#henshin device
zac-salazar-01 · 3 months
I finally have an idea for my Sentai (Obakeranger) changer
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Yo-mamori Changer
This changer is used by the top 5 Obakerranger
It is a type of Yoyo mixed with a scanner and is used to transform and perform Yojutsu spells.
It comes attached to a bracelet
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Oni Henshin Bracephone SmartInro
A Smartphone with a design similar to an Inro that is used by OniSlayer (sixth ranger)
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It comes with a bracelet so you can use the "Onitouken" (Fighting Oni Fist) martial arts techniques.
Illustrative image coming from the Chinese toku Armor Hero XT
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The collectibles are Yo-Fudas/Ki-fudas
Cards inspired by ofuda talismans
They are very similar to Blade's Rouze Cards and Ryuki's Advent Cards.
Each ranger has their own deck of cards related to their element.
Each type of spell is based on a different Yokai.
These spells are varied (transformation spell, attack, barrier, summon, final attack, etc.)
I hope y'all liked it
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dreamypyon · 5 months
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*val voice* Just making sure I don't fit in.....
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mechaseraph · 2 months
Doom yourself before the narrative does, draw that stupid plastic gun toku henshin toy
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evatheunicutie · 2 years
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To continue on the Magical Moon Warriors concept, I made Vanitas and Noé’s transformation devices. Whaddya think?
Made on:
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 9 months
a key? kouta is not spiders jeramie
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Gaoranger first episode watch notes:
The other rangers abduct the red. like knock him the fuck out via gut punch. granted idk how else you would convince some rando veterinarian to join your magical spandex hero squad but goddamn
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His first emotion upon waking up in an unfamiliar area with giant robot animals was utter delight (even the other rangers are baffled by his lack of fear) and his first instinct upon seeing Gao Lion was "ooooooo lion!!" and to scale ?? the fucking cliff ??? babygirl you got insatiable curiosity and the self-preservation skills of a lemming you're a perfect fit for leader
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Other things of note: White and Red's toe bean gloves and Yellow doing the splits. great start everyone
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mrmercer13 · 1 year
Modern Kamen Rider seasons are fun because they'll be like "This [insert belt here] is our ultimate weapon against [insert monsters here]. We have programmed it to sing."
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princess-ichigo · 1 year
I love that for some reason listening to precure all stars music helps me get ideas for tri-scoop precure
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starryskiesahead · 11 months
now i wish xolga and mr. toko were my magical mascot companions that let me transform into a magical girl and go on adventures :/
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rknchan · 9 months
i love you magical girls i love you transformations i love you henshin devices (made to be gently held in ur hand) i love you ridiculous frilly outfits i love you colorcoded teams i love you power of friendship
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himitsusentaiblog · 8 days
From Timeranger to Gokaiger there were 5 shows that used flip phones as henshin devices. But from Go-Buster to Kiramager, only Zyuogher used a phone/rubic cube and Kiramager used a smart watch. Why didn't Sentai used smartphones as henshin devices? Is it because smartphones look boring lack the inherent coolness and playability of flip phones? Or is it because Kyoryuger made Bandai thought weapons should be henshin devices instead?
I think it's because regular smartphones don't have a dynamic action like flip phone do/did. There is something really cool about being able to flip open your device and punch in a code. I mean, that was what a younger me thought was absolutely cool as heck about Kamen Rider 555's henshin sequence. There is one Sentai-adjacent series that HAS used smartphones though. The High School Heroes had a phone app that allowed the heroes and the villains to transform.
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And I will always take the opportunity to advocate for the High School Heroes.
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waitochan · 9 days
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Ultraman Oc, still thinking on how the henshin device will look like, i just have the idea of a robotic dragon...
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pleuvoire · 2 years
i love you tokusatsu i love you henshin sequence i love you rubber suit monsters i love you sentai roll call group pose i love you monster of the week i love you crazy pyrotechnic explosions i love you berserk forms i love you miniature sets i love you brightly colored heroes i love you peace and justice and altruism i love you suit actors i love you suit design i love you henshin device where a guy yells random english i love you stupid colorful plastic toy weapons i love you decisive blow that knocks the hero out of their suit leaving them scratched up on the ground i love you crossover movies i love you earnest and unselfconscious cheesiness i love you homages to classic series i love you seiji takaiwa i love you power of friendship i love you crappy cgi i love you quarry and warehouse
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 9 months
DAMN the apple lockseed is nice that is a nice lockseed
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Worlds Biggest Lil Bitch
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