#her dancing is so fierce ahhhh
edwinspaynes · 5 months
Do you have thoughts on what James and cordelias family would be like in the future - like how many kids, boys or girls, what they’d be like as parents etc.
I feel like I might be in the minority on this one in the fandom, but I'm actually REALLY excited for Cordelia and James to have kids. Like, I think they would both genuinely and truly enjoy parenthood, and I'm happy they'll get to.
I think James and Cordelia will start trying like 3-4 years after ChoT epilogue. Jem will tell Cordelia that she is pregnant because she asked him after missing her courses. They find out that they are having a girl!
I am gunnin' for their first to be a girl. James is such a girldad. And Cordelia would LOVE having another woman to teach to be brave and loving and compassionate and fierce and bold and just as wonderful as she is.
Cordelia tells James one night. She makes him a favorite dinner and when he goes, "what's the occasion?", Cordelia will smile and tell him they're having a family.
James immediately swoops her up and dances her around, and starts going like "ahhhh I can't swing you, you need to rest omg, ahhh". But then he in a little bit just turns to her and smiles and thanks her for bringing them a baby.
Matthew and Alastair decorate the nursery together. It is hilarious. But they've JUST been informed that they're co-Godfathers and they have to get along and play nice as to not disturb Cordelia's peace while she is pregnant, so they're quibbling over everything
Anyway, back to Herondaisy! They set up a whole system, they buy baby clothes for her. Sophie knits her many little pink hats and also many mittens and socks. Tessa takes Cordelia to do some baby shopping, but she usually does it with James.
When the baby is born she is named Layla, like actually Layla. Not like a nickname how Cordelia has. I had another idea which was Gowan. I'll get back to that! I thought about it, mulled it over, I like Layla better. @angeldaisies !
Layla gets to decorate her suitcase and what ho! She travels with them all over. She has little stamps from everywhere she's gone, and her suitcase has glitter on it.
When Layla is 2, she is informed that she will have a brother! This brother is "Owen" on the family tree. But I don't know. I don't think Owen is the best name for him personally. I will think of a better one for him, but all I know in this moment is that his middle name will be Alastair <3
James and Cordelia have 3 kids. Idk they just seem like those kind of people, to have 3. The third will be another girl, 2 years after ____. James can be a girldad twice!
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chimcess · 4 months
So, I know it's been a while since I've updated Trees That Wheep. 4 months is a long time in between chapters (for me, anyway), and I thought to make up for how slow things have gotten I reveal a bit of a spoiler (it's under the cut). I hope this helps all of you out here who have been invested in this series over the last few years (and helps explain why I did the rewrite late last year). I'll have a small author's note at the end of this, so please scroll down there to read that!
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“For thousands of years the people of Nantgarth lived in peace. The hybrids of Reika had been friends of all, the dragons of Lustra had been nothing but kind if not reserved like the Quietus they lived amongst, and the shapeshifters of Korika had been trusted allies. The humans of Sarka had stayed to themselves. The elves had been kind, warm, and inviting. Everything had been perfectly harmonious.
However, that all changed when Erdenay, the ruler of the Elves, died in his sleep after ruling for over four thousand years. Desperate for a new leader and looking for hope, the elves were taken with a fair-haired woman who claimed to know how to make an elf live forever. That was how Aladia came into power and when troubles started."
Book One: Trees That Wheep Pairing: Jimin x Reader Summary: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they had ever known of all, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart.
Book Two: River from the Sky Pairing: Namjoon x Reader Summary: With the threat of Etelin growing stronger with each passing day, the Foxglove pack is growing weaker and weaker. That's when a small group of fox shifters come to the wolves' aid in exchange for a piece of land in Bangtan when the war is over. When Taehyung leaves the pack in Namjoon's hands while he leaves to aid their cousins in Viridi Gramine, tempers flare when the know-it-all wolf and the fiercely independent fox leader need to work together in order to keep their people safe. Coming soon
Book Three: Waltzing in the Ashes Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Summary: Taken as a prisoner of war, the youngest Alconian Princess finds friendship with a blind man who is set on freeing them both. With her feelings growing and a fiancé waiting for her back home, Y/N faces the harsh realities of war that she had only ever heard about. Coming soon.
Book Four: All Things Devour Pairing: Jungkook x Reader The only way to get to the Elven Queen is going to the great city or Kasia, Etelin’s Capital. With new friends and greater enemies, the people of Lustra had long since thrown caution to the wind. When the Bangtan pack stages a coo to go at the elf queen herself, Jungkook meets an elf that changes his life. Fighting to stay alive in the famished towns and relying on the rebels on the mainland, the final dance has started, and no one knows who will make it out alive. Coming soon.
Book Five: Brave New World Pairing: Seokjin x Reader Life after war seems impossible, and Jin had felt the grief of war more than most. His trip to Sarka was his last task before stepping down as Lustra's peacemaker. While there he meets a quiet blacksmith who can wield a sword better than anyone he has ever seen. Their budding friendship makes Jin feel more alive than he has in years, but he can't stay in human territories for forever. Coming soon.
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AHHHH! So, it's official. I've already started mapping out a complete, five book series for this little world of mine. I have no clue how long this will take me, but I'm super excited to share my plans with all of you. I am working on Trees That Wheep, but I did say in my 2024 plans that I wanted to give myself time to focus on other projects as well.
TTW will return this summer!
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Taglist: @greezenini @adventures-in-bookland @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin @yamekomz @chimthicc @michiiedreamer @amorieus @mima795 @yunki-yunki-yunki
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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carry-me-out · 4 years
tbh when aespa was first announced, i was just kind of like, whatever, y’know? don’t hate it, don’t love it. however. NINGNING
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leoneliterary · 3 years
Hello! I wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your writing and I had so much fun playing the demo, I’ve already played it many times!! 🥺💕💕 I can’t wait to see more of the story and officially meet these fantastic characters!! Especially… Sutek 😳🥰 I’m very soft for him!!
And speaking of being soft, I had a scenario question for the ROs during the crushing stage~ How would the ROs react to seeing the MC after they had had a sweet and tender dream about the MC the night before? 💘
Ahhhh thank you so much!! And I love that Sutek is getting some love! I'm really excited for the love interest introductions in the next update!
This scenario is so sweet! It just took me a while to figure out how to do it and I overthought the mess out of it lol. I kept asking myself, what type of dreams would each character have? What is tenderness? More focus on the dream or them seeing you? Why are they all so awkward? Might have missed the tender part, but I hope you enjoy it!
He had been standing in the river, looking at a village in the distance, and hearing the sounds of laughter and revelry coming from it. Maybe the loneliness was always there, but he felt the pangs fiercely in this moment.
And then you were there.
You waded into the water to take his hand and led him closer and closer to the village. The two of you danced and danced, and yet he didn't feel tired. There you stood face illuminated by torchlight and your smile, and he comes closer and closer to you, his lips about to meet yours...
He bolts upright in bed, drenched in sweat. Stumbling he ambles out of the bed to throw open a window, letting in the surprisingly cool night breeze.
The fresh air gently caresses his face, but that only reminds him of the dream he was trying to escape from.
The next morning he's more haggard than usual and trying to avoid his thoughts with tea, when you abruptly enter his study.
"Merikh we need to talk!"
Tea goes everywhere. The desk, himself, out of his nose
“Are you alright?!” you rush over to him, roughly patting his back as he coughs.
She's alone and all of the flowers are dead. She tried to reach out to touch them, but they crumpled and now there was only dust. It swirls around her suffocating her until a hand takes hers.
It's you.
You take her hands, lift her up and wipe her eyes.
"Breathe Laverna, I'm here."
And just like that, dust turns to petals, barren earth blooms and so does her heart. You both lay together on the newly grown plush grass and she rests her head on your chest, the beat of your heart feeling surer than her own.
"We could start over too, you know." You say it idly as she lays on you and Laverna wonders if you're right. Maybe she could trade a barren life for one that is full of both you and herself. The idea grabs hold of her and she can feel it and your grip on her heart.
As rays of sun filter into her room she is too overjoyed by her recollection of her dream to feel heartbroken that it was over. She immediately hurries to get dressed and begins to get to work.
When you visit her later that day she surprises you by dropping a grand and vibrant crown of flowers onto your head.
"And what is this for?" you ask with a laugh, gingerly bringing a hand up to touch the soft petals.
"I'm just happy to see you."
Nightmares plague Sutek. Most nights find him trapped behind gritted teeth and sweat soaked covers and yet tonight he was freed. He wakes up in a daze, boneless in his bed as snippets of the dream come back in flashes. He could still hear the sweet way you called his name, the way you welcomed him into your arms, and how in your eyes he could see a home he had long left behind. Your face, your laugh, a laugh that he was able to draw out of you.
Dragging himself out of his bed he shakes his head and sighs.
That's how he knows it was just a dream. How would he ever be able to make you smile or laugh like that?
He's bit stunned when he sees you later that night and for a brief moment, he's unsure whether he's awake or dreaming. He smiles at you.
Then you begin to run and he of course gives chase.
That definitely gave him some clarity.
In my dreams I make you laugh, but when I'm awake I make you run.
The sting of the truth makes him briefly wonder if maybe nightmares are preferable to the feeling of something he can never have.
She makes her way through a dark torch lined hall and opens a heavy door into a small room. The only thing there is a large chest and she gets ready to pick the lock, only to find it doesn't have one. She opens the chest and what seems like thousands of gold coins come spilling out. They pour and pour out of the chest shimmering and then begin to take shape.
Your shape to be exact.
Glittering and draped in gold you walk across the blanket of coins to take her face in your hands, your smile so wide and bright that she can't help but beam back.
"What's this worth to you Desma?"
Without hesitation she leans in, "Everything." and she seals it with a kiss.
When she wakes up alone in bed she begins to search for you, her frenzy only dulled by her still being half asleep. She looks under her covers, even under her bed until she hears you outside.
"Desma! Wake up, we need to meet Merikh!"
You're banging on her door and at the sound of your voice she leaps up to answer it. You jump back when she does and with some of her hair stuck to the side of her face with drool, she grabs your shoulders and practically shouts in your face, "Do you remember when you were made of gold and you poured out of a chest?!"
The small wooden boat she's sitting in is being violently rocked by waves as she desperately searches it for an oar. Thunder booms overhead and she considers getting out and swimming, but the shore is nowhere in sight.
"Rough weather Nari?"
She nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears your voice, eyes darting around to locate it when you call out again.
"Down here."
She looks down and sees you smiling up at her from the water, your arms casually draped over the side of the boat.
She leans down to you and you open your arms to her. "Care to join me?" You ask and despite the storm overhead and everything else telling her to stay in the boat she nods.
You pull her beneath the depths.
Instead of darkness and water filling her lungs the water is filled with brightness and she finds that she can breathe just fine. She realizes that the two you you are embracing, faces so close together.
"It pays to be bold, Nari."
When she wakes up she tries to go about her day normally, but when she see's you later something stirs in her. She could be bold, right?
I'll ask if you want to visit the port with me.
So she takes a deep breath, but as soon as you make eye contact her tongue turns to rocks and all she can manage is, "Er—um, do you want a boat?!"
He's surrounded by crowns, but none of them fit.
Silver and gold, but all too big or small. The throne room is overflowing with him and he finds himself wading through the jagged headpieces, trying to find something, anything, that could fit.
"Those are nice, but this one," he turns behind him to see you holding one. It's golden and ornate, but with no sharpness to it and he stands motionless as you approach him with it. Looking into his eyes you place it on his head and suddenly you both are no longer in the throne room. Instead you stand on a cliff's edge, overlooking the city. You lightly touch the crown you've place on him before gently sling your hand to caress the side of his face.
"This suits you well, my King."
A years worth of words are at the tip of his tongue but all he can do is look at how compared to you, even the view of the city fades into the background,
Later that day when you enter with Merikh for an audience he finds himself struggling to decide if he should wear his regular circlet or something a bit more...
During the audience he's staring at you more often than not and you're staring back. But so is Merikh, because Aretas is wearing the crown that kings use when passing judgement on criminals.
He wears it well though.
She's walking forward, or at least she's trying to. Layer after layer of draping fabric fall in front of her, always getting in her way just as she moves forward. Finally she reaches forward and grabs one of the falling pieces of fabric and roughly pulls it towards her.
But in her hand is no longer a piece of fabric, but instead the flap to one of the largest tents she's ever seen.
"There you are Sarai!"
Your voice calls out to her from inside the tent and she sees you, sitting on an impossibly large mound of cushions and blankets, eagerly waving her over.
She comes over to you and you pull her into the pillow pile laughing the whole time. Before she knows it she's laughing too. Blankets flying, bouncing on pillows, Sarai's laugh is louder than she's heard it in years. A breeze blows through and takes all of her worries with it. You hold each other under the covers, and when she turns over to look at you, she only sees an empty bed. The huff she let's out is part embarrassment and part disappointment.
Later that day when you enter her chambers, you barely dodge the pillow that whizzes past your head.
"My Queen?" You ask carefully and she smiles behind her fan.
"Oh, my hand slipped."
Heka is no stranger to dreams and visions, but this one leaves him staring up at the ceiling as if it still holds him, even in the waking worlds.
It's more than just remembering the dream, he can still feel you.
He lays still because he's almost sure that your hand are still in his hair. He's still telling you how excited he is to show you the temple he grew up in. You have him trapped and he never wants to be free from you.
Is this a vision of what may come?
The day drags on and he really just wants it to end, that way sleep will visit him. That way you will visit him. Those thoughts leave when he sees you later in the day. He sees you coming towards him and it's as if time has slowed. Every part of you is as it was in his dream.
"Heka, didn't your hear me?"
You've been calling his name for a while now but he's too happy to see you to feel embarrassed.
"My mind was elsewhere, but don't worry," his smile is bright as he looks at you, "I'm with you."
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kimmyyang · 3 years
210503 My favorite moments & translations of the SHL concert including the warming up livestream
1. Zhao Jing calling fans adopted sons and daughters during the livestream and revealing that there will be a game where they hug each other, telling fans to look forward to it (he knows what we want to see haha).
