#henry danger imagine
luvrlou · 1 day
Out with the Old, In with the New?
Pairing: Henry Hart x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, Violence
Summary: When a certain supervillain returns to Swellview an old face pops back up.
A/N: just cause henry danger seems to making a comeback
Word Count: 1.8k
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"Ray?" Henry's voice causes the man to jump and turn around.
He squares up to Henry before his brain computes who it is, and then he stands normally, "Henry, you can't do that!"
"Hmm?" He hums, staring at the man.
"Henry, you can't do that!" Ray repeats again in the same exasperated tone.
Henry makes a confused face, "I can't say your name anymore?"
Ray rolls his eyes before sitting down on the couch, "so what do you want?"
Henry takes a seat next to him, "you never talk about the sidekick you had before me, I'm just curious on who he was."
"Well first of all it was a she."
Ray dramatically looks off into the distance, his sidekick giving him a baffled look before shrugging and joining his gaze into the distance.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You and Ray were playing a very serious game of foosball when Schwoz started shouting for your attention.
"Guys! Guys! I found him!" He shouted, frantically flailing his arms in the direction of the many screens on the wall of the man cave, this immediately pulled you and Ray's interest from the game at hand to Schwoz.
"You found Doctor Rotten?" You sprinted over to the control panel.
Ray swiftly followed, "we've been trying to track him for months!"
Schwoz went on to tell you about his whereabouts while you and Ray mentally plotted your attack.
"Well let's blow some bubbles-" Ray began.
"-and give this doctor a taste of his medicine!" You finished his sentence.
Once you transformed you guys ran to the tubes, "I see what you did there." Was the last thing Ray said before you both disappeared up the tubes.
Once you guys got to the location that Doctor Rotten used to conjure up his evil experiments it wasn't an easy fight, well you wouldn't know, as you were immediately injected with some concoction Doctor Rotten had made.
"Y/N are you okay!" You heard Ray shout as you came back to consciousness.
You stirred before groggily speaking, "Ray? What happened?"
"That rotten son of a bitch grabbed you and injecte-" he began before he was cut off by you screaming and squirming around on the floor. He ran to your writhing body and held you down to the ground firmly.
"It feels like fire is running through my veins!" You screamed, whilst trying to catch your breath.
Ray scanned the room frantically trying to see if there was anything that even resembled an anecdote for the horrific condition you were in.
"Ray help me!" You yelled out in a pleading tone."
"I'm trying kid! I really am!" He shouted back, attempting to reassure you.
Then he spotted a large button, he hoped it would somehow stop the pain you were in. It was his last resort.
Ray jumped up and ran towards the big red button and smashed it down. He stood back, slightly confused at the button doing nothing. That was until...
An explosion.
Half of the building exploded, luckily not the side you were both on, although you still were severely impacted by the blast.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
When you woke up you were lying on a bed in the middle of the man cave being towered over by Schwoz and Ray, both with very concerned faces.
"Guys... what happened," you tried to sit up before being quickly shoved back down by both men.
"You are not fully healed yet Y/N!" Schwoz frantically mumbled.
This made you instantly sit up, "Not fully healed yet!" You shrieked, "What do you mean not fully healed yet?"
Both men stood back whilst sharing almost scared looks, mentally deciding if they should tell you.
Then Ray spoke up, "well... we went to take down Doctor Rotten, you made a great pun by the way before we left," you jokingly winked as he said that. "Then we got there and he grabbed you and injected you with some liquid that made your blood red hot."
You nodded, "and then?"
Schwoz quickly spoke up, "Ray pushed a big red button and it made half the building explode!"
"What? Ray! A big red button really?" You shouted.
"C'mon! It didn't have any 'don't press' signs!" He attempted to defend himself.
You shook your head in disappointment, "Ray almost every red button... means an explosion!" Your voice got louder with every word until you were yelling once again.
"Well, you're still alive!" He shouted back.
You took a deep breath and spoke again, "did we at least catch him?" Your question made Ray look away in embarrassment, "we caught him..." you gritted your teeth, "right?"
This caused you to yell again, "you didn't catch him!"
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Ray's memory was cut off by Henry, "Hello? Can you tell me now? You've been staring at the ceiling saying nothing for 10 minutes."
"Oh right, yeah sorry! She moved to Brooklyn after a mission that went very wrong." He told him.
"Oh... did she have any powers?" Henry further inquired.
This made Ray smile as he reminisced, "yeah she could talk to people through her mind. Was pretty cool, except for when she would tap into your head and just scream as loud as she could."
The pair were cut off by Schwoz running through and yelling at them, "he's back!"
"Who's back?" Ray replied, jumping up off of the couch, Henry following his actions.
Schwoz sat down and started clicking random buttons on the control panel until the screens turned on showing footage of a tall man holding a vial of a bright purple liquid.
"Doctor Rotten..." Ray sneered, looking closely at the screens.
Henry followed him, a confused look on his face, "who now?"
"He's the one who nearly killed-" Schwoz spoke before Ray shouted.
"Don't say her name!" He yelled, "she doesn't get to be known as the one who Doctor Rotten nearly killed."
"Okay..." Schwoz grumbled, "he's at Swellview lab."
Henry and Ray quickly changed suits and went up the tube. They arrived on the roof and walked towards the mancopter, Ray started to flip the switches to turn on the helicopter before something caught the attention of the two guys.
"Fighting Doctor Rotten without me?"
They were both caught off guard by the girl who was walking towards them. Especially Henry, this unknown girl was his age and gorgeous.
It was you.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" Ray questioned, very confused yet concerned.
You smiled widely and walked over to him, "I've been trying to find this bastard for years, ever since we lost him, and now I want him gone for good."
Ray nodded in response before wrapping his arms around you, "I'm so glad you're okay."
You hugged him back, smiling widely at the fact you've been reunited with your old best friend, "I'm happy to be back."
"Right, guys! We don't have time for hugs and talking, we have a criminal to catch!" Henry spoke sternly, seemingly envious of the bond between Ray and his old sidekick.
"He's right! Let's go give this doctor a taste of his own medicine!" You exclaim, walking towards the mancopter.
"That line gives me bad memories Y/N!" Ray shouts after you while he runs up to the mancopter.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Sticking to the plan you walked into the lab first, "Well, well, well look who it is... Doctor Moldy." You snicker at your own joke as you walk.
"It is Doctor Rotten-" The villain shouts before realising who you are and smirking, "well hello little girl, here for another round of fire blood?"
You smile back and stop in front of him, "I think it's your blood that'll be on fire."
On cue both of the other heroes break into the lab, coming up behind the evil man, who was preoccupied talking down to you.
Little did he know that in approximately 30 seconds he would receive a punch to the back of the head from Captain Man. Unfortunately, he didn't go out like a light, he was much stronger than anticipated so he immediately turned around and started trying to attack Captain Man.
