#her first love not her son a seaworth/Targaryen heir will be on the throne after her
deputy-ajay-ghale · 2 years
Not me thinking about my “Dany is Stannis’s fake bastard and she comes into power within Westeros after Robert’s death.”
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The Dove and Her Hound - CH. Fourteen
Title: Bend the Knee
Words: 1,251
Warnings: None
A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah guys!! I’ve decided to post this a little early since I’ve been too busy with the holidays and with work to keep up with my once a week schedule. I did post ch.13 yesterday and I will post ch.15 tomorrow. After that, I’m going to go back to my every Thursday posting. I hope y’all like it! 
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Sandor Masterlist
Game of Thrones Masterlist
“Lady [y/n],” Tyrion said to you. “I trust you’ve been well?”
 “As well as I can be.”
 “And Lady Sansa?”
 “She is alive and well,” Jon said to him. You looked at Tyrion and you could see that he was relieved.
“Has she missed me terribly?”
 Jon looked at him and when he didn’t say anything back, Tyrion glanced at him.
 “A sham marriage and an unconsummated one,” Tyrion said.
 “I didn’t ask.”
 “Well, it was. Anyways, she’s much smarter than she lets on.”
 “She’s starting to let on.”
 “Good. At some point, I would love to hear how a Night’s Watch recruit became King in the North.”
 “As long as you tell me how a Lannister became Hand to Daenerys Targaryen,” Jon quipped back.
 “A long and bloody tale.”
 “Well that just means interesting, yes?” You interjected.
 “To be honest, I was drunk for most of it,” Tyrion said. You laughed.
 “Interesting indeed.”
 “My bannermen did not want me coming here,” Jon said.
 “If I was your Hand I would have advised against it. It’s a rule of thumb that Stark men don’t do well when they travel South.”
 “True. But I’m not a Stark.” You went to smack your brother on the arm when you heard a roar. Jon grabbed you and pushed you down, covering your body with his. You felt the wind pushing you against the stone steps and when you looked up, a giant dragon was flying through the air.
 “I’d say you get used to them, but you never really do,” Tyrion said as he helped you from the ground.
 “Seven Hells, that’s an actual Dragon,” you said to yourself. Two more appeared in the sky and your mouth fell open.
 “Come, their mother is waiting for you.”
 The rest of the walk up to the castle was uneventful. No more words were said from you or your brother. The castle was magnificent inside and out and when you reached the Throne Room, two heavy doors were opened by Dothraki men with ease.
 The room was impressive. There were carvings all along the floors and the walls. The ceiling was high and your footsteps echoed. There were steps leading up to the Throne. The Throne was made of stone and it spanned several feet. A woman was sitting on it, and you knew it was the Targaryen.
 “You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men. Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. The mother of Dragons. The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. The unburnt, the breaker of chains,” Missandei said.
 “This is Jon Snow,” Davos said after a moment. “He’s King in the North.”
 That declaration sounded weak after all the titles Missandei spewed. You felt the need to laugh, but shoved it down.
 “Thank you for traveling so far, my lord,” the queen said. “I hope the seas weren’t too rough.”
 “The winds were kind, your Grace.”
 “Apologies. I have a Fleabottom accent, I know, but Jon Snow is King in the North. He’s not a lord,” Ser Davos said.
 “Forgive me,” Daenerys started before Tyrion interrupted her.
 “Your Grace this is Ser Davos Seaworth.”
 “Forgive me, Ser Davos. I never did receive a formal education. But I could have sworn I read that the last King in the North was Tauren Stark, who bent the knee to my ancestor Aegon Targaryen, in exchange for his life and the lives of the Northmen. He swore his loyalty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. Or do I have my facts wrong?”
 “I wasn’t there, your Grace,” Davos said.
 “No, of course not. But still, an oath is an oath. So I assume, my lord, you are here to bend the knee.”
 “I am not,” Jon said. You stood a little straighter and looked at Daenerys.
 “No. Well that is unfortunate. The world hadn’t seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born,” she said. She got up out of the Throne and approached the three of you. “The Dothraki hadn’t crossed the sea, any sea, but they did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdom’s and I will.”
 “You’ll be ruling over a graveyard if we don’t defeat the Night King,” Jon said.
 “The war against my sister has already begun. You can’t expect us to halt hostilities and aid you in fighting whatever you saw beyond the Wall,” Tyrion said. You took a step forward.
 “You don’t believe him. I understand that, it sounds like nonsense. But if destiny has brought Daenerys Targaryen back to our shores, it has also made Jon Snow King in the North,” you said.
 “You were the first to bring Dothraki to Westeros, he was the first to make allies of Wildlings and North men. He was named Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, he was named King in the North. Not because of his birthright, he has none. He’s a bastard. All those hard sons of bitches chose him as their leader, because they believe in him,” Davos chimed in. “All those things you don’t believe in, he faced those things. He fought those things.”
 “If we don’t put aside our enmities and bound together, we will die. And then it won’t matter whose skeleton sits on the Iron Throne,” you finished.
 “If it doesn’t matter, you might as well kneel,” Tyrion said. You could hear the plea in his voice. “Swear your allegiance to Queen Daenerys, help her defeat my sister and together our armies will protect the North.”
 “There’s no time for that,” you said. Daenerys looked at you
 “There’s no time for any of that,” Jon said.
 “It takes no time to bend the knee. Pledge your sword to her cause.”
 “And why would I do that? I mean no offense, your Grace, but I don’t know you. As far as I can tell your claim to the throne rests entirely on your father’s name and my own father fought to overthrow the Mad King. The Lords in the North place their trust in me to lead them. And I will continue to do so as well as I can.”
 “That’s fair,” she said. “It’s also fair to point out that I’m the rightful Queen to the Seven Kingdom’s. By declaring yourself King of the Northern-most kingdom, you are an open rebellion.”
 You went rigid and saw Jon be the same. You were about to open your mouth when footsteps echoed through the hall. Turning, you saw Lord Varys. He walked right by you and whispered something into Daenerys’ ear.
 “You must forgive my manners. You must be tired after your long journey. We’ll have baths drawn for you and supper sent to your rooms.” She turned to one of the Dothraki men and spoke to him in his language.
 “Am I your prisoner?” Jon said. Daenerys turned around.
 “Not yet.” Was all she said before walking away. The three of you were led out of the room by the Dothraki man, the doors to the Throne Room closing behind you.
 “Who was that girl?” Daenerys asked Tyrion.
 “That was Lady [y/n] Stark. Older sister to Jon Snow.”
 “They don’t trust me.”
 “The people of the North have never been ones to trust easily, even more so now.”
 “And what do you think of them?”
 “I think they’re good people.”
 “Do you think they will bend the knee?”
 “That I do not know.”
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All Updated Gendrya work this week (08-Mar-20 to 14-Mar-20)
Note: all dates are in dd-mm-yy
Redemption by LME ( 16/? as of 08-3-20)
Imagining Arya and Gendry's reunion when the Game of Thrones is finally over. This story is focused on the voyage of 'Arya the Adventurer' on her ship Nymeria, after she asks, "What is west of Westeros?".
Even the Darkest Night will end. by @lianria (12/? as of 08-3-20)
Arya reaches out to old allies for help, and the pack begins to reform. Pack doesn't always mean just wolves anymore.
Runaway With Me - Part 2 by @the-end-is-kigh (14/14 as of 08-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Arya Stark was not happy when her family was forced to move to King's Landing due to her father's promotion. But at the same time, it allowed her to escape her problems back home, allowed her to meet a cousin she'd never known, get a job doing what she loves and there's the issue of a certain mechanic.
Maybe the move would be worth it?
But the problems from back home follow her, her only hope is to keep running, until she can't run any more.
This is the reaction mostly to the letters Arya and Gendry send back home.
One for the road by @obsessivewriter (9/9 as of 8-3-20)
As a survivor, Arya always knew she was living on borrowed time, five years in remission she had done almost everything on her bucket list until her time ran up.
That time is up now and there is only one thing she never got to experience: falling in love.
Gendry will do anything for his best friend, and really how hard could it be to fall for someone you already love?
The Ghost of the Red Keep by TheDameintheRaininMaine (4/? as of 8-3-20)
Lysa never sent her letter. Bran was never pushed. Five Starks make the journey to King's Landing.
And one day beneath the Red Keep, Arya hears a voice she decides must be a ghost.
Evading Capture by @katlyn1948 (9/? as of 8-3-20)
Arya evades the brotherhood, but fails and Gendry can't seem to keep his eyes of their captive.
A Thunder In Our Hearts by hungerwolves (2/? as of 9-3-20)
In which Arya has to marry lord Gendry Baratheon, the legitimized bastard son of the King in the South, to avoid war between the 6 Kingdoms and the North.
Heavy Lies The Crown by OneMoreNight1996 (7/? as of 13-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
When the truth of the Baratheon children is revealed, King Robert orders the execution of Cersei and Jamie Lannister and exiles the children to Casterly Rock. This leaves him without an heir so he is quickly forced to legitimize a bastard blacksmith brought to him by Ned Stark and, in the eye of the King, his heir is in need of a bride.
The Last Time by @yanak324 (14/? as of 9-3-20)
After a decade away, Arya returns home. Encountering the boy she left behind is not in her plans.
At least she’s always known the Gods have a funny sense of humor.
True Love's Kiss by @prettyyvacant321 (2/? as of 9-3-20)
Gendrya Sleeping Beauty AU with a few twists!
Based off the January (oops I'm late but what's new) prompt from @days-of-gendrya on Tumblr.
Head of the River by @everyl1ttleth1ng (13/? as of 14-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Gendry Waters, multiple Pan Westeros Games gold medal winning rower, has been the highly successful and well-loved Director of Rowing at the exclusive Riverlands Grammar School for six years now. Ser Davos Seaworth has very recently retired as school principal and been replaced by the much younger multiple gold medal winning fencer from the North, Dr Arya Stark.
