carabanchelnet · 7 months
VAYA VAYA…| Pues resulta que el importador de las fresas de Marruecos con Hepatitis A es una empresa de Huelva, el epicentro del cultivo de la fresa en España.Solamente escucho a agricultores gritando "¡No a las fresas marroquíes!". De esto no han dicho nada… Video publicado por Juan Miguel Garrido @JuanmiGG_News
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pacehospitalshyd · 2 months
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portaltvpljevlja · 2 months
Besplatno testiranje povodom Svjetskog dana borbe protiv hepatitisa - https://tvpljevlja.me/?p=132740&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr...
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ghtruenews · 2 months
"Protect yourself and your loved ones from Hepatitis A! Learn everything you need to know about this viral infection, from symptoms and prevention to treatment and more. Check out this comprehensive guide: https://ghtruenews.com/hepatitis-a-comprehensive-guide/ #HepatitisA #HealthAwareness #PreventionIsKey"
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Cjepiva protiv raka su stigla, no preskupa su. Glavnu riječ i dalje imaju - investitori
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  Iako većina ljudi toga možda nije svjesna, cjepiva protiv raka već su postala naša stvarnost. Vrhunska je to tehnologija koja bi nas mogla uvesti u eru personalizirane medicine     Nedavno su u SAD-u objavljeni vrlo ohrabrujući rezultati istraživanja te su pokazali da su personalizirana cjepiva spriječila recidiv izrazito smrtonosnog raka gušterače kod otprilike polovice sudionika istraživanja. Pored toga su farmaceutski divovi Moderna i BioNTech najavili da će istražiti potencijal mRNA cjepiva u borbi protiv raka.    
Što su zapravo cjepiva protiv raka i što mogu?
Cjepiva protiv raka ne razlikuju se previše od onih protiv zaraznih bolesti, poput gripe, ospica, zaušnjaka i covida. Cjepiva potiču imunološki sustav u borbi protiv neke mete – obično virusa - samo što je u ovom slučaju meta rak. Trenutačno je većina cjepiva protiv raka terapeutska, odnosno koriste se za liječenje pacijenata koji već imaju uznapredovali oblik raka. U te svrhe obično se kombiniraju s kemoterapijom, operacijom i/ili zračenjem. U SAD-u su zasad odobrena dva cjepiva protiv raka – jedan za rak mokraćnog mjehura u ranom stadiju, a drugi za rak prostate. No postoje i cjepiva za one koji su uspjeli pobijediti ovu smrtonosnu bolest. Daju se ljudima u remisiji s visokim rizikom od recidiva. A onda su tu i ona koja mogu u potpunosti spriječiti rak. Prema pisanju Fortunea, četiri takva odobrio je američki FDA – tri za HPV i jedan za hepatitis B. Svi zapravo rade na sprečavanju infekcija koje mogu dovesti do raka. Cjepivo protiv HPV-a preporučuje se muškarcima i ženama u dobi od 11 ili 12 godina, ali se može primijeniti već u devetoj, ali i u 26. godini života. Cjepivo protiv hepatitisa B se pak preporučuje svima u dobi od 59 godina, ali i mlađima i starijima koji imaju veći rizik od infekcije. Ruku na srce, velik broj cjepiva protiv raka još je u fazi ispitivanja i zapravo ih još uvijek nema puno odobrenih. No oni koji jesu imaju nevjerojatan učinak. Prema podacima Američkog društva za borbu protiv raka, cjepivo protiv HPV-a (odobreno 2006.) od 2012. do 2019. u SAD-u je dovelo do smanjenja pojavnosti raka vrata maternice za 65 posto. Slični rezultati u budućnosti se očekuju i za druge vrste raka uzrokovane HPV-om, a koje se obično javljaju kasnije u životu, poput raka glave, vrata, oralne šupljine, rektuma i vulve. Još jedan veliki neprijatelj na nišanu znanstvenika je rak dojke – najrasprostranjeniji rak na svijetu. Tako u Klinici Mayo razvijaju cjepivo koje cilja na šest točaka koje rak dojke najčešće napada. A pored toga što potencijalno stvaraju imunitet koji cilja specifično na rak dojke, mogao bi štititi i od drugih vrsta raka.
