pilferingmonkey · 10 years
Closing the Curtain(Closing)
Zidane stared in to the sky after he gained his memory back. Knowing where he belonged, he just had to find out how to get back. This place and time, where ever it was just wasn't for him. He gathered his things and tossed them out of the window. Feeling bad for leaving his roommate solo like his did before him, he left him a letter saying he wasn't really a student and he would just crash their every night. Hopefully he would just forget about him even after the short time they had.
His next journey would be him finding his way home.
(Maybe I'll be back. Leaving TTU with Zidane Tribal. Thanks for following guys! I'll be around~)
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pilferingmonkey · 10 years
He didn't want to give too much information away, it would kill most of it for himself. The feeling of making someone happy was grand. "It's just something I've been working on. Hopefully when you see what I have it will inspire you instantly with ideas." 
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"The only thing I will say is that it cannot have too much nudey nude. Other then that anything you come up with is fine. Oh, you don't have to worry about bringing snacks. Just your awesome brain!" 
Zidane could tell Vincent was excited to see what was going on. "We should get some rest for it then." He flipped back his covers once again and jumped under. "Don't worry, if you stay up. I'll be fine. Just no pranks on me in my sleep."
Meeting the roomie (Closed Vincent and Zidane)
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The other seemed to get a little excited as the other asked him to come to the art building. He liked art, art was his one skill in life, and he liked getting more and more art things done. And he did love scary things, and to be able to actually use it for something sounded like the perfect thing for him. “I… I might be able to come with a few ideas.” In his head he was already coming up with hundred different ideas, without even knowing what sort of scary they were going for. “What are you setting up? I could collect a few ideas if I knew more?”
He looks at the map and nods, getting his own out from his pocket, before he accepts the paper from the other, smiling to show that he were thankful for the offer from the other. “I can bring some snacks too.”
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pilferingmonkey · 10 years
Zidane shrugged off Vincent's idea. "You have plenty of time to get use to to school. You should come wit h me to the art's building tomorrow. I wanted to see what you would think about this stage setting I'm making. You like scary things right. If you could help me out with a couple of ideas from the base I will have?" 
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Tribal quickly grabbed out a piece of paper and pen and wrote down the address and found his old map and lifted it up to show. "You have one of these right?" After writing the place to meet him, he walked over swaying his tail. "Whenever you get up and get ready to go meet me here for a little before you head out." He rubbed his chin with his tail as he stood. "Hmm, we'll get some snacks and stuff for our session."
Meeting the roomie (Closed Vincent and Zidane)
Vincent gives a smile, feeling a little more relaxed with his new roomate, maybe this wouldn’t be that bad? He kept overthinking stuff when he was going new places, and in the end just shut himself off from anyone and kept going in a straight line until he was away from said place. Maybe it couldn’t hurt to try and get a friend?
"I am, I am mostly up late and get up late when there is no school." He explains, as he starts setting up his computer on the desk just by the bed. "I have a feeling you are an early riser?"
Busy turning on his most loved item he didn’t notice that the other seemed to be thinking over something, and he turns towards him again when he asked what he was doing.
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"Me? Just trying to get used to this place. Why? You had something in mind?"
He tried his best to not show that he were sort of shocked over this. Usually people would sneak away after just a few words with him, maybe Zidane was a really great guy? Even though he had weapons in school.
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pilferingmonkey · 10 years
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Tumblr http://vivonellepozzanghere.tumblr.com/ on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/92757026
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pilferingmonkey · 10 years
-pulls tail-
-blinks- This happens a lot so it's ok. Tug away.
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pilferingmonkey · 10 years
The blonde wondered himself. He scratched his head and thought as much as he could. "I don't know, I don't remember." Almost letting her know he lost his memory of his past. The last thing he remembered was of the inn he woke up in. "I do a lot of studying so a lot of things come and go." That was the quickest lie he could come up with.  The rain battered down even harder. Zidane walked to the edge to see the sky. "I don't remember hearing anything about a flash flood." He pulled his phone out to check the weather. "Hopefully we can get a chance to get to another spot in time. Down here won't be good." He chuckled.
Nice Weather eh? (Zidane and Rhyme)
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pilferingmonkey · 10 years
"Ahhh don't worry about it. I sleep through almost anything."
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Zidane laughed off the creepy vibe he kept getting. Hopefully it would go away in time. "You should relax, I'm really carefree about most things. Even when its serious I'm ashamed to say." 
It was mostly true aside from his music and friends, but he didn't want to push his luck and call them friends just yet. He yawned slightly as he looked at the time. "Huh, so you say you are a night person. I guess that means you will be up for the night?" 
Tribal thought it would a bit weird that they would sleep in something like shifts. He normally got up early to get ready, that seems like the time Vincent would be settling. 
Hmm I wonder how I can welcome Vinny a little better.
The blonde thought about all of the horror movies and things Vincent had spoke about. It seemed like he would like to maybe build a costume. Then an idea formed. With all the equipment they could get at the school building, they could make their own horror movie. Zidane being the actor and Vincent having the horror set mind. 
"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?" 