One morning Gendry finds himself approached by his new boss. She wants him to teach her how to row.
(In which Gendry is still rowing AND Gendry and Arya spend time in a boat together.)
Gym Daze by @dragongoddess13 (5/5 as of 14-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
For years they worked out together. In high school he drove them to the gym every afternoon after school or after extracurriculars. In college, they went first thing in the morning before classes and after graduation, when they both moved down to King’s Landing, they found a new gym and a new schedule. 
Or how Gendry and Arya learn to use their frequent trips to the gym in ways that were a whole new kind of satisfying.
I Wanna Be Yours by @sneetchstar (15/? as of 12-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Gendrya one-shot collection.
When Winter Comes by OneMoreNight1996 (2/? as of 11-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
Winter sets in after the Long Night is over leaving everyone stuck in Winterfell and unable to go south. This causes some tension within the group as secrets are revealed and promises are made.
The odd girl who smelled the rain by @blue-nebulae (5/6 as of 12-3-20)
Gendry noticed her the very first week of the semester.
Something about her caught his eye, he didn’t know exactly what it was, perhaps the fact that she was a very pretty short girl or the fact that she was carrying a bright yellow umbrella, and using it almost like a cane, on a perfect summery day and that was odd.
More Than Words by @keepitmovinshawty (6/? as of 12-3-20)
Arry and Steffon first meet on the beaches of Braavos while escaping their responsibilities. Both ignorant of their true identities, it comes as a surprise when they meet again on a more formal scale and try to handle a relationship while the world watches.
Bad Pick-up lines Work Best by JoPoGirlsKickAss (17/? as of 12-3-20)
Gendry's life is suddenly sprinkled with bad pick up lines--at first he ignores them, then he realizes they might all be from the same person and that person might just be the death of him.
In which Arya flirts hard and Gendry is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
[Slow(ish) burn until chapter 15]
The Lost Prince by @psychvamp25 (37/40 as of 12-3-20)
The first Baratheon prince died in his crib, this is known.
Arya Stark comes to King's Landing when her father becomes Hand of King and her sister is set to marry the Crown Prince, Joffrey. Arya journeys to the street of steal and meets a handsome young blacksmith. Little does she know, that her relationship with this blacksmith could change the future of the Seven Kingdoms.
A Dance of Shadows by Faiseuse_d_Histoires (29/50 as of 13-3-20) (significant Gendrya with Jonerys)
It’s been one year since the death of Daenerys Targaryen, called by some "the mad queen", and the North and the Six Kingdoms try to rebuild all that was lost. Jon Snow had disappeared beyond the Wall, his wolf last seen near Hardhome. Queen Sansa "the Wise" is facing unrest in the nearby villages, which leads her to make questionable choices in the eyes of her people. In the South, king Bran the Broken fell seemingly ill and fear for his life makes people uneasy about the succession.
As once again instability risks to break the kingdoms, a hero reappears, with the name of a long-feared enemy, and an old song is beginning to be sung once again, with fire and ice meeting for one last dance.
Not mentioned, but coming: Some news from the iron islands and Dorne, trouble coming from Essos… oh, and some resurrection, perhaps.
The Prince That Didn't Come by @igitnothin (61/63 as of 13-3-20)
On an normal winter day, Hot Pie happily delivered two meat pies and a jug of ale to a waiting table.
There was no interruption from his ordinary work. No happy reunion, no thrilling tales, and no missing Stark girls to steal his food and change the world. There was nothing but another group of hungry mouths to feed.
Or Arya Stark does not visit the Crossroads Inn, and the world of ice and fire is changed forever.
then we take berlin by @evax3 (14/20 as of 13-3-20) (equally Theon/Robb)
After Petyr Baelish tragically suffocated on a gigot before he was able to poison Jon Arryn, Westeros fought in united strength against the White Walkers and built up a diplomatic relationship with Queen Daenerys in Meereen after the victory.
So, the land was at peace, the winter was over and 2 years later Theon, Robb and Arya sat together in Winterfell, bored to fucking death.
Fortunately, distraction seemed within reach, as Theon discovered a book in Maester Luwin’s library, maybe solving their problem. Promising the opportunity to travel back in time and experience one of the big battles again, they’d fought in the past.
But mixing the ingredients, something went wrong and instead of arriving back on the field of the second Battle of the Dawn, they found themselves in Berlin of the 21st century, still wearing their thick furs and understanding not a single word.
Putting their hopes in a certain dark-haired goldsmith from California, who kindly takes them in, they tried their best to somehow find their way back home and find a lot more in the process.
Prompts by @psychvamp25 (9/? as of 14-3-20) (multiple updates this week)
A collection of any of the prompts I get. Will be standalone little ficlets.
Through the storms by @nikelaos87 (3/? as of 14-3-20)
The sequel of "An empty shell"
«I won't marry you»
«You can't»
You Feel Like Moonlight On My Skin by @randifrnz (3/5 as of 14-3-20)
After six months in the capital, it is time the future King and Queen of Westeros continue the envoy through the kingdoms of the lands to know and build relationships with their people. Throughout their journey, the crown prince and princess grow even closer and grow up as well. Arya navigates what it means to be a woman grown and what it means to want.
Masterlink for the week: here
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@tymptir sent  ❔
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
okay so I am going through my muses I would like to see interact with yours and elaborating at least one plot idea! putting the rest under the cut cos I have a feeling this will be long because I have a looooot of ideas
Beric Dondarrion
Arya Stark - talking while she is in the Brotherhood’s hands
Domeric Bolton - Domeric not dying like he did in canon and then being among the group sent to deal with the Mountain that became the Brotherhood
Gendry - Brotherhood interactions for reasons
Daario Naharis
Jon Connington - Jon coming face to face with Daario in a verse where Tyrion doesn’t convince Young Griff to take Westeros
Jorah Mormont - The headbutting that we did not see between them since they were not always in Dany’s line of sight
Quentyn Martell - Quentyn being there when Daario returns and the awkward that ensues (at least on Quen’s end)
Rolly Duckfield - Duck coming face to face with Daario in a verse where Tyrion doesn’t convince Young Griff to take Westeros
Victarion Greyjoy - These two would be interesting to have interact
Euron Greyjoy
Victarion Greyjoy - Brothers being rivals
Garlan Tyrell
Edmure Tully - The two talking if Edmure visits Highgarden before shit hits the fan cos his father would have been looking at the major houses with daughters to see about making a match for him and Edmure would go through the motions to make his father proud and that could mean a friendly conversation could happen
Loras Tyrell - Loras looking up to his older brother and going to him for advice on things
Margaery Tyrell - Margaery also looking for her big brother’s advice since Garlan is the only one of the immediate family married
Willas Tyrell - Willas and Garlan brotherly bonding
Arya Stark - All the threads between these two, before their separation and their possible reunions
Domeric Bolton -  Domeric not dying like he did in canon and then being among the group sent to deal with the Mountain that became the Brotherhood and interacting with Gendry after the Brotherhood finds Arya and company
Edmure Tully - Edmure getting taken by the Brotherhood when he was being escorted to Casterly Rock after the Seige of Riverrun and getting to interact with Gendry after seeing Stoneheart for the first time
Arya Stark - AU where Arya makes it to the Wall with Gendry and then the members of the Watch get to deal with angry little wolf
Dalla - AU where my girl Dalla lives and Grenn gets to meet the captive Wildling Queen
Domeric Bolton - I have an AU where Domeric out near the Wall in Mole Town when he nearly died and so could meet Grenn when the people of Mole Town are temporarily moved to Castle Black when the Battle of Castle Black happened
Gendry - AU where Gendry makes it to the Wall and becomes a recruit
Jaime Lannister - AU where Jaime took the Black at the end of the Rebellion so is a senior member of the Watch when Grenn arrives
Jon Connington - AU where instead of going to Essos when Aerys dismissed him Jon Con took the Black and so is a senior member of the Watch when Grenn arrives
Jorah Mormont - AU where instead of running to Essos with his wife, Jorah took the Black to avoid execution so is a senior member of the Watch when Grenn arrives
Ned Stark - AU where Ned is allowed to take the Black instead of being executed like was promised
Sigorn - Grumpy Thenn interacting with Grenn
Stannis Baratheon - I need more of Stannis at the Wall
Harrion Karstark
Arya Stark - Tiny Stark interacting with Harrion, if I recall they were at Harrenhal at the same time
Domeric Bolton - I had Domeric be a pretty close friend of the Karstark siblings before his death soooo 
Howland Reed - *chanting* Northern Lords getting revenge for Red Wedding
Jaime Lannister - Either one as prisoner for the other’s side
Lyanna Stark - not sure when you have him born but little Harry interacting with Lyanna before shit goes down maybe?
Ned Stark - Harrion would need to get to know his Lord as the heir right?
Robb Stark - Robb with all his bannermen, just saying
Theon Greyjoy - The march down maybe?
Jaime Lannister
Arya Stark - Arya being a curious pup and bothering Jaime with tons of questions on the way down from Winterfell to KL
Ashara Dayne - Ashara while still Elia’s lady talking to new Kingsguard Jaime
Elia Martell - Rebellion threads and general threads with Jaime before the Sack
Elia Sand - El getting to come with her parents to KL and getting to interact with Jaime
Jon Connington - Jaime interacting with Jon Con when Jon Con is Hand, before he falls from Aerys’ grace
Loras Tyrell - New Kingsguard Loras and Lord Commander Jaime or even talking after Loras unhorsed him in the joust mentioned by Littlefinger
Margaery Tyrell - Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Jaime interacting with the little rose Queen?