Kako djeluju cjepiva protiv raka?
    Zasad su cjepiva koja liječe aktivni rak uglavnom još u fazi ispitivanja, uz nekoliko iznimaka. Međutim to nisu lijekovi, a primanje doze puno je kompliciranije od primanja cjepiva protiv gripe. Posebice se ispituju personalizirana cjepiva protiv raka, no njihov razvoj je dugotrajan, a rak ne čeka. Svojevrsne su to 'terapije po narudžbi' te liječnik specijalist za svakog pacijenta mora odrediti do kojih tumora može doći biopsijom. Modernino cjepivo protiv raka, bazirano na tehnologiji mRNA, moglo bi napraviti prekretnicu u personaliziranom cijepljenju i uvesti nas u novu eru liječenja raka. Pritom su kod personaliziranog cijepljenja nuspojave puno podnošljivije od onih koje uzrokuje kemoterapija. Mnogi stručnjaci smatraju da je budućnost cjepiva protiv raka svijetla, ali ne jednako za sve. Mnogi tako izražavaju zabrinutost da bi ona mogla biti rezervirana samo za privilegirane i ostati potpuno nedostupna pripadnicima marginaliziranih populacija. Što se tiče široke dostupnosti, očekuje se da će sljedećeg desetljeća biti razvijen veći broj terapeutskih cjepiva protiv raka jer su mnoga klinička ispitivanja u ovom trenutku u fazi 2 i 3. No ne može se ništa reći sa sigurnošću. Posebice treba uzeti u obzir to da je faza 3 ispitivanja izrazito skupa i nerijetko baš tada ispitivanje nekog lijeka doživi zastoj – zadnju riječ dakle imaju investitori. Tportal.hr Foto by FRANK MERIÑO Read the full article
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vinishbuzz · 2 years
Important Recall Alert: Frozen Fruit Products Sold by Costco and Trader Joe's Recalled Due to Hepatitis A Contamination!" #FoodRecall #HepatitisA #FoodSafety #Costco #TraderJoes
Important Recall Alert: Frozen Fruit Products Sold by Costco and Trader Joe’s Recalled Due to Hepatitis A Contamination!” #FoodRecall #HepatitisA #FoodSafety #Costco #TraderJoes The article reports on a recall of frozen fruit products sold by Costco and Trader Joe’s due to possible contamination with Hepatitis A. The recall was initiated by the supplier, Townsend Farms, after a sample of the…
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rsmedicalhacking · 2 years
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Ada seorang anak sma, masih kelas 2 SMA
Aktif di kegiatan basket, dan juga berprestasi di sekolah nya
Bahkan dia juga rangking 1 di sekolah
Semua hal hal baik terus menghampiri hidup nya, sampai suatu saat..
Anak tersebut merasakan sakit yang menusuk di badan nya..
Ternyata setelah di cek Liver nya bermasalah..
Gaya hidup sehat sering berolahraga, jarang minum obat kimia, pola makan juga di jaga tapi kok bisa ?
Bahkan tim dokter pun bingung dan menyebut nya “kejadian langka”
Lalu apa yang menyebabkan anak tersebut bisa sakit liver ?
Di medical hacking kita mengklasifikasikan semua organ kedalam unsur alam seperti tanah, air, api, logam dan kayu
Lalu liver masuk kedalam unsur apa?
Ya liver masuk kedalam unsur kayu artinya bahwa kayu memiliki sifat dan guna tumbuh berkembang, harmonis serasi, dapat lurus maupun bengkok. Dengan mengikuti kaedah tersebut maka segala sesuatu yang mempunyai sifat tumbuh berkembang, naik menyebar, bebas, lancar terbuka dikelompokkan dalam unsur kayu.
Terus bagaimana kayu itu bisa rusak? 
Yap dengan di bakar 
Liver nya ada yang bakar maksud nya?
Iya secara analogi memang ada yang membakar nya yaitu emosi nya
Lalu emosi apa yang bersifat membakar?
Emosi tersebut adalah Marah dan dendam..
Karena marah dan dendam tersebut membakar unsur elemen kayu pada tubuh anak tersebut
Oke apakah benar anak tersebut memiliki marah dan dendam ?