You and Henry both seem to migrate to the side of the lab, watching the fight go down, "he's surprisingly good," Henry assessed.
"Who knew some 60-something bald man could take the Captain Man," you nodded before looking over to his new sidekick. "You're not jealous of me and Ray are you?"
This caught Henry off guard, "not at all! I understand that you guys had a close bond," despite seeming fine, his tone of voice told a different story.
"Trust me as soon as Doctor Rotten is gone I'm out of here, you have nothing to worry about. Now I'm gonna make this guy regret he was even fucking born." You smile and pat Henry's chest before sneaking over to the table with syringes full of glowing liquid splayed out.
At this point, Doctor Rotten is having to take on both Kid Danger and Captain Man. However, you have just found what you assume is the same poison that you were attacked with all those years ago.
To distract Doctor Rotten you tap into his brain and start to scream which causes him to grasp the sides of his head and drop to his knees. You happily saunter over to his distraught body and lean down.
"Payback is a bitch," you whisper, pushing your face against his before stabbing the syringe into his neck and injecting the fiery liquid, causing him to instantly pass out.
"Well, jobs done! Let's get back to the man cave girl and boy." Ray says while clapping his hands.
"About that Ray... I'm not coming, I'm going back to Brooklyn." You smile bittersweetly, "it was amazing fighting crime with you again, but it's not my place anymore."
This caused Ray to frown, "c'mon Y/N just for old times sake."
Henry suddenly felt quite bad for you both, and for feeling jealous. "I would love for you to come hang with us until your flight." The blonde smiled at you.
This made you smile and roll your eyes, "I guess I can come down for a few hours."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After hours of reminiscing, talking and many games of foosball Ray decided he was going to head to his bed.
"Shouldn't you head home?" You asked Henry as you stood up off of the couch.
He shrugged and stood up with you, "I told my mom I was staying at Jasper's tonight."
You laughed in response, "a rebel? I like it."
"Oh yeah?" He chuckled, scrunching his face at you.
"Yeah, you're cool Henry, I see why Ray likes you." You spoke softly and tilted your head.
This caused Henry to flush lightly, "you're really cool, Y/N."
"I think you should come to Brooklyn sometime," you walked closer to him, "come visit me sometime..."
He nodded, "sounds good, I'll be there," he mumbled, now realising the close proximity between you both.
"Sounds like a plan," you whisper whilst placing your hands on his shoulders.
As if on command his hands landed on your hips, "I think you're really pretty.
You grinned and leaned closer to his face, his breath fanning over yours, "and I think you're perfect."
He slowly lowered his head and let his lips meet yours.
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bvbyacid-666 · 2 months
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ℍ𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕪 '𝕂𝕚𝕕 𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣' ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕥
Smut= ☆ Angst=❀ Fluff=♡
Nothing Here Yet...
Created: 23/06/24
Last Updated: n/a
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callmemaeverick · 2 years
Dangerous Games [Sherlock Holmes x fem!Reader]
A/N: This little oneshot has been playing in my head since the release and I had to get to get it out. Forewarning, this is unbeta’d AND non-period accurate. I am not a Brit, nor am I from that era, though I like to pretend. I just like Henry as Sherlock and I like whump, so when he was shot, well, this came out of it. 
Summary: You are Mrs Hudson’s niece and you were at your aunt’s for your monthly visit, when you heard her favourite tenant stumble through the door
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You knew of him, of course. How could you not? He had commanded attention and admiration wherever he went. And that case Basilweather case a few months ago made him even more popular. But you knew him not as the brilliant detective. No. You knew him as your aunt’s reclusive tenant.
Sherlock Holmes.
He was definitely a character, you decided. Sharp as a tack and not a bad violinist. But he was also blunt and straightforward, sometimes to the point of rudeness. You could recall a time or two where his unsolicited remarks and astute observations made you clench your fists and narrow your eyes at him.
And then there’s the constant revolving door of guests, wanted and unwanted, going up and down the stairs to his flat cum office cum lab cum whatever else. It was very irritating for one looking for a peaceful afternoon with one’s reading.
Your aunt loves him though. Dotes on him as if he was her own. You knew he had helped her with something serious, but no matter how many times you asked, she wouldn’t tell you what. It sometimes drives you mad, but deep down you were grateful he was there to help.
So, despite his apparent lack of empathy, you knew he was a good man. Which was the only reason you put up with him.
“You’re an idiot, Sherlock Holmes,” You hissed as you pulled the thread stitching his skin back together.
Judging by the quirk of his eyebrow, you knew it was not something he hears often. In fact, most of the time, it was probably the exact opposite. But you were undeterred, especially since he almost gave you a heart attack, walking through the front door limping and covered in blood.
“Do I want to know the reason you decided to forego a hospital and the attention of a real doctor?”
Sherlock grunted at a particular sharp tug of the suture but did not pull away from your hand. "And miss out on your charming company? Never."
Rolling your eyes at his snark, you returned your focus to the gunshot wound. "Don’t be glib with me, you know it doesn’t work. And it’s not like you couldn’t afford the hospital, so tell me what’s going on?”
When your question was left unanswered, you finished off the last suture and looked up, just to find that his attention was no longer on you but on his map over your shoulder, still cluttered with notes. Frowning, you shifted to block his line of sight. “Sherlock?”
“I had to know.” There was no trace of jest in his voice anymore.
“Know what?”
“I had to know how deep the corruption goes. Her web. I need to know what she’s involved in.”
“She? Enola?” You referred to his young sister, someone you had just met a few days ago helping the man before you up the stairs. She endeared herself to you quite quickly, you realized, as you felt your concern for the Holmes’ siblings grow.
“No. Mira Troy. Moriarty.”
You scoffed at the clever wordplay and turned to look at the map behind you. The name was written clearly on one of the cards.
“She could have died… Enola.” He clarified before you asked. “Had the knife been real, she could've…”
You didn’t know what had truly happened and you suspect you might never will. But you knew it had shaken him quite seriously.
“Sherlock, hey, look at me,” You called, turning back to him. You waited until he pulled his eyes to yours, until you could see the slight discoloration in his left iris. “She is safe, hm? She is sleeping, right in there.” You motioned to his bedroom. "You need not worry."
His gaze moved to his closed door as if he could see right through the wood.
“I just got her.”
“And you’re scared you’re going to lose her.”
You smiled at the sentiment in his soft voice. He wasn’t as unfeeling as he would like people to think him to be. “You’ve changed, Sherlock Holmes.”
He hummed, coming to the same conclusion. “Perhaps.”
“Give her some credit, Sherlock. She’s tougher than she looks.”
He was silent as he contemplated your words and you didn’t know what he was seeing as he turned to look at you but you refused to break under his stare.
“Like you?"