Ned Stark - AU where Ned asks Jaime what the fuck happened in the throne room that day
Robb Stark - Captive Jaime interacting with Young King Robb
Stannis Baratheon - There is over 14 years of interactions we do not see that could have happened with these two
Jeor Mormont
Arya Stark - AU where Arya makes it to the Wall with Gendry and then the members of the Watch get to deal with angry little wolf
Gendry - AU where Gendry makes it to the Wall and becomes a recruit
Jaime Lannister - AU where Jaime took the Black at the end of the Rebellion
Jon Connington - AU where instead of going to Essos when Aerys dismissed him Jon Con took the Black 
Jorah Mormont - AU where instead of running to Essos with his wife, Jorah took the Black to avoid execution
Ned Stark - AU where Ned is allowed to take the Black instead of being executed like was promised, or just the convos they had been having in canon about moving people to the Gift to pay taxes to the Wall so it would have better support
Maron Greyjoy
Dale Seaworth - Young Captains with large shoes to fill with who their fathers are?
Ned Stark - Maron being the hostage instead of Theon
Robb Stark - Maron being the hostage instead of Theon
Stannis Baratheon - Maron and Theon both being hostages, but Maron is given to Stannis
Theon Greyjoy - bby Theon and his big brother
Victarion Greyjoy - Maron and his nuncle interacting if Maron survives and Theon was still taken as hostage
Dalla - Orell getting to interact with his King’s wife
Sigorn - Sigorn poking at Orell before the man goes to the Skirling Pass
Renly Baratheon
Domeric Bolton - Domeric being sent to squire at Storm’s End instead of Redfort
Edmure Tully - Edmure and Renly interacting at one of Robert’s tourneys
Garlan Tyrell - the King in Highgarden, just saying
Jaime Lannister - Again, a good number of years where we don’t see the interactions
Loras Tyrell - Either Loras’s squiring or any number of the years they spent together, and we do have the march they could do
Margaery Tyrell - their wedding maybe?
Ned Stark - We don’t see all of the shenanigans they got up to while in KL
Stannis Baratheon - the Seige, cos 17 year old Stannis watching out for 6 year old Renly before their relationship was soured by circumstance *cough*theirbrother*cough*
Rhaegar Targaryen
Ashara Dayne - Rhaegar talking with his best friend’s sister and one of his wife’s companions? Maybe them worrying over Elia together when Elia is expecting one of the babes
Elia Martell - Married life and I see these two as good friends
Jon Connington - Jon wants all the interactions with the man he is in love with
Stannis Baratheon - I have a verse where Rhaegar won and Stannis is a captive in KL as the brother of the rebel
Robb Stark
Arya Stark - Arya getting to Riverrun before Robb departs for the Twins
Domeric Bolton - Domeric being warded to the Starks instead of the Redforts
Edmure Tully - Robb and his uncle talking and getting to know one another before the next move in the war
Elia Sand - Little Lady Lance ending up in the Stark army somehow
Howland Reed - Robb getting to do his plan to take Moat Cailin and getting to meet his father’s oldest friend
Jaime Lannister - Jaime as a prisoner
Lyanna Stark - Lyanna lives but refuses to leave Winterfell after what happened, begging her brother to tell the world she died and so she stays in Winterfell as a sort of nanny to her nieces and nephews
Margaery Tyrell - I think an expert from the books sums up what I would love to do on this front               “ If you had to fall into a woman's arms, my son, why couldn't they have been Margaery Tyrell's? The wealth and power of Highgarden could have made all the difference in the fighting yet to come. And perhaps Grey Wind would have liked the smell of her as well.” - Catelyn II A Storm of Swords
Ned Stark - Ned teaching his son how to rule the North
Theon Greyjoy - Interactions of the best friends who were practically almost brothers
Torrhen Karstark - Tor was one of Robb’s guards so maybe an AU where he wasn’t killed in the Battle of the Whispering Wood
Samwell Tarly
Arya Stark - AU where Arya makes it to the Wall with Gendry and then the members of the Watch get to deal with angry little wolf
Dalla - AU where my girl Dalla lives and Sam gets to meet the captive Wildling Queen
Domeric Bolton - I have an AU where Domeric out near the Wall in Mole Town when he nearly died and so could meet Sam when the people of Mole Town are temporarily moved to Castle Black when the Battle of Castle Black happened
Garlan Tyrell - Let Sam interact with the Tyrells
Gendry - AU where Gendry makes it to the Wall and becomes a recruit
Jaime Lannister - AU where Jaime took the Black at the end of the Rebellion so is a senior member of the Watch when Sam arrives
Jon Connington - AU where instead of going to Essos when Aerys dismissed him Jon Con took the Black and so is a senior member of the Watch when Sam arrives
Jorah Mormont - AU where instead of running to Essos with his wife, Jorah took the Black to avoid execution so is a senior member of the Watch when Sam arrives
Loras Tyrell - Let Sam interact with the Tyrells
Margaery Tyrell - Let Sam interact with the Tyrells
Ned Stark - AU where Ned is allowed to take the Black instead of being executed like was promised 
Sigorn - Grumpy Thenn interacting with Sam
Stannis Baratheon - I need more of Stannis at the Wall
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark - Sister threads, be it reunion or otherwise
Domeric Bolton - AU where Ned betrothed Sansa to Domeric before Robert arrives and Domeric doesn’t die (basically let’s keep Joffery’s grubby paws away from Sansa)
Edmure Tully - Sansa meeting her sweet hearted uncle
Elia Sand - El getting to come with her parents to KL and getting to interact with Sansa
Garlan Tyrell - Sansa getting to interact with the Tyrells
Jaime Lannister - Sansa and Jaime getting to talk after he made her mother that promise
Loras Tyrell - Sansa getting to interact with the Tyrells
Lyanna Stark - Lyanna lives but refuses to leave Winterfell after what happened, begging her brother to tell the world she died and so she stays in Winterfell as a sort of nanny to her nieces and nephews
Margaery Tyrell - Sansa getting to interact with the Tyrells
Ned Stark - Father daughter threads are to die for
Quentyn Martell -  AU where Ned betrothed Sansa to Quentyn before Robert arrives and before Doran learns that the Viserys idea will not work (basically let’s keep Joffery’s grubby paws away from Sansa)
Stannis Baratheon - AU where Stannis wins the Battle of the Blackwater and gets Sansa out of Lannister hands
Theon Greyjoy -  AU where Ned betrothed Sansa to Theon before Robert arrives like Theon had mentioned in one of his chapters of hoping (basically let’s keep Joffery’s grubby paws away from Sansa)
Torrhen Karstark -  AU where Ned betrothed Sansa to Torrhen before Robert arrives cos Torrhen would be a protective hubby (basically let’s keep Joffery’s grubby paws away from Sansa)
Willas Tyrell - SANSA GETTING TO INTERACT WITH THE TYRELLS also AU where she gets to go to Highgarden and Willas gets to surround her with all the puppies to cheer her up and make her feel safe
Tyrion Lannister
Arya Stark - Arya being the inquisitive pup she is asking tons of questions while everyone is still in Winterfell
Elia Sand - El getting to come with her parents to KL and getting to interact with Tyrion
Jaime Lannister - Brother threads
Jon Connington - Grumbly Griff and Tyrion
Jorah Mormont - The merry adventures of Jorah and Tyrion, members of the Second Sons
Loras Tyrell - Tyrion interacting with Loras after Loras is in the Kingsguard
Margaery Tyrell - Margaery interacting with her betrothed’s uncle
Ned Stark - We lack Ned and Tyrion content
Quentyn Martell - Tyrion and Quentyn meeting in Meereen and the Prince not getting turned into a Crisp
Rolly Duckfield - More adventures on the Shy Maid
Stannis Baratheon - Again missing years of interactions before the series starts
Elia Martell - Varys talking to her about a plan to save her babies (even if Young Griff turns out to be a fake in the books, give my girl SOME hope)
Elia Sand - El getting to come with her parents to KL and getting to interact with Varys
Gendry - Pretty sure that Varys is the one who got the boy his apprenticeship and out of KL, so threads with them and Gendry not knowing who he is?
Jaime Lannister - Time in Aerys’s court or Robert’s court
Jon Connington - Jon Con’s time as Hand 
Jorah Mormont - We know he was on Varys’ payroll as a spy so how did he become Varys’ spy?
Ned Stark - Ned and Varys finding a way to get Ned’s ass out maybe?
Quentyn Martell - Quen meeting Varys would certainly be interesting
Stannis Baratheon - Again, missing 14 years of interactions
yeaaaah i wrote a lot on this >.> and so ends my mini manifesto
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ravenofthefandoms · 5 years
Jorah the Northman
Word Count: 2454
Pairing: Jorah Mormont x reader
Characters: Jorah Mormont, Maege Mormont (mentioned), Lyanna Mormont, Sansa Stark (mentioned), Jon Snow (mentioned), Davos Seaworth (mentioned), Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, Missandei, Samwell Tarly (mentioned), OC (Jaran Mormont, son of Jorah Mormont)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, angst with some light smut at the end
A/N: Oh Jorah. What a man! I hope you all enjoy this one. I’m not sure if I want to do a part 2 for this one, but I could definitely do a cute little reunion between Jorah and his and reader’s son! We’ll see how much people like this and then, if its gaining enough love, I’ll make a part 2! Also, RIP Jorah :( this was written a loooong time before Season 8 even aired so sorry for opening those wounds back up for all my Jorah fans
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters except for Jaran Mormont. The rest belong to George R.R. Martin and to HBO. Any gifs used do not belong to me. They belong to their original creator.
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Life was not as easy as it had once been. With fighting in the North and fighting in the South, the world felt like it was being torn in half. Your heart felt the same.
It was many years ago when you were married to Ser Jorah Mormont, heir to House Mormont. You married ten years ago, and bore him a child six years ago. For four years, you attempted to bear him a child, but after three miscarriages, you felt yourself giving up. Jorah never did though. He told you that, someday, your belly would swell with his child and it would make him the happiest man alive. And, after four years, you did. Jaran Mormont, son of Jorah Mormont. He was your pride and joy, the light of your life. The night that you pushed him into the world was the night you cried, truly cried, for the first time.