Meeting the roomie (Closed Vincent and Zidane)
He looks over at the closet, and nods. For some reason he really didn’t use closets that much. It was much easier to just have your clothes in easy reach for those times you didn’t want to move too far from the bed.
Vincent finds a honor place for his box, and brushes some dust off it as he walks a little back to witness his nerd type decoration. He was that sort of person that instead of flowers, would decorate with some really beautiful figures instead. Or a lot of figures of horror movie villains. When he had grown up his room had been a shrine to Jason from Friday the 13th. “Most of them are yes. Like Dracula. Christopher Lee, who played Sauroman in Lord of the rings started out in these sort of movies, and got famous through them. He was a good Dracula.” He was about to continue, but held his tongue as he didn’t want to rant again. He usually did when someone let him.
The best now would be to try and talk about something else. “Ah, how do you feel about me being up long nights and working on school tasks? If you don’t like it I can go to the library. I just need to be ready for some late nights…” Good, he had been able to go from one bad thing to another.
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
Zidane turned around as he looked at the building he just walked out of. He thought he just walked out of Oblivion. Did he day dream through most of his walk? 
"Huh... same here. We might have to sit out somewhere at least until it calms a bit then move then. Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." Zidane looked around for any cover they could find for her. He didn't mind too much for him self to get wet. The closest place was the sports fields. They could sit under the a small shelter there. "Let's go this way." 
After they arrived Zidane chuckled. "That's weather for ya." He began to hit himself in the head. "Ah sorry, I'm Zidane. It's nice to meet you Rhyme, and what a name."
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Nice Weather eh? (Zidane and Rhyme)
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
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Beautiful picture of the Gershwin Theatre from the stage of Wicked.
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
Zidane turned as he heard a girls voice. He was a bit confused on how she didn't hesitated on coming up to him when he realized that his tail was stuffed down his pants. Looking like a normal person got girls to ask him out on rainy day dates.
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Zidane heard what she said after fantasizing. "Ah, sorry I don't have one with me." He glanced up at the sky. "I didn't expect this weather, I don't have too much further to go luckily." He started to walk off as he realized she could go to his dorm room really quickly for his umbrella. "If you want, we can head to my dorm really fast and I can walk to where you need to go?"
He didn't have much to do besides grocery shopping for his roommate and himself. They made sure they had snacks when the cafe was closed and if they didn't feel like leaving campus. 
Nice Weather eh? (Zidane and Rhyme)
"Shoot, shoot, shoot!" Rhyme repeated as she heard the thunder rumble from the clouds above her. The day certainly did not begin like this. To say that this weather was a surprise was an understatement. Her brand new sneakers were going to get soaked and her outfit was certainly not made for this weather. Life was full of surprises, didn’t she know it. She wasn’t even close to her dorm before the thunder became accompanied by heavy rain.
Rhyme searched for anything to cover her head with anything, coming up short. However, in searching, she had caught sight of someone.
"Hey! Do you have an umbrella?
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
A lot of drama has settled as of late so I finally focus here again. I'll get back to replies asap and if tumblr lets me find them all heh. Huh..lots of people missing. 
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
Zidane watched as his roommate places his things away. "Yeah, it would have been a bit different if you didn't ask if I was alright with it all." He was really happy it didn't go that way. He was getting kinda lonely in his room, but he didn't want to be in a situation that made him wanna leave it either. "Why don't you hang your clothing tomorrow maybe?" The boy directed his finger to the closet. "There is plenty of space there since I don't have much." Zidane thought about it for a moment. He didn't have many outfits. Why? He shook the feeling and listened to Valentine.
Tribal didn't really watch too many scary movies. He was more into musicals and comedy. As he heard Vincent he glanced at the box. One of Zidane's goals in life was acting. Being the actor he was it would make sense he would be able to work with every type of genre, but it was clear to him and his classmates me would be terrible in a horror film. His tail curled up a bit as he thought about his last stage. "I like them." Zidane smiled as he got up. I...I bet there is a lot of monsters and stuff in this huh?"
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Meeting the roomie (Closed Vincent and Zidane)
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
He See's She Sells by TTU for Sure (Open)
Chasing someone who dropped their wallet was difficult after not exercising in awhile. Zidane learned it that hard way as he shoved a few townsmen to reach his arm further through the crowd. 
"Hey, wait! I know you hear me! If this is some kinda prank on good people show like I saw on TV the other night, I have realized. It's over! I'm running out of air...-weeze- to breath" 
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The woman ran off and Tribal stopped to get his self together. It was like the woman was a track star, he chased her for quite awhile. A child walked passed as chuckled. "Why don't you open it and check her ID? Or maybe a phone number you can call to get her to meet you." Zidane smiled at the kid. "Thanks little dude, but I thought I could catch her and I wouldn't have to go through that process. 
Zidane didn't really think of it since it all happened so fast, but she was in a rush to a dead end part of town. "She couldn't be leaving town, so I don't have to rush after her, I'll go look for a new outfit for the party." The closest shop was a bit pricey, but he thought it didn't hurt to look.
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
I have to go out of town for a funeral. Things have been pretty bad lately for me. I'll be back. This is for Roxas/Garnet as well.
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
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pilferingmonkey · 11 years
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