Heat tinged your cheeks at the sincere mirth dancing in his eyes. It hadn't escaped your begrudging notice that Sherlock Holmes is an attractive man, all wide, strong shoulders and deep voice. It also didn’t help that he was indeed one of the most intelligent man you’ve met.
The feel of his soft touch on the back of your hand stole your attention and your breath stuttered in your lungs when you saw that your hand were clasped overtop his. You didn’t know when you had reached out to him, but what shocked you more was that you felt comfortable enough that the action did not even register to you.
You could only watch as he leaned a little bit closer, grunting with the effort. His head dipped to where his thumb was tracing your knuckles. “My sister believes I’m alone here. In need of a companion."
"Is that," Your voice had dropped to a whisper, as if you were sharing a secret, so you cleared your throat to return it back to normal. "your way of asking me to be your friend?"
Sherlock looked up at you and you froze at the look in his eyes. Heart beating wildly in your chest, you followed his gaze as it dropped to your lips. "Not a friend." He said.
You opened your mouth to respond.
The call of his name might as well be a clap of thunder with the way you both jumped apart at the sound of it. And in that instance, the moment was gone. Blood rushing to your face in embarrassment, the both of you awkwardly stood to face Enola, coming out of the room.
"Are you two alright?" She asked taking in the sight of you, wide eyed and flushed, and Sherlock, shirtless and bloodied. "I heard-"
"Y-yes. I was just... leaving." You sidestepped the man before you and headed for the door, highly aware said man following closely behind.
He called your name, exasperation in his tone, but you ignored it.
"Keep the wound and stiches dry and you'd be right as rain in a few days." Over his shoulder, you smiled at his sister. "You take care of yourself, Enola. If you still feel dizzy and nauseous, have your brother take you to the hospital, alright?" Finally meeting his eyes, you tried to convey what your lips hadn't had the chance to.
"Goodnight, Mr Holmes."
His lips twitched at the game you had initiated. He inclined his head in reply.
The game is on.
Part II
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
I would like a x reader oneshot request for Ray Manchester/Captain Man❤️ from- Henry Danger (I was wondering if you needed a plot and details for the request)
Hard to say (Ray Manchester x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Ray has kept the secret of being Captain Man from you, your entire relationship. The feeling of wanting to tell you gets gradually bigger until he's panicking, begging his friends for help on what to do. Is he going to tell you, or is he going to keep his biggest secret to himself? Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: None Word Count: 2.9k A/N: Happy Valentines Day!
It was mid afternoon on a beautiful Saturday in Swellview, within one of the homes the sunlight shined through the windows. The lights weren’t on because the sun was enough for those in the home, that’s why their windows were open.
Ray Manchester was the one who owned the home, he was sitting at his bar attached to the kitchen. His partner of about a year sat in one of the bar stools next to him, that partner was you.
Ray clicked his teeth and turned his whole body to face you, “Why were you so sarcastic about that?” He asked, leaning on the counter as you gently chuckled. 
You shook your head, “I’m just saying,” You began, turning and facing him as he did to you, “it’s a very difficult recipe and..” You trailed off, trying to find the right words. Ray stood up and pointed at you with a smile of disbelief, “You don’t think I can do it!” He accused with amusement in his eyes. You turned your seat around fully and crossed your arms, leaning back onto the counter as you sighed. You eventually nodded, “You’re right, I don’t think you can do it.” You spoke bluntly, to which Ray's jaw dropped. He stood up straight and walked around the short corner to be across the counter from you into the kitchen. He began grabbing pots and pans, “I’ve seen it made all the time, it’s easy.” Ray claimed, his voice echoing from the cabinet. 
Pots and pans were clanging as he set up his area. You looked over the counter with a raised brow to him as he was grabbing a few ingredients. You smiled and shook your head at him, “It’s one of the hardest recipes for people to follow.” You told him hands drumming the countertop. Ray stood up, his hands on his hips in pride, “Beef Wellington is not that hard.” He told you, leaning on his hands against the counter, “I could even do it from memory.” He claimed, to which you broke out into laughter. You held your stomach, “No you can not.” You told him, your laugh causing your words to be a little higher pitched. Ray watched you with an unimpressed expression, but he eventually broke out into a smile due to you doubling down in laughter. He crossed his arms, “I am positive I can.” He continued on with the topic, stepping back to lean on the stovetop instead. You finally collected yourself and looked at him, wiping a tear from your eye. You smiled gently at him, light gleaming through your eyes causing his posture to relax, gazing into your eyes was his favorite thing to do. You inhaled, eyes filled with adoration, “I am confident you can’t.” You told him gently, the comment causing Ray to poke his cheek with his tongue.
A few moments later Ray stood in the kitchen with an apron on that said ‘Kiss the Chef’, he loved corny clothing like that. He had a multitude of ingredients around him as well as pots and pans. You were sitting at the bar still, leaning on your crossed arms, shaking your head as you pulled out your phone. You took a few pictures of him working for later, just to see the before and after of the kitchen. 
Ray was so focused in the kitchen, trying his best to make it from memory, immediately messing up. You hummed, “Isn’t it supposed to be brown on both sides?” You teased and he grumbled slightly, “Shh.” He shushed you, flipping the meat in the olive oil, “I need to focus.” He spoke, continuing to cook. There were times he realized he forgot an ingredient and rushed to the fridge and chopping board so the meat wouldn’t burn. He struggled with the plastic wrap for the meat, forgot what to season it with, and other things. You weren’t upset, you weren’t laughing at him, you just admired how he was so confident in his skills. You smiled at him, occasionally telling him where things were like the mushrooms and the onions so he could chop them up, wiped his face and helped him rinse his eyes when the onions got too much, etc.
He was covered in sweat, breathing heavily as placed his creation into the oven. He closed the oven and sighed, looking at all the dirty dishes and the extra pieces of food on the floor. He looked up at you, “I’ll clean it.” He told you, giving you a lopsided smile. You rolled your eyes playfully, getting up from your seat and walking to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist, looking up at him slightly, “It’s okay, you can take a shower and I’ll clean up here.” You explained. He had worked for a few hours to make a delicious meal for you guys, even if the recipe wasn’t done correctly. He deserved to take a break. His eyes gently softened as he leaned down a bit and rubbed your noses together, “Thank you.” He whispered, hands raising to cup your face.
When he looked into your eyes he paused, searching your eyes for something you were unsure of. He bit the inside of his cheek, taking a deep breath, “I need to tell you something.” He said, holding you close to him, his hands still cupping your cheeks. You nodded, this felt like an intense moment to you, the air felt thick, you weren’t sure why. He sighed, “I…” He paused as your eyelashes fluttered slightly to him. A smile graced his features, though it was slightly weak, “I just love you so much.” He whispered to you, pulling you in and pressing his lips to yours, enjoying the soft feeling of your lips against his. When the two of you pulled away you batted your eyelashes, scrunching your nose, “I love you too.” You spoke, pulling out of his grasp. “Go ahead and shower, I got this.” You said, beginning to put the pots and pans into the sink to wash them. Ray walked to the bathroom, looking back at you for a moment with a dejected look, but you didn’t notice.