2. Gong Jun arrived at the livestream first, but he still waited for Zhang Zhehan and told Zhang Zhehan to introduce himself first.
3. Zhang Zhehan saying he will talk less as he needs to take care of his throat for the actual concert, so Gong Jun talked mostly in the livestream (translation is here).
4. In the beginning of the concert, ZZH introduced himself: "I'm your Ah Xu." (T ^ T)
5. The MCs asked the casts to write down their top 1 iconic scene, some of them picked the scene where Gao Chong died. GJ & ZZH were having a discussion and the MCs were like "why do these two have to discuss their top 1 scene?" (yeah, you just need to write your own fave scene, it's not pair work LMAO) ZZH picked "you're not worthy" scene where they had to fight against Ye Bai Yi, and GJ picked the sun basking scene where they called each other 'Lao Wen', 'Ah Xu' 3 times. ZZH said: thanks to Gao dage's iconic scene, they got to rest haha.
6. Gao Chong, Zhao Jing & Shen Sheng sitting behind GJ & ZZH wrote "Lao Wen ♡ Lao Zhou" on their whiteboards, they were laughing so much while holding it up.
7. When they played the sun basking scene, the MCs asked GJ "you were pretty focused when watching the scene." GJ replied, "it reminded me of the time when we were filming, it felt so warm just like now, I'm being surrounded with love."
8. MCs said that ZZH added the part where calling Lao Wen's name 3 times. ZZH said: "yes I even asked GJ to call Ah Xu 3 times, I like the number 3 and calling the names 3 times shows 3 different emotions". When MCs asked them to reenact the scene, I heard CWN saying he wants to see it. (I hope I didn't mishear it lol and the MCs were smiling so much while watching them)
9. After ZZH finished singing Gu Meng (T ^ T), the fans were all screaming 'lao po'. XDDD
10. At the beginning of the game segment, when the rules came up on the screen. Fans were screaming loudly and ZZH said: "did you guys even read/ understand it to be screaming like that?" And one of the MCs said: "shouldn't that be Ye Bai Yi's job to diss people?" (The MCs definitely did a lot of prep before the concert haha XD and that is the hugging game Zhao Jing talked about in the livestream)
11. GJ & ZZH were laughing hehehehe when they found out they got the same number.
12. The MCs had to say a number, they have to find enough people to make that number. At one point Ye Bai Yi was with 3 actresses, and ZZH said: "Ye Bai Yi you're a guy and you're hugging 3 girls??? I didn't expect you to be like this." (AHAHAHAHA)
13. I missed out on what happened with CWN & GX, but it seems that they wanted to get eliminated together. (T ^ T)
14. So at the end, ZZH and Cheng Ling won the game and GJ was like: "the person who won the game will sing until tomorrow's concert." (LOL)
15. GJ said: "I feel like you guys planned it out to make me lose the game." (ZZH called 'Lao Wen' 3 times here ahhhh GJ kinda just gave up lol) "Am I right, didi?" Cheng Ling replied yes. ZZH asked GJ to dance as a punishment but GJ forced ZZH to dance and ZZH was like why do I have to do it when I won the game?? Then ZZH sang and GJ danced to 爱的恰恰 (so cute I cry) GJ couldn't do the dance properly, he explained: "I need to save my energy, I have to sing later."
16. When they were picking the winners for the prizes, GJ said: "it's so unfair to the bottom floor, they haven't won anything." ZZH then jokingly added: "the people on the bottom floor, they're super fast at getting the tickets and they're pretty rich too." (because the tickets are more expensive) GJ jokingly followed: "then let's pick someone from level 3, haha I actually did pick out level 3 (from the bag)."
17. Another game, the MCs asked them to say something fierce to the other team, GJ was facing his teammates and kept saying (I can't remember what he said) really loudly. And ZZH was like did you not understand (the instructions) why are you shouting at your teammates? (AHAHAHAHAHA come on I don't think he would say anything fierce to his lao po XD)
18. I can't remember what happened but Ye Bai Yi shouted: "卧槽 (fuck)" during the game segment. (really loudly!!! and I haven't heard any Chinese actors/ celebrities say that in public lmao)
19. GJ couldn't find all the nails on ZZH and asked: "where did you guys hide it?" Ye Bai Yi lifts up ZZH's clothes and said: "here". GJ said:" I can't reach there, they won't be able to broadcast it." (asdfghjklfuuuuu)
20. When they reenacted the "you're not worthy" scene and still bickering like 3-year-olds XDDD
21. When Cao Wei Ning & Ah Xiang were singing Yuan Mie, Ah Xiang got so emotional she cried and messed up, so Cao Wei Ning sang her lines and held her hand really tightly. (I CRIEDDDD)
22. Afterwards, ZZH & GJ walked out with Cheng Ling (then everyone came out too). GJ forgot to bring the red bracelets and ZZH was like "where are the red bracelets? Lao Wen did you give it to someone else?" (AHAHAHAHA)
23. When they had to put the red bracelets on each other's wrists, CWN's hands were shaking so much, you can literally feel how nervous he is through the screen. (sobs) CWN called Ah Xiang "Cao furen (my wife)" and GX called Cao dage "my husband". (T ^ T)
24. When Xi Sang Gui came into the centre, she said: "Ah Xing (WKX) when will it be your wedding?" GJ just smiled and side-eyed ZZH. XDD
25. GJ said that SHL means a lot to him, it's a special, irreplaceable drama to him. I think he also thanked ZZH. ZZH said: "thank you shanrens who're here and watching in front of the screen for giving us the chance to dream and made our dream come true. (no, thank YOU for bringing Ah Xu into our lives T ^ T)
26. Picking winners again and CWN was trying so hard to find the bottom/ centre area card. (so cute)
27. ZZH & GJ singing Tian Wen, ZZH got confused at the start and GJ helped him to get back into the right key, they both laughed and it was just so cuteeeee. And GJ said: "everyone together" which made ZZH laugh cuz you don't usually say that during a slow song lmao.
28. Liu Qianqiao presented 嗑 upside down which is phonetically “嗑到了/ kdl” and it means my ship (cp) is sailing.
Day 2
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in honor of May the Fourth i rewatched Ani: A Parody and wrote down some thoughts (idk if anyone wants to read them but i had fun lol)
• "it's a humorous play on words and that's where the comedy comes in" no matter how many times they say it in ani i laugh every time
• "you must not know dick about star wars" also a good line throughout
• ani's casual-ness about the younglings at the temple akshsjdk
• just mara jade in general
• the reveal of nick as palpatine makes me laugh even though i've seen this a million times
• the black bathrobe, the voice, the demeanor, everything is so funny
• "we're gonna paint these walls right?" is just incredible
• the characters interacting with clark and the rest as the cantina band is *chefs kiss*
• never noticed the wink that mara does after ani says he's old enough to be her father in law!! omg akshdjd
• chaotic iconic trio of brian/walker/nick with bonus eric as sebulba!!!!!
• brian picking up nick is perfect as is ani saying "they've got the high ground"
• brian holden as jar jar is also perfect
• the whole ani/jar jar conversation is so funny and clark laughing in the background is great
• tarkin yelling stop it at ani & jar jar as well as the band so then music stopped is so sjdhjdkddk
• the crop tops!!!
• jj using the force ahhhh
• tarkin "holy smokes look at the time"/jj "I CANT READ"
• "yousa even say she be lookin' like natalie portman" i forgot about that joke and i can't stop laughing
• the locker being a band member
• the ~romantic~ lines from ani to padme is iconic
• adding the red hair to denise's actual headshot is hilarious
• the walking through the door bit always great
• clark nodding when oola aka meredith asks if they can get a drink later asjsjdkdksk
• the astronaut helmet looks like it's from that OMG space short that a lot of starkids were in (okay checked an it's not, it's just very similar but you should watch it anyway haha) (also written and directed by chris allen)
• and nick as obi wan in a brown bathrobe & a taped on beard is great omg
• "i'm better now, i'm drunk"
• this whole dinner conversation is incredible
• "you think you kill a guy and comes back as a goddamn robot. and this is the second time it's happened to me" oooooh my god akhshdksjsk
• haunted by the kiss ahhhh
• the song, their dance, the fact the lyrics are from that speech lol
• when i watched the prequels this song kept repeating in my head
•  ngl jj's death hit me
• the chancellor valorum joke was pretty funny actually ajhshdjd
• boba fett taking off his helmet to reveal the hood on the onesie zipped up to be the helmet is chefs kiss
• meredith and brian duo!!!!!!
• "what was dat?" all i can think of is hmb now lol
• tarkin "you've got the high ground"
• eric as a force ghost!qui gon jinn is amazing and i forgot that happened omg
• the ending!! denise is incredible and i love the dancing
• shoutout to katie spelman the choreographer who killed it. i loved every dance
• just overall the songs are great and i adore the soundtrack so so much. clark and meredith and pierce sound so good! just every song is fun and i love the distinct vibe they all have
• i for one love that the cast (except meredith) don't sing (i also know some people don't like it) but i think it fits the show and they do more intense dancing to make up for it in a sense. it's just a great time and i am not complaining about hearing clark singing at all haha
• i love ani. every time I watch it i swear i catch a new star wars joke i didn't hear before or just a new appreciation for them
• if you look at my blog i'm a fierce ani appreciator and defender lol its a good show yall!
• when i first watched this in 2014 (which btw i can't believe how old this is lol) i did not know much about star wars beyond very surface level main movie knowledge, now i would say i know a lot more than i did then. and i think ani is great bc even though i didn't know a ton it didn't decrease my enjoyment of it. so anyone with any amount of star wars knowledge can watch it and enjoy it (and even if they don't know star wars it's still a blast)
• i love this show so much and i will recommend it forever. and happy may the fourth!
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Not me literally dreaming about yamqn after reading the new chapter... twice in the same night. First time taehyun show up in any of my dreams. That's what I get for reading drunk in bed -_-
First dream was basically me spoiling taehyun rotten lol. Full on babying him and watching he soften and melt more and more. Surprisingly nothing sexual, just confort and reassurance to the max for him.
(lord tyun is indeed a emotionally stunted prideful baby. that's cute and sad at the same time. i'm glad oc finally got around to understanding his love language and having the patience to be compationate with him and his trauma related boundaries. the little tic you added was a nice touch to convey his inner turmoil in some moments.)
Second dream I was the assassin tasked with killing the king and yeonjun. I had so much fun killing the old thing lol. Killing yeonjun was half sad half sensual - he looked so confused but so entranced, and in pain but also relieved (? as if he wanted to die? he looked like he was enjoying it) Somehow in the dream my "payment" for the job was to have my sentence changed from being beheaded to becoming beomgyu’s personal slave??? (I am not even into that sort of thing! help)
And talking about Beomgyu... YES!! HE IS ALIVE AND INSANE AND MORE POWERFUL THAN EVER!! Why do I feel weirdly proud of him?? Like, yes baby, do your thing! That's what the man in your family get for treating you like a weak good-for-nothing! Go paint with their blood and dance on their graves!! God, I waited so long to see that happen!
Also, Kai... my dude scrambling over every excuse in the book to blindly defend his friend awful actions regardless?? I can't even even condemn him cause that's exactly what I've been doing for beomgyu (except the rape. nothing justify rape. but that's not the point here) lol. And him basically telling oc "we are talking about beomgyu... just go already bitch 🙄" every few paragraphs?? He feels so bitter but so relatable now lol. I guess I was supposed to hate him, but it didn't work, I get him.
I have a lot more to say but this whole rambling is already a mess, so I will stop now and try to organize my brain first.
ahhhh I want your dreams 😭 i think about yamqn every night and every day so I can develop the story, why do i not get the dreams? 😭
your dream about taehyun was actually something i had originally wanted oc to do. there would've been scenes where she would baby him and he would let her because he never got to experience being doted on before. but unfortunately, tyun's character was resistant lmao so sadly now those scenes only belong in an alternate universe where gyu wasn't so crazy and oc and tyun were allowed to develop their relationship naturally without interference. sighhhh it would've been so cute
this is so interesting! i didn't conceptualize yeonjun as that but i also didn't really give many details about him so this is very valid. imagine a yeonjun who actually didn't want to be the next king and he saw how terrible the state of his family is and how his little brother was going crazier by the day but he couldn't do anything so when he realized he was getting killed, he was kind of relieved to be free from this horrible life. awww you made me feel sad for him and i actually hated him a lot as in my mind he was modeled after my older brother lmao.
beomgyu personal sex slave? 👀 😏 sign me up
our murder baby diaper yandere is flourishing 😭 go baby slay them (literally) you're doing amazing sweetie
you're not actually supposed to hate him (but it's okay if people do) but i wrote him as a very passionate and protective but kinda immature boy. he is also kind of sheltered by tyun but at the same time he is fiercely defendant of him. it makes sense that he'd want to protect his brother and he's proven right more and more everyday. it's unfair but oc is risking a lot of people's lives by staying so he has a point in that. his defense of jaeyun is less understandable but i think he just sees it as the beginning of the end. to him it starts with jaeyun and ends with taehyun. and ofc because jaeyun is his closest friend so he's going to make excuses for him
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ahh-fxck · 4 years
i was thinking about geralt & eskel and how when they cross each other on the path, they spend time together. eating and sleeping together side by side. and more specifically i was reflecting about the parallels and differences of them now vs them as young boys and it makes me go ahhhh
Ohhh, @geraltsays, your mind! I love it. I got inspired and wrote a very softe piece of smut, I hope you enjoy it!
Geralt catches the scent long before he hears the footsteps in the forest. By the time the man in a red gambeson and long dark cloak emerges from the forest leading a horse, Geralt has cleared an extra place by the fire. Next to it, there is a cloth set out with dry cheese, hard bread, and some withered apples. On the fire itself is simmering a little pot of broth, fragrant with herbs.
When he steps into the clearing, Geralt looks up at last into golden eyes, warm and soft as honey. Eskel is finally here.
“Hey, Wolf.” Eskel greets him.
Geralt grins, nods to the spot next to him. Then, heart already thawing as if after a long winter, he returns to the task of caring for his blade.
