, yeah! Join that illegal fight club and then what? Dive into a mafia business? Is this your brilliant plan to earn money, tainting our family’s honour—"
“Don't. You. Dare. Complete. That. Sentence. Lucas Johnson" Audrey roared furiously. Lucas flinched by the sudden shout but held his ground. "I am not that stubborn and narrow minded to ignore your concern and warnings. For your kind information, I have already found a vacancy of a waitress in a restaurant in the other part of the town.I will be going there tomorrow .”
"But dear, isn't the decision of deserting your education too drastic?" Mrs. Thomson asked gently.
"No," Audrey replied with growing impatience. "I’ve thought long and hard about this decision." She looked at Lucas. "Look at you, getting so worked up because I left college, while you—didn’t even tell me you had a study tour and now can’t afford to go, even though you were excited about it months ago. And what about that science program your teacher specifically chose you for?"”
Lucas's anger softened as he slowly understood, "Its different. Those are not that-"
"Important? Oh, save it. I’m your sister and know you better than you think," Audrey said bitterly. "This tour to the research lab would have helped you learn and meet that scientist you’ve always admired. You worry about my education, but do you think I could focus on my studies knowing that the money could help my little brother achieve his dream?”
"Oh, dear, but I heard Michel and Lily taking about you having a dream of being a surgeon." Mrs Thomson intervened.
"Yes, I did say that but.........that was only to get their attention and praise, which were only reserved for their 'perfect' son, not for their daughter who changes her interest every other day. At least, pretending to have a clear aim for a successful profession enabled me to spend time with them, even though I wasn’t interested in those talks about the future. Now, there’s no point in pretending anymore, now that they—now that they—“
Not being able to continue any further, she threw the kitchen towel on the counter and rushed out of the room. Mrs. Thomson and Lucas remained at their places, a brooding silence lingering between them.
Lucas’s anger transformed into sympathy and concern for his sister after their heated exchange. He remembered when his athletic sister suddenly decided to pursue a career as a surgeon. Their parents had been relieved as they gave up hope for her to excel like him. Her smile during discussions about future plans had hidden many emotions he was unaware of. She had endured a lot. Being overshadowed by her brother’s perfectionism and neglected by their parents had driven her to take a drastic decision, forcing herself to love something she had always hated. He had been surprised by her choice but had eventually dismissed it. Now, he felt guilty for not understanding his sister’s struggles. How much had she suffered? How many emotions had she bottled up? He was relieved she made the choice to free herself. Educational pressure is hard enough if you can cope, but it’s even worse if you don’t love what you’re doing. He understands…
He looked at the bed where Audrey lay, or at least pretended to. Her muffled sobs into her pillow were heart-wrenching. His heart ached with each sob. All he wanted was her happiness. Maybe letting her free from this burden was for the best. Their conversation replayed in his mind. She had never used the elder card before. She always treated him as a friend and respected his decisions. This was the first time she asserted her seniority. He glanced out the open window, his eyes growing heavy as sleep eluded him.
"Can we talk?"
Lucas tentatively asked his sister as she served his breakfast. She glanced at him with red puffy eyes and gave a slight nod as she sat across the table.
"Ummm...........sorry for my outburst yesterday. I should have kept in mind that you are elder than me and also know and understand things better than I do. I should n’t have doubted you" He finished and nervously looked at the girl. 
With a deep sigh, she replied,"I am sorry too. I should have informed you earlier before taking this decision."
"No, its ok. I mean, I- " He hesitated. "I thought we shared everything, every secrets, every thoughts?"
"We did. Its just......... Somewhere we just couldn't connect well. I found my comfort in other sports and activities while you were too preoccupied with your studies, exams, exhibitions, olympiads, etc. You did great in all of them, getting prizes here and there. Mom and dad were so proud, so was I. You got the praises and proud looks. And of course who would even glance at the useless girl with no clear future plans, who switches interests day to day?”
"But as time progressed……. I don't know. I kind of craved for their attention suddenly. Remember my first football match? I wanted their presence there but you had to go to that coaching institute. They went with you instead. I don't blame you, its just I.........." She broke off.