However, those days of happiness were cut short when the love of your life and the father of your son was exiled from Westeros and was forced to leave you with his family. You wanted to flee with him, but no amount of arguing would change his mind. He had no idea where he was going or where he would end up. Despite everything, he was glad that he was able to meet his son before his undeniable disappearance.
For six more years, you raised your boy by yourself. Thankfully, the Mormonts were kind enough to allow you to stay on Bear Island and keep the name “Mormont” that they valued so much. Instead of keeping the title of Lord Mormont for your son, you handed the lordship over to your goodsister. “I am not a true Mormont, and I will not preside over this house in place of my son. You are the rightful heir, dear sister.” Those were your words, five years ago, when Jorah fled. That didn’t seem to last long, however, because it seemed like sooner rather than later that Lyanna was named the Lady Mormont of Bear Island. You were glad that it was her, though; she was a strong child, no matter what people said.
When Lyanna went to Westeros, you and Jaran accompanied her. “Aunt (Y/N), I would like you to be by my side. Your advice is as good as any maester’s or lord’s.” For a girl so young, she was so wise. She was a Mormont bear, through and through. So you accepted and accompanied the little lady as her advisor and her aunt.
Over your five years without your lover, you had heard many rumors. The latest one was that he served the Targaryen girl, Khaleesi, she was called. Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen. Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne and every other title that she had added on to the end of it.
You couldn’t help yourself when you approached Jon Snow, however. He had claimed that he was leaving for Dragonstone to seek out the help of the Targaryen. Though you disapproved, you insisted on accompanying him. If Jorah was truly serving this Daenerys Targaryen, then he would follow her to the ends of the world. No matter the wrongs he has made, he was the most loyal man you ever knew. If she was at Dragonstone, then so was he.
Reluctantly, Jon Snow had agreed. Lyanna took much more time to convince, but you finally managed to change her mind. You debated a lot on taking your sweet son with you, but decided against it. Lyanna and Sansa would look after him. From all the times you had said goodbye to someone, his was the hardest. Your (E/C) eyes welled with tears, dripping from your nose and chin. He cried as well, and refused to let go of your leg. Finally, Lyanna managed to pry him from you before giving you a hug as well. You promised to return as soon as you could. Then you set off.
*At the Citadel*
When the young man had asked Jorah if there was any family that he should write to, he thought about you. His lovely wife and his lovely son. How he wished that he could write to you, telling you how much he stilled loved you and loved Jaran. He knew, however, that writing of his untimely death would kill you as much as it killed him. Deciding against it, he told the man that he was estranged to his family.
Little did he know that those words would soon be false.
*At Dragonstone*
When you met Daenerys, you weren’t surprised that Jorah had sworn fealty to her. She was strong and willful and took what she wanted. In all actuality, you could see some of him in her. And it broke your heart.
When she learned who you were, she was beyond surprised. Jorah never mentioned a wife or a child. One would think that those would be important things to mention to your queen. But since he believed that he would never see either of you again, he decided that it would be better if he tried to forget you. He found that to be impossible.
One night, out of nowhere, you received a summons from the young queen. Instead of asking you for anything material, she asked you for information. “You are Ser Jorah’s wife? And the father of his son?” You nodded your head to both softly, smiling softly. “My lady, did you know that Ser Jorah had received a royal pardon? He could have returned home to you, but he didn’t. He stayed here, with me.” At first, you were surprised at the fact that he had received a royal pardon. Your soft smile returned and your eyes softened with it. You knew that she wasn’t trying to bait you or instigate you. The child was merely curious, because a child she was.
“Your Grace, that doesn’t surprise me. I’m sure Jorah thought that I had moved on, left him for another. It had been five years, after all. Seeing me with another would kill him. Besides, he felt that your cause was worth fighting for, despite everything else.” You could see the guilt in her eyes, so you reached out and took her hand in your own. “Your Grace, I am not angry. Far from it, in fact. Jorah is a loyal man. If he believes you to be the best ruler for this country, then so do I. He does not choose sides so easily.”
Your answer seemed to be enough for the young queen, considering that she became much more open to you afterwards.
It had been a few days after your talk with the Targaryen queen. An unfamiliar boat was seen approaching the island, so you opted to stay in your chambers while everything was being sorted out. You read for those few hours, unknowing of what was happening in the hall so close to you.
When Jorah arrived, he had no knowledge of your presence on the island. He was taken directly to Daenerys, who smiled broadly when she saw him. After finding out it was he who had arrived at Dragonstone, she asked that neither Jon nor Davos tell you of his arrival. It would make your reunion that much sweeter. After Jorah told his story of how he became cured, Daenerys told Missandei to take him to his chambers. Her smile told her friend enough, and that by his chambers, she meant yours.
Missandei knocked on your door gently, earning a look of confusion from Jorah and a call for her to enter from you. Jorah’s eyes widened when he heard your voice. It was one he could never forget. It was the one that sung him to sleep, that moaned his name, that sobbed with his child in your arms, the one that comforted him whenever he needed it. The door was opened slightly, and he stepped in, speechless.
You never looked up from your book. “What can I do for you, Missandei?” The young woman spoke with you often, and you were finally able to tell which knocks were hers and which weren’t. Hers were always firm, but soft at the same time. “(Y/N)...” The familiar voice caused your head to snap up and for the book to drop from your hands. There he stood, in the flesh and still alive.
“Jorah!” Your voice was strained with the sudden weight of tears behind your eyes as you stood shakily. In two large steps, he closed the distance between you two and engulfed you in his arms. You began to weep, as was he. You could feel his body shaking with sobs as you two held each other tightly. “Jorah, my love.” You heard the door close as Missandei left, a smile on her face, but didn’t register it. Pulling away slightly, you looked at his face. Your hand moved up, cupping his cheek gently. He was just as handsome as you remembered, only he was darker from the sun and his eyes sparkled with tears. For one of the first times in a long time, he found himself unable to speak.
Slowly, you stepped away so you could look at him. The clothes he wore were much different than what he wore on Bear Island, but it suited him. You could see the scars covering his forearms, his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. The fact that he still did that made you smile tearfully. Some of the scars were old and familiar, while others were fresher. He was still taller than you, and still the complete opposite. While he was all hard lines and muscle, you were soft, round curves and plump as any woman your age was. He still found you to be the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
“Oh, (Y/N). I never thought I’d see you again.” The two of you broke out into fresh sobs and embraced once more. After a while, the two of you managed to calm yourselves and moved to sit on the bed. He told you of how he contracted greyscale and of how Samwell Tarly at the Citadel managed to cure him, explaining the strange scars along his arm.
“I missed you, so much. Jaran misses you.” Your voice was still as soft as fur and still held that light tone that made you sound like you were eternally happy for some unknown reason.
After a quiet moment, he leaned down a slowly placed his lips over yours in a gentle kiss. The feeling was so familiar, it reminded you of home. “How is our boy?” He asked softly, placing kisses all over your face. “He is as well as can be. He is growing so fast, my love. Soon enough, he will be more of a bear than even your father.” You said with a soft chuckle. He nodded before leaning you back into the bed, his lips finding yours once more, though the kiss held more now. After a few moments, you pulled away. “My love, we should wait. I wouldn’t want to keep the young queen waiting.” He nodded, pressing a kiss to your lips again before pulling you up to stand.
“I will return soon, my love. When I do…” His voice trailed off and he bent down to place a lingering kiss against your lips, full of promise. Your heart began to beat a little faster and you could feel your face heat. Even after all these years, he still managed to make you flustered with his simple words and simple touches. He had a soft smile on his face as he pressed a kiss to your cheek before walking out.
Letting out a soft sigh, you grinned as you laid back on the bed. Your heart felt full as you thought about Jorah and the chance you had to have a real family together. It wasn’t long before Jorah returned, his face a mix of emotions. As soon as the door closed behind him, he was on top of you with his lips moving against yours. You returned the kisses but pulled away. “My love, Jorah, what’s the matter?” You asked softly. He shook his head and moved his lips back down to yours.
You knew better than to press right now, and gave into the desires you both felt. Moving your hands up his chest, you got his shirt off while he undid the laces of your dress. He pulled away for a moment, taking the time to admire the body he hadn’t seen in years. You did the same, looking over his mostly-faded scars. “I love you.” Was all he murmured before he was pulling your dress from your body and the pants from his legs. Soon enough, you were both naked and panting, stealing kisses and touching each other.
Then he was guiding his member to your own wetness, rubbing against it gently before pressing into you slowly. You let out breathy moans, resting your forehead against his chest as he began to rock against you. His thrusts were gentle and slow, but held a strength and a fierce need behind them that had you crying out. He moaned softly, his groans near your ear sending shivers down your spine. The world disappeared from around you two and became just Jorah and you, with his hips rocking into yours and your hands palming at his shoulders. The two of you climaxed together, crying out each other’s names.
He pulled out of you, laying down on the bed and pulling you into his arms. “My love, I’m sorry.” He murmured against your neck. You held him as you did before, his face buried in your chest. “For what?” You asked softly. After a moment, you felt him begin to sob. You rocked him softly, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m leaving again. North, past the wall. I’m taking you North as well, but you will go back to Winterfell. I must serve my queen.” It tore him apart. He wanted to spend time with you and Jaran, but it was his duty to serve Daenerys in whatever way he could. You felt tears begin to slide down your face as you leaned down and pressed your face against his hair. Sobbing, you held onto him tightly. “I love you. Come back to me. Come back to us.” You murmured softly and he nodded, holding onto you tightly.
It hurt, but you couldn’t stop him. You wouldn’t try and make him choose. He was your lover and always would. You knew that, no matter what, he would come back to you.