A small smile pulls at Eskel's scarred face, lighting it handsomely. Turning away, he gently murmurs to his horse as he begins to unpack and groom her.
Content, Geralt returns to sharpening and oiling his blades by the fire. He barely looks up when Eskel settles at his side. Without a word Eskel places a full wine skin on the cloth. This is followed by a packet of waxed paper that turns out to contain slightly smooshed sweet nut cakes.
Geralt gives his blade a keen, considering look, gives it one last swipe with his polishing cloth, then sheathes it. Only then does he turn his full attention to Eskel crouched companionably at his side. A rush of warmth goes through Geralt as he sees Eskel smile again, one eyebrow going up.
“Brother.” Geralt growls, reaching over and pulling Eskel into a tight hug. “You’re alive.”
A deep, dark chuckle shakes Eskel as he embraces Geralt fiercely back. “Good to see you too.” The greeting is almost as old as they are, old as their long years on the path. When they first ventured out of Kaer Morhen, the Path had led them away from one another.
Each of them had dealt with it in his own way. Geralt had packed his heart in a box, certain that he would never see his beloved brother again. Eskel, on the other hand, was certain that Geralt was always around the next corner, always waiting to be rediscovered.
So far, Eskel had been the one who was right.
Geralt rumbles happily as he noses into the soft spot behind Eskel’s ear, a galaxy of scent unfurling as he snuffles the sweet-smelling skin. Blood, steel, horse, leather, crushed vegetation, the scents of travel fade away until all he can smell is Eskel himself, warm baked bread and ripe apples in sunlight, a homey, comforting smell.
Affectionately, Geralt nips at the skin of Eskel’s neck. His brother laughs and paws him away. Geralt smiles at him, eyes dancing in the firelight. When they were boys, they had to hide their affection in rough-and-tumble play to avoid their instructors’ wrath. Now, here in the forest, they are free to take their ease. Eskel smiles like he knows what Geralt is remembering, bringing his hand up to cup Geralt’s cheek. They lean together, moving as one person. When their lips finally touch, all the months since they’ve last seen each other feel as if they are wiped away and they are home again.
Home has never been a place. It was never cold Kaer Morhen, ancient stones soaked in blood. There were no welcoming places on the Path to settle. No, home is embracing arms and honey colored eyes. It is crooked smiles and wicked in-jokes with ninety-year histories. It’s naked legs tangled together under spread cloaks. Acceptance, companionship, kindness.
When they part, Eskel’s eyes gleam happily. He strokes his fingers through Geralt’s white hair, thumbs the delicate shell of his ear, drinking him in. Geralt hums and lets out a deep sigh, face softening as Eskel tickles the back of his neck with a gentle touch. Turning his head, he catches Eskel’s hand in his own and kisses his scarred palm.
Eskel chuckles. He leans back from Geralt, turning and picking up one of the sticky nut cakes and offering it to him. Geralt takes it with a crooked smile. It’s sticky, and Eskel’s fingertips are covered in honey. Eskel sticks his fingers thoughtlessly into his mouth, sucking the sweetness off of them. Then he swipes the wine skin and uncorks it, taking a swig.
Geralt takes a bite of the sweet cake, a low rumble of pleasure escaping him. He doesn’t indulge in sweet treats very often. Better that Roach have good feed and his armor be in good repair. Eskel was a little more indulgent, especially when it came to treats shared with his brother. Treats and sweets hadn’t featured large in their upbringing, and any rare delicacies were usually hoarded and wolfed down before any other boys could steal them.
Geralt can remember treasured moments when Eskel would sneak into his bed at night with sticky hands, sharing a hoarded bit of honeycomb under the blankets, whispering and giggling. Small escapes into the forest surrounding Kaer Morhen, sharing handfuls of ripe berries with Eskel instead of foraging eyebright and yarrow.
Even all these years later, the little indulgence of sweet cakes feels stolen and special, a secret shared between the two of them. They’ve been told their whole adult lives that Witchers don’t deserve goodness and solace, inhuman as they are. How delightful, then, to indulge in warmth and happiness shared between the two of them. 
The shared meal, paltry though it is, fills them heart and soul. It is eaten in companionship, banishing the lonely cold of the road from their beings. As they eat, they catch up, the cadence of their conversation easy and full of love. Who else could understand?
They had trained together, wept together, shivered together under the thin blankets meant to harden them to physical privation. When the trials had rendered them ill and helpless, they had snuck in to hold one another. Geralt remembers the soft sound of Eskel’s small voice in his ear, whispering him back from death’s door.
His voice is deep now, rich and warm. Eskel thinks he’s ugly, but Geralt knows he is beautiful. His dark hair is silky soft in Geralt’s fingers as he runs his hands through it, his honey-colored eyes are kind and full of love. When Geralt undresses him, his big, scarred body is a feast. He is heavier-set than Geralt, powerful muscles and big bones. The summer has been good to him, and he has a layer of fat that softens the curves of his fine form. Geralt lays him back on their bedrolls, taking his time to cherish every inch of him.
As children, they would check each other over for new injuries, providing small comfort where they could. Melitele knew their instructors wouldn’t, not unless the injury threatened their lives. They knew each other’s bodies like their own, had memorized every scar, every crease. As adolescents, their explorations had become more intimate, more passionate.
Now, Geralt worships at the altar of Eskel’s body, savoring the rich and varied scents of his loved one as he explores Eskel’s sensitive places. He nibbles the backs of his knees, grazes his teeth over the sensitive knobs of his ankles. Purring, he tastes the silky inner skin of his thighs and playfully worries at the inviting roll of fat over his hip. Each playful bite, each lick, each nibble makes the subtle fruity smell of Eskel’s arousal more potent.
Geralt licks delicately along Eskel’s neck, breathes hotly against his ear, dipping his hips to brush their cocks together. Eskel pulls him down with an appreciative growl, locking his hands around Geralt’s hips and rocking up against him. Geralt growls back, turning to plunder Eskel’s mouth with a hungry kiss. They slide gently against one another, savoring the delicious heat of finally being together again.
They curl and twist together, rolling back and forth across their bedrolls, across their spread cloaks, rumpling the fabric. Their hands are slow at first as they savor each other, but soon they are gripping each other, hips snapping together, soft huffs and growls escaping them. Eskel, fingers slick from the little bowl set out by their bedrolls, rolls. He pins Geralt gently with one leg over his shoulder and presses into him, gentle but eager.
Geralt takes his fingers easily, one at first, then two. Eskel’s thick fingers crook and he arches, letting out a soft snarl. Little stars burst behind his eyes and he grinds down into those fingers, barely even noticing when Eskel eases a third in. The world narrows down to the blinding urgency of wanting Eskel inside of him, wanting to feel filled to the bursting with his beloved brother.
Geralt flips Eskel gently over and pushes him back to the bedroll again, slicking Eskel’s cock generously. Eskel stretches and lays out beneath him with a lazy smile, savoring the sight of his Wolf so hungry to ride him. Geralt kneels over him, easing down over his generous girth, his yellow eyes rolling back in his head.
A groan escapes them both as Geralt bottoms out, eyes rolling back in his head as he feels the fullness of Eskel’s thick cock deep inside of him. Eskel grabs his hips and holds him still there. This is one of his favorite moments, the feeling of being pressed so fully into his lover’s body after such long separation. It’s the feeling of connection before they begin to fuck in earnest, that key-sliding-into-a-lock certainty of home. When they finally begin to move together, easing into an age-old rhythm, the rightness of it sinks into their bones.
Geralt rides atop of Eskel, full to the point of aching as he impales himself with each little rock of his hips. Eskel moves gently beneath him, lazily easing Geralt up and down along his cock until they are both trembling with the slow pace. He feels Geralt begin to strain against his hands, aching to ride him harder. Eskel grins, keeping the pace slow for as long as he can stand, but eventually, even he can’t wait anymore. He eases his grip on Geralt’s hips and pulls his big Wolf towards him, grinding hard into his slick heat.
Geralt gasps and begins to fuck himself in earnest, locking eyes with Eskel as he does so. He pries Eskel’s hands off of his hips and lifts them over his head, twining their fingers together. Eskel grins fondly, eyes hazy with lust and pleasure. Geralt grins breathlessly back, loving the sight of Eskel blissful beneath him.
They come unglued in each other’s arms, fucking until Eskel’s stomach is slick with Geralt’s pre-come, until their hair is plastered to their skin with sweat, until they can’t suppress their panting groans any longer. Finally, Eskel sets his heels against the ground and shifts the angle of his hips. He knows he’s got it right because Geralt’s voice breaks mid-growl, cracking and becoming breathless.
Eskel curses happily as he sets a pace that makes Geralt’s eyes roll back in his head, makes the muscles in his thighs jump and tremble. He fucks Geralt until he’s crying incoherently into the forest, fucks him until he’s dripping sweat and tears, fucks him until he comes riotously on Eskel’s cock, roaring helplessly into the deepening night.
The absolutely wrecked look on Geralt’s face is what finally does Eskel in. He squeezes Geralt’s hands in his own, arching and twisting beneath him as his own potent pleasure builds. When he explodes, Eskel throws his head back and jams his hips hard against Geralt’s, burying himself deep as he comes.
Geralt cries out, feeling hot rushes as Eskel’s thick come fills him. Eskel strains beneath him, hips jerking and trembling as the pleasure peaks. When it slowly recedes, they sink trembling to the tangled fabric beneath them. Eskel awkwardly paws at one of the cloaks, freeing it and draping it over Geralt’s sweaty back. Geralt curls around Eskel, pleased by the thoughtful gesture, allowing his head to come to rest on his brother’s shoulder.
They twine together beneath the cloak, sweat cooling, pounding hearts beginning to slow. Around them, the forest hums and whispers with quiet life, trees shivering in breezes and tiny animals skittering amongst the undergrowth. They’ve laid like this a hundred times, more, pressed heartbeat to heartbeat as a campfire crackles nearby.
It might not be possible to travel together for long. The Path is a harsh life, and even in fat summers like this one the pay for two Witchers together is sparse. Townspeople wouldn’t always welcome two of them, and it wouldn’t be long before they’d have to part ways to keep their purses fat enough to make it through til winter. But for now, that doesn’t matter. Their bellies are full, the summer night is warm, and they have one another. Everything else could wait.
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ramblesanddragons · 4 years
-“Did you know the earth was flat?” Dana and crew I love you. Luz save this poor demon.
-I was wondering when the guilt of lying to her mother would crop up. Idk if I’m the best person to rationaly talk about this one because my first gut response is “Yep keep lying to your mom and be happy Luz!” I know her mom is a good mom just not great at understanding her kid...but I’ll all for rebelling against mothers for reasons. (If I ever have a kid I’m aware that could come back to bite me.)
-Amity is both soft and fierce and I love that about her.
-I love the little bits of history we get and the art style when we get them are so cool.
-Eda looks sharp. How did she get pulled in to chaperoning? Did she volunteer? Did Bump put her up to it because Luz is in there. Glad she’s enjoying herself either way. I love how by having Luz around Eda and King get to interact with other people in a more positive light than the wanted witch and demon.
-“My Kid.” Awwww Eda you softy.
-Liz was kicking that things butt before her mom showed up.
-Amity being a badass and leaping in to help Luz was amazing!
-Luz is getting so good at magic guys and it makes me happy.
-IT WAS LUZ!! DANA AND THE CREW HAVE DONE WHAT I THOUGHT WAS IMPOSSIBLE GOOD FOR THEM AHHHH! We really have come a long way from Korra and Asami holding hands.
-Eda and King are adorable but we knew that.
-The letters....who...OH (Theory ahead)
Eda! It has to be Eda! Who else could it be? King can write with a type writer but I don’t think his claws would let him do cursive and the tone of the letters would end up sounding like King wrote them let’s be honest. Amity could be a maybe but how would she get them to the human world?
-It has to be Eda unless something darker is at hand (a possiblity but for now I’m leaning towards Eda) She has access to the human world! I wonder if we could find a sample of her handwriting somewhere!
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rosaline-kei · 4 years
If it's ok may i request a yandere!armin x mikasa fanfic set in the aot world? If that's comfortable for you of course.. I loved your fanfic, Bared and I am in desperate need of some arumika content.
Disclaimer: I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan nor its characters.
Title: Yandere
parts: 1/2
Synopsis:  Unknown to everyone but his victims, there’s a side to Armin that he dedicates to protecting his beloved.
Rated: T / M (I’m not that sure; but it’s a fanfic about yandere so there’s that. Read it at your own risk. I might finalize the overall rating depending on the second part.)
Pairings: Armin Arlert / Mikasa Ackerman 
Read it also on / Please Leave a Review at: my Ao3 / FF net (might post there soon.)
A/N: i’m chill with writing yandere stuff i guess? But remember guys, don’t be a yandere in real life lmao. I hope this was okay, considering i don’t really watch/play yandere animes/games?? I think?? Except for the classics y’know, like Mirai Nikki haha. That aside, thank you for enjoying Bare!  (which y’all can read on my Ao3 lmao). Also, the time period / current time setting of this is messy but shhh....... 
While many cadets would think otherwise, Armin had always struggled with control, sometimes even more than Eren.
Murderous urges never ceased to come creeping up his spine, crawling its way into his heart; strangling it and him entirely—pleading for him to let them go. To let loose whenever anyone goes a little too close to her; whenever anyone dares to invade her personal space, trespassing in his territory.
But Armin knew how to play his cards. Behind his innocent and naïve appearance, deep inside the insanity that dances around his heart like a frisky pup, he was an intelligent and strategic man, who knew how to play this game.
Killing Eren was never, could never be an option. Even if that reckless boy dragged Mikasa down into the turbulence that surrounded him, even if that dense idiot carelessly spat insensitive rubbish in Mikasa’s direction, even if one day he might finally become a sensible man, who was capable of loving her—he can’t kill him. And it was not just because they shared a history together, because they shared a bond.
It was because he knew Eren’s death would send Mikasa in a spiral down into the depths of hell or null. He had the horrid chance of witnessing it once; the impact of Eren’s death on Mikasa.