Mrs Thomson stumbled into the little kitchen, while coughing. She looked over the table where they two were conversing and reading the serious atmosphere there, she excused herself and walked away.
After sometime, Lucas said, "But - but you hated the idea of being a doctor. You hated the hospital and the stench itself. Why did-"
"Oh! Isn't it obvious? Dad always wanted a surgeon in the family. But you instead opted for research. So, I thought to try it out. At least, he would then fuss about me and try to have those lengthy conversations with me like he had with you."She said, acidly.
Pausing for a moment, she chuckled and said, "You have to admit I succeeded quite a bit. I did get my sweet time with them. But now........I think its better to drop the idea. The ones for whom I initially started are no longer here. So, whats the use? Dropping out from there will save some money. Oh! that reminds me, how much do you need for that tour of yours?" 
Lucas who was staring at his plate, listening to her open up, looked up, "No. I won't be going."
She smiled, "I know how important that trip is and besides, me dropping out of that college will save a lot of money. I can easily afford to send you. Get the necessary information and tell me tonight." 
With that , she stood up and started to walk away when she felt herself being held from behind as soft sobs filled the room.
"Oh my crybaby ! What happened?"
"I am sorry, sis." Lucas chocked between his tears, "I had been so focused on being so perfect that I didn’t even notice you dealing with such problems. I am sorry for doubting you and shouting at you. I promise to be more supportive and understanding."
Audrey turned to face her teary-eyed brother. She gently ruffled his hair and smiled. "It’s not your fault at all. I guess I took the wrong approach to get attention, being too desperate. But I’m really proud to have such a caring and understanding brother."
Lucas managed a shaky smile. "And handsome too," Audrey added with a laugh. "Now, stop crying. You look like a mandrill."
"Audrey!" He whined as he wiped his tears. "Can you stop teasing me for once." After a pause, he spoked again with hopeful eyes , "So, are we okay, now? Lets just promise to share everything with each other instead of keeping mum. Pinky Promise ?” He brought out his little finger.
She laughed and intertwined her own finger with his and said, “Yes, for sure! Now come on, quickly eat your breakfast. You are getting late. Even I have to rush to that restaurant for that job."
With great urgency, Lucas inhaled his breakfast. As picked up his bag, he went over to his sister and gave her a tight hug. 
"All the best! Don't be nervous. You will definitely get that job." He exclaimed, as he ran off down the street.
"Glad that you siblings had patched up" 
Audrey flinched and looked back to see Mrs Thomson standing at the staircase with a tender smile, dancing on her lips. She didn't even notice her coming down.
"Well, we all make mistakes, knowingly and unknowingly. Its just that you should been brave enough to claim it. I am really proud of him. He really grew up."
"That he did. And you too, Audrey. It was really brave and mature of you to take those risky decision. Also, I am really pleased that you both have taken these responsibilities, although you shouldn't-"
"Oh, aunt!" She interrupted "Why shouldn't we take those responsibilities of sustaining this household? You have already done so much for us. Its our turn now. By the way, you should be going to the doctor today. Your coughs are getting worse."
"Yes, yes, I should and I will." She continues, with a playful stern tone "But now, young lady, shouldn't you be running to that restaurant instead of lecturing me?"
"Oh, shoot! I have almost forgotten!"
She dashed into the house, changed her clothes and ran out as the old lady laughed at her antics.
At the dingy eatery in the heart of town, Audrey sat nervously in a small cumbersome office which reeked of cigarettes. A middle-aged woman sat in front of her, scribbling notes, while chewing a gum noisily. The small restaurant, though recently opened, was doing fairly well, attracting a steady flow of customers despite its modest size. The real concern was the area. Audrey had heard numerous disturbing rumours about crimes and other unsavoury activities in the nearby streets. As she looked out at the shabby, dark lanes, those unsettling stories came flooding back. Despite her apprehension, she needed this job desperately. It was only for a month or two, and after that, she planned to leave and start a business of her own with Joy. She was lost in thoughts about her future plans when a sharp voice broke her train of thought.