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janiedean · 5 years
If you're still taking the arcana prompts - sam for the emperor, stannis for justice (obvious choice, lol)
OKAY SORRY FOR THE LATENESS AGAIN LET’S SEE (yeah I’m like... slowly catching up oooops) have some crack for the sam one I guess ;) I’m blanking on the stannis one rn but I have it down maybe I’ll make it a third part of those two other prompts but I wanted to have this out before it took me another week to get to the rest of the ask ;) have fun!
The Emperor: wisdom, ego, authority, inflexibility
“You aren’t serious,” Sam stammers as he glances at each single face in the room.
Too bad that none of them look like they’re joking.
“Absolutely,” Tyrion Lannister says. “Jon Snow specifically recommended you before saying he would... take a trip to Dorne for the next couple of months.”
Sam loves Jon, he does, but - he did say he intended to not take the damned throne regardless of his surname, and yes, well, he did go to Dorne with Aegon, and Daenerys Targaryen left to go back to Essos with her dragons a week ago saying that she realized that the throne wasn’t what she wanted, and so both Targaryens were gone and fine, Stannis Baratheon lost an arm fighting the Others and said he wouldn’t press the claim further because he was tired, so they all had agreed on Shireen Baratheon taking her rightful place as his heir... except that she needs a regent.
And everyone has decided that it has to be him.
What in the Seven Hells?
“My lord,” Sam tries again, “it’s really not a sound prospect.”
“Why not?” Jaime Lannister shrugs. “Your late father was the last Hand this realm had while Targaryens still hadn’t all showed up again out of nowhere.” Sam wishes really, really badly that Aegon Targaryen hadn’t also stayed around to stake his claim, but he also was burned pretty badly during the Long Night and had decided he’d rather take a tour of Dorne with his newfound brother rather than press his claim, even if it was kind of agreed before both of them left that at some point he might marry Shireen and they’d unite their claims, and admittedly there was one good precedent of a Targaryen and Baratheon marriage, may they be the new Aemon and Jocelyn, Sam thinks -
But he never asked to be nominated for this job.
“And what does that even mean?” Sam protests. “I don’t - I barely even got half of my chain, what do I know of being someone’s regent?”
“Please,” Davos Seaworth says, “the girl is positively smitten with you and your pretty wildling wife, I think she was teaching her to read last I checked, and the last thing she needs is someone ordering her around or making her feel like she’s not listened to, and you would be good at that.”
“Also,” Brynden Tully presses on, “there has to be someone who actually has some knowledge ruling this damned realm since the last few kings were either not sound or they didn’t care or surely hadn’t revised history recently.”
“Anyway,” Jon Connington says, nodding, “you will get a new kingsguard and so on, so it’s not like you need to guard her. And from what we’ve seen you know your history, you know your strategies, you actually think before you act and you listen to people.”
“Oh, so none of you also does, my lords?”
Tyrion snorts, shrugging without sounding too sad for his predicament. “Separately, we’re all of that. But you’re the only one of us who has all of those qualities and hasn’t somehow botched their first chance at holding some authority in this damned realm. Never mind that you don’t seem like the sort who chases power at all costs. And Snow did recommend you specifically when we all wanted him, and it’s not like we can ask anyone else named Stark since they’re all counseling their brother in the North, so... I’m sorry, but it’s an offer I’m afraid you can’t refuse, my lord.”
Sam takes a deep breath.
He is going to personally punch Jon in the face when he’s back.
That said -
That said, after all, Shireen is a lovely girl, and he does like her, and she does like Gilly, and she’s very sweet, and if he gets help then he might actually not die of panic at the mere idea of doing this - shit, if his father could see him, at eighteen, being asked to be Shireen’s fucking regent, he’d never believe that.
Maybe that is what makes him half-smile and decide that maybe he could try.
“Well,” he says, “if I say yes, it means that my word is law until she comes of age and I can choose both Hand and small council, right?”
“Unless you wish to be Hand as well,” Tyrion says.
“No, that would be - too much. All right,” he sighs. “I accept.”
Everyone else in the room takes a breath of relief.
Then Sam smiles to himself again. “So, I should start with two things. One is choosing the small council and the other would be having that throne destroyed.”
At that, all eyes point to him.
“Destroyed?” Connington asks.
“Yes,” Sam says. “It’s uncomfortable, it cuts anyone who might come close to it and it only brought ill omens to this realm since... gods, probably since Jaehaerys the first died, I think we can do without. Other than that... since we have to choose the council, I should like to do it now since I am surrounded by people I have learned to know and trust.”
“Of course,” Tully says, “who were you thinking of?”
Sam smiles. “Well, as I wouldn’t want a Hand who is hungry for power and who would say things as they are, I think I want Ser Jaime for it.”
The face Lannister makes the moment Sam asks is worth the entire effort he’s going to have to put into this job for the next three years. Hopefully it won’t be longer than that.
“What -”
“You aren’t hungry for power and you would tell things as they are. Also, I know that you would say no because you cannot wait to finally end your betrothal to Lady Brienne and move to the next stage -” Lannister has the grace to clear his throat and look away, “- I was thinking of asking her to handle both Shireen’s guard and the gold cloaks. Of course she shouldn’t take vows or anything if not to you, but I need a capable knight to pick the Queensguard and to make sure the gold cloaks are better run than with Janos Slynt, and she sounds like a perfect candidate.”
“Shall I go fetch her?” Tyrion Lannister asks, sounding a bit too in a hurry to do so.
“Of course,” Sam smirks, “but not before I tell you I would appreciate you as master of whisperers. After all, you did learn from Lord Varys and you can be discreet if you want to. And I’m sure that having a Hand not wanting to murder the master of whisperers and viceversa might actually be a good thing for the realm, wouldn’t it?”
He knows he has the both of them when they both sigh in the exact same way -shows they’re brothers - and accept as long as Brienne does, too, but Sam knows she would. That’s not a problem. Then, he turns towards the rest of the room as Tyrion leaves. “Also, I should like for Ser Davos as master of laws, since he has been serving someone who has been only fair and just until now but has also shown to be more... shall we say, flexible about it.”
“Of - of course,” Davos nods, looking at him with... something like respect.
“I should hope you won’t want me as a maester of coin or ships,” Tully says. “I’m hardly a good choice for either.”
“Fair enough,” Sam grins, “but I’m sure you could help out Lady Brienne with organizing things for the cloaks and the guards around the palace. We need men with experience around here.”
“Very well,” Tully says. “You certainly are seeming to choose every single person who didn’t want to be involved with running this kingdom, aren’t you?”
Sam smiles back. “That seems to be the best way to make it thrive now, isn’t it? Now, since it seems like your son, Lord Connington, will eventually marry Shireen, I certainly cannot leave you out of the small council, that would be just improper. And since you did raise high in that Golden Company of yours, I think you should be my master of ships.”
Connington sends him a half-resigned smile. “Very well. And what about the master of coin?”
Sam smiles wider. “Oh, that can be Jon’s title when he comes back from Dorne. He did good when he was managing resources at the Watch, after all.” At that, Jaime Lannister does laugh as if he finds it very amusing.
“Hells,” he says, “we’re going to be the only council in the story of this realm where not a single person wanted to sit on. Should I send for... some maester from the Citadel, at this point?”
Sam shakes his head. “Send for Alleras,” he says. “I... knew them when I was there myself. They’re young,” he shrugs, “but they were very ahead in their studies.”
“And who is this Alleras, pray tell?”
Sam tries to not laugh. “Someone who will please the princess of Dorne very much, I think,” he says. “So, my lords, are we ready to rule this realm?”
“Absolutely not,” Jaime says, “but at least it’s going to be just for three years.”
Unless Shireen is very satisfied with us, Sam doesn’t say.
If anything, because as much as he thinks she’s a lovely girl and he’ll do his best... he really isn’t looking forward to do this job any longer than that.
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luvlymustang · 7 years
Game of Thrones - Theories By Pokey
The Small Council
I have posted my opinions on who will be on the Small Counsel at the end of the “Game of Thrones”, previously. This time I wish to make a few adjustments since I was not completely certain on a few roles. Plus, I wanted to provide an explanation as to why I believe these people will fill these specific roles.
Hand of the King: Tyrion Lannister
Since Tyrion has served well as the Hand of the Queen for Daenerys. I do not believe this will change even after Jon and Daenerys marry and take the throne together.
In my opinion, since Tyrion is Daenerys’ older half-brother (making him a dragon rider), then it’s possible that they would want to keep all three dragon riders together.
Master of Laws: Jorah Mormont
Jorah has been on the wrong side of the law for a fair amount of time in his life. He has earned his way back into Daenerys’ favor, plus he has shown great respect towards Jon Snow. If he makes it to the end alive, which I believe he will, then he would make a good candidate for this position since he will do anything to stay by Daenerys’ side.
Side note: The reason I believe he will make it to the end alive is because he has survived the Dragon Scale disease (with the help of Samwell Tarly).
I originally had Tormund Giantsbane for this position, but after much contemplation I concluded that Tormund will be given an honor, but it will not be this. (I will go further into the “other honor” later).
Master of Ships: Theon Greyjoy
At this point, Theon is the provider of a great many ships at Daenerys’ disposal. With Yara’s life in question (which I believe will end soon), this leaves Theon as the true heir (which he technically was anyway).
Once Euron Greyjoy is defeated (and killed), Theon will have an even larger fleet of ships. Besides, who’s better at being a Master of Ships than a Greyjoy?
Master of Coin: Davos Seaworth
Davos mentioned on many occasions that he has lived this long being a coward, so I know he will live even longer. He used to be a smuggler, so I’m sure he learned along the way how to handle money.
I originally had this as Petyr Baelish since I did not know who to put, but I doubt Jon will ever allow him to hold ANY position of power in the future. I also wrote Sansa Stark as an alternative since she seems to be turning into Baelish, but she didn’t seem a good fit either.