And it was because he loves Mikasa, he didn’t want her to suffer through that again, so he kept Eren and a few others that appeared to be close (but not that dangerously close) to Mikasa. He didn’t, and never wanted to see her hurt. Besides, he would often think, there are other fathomable and less bloody ways of making her mine, before anyone else.
For now, Armin wasn’t fixated in eliminating the ‘what if’ possibilities where Mikasa winded up with someone else that wasn’t him. For now, he chose to instead focus on his next step in this messed-up game. And for now, in this game, he decided to let them live.
Call him obsessive, but the blonde was lovesick.
Armin didn’t remember how his feelings escalated into this splendid travesty; how this wicked side of him woke. What he did remember was that one day, a day where Eren was absent, a day where it was just the two of them, a day where Armin really had the chance to admire and marvel in the Ackerman’s heavenly presence, did he start to fall.
“Armin…? Are you alright?” Mikasa asked softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “You appeared… troubled earlier, was it because you saw him?” The concern emanating from her tone was enough to throw Armin’s senses off a cliff; and that was barely an exaggeration. Anything, and maybe everything that came out of her mouth was considered a melody to Armin.
Everything about her was a soothing melody. Her voice, her breath, her heartbeat. Even just her looks. That much was enough to compose a symphony in Armin’s head.
“No… it’s nothing.” Armin assured with a hum as he turned towards her direction, putting on the brightest smile he could manage in the dim-lit room that they were to rest in. For a motel in the underground, this far exceeded Armin’s expectation. Despite the poor lighting along with the peelings of decayed wallpaper hanging loose from the cracked, yellowed walls, Armin had honestly anticipated for the condition of this room to be much worse, with insects possibly crawling about, spiders readying to defend their territory or hunt.
Regardless, as long as Mikasa was comfortable, it was fine.
That aside, the last thing Armin had expected was to see that man who harassed him back then, when he was forced to doll up, dress up as Historia Reiss. Then again, the fact that the two of them were ordered to investigate these parts of the underground for clues regarding a separate issue (one that was fortunately not about Eren being kidnapped, again) was even more unexpected, bewildering even. The crippling world existing on the surface was chaos enough, and Armin would’ve had expected for Levi to keep them around in case that Ripper would show up since they were vital members of his squad. Or at least, not send two cadets on a mission alone, having to navigate the unfamiliar underground the first time by themselves, with a poorly drawn map that could’ve been mistaken with a child’s doodle. Then again, as much as he’d like to question his decision, he didn’t have an opportunity to. Who knows what was going behind the scenes? Armin couldn’t help but ponder.
On the bright side, he was alone with Mikasa.
On the darker side, however…
“If anything, I should be asking you that, Mikasa.” Armin remarked, his smile and other features morphing into something more worried. “You looked… uncomfortable, out there.” It took him every ounce of effort to not let his maliciousness seep through and poison his tone when he thought back to the stares Mikasa received—particularly by one herd of obnoxious barbarians that were bold and foolish enough to cackle out inappropriately snide remarks about her oriental features as they made their way towards the bar.
It made his blood boil.
“…I just don’t understand why people like them exist, that is all. I don’t have time to be concerned with people like them.” She said coldly; a tone and sentiment Armin hoped to never be on the receiving end of. What’d he ever do if Mikasa were to hate him? Or if Mikasa were to find out his… tendencies?
Armin didn’t plan to find out. He was a curious soul, but not that curious.
Slowly, Mikasa shifted herself slightly to the left side of the bed before patting the vacant right side. “Lay down… there’s room. Besides, that couch looks like it could be invested with termites.” She offered calmly, resisting a yawn.
“E-Eh?!” Armin stuttered, face flushed. He had been too busy… scheming, and had forgotten that there was a possibility of them having to share a bed.
It wasn’t the first time but… he wanted to feel her warmth, so badly, so desperately. He wanted to cling onto her, and never, never let her go. He wanted to be close to her, to be overwhelmed by her godly presence again and again. It would just be the two of them. No distractions, nothing.
Unfortunately, Armin had to reject, or rather postpone her offer, as reluctant as he was.
His hand stretched back, scratching the back of his neck nervously. “I… would love to, but… I haven’t eaten any dinner yet since we left. I saw a store selling bread nearby, so I’ll head there for a bit.”
“What?” Mikasa’s eyes widened, shocked to hear that he was running on an empty stomach. “I’ll come w—”
“No, it’s fine!” Armin reassured. “You need to… rest. Please.” He didn’t want to trouble her.
Despite his plea for her to rest, she stood up in protest, stomping her way towards him. The fierceness in her eyes clearly made it evident to him that she was against the idea. Cute, he thought. He adored how dedicated and devoted she could be to the people she made room for in her heart, he greatly appreciated her concern, but…
“But it can be dangerous—”
“If I don’t come back within forty-five minutes… then come looking for me.” Armin smiled. “Don’t worry. It’s just a quick stop, and I’ll head back. I can handle my own.”
Mikasa looked at him, stared with him eyes brimming full of genuine worry, concern and conflict. It made Armin’s heart skip and flutter. That look served a reminder to Armin that she cared about him, so much.
After a long tangible silence that stood between them (that Armin didn’t break, couldn’t break. He was too hypnotized by her looks; by her), she finally resigned and with a sigh, “Fine.” She said.
Armin was perfectly capable of handling himself, she knew that. He wasn’t weak. Even if he didn’t excel in physical strength as much as she did, he made it up with his brains; his intelligence that always aid in his and their escape in whatever tricky predicaments.
“But… please,” She muttered, her hands reaching out to grab his free hand, holding them closely, tightly. “Don’t stay out too long… the later it gets, the more ruffians are out there.”
“U-Uhuh!” Armin nodded, savouring her touch, her warmth, feeling the heat rising to his cheeks and a mad rush of blood surging. It was thrilling, and an expression nearly slipped from his control.
Control Armin, control. He reminded himself. Now wasn’t the moment for Mikasa to witness how much she had an effect on him. He was practically wrapped around her finger, in some sense, and he didn’t mind. It was relieving, he was glad.
Perhaps if it wasn’t just the two of them, he would have more control about his expressions that had a possibility of exposing what he felt for her. He loved her, but at the same time, what he felt for her was more than that.
There was no going back, now.
Once Mikasa had let go, he left, knowing that there was no time to waste.
As he left, he felt a wave of ecstasy swinging within him as he relished the lingering warmth that Mikasa’s hand had imprinted on his. Ahhhh! The warmth is all the same… He thought, humming to himself as he skipped towards his destination. Her touch is all the same… ah… sometimes I just want it all to myself.
Upon arriving at his destination, his humming stopped, and what took over was a determined look mixed with some animosity. Taking a deep breath as he re-calculated his plans, he entered the bar with a thirst for vengeance.
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duker42 · 5 years
Hello! It’s the person who’s been requesting the “making it count” stories! Could I have part 3 plz? Where y/n is worrying about the situation while Levi is under, and maybe some flashback in Levi’s POV? I freaking love your writing
Ohhhh My damned eyes are watering....must be the allergies!!!!
💜Making it Last💜
“Come on, Levi. I know you’re in there. Please baby, just come back to me.” Y/N pleaded as she looked down at his still figure.
It had been three days since Hanji had dragged him into the farmhouse where she and Historia were holed up. Three days since a thunder spear had thrown him through the air and disfigured him. Three torturous days since Levi had been conscious.
Historia was wrapped up in her new baby boy, enjoying motherhood as much as a monarch in hiding could. Y/N took care of both mother and child diligently before returning to her place by her injured lover’s side.
She unwrapped the bandaged hand, inspecting the shortened fingers for any signs of infection. The skin was pink and didn’t look inflamed. She was so thankful for that. She was also thankful that his eye wasn’t glazing over like she had feared it would. It seemed that he might keep his vision in both eyes.
She needed him to wake up, there were only so many times she could tell him about the baby in her womb while he was laying there, unable to respond. She wasn’t sure if he could even hear her, but she hoped that somewhere in his mind, Levi was battling his way back to her.
**Levi’s Flashback**
“So where’s that pretty medic I saw you with all the time?” Levi gritted his teeth at the grating sound of Zeke Yeager’s voice.
He ignored him, at least he appeared to. Levi was aware of every movement the smug bastard made. He sat beside the fire and looked into its flames, while the bearded man sat, leaning against a tree.
Two months they had been out here. He hadn’t been able to sent Y/N a message, needing to keep any information strictly about intel. But the urge to write her a note to tell her all the pretty words he was horrible at saying in person was there. The idea of having her see them in writing not nearly as embarrassing as trying to spit them out with making a fool of himself by stuttering.
The memory of their last night together kept him focused. The morning after where she woke up in his arms, sleepy smile and ready kisses was what kept him sane while dealing with this damned monkey. He held on to those feelings when he woke from his pitifully few hours of rest to the tense atmosphere of the camp.
“You know, if you were a bit nicer, you could probably convince that gorgeous creature to sleep with you. Might improve your disposition.” Zeke taunted.
Levi shot him a fierce glare over the fire. “Ahhhh got shot down? That why she’s not here?”
“Shut your shitty mouth.” Levi growled, unable to restrain himself. He looked back down at the fire, his body tense.
“Oh no, you are sleeping with her but she can’t be here and you’re missing her.” Zeke laughed as Levi threw him another glare.
Levi regretted taking watch tonight. He wanted nothing more than to go back to his tent and try to sleep. He would fail, but time away from that bearded bastard was the best kind of rest he could hope to get out here. But he had let the soldiers crack open the case of wine that had been delivered with the provisions. It had been so long since they had relaxed, he had relented and let them have their fun.
Most had to be passed out by now. Levi had refused to drink with them, not out of spite, but because someone needed to watch their prisoner. He would take care of it himself so everyone else could have a few hours of normalcy.
“Why do you care?” His voice was low, almost unheard as he continued to watch the flames dance.
“Well, you are the last Ackerman male. You should really think about extending your line. She has a really nice set of hips to help out in that area.” Zeke grinned as the soldier stiffened.
“Keep your filthy eyes off Y/N’s hips, monkey, or I’ll slice them out of your shitty skull.” Levi threatened, pulling the small knife out of his
boot and twirling it in his hands as he leveled his cold eyes on him.
Zeke held his hands up. “I wasn’t looking for myself. But she has a set of childbearing hips that could easily give you many children.”
Levi didn’t answer him and Zeke took it as a sign to continue. “Although, you would have to get over your cleanliness issues. Childbirth is horribly messy. The fluids and blood. She would spend hours sweating and screaming in pain as she struggled to push the baby out.”
Levi growled in warning, but Zeke was undaunted. “Then there’s the afterbirth. This huge glob of blood and slimy tissue where the baby had spend the entire time growing. It has to pass out of her body as well. Do you think you could handle that?”
Levi was light headed at the idea of Y/N in pain and screaming out as she gave birth. He refused to give Zeke the satisfaction of rattling him though. “I have bathed in the blood of Titans and my comrades for years. If you want, I can do it again right now as I see how much I can slice off of you before you die.”
“Okay...okay. I get it, sore subject.” Zeke finally relented and dropped the subject of childbirth.
Silence fell between them as Levi thought about Y/N being pregnant. It wasn’t something they had ever really talked about. There was far too much going on to worry about things they couldn’t have. But he found he wasn’t as staunchly opposed to it as he had been before Y/N had come into his life.
That was.... interesting. Damn Zeke for putting such a thought into his mind. Damn himself for feeling tender at the idea of a brat. He had brats, there was an entire camp full of them, under his care. A squad of brats that he had watched grow over the past four years, and one brat that seemed to be going down the wrong path thanks to his bearded bastard of a brother.
Better to lock those thoughts away and concentrate on the task at hand. He never knew if he would see Y/N again. What was the point of daydreaming about things that would never come? He was too pragmatic for that, preferring to live in the here and now.
The early morning light was starting to fill the sky. Levi noticed Zeke beginning to shift in his seat. He tensed up, that feeling of anticipation flowing over him, like it did before a battle. His senses sharpened and his mind cleared.
Zeke suddenly shot to his feet and bolted across the clearing. He let out a horrific scream as Levi gave chase. Lightening bolts split the sky as Levi’s entire contingent of soldier were transformed into Titans.
He allowed himself one stray thought before his eyes narrowed in concentration. ‘I love you, Y/N.’
She had decided to put a line in his arm. The Marleyans had taught her about the advanced medical procedures they had. The Hizuruan envoy had provided them with the supplies during their last trip. Y/N kept the fluids that would keep Levi alive dripping into his veins.
She knew that Historia and even Hanji were losing hope with every hour that he was unresponsive, still Y/N held out.
She didn’t want to carry their baby alone. She wanted Levi to grumble about how fat she was getting, even though he wouldn’t mean a word of it. Once he accepted it, he would hover in his own way, prod her to eat more, drink tea, rest. His cleaning would probably run rampant, having to make sure she was in a clean environment as much as possible.
She smiled as she brushed the raven hair behind his ear, she would put up with all the obsessive little tics he could manifest, if he would just open his damned eyes.
Hanji brought her a meal she wouldn’t touch, her stomach so uneasy with the thought of losing Levi it had rebelled against food. He would glare at her if he were awake and demand she eat, but she knew for a fact that he would do the same thing. She had seen him sit with soldiers while they were asleep, unaware that their Captain was watching over them in the midnight hours.
“Y/N?” Historia’s voice came from the doorway.
She turned to the tiny woman, holding her baby in a light blanket in her arms. She padded towards the bed gently as she looked over her friend with concerned eyes.
Y/N knew she looked like shit. Her eyes were dark with lack of sleep, she was frazzled and rumpled with worry. Her entire demeanor was melancholy. She jumped as Historia put the baby in her arms and stepped closer to the bed.
Y/N cradled the new life, his little eyes were wide as he solemnly looked up at her. She had a vision of herself holding a baby with slate grey eyes, visiting the cold stone memorial etched with Levi’s name, honoring Humanity’s Strongest Soldier. She choked back a sob as she held on to the baby tightly.