The next day Ray kissed you gently before pulling back, “I got called into work today, so I won’t be back until later.” Ray told you to which you nodded, “Okay, have fun! Tell Henry and them that I said hi.” You told him, smiling gently as you turned your attention back to your show. He nodded and walked out the door to Junk N’ Stuff.
Once he arrived at the store, he walked past the front portion of the store and went straight to the elevator in the back, standing without his typical smile. The elevator plummeted to the very bottom layer it could reach, Ray was not affected by such a drop. The elevator doors opened and exposed Captain man's secret headquarters, the man cave. Rays man cave. There was a large platform that dropped tubed, a large half circle couch, and a computer area with multiple screens on the walls. 
Three teenagers were in the mancave. A girl with brown skin and curly black hair was typing on the computers, her name was Charlotte. A boy with pale skin and brown hair was pulling something out of the microwave in the wall, his name was Jasper. The last teenager was laying on the half circle couch, typing away on his phone. He had pale skin and blondish brown hair, it was far lighter than Jaspers. This specific teenager was Henry, or also known as Kid Danger, Captain Mans sidekick.
The teens all turned their heads to Ray walking out the elevator, greeting the man who waved back. Ray smiled weakly and put his hand up to wave, “Hey guys, I know I’m-” He was cut off by Charlotte who stood up from the computers, “Late? Yeah, it’s fine. We know you were at home with them.” Charlotte spoke, referring to you as she went and sat next to Henry, Jasper doing the same. Jasper made a few kissing noises, immediately stopping when Ray gave him a bored look. Ray sat on the other side of the couch, rolling his slightly, “They said hi, by the way.” He mumbled leaning back in the seat, clearly distracted. Henry aww’d and smiled, “They’re sweet.” He told the man, putting his phone in his back pocket. Ray sighed at the comment, “Yeah…” He trailed off, “They are.” He said, looking at his knees. The teens all looked at each other, “WHy’d you say it like that?” Jasper asked, Henry bumping his shoulder slightly and correcting the sentence, “What’s wrong?” Henry asked appropriately. 
Ray contemplated telling them because ultimately deciding to, “I want to tell them I’m captain man.” He spoke quickly, biting the inside of his cheek, a bad habit of his. The teens eyes widened, Charlotte shifted a bit, “That’s a huge step.” She told him gently and he nodded. “I know.” Ray told them, looking down before looking back to the three genuinely, “But, I want them to know. I don’t want to keep anything from them.” He explained, clasping his hands. The three understood that, they did, honestly. Jasper took a bite of his food a bit, “Then just tell them.” He said simply, the words a bit muffled due to him having taken a bite out of his food. Rays blew air into his cheeks and then pursed his lips, “I’ve been trying to tell them for weeks.” He admitted, playing with his thumbs. Henry tilted his head, leaning forward, “How’s that going for you?” He asked and Ray immediately answered,  “Awful!” He yelled out, putting his face in his hands. He took his face out of his hands, still looking down, “I’ve tried so many time, like last month..” He spoke moving his hands around a bit.
It was late in the night, you and Ray were in bed cuddling as you watched some movie randomly put on. Ray was gently rubbing his hand up and down your arm as you struggled to stay awake. He looked at the screen then to you, you were cuddled up on his chest, your eyes closed. He inhaled, he decided he would tell you now, he didn’t want to wait any longer, he didn’t want to keep the secret anymore. “Hey…” He whispered, you stirred a bit and he chuckled quietly, the rumble of his laughter vibrating from his chest, causing your eyes to slightly flutter open. You hummed a bit in response, your eyes closing once again, “Are you asleep?” He asked you, smiling gently since he already knew what the answer would be and you shook your head slightly, even though you were falling asleep. He pulled the blanket up over you more and kissed the top of your head, “Goodnight sweetheart.” He mumbled to you instead of expressing his secret. He held you a little longer, telling himself he was going to hold on to his secret a little longer.
Ray continued telling the three teenagers of moments he tried telling you about his secret. He was bouncing his leg, “I tried a few weeks ago…” He spoke.
The two of you sat across from each other at the dining table. A vase of flowers was on it, along with a candle, and two plates of your favorite dinner. Ray had taken the time to clean and cook for you, leading you to the table. Tears sprung in your eyes as you sniffled, smiling at the gesture. You kissed him sweetly before sitting down, him sitting across from you. He held his hand out, wanting to hold your hand to which you made his dream come true and put your soft hand into his. He looked into your eyes, looking at you, adoring you. He thought ‘Now is the perfect moment.’ He repeated the thought in his head for a few times but, when you smiled at him he just couldn’t do it. He kept his smile on his face, “You look incredible.” He whispered to you, causing you to giggle slightly.
Ray leaned back in the seat with a grumble, “Yesterday, when I made us dinner.” He groaned, unsure of what to do. The teens all felt sorry for the man, unsure of what to say. Ray sat up, looking straight to his sidekick, “Henry, you’ve told a bunch of people, how did you do it?” He asked desperately, his hands sweating. Henry put his hands up in surrender, “Woah.” The boy spoke, slight offense in his tone. Charlotte put Henry's hands down, “In his defense he didn’t mean to tell any of us.” She spoke, referring to her, Jasper, and Henry's little sister Piper. Henry nodded, “Yeah, I don’t tell people, they just find out.” Henry shrugged, standing up and wiping his jeans, Ray following Henry as he walked to the middle of the room.
Rays eyes were filled with desperation, “Please, I need to know how to tell them.” He begged, causing the other teens to follow. Jasper had long finished his food before he began to speak, ”Why haven’t you told them already? Haven’t you guys been dating for like a year?” He asked genuinely, unsure of why he’s kept the secret for so long. Ray paused, trying to find the words, hands moving around each other. “It’s a hard thing to say, it’s been…” He spoke, pausing, unsure of how to describe it. Henry saw a glint in his eyes and understood what he meant, “Comfortable? Peaceful?” Henry asked him to which Ray nodded. “It’s been nice.” The older man said, “If I tell them I’m a superhero, what if they think it’s too much, what if we break up, what if…” He paused, looking down and hugging himself, “what if I put them in danger?” He asked quietly. 
Charlotte walked up closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder, “That’s the risk you have to take.” She spoke gently, “What happens if they aren’t aware of your status and someone finds out that they are your weakness?” She asked him and Ray couldn’t find an answer, but the idea made him even more anxious. Charlotte noticed this and gently shook him, “They should at least know, I’m sure they’ll understand, they love you.” She reminded him, causing Ray to let out a huge breath he was holding, nodding a bit. Henry entered the conversation once more, “Just be honest,” He began, stuffing his hands in his pockets, “I mean I was honest with them after they found out, they would've been more upset if I lied.” He spoke, Charlotte and Jasper nodding along with his words. Ray understood their advice and overall excused himself, going home to you.