"So, you a dropout?" the woman asked abruptly, putting away her notes.
"Yes," Audrey replied.
"Then you’ll be working full shifts here?"
"Yes, I’ll do my best."
"Who’s your boss?"
"Sorry?" Audrey asked, confused by the question.
"Aren’t you in a mob?" the woman asked impatiently.
"Umm... no?" Audrey quickly added, "What are you talking about?"
The woman’s expression shifted to one of surprise. She scrutinised Audrey for a moment before asking sharply, "You’re not from around here, are you?"
Audrey hesitated before answering, "No... I live in the outskirts.”
The woman shook her head disapprovingly. Audrey could feel the cold sweat forming on her forehead. Had she said something wrong? Was she going to lose the job opportunity?
After a moment of silence, the woman handed Audrey a register and said, "Fill these details out and start from tomorrow. We’ll see if you can handle it."
Audrey signed the papers, feeling uneasy under the woman’s scrutinising gaze. The woman’s smile as she left the room was anything but reassuring.
Once the door closed behind her, the woman darkly chuckled to herself. Lighting a cigarette, she leaned back in her chair and exhaled a ring of smoke.
"Poor girl. She doesn’t even know what she’s getting into. This place is a breeding ground for trouble, full of rough characters unlike the respectable folk she’s used to. I wonder........"
To Be Continued.........
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rigginsstreet · 4 months
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girls when it doesnt matter what the morgan siblings do or choose, theyre whats wrong, theyre broken
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moeblob · 4 months
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And then she threatens to kill him if he doesn't man up and say that while looking her in the eye (and then he apologizes while looking at her in the eye because he cannot be directly rude).
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queenphanessa · 7 months
Real talk? I hope Arlecchino learns of the plot that Focalors' had made and Furina's role with all she endured over the past 500 years and offer to do something for Furina, anything that she wants.
And that something should be payment. Permanent. Financial. Security. With all that Harbinger money, Furina could get a nicer apartment and have all the macaroni she wants! She could even get a fancy tea set for her Hydro familiars!
And even though Furina canonically gets a job as a performer, she should still be running the Knave's pockets.
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tortoisesshells · 2 months
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Dark Shadows episode 85, aired October 21 1966
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au where the day of unity isn't until decades later and luz never comes to the boiling isles. willow somehow still gets transferred to the plant track and gets really good at her craft. amity never learns that bullying is bad, actually and they never reconciled in school.
and years later, blight industries is the most affluent company on the isles. odalia continues to be allergic to letting amity, who is her only child at this point to not run away from home the moment they turned 18 and cut all contact, associate with witches of "lower social standing."
so eventually when odalia tells amity that she's going to find her a nice respectable spouse amity just rolls her eyes and goes with it. maybe its some other heir to a big company. maybe it's a captain from the emperor's coven. maybe it's even the golden guard, if hunter managed to survive that long.
and then eventually she finds out that her mother has been trying to get her a date with PLANT COVEN HEAD WILLOW PARK
you've seen the countless amity x hunter miserable arranged marriage aus get ready for the amillow friends to enemies to arranged marriage to friends again to lovers 50k slowburn
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in-tua-deep · 11 months
I think I may just have to accept that my mum had absolutely buckwild manic pixie dream girl game back in the day
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crazykuroneko · 3 months
Unfortunately, I don't think it takes a lot for Armand and TdV to make Lestat agree to follow the script. The last time he was in Paris, he got his BF killed himself with the help of Armand (he points out this time). They only need to tell him This is serious we're about to kill them ALL when he's in the dungeon. Armand only needs to show he sides with TdV and hides the fact he wants Louis to survive as well. The Sophie Choice-ing then goes just as he expected
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missmitchieg · 11 months
It's 3 AM and I'm thinking about 3x09 when Derek found out she volunteers counseling families of murder victims and 6x08 when Penelope was in the play about the woman attacked by a serial killer and 15x07 when Penelope told Emily every single little detail of her night watching the Criminal Minds Superhero AU show the show they like and wowee wow, when Pen goes into a world, she goes IN.