Master of Whisperers: Varys
Has anyone been better at this position than Varys? He will end up being the one person who held his position since Aegon was King.
Melisandre told Varys that both he and she are to die in Westeros. When this comes to be, I’m not sure who I would put in this position. I’ll think on this one a little longer.
Grand Maester: appointed by the Conclave of Archmaesters
I originally had Samwell Tarly as the Grand Maester, but I felt bad making him give up Gilly and Little Sam. Plus I really want him to have “another honor” which I’ll mention later.
I read that this position is the only position on the small council that the King does not choose for himself, so unless the rules change to allow Grand Maesters to have families, making it possible for Samwell to become one, I do not see how I can possibly predict this one.
Although, the Archmaester Ebrose, who was teaching/helping Samwell, may be a good person to back the possibility of Samwell Tarly becoming a Grand Maester.
Lord Commander of the King’s Guard: Brienne of Tarth
I believe there will be quite a few rules/laws that will be changing once Daenerys and Jon Snow take the throne. And with those changes, unless she chooses to stay at Winterfell, I believe Brienne will become the first female Lord Commander of the King’s Guard.
Seeing how Brienne is the heir of Tarth, it makes this a hard decision to allow the Tarth Family to die out with Brienne. Also, I personally want to see Jaime and Brienne together, but there’s a possibility that Jaime may not survive. I have a few theories of possible love connections that I will share eventually.
As a side note: I believe Podrick Payne will become a member of the King’s Guard. Both Tyrion and Brienne believe in this boy (or man, now), and I believe (if he survives the long winter) he will surpass his squire-ship.
Lord Commander of the City Watch: Grey Worm
Grey Worm has previously shown his ability to police the streets while in Meereen. I do not believe he will return to Meereen, since I believe he wants to stay with Missandei, who will stay with Daenerys.
I, also, believe that Daenerys will continue to want his counsel. Daenerys has him as the Commander of the Unsullied, as of right now. It’s possible that he will continue to hold this position as the Lord Commander of the City Watch, and the City Watch will consist of the Unsullied.
The Great Houses of Westeros
This is a rough estimation of how I believe the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms will end up. I titled this section the Great Houses of Westeros, because I believe that the kingdom built underneath Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will consist of a lot more than 7 Kingdoms. Also, all the House leaders will be people who helped and trusted Jon and/or Daenerys and has earned their trust in return.
The Crownlands – Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen
Obviously, the King and Queen will take the Iron Throne which so many people have fought for.
The Vale – Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark could marry her cousin Robin to take over the Vale, since there is a possibility she will be kicked out of Winterfell. However, I don’t believe her marriage to Robin will last very long since I think Petyr will kill Robin out of jealousy. (There is a theory that he is already slowly poisoning Robin.)
The North – Arya Stark & Gendry Baratheon
An introduction to one of my couple theories: I believe Gendry and Arya will end up together.
With Sansa out of Winterfell, Bran as the Three-Eyed Raven, and Jon Snow as King, that only leaves Arya as the final Stark. Besides Jon Snow, Arya is the last remaining Stark with a direwolf. I look at it as if she is the final Stark (of Ned’s children) who is truly still a Stark. When Rob and Rickon died, so did their wolves. When Sansa chose status over family, her wolf was taken from her, much like her Starkness was. When Bran became the three-eyed raven, his wolf died. So, being the final true Stark, who is better to rule over Winterfell.
On Gendry’s status – I believe Jon Snow and Daenerys are going to recognize Gendry as Robert Baratheon’s son, and legitimize him. I don’t think they will fear him claiming the throne because there are 3 (yes, 3) living Targaryens fighting as one for the Iron Throne.
The Riverlands – Lyanna Mormont
The Riverlands use to belong to the Tully Family before being taken over by the Frey Family. Since Arya decimated the Frey family, that leaves Riverrun free for whoever to rule (not that the Frey’s would have kept it under the Targaryen crown). The Mormonts have been strongly backing the Starks for generations, and Lyanna has kept this true by putting her faith in Jon Snow as King of the North. She is a strong leader even at her young age, and she is straight forward. This I believe will entice both Jon and Daenerys to utilize her abilities by giving her the Riverland.
Iron Islands – Theon Greyjoy
Now, you may be thinking, it’s all nice and good that Theon takes the Salt Throne, but how will he create heirs to keep it? Well, do you remember the boat ride back to the Iron Islands Theon enjoyed with a lady? Her name is never given, but she was the Captain of the Ship’s daughter who was played by actress Amy Dawson back in the 2nd season. I believe she may have gotten pregnant with Theon’s child, and she may reappear after Theon claims the Salt Throne.
With the amount of sleeping around Theon did before being brutally dismembered, it’s possible he has multiple children out there.
Westerlands – Tyrion Lannister
To thank Tyrion for all his hard work, help, and advice, they may give him Casterly Rock. Now, being the hand of the king means you are with the King, so if Jaime survives, I believe Tyrion will leave the land in Jaime’s able hand… but it will still be Tyrion’s land.
Will Tyrion have an heir? I would hope so. Just like I hope Jaime eventually does as well (without Cersei). Too many Great Houses are dying off. I’ve always wanted Sansa and Tyrion to end up together, but I doubt anyone else wants to see that. Plus, that means I would have to find someone else to take over the Vale.
The Reach – Samwell Tarly
Let’s say Samwell sticks to his decision about leaving the Citadel. That makes him the last remaining Tarly male heir. He does have a sister, Talla, who is to marry Symun Fossoway. So, with no one in charge of High Garden since the Tyrells have been eradicated, I would give High Garden to Samwell, and Horn Hill to his sister Talla making High Garden for House Tarly and Horn Hill for House Fossoway.
The Great North – Tormund Giantsbane
The Wall is going to fall. With the Wall down, you can’t call it “North of the Wall” or “Beyond the Wall”, so I have dubbed it the Great North. The Wildings come from the North, and seem to prefer the North, so I believe they will remain in the North. Of course, Tormund Giantsbane will continue to be the leader of the Wildlings.
Dorne – Ellaria Sand
If she survives the “Pit of Hell” Cersei has put her in, since she has already pledge fealty to Daenerys, and lost her entire family to this “Game of Thrones”, I’m sure she will be rewarded with her own land back. If Yara survives, maybe they will end up together… Or maybe, she takes the leaders of the Dothraki.
I’m not sure who the heir will be, unless her daughter has an immunity to that poison that was given to her. If her daughter does have an immunity, or somehow survives, she should be married off to someone else, but who? Maybe I will explore possible marriage opportunities in another post
There are going to be a lot of babies born in this New Targaryen Era. I have a few theories of possible unions (one I have already introduced you to – Arya + Gendry), and a few theories of possible “babies on the way” (much like my theory on Theon’s baby – who is possibly a child by now). I’ll upload another post to explain my possible unions and children.
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zukoscomet · 7 years
Growing to Silver
From the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch to the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Davos was always there with Jon.
Find it here on AO3.
Davos Seaworth had lived a long, long life. 
He’d said that so many years ago. He didn’t remember the exact number. Davos had seen such change. He’d seen four kings and a queen rule the realm. He’d seen four kings and a queen die. He saw the other claimants fall, too. Robb Stark, the Baratheons, even Daenerys in the end. He watched them all go, until there was only one left. He saw Jon (or Jaehaerys, his head could never decide) fulfill the prophecies.
Davos had always felt for Jon. He who had climbed from the lowest crevasse in society, the brand of bastardy, to rule all the Seven Kingdoms with honor unmatched by any of his predecessors. 
It had made his heart twinge to even think it, when he had his memories of Matthos still fresh in his mind, but Davos had never felt such pride as when Jon ascended those steps. The direwolf had followed in his footsteps, laid at his feet. The dragon had sat beside and watched with ember red eyes, daring anyone to take a step too close to the last Targaryen.
No one did. No one would. From the howling cold of the North to the scorching sands on Dorne, they were all loyal to this boy and his throne. 
A man of twenty three, Davos had had to remind himself repeatedly as he looked over Jon with the crown on his head. Still, always, a brave boy in Davos’s eyes.
“I take it I am no longer needed, Your Grace.” Davos said to his new king that same night, when Jon had excused himself from festivities to his bedchambers.
“And why would you think that, Ser Davos?” Jon had said quietly, gazing out over the balcony.
Kings Landing had never been so alive when the Onion Knight looked out. Even in the wreckage of their city, the people were celebrating. Drinking and dancing and whoring in the streets. Why wouldn’t they? The Long Night was over. The walkers were defeated and gone. Their savior was their king. Tomorrow had never looked so promising to the common folk. It was only for the man that looked upon them from above, with an almost envious glint in his eye, that had to worry about delivering the tomorrow.
“Well, Your Grace-”
“It’s Jon. I want you to call me that, since no one else will anymore.” 
Davos raised an eyebrow, his eyes flickering to the newly forged crown. “Not a fan of Jaehaerys Targaryen?” 
“My mother gave me that name. She had no idea who, or what, I would become,” The younger man blinked and the sudden flash of anger in his eyes was gone, leaving only the gentle firelight. “Jaehaerys … Jaehaerys was her ideal of a son.”
“Don’t you want to be her ideal?”
Jon’s voice was flat, stern, when he spoke. “Jaehaerys was never real. Jon is who I really am.”
In the silence that followed, Davos scrambled frantically for something to say. He always had something to say, but not to Jon, stuck in his eternal sadness. Daenerys had been his last refuge, both as a lover and someone who could try to understand. He had no one like that now. No one that could possibly quantify even a teaspoon of his old soul, empathise with his burden. Luckily for Davos, Jon had filled the pause for him. 
“Where will you go if I release you from my service, Ser Davos?”