“He will make it, Y/N. I just know he will.” Historia offered as she brushed her fingers across his still face. It would be the only time she would have ever been able to touch him like this, Levi being far too standoffish to allow causal contact.
“I pray so Historia. I don’t know if I can do this on my own.” She sounded so weak, even to her own ears. Historia had just given birth without the father present. He had no intention of being in the child’s life. Just a donor who had given her his seed in exchange for a few nights in the Queen’s bed.
Except their child had been created from their love, not an agreement. A mistake of the best kind. The same kind of mistake that had given Levi life, allowed him into this world for her to love. She needed him to know that he left behind a legacy. Wanted him to flash his eyes in approval as their son or daughter laughed, experience the things that he had gone without during his childhood.
She had no doubt that he would blaze his way through parenthood with dry humor, quick sarcastic wit and endless love for his family. He may not say those things often or show them in a capacity that most understood, but Levi Ackerman was a man who felt more deeply that almost anyone.
Historia gasped as Levi moved. It was a small twitch, but it was movement. Y/N hurriedly gave the baby over to his mother and started examining him. His fingers were moving, restless against the fabric of the blankets. His eyes were rapidly moving behind his eyelids, the muscles of his cheeks were pulsing.
“Come on, love. That’s it. Open your eyes.” Y/N encouraged as she held on to his bandaged hand gently.
Suddenly his eyes opened wide, his mouth let out a horse shout as he thrashed around. He horror of his last conscious moment still in his mind and Y/N shouted his name for him to hear.
She saw the focus come back into his grey orbs. He looked around the room confused, stopping when he saw her over him. “Y/N?” His raspy voice was gravely from disuse. His throat must be dry for days without swallowing. She grabbed a cup of water from the table and lifted his head.
He drank like a man dying of thirst, deep and appreciatively as the cool water slid down his throat. When he was done he leaned back again and looked at Y/N in amazement. “How?”
“Hanji. She brought you here.” Y/N eyes overflowed with tears as she released all the pent up worry and stress. His hand tightened in hers and he hissed in pain.
He saw his hand and he sighed. Looking back at Y/N’s tear streaked face, he knew he must have been out of it for days. He had thought in that moment that the pin was pulled that he was dead. That he would never see Y/N again, that she would have to move on without him. To see her again, was a gift by itself.
“I love you.” He croaked. She started crying harder, and threw herself on him as she sobbed.
“I love you too. I was so worried. I don’t want to do this without you. I can’t, I’m not strong enough.” She confused him. Do what? She was the strongest woman he knew, she could do anything without him. What was he missing?
“Levi....I’m pregnant.” She pulled back to look him in the eye.
He’s breath caught at her words, his eyes widening as they darted down to her stomach. The simultaneous feelings of joy and overwhelming fear crashed through his system as he repeated her words in his head.
His lips twisted gently, he could feel the pull on the stitches in his face but he couldn’t help it. He pulled on her hand and felt her sag against him. He kissed her hair and looked down at the mutated hand with new resolve.
He needed to recover, and destroy their enemies. He had a child to protect. The lover carrying his child to protect. It gave him the beginnings of hope for their world, their future. Making it last, this feeling blooming inside him, that was worth fighting for.
Mobile MasterList
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Nobody” Part 2
After not feeling well for months, The Joker finally found out why: the life threatening condition is so serious there’s only a 50/50 chance of survival.  Dealing with a brain tumor is not going to be easy, that’s why The King of Gotham asked his half-brother Arthur to help Y/N while he’ll undergo treatment.
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Part 1
“Hey Pumpkin,” The Joker kisses you. “Are you awake?”
You smack your lips and stretch, opening your eyes since you have no other choice.
“I am now… Are you feeling sick? Need anything?” the nursing side takes over while he’s silent, too busy wrapping your right leg around his waist. “Mister Joker,” you immediately gasp. “No guns in bed!”
“It’s not my gun,” he smirks and you chuckle at the evident truth. “When’s the last time we had sex, huh? Two weeks ago?!”
“Mmmm…” you debate, caressing his face. “Something like that.”
“All the meds are messing me up,” J pouts. “Great news though: turns out I’m not dead yet,” he adds and you yank him in your arms before his speech ruins the mood.
“Maybe we should sleep outdoors more often; it seems to have a beneficial effect,” Y/N underlines the welcomed idea The Joker had last night about resting on the terrace.
“Or maybe it’s just from having my girl close,” he utters a nice sentence, instantly correcting himself. “This is clearly the tumor messing with my brain; makes me say weird stuff.”
“Perhaps we should keep it then,” you sigh as The King of Gotham pulls down on your PJ shorts. “I like to hear weird stuff like that.”
“Do ya’?!” he fakes his surprise because he tries to avoid the subject.
“Naaah, I vote for sex and dirty talk!” J hisses and slides on top of you, prompting laughter when he starts nibbling on your cleavage. “Let’s have some fun before my mojo’s gone!”
“Mojo!” you repeat since you can’t stop cracking up, the unexpected entertaining morning 100 percent welcomed after the stressful past months.
“Shut up and let’s sin,” The Joker gives in to your charms. “You can be laud: Arthur’s a heavy sleeper, not that he can hear us anyway.”
His brother is actually downstairs; Arthur woke up at 7:15am, moped around for a bit, then decided to cook breakfast. That’s what he’s been doing for the past 20 minutes: it wasn’t difficult to locate the necessary ingredients and bestowing his talents upon the famished couple might help in the long run.
He figured Y/N and J will appreciate his culinary abilities succeeding napping on the inflatable mattress outside; fresh air is bound to make one hungrier than usual.
So here’s the result of his hard work: two plates filled with bacon, eggs, hash browns, waffles and freshly sliced oranges perfectly arranged in symmetrical patterns.
Arthur places the dishes on a tray, humming a little song while he pours hot tea in the cups; it smells delicious and he can’t wait to enjoy the praises: he needs extra credit after upsetting Y/N yesterday with the unnecessary fight she witnessed by accident.  
Mister Fleck lights up a cigarette, swiftly creeping out The Penthouse: he puffs the smoke like a chimney, mindful at the ashes flying in the breeze. A few extra steps and he’s almost in front of the canopy; Arthur prepares to announce his presence when moans reach his ear. He freezes and carefully listens, unsure on what to do.
“Oh my God, J!” you squeal as The Joker growls, purring up a storm.
“What are you doing to me, Kitten?”
Further panting and groaning suggests he should probably abandon his plan: Arthur holds in his breath, unwilling to interrupt the fun. The 42 year old begins to gracefully walk backwards, totally caught up in a tiny dance with the food tray.
“Sssttttt,” he admonishes his own action while sliding the glass door. “Let’s give the kids privacy,”Arthur mumbles and covers the plates to keep breakfast warm.
In about 20 minutes he notices J chasing you towards the entrance, your rosy cheeks turning red when you bump into the guest. 
“Good morning,” you smile and let The Joker catch you.
“Easy prey,” he gropes a bubbly Y/N although if his older brother is present.
“Morning,” the reply triggers your boyfriend’s out of context comment:
“You cooked?!”
“Yeah,” Arthur gestures at the covered plates. “It’s ready to go.”
“Let me take a fast shower and brush my teeth. Are you coming?” J slaps you butt instead of another encouragement and you steal a piece of bacon to munch on the way up to the master bathroom:
“Thank you Arthur!”
“No problem,” he blows a rebel curl off his forehead, intrigued to see his sibling in a good mood; it’s a well-known fact The Joker didn’t have an abundance of fine days lately. Today must be an exception.
He’s actually the first one to arrive and Arthur has to ask:
“Where’s my sister-in-law?”
“She’s not your sister-in-law!” the sour tone underlines.
“I had you guys married,” the man insists.
“We didn’t agree to that!” The Joker hisses. “I barely tolerate her!” Arthur calmly lights up his second cigarette for the day, sharing wisdom with the feisty green haired menace:
“I wouldn’t take her for granted if I were you; one day you might wake up and realize she’s not even here. I talk from my own experience when I tell you it happened to me too: my relationship with the woman I loved was just an illusion, nothing more. Trust me when I tell you you’ll never feel such a deep disappointment again…”
“Ahhhh, I’m starving!” you pop up in the kitchen, completely unaware of the discussion they’re having. “Coffeeeeee,” you gush at the freshly brewed pot, excited to sip on the miracle drink.
“It’s impossible for us to hallucinate in the same time,” Arthur whispers. “Wanna check to make sure?”
J nods a yes and you’re suddenly trapped at the counter: Arthur grabs your right hand, his brother your left, both squeezing your fingers.
“I think you’re OK,” Mister Fleck concludes and you’re confused:
“What’s going on?”
“Confirming you’re real,” he admits on their strange experiment.
“Of course I’m real,” Y/N frowns, yet she has a vague idea regarding the mysterious behavior.
“Perfect; take your coffee and let’s eat,” J avoids expanding on the topic; that’s the best he can muster without revealing the slight panic at the thought you might be a product of his imagination.
“I have a meeting at Savage Club this evening. Could end up profitable, depending on the terms. Would you care to accompany me?” Arthur offers to get The Joker out of the house for the heck of it.
“Nah…” the latest mutters, quite uncomfortable after his afternoon pills.
“Come on, baby; let’s go out!!! It’s been forever!” you implore because the proposal sounds super enticing. “I miss having fun,” you blur out and continue when his bitterness is obvious: “Not that it’s not fun staying home. Pleeeeaasseee, can we? I promise I’ll take care of you.”
“I don’t need you to take care of me; I’m not a child!” The Joker raises his voice and you are frustrated since no matter what you articulate it gets twisted.
“Why do you have to be like this?...” the rhetorical question is a clear statement of how much you hate conflict over trivial issues of no importance whatsoever.
Your other half believes otherwise.
“Like what, hm? Like what?! Explain so everybody can get an intelligible and logical breakdown!!” J yells for no reason but you are so done with his outbursts.
“Never mind,” you sniffle and stroll out on the terrace in order to avoid more bickering; today started so damned uplifting and you don’t know how to keep things together anymore.
When you give your all and you don’t receive too much in return, the good moments blur out in the background to the point of becoming insignificant.
“You’re a jerk,” Arthur affirms after he’s left alone with his sibling.
“Pfft,” The Joker rolls his eyes. “It’s the tumor,” he sarcastically emphasizes.
“Bullshit! It’s not the tumor, kid. And I’m taking her out, she earned it. Your crabby ass can stay here; Y/N is certainly due for refreshing fun!” the fierce answer provokes J’s resentment.
“Definitely not!!!”
“Watch me,” Arthur scoffs at his relative’s conduct, deciding to follow you outdoors.
You watch the busy city from the 30th floor and it’s safe to say you don’t really see it; the wrists loosely hanging over the railing cue him to approach with caution.
“I had this epiphany that you should escort me to Savage Club,” he tests the waters. “If you don’t fancy to attend the gathering you can always sit at the bar and have some drinks. Call me insane but I have this hunch you might want a distraction.”
“I can’t,” you regretfully inform. “I have to ensure J takes his medications and eats; what if he has an episode while I’m gone?... I simply can’t…”
“Plenty of people to supervise him; he’ll be ok.”
You don’t reply and Arthur lights up another cigarette, nonchalantly chatting with the quiet Y/N.
“Tell you how this will play: we’ll get ready and at 6pm we are leaving with or without the kid. If he joins it’s fine, if not… infinitely better,” he elbows a sulky Y/N. C’mon, put on a happy face! See?” he grabs the corners of his mouth and forces them into an eerie grin, eager to demonstrate his proclamation. “It’s not complicated, you just have to practice,” he moves his fingers to your face and elevates the corners of your lips, trying to mimic a smirk for a few seconds. “Tough crowd…” he grumbles when there’s no reaction. “Don’t make me take out the heavy artillery,” Arthur threatens. “I used to do stand-up comedy, you know?”
“… Did you?...”  you finally respond to his repeated attempts, pretending you are clueless of his skills.
“You should be aware I’m a tour de force nobody should reckon with,” Mister Fleck boasts, super confident he can make you laugh.
“Yeah, after you tell a joke there’s so much silence you can hear the crickets chirping all the way from New York!” J snarls because he tiptoed on the patio to spy on the conversation.
“Oh yeah?!” Arthur gets annoyed and without further delay he lays upon you one of the best masterpieces to ever emerge from his genius brain: “I hope my death makes more cents than my life.”
And now he waits… and waits…
“Told you before: it’s not funny,” The Joker reprises his march back to the Penthouse, thrilled at his brother’s failure when the unthinkable happens: Y/N bursts out laughing like crazy, not necessarily due to the pun being hilarious (she actually finds it kind of sad, that’s why she didn’t react sooner).
Arthur’s inflated ego makes him shout from the top of his lungs, ensuring the younger sibling can perceive his triumphant bragging:
************* “Welcome to my humble kingdom,” Joker guides you towards the bar among the increasing ruckus his presence is creating among the audience.
Savage Club belongs to him and his “fans” meet here on a regular basis: a safe haven for the eccentrics, misfits and wackos, ready to do whatever necessary to please their role model.  
Arthur picks a microscopic crumb from the collar of his impeccable red suit while pulling a high chair for you:
“Take a sit,” he quickly glances at the huge mirror behind the counter to make sure his clown make-up is flawless: it took him an hour to get ready after you accepted his invitation. He’s usually faster yet the feminine company required auxiliary efforts; it’s not every day you steal a woman from her crib and take her out for invigorating entertainment.
The woman being your brother’s partner makes it even better.
“J is not answering my texts,” you sigh, already worried he might be sick.
“It’s his fault for acting up,” Arthur takes out a cigarette and seven hands holding lighters pop up around him. He chooses the one belonging to the pretty lady to his right, giving her a little wicked wink that visibly flusters the recipient of such undivided attention. “I’m going to my meeting, it should take too long,” he addresses Y/N and she nods, prepared to guzzle down much needed alcohol away from the grumpy boyfriend.
“Nothing happens to my sister-in-law,” Joker barks at one of the bouncers on his way to the VIP room; there’s no soul to argue the disclosure regarding your connection so he gets away with it.
“No worries, sir; she’s safe.”