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deprivedanddrained · 9 months
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sweetfreedom2107 · 5 months
I'm sorry I broke your heart. Can you leave my dreams now?
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writingprincessblog · 2 months
Hey guys! So, this is the next part of the story "Her Guilty Conscience". I would suggest to read the previous parts before reading this. Also, pls share your opinion about this story. Hope that you all enjoy the story and pls pardon my errors. Happy Reading!
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Her Guilty Conscience - Pt 2
Flashbacks :
The house buzzed with laughter and chatter. The table was alive with jokes and laughter, the clinking of cutlery punctuating the siblings’ playful arguments.
“And you know, Dad, she didn’t even notice that the teacher was standing just behind her, watching her doodle his caricature! Oh! You should have seen her face. HAHAHA!” The young girl laughed as she recounted a funny incident that she had encountered at college.
Her father chortled as he finally rose from the table, finishing his meal. He walked over to the couch to grab his bag as his wife hastened to bring his coat.
“Try to come home early, honey,” she said to her husband as she fixed his shirt. “Don’t forget Margaret is coming over this evening.”
“Yeah, yeah. I will… try. Anyway, it’s not like she is coming because she missed us,” the man replied sourly. “She will be here just to remind us about the 'rights' she and her family have on this house.”
“Oh, honey, she is your cousin—”
“Well, I have enemies better than her. Let’s just drop this topic. And yes, before she arrives, tell Lucas and Audrey to clean their rooms.”
He picked up his watch, smiled at his wife, and cast a final glance at the children, who were currently squabbling over the last piece of pie.
“Little tykes,” he muttered as he stepped out the door to start yet another hectic day at the office.
“Bye, Joy. See you tomorrow.”
The young girl walked down the lane after parting ways with her friend. She skipped her way to the bus stop where her brother was already engrossed in a book. She ran up to him and playfully smacked his head. Startled, he looked up with a frown.
“Audrey, just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can abuse me whenever you feel like it!” he cutely complained.
She gasped. “Abuse? Man, it’s just my style of greeting. Come on! Stop grumbling like an ancient grandpa.”
Just as Lucas opened his mouth to retort, the bus rumbled to a stop. Audrey’s laughter bubbled up as she grabbed his hand and tugged him onto the bus, her energy infectious despite his scowl.
“How was your day?”
“Great, but the teacher set yet another test for next week.”
“Oh? So that’s the reason behind your salty mood? Well, doughnut worry! I have full faith in my little brother. You will definitely pass with the highest marks.”
“Enough with the flattering. By the way, how were your tryouts?”
“Great! I got in! I managed to save most of the punches and landed a few hard hits on my opponent. The poor girl had to be rushed to the medical room. Anyway, the coach was very pleased with my performance.”
“Good to hear that. But you should do something about that black eye and swollen lips before Mom sees your clown face and faints from your 'exquisite beauty.'”
“Why, you punk. Come here. Let me break some of your teeth and add a natural blush to those cheeks—”
Their playful banter continued throughout the ride as they shared gossip and secrets. They had a precious bond where neither could survive without the other. They were friends who fought, taunted, comforted, and laughed together. They had each other’s backs and were possessive of one another.
Audrey was 19, and Lucas was 16. Lucas was a bookworm, while Audrey was more of a sports enthusiast. Recently, she had taken an interest in boxing and joined the club. Despite juggling her changing interests, she managed to maintain good grades to avoid complaints from her teachers and parents. On the other hand, Lucas was the top student in his class with sky high marks on every test and exam. Though he appeared meek, his tall stature and cold stare were enough to intimidate anyone.