Yap ternyata benar, ada marah yang sangat besar di dalam anak tersebut untuk paman nya, karena paman nya tersebut telah menghina ibu anak tersebut
Semakin lama marah nya semakin naik karena paman nya tersebut sering kali melakukan hinaan kepada ibu anak tersbeut
Ngeri ya?
Karena omongan orang yang menyakiti bisa menjadi penyakit langka 
Setelah kami bantu healing anak tersebut perlahan kondisi nya membaik hingga saat ini dan aktifitas anak tersebut kembali normal
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-> https://bit.ly/groupwakesehatan
Karena sesuai moto kita, Sehat Anda bahagia Kami
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daunmineran · 2 years
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Pusat Budidaya Herbal Daun Sukun Hepatitis Tambak Bayumas
HIGENIS!!, CALL 0813-2868-0537, Pusat Budidaya Herbal Daun Sukun HepatitisA Tambak Bayumas
KLIK https://wa.me//6281328680537,Bahaya Minum Rebusan Daun Sukun Tambak Bayumas, Cara Mengolah Daun Sukun Untuk Obat Liver Tambak Bayumas, Daun Obat Hepatitis Tambak Bayumas, Manfaat Daun Sukun Tambak Bayumas, Cara Membuat Teh Daun Sukun Tambak Bayumas
MANFAAT DAUN SUKUN: -Mencegah Diabetes -Mengurangi Peradangan -Menurunkan Kolestrol -Melindungi Dari Keracunan Arsenik -Melawan Radikal Bebas
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Od početka godine žuticom zaražene 43 osobe, pročitajte koji su simptomi
Od početka godine žuticom zaražene 43 osobe, pročitajte koji su simptomi
Od početka ove godine, zaključno sa 2. novembrom, Institutu za javno zdravlje prijavljena su 43 slučaja obolijevanja od Hepatititsa A – odnosno žutice, a najveći broj zaraženih registrovan je u Herceg Novom. Za Portal Analitika, iz IJZ su kazali da su za isti vremenski period stigle i tri prijave epidemija obolijevanja od hepatitisa A, i to iz Herceg Novog, Kotora, a zatim i Tivta. “Analizom…
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thewitfire · 2 years
Meningitis: 10 Things You Should Know to Stay Safe
Meningitis: 10 Things You Should Know to Stay Safe. #meningitis #salud #meningococo #influenza #neumococo #hepatitisa #prevenar #hepatitisb #menactra #vacunas #varicela #vph #tripleviral #gardasil #tetano #fiebretifoidea #dptacelular #centrodevacunacion
Meningitis is a severe infection of the lining around the brain and spinal cord. It can cause death or long-term disabilities if not treated promptly. While it’s most commonly seen in young children, adolescents, and adults, it can affect people of any age. There are several types of meningitis, but the most common is viral meningitis, which is usually less severe than bacterial meningitis.…
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drugcarts · 2 years
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World Hepatitis Day is observed each year on 28 July to raise awareness of viral hepatitis. The date of 28 July was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel-prize-winning scientist Dr. Baruch Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for the virus. . . . #drugcarts #worldhepatitisday #hepatitis #awareness #hepatitisawareness #hepatitisb #hepatitisday #hepatitisc #healthcare #liver #hepatitisa #hepatitisawarenessmonth #liverhealth #healthylifestyle #obatliver #hepatitisa #livertransplant #liverinfection https://www.instagram.com/p/CgjlXeHJuVG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teluguonenews · 2 years
కాలేయం వాపుకు గురయ్యి దాని పరిమాణం పెరిగిపోవడమే హెపటైటిస్ గా వైద్య శాస్త్రంలో చెబుతారు. మద్యపానం ఎక్కువగా తీసుకోవడం వల్ల కాలేయం వాపు వచ్చే అవకాశం ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది. దీర్ఘకాలిక మందులు వాడటం వల్ల కాలేయానికి ప్రమాదం జరిగే అవకాశాలు ఎక్కువగా ఉంటాయి. అన్నిటికంటే ముఖ్యంగా వైరల్ ఇన్ఫెక్షన్లు హెపటైటిస్ సమస్యకు కారణమయ్యే అత్యంత సాధారణ సమస్య. హెపటైటిస్ సమస్యలో ఆటో ఇమ్యూన్ హెపటైటిస్ అనేది కూడా ఒకటి. for more information visit teluguone.com
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humongousqueendeer · 2 years
Homeopathy Treatment for Hepatitis in Hyderabad.
