#also i know it was the style at the time to have flip phone henshin devices
nugulover69 · 1 year
Gaoranger first episode watch notes:
The other rangers abduct the red. like knock him the fuck out via gut punch. granted idk how else you would convince some rando veterinarian to join your magical spandex hero squad but goddamn
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His first emotion upon waking up in an unfamiliar area with giant robot animals was utter delight (even the other rangers are baffled by his lack of fear) and his first instinct upon seeing Gao Lion was "ooooooo lion!!" and to scale ?? the fucking cliff ??? babygirl you got insatiable curiosity and the self-preservation skills of a lemming you're a perfect fit for leader
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Other things of note: White and Red's toe bean gloves and Yellow doing the splits. great start everyone
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