After a 15-minute ride, they finally reached home. But as they neared their house, they were surprised to find a gathering nearby. Curious, the two teenagers approached the crowd to find their neighbours gathered around Mrs. Thomson, a kind old lady from the other part of town who was a good friend of their parents and whom they warmly called "Aunt." She was crying hysterically, and when her eyes fell upon them, she threw herself on Audrey and sobbed uncontrollably. Audrey was taken aback; she tried to soothe the crying lady as she noticed the other people gathered giving them pitiful stares. What on earth was going on?
It was Lucas who voiced the question. “What’s the matter, Aunt? Why are you crying? And what’s going on?”
“Well, she brought some news. Very bad news,” one of the neighbors spoke up. “I can’t even believe it.”
“What? Wait, Aunt, come on. Let’s go inside. Mom will comfort you.” Audrey tried to guide her inside. “Dad will be on his way back in a few hours, too.”
“N-no!” Mrs. Thomson choked between her tears as she stood straight and stared at her and Lucas with her tear-stricken face. “They can’t help anymore because—
they are dead. They met with an accident two hours ago.”
The rain fell outside the window in a comforting silence, but it sharply contrasted with the storm raging in their minds. They soon learned that their father had unexpectedly come home during lunch when he should have been at the office. The neighbours recalled that he seemed to be in a state of panic as he rushed inside and soon came out with his wife and some of their belongings before hastily driving away—God knows where. Later on, it was discovered that they had met with a tragic accident where they both died on the spot.
Relatives arrived soon after the funeral, but their intentions were less than kind. They claimed the land and the house, coldly evicting the children. The siblings, overwhelmed by grief, were unaware of the property issues and too distraught to fight for their rightful share.
No house, no parents, no support, no hope. The kids sat on a bench in a park, huddled together to keep warm in the chilly wind. Out of compassion, Mrs. Thomson took them in. Though old, she did her best to provide for them.
Audrey was shocked by the whole ordeal. She cried day and night for months. Her constant smile was long gone, replaced by the shadow of helplessness and sorrow. She was nowhere near the young, cheerful girl she had been years ago. On the other hand, Lucas was no better. While Audrey slipped into the darkness of depression, he remained in a state of denial. He would wait for hours in the drawing room or at the door for their parents to arrive with apologetic smiles on their faces, making different excuses for their sudden absence. But deep down, he knew that they were long gone to a place from which they couldn’t return.
It was only due to the love and care provided by Mrs. Thomson that the two children were able to move forward. Slowly, as time progressed, both of them accepted the inevitable and moved on with their lives.
Mrs. Thomson soon faced difficulties in taking care of the new family. The parents had saved quite a sum, but it was nowhere near enough to suffice their day-to-day needs—the household necessities, Lucas’s school fees, Audrey’s college fees, etc. As the money dwindled, the household’s struggles became evident. The old lady tried to keep the fact hidden from the poor kids by using the meager pension she received every month to cover expenses. However, the difficulties were already noticed by the siblings. They decided to help the kind lady who had become their guardian during their worst.
“We should find some ways to help her out. She is already old, and her health is failing. How about we get some part-time jobs to scrape together some extra cash?” Lucas suggested as he paced up and down the small room that they shared in the little cottage.
Audrey, who seemed to be deep in thought, stirred and, glancing at her brother, cautiously spoke, “Well, I had been thinking about a solution. I do have one. But.........I don’t think you would like it.”
“Oh, yeah? Try me.”
“Well, Joy mentioned a new club on the next street. She said that, along with the bar, there is also some kind of arena for fights. Many people come to bet their money and—”
“Wait, wait, don’t continue. I see where this is going. Look, Audrey, I know that you are physically fit and all, and also you are in that boxing club but this doesn’t mean that—”
He glanced at her, bewildered.
“That you would fight there…”
To Be Continued.........