“You misunderstand,” Arthur cuts him off. “This is for their safety,” he points at the mob. “In case you didn’t recognize her, that’s Y’N and she’s in a foul mood; we all heard rumors about her temper, hm?”
“Yes, Mister Joker.”
“Don’t be an idiot!” The Clown scolds. “My brother’s Mister Joker; I’m simply Joker. Or did you forget?!”
1 hour and 13 minutes later
“How are we doing?” Arthur makes himself comfortable next to you, gesturing at the 8 empty shot glasses collected in a small pyramid.
“Amazing,” you slurp from your second Mai Tai cocktail and chew on the pink straw.  
“How many can shots can you handle?” he curiously interrogates the buzzed Y/N.
“About 5,” you snort and it makes him content to notice you’re carefree for once.
“Going overboard?” Arthur snickers and you lift your glass, lively concluding: “I’ll drink to that!”
He has no beverage so he snatches a beer bottle from a guy, inquiring:
“Did you touch this?”
“Not yet, sir.”
“It’s mine,” he clinks the container against yours and instructs: ”Here’s to going overboard; bottoms up!”
“Look who’s home at 2 in the morning!” J criticizes when Y/N and Arthur show up in the living room at The Penthouse.
“I wasn’t aware we had a curfew!” your drinking buddy enunciates as you hide behind him, concealing your face in the soft fabric of his jacket.
You obviously thought your boyfriend would be in bed but nope, he waited for your victorious return.
“A-are you mad?” your slurred words dissipate in the air, closely followed by hiccups.
The Joker exhales, resigned: oddly enough he missed you, although you were absent for a whopping 5 hours and a half.
“Oh my God!” you peek from beyond your human shield as if the opposite was stated. ”W-what are you gonna do?”
“You’ll see,” J finally takes his night meds: he postponed the remedy because he wanted to be awake for this magnificent after show.
“Oh my God!” you squeak, appalled. “W-what are you gonna d-do?” the repeated question prompts actual confessions:
“First, I’ll help you take a shower and brush your teeth…”
“Oh my God!” your eyes get big like this is the worst thing ever; the inebriated Y/N can’t connect the dots too well.
“Then we’ll have sex and I’ll be sweet; you won’t remember in the morning,” The Joker sneers.
“Oh my God!” you glare at Arthur completely dumbfounded, then at J, then at Arthur who’s sturdily holding your arm so you won’t fall.
“Stop teasing her!” he hisses.
“I’m literally replying to her quizzing.”
“W-what are you gonna do?” the plastered Y/N has to know again.
“This is your fault!” The Joker comes to grab you, exasperated. “I consider you responsible!”
“Cool,” Arthur proudly delivers his date to the rightful owner. “I’ll retreat to my room and leave you kids alone,” he waves and distances from the couple while blessing them: “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Nobody and Joker!”
“Shut the hell up!” his brother snaps, irritated at the persistent charade.
“You may kiss the bride!” Arthur mocks, positively not giving a crap about the rant: he’s an individual with a mission and won’t admit defeat that easily.
“Can you believe this shit?!” The Joker complains and shoves Y/N in one of the bathrooms downstairs. “Ewww, you smell like a distillery,” he rants while tugging on your clothes.
“Oh my God!” you whimper, distressed at his words.
“Ugghhh, you sound like a broken record!” The King of Gotham urges you to step in the shower and it doesn’t fail:
“Oh my God!”
“Seriously??!!” your actions skyrocket his blood pressure to unknown heights. “Take a break!”
“A-are you mad?” you stutter, the hot water making you even drowsier.
“I’m starting to be!!” he reprimands and you fakely sob since you can’t recall how to cry properly:
“W-what are you gonna do?”
The great Clown Prince of Crime huffs, convinced the universe unleashed you upon him to test his patience as punishment for past transgressions:
“Why me?!”
You rub your eyes and J turns off the water, bundling the intoxicated Y/N in a huge towel.
“Stupid helpless burrito,” he grunts and sweeps you off your feet, entirely done for the night.
Ahh, it sure feels nice and you bury your cheeks in his neck, burping in the process.
“Jesus!” he protests as you clumsily apologize:
“S-sorry baby…”
“I should push you off the balcony and be done with this ordeal!” he stumbles on the hallway, vexed.
The Joker really should have kept his opinion to himself since Pandora’s Box is automatically reopened.
“Oh my God!”
“I’m cursed,” the genuine declaration is accompanied by a soft kiss; despite the circumstances, The Joker is not that angry.
Arthur closes the door to his bedroom, delighted to have observed the scene:
“He kissed the bride,” the man inhales from the last cigarette of the day, flicking the bud out the window afterwards.  
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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sablelab · 6 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 31
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander.
SYNOPSIS: Jamie puts Claire’s mind at rest about her fears concerning the deep cover mission with Madame Cheung.  Although they share a passionate goodbye to remember, a poignant but bittersweet night awaits them.
N. B. This chapter contains highly suggestive content. You have been warned!
MANY THANKS for reading reblogging and commenting on the last chapter. It is most appreciated and I loved the HOT comments!!! xox  Previous chapters can be found...  
 James Fraser was seducing Claire Beauchamp and she had no power to resist falling under his spell and she couldn't stop herself; she had to touch him. Unable to take her eyes from his she tentatively raised her fingertips to Jamie’s jaw. Skimming them lightly over the indentation on his chin, Claire trailed her fingertips up to touch his mouth aware of his intense gaze following her every movement. He smiled in a way that made her heart skip a beat and she trembled when he lowered his head.  
Capturing her petal soft lips in tender and loving caresses, Jamie’s mouth nipped and withdrew seductively before returning again and again.  His lips opened slightly and Claire felt his tongue lightly caress her lower lip before seeking entry into her sweet mouth.  Their tongues duelled playfully until her sigh caused Jamie to hold her tighter and deepen the kiss.  Aligning her head to accommodate his assault on her lips, she could only surrender to the moment.
Leaning into Jamie’s body she let the feelings pour over her as he worked his magic on her heightened senses.
Claire’s head fell backwards as he kissed her tenderly. Jamie made her feel things she couldn’t control for when she was with him, she felt whole and alive. Her common sense however, seemed to desert her along with any rational thought processes, for she went to water whenever this man kissed her.   These feelings were so much more exacerbated than at the embassy ball when he’d ushered her onto the dance floor. This was an invitation for a dance of desire ... and Claire knew that she could not resist the powerful pull of Jamie Fraser’s magnetism.
She was on fire for him with a burning desire that made it difficult for her to breathe.  
Jamie’s hands were dexterous in their haste to feel his Sassenach’s velvet soft skin. Ever so slowly he began removing Claire’s clothing by inserting his hands beneath the material of her top. Quickly raising her arms, he pulled the top over her head revealing her beautiful body to his sight. With shaking hands Jamie then inched his fingers into Claire’s sweat pants effortlessly lowering them down her body.
What had started out as a slow erotic task soon escalated and with a rapid flurry, clothing was soon scattered every which way across the floor.  In no time at all Claire was standing semi naked in her living room while Jamie stood gloriously naked in front of her.  There was no escaping the affect his nakedness was having on her and she tentatively lowered her eyes admiring Jamie’s ripped torso.  
James Fraser was dangerous ... and oh, so lethal.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~
Claire watched mesmerized as Jamie’s fingers lingered awhile caressing her aroused body. The hairs on her skin rose as she felt the cold night air touch her fevered flesh, but inside she was melting with the heat of her partner’s touch. She sucked in her breath as he lightly caressed the underside of her breasts cupping them in his hands before gently sliding his fingers over their luscious curves.  Single-mindedly, Jamie then stroked his thumbs over Claire’s nipples, teasing the sensitive nerve endings until they grew taut.
“Oh God!” Claire exclaimed as delicious feelings washed over her.
The involuntary expletive echoed in her ear as Jamie leaned down to place hot kisses to her now heaving breasts. Feeling the touch of his tongue as it lathed her aroused flesh caused shudders of surrender to track through her body. Her head fell back in surrender as his lips roamed across her flesh with laboured breathing. Claire moaned when Jamie paused at the base of her throat before erotically travelling along the length of her neck.  
Looking up at him with hooded eyes, his name was a sigh on the tip of her tongue. “Ahhhh ... Jamie ...”
Adroit fingertips slowly ventured to the juncture of Claire’s legs erotically stroking the only piece of clothing she wore ... delicate lace underwear covering her groin.  Sublime feelings of desire filled her as he continued to stroke her backwards and forwards until he felt moistness on the tips of his fingers. The friction of his touch across the lace was painfully stimulating and Claire was unable to stop the feelings coursing through her.  She squirmed in a puddle of sensual bliss.  James Fraser knew exactly what he was doing to his Sassenach and inserting his hands into the lace fabric, he eased them down her legs and away from her body.  
Claire welcomed the intimate feel of skin to skin as Jamie then sensually slid his fingertips along and over her highly sensitised body. “Mmmm ...Hmmm...,�� she whimpered, her head rolling backwards to reveal the glorious length of her neck once more.
Lowering his head, Jamie wrapped his arms around her trembling body rubbing his torso erotically against hers.  With his lips just hovering over hers, he gently fanned his warm breath across Claire’s mouth. Sighing in acute need, his actions tormented her until she thought she would expire.  Daubing her skin with hot kisses, Jamie licked his tongue up the column of Claire’s throat caressing her skin as he inched his way towards her ear.  Her body began to crumble in sheer elation at all that Jamie was doing to her senses and when he swirled his tongue around the whorls of her ears, Claire felt her body’s response in spades.  
James Fraser was unravelling her little by little and all she could do was feel.  
Pulling her back up to his chest, Claire could feel the staccato hammering of his heart beats accelerating in passion and when she opened her eyes, she lovingly touched his face capturing his gaze fiercely once more.  Reciprocating, Jamie placed gentle kisses across her cheek then his lips returned to capture Claire’s mouth nibbling on her bottom lip. Sliding his hands up into her glorious hair he cupped his love’s head urging her even closer. Then with his fingers entwined in her auburn tresses Jamie brought his Sassenach’s mouth flush to his own. Claire was lost to the moment and totally lost to the man in whose arms she found a safe haven.
Surrendering to the passion raging inside them and still kissing, Jamie led Claire upstairs to her bedroom.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~
Reluctantly breaking their kiss he took a step backwards releasing his hold on her and looked deeply into desire filled eyes.  His Claire was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and the way she always responded to his touch made his heart burst with love for her.  His outstretched hands gathered her closer to his body in playful teasing.  As he began to walk Claire backwards towards her bed, Jamie positioned his hands on her hip and gently caressed her thigh digging his fingers into her soft flesh.  Then leaning towards her with intent he devoured Claire with his eyes.
He watched as her dilated pupils darkened in passion.  
Claire reciprocated Jamie’s playful gesture. With a coy look in his direction, she too moved backwards raising her hand and placing it to his warm chest. Bursting sparks of desire ignited like fireworks when her fingertips touched his body. So sensitised and highly attuned was she to Jamie’s allure that Claire moaned for she too was in a heightened state of sexual arousal and she had no control over what she was feeling.  Her breasts ached.  Her nerve endings were humming while her breath hitched in her throat.  
Breathing shallowly, her hands glided up his chest as Jamie’s hands circled her waist bringing her body flush to his own.
Leaning in for a kiss, Claire closed her eyes when she felt the gentle touch of Jamie’s mouth tenderly caress hers. Her fingertips inched higher touching Jamie’s shoulder as the affect of his kiss took hold. Gentle nips anointed her mouth and Claire sighed as his caresses fanned her lips.   Jamie kissed her once ... twice ... three times ... and on the fourth time his lips lingered seductively.   Lifting Claire slightly from the floor, he held her to his body. She angled her head as he repeatedly kissed her mouth only to break away releasing her lips while tenderly biting her bottom lip.  Claire sighed and moved her head in the opposite direction.  Still Jamie anointed her mouth with kisses and she felt her body turn to water in his relentless pursuit.  
This was no longer a game.
This woman surely would be the death of him, he reflected. Claire Beauchamp was a she devil with an angelic face but she was also a seductress in disguise.
A shudder went through him as Claire’s hips brushed his while one long leg pressed against his thigh. Jamie’s body betrayed his reactions to her nearness for when she stretched her lithe body against him sighing, his erection swelled between her legs. Taking the initiative, Claire then pressed the enticing curves of her body closer against him rubbing Jamie’s hardened cock with her mound. 
Pulling her against him Jamie did likewise.  Then cupping Claire’s buttocks, he pressed his groin harder to her warmth imitating her actions and replying with some of his own. When her knees began to buckle, he pulled her close before she slid to the floor, then lifting Claire up from the ground he carried her to bed.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~
The two lovers stared into each other’s eyes as they lay among the crumpled sheets of her bed. Tormenting Claire, Jamie dotted open mouthed kisses along the length of her jaw line and then back again which caused her head to fall backwards in supplication. His hands then edged around her body drawing her closer.  With a shivering need Claire also caressed his back while her fingers lightly traced over his warm skin. Jamie reacted by propelling her forward and aligning her with his aroused body, then he rocked his hips against her signalling his intent.
Claire moaned with a guttural pleasure that resonated through her body.  She wanted this man so desperately that it hurt.  
She clutched his shoulders, but Jamie held her still against his chest which only accelerated her heartbeats in sync with his. Claire tried to rock her hips back and forth against his in a demand for his movement into her body, but he ignored her appeal.  Jamie was in control and his persuasive lips meandered up her chest and along the column of her throat taking Claire to the brink of madness. With kisses alternating between soothing and demanding, Jamie continued to kiss her. And when he captured her top lip between his teeth, Claire’s head fell backwards against the pillow.  Raising himself up on his arms, James Fraser stared into her passion glazed eyes while her chest heaved in anticipation of what was to come.  
Smooth to the touch, her enticing curves fitted perfectly into the palm of his hand and Claire felt Jamie smile as his soft lips found her velvet breasts. His tongue lathed the puckered skin around her areolas before taking possession of her hardened nipples. Gasping at the sensation of his lips, she rose up from the bed when she felt the gentle nips of Jamie’s teeth against her breast. His tongue followed, soothing the ache before moving to her other breast alternatively caressing and abrading.