Hepatitis is a disease in which inflammatory cells in the liver's tissues cause the organ to become inflamed. Though hepatitis has no symptoms in the early stages, it can lead to fibrosis, cirrhosis, jaundice, anorexia, and malaise in the later stages. Hepatitis is divided into two types: acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis lasts longer than acute hepatitis, which lasts less than six months.
Acute hepatitis symptoms include the following:
Muscle and joint aches are common.
Loss of appetite,
Jaundice ,
Abdominal discomfort,
Urine with a dark colour.
If untreated, acute hepatitis can lead to bleeding, liver failure, and death, necessitating a liver transplant. Younger people, on the other hand, are frequently asymptomatic, whereas the elderly are more likely to develop symptoms soon after the onset.
Chronic hepatitis symptoms include the following:
Irritability or exhaustion,
The liver is afflicted with diseases and can be damaged,
Enlargement of the liver,
Weight reduction,
Your stomach is in a lot of pain due to internal bleeding ,
Leg swelling is a condition that causes the legs to swell,
Enlargement of the veins.
Acne, irregular menses, and thyroid problems are all common among women. Chronic disease can become life-threatening if left untreated for a long time.
Both acute and chronic hepatitis can be effectively treated with hepatitis. Patients with chronic hepatitis will benefit from the constitutional treatment, which is more effective than general homoeopathic treatment in treating acute disorders. Dr. Care offers world-class hepatitis treatment that is free of complications and side effects. Take Homeopathy Treatment for Hepatitis in Hyderabad at Dr. Care Homeopathy.
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Proglašena epidemija žutice u Kotoru i Herceg Novom
Proglašena epidemija žutice u Kotoru i Herceg Novom
Foto: Barski portal/arhiva Epidemija žutice (obolijevanje od Hepatitisa A) proglašena je u Kotoru i Herceg Novom, saopštio je u razgovoru za Antenu M direktor Instituta za javno zdravlje (IJZ) Igor Galić. Galić napominje da mjesta za paniku nema i da se Institut aktivno uključio u praćenje situacije na terenu. “Istraživanje još traje. S obzirom na to da je to nadležnost lokalnih…
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benignevexia · 3 years
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Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges. The meninges are the three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can occur when fluid surrounding the meninges becomes infected. The most common causes of meningitis are viral and bacterial infections. After effects most likely to be caused by meningitis * Memory loss/lack of concentration/difficulty retaining information * Clumsiness/co-ordination problems * Headaches * Deafness/hearing problems/tinnitus/dizziness/loss of balance * Epilepsy/seizures * Weakness/paralysis/spasms * Speech problems * Loss of sight/vision problems After effects most likely to be caused by septicaemia: * Memory loss/lack of concentration/difficulty retaining information * Clumsiness/co-ordination problems * Arthritis/joint stiffness * Scarring/skin damage * Kidney damage * Lung damage Recovery varies considerably from person to person... * Babies cannot tell you how they feel and parents can feel at a loss as to what the future may hold. * Children can behave differently if they have been in hospital, they can become clingy, have temper tantrums and lose skills they have recently acquired. * Adults are often shocked to discover they are very tired and lacking in energy. We have effective treatments for post-meningitis conditions as listed above for both babies and adult. Call or WhatsApp us for enquiries: 08038089801, 08028589079 [email protected] https://benignevexiacenter.com #meningitis #meningococo #neumococo #influenza #hepatitisa #hepatitisb #menactra #prevenar #tripleviral #vph #varicela #fiebretifoidea #gardasil #dptacelular #centrodevacunacion #enfermeria #fiebreamarilla #herpexzoster #zostavax #ppd #meningitissurvivor #covid #epilepsy #vaccines #cerebralpalsy (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca7bzCxtm9z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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