“I haven’t seen my wife, Marya, or my younger sons in several years, Your Grace,” Guilt tugged at his stomach familiarly. “I think I’ll sail home to Cape Wrath, see my family and my home there. After that, I’ve yet to decide.” 
Jon nodded slightly. “Good. Then you are free to leave. Take any ship you please.”
“Thank you, Your Grace.” He bowed at the waist.
Davos had barely moved a fraction an inch towards the door before Jon called him back. “I haven’t dismissed you yet, Ser.”
“Once your affairs in the Stormlands are in order, you are to return to the Red Keep with your family and your belongings,” Davos frowned as Jon turned away from the balcony. “For you will be serving me as Hand of the King.”
It took a huge force of will for Davos to bite back the multiple responses and a few seconds more for him to organise a coherent response in his head. 
“Forgive me, Your Grace, but my service to you was to offer council in difficult times,” he said steadily. “You’ve now no shortage of honorable men to advise you. You’re surrounded by some of the best surviving minds in all of Westeros. Tyrion Lannister himself, to name one. I am a crabber’s son, an ex-smuggler, a man who served a claimant to your throne. What could I possibly have to offer you as a Hand?”
Jon had just smiled at him. The first genuine one he’d seen in a while. 
For all the years that Davos had lived, he should have known better than to think that his role as Hand of the King would be the start and end of his place in the reign of Jaehaerys III Targaryen. Marya became a lady of the court, his sons all had turns as the king’s pages or squires. House Seaworth was favoured by Jon. Everyone thought it but no one said it. The court could overlook on the king’s behalf, since he had saved their lives.
There was little to overlook with Jon. He ruled well. He took the words of his advisers as he should but used his own heart, too. He could be generous and merciful, but also principled. He was loved. The peace was kept.
And then, when the first child, a prince, was born, Davos was appointed to the role of chaperone. 
In many ways, this task was a much heavier responsibility. The Hand’s office wasn’t at all personal. It was just a job. To care for the prince, the heir to the throne, was something else. Eddard Targaryen was a precious gift to the people, real proof that the dynasty was stable once again. Perhaps more important to Davos, Eddard was absolutely the most important thing in Jon’s life. Davos rarely saw love in Jon’s eyes to equal when he looked upon the son that he thought he would never have the chance to sire. 
“He gets bigger by the day, that one.” Davos remarked one day.
The throne room was emptied of the court. Jon was still in his seat on the Iron Throne with Davos at his right. A familiar sight, but for the baby prince perched on his father’s lap. And Eddard was growing stronger. The red-faced, squalling bundle that Jon had temporarily relinquished to him on that fateful night was gone. 
In his place was a boy that looked so strangely like his father. 
Dark hair against winter skin, with deep brown eyes to match. The differences were slight. There was not a single curl to be found on his raven head. Eddard was not so somber. His smiles were easily given to any and all. 
“It’s terrifying. My days are numbered.”
Davos took a breath in. “If you don’t mind, Your Grace, I’ve got a gift for him.” 
Two sets of black eyes followed as he reached into the inside of his cloak. 
“I didn’t know whether to make a dragon or a direwolf so I tried both,” Davos extended the carving out to Eddard almost shyly. “The wolf turned out much better.”
The prince took the wolf from his chaperone’s hands into his own. His tiny hands were gentle, brushing over the smooth wood. He had the same look of wonderment on his face that he did when he saw the real thing, Jon’s own direwolf. Eddard was perhaps the only person that Ghost would tolerate such excessive petting from. He was the same with Drogon, too. He’d never been afraid of either beast. 
“All the toys that were bought for him,” Jon grinned as Eddard hugged the wolf to his chest. “And that’s the only thing he’s shown the slightest bit of interest in.”
With each new child of Jon’s that arrived, the carvings seemed to grow a little better. Davos carved six wolves. The first creation for Eddard. The second for the little Princess Rhaenys, made with ebony fur and painted lilac eyes. To match her twin Aegon, another wolf with purple eyes but this time carved from the wood the ash tree. The third son, Jaehaerys, another white wolf but with stern iron eyes. For the youngest brothers, Robb and Rickon, were carved from mahogany and walnut.
The people invented a quatrain for the children. Jon detested it. It was never recited within reach of his ears, but it was whispered behind closed doors.
Eddard for the man who was never free.
Jaehaerys for the man he was meant to be.
Robb and Rickon for the brothers lost.
Rhaenys and Aegon for the siblings cost.
As if the gods believed Jon had suffered enough, he never had to face losing a child. In fact, each of his offspring grew well. Eddard the heir. Rhaenys and Robb the warriors. Aegon and Rickon the scholars. Jaehaerys the politician. 
To his disbelief, Davos lived every year to see them rise. He chaperoned all five brothers since they were babes in arms to young men at arms. Marya was put in charge of the princess but Davos doted over her just the same. Jon’s little girl, lovely Rhaenys who fought as fiercely as any one of her brothers. Better than her brothers in truth. Jon said he would not fail her as Lyanna, and Arya even, had been. Jon did not play favorites, but his softest spot was reserved for his daughter.
Eddard, Rhaenys, Aegon, Jaehaerys, Robb and Rickon. The perfect six, as there had once been six children in Winterfell. The perfect family to hold up their father’s world when he was gone. 
Joined by another, an unexpected seventh. Just days after Eddard’s eighteenth name day. 
He had a seventh child, a second daughter. The sister that Rhaenys had accepted long ago that she wouldn’t have. No, Jon did not lose a child. This time, though, he lost his queen. 
“I’m so sorry, Your Grace.” Davos took one hand off of his cane to rest on the king’s shoulder.
Jon shook his head sharply. He didn’t want to talk about it yet. Instead he looked down at the bundle in his arms as he tipped the rocking chair back and forth lightly. This one was more fragile than the others, Davos could see. Even the twins, born weeks before their proper time, had been bigger. Elfin fingers reached out and clenched around the smallest one that Jon had to offer. So tiny, this one. Perfectly healthy though, the maesters said. She would grow into a fine young lady with the right care.
“I never expected to be a father again. I’ve honored everyone I wanted to,” Jon spoke suddenly. His voice was hoarse as his throat was raw. “You name this one for me, Ser Davos.”
Jon had been shocking Davos every moment since he’d met him. This decision still took him by surprise. The right to name his daughter surrendered. 
“Let’s see her then.”
Davos cleared his throat, stepped closer to the chair as Jon shifted back to reveal the child in his arms. She seemed more a doll than a living thing, were it not for her eyes. They were so alive. Wide, deep and innocent, brown like rich chocolate. Davos knew the eyes he were looking into were a result of Jon’s strong northern line, but he couldn’t help but think of another princess he’d known with the same look.
“I think you know the name I’m going to suggest, Your Grace.”
Jon was so tired. It was in every line in his face, the silver streaks that stood out in his dark mane. “Shireen Targaryen.”
Speaking as a ruler, this would be taken in bad taste. Jon didn’t believe it but a Targaryen king naming his daughter, a trueborn princess, after the member of a house that had usurped his family was odd in this game.
Just this once, for Davos’s sake, Jon could allow himself to not care about the consequence.
This Shireen did live. She did grow into a young lady. This time, Shireen was loved. Nothing was worth as much to Jon as Shireen and her elder siblings. She wasn’t a fighter like her sister. She was more mild, sweet and gentle like her namesake had been. 
Davos counted himself lucky to live as long as he did. Most had not. Eddard was a man grown by the time Davos started to ail. The heir was twenty two, his household set up at Dragonstone with his new wife. Rhaenys lived on the Iron Islands as their princess through Queen Yara’s only son. Her twin had gone to the Citadel to train as a maester. Jaehaerys and Robb had gone, too, serving as wards at Casterly Rock and the Eyrie respectively. They had all come back to the Keep when their father sent them the news.
They had all been at his side. Marya, his sons and grandchildren, Jon and his children. It was a true gift to have them there with him. For all he’d endured, he had done well to reach his eightieth year. 
Now Jon’s hair was turning silver and what little Davos had left was white.
“We’ve been through a lot together, hey boy?”
Jon snorted as Davos called him boy, as usual. He was fifty seven now. “I reckon so. You’ll have quite the stories to tell Stannis.”
Davos studied him with sad eyes for a moment. “You remember what you said to Daenerys about that new world? You did it in the end. You made it.”
“She could of, too.”
“Maybe, but I knew it was going to be you, Jon. I took the step and never looked back. I always believed. Right from the start.”
A small grin appeared on Jon’s face. “When I rose from the dead?”
“Aye. That was a damn good indicator that you were something special.”
The pair laughed together for a moment. Davos was growing weaker with each second with each second that ticked by. Jon had seen enough men die to know that he didn’t have much longer with his Hand, his friend.
“I don’t know how I’m going to manage without you, Davos.” he told him plainly, gripping his hand. 
“The same way you have been these past few years. I’ve been a luxury, not a neccessity,” Davos said dismissively. He had to be. Jon still had years of reigning left to do. He couldn’t collapse now. “Who’s going to be your new Hand?”
Jon swallowed as the thought pained him. “Lord Tyrion.”
“A good choice. He’s been working for it since you sat your ass on the throne over twenty years ago. He’ll serve you just fine.”
There was a silence between them. Jon was ashamed that he was wasting these precious minutes. He had so much to express, not enough words and even less time to do so. For years, he had wondered what he’d say to Ned if he could have the chance to give his goodbye again, what he’d say to Rhaegar if he’d ever got the chance to meet him.
“Thank you for being there when my father couldn’t be,” Jon wasn’t sure if he meant Ned or Rhaegar. It didn’t matter. “Thank you for guiding me, helping me, and believing in me even when hardly anyone else did. Thank you for doing the same for my children, loving them as though they were your own.”
Davos just sighed, tightening his grip on Jon’s hand. “I loved you like my own. And you made me proud. That’s all I could ever have asked. I should be thanking you.”