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happy10thousandyears · 7 months
I love freaky non romantic dynamics it’s crazy !!!!! When one party is a freak and the other party is normal but tolerants the first guys freakishness
#THE B&B YAYYYYY#dubcon but it’s dubcon hugging. dubcon existing within intimate distance . like there is that thing of being inherently different bc one is#a monster (she didn’t want to exist that way) and one is a hero(who want to be able to become a mother through magic. tgirl swag)#seeking a transformation#bs is trans in all of my headcanons tbh but in canon 🪞got her surgery as fuck#🪞 became a demon lord through the last demon lord 🚬#basically how it works is when the hero slays the demon lord the hero’s consciousness gets transferred into a random person near by (a#sacrifice) along with the demon powers and curses#so when 🔥 eventually killed 🚬#🔥’s consciousness gets fuzed into the body of an unfortunate nearby 🪞(who was .normal) along with 🚬’s demon powers#and 🔥/🪞 becomes the new demon lord and 🚬gets to finally rest in peace#perks of ​a demon lord include being able to transform your body at will to appear alluring to others and getting to be immortal/unkillable#which is . not great. if you have a guilty conscience or you got tired of feeding off other people’s life energy forcibly#with that being the only thing that can sustain you as the course of your life reshaped itself around this goal alone#and of course heros vs demon lords are a ploy of the kings/lords to distract the people from internal affairs#by having the demon lords become the symbol of all civil discontent and fear#basically genetically engineered scapegoats#🚬and 🔥 are the last generation of demon lord and hero#while 🪞and bs are this generation’s#and they are gonna break the cycle !!#wow everyone are trans/nonbinary in this except 🚬. hm!#🪞kinda agender#I have like a fuckton of thoughts on this au I’m gonna properly write posts one day#😈au#also bs is bi she have a husband but is infertile in this au#I like themes of motherhood and fertility and weird relationships with the ‘female’ gender what it means to be a girl/woman/mother etc
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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The sentence “Mark Johnson and T’Pel are here again, sir” becomes every Starfleet admiral’s worst nightmare.
#he and kathryn aren't officially married but Mark calls her his wife playfully anyway#I am firmly on team 'Mark Johnson is a good person and he and Janeway love each other very much' bc it makes the tragedy 10fold#I think after they receive word about Voyager not being destroyed or otherwise lost forever Mark suffers from an extremely guilty conscience#if he'd just been able to believe a little more...hold out a little longer...#Mark: You know near the end I thought you were a little crazy. Still holding out hope. I didn't know how you did it - I still don't.#When they tell you to 'stay strong' they don't tell you how much it hurts. (sad chuckle) but I guess I'm a bit of a coward. I gave her up#for dead. I should have known better. Of course she wouldn't go out that easy.#T'Pel tells him that just because he moved on doesn't mean he's a coward - in fact it takes a certain kind of bravery to do that as well.#Most of the people around her certainly urged her to do the same. She just...couldn't. As long as there was a chance - she couldn't.#She supposes that's also a form of cowardice.#Mark laughs. 'It all depends on how you look at it huh? mm...look at us. Two old fools~' (silence between them as they look up at the sky)#T'Pel and Greskrendtregk are among the very few who didn't give up their lovers for dead#and I don't think he's a grumpy person at all - if anything I'd characterize him as more energetic and a bit frustrated by how#serene Mark and T'Pel are hehe#also in my head Elieth and Varith believe that Tuvok could be alive while Asil and Sek think he's dead and are frustrated by the others#Elieth believes more fervently than Varith does (Varith is more in the middle saying neither possibility has been proven)#it causes a bit of family drama#also by 'started a family' Mark means getting married while T'Pel thinks he means had a baby#God...his name really is 'Mark Johnson' huh. Bathroom sign of a name. The most avergae man in the world. Love ya guy.#Mark - T'Pel - Greskrendtregk <- star trek name spectrum#doodle page#bea art tag#st voyager mark#st voyager mark johnson#t'pel#t'pel art#greskrendtregk
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berrymeter · 8 months
the will to throw my cup of hot chocolate at her was very strong. very strong. but i was brave. & i did not do that.
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i wish i was making this up for shits and giggles but i went to an anti bullying campaign with the kid who was like bullying/abusing me at the time mostly bc i didnt want to be in a relationship with them and we got uh like pins n those bracelets etc n every time i see them i remember the bad things n it's just funny ahah myb i shld get rid of them
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