Claire in turn offered him everything of herself. It had been so long since their passionate encounter on Lamma Island and the rapturous night they had spent in each other’s arms.  Capitulating, she answered his demands, while wordlessly communicating her needs just as coherently.  
Simultaneously humbled and empowered, Jamie still wanted more. He needed more, while with his body ... he silently demanded more.  He ached with longing to consummate their love once again.  Deftly parting Claire’s legs, he gently positioned the tip of his erection against her then slowly … slowly … he pressed against her easing himself into her welcoming warmth.
Luminous eyes burned into his before Claire pulled Jamie urgently into her embrace.  Sweeping the damp hair tendrils back from his face, she arched beneath him, taking Jamie deeper into the silken heat of her body and with an emotion laced voice she groaned his name against his mouth.
Swallowing hard, Jamie held himself still before pushing even further into her depths.  Cradling Claire’s face in his hands, he kissed her ... gently at first, then deeper ... and harder.  She answered with a yielding whimper which Jamie captured against his lips.  Twisting against him, her thigh rode high around his hips; her breasts rose and fell rapidly with her every shallow breath. Claire wrapped her legs around his buttocks and pressed her heels into his flesh urging a deeper joining.  Feeling Jamie’s penis begin to swell even more, she flexed her inner muscles to prevent him from withdrawing, while her body clenched tightly around him.
Only when he was completely inside of her did Jamie begin to move. Staring into her eyes, he began to roll his hips in a slow, fierce rhythm. Claire gasped biting her bottom lip.  He thrust harder and a little deeper.  Jamie withdrew ... then sank back deeper once again pushing them closer and closer to the edge of sublime oblivion.  Closing her eyes, Claire began to move with him.  Her husky mew resonated in his ear as his repeated strokes overwhelmed her.  Their bodies moved in complete and total unison, rising and falling, moving forward and back.
The intense friction of his movements in and out of her depths was magnificent and Claire huskily whimpered his name, “Ja-mie.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~
Resting his weight on his knees, Jamie sited his hands under Claire’s head.  His buttocks flexed with each forward movement as he thrust again into his love’s depths. With rhythmic strokes, he continued to bring Claire to the pinnacle of desire. She raised her hips to help deepen his thrusts, but Jamie temporally slowed his rhythm and he watched his Sassenach writhing on the bed. He’d never seen anything more beautiful. Claire’s hands clenched the sheets twisting the material while her head thrashed from side to side. When Jamie hit her special spot, she moaned and arched up against him and raising her hands from the twisted sheets she sank her fingers deeply into Jamie’s back, leaving pressure welts on his skin.
Holding her close he began thrusting once more before finally merging with her so deeply that he could feel the slick sensation of her walls embracing his cock. Claire felt every exquisite centimetre of his erection filling her depths. What began as a slow rhythmic pace soon increased, as Jamie repeatedly entered and withdrew from her body, each thrust quicker, deeper, and harder than the last.  Shivers of desire ricocheted through her being as he brought her closer to an orgasmic capitulation.
“Cl-aire!” Jamie moaned as he struggled to contain his climax. He wanted to guide her to experience her own orgasm before he sought his own release.
Her lips parted on a gasp as the velvety warmth of her body began to shiver around him. With a soft moan tearing from her throat, Claire exploded in ecstasy.
Her inner muscles clenched around Jamie’s cock as he took her over the edge into total oblivion.  Her hands gripped his back holding him closer to her while she bit Jamie’s shoulder while at the same time entwining her legs with his quivering as her orgasm exploded inside her.  However, before it had reached its crescendo, he once again thrust into her with his magnificent cock as he continued to stroke wildly against her. Lifting his hand to grip her hip more firmly, Jamie held Claire hard against him as he pressed deeper into the warmth of her body.
Humming with sensation after sensation, Claire writhed as throbbing and explosive vibrations ricocheted within her depths.  “Oooh … Yesss!” she whimpered in a guttural moan.
Claire’s passionate cry urged Jamie to follow. Tremors exploded around him as her pleasure became his pleasure and his body swelled with his impending release as he felt Claire’s walls capture his length.  
"Ahhhh."  Jamie cried out as the rapture of his release quickly shattered all of his control.
Feeling rippling, earth shattering sensations course through his body, Jamie succumbed to the bliss of their joining as he too reached an incredible climax.
Claire wrapped her arms around him tightly. Jamie buried his face into the crook of her neck for the intense feeling felt as if he was passing the core of his soul to his woman and reverberated in a burst of kaleidoscopic awareness.
Everything suddenly made sense as if he was seeing things clearly for the first time. Spent ... Jamie whispered Claire’s name reverently as the last throes of his climax pulsated over him.
Exhausted their breathing gradually grew more even and their hearts slowed to a steady beat.  Claire rested her head on Jamie’s chest and idly trailed her fingertips across his skin.  Her light touch however, heightened his feelings and Jamie’s chest rose and fell in acceleration once more. He closed his eyes enjoying the renewed sensations of her touch while Claire felt the increased vibrations of his heartbeats when she touched her hand to his heart.  
He felt the soft caress of her lips as she kissed his chest where her fingers had strayed. “Hmmm?”  
Claire raised her head to look at him. Jamie could see in her eyes that something was troubling her, but he let her continue.
“The mission? ... What if ... what if ... I can’t do it?  What if Madame Cheung wants me to  ...”
She had finally broached the subject of her discussion at Section One earlier in the day and her unfinished words washed over him.  Jamie lightly stroked her back in a slow comforting, circular motion; however, on feeling the tension in Claire’s body, he pulled her up closer kissing her cheek.
“I’ll think of something before it comes to that.” A loving gaze held hers, piercing her heart with his intent. “Claire ... It will be okay mo ghràidh,” he reassured her allaying any apprehension she may have.
But she wasn’t totally convinced. “What if Madeline and Operations really want a permanent long term arrangement?”
“I’ll find a way mo nighean donn.”
His words were comforting and Claire nuzzled into his strong arms “Okay,” she said and laid her head back on his shoulder.
Idly fingering her dishevelled auburn tresses Jamie asked, “Have ye prepped?”
“I’ll go over yer PDA en route.”
Suddenly the sound of Jamie's cell phone rang interrupting their conversation. The chilling ring tone immediately affected the two lovers embracing for there was only one reason that his cell phone would ring.  Jamie noticed the hesitation in Claire’s eyes as she looked at him, but he lovingly stroked her hair away from her face and caressed her cheek reassuringly. Tightening his arms he pulled her closer as he reached down and brought the handset to his ear.
Severing the call, Jamie absently continued to smooth Claire’s hair as his fingertips caressed her cheek knowing that his next words would cut her like a knife to the heart. Finally capturing her gaze he said the words Claire least wanted to hear.  
“We have to go.”
 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued
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celticwaterwitch · 5 years
Tumblr media
Ahhhh where to even start! Faerie Worlds was an otherworldly event. Many twists and turns but ultimately we wove magic on the stage through dance ritual. 🧚‍♀️ I feel so blessed to be able to take part in this amazing show. I want to thank @maryastark for her beautiful voice and creative talent. To be able to dance for my spirits and the people with an amazing and tapped in singer was a dream come true once again. 🧜‍♀️ I also want to thank @solaurapearl for lining this gig up for us, for writing many of the choreographs and for her motherly love in tending this sacred space. 🔮 I want to thank @tiare.valouria for her fierce passion and artistic eye and for also writing and directing several pieces in this show. 🌊 I want to thank my Siren Sisters @emakhet_ra and @skuldface for their hard work and adaptability in Inobscura. Big hugs and love to my tree sister and the growth we experienced together. 🌕 Much love to my other dance priestess @autumn_kalimah @funkadelikrelik @mircat_amirasereia @Trisha and finally my beautiful faery queen and camp buddy @zanno503 for a fun and magical weekend! I learned so much and look forward to dancing in ritual again! #valouria #maryastark #witchesofinstagram #waterpriestess #waterwitch #siren #dancepriestess #watermagic #dance #ritualtheater #shatterspell #sacreddance #faeryqueen #priestesspower #priestessofavalon #priestessofisis #waternymph #watermagick #watergoddess #waterbeing #annwynavalon #dancemagic https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wRQndHDNa/?igshid=t6wnyq5x1jb7
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illusionowl · 6 years
Ship your tumblr mutuals with the members of Stray Kids! Details and all~
Wow...I’ve got so many mutals that it’ll be difficult but I’ll try :’) for my nice anon~Alright! Let’s try~@baconwithsuga - Baekhyun, because this little angel here is just the softest bean ever and I love her to the moon and ba(ec)k. Additionally is this her first “ult” bias in kpop and I just wanna appreciate these two little angels...because DAMN I love them ahh 💕⭐️@nct-dreamer - well...Donghyuk. My “I’ve got an adorable voice” mutal is a smol fellow of mine. She’s lovely and witty that’s why she needs an even more sarcastic and rebellious kiddo that brings out her fierce personality. Hehe~~~@changbinknows - Minho. My British MATE is another story because I really wanna have tea time with her as well. ☕️ but let’s say that...it was destined to be minho from the beginning on. She even texted me with a minho pic, that CANNOT be a coincidence!@minho-the-meanie - Changbin. oh wow my cute innocent bean what about you? You know..our dark man is smol but even smaller are you. He’s such an extroverted guy that he will affect you with his actions. And just remember how he approached Felix: “I couldn’t even speak English. But he seemed to feel really awkward that’s why I tried.”. 🖤@bangchansonnyeondan - Jungwoo. NANA, well what a surprise? You know...you seem like someone who’s doubting a lot and has all right to do. But sometimes you gotta trust your instinct! He would bring out your funny side, your spontaneous side. And you’d just wanna dance and jump around. So...lots of smiles and cuddles I guess :’) @jenostransbf - Jeno. I remember when I met you and your smile was just as blinding as his just like your heart is as big. I think there is nothing else that must be said because both of you would look amazing together and I just wanna settle down and watch the both of you... I luv ya. @woojinshairwasblue - Chan. OH WOW Emma that soft-tag picture made me so freaking soft you cannot imagine. There were images in my head when I read this post and I just wanted to sob. Oh wow chan is your perfect man. He’s talented, he’s sweet, he’s loving, he’s supportive af and he’s just as freaking talented as you are! Pls take a pic with him when you see him, okay?!@jisungaegyo - Yonguk. Wow you can disagree with me...but every time I talk with you there’s just this specific vibe around you that is just like his. Like...I can’t explain. I love yonguk with all my heart and he’s just so inspiring and talented and loving that all I want you to do is stan this man and love him BECAUSE YOU TWO WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER! 💓💓@pop2143 - Jisung. DO NOT FIGHT ME OVER THAT OKAY?!? the moment I saw your face I was like, yup this is a jisung stan. I can FEEL it. You look just as innocent as him (even tho he’s spicy and you’re soft) but god darn it. This is my one and only ship for you. Ahhh@hyunjin-the-fish - Hyunjin. What a surprise right? Haha. But honestly you’re SUCH A VISUAL so it’s no wonder that I ship you two. You two are humble and additionally I think that he needs a fierce person like you that will protect this angel in any way. My pretty friend...@xn-xwkxrd-gxy - Jongin. I don’t even know if you stan Exo but your face always reminded me of him. His tan skin and brown eyes and the little pout on his lips. It was just so similar to yours that I need to put this similarity in here. Ahhhh now I wanna know who’s your real bias in exo. I’m sorry if I fucked it up.@jeonginsdimple - Jeongin. Because....you two are just so cute and so smol AHHHHHH I cannot. His cute little smile and your cute little messages just got together so well that I can’t imagine anybody else but you. Honestly now I wanna know if you’ve got dimples as well.@leefelixprincess - Jungkook. WELL, wow. The moment that his abs were confirmed...I knew that you were the one for him. (I am joking it was obvious before) but he’s just tall and mature and I feel like you’re exactly into those type of guys. Even tho he’s that “grown up” he still acts like a baby and you appreciate that as well (don’t you? ;) ) Ahhh...I tried my best and I did not include all of my mutals because I didn’t want to write any bullshit. Well...I hope I succeeded in this mission and that everyone is just a slightly bit content with this result. HAHAI LOVE Y’ALL AND HAVE A GOOD DAY (u too anon~) SPREAD LOVE 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
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joonbird · 7 years
Wings Tour Final in Seoul ♡
An extremely long, detailed account of my experience attending the Wings Tour Final in Seoul Day 1!
PRE-CONCERT: I got to the venue at around midday mainly to suss out the merch situation, (quickly realized merch wasn’t going to happen because there were queues wrapping the block, it was mind-boggling how many people were in line!) but it was a blessing in disguise, because I ended up with a tonne of super cute fansite merchandise, and I ended up meeting a lot of really great people! 
CONCERT: I was seated in Section B at the front section of the floor, near the centre stage and the left wing. I was very close to the front stage, even closer to the left wing stage, and a fairly unobstructed (but not close at all) view of the extended stage. They were very, very strict on photography during the concert (until the end). The concert kicked off with a VCR, playing some BTS highlights and also their BBMAs acceptance speech. Mic Drop: When the speech finished playing, the lights came onto the stage to reveal the guys in their Mic Drop costumes. I just about screamed my head off because I was expecting Not Today, and instead I was greeted with the beautiful sight of my Seven Guys in their Mic Drop outfits (and no bucket hats!) They were on fire, Mic Drop choreography is insane live. I was blown away by the energy, and the attitude, and then they did the dance break from Mama and their body rolls were rude and wonderful all at once.