He returned home earlier than you expected so you greeted him with open arms, telling him about the movie you were watching. Ray made himself comfortable on the couch with you, you leaning on him as his arm was around your shoulders. He looked down at you, the light of the movie reflecting in your eyes,  a small smile on your face. You were warm to him, your body heat making him feel a little more relaxed. His hand found yours and he rubbed your soft skin with his thumb, leaning his head on yours. You were focused on the movie but he was entirely focused on you.
Ray flickered his gaze to the movie before saying, “I’m Captain Man.” 
You were so engrossed into the movie to the point you didn’t hear what he said, you heard his voice, you just didn’t catch the words. You lifted your head and looked at him, “What’d you say?” You asked gently, unaware of how nervous that question made him. Ray positioned himself to be able to look at you in your eyes, “I’m Captain Man.” He repeated seriously, his thumb no longer stroking your hand. You chuckled a bit, “Yeah, sure.” You spoke with a smile on your face. You soon noticed, he wasn’t laughing. Your brows furrowed, “You’re not joking.” You realized aloud, he darted his gaze away from you, arm still wrapped around you. Ray swallowed the lump in his throat, looking back at you, pushing his fingers through his hair, “I am Captain Man and every time I’ve been home late it’s because,” You cut him off, “You’ve been saving the Swellview with Kid Danger who is…Henry?.” Youasked, connecting the pieces and biting your lip. Ray nodded, his heart beating harshly in his chest, he could hear it in his ears, so loud he felt he could barely hear you. 
He pulled out a tube of red blue and silver gum balls and you looked at it curiously. “This is what changes me into Captain Man.” Ray continued, letting you hold it. You didn’t speak for a moment so Ray felt he had to explain even more, “I didn’t want to keep it from you, but if this makes you feel-” “I’m glad you told me.” You spoke, cutting him off once again, looking at him gently. “I’m glad you told me.” You repeated, giving him back his gum and hugging him gently. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head, sighing in relief, “I’m glad you’re with me.” He whispered to you, rubbing your back gently.
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shortnotsweet · 3 months
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The trio in Dystopia; the red and blue color scheme crosses city lines.
[ Henry stares at a distant focal point with an unreadable expression, flanked on both sides by silhouettes of Charlotte and Jasper, both of whom sport one visible red eye. Henry’s hands are loose at his sides, with no visible weapons. His clothes are worn, with ambiguous scuffs and tarnish. A pair of sunglasses is hooked into his waistband. Above their heads hang a bright blue sun. ]
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
just got my nails done and they’re strawberry themed :3 cant wait to jack off henry with em
— flea
fuckkkkk, the mental image of that is coaxing me into a realm i fear there might be no return from. as someone who likes to get their nails done (or at least pretty and presentable through one's own efforts), this is etching away at the last remaining shreds of sanity i'm unfortunately still dealing with.
to be honest, he would love a pretty manicure. i said what i said. any color would be fine, just the sole fact — beautifully tended to fingernails — would be very pleasing to him, as i can imagine. hell, i can see him as someone who would appreciate a beautiful pair of hands, even be an occasional hand kisser and whatnot — and then, to see them wrapped around his cock as you'd work it in anticipation of something greater... let's just say his stoicism would be chipped away at quite rudely, yet effectively.
thanks for the idea, flea. this will settle in my mind and never leave.
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riebellion · 2 years
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Darby and the Dead (2022)
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theblackcatwitch4 · 6 months
what’s up my loves please follow my Wattpad feel free to request smut fluff, angst, whatever it is
Go crazy send as many requests as possible and go into the most detail
feel free to message me on Wattpad or request on here
I only have Riverdale imagines up right now, but as soon as I start getting more requests, all kinds of stories will be up
If you guys want me to post on here as well, let me know because I will happily do that
I mostly only write x reader
I can write like multiple characters, as long as there’s like an X reader involved
the main fandoms that I write for :
Criminal mind
Grey’s Anatomy
The vampire diaries
The originals
Scream (the slasher movie)
Teen Wolf
Outer Banks
The 100
13 reasons why
Chilling adventures of Sabrina
Surviving summer
Cobra Kai
Henry danger
Matt and Chris sturniolo
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Nate hardy 
If there’s a different TV show that you want me to write for or a different character than one of the actors from one of these shows have played
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Missing the absolute older brother/younger brother dynamic that Drex and Henry had in Henry Danger before all the other kids became sidekicks 😭, they make me giggle and kick my feet THEYRE SO BROTHERS
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Henry: So what if Ray’s “ridiculously irresponsible”, and “not a good person to look up to as a father figure”? At least he protects me and makes sure I’m okay. He was willing to die for me up on the blimp. My own father has put me in dangerous situations to save his own skin numerous times.
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ladystardust147 · 1 year
While watching Henry Danger, I noticed something about Captain Man's voice, and I didn't know what.
Now I found out.
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callmemaeverick · 2 years
A Match Well-Played [Sherlock Holmes x fem!Reader]
AN: As promised, Part Deux of Dangerous Games! This was tricky to dish out because I intended DG as a oneshot, but you all and your comments gave the the kick in the butt to crank out another, with a third one in the works. As always, non-period compliant, but I do try my best to do some research and by research, I meant I watched Bridgerton. 
Part 1
Anywho... Onwards. The game is ON!
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It would seem that after that fateful night, you just cannot escape Sherlock Holmes.
You hadn't seen him again after leaving his apartment, especially with the news about the case breaking out the next morning and if you were honest, you were actually grateful for it. It gave you the chance to do what you do best in these kinds of situations; run.
You told yourself that it was late and it had been a long night and the only reason Sherlock acted that way was due to the blood loss. Surely.
And you... well, you were caught up in the moment.
So, promising your aunt that you would visit again soon, you went back to your life, ready to put said man and said moment behind you.
Or so you thought.
The sounds of giggling caught your attention and you looked up to see the two young girls that just entered your place of work. Calling out a greeting, you gave them a welcoming smile as you work your way down another set of inventory.
Working in a bookshop was one of the biggest joys of your life. You had loved books ever since your could remember and it was a dream come true to be able to spend countless hours just surrounded by thousands of stories. The owners of the store were an old loving couple and like you, they were avid readers. Together, all three of you had endeavored to cultivate and encourage reading to all of your patrons, especially young children. The store had became your safe haven, your second home, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
It was a busy day that day and as you carefully restocked some of Shakespeare's sonnets into their rightful places, you accidentally caught the whispers.
"I can't believe it's him!" A girl said, her voice giddy.