“I’m going to miss you.”
“And I you, boy.”
Jon was frugal with his tears. He’d already given away so many. For Ned, Robb, Ygritte, Rickon, Daenerys. When Bran had admitted the truth to him about his mother, he’d gone and sobbed at the feet at her tomb. Then he’d ridden for the unmarked burials of his real siblings, killed as a result of the union that created him and mourned them for every year he’d missed. Lastly, he’d gone beneath Dragonstone and raged at Rhaegar Targaryen’s hidden grave. For siring him, for marrying his mother, for putting this horrendous burden on him for every single day of his life. 
He cried for Davos. Not at the funeral, in front of hundreds of nobles and commonfolk who’d come to pay their respects to the Hand. There, he’d comforted his children. 
Only days later, when his five eldest had flown again, when Rickon and Shireen had finally given in to sleep, did he shed tears. 
Jon was alone and the lone wolf dies, so the family he’d been raised with said. But was Jon a wolf or was he a dragon? He’d known the truth since he was a much younger man, but he was still no closer to finding the answer.
The man that sat on the Iron Throne was Jaehaerys. Jaehaerys was a dragon.
The man who shut his eyes and dreamed of Winterfell was Jon. Jon was a wolf.
There was only one thing to be done. Make peace with both and live with both, Davos said. Teach his offspring to do the same.
It was the family that really mattered. 
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quotespicture · 5 years
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Game of Thrones Finale Review
By MA Iliasu (Kano State, Nigeria)
  Season Finale; Game of Thrones. Episode Finale; The Iron Throne.
A wise man once said: “There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. It unites people better than Armies, Gold and Flags ever can.” That wise man is no one but Tyrion of house Lannister, the imp, the daemon monkey, the pisser over the edge of the wall and the almighty hand of the king – the wise man with the sharpest tongue in Westeros. The perfect proof of Lord Tyrion’s submission is how George RR Martin, an American storywriter unites over one billion world population with the greatest story ever written, ever told and turned into motion picture in man’s living memory – the Game of Thrones.
White or Black, Asian, European, Caribbean or African, Arabic, English, Latino, French, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Swahili, Hausa or Yoruba, underage, ageing or aged; one seventh of the world population, and everyone is a Game of Thrones fan. And by fan, I mean the kind of fanatic level of fanboyhood. What makes Lord Tyrion’s submission even more unbelievable is the fact that its author is authored by the man we’re just trying to prove writes the greatest story ever told – with the stuff someone said in his own stuff. Wow! This is levels ahead of human beings comprehensible ability.
David Benioff and D. B Weiss also mustn’t be left behind, their infamous application of logic has wrapped up the story which its fluidity has the potential to flow until the last day, at an intensive, competent and adventurous pace. The episode finale has rationalized and solved many of the puzzles that have been in place since the inception of the show, from episode one – “Winter is Coming”, to episode last – “The Iron Throne”, in the most efficient, rational, logical and idealistic way possible. Justice is served to all; the sword is swinged by him who serves the sentence, and to him whose sentence was served, the nothingness in the truth of him who said I’m the king has been proved, the slaps of honour have been worn in both silence and noise, the status quo is disrupted against all the odds, and the real power is proved just as the script is written; the greatest of all powers is knowledge just as bit much as the inevitability of change is the biggest truth.
The talking points:
1. Don’t bury your head under the sand of delusion, not everything comes through inheritance, the biggest determinant of materiality is fate, and one must accept what it throws at him, no matter why, when and how. It’s just up to one to be ready before or when it arrives. The rightful-ness of everything lies in its righteousness, and for things to function in desired way, that which is rightful must be that which is righteous.
After all the political brouhaha amongst the prominent houses, the determination and the claims of bloodline lineages, and all the explanations and predictions; the person that gets to rule is a crippled son of Ned Stark who couldn’t lift his arm right to fire an arrow. Who would’ve thought? The boy, who was named after his uncle Bran, who was also named after Bran the Builder travelled north of the wall to find the missing tape in the cassette of his fate. Robb Stark once said to Lord Manderly: “If Bran can’t be lord of Winterfell before me, Renly can’t be king before Stannis” and I wish he was alive to see Bran as the king of Andals right in the sight of rightful heirs, and there’s nothing anyone of them can do about it. Isn’t that a great lesson? Ladies and gentlemen, please to Brandon the Broken, the first of his name, the king of the Andals and the first men, the lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm. Long may he reign!
2. No one should eat his cake and still have it. No one should pass the sentence and refuse to swing the sword. No one should take a debt and refuse to pay. What all this is trying to prove is that people must take their words seriously if world is to be any liveable environment for the living.
Daenerys Targaryen made promise of mercy, but fulfilled it with a wrath. She’s taken a debt of betterment, but paid it with aggravation. No one should get away with that. Jon Snow on the other hand has been a consistent soldier of mercy, truth, honour and honesty. He’s the personification of that proverb: “Truth is worth more than a pound.” The two lovers are complete opposite of each other, but still have so much affection for each other in a “love is blind” kind of way. Their characters define the ideals of human coexistence; take your word serious and be remembered as the greatest, but take it as a joke and be remembered as the worst.
3. Jon Snow as bigger name than Aegon the Conqueror, and Brandon the Builder in history of Westeros would be a very fair argument. Within his short life he had been a bastard, a steward, Lord Commander, a prisoner, wildlings saviour, King in the North, rightful heir to the iron throne and saviour of the realm. In all of the mentioned, he has been the greatest that has ever bear the title. No man has served the realm closer to how much Jon did. He died and came back. He’s stupid, clueless and indecisive, but which honourable, honest and brave man is not? He has the blessings of prince Rhaegar, Ned Stark, Lord Commander Mormont, Aemon Targaryen, Mance Rayder, Stannis Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. And for everyone who is against him being sent back to the wall, remember, there has to be a Stark and a Targaryen every time in Black, and a man who is good at commanding, and very dear to the Wildlings, Jon meets that criteria, in fact, he’s the only one that meets that criteria. Jeor Mormont did give him the long claw for a reason. And Maester Aemon defined love to him for a reason. Ghost agreed to follow Tormund to the wall for a reason. Edd Tollett refused the Lord Commander post for a reason. It’s for Jon to guard the realm till eternity, and it’s fair to say the realm is safe till eternity. The greatest man that ever lived in Westeros. He indeed knows nothing, but who else knows something?
4. The new small council is just a testimony of the past great councilors. Lord Tywin’s blood must always be there to be hand of the king, because no one had ever been better at it. Tyrion was sent by his father to serve in his place for a reason. Bronn of Blackwater has the cunning of Petyr Baelish, and even bigger love for gold. He also knows what it takes to convert an empty bag into bag full of gold. Samwell Tarly has learnt a great deal from Maester Aemon, and from Maesters in the citadel. He’ll make a better Maester than Pycelle. Davos Seaworth is an experienced smuggler who survived every single battle without a shred of combat ability. No one is better at brokering a deal, he’ll be of great service as the master of the ships. Brienne of Tarth as Lord Commander of Kingsguard would allow Jaime to sleep peacefully in his grave. With the only vacant post remaining is Master of Whisperers. But who in this life or another do you think could resemble Varys, let alone replicate his job? RIP Lord Varys, may the soul of Dany rot in hell for taking you away from us.
5. Yuval Noah Harari is apt; “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” When – Lord Commander Mormont forbade Samwell Tarly to die, Mance Rayder died while being burned alive for refusing to kneel, Craster marrying his daughters to himself, The hound threatening soldiers to rape their corpses if they run, Stannis Baratheon admitting to murder while being helpless, Robin Arryn sucking his mother’s breast while been at the age Brandon Stark was ruling Winterfell in place of Robb, and Edd Tollett saying his mother farted while dying that the whole bed shook, I thought I heard it all. I thought I’ve seen it all. Then boom!!! Lord Edmure Tully stood right there in front of lords with hope for them to endorse him as the king of six kingdoms. Wow! I think this is the greatest insult an entity has ever suffered, and I was there asking God to offer me a chance to give Edmure the greatest flogging he has ever received. What a dunce! And he truly meant it.
6. The north is finally a recognised independent dominion. North has always been an arena for extraordinary stubbornness. They worship old Gods in trees instead of fire and new, stay in snowflakes through the winter and bowed only to the dragons. The fury of northern lord matches the fire of a dragon. Greatjon Umber couldn’t agree for Lord Glover to lead northern banners until he got his fingers eaten by a dire wolf. Lord Karstark murdered two Lannister boys because Lady Catelyn set Jaime free, which costed him his head and he didn’t regret. Lyanna Mormont killed a giant in such a young age, and once wrote a reply to Ramsay saying her house recognises no king but the king in the north whose name is Stark, and we all know Ramsey. These people shall never bend before anyone who is not a northerner, and they got one in Queen Sansa, a brilliant lady with experience, with a fine lineage and beautiful face. I am that northern soldier who bends when she was done getting crowned. Our Queen! Arya Stark on the other hand refused to be the Lady of Storm’s End, instead wants to see the boundary of Storm’s End. Cold little bitch, as the hound puts it. That girl can’t live in a world where there’s no people like Ned Stark, Sandor Clegane, Blackfish and Jaqen H’ghar. The hero of the realm!
In the end, there are some missing stuff in the season finale that needs to be accounted for such as: 1. How did they rebuild King’s Landing within days? 2. How did they rebuild the wall in such little period? 3. Samwell Tarly still has the bows of Night’s Watch, how did he become a Grand Maester with bows, when did they pardon him? 4. It has been seen when the Unsullied sailed to Naath, but what happened to the Dothraki, who knows where they go? 5. What happened to or where is Ellaria Sand and her daughter? Are they still rotting in the dungeons of King’s Landing? Did the girl die from Cersei’s poison, did Ellaria watch her rot? Is she alive or dead?
Rating: 4/5
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