Medley: This medley was the peak of my non-stop screaming because quite honestly, it was sensory overload. They started with We Are Bulletproof Pt. 1 & 2 and that in itself was a shock to my system, because I never, ever thought I would get to see those songs being performed live. They were having so much fun with the medley, and then they started taking turns going down the left and right wings. When the members were on the left side, they were SO CLOSE and it was a shock. I don’t really remember much about the music, or the stage, or anything (sigh) because my attention was solely on the member standing right there in front of me. (I’ll go into more detail at the end of this post re: My Reactions to their visuals bc... i need a separate paragraph for that lmao.) They then did Cypher pt. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and I swear to you my soul left my body. The Cypher series, ESPECIALLY part 3, has always been a dream and tonight that dream was realized. The best part was that Namjoon was standing right in front of me in the left wing while rapping his verse of Cypher Pt 3. He is an unbelievable rapper, charismatic and fierce and intense all at once. Also Yoongi’s verse in Cypher pt. 3 (the crazy fast one) was iNSANE live and I feel highly blessed to have witnessed that irl. He is ridiculously talented. Cypher pt. 4 (on the extended stage) they got us to stand up, and Hoseok owned it - he became Jay Dope and the energy in the crowd was great, we were all cheering and Yoongi threw water into the crowd!
Begin & Lie: Jungkook blew me away with Begin. His vocals were so stable, that if you were listening to him with your eyes closed, you would not have been able to guess just how hard he was dancing. Also, he is an unbelievable performer - he was surrounded by backup dancers and my eyes were drawn to him. He has a really intense way to staring at the audience, and he connects with the music and the crowd so well. Jimin performed Lie on the extended stage so I didn’t get the full effect, but even so, watching it mainly from the screen was incredible. His face when he dances to Lie is so beautiful, and he dances with his entire soul, seriously. The stadium was spectacular too, the Army bombs are synced to the beat of the song/specific colours, and the entire dome was slowly pulsing a dark crimson red and it was like something out of a film. 
First Love: First Love gets it’s own paragraph because out of all the performances tonight, the most memorable one for me personally, was First Love. I can’t even explain Yoongi... he just rapped with so much intensity, and passion, and he just has It. It’s everything- the delivery, the way he stares into the audience, the nuances of his face expressions... he is a performer who makes you feel things. I could not keep my eyes off of him, I cried, and at the end he got really emotional too (which just made me cry harder). 
So Far Away, Lost, Save Me, I Need U: So after First Love, was Seokjin singing ‘So far away’, and it felt like the entire dome was shaking from how loud everyone was screaming. They arranged it so well, the four vocal line members were standing on the extended stage, no choreo, just singing- and it never felt like one was overpowering the other, instead, they all blended together so beautifully? It was really moving. I felt so lucky to be able to watch them perform that song live. After that, was Lost, Save Me, I Need U which are all classic, so enjoyable, and they were dressed in these blue grey silk shirts... some of which were low V neck cuts and I seriously nutted off the face of the earth, they looked so good.
Reflection: I loved every second of Reflection. When I’ve watched fancams of Reflection from other concerts, I’ve gotten emotional because I (personally) sensed Namjoon performing it with a melancholic tone. Tonight though, I don’t know, he just seemed happy? He was smiling a lot, and during the instrumental bit he said, “I believe.” And he looked up and smiled, and said, (something along the lines of) “I believe we are all whales. We are alone, but we are swimming together,” in English. And he was smiling and swaying and then he asked a question, I can’t remember what, but it was a question he wanted us to say ‘yes’ to. Buuuut, because he spoke in English, the audience just chanted back “Kim Namjoon” and Namjoon laughed. It was really cute. He looked really happy, and he was wearing a sparkly black blazer and looked like a Visual Masterpiece.
Stigma: Stigma was another performance that blew my socks off. Taehyung hit every single note, and the tone of his voice in real life is so soulful. He was in his element, he was staring into the audience with this piercing gaze... he was basically eyefucking us and it was incredible. His facial expressions are NO JOKE. He kept smirking, and then staring, and then licking his lips and the entire dome was hooked. Every time he did a certain face expression you could hear people going “ohhhhh”. He absolutely knows how to perform, he’s mesmerizing. And at the end, he ad-libbed a few high notes in Stigma and his voice sounded amazing.
Mama & Awake: Mama was the one song I was the most excited to see prior to the concert! It exceeded all my expectations. Hoseok was in the best mood, he was beaming from ear to ear and being really playful - making love hearts and dancing with a huge grin. It was so heartwarming. He was born to perform, when he’s up there doing his thing EVERYONE is in love, seriously. He is such a good dancer, he engages with the crowd so well... and the end of Mama with the gospel-esque choir and Hoseok singing had my body shivering! He is an INCREDIBLE singer (a true Vocalist) and at the end he gave us the world’s biggest smile and my heart melted in to the floor. Awake was immediately after, and hello, I love Seokjin. I will fight everyone who doubts his vocal ability because his voice was so strong and stable tonight, and those high notes had my soul ascending. He sang with so much emotion, and his voice just filled the arena so beautifully and it never felt strained, it was effortless. I teared up, and the entire dome went quiet and after her finished, they clapped. It was a really beautiful moment.
DNA & Go Go: Before DNA, they played a VCR they recorded (speaking of? how do they have the TIME i can’t deal with them) and the crowd started to go nuts. When we heard Jungkook’s whistle, and the beat kicked in, the roar from Army was deafening. The fanchants were insane, the loudest fanchants of the night, and the guys were loving it. It felt like they were vibing off of us, and they were smiling and enjoying DNA so much. Go Go was so much fun! They were having a good time, and being so so so cute with the aegyo. 
Medley 2: The medley started off with N.O., No More Dream, Boy in Love and Danger. They did the same thing as before, all taking turns to go to the two wings of the stage. I feel like I have no clear memories of the medleys, because I wasn’t paying attention to the screen at all when the members were right there ahhhh. I remember Jimin was in front of us and he did the body rolls from No More Dream (I was yodeling), and Jungkook was with us during either Danger or Boy In Luv and he stayed for ages, interacting with us and dancing around. The second half of the medley they returned to the extended stage, for Fire. They started from the 3:33 dance break and it was fucking crazy. These fireworks popped out of nowhere and they just BROKE into that dance and my eyes fell out of my head. Their dancing was so sharp and so strong (especially Jimin holy mole). After Fire they told us all to stand up, and they started to sing Run. It was an orchestra version, so kind of upbeat, and they were running around and EVERYONE was dancing/jumping up and down. It was the most energetic the crowd was all night, the boys seemed so happy, and then at the climax of the song these gold streamers popped over us on ground floor and it was so beautiful I can’t.
BST, You Never Walk Alone & Best of Me: Blood Sweat & Tears was one of my favourite performances of the night. The dance was AMAZING, they gave it their all and seeing them do that choreography irl was so memorable. Afterwards they said it was their last song, and Army were chanting for about 5 minutes straight refusing to accept that reality... and of course, they came out in these truck things. On my side, I had Taehyung, Hoseok and Seokjin. (from memory). We were waving at them, and they were SO BEAUTIFUL, because they all came out wearing Wings tour merch. When I saw Tae in the beret my jaw dropped and I whipped my head around to look at the screen to see NAMJOON IN THE BERET and I distinctly remember screaming out “THANK YOU” lmfao. YNWA was so cute, and then they did Best of Me which was SO ADORABLE. They were so happy, bouncing around in their trucks with their selfie sticks waving to us and singing. 
Ment 1: (I can’t remember in between the ments because there were so many, but this is a vague memory of ment 1) Jimin said he missed us a lot, Seokjin did his heart event (punching through a sheet of white paper to reveal a red love heart), and Jimin said he really loves performing Best of Me :) Seokjin wanted to mess around with the army bombs and do a wave of colour, and then Yoongi made us all clap ‘once’. Jimin asked us to sing the melody of Best of Me and we couldn’t (it sounded so bad) and they kind of went “oh..” and everyone laughed. It was really nice, and intimate almost, they were mucking around and having fun and I was the softest bitch in the room. They also all went around talking about this year, and thanking us for the success of LY:Her. Then they said that this was going to be their last song for the night.
Road/Path & Born Singer: I can’t explain to you my reaction when I realized they were singing Road/Path. I was facing the extended stage, and I turned to see on the screen, their faces next to different clips of their debut/early era selves. It was so, so emotional. People around me (and me) were crying, seeing for example, Jungkook now singing next to debut Jungkook. (Also, unrelated, but because I was at the front of the section right by the massive screen, I could see every detail of the member’s faces it was kinda intense... e.g. I could see the texture of their skin and the fact that Yoongi had a tiny lil pimple). After Road/Path, they stood in a circle and Jungkook sang “I’m a born singer” and the entire stadium exploded. I was in shock, and I started to cry because WHAT THE HECKIN HELL! It was the same as in the original performance, them in a circle on a rotating platform. I can’t even explain the feeling. They sang/rapped with so much emotion, and behind them was a sea of glittering army bombs. It was really beautiful. The lyrics of Born Singer are so intense and you could hear it in their voices. I was an emotional wreck and it was at that moment I told myself that I will support these guys til my old age, they deserve the world. They’re so talented and humble and they put their 100% into their music, you could feel it in that performance and I think everyone was crying.
Ment 2 & Spring Day: Namjoon was crying, and they all went in turns to say their final words. This time, it was really emotional (as opposed to all the others during the night were they were joking around, teasing us, etc). most of them were crying/teary, and so grateful. They kept thanking us. The most emotional one for me (aside from Namjoon) was Jungkook. He was speaking in this really thick, quiet voice, like he was on the verge of tears, and he told us that he wants to perform well for us, and that tonight he felt like he hadn’t done that. He said his condition wasn’t good and Army all cheered, “it’s okay” (idk how to translate the korean word exactly? but kind of yeah, ‘you did okay/it’s okay’), and Jungkook teared up and said, “Thank you, I love you”. They then performed Spring Day, which was so beautiful live, and they disappeared. A video played on the screen of them writing letters, and a lot of Army left because they thought it was over (fools!!! hehe), because after the video we looked up to see them in those hot air balloons!
ENDING: OKAY SO!!!! Because of where I was sitting, the Hot Air Balloon above me would dip inwards like close to the ground and then back up, if that makes sense (basically I was really close to the balloons). Everyone stood up and was taking photos, and I spotted Namjoon in his beret and I kid you not I dropped my army bomb, my phone, everything, and grabbed my slogan. I had this huge slogan, white fabric with black Korean letters that said “WE LOVE KIM NAMJOON” and I held it up. I didn’t mention this earlier but my section seemed to be full of Yoongi/Jimin/JK stans and every time Namjoon was around there weren’t THAT many cheers for him, also everyone had their phones out, but i was like WAVING my giant slogan from side to side. Namjoon spotted it and I let go of it with one hand and pointed at him like saying “you, you, you” and he smiled and pointed BACK and did the ‘you you you’ and I did a thumbs up (lmfao I didn’t know what else to do) and he laUGHED (and then turned around) but i seriously think my ass was trembling the entire time. They got off the balloons and spent time going to both wings again to say individual goodbyes. Hobi came around and I did a big heart on my head with my arms and wiggled from side to side and he did a head heart back and wiggled I FUCKING SCREAMED, it was a fleeting moment but iconic nonetheless. Namjoon came to the left wing second to last, and I held up the slogan again and yelled “NAMJOON THANK YOU” (in Korean) and no one else was yelling and he saw me and HE POINTED AT ME and I pOINTED BACK AND HE SMILED AGAIN AND THE GIRL NEXT TO ME GRABBED MY ARM AND WENT “AHHHH”....... anyway after this, they all went back to the centre stage. As the big screens were closing they were being cute, Jin asked us to give him flying hand kisses, etc etc, and doing individual dances (Yoongi did a break dance thing) and saying “Bye” until the very last moment.
MEMBERS VISUALS/MY IMPRESSIONS Jungkook: He is so, so handsome. SO HANDSOME. His face is so chiselled irl ugh he’s grown up so much I can’t deal. He has a really nice body and the thighs are NO JOKE. He’s such a good dancer and he exudes so much confidence on stage, he’s so attractive it hurts me Taehyung: I am convinced that he is one of the most devastatingly beautiful people in the entire world. He’s very sharp and intense and beautiful, honestly. His features are unreal - his eyes!!! And at the end he was wearing the beret and his eyebrows and smile had me so weak. Jimin: Also so, so handsome. He has a really nice facial structure, a really nice jaw. And he’s beautiful in a soft, almost delicate way. On stage (after Namjoon because im biased af) I found him the most captivating to watch. Also I know everyone rags on him about his height but he really didn’t seem that way to me! Hoseok: Okay Hoseok is a visual masterpiece? Photos do not do him justice, he was the nicest facial structure and such a handsome face. He’s softer in real life too, and so, so charming. His smile is ridiculous, and when he has that intense stare........ no one is safe Yoongi: Also a visual masterpiece? He has a smaller frame but the way he moves his body is so attractive. He has a really pretty face too. he just has this charisma about him, he’s undoubtedly the sexiest person alive. Seokjin: My jaw dropped when I saw him. He is IT. The best looking man alive, no joke. Like fucking hell, I honestly gasped. His body is f*cked, his shoulders, his torso, his legs, and his FACE. HIS FUCKING FACE. his hair was styled so well and they put him in a lot of plunging shirts, fuck. He wasn’t as fanservicey at the start of tonight as the others and I found it so attractive, he was just STARING at the audience ahhhhh. And during one of the medleys while he was on my side of the stage in the wings, he picked up a bottle of water, drank it, and tossed it over his shoulder with an idgaf expression on his face. It was the hottest thing I’ve seen lmfao Namjoon: I have No Words to describe him.... other than.... truly........ the Visual to end all Visuals. He’s SO ATTRACTIVE. SO. SO. ATTRACTIVE. He has SO MUCH stage presence and he smiles and has these lil face expressions all the time that you don’t usually see in videos, but holy mole. Whenever he was on stage I was staring straight at him. He’s tall, and he has a really nice body, and his FACE!!!! He has a really dainty face and he’s honestly 128293898210x better looking in person which i didn’t even know was possible. HIS SMILE, THE DIMPLES, EVERYTHING, wowowowow
OK SO (wtf this is so long I commend you if you are still reading this), in conclusion, this was an emotional, amazing concert and I am at a loss still! They are all INCREDIBLE performers, and you can really tell that they love what they do. I will never get over this! i feel blessed and lucky. and i love these guys so much. 
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