"He looks even more handsome than the papers made him out to be,"
"I wonder if he'll come in here,"
You smiled at their antics, amused as you recalled that you were once in their shoes, giggling and gushing over a boy. Running your fingers against the spines one last time to make sure they are properly arranged, you left the girls to their gossips and made your way back to the front.
Only for the door to swing open and enter someone you have not seen in a long long time.
The gasp you barely managed to tamp down actually scratched your throat as you whirled quickly and glued your back flat against the side of a shelf, wishing childishly that it would absorb you into the wood. You smiled awkwardly at the shocked looks your customers were giving you, but you dare not move from your spot.
You should have known something was going to happen that day. Ever since you woke, there was this niggling feeling at the back of your head and you just knew it was going to affect your day in the most unwanted way.  
And there it was, in the form of your former love.
Royce looked as handsome as the day you last saw him. His dark brown hair combed and coiffed perfectly despite being under a top hat all morning. His eyes glittered in the late evening light as he looked at the young woman at his arm.
Your heart clenched at the smiles they shared, the one on his lips exactly the same as the one once shared with you. The memory of what happened came to the forefront of your mind and you shook your head to block it out. It wasn't anyone's fault, you reminded yourself. People fall out of love sometimes.
Still you couldn't help the anxiety climbing up your throat. You were fine going separate ways so long as you don't have to see him again. That's why you up and left, why you spent a lot of your time visiting your aunt or reading indoors.
But you were working, and you needed to be professional. And your feet refused to move.
"God God. You need to stop this. It's ridiculous!"
"What is?"
You jumped a foot in the air at sudden intrusion and whirled around wildly, only to stop dead facing the man standing right next to you
"Sherlock!" You exclaimed, breathless. Clearing your throat, you eyed the people around you and composed yourself. "Mr. Holmes, what are you doing here?"
Sherlock Holmes narrowed his eyes as he studied you and you did all you could to act nonchalant, as if you did not know what he was doing, as if you didn’t want to disappear off the face of the Earth that very moment. It was a few minutes of uncomfortable silence as you fidgeted under his stare, but as usual, you refused to blink first. Perhaps he wouldn't figure it out.
“Who is he?”
Dash it.
When your jaw clenched involuntarily, you knew you couldn’t hide it from him. Not anymore. You opened you mouth to speak, but to your utter despair, someone beat you to it.
You turned slowly at the call of your name, as if your feet had turned to lead. You straightened your posture from the shelf, brushing off imaginary creases from your skirt before you raised your eyes to meet that of your first love.
“Royce," The smile on your face was tight, but you painted it on nonetheless. "It's so nice to see you again,"
Beside you, Sherlock shifted, as if something about the tone of your voice threw him off. You ignored him.
"You as well," Ever so polite, Royce responded. A beat of uncomfortable, dreadful silence ticked, before he turned to the woman beside him. "Amelia wanted to find some new books to read. She's a notorious reader... very much like you in that aspect."
Hurt lanced through your heart at that statement, that this new woman in his life was so similar to you, but somehow he had chosen her instead. You turned your smile to her, as she too smiled demurely at you. "Well, we have wonderful collections in here. I believe you would find something to your liking, Miss Amelia."
"Why thank you, dear. I just really need to get out of the house today. All this planning for the ball is so tedious, I couldn't stand it."
"The ball?" You asked. There was talk of a ball being held in town in a couple of days, but you hadn't paid much attention.
"Yes. My father insists to have a ball to celebrate my re-entrance into polite society. I have been away, you see. Travelling." She whispered conspiratorially. "I told him there was no need, but he is such a stubborn old man."
Despite everything, you really liked Amelia. Your smile bloomed steadier.
"You must come," She invited. "You and- " Her eyes moved to your left and widened in recognition.
Almost as if a bell dinged in your head, you realized that there was something else you hadn't paid attention to. Someone else, who was silent at your back throughout the last few minutes. "Oh, Royce, Amelia, this is-"
"Sherlock Holmes, Miss Delacourt," Sherlock took her hand and gave it a light kiss. "And we would love to attend your ball."
You stood frozen as the world seem to halt all around you. Your brain struggled to compute what had happened and you could only watch as the woman before you, like any other red-blooded woman around Sherlock Holmes, blushed lightly under his gaze. She shifted almost excitedly as she took him, and you, side by side. "That is splendid, Mr. Holmes. Isn't it splendid, my love?"
Your eyes were wide in surprise as was Royce's was. Clearing his throat, he blinked his shock away and returned his focus to Amelia. "That it is, darling." He looked back at Sherlock, then you, then back to Sherlock. Without your permission, a part of you, a small powerful part you did well to control, wanted to smirk at the look on his face. But you didn't.
He extended his hand to the man beside you. "I will see you there, Mr. Holmes."
The world seemed to be in a daze as the couple took their leave to begin exploring your store. Your head was muggy and your heart was racing. Without another word, you turned away and marched back to the front counter.
Sherlock called your name once, twice and a third time before you spun suddenly to face him. "What have you done?!" You hissed, finally feeling your bottled emotions bubbling to the surface. Your finger poked his chest and you were too close, decorum be damned. "Why would you do that?!"
He stood there in front of you, bodies inches apart, sharing your breath. For a split second, the store was empty and there were only the two of you. You wanted to slap him, yell at him, because how dare he drag you into this. How dare he spoke for you. But then, he inhaled and took a step back. And the world came back to life.
"I'm sorry."
Like a candle in a gust of wind, your ire dissipated. You knew Sherlock Holmes and you knew, you knew for a fact he does not normally apologize. Crossing your arms, you told him to continue.
"I was sent an invitation by Lord Delacourt and my brother-" He sighed, almost annoyed. "My brother insisted that I make an appearance."
You had heard of this mysterious brother. Powerful and protected by the government, and you knew he was the only person who could tell Sherlock Holmes what to do.
"But why drag me into it? You could have gone yourself."
He gave you a look that answered it all and you almost laughed. Sherlock Holmes, detective extraordinaire, cowering at the thought of overzealous mothers looking for a match for their daughters. "Ah, I see... You saw an opportunity and you took it.”
The man had the decency to look admonished. "So will you come?"
You thought about it for a moment, thought about seeing Royce and Amelia and then thought about their reaction to the thought of you and Sherlock. He had accepted the invitation on your behalf, and not showing up will only brought on more questions.
You took another moment to make sure you were committing to this, as there was no turning back. Then you took another moment just to annoy Sherlock.
Which you achieved when he called your name once more.
You sighed. "I can't believe I'm agreeing to this."
"Well then, my Lady,” His smile was the one he has when he cracked a case, and you rolled your eyes. “It looks like we're going to a ball."
Tagging: @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer, @minecraftravine​ 
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
Valentines Day with a Stranger (Ray Manchester x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You were just in Swellview for a visit, seeing stores, trying the food. Just for a visit, but will a stranger from a strange store convince you to stay for a little longer? Pronouns: You/Yours She/Her Warnings: None Word Count: 2.7k A/N: This was requested but there was a lot of specific details about the reader that I had to cut and some specific things about the plot I changed because it doesn't fit necessarily. I try to keep everything as general as possible unless like fem reader is specified, I like everyone being able to read through and feel like it applies. It follows the main point of the request, but for the sake of you guys reading, I wont add the ask because it'll confuse you guys when you read the story.❤️❤️ (This was supposed to come out last week but I've been sick like a dog.)
You had just checked into a Swellview motel because you had traveled for hours by plane to visit the small town your friend refused to shut up about. She wouldn’t shut up about their weird laws and even weirder stores. Your friend was back in your hometown in Virginia with her partner since Valentine's day was tomorrow. You don’t have a valentine so, you had taken it upon yourself to visit the almost imaginary sounding town to quench your curiosity for the better. 
You had to say, she was right, it was a weird town. You walked around all day and saw stores like ‘Bhutt Factory’, ‘How Convenient’, ‘Karry-Yoh-Del-Lay-Hee-Hoo’, the last one apparently being a karaoke club. You couldn’t help yourself from laughing, honestly. What kind of town was this? You walked past the park and noticed someone bit into their ice cream on a cone, and a police officer nearby arrested them. You felt as if you were in a fever dream, you had to pinch yourself a bit to make sure you were actually in the town and not asleep on the plane to some made up destination.
When you didn’t wake up on a plane in shock you chuckled and shook your head, looking around some more until you reached a store called ‘Junk N’ Stuff’. You hummed a bit as you walked in, noticing the…junk, laying around. “At least they’re honest.” You mumbled to yourself, looking around the crowded store. You picked up a few items, questioned the validity of others, but overall you were just looking. It was an eccentric store, there was a dinosaur head on the wall, it was new to you and you liked it.
You noticed there wasn’t a clerk at the desk but, you didn’t mind it. You continued looking and ended up finding a collection of strange items that you were willing to take home to weird out your friends. You went to the front desk where the clerk should be and found it was still empty. You rang the bell, no one came, you called out small ‘Hello’s and stayed alone in the front portion of the building. For a moment you questioned if the store was even open, but diminished that thought because the lights were on and the door was unlocked. After a few moments of being alone you decided you would just come back later, placing the items down and walking to the door.
That was until footsteps rushed to the front. You turned around and were met with a rather strong looking man with brown hair and blue eyes. He ran a hand through his hair, “Sorry about that.” He spoke, going behind the counter, not looking up. “The person who is usually up here, is on vacation.” He muttered, typing a few things into the small computer behind the desk. You walked back to the counter quietly as he finished typing, finally looking up. His eyes glazed over with light when they met yours and a small smile appeared on his face, “Hello there beautiful.” He spoke gently, crossing his arms as he leaned on the counter.
You breathed out a chuckle at how quickly he changed and shook your head, “Hello.” You spoke slowly, unsure of if you should even buy anything anymore. He didn’t give you time to think before he looked at your items, “You want that stuff?” He asked you, sounding a little confused but you just nodded. “I think it’ll weird my friends out.” You spoke honestly as you put them on your side of the counter but he shook his head. You furrowed your brows at him, “You can have them, a beautiful woman deserves gifts at any time.” He told you, now only leaning on one of his arms as he looked at you. You didn’t make an action to take any of them which also confused him, but he didn’t comment.
Your arms crossed and you eyed him suspiciously, “What’s the catch?” You asked him, a brow raised and he simply laughed, his dimples showing in his smile. “There’s no catch, but there is an offer.” He spoke which piqued your interest, causing your head to tilt which made him continue. He looked as if he were trying to find the right words, cracking his knuckles and scrunching his nose occasionally and moving his head to the side. “I know a really good restaurant down the road, they have great food.” He spoke, looking at you a little nervously but you simply stood with a sweet smile. “You want me to go on a date with you?” You asked, almost in awe of the man in front of you. He nodded slowly, “If you’d like…” He spoke slowly, a smile working its way to his face when you looked away then back at him with a small smile. “Sure.” You spoke simply, he was going to say the location before something lit up in his eyes. “Actually, how about you meet me here tomorrow night, 7 o’clock?” He suggested, moving around the counter to be right in front of you, nothing as a barrier. Your nose scrunched involuntarily, “Valentines day? Here?” You asked and he nodded, moving his hair out his face, his muscle flexing a bit from his t-shirt. “I know, how romantic.” The man told you and you rolled your eyes playfully.
You backed away a bit, “I don’t even know your name.” You told him, that was a genuine concern. He understood and told you his name was Ray Manchester, you told him your name in response and he said ‘Now we’re well acquainted’ the comment made you laugh. 
He asked you a couple questions, your favorite flower, your favorite food, other things that surrounded ‘date’ information before you went on your way back to your hotel. He had no way of contacting you so he was left relying on the hope that you would actually arrive at the store on Valentines day.
On the romantic day, he was down in what he called the ‘man-cave’ where he lived a double life as superhero Captain Man with the assistance of his sidekick Kid Danger. Kid Dangers name was Henry Hart and a few of his friends had helped during these years as well like Charlotte and Jasper. They help with superhero missions, but they also help with things friends usually do, and Ray has grown close to the teenagers, feeling he could go to them for anything.
He had told the teens that very day you decided to accept the date, going down to the man cave and excitedly rambling about a beautiful woman he had somehow never seen coming into the shop. Charlotte said it was the exhaustion getting to him, Henry asked if he was sure it wasn’t the man who wore ball gowns because he was a very beautiful party princess, and Jasper was trying to figure out how Gooch would react to Ray just giving away free stuff. Regardless, they all agreed to help, as unbelievably easy it sounded for Ray when sometimes he didn’t have the best of luck.
Valentines day, mid afternoon the group was trying to figure something out to make for dinner. Ray and Henry were on the rounded couch, Charlotte on the computer, Jasper writing down ideas on a notepad as he walked around. 
Henry sat up from his lying position, “What were you even thinking for dinner?” He asked, arm draped over the couch. Ray shrugged, “Italian.” He spoke simply. Jasper walked by the couch on his way pacing to the elevator, “What if she’s vegetarian?” He asked.
“I didn’t think about that.”
Henry shook his head and sat up properly, “I’m sure there are vegetarian Italian meals.” He told everyone and Charlotte's typing on the computer became abundantly clear in the practically quiet room. “There is…” She began to speak, clicking a bit as the boys and man all walked to her station to look at the screens. “Tomato basil pasta, garlic and oil pasta, rice salad, tomato bruschetta.” She listed, clicking on each image and showing the recipes for each. Ray held his hands out in a ‘stop’ motion, “Okay I get it, there’s a lot.” He spoke, wiping a sweat from his brow. This date was actually stressing him out a little bit. Charlotte smirked a bit before turning to Jasper and showing him the images for him to write down so they could go get the ingredients, “You could do the bruschetta and the garlic and oil pasta.” She told him and Ray agreed to it, he would have agreed to anything, she usually came up with good ideas.
They spent hours trying to make the meal, and had several trips to the grocery store and pharmacy. The pharmacy for Henry since he was not an indestructible superhuman-hero. Once the clock struck six the man cave was a disaster, the teens were covered in flour, oils, spices, and other ingredients that should’ve been on food. But, there was a wonderful spread of garlic and oil pasta, bruschetta, bread, and drinks all displayed on a rolling cart that would be taken up to Junk N’ Stuff. The store having been cleared in the middle for there to be a clear walkway and dining experience, provided by Jasper to which Ray thanked him profusely.
All the teens wished Ray good luck and went home to wash up, Ray washed up in the man cave, dressing in his finest shirt and slacks. It was around 6:50 when he cleaned himself and the man cave so he decided to go up to the store to make some additions to the table. He added a beautiful flower to the middle of the table where two seats sat across from each other just as you walked in.
Ray heard the bell ring when you walked in, the dragon breathing fire per usual. He was absolutely enamored by you, you looked stunning and he couldn’t exactly pull his gaze from you. He tried walking to you but kind of walked into the table causing you to wince. He sucked in a breath, “I’m okay.” He spoke before adjusting himself, pulling out your chair. You thanked him and sat in the chair as he pushed it in for you. 
You looked at the table curiously, “My favorite flower?” You asked with a suspicious but playful gaze and he simply shrugged. “I thought it would make a nice addition.” He hummed and you smiled, smoothing the clothing on your lap. “This is a delicious looking meal.” You told him, looking over the pasta, the bread, the bruschetta. He nodded with a proud smile, “I had a little help making it.” He explained as he placed one of the thick cloth napkins onto his lap, you doing the same. Your jaw dropped slightly, “You made this?” You asked, eyes almost bugging out of your head. This was, a lot of effort, for a first date. Ray waved your thoughts off and went ahead and told you the two of you should try it, though he was extremely fearful for the taste since no one had tried it before putting it on the plate.
You took one bite of the pasta and your eyes almost rolled back as you covered your mouth, chewing gently. After you swallowed the food you were already twirling your fork in it again, “This is delicious.” You told him, eating another bit. The action caused him to try it as well, having almost the exact same reaction as you when eating.
The two of you ate and talked about plans. You guys talked about traveling, what you wanted to do in the future, the weird things you found in swellview, anything. He was honestly an easy guy to talk to and you found the time passing by faster than you expected.
Ray hummed after finishing his food, taking a sip of his drink. He put his hands on the table, “So, how do you feel about Captain Man?” He asked you and you dabbed your mouth with your napkin before looking at him strangely. “Who’s Captain Man?” You asked him, taking a sip of your own drink but Ray sat in silence, not answering. You raised your brow, putting your plate to the side before claspin your hands together on the table. Ray cleared his throat, “The superhero, that saves swellview?” He tried to jog a memory for you that wasn’t there.
“There’s a superhero here?”
“Yeah?” Ray responded with a confused laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I don’t live here, so.” You spoke with an equally confused but awkward smile.
“Where are you from?”
“I’m from Virginia.”
Ray covered his mouth a bit, “That’s…all the way across the country.” He spoke quietly, you simply nodded with a giggle. “You came all that way to visit…swellview?” He asked, now even more confused to who you were because not many people try to visit Swellview much. You tilted your head with a scrunched nose, tapping your fingers a bit. “Yeah, a friend said she visited and I wanted to see all the fun stuff myself.” You responded and he smiled along with your explanation, his hand creeping among the table, his fingertips touching yours gently. “Well, I guess I'm lucky you came to my store.” He spoke, his hand slowly leading itself on top of yours, and you let him.
The night unfortunately came to a close and you guys had to part ways for the night. Ray held your hands softly as the two of you stood outside the entrance of Junk N’ Stuff. “This was nice.” You spoke softly, your hands feeling kind of small in his. He nodded, thumbs rubbing the back of your hands, “When do you leave?” He asked about your flight back home to Virginia. You tilted your hand, wondering if you could dodge the unfortunate answer but you couldn’t. You sighed, “Tomorrow afternoon.” You told him, eyes gazing at him and his blue eyes looking right at you still. He breathed out a small ‘oh’ with a gentle smile. “Well, if this is a goodbye… can I?” He began, his breath hitching in his throat, hands slightly tightening around yours. You searched his expression for a moment under the moonlight and decidedly nodded at his offer, closing your eyes slowly.
You felt the press of his lips softly against your cheek before it was whisked away just as quickly as it was placed. Your eyes opened once again to him giving you a goofy smile, “Goodnight, have a safe flight.” He whispered to you, hands slowly letting go of yours but they were still connected. You smiled sadly and walked back, your hands no longer connecting as you turned back to your hotel and walked away. Ray had turned to Junk N’ Stuff, closing up the shop.
The next afternoon Ray decided not to join the teens in the man cave though they wanted to hear every detail about what happened. He was typing nonsensically on the computer, occasionally rubbing his eyes because he didn’t sleep a bit last night. After that night with you he realized, he would probably never see you again.
The bell rang for the shop, but he didn’t lift his head, “Welcome to Junk N’ Stuff.” He spoke clearly though tiredly. A voice chuckled as the footsteps got closer, “Did you even try to sleep last night?” The voice asked him, elbows resting on the counter. Ray sensed familiarity in the voice so he looked up, eyes brightening when he noticed it was you. He stood up quickly, your eyes following as he stood up taller, “I thought you had a flight.” He mumbled and you shrugged with a joyful expression. “I wanted to see some more of Swellview.” You told him but he didn’t buy it, “Really? Some more of the weirdly named stores and laws?” He asked with crossed arms. You held your hands up in surrender, “Okay, maybe a little more.” You admitted, looking at him gently, causing him to chuckle. 
You straightened yourself a bit, “Maybe I stayed so a certain someone could give me a tour instead.” You suggested and he walked around the counter holding out his hand, “Well, then we should get started.” He told you, a bright grin on his features.
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blahblahblees · 8 months
ヽ`、☁ヽ`─── henry danger masterlist
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henry hart
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leavememorieshere · 1 year
I just remembered that Emma Ross is canonically a fan of ONE DIRECTION and TAYLOR SWIFT.
I don’t know how I forgot but, her and Piper Hart would make good friends
(probably, it depends if they met when Jessie was still around or when Emma was in Bunk’d).
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biperhart · 2 years
season 5 was so chaotic. like its the original concept of the show except all the actors had glowups and the writers were on actual crack and I live for it
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